#camp counselor!steve
donttellunclesam · 11 months
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their love language is quality time
(close ups under the cut)
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harringroveera · 4 months
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Harringrove summer camp counselors AU?
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little-bumblebeeee · 6 months
Fruity four horror/slasher movie au where Steve is the himbo in the crop top and booty shorts and also has a weird amount of sexual tension between his "friend" Eddie who everyone may or may not suspect first and lock in a broom closet for half the movie despite people still dying while he's in there
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marvel-ous-m · 3 months
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AO3 Link | WC: 19,416 | Rating: Mature | Chapters: 5 | Featuring: Steddie, Ronance, Mentioned Jargyle, Platonic Stobin, Gareth & Steve as Cousins | Written for @biclarity | Divider Credit
It was SUCH a pleasure to take on this project as a pinch hitter with @steddiesummerexchange - I absolutely loved exploring this little camp-counselor AU, and I hope that y'all enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it!
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Summary: Faced with no work for the summer, Robin gets the brilliant idea to apply to work at a summer camp for six weeks, and drags Steve right along with her.
Steve... really isn't sure what to expect. He's never even gone to camp before, he doesn't know the first thing about how to be a counselor.
Still, he agrees- mostly because he needs a source of income, and he's not about to let Robin leave him behind in Hawkins for a month and a half.
A few coincidences (and a little bad luck) finds Steve stuffing his cabin meant for 14 campers full of extra mattresses, so that it can hold a total of 24 campers, himself, and his counselor counterpart, who just so happens to be someone that he's run into once before: Eddie Munson.
Surely things can only go up from here?
Or, a summer camp fic filled with humor, fluff, and a few camp counselors falling in love.
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Start of Chapter 1 below the cut!
“Oh my god, Robin, these shorts are worse than the ones we had at Scoops. I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.” 
“It’s not like we had anything else to do this summer. Besides, we only have to wear the uniform for the first week, so suck it up.” She turned towards him and gave him a blinding smile. “For what it’s worth, the green shirt really compliments your eyes. Do you think that the bandana in my hair is too much?” 
Steve pouted at himself through the floor-length mirror he and Robin were standing in front of. The shorts were fucking short. Indecent, in his opinion, especially for a camp full of middle and early-highschoolers. 
He sighed, then glanced at Robin via her reflection in the mirror. He couldn’t help the smile that appeared when he noticed the pink bandana holding her hair back, making her look all bright and summer-y. “It looks great, Robs.”  
“Really? I just don’t want my bangs to get all sweaty and matted against my forehead, but I wasn’t sure how else to tame them.” 
“Seriously, it looks really nice. It’s cute.” Steve took a final look at himself in the mirror, grimacing at the uniformed, freshly-twenty-year-old staring back at him. Robin was right, obviously, they didn’t have any summer plans, but the idea of summer camp still sorta rubbed him the wrong way. 
Robin had been a camp kid, apparently. She had gone every summer in elementary school once she was old enough, then attended theater and band camps over her middle and highschool summers. 
Steve, however, just got left alone at home over the summer, told to busy himself by completing the summer reading for when school started in the Fall. His reading was always done by the third week of summer vacation, and he spent the rest of the weeks swimming laps in his pool, alone, or doing chores around the house, alone, or watching old television reruns, alone. Tommy came over sometimes, even brought Carol with him once they started dating, and things weren’t so bad after that. Still, it always felt like they were using him for his money and his pool, not because they actually wanted to hang out with him. 
Suffice to say, Steve doesn’t know the first thing about a summer-long sleepaway camp. 
There were a few things that were making the experience a bit less anxiety-inducing.  Robin would be there, obviously, and he was put in charge of supervising all water-related play, which was familiar territory. Robin was put in charge of crafts, which would certainly be interesting, given that she could barely even draw a recognizable stick figure. She insisted that camp crafts were just different, and Steve couldn’t exactly argue against that logic, seeing that he doesn’t even know what camp crafts were, so he just went along with her reasoning and hoped for the best. 
The gaggle of kids that he’d gotten to know over the past few years would also all be there as campers, which was odd, to say the least- especially considering how overprotective some of the kid’s parents were. 
(Joyce Byers came to mind as one such example, but in Steve’s opinion, her protectiveness was pretty justified. You don’t just get over your kid disappearing for a week, a child’s dead body being found in a river dressed in his clothing less than 48 hours later, then your actual son randomly being found at an abandoned cabin in the woods a week later with strange scars and no memory of what had happened.) 
It was shocking that the kids convinced their parents to let them go to camp, but Steve was pretty excited. There was even a chance he’d have some of them in his cabin, seeing as he was cabin lead for half of the 9th grade boys, but he also knew there was a greater-than-zero chance that they’d get split up between him and whoever his counterpart was for the other cabin of 9th grade boys. 
He didn’t have a list of the other counselors yet, so he wasn’t sure who this ‘counterpart’ would be. Robin said they would distribute packets with that information on arrival at camp. Robin had also said that it was common for past camp kids to become junior counselors when they aged out of the program, then go on to be senior counselors and stick around through college, and seeing as Steve didn’t exactly hang out with that kinda crowd in school, he doubted that he’d know anyone. 
Steve ran a hand through his hair, fluffing his bangs in the hopes of at least letting his best feature shine in this job, as opposed to the gig at Scoops with that stupid hat. “Do you remember what time we have to get there today?” 
“Uhhh, I think three? Then we’ll have an hour to set up our bed stuff, training and dinner ‘til nine, then training tomorrow and Friday, kids arrive Saturday.” Robin rambled out the information as she applied her mascara in the mirror, shooting a smile at Steve when she was done. 
“Three?! Robin, it’s already noon! How far away is this place?” 
“Oh, right. It’s uh… about three hours?” Robin’s timid response had Steve groaning and grabbing her arm so that he could pull her away from the mirror, tugging her towards his bed where their bags were lying.
“Alright, c’mon, we gotta go, like, now. I have to stop for gas on the way, so we’re already late, which really isn’t a good look, not for our first day.” 
Robin gave an exaggerated sigh, but still complied, opening her gray duffle bag that was lying next to Steve’s green one so that she could shove her makeup and other last-minute things inside. From the corner of his eye, Steve could see various colors of fabric peeking out from underneath her toiletries.
“Are you serious? How many bandanas did you pack?” 
“I need a different color for every day of the week, Steve! If this is gonna be my summer look, I’ve gotta commit, you know?” 
“Birdie, I love you, but that’s a little ridiculous.” Steve grabbed his duffle bag from the bed and began walking towards the stairs leading to the front door, smiling to himself as Robin’s indignant squawking began while she trailed behind him. 
This was sure to be an interesting summer. 
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glassofapplejuicee · 3 months
ok ok so the idea of a camp au has been floating around in my head forever and at this point i just need to put pen to paper! now i’ve never been to camp so keep that in mind. and god only knows if this will become an actual fleshed out fic or a WIP that will collect dust in my drive forever-
anyways, it's called Camp Spruce Trails (get it, Spruce Trails, ST?) and I'm imagining this au is still set in the mid 80s, but none of the upside down stuff happens ya know? or maybe upside down stuff happens while they're at camp? but i'm kind of leaning towards letting these guys have a normal childhood-
the camp itself is your classic 6 week sleepaway camp, there’s canoeing, arts and crafts, knot tying, competitions, campfires, etc. going to camp is a borderline religious tradition for The Party and they will do everything in their power to make sure they attend. one of their favorite parts of camp, is the staff:
Argyle Franco: 17, Kitchen, he isn’t huge with the kids but Jonathan convinced him to apply for the job, fridays are always pizza nights, he keeps to himself usually but cheers on his favorite campers during their games
Robin Buckley: 18, Blue Cabin Counselor, frazzled 24/7 but trying her best, wears the handmade jewelry from her campers like it’s made of gold, knows all the camp songs by heart, cries when camp ends, no longer allowed in the kitchen after the incident of ‘84
Nancy Wheeler: 18, Yellow Cabin Counselor, by the books and her campers know that, but they still have fun, always excels in the art competitions (much to Billy’s dismay), she's the most strict counselor however she takes great pride in her ability to get all the campers in bed by lights out
Jonathan Byers: 18, Groundskeeper(?), no one really knows his exact job title, he just sort of shows up every summer and nobody says anything, he fixes leaky pipes, kitchen appliances, pulls weeds, whatever needs done, he helps out a lot in the art cabin though
Steve Harrington: 19, Green Cabin Counselor, mostly stable but the coffee rings stained into his clipboard are telling, tries to be the "cool counselor", and if you stay on his good side you’ll be fine, however he will not hesitate to drag your ass to the office and call your parents if you step out of line
Billy Hargrove: 19, Red Cabin Counselor, parents hate him, but his campers are loyal, they demolish every single athletic competition, stole Eddie’s whistle (now annoys everyone with it), also no longer allowed in the kitchen after the incident of '84
Eddie Munson: 20, Lifeguard, but he sort of pokes his head in wherever he pleases, was deemed unfit to be a camp counselor so they stuck him as lifeguard, plays guitar around the campfire at night, multiple writes up for smoking on the job
if i were to flesh this out more into a full au fic (or more realistically, a series of ficlets??) you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be a giant love hexagon thing that will be going on as a subplot to the camp activities. i'm not even a huge multi-shipper or anything but picture it: Nancy asks Robin to watch her campers for a minute so she can go flirt with Jonathan? yeah sure why not. Nancy gets back and finds Robin sulking cause she's jealous? i'm sure Nancy would be happy to cheer Robin up with a kiss! Eddie and Argyle bump into each other smoking behind the shed? oh whoops my finger slipped and now they're shot gunning a joint. Steve find's Billy and Eddie chilling at Skull Rock? well shit now all three of 'em are making out a la Challengers.
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
it’s not a want anymore… it’s a need.
camp counselors steddie au
eddie flirts with poor ol’ stevie everyday but steve is just too oblivious to notice. and all the kids are rooting for them to get together UGHHH MY HEART <333 this is so cute
Ahhh one of my fav tropes for these two! ⛺
Steve had been a camp counselor since Dustin, one of Steve's babysitting kids, had whined that camp would be cancelled due to not enough volunteers. That was three years ago, his kids were 14 now and so they got to stay overnight in the cabins. Steve enjoyed his summer job, he'd been a boy scout as a kid and so a lot of the activities they did brought a lot of nostalgia for him. It also meant he could keep an eye on his kids and not spend the summer worrying and being bored until they returned.
Dustin had prattled on about how he'd convinced one of his new friends to come to camp this year. Steve hadn't heard anything about another kid that had joined the party but he would meet them soon he supposed. What Steve did not expect was that Dustin's new friend was Eddie Munson.
"He's a full grown adult, Dustin, I expected your friend to be a kid."
"He ran Hellfire until he graduated this year, I've told you about him before."
Turns out that Dustin had also roped Eddie into being a counsellor and that he and Steve would be sharing a cabin all summer.
Eddie had nothing to do this summer and needed money now that he had graduated. When Dustin had suggested being a camp counselor and told him the pay he jumped at the chance. He didn't expect to be bunking with King Steve of all people. Eddie had heard a lot of the old King in the last year from his little sheep but Eddie didn't fully believe he'd changed.
It was clear that the King was long dead however. Steve was so good with the kids, helping the ones that were struggling with the activities, making sure the quieter ones still felt included and not overwhelmed. Eddie will not admit that his heart skipped a beat when Steve was bandaging a little girl's knee after she fell on the hike.
Steve was also friendly with Eddie, he'd immediately apologised for his King Steve days which Eddie hadn't expected him to even acknowledge. Steve seemed to listen intently and never interrupted the epic tales Eddie told around the campfire. The two had started talking once they went to bed, whispered conversations across the space between their bunks.
It wasn't long before Eddie's careful friendliness turned to playful flirting. Not that Steve noticed, to the party's despair.
"You and Steve would be perfect for each other, I need my dads to be together, Edward!"
"Watch your tone kiddo, also ew never call me Edward again."
Steve had a massive crush on Eddie barely a week into camp. He'd had a tearful confession to Robin a few months before but he hadn't liked any boys before Eddie. Steve knew he was done for when he saw how Eddie was with his kids, how much he cared for them, how he bright smiles to all their faces with his stories.
Eddie was kind to Steve too. Steve didn't feel any animosity from his King Steve days. Eddie saw the good in Steve, it made him feel warm inside. He just wished he could tell Eddie.
"You're an idiot, Steve. Eddie has been flirting with you all summer!"
"Watch your tone, Dustin, and no he's not he's just friendly."
The kids were starting to lose their minds. Eddie was very obviously flirting and Steve clearly liked Eddie but couldn't tell.
"What if we just lock them in their cabin?"
"Eddie can pick locks."
"Not if he's distracted locking lips!"
"Ew those are our dads."
In no time at all it was the last night of camp. In the morning they'd pack everything up and head back home. Steve wondered if he'd still see Eddie, he probably would, they practically shared custody of those kids. Eddie wondered if Steve would even want to be seen with him around town.
The kids had been shuffled off to bed after one last round of smores and campfire story. The two boys found themselves sitting on the end of the pier, not tired enough for bed yet, sharing a cigarette and looking at the stars.
"Do you think we'll still hang out after tomorrow?"
"I'm sure those kids will find a way for us all to hang out, would you want to hang out? I mean, we're not exactly the same, the king and the freak."
"You're not a freak, Eds. You're amazing and funny and smart and creative. I'd love to be seen around town with you."
"No-one has ever said anything like that about me before, Stevie."
"Well, it's all true."
"You're amazing too."
"Can I kiss you?"
Eddie didn't answer, he just smiled softly and leant in capturing Steve's lips.
In the morning they had almost finished packing up when they heard it.
"Steven Harrington is that a hickey!"
"Watch you tone!"
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Harringrove camp counselors x werewolf au anyone?
Camp starts in a few days, Billy is getting ready for the shift and is thus super grumpy and practically starving. Steve is the only thing that stands between him and doom and destruction.
Tomorrow night is the full moon.
Billy's been on a short fuse all morning. Snapped at Jonathan and Keith and anyone else who so much as looked his way.
The only time he's somewhat calmed down all day is when he sat down to eat a little while ago. Of course, he plowed through his meal, and looked mildly upset enough afterwards for Steve to slide his tray over. Billy fixed him with grateful, almost teary eyes before he tucked his fork into the mashed potatoes.
Steve feels bad that he can't offer the usual treatment. Can't have Billy bundled up on the sofa with steak and French fries sitting in front of him at every meal.
The best he can do out here is make sure the tank is full of something, even if it can't be purely protein.
That, and he came absolutely loaded with jerky and Slim Jim's.
By the time mid afternoon rolls around, Billy is sluggish. Sitting by the lake in a lounge chair, umpteenth meat stick in his hand, stomach glaringly full.
He's not as cut as he used to be. Steve appreciates soft abs, thick thighs. Seeing the blond with a rounded tummy like this makes him feel...
Like he could scoop Billy up and lavish him with kisses and attention until he's breathless from it. Or buy him a house.
It's just their luck that someone else would take notice to the fact that they’ve disappeared from the main campground. Eddie's snickering alerts them to his presence before he ever shows up, Chrissy trailing next to him.
"Damn, Hargrove, don't let Keith catch you slacking off," he says. Stands too close for comfort and earns a scoff from Billy. "How many strikes until he boots your ass off the program?"
Munson glances over at Steve, who's been sitting crisscross on the ground flipping through his itinerary, looking over the names of his soon-to-arrive list of campers. Steve shakes his head, raising his eyebrows in hopes that Munson interprets it as lay off. He doesn't, of course.
Just winks at Steve and crouches down next to Billy's chair.
Although Billy's wearing sunglasses, it's obvious from his demeanor that he's glaring daggers at Eddie.
The two aren't exactly friends, aren't exactly enemies. Billy buys off him occasionally. Laughs at a joke every now and then. Playfully flirts back when Eddie deals the first cutesy pet name.
But Billy doesn't put him on a pedestal like other people tend to do. He isn't nice to him just because he's got good weed; no one crosses Billy Hargrove and gets away with it. Something that Steve learned the hard way when they first met.
Before they became friends. Before they were gentle to one another.
So Billy doesn't hesitate to smack Eddie's hand away when he reaches out to pinch teasingly at his side.
"Guess we know the snacks are good at Harrington's place," Eddie teases. "Hell, I'd get fat too if I had name brand shit at my disposal all the time."
Billy grits his teeth. Steve wants to usher Eddie away for him, if for no other reason than it might help Eddie keep all of his limbs intact. But Eddie's too fast and too stupid to be stopped.
He snatches the Slim Jim from Billy's hand and goes to take a bite, but it doesn't make it to his mouth before Billy has risen up from his seat. Steve, fearing the worst, jumps up as well. Readies himself to intervene if he has to, to remind Billy of his own strength before he does any serious damage.
But Billy doesn't pick Eddie up by his throat to strangle the life out of him. No, he manhandles him and swings him over his shoulder, stomping towards the lake with Eddie kicking and screaming all the while.
When he gets nearly knee-deep in the water, he throws him. Far enough out that Eddie actually sinks and takes a moment to resurface.
When he does, he swipes his wet bangs out of his face, clearly about to blow his gasket.
But Billy stays standing there. Chest heaving, shoulders squared, and the anger relaxes off of Eddie's face. Turns into fear, briefly, like he's worried that if he swims to shore, Billy will crush his skull between his hands. Or shove his head under the water and not let it come back up.
Neither of which are too far from the truth, just based on the way that the veins are popping to the surface on the blond’s neck.
Steve jogs out to where Billy stands in the water, setting a careful hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, c'mon, let's go take a walk, huh?" Steve coos.
Gently grabs Billy's hand and guides him out of the lake, leaving Eddie floating just a ways off. Slim Jim bobbing on the surface of the water.
When the two pass by Chrissy, she mouths an I'm sorry to Billy before she jogs out to help Eddie back to shore. And probably to lecture him for being mean, which is something she does fairly often.
Even if he doesn't have bad intentions, the guy can't keep his mouth shut to save his life.
By the time supper rolls around, Billy is antsy. It takes Steve rubbing his back while seated in the dining hall to calm him down enough to eat.
Their friends give them wary glances. Clearly concerned, but too afraid to ask what's wrong. It's not like Steve could really tell them anyway. He just tries to soothe the blond the best that he can.
That turns out to be easier after dinner, when the two sneak off to the bathrooms and Steve tugs Billy's shorts down. Presses up behind him as Billy leans his hands on the sink, legs spread as he pitches forward to take all that Steve has to offer.
The blond isn't even quiet. He moans loud. Watches their reflections with half-lidded eyes in the mirror, cock bobbing between his legs as Steve thrusts into him.
When he comes, his brows knit together and his mouth parts around a pretty sound. It's the most at ease that Steve has seen him all day.
It makes him want to prolong this moment. He keeps pushing into Billy, savoring his whimpers and gasps as he grips at his hips. Smooths a hand over his abdomen, relishing how soft and full he feels against his palm. Billy pushes back into him, trying to take him deeper.
"Y'know, fuck Munson," Steve pants. Drags kisses against Billy's neck and nibbles at his ear, earning another moan. "I like your tummy."
Billy whines. Another pearly bead dribbles from his tip, the first of many as Steve keeps plowing into him.
After having his soft underbelly squeezed by a slender hand, he spills another load. Steve is soon to follow, pressing his fingers into his lover's pudge until his hips are stuttering and he's tipping over that edge as well.
Billy moans as he's filled up. Cups his hand over the back of Steve's and holds it there as they both sit on that high together.
The brunet smiles against Billy's skin. Lavishes his neck with attention as they come down together, still linked, still cradling Billy's full tummy.
"Do you feel better, bubs?" Steve asks.
Billy just pants for a moment. Smiles at Steve in the mirror and winks at him.
If their little bathroom hangout was heard, no one says anything about it. Not even when the two of them climb into one bunk at the end of the night.
Part 1?
I have more of this, but idk if it’s even something people wanna read, so I haven’t completely flushed out the concept yet. I guess lmk?
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iiiiiiits-m · 3 months
Y’all the summer camp I work at gives its counselors “camp names” based off of interests, skills, jokes, stuff like that. Campers call you by your camp name for the funny and don’t find out your real name for the end of the week cause it’s silly and the campers have a bunch of fun trying to guess your real name, and because this is my first year working here I had yet to receive a camp name until….my bestie gave me the camp name Octavius!!!!! I’m super excited for kids to call me Octavius all summer and to be able to explain the NATM lore to them!!!! /srs
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littlexdeaths · 4 months
i need a friday the 13th type au with eddie or steve bad
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comfort-writing · 2 years
Camp Patoka
Chapter 1: Settling in to Cabin 11
Being a counselor at the summer camp you grew up in was a dream come true. That was until Steve, another counselor, began to ruin it for you. A rivalry begins.
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warnings: this fic will be 18+ in future chapters- minors DNI!! no use of y/n. (please let me know if I missed anything)
a/n: the camp name is named after a wildlife reserve in Indiana :) also! thank you for 120 followers!!! 🤍 let me know in the comments or my asks if you want to be added to the tag list! requests are open!
word count: 3.6k
Chapter 1 || 2 (coming soon!)
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You were sitting in your room in your tiny apartment when you got the call. You’d rushed to the phone, having a feeling that on the other end, your dream job awaited.
You were correct.
Camp Patoka, the summer camp you’d attended every summer since you were old enough to, had accepted your application to be a camp counselor over the summer. You’d remained calm on the phone, thinking them in a professional manner, but as soon as you heard the dial tone and hung your phone back on the wall, you jumped up and down, squealing like a little kid. Your downstairs neighbor yelled something, so you stopped jumping, but he didn’t damper your mood.
The previous summer, you’d aged out of the camp and you’d applied to be a counselor, but they’d rejected you. It was the first summer since you were five that you hadn’t gone. But now, you were able to go back to your favorite place on earth. And you’d get paid to do it! Admittedly not much, but you didn’t care.
The first person you’d thought of was Robin. She was one of your camp buddies. You lived kind of far apart, but the two of you kept up over the years. At first, the two of you exchanged letters, but as you’d grown older, you called each other every once in a while. She was able to get the job last summer, and you were happy for her, but you’d wished you’d been there too. Spending the summer apart just didn’t feel the same. You’d spent it working as a bartender, and the regulars didn’t make up for the Robin-and-s’mores sized hole in your little heart.
You knew that they were calling everyone who’d gotten the job between now and three today, so you decided to wait until then to give her a call, not wanting to block her phone line.
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At exactly three o’clock, your phone rang. You smiled and got up to answer it, knowing for sure who was on the other end.
“Hey Robin.” You said, trying to sound dejected.
“Oh no.. again?” She asked sadly, knowing how heartbroken you’d been last year.
You couldn’t help but smile, “Nope! I got it! Did you?” You said excitedly.
“Oh my god! Yes! I got it too!” She beamed.
The two of you giggled and did your respective happy dances before continuing the call.
“Robin, I am literally so excited! Did they give you your cabin assignment over the phone?” You asked, hoping the two of you would be on the same side of the camp.
Camp Patoka was divided into two distinct sections: Lakeside cabins and Woodside cabins. Lakeside was typically for the younger kids, as it was closer to the main pavilion and a lot of the activities. Woodside was for the older kids, as they were able hike a bit to where they needed to be.
The sides had fifteen cabins each, and each cabin competed in week-long competitions to see which cabin reined supreme. But, the two sides of camp also competed, and at the end of the summer, during the counselor’s party, you’d find out which side won.
“I’m in Woodside, cabin 12.” She said happily, “What about you?”
“Dude- I’m in Woodside cabin 11!” You practically yelled, happy to be able to be right next to each other the entire time.
“This is literally amazing!” She screamed, causing you to hold the phone away from your ear for a second and laugh, “I convinced my friend Steve to apply too, and he’s in cabin 8! We’re all so close to each other!”
The two of you finished up the conversation, excited to see each other after a full year apart.
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A few weeks later, you were on your way to camp, your car filled with everything you’d need. You packed clothes for the entire summer, stuff for your bunk, and cute decorations for your cabin. You jammed out to the radio in the way there, windows down to enjoy the warm, early summer air that you loved more than anything.
You arrived at the camp around 9:30 in the morning, thirty minutes before you’d technically needed to be there, but you went ahead and found a good spot to park your car before getting out, stretching after the long drive.
You popped open your trunk and sat in the back, relaxing and waiting for the time when the other counselors would arrive.
Slowly, cars started pouring into the parking lot, and you finally saw Robin get out of the passenger seat of a station wagon. She immediately saw you and smiled, running across the concrete and tackling you into a giant bear hug. You laughed and hugged her back with an equal amount of force, giggling.
“Oh my god I missed you!” She said, her voice muffled by your shirt.
“I missed you too!” You beamed, a bit out of breath. She finally released you from the crushing hug and stood back, looking over at the man who’d driven her here and waved him over.
He was tall, lean, and had probably the most gorgeous hair you’d ever seen. He seemed confident, which is something you’d liked in a guy, but maybe a little overtly so. His sneakers crunched against the concrete as he headed your way. Once he arrived, he stuck out a hand for you to shake. “Steve.” He said simply.
You obliged, shaking his hand and introducing yourself.
“Steve and I went to high school together.” Robin smiled, “This is his first year as a counselor too, so you two can share war stories later on.”
You laughed, then hopped out of the trunk of your hatchback, “We ready to go check in?” You asked.
The two of them nodded, so you shut your trunk and walked with them to the main pavilion, chatting and catching up with Robin on the way there.
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Once you were all checked in and ready to go, the three of you walked back to the parking lot to grab your luggage and head to your respective cabins.
You arrived at your car, lifting the trunk and lugging your two overly-packed suitcases out of the trunk before going to your front seat, grabbing your backpack out and slinging it on your back. You waited for Robin before the two of you walked to your cabins, Steve trailing behind the two of you.
He stopped at his cabin first, and Robin insisted that the two of you pause to head in and check it out before you continued to yours.
Steve unlocked the door and walked in, rolling his suitcase into the small room by the door where he’d stay before walking around. There were eight beds, excluding his own, a bathroom with two showers, and a center vanity with drawers and a large mirror.
You smiled and bumped Robin’s hip, “Remember when we stayed here?” You asked.
“That was in seventh grade, right?” She asked. You nodded, remembering the time a wasp flew into the cabin and the entire bunk of girls screamed while Robin just walked up and killed it.
“Well, this is home for the next two and a half months, huh?” Steve smiled. “You guys want help bringing your stuff to your cabins?” He asked. Robin nodded, and the three of you headed out, walking further down the little road to where the two cabins you’d be staying in sat. Steve offered to help with one of your heavy suitcases and carried Robin’s backpack on his back as you walked. Your cabin was first, and you invited them inside.
The layout was the same, but backwards. You and Steve rolled your suitcases into your area before you smiled at Robin, indicating that you’d wanted to go see her cabin. Her layout was the same as Steve’s, and she looked around for any bugs before giving a thumbs up, making you laugh.
Eventually, the three of you separated to get unpacked before lunch and training began at noon. You unpacked all of your clothes, folding them and putting them into the drawers in your tiny room that was open to the rest of the cabin. In order to have a little privacy, you’d brought an extendable shower curtain rod and cute curtains, something you’d seen your counselors do over the years. You set that up, then made your bed, flopping onto the twin mattress for a moment before sighing and getting up to finish decorating.
You turned on the small radio you’d bought, tuning it until you found a radio station that reached this far out into the woods, not really caring what music was playing but just enjoying the background noise.
You decorated your room first, stringing up lights so you wouldn’t have to use the overhead lighting, then hanging up a couple cute posters. You’d be living here for a few months, so you’d wanted to make it as homey as possible.
You then moved on to decorating the rest of the cabin, keeping it simple. A cute string of pom-poms over the mirror, a poster on the bathroom door with some encouraging words. You’d also brought dry-erase markers so you’d be able to write on the mirrors. You sat on the drawers in front of the giant mirror of the makeshift vanity area and got to work, drawing some cute little pine trees and writing ‘cabin 11’ in a cursive font. You made space to write the weekly schedule of activities for your campers, leaving it blank for now, as you hadn’t gotten it just yet.
You stepped back and smiled at your artwork. You weren’t the most amazing artist in the world, but you could make some pretty cute little doodles.
Before you knew it, it was nearing 11:45, and you heard a knock on your cabin door. Robin walked in, looking around. “Oh my god, your cabin is so cute!” She smiled, moving your curtains aside to look into your room, “Woah, it looks like you’ve lived here your whole life.”
You chuckled, “I wanted to make it feel like home!”
“No, I love it! I will definitely be hanging out in here.” She smiled, “But are you ready to head to the dining hall?” She asked.
You nodded and grabbed your lanyard, which held a spot for your name badge and you had your cabin key clicked into it as well. You’d also grabbed your backpack, which you’d packed with sunscreen, bug spray, an extra pair of hiking sandals in case yours ever broke, a mini first aid kit, and a few other small things that you’d need.
The two of you walked down to Steve’s cabin and picked him up, then trotted down to the dining hall together. You’d felt like Steve kept glancing your way, but you ignored it for the time being.
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Training went by smoothly. They went over the map of the camp, handing out a few copies to every counselor, then ensured that everyone had their CPR and AED certifications up to date. They went over some housekeeping things like camp rules, the general schedule for meals and pavilion times. Then, they handed out the camp shirts for the year, as well as your schedule for the week, and the blank white flags your campers would get to decorate.
You and Robin swapped your schedules, looking them over. The two of you had the exact same schedule this week, and you likely would all summer since your cabins were connected by a deck and they typically grouped counselors by their location. She bumped your shoulder and smiled, and you smiled back, excited to spend the summer with one of your favorite people.
Once training let out, you and Robin linked arms and went to the lunch line, ready to eat the meal they’d provided. The two of you chatted about the schedule for the first week, excited to swim in the lake and ride horses.
Steve had made conversation with another male counselor, who apparently was his cabin buddy for the summer, so you and Robin ate your meal just chatting alone.
Once lunch was over, Steve walked up to the two of you. “Ready to head back?” He asked. Robin nodded and you followed the two of them out, making the familiar hike back to the Woodside cabins.
Robin spotted a bunny up ahead, so she made the two of you pause while she went to go investigate. The two of you watched as she slowly walked up to the tree line further up the road, wanting to check it out.
You heard Steve chuckle beside you, “She’s an interesting one.”
“Don’t go getting any ideas, man.” You said. Robin had actually come out to you first. She figured that if you would’ve freaked out, she wouldn’t have to deal with any repercussions back home, as you lived in a different part of the state. But when you ensured her that you loved her either way, she cried and hugged you. That was really the moment that solidified your friendship.
“Oh, I know.” He said, looking over at you, “Robin’s probably like, my best friend.” He hummed.
You nodded, trying not to giggle when Robin almost scared the bunny off by nearly tripping over a rock. “She’s definitely… really smooth.” You joked.
“Are you, like, into her?” He asked, not knowing your orientation.
You shrugged, “Well, we have made out a couple times, but it wasn’t serious. I kinda don’t have a preference, if that makes sense.”
He thought for a moment, then nodded. You could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears from the gears turning in his head. “So you’d say yes if I asked you out?” He said, raising an eyebrow. He’d definitely noticed how pretty you were. Even though you were in your camp clothes— a large tee shirt, shorts, hiking sandals, and a headband—he still thought you were good looking.
You felt a bit shocked. He said it so candidly. He also seemed a bit arrogant, which you had never been a fan of. “I don’t know you, dude.”
“Do you have to?” He said a bit suggestively, the old King Steve persona, that you had no idea about, peeking out a little.
You rolled your eyes, “Yeah, kinda.” You walked ahead a little, going to meet Robin. You turned backwards as you walked, “Stranger danger, and all.” You scoffed and turned back around, jogging up to your friend and linked your arms together to keep walking.
She frowned, your movement making the bunny walk away, “Hey!”
“I gotta talk to you.” You said, speed walking towards your cabin and pulling her along, kinda grossed out and really wanting to get out of this situation.
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Once you had dragged Robin into your cabin, you shut the door and stormed into your room, flopping face first down onto your bed, “Ewww.. ew ew ew” you groaned into your comforter.
Robin trailed behind you, moving to sit on the bean bag you’d put in the corner of your little room, “What?” She asked, not aware of what just happened.
You sat up, kicking your shoes off and sitting crisscrossed on your bed, facing her, “Steve asked me out.” You frowned.
Robin only laughed, and you frowned, which made her try to surprise it, “And the tally begins.” She said, making a mental note to write it down when she got back to her cabin.
“Steve… well, he’s a great guy and all, but he’s a bit of a player. Well, more of a reformed one?” Her statements only made you more confused, so she continued, “Steve dated half of Hawkins in high school. He was real hot shit. But since he graduated, he’s changed. He’s a lot nicer, and I think he’s looking for something more serious, but he doesn’t have the game he used to… we work at a Family Video, and I have a running tally of how many times he’s gotten shot down.”
You burst into peals of laughter at that, and she joined in. “Sorry,” you said between giggles, “You keep count?”
“Yep. And it looks like you’re his first victim of the summer. Probably because you’re the only person who knows his name right now.” She chuckled, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. “You’re a victim of proximity.”
“That makes me feel a little better, I guess.” You shrugged, moving a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
“But, listen, if you do change your mind about him.. he’s a good guy. He’s one of my best friends, and I’m not trying to shit talk him or anything. I’d totally support it. He means well.” She sighed, relaxing in the cool air conditioning of the cabin.
“Boys are gross.” You teased, wrinkling your nose in disgust.
She nodded, “Agreed!”
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The next couple days were spent in more counselor training, going over the safety precautions for each activity within the camp, as well as getting to know the entire team in the process.
By Monday morning, the first round of campers were arriving by 8am. You sat in pavilion, helping check campers in and pointing them towards their respective counselors. You even checked in one of your own, introducing yourself to her, as well as her parents. You pointed to where your cabin was gathering in the pavilion, saying you’d meet them over there in a little while.
Once all campers were accounted for, the camp director did introductions to the camp and herself before dismissing the cabins to go grab their stuff form cars and meet in their respective cabins. You led your group of preteens and their parents through the camp, giving a bit of a tour as you walked to the Woodside cabins. You helped get suitcases in the door to the cabin, then watched as your kids hugged their parents goodbye for the week.
You helped your girls get settled in, getting to know them. You wrote the schedule for the week on your mirror, then pulled out the blank flag and markers, sitting down with them to decorate it. Each counselor carried their flag around, making it easy for campers to spot their counselors, as well as having something unique to that group of campers. They ended up drawing out a little cabin in the woods, you finding out that one of your campers was an amazing artist, and they all drew little trees and birds, as well as writing their names at the bottom. You wrote ‘Cabin 11’ at the top in a cute font.
Once you were finished, you held up the flag, and all the girls nodded in approval before you grabbed the small PVC pipe that would act as your flag pole, and you slid the flag onto it, then stuck it by the door. You looked at your watch, and it was about time for everyone to gather at the pavilion again for the first games of the week before each cabin was dismissed for their first activity. You had arts and crafts today, so it would be a chill day to start off the week, which was nice.
You instructed the girls to get ready to go, and you did as well, putting your shoes back on and grabbing your backpack, as well as the flag. You stood by the door and once everyone was ready, you walked out, having them sit on the little benches on the deck while you knocked on Robin’s door. She smiled and opened it, ready to go as well. The two of you gathered your campers and started the hike back to the camp’s main pavilion.
“Should we teach them our favorite song?” Robin asked. You smiled and nodded, then the two of you walked backwards and led them through a song you’d leaned at this camp, showing them all the arm movements that went along with it, laughing all the way as you watched your campers open up and bond with each other quickly.
At the main pavilion, the camp director introduced the camp-wide competition, then started the first game: a weird version of rock paper scissors with body movements instead of just hands. The campers competed in their cabins first, then once the numbers dwindled, cabins competed against each other until one camper was victorious, winning 10 points for their cabin.
The two finalists were one of the girls from your cabin, and a boy from Steve’s, because of course it was. The entire camp cheered them on, and your camper emerged victorious, your cabin standing up and cheering excitedly. The director marked down the points as your camper ran back, your girls group hugging her. You looked over at Steve and smirked, feeling like you’d gotten him back.
This was the beginning of a beautiful rivalry.
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Tag List: @mcueveryday @bebe0701 @emma77645 @edsforehead @manda-panda-monium @nina211544 @wendyfawcett @whisperinthewoods07 @aysheashea @emxxblog @shotgunhallelujah @theanxietyqueen17 @isabel-ffl-xoxo
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toomanybandstocare · 2 years
{Nickname Sweetspot}
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Program: I'm just a sucker for the idea of being in a poly relationship with Eddie, Billy, and Steve. And I know they would call you a variation of the same pet name.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington x GN! Reader x Billy Hargrove, 4 person poly relationship
Genre: Fluff, Blurb
Warnings: Petnames (Sweetheart, Sweetie, and Sweetness), Not proofed
Camp Upside Down Masterlist
i want to be in a poly relationship with eddie, billy, and steve. and the little shits end up becoming the boys (tm) who just love to tease everyone and anyone at any given time.
so when eddie starts to call you Sweetheart, and steve catches the pretty flush that paints your cheeks, he wants see you do the same with his nickname. he tries so many that just make you laugh before he sits the sweetspot that makes you bashful. calls you Sweetie one day and when you can't meet his eye, steve knows he's found it.
after a while, billy picks up on the matching nicknames that his boys have for you and can't stand the thought of being left out. standing off to the side and just taking in the warm sight of his lovers tangled in a blanket bundle while watching a movie, a small smile grows onto his face. he lets himself be pulled into the mess and presses a chaste kiss to the side of your head while mumbling a compliment followed by Sweetness.
and eddie just can't help but feel proud that he unintneionally spurred your matching nicknames. he thinks that it's adorable his boys wanted in on his name for the important aspects of his life. so now his just has to come up some for them.
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sapphirecobalt-1 · 1 year
Title: I’ve said too much, I haven’t said enough
Chapters: 1/?
Word count: ~7,222
Fandom: Stranger Things
Ships: Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington
Tags:  adhd Eddie, autistic Robin, adhd Robin, deaf Steve, queer platonic steve & Robin, lavender married Steve & Robin, disabled Steve Harrington, disabled Max Mayfield, disabled Chrissy Cunningham, character study, AU - Canon Divergent, AU - Summer Camp, oh my god they were camp counselors, angst, angst with a happy ending, not beta read we die like Billy, tags will be updated as the story progresses
It's 1987, and Vecna's been six feet under for over a year.
But even as our heroes try to move on, the havoc Vecna wreaked still haunts them.
Some things just refuse to be buried.
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flowers-that-sing · 1 year
guys im back in my camp camp era
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sleepyeye17 · 1 year
Sneak Peak at my Steddie Summer Camp AU
I’m working at a camp this summer, and I have to say, it’s bringing back all kinds of feelings. Here’s a little preview.
“Who’s getting DU-UUUUNKED?” Murray shouted into the megaphone, announcing it with the siren effect. The kids started shrieking.
Eddie shared a glance with Robin. Every Friday the kids voted on which staff member would have to jump off the diving board fully clothed. All the counselors pretended that getting picked was a huge pain, but the truth was that it was one of the highest honors any staff person could receive. Kids only voted for the person they loved the most. They voted for someone they saw as an authority figure, but also someone they trusted. They wouldn’t pick a staff person who was already lame, what was the fun in that? And they wouldn’t choose someone who might get angry or retaliate. They only picked the counselor they loved, and usually it was a man. This was one of Robin’s particular pet peeves, and one that she regularly vented about in the staff lounge. 
Eddie looked to his Counselors In Training. They were good kids, and he’d felt like they’d really bonded with him over the first week. They were between 11 and 15, all brilliant. They pretended to hate Eddie’s guts, of course, but he knew that was the age. He mostly knew that, at least. He reminded himself of it often. Leading teenagers is a thankless task. That’s what Joyce said. She often told Eddie that he had the hardest job in the camp. 
Unlike the other campers, the CITs stayed for the whole summer. They all slept in their own cabins with Eddie and Robin. Mornings were spent doing team building activities and learning about leadership, and afternoons were spent helping the other counselors work with the littles. Inevitably, all the CITs wanted to work with Steve.
“DUNK STEVE!” Dustin shouted. The other CITs cheered in response.
Eddie looked over at Robin, who rolled her eyes. The CITs fucking loved Steve. Beautiful, masculine, lifeguard Steve, with hair like Fabio and muscles like… well, also like Fabio.
Steve pretended to resist, but eventually gave in, throwing up his hands as the whole camp roared in response. 
“He’s so cool,” Dustin said. 
“He’s the coolest counselor,” Max agreed. “Definitely.”
Eddie tried to smile, but he couldn’t help the stab of jealousy in his chest. He was with the kids all day, every day. He did activities with them, put up with their mess in the cabin, crawled through the obstacle course with them, wrote them songs and cheers. And yet for some reason Steve the hair Harrington was still their fucking favorite.
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sleepymrshmllow · 1 year
someday I will draw st/byler the quarry au stuff
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thesolarangel · 1 year
Hey so, almost a year ago I wrote my first fanfiction and now that I'm stuck in a writing slump, I thought I'd read it and share it again!
Stranger Things
Steve x Eddie
Camp Counselors AU
Fluff, little bit of angst, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, rated T
Read here on Tumblr or here on AO3:
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Since it's my first one, it has some small flaws, but I think it still turned out pretty cute and I even made some art for it which also gets mentioned in the last chapter! And I think in terms of dialogue, I really nailed the characters. I've known them for so long and I know how they talk and interact🥰
❤️Please share❤️
@fenharel-enaste @lotrnonsense @queenmeriadoc @elrondscalaquendi @starlady66 @elronds-pointy-ears @bananaphanta @runawaymun @jefferson-in-the-tardis @mayatrueman @depressedplatypus @thetempleofthemasaigoddess @lady-of-imladris @mistergandalf @elrondswifey @corrodedbisexual @useless-nb-bisexual
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