#camp camp fanfic prompt
Someone please make a fanfic with this prompt and tag me thank you very much
Prompt: Will solace and Kayla Knowles singing If we have Each Other By Alec Benjamin at campfire.
I need this in my life
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Camping Trips
A/N: Schools Summer Vacation is starting where I live and even tho I don't get to enjoy that anymore, it gave me the idea for this prompt :D If anyone wants to use it please do but... uhm please tag me then? I am so curious what other ideas fanfic writers could come up with for this. Thank you! And happy Vacation time to everyone that gets to enjoy it!
Its concept was the bane of existence for some teenagers and kids while others very much enjoyed that type of vacation. Danny belongs to the type that enjoys this type of vacation. Because going camping used to mean his parents were not stuck in the lab but would pay some attention to Jazz and him. It meant that for once ghosts weren't the most important things to his parents. It meant a literal break.
So when his parents told Jazz and him about a camping trip they were planning he was at first excited. Maybe it would be like the trips they used to go on. Something to remember, roasting marshmallows, fishing, exploring the woods. A change from everything that had become normal.
That was until he arrived at the scene at the camping place and his parents set up a mobile laboratory and various security measures to protect Jazz and Danny from any possible ghost attacks. Just because they weren't in Amity Park right now, didn't mean some ghost scum wouldn't try anything to harm them, or at least that was what his dad said.
Danny had flinched and backed away from his parents that were busy setting up a laboratory instead of a tent and sighed. His eyes roamed around the other camping spaces and landed on the only other people that appeared to want to use this place for a vacation spot. He was not jealous of how normal their camping space looked with just tents, mobile hammocks, campfires, standard camping equipment and no good damn ghost-hunting equipment or mobile laboratory.
Was it too much to ask for just one normal camping trip from his parents like these people had?
Dick had just wanted to give his siblings some form of normality for once. Vigilante life was tiring and one could easily lose sight of what was normal. So he suggested a family vacation to Bruce to mend that overlooked problem. Bruce hadn't liked that idea at first too but after Tim fell asleep in his breakfast 4 times in a row because he pulled several all-nighters to work on cases and Duke had a near panic attack realizing he had forgotten about an exam and Damian smuggled 9 blades into school because he got annoyed with his teachers all in one week… the man agreed more easily to Dick's vacation idea. Even more so when some of his siblings even mentioned they never had gone camping before.
It had taken some convincing but the eldest Wayne son even managed to get Jason on board. And Alfred gladly pushed them all out of the Manor if it meant Bruce would not be working for at least one week. So come to school vacation time and they all packed up going to some remote camping place for a NORMAL vacation. He was even going to convince everyone to lock away their phones and laptops for the duration.
Well… Dick glanced at the only other occupied space and blinked. That was not normal, was it? The other spice looked like these people had jumped straight out of a SiFy Movie, they were setting up a laboratory! And the adults were wearing hazmat suits! He saw how something green started glowing over there and distinctly but quietly because of the distance he heard machinery starting to hum over there. The man in the orange hazmat let out a boisterous laugh telling something to a girl and a boy that looked dressed normally. The boy then backed away from what he assumed were their parents with clear wariness in his eyes before looking over into their direction with what Dick assumed was envy.
The eldest of Wayne children wanted to ignore the familiar green Color or the yellow tanks that looked like they had a certain green liquid in them. If that was what he was highly suspecting then they would need to investigate these other campers. After watching the other people a little longer and seeing even more suspicious equipment that appeared to be powered by the green liquid, he put his head in his hands and let out a frustrated sigh.
Oh for the love of… they were supposed to have a vacation, not investigate what could be a mobile Lazarus Water research site! His head instantly snapped out his siblings hoping that they had not yet noticed and that maybe he could convince them to go to another lake to set up far away from what would set off ALL of their detective instincts. He could put a tracker on these people and return to that case AFTER their vacation was over. But no!
It was too late, he saw Tim's eyes watch the other space with open curiosity and narrowed eyes, Damian and Bruce were watching with wariness but keeping up a cover as they poked around in a campfire, Cass also tilted her head in curiosity before also turning back to the tent she was setting up as cover and the only one who appeared to not care at all was Jason but Dick could see the way he peeked over the book he was reading at the other occupants.
Damit, was it too much to ask for one normal vacation?
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space-blue · 8 months
BG3 Fic Feb, comic edition, day 4:
Camp Chores!
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Raphael keeps sneaking in to persuade Tav to sign his contract, to no avail. I wanna redraw that amazing Hannigram meme in which Hannibal whispers into Will's ear as he sleeps 'Hannibal is your boyfriend'. But it's Raphael squatting over Tav at night whispering 'You want to sign Raphael's contract'
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soulless-bex · 1 year
percy jackson au in which sally gets rid of gabe much earlier (aka she kills the bastard and hides the body), except professional assassins/hitmen/whatever notice and let her know that she could make a career for herself in the field
cue sally becoming an assassin for mortals, and then demigods and the likes thanks to her being clearsighted
which would allow her to introduce percy to the mythological world much earlier since she’s in a position where she can get her hands on celestial bronze and/or imperial gold, and then teach him how to use weapons
so instead of a confused percy walking into camp, we would have angry child assassin percy being dragged into camp with no one believing him when he tells them that no, his mom did not die, she was abducted by hades
links: tumblr - archive of our own
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taylor-tut-fics · 4 months
okay so idea: Gwen gets sick, so David is taking care of her, but it's only a matter of time before he starts not feeling well, too. he pushes through for as long as he can, but eventually he joins her in the counselor's cabin.
she feels shitty, sure, but because David pushed through for so long, he's much worse off. as his fever spikes, he starts to get more and more axious about her. is she drinking water? keeping up on medicine? is she feeling so hot and cold and dizzy? he starts fussing, which is starting to annoy her.
however, when he starts to lay off the doting, she feels a little anxious.
"you're a little quiet. you okay?" no response. "david?"
then come to find out he's actually burning up and has been pushing himself yet again for the sake of someone else and now it's time for her to take care of him :)
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neomatcha · 4 months
summer camp au ideas
i'm a camp counselor but i've actually never been around kids before. why do they love you so much??
you're my assigned partner for the canoe race. i crushed on you immediately and spent the whole race distracted staring into your eyes so we lost the race and now you're really mad at me
it's my first time at camp and i heard the ghost stories. you're the poor bunkmate that gets to deal with my night terrors
we're the only two that hate going outside to socialize so we stay in the crafts cabin together the entire time. why are we even at summer camp?
we were 20 minutes into the super cool 2-day annual camp hike but i fell in poison ivy. you were forced to take me back.
we were swimming in the lake and i felt something touch me, so i obviously panicked and almost drowned. thankfully, you're the camp lifeguard and saved me!
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Green Monday & Holiday Food Drive for Needy Animals Day & International Mountain Day
Person A has heard an urban legend of a mysterious hermit living in the nearby mountains who kills hikers and eats them, and decides to go looking for them for excitement. But when Person A meets Person B, who is the only who fits the bill of this rumored hermit, they find Person B doesn’t eat the hikers, they’re diet is mostly foraged plants and sometimes small game they catch, but when they see someone littering, illegally trapping or hunting, or endangering the environment/ecosystem in any way, they kill them and feed them to the local carnivorous wildlife they have befriended over their time spent living in the wilderness - but is amused by the dramatization the public made of them.
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A fanfic I really wish someone would write is one about the families back home during the events of the series (preferably cutting out the last 2 seasons or at the very least the last one where Mr.Kon in the owner of Mantah corp because that's when the quality dropped). Going from the beginning when the kids get invited to camp cretaceous to when the kids are back home and dealing with the aftermath.
What were the family dynamics like before all of this, not just with the parents but the siblings as well ? How did they view their member of the camp fam ? How did they feel about sending them off to camp ? Sorrowful, indifferent, panicked, guilty, excited, amused, curious, hopeful ? Every kid goes there for a completely different reason with different goals in mind, that has to alter their families perception of the trip.
How did they first hear something was wrong ? Did they watch the news unfold in horror, apprehension ? Did they go to Costa Rica to wait for their kid to return ? Did the richer ones try to go there in person ? What was it like for each family to get the news that their kid wasn't coming home ? Where were they ? How did they initially react ? Did they meet the other families of the camp fam members ? How did their community/surroundings react ? What kind of funerals did they have ? What actions did they take against the park as well as Roxie/Dave ? How did they adjust to their new normal ? How did they live during those 6 months ?
What was like to be told that the kids had survived and been abandonned on that island to spend 6 months fighting for their lives in a way virtually no one had accomplished and for no way near that amount of time (the only comparable example is Eric from Jurassic Park 3 and he was out there for 8 weeks) ? How did the reunion go ? All of the kids change on that island, how did that make them all feel ? Were they able to adjust to their new personalities and interests ? How did separating them go ? How well do they deal with the bucket loads of PTSD waiting for them ? Did they adapt into being the support needed or are they failing miserably ?
All of this deserves exploration and it sucks that it's been virtually untouched so far, especially since they mostly have very little canon presence so you can make it what you want. Add siblings, grand-parents as well as aunts and uncles galore. Choose their personalities and most of their appearances...
Though I do think a scene showing what the security cameras could have had time to dave to the cloud before the electricity went to shit would be really impactful. So I would want someone to work that in somehow.
I don't suppose anyone knows someone looking for a challenge ? Because what I am suggesting is a behemoth that would take time and dedication so I realise this is not for every writer out there. A girl can dream though.
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blorbologist · 1 year
21 please :) also, <333333 hi
21. Mass Healing Word
"As you call out words of restoration, up to six creatures of your choice that you can see within range regain hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs."
It looks a whole lot like the sky - the moon - is crying. A single stream of heavy tears. Or maybe it’s a scar, like her own?
Pike can’t really rest easy. She shouldn’t, anyways, because they all know something is up. But she can at least focus, knowing Grog and Scanlan are with the kids. Not that they’re that little, anymore - but everyone looks small, she thinks, beneath the despondent red sky.
She’s half expecting something to happen, because little this big happens anymore without involving Vox Machina.
So she steps back to make room when something in the world spits people out, mace at the ready - but oh, they’re familiar. 
Half of Bell’s Hells tumble out. Not the faun, which is a little sad, and with the undead, which is a little worrisome - 
But the bigger deal is that Keyleth drops with them, and for a terrible moment Pike is almost sure that’s her friend’s body before she starts to pry herself from the ground. 
They all look like absolute wrecks. But Keyleth worst of all. Physically, of course, but a certain kind of fucked up Pike hasn’t seen in - 
“What happened?” Pike doesn’t ask it - she demands an answer, firm. Diagnostics. Where does it hurt? Who hurt you?
The armor’s a blessing - it means she can skid on her knees into the center of the group, make sure they’re all starting to move, and touch her holy symbol to start casting. Mass Cure Wounds? Nah, it’s only Keyleth who needs that much, so she draws her thumb in a circle instead of a line and murmurs mercy as her Mass Healing Word.
“Oh, you know,” the genasi - Ashton? - groans. “The end of the world.”
She’s going to say something reassuring. Like ‘oh, don’t be silly, it’s never really the end of the world so long as we can still save it.’ Or maybe something cool, like ‘I’ve seen worse!’ - the sort that would get her kids to snort and protest that no, Mom, this really is the worst.
But Pike’s spell flickers. It still listens - it still gives as good as it’s got, the gold light something milky in light of Ruidus’ fury. Weakly, though. Struggling, in ways her magic hasn’t since she was a little girl.
Sarenrae’s likeness feels cold, as any necklace should beneath gauntlets - but it’s never been cool, before. 
Maybe this is it.
[Send me a spell and I'll write a ficlet/snippet to go with it!]
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renee-writer · 1 year
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June Prompts Chapter 2 Backyard Camping
“Do you have your sleeping bag?” The little lass bounces up and down with excitement. Her red curls shine in the moonlight.
“Aye daddy. Mama made sure.”  Four year old Faith replies. He smiles. Claire is almost as excited as their daughter. She is planning a night of wine and chick flicks whilst he camps out with Faith in their back garden.
“Very good. Let’s get settled before the night monsters come out.” He tries to make a menacing face but she just laughs.
“Silly daddy. No monsters can get Faith. You protect her.”
They climb in the tent. Their giggles fill the garden.
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I am 100% sure Nico and Will are Alec Benjamin STANS someone write this and tag me 🙌🙌🙌
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The art is not mine btw I have not talent whatsoever*
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Apollo is restored to Olympus. The Oracle of Delphi is functional again. And the next Great Prophecy is given.
Peter Johnson is about to be in for a rude awakening.
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legolasghosty · 2 years
Can I request 18. I know autumn camping trips are totally aesthetic but it’s cold as shit in this tent, can we snuggle? for either Boggie or Flarrie? Your choice.
- @michelangelinden
You say or, I say and. Same thing, right? /j Anyways, this one got a bit long, but oh well. This AU just turned into a whole thing in my head, so.... Idk, maybe there will be more of it in the future? Hope you like it! Love you!!!!
The Great Wilson Family Camping Adventure felt like it was doomed even before it began.
Carrie's dad had been going on and on about this plan for months, how he was going to take his kids out into the woods so they could all get to know each other and become closer as a family, away from all the regular pressure of work and school. Yup, kids, plural. 
Ever since Trevor had discovered that his old ex-girlfriend had a son, his son, life in the Wilson household had been a rollercoaster. Carrie was pretty sure she’d never forget coming into the kitchen and discovering her dad on a video call with some woman she’d never seen before. Okay, the video call thing wasn’t that uncommon, though he usually did that sort of stuff in the den. What was unusual about it was the set of her dad’s jaw, the hand clenched around a glass so hard that Carrie was afraid it would shatter, and the even tone he only used when he was nearing a breaking point and didn’t want to show it.
It had taken some time for the whole story to come out, but eventually Carrie had pieced together that her dad had dated this girl back before meeting Carrie’s mom, and that they’d broken up because she was going out with someone else behind his back. The woman had moved away from the area, neither her nor Trevor realizing she was pregnant.
The next part of the story was blurry at best, since the only one who was both willing and able to talk about it had been six or seven at the time. But as near as Carrie could figure out, there had been some… issues in the life of Dierdra Shaw leading to many things, including a CPS investigation and her son, Bobby, going to live with his grandparents in Los Angeles.
And so, by some weird, cruel twist of fate, one of Julie’s bandmates turned out to be Carrie’s biological half-brother.
Carrie didn’t have any issues with Bobby, per se, but… it wasn’t like they had much in common. He liked alt-rock and lived in the same pair of vans 24/7. She preferred pop and power ballads and would change shoes at least twice a day, thanks to dance classes and various events. And her dad, their dad, was making all of them go camping together. For ‘family bonding’ or something.
But at ‘family dinner’ a few nights before they left, her dad had asked Bobby if there was anything he wanted to bring to make it more comfortable or fun. It was a reasonable question, but instead of bringing up food or a space heater like Trevor was probably expecting, Bobby had hesitantly asked if it would be okay for him to bring Reggie, his bandmate and boyfriend.
That night, after Bobby had confirmed all the plans for the trip and gone home, Carrie had asked her dad if Flynn could join them as well, since Reggie was coming. Her dad had made excuses about how Reggie was just coming since Bobby didn’t know either of them that well, but Carrie had refused to budge. Whether her dad acknowledged it or not, this was an awkward situation for her too.
“Okay, I think that’s our site.”
Her dad’s overly cheery tone pulled Carrie out of her thoughts. She looked up from her phone just as he parked the SUV. Her dad and Reggie had both tried to get people talking at the start of the three-hour trek, but with Carrie and Bobby stuck in the middle together, things hadn’t exactly gotten chatty. It had quickly turned into an ‘everyone has their headphones on and is ignoring each other’ type of drive, apart from Reggie and Trevor in the front seat. Carrie really hoped Bobby couldn’t tell that she spent most of the time texting with her girlfriend, who was literally sitting right behind her.
Look, it was just awkward, okay? She and Bobby had always been chill, but they weren’t friends, not really. To her, he was Julie’s bandmate and Reggie’s boyfriend. He probably thought of her as Julie’s friend or Flynn’s girlfriend or something. But her brother? No, that was just too weird. 
But she also cared about her dad. She hadn’t seen him this anxiously excited in years. So she could do this. And she had Flynn to keep her sane while they all did something Carrie was 99% sure her dad hadn’t done since he was little.
“Ah, smell that fresh mountain air,” Trevor declared enthusiastically as he climbed out of the car.
Bobby still had one earbud in, but at Reggie’s encouraging nod, he said, “Yeah, it’s nice.”
Carrie was pretty sure her dad’s smile was going to blind someone if he kept it up. She slid out of the car and walked quickly around to the trunk. “The tent is going to be big enough for all five of us, right?” she asked.
“Sure it will be,” Trevor responded, opening the trunk and pulling out a big, blue cooler that Carrie knew he must have borrowed from Julie’s dad. “Bobby, you wanna help me get it set up?” he asked, pulling the tent (also most likely belonging to the Molinas) out of the back.
Bobby shifted uncomfortably but shrugged. “Sure,” he said quietly.
Reggie followed the two men over to the middle of the campsite, where there was a large flat area for the tent. Carrie started pulling bags of food out of the trunk while they dealt with the tent.
“How you holding up,” Flynn asked quietly, taking a bag from her.
“I’m fine I guess,” Carrie answered, leaning on her girlfriend’s shoulder.
Flynn raised their eyebrows, making it clear that they knew it was a lie, but she didn’t push it. Instead, she helped Carrie unpack the van, setting all the food on the wooden picnic table, which looked about two minutes from collapsing, and piling the sleeping bags in the backseat until the tent was ready for them.
Then, because her dad, Bobby, and Reggie were still struggling with the tent, Carrie carefully started on dinner. Thank goodness her dad had brought the little propane stove, since she had no idea how to cook over a fire. Flynn managed to get it turned on and they got some water boiling without too many issues. Carrie poured in what should be enough pasta for everyone to cook, standing guard so it didn’t boil over. Flynn moved behind her and wrapped their arms around her waist.
“You having a good time back there?” Carrie snarked as Flynn rested their chin on her shoulder.
“I’m watching my hot girlfriend make me dinner, I’m having a great time,” Flynn retorted.
“Flattery won’t get you food any sooner,” Carrie sassed, ignoring the flush in her cheeks at both the compliment and her partner’s proximity. “You’re still gonna have to wait till this finishes.”
“Awww, not even a little taste?” Flynn asked innocently, batting her eyelashes. “Someone has to make sure it’s not poisoned.”
“Wow, you think I’d poison you?” Carrie responded, tone dripping with mocking sweetness. “Please, I could think of a million better ways to kill you if that’s what I wanted, sweetie.”
“Oh yeah, like what?” Flynn challenged, leaning in closer so Carrie felt the words against her cheek.
“Who’s poisoning dinner?” Trevor asked, coming up to them with a confused expression.
Carrie rolled her eyes. “No one, dad, it was a joke,” she informed him as she checked the pasta. It seemed to be done, so she carefully lifted it off the stove.
“Here, let me help,” Bobby said, grabbing the strainer and holding it out for her.
Carrie was surprised by the gesture but carefully poured the pasta into the offered container. Once she mixed it with the sauce, they all settled down around the table to eat. Carrie was glad when Flynn immediately settled against her side, letting Carrie lean on her without it being so obvious to the rest of the group.
“So, Bobby, what’s your favorite thing to do out here in the woods?” Carrie’s dad asked, grinning widely.
“Uh, I mean, I’ve never been here,” Bobby responded uncertainly. “Lola didn’t like driving this far, so we usually stayed closer to the city.”
The table fell into an awkward silence for a minute. Carrie could feel the tension building with every passing second, but she had no idea how to break it without making things worse. She wasn’t even sure she wanted it broken. Because this was how it was now, all the time. At school events and barbeque parties at the Molinas’ and the ‘family dinners’ that her dad had never even tried to make happen before he realized he had another kid. It was mean, but a part of Carrie wished all that tension would just snap like a rubber band, hurling everyones’ lives back to how they were before. 
“Well you can’t have a good camping trip without s’mores,” Reggie commented finally.
“Yes!” Trevor exclaimed, locking onto the topic. “I haven’t made them in years, but I have marshmallows and everything so we can give it a shot after dinner.”
“Did you get Reeses?” Flynn asked. “Peanut butter s’mores are God’s gift to humanity.”
The conversation continued between the three of them, both Carrie and Bobby staying quiet. Carrie was endlessly grateful to her partner for being willing to come on this dumpster fire of a camping trip. 
She glanced over at Bobby, trying to gauge his mood. He was staring at the table, not quite angrily, but… something. Carrie couldn’t put her finger on it, but it was intense, like poking your head into another room only to realize that a horror movie was playing inside. Scary, but not angry. Just… intense and unexpected. She was surprised to realize that she didn’t want to run away from it.
“Okay, Bobby, you want to help me build a fire?” her dad asked, pushing up to his feet.
Carrie tried to ignore the little sting that came from Bobby being the only one on the receiving end of the invite. She was getting used to that.
“Sure,” Bobby responded quietly, sticking his dirty bowl in the dish bin and heading over to the firepit.
The two men crouched by the rusty metal enclosure, Bobby reaching inside to carefully lay down some sticks. Reggie watched them for a minute, his face a mix of love and concern, then turned to Flynn and Carrie.
“You guys mind helping me with the dishes?” he asked, grabbing a bucket. “It’s a lot faster with more than one set of hands.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Flynn agreed.
Carrie quietly followed the pair over to the bathrooms, where Reggie filled up his bucket with warm water from the spigot outside.
“Hey, you doing okay?” Reggie asked Carrie as they walked back.
She looked up at him, startled by the question. “Shouldn’t you be asking your boyfriend that?” she responded, fighting to keep the instinctive snap out of her voice.
“I have been,” Reggie answered. “And this whole thing is really hard for him. I can’t imagine it’s any easier for you. So are you doing okay?”
Carrie felt Flynn’s hand slip into hers as she considered how to answer. It wasn’t like she and Reggie were close at all, the only one of the guys she felt she really was close with was Alex, and maybe Willie. But they’d spent some time watching lousy Hallmark movies together after everyone else fell asleep at movie night. She’d bought him pizza for lunch. He’d given her a ride a few times. They weren’t quite friends, but…
“Not really,” she admitted. “It’s nothing against Bobby, it’s just this whole thing is… a lot.”
“That makes sense,” Flynn said, squeezing her hand.
They reached the campsite then and Reggie grabbed the dish soap and sponge to start doing the dishes. Flynn picked up a towel to dry them once he was done. Left without a task, Carrie sat back down at the picnic table, watching her dad and Bobby build their fire.
Just then, Bobby glanced back at her, that unreadable expression still on his face. “Hey Carrie, could you bring me the lighter?” he called.
Carrie raised an eyebrow and was about to point out that there was clearly a book of matches sticking out of his back pocket, but suddenly some part of his expression made sense. He wasn’t asking for a lighter, he was asking for a lifeline. Until Reggie had mentioned it a few minutes ago, Carrie hadn’t thought much about how this would feel from Bobby’s side of things. But suddenly finding out that some famous music star was your biological father, being pulled into a family you had no concept of, it couldn’t be easy. Especially with all of said biological father’s attention on you whenever you were in the same room.
“Yeah, just a sec,” she responded, glancing around the table for a minute before spotting the little green lighter. She grabbed it and joined Bobby and her dad by the firepit. She handed over the lighter, then placed herself between Bobby and her dad as she gave the little twig tent a skeptical look. “Is that actually gonna work?” she questioned.
Bobby shot her a grateful look at making some space between him and their dad, but didn’t comment. “Watch and learn,” he chuckled instead, setting a piece of crumpled paper inside and setting it on fire. 
Slowly but surely, the sticks started to catch. Bobby carefully fed larger branches and eventually logs into the dancing flames, looking more at peace here than Carrie had ever seen him outside of band practice and the occasional group movie night. She settled on a log bench beside the fire, watching the sparks fly up into the darkening sky. Flynn joined her a few minutes later, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Carrie rested her head gratefully on her girlfriend’s shoulder.
Her dad went back to the car to find a proper camp chair, complaining about his back, and Carrie could see some of the tension start to leave Bobby’s body as the distance between them grew. Reggie dropped onto another log right behind Bobby, and he leaned back against his legs, shooting a smile up at his boyfriend and receiving a quick peck on the lips. Carrie smiled as she watched them. Regardless of her relationship to Bobby, she was glad to see the two of them so happy together. That little spark of joy at seeing another happy queer couple didn’t go away just because one of them was suddenly your half-brother. 
When her dad returned, he started telling stories. Carrie suspected it was an attempt to avoid the awkward silence. But she’d heard most of them before, so she let herself tune him out in favor of breathing in the clean air of the woods and the fruity scent of Flynn’s body wash. Their sweater was soft against her skin, her fingers tracing patterns on Carrie’s shoulder. If her dad wasn’t literally five feet away, Carrie would probably have leaned up and kissed her. Not that her dad was homophobic, but… kissing in front of your dad just felt wrong.
Bobby seemed to have fallen into a similar zoned-out state, poking the fire every so often with a long stick and leaning back to rest his head against Reggie’s knees. One of the bassist’s hands wove slowly through Bobby’s dark hair as the night fell. A few stars appeared in the sky, scattered with the rising sparks from the fire. Trevor finally fell silent, just watching the fire. Carrie was glad. She got wanting to bond with the son you never knew you had, but he’d been laying it on way too heavy, clearly making everyone uncomfortable.
If there was one thing Carrie had learned in the past few years, it was that you couldn’t force relationships to happen. She’d tried it a million times, with Nick, with Julie, with Flynn. She’d tried to make things fit what she wanted without doing the hard work to reach that real place of trust, and it had caused pain for everyone. She’d made her peace with all of them now, counting Nick and Julie as her best friends and stealing kisses with Flynn after shows, but it had taken a long time. Family wasn’t built in a day.
After a while, Bobby softly informed them all that the fire was low enough for roasting marshmallows. Reggie jumped up almost immediately, almost making Bobby fall with how fast he ran to grab the s’more supplies from the table. Carrie’s dad seemed almost as excited, handing out roasting sticks and moving his chair so he could try and make his without having to sit on the ground.
Reggie quickly readied his stick and started toasting his marshmallow, giggling about something with Bobby as he slowly turned the stick. Bobby just smiled and sat down beside him with his own sugary treat.
“Yeah I have no idea how to do this,” Carrie hissed to her girlfriend, watching the boys in confusion.
Flynn laughed, then pulled her to her feet. “I got you, babe,” they promised. “Ray taught me all the tricks.”
Carrie rolled her eyes affectionately and let Flynn stick a marshmallow onto the end of her stick. They settled beside the fire as Flynn showed her how to find the hot spots and keep rotating her rod so the sugar didn’t burn. At one point, she glanced up and caught Bobby’s eye over the hot coals. He smiled. It was a bit awkward, but well… having a civil conversation with Julie was awkward for a while too. She smiled back.
Later, after they’d probably all had too much sugar and Bobby had put out the fire, they brushed their teeth in the dirty, communal bathroom and changed into pajamas. Carrie was glad she’d brought some thicker, fluffy pants to sleep in, because she was starting to shiver by the time they got back to the tent. Reggie had clearly not had the same thought, as he was wearing thin, red flannel pants and curling into Bobby’s side almost immediately when they left the bathrooms.
Her dad flipped on the little space heater in the tent, then crawled into his own sleeping bag.
“Goodnight, sleep tight, don’t do anything you wouldn’t want me seeing,” he muttered sleepily as he slumped down onto his pillow.
Carrie fought the urge to burst out laughing. When she glanced over at the others in the dim light of Reggie’s flashlight, she could see similar expressions of amusement on their faces, though Bobby looked a bit red as well.
“He does realize we’re literally all sex-averse or something, right?” Flynn whispered.
“I haven’t even tried having that conversation with him yet,” Carrie responded wryly. “Can you imagine telling your dad that he didn’t really have to go through the extreme awkwardness of giving you The Talk because you never wanted to do that anyways?”
Everyone laughed and settled into their sleeping bags, Carrie the closest to the entrance with Flynn beside her and Bobby and Reggie near the back. The space heater was in the middle of the space, but it wasn’t really warming it up very quickly. Carrie could hear Reggie shivering after a few minutes, and then a whispered voice.
“Hey, I know camping trips are supposed to be an aesthetic or something, but it’s freezing,” Reggie hissed, probably to Bobby. “Can we please cuddle?”
Carrie heard a low chuckle from Bobby, and then the swishing sounds of the two moving closer together. She couldn’t quite make out their hushed words, but she smiled anyways. Yeah, this was the most awkward (and only) camping trip she’d ever been on, but she was glad they were here.
Well, okay, she wasn’t hugely fond of here here, she could live without the smell of woodsmoke in her hair and the pine needles that kept appearing in literally everything, but it was nice to be out with her dad and Flynn and Reggie and her brother. Stepbrother? Half brother? They could figure that one out later. But for the first time since she’d walked in on her dad giving his laptop a death glare, she felt like they might actually be something, not just blood, but maybe something akin to family.
“You doing okay?” Flynn hummed in the darkness.
“Yeah, I am,” Carrie answered honestly.
“Good, because I’m freezing,” Flynn stated. “Aesthetics are overrated, I want cuddles.”
“You stole that from Reggie,” Carrie accused, giggling.
“You got a problem with it?” Flynn snarked back.
“No,” Carrie chuckled, shifting over and partially unzipping her sleeping bag to wrap her arms around her girlfriend. 
“Good,” Flynn said, curling closer and nuzzling into the crook of Carrie’s neck. “Cause I need some of that hot Wilson body heat right now.”
Carrie smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of her partner’s head. “Goodnight, love you.”
“Night, love you too.”
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Headcannon/fanfic prompt vis-a-vis the Postcards from Snagglepuss
Picture, if you will, Snagglepuss and Huckleberry Hound, on their motorhome experiences across America, getting a case of Camp Coffee and Chicory Essence from Jolly Olde England ... and actually making use of it as the coffee of choice for the crew, especially as such requires adding boiling water (or, alternately, hot milk) to a little of the liquid essence in a mug.
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So many prompts to choose from. What can we find in the archive today?
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Going Camping!  Camp is everywhere this week. In its broadest definition, Camp is something so over-the-top, in poor taste, or ostentatiously awful it's enjoyed as ridiculous or ironic. Ideally both at the same time. To say camp has no standards is to misunderstand its true nature: it’s not mainstream, doesn’t want to be, and is quite happy as it is thank you very much. This week’s challenge is to incorporate camp in your writing. Introduce (or bring back) a campy character. Include a campy setting. Tell a campy story. Write something campy!
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leo-ji · 5 months
The red strings of fate
Here me out:
In the original Chinese myth of the red string of fate, the strings are tied around the ankles. Imagine leoji first meeting where they are sharing the ice, perhaps at a training camp or the warmup/practice session before a competition (maybe in their junior years?). The first time they cross paths, as in literally cross patha on the ice, their red strings physically manifest and they both trip and fall. OR the string remains invisible, but the first time they cross paths they are on the ice and they make eye contact and the invisible string choose that moment to make them trip and fall. They share a laugh and help each other up, and they get chatting from there. And thus marks the beginning of their story 🥰🥰🥰
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