#cam into my room looked at my screen and asked if I was drawing myself 😔😔
ifindus · 2 years
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It's St. Andrews today ✹ National day of Scotland
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softomi · 4 years
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lyric prompt: then only for a minute, I want to change my mind, cause this just don’t feel right to me. 
song: Happier (Stripped) by Marshmello and Bastille 
pairings: oikawa x reader, osamu x reader
general taglist: @graykageyama
special mentions: @peachysatoru
Thank you for calling Engineering The Mind, please listen to the following options and select the option that applies to you. press one if you are inquiring our Love services, press two if you are inquiring our Mental Health services, press three if you are inquiring our Synaptic Pruning services, please stay on the line for a representative to assist you.
You’ve pressed three, please stay on the line and one of our representatives will be with you shortly.
“Good morning and thank you for choosing our Synaptic Pruning service, could I get your name and date of birth?”
“Actually, I have a question?”
“If I wanted to erase someone from my memory, am I able to do that?”
“Yes! As long as there is consent from both parties.”
“But can I do it myself?”
“Unfortunately, the procedure requires both parties to consent and participate, the new law states it is considered illegal to synaptically prune another person from your memory without the other party’s consent.”
“Is there a way I can notify the person without personally contacting them?”
“Of course, as long as you know their name, date of birth, and social, then we can reach out to the other party to inform them that you have started the forms for a synaptic pruning procedure and they will have 30 days from the day of their notification to begin their forms.”
“What happens if they reject?”
“If the other party rejects, then unfortunately we cannot move forward with the procedure.”
“Okay. I’d like to start a form and have them be notified.”
“Perfect, let me just quickly get the information of the other party. What is their relationship to you?”
“Name of the other party?”
“Oikawa Tooru.”
His luggage drags against the airport’s floor, the sunglasses on his face protects against the amount of camera flashes. Oikawa waves to the cameras, waving to fans, momentarily stopping to take in the bustling Japan airport. Home felt so distant for him.
“Is it true you’re here for a procedure?” A reporter is walking alongside him.
Oikawa merely smiles, “No. I’m just here on vacation, I missed Japan so much, the last time I was here I wasn’t able to do many of the things I wanted to. I’d appreciate it if I am treated as any other citizen.”
“There’s rumors that you’re in Japan to possibly be scouted for one of the Japanese teams, care to explain?”
Oikawa stops, staring directly at the camera, “Like I said, I’m here on vacation and on my own dime. I’m here to attend a wedding of a very close friend and have no plans on looking into other teams, but I can assure you, I plan on playing for the Argentinian team for as long as I can.”
“Do you think your previous injury will affect your current position on the Argentinian national team?”
Another reporter manages to squeeze in, “It’s been almost a year since your injury, are you considering retiring your number if your injury doesn’t improve?”
Oikawa laughs. The television screen cuts off. He’s been in Japan for almost a week now, at least that’s all you know of since he had texted you once he had arrived. From what you can gather through social media, he wasn’t in town. He was frolicking through his childhood neighborhood, meeting friends and family who haven’t seen him since the Olympics.
It’s early morning in your home, the sheets hug you with warmth, you’ve been awake for some time and if you were honest, you didn’t think you slept at all. Ever since he’s stepped foot back into the country, you haven’t been able to sleep properly.
The head on your chest stirs and the male’s breathing falls steady back into slumber. His body is entangled with yours, body weight practically all on top of you, and his breathing brings a sense of dread in you for a moment. It feels similar to him.
You lift your arms, holding out your hands in front of you to gaze at the small diamond. It’s tucked between your pinkie and middle finger, it’s bright and beautiful just like he was promising your future with him would be.
He, your current lover; the man you absolutely loved and adored. The man who spent the last five years keeping you sane.
“Osamu.” Your fingers tugged his hair lightly, “It’s time to wake up.”
“Five more minutes.” He tightens his grip around your waist, “I just want five more minutes with you.”
Your finger drags along his spine, “You say that every morning.” You slap your palm on his back and he groans, “You have to open the restaurant soon.”
He hums, eyes blinking, trying to adjust to the darkness. It’s too early in the morning, “You’re going in for a check up today?”
Your fingers that play with his hair stops, “Yes.”
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
It was your decision, something Osamu had reminded you a hundred times. The decision to try and erase someone from your memory; he always found it to be a hard pill to swallow. But it was something you thought about a million times, it kept you awake at night, and even when you called a few weeks ago to start the process, it felt surreal.
Osamu lifts himself, leaning on his forearm to peer down at you, his beautiful bride to be, “I can still close the shop and come with you.”
He was an absolute sweetheart, “I told you I’ll be fine. And you can’t close the restaurant every time I go to the hospital?”
He brings his lips to meet yours, “Is that a challenge?”
You laugh against his kiss, “Go get ready or else.”
“Or else what?” He straddles your legs, pressing kisses on your neck to your chest. His fingers ride up his shirt you’ve declared yours, pressing his lips along your abdomen, “Good morning.”
“Call me if anything happens.” Osamu presses a chaste kiss to your lips at the doorway, “I like you.”
Your lips are in a grin, “and I like you too.”
The door shuts behind him and you’re left alone with your thoughts. If you were correct, you’d be seeing him again. Oikawa should be meeting you at the hospital. You’ve texted him a reminder. It’s marked as read; he doesn’t bother to respond.
The sound of a buzzer makes you jump, it draws you to the look at the video cam that views the front gates. You’re grinning thinking Osamu has forgotten something, but the smile gets wiped off when it’s him. Oikawa Tooru is standing at the gates of your home.
“What are you doing here?” You speak into the microphone.
Oikawa seems to have discovered the camera, “Can’t visit anymore? I thought we could catch up.”
What reason would there be to catch up? If everything goes smoothly, you’ll be without a thought of him in the next few days. You’re reluctant to let him in, you want to tell him to go away, but you’d have to meet him later any way. The gates buzz open and Oikawa enters the front yard of the home.
It’s exactly the same to him, after all, this was his and your home first. The Oikawa residence. He bought the house without your knowledge, saved up as much of his paychecks could get him.
“May I come in?” Oikawa smiles upon seeing you.
You’re holding the front door, still small as ever, like you were guarding the home with your life, “Yes.” Your voice is tiny, giving him room to enter the house.
Oikawa takes in the smell of the place, still the same, still has your scent and he concludes you’re probably still lighting the same scented candles he liked. He wonders if he should be flattered by the information.
“Do you want something to drink?” You inquire, pulling out a mug to pour yourself water and another mug for whatever Oikawa wanted, “Peach tea?”
It was his favorite; you can remember it as clear as day. He’d drink it breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He said it paired nicely with the milk bread and he called it sweet; just like you. You shake the memory as you pour the hot water.
There was nothing but awkwardness between the both of you. You’ve distracted yourself with your morning routine and Oikawa silently sits. If he’s going to fantasize for a second, he’s pretending you’re still his wife. Shamelessly daydreaming like you were his.
“We have to be at the hospital by noon.” You say without looking at him, your head dipping back as you slip the pills into your mouth.
“Sounds good to me.” Oikawa taps his fingers against the dining table.
It brings back memories of dinner with you, on days when he would be able to find a week off practice to see you. You’d eat with him until two in the morning, trying to squeeze in as much time with him as possible before he hopped on a plane back to Argentina, and he would pretend as if he didn’t hear you crying while washing the dishes.
“So how have you been?” Oikawa asks innocently.
You drink the rest of your water, a simple nod of your head, “Fine.” Your gaze falls briefly on his knee, “And you?”
Oikawa instinctively puts a hand over his knee as if that could hide the ache, “Fine too.”
Yet Oikawa and you know, everything was far from fine. It was the same way towards the end of the marriage, communication was blurred, there was too many missed connections, and the only news you’d get of Oikawa was from the sports channels.
“Do you still work at the public library?”
You tilt your head at him, “You mean the university library? When I was doing work study?”
“Oh.” Oikawa rubs the back of his neck, “Guess you’re not”. He’s trying to think why it feels so hard to talk to you again, “How are your parents?”
You freeze and he realizes his mistake. He remembers the arguments, the sadness of the conversations, the way your parents loathed him for proposing so early. Oikawa married you fresh out of high school, he promised you happiness and yet towards the end of the marriage, he shattered your heart.
“They’re great!” You smile, “They really love my fiancĂ©.”
You were purposely trying to hurt him.
“What’s he like?” Oikawa was curious or was he jealous?
“What do you want Tooru?” Your voice is sharp as you set down your mug, “Why are you here?” You know him too well, he doesn’t do things just because; he always has a motive, “Are you here to try and stop me? I want to move on.”
“Then why can’t you do it yourself? Why do you feel like you need to erase me?” Oikawa, he was sad. He had never felt more crushed than when he had received the phone call; you were requesting to remove him from your mind and he’d only accepted to see you again. He wanted you to look him in the face, feel the hurt that he had, “Did you not think of my feelings?”
“No, you didn’t think of mine when you naturalized as an Argentinian citizen.”
It was always the same argument, Oikawa stares at you, it wasn’t that different from years ago. When he blinks, he’s transported to seven years ago. Your eyes red as you looked at him, the fighting was reaching two hours and the bags in Oikawa’s hands signals he’d be leaving for another few month. But this day was different, the fight was wearing you down, especially when you read news of Oikawa becoming a naturalized citizen. Oikawa blinks and he’s back to the sun lit room.
“This isn’t how you move on from a relationship?” Oikawa says, “It takes time.” Time was seven years, since the divorce seven years of broken hearts have passed. Oikawa knows deep down that you still loved him and he knows in his heart that he wants to ask you to run away with him, “You know that this is wrong.”
“But it’s my choice.”
Oikawa’s eyes begin to water, “And you’re making me choose too?” Tears fall from his cheek, “It’s your choice but you’re forcing me to choose also.” His chest becomes heavy, “Please don’t do this.” He openly sobbing in front of you, “I don’t want to stop.” His wail makes your heart clench, “I don’t want to forget what it was like to love you.”
“I don’t care.” Oikawa blubbers, “I’m not going to do it.” A pit grows in your stomach, “All I ever did was love you.”
Your eyes glossy, it was like you were going back to the worst nights of your life, “You stopped caring about me.”
“No, I didn’t!” Oikawa stands, “I never stopped. I was doing everything for you!” He was a tearful mess in front of you, “You left me! You abandoned me!”
“You can’t say that when you were halfway across the world!”
“For you!” Oikawa screams, “If you had waited one more year, I could have brought you over.”
You wipe the tears from your face, a sigh on your lips, “Why didn’t you just ask me to go with you in the first place?”
It was always the question that nipped at you. When he was confronted with the opportunity of staying in Japan or joining an Argentinian team, he never hesitated and you waited for him to ask you to go with him; but he left you behind with the house, sending money every two weeks like you were an afterthought.
“It was complicated.” Oikawa’s eyes soften, “I just, I didn’t want you to leave behind your life here. Your friends, your family. You would have had to quit school to come with me, to a place where you didn’t know the language or the place, and with me practicing, you would have no one.”
You shake your head, “No. You were worried about yourself. You made the decision to leave me behind without a second thought because you wanted to focus on volleyball and where has that gotten you; injured.”
Maybe that was why you wanted so badly to erase him from your memories, you still clung to the thoughts of him. Still stayed updated on his life, still worried about his health, still wondering on the what ifs with him. What if you had just left with him? What if you hadn’t gotten married to him? What if you weren’t so hopelessly still in love with him?
“Just let me be happy.” You whisper, “Just let me forget I was ever in love with you.”
The ride to the hospital ached. The cab silent and melancholy. It was only a consultation and yet it already felt like the end of everything. The waiting area didn’t make it any better, the air was thick with tension from other couples. Oikawa’s status had the two of you placed priority and it didn’t take long for a doctor to come into the room.
“I would like to inform you that we use the term ‘erasing memory’ loosely. Our procedure merely detaches you from the other party. You’ll still have the memories, but you won’t feel anything, and you won’t remember them as much as you might today.” The doctor hands you and Oikawa separate forms, “If you both sign the consent forms, we can schedule the procedure as soon as possible.”
The pen in Oikawa’s hands hover over the signature line, he can hear you scribbling against the paper and his heart is shattering. Sloppily, he signs his name on the line.
“Sorry, I forgot to ask.” You look at the doctor, “Is the procedure safe for pregnant women?”
Oikawa’s world crumbles.
“The procedure is set for tomorrow morning.” The receptionist is talking.
You smile, “Perfect, thank you.”
She prints out two different instructions for you and Oikawa to prepare for the procedure. You overlook the instructions, no longer sparing a glance to Oikawa as you walk away.
“Hey.” The voice makes your head snap up. Your fiancĂ© walking towards you.
Instinctively, your arms wrap around his neck, “What are you doing here?”
Osamu presses a kiss to your temple, “I came to pick you up.” He looks over your shoulder, spotting the man he knows too well from various photos, “Hi.” He reaches out to Oikawa, “I’m Miya Osamu.”
Oikawa grips Osamu’s hand, “ Oikawa Tooru. It’s nice to meet you.” Oikawa says bitterly.
Osamu’s hand rests on your hip, in a matter of seconds, he’s leading you away and Oikawa is left to stand all alone.
The night is restless. It’s instructed that you and Oikawa get a good night’s rest, but who can rest soundly the night before a procedure. You sitt on the edge of your bed, your fiancĂ© sleeping soundly, and you stare at the moon. You play with the ring on your finger and a tear lands on the back of your hand. You suck in a heavy breath, trying to quell the sound of sobs.
Oikawa sits knees to his chest on the couch of Iwaizumi’s who was gracious enough to let him stay at his place. The moon is bright, and it shines a spotlight on Oikawa. His eyes are tired, but he stares at the screen of his cell phone, finger swiping continuously through the photo album. Your smiles reflect in his eyes and even when Iwaizumi snags the cell phone from him; Oikawa looks up at him bawling.
Six in the morning, you’re sitting on a hospital bed, Oikawa laid next to you. The silence is deafening.  
“I hope you know.” Oikawa whispers, “I’m very happy for you.”
You look at him, taking in what might be the last time you feel love for him, “I love you.”
Oikawa smiles, “No you don’t,” He’s tricking himself, believing that you loathed him, that this was the better option for you, “but I love you too.”
They say, the longer the relationship, the longer the procedure takes. Similarly, the more you loved, the harder it was to subdue the memories. It required patients to stay awake, to go through every little detail, to talk about everything from the beginning to the end.
Your fingers were initially interlocked with his, something to help the anxiousness, or was it to cling to him for a moment.
“I met you when you came to cheer on the volleyball team in high school.” Oikawa stares at the white ceiling, he hears the machinery, the typing of a computer, “You looked so pretty.” The memory becomes hazy.
“He kissed me on the school’s rooftop.” Your lips curved in a smile, “He kept asking me if it was alright.” Your smile slowly falls to a thin line, “I suddenly can’t remember what I said back.”
“It took me a week to find the perfect ring.”
You laugh, “You got impatient, proposed with a paper ring on the school’s rooftop after we snuck into the school after dark.”
It feels empty, your heart feels a weight lifted. Your fingers slowly let go of Oikawa’s. He begins to weep.
“Why are you crying?” You ask.
He sniffles, “Was that the last time you felt happy with me?”
“No.” Your voice soft, “I was always happy when you came home.” There’s another weight off your heart, “You always came in running, always excited to see me. Sometimes, when the front door opens, I think it’s going to be you.” You’re hit with relief.
Four weeks pass in a blur. You honestly don’t remember much of the week after the procedure, but you stare at your loving fiancĂ©. A hearty giggle on your lips as you move to straddle him on the bed. Your palms are squishing his cheeks and Osamu is chuckling. His hand resting on your small baby bump.
“We’re getting married!” You’re kissing him, excitedly jumping on him as though you weren’t knocking the wind out of him.
“Alright.” Osamu sits up, lips stealing your breath away, “by the end of the day, you’ll be Mrs. Miya.”
You laugh into the kiss, “I can’t wait.”
The wedding venue is bustling, everyone is itching to take a picture with the bride and groom. You’re grinning widely at the way Osamu bickers with his brother, the photographer taking photos despite the twins poking at each other.
“May we take a picture with the bride?”
Your smile grows; four men dressed in their best suits approach, “Is this a high school reunion?”
One man lingers briefly behind, your husband presses a hand to the small of your back before leaving. Oikawa takes over the place of your spouse.
“Fancy meeting you here.” Oikawa tilts his head with a beam.
You roll your eyes, “At my own wedding.”
His voice falls to a whisper, “Are you happy?”
Your eyes stare in the direction of your husband and you nod, “Yes.” When you look at Oikawa, there’s a small tug in your heart, it’s tiny enough that it disappears within moments, “Thank you.” 
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jinkicake · 4 years
You Call Him Daddy?!
You accidentally call him daddy in front of the team.
Terushima Yuuji x Reader
Hi Anon~ Thanks again for requesting this!! I was so excited to write this one!!! I couldn’t just write one smutty scene,,,, I had to add in another.... Come on, it’s Terushima... You know I can’t help myself.... Wow,,, if the haikyuu boys were real I would sooo run to him with open arms because he seems like he would break my heart~~~
WC- 1,484
Terushima Yuuji x Reader
Ever since the first You Call Him Daddy I wrote I always thought about how well it would fit Terushima. You know,,,, bruh,,,, this dude

. Pls since the first time I saw him on screen I was hooked, GAWD that piercing sends me into orbit omg I need to shut up 
He would be soooo shameless like he would not care at all if people heard you calling him daddy, he would have that big ass grin on his face and would look around all proudly like yeah, you heard that correctly 
And then Bobata and Futamata are like

 SMACK CAM and smack him upside the head HAHHA anyway......
It would be a lie to say you don’t know how you found yourself in the storage closet with Terushima
What went from innocent touches from your boyfriend, his fingers drawing nameless shapes into your wrist, turned into him grabbing your wrist and dragging you into the closet
“Babe, there are no classes for the rest of the day in the gym” He had convinced you and, like a fool, you decided to ditch study hall and get your guys rearranged
However what you didn’t take into account and stupidly failed to remember is that any sort of sexual intercourse with Terushima Yuuji is not quick, he will have you bent for at least two hours
Not that realistic but come on, bitches </3, it’s Terushima let me dream
“Yuuji” You moan quietly and tightly grip the wall as Terushima pounds into you, he has one of your legs draped over his arm as you’re pinned against the wall
Through your heavily lust clouded mind you swore you heard the final bell ring and that instantly clears you head
“Ah, Yuuji, the last bell just rang!” You tell him, your eyes filled with worry because in ten minutes the entire gym will be filled with volleyball and basketball players “We don’t have time to finish!”
Terushima pouts and stills inside of you, you can’t help the way you clench around his aching length at the feeling. The sensation makes your boyfriend groan and he leans over top of you, resting his forehead on your shoulder 
“You sure you don’t want to finish,” He teases and you can’t imagine feeling so empty if he does decide to pull out
“You have five minutes.” Your warning flies over Terushjima’s head and he quickly goes back to pounding into you, the sound of his hips slamming into your own echos throughout the tiny closet 
What you didn’t know is that the bell you heard was the ‘late bell’ meaning it occurred five minutes after the final bell rang,,,, you failed to hear the first bell
“Daddy, shit,” You curse as you cum and Terushima releases his own loud groan at your words, emptying inside of you much to your dismay. “You ass! I told you not to cum inside of me!” You yell in a hushed whisper and Terushima shrugs
“I couldn’t help it, you’re so hot, babe.” He smooths over and you smack him with your skirt, Terushima whines at the impact but then notices the way your legs are still shaking
Like the caring boyfriend he is, Terushima leans down and helps pull your panties back up your legs, making sure to push his cum back inside of you before securing your panties over your dripping cunt. He lightly pats your slit and you scrunch your nose in frustration at him, Terushima then pulls up your skirt and makes sure to leave a few kisses on your thighs as he zips up the material
By now, you’re fully dressed and Terushima is lazily throwing on his practice shirt. Timidly you hide behind the door and try to listen outside, much to your relief you don’t hear anybody or anything
You open the door slightly and screech when you see not only your friend but two of Terushima’s

 you slam the door shut and turn to your boyfriend and stomp your foot as you point at the door
“What?” He asks and you tell him you saw both of your friends, “ah, let daddy take care of it” He whispers and you smack his head again
“They’re right outside you idiot!!!” You whisper and Terushima kisses your cheek in an attempt to calm you down, he steps in front of you and opens the door again. Terushima leans against the door frame and just opens it enough so that only he can be seen
“Hey,” He subtly nods to his friends and Misaki, his manager only shakes her head disappointedly 
“Nice shirt, fuckface” Bobata snorts and Terushima looks down to see his shirt is on backward
“Yeah, it’s a new trend these days and clearly you haven’t heard about it.” He teases his friend and Futamata has to hold back Bobata from slapping their friend
“I was wondering where (Y/N) was last period...” Misaki speaks with her voice full of suspicion and you awkwardly grab a hold onto your boyfriend’s shirt, anxiously pulling at the material 
“We were studying” Terushima answers confidently “It was a free period”
“Studying?” Misaki raises an eyebrow and the captain nods arrogantly 
“And what were you studying? You two aren’t even in the same class?” His manager continues to push and Terushima does not miss a beat with his answer
“Anatomy” You could practically feel everyone’s groan 
“Well if (Y/N) is done calling you daddy, tell her that I need her help picking out an outfit for the date I have this weekend.” Your friend says loudly and you push your boyfriend out of the door frame to run up to her
“You have a date this weekend?!” You ask and she nods excitedly, grabbing your wrist and dragging you back to her classroom “Tell me about it!!!!”
Terushima stands there in front of his friends and bites his lip, nodding silently at the entire scenario 
Bobata and Futamata glance at each other before raising their hands to slap their friend upside the head, leaving Terushima to grip his dyed hair tightly
“Come on, let’s go get ready for practice” Futamata grabs Terushima by the collar of his shirt and drags him towards the locker room, he doesn’t once bring up the daddy incident
“D-Daddy!” You whine and toss your head back against the pillow, you arch your back so strongly as you press your ass into the sheets that you feel your spine snap in the stretch. Terushima simply glances up at you, keeping your thighs apart as he holds your hands, looping his fingers together with yours. His warm tongue licks a broad stip up your clit just to tease you before going back down to your slit. 
Terushima devours you, he sticks his tongue deep inside you and massages your walls while making a point to swallow everything. He mouths back up to your clit and sucks the little pearl between his lips, ruining it with that sinful tongue piercing of his. The cool texture of the metal contrasts so differently from his hot mouth and the combination of the two makes you grind your hips harder against his face. 
“Look at you, squirming all over my face. You’re fucking delicious.” Terushima praises and lets go of one of your hands, bringing two of his long fingers up to your entrance. He goes back to sucking on your clit and thrusts his fingers into you at the same time, he curls his digits and lets the pads of his fingers run along your walls. It doesn’t take long for Terushima to find that familiar spongey spot inside of you, when he moans at the sight of you looking so fucked out you feel the vibrations run up your spine. “I want you to fucking squirt for me.” He curses and you shut your eyes painfully, feeling so overwhelmed by everything he is doing. 
Terushima removes his mouth from your soaked pussy and bites down on your inner thigh, making sure to leave a mark. 
“Keep your eyes open for Daddy, watch it all.” He orders and you nod, staring with a dark gaze as his dyed hair dips back between your thighs. 
It never takes long for you to come undone when Terushima is touching you like this, skillfully curling his fingers and giving your clit all his attention. That familiar sensation washes over you and your chest heaves in a deep breath as you fail to produce any words. 
“That’s it, oh shit,” Terushima watches in amazement as you squirt all over his fingers, soaking the sheets beneath you. He uses his other hand, with three fingers, to rub your clit back and forth while letting your essence spill out everywhere. 
You close your eyes as you feel him pull his fingers out of you, gentle and slowly in a way that won’t hurt. Terushima sucks his fingers into his mouth and you want to smack his head for being so loud. 
“On your knees now baby girl, Daddy wants to see that again."
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @lovellucy @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
cake walk bucky barnes x reader
Inspo can be found here, i really liked the idea and kinda ran with it lol
sorry ive been away for a while. ive been in a shit mindset but things around me are changing again and im hoping for the better. im away from home this week and figured id finally finish this, as well as restart the marvel shows on netflix so expect some new daredevil and punisher one shots in the near future 😁
also this is like half edited so if it sucks or i forgot to fix anything sorry
Song: soft by motionless in white
tag list: @cynic-spirit +++++++++
Bucky had been super tired lately. He had been having nightmares here and there and though he hadn't had one in a while he was still worried he'd hurt me in his sleep. So he was currently taking a nap in our shared room at the compound. We were only here for a few days to train new recruits and then we would all be back to our own homes. Me and buck, Sam, Clint, even Scott showed up. But then again he was always excited to be part of the team. Now I was in the kitchen like I usually was, stress-baking. But just to be safe, and per his request, I had a camera on buck while he slept to make sure he was still okay and I could rush to our room if he needed me.
So I stood at the island, gathering ingredients and singing softly to myself. not unusual for me to do, it was a good distraction after all and everyone else loved it because it made the place smell great. that and they all loved the many cakes, cookies, muffins, breads, and other baked goods I decided to make. a lovely thought really, one that brought a smile to my face as I began measuring out the dry ingredients. when I turned to look at the monitor though Bucky was gone, making me set the flour back onto the counter. Panic set in immediately. I tapped the screen twice, hitting the tracking cam on his watch and the footage coming up. I sighed deeply as I saw the blurry side video of Bucky murder-stomping his way through the halls. I tapped my own watch quickly.
"attention we have a 'wolf out of containment.' if you see him direct him to the kitchen but do not engage. If you wake him he'll hurt himself."
I said into it, rolling my eyes at the code name, and looking back to the monitor in worry. I heard my voice echo off the walls as he stepped towards the sound. One of the agents was walking down the hall and paused when he saw Bucky, rage behind his eyes as he got closer. Now Bucky was holding him harshly in his metal hand.
"Where is she?"
He said through gritted teeth and i could see both of their faces in the view on my watch.
"Kitchen. Down the hall to the left."
The agent squeaked out. Bucky threw him to the ground quickly before making his way down the hall. I double tapped the monitor again as he turned into the room. There was an intensity and pain strewn across his features as he made his way to me. whatever nightmare this was it had a full hold of him. he had been sleep walking a lot recently but it had never gotten this bad. but he knew what to do, even unconscious. Before he even made it to the table across the room Sam was rushing in behind hi, coming to a screeching halt when he realized what was happening to his best friend.
"I heard the code. Is everything okay?"
He asked and Bucky turned around, throwing a punch his way and him ducking. he made a scared face as he stood back up ready to fight.
"At ease soldier!"
I yelled and Bucky froze, mid motion as he began to throw another. He looked over his shoulder at me, seething, breathing heavy, eyes glazed over.
"Come here."
I said softly. He sent Sam a glare before doing as told, backing his way to the counter where i was standing. he never once stopped looking at Sam, or the other few agents that came rushing in with guns. that definitely didn't help.
"do you need help?"
one of them asked, looking between me and Bucky as he plucked a knife out of the wood block on the counter, holding it in a defensive position as he stood in front of me.
"no, I don't need help. Sam and I can take care of this."
i said matter-of-factly, the agent speaking into their watch and all three of them lowering their guns.
"just leave us be. everything is fine. if i need anything ill call."
they all nodded hesitantly, looking to Sam briefly before leaving. i sighed out when they were finally out of sight, side stepping buck and going back to measuring my sugar and vanilla.
"He sleep walking again?"
Sam asked quietly, stepping very slowly around the table and I nodded, moving to put mix my dry ingredients together. Bucky stood next to me, fist clenched tight around the knife as he watched Sam's every move with vigorous intent. I pulled one of the stools out from under the counter before grabbing a spoon and mixing the wet and dry ingredients together to make the cookie dough.
I offered buck and he sent me a confused looked. I glared at him and he did as told.
"Sam you mind setting a timer on that pad for twelve minutes?"
He nodded and did as told, stepping closer but not close enough for buck to do anything about it. they stared at each other as I molded the dough into balls on a tray.
"has this been happening a lot recently?"
Sam asked and i nodded, pushing the chocolate chips off the ends of my fingers.
"it hasn't been full mission before, and this one is lasting much longer."
i noted, washing my hands in the sink to the right of the counter.
"how do you know what to do?"
i let out a nervous laugh, tucking the tray of cookies into the hot oven behind me.
"in all actuality, I don't. I'm just hoping that the things I've tried before work. "
Bucky looked between me and Sam as I stood back up, drying my hands on the towel and moving to touch his cheek gently. he flinched for a second, staring at me as i tucked his hair behind his ear.
"its okay soldat. you can relax, he's not going to hurt me. he's my friend."
i said very softly, looking over his eyes as he turned back to Sam.
"put the knife down."
i said just above a whisper, moving to stand behind him. i began slowly running my fingers through his hair. he still held the knife tightly as i started to hum along to one of his favorite songs from his childhood. he had shared it with me sometime after we had moved in together. it had been my savior more than once.
"does that work?"
Sam asked and i sent him a look, trying to get Bucky to lean back into my chest. he kept jolting himself back up, fighting the urge to close his eyes. as I got to the end of the song though he had his head completely rested against me, body limp, and knife clattering to the rug beneath us. he had fallen back into a deep sleep, snoring softly as I continued to finger comb his hair.
"yes Samuel, it works."
i said, and then the timer went off. Bucky jolted upright, the stool shaking as i leaned forward and caught him before he fell off. I held his shoulders as he breathed heavily, looking around in deep confusion.
he asked before looking back at me and drawing his brows.
"hey baby, its okay. I'm sorry we woke you."
he turned to me and took my hand.
"y/n, why am I in the kitchen?"
i let out a nervous laugh, letting him go and getting my cookies out of the oven.
"you were sleep walking again."
he groaned, standing up and freezing when he looked down.
"I didn't hurt anyone... did I?"
he said horrified as he picked the knife up. i shook my head frantically, taking it from him and putting it back in the block.
"no! no no no. baby you did not."
i said quickly through one breath, placing my hands on either side of his face. he looked like he was going to cry.
"hey, no, look at me. James. you didn't hurt anybody. I dropped the knife in surprise when you came in here. it had nothing to do with you."
Sam sent me a sad look as i tried to calm Bucky down.
"you're sure?"
he asked pained and i pulled him into a tight hug, cradling his head in my hand and mouthing to Sam to not say anything.
"yes Jamie I am sure. you are perfectly fine. scared the shit out of some agents. but no more."
he took in a shaky breath.
"i scared you."
he repeated just above a whisper and i pulled him away from me, holding his head in my hands and looking between his eyes.
"you just caught me by surprise, nothing we haven't been through before."
he sighed heavily and closed his eyes. i kissed his forehead gently.
"hey, now that you're awake, you want a cookie?"
i asked and he looked up at me, offering a small smile.
"uh, yeah, id love one."
i nodded once before turning and carefully taking one off the tray and placing it on one of the dry paper towels sat on the counter in front of him.
"made especially for my buckaroo."
i said and he laughed lightly before taking a bite. he was none the wiser and Sam sent me a testing look.
i asked, holding one out to him and he took it begrudgingly. i went back to finger combing Bucky's hair as he snatched another. sending me a genuine smile as he chewed. i shared another knowing glance with Sam before he pulled another bar stool out and sat across from us.
"these are pretty good y/n, wish we could share with more of the guys here."
he said and i sent him a look.
"well i guess we'll just have to save them some for later. I'm sure they're all very busy right now with other important things."
i said a little condescendingly and he shook his head.
"so uh, i don't know what's happening but if i sit here any longer there wont be any left for anyone else. what do you say we go for a walk or something?"
Bucky said with a smile and i nodded, smiling back.
"i think that's a great idea. Sam?"
he looked from Bucky to me and to the tray.
"uh you guys go ahead. ill make sure these get to the guys, and that the recipe doesn't make its way into their daily reports."
i took Bucky's hand as he stood and nodded once at Sam in understanding. he was going to make sure no one got word of Bucky's incident, just in case. he was getting better after all.
"thanks Sam, it means a lot. come on buck, lets get some air."
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
With the grammy bomb im more than certain that there is a strain between jikook. They do interact but in a way that is so aloof. Their habitual gravitating towards one another doesnt happen anymore. And im talking about all the recent stuff from october onwards. Jk purposefully rear towards other members and i find jimin to be only open towards namjoon. All of his other interactions on cam are to make sure that everything is fine between him and others. And jk purposefully ignores or avoids jimin and doesnt have that unrestrainable affection towards him anymore. I say all this as a longtime jikook supporter. Honestly even if they had their 'fighting' periods i have never seen jk this dismissive. At least jimin isnt as affected as before. I dont understand how no supporter is admitting the obvious distance of jk.
Why are you being mean to me though😭
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Please read my blogs. I think I have talked about this topic several times now.
May be I spoke 'too soon' before the loud moments that make these things obvious to most but still, I've addressed it nonetheless.
I feel if I respond to this, I'd just be repeating myself over and over at this point and frankly it gets boring for the people that read me- I think. Lol. I mean, once I start I never shut up. Lmho. So sorry in advance.
I agree with everything you've said, as well as all the observations you've made. I'm with you on it. Except, you made no definitive conclusions I could agree on, rebut, or share an opinion on. There is a strain on their relationship..... therefore? Lol.
I don't mean this in a rude way. I just don't think it's enough to point that out without drawing conclusions- unless you are simply taking notes of those moments? Or are you concluding that the strain is a sign Jikook are fighting, having problems or that they have broken up?
Not every tension between Jikook is a bad thing if you ask me or even as a result of them having issues in their relationship. This is something I keep regurgitating in my blogs. Not to say they don't have issues, they do. Hell, I get dragged by my roots on these streets for saying they fight, or even break up sometimes like any real couple would. They are real and they have real couple's problems sometimes too like any regular joe.
I'm glad you pointed out though, that Jimin doesn't seem as affected by JK's 'dismissive' attitude as before. Shouldn't that tell you that is a sign there is nothing wrong with their relationship this time around? Jikook is not one sided. JK isn't the only party to their relationship, neither is Jimin. They have an equal and sometimes opposite reaction to each other. One person's attitude or change in attitude tends to produce a ripple effect on the other. In my opinion.
If JK were to be 'dismissive' at all, it would emotionally and physically impact Jimin and he would have a reaction to it like he did in run 106. Compared to this, he didn't seem at all affected by JK's 'attitude' just as you've pointed out.
As I said a while ago, I honestly don't think or believe they are fighting or that they are broken up either- not to me anyway. Lol. I mean you could still pretty much see the intimacy between them in that footage. Jikook don't need to engage in skinship or overt and loud interactions to show they are intimate. And most times their overt and loud skinship and interactions are devoid of intimacy. That's the thing about intimacy, you can't fake it or hide it.
Jimin turning towards JK in his fit of excitement is a sign of intimacy between them regardless of whether he actually hugged JK or not. Then later on the couch, you could see him yearning for JK.
There were three people in that room- may be more if you count staff and yet JK was the only one Jimin seemed to want an answer from.
He was the one Jimin was emotionally inclined towards. The one who's comfort and affection he sought after- bless his heart, he hit his head on some solid rock knees and everything trying to pursue his need for physical closeness and affection from JK. If they were broken up or fighting, he wouldn't go to JK for his emotional needs.
He could try and 'interact' with JK, do the fanservice bit with him but he wouldn't go to him with his emotional needs- that would be inappropriate and unfair to JK. Jimin is an emotionally intelligent guy and he has a lot of thoughts and consideration for people's feelings and he is well aware of his limits and just how much he can push or get away with.
And I cite his Log with JK, where he announced he had started developing feelings for JK and then turned to JK to ask if he was ok with him saying that much on camera.
Thus, if he is emotionally 'gravitating' towards JK then it's indication there is a level of intimacy and a mutual understanding between them that JK fulfills an emotional need and ought to fulfill that emotional need for him.
And yes, I agree. Him hesitating when he wanted to hug JK is a sign there is something stressing their dynamics which is something I pointed out when that Grammy reaction video first came out. I knew something was stressing their dynamic but I couldn't figure out what because it was a very short video with not much going on in there.
The behind the scenes however, chilee. Lol.
I mean if you consider the fact JK went from moving a distance to console Jimin when he was crying on stage during the October ON:E concert, and you look at all the moments we've had from their overt flirting in 2021 season's greetings, the sexual innuendos in the BE behind scenes video, JK sniffing Jimin's hair in the Be unboxing video to that moment on the couch when Jimin hit his head on JK's knees- that shit look like it hurt. Damn. JK what is your knees made of! Lmho.
I am uncomfortable discussing a Jikook era or phase when it's on going on. I like to simply take note of certain moments and discuss them in post by reconstructing the timeline to place content in its rightful timeframe.
I can only share with you my working theory on such moments and for the most part, like I said previously I feel Jikook- especially JK is having issues with the company. Perhaps because the company stumbled on something they weren't supposed to see.
As for Jikook's personal development, I think we all saw this development coming, didn't we? After JM's birthday fiasco? I think I hypothesized at the time that whoever was in the 'wrong' in that situation would come swinging hard on their Jikook agenda in the aftermath. And with that whole GCF Tokyo reference, signing his name to JK's name at the pop up, the stealing looks at JK during interviews, checking him out left right left, trying to make Jk 'jealous' with RM at the Be press con red carpet, it's not hard to figure out who did what in that birthday situation.
I plan on writing a blog on this very topic, because I've received quite a few Asks about my thoughts on JK outing Jimin, military service and others that I find intriguing and want to discuss but I also want to discuss Vminkook dynamics, Jikook boundaries and I don't know which one to get into first. When I'm torn between options I end up not making a choice at all. Lol.
All I can say in regards to Jikook and their on going 'situation' is that- I love it. Lol. I love their dynamics, I love where they are at in their love journey, I love where they are heading. Jikook is just beautiful in every sense of the word.
I love what JK is doing. I love where he has gotten my bias to- which is confronting himself and figuring out what he wants from their relationship. Because, honestly you can't have your cake and eat it. It just doesn't work that way.
What you are seeing is just JK asserting himself against Jimin I'm afraid. It's the push and pull thingy all over again.
I keep talking about 'the boy in love with Jungkook' being a facade and persona Jimin hides behind to love JK and most people don't understand.
JK's persona is not the boy in love with Jimin. It's the boy cold and shy who rejects Jimin- well at least that was the persona he had in their early dynamics around debut.
He has since shed that persona and the bold, fearless, assertive JK we see on the screens is him choosing to unapologetically express his love and feelings for Jimin. And jimin enjoys that.
But you take a look at Jimin, and you don't see that drastic change in his persona or the way he expresses himself with JK- I mean let's call a spade a spade.
Do I think Jimin loves JK? Absolutely. Do I think he is being authentic in the way that he expresses those feelings to JK on camera? Only to an extent.
It's obvious who Jimin is to JK or even the way he expresses himself and his love for JK is slightly different off camera than the persona we see on our screens. For one, clearly JK is not used to seeing Jimin prioritize others over him or be overly affectionate with others besides him. I mean it's been seven years. Ten, if you count the periods before. You'd think JK would get used to JM doing skinship with others or showing affection for the others especially since they've lived together over half of the time and yet here we are, frying pans away from the apocalypse whenever any member breaths near Jimin. Damn JK. Lmho.
Do I think his persona is slightly exaggerated? Yes. But I also think JM downplays his love for Jk with his 'Mr I'm available' personality, his Kumbaya attitude, and his I'm just a nice guy on the block character, which often leads to people questioning whether or not he treats JK different from the group. Don't get me wrong JK does this too.
Jimin loves JK. But at this point the question is is he expressing that love in the way that meets JK's emotional needs? Is he allowing JK to love him and express the love he feels for him in the way that makes him happy?
I think that's what the birthday fiasco is all about.
If you don't want JK openly showing and expressing his love for you in a way that he wants to and in a way that holds meaning to him and makes him feel fulfilled as well in the relationship then what is the point of him holding on to the glass closet?
Two can play that game. Lol.
It's JK's needs above the groups and I feel he is putting it right up there next to JM's needs because they are both valid.
You should have seen JK's face when Jimin decided tell the truth about his location on September 1st in that BB press interview.
I remember pointing out that when JM started that narration with the first person pronoun he was going for a well curated narrative perhaps one the group had agreed on prior to avoid confirming his location on the JK's birthday like they had tried to do during the VLive but dropped that and went with the honest truth the moment he started talking about being with Jk and using 'we' instead of 'I' in his speech.
I'm glad the interviewer from his Weverse magazine interview confirmed and pointed out this tell or habit of Jimin when he speaks,
"When he’s talking, Jimin often starts his sentence with phrases like, “I just,” “it just,” “they just 
” But then he immediately goes on to open up about his feelings, always providing a sincere response."
At least now we know for sure he wasn't lying about his location- for all those who called him a liar.
Anywho, my point is it makes JK happy when Jimin expresses his love and feelings for him. But it also makes him happy when he is able to show the world just how much JM means to him.
He didn't get those tattoos for nothing. He didn't do the GCFs for nothing. He didn't nibble on his ear in front of thousands of people for nothing- had he posted for Jimin on his birthday, given how he hadn't done that for anyone in a year, it wouldn't have been for nothing either. In my opinion.
When I tell y'all Jimin is gonna wake up one day with JK's ring on his finger and he wouldn't know what hit him. Chilee. Lmho.
Listen, JK is in love LOVE with Jimin. It's my opinion and I'm gonna treat it as fact because I believe it- if you disagree keep it to yourself. I don't wanna hear it. Lol.
That boy is in love with my bias. Ain't nobody gonna tell me nothing. Lol.
Seriously though, JK loves Jimin and he loves expressing those feelings for him. He goes overboard sometimes with it to the point it's borderline outing but we don't talk about that. Lol.
He's progressed through out the years from hiding his feelings for Jimin, whispering I love you's to JM when he thinks JM is alseep, slipping matching plasters onto his finger, all the way to Rosebowl.
If you ask me, he wants to be Jimin's equal in every sense of the word and as much as he loves to be at the recieving end of JM's affections, he enjoys being at the giving end.
And if JM has the cover of 'the boy in love with the Maknae' and it works perfectly for him not just as a persona but the perfect excuse for loving Jk then you gotta wonder what cover JK equally has for loving JM the way that he does. He has none. His every move is questioned by members, by staff, by fans- why do you film Jimin so much, why not put Tae in there for clicks, why are you constantly with Jimin and other invasive questions like that.
Jimin gets away with a lot of things than JK because of his personality and his persona. People would question the things JK does most of the time while dismissing the things Jimin does as either fanservice or as flowing from his personality. Whereas JK cannot get away with those same things.
We paint JK as Jeonlous and possessive but we forget most times he acts that way so Jimin doesn't have to. Jimin has said he doesn't share his friends and yet somehow we think he is ok with sharing his boyfriend with 5 other members or those 5 members with his boyfriend- this is code, let it sink in.
There is a lot of boundaries he instills there and it's equally an expression of possessiveness. Yet it's so subtle you might not even notice.
Jk makes Jimin look cool. He takes the fall so Jimin doesn't have to. When JK takes a step back that's when you see how whipped JM is- the neediness, the clinginess- PJMs give me a break. *rolling my eyes. It needs to be said. I love Jimin too but shit, it is what is. Lol.
I think it's gonna take a while for Jk to open back up to Jimin, to get in the space where he feels safe expressing himself with Jimin the way that he was doing before Jimin's birthday.
It doesn't mean he hates Jimin or doesn't love him or doesn't want him or doesn't care. But I think Jimin needs to step up to show he is on the same page as JK because JK is all about reciprocity. He ain't about to do the one sided unrequited nonsense. Lol.
Honestly all this is part of Jikook's dynamics. This not the first time Jk's closed himself off. The last time he did it was because they had gone through a nasty breakup- I said what I said. In my opinion nonetheless. Lol.
In the aftermath of it, he was expressing similar behavior. In Suga's Birthday Vlive this year for example, when Jimin was clinging to him and had his hands on his leg he didn't take the bait either- man was it frustrating to watch. Lol. But you could see JM wanted that physical connection with him. Did you see his smug face when Jimin was all over him?
I think he is just going through a phase where he needs reassurance of Jimin's love. Jimin is a big guy and he knows his man best and I think he knows exactly what he needs to do to get him to come around. Lol.
I mean he flew all the way from Paris to see him on his birthday didn't he?
I think we have to leave them to it. Just observe them. I hate commenting on a phase like this especially when it's on going. I'd rather talk about it after it's ended and a new phase has begun for them.
Part of supporting Jikook is knowing when to give them privacy and room to just unfold their story and be human. They are a living breathing love story after all.
Jk isn't being distant. He is just not interacting with JM the way we are used to seeing him do. But I feel that's part Bighit asking them to cool off and part him just wanting reassurance from Jimin.
At this point, I want to ask why you want people to acknowledge JK is closed off? To what end? I don't think anyone is denying that they are going through this phase- well the Kumbaya tradshippers are but why do you want me to acknowledge this fact? I already pointed out that there is something stressfing their dynamics.
They have their own personal stuff going on but I don't think it's much of an issue and at the same time they seem to be having issues with their company- You have to take all of that into consideration to see how that affects their dynamics as well.
You have to be aware of the timeline too. Because content is not released in chronological order, it may seem like a rollercoaster ride when in actual sense all of this may have happened with a specific time frame.
When it comes to Jikook always assume they are much closer than you think. Jikook is fine, I believe. Just take mental notes of these things for posterity. I wouldn't be worried about them.
As usual, this has been my opinion. Don't take it too seriously. Keep supporting Jikook. Jikook is real.
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youarejesting · 4 years
Temptation KTH X Reader
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[Masterlist] Pairing: CamBoy!Taehyung x CamGirl!Reader Beta: N/A Genre: Romance, Angst, Fluff, NSFW, Smut Rating: 18+ Words: 3.7k Request: @pars-ley​
Summary: You sign up for the world’s newest and sexiest Late-night Television program called ‘Temptation’. Where you are competing with nine other Cam workers to win One Million dollars. The catch? You can’t cum?
Warnings: Oral f & m recieving, Doms & Subs, Orgasm denial, Penetrative sex, Handjobs, Fingering, Vouyerism, Exhibitionism, Bratty, Daddy Kink, Impregnation Kink, Auralism (sexy sounds moans etc...), Orgy, Dirty talk, Group sessions.
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You were a cam girl, but you had been recruited with the best of the best to participate in an elimination game show. Basically, you were not allowed to come, which didn’t include private masturbation unless you were with a housemate in the previous half-hour. The winner would win one million dollars. 
There were a few catches, you were each given a phone that would give you commands on things you had to do with other contestants. You had permission to do anything to anyone if the phone told you so. So if you were told to give a blow job you could, but the male was not allowed to finish. Equally so if you were told one of the males could eat you out, you weren’t allowed to finish.
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With a sigh, you sat in front of the camera and began talking about the first day while rewatching the footage. You were told to react as if it was happening and relay the thought you had in the moment. “right here I thought ‘oh it is going to be easy’,” I signed up to Temptation and I am going to win. I have to win, I am planning on paying out my family's mortgage and perhaps buying myself a home something permanent.”
You took a moment to pause and thought “it wasn’t the easiest growing up poor, I have a good job now and a good apartment but I don’t spend money on myself until my family are in a better position”
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You met the other contestants and you could pick out which ones would go first, the ones who had no resolve. There were four doms and you knew you could get them in seconds. Everyone was dressed normally and you each took the time to greet one another. 
This would be the easiest money you ever made. Everyone introduced themselves and their highlight cam videos appeared on the screen and you paled. Suga, RM, J-Hope, Honey, Jimin, lovelymi, Jungkook, EatJin. Names you hoped would “Hello, my name is V, I have been in the cam industry for about seven years, I do partner and solo videos, I am a switch.” His voice was so deep and it stirred something in you.
His videos started playing and he was grunting and fucking a girl. Him talking dirty while he used his hand, he was big and looked honestly amazing. He was holding a girl’s hair as he bucked into her mouth. All while looking and sounding so freaking sexy
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“This be harder than I thought” you laughed “he is handsome and his voice is truly amazing, from a purely sexual point of view he is attractive”
“But what will his personality be like? That's the question. Things can make you excited but if he opens his mouth and is a jerk well that excitement plummets. 
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“Hey guys, My cam name is Baby, I have been in the cam business for a long time I can’t even remember, I am a submissive, I have done partnered and solo cam video” Your videos began playing, you were thankful for the quality of your videos and editing things looked desirable and left you wanting more. You acting like a brat and being punished. You acting submissive calling your cam partner Daddy.
This last one had the dom’s in the room squirming and you knew you had some power over them.
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“I joined the cam industry because I was interested, I got to have pleasure in the privacy of my own house and get paid. I use a fake name and I entertain clients with videos. I choose what I do in the video if I don’t like it. I'm sorry, I choose who can watch me. If someone is acting rude or threatening I can kick them out the website and my setup at home is protected so common creeps cannot find me. The people I film with are people I trust and also work in the business”
You shrugged raising your hands up “I mean what can I say it all sounds like a great deal, orgasms and money what else do you want”
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You smiled and the Host spoke over the PA, “Please check out your new rooms and your attire which has been carefully selected in your size. Relax and freshen up dinner will be served shortly.”
You stood up and looked innocently at the doms. “What should I wear for dinner mummy and Daddies?” 
The four doms Suga, Jhope, Honey, and Jin looked at you with firm eyes. “Would you like me to dress you, baby?” Honey asked 
“Wear something pretty?” Jin said his voice firm as he walked off, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his dress shirt as he walked down the hall.
“Wear something to impress daddy?” Jhope grinned and you went off to your room, looking through the cupboards and you thought the others would go for blatantly sexy but you actually snuck into Jin’s room while he was in the shower and stole his dress shirt and left, you made sure to wear a pretty set of white lace underwear but you didn’t put on shoes and you let your hair down and put on natural-looking makeup.
The shirt dwarfed you and you didn’t do up all the buttons at the top or bottom. Everyone walked out to dinner and you grinned. All the guys were either just in pants or in suits except Jimin and Jungkook who were in harness’. LovelyMi was wearing lingerie, big heels, and full hair and makeup. Honey wore leather and big shoes stepping out. You yawned pretending you woke up your hands unseen in the big sleeves.
“Is that my shirt?” Jin asked
“Daddy's shirt smelled so good?” Jin stirred, you bit back a smile and everyone started eating dinner and you reached for something and V made a small groan as the shirt fell open revealing your breast. You sat back down and grinned when Suga’s phone chimed. 
“One of your well-known skills is Tongue technology, pick one girl and eat her out.” He said with a laugh. 
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“Suga, genius. The only two things you need to know” he shrugged looking at the floor. “Enough said”
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He walked down the table and pushed your chair back. You looked up at him innocently. “Daddy is going to eat this pussy, is that okay my sweet baby?” Suga caressed your cheek, you did like praise. 
“I want a different daddy” You huffed pulling off your underwear and throwing them at Jin. Suga pressed his tongue to his cheek, looking visibly pissed that you were questioning his authority knowing you were playing as the rules stated if you didn’t want to participate you would use the safe word.
“Spread your legs, brat” this was a command and your legs fell apart. He placed them on the arms of the dinner chair and V looked down swallowing hard trying not to look but you commanded his attention.
“What a pretty little pussy, for such a bratty girl” Suga smirked, wasting no time, you picked up your drink and drank it slowly thinking about the dinner. After the initial surprise, you knew you would be fine he wouldn’t get you to finish but he was so close.
Another phone went off and Jimin read aloud his instructions to give RM a blow job. You continued eating dinner zoning out completely you were pretty skilled at keeping yourself from cumming. What surprised you was when Jimin came it was the first night, but the boy had an oral fixation and that coupled with an audience and the moans around the room, he came while deepthroating RM.
You were sad to see him leave but you were thankful the orders for the night were complete.
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“Suga has tongue technology all right but, there is one sure-fire way to put me on edge and that is with a deep voice. I cannot stand V’s voice it is way too sexy”
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It had been a long first week, you had been drawn to the edge by Honey and had given a blow job to Jhope who held himself together with swears and shaky breath. You were all sitting in the pool at the end of the week and LovelyMi was eliminated. The fans had voted her out.
The next week saw Jungkook eliminated. Honey had him tied up and he couldn’t hold back. There was no voting elimination but there was a challenge. You had to answer sex facts to earn points. Some of the questions were how many times can a woman orgasm. You won and the hosts Adora and Pdogg asked how many times you had successfully finished.
“Eleven,” You said, “I could have kept going but I took a break and ended up falling asleep.”
“I am impressed?” RM grinned, he had got the next answer right and the two of you got to draw from the hat some cards. 
“Hell yeah, I got a free finish card” You grinned 
“I got an extended order time card” RM laughed and you both high fived and headed back to continue playing the game.
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After a few games such as the fastest to dress in their role-play costume, you all picked what door you wanted and you laughed when you were dressed as a businessman, you laughed at the array of costumes but V was the winner having won wearing a nurses dress. Another game was won by Jin and it was called ‘whose lips are these?’ You each took turns being blindfolded and you were kissed by the others.
For you, Jin’s lips were the easiest to identify, followed by Honey’s and you just knew when a large hand took your waist and your heart sparked that it was V. Three out of six wasn’t too bad.
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“They always guessed when it was me, do I kiss a certain way or weirdly?” You touched your lips confused and mumbled in an afterthought  “I thought I kissed really well.”
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You stepped up to V your heart racing nervously and you slipped your hand into his hair pulling his hair firmly and he groaned making you lick your lips. You kissed him and he kissed back his tongue entering your mouth and you pulled away watching him sigh in relief.
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“I got every one of them wrong except her, there was something about how soft her lips were, and the way she tasted like strawberries it was kind of delicious.” V spoke his cheeks red “I want to kiss her again”
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Jhope won a game of sex bingo where you had to mark off what you had done but the catch was there as like a hundred different things. Where you looked through your cam videos and marked off what was in each of them. Honey and Suga didn’t have a single card. V had a free from elimination card and Jin had a kink assisted order. Jhope won a group order card.
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“Some would say, I am well versed in sex, and they would be right!” JHope laughed, clapping his hands. “I enjoy trying new things and well I have preferences but I can at least say I have tried it”
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That week was fun, you had filed away the free finish card for when you needed it and hoped like hell you wouldn’t need it. RM used the time extend card for his order to fuck Honey but accidentally eliminated himself and Honey simultaneously.
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Eliminations came along and Suga was the next to be voted out. There were four of you left. You and three males, this was going to become quite difficult. You were sitting on the couch watching movies with Jin when you got an order. 
“Give a blow job to the nearest contestant” You smirked and sank to the floor unzipping Jin’s pants and you hit accept on the phone and got to work you had a time limit and you weren’t going to lose one million dollars because of a six-minute timer.
You used everything called him Daddy made all the right sounds and gave him all the right looks but he didn’t come. The timer rang and he grinned tucking himself away and you rested your head on his thigh. “Please daddy.” 
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“She is dangerous, I almost didn’t want to stop but I am here for the money, she isn’t playing around” Jin sighed “I can still hear her saying those words in my head and I want more than anything to continue our session.” 
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You noticed V in the kitchen with a piece of orange in his mouth, eyes wide he had seen everything and you blushed.
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“That was the hottest thing I had ever seen, she really wanted to win and I am just thankful that it wasn’t an order for me” He shivered running his hand over his jaw. “I wouldn’t have made it, and I don’t know if I would try”
He looked at his hands ringing them out before looking up “She is my opponent and I will do my best to win against her!”
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Jin had used a kink assisted and you were given headphones filled with V’s moans while Honey had given him a handjob last week. 
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“She either really likes V or she likes deep moans that is good to know?” He snickered “I think she is in love with V the two are smitten”
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You bit your lip and turned to the camera’s “Oh this is playing dirty.” You hissed Jin was skilled with his fingers, he apparently played guitar and some piano but no matter how much he rubbed your G spot and clit at the same time. You weren’t going to come, even if V sounded sinful in your ears.
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“There is nothing I want more than to win, but I almost didn’t think I was going to make it. Have you heard him, growling and moaning” You blushed burying your face in your hands “He is the only one who can make me lose this game”
You looked up and leaned back on the couch throwing one leg over the other. “So now we are all preparing for war”
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Amongst all the sex, you and V grew close, the two of you Swam in the pool and played games, when you weren’t talking you were having deep conversations and at one point you even stayed up late chatting until he leaned in pressing his lips to yours. You couldn’t help but kiss him back with similar vigor. 
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“Baby” Jhope called and showed you the screen of his phone reading out loud. “Jhope ten minutes with Baby everything except penetrative sex” 
“Okay?” You nodded 
“And I am calling the group card” he grinned 
You were surrounded by all three men and they quickly discussed what they should do. JHope grinned, telling Jin to return the favor for the earlier blow job and V looked disappointed. 
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“I know why he chose me, I am called EatJin for a reason.” Jin explained seriously “these lips can devour women
 and a good steak”
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“Was I disappointed that JHope asked Jin-hyung to eat her out?” V scoffed a few times “me? never”
He got up out of his chair as he took his microphone off and walked away with a dark tone “What would ever give you that impression”
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The next elimination saw JHope leave. And it was you and the two handsome young men, you understood why they weren’t voted out. 
You had an amazing evening watching V give a rather enthusiastic Blow Job to Jin who came with a loud cry. 
Now it was just you and V. 
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“Am I scared?” You laughed at the question, touching your mouth in thought. “Why because it’s just the two of us now”
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“It’s her who should be scared?” V looked proud as he held an intense gaze.
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“I do this for a living, why would I be scared?” 
You tried to bluff unsuccessfully “I’m bloody terrified, Have you seen him he is handsome as hell and I know he will be the end of me”
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“My biggest fear is not being able to stop. She is magnificent, we have gotten to know each other so much over the four weeks and she is cheeky and charming and sweet and I truly believe I love her.” 
He licked his lips “it started out that I thought she was my type but it became that she was my everything”
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When you woke its first day with just the two of you and he smiled over breakfast. “The house feels lonely without everyone doesn’t it?”
“The house feels too big and too cold” you mumbled. 
You spent the week together which would be fast-forwarded on the week's episode. 
“Today is the last day the challenge is going to be extreme,” he said, “you think you're ready for it?”
“Yeah, I think I am ready, what about you?”
“I think I am more nervous I wish we were on even grounds your free finish card has me worried” 
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“What I am about to do is either incredibly stupid or incredibly stupid” you buried your face in your hands. 
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“I would like to use my free finish card” you pulled the card out from the back of your phone. “You better be worth it?”
V’s mouth fell open in shock and you looked at him feeling a little mischievous. 
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“She is going to give up her free finish now so we fight an even and fair match tomorrow.” He said biting his lip “I love her, and I am not going to waste this moment I am going to rock her world”
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You followed him to his bedroom. He held your hand the entire way and you grinned as he pressed you to the door. Kissing you hard and moaning into your mouth. He slipped his hand up your little skirt and plunged his fingers down the front of your underwear. 
He didn’t let up and he was kissing and sucking at your neck before he moved you to the bed and buried himself between your legs he moaned the whole time and he was torturing you. 
His tongue working magic on your clit and his long fingers curling up inside you. It wasn’t long before your legs began to tremble and you gripped the sheets as all the sexual tension that had been building up finally released causing your back to arch off the bed. 
You shivered watching him lean back onto his heels and lick his fingers and palm with a soft moan. “You are delicious”
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“I have made a mistake” you whispered quietly.
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It was the big day you were both dressed immaculately and this was the moment of truth Adora and Pdogg watched from the sidelines beside the three judges. 
“Now the rules are simple the first to cum loses the winner gets a million dollars”
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“It is kind of weird knowing the finale is just the two of us having sex until someone finishes but hey who am I to judge. I am one of the people doing it”
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You both went to the bed, there were cameras everywhere including inside you, that was a fun appointment. Even though it was a tiny little silicone camera on a fine cord, they were able to move the camera around by a remote so it was always in the correct position you would admit it was nerve-racking to have it inside you. V looked at you sitting on the bed with a nervous grin and you both hugged whispering under your breath. 
“Are you as nervous as I am?” You whispered
“Yeah, I didn’t expect I would be having sex on late-night television”
“Yeah I agree” 
“Do you think that after this, we could watch a movie or get something to eat?”
“I would love too” you breathed
Everything began and you were underneath V and he was working hard and a timer went off every ten minutes to switch positions so that you each got different stimulation and such. 
You almost lost it while he fucked you from behind, you were clenching around him tightly trying to make him finish. He was grunting and growling. 
Your mind was spinning and you whispered to yourself don’t come hoping you could convince yourself to hang in a little longer. 
You switched positions sinking onto him and straddling his waist his hands held your hips and he bucked up into you. 
“Let’s give our two contestants their first hints,” Pdogg grinned, the two hosts taking envelopes. 
“V has an impregnation kink” Adora read the card aloud 
“Oh yeah, daddy? you want to fill me up, you placed his hands on your lower abdomen and pressed back on him so he could feel himself through your stomach. “You want me all nice and full, huh?”
He groaned loudly and you clenched around him biting your lip. “Baby has a sound kink her preference is deep voices but she enjoys moans growls and pants. She has sensitive ears.”
V sat up putting his mouth to your ear and began, talking to you making obscene sounds in your ears and he flipped you over after hearing the belly and grabbed your hips thrusting hard. 
His speed was dangerous for both of you,  “Come on” he growled and you felt everything crash over you, your body practically convulsing from the power that had built up. 
He came after you and it was warm. The footage from inside of you was very explicit watching him finish inside of you. You laughed, slapping his arm, you fought dirty.
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“I gave up on trying to hold back if I didn’t give one hundred percent neither of us would finish. I had to get dangerously close in order to push her over the edge” He pumped his hands in the air. 
“But I did it!” He cheered. “I won!”
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“And there you have it V is the winner of the sexiest game of the year Temptation.” Adora cheered.
“Think you have what it takes to go online to our page to see behind the scenes footage as well as applications for next years big game”
“V, tell us what you are planning to do with one million dollars”
“First of all I am going to split it with Baby, and maybe take her on a date”
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If you enjoyed this story don’t forget to Like | Share so others can enjoy it too. PLease see my [Masterlist] for more of my work.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
The Storm on the horizon Part3
Whoop whoop, now to the last (?) part!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 [Part1]   [Part2]
‘The man hates me, Connor.’ The older RK had a hard time standing in front of Nines and trying to persuade him to accompany them. ‘He hated me too’, he tried again. ‘And I have basically your face, so he will manage.’ ‘Connor, I’m literally the unit that tried to kill him!’ ‘You are not! You have been, now you are deviant, and I highly doubt you are trying to kill anyone right now.’ Nines sighed and stared at the wall, keeping his thoughts to that inside. ‘Listen, Connor, all that matters to me is that he is save again. So, don’t waste time here and go already.’ ‘Okay, idiot, then I’m going to defeat you with your own weapons!’, the RK800 announced. ‘You found out who the car belongs to, when it had been stolen. You discovered who stole it. You managed to find that person and their location. You found out they recently relocated to a different one. You got us the blueprints, the access to surveillance cams and reason enough so we can enter the perimeter without the need for a warrant. You calculated where they most likely keep Gavin and how they would disperse their guards. You know everything about this having spent night and day at this desk. Now, don’t you think with all this information you would be far better suited to get him out of there? Safe?’
Nines glared at Connor. ‘Yes, brilliant idea. I will go rescue him, so he screams the moment he sees me and tries to get away from me at all costs in a building full of Cyberlife agents. I couldn’t think of a better plan.’ ‘Then at least come with us to guide us. You can keep an eye on my location and account for any changes to your calculations.’ Nines sighed. Unfortunately, he had no arguments against that. ‘Fine.’
‘A guard in your area is taking a smoke break right now’, Nines told Connor through their connection. He was sitting in a van next to multiple screens that were connected to CCTV. ‘You should have it easier traversing the corridor now, what do you see?’ ‘Two persons standing at the entrance. I can’t use it’, was Connor’s answer. Nines nodded. ‘Is there a door on your right?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Take that one, down the stairs. There should be a logistics tunnel from the receiving department that takes you to the main hall.’ ‘Alright. Do you see what I see?’ Nines switched to their internal connection and let the surveillance cameras be for a moment. ‘Yes. What is it?’ ‘I would say some sort of alarm. They prepared for someone using the tunnels.’ Nines took control of Connor’s visuals and zoomed in. ‘It doesn’t look that new. If they recently relocated here, there shouldn’t be that much dust. I’ll check if the building still has access to the network.’ ‘Be quick with it’, Connor complained, nervously waiting next to the door. The two guards in the corridor seemed to remain there, but the one on smoke break could actually turn out to be a problem if he came back.
He waited for quite some time, until he heard a door slam. ‘Nines, people are coming.’ ‘I know, we are connected.’ ‘I know, you have to hurry!’ ‘I know! Open the door, it’s safe.’ ‘You sure?’ ‘They are coming, open the goddamn door!’ Connor followed the order and was quickly closing the door behind him, as Nines urged him to freeze: ‘Wait! They are talking.’ Connor stopped and listened.
‘What a heartless bastard. Isn’t he his brother or something?’ ‘Think so, else the boss wouldn’t keep him alive.’ ‘And he still doesn’t agree? I’d think the life of my brother was more important than keeping dirty company secrets safe. Isn’t that what all these rich assholes do anyways?’ ‘Hey, don’t ask me. Only thing I know is we have to beat up that cop some more soon.’
‘They are talking about Reed!’, Nines triumphed. ‘That means he’s still alive.’ ‘Yeah, let’s hurry so it stays that way’, Connor mumbled. ‘Down the stairs and then?’ Nines continued to lead Connor through the building. Connor traversed the tunnels and came up the other end of the building undetected. From there Nines directed him further up some stairs until they reached a series of old labs. The building had been one of the earliest Cyberlife development buildings, back when the company hadn’t been able to build glamourous towers and shiny stores at every corner. The equipment looked accordingly. The assembly platforms didn’t look as sleek and more archaic. Nines shouldn’t have felt anything looking at them, but through his connection with the other RK, he realised they both were on about the same level of creeped out. Still Connor looked in every lab, until detecting activity in the next room. He quickly hid in the adjacent lab and listened for any word ebbing in.
‘You will convince Kamski to delete all evidence of my involvement!’ It was not difficult at all to listen in on the screamed sentence. ‘Phck off.’ The sound of something wet hitting the ground became audible. Then a muffled hiss: ‘You can beat me up all you want, you can only loose.’ ‘I could kill you.’ ‘You weren’t successful when you had your robot-marionette doing the dirty work for you. If you kill me now you only get more years added to your sentence. Do you really want that?’ ‘Do you think anyone cares about you dying?’ ‘Yeah. You would have the most powerful man of Detroit against you. And the police will be pissed. Not because of me, but you killed a cop, that’s really not the way to go.’
By now Nines had analysed the voice that was talking to Gavin and the file coming up in his HUD made him freeze in anger momentarily. ‘Connor?’ ‘Yes?’ ‘I am sorry to have been that difficult to convince accompanying you. Please, go in there and give this man the beating he deserves, or I will come myself.’ ‘What?’ ‘He is alone and the one that hired these mercenaries, some are old Cyberlife security. They won’t do a thing when you got their leader.’ ‘And why should I beat him up? That’s out of question.’ ‘Then just get him and Reed out of there.’
Connor nodded and exited the lab, drawing his gun and jumping into the next. ‘DPD, freeze, hands up and three steps back from the man!’ He took in the shocked man standing there in neat clothing, a bit dusty from where he had knelt next to Gavin, who was lying on his stomach on the ground. He seemed to momentarily think about running for it, but Connor blocked the only entrance and they were on the second floor, so jumping out of the window wasn’t the best idea. Defeated, the man lifted his hands and let himself be handcuffed. Then, Connor turned to Gavin, who was trying to stand up on his own. His face was swollen and bloody, but there was a crooked grin, too. ‘See? Told you, police would be pissed.’ ‘Can you walk?’, Connor asked carefully helping him up. ‘Yeah, think so. How did you find me?’ ‘I’ll explain later’, Connor grimaced and took the handcuffed man by the arm, pulling him with him.
Nines continued to direct them through the wings, while SWAT stormed the building now that the hostage was secure and soon after, Connor arrived at their base, leading Gavin to a waiting ambulance first, planning on taking care of the man responsible for all this later. Little did he know, Nines had changed his mind on staying the hidden person behind the operation and suddenly appeared next to them, pushing the man against the side of the ambulance. Gavin flinched seeing Nines and stayed tense seeing the android press his arm against the man’s throat. The paramedic looked at Connor in shock, but he held up a hand to keep them from intervening. He would have a far better chance at that should it be necessary.
From what Gavin could see of the man’s face, he looked equally terrified seeing the android as he himself had been faced with his nearly-murderer in Fowler’s office. ‘No! Please! Help!’ Nines narrowed his eyes and immediately the man went dead silent. ‘I would shut up if I were you.’ ‘Nines, what-‘ But the RK900 lifted his index finger up at Connor to keep him from talking. ‘You know who I am?’ The man nodded terrified. ‘Then you know what you did to me, don’t you?’ Gavin saw how his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed, staring at Nines wide-eyed. ‘If I had known it was you in this building, oh trust me, I would have personally come to get you, regardless of this human’s feelings. And I might have forgotten I am a cop when seeing you
’ ‘Nines!’, Connor interrupted. ‘That’s enough. If he pisses himself, I won’t be the one to drive him to the precinct! Now step back or I have to tell Fowler about what you just did.’
Nines bared his teeth, but nodded and stepped back, glaring at the man until Connor took him away. Then the android sighed, rubbed his face and sat down next to the ambulance. That was when Gavin’s curiosity won over his fear and he dared to ask: ‘What was that about?’ Nines looked up, seemingly having forgotten the human. ‘Oh. Sorry. I’ll leave you alone.’ ‘No! No, I mean
 Tell me why you intimidated the phck out of him first.’ ‘He is the one responsible for my
 reprogramming. I was supposed to be a soldier unit or maybe a specialised line for FBI or SWAT. He decided I would become a killer instead. A hunter to take out deviants and kill
 Well, those like you that knew too much.’ ‘Oh.’ ‘Yeah. It does things to you being deviated and begin your life with blood on your hands you can never wash off.’ Gavin swallowed hard, hastily handing the paramedic that had decided to get back to her job his arm. ‘I
 How did the police find me?’ ‘I found you. I got the license plate.’ ‘The car was stolen’, Gavin commented. ‘And? I retraced it until I found this place.’ ‘That must have taken
 days. Minimum.’ ‘I did not leave the precinct until today. I owed you.’
‘You- wait. You didn’t leave
 The phck?’ ‘I don’t need sleep, Detective.’ ‘Yeah, okay, but I’m just some-‘ ‘-random human?’, Nines finished his sentence. ‘Maybe. But I swore myself when I deviated and realised what crimes I committed as a machine to never allow the death of a human ever again if I can help it. Especially in your case.’ Gavin watched the paramedic bandaging a cut along his left arm for a while not sure what to respond to that.
‘I’m sorry.’ ‘For what?’ ‘For my reaction when we met in the Captain’s office.’ Nines sighed. ‘You were afraid. It was your trauma speaking.’ ‘Maybe, but it wasn’t fair. You suffered too. And you are not that machine anymore, if I understood you correctly.’ ‘I don’t blame you. Fear is perhaps the most intense emotion.’ ‘Yeah, but I do. Hell, I was afraid of Connor too, because he looks similar to you. I learned to accept him. Least I can do is try with you.’ ‘Really?’ Nines looked up to where he sat on a stretcher. ‘You really don’t have to push yourself like that, I already asked for a transfer.’ Gavin looked up to the sky and stretched his neck muscles. With a deep sigh he hopped from the stretcher, much to the protest of the paramedic. He ignored her and stepped towards Nines, who remained seated on the ground. ‘Hell, who knows when that might be
 All I see is they still don’t trust androids. Could be a while until you got a new position somewhere else. Until then
’ He stretched out his bruised hand to Nines, who tentatively took it. ‘Partners?’
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squishyeth · 5 years
cam girl [g.d] au
SUMMARY: Y/n is the shy girl. Grayson Dolan is the most popular boy. What happens when Grayson finds out that the cam girl he’s been chatting with is the  girl that he sees everyday.
WARNING: sexual content (masturbation-male, p&v penetration, fingering), graphic language
NOTES: italics are flashbacks
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“You’re so sexy, Mistress.” Sexyboi69 moaned out as he was stroking his length. I continued to dance seductively.
“Are you going to cum?” I said, biting my lips and shaking my ass a little. With that, I see the white liquid spurt out and his loud moan fills the room.
“That was my best orgasm yet.” Sexyboi69 complimented as he cleaned his hand with a towel.
“Same time as tomorrow?” I asked, sitting on the edge of my bed.
“Of course” he replied, with a thumbs up. I can’t see his face, but from the sound of his voice, he’s probably smiling; smirking even. The call ended and my phone dinged. I lifted up my cat mask to see it was from venmo.
‘Sexyboi69 paid KittyMistress $300 for a good time ;)’
I sat in the back of English, doodling as the teacher rambles on about her personal life that no one seems to care about. When I begin shading in the kitty’s ears, the bell rings. 
“Don’t forget to read chapter 13 and be ready to discuss it tomorrow!” Mrs. Allen said as everybody was packing up their bags and leaving. I put my sketchbook away and beginning zipping up my backpack. I got up and made my way out of the class. I saw Grayson holding the door open because he was a little bit in front of me.
“Thank you” I said quietly and as I walked away, I heard a faint you’re welcome. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a crush on him. Hell, everybody does. Grayson and Ethan Dolan are the most popular boys in this shit hole of a school. They have every girl swooning over them. I just particularly like Grayson more. I’ve had a crush on Grayson since 7th grade. He has just never noticed me because we don’t come from the same “clique.”
I put on my cat mask I got from a Halloween store a few months back. That’s when I became a cam girl. I do it for the money because my family struggles with paying bills. They don’t know that I’m on an adult site or else they will lose it. All my parents know is that I babysit some kid who lives down the street. I post free videos on the site, but I charge for personal videos or a skype session. My most popular client is Sexyboi69. He only shows his crotch area, but I don’t mind because I never show my face. Speaking of, my skype went off and Sexyboi69 showed up on the laptop screen. I hit accept.
“Hey” I innocently said, sitting crossed leg on my bed.
“HI, Mistress.” He said, waving to the camera.
“How are you?” I asked, biting my lip. 
“Eh, school stresses me out nothing new” He replied, “Just need a release” He finished, stroking his hard on. It turned me on, but I don’t touch myself on camera. I save that for my alone time. 
“And that’s where I come in!” I replied, with a giggle; standing up.
“Would you consider taking off the mask just this once?” He asked. I froze in place and before I could react, I slammed the laptop shut.
‘Sexyboi69 paid KittyMistress $500 I’m sorry :(’
I sat in my usual spot, in the back. I don’t have many friends. That’s a lie, I have no friends. 
“Quiet down!” The teacher said loudly, snapping her fingers like we’re dogs. 
“Okay, I’m going to explain the final project for Taming of the Shrew and it’s a partnered project” she explained and everyone cheered, except me, I internally groaned. “Except I’m picking the partners.” She finished to which now made everybody groaned. I’m eh on this; at least I don’t have to do the picking. She started pairing the class until she got to me and the one person I did not want to work with is
“Grayson, you’ll be partnered with Y/n.” She said 
‘Fuck’ I mouthed, keeping my eyes glued to my sketchbook.
“Man, I wanted the smart one.” One guy shouted, which resulted in the class to laugh. Great, just because I’m quiet, everybody thinks I’m Einstein. Everybody scatters around to their respective work partner and I stay seated; he’s going to have to come to me because I am not getting up.
“Hey” I hear a male voice say. I look up to see it’s Grayson.
“Hi” I quietly reply. He seats in the desk in front of me.
“Did you draw this?” He asked, pointing at the cat girl. I nodded.
“It’s really good, I like it!” He replied, smiling.
“Thanks” I mumbled with a small smile.
“So about the project” he stated, “We could go to my house, but my parents don’t trust me enough to bring someone over so do you have anywhere we could go to work together?” he asked. 
“My parent’s don’t come home until like 8 so we could work at my house?” I suggested quietly, trying not to make a lot of eye contact.
“That will work! Do you drive?” He asked, I shook my head “bus” I stated.
“Not today.” He replied with a smile.
We pulled up my driveway and Grayson turns the car off and we both get out and walk across the dead grass.
“Your house is, nice” he hesitated to say. If old and torn down is nice then thanks I guess. I know he’s just trying to make small talk, but no talk would be better. I unlocked the front door and walked in, locking the door once Grayson was in. 
“My room is the first door on the right,” I explained “Do you want some water?” I asked
“Yes please” He replied with a smile and made his way down the hall. I went into the kitchen and grabbed the ice trays from the freezer. After I filled two cups with ice water, I made my way to my room. When I entered my room, I saw Grayson sitting on my bed, holding my cat mask with furrowed eyebrows. I panicked and dropped the cups. He jerked his head to me, still holding the mask.
“Um, can I see that mask?” I asked, ignoring the cold water I’m standing in.
“Yeah, sorry” He said, handing it to me “Do you need help cleaning this up?” He asked, pointing to the water puddle.
“Uh no it’s fine” I stuttered “I’ll get more water though.” I said while turning around leaving a clueless Grayson standing at my door.
‘I really hope he doesn’t know who KittyMistress is’ I thought to myself. He’s a teen boy with hormones. I shouldn’t have let him go in my room by himself. I don’t even want to know what people would if they find out about the person behind the mask of KittyMistress. I am so stupid.
After I cleaned up the mess, we got started on the project. Scratch that, I started the project. This always happens so I’m not mad. It may hurt a little more because this is my crush and he’s paying no attention to me. My phone vibrated from my lap. It’s skype.
‘I really am sorry about yesterday :(’ Sexyboi69 texted. I look up to see Grayson is busy texting.
‘It’s fine’ I texted
‘I won’t be able to video chat. School stuff.’ He texted back
‘That’s fine! :) I have a school project coming up so I probably won’t be available for the next couple of days’ I hit send before placing my phone back in my lap. I got back to writing a summary, but I felt a pair of eyes on me.
Mrs. Allen let us work on the project in class. Of course, Grayson was talking to his friends across the classroom. The bell rang and I have never been happier. My stuff was already packed so I put my backpack on and briskly walked out of the classroom with my English notebook clutched in my arms. As I’m walking to my next class, my phone vibrates,
‘Hey :)’ Sexyboi69 texted. What? Why now?
‘Hello?’ I sent, entering my biology class. Grayson also has this class with me, but I sit in the front and he sits in the back.
‘Why ?’ He sent back, I felt a pair of eyes burning the back of my head so I turned around, but saw no one, I turned back around.
I’m overthinking it. Y/n is not KittyMistress. KittyMistress is confident and wild and y/n is quiet and clumsy. She’s a cute clumsy though. I look up to see y/n turning her head around so I put my head back down and pretend I’m texting. It’s not like I have a crush on her or anything. I have a thing for KittyMistress. Well, it’s one sided; I really want to know the face of the sexy body I see everyday. The face under the same exact mask y/n owns. Then again anybody can own that mask; I’ve seen that exact mask at a Halloween store. There it’s settled; y/n is not KittyMIstress.
I’m back at y/n’s house and she’s working on the project. I should really start helping. When I open my mouth, I hear the front door and a woman’s voice,
“Y/n! Are you home?” The woman yelled.
“Shit” y/n whispered. The woman opened door when y/n stood up and we made eye contact.
“Oh. Who’s this handsome young man?” She asked, smiling. 
“Um, Grayson” y/n stuttered out, “We’re working on an English project together.” She finished, fidgeting with the hem of her hoodie. The woman, who I’m guessing is her mom asks me,
“Oh yay! Grayson, we would love to have to stay for dinner!” She exclaimed as if her daughter doesn’t bring home friends. She has friends, right? I looked over at y/n who was chewing at her bottom lip, nervously.
“I would love to” I replied, smiling. Her mother seems nice.
“Yay!” She exclaimed, while clapping “Your father should be home early, but dinner should be ready soon!” She said before closing the door behind her and leaving us alone.
“Your mom is nice.” I said, smiling which resulted in y/n groaning.
We were all seated at the tiny table. I don’t remember the last time I’ve eaten with my family, but this feels nice.
“So Grayson” y/n’s dad started off “How did you meet my daughter?” He asked, dabbing his face with a napkin.
“We’ve had the classes since middle school, sir, but we got partnered up this year on a final project.” I explained, he nodded and drank his water. I can see from the corner of my eye that y/n is blushing. She’s so cute.
“You know,” y/n’s mom says while covering her mouth to swallow “She’s always talking about how cute this Gra-” she continues, but is interrupted by y/n coughing.
“Sweetie, are you okay?” Her mother asks with concern and rubs her back. Y/n just nods and drinks some water.
“Oh what was I saying?” She says
“Honey, we probably shouldn’t overwhelm him with questions.” Her husband said with a chuckle. 
“You’re right” She sighed “I just got excited because our daughter never brings guests home” She finished.
“I have to use the restroom” y/n said and ran down the hall. 
“I’m sorry ab-” I started, but was cut off by y/n,
“It’s fine, just leave it alone” she muttered, writing a summary for the project; I nodded. I was being nosy and started to look around. I had a deja vu moment when,
“You looking for something?” y/n sassed, I was taken aback and just shook my head. 
I don’t know what has gotten into me or where this wave of confidence came, but I kind of like it. Grayson actually helped on the project for once; it might of just been gluing the pages on the poster, at least he was quiet. After about half an hour of walking, Grayson announces,
“I better go home.” Right as he said that, lightening strikes and we both get an alert on our phones that read,
I looked out my window and just my luck, the streets looked like a lake.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I mumbled, he agreed.
“Do you have a guest room?” He asked, turning his head toward me.
“No, but you can take my bed” I offered, “I’ll sleep on the floor.” I said, getting up to get the extra blankets out of my closet. I told my mom I would never need to use them, but I can hear her in my head saying ‘I told you so!’
“No, it’s you’re ro-” He said, but I cut him off by placing my finger on his mouth, “No, you’re the guest and I swear to god if you fight me on this, I will make you swim home I don’t care.” I ranted. Jesus Christ, who let KittyMistress out? Where did this confidence come from?
"Who is this and why doesn’t she come out at school?” He joked, but there was some seriousness in it. I rolled my eyes playfully and continued to grab the blankets. If I’m sleeping on the floor, I’m going to make it as comfortable as possible.
“I’m going to change in the bathroom” I explained, “Try not to be nosy while I’m gone.” I joked and he saluted, making me giggle as I walk out of the room. After I change into a tank top and pajama shorts, I exit the bathroom and make my way towards my room. When I open the door, I see Grayson carefully running his fingers through my lingerie hanging up. You have got to be kidding me. Out of all things I have?
“What are you doing?!” I yell.
I notice something lacy in the closet. Y/n’s words replay in my head, but I feel myself being drawn towards the closet. I can’t imagine y/n in something lacy or tight fitting even. I’m sure she has a nice body under all those hoodies she wears. As I approach the open closet, I see that it’s lingerie. My eyes have definitely popped out of my head. I can’t imagine y/n in stuff like this. I hear a jingle sound and see that there’s a collar with a bell on it.
‘Where have I seen this before?’ I think to myself with furrowed brows. My thoughts were interrupted by y/n,
“What are you doing?!” She yells. I’m just standing there; it can’t be her. She just rolls her eyes and snatches the lacy material out of my hands and walks away. Before my mouth can catch up with my brain I speak out,
“Mistress.” She stops dead in her tracks. Gotcha.
“What did you just say?” She asked, facing away from me.
“I had a feeling when I first came over, but I thought the mask was just a coincidence.” I explained, walking towards her; her breathing is now ragged,
“And then the texting” I whispered by her ear. She’s shivering at this point.
“Sexyboi69?” She whispered, dropping the items on the ground. I nodded with a smirk. I’ve been waiting for this moment. My fingers trailed up her arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps. With her back still facing me, I slowly put my hand down her shorts and cup her pussy. Before I can feel her insides, the door knob starts to jiggle. I pull my hand out and she steps away from me.
“Hey, how are you guys?” Her mom says as she sticks her head in.
“Yeah, I was just making myself a bed on the floor” she explains, pointing to the makeshift bed. She nods while smiling and closes the door.
“The bed is big enough for the both of us” I said, smirking.
“Don’t you start with that” She jokingly replied with her finger pointing at me. I move towards her slowly and grip her wrist softly.
“I swear to god if you don’t stop looking at me like, I am going to cum in my pants.” I say as she blushes and replies,
“What look?” Like she doesn’t know. The innocent look that has every guy preying on her. It’s like my mouth has a mind of its own and next thing I knew, my lips were on hers. She was taken aback at first, but then relaxed under my touch. Our lips moved in sync and I find my hands wandering all over her body. 
“Are you sure you want to do this with a virgin?” She asks as I leave sloppy kisses on the base of her neck.
“There is nothing sexier than a virgin.” I replied and meant it. She seems to have a burst of confidence because she tossed me on the bed and straddled me. Her confidence never fails to turn me on. I pull down her tank top so that her breasts are spilling out. I begin to knead them and suck on them as her back arches and lets out a moan. 
“You are so fucking hot” I state, making my way back to her lips. My hand slides down her shorts and rubbing her clit before pumping finger in her. She moans in my ear which turns me on even more if it’s even possible at this point. Her hand is bunching up my shirt as I add another finger. 
“So tight.” I compliment and rewarded with a moan. I rub her clit with my thumb and I see her eyes roll so she must be close. Just as suspected, I feel a sticky substance coating my fingers and y/n collapses beside me.
“How was that?” I asked, laying next to her.
“What about your problem?” She asked, eyeing my very painful boner.
“As much as I would love those pretty lips around my cock, I need to be inside that pretty pussy.” I said, getting on top of her. She gasps and blushes at my words. My lips meets hers and she begins to undo my belt. 
“Why in a hurry?” I said, smirking and holding her hands down in the bed. She surprises me by flipping us over. Goddamn how is she so strong. 
“Because I’m in charge and you will address me as Mistress.” She stated, pinning my hands down.
"What are you going to do to me, Mistress?” I asked, lifting my head up from the bed. She smirks and rubs my hard cock through my jeans. I hiss and say,
“If you do that again, I am going to have a wet spot on my jeans.” She just continues to rub my dick before unbuckling my belt and sliding off my jeans, leaving me in my boxers and shirt. She gets off of me and then walks over to her drawer and digs around and pulls out what looks like a box of condoms.
“If you’re a virgin then why do you have a box of condoms?” I genuinely asked.
“What do you think?” She sarcastically replied. Her mom. I played it off with a laugh when she opened the new box and pulled out a condom. She walks over and hands it to me. I look at her confused.
“I don’t know how to put one on.” She shyly says, which makes me smile.
“Here” I say, taking the condom from her hand and taking it out of the package. I pull down my boxers and I see y/n’s eyes go wide from the side.
“Come here” I whispered, holding out my hand; which she takes and I put her back on my lap. “Give me your hands” I continued, guiding her hands on the condom to slide it down my dick.
“Is this going to fit?” She whispers
“We’ll see” I reply, flipping us so she’s beneath me, “Let me know if it’s hurt” I say and she nods. I slowly begin to push myself and see a tear run down her cheek. Y/n grabs the back of my head and begins kissing me, which is my queue to go deeper. When I’m balls deep in her, we both let out a throaty moan. 
“Please go faster” She whimpers in my neck.
“Your wish is my command” I whisper in her ear and begin thrusting at a faster pace. Her moans sounds pornographic as the sound of rain and my balls slapping fill the room. I reach my hand down to her clit and rub it in a circular motion. She starts shaking and I feel myself starting to climax. Before I knew it, I’m seeing stars and my load fills the condom. I stay in her warmth for a little longer before laying next to her and discarding the condom.
“How was that?” I asked, out of breath and facing her. She replies, still out of breath, but with a goofy smile,
“Better than porn.”
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marvel-lucy · 4 years
The Ultimate Weapon, chapter 17
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After Loki left the medlab, I made a decision, I had to leave. I wasn’t wanted here, the noise in my head made that clear. The lab was empty and quiet as I walked out and headed for the elevator. Down and into my room, I got dressed quickly, grabbed some money and a few clothes in a bag, and prepared to leave. I paused in the doorway, then quickly took out my knife, and gritting my teeth against the pain, cut out the two trackers that Tony had installed in me – in all of us. One in my arm, one in my hip, I dug them out and dropped them on the floor, then left. I had no great plan and my mind no longer felt in my control but I believed everything that I could hear in my head.
I took the elevator down to street level and walked out. First rule of going on the run: run, don’t walk. I knew there were security cameras at the entrances to Stark Tower, and all over the local streets, so I kept my head down. I had limited time before they realised I was gone, so I needed to get out of the reach of CCTV. Not that I expected anyone to come after me, I was sure they’d be glad I was out of their hair, but I was used to thinking like a soldier and that meant getting out of sight.
We were in a commercial district, with high-end shops, street cameras, traffic cameras and dashboard cams on cars. I dodged down alleyways and used fire escapes to go up and over buildings, trying to show up as little as possible. Down one side alley I stopped, put a cap on, and pulled a different coloured hoodie out of my bag. It wasn’t much as disguises go but anyone looking for a green shirt and brown hair would need to pay a little more attention now I had a red cap and black top.
I continued like this for hours, slowly making my way out towards the residential areas where I hoped to find fewer cameras. I had no real destination in mind but something was drawing me out of the city to the north, I could feel a pull in that direction.
By the time night fell, I was out of the city but the area all around was built up and it was hard to stay out of sight. I kept off the main roads, not wanting to risk being picked up, and skirted through parks and backyards where I could, keeping my head down on the streets where I couldn’t. I was still being pulled north and my thoughts were still in a cycle of self-hatred, reminding me that I was a monster, that I was unwanted, unneeded, that I needed to get far away. All the old fears and anxieties that I’d started to overcome had welled up again and I was running from my thoughts as much as from the people I so desperately wanted to call my friends.
I’d long since lost track of time. When it was light, I tried to find somewhere to lay low, although I barely slept. When it got dark, I set off again, heading north. I ate what I could find – fruit, stolen food. One night I fell ill from eating something I’d found behind a restaurant which had obviously gone off. I rolled myself under a thorn bush, ignoring the scratches in the hope that I wouldn’t be found, and lay foetal, sweating and vomiting, watching the sun come up and go back down again before I felt able to continue. I avoided stores, although I had money, aware that they all had security cameras and also that I probably didn’t look that respectable anymore, and I didn’t want to draw the attention of the police.
And still, I kept walking.
It had been about an hour after Ruby left the building before anyone realised. Bruce had gone up to the medlab to check on her and keep her company, to find the bed empty. Assuming that she’d checked herself out and gone down to her room, he asked Jarvis for confirmation, pleased that she’d got up and made a decision for herself.
There was a pause before Jarvis responded. ‘I am reading Miss Ruby’s trackers in her room, but not the presence of any people there’. The AI even sounded concerned, which was a new thing. Bruce frowned, and asked Jarvis to call Tony, then headed to the elevator and down to the rooms. Tony and Natasha had been together in the kitchen when Jarvis’s call came in, so both headed down as well, meeting up with Bruce as he approached the bedroom. Jarvis unlocked the door and they walked in. Bruce checked the bathroom, but as he did so, Natasha picked something up from the floor.
“Guys, I think we have a problem”, she said, holding up the two trackers, still covered in small pieces of flesh. Bruce and Tony looked at each other and quickly, all three were heading for the control centre.
“Jarvis, alert the rest of the team to meet us there and start scanning for Ruby. And check on security cams, is she still in the building?”
Within minutes, Bucky, Clint and Sam had joined the others in the control centre where Natasha showed them what they’d found. Jarvis reported back as they gathered.
‘I have found footage of Ruby leaving Stark Tower approximately 80 minutes ago. There was no curfew in place so it did not trigger any action either from myself or from security staff.’ An image of Ruby leaving the building, carrying a small bag, came up on screen. The quality was good enough to see a fresh cut on the arm where the tracker had been. Steve looked over at Bucky who was standing and staring at the screen, holding so tightly to the back of a chair that his knuckles turned white.
Tony took control. “OK, Jarvis, link up with all the security cameras around here, find a trace of her. We can’t act until we know where she might have gone. Or why. Anyone have any clue what’s caused this?” Tony looked at Bucky, who he knew was closest to Ruby, but Bucky wasn’t engaging, focussed on the image on the screen. Sam spoke up.
“Been a while since we talked – before the mission – and I’m not going to give too much detail of what we discussed, but I’d say her actions on the mission just triggered something. Maybe fear of hurting people she cared about, maybe feeling that she didn’t deserve to be here? It’s something strong, because she’s just walked out without any sign of the agoraphobia that’s kept her trapped.”
Everyone felt powerless. Until they had a lead, there was nothing to do. Suddenly Bucky let out a pained yell through gritted teeth, and the chair back broke under his grip.
“I can’t just stay here; I’m going out to start looking. Tell me if you find anything but I need to do something”. He left the building and Steve followed shortly after, to keep his friend under control. Tony nodded and then turned back to the screen.
Jarvis had logged into as many street cameras as he could, and been able to pick up traces of Ruby. They mapped out a general course, picking her up on occasion streets away from where she’d last been seen, but each trace was long over an hour cold by now and they knew she had the skills to disappear. Tony called up Steve.
“She’s heading north. Or was when last seen. We’ve got traces of her as far as the Bronx, then she’s gone. Doesn’t seem to be using any public transit, might have changed clothes. Don’t think she knows anyone out there does she?”
Tony could hear Steve and Bucky talking but as far as anyone knew, Ruby had no contacts anywhere in the city, or in the country. In fact, she had no-one but the Avengers, so where was she heading? Steve and Bucky headed back to the Tower to collect a car and start looking further north, but without more recent images, everyone knew it was a futile act, one designed just to feel as if something was happening.
Eventually, even Steve and Bucky returned to the Tower. They’d traced every street and headed way out to the city limits but there was no chance of finding anything. Nat and Clint had spoken to their contacts who were keeping their eyes open but with a stealth soldier, she’d be on the lookout for watchers.
Over the next week, the mood in the Tower was grim. Throughout the days, the team would ask for updates from Jarvis, knowing that if he’d found anything they’d be told, but unable to sit and wait. A chance image from a street camera brought some hope after six days, from a small town on the edge of Connecticut. Ruby had changed clothes, so at least they knew what they were looking for now. The image wasn’t clear but she looked haunted and gaunt.
Tracing a path from Stark Tower to her last sighting, they tried to guess where she’d be heading next. Although she was still going north, she was obviously keeping off the main routes, but at least it was a lead. Within half an hour, the team were in Connecticut and searching. Nothing. Two days later, they all returned to the Tower and to waiting.
They all met in the control room again, sitting around the table and hyped up on lack of sleep, caffeine and worry. They could stare at maps all they wanted, they didn’t know where you were going and Ruby was too good at staying off the grid.
“We need to go back to the start” Steve said. “We reacted to this all wrong, rushing out and not thinking things through. We’ve let emotions get too involved, this isn’t what we do. Trying to work out where she is is getting us nowhere, let’s go back to basics and see what’s triggered this.” There was a slight shuffling. This was what they were all trained to do, but somehow the urge to DO had overtaken the urge to think and they had acted impetuously.
“What do we know?” They talked back through the days before she’d run. Progress with Sam, a sense of breakthrough – maybe that had been too overwhelming? Then the mission, seeing Rumlow, saving the team. None of it made sense.
“She was doing great” Sam said. “There was real trust coming out. And she saved you, why would she need to run after that?” Then Tony looked up.
“Jarvis, do we have any details of who she spoke to after the mission?” The voice from the AI came through: ‘as you know Sir, I do not record in the medlab for confidentiality reasons, however I can confirm that the last people to visit were Sgt Barnes, and then Loki.’ An image appeared onscreen of Loki entering the medlab, and then another, timestamped about ten minutes later, leaving. As the screen showed him shutting the door of the lab, a smirk appeared on his face.
“SHIT, how did we miss this?” Tony was furious with himself. “How did we not think of that bastard. What did he say to her? Screw confidentiality, we need cameras everywhere. We need him down here.” Thor and Loki had left a few days after Ruby had gone missing, not wanting to intrude, but with Loki unwelcome in Asgard, there was a possibility that they were still on earth. Natasha was instantly on the phone to Jane Foster, waking her up in England in the middle of the night uncaring.
“Jane, it’s Natasha Romanov, we need Thor, do you know where he is?”
“Um, what? Hi Natasha, it’s like 4am, did you know that? Um, yeah, I know where Thor is, hang on.” Seconds later, over the rustling of sheets, Thor’s voice boomed out of the phone, but Nat cut him off.
“Thor. You need to get to Stark Tower. Now. And bring your brother, wherever that little shit might be.” She hung up. There was an atmosphere of angry tension in the room and a sense of threat. Steve, trying to retain control, realised that if this spilt over into violence – all too easy with the mood of the team – they’d get nowhere.
“We can’t all question him. He’d enjoy it too much. I’ll speak to him, OK. You watch.” But Bucky refused, telling Steve he’d break his arm if he tried to stop him from questioning Loki. “Fine, you can be there, but rein it in. We don’t know if he’s done anything yet, and if he has, we need him conscious so you can’t just beat it out of him.”
It didn’t take long for Thor and Loki to arrive, landing on the roof and announced by Jarvis, they were met at the elevator by Steve and Bucky. Thor looked confused and Loki looked amused by the urgency with which they’d been summoned. Despite Steve’s best efforts, as soon as they stepped out of the elevator, Bucky had grabbed Loki around the neck and thrust him back against the wall.
“What the hell did you say to her?” he growled, but Thor grabbed his other arm and pulled him off Loki, demanding an explanation for this assault on his brother. For a moment it looked as if Thor and Bucky would fight until Steve’s voice boomed over the top.
“Enough. Guys. Calm it down, let us explain. Thor, Ruby has gone missing. It’s been over a week now. We can’t find her. We know that the last person to speak to her, just minutes before she left, was Loki. We just want to know if he can help shed any light on things.” Bucky was standing, scowling, over Loki who still looked amused by the anger in the air. Only Steve saw the way Thor closed his eyes tight for a second before turning to his brother.
“Loki, brother, what have you done? Why must you always bring your mischief to bear on every world?” It seemed Thor had no doubt that his brother had caused trouble.
“I merely spoke to her brother!” Loki protested, then continued, his eyes gleaming with pleasure. “I could sense that she felt
 to be part of this company, having shown her true side during your mission. If she then decided that it was best for her to leave, well, that cannot be on my head.” There was obviously more though, Loki was enjoying tormenting everyone too much and Bucky was ready to kill, but Thor put up a hand to stop him moving forward, and spoke quietly.
“Let me deal with my brother. I will find whatever information I can for you. Do you have somewhere we can go?” There was a pause, Bucky still obviously wanting to hurt Loki, but then Steve nodded and showed them into the kitchen, an incongruous setting for the two Gods to talk. Bucky and Steve waited outside in the corridor, Steve pacing up and down, Bucky leaning back against the wall, arms crossed and looking tense. There was no sound from inside the kitchen at first, then after a few moments, raised voices could be heard. Steve stopped pacing and both listened.
“Why do you care so for these worthless Midgardians brother? They are as nothing to us! Their lives are small and mean and paltry,” Loki spat the words out. “Yes, I used the girl. I crept into her mind and encouraged her to leave.” Steve had to grab at Bucky’s arm to stop him crashing into the room, as Loki continued. “Hydra have the tesseract, I want it. It should be mine, not left in the charge of some worthless humans. They wanted the girl back, she was the most powerful of all these pitiful creatures, and they had lost her. So because of me, she is now on her way back to them, although she doesn’t know it. She already felt that she wasn’t worthy of being here, that these people couldn’t want a monster like her. I simply crept into her feeble mind and encouraged that thought, and then gave her a push towards Hydra. She is almost there now, I am still inside her mind and I can feel she is close to the base. Once Hydra have her, I will have the tesseract. I care not for these worms on Earth and you demean yourself with your love for them.”
Loki’s voice was deadly, angry and full of hate but had carried clearly through the walls. Steve knew the others must be watching in the control room too. He looked at Bucky in fear, both wondering if they were too late, and then it was too much for Bucky. He threw open the door and flew into the room, to where Thor had Loki pinned down in a chair, then with a scream of anger, he punched Loki hard in the face, throwing him backwards off the chair and onto the floor, instantly unconscious.
Suddenly, like a light being turned on, my brain cleared. The whispering voice in my head had gone and the only thoughts left were my own. I had no idea how long I had been on the run, or where I was. Time seemed to both have rushed by and stood still, and I had only flashes of memories of the last days: stealing food from a shop, clothes from a line. Running along roads and hiding in woods, all the time with my mind feeling buried under the unrelenting force of someone else’s power. I had heard their whispers in my head for so long now that I had started to wonder if I was insane, but had believed the voices when they told me to run; that I wasn’t wanted or needed by the Avengers; that they would be better off without me. Now, a moment of clarity and I realised that these thoughts were from outside me. I wanted to go home. Maybe the Avengers wouldn’t want me after this. But I had to find out.
I was afraid I wouldn’t have long before whoever it was realised I was starting to think my own thoughts again, so as fast as I could without drawing attention to myself, I walked to the nearest mall and bought a cheap phone. I guessed from the strange looks in the shop that I was none too clean and respectable looking. They were happy enough to take my money though, and I left as quickly and quietly as I had come in.
Finding a spot in the mall where I could stand, part hidden by a large fake palm tree, and with my back to a wall, I rang the one number I could remember, where I knew I’d get straight answers. I knew I couldn’t ring Stark, or Steve
 or Bucky. I was afraid they’d come at me with questions, accusations, guilt; that they’d lie to me and say I was welcome, or that they’d tell me the truth and say that I was not. There wasn’t time, I felt sweat on my back with fear of going under again. So, I rang Stark Tower and asked to speak to Jarvis.
His voice came on the line instantly and the familiarity hit me in the gut, making me slide down to the floor with my back to the wall. As fast as I could get the words out – unfamiliar with speaking after time alone – I explained what I thought had happened. Someone had forced their way into my mind; I didn’t know where I was; I was afraid they were going to come and find me, afraid it was Hydra. Then, almost not daring to say it, I had to ask. ‘Would the team want me back?’ The answer was almost instantaneous, but even so those milliseconds felt like forever, before Jarvis spoke: ‘I have already informed the team of your message and they are on their way to the quinjet now to come and find you’. I breathed out fast, unaware I’d been holding my breath. Jarvis told me to stay where I was, and that they knew Hydra were close, but I knew I couldn’t stay still. As fast as the quinjet was, Hydra would be coming for me too, and it would be a race against time to see who found me first. A memory flashed into my head, of cutting my own trackers out of my flesh before I fled the tower. I had to move, and keep moving, and hope that my friends could find me before my enemies.
I skirted the mall, staying close to the wall and eyes out. I was weak – when had I last eaten? – and as my brain become clearer, started to become aware of my physical state. I had bruises and torn muscles, healing cuts that I didn’t remember getting. I wasn’t in any condition to fight my way out, so I was going to have to stay under the radar. Everyone walking past felt like a potential Hydra agent, about to grab me, I had to leave. I saw an exit marked for the car park, and fled through it and down the stairs. Waiting on the floor below, I paused to see if I had been followed through the door, but all was quiet. I continued down to the car park, darker and quieter than the bustling mall, easier to spot any approaches. I became aware of voices in my head again and shook at the thought of losing myself. I couldn’t tell anymore which thoughts were my own and which were the whispering voices, urgent and forceful, that had told me I was unwanted, damaged goods, and that only Hydra could make things OK for me. I shook my head, but the voices continued – I didn’t know that back in Stark Tower, Loki had come around and was trying to regain control, to find out where I was and direct me to Hydra.
I could feel my anxiety levels rising. Maybe the Avengers weren’t coming for me. Maybe they wanted to put me down as a threat. I had to hide. From everyone. Running now with no thought for the startled faces I pushed past, I made for the street level and ran on through the city. I saw a sign – Pittsfield, Massachusetts – well over 100 miles from New York. Had I walked all that way? But the moment of clarity passed and again all I knew was the urge to hide. Although weakened, I was still faster and had greater stamina than most people, and ran continuously, out of the glossy central areas and into a more rundown neighbourhood. By now evening was drawing in and the light was going. I saw an alley, between two shops, both now closed and dark, and skidded into it.
I huddled down in the alley, squeezed between a dumpster and a pile of mouldering boxes. The smell assaulted my senses, damp and musty. Wrapping my arms around my knees, I dropped my head and concentrated on being invisible. No just hiding from sight, but hiding from all the senses. I used my mental powers to focus on not existing. On not being. Look away, look past me, nothing to see here. I could sense the
 looking for me, questing along the mental link that had formed between us and growing frustrated that I had disappeared. I lost track of how long I sat there, shaking and exhausted by the power I was having to use, then suddenly, a hand on my shoulder, and I knew I had been found.
I tried to shout but I was too worn down and it came out as just a grunt. Looking up, the light was in my eyes and I blinked, trying to focus on the dark silhouette above me, then a voice, one I recognised, spoke to me and said my name. It was Bucky. I was safe. At once, I used the last of my strength to send a backwash of pain and fury along the mental link between myself and the unknown tormenter. I screamed inside my head as I tried to burn out the bridge and free myself. From unknown distances, I felt the shockwave as it hit them, the surprise attack they didn’t know – I didn’t know – I could use. As the link broke, I could feel the waves of agony flooding back towards me. People in the street walking by shook their heads and looked up, confused, as they sensed the fear and pain from some unknown source, although they weren’t sensitive to these things, it was too great to avoid. I saw Bucky stumble under the force, and it was the last thing I saw before everything went black.
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maree-ff · 5 years
Interlude: Late Night Fix
“Bro...what’s going on with you and your girl?” Tariq asked just as he passed me another shot.
I threw the shot back and juggled the glass in my hand just staring off into space. “We’re trying man. We agreed last month that we would work on us but idk if it’s working. It’s like nothing has changed. Not much anyway.” I shrugged.
“You still love her right?” He questioned just as two random broads came walking in, talking loudly to each other. Riq and I both looked over at them leaning on each other for support, clearly drunk as hell.
Throwing my head back against the cabinet I focused more so on the bottle of Jack in front of me. “There’s no question. I love that girl with all my heart. I just don’t know what more to do and neither does she. The thing is, out of nowhere she’ll call me to come over at the strangest fucking times. I feel like I’m ripping out a page from my old playbook or some shit.” I chuckled dryly.
“The hours of three to six in the morning is fucking hours.” He joked. The two women that walked in made their way over to where we were and the weird tension in the air made me uncomfortable. For some reason I’ve been feeling all types of vibes from women lately. Ever since the girls got in trouble last month, Camila and I said we would work on our relationship. She said she wanted me to move back in and I did for like two weeks. It didn’t feel the same and that hurt me. She didn’t treat me differently, our dynamic as a couple just felt off. So I’m still living by myself but I still get to see my kids everyday.
And it’s like ever since then, whenever I come into contact with other women, I get this feeling I can’t explain. I can’t explain it to Camila. Every time a woman looks at me I feel like she’s giving the eye. They’re all starting to give off that vibe like they want to throw themselves at me. I’m not sexually frustrated at all because Camila keeps me satisfied even with our struggles. But these broads out here are on some next level shit. Sometimes I do get more attention than I would like and sometimes I come in contact with chicks who make passes at me. And they’re bold too!
“What’s going on Tariq..” one of the girls asked leaning on the counter.
“Come on..I know y’all see us talking. Go back downstairs.” Riq said with an irritated look on his face.
“Ok..no need to be hostile. Everybody is just asking where the host of the party is that’s all. What about you?” The second chick spoke up boldly, making her way over to me. She hit with that look and stood next to me with her arm resting comfortably on my leg.
Cocking my eyebrow at how bold this girl became in just a matter of seconds, I pushed her arm off of me. “He ain’t interested. Kat, get ya girl before she gets her feelings hurt.” Tariq warned looking at the first girl who was still failing to win over my boy.
“Aw come on, I don’t mean any harm. I just want to talk to him. What do you say handsome? Wanna come dance with me?” She asked moving in between my legs.
On cue as if God was looking out, my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pushed old girl back some so I could reach into my pocket. Seeing Camila’s face on my screen had me rushing to get out of this messy situation. “Hey baby..” I answered boldly, staring at the girl dead in her face.
Her happy, prideful, look faded in seconds after I said “baby”. I couldn’t help but laugh internally at how hurt she looks.
“Did I call you at a bad time?” Cam asked softly.
“Nah, you called at the perfect time. Hold on just one second.” I muttered hopping off the counter and maneuvering around these drunk bitches. “What’s going on? You okay?” I asked her going into an empty room and shutting the door so I can have some privacy.
“I miss you, can you come over when you’re done with whatever you’re doing? Unless you don’t want to then that’s ok..” the silence on her end made me instantly feel guilty that she thinks I wouldn’t want to see her. This is what I meant by I don’t know what else to do. She calls me like this knowing damn well I’m gonna come over no matter what time it is.
“Why you treating me like I’m one of your old fuck buddies?” I said going to stand next to the window. I looked out at Tariq’s backyard seeing people still enjoying themselves downstairs.
“I’m not. I just don’t want you to feel obligated to come and see me.” She sighed sounding defeated.
“Baby..” I began watching Tariq come into view. He was kicking some people out for trashing his yard. “You make it sound like coming to see you is like going to work. I actually enjoy seeing your face so don’t think just because it’s two in the morning that I won’t come by. What are you doing up this late?”
“I literally..just got Ali to go to sleep. How he managed to stay up this late, I really don’t know. He’s laying in your spot now with his little ball shorts on and he’s shirtless. He looks so cute baby you should see him.” She giggled quietly.
The fact that Jorden can only sleep through a night and peacefully at that dressed like me is such an honor. I’m his comfort just like his mother is mine. I need her like he needs me. Because as I have said a thousand times before, without Camila there is no family.
Shaking my head at my sneaky and adorable son, I walked over to the door and pulled it back. I left the spare bedroom seeing no one around. “I miss that kid. I tell you what..get him in his bed and make room for me in ours.” I bargained.
“I’ll do my best. One more question..do you miss me?” She asked seriously. I pulled my phone away from my ear and glared at it wishing I could show her my face for real.
The bitch who tried pushing up on me earlier reappeared and looked my way. As she made her way over to me I couldn’t help but fight the urge to curse her out. Why? Because this same broad has been on my ass all fucking night. From the moment I walked in the door, shorty has been close behind me like a shadow.
“Yeah I miss you. What kind of question is that?” I retorted.
“I just like to hear you say it. It makes me feel good.” She mumbled, shifting around. I heard a low groan which I know came from Jorden.
“I got something else that can make you feel good too..” I smirked watching the girl’s face fall again. I love messing with bitches that don’t have a chance with me. I do this whenever I can because explaining that I’m not interested never seems to resonate with women this day and age. So any chance I get to speak to Cam in front of other women makes my day so much better. “As a matter of fact, I’m on my way right now. Be naked when I get there.” I stated proudly.
“I’m halfway there..you just have to finish the job. I’m gonna put Jorden down. Drive safely papi I love you.” Camila blew me a kiss through the phone.
“Love you too baby. I’ll see you soon.” I said my bye and hung up. Sliding my phone back into my pocket I stuck around to see if this girl would explain why she’s been on me all night. “Do you have something to say? You’ve been shadowing me all fucking night and you will not leave me alone.” I said, annoyed that I’m even standing here.
“I’m not sure. I’ve been debating all night whether or not I wanted to make a move on you but I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She said, exhaling sharply.
“That sure didn’t stop you from invading my personal space not even ten fucking minutes ago. I get on the phone with my girl and look you dead in your face and you can’t seem to take a hint. Why did you even come back up here? Fuck all that, just stay away from me if you see me again.” Throwing my hands up I walked around her and downstairs to find Tariq. “Yo..” I called getting his attention.
“You out?” He asked walking closer.
“Yeah nigga I’m out. Holla at me tomorrow if you tryna get into something.” I gave him a brotherly hug and dipped. A good nut will help shake these weird feelings. I hope.
--------- --------- 
Closing the door behind me I took my shoes off and quietly headed to the back. I stopped by the girls’ room to check on them like I always do and gave them love. I left their room before going upstairs to see my little man. His soft snores invaded my ears the second I hit the last step.
“My fucking seed.” I chuckled quietly. Going over to the door I gripped the handle and quietly pushed my way in. Jorden was lying on his back with his hand tucked in his shorts. I leaned on the door frame just to watch him in his prime. I love this boy so dearly. I can’t believe he’ll be preschool this coming fall. It feels like just yesterday I was watching him come into the world. Now almost four years later and he’s grown so much. He looks like me, tries to talk like me, and he acts like me...Jorden is me in another life.
“He’s adorable isn’t he?” A soft voice spoke from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Camila on the last step in some of my old clothes.
“Very. How long did it take you to get him to go to sleep?” I asked feeling her hands touch my arms and slide down to my hands. Looking down to see her wrap her arms around my torso and tease like she was trying to take my shirt off. She didn’t but she damn sure made it seem as if that’s what she was getting ready to do.
“An hour. Well almost an hour. How was your day?” She quizzed, hugging me from the side.
I threw my arm around her shoulder to draw her closer to me. Being next to Mil after not really seeing much of her today has me missing her more than usual. We spoke on the phone earlier but I haven’t been by the house since early yesterday morning. “It was ok. How was yours? Anything new happen?” I asked.
Anytime we don’t get the time to sit down and have an extended talk about what’s been going on with our kids, she’ll give me a brief update. I’m at the house so much throughout the week but on days that I can’t be I still like to know if anything new is going on with my kids. Their health and well-being means everything to me.
“No. Jorden was helping me wash and fold clothes earlier. He sat on the dryer and separated a load with me. I got a little emotional because he never helps me with laundry. He’ll usually just hug my legs or sit on the floor and watch me. He’ll point out if I drop a sock or something and give it to me so I don’t have to stretch my back out so much. I’m so proud of the little boy he’s becoming Dre. He’s so helpful in so many ways and I die when he uses his manners. All I’ve ever wanted is for our kids to grow up well mannered and respectful to their family even if to no one else.” Camila explained, turning halfway around to look at our son turn over and cuddle up with his one of Zoe’s stuffed lions.
The left side of his face was squished by the toy but we knew not to touch him. Jorden is so much like me when he’s sleeping. So that means don’t touch us at all or you’re going to have hell to pay. We adjust ourselves when we’re ready.
“I love him so much. I love them all so much.” I said leaning into kiss the top of her head. I closed my eyes at the calming scent of her freshly washed hair.
“Go get comfortable, I have one last load I need to take care of.” Camila separated from me leaving me with a hard dick and a frustrated mind.
“She always does this shit.” I huffed, jogging down to the room. I peeled my shirt off the second I stepped into the bathroom heading to get the water going. I took a quick shower since she wasn’t joining me this time. When I got out I could smell some type of herb in the air that I didn’t recognize. “Always doing some weird shit Maree..” I chuckled to myself.
I stood at the sink and brushed through my hair, taking care of a few other things as well. Turning the light off and walking out into the room, I stopped in my tracks seeing Cam enter the room at the same time as me. Her body adorned this black long sleeve, part lace..part sheer, bodysuit. She eventually broke down the terminology of lingerie and what every piece is properly called. For her to be wearing something like this in black, gives off a whole new vibe that I’m picking up from her. She rarely and I mean rarely wears black lingerie, let alone a black bra. And I am living this look on her.
“That new?” I asked breaking the ice first. She nodded curtly and shut the door behind her. I heard the lock turn and that’s when I took note of everything that’s different in the room. She’s got three groups of big ass candles in various spots of the room, adding the perfect low light setting. The bedspread is red and the sheets are white. “What’s going on?” I asked again, meeting her halfway.
“I told I miss you. My dad is coming to get the kids in the morning. They’re gonna stay with him until Monday night. So..we have the house to ourselves for a couple of days.” She disrobed me of my towel and threw it behind me eagerly. Her hands hungrily pushed me to our sitting area. My back suddenly touched bases with the chair, Camila dropped to her knees and got to work immediately. Her mind is already made up about what it wants. She’s on a different level than I am and in order for us to be on the same page, she didn’t want to waste time on continuing on with her secret little plan.
Either way we both get what we want and there’s no harm done.
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irina-something · 5 years
Roswell RN ep 12 – Is bad writing the bug or the feature ?
I keep watching genre shows – for all the silly, shallow reasons – the beautiful people, the escapism, the entertaining factor of it all , but I also watch them for better reasons – interesting, original premises, interesting characters, new ways of looking at things, lighter ways of speaking about hard things.
So when a show is about ghosts, vampires, aliens and the lot, there is a build in feature of silliness 
 I love it when there is, at least, a small percent of tongue in cheek writing going on, a small nod from the show that it knows to not take itself completely serious. But being self aware that you are not aiming to be Tarkovsky, does not mean free license to shit all over logic, to screw continuity, to make it seem that you do not remember your own story, to make the conversations between people seem forced and cringy.
So I guess what I am asking myself is – is bad writing in genre shows a bug or a feature? I have no connection to tv channels and I am wondering how much freedom the writers have. But even with a predetermined framework, even when censorship exists, even when a certain level of drama is demanded – is it really impossible to make it seem organic, to make it all cohesive, to thrive for the realness of human connections and relationships even if we get to also deal with demons, aliens, warlocks and such?
For me the series that I watch are divided in 3 – the ones that are about realism and from which I demand that, since that is what they claim to do ( The wire being my all time favourite in this category), the ones that are complete and utter crap, but the level of crap is so high that it only makes my giggle continuously, I have no demands of this type of series,  except outrageous entertainment and if at all possible somebody to ogle ( series like The chilling adventures of Sabrina comes to mind in this category) and the last category – the one in between – the one where the characters draw you in, you can feel the potential, some real emotions but the plot remains quite silly ( Roswell NM is in this category).
What got me on this path of rambling was watching Roswell NM ep 12. Damn
so much hurt, so much tragedy going on there, so much potential for emotions being discussed, for trauma being analyzed and yet the episode finishes and I feel a lot like crying while face palming ( it is hard, trust me).
So here is what made me cry and what made me face palm...with a side of sarcasm and some profanity...
So we start with an exposition ( never the best device, but sometimes necessary ) about the aliens’ background 
. I didn’t know it at the time, but this is actually a face palm moment, because the whole thing, almost word by word will be said again during the episode, only this time not as running background voice, but directly from Noah 
.so in a 40 minutes episode, that contains the mass murder of an entire race, we get to hear the same, not all that revelatory words, twice 
. mkay

Then there is the M/M/I scene where they debate what to do and that felt pretty good, because you can really tell the different motivations and the different needs for each of them. Kyle/Liz interaction is also fun, light and it really flows.
The Malex scene at the junkyard is a facepalm moment – first of all because the writers made it so, while writing on twitter, with no indication in the actual story unfolding on the screen, that between the last interaction we have seen and this one 2 months passed 
 Seriously, if 2 months actually passed, something should have been said here – along the lines of “where the fuck have you disappeared for 2 month”. Also, we are to believe that Michael did not want to know shit more about the government conspiracy that puts him and his siblings at death risk 
 and now, supposedly 2 months later, Alex shows up out of the blue and is like – here is some info and also you’re hot, but not like really, but your temperature but also here is a smoldering “I would do you “ look for good measure. And for the fun twist, here is also Kyle for no particular reason

Then we have the Is/Max/Noah/Liz interactions were we hear all the stuff from the beginning all over again, now with the added bonus that somehow since the conversation is in Is’s mind Noah can not lie.,, mkay
 Even with the truth serum addendum, Noah’s story makes about zero sense and I face palm hard. The Liz/Is interaction feels good and organic 
 there is bitchiness that we know is trade mark Isobel, but also vulnerability and Liz lends an ear and some good advice. Honestly I feel like the scenes with Noah/Max/Is/Liz were somewhat repetitive
 some of the things were necessary, but overall a lot of time was lost with no good enough pay-off either emotionally or as advancing the story.
Radom appeance from Cam. I just loved her character through out the story. She has been the right amount of funny, badass, vulnerable, good looking and helpful. If the writers didn’t have an arc for her, beyond what went on so far, I feel good about her departure
.it’s hella better than keeping here around with 3 lines and no purpose.
I have to give it to the writers, the interaction among the women of the series has been good and has been consistent. They are not all bitches or all goody two shoes. But while sometimes butting heads, they came through for each other and I am here for that.
The boys arrive at the prison. Kyle has some funny lines, which are genuinely funny and I would have appreciated them so much more if not for WTF I was experiencing from the previous interactions.
Back at the prison it all makes as much sense as pineapple on pizza. High security facility with aliens in it and yet the boys enter with no problem and without alerting any alarms
 we have some interaction between Alex and his brother, which I appreciated... I liked the lines, the tension, the background offered about Alex’s life ( see, it can be done without flashback and exposition 
 yeyyy writers)
 but again it’s like the prison has 3 people working there and yet, somehow they developed kickass technology 

Kyle has the silliest conversation with random army girl 
 he learns about his father death, actually important for the story, but how the whole scene comes to be is like it’s written in kindergarten
 dear lord
 how the hell in the prison with 3 people, a guy appears and random army girl is not all that alarmed.
I really wanna know what is the reason and what is the pay-off of making Michael be the initiator of the demise of his mother and what is left of his race? WTF???
Then comes the Malex scene. Damn
. I loved the point of the scene but the execution was face palm level ( not the acting, the acting was top notch and the only thing that help sell the scene ). But this is the pivotal scene of the episode
 cut some of the other stuff that had no purpose and really sell us Michael trying heart and soul to save his family, the urgency of the whole situation and how they really had no other choice 
. Because honestly, if it weren’t for how talented Vlamis and Blackburn were, the “my mom said run “would have made me giggle.
And after the “you’re my family speech” Alex says nothing to Michael and drives into the sunset with Kyle 
 it’s been so hard to face palm while the script gave me whiplash 

And you know, I actually like the conversation between Alex and Kyle at the end
 I loved the point of it, what it actually says and how it gives us a little more about Alex 
 but fucking hell, it is ill placed 
 because we are to believe Alex let Michael to just drive alone and go wherever the fuck after witnessing the murder of his mother and the rest of his race 
. What the actual fuck? Where there no people with writing abilities in the room at that moment?
And then we have the clusterfuck that is the interaction between Max and Michael and I don’t even have fucks to give 
Really? Really? Were the writers in some sort of race to the finish? Did they not get the chance to look over everything one more time and fix the plotholes ? How come they manage some great lines and interactions and then they fuck up epically ? Is it mandatory ?
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okimargarvez · 6 years
Original title: Home run.
Prompt: Luke and Penelope going to see a baseball’ match.
Warning: none.
Genre: comedy, romantic.
Characters: Luke Alvez, Penelope Garcia.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: oneshot, part 37 of 365 Garvez canon Life.
Legend: 💑😘.
Song mentioned: none.
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Please, read the Note: I want to apologize for the wrong things I may have written about baseball. I'm Italian, and here the main sport is soccer. It's also the sport I love most, and all of Luke's pre-match anxieties are personal experience. I played baseball in high school, but it's been years and it's not the same thing. It doesn't have here the same value that in the United States. I assure you that I have tried in every way to find the correct technical terms... I even did more research than to write my second thesis! I did my best, so forgive me!
 New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox.
When Luke saw those tickets appear from the envelope, he didn't believe it. All the websites and retailers he had visited had sold out for weeks. He had resigned himself to having to watch the match on television.
But he didn't count on his hacker girlfriend.
-It's not your birthday, it is not one of our anniversary. But I knew how much you cared for, so I organized myself in time.- she had said to him, belittling her gesture as usual.
The man, ignoring the fact that they were in a federal building, although both had already clocked out, had made her do more than one turn around the room. So much so that JJ had immediately interpreted this joy in her way.
-I'm going to become auntie?- both were quick to shake their heads.
-No, Penelope bought me the tickets for Saturday's game!- as much as she loved sports, the blonde preferred soccer. But Rossi shared his enthusiasm.
-Really, boy?- he had nodded. -Only my kitten could do such a thing.- Luke had looked at his girlfriend and had decidedly agreed.
 They take the plane together and spend the afternoon before the match visiting museums. The night before, Luke begins to show the first signs of pre-match anxiety: he's in fibrillation, he can't even concentrate on dinner, he doesn't stretch his hands on her body. He falls asleep very late, while Penelope rests as serene as a lamb.
Yet, he doesn't envy her. Every time he looks at her, he can only think of how lucky he is.
 Finally, the big day has comes. An hour and a half before the game starts, they head for the stadium. The hotel, always booked by Penelope, is not very far from there, and their room indeed overlooks that panorama.
Luke's suitcase was half full of indispensable accessories to wear only for games seen live: bracelets, scarf, inevitable cap and even the shirt of his hero, or rather what his father passed down to him: Joe diMaggio. Penelope was one of the few people present not wearing anything that identifying what team she supports, but taking advantage of the presence of different stands, the man was quick to remedy.
Only after much insistence, she yields. -Please, I know you're not interested in baseball, but you'd make me so happy if you wear at least this cap... and the scarf... and a bracelet... ok, perfect.- he takes a dozen photographs, all more or less the same. Penelope allows him to do it, resigned, with the promises that he will not publish them anywhere. -Oh, honey, I was sure you would been super sexy with these colors. You look so good.- she merely raises her eyes to the sky.
Once they are seated, the woman begins to ask a series of questions.
-Ok, so what is the goal of this game?- immediately she catches the shadow in Luke's eyes. -Sorry, I wanted to say sport.- she hastens to correct herself, but not with too much repentance. She can't hold a yawn.
-The goal is that the ball reaches the fourth base, i.e., that it returns from where it was come.- he starts to explain, very patiently. -Only in this way, the hitter will have score. After three empty throws, at least you'll know it, the hitter is out. When three hitters are eliminated, the team that until recently had attacked must go to the defense, and vice versa for their opponents.- Penelope opens her eyes wide and after a moment shakes her head. Luke sighs.
-I'm sorry, it's all too complicated.- she shrugs.
-No, it's not that hard to understand, trust me.- man insists. -There are nine rounds, and the two teams alternate in attack and defense. The team that defends is the one that throws the ball, the attacking team is the one that draws, in fact the hitter invades the opposing territory and he must try to get a forth base, not necessarily in just one turn. When he arrives at the fourth base, he scored.- he has put all his goodwill and reserve of patience, but the woman continues to stare at him with a confused expression.
-Luke, love, listen to me: forget it. I really can't understand. Maybe when I'll see a match everything will be clearer, but for the rest... enjoy the day. It's your day, today, ok?- there's something strange in her tone, but in the end he decides to give her reason and limit himself to being satisfied with her presence.
During the first round Penelope is quite silent, smiling at him every time the Yankees score a point and giving him a pat on the back when the Red Sox are on the move. When they are at the third round the score is 4-3 for the hosts. One of the many big screens suddenly becomes black and a message appears in the middle. Kiss cam.
The first to be captured are two young guys, probably teenagers, who take a few seconds to understand that they are at the center of the attention of the entire stadium. The first to turn around is the girl, brunette, slim, very pretty. He wears glasses that seem to have thick lenses. From the way they look at each other, it is clear that they had never seen each other. Both become red, then she shrugs and starts to approach. After a moment's hesitation he imitates her. They exchange a short kiss. While the dreaded cam moves on an elderly couple, much less reluctant than the two guys, the latter begin to talk, exchange opinions on the match, and then the phone' numbers. Sometimes things happen for a specific reason, even if we'll never know. The third and last couple is formed by a blonde with all the curves in the right place, the appearance of a Scandinavian, and a brown man with amber skin, decidedly Hispanic. Penelope keeps from bursting out laughing when Luke whispers in her ear: -We can't be less passionate than those two old, you know?- and so they give their contribution, making the stadium ring out with enthusiastic shouts.
The best however, has yet to come. Last round. Score tied, 6-6. At the throw there is the best player of the Boston, at bat there is the best one of the Yankees, which today doesn't look so good. He has already failed the first two shots, the second time he has missing the ball for a inches. The tension is palpable. No wind. The ball starts its run and in slow motion the attacker hits it, sending it in...
-Home run!- shouts Penelope, before the sportcaster, earning a strange look. -What's up? Maybe I exaggerated by saying that I don't understand anything about baseball... look... my brothers are great fans. Of the San Francisco Giants, of course.- Luke shakes his head, more amused than not angry. -You wanted to think I was an ignorant, about this, so I let you think that.- she says.
-Penelope, you are... the most amazing woman I know. –
TAGS: @theshamelessmanatee​  @arses21434 @kathy5654 @martinab26 @reidskitty13 @jenf42 @gracieeelizabeth27 @silviajajaja @smalliemichelle99 @charchampagne14 @thinitta   @myhollyhanna23 @garvezz @mercedes-maldonado  @shyladystudentfan
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lejeannedarysworld · 6 years
MASTERPIECE PT. 1 [Taehyung x Reader AU]
I stared at the ruined canvas before me after I accidentally smudged the wrong color into it. It was a disaster, and I hated it. The lack of inspiration kept on haunting me for days, weeks even. I haven't sold a single painting in a month and it'll soon drain my savings if I don't get my sh^t together. I usually sell my paintings at a good price that could keep me sane and with three decent meals for a few months. But now that nothing's been going right ever since that night, I started panicking. I threw the paintbrush away and stomped towards my kitchen. I couldn't even go out because it was heavily raining outside so I opened myself a bottle of beer to calm my nerves when my doorbell suddenly rang.       Ddaeng!        
I opened the cam and checked who my untimely visitor was. I almost choked on the cold beer I was drinking when I recognized the doe eyes staring back at me on the screen.        I opened the door immediately without hesitation. Aside from her beautiful face that welcomed me, i notice the suitcase and a couple more bags with her. She was drenched in rain.          "Y/N..."   
   "Taehyung-ssi... c-can I come in? I have no w-where else to go." She was chilling.           "S-sure." I said and opened the door wide. I quickly placed the beer bottle i was drinking on my table and ran back to help her with her bags. I took off her jacket that was dripping wet on the floor. "What happened?" I asked. I lend her my extra slippers and went to my room to get a towel.             "I was kicked out of my apartment. I spent the last $2 in my pocket to take the bus and... your house was the only place that I could think of." She said. I stopped what I was doing for a while when i heard her voice. I quickly took out the purple towel folded inside my drawer and went back to the living room where she quietly sat.                We weren't really friends, in fact we only met once. Truthfully, we had an unforgettable encounter that was so good, we chose not to meet each other again.              She was my "first" and the best. That's why i couldn't forget her face. Irene worked at a diner as a waitress. I just saved her from a stupid ass customer who kept on asking for her just to refill his water when he could do it himself since the pitcher was right in front of him. I pretended I was her boyfriend and dragged her out of his sight. I didn't like how the guy was glaring at her always so I thought of waiting for her until she finishes her shift. She was thankful after that so we decided to grab a few drinks and before we know it, we were on each other's pants for a hot unforgettable night.        "Taehyung-ssi.. i know it's rude of me to just come here without-" she blurted out, breaking my trail of thoughts.        "It's alright. It's okay. You can stay as long as you want." I said right away, shaking my head to clear my mind from traveling back to the past. I handed her the towel, she uttered a silent thanks before she started drying her hair.           I went to the kitchen, grabbed a mug and was about to make some coffee when I saw her finish the whole bottle I was drinking earlier.        "I'm sorry. I was thirsty." She smiled. She's still the outspoken, carefree woman she was when I first met her. I put the mug back and opened my fridge to get two more bottles.       "...besides, I'm not the type of woman you'd really invite for coffee." She said bitterly before drawing the bottle up to her lips.       "What makes you say so?" I asked. I hope she's not thinking what I'm thinking. I've never really thought of her that way.     "Oh come on Taehyung-ssi, i know it well." She said before she purses her lips and gulps a good amount of the ice cold bitterness of the bottle she was holding.
    "Well then, you're wrong. I think you're amazing. You're beautiful and i'd probably ask you out many times every single day. The fact that you're only a waitress in a diner doesn't make me think you're any less than a woman who works in an office." I said, holding my bottle up for a toast.     I see that slight tinge of redness across her rosy white skin. "T-thanks...but..." she trailed off and joined me for a toast.        "So how are you?" I asked. Aside from her name and job, i don't really know much about her.       "I'm not working at that diner anymore Taehyung-ssi" she started. Why was she being so formal?     "I hope you don't mind, but I think we're in a stage where we can drop the formalities already Y/N ." i reminded.        "Fine. I'm working at a cake shop now Tae. I found this new love for sweets and desserts and I've just discovered a new talent for decorating cakes. And since i just started, I won't be getting my salary until i finish my training period of two weeks. My landlord is not that patient... That's why I'm here now." She shared as her smile faded, I'm guessing she's happy about her new job.     "Really? Well then tell me where it is so I can drop by to get some inspiration. I'm really stuck on something right now I couldn't draw anything." I confessed.          "Right, I remember. You're an artist. What's wrong? Why don't you go out to more public places like the park or beach so you'll have fresh new ideas for your new painting?" She said. She was starting to warm up, i could remember how good our conversation was the last time that I ended up inviting her here at my place since the bar was closing already. It was 3 in the morning when we ran out of beer, too drunk to continue talking but still wide awake to be sleeping. She was supposed to go to the bathroom when she tripped and landed on my chest instead. It was such a perfect timing on a perfect day, with the perfect girl. All the opportunities came knocking straight on my door, so I gladly opened and welcomed it. It was one of the best nights of my life, and it was not just about the sex. It was about how she made me feel during that night.          "I tried. But my mind was stuck on something for days, weeks that I couldn't think of anything better than that." I said, gazing at her and remembered how we were in the same position we were the last time. She was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed while I on the floor, leaning against my table facing her. She's grown utterly more beautiful than the last time I saw her.            "Stuck on what?" She asks.       "You." I said right away. We became quiet after that. We were both guilty at something, so we both decided it would be best to stay away from each other. It was a one night romance, and that should have been it but we were both guilty of feeling something after so... yeah. I couldn't stop thinking of her ever since that night, and here she comes, one month later telling me my house is the only place she could think of.     
Damn, I'm getting butterflies.           "Taehyung, you know it was nothing. We were both drunk." She brushed the topic away.            "Were we really? Look into my eyes and tell me it was really nothing. I thought we both felt the same thing." I said, not taking my gaze off of her.        "Well what do you expect me to do that time? Ask for your number? Can't you see what my customers see me as? I can't trust my feelings based on sex Tae. Don't tell me it's your first time hooking up. I know how the world works, and-"        "It was."      "Excuse me?" She asked, and it was my turn to blush now.         "It was my first time, Y/N . You were my first that's why I couldn't forget you. I didn't know what to do because I'm as inexperienced as-"       "What?! Oh sh*t. Sorry. Wait. You mean to say you... what the hell Taehyung!" She yelled and threw a pillow on my face.     Â ïżœïżœ "Hey stob it, What are you so upset about?" I asked as I got up and sat on the opposite side of the couch as well.        "I can't believe i had the best sex of my life with a newbie. You've got to be kidding me, how did you become so good?" She blurted out and her flustered expression made me chuckle.     "I'm an artist baby, of course I'm good with my hands. The rest are my hidden skills waiting to be-"     "Oh shut up will you. I can't believe it." She grunted. We both fell silent before we bursted laughing.         "Why do I find this revelation funny afterwards?" She said, laughing until she's out of breath.     "Admit it, I'm great in bed." I said and got up to get more beer.        While I was opening the bottles, i noticed her opening her bag. She took out a shirt and I mentally face palmed that I've forgotten to offer her some dry clothes to change into. She must have been feeling so cold already.        "Oh wait, I'm so sorry I forgot to-"      "No, it's fine. I mean, i came here without notice. Can I use your..."        "Sure...sure...go ahead." I said and she went straight to the bathroom. I went to my room to get an extra blanket. She can sleep on my untouched bed and I can just stay here on the couch.     When she came out, it's as if all the sparks i felt for her that night were ignited. She looked so hot dressed in a white plain shirt and short shorts that hugged her tiny curves.            "You can sleep in my room. I'll sleep here." I said to her before I could say anything else.         "Oh no, I don't want to trouble you that much... I can sleep here on the-"            "Stop being so stubborn and go to bed already." I said and she sighed defeatedly.         Thank you for coming back, I thought to myself.               It wasn't even 12 in the midnight when I heard my bedroom door open. I opened my eyes and was surprised to see Irene tiptoeing towards me.          "Did I wake you?" She asks. I shook my head and got up.       "Not at all. I can't sleep either. What's wrong? Is the AC too cold?" I asked.       "No... but i think i could help you with something in exchange of letting me stay here." She said. I rubbed my eyes as I tried to process her words. Her face was suggesting something and i didn't want to misinterpret it in any way.         "How?" I asked and turned the lamp on.     Her face brightens up with a smile that the light coming from the lamp became useless.              "Paint me."               "Really? You'd be my model?" I asked again. I've never thought about it but her beauty was perfection. It would be a masterpiece.       "Of course. If you want to... that is. I mean I'm not saying im picture worthy but-" She said.    
   " Are you kidding me? My hands have been lazy for months." I said and dragged her to my room. I set up a new canvas and sharpened my charcoal pencil quickly while she gets ready too.           "So how should I pose. Do you want it to be close up? A whole body portrait? I have no idea really.. " she chuckles after trying a few poses.           "Would you mind lying on my bed?" I asked.               "Sure." She says and hops on my bed enthusiastically. I guided her arm for a better position when she asked me one surprising question.             "Have you thought about nude painting?"
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castingdirect · 3 years
IMMORAL PROFITS: Why Are Big Corporations Still Allowed To Profit From Rape Videos?
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This article isn't about ethical pornography, it's about rape and sexual abuse and big corporations that are allowed to profit from human misery A Canadian student says: 'I've not problem with consensual adults making porn. Who cares?' but the problem is that many people in pornographic videos, especially those on user submitted content generated video tubesites. Just after she turned 14, a man had enticed Jane* to engage in sexual play over Skype, and he recorded her, and posted a clip, along with her full name, on XVideos, one of the worlds most-visited pornography tubesites. Google searches helped direct people to this illegal footage of child sexual abuse. Jane had recounted how she begged XVideos to remove the clip, but instead, said the website hosted two more copies, so hundreds of thousands of people could leer at this most mortifying moment of her life, preserved forever as if set in amber. That happens all over the world: Women and girls, men and boys, are sexually assaulted or secretly filmed, and then a video is posted on major websites like XVideos that draws traffic through search engines, while the initial video assault may be brief, the attack on dignity becomes indeterminable. 'The shame I felt was embarrassing,' Jane had said. Mr Kristof wrote in December about Pornhub, a Montreal-based website that pioneered access to free porn uploaded by anyone - so called tubesites that are like YouTube but orientated to the adult market and selling nudity and sex. Since the article was written and published, credit card companies have stopped working with the tubesite, and the site has removed more than nine million videos in response, with the Canadian and US Governments cracking down on the company's practices. However this isn't isolated to one company. It was noted at the time, that exploitation is rooted not in a single company, but in an industry that operates with some impunity and punishing one corporation may simply benefit it's rivals, after all, remove a brick, it makes a building unstable, knock enough bricks, the wall comes tumbling down. That's what is happening here because when Pornhub deleted videos, millions of outraged customers flooded to it's nemesis, XVideos, which has even fewer scruples. A veteran European Pornographer called Pierre Woodman, said that while Pornhub has been damaged financially, XVideos see Mr Kristof as a 'Santa Claus In Newsprint'. That's not a comfortable feeling and it doesn't sit right, and we need to knock more bricks out of the wall, rein in the entire rogue industry, and for now, the behemoth that is XVideos, bolstered by Google, and other search engines. 'We are the biggest adult tube in the industry, with an average of two billion daily impressions worldwide,' boats XVideos, which SimilarWeb ranks as the seventh-most-visited website in the World. Two slots behind is a sister website with almost exactly the same content, XNXX.com, and each get more visitors than Yahoo, Amazon or Netflix. XVideos and XNXX appear to be owned by mysterious French Twins and based in a nondescript office building in Prague not far from Wenceslas Square. This building is the hub of a porn empire that gets six billion impressions a day and inflicts anguish all over the world, and raises an important question - Why do they get away with this? Heather Legarde, a young woman in Alberta, felt the world crashing down on her last August, when she had discovered that her ex-husband had posted intimate videos of her online, and she said that people around the world were gazing at her naked body. 'I'm all over the internet,' she said sadly; 'Not what I wanted to be famous for.' What's worse, in one video her former husband sexually assaulted her as she lay unconscious on the bed, which Legarde had no recollection of the assault and no idea how the video was made, apart from a clue in the tag: 'Sleeping Pills.' Some 200,000 people had watched her being assaulted while she was drugged and unconscious, so on that day in August, mortified and dizzied by the betrayal, Legarde prepared to tie a noose. 'I was standing in my garage under a beam, holding a rope,' she recalled. But finally, she changed her mind: 'I said to myself, "If this is your solution, he'll do this to someone else tomorrow".' So Legarde resolved to own her story and fight back: 'So it doesn't have to happen to other girls.' That's why she agreed to be quoted by name in the Times column, but her path through the life is now paved with daily humiliations, she regularly finds herself searching for her naked videos and begs websites, sometimes successfully, to remove the ones she finds. 'How do you get your head around 200,000 guys masturbating as you're being assaulted?' she mused. A great majority of videos on XVideos and other tubesites are not of children or of unconscious women, most of the bodies are writing by choice. But it's easy to find videos where the posting or the activity wasn't consensual. A major study published by the British Journal of Criminology this year found that one in eight videos on three major tubesites - XVideos, Pornhub and XHamster - depicted sexual violence or nonconsensual conduct. Some show intoxicated or unconscious women or girls being raped, while others are from spy cams in locker rooms or breach changing rooms and show unsuspecting women or girls, (and, less often, men and boys), undressing or showering. Racist epithets and humiliation are on display; as are misogynistic videos of supposed feminists being degraded and tortured, and many of the videos depict rapists, real or fake, forcing sex on children or adults who are trying to fight back. One on XVideos was captioned with a girl's protest: 'This is not right, Daddy, stop, please.' XVideos guides viewers to videos that purport to show children: Search for 'young,' and it helpfully suggests also searching for 'tiny,' 'girl,' 'boy,' 'juvencita,' and 'youth porn.' Many of those on the screen will be young-looking adults, but some will be minors whose lives have been badly damaged. 'I think about suicide,' a Thai girl called Jenny* said, and she explained that when she was in eighth grade, a man reached out to her on Facebook and suggested that she could make money form modelling, and he advised her to send videos of herself, including naked videos to give a sense of her body; these would be kept strictly confidential, she was assured. Jenny sent him the videos, but she was never paid as promised, and said she forgot about the whole episode - until a friend had alerted her that her naked videos were on XVideos, Pornhub and at least one other site. 'I just wanted to die,' Jenny said: 'I didn't want my parents to know.' Jenny is smart and well educated, and is a beautiful singer, and she had hoped to become a music star in Thailand: 'I don't think that's possible now,' she stated: 'My dreams are going to end because I have naked pictures on the internet.' The Hug Project, a nonprofit in Thailand that works with trafficking victims, got XVideos to remove Jenny's videos, but Jenny quit school because she couldn't handle the humiliation and every day she gets messages from strange men, sometimes with photos of their genitals. Jenny is furious with herself for sending the videos: 'I had the potential to do something great, but now I can't,' she said. She agreed to be quoted, despite her shame, because she wanted other kids to understand that in the internet age, some mistakes are forever. The abusers aren't limited to obscure pornographic websites either. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and other sites are all sprinkled with child sexual abuse imagery. One woman, Adrianna*, from Illinois, had been trafficked, and her pimp had posted naked video clips of her that had been sitting on Twitter for six years; she said Twitter had ignored her pleas to remove them. When asked to have them removed after the fact by a prominent Times writer though, and they were removed within hours. Not everyone has the opportunity to rely on Newspaper columnists to aid them though in order to get nonconsensual nudity removed, and it's not a scalable solution either. Meanwhile a web search of Adrianna were still on XVideos, despite her efforts to have them removed, and they had collectively been viewed more than 100,000 times. 'The trafficking was one thing,' Adrianna had said: 'But I feel I'm being exploited all over again.' Google is a pillar of the sleazy ecosystem, for roughly half the traffic reaching XVideos and XNXX appears to come from Google searches: 'The porn tube sites are obsessed with their Google rankings because Google is their lifeline,' said Laila Mickelwait, the president of the Justice Defense Fund, which fights against online sexual exploitation. 'Google is the primary means by which they drive traffic to their sites.' A recent search with the words 'rape unconscious girl' using Google's video tab directed people to scores of videos celebrating just that, including one in which a woman first appears to be strangled to death (presumably acting) and then her 'corpse' was violated. A google search subsequently done for 'Schoolgirl Sex' turned up video results of teenagers having sex of all kinds (on a bus, with a 'stepbrother,' etc.) on XVideos and XNXX, with most of the people in the videos possibly over 18, but no way to be verifiably sure. The Times reached out to Google to help them understand its reasons for complicity with companies that monetize from child sexual abuse, but there were no satisfactory responses. Google has it's limits though, and when the Times reporter tried to search 'How do I poison my husband,' the results were literacy or humorous, not how-to instructions. The top responses to 'How Do I Commit Suicide' were for a suicide hotline. So Goole can demonstrate responsibility, it can demonstrate and remove toxic moral materials, so why not rape videos? XVideos and XNXX appear to be owned by the twins Stéphane and Malorie Deborah Pacaud (sometimes rendered as Deborah Malorie Pacaud). The Pacauds, 42, avoid the media and didn't respond to any inquiries, but others in the industry said that Stéphane Pacaud began the business in about 2001 by copying images from pornographic magazines and putting them on a simple website that became XNXX. Fabian Thylmann, who helped build what became the Pornhub empire before selling it, described Stéphane Pacaud as a loaner who devoted himself to his websites and other solitary pursuits. 'Even when in Vegas for conventions, he was often just in his hotel room working,' Thylmann said in 2012, and when he offered to buy XVideos for $120 million, but Pacaud cut off the discussion and said he had to get back to playing a video game. 'I'm too busy,' Pacaud had said, as Thylmann remembers the conversation: 'I've no time to discuss this now. I'm playing Diablo II.' The Pacauds' empire became WGCZ Holdings, a company that appears to have been recently renamed to WebGroup Czech Republic. It controls at least 60 companies worldwide, including some in the United States. Many of us were inspired by Czechoslovakia's Velvet Revolution in 1989: Is it too much to ask that the heirs of that revolution not inflict rape videos on the World? The Czech police and prosecutors say that they are investigating XVideos and tis affiliated sites, and the Czech press is publishing exposés about WebGroup's practices. Under pressure, XVideos has removed some paedophile search terms over the past few months, but the clean-up doesn't go that far, with a search for 'twelve' on XVideos suggesting 'related searches' of 'training bra,' '7th grader,' and 'elementary,' according to the Times. So what can be done and how can it be done, how long will it take, and will it be effective? A starting point is going to be to recognize that the issue is not pornography or the pornography industry at all. The issue is about child exploitation, and how we can be sex positive, and exploitation negative. It's a fair objection that cracking down on illegal pornography is sometimes a game of whack-a-mike, but while oversight won't eliminate problems of the internet, it can vastly help reduce them. Copyright protection is a priority for U.S. Government, so mainstream porn companies mostly have learned not to steal content; when they do, they get sued and lose. If the United States and other Group of 7 Countries cared as much about abused children as about video piracy, maybe it can make XVideos equally vigilant about rape videos. While there are no simple solutions, there are three steps that could help. First, PayPal and Credit Card Companies should stop working with ALL companies that promote illegal videos and not just single out Pornhub. PayPal in particular props up XVideos because it used to pay for ads, Mastercard took the important step of announcing that porn websites can only carry on accepting payments if they verify age and consent of each person in sex videos; other card companies could follow suit, and should follow suit. Second, search engines should stop leading people to rape videos and stop directing people from the likes of Google, Bing and Yahoo to websites with a long record of distributing them. Third, we should create accountability in criminal and civil law, for that's the best way to incentivize companies to clean up their act. In March a girl who was trafficked at 14 and forced to appear in sexual videos filed a lawsuit against XVideos, but such a suit faces difficulties under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Bipartisan legislation before the House and the Senate would make these suits easier to pursue, which could be a gamechanger by harnessing capitalism to induce better corporate behaviour. 'There's always some enterprising lawyer waiting to pounce,' said Marc Randazza, a lawyer who has represented XVideos and also victims of nonconsensual porn: 'If you put civil remedies in, you would have a platoon of lawyers fighting to help you if you were a victim of nonconsensual porn.' Facing this privatized accountability, companies like XVideos would themselves rush to remove nonconsensual imagery, and we would have aligned the interests of porn king pins and their 14-year-old victims. Some worry that a crackdown would financially harm sex workers who sell videos of themselves, but these three steps would not kill that porn industry, or the porn industry in general. People in the adult content industry say that companies like XVideos have a perfectly good business model with just consensual adult content. Without accountability, corporations are tempted to avert their eyes, the most exploitative companies profit the most, and this creates a race to the bottom. The cost is borne by the unsuspecting children and adults who often didn't know their content is there in the first place. A 16-year-old girl in Perth, Australia, a good student and popular in school, took a naked photo of herself while standing in front of a bathroom mirror, and she sent it via Snapchat, so that it would automatically disappear in seconds, to her 17-year-old boyfriend, with the words: 'I love you. I trust you.' The boyfriend took a screenshot before it disappeared and shared it with five of his friends who in turn shared it with 47 of their friends, and within a few days, more than 200 people in the school had a copy. Someone uploaded it to a porn site and named the girl and her school; over three months, and with the help of online searches directing people to the site, the photo was downloaded 7,000 times. The family moved to a different city, but students there found the image as well, so the family fled to a different state in Australia. Paul Litherland, a former Australian police officer who worked on the case, said that the photo was posted on porn websites all over the world, and she felt she could never escape. She refused to attend school, and she self-medicated with drugs. Then at the age of 21, she took her own life. These are the stakes in which people are gambling with every day. There is more than financial and monetary gain at stake - lives are at stake! *Names changed to protect identities of victims. Read the full article
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jamesholden · 7 years
a place to call home
I started this a while back for Alex Kamal Appreciation Week and kind of lost inspiration. But I found it in my feelings about Persepolis Rising and just freaking banged out the ending. I really wanted to have Alex reflect on what had happened between him and Holden, and how he sees their little family with his own past behind him (no matter how much I want to pretend it doesn't exist like he does in the show). I hope I did him justice.
This is for @nourgelitnius​, who is an amazing friend and deserves all the happiness and Alex she can possibly have.
Please leave a review on ao3 if you can. Enjoy! Thanks for reading!
The Roci is quiet again. The monster is gone. The list of necessary repairs—lengthy and painful—is together. Alex sighs as the coffee machine hisses, scooping up his fresh bulb.
He thumps Amos’s good shoulder as he passes the table. Amos grunts, but doesn’t look up from his terminal. Focused on figuring out what he can repair himself. Naomi nearly bumps into him in some kind of rush. She gives him a weak smile as she ducks past him. Away from the medbay, towards her cabin. Not Holden’s. He doesn’t ask. As he passes the medbay himself, he catches sight of Holden still sat there, letting his leg set. He’s rubbing at his eyes, holding tight to the arm of the chair. Alex pauses at the door. Holden doesn’t look up. Alex continues on. He doesn’t see Prax. The good doc is probably holed up in his own cabin. It’s not quite normal, but preferable to the day they’d had leading up to it.
Alex steps up into the almost-as-quiet Ops deck. He sips at his coffee, bitter and strong. He ain’t sleeping any time soon. He doesn’t think any of them are. They’d almost lost Naomi and Amos on the Somnambulist. Then they’d almost lost Holden. On the Roci for Christ’s sake. Part of him wants them all in one room, right here with him. Wants to be able to see them and make them laugh and know they’re okay. Kept busy with work so their minds don’t wander. But they need to decompress, and so does he.
So instead, he sits with his number one gal.
“Hey, honey,” Alex drawls. “Sorry I made you wait so long.”
He climbs up to the pilot’s chair, flops down with a sigh. He can’t sleep, but at least he can relax. He settles in, taking another long draw from his bulb as he studies the screen above him. The camera is still set to the cargo bay, though Holden’s helmet cam is dark. The torn-open doors show off the dark void they’re meant to protect the crew from. The crate that had pinned Holden to the wall is off camera, but Alex still can’t help looking for it. He sighs.
“You almost lost your CO today, you know.” He blinks up at the bulkhead above him. There’s no response. He tsks, looks back down. “I mean, of course you know. You were watching his vitals for us. Still. Was that close.”
Alex listens to the beeps and hums of the ship around him. A small symphony just for him. He lives for moments like this: just him and the ship. The Roci is the best of them, but he’s always looked forward to time alone with all of the ships that came before. They’re almost like some large creature; the way they hum and shift around him feels like breathing. Living. It’s what makes her too easy for him to talk to. That and, the fact that there are no arguments.
“I was so
” He huffs, gulps at his coffee. Looking for words. “I was so pissed at him earlier. You know?” Alex runs a hand through his hair. “He was
 he was gonna let Amos
 let Naomi die. Just like that. Because he had to stop that
 that thing. I mean what the hell, right? What was he thinking?”
True to form, the Roci doesn’t answer. She never answers. Not really. Alex breathes in the silence. Imagines what she might say.
“Nah, I get that. I said something, he snapped out of it. I knew he would, I mean Holden’s not as big an asshole as he seems.” The Roci beeps. Alex shrugs. “Most of the time. But
 for a moment
 it seemed like he really
 like he was going to really do it. Keep going. Let them die.”
Alex lets the words linger on his lips and in the air. With everything that’s happened
 it doesn’t feel like just over a day ago. It feels like weeks. Only the vivid memory of his heart hammering in his chest as he talked down a red-lit Holden, as determined as Alex had ever seen him, from the edge of the abyss. A place the man would never come back from had Alex not succeeded.
Alex sighs, rubs at his eyes. “He’d have never forgiven himself. Not once he’d snapped out of
 whatever it is he’s got goin’ on.” He starts to lift his bulb to his lips before the thought strikes him. “And I’d never forgive myself if I let him do it.”
The Roci says nothing. Not even a beep. The observation needs no agreement. Really, it should have been more obvious. It had only partially been about saving Holden’s soul. When it comes down to it, really, deep down, it was about his own soul.
Each one of them had come off of Eros scarred. At first, it had been just Naomi who had been haunted by the ones they couldn’t save. Haunted by that little girl she’d been forced to leave behind. But as Alex spent more and more time with the Belters they managed to get off Eros (at the time an unlucky draw based on one sick captain, one XO caring for him, and one disconnected mechanic in his own world leaving him the only one capable of taking on such a task), he realized that Naomi was right to be hurt. To be angry. They should have saved more.
And then they lost the breaching pod in the assault on Thoth.
It would be the last time Alex would lose anyone, if he had a say in it. So he made his voice heard when Holden let his anger blind him to what it would cost him. Refused to back down. Let his determination to save everyone he can battle it out with Holden’s determination to rid the system of the Protomolecule. His determination beat Holden’s fear.
He’d be more proud of himself if he didn’t understand Holden’s position. But Amos and Naomi are alive. Melissa is alive. The refugees. Holden and Prax. Alex.
All because he stood up to Holden. He deserves to be proud.
Alex sips at his coffee, trying to remember a time when he cared far less about any of these people, his crew. His family. He tries to remember what life was like when his world was piloting an ice freighter: arguing with Ade and Byers about how long a run could take on various speeds regardless of their navigating and backseat driving; testing how long it took to get McDowell of his back by throwing every Martian colloquialism into as many sentences as he could; going back and forth with Paj on how Mars’ advanced technology could beat any Belter spare parts; bothering Shed for as many painkillers as he could get. As much as he misses them, and feels a slight stab when he thinks of them, he never once considered them family. He especially never considered Holden, Naomi, and Amos as anything more than a babysitter thought of their charges. Workers come and go. They were replaceable. Even him. Until the Cant got nuked anyway. Hell, even after.
It wasn’t until the Donnager, until the Scopuli, until Eros, that Alex realized that yes: this is his family now. Irreplaceable. Amos, with his deadpan, off-color humor, an uncanny ability to read anyone, quick to what he sees as necessary violence. Naomi, with her Belter realism, her technological genius, her tenderness and care that can fast turn to brutal honesty when pushed. And Holden with his tilting at windmills, his dimming optimism and transparency, his unhealthy coffee addiction, and a loyalty to his crew that nothing, not even his weight in gold, could break.
That’s how Alex had won him over. His loyalty to their little broken crew. Our family needs us. Something in Holden’s eyes told Alex that he would never turn his back on family. Maybe one day he’d tell him the story why. He hums.
“He figured it out though, didn’t he hon?” Alex snorts a laugh, looks up at the ceiling. “And he got what he wanted anyway. Almost died in the process
 isn’t what I wanted. But he’s here. So’s Naomi and Amos.” Something on the Ops deck below whirs. “Plus one, yeah. The good doctor. Saved Holden for us. Kept our family whole.” He taps the side of his mug, watching the screen before him as it showed them on their present course to nowhere.
“Wouldn’t mind if he joined us, really. But we’re gonna save his kid. No smart man brings his kid on a gunship. Besides, Ganymede will need every doctor it’s got to recover. Botanist or no. It’s a nice thought, though.”
The Roci makes a sound one might think of as mournful. If that “one” was one Alex Kamal. He doesn’t blame her. He’s gotten used to having Prax around. Taking him home wouldn’t hurt quite as badly as losing anyone from his crew. But it would sting.
Alex closes his eyes, lets himself sink into his crash couch. He could fall asleep here, surrounded by the hums and beeps and whirs of his gunship. There’s no regs, no pilot shift changes to keep him from doing so, not like when he was in the Navy. He’s free to enjoy himself in the one place he feels truly comfortable. There’s nothing but him and his ship. The moments tick by.
The distant sounds of doors opening and closing join the mechanical hums of the Roci. He pictures Holden headed back to his quarters alone, aided by the float rather Naomi. For whatever reason. More doors. Magboots in the halls. He can envision Amos slipping into the galley to dip into their alcohol stash one last time. Or Prax, exploring now that he’s trusted enough to be left to his own devices. Maybe Naomi, walking towards Holden’s closed door, hovering outside and willing it to open. The music of a ship on night shift can create all kinds of stories. He’s always loved it.
Nothing makes it better than knowing it’s the story of his new family. Only time will tell where it will go from here.
When he opens his eyes again, he sees the corner of a photo, peeking out from behind his station. A weight starts to settle in his stomach. His wife. Their son. He had had a family that relied on him. Loved him. He’d already failed them. They don’t even know he’s alive, a fact he’s been more than reminded of by everyone who knows. Maybe they’d find out, with Holden’s messages to Earth while chasing Eros, or his broadcasted threat to both Navies. Maybe they’d find out. Reach out. Maybe not. Maybe they’ve moved on and found someone better. Someone more grounded. Someone who won’t fail them.
He won’t fail this family. He’ll do better. He has to. He closes his eyes again, takes a breath and the weight fades.
Alex lets himself drift to the sounds of home and the comfort of family, all his. All in his Rocinante.
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thetravelersjournal · 5 years
Gear Foxx- Chapter 12
Back From The Dead?
“When I asked to join the Freedom Fighters, I was expecting
“Something more exciting?” I offered.
“Something less dull,” Mina whined, slumping down against the metal underneath her feet.
“I don’t know. I wouldn't count sneaking onto Robotnik’s new turf as ‘dull’ per se,” I replied, diving my hand into a bag of chips.
“Yeah, but Sally just has us on guard duty. We could be fighting Eggman in there or... something,” she grumbled.
“Aw, come on. Guard duty isn’t that bad,” I said between bites, “Right Tails?”
Tails grunted in response, glancing up at the screen monitoring the rest of the team’s whereabouts for a moment before turning his head back to the plane magazine he was reading.
Freedom Fighting training was going reasonably well, enough to the point where Sally felt comfortable enough to bring us on a mission with the team. We had been led to a place called Megaopolis (which, from the looks of it, appeared to be a destroyed, abandoned New York City), where it was rumored Dr. Robotnik was trying to set up a base of operations. However, since Mina and I were still inexperienced, it was more of a ‘watch and learn’ kind of mission than anything else. Right now we were squatting down in an old, overturned taxi, faded grey from its prolonged time of disuse. It provided easy cover from dozens of the doctor’s Eye-cams that wandered the ancient Apple, but it was slowly wearing down on our nerves as the three of us were forced to sit and lie down while the rest of the team explored Robotnik’s new hideout.
Mina sighed before turning and staring at the screen, watching Sonic and the rests’ progress. I tilted my head back and stared at the ceiling, mulling over our training results in my mind. I was performing well above average during the regimens so far, and the only thing that seemed to give me any trouble was my cooperation skills. Antoine was particularly impressed when I managed to keep up with him during fencing practice, and had given me a sword for the purposes of training. The blade sat uncomfortably at my side, its hilt digging into my waist. I sat up a little more to relieve some pressure. I wasn’t really sure what I thought of my new friend just yet, but I’m sure I would get used to it. It was better than a gun, at any rate.
Mina was also doing fairly well. She seemed to struggle with making quick decisions and couldn’t figure out how to work a computer to save her life, but she was a great team player and got along with everyone easily. While I was a little more reserved, Mina was open and friendly, and easy to trust. I could tell that everyone thought she would make a great Freedom Fighter, but I don’t think they were too sure about me yet. I could tell they still had Station Square on their minds whenever they looked at me, so I just quietly sat back and tried to do the best I could. However, there was one other thing that Mina had trouble with- something that made me realize why she wanted to become a Freedom Fighter.
Every time Sonic came into the room, she would become astonishingly distracted. So far, whenever she had caught a glimpse of him during training sessions, she had run into a tree, gotten hit with the back of a sword by Antoine, tripped over her own feet, and-
“Ah!” Mina suddenly cried out as the screen in front of her lost its picture, turning to loud static.
“Huh? What happened?” Tails asked, putting away his reading material.
“I-I don’t know! I was trying to figure out how to zoom in, so I turned this dial and
“There isn’t a zoom feature. It’s just supposed to record the layout of Eggman’s base,” Tails said, crouching beside Mina as he started fumbling with dials.
I inwardly sighed. I had absentmindedly watched Mina mess around with the screen, knowing that she had been trying to get a closer look at Sonic.
Sally’s voice suddenly came over the intercom, “Is something going on over on your end?”
“Everything’s fine, we just lost video feed from the camera,” Tails replied, banging his fist against the machine.
“What? Did someone mess with the controls? I specifically asked that no one touch them!” Rotor’s voice rang from the background.
“That’s my fault,” I declared, scooching over, “I was bored and started twisting the knobs on the console while I was lost in thought.” Both Mina and Tails stared at me with looks of puzzlement for a moment, but before they could say anything Sally spoke her mind.
“Oh for
 one of the main points of this mission was to make a track record of all the twisting pathways in here
 Nicole, do you think you could run a survey of our path for a little while?”
“Affirmative, Princess,” an electronic voice rang on the other end.
“Tails, I want you to get the scanner back up and online as fast as possible.”
“Yes ma'am,” Tails saluted, only to quickly let his arm fall when he remembered Sally couldn’t see him.
“And Gear,” Sally continued, annoyance now ringing in her voice, “We’re going to have a discussion about this when we get back.” With that, Sally hung up, leaving the three of us in silence. Mina was the first to speak up.
“Gear, why did you do that? I was the one who goofed up!”
I just shrugged, not really sure myself. I had mostly just done it in the heat of the moment, not really thinking about the consequences of my choice. At this rate, I could get kicked out before I even joined the Freedom Fighters.
“Let’s not worry about that for right now. Gear, you think you could help me get this running again?” Tails pointed to the static-filled screen.
“Quicker than a certain someone we know!” I replied, leaning over the console. But before I could get to work on it, I was distracted by a soft, creamy aroma. The fragrance permeated through the musty air, cutting through floating mold spores and dancing gracefully with the wind.
“Huh? What’s wrong now?” Tails asked, observing my hesitation.
“You guys smell that?”
“Smell what? I don’t smell anything,” Mina replied.
“It smells similar to- I don’t know, citrus maybe? Some kind of fruit for sure; there’s something else too
Tails frowned, “Well, you’re the only one who brought food with us. Are you sure there’s-”
“Wait, I smell it now too! It smells like a sweet flower,” Mina declared. Tails looked around in annoyance before finally catching the scent on his snout.
“You’re right! It smells really fruity and
 maybe a little bit like-”
“Gunpowder!” I cried, shoving the two away from the console, “Hit the deck!”
A bullet simmered through the space where Tails’ head had been a second prior before loudly smashing into the computer beside us. Ear-splitting static now filled the air as I stuck my head out of the car and glanced around, searching for our attacker.
“Tails! Wake up, wake up!”
I looked back to see Mina softly slapping Tails’ sleeping face. A small bump was slowly becoming visible on his forehead.
 must have knocked him unconscious when I pushed them to the floor,” I thought. I heaved an exasperated breath of air before stepping out of our hiding place. Even when scanning my surroundings, nothing was out of the ordinary. Nothing except for that out of place smell

A small clomping noise was the only warning I got before the butt of a rifle cut through the air mercilessly, aimed at my head. I was barely able to spin and dodge the attack before having to avoid another directed at my knee. My attacker’s speed was incredible and gave me hardly any time to jump out of the way with each swipe of their weapon. But what was even more intriguing than the velocity of their stock was their appearance.
Rather than a robot bearing Robotnik’s insignia, a tan lynx with long, vibrant red hair was gaining ground as they unceasingly kept attacking me. A dark beak-like mask was attached to their face, obscuring their identity. A beige cloak was wrapped around their body, from which I could make out other hidden weapons attached to their side.
“Gear!” Mina cried, taking in the situation. She dashed toward us but tripped in her haste. Assuming she was initiating combat, the assassin turned away from me to face Mina, striking in the general direction she was in moments ago. Mina, on the other hand, had already hit the ground, knocking into their feet and causing them to fall over as well. I grabbed her arm, pulling her to her feet and away from our attacker.
“Thanks for the save,” I said, drawing my sword, “I needed a moment to breathe.”
“But who-?” Mina tried asking, but the lynx had already started their next attack, putting away their rifle in favor of a long baton with pointed edges. I pushed my friend away before hastily guarding, surprised by the raw strength my attacker was displaying. They pushed me back, rushing me once again with another swipe of their weapon. I dodged, parried, and blocked their attacks as well as I could. They still managed to graze me a few times, and I could now feel warm blood running down my arms. I was running out of steam, something my enemy fully planned on exploiting. They struck the ground at my feet, causing me to lose my balance. I looked up at their emotionless mask as they prepared to strike.
The wadded-up remains of my snack bag struck the back of their head, drawing away both their attention and mine. Mina stood a few feet from the both of us, knees shaking. I swiftly took advantage of the situation, kicking the lynx in the gut and jumping back to my feet. They followed the movement of my attack, backflipping a few times until they were a few feet away.
I took a few shallow breaths, trying to regain my composure. The creamy scent once again hit my snout, making me lose focus. I gripped the hilt of my blade a little tighter with my blood soaked gloves.
I had to think of a way of stopping their attacks long enough for the others to get here. It was obvious that our attacker was stronger, in experience and strength. While I had been in similar situations before, I was still unsure of how to confront said situations properly. If I could hold out until the rest of the Freedom Fighters got here

The problem was Mina. Based on her reactions to the entire fight so far, she was at a loss of what to do. I glanced over at her, noticing the slight fear in her eyes, the sweat dripping off her fur. She was doing well in ignoring her fear, at least enough to the point that she could stand up. But it wouldn’t be long before the lynx found the weak link in our small party.
I focused my eyes back towards them. An overwhelming urge inside me forced me forward, telling me that I had to protect Mina. If I couldn’t save her, then I had no right to call myself a Freedom Fighter in training.
My feet moved on their own accord, bringing me closer to the assassin as my pace went from a walk to a jog to a run. They guarded, preparing to deflect. I concentrated, once again imagining the flowing green energy that connected everything flying around me. I shifted my body through the void, moving a few feet behind them. The assassin hesitated, watching me vanish into thin air, before swirling around to face me, their baton cutting through the wind. I teleported again, quicker then they could turn, moving a foot off the ground to their front. I raised my knee and connected it with their large disturbing mask as they once again turned towards me. A sharp crack bounced off our ears, hitting nearby buildings. I hopped away, wary of a counterattack.
The lynx’s mask was practically split in two, desperately clinging onto their face with what little grip it had left. It was bent at a slight angle, hindering their ability to see. With a grunt of annoyance, they threw the guise off their face and to the ground.
“Wait, it’s a girl?” Mina exclaimed, pointing.
The lynx sighed, pulling off her cloak. Dark green eyes pierced mine, almost devoid of life. She was dressed in light combat gear, small knives and a few hand pistols attached to the side of her belt. She wove her hands through her hair, which had gotten tangled during our brawl. The stripes across her tan fur seemed to pulsate in anger, illuminating a thin scar on her right shoulder.
“And here I was thinking this would be easy,” she exhaled, throwing aside her baton and drawing one of her guns, “I should know better than to trust Sweeper on these things.” She held the pistol up, pointing it at Mina, “Move and I shoot.”
I stood my ground, glaring back at her. “What-,” I started to say.
“No talking either, it’s a waste of my time,” she interjected, “Now, you’re going to come with me quietly. Or not, my client never specified how ‘alive’ you needed to be when I bring you in.” Her face was all business, and I knew if I didn’t comply there would be consequences.
I was a little more worried about Mina than myself, so I slowly lowered my sword to the ground and silently walked over to the mercenary with hands held up to the sky. She smiled, knowing that she had won. What neither of us expected was Mina running towards the lynx at lightning speed, clocking her in the jaw. While pain didn’t register on her face, surprise did, and she dropped her gun out of shock.
“Based on her reaction, she thought Mina didn’t have it in her to fight back,” I thought as I started sprinting towards the two, “Guess we were both wrong.”
Mina fell back as I swiftly approached with fists raised. The lynx, now on her guard, reached for one of her knives, thrusting it at me. Much to her astonishment, I didn’t back off, and as the cool blade pierced my side I connected my knuckles with her abdomen, sending her to the ground.
“Are you okay?” Mina cried, rushing over. I grunted in pain as more blood left my body in larger quantities. I clutched my side, wary of the knife that was stabbing my insides. My eyes, however, were focused on the bounty hunter in front of us.
She was already getting up, albeit at a snail’s pace. She wiped away some saliva that had escaped the scowl on her face. She grunted as she rose back to her feet, her hands once again reaching for another weapon attached to her waist. A small beeping suddenly rang out, interrupting her, and the two of us watched as the lynx pressed the button of a small device on her ear.
“I’m in the middle of something,” she said.
“I’m well aware,” a tiny voice answered, “but we need to bring you back in. Now.”
“Is she using some kind of communicator?” I asked myself silently.
“Can’t I wrap this job up? I’m almost done here,” the mercenary angrily replied.
“Well, rather unfortunately, your client-”
“Who do you think she’s talking to?” Mina suddenly whispered to me. I shushed her, hoping to regain the conversation.
“-mands were too
 narrow sighted. I will reimburse you for your time, Kaitlyn, and I have another assignment for you, which I have emailed to your console. Leave the one named Gear Foxx alone- for now.”
For a moment, the lynx didn’t answer. A small groan echoed out of the taxi, breaking the silence. She sighed, muting her transmitter. She turned away from the two of us, picked up her things, and slowly walked away, taking that strong peachy scent with her.
“Shou- should we go after her?” Mina asked hesitantly.
“No. We’ve got other things to worry about right now,” I groaned. I gingerly walked over to her abandoned helmet, still creepy looking despite its condition. I picked up one of the two halves, rotating it around in my free hand, observing it. On closer inspection, it vaguely resembled a plague doctor’s mask. A small tag stuck out from the inside reading, “Property of Mx. Fruity and Co.”
“We’ll leave this mystery for another day,” I said, attempting to make my way back to the car. Pain spiked in my side, causing me to stumble. Mina caught me and laid me down on the ground. My vision blurred as I tried to make out the red splotches that kept appearing on the floor.
“Wait, you’re not walking in this condition! I’ll try to contact Sally.”
“Yeah, you- you do that
,” my voice managed to croak out just as the world started dimming around me.
“-The lacerations on his arms should heal given time- as for the wound to his stomach, it just missed any major organs, but he should get some rest for the next week at least. The time to fully recover will still take a while, but considering how fast those broken bones of his healed after what happened in Robotropolis, I’d give a complete recuperation time of a few months.”
“Thank you, Doctor Quack.”
I slowly realized I was lying down in a hospital bed, staring up blankly at the ceiling. I tilted my head to the right, peering over at Dr. Quack and Sally. They were slightly blurry, only coming into focus after I had blinked a few times. I noticed the throbbing in my gut was held back by a layer of fresh bandages covering my midsection. A clock on the wall counted off the seconds, amusing my eyes as they watched the hands slowly turn. I moved a little under the blanket covering me, noticing the comforting warmth that was washing over my cold, feeble body. Sally finished her conversation with Quack and entered the room before noticing I was awake.
“How are you feeling?” she asked, sitting at the end of the bed.
I turned my head back towards the ceiling letting out a soft moan. “Numb,” I declared simply, too tired to elaborate further.  Silence slowly crept into the room as I waited for Sally to reprimand me for my rash decisions.
“Mina told me about what happened.” I attempted to speak, but Sally cut me off, “Why did you lie?”
I eyes grew wide with alarm as I realized where I had been stabbed. “Did she see my brand when the doctor was performing surgery? Not to mention the doctor knows now too
,” I thought, my mouth quivering with terror. I forced myself to remain calm as I asked, “What do you mean?”
“I mean the console. Mina messed with it, so why did you say otherwise?” Sally was looking at me with a faraway gaze, as if it didn’t really matter what my answer was or not.
,” I paused, trying to find the words, while at the same time breathing a mental sigh of relief, “It was obvious who the better Freedom Fighter would be. Mina gets along with all of you so effortlessly, something I can’t do. She opens her heart to people, but I can’t. And
 I know you all trust her a lot more than you trust me. Maybe it’s because I keep to myself, or maybe it’s because of what happened in Station Square,” Sally frowned at this, but didn’t say anything, “but I figured Mina had a better chance of becoming a Freedom Fighter than I did.”
A long, quiet pause held back my breath as I waited for Sally’s answer. She continued staring at me as the clock slowly ticked away, filling the void in my eardrums.
She finally sighed and stood up, shaking her head. “If you want to be a Freedom Fighter, you need to have more confidence in yourself. Besides, Mina announced that she would quit training, starting today,” she declared.
I swiftly sat up, at the cost of sharp pain trying to dig its way out of my abdomen. I held the covers close to my chest as I cried out, “What? Why would she-?”
“I’m not sure, but it was her decision. You can ask her about it later.” She walked toward the door, before suddenly turning back around, “I wasn’t going to cast you out of the team for something as little as that, Gear. That’s the reason we have these training sessions- so you can improve on your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.”
She left the room, leaving me with nothing but my thoughts. I stared blankly at the sheets, clutching them tightly in my fists.
“Overcoming my weaknesses, huh?” I muttered.
Dr. Quack quietly entered the room, surprising me when he spoke suddenly, “Ah, our new problem child is awake. If you want to get on my good side, then you won’t leave that bed till I say otherwise.”
He proceeded to give me the same spiel that I overheard him and Sally discussing. Once he was finally done, I asked the question that had been bothering me for a while.
“Did anyone else see it?” I asked with a slight edge of malice in my voice.
“See wh- Oh, you mean that weird mark on your chest?” My eyes narrowed as my worst fears were confirmed, but only for a few seconds, as the Doc continued, “Yeah, no one saw it, except for me. You wanna tell me what that’s all about?”
“No,” I replied sharply, looking away, “And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone about it either.”
“Alright. Not like it’s my business anyway, so your secrets safe with me kid. If it bothers you, though, I can prescribe an ointment
“Thanks Doc,” I sighed, flopping back against my pillow. I stared at the ceiling for a few moments before realizing just how tired I was.
“Get some rest, kid. You’re gonna need it.” Dr. Quack walked out of the room, and I was once again by myself.
I yawned before closing my eyes. Darkness now covered the landscape as I drifted off to sleep, forgetting my troubles and the mysterious new enemy I had just faced.
Wow this only took forever.
Read the Beginning!- Prologue
Previous Chapter <—> Next Chapter(IDK)
Gear and Kaitlyn belong to me.
Kaitlyn created by iiTryano-Chan
Mina, Tails, Sally, and others belong to SEGA, Archie(?) or Ken Penders.
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