#came all over himself the first time Terry did it.
zappedbyzabka · 1 year
oh boy your tags about terry buying Johnny all those rings
Just picturing daniel who’s been longing after johnny and regretting not helping him after the tournament for years, dreaming of him and being unable to date anyone else because of it, running into johnny at the store and seeing the EXPENSIVE ring on johnny’s finger. feeling like crying because he’s still so beautiful and he seems healthy and happy. Daniel realizing that he will never have a chance with him again and has lost him completely. sorry this is So angsty.
Um , YES
Anon this is like, exactly what I’ve been thinking for this au. Maybe Johnny did used to like Daniel too, but is now too in love with/owned by Terry to even think about having feelings tor anyone else again.
Johnny looked so content, a small smile on his face, his ring shining under the store lights as he looked through cards like he couldn’t find the right one. Daniel walked up to him, his heart in his throat.
Johnny’s head whipped towards him, and to Daniel’s surprise, no glare appeared.
"LaRusso…Long time, no see."
Daniel cleared his throat, forcing a polite smile on his face. "Yeah, lotta years, but you still got those golden locks, huh?"
Johnny chuckled, and Daniel felt his chest tighten. "Yeah, and I see you’re already getting gray hairs—"
That just made Johnny laugh again, and Daniel felt like dying because he looked so beautiful, so…different, like he was being cared for finally, like Daniel hadn’t crossed his mind for a while. Daniel remembered no one cheering Johnny on in the crowd besides the cobras, and regretted.
"So, uh, special occasion?" He asked, motioning towards the cards, and Johnny nodded.
"Yeah, my anniversary."
He looked so happy as he said it, blue eyes sparkling with adoration. He’s taken; he’s all of Daniel’s daydreams.
Daniel gritted his teeth, throat feeling tight. "Oh. Congrats. Who’s the lucky one that got to put a ring on the Johnny Lawrence? Anyone I’d know?"
He tried to sound playful. He wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of the cobras, maybe Bobby. Or Dutch, it was clear the guy had some not-so-innocent feelings towards his leader.
Johnny looked uncomfortable all of a sudden. "You do know him. knew him."
Terry Silver. Terry motherfucking Silver, as it so happened to be.
Johnny showed him photos from their wedding, photos of himself grinning up at Terry brightly at the altar, wearing white and truly looking like a perfect bride. Daniel wants to sleep for a year or two. Maybe erase all his memories of this blonde with a pretty smirk and pale lashes. Forget it all.
Silver sits at home, planning an extravagant gift for Johnny. He knows his boy isn’t one for fanciness, but he can’t help himself when it comes to Johnny; he’s his new coke, his craving. He's his and no one else’s.
Johnny isn’t any less obsessed; he loves Terry more than anyone he’s ever known. He can't even imagine how things would be without Terry at this point—the thought is almost unbearable to him. His husband has been his life since he was 19, and he’s never been happier.
(And lets just say Terry has been making use of Johnny’s flexibility and sluttiness every day.)
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armageddidnt · 1 year
Welcome to My Collection of Random Thoughts during my nth* rewatch of Good Omens Season 2
*only amazon prime knows the exact number at this point but I’m fairly certain it’s in the double digits
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Episode 1: Gabriel’s fly lurking in the box when Aziraphale first takes it inside 👀
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Crowley’s promise of “two minutes” basically means that he’s been homeless and living in his car for the past 4 years strictly so that he can be within 2 driving minutes of Aziraphale at all times in case his angel needs him I’m not crying you are
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So here I think the key word is “fragile,” Crowley knows they are ostensibly safe from their respective sides but that could change at any moment so he’s basically spent the last 4 years in anxiety-ridden terror hovering as close to Aziraphale as he can to try and protect him from heaven, hell, and anyone else that would want to bring him harm after all that business they pulled in season 1 with stopping Armageddon
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Episode 2: I just happened to pause the episode while Aziraphale is lying to the angels about his miracle and LOL Michael really outdid himself here (Sheen, not the Archangel)
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Gabriel trying to swat flies and almost smashing the repository of every single one of his memories
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I’m cAckling
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So if Good Omens exists in Good Omens, does that mean Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett exist in Good Omens?? Do you think they based their Aziraphale and Crowley characters on Aziraphale and Crowley??
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Episode 3: So I’m trying to find any hints or foreshadowing of the Gabriel Beelzebub thing bc tbh I did kind of feel like it came out of nowhere which is really the only issue I have with them. I found this one scene where Beelzebub almost ?? seems to be concerned about Gabriel ?? But it’s blink and you miss it and there could be lots of other reasons why Beelzebub doesn’t want to fail in locating Gabriel (pressure from/leverage over heaven, etc) so idk
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More Foreshadowing Fly content 🪰
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Episode 4: So here we’ve seen that Shax can just appear inside the Bentley bc she did it earlier to talk to Crowley. Shax only pretended to be a hitchhiker so she could be invited in because Azirpahale was driving so technically she needed permission to cross the threshold of an angel 👀
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This scene will never not destroy me the 1941 flashback is the absolute sOFTEST thing ever to happen on this show
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We really need more context here I need to see the Crowley-Furfur Monkey Rides
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Episode 5: ahahaha thank you google translate for absolutely destroying my sanity this evening
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POP goes the Ziraphale
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Okay I know you can’t hear it in the gif but just before Nina takes Maggie’s hand, there’s a very quiet miracle noise, like Azirpahale literally MADE Nina dance with Maggie, he said I’m writing a Mina Jane-Austen-Ball-AU and my otp will KISS godDAMMIT
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Azirpahale seems lowkey kind of manic this whole scene tho, he’s controlling literally everyone to force Nina and Maggie together and whenever Crowley says anything that pokes holes in Aziraphale’s Magical Jane Austen Ball Fairytale, Aziraphale just straight up denies it. He wants Nina and Maggie to dance and he wants him and Crowley to dance and he refuses to acknowledge anything beyond that.
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Is this just Shax insulting Crowley for how much of a nuisance he’s been or a reference to his former status as an angel ???
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They’re both completely dismissive of each other when they’re trying to say something important and that’s the main issue they’ve been having this entire season tbh
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Episode 6: I think it’s funny that Crowley describes the angels as bees here because in the book, Neil/Terry describe humans the same way. Guess we have more in common than we thought huh?
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So the metatron was the one who originally decided Gabriel would be memory wiped and not sent to hell, and he was also the one that decided not to sound an alarm about Gabriel for some reason and said ‘just go find him yourself’ instead. The metatron has definitely got his own agenda and you can bet he doesn’t want Aziraphale up there in heaven because he’s a “leader” and he’s “honest” like that’s exactly what Gabriel was and look where it got him 👀
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There’s just something I can’t quite put my finger on about the metatron bringing Aziraphale a coffee from “give me coffee or give me death” and then asking Aziraphale if he’s going to take the coffee he’s giving him…
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I have not seen a single person talk about this since s2 came out but Nina literally calls Maggie “angel” because that’s the term of endearment they hear Crowley using for Aziraphale !!!! I’m still going fERAL over this and I can’t believe no one else is eitHER
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Something about this part of The Final Fifteen compared to this scene from the first episode is so representative of the entire season. Azirpahale keeps saying “my way or get out” and Crowley finally hits a wall and can follow Aziraphale no further. So he does just that. He goes.
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I’m sure a lot of us by now have seen this post that brings up how Aziraphale literally pushes the remains of Crowley into his mouth and swallows and it’s the only thing I see when I watch this now
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We still don’t know for certain if Crowley queued up this song to play on their way to the Ritz or if the Bentley started playing it all on its own and it’s driving me insane
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Basically how I am doing after my Truly-Alarming-Number-th watch of this traumatizing episode/season. WELP hope you enjoyed this garbage dump of my thoughts and feelings time to go cry for a bit again BYE
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reveluving · 2 years
moments that matter ; bruce wayne x batmom reader
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warnings: pure fluff!
a/n: I got nothing to say, I just wanted to give battinson!bruce a try!
check out my batmom m.list!
it's hard for people to believe that he's a married man, let alone a father.
out of everyone in the family, many wonders how bruce had not only proposed to you, but also fathered the former acrobat. at first, they thought its cause the boy lost his parents, just as bruce did. and with dick's more upbeat energy, it's understandable that he likely takes it from you than bruce.
but then, bruce adopts another kid.
and another.
and another.
... and another.
and everyone starts asking themselves if this was all his idea or yours.
oh, if only they knew.
if only they knew your struggle to resist those sad eyes he'd give you.
you just wished the public gave him so much more credit when it comes the kids. you don't think you could even handle the life as a mother without bruce.
and as much as your kids love to joke about bruce's 'teenage phase', one can only imagine the sheer gratefulness they had for him and you.
the perfect balance to this cruel yet sweet world.
it doesn't take long for people to figure out that your children's compassionate side has to come from you, which they weren’t wrong. even bruce himself acknowledged it.
but bruce is anything but heartless, no no. would he even consider taking any of them under his wing if he was? no!
and the idea of fatherhood came easier because you were by his side. so what if he now has eight kids? why would he want to imagine what his life would've been without them?
without the texts from dick, who's all the way in bludhaven, to take breaks?
without jason's interferences when he's outnumbered by a number of gangsters?
without the sounds of tim and damian arguing over the littlest things, only to hilariously end it by shaking hands when you give them 'the eye'?
without attending cass' recital with you, your boys and even alfred, steph, babs and kate as she's the main dancer?
without terry being matt's assistant as the latter tries to treat bruce's so-called ouchies?
without living this life without you?
no. it was impossible to imagine the other bruce wayne.
the bruce wayne he didn't turn out to be.
but hey, speaking of yourself, wanna know a random fact he loves about you?
your style!
whatever your aesthetics may be, he loves you for it! who was he to say otherwise, when he doesn't really take his own into account anyway?
you're in all-black too? that's great! no one's here to judge—not him, not alfred, and certainly not his kids. you're the one able to mix and match like a true professional!
but say your sense of style falls under the bright/pastel/fairycore-like category! gotham's pretty depressing, including the manor itself, so he appreciates it when he's suddenly slapped with a sight of his wife donning her soft pink dress.
bruce finds it endearing that you actually wore the shades he bought for both you and himself. he thought he was being silly at first, wondering if you'd actually wear it, so imagine his surprise when just days after, you decided to match with him when he found the time to take you out to dinner.
he's even more surprised when one day, duke tells him that you've been under the weather because you lost the shades.
instead of waking up to your husband the next day, you find a glasses case on his pillow, complete with a golden ribbon.
he's bought you a new pair, the same kind, but this time, bruce purposely ordered it so that 'mrs wayne' was written next to the frame name.
he comes home, feigning ignorance by raising his brow, though he knew good and well why you were practically blinding him with your smile before you peppered his face with kisses.
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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differenteagletragedy · 6 months
By the time Baxter turned 30, he was happy, more or less. He had a job he loved, a beautiful apartment filled with beautiful things. He'd gotten back into dancing and made time for it regularly. And he had friends -- friends that he'd made years ago and somehow, against all odds, managed to keep.
But some nights, after he left game night at Jude and Scott's, or after having dinner with Terry and Miranda, he felt lonely. Not in a profound sense like he'd been used to, but a little nagging ache telling him that he'd like someone to come home to when the day was over.
Then you came into the picture. And the ache became a throbbing need.
You worked at the office with him -- not with him directly, but he saw you often enough to start liking you. You were about five years younger than him, he figured, and so bright and funny and smart. And beautiful. So, so beautiful.
Baxter found himself incredibly drawn to you, but also scared to actually try for anything more than the easy, teasing friendship you eventually built together. What if he messed it up? What if he wouldn't be good for you? What if he did something to dull your light?
One night, months after the two of you began talking regularly, he ran into you after a later-than-usual night at the office. He'd stayed late, finishing up some work he'd needed to get done for an upcoming wedding, and you had been doing the same thing. Usually when he spoke to you, it was with coworkers and clients wandering around, but tonight was different. Tonight he had you all to himself.
He exchanged pleasantries with you in the hallway -- he asked what you were working on, made some idle chit chat, all while trying not to notice how much he wanted you. He was so focused on keeping his feelings in check that he accidentally tuned you out
"Hmm?" he asked as you looked at him expectantly. "I'm sorry, I seem to have spaced out for a moment."
"What are you thinking about so hard?" you asked. "Pretty rude, honestly."
"I'm sorry," he repeated, "It wasn't my intention to be rude, I simply --"
He stopped talking when you started laughing. You were teasing him. Of course. But this only served to get him even more distracted, watching your easy smile, directed only at him. His eyes fixed in on your lips, and you stopped laughing.
"If you want to kiss me, you can," you told him, still with a smirk.
"Oh, I ... I didn't mean ..." he floundered, more flustered than he'd been in years. Maybe ever. "I mean, I would like to ... but I don't mean to ..."
You watched him start and stop and sputter and ramble before finally putting him out of his misery. You put your hands on his shoulders, then slid them down to grab onto the lapels of his jacket, pulling him in for a kiss.
It wasn't like any first kiss that he'd ever had. It was deep and almost impossibly intimate, with your tongue slipping into his mouth soon after your lips touched his. You used his jacket to pull him in closer, and he wrapped his arms around you, helpless to your advances but more than happy to have you take the lead.
When you finally pulled back, Baxter was a mess. Cheeks flushed, clothes wrinkled, heart pounding wildly -- but happy.
"Fix your hair," you told him, reaching out to ruffle his black locks. "You look wrecked."
With that, you turned and walked away. In a daze, he watched you walk away, down the hall and towards the main exit. Then you were gone.
Baxter had always known himself to be forward when it came to romance. But now, when it came to you, he had a feeling he wouldn't mind letting you take the lead.
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Here's part 2 of Caught. Just a warning that this does feature some homophobic language (the f slur a few times and Terry's nasty views on gay people as a whole)
I wrote it to show Colin's internal struggle. He loves his brother, doesn't care that he's gay but still lives with the knowledge of how Terry thinks and what he'd do. I also forgot to mention (I said it on ao3) that this takes place in s1 and Terry is in prison
Also I hope Fiona doesn't sound too OOC. In this universe since she's dating a Milkovich herself, she wouldn't really care all that much that Ian is doing the same thing with Mickey
@zutaralesbian (I didn't know if you'd want to be tagged or not but I saw in your tags when you reblogged the first part that it was an interesting premise)
Anyway, here's chapter 2:
Colin stood with his back to the front door for nearly a minute. While he promised Fiona he’d go talk to Mickey, he wasn’t really sure how to do that. Milkovich’s didn’t do heart-to-heart talks. They didn’t even apologize, just moved on, pretending it never happened. 
And what the fuck is he even supposed to say? Did Mickey need more reassurance? He already said he didn’t give a shit, should be enough damn assurance. 
He rubbed the side of his nose. Goddamn it, he wasn’t lying when he said he didn’t care but this was out of his expertise. Finding out his brother was a fag was just mind blowing. He’d never peg Mick as one of them. Weren’t they supposed to be weak and shit? Terry always said you could tell who was a fag and who wasn’t. But Colin wouldn’t have been able to tell if Gallagher or Mickey were by just looking at them. 
He was so fucking confused. 
“He needs to know you aren’t going to kick his ass over it.” 
He wouldn’t, and that’s what made the situation all the more complicated. He should hate Mickey on the spot, to think of him as nothing more than vermin. That’s what Terry said.
And well, Colin used to agree. Until he stopped giving a fuck. He didn’t know when that happened, when he would have willingly participated in a good ol’ fag bash to being indifferent so long as it didn’t involve him. 
He’d brush off Terry’s rants about them, not bothering to speak up because he knew it’d only earn him his dad’s wrath. But now, knowing Mickey was hearing all of this, living a life no one else knew about, made his stomach twist uncomfortably. 
He’d be expected to go in there and beat the living shit out of him. Kick him out and let him live on the streets. His little brother that he used to help feed and entice him to walk by dangling cigarette butts and other things a child that young shouldn't be touching. 
“Make sure he’s okay,” Fiona’s voice came back to him. 
Colin blew out a puff of air, going right towards Mickey’s bedroom without knocking. 
He found his youngest brother shoving clothes into a duffle bag, making him stop in his tracks. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” 
“What’s it look like, dipshit?” Mickey shot back defensively. His hand was itching to grab the handgun that was laying on his dresser. “I’m getting out of here.” 
“Why?” Colin demanded. 
“Don’t act fucking stupid. It’s what you want,” Mickey was incredibly tense, like he was expecting a fight to break out. 
“When the fuck did I tell you to leave?” Colin shoved him. Mickey took this as a sign to fight; he pushed with all his might so his older brother’s back would land against the wall with a thud. 
Fuck that. Colin hurled himself on top of Mickey, knocking him to the floor so he was effectively pinned. He tried to fight against it, but Colin had his hands pressed into the boy’s shoulders. 
“What is your problem?” He demanded. Mickey wasn’t responding, he was doing whatever he could to get away. “Fucking hell-Mickey! Answer me or I swear to fucking God I’m going to knock your teeth out!” 
His shout had stirred Mandy, who shrieked at them to shut the fuck up. 
Below him, Mickey was breathing heavily, staring up with wide, panicked eyes. 
He was supposed to look his brother in the eyes and beat him within an inch of his life, to make him think twice about fucking other guys. 
“Calm down,” Colin probably should have known that wasn’t going to do much but give him a fucking break. He was new to this. “I don’t know what your fucking problem is but I said I didn’t give a shit about you liking dick.”
“Like I believe a damn word of that,” Mickey snapped. 
“What the fuck do you want me to say, dickhead?” Frustration leaked into Colin’s voice. “You want me to hold your damn hand or somethin’?” 
“Fuck you!” Mickey tried to kneed him in the balls. If it weren’t for Colin being stronger than his brother, he would’ve been nursing some black and blue balls. “You’re just gonna go and tell Dad anyway!” 
“What?” Colin stared down at him. “Why the fuck would I do that?” 
This seemed to make his brother freeze, staring back up at him warily. 
Jesus. Mickey really thought Colin was going to tell him like he got some sick enjoyment out of knowing what would end up happening to him if their psychotic father knew. 
And he didn’t- a horrible feeling crawled up Colin’s back with the realization that while Mickey had seemingly reacted well out there, he must have been fucking terrified about what was going to happen once they were alone. 
He didn’t know. Didn’t think about this at all. Other than a few obligatory dick jokes at Mick’s expense, Colin didn’t think this was going to be an issue. 
“God, Mickey,” Colin sat back, taking his hands off his brother. “I’m not-I won’t tell Dad about this.” 
He peeled himself off Mickey, standing up. His brother slowly did the same, eyeing him suspiciously. 
“Why?” He said. 
Colin raised his eyebrows. “Do you want me to tell him?” 
“No, you asshole,” Mickey said, looking like he was gearing up for another fight. 
“Okay, then. What’s the problem?” 
“But...” Mickey looked younger all of a sudden. The anger was gone, now he just seemed confused. “I’m a fag.” 
Colin shrugged. “Yeah. But you’re still my brother.” 
At this, Mickey’s gaze turned gobsmacked, rendering him speechless. 
“We both know what Terry would do,” Colin said, voice quiet. “I ain’t doin’ that to you.” 
Mickey blinked, arms limply hanging by his sides. He stared at Colin for what felt like a long time, nodding slowly. 
“Just be careful, okay? If you’re gonna suck some dick, do it where Terry won’t find you.” 
He didn’t want to think about Terry ever finding out. But one thing’s for sure, he’d fucking kill the bastard if he had to before he ever let him touch Mickey. 
“Yeah,” Mickey sounded a bit dazed. “Okay.” 
Colin contemplated his next thought, clicking his tongue. “I ain’t gonna make you tell Ig or Mandy, but they ain’t gonna care either.” 
“I ain’t tellin’ them,” Mickey was shaking his head. 
“Okay,” Colin shrugged. 
Silence permeated the air. 
They’d spent too much time in touchy-feely territory, so Colin decided to break it up. “So,” he said casually, “Ian, huh?” 
“Don’t fucking start,” Mickey said warningly. 
Colin couldn’t help but smirk at the blush on his brother’s cheeks.  “Didn’t know you liked redheads.” 
This just embarrassed Mickey further, much to his amusement. “Don’t you have a fucking date to get ready for?” 
“Fiona will understand,” he reasoned. Mickey scowled. “So, you gonna unpack your shit and quit actin’ so dramatic?” 
“Whatever,” Mickey grumbled, but he did just that, pulling his clothes out to stuff back into his dresser drawers. 
“I meant what I said, you know,” Colin said, watching Mickey slow his movements. “I don’t care. You’re my brother no matter if you like dick or not. That ain’t changin’.” 
Mickey’s eyes flickered to him. “Thanks,” he said, shifting his footing. 
“I just got one question,” Colin said seriously. 
Colin couldn’t keep up the serious facade any longer, and let a grin bloom over his face. “Who sticks it in who?” 
“So, a Milkovich, huh?” 
The Gallagher house was quiet. Surprisingly, none of the other kids were up yet so no one else knew about Fiona or Ian’s whereabouts last night. She’d rather keep it that way, at least concerning herself. No need to tell them anything right now. 
After having changed into fresh clothes, taking care of her hair and brushing her teeth, Fiona went back downstairs to wait. Ian changed too, but he was going to go back to bed once he got a cup of juice to quench his thirst. 
They sat across from each other, neither one speaking at first. Fiona observed the way her brother ducked his head a little, a flush taking over his face that made his freckles stand out more than they already did. 
“Yeah,” his eyes dropped down to his cup, hands wrapped around it. 
“How’d that happen?” Fiona said with curiosity. She never would have thought Mickey Milkovich of all people was secretly gay, and to be dating her brother on top of it. 
Ian raked his teeth over his lower lip, contemplating. “He was shopping from Kash and Grab,” he said. “Linda gave Kash a gun to keep him from doing it again but he took that too. So I went to the Milkovich house to get it back.” 
Fiona was dumbfounded. Not many people had the balls to go to that house after all the rumors that circled around the SouthSide about them. 
“Okay, and then what happened?” 
Taking a deep breath, ian said, “I went in his room and kind poked him with a tire iron-” 
“What the fuck?” 
“He tried to fight me,” Ian recounted, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Jesus, I’m surprised that’s all he tried to do,” she shook her head. “Then what happened?” 
Given the sheepish smile and the way he wouldn’t look her in the eyes, Fiona is fairly sure she won’t like the answer. “We fucked.” 
“You fought and you fucked?” She said incredulously. 
There was so much she wanted to say, but it was probably hypocritical considering she had her own Milkovich. Instead, she tucked a curl behind her ear, choosing her next word carefully. “Does anyone else know?” 
“No,” Ian said, looking pleadingly at her. “And you can’t tell anyone.” 
“I won’t,” she promised, taking a glance at the clock on the microwave. 
Still had around ten minutes ‘till she had to leave. 
“You're not upset,” Ian began, causing her to look his way, “are you?” 
The question kinda threw her off. “Upset about what?” 
“Me and Mickey,” he said quietly. 
“Ian, you know I don't have a problem with you being gay.” 
“No,” he shook his head, “not that. I mean because he's a Milkovich.” 
“I can't really say anything, can I?” She shrugged. “It’s surprisin’ but if you're happy that's all that matters. Besides, anyone can see Mickey clearly feels the same.” 
This information made Ian beam. He'd never really had any crushes  before like Lip did, at least any that he told her about. There was his whole obsession with Justin Timberlake, though, when he managed to get his hands on a CD and for a long while they all had to endure that music. 
“What about you and Colin?” Ian said, “How’d that happen?” 
“Would you believe I was drunk off my ass?” Fiona rolled her eyes. “Went to a new bar after a shitty shift. He was there too, didn’t even recognize him at first.” 
“And you...fucked?” Ian clarified. 
“Yeah,” she said simply. “Made out before that for a while before I realized who he was.” 
She’d initially not known what to think once some of the haze in her head cleared up a bit, staring into the bright eyes of Colin Milkovich. She’d heard all the rumors, of course, who hadn’t? She knew what a screwed up mess his family was, but it wasn’t like she had it any better with Frank and Monica. 
So Fiona said fuck it and went for it. The two of them had sex in the single stall bathroom for what she believed would be the first and only time. 
Only, it hadn’t been. 
The two of them found more ways to be around each other, coming into each other’s presence unnecessarily, which led to them to fuck on a non regular basis. 
Ian nodded, taking it all in. 
“Just promise me something,” she said once the silence started to settle. 
He sat up a little straighter. “What’s that?” 
“Promise me you’ll be safe?” She said seriously. “Their dad isn’t like Frank. He’s much worse and he’ll fuck you up and get a bunch of his buddies to do the same. If you want to be with Mickey, fine, but you need to be smart about it.” 
“I will,” he said immediately. “Don’t worry, Fi. We’ll be careful Mickey’s scared about it too.” 
“He told you that?” 
“Didn’t have to,” Ian said grimly. She let out a heavy sigh.  
It shouldn’t be like this. She shouldn't have to worry about her brother or his boyfriend getting jumped or worse. But as long as people like Terry Milkovich roamed the streets, neither one of them would be safe.
Her brother’s voice brought her out of her musings. 
“I didn't expect Colin to be okay with it.” 
“With Mickey being gay?” She said. 
He nodded. “I know Mandy's not like that but from what Mickey said, his brother and cousins all follow his dad's lead.” 
“He's not his dad,” Fiona knew that for a fact. “Neither is Iggy. They just can't let Terry know that.” 
“Jesus,” Ian muttered. He looked at her, like he was able to say something else. “Do you think Mickey's okay? I think he was a bit freaked out that you and Colin know.” 
“He's probably fine,” Fiona said. At least, she thought so. Whether Colin would handle this appropriately was debatable. When Ian yawned, she smiled fondly. “Get some sleep, Sweetface. You still got work later.” 
“Okay,” he got up to rinse his cup, dragging himself up the stairs. “Night, Fi.” 
“Night,” she watched him disappear around the corner. 
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meibinnie · 1 year
txt and their kinks
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pairing: ot5 x afab reader
genre: smut
warnings: breeding kink, unprotected sex (don't do this), dirty talk, spit play, somnophilia, sexy consent, spanking, and choking. mdni, if i catch you, you're gone.
note: i think terry's is my favorite one i wrote. erm kinda proof read, i got tired.
definitely has a breeding kink, no doubt about it. basically anything that has to do with you being pregnant, he has the hots for. he already has a thing for boobs (source: dude trust me) so when you’re lactating he’d wanna suck on them. 
the first time you proposed to have sex without a condom he almost jumped out his skin. poor guy damn near went stupid from how many times he spilled into you that night. he held onto you has he thrusted at a fast pace, grunting in your ear, “ ‘mm gonna make you a sexy mommy y/n” “c'mon you can take another load” and “i’m gonna breed you over and over again, make you mine forever”. 
he liked watching his cum leak out of you and ruin the sheets. sometimes he’d stuff it back into you just to see you squirm under his touch. he’d even take pictures (with your consent ofc) to keep and get off to, when you’re not around. 
yeonjun has a filthy mouth point blank period. his pretty lips are so damn deceiving. he whispers, grunts and moans explicit yet endearing words  in your ears. “yeah just like that you needy bitch” “that’s my perfect slut” “too cock drunk to answer me huh?” 
tonight was different though, he had you on your back as he thrusted into you. not too fast but not quite love making. he leans down to kiss you a couple of times like always. he loves your lips just as much as you love his. he shocks you when he demands you “open your mouth for me princess” and of course you obey, always so good for him. 
he leans down, spitting a glob of his saliva into your mouth. you close and swallow because how could you not take every bit of him? he cums at the sight of you swallowing him like that, can’t help but to kiss you and exchange more saliva than he already has. 
it took a lot  for him to admit it to  you even though  you were very open minded. he wanted to wait for you to bring it up first  but you never did because “hmm, that’s news to me. i’ve never heard of that but, if it makes you happy then sure” you said with a sweet smile.
beomgyu let weeks go by because he just couldn’t work up the courage to do it. he was nervous but then he came home late from dance  practice and there you were. sprawled out on his bed with only underwear and his t-shirt on. you looked so pretty and he just couldn’t help himself.
so he slipped his clothes off and pressed up against your back. he kissed and sucked on your neck and you were sound asleep. he peppered so many kisses, leaving little purple bruises for you to find the next morning.  now dry humping you from behind, he held in his moans and grunts to not wake you. he strained and held back, “i’ll just cum from this and be done” he tried to convince himself.
but he couldn’t take it anymore, it wasn’t enough,  he needed to be inside you. he pushed your panties to the side, slowly sliding his length inside of you. you let out a small whimper, knitting your brows together causing him to halt. once you settled again, he set a slow and steady pace. 
“mm gyu, keep going” your tired words egged him on. “feels good right?” he said sweat coating the sides of his face. all you could do was whine sleepy, poor baby barely coherent but loving the feeling regardless. his orgasm washed over him, making him see stars.  once you followed suit, he stayed inside you and you both drifted off to sleep.
taehyun was a simple guy. sex with him wasn’t boring, it was easy for him to find out what you liked and he knew what he liked or so he thought. he didn’t think he’d have any specific kinks until a wild night with you after returning home from tour. taehyun hadn’t seen you for 6 months and phone sex just wasn’t doing the job anymore.
when he finally got home and you were riding him into complete bliss (because those strong arms holding your hips while you straddle him? whew) fully stuffed, you moaned “taehyun slap me”. he’d never hit a woman before, ever and he didn’t plan on it. but this was different, you were asking. “please baby, right in my face” no you were begging. your eyes watering, a thin layer of sweat coating your forehead and your lips plump from kissing and biting. how could he tell you no? 
so he took his left hand  ;)  and slapped you across the face. it wasn’t enough, it was unmoving and you wanted more. you bounced on his cock faster “harder baby” you sighed. were you serious? he didn’t want to hurt you but he saw that look in your eye, like if he didn’t slap the life out of you, you’d burst into tears. so he slapped you harder, making your head turn and your hair whip right along with it. “fuck yes, just like that baby” you moaned loudly, once again picking up your pace. turning to face him again, the side of your face turning red from the impact.
he could come right then and there but why stop? every time you moved down on his length, he spanked your ass and grabbed it roughly, definitely leaving a mark. you loved every bit of it, cumming on his cock and coming down from your high with a red face and a lopsided smile. he was so shocked he liked something so enticing and violent but he got to see you so gorgeous and fucked out so it became routine.
huening kai 
you were hanging out with some of your friends and the boys at your apartment for a game night. playing uno, everyone makes up their own rules and you’d have to stop the game a bunch. “huening you cannot put a 6 and 7 down just because they’re the same color” beomgyu face palmed. kai didn’t care, still putting down the two cards incorrectly. “baby, pick one of them back up or pick up two cards from the deck” you playfully scolded him. “make me” he threatened. 
you pushed past beomgyu knocking kai over and straddling him, tickling his sides. “i don’t care, im not picking up cards” he said in between laughs. your hand went up to his neck wrapping your fingers around it, not tight enough to block his windpipe but he went dead silent and got red hot. 
it felt like the world stopped and he grew a boner at record speed. he sat up quickly, pushing you off of him disturbed and everyone exchanged uncomfortable looks. “i think we should call it a night and pick it up next time” beomgyu broke the silence. 
everyone left just leaving you and kai, you checked up on him in your shared room. “kai, did i make you uncomfortable? i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to” you started apologizing already. “no y/n you didn’t. i  just-” he cut himself off, shaking his head. “you know you can tell me anything, right?” you put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. 
“you choked me, and i liked it. i liked it a lot. there, you happy?” he said quickly and avoiding eye contact. “baby, that’s nothing to be embarrassed about. actually just the thought of it is making me so wet” you whispered in his ear. 
the tips of his ears turned red and he finally made eye contact with you. the rest of the night consisted in multiple rounds of sex and you choking him while he laid down, and you rode him into oblivion.
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~DiScUsSiOn TiMe!~
I know how people are voicing speculation and concepts and stuff about how Leola might come back because of how Startouch Elves are "immortal beings of the cosmos" and just, like, exploded.
Like, IF she did come back, would she fall out of the sky like a shooting star and her star, the brightest star in the sky, "Leola's Last Wish" would just... disappear? 'Cause that'd be a catastrophe for navigation. Or would she just appear/spawn like... BAM! Would Aaravos sense if she came back or be entirely ignorant to it?
On the topic of Aaravos, if Startouch Elves DO come back, why wouldn't he want to join her in the stars so that they could rejoin the world together? Why wouldn't he spare himself having to mourn his literal CHILD? Because he doesn't want her to be forgotten? Because he wants to AVENGE her? He could do that even if he came back with her, so I don't know.
Back to her coming back, wouldn't it be funny if she just-so-happened to come back, say, near The Silvergrove. And Ethari, who had been going to pick moonberries or something, just-so-happened to find her?
So, we have a lost little Startouch Elf and a depressed Moonshadow elf who thinks his husband is dead and all he knows about his daughter in all but blood is that she's alive (because of the lotus). Obviously, he'd take her in, he's ETHARI.
Would he tell the rest of the village or hide her away? That, I don't have an answer to.
If he told the village, I doubt they would do anything besides kill her or something. I mean, look what they did to Rayla. They GHOSTED (a fate worse than death to them, I'm sure) a fifteen year old with no clear evidence besides the fact that she was the only one alive from a practically SUICIDAL mission (it definitely goes deeper than that and I might make a post about it, but don't count on it). I wouldn't call people like that the voice of reason.
So, it'd probably be better if he didn't tell them and instead hid her away.
However long he takes care of her, I'm sure they talk and grow closer. Leola comes to see him as at least a bit like her father after getting over her panic of appearing in an unknown place, which was definitely by no means terrifying.
And Ethari? He has something to live for again. A person to take care of. And maybe Leola reminds him a bit of little Rayla (minus all the sharp bits).
Meanwhile? If Aaravos CAN sense Leola, then let's say he can also sense where she is. After finding out his little girl, the whole reason he's doing all of this is alive, I'm sure he drops everything and goes after her (of course, Claudia and Terry will go to).
Once he gets there, since he's a Startouch Elf, and one of the "Great/First Ones", he'll easily get past the illusion shielding The Silvergrove.
With Claudia, he probably razes down The Silvergrove, kills some elves until he finds her. When he does find her? He sees a Moonshadow Elf standing over/shielding her. I doubt that goes over well. To Claudia, it'll probably look like the Moonshadow Elves kidnapped her, so she'll 100% be on Aaravos's side.
Anyways, since Claudia is a dark mage what if she puts them all into a coma or sleeping trance, or turns them to stone, or they just all evacuate and no one knows what happened to them, or something else entirely?
Staying true to the "turning your enemies to stone" thing, after Aaravos gets Leola, wouldn't it be cool if Claudia turned all the elves to stone like her father did to Avizandum? And Ethari, while turning to stone, brings a hand to the sky and casts a spell that's like a flashbang that brings attention, and promptly turns to stone completely while a singular tear falls from his eye (Avizandum parallels, anyone?).
After that, they leave to continue the plan (no matter how much Leola pleads for them not to and tries to stop them even though she doesn't really know what's going on because that's her DAD).
Then, when Rayla and Runaan are close to The Silvergrove to tell Ethari that Runaan is alive (which they won't get the chance to do now), they see the words "Silvergrove has fallen" blazed into the ground (because Aaravos is dramatic) and are both horrified. Then they get there and see Ethari's statue (and just AAAAAGGHHHH). I need to see their faces and how they'd react to that.
They both think in their own ways. Rayla probably blames herself (she just lost one of the two parental figures she has left after saying goodbye to the other two and most likely thinks this happened because Aaravos and Claudia were trying to get at her (maybe Runaan even blames her a little, if subconsciously).
Runaan on the other hand? It's terrifying for him. HE'S the assassin, Ethari knew when he married him that Runaan would probably die on a mission. But Runaan? It's HIS job to be in danger. ETHARI'S supposed to be SAFE in The Silvergrove. Runaan's not prepared to lose Ethari because he always knew/thought that he'd be the first to die. He's not prepared to live in a world without him (so now he's going through the grief of his partner dying, the exact same thing Ethari was/is, but Ethari had been prepared for it (not that it made it hurt any less)).
Obviously, they're frustrated because they can't do anything right now because of Aaravos and swear to find something to free him and everyone else afterwards (maybe even get so angry that they try to do/do something rash like go after Aaravos?).
And that isn't even going into how Terry feels when Aaravos and his girlfriend raze a whole VILLAGE to the ground and turn EVERY ELF into stone, including the CHILDREN. That's bound to make him think over some things and which side he should really be on.
Or, what if we move onto a new concept. Everything still happens like this, except Leola's not in it. Like, Aaravos burned down Katolis, which was Callum and Ezran's home, so what if he tries to burn down The Silvergrove since it's Rayla's home (even if it's not really anymore, she'd still be devastated). I doubt he knows that she comes from specifically The Silvergrove, but he's Aaravos, so I'm sure he'd find out easily, adding the fact that he has a dark mage on his side? Piece of cake (now I want cake, specifically chocolate).
Anyway, I know this definitely won't happen in season 7, but, it IS a cool concept, at least to me (and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!).
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raayllum · 1 month
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hey um dude care to explain yourself
ah, from ch4 of "i slithered here from eden" where Callum dark magics pieces of his own heart to save Ezran, pre-s6. good times
That drabble oneshot was inspired by my theory following S5 that Viren had used blood and star magic (through dark magic) to save Soren, possibly resulting in him using parts of or close to all of his own heart in order to do so.
Given that we had blood (of a wind elk), star magic (the staff, which was my assumption at the time), and parts from a parent (a mother instead of a father), I'd say I was decently close!
Stuff like this in TDP happens with me fairly often where I get all the right pieces and put them together in the right way, but the order or scaffolding of the plot surrounding it is wrong. Cause of course the heart thing Did happen, just in present day, rather than in the past
Other instances like this include:
1) Callum would help the villains / be willing to play into Aaravos' hands in order to physically save and literally free Rayla from chains even if that means metaphorically chaining himself to Aaravos' will. This was predicted pre-S4 and came to fruition in 5x08
2) Viren would cut out / use his heart to save Soren's life. This was predicted pre-S6 and came to fruition in 6x08
3) Viren would ultimately have a sacrificial death as the end to an atonement arc as his 'original sin' was that he was too willing to sacrifice servants and not himself. This was predicted pre-S4 and came to fruition in 6x08
4) That the trio would have a main conflict with Ezran and Rayla on opposing sides and Callum stuck in the middle, even though he'd ultimately side with Rayla. I predicted this early post-S3, thought this would be over politics, and it will likely come to fruition in S7 over Runaan and/or dealing with Aaravos
5) That Rayla represents Light in Callum's life and is an alternative path to Aaravos' control, and that he would eventually have the epiphany that she is his One Constant Truth. These were also all immediate first year post-S3 prediction, and came to fruition in 6x06. I thought it would be through Callum unlocking the Moon arcanum (finding light in his darkness) but am not mad whatsoever it was through the star-light ritual
6) Callum's main S4 onwards arc would be worrying about his mind feeling unsafe from Aaravos' control, worry that he's becoming like Viren, and that he'd ultimately play into Aaravos' hands through the cube (and his love for Rayla) whether as a prison release thing or as a power up. Early post-S3 predictions, as in a couple of months after. Most of this has already come into fruition with S7 left to do the rest
There's others but these are the ones coming to mind / off the top of my head. If you're interested in more you can check out my "predictions achieved" tag.
And to be clear there's also a lot of things I've gotten wrong! Never saw Terry coming (though I did figure that if Claudia got a partner they'd be nature aligned, just didn't think it'd happen) or Callum and Rayla would stay at the Storm Spire post-S3 (though if we'd known Rayla was going to successfully leave, I think I would've defaulted to Callum going back to Katolis tbh; of course you're going to want him with at least one of his Pillars at all times). I thought Callum or Claudia would free Aaravos and that Callum, due to his freedom associations, would be the one to do it (esp after S5 in taking the pearl).
I think the Thing with TDP though is that while things may not take the exact shape you expected... they still always reach the final places that they were evidently going to get to, which makes theorizing (and theorizing correctly) pretty easy for me. Like, for example, "Callum freeing Aaravos" as an off shoot of "Callum is going to play into Aaravos' hands and it's going to be related to the Key." Well, now the latter is literally the only thing Aaravos could want from him, so... He can't free Aaravos, but he's still going to play into Aaravos' hands. There's different scaffolding, but the Bones of the Thing is the exact same / inevitable.
So like with the Viren "mutilating his heart to save Soren" there were a few conclusions pre-S6 that led me to it:
Kpp'Ar pointing directly at Viren's heart in the 5x02 dreams, which we already knew might have prophetic possibilities / weird stuff with time
Viren's spot light turning red, indicating to me that blood was used
The likelihood that Viren turned cold (or 'heartless') to Soren and/or Lissa that led to the fracturing of those relationships
TDP's repeated emphasis on hearts ("My heart for Xadia" / Viren's weapon of hatred stabbing Avizandum in the heart) and as spell parts (the Magma Titan, Aaravos walking around being literally heartless, the Hearts of Cinder spell in 3x07)
Potential Aaravos parallels for that matter
The idea of literal exchange / transaction that's at the core of so much of TDP but particularly dark magic, which we know was involved
Now I actually like what they did in canon better for all of these (they added more layers and tied it further into ongoing character arcs, etc) so I'm all for the different scaffolding cause that's the other part of a Narrative tbh.
But yeah, TDP is a deeply symbolic and thematic series, and if you pay attention to the patterns / parallels, foil dynamics, and symbols they routinely use, or what would create interesting character conflict while still being in character, you can get pretty good at predicting stuff. Least that's how it worked for me! TDP is probably the most rewarding show or otherwise I've ever had predictions for, and makes me feel Feral in the best way tbh
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phantom-of-the-501st · 5 months
A quick and short fanfic (for funsies!)
@saturn-sends-hugs @inkstainedhandswithrings because I know you guys like to read this stuff when I actually post it
"No-one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away... The span of someone's life is only the core of their existence." - Terry Pratchett
Omega looked at Rex, puzzled, when he came back with a dish of what appeared to be white paint and the rest of the Batch seemed equally confused by the tray in the captain's hands. It wasn't what they had expected when he told them he would return in a short moment.
Without saying a word, Rex knelt down in the dirt, placed his right hand into the tray and pressed it to the wood in front of him. Omega stared at the print left behind as Rex peeled his hand back, stood, turned and held the dish out to her.
"Want to give it a go?" He asked, eyes soft. Omega hesitated. "It's okay. You can't do anything wrong. Just do as I did."
Cautiously, Omega placed her hand in the tray, glanced at the white spread across her palm and fingers, and then pressed her hand beside the print Rex had left. She pulled back. Her hand looked so much smaller in comparison. She glanced back at Rex and he gave her a gentle smile and nod, before presenting the tray to Hunter.
One by one the Batch made their mark on the wood, still unsure of what the captain had in mind. No-one said a word. Omega carefully looked over the marks once everything was done, slowly taking in what was before her.
Hunter had left his just underneath hers. Crosshair's slender fingers could be found on the opposite side. Tech's was as clean and precise as one would expect from the data expert, while Wrecker's much larger hand was slightly smudged and barely fit in the space. She swallowed the lump in her throat.
"What are they for?" Omega asked quietly, closing her fist. The drying paint felt tacky under her fingers.
Rex glanced at her and then back at the wood in front of him. "Back when I first met Echo, I left a handprint just like it on his armour. It was in eel blood mind you, but he didn't seem to mind. In fact, every time he got a new set of armour, or the paint had started to chip, he would find me, hand me the paint, and ask me to press a new one." A small chuckle. "We literally have the same hands. He could've done it himself. But no, each time he wanted me to do the honours. It became our little tradition."
Omega could feel the tears welling in her eyes again and pressed herself into Hunter's side for support.
Rex's voice cracked slightly. "I just felt like I needed to do it one last time."
Silently, they all looked at the decorated wood in front of them. The slightly chaotic collection of hands stained into the board almost seemed to glow under the light of the setting sun.
Fist still held closed, and pressing more into her brother's side, Omega slowly drew her eyes away from the marks to the scrawl in Aurebesh above the hands.
Beloved brother, batchmate and friend
March on, Soldier
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Joe Velasco (ft Platonic!Bruno): Detective work 
Companion piece to First Meeting
Terry Bruno considers himself a smart man and a damn good detective, so it didn’t take him long to notice that some things weren’t adding up in the precinct. Everything was running behind in the forensic lab because of some corruption and the cover-up of some of the lab techs. Higher-ups were breathing down the neck of labs rerunning most of the evidence that had already been run. It had caused a slowdown and even a bit of a backup for SVU cases. The wait times were longer, and the information sharing was slower. Even time-sensitive evidence seemed to be shifting to the backburner as the forensics lab went through piece by piece with a fine-tooth comb. 
While this was upsetting and downright frustrating at times it wasn’t at all odd in a situation like this. No that wasn’t what had radars going off in his head. It was the strange back and forth between the labs. Sometimes it was like pulling teeth, they would go on about policies and being backed up with no compassion for the detectives who were also just trying to do their jobs. Other times it was like miracles came through without any prodding. Evidence testing came through in an hour when they had been quoted ten. Time-sensitive evidence is processed quickly and sent to their work emails. The longer time went on the more it seemed strange to him. And now this.    
He and Churlish had gone to the labs to try to put some pressure on a rape kit that needed to be processed. The man at the front desk had brick-walled them and given them the normal spiel. Now Velasco was walking into the bullpen looking at his phone and informing the rest of the team that the results were up less than an hour later. That was when he started noticing the pattern. They always got their evidence back quickly when Velasco was on a case. He would disappear for a half hour to an hour and somehow, like magic, evidence would come back shortly after. If they hadn’t been so busy, his curiosity would have forced him to discover what was happening. Instead, it just festered in the back of his mind slowly. It only came to his mind when something triggered it. 
He hadn’t followed Velasco- he was in the labs for a different case. He only hadn’t let the other detective know he was there because he was in the middle of signing something into evidence. Everything clicked into place when he saw the scene unfold and it was like that irritating scratch of a missing piece had been soothed. Velasco walked up to the front desk, a frozen drink in one hand and a coffee and a paper bag in the other. He had just made it up to the side of the desk when you came out from the locked doors of the lab. 
You smiled at Joe as he set your boba down and slid it over to you before offering you the lime green straw. “You know you don’t have to keep doing this right?” You stabbed the straw into the lid before taking a long drink humming at the flavor.  
“Does that mean I don’t have to do this either?” He smiled back at you before offering up the bag of cookies he had in his other hand. Your eyes lit up. Joe had teased you for your sugar addiction admonishing you on several occasions on how bad for you all that sugar was. It didn’t seem to stop him from bringing you sweets though. You pout at him before taking the bag. “Just say thank you.”  
“Thank you,” You take a cookie out handing it to him before fishing another out for yourself. You chat for a few minutes about nothing in particular. It had been almost three months since your eventful first meeting. You trusted Joe and you had built a sort of friendship. A pattern had formed naturally. You did your best to help fast-track the evidence for his cases when the lab was backed up and he brought you treats. You exchanged numbers for easier communication. At first, the talk had been mostly work related but it had progressively gotten flirtier but there was a line that had yet to be crossed. You had yet to get together outside of work. You can’t tell if he just has a flirty personality or if he is actually interested in you. 
You finish your cookie before brushing the crumbs from your lab. You pull out a notepad and pen from your pocket and click the pen open nodding to him. “Okay, who is it today?” Joe’s charming smile gets a little bashful, but he keeps eye contact. 
“No, there’s no case. You just seemed stressed when we were texting earlier, thought you could use a pick-me-up of caffeine and sugar.” You stare at him stunned for a moment feeling butterflies take flight in your stomach.  
“Seeing you always makes my day better.” You say reaching out to touch his arm. His skin was warm, and it sent a pleasant zap of attraction through your fingertips. Before you could do or say anything else the other girl at the table walked by eyeing the two of you. You dropped your hand and offered her a cookie hoping that the treat would keep her silent about you taking a break when you shouldn’t have. The lab needed to settle down with its micromanaging before you lost it and quit. You had come to help after the scandal had surfaced and you were just about over the higher-ups' constant scrutiny. 
Bruno couldn’t hear the conversation from a distance away, but he could read the body language. Detective Velasco had a pretty little secret. Velasco was on his way out Bruno met him halfway across the room to exit with him. “You trying to push for evidence on a case Velasco?” Joe didn’t lose stride as Bruno came over to him.“I didn’t know we were waiting on any. Then again with a lab tech like that, I would probably be coming here pretty consistently to check on evidence too. Not that you seem to have to wait on it often.” Joe stopped turning to look at Bruno. The man was a good detective and Joe trusted him but. 
“You have something you want to say, Burno?”  
“She’s a pretty girl, I’m happy for you man.” Joe looked at the man trying to sort his thoughts, “Your secret is safe with me for now but make sure you don’t take too long to disclose your relationship. There is nothing against dating and it’s not worth risking your job.” 
“We’re just friends,” Bruno smirked and started to walk again telling his fellow detective, 
“So were me and Rose.” 
I love Bruno and this again was very self-indulgent. If you have any requests I'm open. I actually have time to write for the first time in a really long time.       
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locke-esque-monster · 6 months
I came into TOWL fully like, "I'm mildly curious.". I left with a sticky note of excited thoughts I couldn't contain during the episode.
First - general thoughts:
I don't know how to describe to you how much joy it brings my PA-loving heart to find out the secret city where this plot has been set is Philly. (I can't read maps or recognize skylines for shit - but words like "PA National Guard" and "Lincoln Financial Field" had me perking up in my seat with interest until they confirmed it.)
Oh Rick Grimes - being covered in blood in multiple separate scenes during the intervening years like you're making up for lost time. Good to know you haven't changed. (It's your MO - like Jon Bernthal in every role ever.)
I'm both a Lost and Lucifer watcher and I'm excited to see both John Locke and Maze in a new role. It's too early to tell, but they both seem to fit the given roles.
But if you think for one second when Terry O'Quinn opened his mouth and said the word "sacrifice" I didn't immediately think the phrase "that the island demanded", you'd be mistaken.
As I posted earlier - It's been awhile since I've spend time in the universe. I can admit I was rusty when it came to having any clue of Okafor's death after what in retrospect was a very "pre-death" TWD speech. Rick's arm I figured out about when I should of as the viewer. I figured out about Okafor's wife shortly before he said it. But as soon as Rick went down, I was really thinking Michonne would be part of whatever group struck him down. I was even more sure when I saw someone checking bodies, and positive when I saw they had a sword.
Second - the call backs:
The episode 2x8 - Nebraska - where 2 guys from the Philly area hear there's something in Nebraska area. The context that they seem wrong at the time, it's a pipe dream. But really, Omaha did survive, and they were close enough to Philly to hear that, but not close enough or Philly was struggling enough (at least compared to pre-walkers) they came looking for Nebraska anyway. But by the end of TOWL 1x1, Omaha is the pipe dream it seemed in 2x8, because it's destroyed now. (Who thinks Omaha being destroyed is 1000% suspicious with all the power issues? I sure do.)
Rick starting off the show having to cut off his own hand, ala Merle season 1.
Rick working himself up to cut off his own hand like he almost did to Carl per Negan's orders. Except instead of keeping his family alive, it's to get back to them.
The grenade used to escape ala season 1.
Meeting one of the guys who actually bombed Atlanta shown in season 1
The shot of Rick sitting one hand over his leg, dead look in his eyes, covered in blood, is giving me serious 4x16 vibes (leaning on the car, chatting with Daryl after ripping out a man's throat with his teeth).
Reintroducing Michonne at the end of the episode as a disguised and dangerous figure in the woods much like her season 2 finale introduction.
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idontplaytrack · 6 months
“bye, softie jr.”
Rosa Diaz x teen daughter! reader
warnings: the squad being their usual chaotic selves & rosa being an (over) protective mama. (i love rosa being soft, lol)
in which, the 99 finally meets y/n. unplanned.
continuation to “you’re a softie”
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You always wondered how it was possible that no one on the squad’s somehow run into you while you were out with Rosa. Your Mom’s somehow never run into her colleagues outside of work, while she was with you, at least. Due to your closeness in age, the two of you have been mistaken for siblings on many occasions. And on this fine day, you had a first date gone…bad and needed keys to get home. But you left them at home since you left home the same time as Rosa that day to go to school. After school let out at 2:30, you went to lunch with Amelia from your Social Studies class. She was nice, and you liked her- but at the end of the lunch, you’ve come to realise you didn’t actually like her the way you thought you did. Being a 15-minute walk away from the precinct, you decided to use the fact that you needed the house keys as an excuse to mess with her. She wasn’t against you meeting them, thus you your decision to go to the 9-9. Stepping out of the elevator and entering the bullpen, you headed straight for Rosa’s desk barely having to look where you were going.
“Been expecting you. How was the date?”
“Fine, but that was also the last.” You told her and she pulls the one earbud you had in, off. Just for the heck of it.
“Why? Did they do anything-”
“No, I just don’t really vibe with her at all, that’s all. I’m perfectly fine.” You assured.
“I need your keys. Forgot to grab mine since we left together this morning.”
You could feel the eyes on you but you tried to ignore them.
“Here.” She opens up her drawer to get them, “Be home when I’m home. Otherwise, I can’t get in.”
“Of course.” You stifled a laugh, “What time do you clock out?”
“From the looks of it, 6:30? Maybe 7. I’ll pick up dinner on the way, how’s that?”
“That’s great.” You gave her a big smile on purpose just to see how she’d react.
“Hey, Rosa.” Amy says as she walked by you, “Wait—” She stops in her tracks and turned on her heels to take a good look. By now, everyone Rosa worked with was watching. Amy was the last one.
“Who’s this, Roro?” Charles asked.
“Call me that again and I’ll burn your sourdough starter to a crisp.” Rosa threatened. You let a laugh slip- you simply couldn’t take her seriously. She wasn’t like this with you at all- this was an act.
“She looks like she could be your sister.” Terry noted.
“Nope.” Rosa answered, “Try again.” You and Rosa shared a glance. Truthfully, the answer could not have been more obvious if it weren’t for the close age gap. You were pretty much a spitting image of your Mother— thank goodness.
“No way- it can’t be.” Jake broke the silence. Amy analysed Rosa’s face then yours, noting that the two of you had your arms crossed the same, with the same expressions on your face. Even the way you were dressed- heavily influenced by Rosa’s style. A light bulb went off in her mind.
“Rosa, I cannot believe this- you have a teenage daughter and this is first time we’re meeting her?!”
Terry’s mouthful of yogurt felt like it got caught in his throat, Charles nearly spilled his coffee all over himself, Jake’s bag of gummies and jellybeans fell from his hand and hilariously scattered all over the floor. Hitchcock and Scully? As clueless as ever. Solely focused on their bags of chips. Oh, and Gina who immediately snapped a photo of you two side by side. There was pin drop silence in the bullpen up until Holt came out to check on his squad. “Why is it so quiet? This is extremely unlike your usual selves.” He remarked, then he quickly spotted an unfamiliar person— you standing by Rosa’s desk. Now, it got awkward.
“They’ve just met my daughter and they’re shocked.” Rosa informs him.
“I see.” He nodded emotionlessly, “Nice to meet you, y/n.”
“Captain Holt. Likewise.” You gave him a polite smile.
“Everybody, get back to work.” He ordered. The buzz continues. “Will you guys wait until I’ve at least left the precinct to talk about me?” You sassed.
“How old are you?” Jake asked.
“Damn. Respect, Rosa.” Jake’s eyes widened, “You were 18?!”
“Okay, that’s it. You guys already know too much.” Rosa decided, “No more questions. y/n, go home.”
“Yes, ma’am.” You joked.
“Stop it.” She said back, acting cracking a smile.
“Boy, I haven’t seen you this close to smiling since never.” Jake commented.
“I heard you had a date? Who’s the lucky guy?” Boyle asks.
“Charles, right?” You cleared your throat, “I’m a lesbian, so there was no guy.”
“Oh. I- I am so sorry.” He stutters.
“Why are you afraid of a 17-year old?” Rosa snorted.
“Why isn’t she afraid of you?” Charles retorted before he even thought it through.
“I am loving this.” Gina sighs.
“Why would she need to be? We’re practically best friends.” She shrugged. Now, they were even more curious about how Rosa was like outside of work. “Okay, you need to get home.”
“I’m going, I’m going. I know.” You sigh, throwing your hands up in mock defeat, “You’ll pick up my prescription?”
“I remember, y/n, yes.”
The squad says bye to you as you turned to leave. In retrospect, you could’ve easily passed some time at the nearby library and did some work but you weren’t going to pass up the opportunity to meet her friends officially.
“Byeee, softie…junior.” Jake called out, causing you to laugh as you hit the elevator button.
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terrence-silver · 1 month
Would Terry ever actually, genuinely, train beloved in his karate ways? I feel like you've written something like this before, but I feel like Terry would do anything but actually teach. Maybe a little sparring that quickly ends up without clothes😏, maybe somehow beloved gets put to sleep in a headlock or other similar holds. Is this because he doesn't want beloved tainted by strike first, strike hard, no mercy? He clearly wouldn't want beloved becoming better than him, either.
I don't know why I always lean towards 'no' being my answer to this question, but after all these years, it's still a no, as in, I don't think Terry Silver would actually teach beloved martial arts.
Not really, anyway.
Play around a bit, utilizing play-fighting as sexual foreplay and teasing the notion of teaching something without actually teaching, yes, sure, but genuinely doing it? I don't see that part quite as vividly.
Perhaps for the simple reason that if you pass unto someone the type of (fairly admirable) skillset he possesses, well, they're no longer dependent on you. They can go out there, fend for themselves, be fearless in going anywhere they want, mingle with anyone they please because hey, they so happen to know fifty ways how to disable anyone anytime and might even go toe to toe with Terry himself if push came to shove, and realistically, a control freak wouldn't relish that. The control freak wants to win. There's no subduing a beloved who knows martial arts. No locking them up. No clipping their wings. Can't exactly muscle someone like that easily. A person who can effectively beat up people? Climb over walls? Develop an amazing stamina? Tolerance to pain? All because Terry taught them how personally!? C'mon now. He wants to be the stronger party of the two. Large and in charge. The party that is relied on. He wants to be the one who is swooned over once he effectively does what he did to Mike Barnes in front of Daniel Larusso and chases off and intimidates 'the bad guy' because he's oh so strong and --- aren't you enamored? If he doesn't teach beloved, the mystique and allure of him this dark, looming figure that can potentially manhandle and break beloved is perpetuated and it remains untouched and that's exactly how Terry likes it even when he playfully pretends he's 'beaten' because he momentarily wants beloved on top. It's cute, it's hot, it's tantalizing, it's a game of cat and mouse and it's foreplay, and really no more than that.
But, I digress.
I think that Terry himself views Cobra Kai in its truest form as an extension of something he (and John) survived in Vietnam and that everything that came after that (even with the OG Cobras) was a divergence of that and I don't think he believes the figurative reader can learn martial arts from him the way he knows it because the way he fights is tied to his time in the war and war time trauma cannot possibly be transferred without it being lived. The way he teaches and has learned martial arts involves a world of pain, suffering, broken knuckles, bleeding fists and general agony. It's a brotherhood. It is a lifestyle. Sure, Cobra Kai might've gone commercial since the time of Vietnam and Terry's perfectly fine with that too and the profit and fame / infamy it brings, but teaching beloved themselves? Actually teaching them? Why? Do they intend to fight someone? No need, when he can fight for them and laugh throughout all of it.
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
I saw you wrote a couple things about the MC dying. Have you written anything about Baxter finding out the MC died during the five years he was gone?
Haha, I wrote a whole thing about this yesterday then realized that I read what you wrote wrong, so here's another -- tough break, Baxter!
Baxter had gotten along perfectly fine without you for five years. Or, well, not perfectly fine -- he was miserable, riddled with self loathing and he'd isolated himself from anyone that might actually give a damn about him. But he was surviving.
But when he saw Miranda and Terry -- with a "y" now, he'd told him later -- so many memories came flooding back. It became harder to tell himself that he was ok when he just missed you so much.
It was pathetic, he thought, to be so attached to the idea of someone he'd known so long ago, for such a small amount of time, but you'd marked him during your summer together. And now that he'd been reunited with your friends, a small part of him started believing that he could be reunited with you as well.
During that first introduction, or reintroduction, as it turned out, he tried to keep things professional. Jude and Scott, his clients, were letting him meet with Jude's sister and her boyfriend, who were helping them get things together for the wedding. He did see Miranda and Terry exchange a number of glances after seeing him. He assumed it was because they weren't sure how to act around him after he'd cut off all contact after that summer.
Looking back, he wished that had been all it was.
Still, Baxter didn't bring you up during that first meeting. Or the second one. Or the third, or the fourth. There was a tension in the air whenever he interacted with Miranda and Terry, and finally, the night before the wedding when they were all together at Jude and Scott's home, he couldn't take it anymore.
"Terry, a word, if you would be so kind?" he said after wrapping up the wedding talk.
Terry shot another one of those looks at Miranda, but he followed him to the kitchen, then leaned on the counter and looked at him expectantly.
"What's up, Baxter?" he asked in a tone that was more forced than any Baxter had heard from him in the past.
Despite the awkwardness of the situation, he went for it -- he asked Terry if you were going to be at the wedding.
Terry stared at him for a moment, confusion etched on his face. Finally, he began replying.
"Baxter, you don't know?"
"Know what?"
Terry took in a deep breath, but before he could say anything, Baxter held up a hand. He'd gotten scared.
"Please forget I asked, it's really none of my business," he said hastily, so sure that Terry was going to tell him something that would hurt. That you hated him, had gotten married yourself, moved to the other side of the world.
"No, wait," Terry started, but he'd put his walls up firmly. He stepped out of the kitchen, said his goodbyes and gave his well wishes to the others, then left.
It wasn't until the next day, during the reception, that he learned the truth.
When the guests started arriving at the wedding, Baxter kept an eye out as he rushed around, making sure everything was running smoothly. During the ceremony, he stood at the back, scanning the crowd, hoping to get a glimpse of you. Nothing.
After dinner had been served and the guests were finishing up the meal, he spotted Miranda and Terry at a table near the front. Cove was with them. You weren't.
It was strange, seeing your eternal sidekick without you there. Strange enough that he felt bold enough to approach the group.
"Miranda, Terry," he said, greeting the two he'd been reacquainted with already. With a nod and as friendly a smile as he could muster, he nodded toward Cove. "And how have you been?"
"Baxter," Cove said flatly, giving him the glare he'd gotten accustomed to during his time in Sunset Bird. "Hi."
He swallowed, but everything was almost over -- he just had to get through the reception, then he'd never see these people again. You'd gotten stuck in his mind throughout this process, and although he'd made it a point not to look you up in the five years you'd been apart, now he couldn't stand not knowing. So he asked.
Cove stared at him, then looked to his friends. Terry shrugged, and Miranda kept her eyes on the table. Then he told him.
You were dead.
A lifetime of showing a prim and proper exterior to hide the mess that going on inside him prepared him well for the moment. He nodded, gave his condolences, then excused himself. All the while, he had the strangest sensation of existing somewhere that wasn't reality -- it couldn't have been. Not if you were gone.
Throughout the rest of the reception, he stayed focused on his duties, all while his mind tried to reason its way out of this new information. Maybe he'd misheard Cove. Maybe Cove was mistaken. Maybe this was just a nightmare. There had to have been some sort of misunderstanding.
When Jude and Scott had left, as well as most of the guests, Baxter was standing by the window, looking out over the city and trying to reason with what he'd heard. A tap on his shoulder pulled him out of his thoughts.
He turned, and Miranda was there.
"Are you ok?" she asked. "About ... you know."
He considered the question. He could have lied and said he was fine, but that would hardly be believable, given his behavior. He could have admitted that he wasn't ok, but if he wasn't ok, then what was he? Sad? Heartbroken? Angry? Regretful? Ashamed that he had all of these feelings and more when he had no right to them after the way he'd left you?
The hesitation was enough of an answer for her, and she sighed quietly, moving beside him to check out the view.
"What happened?" he asked after a moment.
"Does it make a difference?" she responded, a bit of coolness in her voice.
"No, I suppose it doesn't."
Miranda went to walk away, even getting as far as to make a couple of steps back towards her friends, but then she stopped.
"You really screwed up, you know?" she said quietly, more bite behind her words this time. "Leaving the way you did. It wasn't fair."
"I agree. And that haunts me more than I could possibly say."
Satisfied at that, she left him alone.
Eventually, when there was no work left to be done, he made his way down to his car. But instead of going home, he found himself taking a different route, and before he knew it he was driving into Sunset Bird.
He went past the main street, down to the old neighborhood where he parked his car in his old spot like no time had passed at all. He stepped out, then started making his way down to the beach.
You were gone, he knew that now. No magical reasoning could change that. But here, down by the shore, he could feel you. In the sand, in the water -- here you were everywhere, clear as day.
He slipped his shoes off, then his socks and set them down. He rolled up his pant legs next, and without any of the hesitation that usually accompanied everything he did, he stepped out into the water.
Then he stepped further.
His pants were getting wet, the waves splashing up well past his knees, but he didn't care. For the first time in a long time, he wasn't scared. What did he have to lose?
Baxter watched the water, dark and cold, come up around his waist as he kept going. It wasn't just the loss of you -- though that did hurt like hell. It was what losing you represented. All the wasted moments, all the missed chances, all the happiness that could have been his if he'd just let himself grab onto it.
When the water came up to his chest, he lifted his feet and started moving. There he was, his first time swimming in the ocean, and you weren't there to see it. He took a deep breath, then plunged down, fully submerging himself in the water.
He wasn't sure how long he stayed out there, letting the waves rock him closer to shore, then further away, but he wasn't afraid. And when he finally left the water, walking along the same sand he knew you had to have walked on countless times, he decided that he didn't want to be afraid ever again.
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fangirlstorycreator · 2 months
hey! i have a request for you, how about Terry and Y/N have been together for a while, so Terry decides to take Y/N to a gala event, but Y/N ends up getting a lot of looks and some men even have the courage to flirt with her, but Terry doesn't like that at all... (I love an obsessive and jealous Terry 👀🔥)
Absolutely anon, I'm more than happy to write a jealous Terry Silver story for you 😁💚 (KK3 Terry Silver)
Contains: public s#x, mentions of attempted ass#lt on Y/N, violence from Terry in protective boyfriend moment (no minors) (NSFW)
"I'm back babe!"
"Hey babygirl! Did you have fun shopping for a new dress?"
"I did! I found one that looks gorgeous! I hope you like it"
"You know me Y/N, no matter what you wear, I'll love you in it. Especially when I get to tear it off you at the end of the night"
"Oooh! Promises promises! I'm gunna go get ready, you coming?"
"Not yet, I'm just going to finish up my karate training then I'll be up to get changed"
"Alright babe (kiss) I'll see you in a while"
You excitedly run upstairs to get ready for the evening, you'd never been to a gala event, and tonight was your first time. Your boyfriend Terry had told you that money was no object and to spend whatever you wanted on a dress and accessories tonight. You already had some lovely jewellery and perfume so you just got the dress, which was definitely out of your normal price range. Terry said you should spend at least a few grand on a dress, which you told him that wasn't necessary. But $10.000 to Terry was like $10, he had more money than he could count. So shopping around this afternoon to find something, you didn't want to go over board, but that's when you saw it. The most gorgeous dress you'd ever seen, and it was a special night after all. You gasped when you saw the price, but then Terry did spend $15.000 on a bedroom mirror this morning, at least with a dress you can wear it again and again. So despite it being $6.000, you got it! You'd showered, done your hair, makeup and jewellery. Now it was just time to put on your dress and heels. It looked way better on you now than it did in the shop, and you were so pleased you bought it.
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It sounded like Terry was still fighting downstairs, so you decide to show him your dress. Walking into his training room, he's just knocked two men to the floor, sweating and bouncing around with his boxing gloves on.
"Hey babe....I thought you'd be finished by now..."
"My bad Y/N, I-"
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"Baby! Oh my god you look absolutely stunning!"
He says excitedly as he runs over to you
"Wow! I thought you couldn't get more beautiful! I was wrong!"
"Aww, thanks babe. You nearly finished?"
"Yep, all done! I'll grab a shower and meet you in the living room if you like? I won't take too long"
"No worries babe, I'll just watch a little TV while your getting ready"
"I'll be back soon"
He says as he turns to run up the stairs, but he stops suddenly, turns backs and runs to you, grabbing your hips and locking his lips onto yours. Kissing you deeply.
"Wow babe....and the reason behind that was?"
"Because you look absolutely gorgeous, and I needed to kiss you. I won't lie, if I'd have been getting dressed with you at the same time, we'd probably be late for the gala evening. Because I'd just watch you slip into this dress...then I'd sloooowly pull it off yo-"
"Terry! While I love your idea, your running out of time"
"Oh sh#t! Yes! I'll be right back!"
And this time, he did run up the stairs and got ready, it just made you giggle that even after all the time you've spent together, he simply couldn't keep his hands off you. A short while later, he came back down, wearing this gorgeous suit he had made for himself. He looked so handsome, his ponytail tied up and he was wearing his cologne that drove you wild.
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"Ok, now it's my turn to be drawn to you Terry"
"You like what you see? I got this made so you would find me irresistible"
"I find you irresistible in anything Terry...and in nothing at all...."
"Oh? Naughty girl...Come on, let's go. The limousine has arrived"
"Limousine huh?"
"Of course! We're going to this gala, in style!"
It was a fantastic limousine, a very polite driver, champagne on ice, chocolate covered cherries and he drive through the part of LA where all the lights were beautiful and shining. A short while later, you arrive at the gala, Terry of course offers you his hand as he helps you out of the limousine cameras flashing you and him as well as others all over the place. You heard a few of the photographers talking in the background too.
"Mr Silver's girlfriend has definitely won best dress for tonight"
"I agree Tony, they look like the power couple of the event tonight"
Power couple? Wow! People loved your outfits and you both as a couple, you weren't expecting that. Walking up the carpet together and into the gala event itself, it was beautiful! Tables with everyones names on, large bouquets of dark pink flowers to give a splash of colour and scent to the room, and chandeliers that looked like they were dangling real diamonds from the ceiling.
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"Terry! This place is incredible!"
"I knew you'd like it babygirl. Come on, let's find our table"
You didn't know about the tables assigned to people, to be honest, you didn't know about the photographers outside either. No wonder Terry suggested a brand new dress for you, he wanted you to outshine everyone, and it would appear it worked. He held your hand as he guided you to a luxurious table, to where you see just one person sat down, and you were pleasantly surprised to see who it was.
"John? Oh my god! I didn't know you were hear!"
You ask happily as he stood up to give you a hug.
"It's good to see you too Y/N, Terry sent me an invite and I couldn't say no"
"It's been so long since I last saw you. Where have you been?"
"I was taking some time away from the dojo for a holiday"
"Ah, is that why you have this tanned glow about you?"
"It certainly is, Majorca this time of year is perfect for having time away"
After having a chat together, all 3 of you sat down to the table and had some drinks and were served some fantastic food too. These evenings weren't something you were used too, but you loved every moment of it. There were a few times some people would walk past the table, mostly men. And they would look at you, not Terry or John, just you. Some smiled while others just stared, and it was starting to affect Terry.
"Babe, just ignore them"
"It's not that easy when they look at you like that Y/N. I mean it's obvious why they're looking, your f#cking beautiful! But I don't like them staring at you like that"
"But I'm all yours Terry, noone elses but yours"
"Thanks baby...you know....John's gone to chat up that girl at the bar"
"Oh yeh, she seems nice. I think he needs to find a nice girl"
"But I was thinking I take MY girl out for a dance up on the dance floor. Shall we?"
"Oh babe, I don't mind if I do"
He holds his hand out to you and takes you to the dance floor. Holding you close to his body, with one hand pressed against your lower back, and the other holding your hand, he glides with you on the dancefloor, not taking any notice of anyone else. His eyes are fixed on you, and your his, it was like the rest of the world has melted away, and the only things there are, are you and Terry, and the music.
"Thank you for taking me hear tonight babe, it's been amazing"
"No need to thank me babygirl, I'll always do anything for you"
He gives you the warmest smile right before leaning down and pressing his lips gently to yours. He kisses you like the very first time, holding you close and savouring the feel and taste of his lips and tounge, for that moment, the test of the world fell away.
"I love the way you moan like that when I kiss you Y/N"
"I simply can't help it...ouch! Babe that was quite hard"
"What? What was?"
"That pinch, you just pinched my butt"
"No I didn't?!"
Who the hell did then?! Spinning around, you and Terry see this creepy guy staring at your body, licking his lips and rubbing his hands down the sides of his trousers. What a f#cking creep!
"Hey! Did you just touch my girl!?"
Terry asks angrily, putting himself infront of you
"Hey man don't get all grumpy, she's hot!"
"She's my girlfriend and you have no right to touch her, let alone pinch her! Are you out of your f#cking mind!"
"Maybe you can share her for a while eh? She's hella sexy and I wanna see what her mouth can do"
"You take one step closer to her I swear I'll knock your lights out you old pervert!"
"Ah come on man just move aside and I can have some fun, I know she wants it"
You speak up, shouting to him.
"No! Your a creep and I will never touch you! Stay away from me! I said no!"
"You heard her...now back up before I knock you out!"
"Ah she don't mean that, I know she wants it"
"She just said NO! No is a full sentence #sshole!"
"Nah, that's just what girls say to play hard to get, I never listen to that word. Maybe if she wasn't dressed like that-"
Terry wouldn't even let him finish his sentence, he punched him right in the face and he fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes.
"(Gasp) Terry! You just-you just knocked him out!"
"Hell yeh I did! Noone does that or says those things to you! He can go to hell for all I care"
This whole thing obviously sparked some commotion, and two security guards run over to see what was going on.
"What happened hear? Why is this man on the floor?"
"He was putting his hands on my girlfriend, and despite her telling him no, he wouldn't listen. He tried to touch her again, and I hit him straight in the face. I'm not even sorry, he's a creep! I trust you both can remove this d#ck from the gala?"
"Of course Mr Silver, come on Harry, grab this guys arm"
The 2 security guards drag this unconscious man out, and you felt a wave of relief wash over you.
"Thank you Terry, that guy really creeped me out. I can't believe he pinched me"
"I can't believe he did that either! You've said yourself, only I get to touch you. If I had the chance I'd do a hell of a lot more to that mother f#cker!"
"Terry it's alright, he's gone now. Just try to forget about him ok?"
"That's easier said than done Y/N, I just don't know what would get my mind of that #sshole touching you!"
"Well...maybe I can change that...."
"Oh really?..."
"Yeh....why don't we go somewhere private and you can...reclaimed what's yours...so to speak..."
"Now that, sounds like a very...very good idea...let me guess, seeing me knock that's guys lights out got you in the mood eh?"
"You mean seeing my gorgeous, 6ft 5, sexy and strong muscular boyfriend protect me and fight for me? What girl wouldn't get turned on by that?"
Terry simply bit his lip and looked at you with a desperate desire in his eyes, he loves when you suggest having s#xy moments in public, it just makes it that much more dangerous. You both sneek out of the main hall hand in hand, doing very well at not being seen. Slipping down a corridor together, the bathrooms are very close, but that a little too risky. Luckily, right at the far end of this hall, there was a bathroom that was still being made and wasn't open to the public yet. Places like this wouldn't allow anyone to use it until everything was perfect, so it may be bad in there, it may be fine, but what was important was noone would enter, and you and Terry would really be on your own. Terry pulls the [Do not enter] tape away so he can open the door, and it goes back in place once you both slip inside. And thankfully, the place was actually really nice, better than most public bathrooms you'd seen. But of course, because this was a gala evening, this wouldn't be good enough. The bathrooms that were available had someone who would hold a towel and offer you a mint once you've finished, it was a little over the top. But this, right now, was just right for a little fooling around.
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You hear Terry lock the main door behind you, and the second you turn, his lips are on yours, hungry and desperate. He couldn't keep his hands off you, running up and down your body, brushing through your hair, moving down and cupping your butt in his hands.
"Oh Terry...I need you right now (passionate kiss)"
"Then your going to get me..."
His lips are back on yours again, slipping his tounge into your mouth as his hands pull up the bottom of your dress. He grabs your hips and picks you up, putting you on the sink and keeping his hips perfectly inbetween your legs. He already unzips his trousers and your hand moves down to stroke his already rock hard and throbbing c#ck.
"Oh baby I love it when you stroke me like that...just keep going...that's it...uhhhh"
"You like it when I do this babe? You like that I can make you feel this way?"
"Yes Y/N, f#ck yes"
" Do you still feel angry from when that #sshole pinched me? When he touched something that belongs to you?..."
"I feel pure rage....noone touches you...your mine!"
"Then make me yours!"
His large hand suddenly grabbed your wrist, stopping you from stroking him. He pulls you closer, growls at you then spins you around so quickly you actually feel a little dizzy. Now your holding onto the sink with Terry grabbing your hips with one hand, and stroking your neck with the other as you both look at your reflections.
"I wanna see what you look like when I'm inside you babygirl...I wanna see the affect I have on you...what THIS-"
He says right as he plunges his full and thick length inside you, making you gasp as he smirks in satisfaction
"Does to you...I wanna see every...(thrust) moment...of...(thrust) pleasure!"
Holy sh#t this was so hot! There was never a dull moment in yours and Terry's sex life, but this was next level! He looked right at you in the mirror as he f#cked you against the sink. Again and again, f#cking you to the point where you can't hold any noise back. Wincing and moaning, it's so much that you can't keep quiet, no matter how hard you try. You were in public, who knows who might hear you both in hear, that's why you try to hide the intense feeling by keeping your mouth covered with your hand. But Terry pulls that hand away, pins both your wrists to the sink as he leans down deeper into you, pounding you even harder now.
"Ah ah ah, I wanna hear you..."
And that was the moment you snapped, your walls clench around him as you finally hit your high, shaking between him and the sink. Your eyes squeeze shut as you scream and gasp in his grip, feeling so tender and overwhelmed inbetween your legs that if Terry wasn't pressing against you, you'd be on the floor right now. He reached his high at the same time as you, and the grunting in your ear made it all the more exciting, and it was a bonus that he bit your neck too, god damn! Now both taking deep breaths to calm yourselves, you catch sight of eachother in the mirror, and laugh a little. This was definitely a new experience you both loved, and you would 100% do it again. He's gentle as he slides out, and turns you around to sit you back on the sink again, looking deep into your eyes.
"Noone touches my girl....only me..."
In a blink of an eye, he kisses you deeply, marking his territory as it were. He was a damn sexy alpha male, and noone f#cks with his mate.
"Let's get cleaned up baby, then we can enjoy the rest of the gala"
"I think I need a drink..."
"(Chuckles) Anything you want princess..."
About 10 minutes later, you and Terry slip out of the bathroom like nothing happened. Your still a little rosy cheeked, and Terry adjusts his tie and zips up his trousers. Hand in hand you walk back to the gala hall, with noone else there knowing what happened between you mere moments ago. Right before you entered the gala hall, the two security guards and a woman wearing a grey suit approach you both.
"Excuse me? Mr Silver and Miss L/N is it?"
"Yes, who are you?"
"My name is Fatima, I'm head of security hear this evening. I understand from my colleagues hear that a man had laid his hands on you tonight Miss L/N?"
"Yes, he did. But these men beside you removed him"
"Yes, I heard. I would like to apologise for your evening being ruined, and I would like to inform you that the man who was involved in this incident has been arrested this evening"
"Arrested? But Y/N hadn't reported it yet"
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"It would appear Miss L/N is not the only one who had been unfortunate this evening. Another 5 women have reported him for harassment and physical assult, one woman reporting that he had attempted to take her home and spike her drink"
"Oh my god that's awful! Are they alright? I feel like I kinda got off lightly. I definitely wouldn't have got that creep away if it wasn't for Terry"
"Ah yes, this man who was arrested claimed he had been assaulted by a man in a black and white suit. However, he was less eager to explain WHY he sustained a broken nose and a black eye"
"He laid his hands on my girlfriend, and when she said no, he didn't listen and frankly didn't care. So yes, I hit him, and I'd do it again if I could"
"I understand Mr Silver. So the man in question will be facing charges in court, I just thought I should inform you about this new information. I do hope you both enjoy the rest of your evening"
And with that, she walks away with her two colleagues, and now it was just you and Terry.
"Jesus, that guy tried that on 5 other women? What the hells wrong with him? Now I'm even more happy you hit him Terry. Hell! I'd kick him while he was down if I'd have known he'd done that to other women hear. The b#stard!"
"Don't worry baby, he's been arrested now and you don't have to think about him anymore. Now, why don't we go and find John and have a drink? You said yourself you need one"
"Good idea Terry. But a water first, I'm just a little dehydrated"
"Hmm, I wonder what could have possible made you feel that?...."
"It truly is a complete mystery...(giggle)"
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merv606 · 2 months
Daniel having NO IDEA that eating ass was a thing and is totally confused when Terry parts and legs and sips his head down there…is adorable, hilarious, and hot all at once lol. Daniel didn’t even know guys did this (then again, he was 98% clueless about male/male sexytimes so…). I bet he finds the idea of it dirty and shocking and horrifying—until Terry actually does it to him. Bless the baby. I’m pretty sure he ate Amanda’s pussy real nice, but bluescreen that something very similar could be done to him. Lmao baby boy ♥️
This is a snippet direct from the WIP notes on the first time Terry puts his mouth on Daniel - so spoilers as it should appear, for the most part, in the actual story as it appears here.
Very long and very very so NSFW
The next night, they shower together, Terry paying close attention to his ass, soapy fingers dipping the fingertips inside.
This, this is familiar. Terry has been patient, hadn’t simply bent him over and taken him the other night, like Daniel was expecting. He had gotten Daniel used to something touching him there; used to his ass being played with; how it feels. Now it seems the next step might be those finger inside.
Terry grabs something just out of Daniel’s sight, coating a single finger in lube.
“Terry,” he tries, but Terry kisses him, swallowing the gasp as a single finger, with some difficulty, slips inside, up the first knuckle.
“So damm tight,” the older man groans, his cock straining in to be what’s inside him now- to feel that perfect heat wrapped around his cock. Although, he’s so tight Terry also knows it wouldn’t be good for either of them.
“Relax for me baby. l you need to relax,” he soothes, back to kissing him to distract.
Terry would give Daniel something to help him relax, both his body and his mind, make it easier to accept Terry, but he doesn’t want any of his boy’s senses dulled; not for this.
“Ohhh,” he gasps when Terry releases his lips, pressing his cheek to Daniel, whispering again to, “relax for me,” as the finger inside is pushed further in, to the second knuckle now, not stopping until it’s all the way in.
A hand on Terry’s chest, and the old man looks into his eyes, tucking some wet hair behind Daniel’s ear. “Only what you can handle. I promise.”
Kissing down his throat. “Remember how good it felt last night. Me touching you here,” and the finger is withdrawn, rubbing around his hole, seeming to spasm with each pass of the finger over it. “This is going to feel ever better. Trust me.”
Not like he has a choice. He’s given himself to the older man.
Terry grabs the lube, covering two fingers now, and Daniel takes a deep breath to calm himself, knowing the older man is right.
Two fingers now, slowly massaging his entrance before the pressure becomes more insistent, their intent clear.
Terry lifts Daniel’s leg, holding it up against his with a large hand under his thigh, the two fingers pushing in.
Once inside, Terry doesn’t move them, just has them deep inside, like he’s letting Daniel get used to being so full, his body adjusting to having something inside it in such a way.
The water cascades down them, the steam on the shower glass, the warmth enveloping them, although the heat seems to be coming from within him now, as Terry’s fingers finally start to move.
It feels, odd. Now that the discomfort of the stretch has faded, it doesn’t hurt, just feels like a pressure deep inside him. He really doesn’t see the appeal of such a thing. At least he doesn’t until ….
He shouts, a cry really, morphing into a shaky moan, and Terry can tell Daniel is surprised it came from him - not expecting it as his eyes fly open.
“What,” he gasps. “What was that?” his hips working as much as they can in this position, trying to get those fingers to touch that spot again even if he doesn’t realize it. His boy is a natural.
“Your prostate,” Terry smirks.
“Oh god,” he whimpers, grasping the older man’s arms as he brushes over it again.
“This is going to what makes it worth your while. It’s going to have you your spreading your legs for me …. Again and again,” he growls.
Terry licks over a peaked nipple, feeling how much his boy likes that by the feel of his ass clenching around his fingers.
“God, your body is so responsive, sweetheart.”
It’s to be expected, Daniel has never had anything up there.
Not even so much as a finger.
Until now anyway.
He tried himself one night, a finger circling his rim but it always brought back memories and feelings of Terry.
And the closet Amanda got was a finger slipping between his cheeks when he was fucking her, her hands gripping his ass to urge him on.
His boy also seems quite shy with the attention Terry pays to his chest, but he’ll get used to that just like he will Terry inside him like this.
His body is a bit more lax, as Terry gently moves them in and out, his fingers moving in and out easier and easier.
Soapy fingers again, cleaning him out almost, and he’d be embarrassed but Terry had already asked him when he used the bathroom last.
At this point Daniel doesn’t think there are any secrets between them, definitely no mysteries, not on his end anyway. He doesn’t think there could be.
A third finger teases his hole, but that might be too much. Good it feels but Daniel also knows he feels impossibly full with just the two thick fingers. He can’t take much more inside. Not yet.
“Terr ….”
“Shhh,” the older man soothes, cutting him off. “Only what you can handle. I never lie to you,”and Daniel falls silent as he feels himself turned.
“Terry,” he tries again, panicked, but instead of the larger body pressing against him and the feel of his cock against his ass like he was expecting, Terry drops to his knees and spreads his cheeks.
A deep groan. “God, everything about you is perfect,” Terry remarks before he quickly licks up over the tiny little hole - his soon to be prize. Barely enough to taste him like Terry wants to, but he wants to gauge his boy’s reaction.
Daniel gasps, mouth falling open, water for the shower cascading down into his mouth, which he inadvertently swallows, and he starts to cough.
He’s not sure exactly …. Did Terry just lick his hole he thinks. Is that even a thing, but before he can truly process it, the older man spits, and although it’s quickly washed away with the rivets of water running down his back and between his spread cheeks, it’s not his mouth again but his fingertips touching along the width, featherlight, not invasive, just massaging and relaxing the tightly drawn muscle.
Maybe he imagined it. Maybe it was just the sensation of the water and Terry so close to him as he was spread so intimately by the older man.
That can’t actually be a thing… or something Terry would want to do.
Can it?
Terry’s mouth practically waters as he looks at his boy’s hole, his hands holding his cheeks open so Terry’s eyes can at least drink their fill.
So small and tight; as perfect as he’ll ever be.
Terry is going to ruin him.
Absolutely wreck that ass in the best way. Make it so only Terry can ever fill it like it needs.
He wraps a hand around his own aching cock, stroking it the sight, licking his lips m, swearing he can taste his boy there. Better than anything he’s had.
He can’t help himself. It’s too inviting and he licks over it again, and Daniel’s knees almost buckle.
“Terry,” he shouts, so loud Terry knows there is no way some of the staff didn’t hear it. As much as that does for Terry’s ego, the staff is paid for their discretion, and he wants everyone to know how go he gives it to his boy, Terry can also hear that Daniel is a bit freaked out.
He sighs. He doesn’t want to ruin the progress they’ve made but Terry has needs, and his patience is wrought.
He will have his boy like this.
Before the night is out, his boy will come on his mouth, of that he is sure.
Maybe it will be best to do this on a bed. Have his boy exactly how he wants him and eat his fill there.
Fingers on his hole again, and he can see his boy relax, as Terry wraps a hand around his cock, jacking him off but not letting him come.
He needs him desperate to come so he’ll be more willing and accepting of Terry’s mouth on him there.
His boy, by the end, will want for Terry’s mouth on him like that all the time. Of that Terry is sure. Like everything, he just needs Terry to show him, and that is something Terry is always willing to do.
Give his boy what he needs even when he doesn’t realize what that is. Show him the things he’s been sorely missing.
And he has, because an ass like that, never used in such a way. A body as responsive as that. It is everything Terry has been imagining and more. He knows this will be a case of the real thing being even better.
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