#camp redwood
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xgumiho · 8 months ago
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🪓 They thought they had buried the secret along with the body. Now, the ghosts of their past have come back to haunt them. Will they make it out of this summer alive?
©xgumiho | do not repost/steal/edit/crop/sell
camp counselor Steddie slasher summer AU
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lloyd283 · 4 months ago
The Demon headmaster 12 Fanfic
Well, after episode 11's end, Lloyd's been rushed to a safe area with panic as he's acting very painfully. Therefore, someone has to enter his dreamscape. No one's really good at that until teodora arrives and offers to allow a squad to enter by using marcella to amplify the power source. gord beckons norma to join ethan, Ryan, and teodora herself. Zoey okuru and mateo will join once inside as dream experts. Through astral projection, our group enters.
They arrive in a memory Vault, with multiple items from places, including Claudia's Dr. mabuse video attire that the previous forger had: 'lucy' zero (1989-2003). Drawings up to 2016 can be seen in glass displays. Outside, the group view the rip the headmaster caused and Lloyd's body trying to repair itself, which causes them to be split into 3 groups.
Norma and ethan enter his 2008 memory, in which norma sees that there were 3 others hit by a dalek blast. We even see the lead up, confirming that marcella got hit with the established ones. For Ryan and zoey, we see his 2010 memory, which has cameos from cbbc shows as well as a cameo from the original headmaster series that isn't the characters you'd expect. Let's say some fun ones like trapped, chucklevision etc, appear through lots of ways. Mateo and teodora see the 2012 memory of Lloyd feeling nemesis's presence through the sub terra commercial, mainly by the red marble, which he thought he lost the year prior. Even Lloyd finds another reality's YouTube and watching a series of videos. Then, a shift brings characters into question.
The pair now see an exchange set during fortnite: wilds, in which kado asks Lloyd for a power source for his katana, already owning the bat miraculous. He gives him his pheonix breaker for his katana (yep, that soul leech effect would've been caused by the breaker). Duo B (ryan/zoey) met Gerald Wolfe (Carmen's dead father) as he teaches Lloyd, who travelled back to train in spy tactics, and mentioned he'd fall when the M.A falls. Zoey does note a key that looks strange, and Ryan detects a strange inner body workings. Duo A decides to reach for one of the zapped, being brought into the person's past as Lloyd looks after a young Brooklynn? He does follow her on socials as a friend, helping her learn some skills as well as teaching her about the chrome (now, they'd also see her original jacket that apparently he's at some point added chrome to make a prosthetic hand, with the ability to defend, lock pick and other dual hand tricks). Shifting slightly forward to 2016 and after his headmaster encounter, Lloyd became a girl until redwood. He's supposed to have been pronounced dead, but in reality, after a rough night, he appeared on brooklynn's home steps, and she took him in just 6 months shy of the camp events and normally living. Before the camp, they part as brooklynn leaves for camp, and Lloyd finishes a video to be unlisted that norma is able to grab on a USB, being really in her hand, but gives it to ethan. Duo B sees Lloyd after the nemesis encounter, being to struggle with coursework and attending a certain event in Orlando. Next, around Christmas, Lloyd fell in love with a girl named cait and actually kissed on a festive boat ride. They hug and help each other, with cait being the only one to know Lloyd would still be alive, and return on valentine's day (brooklynn helped pick the flowers). Duo C see 2017's redwood rift and events play out, with them seeing what Lloyd did during it, even the bit in another fanfic entry 👀.
However, things don't last as Duo B now see what you've been waiting for, the 2018 incident. On that July day, a travelling show arrived at the school, which left a particularly messy trail behind them and Lloyd was uneasy, with cait calming him down, and we actually see Lloyd in different attire since nemesis (not counting his 1st version of the usual clothes or when Lloyd was in brooklynn's house). In a weird sequence, we see Lloyd actually enjoy being messy with cait which deviates from what we know of him. Eventually he goes to the bathroom and overhears a plan to cause chaos again at this school like the others by impulse sound waves. Therefore, he goes to deal with the plot whilst everyone's in the hall, awaiting the grand finale. The plot gets foiled, but a soundwave hits cait and she falls to the ground motionless as the MI6 arrive to arrest the show, but Lloyd's trying to wake cait up, to no avail, as they ask him to part with her, but he won't, starting to cry before creating a chilling wail that caused them to back off as he carries her to the first aid room. A paramedic confirms cait is dead, from the brain side failing and Lloyd asks what can be done, not taking no for an answer and the memory glitches whilst we hear MI6 people screaming loudly and weapons hot before we see a disturbing sight as Lloyd leaves the first aid room to fire and bodies with grotesque injuries that we don't fully see. (There would be an 15A version posted shortly after for those dick enough to view it). Duo A see a flaming car wreck that brings banging hands on a closed window and the same Lloyd screech in the nearby woods...
Duo C finish the episode as we see before everyone leaves, after some 2019 events, Lloyd tracks the other headmaster in a school and pulls a shotgun on him, which is highly irregular behaviour with Lloyd and he has to get Lloyd to back down and retract the weapon. You see, the headmaster there believes the rogue one will enact a deadly prophecy, unless the O.A stop him, but Lloyd says he can't do shit whilst emotionally torn so bad, so for helping him, the demon headmaster grabs a vile stun rod to allow him to redact traumatic memories from his head as he tells Lloyd to imagine his pain like a tidal wave and he'll quiet the lake. Norma views from a monitor of a van on the crash site, before something pulls her...
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potatowilde · 5 months ago
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☕️ MY KO-FI SKETCHBOOK ☕️ ——— It's 1976, the summer season has ended for this camp counselor and the camp's supply van driver. Romance is in the air, and so are the Halloween spirits! It's a spooky time for these two, and it has nothing to do with the mysteries plaguing the town of Waterford...🌲🌲🌲
Thanks for your support!! These two were such a joy to draw, and I gotta find excuses to draw them more!! They are mine and @nerdyndproud ‘s horror themed OC’s! Thanks for your support always!!
Always happy to draw something’ something’! I get tips, you gets sketch arts 🙇🏼 Come check me out! 🫶
Commissions OPEN | Ko-Fi | Instagram | X
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madeofbees · 2 years ago
I straight up do not understand people who try to leave haunted places so they don’t get killed. Are you kidding me? That’s free room and board, forced found family, home forever, and almost everywhere that’s haunted is more than big enough to avoid any conflicting personalities.
This is not about The Shining I don’t want to live in the exploded remains of a hotel shut up
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discoinpalmsprings · 2 years ago
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vintagecamping · 7 months ago
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Some tourists wander through the mighty Redwood Forest
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archiveofaffinities · 15 days ago
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Airstream x California Redwoods
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the-crimson · 1 year ago
Aight thoughts on todays bbh lore cuz we got A LOT. Just stay with me through my nerding about trees it’ll be worth it XD
We pretty much got 100% confirmation that he is intentionally hurting Baghera and Forever and that he thinks of himself as expendable. What fascinates me the most is when Bad asked Foolish this
“Is there anything wrong with burning the forest to save the trees?”
At first glance you might think YES if u burn the forest then there won’t be any trees??!! However it is a custom on fire risk zones to create controlled fires that burn up brush and dead trees so that the risk of a natural and far more devastating fire is reduced. Additionally, if a fungus infects a forest, burning the infected trees may be the only way to prevent the spread to the rest of the forest.
On top of that, there is a specific type of tree species that requires fires in order to reproduce. These are often Pine trees that drop pinecones. Pinecones hold seeds inside them that only germinate when immense heat is applied to them: the heat of a forest fire. When they are within these temperatures, the seeds germinate and the pine cones pop, scattering the seeds on the forest floor. These trees adapted to form a symbiotic relationship with fire one of if not the most destructive natural forces on the earth.
Do you know one of the trees that has developed this adaption? Redwoods.
Do you know which tree bbh brought up when giving Jaiden a PINECONE gift for her birthday today? A Redwood.
I’m like actually going insane. This can’t be a coincidence right????? I’m not going crazy right???
The whole reason I noticed this scene is because I live near the redwood forests in California and I know all about the way these trees depend on fires for their survival. It’s something that’s always fascinated me. That’s when I assume Bad was going to ask foolish the above question before Jaiden and Teana cut their conversation short while they were talking on the Titian . He literally had these specific trees on his mind when he was going to ask about burning down the forest.
Let me tell you another thing about Redwood trees. They are ancient. They are massive. They are sturdy. Natural fires are a common phenomenon here and a majority of the redwoods survive with barely a scratch, maybe an inch or two of its outer bark scorched. Nothing it won’t grow past in a year or two when these trees easily live for 500+ years.
(Side note, if there is one place in America you should visit it’s the redwood forests of California. It is literally like entering a portal to another world. These trees are 10-15 ft in diameter easily and you can just feel how ancient the forests are. It’s one of my all time favorite places to go)
So, in the situation Bad is proposing, burning the forest to save the trees, he is actively thinking about Redwoods in this hypothetical. Not only trees that are extremely resistant to fire but trees that depend on fire to survive. That completely changes the way he is approaching this question.
In his hypothetical, the forest will burn. The animals will die. The brush and non redwoods will turn to ash. The land will be scarred and the trees themselves may look dead, branchless and black. But. But. A season will pass and new branches will peel through the charcoal. Seeds deep in the soil will surge forth as the soil is fed nutrients from the ash. Animals will return. Pinecones will shed their fertilized seeds to give birth to a new generation of trees. And by next year, the forest will look just as vibrant as it had before the fire. Trees may bear the scars of the flames but life continues and it continues and it continues always.
I might actually be going crazy bbh makes me crazy cc!bbh makes me crazy I’m losing my mind
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sunflower-pages · 13 days ago
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mood board for my camping trip to the redwoods this summer. this will be my third national park and i am so unbelievably excited!!
source: pinterest
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swan2swan · 10 days ago
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Upon further mapping, I think one website was wrong in its approximations.
Studying the facility further to see who's who.
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mochie85 · 2 years ago
The Redwoods
Part 2 of my Wanderlust series.
One-shot Masterlist | Complete Masterlist
Summary: The first stop on your road trip through California to visit all the National Parks. And it's colder than you expected. Especially at night! Pairing: Bucky x Female Reader Word Count: 773 (a drabble, really) Warnings: Fluff. Flirting. A/N: This is for @the-slumberparty's July Monthly Challenge. I picked prompt #9, Cuddling for Warmth.
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Your teeth were rattling inside your mouth as you held your arms closer to you. The five layers of blankets and the two layers of hoodies and thermals couldn’t keep the cold from seeping through to you and settling into your bones.
It had been a week since graduation. It was already the beginning of June, but Summer comes late to California. The days were warm, and California nights can get extremely cold. Especially this far north and high in elevation.
“Nugget, if you don’t stop shaking, I’m going to assume you are not cut out for this and I’m gonna drive us both home. OW!” Bucky screamed as you kicked him underneath all the layers. You hated that nickname. It annoyed you so much when he reminded you of how short you were.
“Your feet are freezing, woman! Aren’t you wearing socks?” he scolded you.
“No!” you muffled, hiding underneath your wool scarf. Your toes went on the hunt, seeking his warm calf to seep all the heat from his body.
“Uh, uh. Nope! Stop! You are not-” he swatted your foot away. “You are not warming your icicle toes on me!” You giggled as he successfully kept you at bay on your side of the van.
The vintage Volkwagon Bus, that you managed to spruce up from the many ideas on your Pinterest boards, lacked insulation and calking. Bucky noted and whined as the two of you spent the last week sleeping in the back of the "ice cream truck," as Bucky had once called it.
“You’re lucky cuz Smokey decided to sleep next to you to keep you warm!” You said out loud.
“Ya, he sleeps next to me because he can’t get over how loud your teeth are rattling!” And as if he was agreeing, Smokey let out a small grunt growl.
“Traitor!” you sneered at your dog. Then you pouted, giving Bucky your saddest puppy eyes.
“I’m not doing anything!” you pouted some more.
“It’s not gonna work. Instead, what I’ll do- I’ll just drive us both home. Where we can sleep in our own beds. Watch Netflix on my flat screen instead of your iPad. And use indoor plumbing like a modern-day person would!”
Bucky was angry and you can tell. You didn’t think he would get so annoyed. Was that how he felt this whole time? It was only the first week of your two-month-long trip. Would he be like this for the rest of the time? Maybe he’ll give up and just leave you in the middle of the trip to go home.
You heard Bucky sigh and then groan in defeat. He watched you as you spiraled into your thoughts. Your face turned from a sad pout into a depressed frown, trying to mask the feelings you had inside.
The covers lifted, opening the small space in between you. “Get over here.” 
You squealed as you rolled your way into his side, your back to his chest. “What are you 10?” he laughed.
“A lady doesn’t scoot!”
“Ha! But nuggets roll,” he mocked. Your feet sought his bare legs in revenge as he hissed inwardly at the contact from your cold touch.
“Hey, be nice! Be a good girl for me! I’m letting you steal my warmth here!” he growled into your ear.
His phrase caught you off guard. The low gravelly tone tickled something in you. It traveled all the way down to your aching core. Aching and neglected. And soon you didn’t need his body heat anymore. You were making your own! From the sheer bewilderment, you found yourself in.
When was the last time I had sex? Too long ago. That’s probably why you’re feeling this way. You can’t start thinking this way about Bucky! He’s your best friend.
“What’s wrong? Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?” He asked.
“Nothing. I’m just- I’m just trying to get cozy,” you said adjusting and wriggling your body to fit his. He grunted at your movement.
“The sooner you get comfy, the sooner we can all go to sleep!” he chided.
You finally relaxed in his embrace. You could feel the heat from his wide chest on your back keeping you warm and toasty. Soon, you found yourself drifting off to the sounds of his breathing.
You must’ve turned in your sleep. When you woke up that morning, the first thing you saw were Bucky’s sapphiric eyes, heavy with slumber, focused on your lips.
Just kiss me! 
Lord, You did not just think that! OK! First things, first. As soon as you get home from this trip. You are finding yourself a boyfriend.
If you can survive Bucky, that is.
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⬅️Wanderlust | Lassen Volcanic Park (Coming Soon)➡️
🏷️ @emarich7 @michelleleewise @coldnique @vickie5446 @psychospore @mukagentropy @lokisgoodgirl @silverfire475 @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @peaches1958 @salempoe @thomase1 @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @sarawr-reads @vbecker10 @peachymallow @irishhappiness @cakesandtom @simplyholl @here4thefanfics @tallseaweed @holdmytesseract @immersed-in-mischief @joyful-enchantress @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokisninerealms @kikster606 @glitterylokislut @loz-3 @slytherclaw1227 @chantsdemarins @the-lady-amphitrite @eleniblue @km-ffluv @lokidokieokie @n3rdybirdee @melsunshine @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokischambermaid
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bunjovibunny · 2 years ago
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We baçk from our camping 🏕️ trip, Frens. We all had a wonderful time in the Redwood Forests and Ruth Lake.
More videos and pictures to come!
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forestkiss · 8 months ago
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bday camping!! i am 20 years old now and i still feel like a terrified child but at least i had a good weekend :) 🌲⛺️🌲
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findingaannie · 2 years ago
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santa cruz redwoods 🏕️
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traeme-lasestrellas · 11 months ago
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📍Caspar, CA
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vintagecamping · 2 years ago
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Road trip through the redwoods
Northern California
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