#cam sites
woahitswednesday · 6 months
What's your favorite site for cam girls?
Since I'm clearly sucking at finding a job, but I need to make money and move, I might as well put my best assets to use! 😛
So please, tell what your go to sites are for watching! I'm signed up for a couple when I was looking at things in the past, but I'd ideally like to use what's most popular to people who already know me 😊
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elimilligan · 1 year
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In the cold light of morning. 🧊
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dovalore · 10 months
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fanart of @cecils-dragons’ deity redesigns! go check them out!
these are available to use on fr too if you’d like
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m-u-n-c-h-y · 11 months
I spent about 4 hours learning how to do this...
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flaticeball · 11 months
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bit from an unfinished project i was doing a couple playoffs ago. gonna miss you buddy, minnesota won't be the same without you. see you in february when the wild come to town. hope you tear it up out there.
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narcan-necromancer · 1 year
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lockzade · 2 years
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please like/reblog if you save
DON'T repost
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aromanticgarbage · 11 days
Hey residential frank expert did frank actually find the rats on the streets in rat chef or did he buy dead rats and plant them (I’d say I have no idea how he got those but he got like hundreds of chicken hearts and also a snake mouse ring)
Dkskskks the idea of being considered an expert on this is so funny. I barely knew who this man was a couple of months ago but i fast tracked my studies so hard that you are not that far off. Anyway, he has never confirmed one or the other (as far as i know) but realistically speaking....he probably bought them as snake food and planted them. It's easier and safer that way plus they did say that they fed them to their friends pet snake at the end of the video and i may not know much about snakes but feeding them rats from the street doesn't sound like a very good idea.
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kamek · 24 days
the spambots are back
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totheecore · 25 days
oh this book looks promising (comes out in october) bet i'll love this (comes out in october) this one looks interesting (can't find it on my go to site and zlib today takes forever to load) maybe this one will d- (can't find the file) (tears streaming down my face) owrenrndjeok i give up. kindle. show me the preview
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shannnnanigans · 2 years
Live now.
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6blushy6puppy6 · 2 months
Go ahead, ur curious aren't you~
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More on my Fansly,,,,,,, https://linktr.ee/mitzcanis
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aria0fgold · 3 months
Filtering dcmk movie tags is always something...
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How many more do I have to add to keep the spoilers at bay??? I had to add two just now.
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elimilligan · 1 year
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NOTE: THIS ITEM IS CURRENTLY IN PREORDER. IT WILL SHIP IN JUNE-JULY 2023. We will be printing based on preorder size, so grab one now if you want one!
More than 40 trans writers and artists have joined forces to explore the deeper meanings of the Fast & Furious franchise (and also gender). There's really no way to know why this exists, but it does, and you can own it! Suitable for F&F fans and newcomers alike. Contributions include:
- A new short story by Manhunt author Gretchen Felker-Martin - A demolition derby driver’s perspective on 2 Fast 2 Furious’s derby scene - An essay contemplating the queer symbolism of Cipher’s bowl cut - The scoop on the franchise’s only canonically nonbinary character - Instructions for an F&F-themed tabletop roleplaying game - A contemplation of which Taylor Swift album represents each F&F character - Plus: Bingo cards! Comics! Haiku! And, of course, hot gay erotica…
2 Trans 2 Furious is edited by Tuck Woodstock & Niko Stratis, with cover art by Mattie Lubchansky and zine design by Shay Mirk.
This zine is 8.5" x 5.5" and perfect-bound like a real book — fancy! Interior pages are black & white. We're guessing this baby is like 100 pages long but we'll get back to you on that.
Currently only shipping to the United States, sorry! We're hoping to at least expand to Canada soon, and also plan to add a PDF ebook option, so keep an eye out!
(that "the scoop on the franchise's only canonically nonbinary character" is the page i contributed about our one & only beloved akd-acted cam stone!! plus also if you're interested in preordering a fancy printed copy of a zine about fast & furious, which you don't have to even know about or like, with all trans contributors. including me)
#and i don't even hardly know about it or like it. proof positive#cam stone#i even looked up typical pixel to dpi ratios so my art would be high res enough for printing. Canvas Big & my laptop hated it lol....#but indeed there's three cam pics including an effort at a kind of pinup adjacent Ooh Cam Stone one lol. carefully placed torque wrenches#anyone look up f&f posting on this site....there's gotta be; right. this whole zine is an ode to that. well here goes a few tags:#fast & furious#f&f#2 fast 2 furious#gets a special shoutout. inspiring us all well beyond [even seeing any f&f related stuff. tfatf....#also would be one less contributer if not scholar nothingunrealistic.tumblr.com; also the source of my knowing abt cam stone in general;#being the one to know of this project & go ''perfect cam stone opportunity'' like it Really is isn't it#and thus; against all odds but also appropriately; Racing to actually create a page abt them to spread the good news#in that there was like a month & a half's heads up but i still exponentially did most of the actual execution days before the deadline#ran into some technical difficulties in the final hours lol but then seized a Post Submission Editing Opportunity to amend that w/more time#and to go ''i wrote it as fast & furious: crossroads which is what many sources format it as But official materials write it like#fast & furious crossroads without the colon & it's nbd but i would prefer to change it =('' getting a yeah no prob lol....#fixed up some very minor visual errors & changed one instance of word ordering so that it had some more Prosody imo. didn't mention that lo#plus going ''yeah there can/should be an editor's note to emphasize This Is Really Real Not An OC b/c that's clearer And funnier''#fast & furious extended universe really has a nonbinary character & if they're for real abt this finale Trilogy call akd up please....#let's get that cam & vienna cameo it's fast(tm) easy & free (it's not free....might not even be easy but it's more than worth it)#fast & furious crossroads#anyone looking That up has gotta get in on this#pdf / virtual option tba as mentioned....but physical copy rules too. i forget if i sent them my mailing address but i think i did lol#the ideal of being Gifted one like yeah i Will take this around with me then thank you#truly the most formal publishing my Work has ever seen. besides ''online'' or ''once i did a painting that i think was on the wapo site''#and a very appropriate way to achieve that....but fr what's great is So Many More Ppl Can Now Learn Cam Stone Exists#we've got The Scoop as attested babey!!! 🍨#and in turn we owe it all to akd everyone say thank you akd for acting that pwns & a je ne sais quoi to boot#which; in turn; thank you kompenso; thank you will roland's pwning acting/je ne sais quoi; thank you michael greif What Works understander.#i have remembered that pixels are implicit in the term ''dpi''....but it's a wash on clarity yet funnier to leave it as i wrote it
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4grandpasonly · 6 months
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I recently found a cool website with cameras (Royal Cams Gay). There are some cool older guys in the evening.
Are you registered on this website?
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