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micheltaanman-blog · 2 years ago
Frankrijk - Camping Campix naast Parijs
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wyauwu · 4 months ago
oh gosh this is probably the best compliment i've received in a hot minute,,, thank you two for the praise!!
also yeah i kinda cooked with this one ngl. when i was initially sketching it the only religious imagery i was gonna use was the halo and then - (somewhat ironically) divine epiphany! hold on. messiah avery's kinda heat. BOOM WHAM POW, thorny crown stitches, stigmata markings (i don't think i conveyed this one well, but i've wanted to use stigmata markings for. something, anything once i found out what they were) arceus ring tattoo! (i also had the compulsion to heave more stuff onto his arm to like, cover my bases on all the things he's "claimed" by and to fill empty space -
arc ring - the conduicy/olistia
arcean/illaminian flag - the people
guild symbol - self explanatory
talon/pawprint - lahnae/vizon
but like. i didn't remember if the flags and guild symbol existed or what they looked like, and the arceus ring works as a pretty broad thing. might've gotten kinda cluttered anyways,,,)
ahem. that kinda got away from me a bit. anyways!!! thank you for the kind words!!! SoA (and F&S, not to mention WE's shaping up too- but this isn't about them!) is veryvery good, and i'm glad you guys like the sketch the brainworm it implanted inside me made.
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just did a sketch of avery from @shannadreamgoddess and campix's (i don't know their @ or if they're like. on this website haha.) story of arceus. to whoever sees this: go check that out, along w/ shanna and her various co-authors' other works! they're real good, i prommy.
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mod-jazzy · 11 months ago
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Happy Valentine's Day! - Love Tide
She'll probably bake you something later, but until then Enjoy your forehead kissy with Coral Blue #2 Semi Gloss Lipstick
[ Campix belongs to @thedailycampix ]
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shannadreamgoddess · 2 years ago
Poke’mon Mystery Dungeon: Story of Arceus - CH.26 - Instability: RELEASED!
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WEBSITE LINK: https://www.shannadreamgoddess.com/stories/pmd-story-of-arceus
AO3 LINK: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41341986/chapters/112324912
FFN LINK: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14193935/26/Poke-mon-Mystery-Dungeon-Story-of-Arceus
“The meeting with Olistia is finally behind Avery. Now he can tend to his day off, seeing what everyone is getting up to and trying to relax. But as the day goes on, more and more cracks in the foundations of his relationships begin to show, until it seems like they're all ready to crumble.
He only hopes he can find one single bastion.“
Website: https://www.shannadreamgoddess.com/stories/pmd-story-of-arceus/chapters/chapter-1-void
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41341986/chapters/103666077
FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14193935/1/Poke-mon-Mystery-Dungeon-Story-of-Arceus
(NOTE! Embedded music is available for chapters 1-3 on the website! I’ll be seeing about getting more added! Also, more locations on the interactive map were added as well as a whole new bookstore to let you explore some books in the world of Tulaan!)
[Co-Authored by Campix. Updates on weekends unless on break.]
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tastatast · 2 years ago
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Taberna der Guerrita
Situada al Barrio Bajo de Sanlúcar de Barrameda, molt a prop de la desembocadura del Guadalquivir, trobem aquesta taverna típica ben modernitzada, sense perdre el seu caràcter propi. El seu actual propietari, l’Armando Guerra (fill d’en Manuel Guerra, Er Guerrita), ha aconseguit fer-ne un veritable referent en el món del vi. A més de comptar amb una selecció de vins extensa i acurada, organitza tastos a la seva Sacristía, on també hi venen alguns dels majors exponents del sector vinícola internacional. Però tornem a la taverna.
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Amb una vocació informal però sense obviar mai la qualitat del producte, ofereixen tapes fredes i guisats prou destacables per a fer que el motiu de la visita sigui el seu menjar. 
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Ensaladilla de ahumados:
Una ensaladilla amb trossets de salmó fumat molt ben integrat i, sorprenentment, servida tèbia, cosa que li aportava més cremositat i molta més intensitat. Som partidaris de servir les ensaladillas fredes però aquesta temperatura de servei ens va encantar.
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Atún mechado: 
Un prisma de tonyina fresca que s’arrebossa amb comí i es fa tomba i tomba; a continuació, la guisen amb salsa de ceba i tomàquet. Melosa i suggerent.
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Huevas de choco a la plancha:
Excepcionalment delicioses, semblaven molt fresques, de molt bona qualitat i molt ben cuinades. Molt més fines (de textura) i menys fermes que les de Casa Balbino. 
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Ensaladilla de pulpo con pimentón: 
El pop era molt sucós i molt ben cuit i, tot el conjunt, molt suculent. També, una grata sorpresa per la temperatura tèbia de servei.
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Salpicón de mariscos:
Veiem que porta tomàquet, ceba i pebrot verd; freses de bacallà i de choco, cues de llagostins i un dau de pop. Tot plegat, amanit amb oli i vinagre. No és el salpicón clàssic però va resultar força fresc i agradable. 
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Ensaladilla rusa:
Com les altres dues ensaladillas, servida tèbia i, també, molt bona. El curiós també és la manera de servir-la, amb forma esfèrica.
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Una copa d’Ás de Mirabrás 2021 de Bodegas Barbadillo, un mosto, un vi blanc tranquil de Palomino Fino de Miraflores, Añina, Macharnudo, Campix y Santa Lucía de Sanlúcar i de Jerez. Fresc i agradable.
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Una copa de Dulas 2020 de Bodegas Lagar de la Salud. Un mosto, un vi blanc tranquil de Pedro Ximénezde Montilla Moriles i vinificat en sec per l’enòloga Fátima Ceballos. “Dulas”, “saluD” llegit del revés, una Edición Especial embotellada pel Club Contubernio del propi Armando Guerra. 
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Una ampolla de Manzanilla Pasada Astronáutica de Bodegas La Callejuela, un projecte familiar que compta amb l’assessorament d’en Ramiro Ibáñez, un dels enòlegs més dinàmics de la regió. Aquesta cuvée s’ofereix en exclusiva pel Club Contubernio.
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És prou obvi que la Taberna der Guerrita és el referent gastronòmic informal pels apassionats del vi quan visiten Sanlúcar de Barrameda. Tot l’esforç que ha fet l’Armando Guerra ha vist la seva recompensa en aquest negoci familiar.
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flake-n-rudy · 2 years ago
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Grimm quickly turns away from the pikachu on the ground, taking several steps away from them, trying to remain composed. His hands begin to shake in anger as he clenches them tightly. His voice nothing but a hiss Grimm:.... I no longer trust them to be within even a foot of their own soul... Enough damage has been done.. and not just to my own trust... But to things beyond their comprehension... Flake manages to stand slowly, grabbing their head as if it was in pain Flake: I haVe,,, NO idea wHAt you are tALKing about... Fuckgin... craZY WEIRdO Grimm looks over their shoulder at Flake, their rage filled expression causes Flake to go silent. Grimm: You will be lucky if you even receive a afterlife. Lest Yveltal destroys what's left of you. Grimm appears to be furious The area seems to get even more chilling by the second - - - - [ A whole lotta asks I don't wanna tag a bunch of people so I wont lmao ]
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theprobablycampix · 4 years ago
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“Oh, no, it’s...it’s not for joy, but...yeah. Another time. I-”
Campix stopped when Maggie’s question took a welcoming left turn.
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“Oh, yeah, uh...yeah! I...kinda fell from the sky when I first got here. I’m not...from here, like I said. I’m from another world entirely, people look...” He lifted a paw up, waggling it to show the strange orange-and-cream appearance he had. “...like me. If you were there, you’d look like me too! The, uh, two-tone, I mean.”
He looked across the table to Berryly and Dia for a moment, and tilted his head. “I don’t actually know if you two know this story, either...though it’s not too interesting from my end. I just...fell from the sky. Legit, fell, too, I don’t know how I’m sitting here talking to you.”
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“I, uh...kind of left a crater. Not a small one, either...! At least medium-sized.” Inexplicably, the Vulpix seemed to almost take pride in this odd fact. “So it’s not like a portal or something opened up ten feet above the ground or something. But I was out cold from the impact, and Team Harmony and this...Clefairy person came to check out the impact site. I don’t think I would have lasted long on my own out there, so I kind of owe these three my life!”
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thedailycampix · 6 years ago
(askforceofnature) Force drops a weathered coin of some sort onto the booth and proceeds to lean against the booth carefully. "So...got any advice for a Pokemon trying to get himself some kisses from a certain pale Vulpix~?"
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“Yep, Alola suuuure is great! You should really go! Lots of...other interests! There! Lots of them!”
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literallyatroll · 7 years ago
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heya kylie!!!! wow it seems like forever since i last saw you! (except we mostly exist in a text based medium so it’s actually a joke lol)
how do you like tumblr?? it’s weird isn’t it? you have a pretend camera shtick going on and i have my silly glitchy cloud blog! wow it’s seriously like we can’t even catch a break haha
i’m not going to go and send a billion asks to you (though i totally will next time you show up) but pls accept that number of digital hugs okay??? also you can send me stuff to my ask box if you want!
if youre allowed to
knowing him he probably wont let you
it’s good to see you again!!! you’re the best ever, okay, kylie?? <3 <3 <3
p.s. perry says hi too!!! :>
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pazlin · 7 years ago
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A gift for the wonderful @theonlycampix, featuring his Campix the Vulpix! I managed to finish this in an hour, the result is actually much better than I thought ;v;
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thewritelycampix · 7 years ago
thespookycampix Halloween Special: Campix’s Story
The following story deals with mature subject matter some may find disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.
I've always been scared of the dark. It's not something I really felt I had to admit before now, but since it's Halloween in two days, I figured that I should just come out with it now. In Blank Space, it's never dark. There's no night or day here. We don't sleep. Or, we can, it's just...I don't sleep.
I don't want to.
I used to sleep so much. Time went by so slowly and so quickly at the same time here. There's no sun, or anything, and I didn't even know whether the clocks were right. Even now, the ones that I made just...they don't seem to apply, ever. So naturally, the easiest thing to do to pass time was sleep.
Soon enough it gets easier for you to sleep when it's so bright. If you're talking philosophically, the brightness doesn't even mean that it's bright at all. I'd use the word 'bleak'.
But I used to sleep a lot. Then I found tumblr.
And now I don't sleep. Ever.
I need to see everything. I need to look at my askbox over and over and over, I need to immerse myself in this little window of the real world, tinted through a lens I can't even see anymore. I was scared of this site five years ago. And now it's all I care about. The fact that I am showing up in the real world at all is thanks to tumblr.
But there's no one here. You're all words. All of you. Every single one of you is just a collection of ones and zeroes. None of you are real to me. The only people I have is two alternate versions of myself, an old woman, and a kid I nearly doomed. And this is all I'm ever going to be living like.
Thoughts like that can really do a number on someone's psyche.
Sometimes things go black. I don't know whether I'm blinking or not. I'm chained down, screaming out for anyone to hear me, recognize me, know I exist, and all I'm seeing are hearts. Hearts like eyes showing that there are people watching, people seeing me, but they don't say a word. Hiding behind a window. I'm screaming at them, trying to talk, connect, do anything, but I just see more hearts. More eyes. More silence.
I want to go home.
I can't go home.
There's an imposter living my life, typing these words, pressing the 'post' button. There's an imposter who I talk to each and every day. I call him my best friend. And he is. But he's taken my life as much as I've taken his, and I'm speaking through him. I have no voice. I have no autonomy.
You're all ones and zeroes, I'm all neurons firing in someone's brain. You're reduced to digital code, I'm reduced to electrical signals.
Or is it the other way around?
I haven't slept. I need to see the hearts. The eyes. I need to come to terms with having nothing and everything but it just won't happen. I feel a sense of death creeping up upon me but there is nothing. Everyone here is me. Everyone, in a single colour, outlines on a white backdrop, they're all figments of Multi's imagination.
I want to make some sort of sound. I want to yell. I want to let out cry after cry after cry for help but nobody comes because I do not have a voice. I have no paws to run, I have no eyes to see, I have no ears to listen.
I have no mouth and I must scream.
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wyauwu · 4 months ago
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just did a sketch of avery from @shannadreamgoddess and campix's (i don't know their @ or if they're like. on this website haha.) story of arceus. to whoever sees this: go check that out, along w/ shanna and her various co-authors' other works! they're real good, i prommy.
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shannadreamgoddess · 2 years ago
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Campix and I came up with something called "Group Hug AU".
It's basically SOA but as a more traditional PMD story. No political strife, no trauma, just friends, adventure and fun. Everything is more cut and dry and everyone can just be nice!
Noteable differences include:
- Janus is still on Team Duskwalker
- Vizon is more determined to be a good person
- The Thieves guild is a bunch of golden hearted bandits no more dangerous than Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz.
- The guild is just a normal pmd2 esque center of adventure.
And others!
So here's a GHAU scene of Nivanee and Vizon doing their best to learn Illaminian from Kellixae!
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theconfusedanimal · 7 years ago
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It was really hot these past couple of days....as a dragon I do not enjoy it at all. It’s fall I should be able to wear a hoodie and wrap a scarf around my neck and be completely comfortable!! >:C So to complain about it further I drew me and my boys( @ganonwithguns and @theonlycampix ) all chill and junk with SCARVES.
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dailyhoundournlitten · 7 years ago
@thedailycampix Will your remember me? Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset? or like at all
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((And to think this is going to be their first meeting. That green is Force’s leafy green color btw I thought it would look cute))
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theprobablycampix · 6 years ago
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Campix stopped to think for a bit. “I...don’t know, really. I’m honestly not too close with any of them. I mean, they helped bring me back to Treasure Town, and they’re nice enough. But I think they just went on an independent expedition somewhere. I did help them prepare a bit for it, and...”
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“Well, their bags were full to bursting by the time they left. I had to hop on Yang’s bag a little to stuff everything in.” He smiled. “If I know them, though, they probably went off on a long journey to go improve the quality of life of some village in the sticks in the north. Or something. Those guys are almost altruistic to a fault.”
...Campix felt a pit in the bottom of his stomach. He wasn’t supposed to, but he was. 
And it was making him nervous.
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