#camille is one dumb boy in the books
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while i understand where you're coming from, i also think that period is just exceptionally telling when it comes to characterizations and growing pains.
for so long simon wasn't able to get the one girl he wanted, and now he's suddenly presented with two incredible options. he isn't in any sort of agreed upon commitment to either of them, and frankly, he doesn't really know the decorum when it comes to a relationship because, again, he's never been in one (and he's a dumb teenage boy with dumb teenage boy friends giving him shit advice). so he continues taking them both out, not wanting to decide and hurt the other one's feelings.
and i think, in a lot of ways, this indecision is indicative of a lot more than one friend or the other. maia interacts with simon like clary does. they play video games, they chill. maia is so much more like what simon would have pictured himself with for the last ten years of his infatuation with clary. isabelle is not. izzy is dangerous and cool and different. and that alone must feel like a lot since so much of simon's life has shifted on its axis in the past few weeks.. it makes sense he'd be weighing between comfort and jumping into feelings he's been warned against.
and while we're talking about his life shifting.. in addition to his little love triangle, cofa is the book when camille is whispering in simon's ear and his mom kicks him out and his vampire urges are having consequences, and he's really struggling to find his own path because his existence is so damn unique. he can't play at being mundane any longer, but he also doesn't fully have a place among the vampires because of his daylighter abilities, because of the mark of cain. and of course he'll never be nephilim at this point, but that's where his best friend is, that's who was surrounding him when he dug himself out of the grave, that's who he's already risked and sacrificed for just as they have for him. he's tied to the shadowhunters in a way that goes beyond the definition of his being. so of course he's looking at these two girls, each of whom represents a life he's being asked to choose between, and not being able to choose between them. of course he's putting off tying himself to a downworlder while he's putting off drinking blood to the point of near starvation.
additionally, this entire situation requires isabelle to be put in a place where she is unexpectedly hurt. unexpectedly because it's just simon, but also unexpectedly, because she isn't used to shit affecting her like this. and she has to decide what that means for her and how she wants to move forward with the knowledge that simon somehow holds even a fraction of a power she's never let any guy hold.
i think for maia, simon is also someone she didn't expect to hurt her, but instead of that leading her to decide whether she'll continue allowing him to, it reveals that even the safest options aren't always gonna be safe. anyone can hurt you, even when they mean best. i think it's at least a step in the direction that leads her to forgiving jordan and letting him back into her life, at least for a time, at least to allow what was between them before to be nudged to its natural breaking point, rather than allowing jordan's unintentional attack to be the thing that tore them apart, rather than allowing that fear and anger to remain within her.
like idk.. it makes sense. it's not pretty, and feels a little icky, but it makes sense for simon to be doing this both in canon and meta. and it makes sense as a rough stepping stone for the three of them to compel them on through the narrative.
The whole Simon/Maia/Izzy thing in city of fallen angels always made me so MADDDD. Out of the many plot lines I’d get rid of in tmi, that’s one of them 😭😭
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Excerpt of Przybyszewska's Danton Case, act II scene 2
DANTON: [...] Our blood will cease to nurture the soil of our borders. In a week's time you embrace those who are moaning today in the dungeons of the new Bastilles for daring to demand universal freedom. Fabre will fall into your arms-
[unexpectedly like a gunshot]
What ... that falsifier?!
CAMILLE: So you believe in this shameless slander, this satanic lie of the Committees?! Fabre! The dove-hearted poet!
Delacroix and Bourdon exchange a private smile.
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draco x fem!ravenclaw reader / postwar au series
warnings: none that i know of :)
wc: 3381
pls let me know if you want to be tagged!! tags below:
@slyth3rin-princess @lovesanimals0000 @cappgyuccino @lightning1ce @onlygetaway @honeyyypeach @namelesslosers @ghostyv @mikadorbs @redactedhimbo @morganadpl @scarecrowscaresthomas @camille-1019 @valkyrie418 @animeloverfreak310 @budugu @marplest @torresbarnes @bunny24sstuff @champagneesupernova

Chapter Eight - The Astronomy Tower
You made a pact that night to see each other more. The two of you made an agreement that twice a week you would meet in the Astronomy tower, and for the last two weeks you had been doing just that. One night he bought his set of wizard chess, and you learnt that Draco's competitiveness was off the charts, so much so he got in a strop each time you won. Another night he helped you with your History of Magic essay and you bonded over how much of a bore professor Binns was. Draco was good with words when it came to writing them, which uncovered something else about him: he could write what he couldn't say. He'd spent so long accepting others' opinions and forcing them to be his own that he'd lost the ability to speak how he feels, but in writing, he could go on and on about anything he was passionate about. You suggested to him that if he didn't know how to say it, then he should write it down for you, and that way you could understand him more. It took a day or so, but he came back with a written note that said 'I think that's a good idea'.
By the fourth week of term, you were getting along better than ever. Draco would pass you notes after classes, asking if you wanted to meet earlier or if you were free an extra day. He found it a lot easier than asking you outright, and you'd come to love his little notes. Hermione still hadn't said a thing, even though at this point she had most definitely seen him passing pieces of paper to you. It wasn't until later that week, on the Thursday, the same night you were going up to the Astronomy tower, that she said something.
"You seem to get along with Malfoy these days."
You stopped mid-sentence of your book, glancing across the bed at her. She was busy reading her own book on the end of your bed, something you did together often. The silence you shared whilst reading was something that marked your friendship, as it was never awkward. If anything, it was peaceful.
"What do you mean?" you play dumb, and she sighs, slotting her bookmark between the pages.
"I've seen how he is with you," she raises an eyebrow, "passing notes, hugging, what's going on? Are you seeing each other?"
"Huh?" you sound, eyes widening and chest tightening, "no, not at all, we're just friends. We sort of got along during the potions project and he stuck around."
She gives you a knowing look, a small, cheeky smile on her face.
"He just, stuck around, did he?" she presses playfully, "doesn't sound much like Malfoy."
You feel your cheeks getting hotter, shutting your book without marking the page because Hermione was looking at you with such a mischievous glint in her eye, and sat up straight.
"Draco and I are just friends," you state simply, but you're rambling, and she notices how you're more so telling yourself than you are her, "he's trying to change, and I can appreciate that, and I enjoy spending time with him, and I think, or more so, hope, he likes spending time with me, too."
Hermione can't hold it anymore. She laughs breathlessly at your flustered expression, and even more so when you glare at her. You allow her to get over whatever is so amusing, and then cross your arms in frustration.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing," she says, wiping a tear from her eye, "I've just never seen you so bothered about a boy before, and it's Malfoy, I just never imagined."
"I am not bothered," you protest, "the time we spend together is strictly platonic."
"If you say so," she waves her hands, "but even if it wasn't, it wouldn't matter, you know."
She offers you a reassuring smile, one that says she's not one bit fussed about it, and that you should just be open and honest, because she's your friend, and she loves you. You calm down a bit, the thudding of your heart slowing and shoulders relaxing. If you were to be honest, you didn't know how you felt about it. It had all happened so fast, and now you were spending frequent time with one another, and it was fun. You looked forward to it, to seeing him, but your feelings were indecipherable and mixed up. All you knew is that you liked being with him.
"Sometimes I feel nervous around him," you admit, "and then other times I feel really comfortable. I don't know what to think at this point."
"Does it really matter?" she questions, "he's just a guy. I mean yeah, he's Malfoy, but I can imagine he has some desirable qualities."
"He has many," you find yourself saying, and her smile grows wider, "he's actually really clever, and sensitive, and I've learnt so much about him and I'm talking too much aren't I?"
Hermione giggles, and shuffles across the bed to sit next to you.
"You want to know what I think?" she asks, and you nod, "I think you should just enjoy whatever you have right now. There's nothing that says you need to make it more than what it is, so just relax. I think we all deserve to have some fun, don't you?"
A smile curls at your lips, and you laugh, dropping your head to her shoulder.
"Merlin, what has the world come to." You mutter, and she chuckles.
"If you had said that over Christmas, you'd be playing buddies with Malfoy I wouldn't have believed you," she jokes, "but seriously, do what makes you happy. Kiss him for all I care."
"Kiss him?" you repeated loudly, shooting up like a deer in the headlights, "are you serious?"
She laughs even harder.
"I'm not saying you have to," she says through her laughter, "I was kidding."
You join in, both of you now belly laughing and holding hands. Hermione truly was an expectational friend, and in that moment, you thanked your lucky stars that she was still around to keep you sane.
"That one right there is the Ursa Major, but most people call it the Big Dipper," Draco tells you, bottle of beer in his hand as the other points towards the sky, "and that one is mine. Draco, which just means Dragon in Latin."
You're looking where he's pointing, but you're also looking at him, because he's so passionate about the stars that it warms your heart. After Hermione left, you carried a blanket up to the Astronomy tower, and as if he'd read your mind, he bought along beer and snacks. Three beers in he'd started talking about how much he loves astrology, and for the last half an hour or so he'd been showing you the constellations in the sky tonight. It wasn't a usual thing for Draco to share his interests with someone, but you always displayed so much enthusiasm, even if you didn't understand it. He really liked that about you, it made him want to show you things. So, there you both sat, blanket over your laps as you listened and sipped beer.
"I never clocked you were named after a constellation," you said, and he looks down at you curled under your side of the blanket, "that's so cool."
"You think?" he asks, "my mother's side of the family have a tradition with names like mine. My aunt Bella was named after a star, and my mother's name Narcissa is from Greek mythology."
"How interesting," you breathe, and you meant it, he could tell, "I love that your mother kept that tradition going. Do you think you will when you have children?"
He goes quiet for a moment and looks back at the sky, knitting his eyebrows together.
"I haven't really thought about it," he mumbles.
"Children and marriage are far away," you tell him, shuffling under the blanket, "so it's not like you need to think about it right now."
He laughs sadly, and you give him a questioning look.
"Mother is rather fixated on marriage," he said, "so I don't have any choice but to think about it, unfortunately."
"She wants you to get married?"
"As soon as possible," he sighs deeply, "she keeps introducing me to these random girls, and each of them have as much personality as I can fit in my little finger."
You go back to looking out into the night, fiddling with the label on your bottle. Your parents had never pushed you to meet someone, or marry them, for that matter, so you couldn't imagine having that kind of pressure. Then you start thinking how beautiful these girls probably are, and what he said to you back at the manor starts playing on your mind. Too bookish, he said. If he turns down women his mother picks for him, then he was possibly being nice when he said that to you.
"What kind of girl do you want?" you find yourself asking him. He turns a little to face you properly.
"Why do you ask?"
"You say these girls your mother picks have no personality," you gesture with your free hand, "so, if they don't fit the bill, who would?"
Draco takes his time to answer. His eyes flicker over your face, and his expression tells you he's thinking hard about that question. You gaze back at his sharp features and glistening eyes, such a strikingly blue-grey colour, and think how beautiful this boy really is. He's tall, slim but well built, with blonde hair and a handsome face. He's smart, and when he knows you well enough, his emotional intelligence shines. Maybe you did like him, a little bit more than you could stomach.
"I don't really know," he begins to say, still looking directly at you, and it's starting to make you feel nervous, "I've only been with girls I find physically attractive."
You blink and raise your eyebrows at him, giving him a scrutinising look. Like his mother does.
"Does that sound bad?" he grimaces. Not knowing what else to say, you laugh.
"Draco," you say, "are you telling me you've only ever gone on looks?"
"I haven't cared about anything else," he shrugs, and he's being deadly serious, "personality wasn't exactly needed for what we were doing-"
"Okay," you stop him, holding your hand up, "stop right there, Malfoy. I do not want to hear about that area of your life, thank you."
For a moment you both just look at each other, and then burst out laughing. He's genuinely laughing as well, hand on his stomach and head against the wall behind you. As you calm down, you look across at him and it makes you feel so good to see him like this. Carefree, relaxed, happy. He's so pretty when he laughs, too.
"I like it when you laugh," you say out loud, and his laughter comes to a holt, as the mortifying realisation comes that you just said that to him. You wave a dismissive hand and look away from him, "that was weird, I'm sorry."
"It wasn't weird," he says, in such a nice way that it makes you feel even worse, and then he's shuffling on the spot and clearing his throat, "I, uh, like it when you laugh too."
You look at him from the corner of your eye and see that he's ripping the label from the bottle and keeping his eyes firmly on what he was doing. Is he blushing? You couldn't really tell with the lighting, but he suddenly seems inside himself. You tuck some hair behind your ear.
"Hey, Draco," you say, and he glances up at you, "I'm glad were hanging out together."
His cheeks are certainly deeper in colour, and he doesn't know where to look or what to do with his hands or any of him really. He just runs a hand through his hair and ruffles it slightly.
"Same here," he mutters, looking towards the ground, "I feel better with you around."
That makes you grin like an idiot. You like him. Oh Christ, you like him.
"It's so strange to think that a few weeks ago we were bickering like siblings," you say, smiling at him. He smiles back, moving a little closer, and you automatically lean against his arm.
"You know at the weekend," he said quietly, "do you want to go out in Hogsmeade?"
For a second you think he's asking you on a date, and your mind starts racing, until he says, "just go and get a beer or something, you know, as friends?"
Friends. What did that even mean? Here you were, huddled under a blanket in the Astronomy tower. Is that what friends do? He had no idea. Truth was, Draco had never liked a girl enough to date them. He didn't even know what a crush felt like, but he knew that you made him feel good, and that he thought you were attractive, with a wicked sense of humour and a kind, compassionate heart. Is that a crush? How would he even know? So many questions flooded his head, but he never said a word. But then you smile and say, "sure, that sounds lovely," and he can't help but feel absolutely elated.
"I'll pick you up outside your dorm, around seven like usual?" he asks.
"Seven is good," you agree, and he's doing that thing again when his eyes travel the expanse of your face and then back to meet yours. You narrow your eyes, "you always do that."
"Do what?"
"Look at me like that," you softly, "as if you're memorising how I look."
"Maybe I am," he mutters. Was that a confession? Is that what he's doing? It is what he's doing, but did he really want you to know that? He just thinks you're pretty, is that not what you do when you think someone is pretty? He starts spiralling, and you can see it in his eyes, "forget I said that. I have alcohol in me right now."
"Right," you breathe, taking your eyes off him, "of course."
"Wait, that was a shitty thing to say," he rushes out, fumbling to make it right, "I'm just kind of drunk."
"It's fine," you wave a dismissive hand, "don't worry about it."
"No," he says passionately, and your head snaps in his direction, "it's not fine, because I didn't mean it like that. You're beautiful, and you should know that. Inside and out."
It fell silent, but it was possibly the loudest silence you'd ever heard. He's breathing heavily from how frustrated he'd just gotten, and your head is spinning and heart thundering against your ribcage.
"What did you just say?"
"You heard me," he mumbles, staring at the ground, "don't make me repeat it."
"So I'm beautiful but too bookish?"
"Just forget about that, alright?" he snaps quietly, "I was just being dumb. You're not bookish, you're really fucking smart. There's a difference."
The smile on your face gets so big that your cheeks start to hurt, and you lean against his shoulder and nuzzle closer to him. He doesn't go stiff like he usually does, in fact he seems to melt into it, resting his head on top of yours.
"Thank you for that," you whisper to him.
He just huffs.
"Don't get used to it," he whispers back, but you know he's just feeling bruised because he outed some real feelings to you. You think it's sweet, how irritable he is when things get serious. After a while, you reach over and take his hand, lacing your fingers with his like you had done before. He doesn't stop you; he welcomes it. You sink deeper into him, sighing in contentment. Whatever this relationship of yours was, it was turning into something beautifully vulnerable. __________________________
When Friday evening rolls around, Draco's last class seemed to run on forever. He doesn't share this one with you, unfortunately. Retaking Divination felt like a good idea when choosing his subjects, but he was quickly coming to realise that Trelawney really is just a daft old bat as he packs up his things and leaves. He wishes he had your company to look forward to, but tonight is your study date with Granger. Typical that it was her taking your time away from him. He trudges back to his dorm, ready to sink into bed and forget the world for a while, when he hears the familiar tone of Professor McGonagall calling him down the corridor.
"Mr Malfoy," her voice rings out, and he turns to see her walking towards him, "I take it you have a few moments to spare?"
"I suppose so, professor," he answers, "what can I do for you?"
"Well, not so much me," she says, looking down her nose at him, "your mother is currently in my office and wishes to speak with you."
Mother. His mind starts racing. What could she possibly want during a school term? She never bothers him usually, only the odd letter. McGonagall could see he was beginning to worry, and she offered a comforting smile.
"I'm sure it's nothing serious," she said softly, "the sooner you see her, the sooner you can get back to your plans for this evening."
He nods in agreement, and begins to follow McGonagall to her office, previously the office of Professor Dumbledore. It's a long walk from where he was, but with all the panicked thinking he was doing it went by rather fast. McGonagall mutters the password, and the stairs begin to curl around to mighty stone eagle. He follows her up the steps, and she waves her wand to open the grand door to the headmistress's office. Draco enters cautiously, Narcissa turning to see him, smiling as he walks to stand a good distance away from her. She's holding a pair of leather gloves in her hand, a small black handbag on her arm. As always, she's dressed in high fashion, with bold red lipstick and her hair in a tight bun.
"Mother," he greets her.
"I shall leave you both in peace," McGonagall says promptly, "take all the time that you need."
She then exits, the large door shutting behind her with a thud.
"Draco," Narcissa says, "how nice to see you, my dear."
"Why are you here?" he asks outright, and Narcissa's smile begins to falter.
"Not the nicest way to greet your mother, Draco," she comments, walking to close the gap slightly between them. He's eyeing her cautiously, "I'm here to pass on some news."
"Such as?"
"I have an outing planned for you," her smile returns, "Your father and I had the pleasure of dining with the Greengrass family last weekend, and Astoria's mother is keen on you. So, I took the liberty in sorting a private luncheon in Hogsmeade this Sunday."
"For our families?" he knits his eyebrows together and gets a funny feeling in his stomach when his mother shakes her head.
"Just the two of you," Narcissa said, "you should try to get to know her better, Draco."
"I've already told you, mother," Draco stresses, "I don't have any desire to know her that way."
"That is beside the point, Draco," his mother says sternly, "she is a good fit for you, and you should be thankful that such a prestigious family has interest, especially since-"
"Our family name is ruined?"
Narcissa takes a sharp intake of breath, mortified at her son's outburst. Her expression becomes one of fury, and she takes an intimidating step towards him.
"Now, you listen to me," she says threateningly, her voice low and scarily calm, "if you ever speak to me like that again, I will pull you out of this school and marry you off to the next woman I lay my eyes on, are we clear?"
Draco gulps. He wasn't exactly scared of his mother, not like he was his father, but he knew as well anybody, that Narcissa meant what she said.
"Yes, mother," he mutters. Narcissa smiles at him again.
"Good, I don't wish to fight with you, my dear," her voice changes, now soft and light, "we only want the absolute best for you, and we believe finding a suitable wife will benefit in the future. Now, be a darling and attend this lunch for me. Can you do that, Draco?"
He nods, wordlessly accepting it, and his mother places a kiss to his cheek before slipping on her gloves. The only thing he feels right now is a blistering anger.
"I'll owl over the details," she goes on to say, making her way towards the door McGonagall left through, "and make sure to wear something nice, alright?"
disclaimer: i do not own hp or any of the characters in this story
dividers from: @firefly-graphics & @happy-ash-edits
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What Do I Do? Pt.2
Characters: James Diamond, Kendall Knight, Hortense “Logan” Mitchell, Carlos Garcia, Fem!reader, Camille Roberts
Warnings: Shenanigans, Camille helping the boys apologize to you, the reader and the boys befriending one another
Word Count: 713
What Do I Do?
*Pre-celebratory 700 follower post*
“Whose song book could it be?”
The three turned to Carlos.
“What?” He asked.
“Ignoring him. How do we find her?” Logan asked.
“We could try to ask Bitters?” Kendall suggests.
“Or,” Camille said, standing beside them.
The boys jumped back, startled by her sudden appearance.
She smiled, “sorry, guys. Didn’t mean to scare you.”
Once they’ve managed to calm down, they let out a quiet huff.
“It’s okay,” Logan “assured” her.
“Do you know who the girl was?” Kendall chimed in.
“Of course, I do. She’s the one who helps me with rehearsing my lines. She’s actually really nice unless you do something- are you the ones who pushed her into the pool?”
They struggled to find a good enough response to make it sound like they didn’t but found it to be complicated the more they tried to plead their case.
“Yeah,” Carlos said with a frown.
“But we didn’t do it on purpose,” James added.
“Okay. Have you apologized yet?”
The ground suddenly seemed to be more interesting.
“How do you think it’ll go when you try to give her back the song book?”
“To be fair,” Kendall started, “we planned on apologizing when we gave back the journal but, well, you know.”
She scoffed, “yeah, I know.” Camille looked off to the side, “give me two minutes then you’re on your own.”
They placed their hands in front of her as if to do a handshake. “Deal.”
She exited the elevator, expecting Camille to be practicing her new lines in the lobby, making people run away in fear because they know her methods but to her surprise, she didn’t see it happening.
She furrowed her brows, wondering what’s going on and why does- “Why do you look guilty?”
The brunette said nothing for a few seconds. “You know you’re one of my best friends, right?”
She nodded, “yes but what does that have to do with this?”
“We’re really sorry.”
She jumps back, scared out of her mind at the four boys who popped out from behind the chairs and couch. “What?” She turned to her friend, “Cam, what’s going on? Who are these guys?”
The teen girl walked out of the lobby to go to the pool.
Logan approached first, holding the song book out for her to talk.
Once the other three saw that it was safe to walk closer, they were right there beside the brainiac.
“We felt bad about what happened earlier,” Kendall started.
“And we wanted to return this,” Carlos added.
“We’re sorry about what happened earlier. We didn’t mean to bump into you or push you into the pool,” James finished.
She flipped through the soaked, smudged pages. “Did any of you read what was in here?”
“Uh…” they all said.
“No?” Kendall winced and waited for her to lose her cool.
“If you did it’s okay. Honestly, I’d be surprised if you could read what I wrote.”
“Oh,” Carlos raised his hand. “I could. It was fun. You’re really talented.”
She didn’t look up from the soaked journal.
The guys noticed that her cheeks slowly turned into a deep pink.
“Thanks,” she muttered.
“Are you really not mad?” Logan asked.
The guys slowly and quietly smacked his arms, wondering what made him lose his mind and ask such a dumb question.
She shrugged, “I thought I lost it, clearly, I didn’t and now that it’s in my hands, it’s a little weird honestly but, thank you. I just- I think I’m a little shocked.”
“Shocked?” Carlos repeated.
“This thing is like my diary and all of these ideas-”
“Songs, yes. These songs that I write are a little personal.”
“Well, we’re just happy we were able to return it to you,” Kendall nodded with a smile.
“Yeah… that’s true.”
None of them moved.
“Do you want to join us?” He asked.
“What are you guys up to?”
“We have to go to the studio to practice but we could… hangout after?” James asked.
She shrugged, “why not?”
They started to walk towards the entrance of the Palm Woods, when Carlos asked, “why aren’t you as mad as you were before?”
“Well,” she paused, taking a moment to consider whether she wanted to respond or not. “I washed the chlorine off me.”
#big time rush#big time rush imagine#big time rush imagines#Big Time Rush Fanfiction#big time rush fanfic#big time rush boys#big time rush x reader#big time rush x you#big time rush x fem reader#big time rush x fem!reader#crazyk-imagine
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Promised Part 14 - Tom Riddle x reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Masterpost | Masterlist
Summary: In this story, Tom didn’t grow up as an orphan, but with his grandfather and uncle. Reader’s sister got very sick and the Gaunts offer their help. But not without asking for something in return.
Disclaimer: Please be aware that I don’t condone any of this in real life. (GIF is not mine)
Warnings: Arranged marriage
Word count: 3.7k
Part 14 - Gaunt Manor
The weeks after Nagini had shed and you had added her skin into the antidote got more and more exhausting. The potion needed tending up to twelve times a day now and unfortunately, you didn’t own a time turner. Both Tom and you had not gotten a full night’s sleep in a while and it started to show. Every day that went by seemed to last for an eternity while the circles under your eyes carved deeper and deeper by the minute.
The curriculum had gotten more challenging, as the teachers were preparing their students for the N.E.W.T.s. Homework was harder and more time consuming than in any other year before and you had to study for hours afterwards as well. These things alone were enough to wear out most students from year seven. Because of that, thankfully no one got suspicious of how drained you looked. Except for Camille. She had started to ask a lot of uncomfortable questions whenever you had left to take care of the potion. She knew you too well. Sneaking out every two hours to go to the Come and Go Room on top of your studies and school work had drained you to the point where you must have looked like a walking corpse.
One day, when Professor Leveret had dismissed you after an exceptionally long Astronomy lesson in the late evening, you had reached your breaking point and were on the brink of tears, pondering about failing every single subject at the end of the term. There was little to no energy left inside of you. So little, you couldn’t even bring yourself to cry, but merely stared into space with reddened eyes and parted lips. Tom brought you to his room that night and went to the Come and Go Room alone. And when you were in bed, you were too tired to fall asleep. How ironic. You never knew that was even possible. But once you weren’t distracted anymore, your mind started to wander. It was impossible to keep up with everything at once. You would either fail your N.E.W.T.s or spoil the potion. The latter would be worse of course and for no price would you let your sister down, so you mentally prepared yourself to either leave Hogwarts without graduating or repeat your entire seventh year. Oh, there were the tears. Finally. They ran and flowed along with hollow sobs and wouldn’t stop now that they were coming.
What if the Gaunts were so appalled by your failure that they would call the wedding off before you could cure Elsie? They could easily paint you as a disgrace for not completing school and make your sister pay for it. No matter how it would turn out, they would take it out on her. The plan had worked so well until now and yet you were still desperately trapped inside Marvolo’s web.
Half an hour must have passed when Tom came back. The cushion beneath you was damp from the tears that had rolled down your cheeks and you held your breath to prevent another whimper from escaping your mouth. You hastily wiped your face and turned your back on him, trying to breathe slowly and act as if you were asleep. But he noticed, of course. And even his well-chosen words of comfort couldn’t ease your mind. You couldn’t let yourself fall into his touch and allow yourself to drift off to sleep because you knew that in two hours, the circle would start once again.
The next day, when you sat on Tom’s sofa together to study for Transfiguration, and you had just started reading the same paragraph for the third time since you just couldn’t concentrate, it just rolled off your tongue.
“I can’t do this anymore.”
Tom looked up from his book. “What, the twentieth chapter? I just-”
“No, not this,” you sighed and threw your book on the coffee table. “I mean everything. This whole situation. It’s too much.”
“Well,” he said and laid his book aside too. “It certainly is a challenging time. The N.E.W.T.s, the schoolwork and the antidote.”
Challenging was an understatement.
“I just need a full night’s sleep, or two,” you mumbled. “And you do too. We need help, it’s inevitable.”
“Help?” he asked, brows raised. “What do you have in mind? Ask Hilt to look after the potion?”
His expression changed once he had seen how you shifted. “No. Don’t tell me that’s what you were thinking.”
“I thought about asking Camille for help. She wouldn’t tell anyone and she’s always been great at Potions,” you explained. “And then I thought, Ben would ask her where she’s going all the time. He wouldn’t leave her alone anyway. So I considered telling them both.”
Tom looked like he had been petrified for a second, not moving a muscle. “But you’d have to tell him about the pact.”
“I know.”
“That’s what he was after since the beginning.”
“Yes. But I think we can trust him.”
“You think?” he asked. “Why, because he’s stopped Freda’s quill? That’s enough to gain your trust?”
“It’s not like we have a lot of options, Tom,” you replied, slowly but surely getting annoyed by his constant suspicions. “Camille wouldn’t be with him if he was a snitch.”
“We will just plan better. It won’t be easy, but we-”
“No. This is too much work for two people. Just look at us. We’re both barely keeping up. It won’t be long until we’re completely worn out. We need help.”
Tom’s brows were furrowed, still not convinced even if he understood. You stretched out your hand towards him and waited for him to hold it.
“If we don’t ask for help we’re going to mess up. I’ll either fail my N.E.W.T.s or the antidote won’t be finished. No matter what happens, Elsie will pay for it. Please.”
Camille and Ben looked at Tom and you like you had both lost your minds when you took them to the seventh floor. They had asked so many questions on the way there, but you were far too tired to answer them all. Besides, they would just be able to see for themselves in a bit.
When you had arrived, you said to them once more: “I’m going to show you something now. And it is unbelievably important that you understand this needs to stay between us. No one else must know.”
Camille and Ben nodded, both with serious and still confused looks on their faces.
“And might I add,” Tom said as he looked directly at Ben. “That my memory charm is very powerful. If you can’t keep your mouth shut I’ll obliviate you and I might even make you forget that you have magic running through your veins.”
Ben nodded again. “Alright mate, I got it.”
The door to the Come and Go Room appeared and the two wore the same expression that you must have had when you had first seen it.
“Come in,” you said as you opened the door.
The room was a bit tight with the four of you in there. You stirred the liquid inside the cauldron like you did each time while Ben and Camille looked around curiously.
“A potions room?” Camille asked once the door had been closed. “Now, can you please tell us what’s going on?”
You looked at Tom, who stared back at you, lips pressed together and still unsure if what you were about to do was a good idea. But still, he nodded. He had every right to be suspicious, you had to admit now that you had brought them there. But Camille was to be trusted and frankly, you were far too tired to think of any consequences.
So you began to tell them everything from where it all had started, a day before the school year, at your house. Camille knew half of the story already, but once you told them about the Gaunts and that they were the ones who had cursed Elsie, she stood there wide-eyed, just like Ben.
“And this is why I wanted to ask you both for your help with the potion,” you said once you had told them every detail. “If you don’t mind of course. If you’re willing to help, everyone would just have to come here three times a day. That would make our lives a lot easier.”
They didn’t even need to look at each other and nodded right away.
“Of course,” Camille said. “It all makes sense now. Oh, you must be exhausted. Twelve times a day?”
“I can come more often if you want,” Ben chimed in. “I don’t have as much to do as you, my N.E.W.T.s are still a year away and I wouldn’t have bothered studying much this year anyway.”
“What a surprise,” Tom muttered, even though there was a hint of a smirk on his face.
“One more question,” Ben said. “What about the last ingredient? Banshee tears you said, right? Where are you going to get those?”
“Well. That’ll be the final obstacle.”
“My uncle owns a flask,” Tom explained. “He and my Grandfather will be out next week and we’ll go and try to get them. Our house-elves will be on high alert however, so it’s going to be risky.”
“So,” Ben said. “When are we going?”
“We?” Camille and you asked simultaneously.
“You can’t sneak your way in anyway with the elves around, right?” he said. “Four people are a better distraction than two. I’m in.”
“You weren’t even invited in,” Tom said.
“I don’t care,” Ben shrugged. “I’m still in if you need me.”
Tom sighed as he walked in circles around the cauldron, his hand covering his mouth while he considered Ben’s offer. “As much as I hate to admit it,” he then said. “I think you might be right. A distraction could be of benefit.”
“See?” Ben chuckled. “The muggleborn isn’t that dumb after all.”
“Oh brush off the arrogance, Hilt. We don’t have the flask yet.”
“Boys, please. Let’s discuss that another time and let me show you how to tend to the potion.”
You spent the following week planning for Saturday, when the Gaunts would leave their manor to attend the honouring of the Order of Merlin. You had also gotten some most needed hours of sleep. Not only that but just knowing that Camille and Ben were taking some weight off your shoulders made it much easier to concentrate on school and homework as well.
On Saturday evening, when you met at the fireplace connected to the Floo-Network, you went over your plan again.
“And don’t forget,” Tom said. “There are two house-elves. They’re loud, but not very bright. Much like Gryffindors.”
Camille stifled a laugh and looked over to Ben.
“Mate,” Ben replied. “Can you stop bullying me? I’m helping you out here.”
“Sorry,” Tom answered and bit the inside of his cheek. “I was just joking.”
“Oh yes. Riddle’s first joke in eighteen years and of course I take the fall.”
“Guys,” you scolded. “Get it together. Do you remember everything?”
“Yes,” Camille replied. “We are Theresa Carrow and Connor Prewett, your new and very pureblooded friends. We’ll be distracting the house-elves while Tom and you look for the flask. Once you got it, Tom will obliviate them and we'll come right back here.”
“Alright then,” you said as you watched Tom disappearing inside the fireplace. “See you there.”
The green flames consumed you whole once you let the Floo Powder fall and transported you swiftly to Gaunt manor, where you found yourself in a dark hallway, the reception hall, perhaps.
Tom was there already and offered his hand for you to step out of the fireplace. Camille came next, followed right by Ben. Before you could say anything, you heard two raspy, high-pitched voices coming your way.
“Who is it?” one voice asked. “Master? Is it you?”
“Show yourselves,” the other voice croaked and the elf snapped her fingers, making all the candles around the room light up. It still was dim, but you could see them a bit better now. Both of them were wrinkly and old, their faces scrunched up in suspicion. They didn’t look like the elves at your home at all but were hunching and worn out, completely different to Tummy. The male elf, Scrook, missed a large piece of his left ear and the female one, Hokey, walked with a severe limp.
“Master Riddle,” Scrook said once he had detected him and bowed tediously. “What do we owe the honour? Master Gaunt didn’t tell us you would visit today.”
“He didn’t?” Tom asked. “He must have forgotten. I told him that I’d come by today. Isn’t he here?”
“No Master,” Hokey answered. “They just left thirty minutes ago. Should we inform them for you?”
“Not necessary. I just wanted to treat my friends to dinner, you see. May I introduce you to Miss Carrow, Mister Prewett, and my fiancée.”
“Oh, networking, yes,” Scrook said and bowed once again. “Welcome to Gaunt manor.”
“Shall we prepare some food for you, Master?” Hokey asked.
“Certainly. Bring my guests to the sitting room, will you? I’ll join in a bit.”
“Of course, Master. Of course.”
The two elves escorted Camille and Ben to the back, bickering and wrangling like an old couple.
“Quick now,” Tom whispered to you and walked the opposite way, towards the basement. The whole mansion was cold and dark, mahogany bleakly spread across the floors and even on some walls. The marble staircase in the entrance hall might have looked impressive, but only added to the frigid aesthetic of the house.
“Allow me to ask, Mister Prewett,” Scrook said while Ben and Camille took a seat. “What magical family do you belong to? I’ve never heard your last name before.”
“I, uh. I’m related to the Black family,” Ben said.
“The noble and most ancient house of Black,” Hokey crowed. “What an honour.”
The corridor to Morfin’s chamber was long, you had walked there for at least a minute, and it got even colder with every step you took. When you finally reached the door at the far end, Tom halted and you took a deep breath. Tom turned the doorknob, but the entry remained closed.
“Locked,” he said. “Alohomora.”
The door stayed shut. Tom frowned. That would have been too easy.
“A different spell?” you asked. “Or is there a key somewhere?”
He shook his head. “No. It’s a charm.”
Merlin’s beard. What could it be? You thought about what Morfin could have done to lock the door. Something that only he or Marvolo would be able to use.
“What about Parseltongue?” you asked. “Does Morfin know it too?”
“Yes,” Tom answered and proceeded to speak unfamiliar words in the language. The doorknob clicked and sprung open by itself. “There we go.”
Meanwhile, in the sitting room, one of the elves got more and more interested in Ben and Camille’s backstory. “Can Scrook offer you a drink Miss? Sir?” he asked, while Hokey was busy in the kitchen. “Please, if you don’t mind, Mister Prewett. Would you tell me how exactly you’re related to Arcturus Black? Master Morfin is on good terms with him and I wonder why I’ve never heard of you before.”
When you entered Morfin’s chamber you were surprised by its size. It was almost as large as the entire Potions classroom in Hogwarts. Dead bats and shrunken heads were hanging down from the low ceiling here and there, along with strange feathers and strings that must have been some creature’s strands of hair. Despite its size, the room was crammed with bottles, finished potions and ingredients of all sorts. It wasn’t messy, not at all, but very chaotic for anyone unfamiliar.
“Morfin arranges everything by type,” Tom said. “Liquids from living creatures must be in this corner then.”
You both started opening the drawers and looked for anything that could possibly be Banshee tears.
Ben and Camille still got cross-examined by Scrook. “Interesting, interesting. Mister Black is your great-uncle, you say. Have you met him lately?“
In the chamber, you had searched for over ten minutes already, and gone through hundreds of little flasks. The number of different liquids in this room must have been in the thousands. Slughorn’s stock was absurdly small compared to this.
“Can’t we just use a summoning charm?” you sighed, going through your fifteenth drawer of vials filled with animal blood.
“No,” Tom said while closing a drawer. “The elves would notice it immediately.”
You shoved yet another drawer shut. “Bloody hell. What if it’s hidden?”
“That’s possible,” he mumbled, still scanning over all the flasks inside the cupboard.
“Wait,” you said. “What if we’re looking in the wrong place?”
“All liquids are here, as I said.”
“Yes, but I just remembered. Slughorn said this years ago. Banshee tears when stored, turn into tiny, pearly white crystals.”
Tom lifted his head to look at you.
“Where are the solids stored?”
He pointed at the opposite corner of the room. “Over there.”
At the same time, Hokey brought appetizers into the sitting room. “Enjoy,” she grumbled, her tone not fitting her kind words at all.
“Thank you,” Ben said after he and Camille had taken some canapés from the tray.
Both elves froze in shock, deeply offended. “Sir, you have not just thanked Hokey, have you?” Scrook asked.
“Of course not,” Camille stated, holding her head high. “What are you thinking? He thanked me for handing him a canapé.”
“I see,” Scrook said, eyes narrowed. “I’ll go and look for Master Riddle now. He’s taking awfully long, whatever he’s doing.”
“No!” Camille and Ben shouted which lead the elf to turn back around.
“No,” Camille repeated, her voice a lot calmer. “I’d like to know more about this house. Can you tell us how long you have worked for the Gaunts?”
In the chamber, you went through the flasks and glass containers on the other side of the room, where the solid ingredients were stored, while Tom still roamed the liquids. And finally, between fairy wings and unicorn liver, lay a tiny flask of Banshee tears.
“Got it,” you called. “There it is.”
Tom walked right over and checked out the flask too. “Good girl, very smart thinking.”
You lightly pushed him with your elbow for what he had just called you and smiled. “Let’s go.”
Scrook had gotten disturbingly close to Ben. “I’ll gladly tell you all about this house, Miss,” he said, not taking his eyes off the boy. “When Mister Prewett reveals his real name.”
“My real name?” Ben asked. “What do you mean?”
“You’re not a pureblood, are you?” the elf hissed. “I can smell it.”
“Excuse you, elf!” Camille bellowed. She was a much better actress than Ben. “You surely didn’t mean to insult Mister Prewett in that way. I must have misheard you. Now apologise.”
Before they knew it, Scrook had gripped Ben’s hand and pulled it towards his own face, sniffing at the inside of Ben’s underarm. “I knew it!” the elf yelled. “Mudblood! Hokey quick, alarm the Masters!”
Hokey came running in from the kitchen at the same time as Tom and you arrived in the sitting room. All three of you stood there in the archway and looked at Camille, Ben and Scrook in disbelief.
“Traitors!” Scrook screamed and accidentally knocked the tray of canapés off the table. “What have you done, Master Riddle? Bringing a mudblood into these halls.”
Ben had finally wrenched his arm away from the elf, holding on to it tightly while standing up straight, his chest heaving.
“The Masters must know,” Scrook whined and turned around. “We have to tell them immediately, Hokey.”
“Enough,” Camille said as she rose from her seat. “Stupefy!”
In an instant, Scrook fell to the floor without another word, completely unconscious. Hokey let out a yelp at the sight, turned around and ran toward the kitchen.
“Quick, before she apparates,” you shouted.
“Stupefy,” Tom called with his wand pointed at Hokey. “We don’t have much time. The charm wears off on elves much quicker than on humans.”
Ben and Tom dragged the two elves to the entrance hall and dropped them next to the fireplace, while Camille cleaned up the mess on the floor, where the canapés had landed.
When you had gathered by the fireplace again, Scrook already opened his eyes, blinking slowly.
“Leave,” Tom urged and pointed his wand at the elves. “Obliviate.”
Camille went first and disappeared into the flames, followed by Ben and you.
Back in Hogwarts, when Tom stepped out of the fireplace, you finally felt like you were able to breathe again.
“We did it,” you said and fell into his arms. “I can’t believe we really did it.”
Tom held you for a moment, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, then moved his head and looked at Ben when he let go. “What happened?”
Ben still hadn’t calmed down. He rubbed his hands on his trousers repeatedly and shook his head. “I don’t know. They were shocked when I thanked them for serving us food. Then the elf said he could smell that I’m not a pureblood.”
“You thanked them?” Tom asked. “Elves don’t accept that.”
“How am I supposed to know that? I’ve never seen a house-elf before.”
“Forget about that now,” Camille interrupted. “Did you get them? The Banshee tears.”
“Yes,” you said and pulled them out of your pocket. “We got them.”
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Masterpost | Masterlist
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Austin’s spoiler free ND Rankings from best to worst (with reasons why)
PLS NOTE: There is only one game I actually HATE. Every other game there is something I like about it except my last spot. Keep that in mind.
1) Ghost of Thornton Hall. This game is an absolute masterpiece. It is the best game HeR has made since CUR. It is also the best game I think HeR has put out in recent years. These are characters that you actually FEEL for. Not one of them are unlikeable. The closest you get is Clara, who you wind up feeling for in the end. An absolute work of art (it is also the first game I pre-ordered because from the very beginning I was invested.)
2) Labyrinth Of Lies- Hear me out. I absolutely adore this game. It has Greece, Theatre, and Xenia Doukas. Three things I cannot live without. While I absolutely agree that the whole idea of a rotating set system underground is impossible, this game was a dream come true for theatre kids everywhere. I will never not play this game without listening to Mamma Mia. It’s probably my biggest unpopular opinion of this fandom.
3) Last Train To Blue Moon Canyon- This game breaks my literal heart. Camille and Jake Hurly has always been up there in my eyes with Frances and Dirk from SHA. I have always loved the environment of this game. (This is probably due to the fact that Murder On The Orient Express is one of my favorite books) and this is one game that I always go to when I’m feeling nostalgic. It is also the first time you see the Hardy Boys so that’s a sign.
4) Sea Of Darkness- This is the game that I think has the best graphics HeR has offered. We have a lesbian character which was highly requested as well as a cute dog. The aurora borealis is never not STUNNING to look at and it one of the best games that actually feels like Nancy is “there”. The mystery is also one that I think can be misleading. I always assumed it was Ghost Ship TM but boy was I wrong. Elisabet also has my whole heart.
5) The Final Scene- OH MY GOD THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE SASS FILLED GAME AND I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HERE FOR IT. I constantly say “I propose you back off!” at every opportune moment. It is the best dialogue Nancy has ever had. Again, it is a Stan for theatre kids everywhere. I have also always thought magic was the coolest thing even though I can't perform it. Solid dialogue and very easy puzzles, which is always a relief.
6) Curse Of Blackmoor Manor- This is not in my top 3 as it is going to be for almost everyone else due to the fact that I think it is a very difficult game. I first played it when I was 12, and it was the only game I could not beat up until that shit show SAW which we will discuss later. Now that I've grown older and wiser, I have really grown to appreciate it more and it is a CLASSIC when looking into this game series. I appreciate the nostalgia value it has and the soundtrack and the characters. Ethel Bossiny FTW. This game also has the best soundtrack of the series.
7) Treasure In The Royal Tower- Another one that will be in everyone else’s top 3 but is not for me, but is still solid. I ADORE this game’s setting and character development- but for me, I never really felt pulled in to the mystery. My time was spent fan grilling over Hotchkiss that the person who broke into the library was on my back burner. HOWEVER, it is still very nostalgic and iconic it is in my top 10.
8) The Phantom Of Venice- Simply put, this game is why I want to go to Italy. I was ALMOST THERE but corona. I absolutely adore the way this game transports you. They included everything they could, even real photos of Venice, which I appreciated as someone who wants to go.
9) Alibi in Ashes- You have to understand how important it is that we finally got a game in River Heights. It was always on the TOP of my list in terms of places I wanted Nancy to go. It did not disappoint. The fact that everyone turned on Nancy so quickly always sends chills down my spine.
10) Legend Of The Crystal Skull- ALRIGHT so another unpopular opinion. This was the FIRST game I every played AND BEAT and so it will always be in my top 10. This is the game that truly got me invested in the series. If it wasn't this, it would not be this high, but it is my number 10 for that reason. Other things I like: Henry, Renee, the setting and music.
11) Warnings At Waverly Academy- WAC’s setting is so amazing. I don’t really know how to explain it, but I have always been intrigued about boarding school mysteries (@ house of Anubis )and this is a solid one. It contains probably one of the best plot twists of the series that blew my mind the first time I played it, and Mel Corbalis is god’s gift to humanity.
12) The Silent Spy- A real tearjerker if there ever was one. This games takes a storyline that has been changed many times (Nancy’s mom) and turns it into something so extremely badass you really wish she wasn't actually dead. Zoe Wolfe is the absolute reason I exist. You also play a cookies mini game which is just about as addicting as crack.
13) Secret Of The Old Clock- Okay, so I feel like this game gets a lot of hate because everyone talks about how weird the time travel is, but this has always been a game I liked. I think personally, that it is the easiest game in the series (if you exclude the dress, which I have never had a problem with) and it is based on the absolute most classic ND story of all. I also highly enjoy this period of time, even though the characters in this game aren't great. Emily Crandall is probably the best one, and even she yells at Nancy.
14) Secret Of Shadow Ranch- Okay. So I’m going to get anon h8 for this. But SHA is... not the best in my opinion. I have talked about this before, but SHA is very tedious in terms of chores and I just do not like that. I wouldn't necessarily mind the chores if they weren't repetitive, but it is the same chores over and over again. With that said, I LOVE the music, the Humber storyline, and the setting, so it is #14
15) Message In A Haunted Mansion- This is probably the only game I have ever pissed my pants over. CUR and GTH didn’t even do that. I think it is bc MHM is one of the first games I played. The hauntings in this game are so AMAZING and when you find out their explanation it totally changes things.
16) The Deadly Device- I love when ND does a Murder Mystery right. This is the time it was done right. The culprit came out of absolutely no where and I loved it. It is ranked this low for me b/c I think some of the puzzles are tedious and hard. Ryan Kilpatrick is an amazing human being and so is Ellie thx.
17) Tomb Of The Lost Queen- Another game which I think gets a lot of undeserved hate. Mummies are badass, especially when the mummy sighting is real and unexplained. Dylan Carter is probably the biggest example of stud you will ever see, and Jamila El-Dine is a bad b****. I am ranking it this high for Jamila alone.
18) Danger On Deception Island- I absolutely adore this game’s music. But I hate Holt Scotto with all the fire within me. He is why this game is not in my top 10. I love everything about this game except Holt F****** Scotto. I want to put it in my top 10. I do. But Holt Scotto sucks.
19) The Haunted Carousel- This was a game which I vividly remember being bullied in daycare over. I took it to daycare one day and we kept getting our eyeballs poked out by the lathe. Daycare memories suck. Also it is the first game by which we get a literal sexual strut by the culprit at the end, which I have never liked. Pluses of the game? An amusement park. Miles.
20) Ransom Of The Seven Ships- SAY IT OUT LOUD. RAN. IS. NOT. THE. WORST. GAME. The puzzles, although always thrown at your face, are actually sort of fun. I would rank it higher but there is way too few characters in a way that makes the culprit very obvious, but it also isn't at the same time.
21) The Captive Curse- This is a game by which I thought had so much potential but I think the monster looks very dumb? It’s like? The inbred cousin of Frankenstien’s monster? However, I LOVE THE SONG “girls”from this game and have a huge love for Lukas, so it isn't bottom 10
22) Stay Tuned For Danger- This game is one that would be so much higher up for me, If you didn’t have to look at EVERYTHING to complete it. If you miss ONE LETTER in a magazine, you cannot beat this game. I get stuck on it every time I play it, but the mystery is amazing and who doesn’t love a good old NYC game.
23) The White Wolf Of Icicle Creek- To begin my bottom 10, ICE. I LOVE ICE as a concept. But, Fox and Geese holds me back from a replay. I absolutely love the idea of a lodge that people are in danger at. The snow atmosphere is amazing and so is Isis. But, Fox and Geese is an abomination.
24) Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake- I really, really want to like this game because I am a dog lover. However, the insect challenge is such a CHORE to do. I cannot stand to do it. It is so difficult to do in my humble opinion, it requires such a retrace of step that makes it insufferable. Pros? cute doges.
25) The Haunting Of Castle Malloy- YOU ARE LITERALLY THIS LOW BC OF THE END PUZZLE AND YOU KNOW IT. However, not the worst for me because I love Ireland and this game has some of the best music in the series. It is on my top 5 for soundtracks. I love everything about this game except THE END. Fiona is so misunderstood.
26) Secret of The Scarlet Hand- I really like this game, I do, but I am very not interested in the constant phone calls you do in this game. You are on the phone for about 75% of this game and I really didn’t like that about it. LOVE the history behind it though.
27) SCK/SCK2- I really do not like SCK as a concept. School murders are a topic which really turns me off. Not to mention, there is barely a difference between these games but a single character and a puzzle.
28) Danger By Design- Paris? Yes. Fashion? Heck yeah. But I never have really enjoyed DAN because the mystery can literally be solved by pulling a Phantom of The Opera and dropkicking the mask off. I also HATE the cookie puzzle. The edges never curl upwards for me.
29) Creature Of Kapu Cave- Ugh. Shells and fishing make this game untouchable for me. I LOVE HAWAII CONCEPT and supernatural volcanoes and phenomena. But I cannot stand the big island buck system or the man himself. Sorry, big island homies. Also be proud of me because it took me this long to bring up STUPID FRASS
30) Midnight In Salem- I was so excited for this game. We all were. I really enjoy MID’s mystery and as a concept. But, the new format is not good and neither is the constant talking and only being able to complete the game in one order. I was so excited for nothing (which is my own fault)
31) Shadow At The Waters Edge- GOD. The massive nonogram and sudoko have NO place in this game. I refuse to play it because of these 2 puzzles. However, I do love the scares in it. They are top notch scares. I have beat this game in it’s entirety maybe once?
32) Trail Of The Twister- Internship simulator forever. Chores galore, what a bore. Uncompelling mystery and hateful characters. The only thing I liked was the country music, a sentence you don’t hear often.
33) The Shattered Medallion- I literally played the beta of this game and it was ions better than the actual released product. That’s reason enough.
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Happy STS from inkchantress! Take two random characters and stick them in an empty room with only each other for company. How would that scene play out?
Eep, I'm a week behind on this one, sorry about that @inkchantress ! This is basically the plot of book 2-- my dorks end up shuffled around and having to work with the person they would have least expected (and probably wouldn't have chosen). Ultimately it ends up working out, mostly, but there's hilarity as they try to mesh personalities. The funniest from the start is Camille, who's basically a scientist-- she's been researching for most of the story up until this point, she's driven, confident, knows exactly where she wants her life to go... and she gets stuck with Blythe at first, who is exactly the same way and really doesn't trust Camille yet, so that's fun and inevitably a lot of arguments. But then Blythe leaves and the only other dork left in Camille's location is Talan, who's so so dumb. He never knows what's going on around him, he has no idea what he's doing in life, he chatters all the time, Camille had to spend about six hours with him in book 1 and he drove her nuts the entire time... but he's the only familiar face around, so it's better than nothing. It ends up that Talan isn't as dumb as everyone thinks and can help her out on stuff, but I'm really looking forward to Camille having to deal with this situation. ;)
It’ll be doubly amusing for me to write because when Blythe leaves, she ends up teamed up with Sol, which is a similar dynamic. Blythe is already close to Sol, but boy does he drive her bananas. (He’s basically her little brother.) This is her chance to really look at him and see how competent he is under the goofiness, though.
#writing#ask#storyteller saturday#my writing ramblings#unexpected inspiration series#inkchantress#UI POV: Camille#Anonymous
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12, 13, 17!!
12. Any books that disappointed you?
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman! :(
It was his first, and it shows. Ya feel? It was fun, and some elements were really strong -- Gaiman’s descriptions are wonderful, and the villains were fun to read about. But the main characters were bland, and some of the metaphor/simile action was high key yikes? Also, I thought that Door was supposed to be around 14/15 so certain events caught me way off guard, and that soured me to the whole Neverwhere experience a bit.
Loved Islington so much, though. My kinda angel.
13. What were your least favourite books of the year?
Enchantée by Gita Trelease, holy shit. There were TWO scenes in this book that I liked, and they were both real short. Gita writes really strong crowd scenes, and really captures the chaos of 1700s Paris, both upper and lower classes, but ggghghh. MY GOD. MY GOD.
The protagonist, Camille? Terrible. Bland. Hypocritical. I hated her. She faced no consequences for real shitty actions. The love interest, MONSIEUR DE BALLON? Horrific. Boring and I hated him. Marquis de Chandon? GAY AND EXCELLENT THE ONLY CHARACTER WHO MATTERS. Villain? Brilliant until his motive is revealed - then, unrealistic. Bad. Dumb. Terrible. Camille’s sister, Sophie? Actually pretty lit I liked her a lot.
The protag also had a brother and I don’t think the author knew what colour his hair was supposed to be, because she’d reference it as fox red, and then be like HE’S BLONDE in the next chapter. Weirder because one of the big reveals was supposed to be this dramatic “WHAT COLOUR IS THE MANS HAIR!?” thing, and I didn’t know who the hell they were talking about??? Cus the last reference to Alain was to his blonde hair specifically????? And the reveal was RED HAIR???? HELLO????
Two good Chandon moment, though:
"You mustn't think--""Oh, I hardly ever think," [Chandon] said cheerily.
I have a fairly short Good Reads review (WITH SPOILERS) for this bad boy that is hopefully more coherent than this.
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
WUUUH!!!!!! I KNOW I YELL ABOUT THIS BOOK EVERY TIME SOMEONE ASKS ME ABOUT BOOKS BUT WUUUUUUUH!!!!!!! I don’t even know what to say about it, but strong holy shit. Very short, unhelpful Good Reads review ahoy!
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Without The Lights~ Billy Hargrove x OC Camille Harper
Chapter 2: Take On Me
A/N: Shorter chapter. Abuse mention. Billy takes a tour of Camille’s mansion on Loch Nora. Also posted on my Ao3. :) Thanks!
Camille waited barely twenty five minutes after she got home before that Camaro was racing down her street. Billy eyed the house and didn’t hide his awe. Sprinklers turned on to water the pristine grass while he smacked his door shut and fixed a curl back into place. A neighbor watering her roses stopped to stare so he winked. Adrenaline pumped and set him on edge, face heating before he pushed the doorbell. She answered in a baggy sweater that fell from one shoulder and tight acid wash jeans.
“Find the place all right?”
“Had some trouble picking the mansions apart on the street.” He earned a scoff when she locked the door.
“You’re kidding.” Billy stepped out of his boots and she reached to take his messenger bag, dropping it upon a nearby chair.
“You wanted the tour. Main hall,” she slid open two doors. “Living room.”
“Shit.” The radio played as they went, hurrying off.
“Kitchen, dining room.” She gestured to a glass door. “Back deck... Work out room.”
“Of course you have a pool too.”
“And hot tub.” Her remark pooled heat into his stomach. She'd said so casually like she didn't have ideas. Not like his. “Anyways, coat closet...first bathroom. Main staircase...this way.” Billy looked around at the art. Few photos of the little family framed the walls. He saw her grinning and toothy as a child into the camera. “No comments.”
“Just looking.” Blue eyes lingered on her face.
“We have a rec room in the basement. You’d love it. Couches. Games. Another TV. Best stereo in the house. But, here...second bathroom. Dad’s office. Mom’s studio. Master bedroom...guest room...and at the end: Me. No, you can’t see in my room. We’ll see how the project goes first when we actually start the paper.”
“I get it, you need to judge my performance before you commit.” Billy stepped closer and she laughed. He was game.
“Exactly that.” Camille noticed it then. A welt just peeking out of his hairline. “What happened to your head?”
“You were bleeding. It’s dried.”
“You missed a room,” Billy lifted a hand to the sore spot and turned from her. “Attic. Hiding something?”
“Never been in there,” she shrugged.
“You’ve never been in there?”
“Off limits. Dad keeps his work stuff in there, I guess”
“He a spy or some shit?”
“Scientist.” Camille came to his side and repeated herself. “You’re bleeding. Let me look at that.”
“Drop it.”
“Just fucking drop it, I said!” Billy raised his voice and she reeled back in surprise. His shoulders sank down and he shook his head, nonchalant by force. “It’s stupid, I was in a hurry to get to your damn tour and hit my head.” Immediately, the heat turned off. That damn charm. He wore it like an oversized suit to hide under.
“Sure...” Camille cleared her throat. “But, I can’t have Hawkins' new Keg King bleeding on the grand tour. So, suck it up for two minutes.” Billy gave her a hard look and went into the bathroom, sitting down while she pulled a sterile wipe from a huge first aid kit.
“You came prepared.”
“I was into dancing and gymnastics, I get roughed up…"
He bit his tongue at that.
"This might sting.” Billy turned to stone and didn’t flinch by force when she drew the pad against his hairline. She hissed a little at the welt, gently shifting locks of hair to clean it up. “Nasty bruise coming. But, I think your hair will be fine.” He gave a comedic sigh of relief but stilled when her free hand drew up his chin to angle his face so she could finish. Crystal eyes blinked several times and he said nothing until she slipped from him. Perfume turned him to putty. Stole every move he could have possibly used on her. Seemed unfair. And what's worse was her acting oblivious. “Come on, I’ll order us a pizza while you look over the book list.” Breath heaved to enter his lungs and he swayed up to his feet to follow her out.
** ** **
“Ugh,” Billy slumped back into a chair. "Pick a different one." An empty pizza box sat between them.
“I already read it, you just need to skim. This is basically a free A plus for you and you're complaining."
"Guess." He glanced at her. Glowing and unworried like a rosy pink firework. Felt like it was about to go off in his face.
"Face it, Billy, you just hit the jackpot.” Camille laughed openly at him. She wasn't wrong there. “The Scarlet Letter. Easy read.” Deft fingers flicked through pages of the assignment and idly turned a TV channel to some martial arts flick. A character expertly spun under another to dodge a fist before they whirled their leg up, knocking their foe in the head. Camille lost her next thought and didn’t hear Billy whine about the paper, eyes wider and intent on the swift fighting.
“Whoa...hey. You’re, uh...” Billy was stuffing a pile of napkins toward her and Camille snapped back. Blood tricked from her nose.
“Shit, not now,” she jerked up, grabbing the ball of papers from him to cover it. Billy was a little stunned when she raced into a nearby bathroom. Really not his idea of how this day was supposed to go. A headache pulsed at the front of her brain. “Ugh.” Camille pinched napkins down and huffed, sniffing before she washed her nose with soap. Fuck and in front of the damn keg king too. She opened the door and he was there, reaching for the handle. Not a shy boy at all. Billy dropped his arm and tilted his head in question. Eyes narrowed so she explained. “I have this thing and I just get these dumb, little chronic nosebleeds. Happened ever since I was little. Think it might be worse, I must be lucky.”
“You dying?” He roused a giggle from her lips.
“No, not dying. I think. Just a stupid health thing. Never had that great an immune system when I was younger. I take pills for it.” She shrugged. “I’m better at hiding it when I’m at school. Few close friends know.”
“So, I’m a close friend now."
"Didn't mean it like that."
"Yet, you opened your mouth and said it to my face. Can't take it back. We bled together, Harpy.” Here he was, trapping her into another door frame. Teasing and dramatic. Completely charged and aware. Insufferable.
“Not sure it works that way but, cute that you do,” Camille poked his chest and went around him. Cute. Queen Bee was quick on feet as well. He couldn't fathom it. “Read the book, Hargrove. Really impress me.”
“What I heard is that I have a chance?” Billy smirked to himself and packed his bag while she dug into a bookcase.
“Hm. Take my copy and we’ll meet Saturday.” She handed him the novel when he looked her up and down. Not once did she try to make a move.
“My house this time. Dad’ll be out with Susan. If you’re not afraid of my side of town.”
“I've seen Hawkins from all angles, babe. I want a tour.” She batted her lashes, craning to get closer to his face.
“You got it,” Billy tore a page from his notebook to scribble his address. “Two o’clock.”
“I’ll be there,” she led him to the door and opened it. “See you at school.” Big eyes with nothing again. Billy lingered to study her face before relenting. He could try the slow approach. Camille waited until he got into his car to shut the door, locking it. Billy watched each light go off within the house until she was upstairs. Licking his lips, he chuckled openly to himself before starting the vehicle to speed home.
Billy gave it his best to skim the damn book that night, debating it before he fell into bed. Flicking the novel open, a single light in his room illuminated the pages while he stretched out atop the covers. Billy ended up reading until his eyes hurt. He fell asleep like that, book pressed open against his chest.
The school bell was more irritating than usual that morning, Camille rubbed her head when a body slipped into the desk behind her. Fingers tugged once at a silken piece of hair and her head whipped, hand smacking at his.
“What?” She hissed through teeth at his grin.
“I skimmed it,” Billy leaned forward so she turned to face the chalkboard.
“What’s the main character’s name?”
“Ah, Fester or something.”
“I’m impressed.” Camille tried not to laugh.
“I got it?”
“No, you’re totally wrong but the thought was there,” she turned to peer over her shoulder, winking. A touch of fire swelled there in the depths. “Keep skimming, Billy.”
“I intend to.” He muttered when she faced the front again. His tone sent her all aflutter. “You’re not taking language classes and I see you with a different language book every time we meet. The hell?”
“Some of us collect hobbies.” Camille shrugged, sorting through her bag for a pencil when the second bell rang. The headache didn’t get better with each passing class. She tried harder to focus and sniffled on blood during chemistry. Billy furrowed his brow and looked up from the worksheet in front of him. He knew he failed that damn quiz. Another thing to please his dear old dad. Partners talked around them, filling in the blanks from textbooks. Without speaking, Camille got up and paced to the front of the class to whisper to their teacher. She left the room and didn’t come back for ten minutes. Billy fiddled with his earring and watched her fidget when she did return.
“Stop staring,” she’d uttered after another five and Billy’s eyes snapped aside.
“Acting weird, queenie.”
“Stupid headache,” she snuck a pill and gulped from a water bottle in her bag. The rest of the day was desperately slow. Camille rolled down the windows of her car and inhaled dry air, heaving a breath before she sped out of the parking lot. Billy watched her go when Max came around on a skateboard.
“Ah, ah...backseat.”
“Another girl.” His stepsister scoffed and Billy was too distracted to get annoyed.
“Hey, Billy. Movie starts at six.” A pretty girl approached so his grin crept wide.
“Tammy,” he cocked his head so she’d get in. “We have time to kill.” Max could only roll her eyes in the backseat.
** ** **
“You mom said you weren’t feeling well, don’t push the exercise tonight,” Noah walked in on his daughter following a peppy dance instructor on TV.
“Just a headache, I’m feeling better.” She lied, smiling as she did so.
“No,” came a second. Camille wasn’t sure why. “Hey, I’m going to Billy’s house Saturday, we have this paper we need to do.”
“New boy, you remember."
"New boy?" The details of her teenage existence always escaped him.
"Strode paired us, I can’t be rid of him.” She turned the TV down and continued stretching, following the movements with ease. Noah took note.
“This a new video?”
“I go through them so quick, I got most of them down without the video,” Camille was too focused.
"See if Edna can find you some more to keep you entertained." He'd offered.
"Sure," she gave a shrug. Always nice to keep busy with them gone. “I won’t be out too late.”
“You know to-”
“Call and check in if it runs later, yes, dad. Promise.” Camille grew amused. “I’ll be here awhile longer. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, honey.”
#billy hargrove#Billy hargrove x oc#billy hargrove fanfiction#billy hargrove fanfic#Camille Harper#stranger things fanfiction#Without the Lights#mine#writing#billy x camille#billyhargrove
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Apprentice Tag!!!
Tagged by: @ezrakara 💕
Rules: rank your LI for your apprentice from best to worst and explain why. Then tag someone with an apprentice you want to learn more about!
Sage: The youngest of his family. (he has two brothers: Camille and Nils, his elder twin).
Big dork, absolute disaster that can somehow get his shit together long enough to do what has to be done. He's very friendly and direct both at work and with people . His stubbornness can be problematic (it's rare tho) though it doesn't mean he's not open to suggestions and is always down to try something new. He used to have a whole baggage of tales to tell from before he moved in Vesuvia until he uh. Died. But since his resurrection he's more curious than ever and wants to try again what he once did so he can get new memories. His curiosity will get him killed (again) one day. It's a miracle he's still alive and healthy tbh.
Asra: they'd get along quite well. Except that Sage would have been furious once he'd find out everything that happened because he doesn't like not knowing the truth. He'll forgive Asra though...eventually.
Julian: Rowdy Boys Doing Rowdy Stuff Together Heck Yeah. Julian would bring out his loud and reckless side the most and I'm not sure that's a good idea. Sage... Should not be left unsupervised. Ever.
Nadia: Nadia wouldn't like Sage. He would appreciate her from far, but would rather stay out of her business. (Nahara on the other hand... ¬v¬) Though it's a shame because God he would adore her library and he would enjoy spending evenings with her talking about books, cultures, anything, but his impulsiveness, shamelessness and lack of boundaries ... She would think it's Lucio 2.0.
Muriel: Well. Muriel would like him but it would take so much time. So far so good. Sage would totally sense that Muriel is sensitive and likes simple things and would totally try to accommodate him because well. Likes being left alone, but understands the importance of friendship. Sage... Was like Muriel at some point. He'd love to see Muriel come out of his shell and wouldn't even care about romance, he'd just want Muriel to be less stiff around others and have a little more faith in humanity.
Portia: ehh... I guess they'd get along?
Lucio: Best buds. Disaster duo. Dumb and Dumber. Reckless and Dipshit. Horny and Hornier. Kinky shit and kinky shit. Get ready because it's about to get rowdy, my friends. (for the best but most importantly for the worst)
I tag: @julians-chest-hair @little-linx @celeste-is-a-light-fury
Uuhhh tell me if you wanna get tagged, I'll gladly add you
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Here you guys go,
Here is what, in my opinion, is every single Malec scene from the TV show up until the end of season 3A.
Brace yourselves
(This is based off of the time stamp on Netflix, so however long is left of the episode, you know what I mean?)
(This might not make any sense because I just finished writing this and it took me almost two hours but then it glitched and deleted and it’s 1:09am and I’m rewriting it because there’s no way I’m letting it defeat me but also yes it may make no sense because it’s 1am and I’m crying)
//spoiler warning
Season One
Raising Hell~Episode 4
20:15- ‘Who are you’
15:20- Their stumbly introduction😂
12:00- necklace scene
9:30- the ‘michaelangelo’ scene
5:00- continuation of above
Moo Shu to Go~Episode 5
29:50- the call about drinks
26:15- Clary/Alec ‘you’re in love with Jace’
Of Men and Angels~Episode 6
37:30- Magnus and Clary/the Luke situation
34:30- Alec talking to Maryse about ‘punching noses and dealing with the consequences’
20:55- Magnus’ magic and using Alec’s strength
18:25- Alex helping Magnus ‘not for Jace’
6:15- Alec tidying// ‘I think you’ve exerted yourself enough for one day
Major Arcana~Episode 7
27:35- outside the police station
‘Can we ask Magnus to portal us inside?’
‘That’d be awkward’
19:50- Alex being the distraction lmao
Bad Blood~Episode 8
22:20- ‘he’s very magical’
19:20- Izzy and Magnus ‘I suppose he’s just following his duty’
15:30- Alec training, Magnus staring before telling him to do things for himself
12:15- Alex being a big dumb and asking Lydia to marry him
9:10- Lydia being an even bigger dumb
4:38- Alec joins Hodge in fighting the forsaken
Rise Up~Episode 9
39:20- wards/ Warlock TLC
35:20- Izzy and Jace find out about about Alec’s engagement
25:25- they need Alec’s stele
21:45- Magnus finds out about Alec’s engagement
7:00- Jace and Alec fight/ Jace mentions Alec’s feelings
This World Inverted~Episode 10
42:35- ‘Away from you and your fiancée’~ Izzy
34:05- AU/ the funniest advert ever
31:35- AU/ v openly gay Alec
27:30- AU/ Magnus the tarot card reader- CATS
25:25- Alec tells Lydia about the mortal cup
23:40- AU/ Magnus and Clary
- Izzy and Alec
12:43- AU/ Malec parallels
Blood Calls to Blood~Episode 11
26:17- Alex asking Magnus to be Izzy’s advocate
21:23- Izzy’s trial
15:30- continued
6:10- Alec handing over his bow and quiver
Malec~Episode 12/ Literally all of it like what even
42:20- Alec and Clary
- Alec and Magnus ‘I know you feel what I feel Alec’
37:30- Jace, Clary and Magnus finding out its Ragnor Fell
34:36- Alec and Izzy talking bachelor party
- Ragnor’s house
25:00- Lydia knows of Alec’s feels for Magnus
22:31- Ragnor and Magnus
-19:08- bachelor party
-17:37- R and M part two
-14:26- WEDDING
8:48- tracking the book of the white
5:08- talking to Maryse and Robert
Morning Star~Episode 13
43:57- Malec in the recap lmao
42:18- Maryse being an ass
- Alec talking to Magnus about it
34:20- Alec wanting Magnus’ help
18:38- Magnus and Camille
16:56- continued and Alec walks in
12:50- Camille’s apartment of books
8:38- Malec gets dragged in
5:02- Magnus talking to Alec about Camille
Season Two
This Guilty Blood~Ep 1
38:28- trying to find Jace
35:26- Alec apologising
27:05- at the institute, Alec being a big dumb to Magnus
16:13- Alec walking to Magnus’/ conversation with Maryse
9:03- Parabatai tracking
A Door Into The Dark~Ep 2
21:43- Magnus and Simon in India
17:15- continued
12:18- continued
6:37- continued
Also where they start the Parabatai tracking but that’s sad so I’m only including it when it’s actually Malec
Parabatai Lost~Ep 3
41:58- Magnus tryna save Alec
38:10- continued
33:26- continued
26:36- continued
21:58- continued
17:37- continued (sad kiss bit)
13:44- continued
6:23- continued/ Alec wakes up
A Day of Wrath~Ep 4
39:32- conversation about date and Alec thanking Magnus
27:29- Raphael scarred and coming to Magnus
26:03- continued
19:29- Magnus and Simon talking about Camille and Magnus’ depression
13:51- summoning Camille ugh
12:24- Alec killed Jocelyn
- Camille and Magnus
5:25- Alec and Clary fighting demon Izzy
Dust and Shadows~Ep 5
43:32- Alec being self- hating and shooting arrows
39:52- Clary asking Magnus about raising mum from dead
28:11- Magnus comforting Alec
19:24- Alec and Clary trying to bring Jocelyn back
12:49- Alec n Madzie
Iron Sisters~Ep 6
34:20- Magnus emergency calls Alec because Alec isn’t okay
28:06- Malec drinks and pool
24:09- Magnus finds out he’s Alec’s first relationship
17:12- 17,000
6:41- back from date, Jace interrupts because he’s an ass
How Are Thou Fallen~Ep 7
39:50- get back from travelling
36:33- making out but Alec gets called to work
31:40- Magnus in bar with Omamori charm
18:31- Alec asking Izzy about sex with Magnus
14:40- the sex step, continued in flashbacks in episode 18
Love is a Devil~Ep 8
39:40- Alec and Izzy talk and Max comes/ Rune ceremony/ Alec talks to Max about Magnus
- Alec asks Magnus to throw the Rune Ceremony party
32:37- Alec telling Maryse that Magnus is throwing it ‘thank Magnus’
- Jace and Magnus y’all about Malec sex
Magnus’ Insane Party😂 honestly just watch it all or it barely makes sense-
27:05- Maryse comes
22:08- Magnus gives Max a gift
17:28- Magnus stopping clary from leaving
-17:00- Alec ‘hey are you leaving’ and Alec hallucinating
15:21- Alec on he ledge
6:47- Max’s Rune ceremony
Bound By Blood~Ep 9
40:11- Alec and Magnus talking
31:10- Alec confronts Aldertree
22:45- downworlder council/ ‘this council is biased’
17:35- Alec complaining at Magnus about Izzy and the Yin Fen
14:21- Alec beating up Raphael but Magnus stopping him
4:39- Alec being badass
By the Light of Dawn~Ep 10
42:50- Madzie saving Alec but suffocating t’others
39:06- Magnus sees Jace and Clary’s vision
34:17- Alec and Jace on call- Alec and Aldertree fighting some people
32:44- Clary at Magnus’
- Alec and Aldertree
28:32- Magnus and Clary at the institute
26:07: Alec and Aldertree on the roof
21:18-Magnus and Madzie
18:06- Alec and Aldertree are still on the roof
12:44- after the soul sword incident ‘where’s Magnus?... oh god’
7:11- ‘I love you’
4:02- Jace and Alec y’all about Jace and Clary not being siblings
Mea Maxima Culpa~Ep 11
43:17- Jace and Alec training
24:14- asking Magnus to identify the sand looking thing relating to Azazel
-Malec looking for Izzy
13:56- Alec and Jace talking/ Jace crying
9:41- summoning Azazel (M and V swap☹️)
- Valentine as Magnus not letting Alec come home with him
2:23- Valentine as Magnus walking to the loft ‘disgusting Warlock’
You Are Not On Your Own~Ep 12
43:28- Magnus as Valentine ‘Please! I am Magnus Bane!’
- Valentine as Magnus with Azazel
36:46- Alec at a meeting mentioning Magnus
- Valentine as Magnus with Azazel n Alec kills Azazel
31:19- Magnus tortured as Valentine
29:17- Magnus as Valentine trying to convince Alec
24:09- Alec telling Jace of the above
- Magnus as Valentine with Valentine as Magnus
- Magnus tortured
15:39- inquisitor and Alec
- Magnus’ place with Jace
- attempt killing Magnus as Valentine
- Alec stopping it
11:36- switching back
7:16- Alec apologising to Magnus for not realising
Those of Demon Blood~Ep 13
34:11- Jace telling Alec he’s head of the institute
31:08- Alec goes to Magnus about the DNA for proof thing
26:41- Dot wi Magnus ‘heartache drink’
24:08- Alec standing up for downworlders
19:44- Dot and Magnus continued
14:22- continued ‘I’m in love with Alec’
7:23- Jace appoints Alec head of the institute
4:58- Simon singing
-3:06- ‘you never have to prove yourself to me’
The Fair Folk~Ep 14
40:04- Alec announcing the downworld cabinet meeting
- Alec sending Clary and Jace on a mission ‘book club’
-Alec asking Luke to come to the cabinet
35:07- Malec call about the cabinet
-Maryse and Alec talking
27:03- welcoming people to the cabinet ‘Mr Lightwood’ and ‘Mr Bane’
22:23- cabinet
10:00- continued/ stopping Luke from killing Valentine
A Problem Of Memory~Ep 15
38:45- Alec wakingup to an empty bed/ Magnus’ childhood flashbacks
27:27- Alec telling Izzy he’s worried about Magnus
12:41- Alec comforting Magnus ‘there is nothing ugly about you’
4:50- sending Valentine to Idris

Season Three
On Infernal Ground~Ep 1
32:20- Malec sharing news/ ‘I’ve always dreamed of meeting someone like you’
18:31- Alec talks to Cat and finds out Magnus isn’t okay
-Raphael lies to Magnu savour why he needs dagget root
5:51- Malec playing pool ‘all I care about is how you feel
The Powers That Be~Ep 2
42:01- warlock party
35:09- sandlewood shampoo
- Lorenzo ew
-Alec finds out who Magnus’ father is
26:21- Alec at Lorenzos with his incredible distraction skills
23:41- continued/ ft a look of
‘What’re you doing?’ ‘My best!’
19:26- continued/ Magnus knows it’s worse than Asmodeus
15:50- at hospital because corrupted ley lines harmed patients
12:03- plans for using the angelic core to clean ley lines
- Alec and Magnus doing it
- drinks on the balcony ‘you are the furthest thing from a greater demon’
What Lies Beneath~ Ep 3
36:32- Maryse ‘dropping by’ for an impromptu ‘family dinner’/ suggesting it be at Magnus’
22:31- Alec making the meal
- Maryse not being on edge ‘My boys!’
18:53- continued, Maryse tells Alec about her being stripped of her runes
Thy Soul Instructed~Ep 4
20:28- Magnus tried to help Alec because Alec’s stressing
7:37- Magnus waking up a recently un-possessed Morgan
2:43- Lilith comes asking Magnus...
Stringer than Heaven~Ep 5
42:23- Lilith comes asking Magnus for an anti-love potion
38:08- Magnus’ box/ Alex asking if he can move in
30:17- THE BOX
24:55- gAy Shadowhunter thanks Alec
15:07- Alec tells Magnus he went through the the box and asks about
6:03- Alec and Jace talking about Jace getting treatment

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Shadowhunters Review (01x13)
Yay, finally the last episode of season 1. I’m glad I could come this far. I don’t know if I have the power to watch season 2&3 because I’ve heard so many ridiculous things. I guess we will see.
Well well. Look at how things have turned. They’re asking for Simon’s help now. Btw I cannot not say how Simon looks amazing in that scene. Wow.
“Have you spoken with Lydia? No one seen her since the wedding.” HM, I WONDER WHY. MAYBE YOU LEFT HER AT THE ALTAR BECAUSE OF YOU SOULMATE WHICH I TOTALLY SUPPORT BUT IT WAS RUDE. (Yes, I knew she blacked out but he didn’t. It was weird for him to question it. But it’s sweet that he is worried about her though.)
And Alec kissing a guy is least of Maryse’s worries?? Robert is rolling with entire situation??? Wow. I feel like I stepped into AU again.
“I’ve never seen them so angry.” ??? What anger??? That’s not anger. They were okay with it. You know I liked last episode but it just gets worse and worse.
You know what makes me so angry?? The writing that shows up on the intro. “Based on the book series The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare” I wouldn’t call that based on. If you would like to see what based on means, I would recommend Harry Potter movies. But this TV show is just another Percy Jackson fiasco.
Okaay. Jace has a point. They thought Hodge was a good guy but turns out he isn’t. How can they trust Maryse and Robert? (Well obviously we know the plot but they change a lot things here.)
“Something belongs to me.” Um? Excuse me? That Mortal Toilet Bowl doesn’t belong to anyone. Okay what the hell is with tanks filled with blood? A drop would be fine as far as I know.
I’m still not used to Valentine wearing earrings. It’s weird.
“It all happened because I didn’t stop Valentine.” Oh and you’re the reason of all bad things now? So dramatic. Okay Jace was dramatic in the books too but that much?
“Stop thinking with your stele.” MCMMSBCMDNCMSBFMNS. Okay that was original. And nice.
Oh wait. Now I see. Simon’s hair and and clothes look like Raphael’s. HE STOLE HIS STYLE OMG. My babies. Shipshipshipshipshipshipship.

Oh they’re playing Truva. Damn. How did Raphael take the bait so quickly? That’s dumb.
Oh he didn’t. Lol. That’s my boi.
How stupid they can get?? Waking Camille up?? What the hell? Releasing the bitch ™ is bad. Very bad. It’s gonna cause so many problems.
Hah! There you go. She went to Magnus. Stay away from my precious baby, you evil bitch. OH SHE KISSED HIM AND ALEC SAW???? UGH. I hate these situations.
Asking for the book first instead of signing it was a smart move. I guess you learn that stuff when you’re an accountant student lol.
Jocelyn woke up and Jace is gone. Valentine has the cup. What now?
Finally, season 1 is finished. Am I glad that I watched it? Kinda. Am I disappointed? Kinda. Will I continue? I don’t know? Should I?
#doga watches shadowhunters#shadowhunters#alec lightwood#magnus bane#lydia branwell#maryse lightwood#jace herondale#clary fray#jocelyn morgenstern#hodge starkweather#raphael santiago#simon lewis
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You’re Like Coming Home
Sorry it’s so late, but I hope you enjoy your fic @blush-and-books! It was so fun being your secret santa, Chloe! <3
This turned out so differently from what I planned/expected, but I hope it lives up to your prompt! :)
Read on AO3 or below the cut:
Kirsten smoothed out her light pink blouse, took one last glance in the mirror and walked to the front door of her house. She glanced around, but she was alone. “Camille?” She called. No response. Kirsten peeked her head into Camille’s bedroom where she found Camille passed out on the bed, still in the previous night’s clothes.
Kirsten flipped on the lightswitch and nearly shouted, “Camille!”
Camille startled. “I’m awake! Geez!”
“We’re late.” Kirsten stated matter-of-factly.
“Give me five minutes!” Camille hopped out of bed, and exactly five minutes later she emerged with fresh makeup, her hair pulled back in a twist, and a fresh shirt. Kirsten raised her eyebrows and gave a slight nod of approval.
The drive to Les Turner High School from their house wasn’t long, but Camille always felt the need to fill those few minute with noise. Unfortunately for Kirsten, this morning Camille’s fixation was on her instead of the newest Ariana Grande single.
“All I’m saying is lately you’ve taken an interest in being early. Every. Single Day. Part o the reason I wanted to be your roommate is because you’re as bad at time management as me,” Camille talked, gesturing with one hand while she drove with the other.
“I think it’s important to set a good example for our students with the new school year,” Kirsten answered.
“Okay. Keep telling yourself that.”
Once inside the school, Kirsten made a beeline for the teacher’s lounge with Camille in tow. Kirsten grabbed a paper cup and filled it with steaming coffee. She took a sip, scrunched up her face and began pouring sugar into the cup. A figure stepped up beside them, thermos in hand.
“Well if it isn't Mr. Lookin’ Goodkin himself,” Camille deadpanned.
“Will you please drop it?” Cameron begged.
“We’ll never not say it,” Kirsten said joining in. “Honestly, I can’t believe a group of students beat us to that nickname.”
“It’s not even that clever,” Cameron said.
“Or accurate,” Kirsten shoved Cameron playfully.
Cameron said, “You wound me, right in my sensitive heart.”
“Oh please. You had that surgery over fifteen years ago,” Kirsten said, adding more sugar to her cup.
“Aw how sweet,” Camille wrinkled her nose in disgust.
“It’s actually quite bitter,” Kirsten said, eyes trained on her cup.
“You’re playing dumb? Cute. Now move, Mama needs her energy juice.” Camille pushed between Cameron and Kirsten.
Cameron’s cheeks reddened, and he glanced over Camille’s head to Kirsten, who had finally looked up. They watched each other silently for a minute before Cameron finally headed towards the door while saying, “You coming, Stretch?”
“Now who’s using nicknames?” Kirsten asked, following him into the hallway.
“It’s a term of endearment. You and Camille were making fun of me. They’re completely different.”
“Right. Of course.”
“I’m being serious.”
“I know you are.”
As they rounded the corner to the Math and Science hall, kids suddenly filled the hallways and the noise level increased exponentially.
One of the students called out over the noise, “Hi, Mr. Goodkin! Hey, Ms. Clark!”
“Hi, Damon,” Cameron said with a nod towards the boy. The girls standing near him waggled their eyebrows suggestively.
“Nope. Don’t do that,” Cameron said as he passed by, which caused the kids to giggle. They reached Kirsten and Cameron’s classrooms, which were located right next to each other.
“Lunch at Jade’s?” Kirsten asked.
“I’m in,” Cameron answered.
“I’ll come too,” Camille said, reaching her classroom across the hall from Kirsten’s.
Linus came out of his classroom and said, “I’ll be there. What are we talking about?”
“Lunch. At Jade’s,” Camille filled him in.
“Apparently it’s the more the merrier today,” said Cameron.
“Is that a problem, Cameron?” Camille asked, her smile mischievous and a little less than friendly.
“No, not at all.”
RIIINNNNGGGG. The morning bell sounded as the last few students scurried into their respective classrooms.
Lunch at Jade’s that afternoon quickly became routine for Kirsten, Cameron, Camille, and Linus, often with Tim the physics teacher, Ayo the health teacher, Chelsea the English teacher, and Alex the art teacher joining them. Occasionally the football coach and part-time history teacher, Coach Quincy Fisher would join them, but he usually took his lunch with Principal Baptiste. As the semester wore on and teachers got behind on grading and involved with extracurricular activities, the group dwindled; however, Kirsten and Cameron always ate lunch together. It was likely due to this and their constant banter between classes that caught their students’ attention.
Several students sat in the back row of desks whispering and muffling giggles.
“Kyle, Emma, and Sally. Would you like to share with the class what’s so funny back there?” Kirsten asked. That shut them up.
Kyle and Sally remained quiet, but Emma said, “We’re taking bets on when you and Mr. Goodkin will finally get together.” Kyle’s eyes bugged out of his head. The rest of the class snickered.
“I want in on that bet!” Allison called from the front of the room.
“Guys, there is nothing going on between Mr. Goodkin and me. Most of the time, he’s just annoying,” Kirsten said.
“Annoyingly charming!” One of the students chimed.
Kirsten’s cheeks flushed, and she sighed in frustration while her students burst into laughter. “Okay, okay. Calm down. Now let’s get back to derivatives. Can anyone tell me what a derivative does?”
At lunch that afternoon, Kirsten broached the subject of the bet.
“My students talk about it all the time, too,” Cameron admitted.
“It’s completely ridiculous,” Kirsten said, grabbing a pot sticker off Cameron’s plate and stuffing the whole thing in her mouth.
“Oh, yes. Completely ridiculous,” Camille said, voice dripping with sarcasm. This was one of the rare fall days where Camille and Linus had been able to join them at Jade’s.
“Well it is,” Kirsten said defensively.
“For being the two smartest people at school, you two sure are dumb when it comes to your feel-,” Linus said.
“Can we just drop it?” Cameron interrupted. They did indeed drop it, but what Camille and Linus had said weighed on them throughout the rest of lunch and into the afternoon. Their banter was stiff and eye contact was awkward at best.
After school let out, all the teachers had a faculty meeting. They sat in the uncomfortable chairs in the library while Principal Baptiste stood at the helm. Maggie wore one of her signature power suits- fitted blazer, matching pencil skirt, and stilettos that could kill a man- her dress an ample metaphor for her personality. She was known throughout the school district for being a hardass, but a hardass that got results.
“The first order of business is the Homecoming Dance this Friday night. The decorating committee is led by the pep squad and their faculty advisor, but we need more volunteers for chaperoning the dance itself.” Maggie paused, waiting for a response. As the silence grew, her arched eyebrow inched higher.
“Kirsten just said that she would do it,” Camille called from the back of the library.
“Excellent Ms. Clark,” Maggie said. She clearly didn’t care who volunteered whom, just that chaperones were assigned.
“But I didn’t-” Kirsten started.
“Just a couple more names should do it,” Maggie talked over her.
“Cameron and I will chaperone!” Linus enthused.
“Perfect. Moving on,” Maggie said, not even allowing Cameron to protest either.
So there Kirsten stood, hugging the walls of the gymnasium decorated with several hundred twinkling lights, wearing one of Camille’s short dresses, and a diamond necklace hung around her neck, drawing attention to her pronounced collarbones. As a chaperone, her main job was to make sure none of the teenagers started making out or hooking up. She grabbed a plastic cup and filled it with Goldfish crackers, mildly zoning out on the students’ activities. For the most part, chaperoning had been pretty boring. Until Cameron walked in, dressed in a perfectly fitted tux.
He spotted Kirsten and headed her way. “Hey.”
“You’re late.”
“Got stuck in traffic. But I brought you something to say ‘Sorry.’” Cameron pulled a corsage from behind his back. He glanced up at her, eyebrows raised as if asking for permission. She stuck her arm out in response, and he slid the flowers onto her wrist. He had a matching boutonniere pinned to his lapel. Cameron moved to stand beside Kirsten. They stood motionless and quiet, the few inches between them simultaneously not nearly enough and far too many.
The upbeat music faded out, and a slow song came on. Single students stood awkwardly on the sides, while couples hugged each other closer. Cameron reached out his palm. “May I have this dance, Ms. Clark?”
“Of course you may, Mr. Goodkin,” Kirsten said, placing her hand in his. Cameron lead her towards the dance floor, releasing her hand when they got there in favor of her waist. She wrapped her arms over his shoulders, and they swayed slowly with the music. They heard several poorly concealed “oohs” from their students, but chose to ignore them and continued dancing. As the song progressed, they got increasingly closer, doing the very thing they were supposed to prevent the students from doing. They held each other’s gaze for the duration of the dance, communicating more with their eyes than could possibly be said with words.
I’d die for you.
I know. I’d die without you.
I know. I love you.
I know.
They startled apart when Principal Baptiste approached and called out, “Ms. Clark, Mr. Goodkin, follow me.” She turned around and power walked out of the gym in her stiletto pumps. Kirsten and Cameron shared wide-eyed glances before scrambling to follow Maggie through the throng of students.
“We have a student unconscious and throwing up in the bathroom. I need you two to stay with her until the ambulance arrives and then accompany her to the hospital. Her family will meet you there,” Maggie said as soon as they reached the relative quiet of the hallway. “We’ll discuss the two of you later,” she continued.
They nodded before rushing into the bathroom to take over from Coach Fisher who looked like he was about to throw up himself. Kirsten wet a paper towel and pressed it onto the girl’s forehead while Cameron sat beside the girl, keeping her rolled over on her side. They cleaned the girl up as best they could, and they wiped up the vomit nearest her face.
The paramedics arrived and took over the girl’s care, strapping her onto a stretcher and escorting her to the ambulance. Cameron and Kirsten followed close behind. They jumped in Cameron’s Volvo and followed the ambulance all the way to the hospital. They rushed into the lobby and found the girl’s family in the waiting room. One of the medics was talking to them.
“We’re running a toxicology report to see if she may have overdosed or gotten alcohol poisoning. Does she have a history of seizures or using illicit drugs or alcohol?” The medic said.
“No. Not that we’re aware of,” the mousy mother said.
The medic turned to Cameron and Kirsten and said, “Thank you for your help at the school.”
“No problem,” Cameron said.
“Thank you,” the father echoed, voice gruff and short as he held back the tears welling up in his already reddened eyes.
“You’re welcome,” Kirsten said.
“We’ll get out of your hair,” Cameron said before leading Kirsten back to the car.
Once they were seated, Kirsten said quietly, “Thank you for taking me to my first school dance.”
“Oh, no. The night’s not over yet. It’s not homecoming without going out for awful breakfast food afterwards. You ever been to Al’s Waffle Palace?” Cameron asked.
“No, but I feel like that’s about to change whether I want it to or not,” Kirsten joked.
“That settles that, Cupcake. Prepare yourself for a truly unique, though not necessarily good, experience.” With that, Cameron pulled out of the parking lot.
Twenty minutes later, Kirsten and Cameron sat opposite each other in a booth at Al’s Waffle Palace, the harsh fluorescent lighting as far from romantic as one could get. The cook leaned over the counter and asked, “What’ll you have?”
Kirsten flipped the laminated menu over, skimming the options. Cameron placed his hand on the menu, lowering it back to the table, and then he said, “We’ll have the breakfast special.”
“Coming right up,” the server said.
“I don’t think anything here is ‘special,’’ Kirsten whispered across the table.
“Have a little faith in the magic of copious amounts of grease and butter,” Cameron said in mock-seriousness.
Minutes later, the server delivered two plates of fluffy waffles, greasy bacon, and scrambled eggs with a bottle of maple syrup and assorted jellies and jams.
“This is it?” Kirsten asked in disbelief.
“Go ahead. Take a bite,” Cameron watched expectantly. Kirsten carefully cut a small slice of waffle and took a bite.
“Mmmmm,” she hummed happily.
“Now try it with a bite of egg and bacon all dipped in syrup,” Cameron said, demonstrating the stack with his own syrupy fork. Kirsten follows suit and hums once again.
“I thought you were really into fancy food,” Kirsten said.
“As a self-proclaimed foodie, I choose not to let any prejudice towards a meager establishment such as this prohibit me from enjoying something so delicious just because it is also something horrible,” Cameron said with a smirk.
“How progressive of you,” Kirsten said, her tone serious but her eyes glimmering.
After they finished their midnight breakfast, Cameron drove Kirsten back to her house. After he pulled into the driveway, Kirsten said, “Thanks again for tonight. It was really fun.”
“You’re welcome,” Cameron said softly.
“I’ll see you Monday,” Kirsten said as she opened the door and stepped out of the car.
“See you Monday,” Cameron echoed.
Kirsten turned and walked up to her front stoop, stopping to fish out her house key. Cameron grabbed her by the arm, spun her around, and kissed her. It was deep and soft and perfect. His hands moved to cup her face, and Kirsten wrapped her arms around him, fingers playing with the curls at the nape of his neck. It was over too quickly even though it had left Kirsten breathless, and from the looks of things, Cameron as well.
“You needed the perfect ending to your homecoming night,” Cameron finally said, cheeks still flushed from the kiss. Cameron turned and walked back to his car and drove away, leaving Kirsten frozen in front of her door for a minute before she finally found movement again.
As soon as she stepped into the living room, Camille pounced on her. “Weren’t you supposed to be the ones preventing people from hooking up tonight? Not actually hooking up?”
“We did not hook up. It was just a kiss,” Kirsten said.
“That was no mere kiss. Plus, the dance ended hours ago,” Camille argued.
“Which is why I’m exhausted and going to bed now,” Kirsten said, ignoring Camille’s prodding.
Monday morning came, and Maggie called Kirsten and Cameron into her office as promised. They hadn’t seen each other since the kiss, and they hadn’t talked either.
“Hi,” Cameron said, not quite meeting Kirsten’s gaze.
“Hi,” Kirsten echoed, bumping shoulders with him. This caused him to finally look up. Kirsten gave him a small smile before saying, “How much trouble do you think we’re in?”
“Knowing Maggie? Enough,” Cameron answered.
They stepped into Maggie’s office and sat down opposite her.
She immediately jumped in saying, “Took you long enough. I bet you’d be together by the end of the first quarter. So now I’m out fifty bucks. Thanks for that, by the way.”
“Sorry?” Cameron asked.
“No, not sorry. This whole bet was ridiculous.” Kirsten hedged.
“In all seriousness, though, I expect complete professionalism between 8am and 3pm. And I need you to promise me that if things don’t work out between you that it won’t adversely affect your jobs in any way,” Maggie said.
“Of course.” Kirsten nodded.
“You got it!” Cameron said a little too enthusiastically.
“Dismissed,” Maggie said. She picked the papers up that she’d been reading before Kirsten and Cameron stepped into her office. But she still had a faint smile on her face as they scurried out of her office.
Kirsten glanced at the clock on the wall in the front hallway. 7:47. She grabbed Cameron’s hand and pulled him towards the Science hallway.
Cameron glanced down at their intertwined hands.
“What are you doing?”
“Come on, we have thirteen minutes. These are classic tropes we’re living out right now. Hot for teacher?”
“Oh my god,” Cameron said before pressing Kirsten up against the nearest set of lockers and kissing her.
He pulled back to catch his breath, and Kirsten whispered, “You’re like coming home.”
#camsten#stitchers#kirsten clark#stitchers fanfiction#cameron goodkin#kirsten x cameron#camsten fanfiction#my writing#stitchersss2018
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Franklin Pangborn: Only Yesterday

There is a 1927 photograph of Franklin Pangborn with his parents, both of whom had strongly disapproved of his acting career when he was first starting out. His father appears distant and uncomfortable, but Pangborn’s mother, who looks a bit like him, is smiling in the same “switched on” way he is. This photo expresses the complex and tense position that Pangborn was in as a performer who was less able to hide his homosexuality than other character actors of the time like Edward Everett Horton, whose dithering didn’t have that flamboyant edge that outed Pangborn nearly every time he appeared on screen.
Pangborn was born in 1889, and he left home to go on the stage as a young man and played Armand in Camille, if you can imagine that. He served in World War I and finally moved out to Hollywood in the mid-1920s, where he made his feature debut in Exit Smiling (1926), a backstage comedy in which he was a fussy leading man menaced on stage by Beatrice Lillie in male drag. In Getting Gertie’s Garter (1927), Pangborn sends mixed signals as the dim-witted, nervous Algy Brooks, who at one point accidentally rubs a man’s foot and looks ecstatic about it, as if his desire can only be fulfilled by mistake. Later in the film, when he has been manhandled by Gertie (Marie Prevost), Pangborn’s Algy cries, “I like rough girls, do it again!” This film seems to suggest that the best bet for feminine Algy would be to get himself a masculine woman to marry.
Pangborn dominates his sections of King Vidor’s Not So Dumb (1930) as Vincent Leach, an ambitious scenarist who swoons when he hears “Liebestraum” played on a piano and regales guests at a house party for nearly two hours with the story of the new movie he is working on, an epic morality play called Sin. Pangborn’s default mode here and in many other films is disapproval, even when there is nothing to disapprove of, and this hypercritical gay culture vulture outsider spirit is often mocked by Pangborn’s films but sometimes taken seriously.
Pangborn attempted to butch it up as a guy named Sport in Tay Garnett’s Her Man (1930), and he almost gets away with it, though not quite. But then in John M. Stahl’s Only Yesterday (1933), Pangborn is seen on the day of the stock market crash of 1929 with a good-looking younger man who seems to be his boyfriend or boy toy. “Oh, that silly stock market,” he says dismissively before peering at a painting in a window. “I say, Thomas, look at that heavenly blue against that mauve curtain…doesn’t it excite you?” he asks. “You know, blue like that does something to me.”
When he goes to a party with the comely and “sensitive” Thomas, Pangborn’s character says that he designed the house they are in, and he knowingly tells his young companion that the bedroom is “a sensation.” In the Pre-Code Only Yesterday, Pangborn actually gets to be a confident, appealing, sophisticated urban gay man with a sex drive, but with censorship he found himself more often playing small roles as hotel managers and tailors and hair dressers who were always in a “nervous nelly” tizzy.
As a theatrical producer in Design for Living (1933), Pangborn is handed a play by Miriam Hopkins, who tells him, “I’m sure you’ll adore it, it’s a woman’s play.” He blanches at that and signals, “I’m vaguely offended and perplexed,” as he always does on screen when people regard him as female. Pangborn gets flustered when a busty chambermaid comes on to him in Flying Down to Rio (1933), where he seems to be wearing make-up as a hotel manager named Mr. Hammerstein who was “imported from Switzerland” to “enforce discipline.” He runs the treasure hunt at the start of My Man Godfrey (1936) and asks William Powell if he can check his facial stubble to see if it is real, a flimsy pretext for caressing Powell’s face that Pangborn immediately thinks better of, moving his hand away as if it might get burnt. This is a moment that expresses Pangborn’s trapped urge for tenderness better than any other.
He sold hats in Easy Living (1937), and the usual Pangborn schtick was firmly in place by this point: the use of pretentious words, a love of beauty and artificiality for their own sake, and fuming that is a stand-in for his sexual tension. (When a door hits his ass here, he reacts as if he has been goosed.) Pangborn’s Harcourt in Stage Door (1937) is the perfect butler, walking backwards on tiptoe and willing to be a public beard for his boss Tony Powell (Adolphe Menjou) and the various women that Tony sees. He was an orchestra leader in Joy of Living (1938) who swoons in response to Irene Dunne’s singing, and then in The Bank Dick (1940) with W.C. Fields he played his most convincing heterosexual, a drained little man named J. Pinkerton Snoopington who does everything by the book.
“Swish swash!” Pangborn cries as a producer in another film with Fields called Never Give a Sucker an Even Break (1941), but then he set Bette Davis up with Paul Henreid in Now, Voyager (1942), and so it should be remembered that it is a gay guy who makes sure that Davis’s repressed Charlotte Vale finally gets laid. In Stage Door Canteen (1943), Pangborn washes dishes with Johnny Weissmuller and cries, “My goodness, but it’s hot in here!” When Weissmuller takes off his shirt, Pangborn is overcome. “Oh my, what a chest!” he marvels, and then he tries to make the joke about his own lack of manliness by attempting a Tarzan yell in a soprano voice before he faints and Weissmuller catches him.
Pangborn worked five times for Preston Sturges in the 1940s, most felicitously in Christmas in July (1940) as a self-infatuated radio announcer, but he was stuck mainly in “fume and then fume even harder” bits, and by the 1950s his career on screen largely dried up. He appeared sometimes on television and was the original announcer for The Jack Paar Show in 1957 before he was replaced by Hugh Downs. Pangborn died in 1958. Not nearly enough is known about his life, though he did live with his mother and an “occasional boyfriend” according to William Mann’s Behind the Screen. What kind of personal life did he have? And what did he feel about the parts he was given to play? Pangborn was friends with Edna May Oliver and Edward Everett Horton, and it’s pleasant to imagine him cruising for sailors with Horton.
If Pangborn was starting out on his career today, he would most likely be cast in similar roles, but contemporary comedies are so crude that he would probably be reduced to bathroom humor and jokes about gay sex for laughs. Maybe Pangborn would have been happier in the more open social atmosphere of today, but in his day he was a part of some of the best films ever made in this country, and in Only Yesterday he hinted at what might have been for him on screen.
by Dan Callahan
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Muse relationships with other muses, reverse-chronological order (from other blogs’ muses)
(in progress!)
[relationships updated: 03/27/2019]
Devon: They’re good friends! The two have known each other since St. Lawrence Catholic High School first opened, and although it took about five years for Vinnie to learn Devon’s name, they’ve remained good and close friends since then. He is a very supportive friend to Devon, and admires him for being very kind, smart, and talented.
Vincent: From the moment they met, Vinnie never thought of Vincent as anything less than a friend. He was instantly wowed by Vincent’s intellect, and feels comfortable asking him for help with his homework because he’s always so helpful and kind!
Flint: Flint is such a cool person, and matches Vinnie’s excitability easily. He’s a wonderful friend who can always come up with amazing and fun things to do, although sometimes the things he talks about can sometimes go over Vinnie’s head, he’s very happy to have him as a friend.
Wendy (bereavechild): She’s very very nice! And also really cute! She seems a lil mopey sorta, but it’s okay! She helped Vinnie pick out ice cream and stuff, and that was super duper nice! What a wonderful friend!
Serena (a-young-lion): She’s cool and nice! She seems to know Devon, which is one of Vinnie’s bestest best friends! So since she’s a friend of his friend, she can be Vinnie’s friend too! Yay, friendship~
Ovella (shccpish): She's very kind!! She let Vinnie know that his bag was open! A wonderful person! Now if only Vinnie could figure out how to close his bag...
Goner (the-grey-kid-in-waterfall): They’re really nice! They helped him by trying to find his house, even though it wasn’t actually his house, but it’s the thought that counts! They also gave him a place to sleep, and then breakfast when he woke up! And they didn’t yell at him for being so dumb or anything, which was super duper nice because then he would cry if they did yell at him! But they’re a super great friend, and Vinnie was very happy to spend time with them! He hopes he’ll see them again someday.
Uxis (uxis-multimuse): She kinda confuses Vinnie! She also kinda threw her stuff at him and it really hurt, and almost made him cry. She didn’t really… explain what she meant when she said a thing that confused him, which was sorta weird since people usually do that for Vinnie. But she did a cool thing on the square thingy at the top of the elevator, which was cool!! They also got to jump up and down together at the top of the elevator, like all good friends do! So Vinnie figures they’re friends now, and that makes him happy!
Camille (ask-theangelicmaplewife): She’s super duper nice!! Even though they bumped into each other, she was really nice about it! Vinnie offered to get her a band-aid, and the two of them didn’t know where to get one, so Camille suggested they go on an adventure to find it! And also get food!! She’s the best friend ever!! Adventure, yay! It’s super nice how she matches his energeticness and excitability over nice simple things, too. They held hands while they were going on their little adventure!
Leif (blind-determination): He’s a very cool little dude! He doesn’t really talk, and he makes funny hand motions, but Vinnie thinks he’s very nice! Vinnie accidentally bumped into the kid when they first met, and it was sorta hard to understand him… But luckily Flint was around to translate! Until Vinnie managed to get lost again.
Lizzy (dark-comes-quickly) [interacted with an older, resetted version of Elizabeth]: She seems super nice! Even though she uses those ‘cancer sticks’ that Vinnie’s boyfriend sometimes uses even though they taste gross… They met at the park, by the swings! It was really nice.
Taylor (quillandpurpleink): They seem really really super duper nice! Even though Vinnie bumped into them and made them fall down, and then proceeded to be really weird and annoying while trying to apologize, they were very nice to him about it! And they didn’t yell at him or make him cry, which is a bonus! He hopes they can be friends, and do stuff like hang out and eat together!!
Buttercup (pastelbuttercups): There’s not much to say about her… Vinnie hasn’t met her. But if he did, he’s sure they’ll be friends!
Sans (true-blue-sentry): This skeleton is very nice! Way more nice and friendly than the last guy, so they’re instant friends instead of becoming friends later~! He complimented Vinnie’s hair, and that was super nice! He’s also a really funny guy.
Rum (true-blue-sentry): He was really funny at first! Confusing, but funny. But then he made Vinnie cry, and that was sad. But then he calmed Vinnie down, and the ghost boy forgave Rum happily! Vinnie’s sure that they’re friends now, because they got to eat together and that means they’re friends!
Germania (ask-aph-germania): He’s a little quiet, and sort of intimidating-looking! But he’s part of Feli’s family! ….Technically, from Feli’s step-mother’s nyo version of her grandmom… But still family! At least he thinks so. And therefore, he’s good in Vinnie’s books! Germania seemed to laugh, sort of, at something Vinnie said. Vinnie doesn’t know what he said that was so funny, but he’s glad that it was! But then again, Germania apparently doesn’t know what slang words mean… And that’s sorta weird.
Etsuko (mcgicalboy): He seemed really really nice! Vinnie met Etsuko while he was trying to decide between two flavours of ice cream to get, and Vinnie suggested both. He may think that vanilla ice cream tastes like ice, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t a cool friend~!
Bercilak (bxrci): He called him a fuckboy when they first met and then called his hat dumb and stole it!! :( Luckily, Vinnie forgot all about that by the time he got his hat back, and promptly forgave him! He also forgot about the entire encounter by the next time they met. Vinnie thinks of Bercilak as a cool and very nice friend! Even though he still doesn’t know his name, and jumped onto him and wouldn’t get off for a long time!
Mileah (thetemporalduo): The two of them accidentally bumped into each other on the sidewalk and sent each other falling onto the pavement hard. That wasn’t very fun. But now they’re the best of friends, and Vinnie really really enjoys hanging out with her and Sapphire! Miles also likes bendy straws like him, which is super duper cool! She and Sapphire comforted him when he was feeling super down, and it really meant a lot to him.
Saito (genjitsu-yume): She sings really good! She’s also very nice, ‘cause she went out of her way to try to help Vinnie when he was lost in Japan! They talked a bit and got to know each other while they walked together, trying to get Vinnie back to his hotel.
Charlotte (side-chara-cter): She was super duper nice! Even though Vinnie almost stole from a store again, she didn’t get mad, or yell at him, and make him cry for it, or anything! She was very forgiving and told him it happens to everyone, and Vinnie managed to calm down. What a nice person~! She seemed to be bothered by something the last time they met, though, and Vinnie feels really bad and wants to help… Somehow.
Honey (couldntbelved): They’re really nice! They threw glitter on Vinnie one time, and Vinnie loves glitter! So that was a nice thing to do!
Soda (purple-goo-monster): This monster is very tall! And also purple!
MK (armlessmonsterkid): They met each other when MK broke his ankle, which was really scary and sad! Vinnie didn’t know what to do or how to help! The kid seemed kinda irritated at getting hurt… Or was he irritated at Vinnie? He wasn’t sure. But he thought he should bring him to a hospital, so he could get better… Vinnie really hopes the poor kid is okay.
Elizabeth (dark-comes-quickly) [interacted with OP Vinnie]: Ugh. It’s a child, what’s there to love about that? He only feels obligated to talk to her just because he doesn’t want to deal with his normal self crying all undignified from Vincent somehow ruining his friendship with the girl.
Justin (sixprecioussouls): He pointed a gun at Vinnie when they first met, which was so not cool! It was very scary, in fact! But the kid put away the gun, and tried to help Vinnie know more about the place he got lost in, and kinda comforted him when he had a little freak-out, so that meant he was very nice and it turned out okay!
Raz (advancedspyandassassin): Vinnie met this boy while he was staying at Luna’s house, waiting for Donnie. He was pretty nice, and also seems very cool! He’s apparently a spy along with Luna, which makes it super duper cool! Vinnie is very excited to see him and Luna again someday.
Elizabeth (dark-comes-quickly): She seems so tired… It’s kinda sad. And it’s super sad that she’s in some crazy world where everything wants to kill her! But she seems so nice, even though she seemed kinda shy. And she’s a cool princess apparently, too, so Vinnie thinks she’s really cool! He hopes he can help her somehow, and maybe find a way back home with her so she doesn’t have to stay in that world…
Zero (error-zero): He looks cool! And he seems like a pretty nice guy too! He laughed at something Vinnie said, although he didn’t know what was so funny, but making people laugh is a good thing anyway!
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid): Vinnie bumped into the kid when they first met, and made him drop his package. He felt super duper bad for it, and helped Kip pick them up, and walked with him to the delivery place thing and then back to Kip’s home so he wouldn’t be alone. They got to talk to each other along the way, and get to know each other, which was really nice! It’s always nice meeting other people who match his excitability and how much he talks too! He took Vinnie on a tour of the Underground, and showed him lots of cool things!
Luna (advancedspyandassassin): She seemed super familiar for some reason, when they met. But she’s very nice, and tried to help Vinnie when he got lost on his way home from school! She let him use her home phone to call his cousins, and even stay at her place for a little while to wait to be picked up! She feels like a cool big sister, to be honest! She’s a little quiet too, but that doesn’t mean she’s not nice and cool!
Glitter (beauty-b0t): He was very nice! He seemed very willing to help Vinnie find his way to the address his boyfriend gave him, even though Vinnie was just some stranger who walked up to him, but it was very nice of him to help! He also kinda reminds him of his cousin, Donnie, in a way.
Meria (napsta-chan): She’s super nice! She complimented his hat, and Vinnie complimented her back. Vinnie has no clue why she floats or has pointy teeth, but she’s a cool friend! They also bonded over having bad last names, so that’s a plus. They also got sort of deep, talking about relationships…
Elizabeth (dark-comes-quickly) [interacted with pre-death verse Vinnie]: She’s very cute and small! Being fourteen years old, Vincent felt the need to be sort of like a big brother to the little six-year-old, and he was very happy to talk to her when they first met, even if he couldn’t quite follow the odd accent she had.
Mandy (he-tried-to-be-a-star) [interacted with pre-death verse Vinnie]: Mandy was very nice and kind to six-year-old little Vincent! She helped him when he got separated from his parents and gave him flowers! So nice~!
Art (he-tried-to-be-a-star): He’s very shy and soft spoken! He kinda reminds Vinnie of his cousin, Maril, in a way! Art is also very tall, and it was really nice of him to offer him help with getting back to vacation with Feli.
Feli (felitheemoitaliannation) [interacted with Reign of Italia Vinnie]: It’s Feli!!! He’s actually very different from the Feli who’s his boyfriend… But Vinnie still likes him anyway! This Feli is still nice, and just as cute as his boyfriend!
Feli (felitheemoitaliannation): Feli!!! His boyfriend!!!! Vinnie loves him to pieces. He doesn’t know what he’ll do without him. He loves him, he loves him, he loves him! So much! He loves everything about him; his smile, his voice, his laugh, his singing, his piano skills, his dancing, his artwork, how nice he is… He loves everything there is to love about his amazing and wonderful boyfriend. He wants to cuddle him forever and never let go, and Vinnie misses him even if he leaves the room for, like, 10 seconds.
Luna (mypastwillneverdefineme): She’s super duper nice! And short and cute! She’s likes making music just like Vinnie, and she helped find his phone too!! She’s so friendly, and she lives in a really cool place that Vinnie’s never seen before! What a nice and amazing person. A good friend!
Napstablook (little-lonesome-ghost): He’s very nice! Even though he’s a spooky ghost! Napstablook was very kind to Vinnie, and told him where he was when he was lost in the Underground. Although… Being told how to get out wasn’t as nice… He offered to take him to the King’s castle, though, so that was nice.
Blooky (napsta-chan): She seemed really shy and scared when they first met… Vinnie had no clue why! At least he’s sort of used to being around shy people, so it went pretty okay! And she likes music, too! She’s cool, yet a little gloomy sometimes, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t a great friend! Her family sucks big time, though… But Vinnie is more than happy to help her with that and her mental health in general!
Error (the-destruction-team): He’s very nice, even if he looks a little funny! He told Vinnie about where he was when he got lost, which was nice, and how to get back home… Oh gosh, that was scary though…But he offered to let Vinnie tag along with him, and that was nice..! He lives in a cool place, even if it’s a bit minimalist! That’s a word, right? Wow, what a big word.
Vinnie: He is one of Devon’s best and closest friends. Because they were stuck in the same high school for years, eventually Devon decided to befriend him after figuring out that he was also a ghost so he didn’t have to worry about losing him. And Vinnie is completely nice, uplifting, and selfless to boot. Devon clung onto him for years, and appreciates him as a friend so, so much. Especially during his darkest times.
Flint: Oh god, this kid has the same name as him but he’s completely different in every way possible. He talks too much, he’s loud, and impulsive, reckless, sort of scary, and he's so basic. Still, Devon admires Flint for being literally everything he’s too afraid to be. He’s funny, and still a nice person, and a good friend even though his morals are questionable.
Vincent: He’s… a person. Devon doesn’t necessarily like him, but he doesn’t hate him either. He doesn’t like hating people, but Vincent… Well, he’s pretty easy to dislike. He’s not a fan of his condescending attitude, and his boasting and flaunting. They’re not friends, but they know of each other, because of going to the same school, and their boyfriends technically being family.
Liz (gamerlizzyandco): She's very kind. She's also potentially a new friend. Well, she did give Devon her phone number and everything. So, friends. Yeah. And she listened to him talk about his issues with his friends at school, not to mention gave him a doughnut she made. Devon really appreciates her, and he sort of helped her with some stuff of hers, too.
Oles (treeternal): He seems nice enough. He’s very tall, and he offered to let Devon see the parade that was passing by, which was very kind for a stranger.
Wendy (bereavechild): There was a little misunderstanding when Devon uttered some lyrics from a song he relates to. But it was a nice misunderstanding. He got a hug from that, which was very much needed. She’s a little… concerning, however, because she seems a little too young to talk about death like that. But he still thinks she’s a cute kid anyway. She also surprised him by popping up and asking about what song he was listening to one day. Though she might have seen him turn invisible briefly, and he’s scared about how she’ll react.
Jaclyn (renaijac): They first met when she lost her cat. Of course, Devon wanted to help her so they looked for her cat together. She also complimented his hair and made him blush really hard. Apparently, she doesn't have the nicest opinion on love, but... To each their own. Although Devon thinks it's a little sad, because he's personally a hopeless romantic who loves loving. Overall, he thinks she's nice, and kinda wants to be her friend... He's not sure if they are already friends or not.
Elizabeth (dark-comes-quickly): She was smoking next to him outside the bowling alley and called him a creeper. He feels like it's too early to judge this girl, but he's not sure if he likes her or not, honestly... She's just a stranger right now.
Mileah (thetemporalduo) [interacted with Original Devon]: Devon only met her when Vinnie suddenly ran off and he had to stop him from wandering and getting lost. He led Devon to this girl, and he doesn't exactly have an opinion of her yet...
Mizuki (yureiobake) [interacted with Original Devon]: She’s a little annoying. They bumped into each other when they first met, and she also laughed at him for not knowing that other ghosts existed, and that ghosts like her had the power to detect other ghosts. They started becoming a little more friendly to each other later on, however, when they talked to each other about their boyfriends. Apparently she met Vinnie too, but Devon doesn’t really care about that.
Olivar (askolivar) [interacted with Original Devon]: He kinda weirded out Devon at first. Like, what the fuck? A rabbit, sorry, lagomorph wearing clothes? He just seems like a smartass and Devon doesn’t particularly care about him.
Honey (couldntbelved) [interacted with Original Devon]: They threw glitter on him. What the fuck. He gets enough glitter on him from his boyfriend, he doesn’t need any more. Honey is not at the top of his ‘people I like’ list.
Flint: How in the world did he become best friends with him of all people? They met when St. Lawrence Catholic High School first opened. Flint is sort of obnoxious, and definitely so much more inferior to Vincent, and yet… He sticks around. He listens to him, and really cares about him. Flint has called Vincent his best friend many, many times over the years, and though Vincent denies it every time, part of him sort of likes being called his best friend.
Vinnie: Vincent met Vinnie, fully expecting to hate the imbecile. He expected to think Vinnie was so stupid that it was infuriating because he was, supposedly, the opposite of himself. Sure, he hated himself, but if someone was that vastly different from a perfect being like him, wouldn’t he hate them too? Vinnie was proof he was wrong. Vinnie was actually… Really adorable. And nice. And sweet. And he praised, literally everything Vincent did. He could never find it in him to hate Vinnie after all of that. Shame that Feli’s dating him, however…
Devon: He goes to the same school as Devon. He heard he was the school’s fuckboy™, and doesn’t necessarily care at all or pay attention to him in any way. Vincent doesn’t really have an opinion of him. Why would he? He’s a nobody. Who cares.
Wendy (bereavechild): A lost child he found at night. Perhaps she wasn’t lost, but she ran away from home. Vincent doesn’t particularly care about her specifically, but he couldn’t just leave a child on the streets, you know? He was planning to take her home, but as soon as she said something about her family not wanting her… Vincent could relate. He felt sort of sympathetic and decided to take her to a hotel instead. He thinks she’s a little weird, but that might be because he just doesn’t like children. Who knows.
Emmy (faefiore): She’s a wonderful friend. The two of them met when Vincent decided to vent out his frustrations with Feli one day to a total stranger. She was kind enough to listen, and compliment him, and treat him to get some tea together. It turns out making friends with people is actually very nice. She’s practically one of his best friends now, and he’ll defend her from Anything. She also made a wonderful scarf for him once during the holidays, which was very thoughtful and nice of her.
Honey (couldntbelved): They threw glitter on him. This is never going to wash out. Vincent definitely hates Honey’s guts.
Vincent: Flint’s Ultimate Best Friend!! The original best friend. The best friend whose been his best friend for literally almost a century. Sure, Flint definitely has many best friends, but Vincent holds a special place in his heart. After seeing how desperately the guy needed friends, Flint instantly had his back. And now, after spending years with him, he realizes that Vincent has lots of mental health issues that he needs help and support for, and he just has trouble with reciprocating kindness sometimes, but that’s okay. He knows that Vincent really does appreciate the things Flint does for him, even if he won’t admit it.
Devon: You bet your ass Flint had the time of his afterlife meeting some emo opposite version of himself! It’s hilarious how Devon and him have the same name! And he’s emo too! Pfft. Emo. But really, Devon is actually pretty cool. He’s into music and poetry, just like Flint, although he went more for the poetry route rather than spending as much time as Flint did with music. But that’s gucci. He’s sorta quiet, but Flint’s used to being around quiet people. He’s also sometimes the moral compass for Flint, which is a good thing for everyone else.
Vinnie: This kid is really cool!! He’s a fucking famous DJ, how cool can you get? And he somehow managed to stay this innocent and precious too, which is amazing for a teenager as old as him. Flint really admires his remixing talent, although he still prefers going to Vincent for remix help. Flint thinks that Vinnie’s a little… emptyheaded at times, but that doesn’t make him any less cool and fun to be around.
Yukiko (snoweternal): She seems really shy, kinda like Devon! But she's also very nice, so far. She introduced herself by coming up to him and asking if he could open a jar for her, so of course Flint's going to help her!
BEN (drownedstatue): He's cool!! He offered to do arson with Flint, and scare a bully from school who picked on one of Flint's friends! Fun! Flint would say they're friends, and it's really cool to have a ghost friend who not an alternate of himself for once!
Zoya (positiveternal): She's fuckin' cool! Flint floated up to her, asking if she wanted to watch him chug a large bottle of pop, and she suggested on making it a contest between them. That's awesome! She's awesome! He totally wants to be her friend.
Flowey (itsyourbestnightmare): Flint wants to set this guy on fire! Not because he hates him or thinks he's bad or anything, he seems pretty chill. But Flint just wants to see what would happen if he were to do that.
Papyrus (humerus-witticism): He's fucking awesome!! He offered free food to Flint, and why would he ever pass up free food??? This skeleton guy was also pretty chill when Flint hugged him, which was awesome! He loves this guy, even though he doesn't even know his name.
Serena (a-young-lion): She’s very soft and pattable! A good, good friend. Flint really likes her, even though she seemed really shy and a teensy bit scared of him when they first met because he may have sounded like some arsonist psychopath, big oof. They got to spend time together at her place as of late, and talk about stuff which was really fun too!! Flint would die (again) for her. She also uses his actual name when talking to him!! Holy shit! Amazing. Literally very few have done this outside of the people who know him at his school, everyone else settled on calling him Flint. Perks of being a youtuber apparently.
Susie (rudexbuster): She seems kinda rowdy and punch-happy. Not that that's a bad thing, because Flint doesn't mind that! She kinda seems like one of those "mean bully" type of people, but that's just at first glance. Flint's sure they can become friends or something! They just got off on the wrong foot. Plus, her lack of knowledge with Mario Kart mechanics are very fuckin' hilarious and amusing. She's pretty cool despite the "wanting to beat him up at first" part, because everyone knows you can't beat up Devon Flint Butterworth, silly!
Jaclyn (renaijac): She’s cool! She likes music on tapes and stuff, and so does Flint! Flint may have been a little too excited and also on a sugar high while meeting her, and tried to explain where to buy some tapes. Very confusingly, though. But she was also cool with him flying and stuff, which was great! Shame that made it a 1/10 on the “how funny people’s reactions are when I do ghost shit around them” scale.
Kris (crxxpykris): They’re so fucking cool! They seemed a little shy and scared when the two of them first met, but that’s understandable! They speak to him in sign and have really cool eyes. Flint also made them laugh a couple times, and that gave him warm feelings. Very fun! Always nice to meet a fellow little shit. He also got to see their fursona, and that was fun~!
Napstablook (bleakish-blooky): They’re so cute!! They seem really shy but adorable, and they have really cool snails! They don’t seem to know much slang that Flint uses, but that’s alright! Not even much people on the surface can decipher what he says either, so it’s really okay dfgfdfgh. Flint definitely wants to hang out with them more!
Ancelin (uxis-multimuse): She seems okay in Flint’s books! She brought food to his house, so that’s a good thing obviously. She kinda seems to have resting bitch face (lovingly) and also weird henati tentacles coming from her back, but Flint needs a little more time with her to get a more solid opinion.
Sans (somehumerusbones): He’s pretty cool! He can teleport and stuff, and he’s also a skeleton! He can also answer Flint’s barrage of questions in order, and that’s, like, mad skillz right there. He seems really chill too, and also pretty patient enough to deal with the hyperactivity that is Flint. Really awesome! Definitely wants to be friends with this guy.
Leif (blind-determination): He’s really cool, and Flint thinks of Leif as a friend! He doesn’t mind that he uses sign language even though he’s not deaf, and that he doesn’t talk and stuff. He probably has his own reasons for that, and that’s okay! Flint was pretty worried that Leif would get all scared once he found out that Flint was a ghost, and but he was actually pretty chill with it. Or, well, found out he has "superpowers." Either one of the two. What a cool kid! He also makes very funny faces when Flint freaks him out~! Though there was that one time he got hurt, and Flint was there to help him, but that was really sad to remember..
Reid (theirburden): They left a small box of candy, probably for the ghost boys to share. But Flint managed to find it first, and he loVES THEM FOR DOING THAT HOLY FUCK. Let him hug the robot. He loves them.
Veasna (fatesfeated): She tried to discourage Flint from stealing candy from people. It didn’t work. It was hella funny to see her try, though!
Jonathan (mynameisntburgerpants): They have never met in person, but somehow communicated through the internet?? They talked about how awesome and fun it is to steal candy from people on Halloween, instead of paying for it! He seemed pretty sympathetic to Flint’s plight when he got turned alive by greyfaces, so that was super nice. 10/10 would talk to again.
Mileah (thetemporalduo): Some random girl who was walking around. He wanted to scare her by going invisible, then appearing upside down right in front of her, shouting “Boo!” like some stereotypical ghost. He’s not particularly attached to her, she’s just some stranger.
Sasha (youwinatball): He’s really fucking cool! He was really nice about Flint’s obsession with fire, and the little dude didn’t freak out or anything from seeing an upside-down, flying, pyromaniac ghost, which is really cool! It was also hella great that he offered to make s'mores together, because food is life! Even though Flint isn’t alive. Got em! Anyway, apparently this kid can play ukulele too, and Flint really wants to jam out with him some time, because that would be awesome!
Olivar (askolivar): It was fuckin' hilarious when Flint ended up scaring this guy! He seems nice, though. Also, he's very tiny!! Well, Olivar's the biggest rabbit Flint has ever seen, but he's still tiny! It's great!
Ovella (shccpish): She's so fluffy!!! Very floof, much soft. She seems super shy but sweet, though! And she's been really nice to put up with Flint patting the fuck outta her.
Kytar (harvestingshopkeep): He's pretty cool in Flint's opinion! He seemed to like the lame pun from when Flint first met, so he's good in his books! And told him he was pretty fly too! He did seem kinda standoffish, but Flint assumes that's first meeting jitters, because he is pretty much a stranger, after all. And that's okay! Flint still doesn't know the name of this guy, though...
Elizabeth (dark-comes-quickly): She was pretty nice!! She didn't judge him for his fire obsession, and she seemed pretty concerned for him by coming out to tell him to take it easy. Even though he's a ghost and can't get hurt, he still appreciated it a lot! Although, he's kinda concerned that she said she'll never see him again... It was ominous as fuck, wig tea.
Honey (couldntbelved): Fuck yeah!!! Glitter! Flint loves getting glitter thrown at him, it gives him strength. Anyone who has glitter on hand to just throw glitter-rains at people is a cool person in his eyes.
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aesthetic themed ask list: you know the drill fam, all of them now!
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
will i ever be a successful writer/artist of any kind? how can i achieve that?
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
being able to be grateful and enjoy small things in life even if i feel like i’m at the peak of my dysthymia (lol)
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
a very random day i’m not sure why it got stuck on my head some +5 years ago when it was raining and i was outside my house, throwing lemons of my lemon tree towards the neighbors’ houses lmao
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
totally, i would start writing full time and maybe planning on doing some small trips before it
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?
-visiting a foreign country (japan would be my dream)-publishing a work (either a book or a photograph in a prestigious place)-be truly in love and loved back
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.
-she’s the only one who knows in EXPLICIT detail how my sublimation mechanism works, the biggest of my weakness, what makes me feel shame the most….. a college friend of mine, intellectually clever, emotionally not so much, shares big passion for the same EROS subject
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
-i can’t complain about it, i remember good things mostly, i still went outside and played but also enjoyed video games and cartoons; i was a loner but never felt lonely, my imagination compensated alla that
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?
-in the first days of the year in front of my parents lol i was so done with everything
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.
-i’d choose my father cause he surely would tell me some good stories or about the myths…..
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
-that’s literally what going to therapy almost is lmao jks that’s not therapy well i think if i could feel reciprocated, i would
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
-3 am???? i guess it was my last best friend, but we barely think of each other now
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?
-it would depend on a lot of things, honestly
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?
-cute and it doesn’t give me the creeps to stare at directly, lmao (eyes too light give me anxiety to hold visual contact with)
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
“A Hero must struggle!” how can you know a Hero is a Hero without trouble though? isn’t life made out of trials? A Hero must not be just a muscular, strong figure who makes physical tasks, it also speaks of mental and intern fights too..... I wrote a whole paper on this and would surely write more about it
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?
-1000 reasons why thinking everything will solve by itself later is a lie and a bad idea
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?
-find another place to live with my family; travel. a fucking lot. but first, give my parents what they need to solve some financial and health issues. donate to environment protection orgs, buy shittons of gaming and anime merch like the hopeless half-arsed grown adult i am
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
-I can forgive anyone but it takes some time. I like being like that, everything that hurts me i sublimate later through my writings, so even that displeasure, has a /creative/ function in my life
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.-bitchyou’re dumb as hell, but wise as fuck. you don’t give three fucks about time,enjoy it while you can. you may have encountered yourself with people who tryto hurt you, mess with you and you feel bad about yourself, but it’s not yourfault in the slightest, nor they are right. never allow them to be in controlof YOUR emotions. you need to stand for yourself and yourself only, you don’tneed to prove shit to no one. Write. Write. Write. and never stop. use everythingand turn it into words: good, bad, fears and dreams.
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?
both depending on the #mood
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain
piercings aren’t really my thing but I like tattoos (not hardcore-like tho), I’ve think of getting one but I get overwhelmed and my mom would kill me lol (if my siblings agreed on getting a small Triforce tattoo and each of us pick one part /i’d pick wisdom tho/, i’d be more than happy to get it done)
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?
I used to wear mascara (but i caught an eye infection, lol), now i just do the basics: powder and lipstick.
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.
uhm….. i owe led zeppelin a lot because it supported me thru the worst of my first major depressive episode, and i have a thing with Pink Floyd The Wall….. I used to listen it on repeat thru the last straw of it, so it naturally makes me feel depressive and somewhat suicidal ???? but just in thought….. I can’t listen to Dark Side of the Moon because I feel useless as well lol
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.
we need to stop being arrogant, selfish and stupid enough to think everything is here to serve us; we can’t dissociate ourselves from nature and the environment as if we were self-sufficient.
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.
oh now this is sad lol
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
the person who will spend their life with me, and where to find them
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised?
uhmm….. hehe
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine?
i set /most of times/ my stuff for the next day, uniform; i eat/drink something and put a glass of water beside my bed, wear my pajamas, pray a little for the people i love, or render thanks for stuff, and think of my stories or some gay shit before till i fall asleep (if i’m lucky enough, i get to dream of it as well)
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?
-same as u fam @electroma89, I want my parents to know my interest in writing and such, just like my father does buuuuuuuuuuut the topics of my interest i doubt they’ll understand and it’s a total wild card trying to guess how they would react like
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
have u seen MCU’s Gamora? that’s how I’d wear my hair
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?
-uh….. lol idk, i’ve always have wanted to go to somewhere quiet and watch the stars
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them.
-Peace and Love on Planet Earth….. is there anything that’s worth more?-having self discipline….. i swear to Hylia lots of my problems could be avoided that way-meet someone who loves me and i can love back….. my life has placed me in the worst places to know people, i swear…..
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.
-i’ve never dressed for halloween, but i’d like to; though i can’t think of any rn lol
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?
-opening up to people more than i should had
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?
-hurt someone from my loved ones; steal from the poor
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?
-only one song??? FUCK i couldn’t say a person, but i’m sooooo special with songs i’m not sure….. maybe Le Cygne by Camil Saint-Saens, maybe that one
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.
-i’ve never been, i’ve been infatuated, but in love? as in love for real? i don’t think so
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?
-i was thinking in cutting my hair real short…. i might do it next year
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
-i’d trust anyone who acknowledges i love italian sodas instead of coffee lmao
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
-getting some writings done and figuring out what to do once my internship trial is over
BRUH this is some deep shit for real omfg
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