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planetmaven · 15 days ago
Super Late Valentines Day Gift Exchange!!!
I was honored with @drewtanakagf !! I haven’t written anything in a long time, but I too am growing on Calorn, so I decided to write a little something on them. :) Hope you like it.
CAL Calore had known Kilorn Warren since the beginning of middle school. Kilorn was loud, annoying, and always throwing paper balls across the room to his only friend, Mare Barrow. He remembered that in 8th grade for Valentine’s Day, Kilorn had prepared chocolates and flowers for Mare. Maven was helping Cal in English when he glanced out the window and noted the awkward interaction outside in the courtyard. Mare had a grimace on her face and denied his gift, saying something Cal couldn’t hear. Kilorn’s lips twisted to a frown before he grinned and pat Mare’s shoulder, ripping a rose from the small bouquet he held. He pushed the rose into her palm and walked off before Mare could say anything.
Cal remembered a few hours later, Kilorn sat outside the school building, flowers and chocolates still in hand. His legs were crossed and his head was leaning against the brick wall of the tall building. A leaf crunched beneath Cal’s foot, and Kilorn finally looked up.
They’d had interactions before. Once a group project they almost failed. Once yelling at each other in gym when Kilorn scored for the other team on accident. Cal was stupidly upset about that. Once when Kilorn accidentally smacked the back of Cal’s head with a paper ball in class. He was trying to hit Mare.
“Hey.” Cal found himself murmuring, awkwardly stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Hey.” Kilorn replied back. Cal pulled out his phone to see if Maven had finished putting his materials away. Their chauffeur should be on the way to pick them up soon. There were no messages yet.
“Rejected?” Cal blurted. Kilorn glared at him and Cal pressed his lips together. The two of them sat in that silence for what felt like hours, until Kilorn ripped open the chocolate box and popped the chocolates in his mouth. Cal glanced at his watch, wondering what was taking him so long.
“Why are you here?” Kilorn grumbled out. Cal blinked in surprise and looked down at Kilorn, still sitting on the floor with chocolates stuffed in his mouth. “Uh, Maven.” Cal replied. Kilorn only hummed in response, but his brows shifted slightly, bottom lip jutting out.
“Why are you here?” Cal echoed. Kilorn swallowed and looked up at Cal, smiling as if his heart didn’t just get turned away. “Rejected.” He replied. Cal fought a scoff. Or a smile. Or maybe both. “I…am sorry.” He said instead, trying not to make eye contact. Kilorn only shrugged, looking away from Cal. “I knew she didn’t feel the same. Mare has other ambitions.” He tugged at the grass beneath him and Cal pursed his lips. “And your ambitions are…?” Cal found himself asking. Kilorn sighed, “Dunno. Maybe I’ll try again next year.” Then, he glanced at Cal again, green eyes glistening under the late sun. “Did you have a valentine?” Kilorn asked him. Cal noted the dozens of letters and gifts in and out of his locker. He had ignored all of them. He wanted nothing but to practice his sport. To be the best and impress his golden child father who became Captain in high school. “I did not.” Cal replied, “I have other ambitions.”
Cal noticed Kilorn roll his eyes. “No one cares about love these days.”
Cal remembered that he thought Kilorn was strange for wanting love at their age. They were hardly fourteen, and Kilorn was already setting his eyes on marrying Mare and having a white picket fenced life. He remembered that right after Kilorn had said no one cared about love, Maven texted him. And Cal left Kilorn sitting there without another word.
When high school had started, Cal didn’t speak with Kilorn. It’s not like they got along anyway. Kilorn was more irritating now than he was back then. Never paying attention in class, interrupting the teacher, and bothering Mare until she couldn’t take it anymore. Cal always caught those two down by a lake where he passed on his evening runs. Kilorn’s laugh was as loud as it always was.
The two of them competed in sports too.
Kilorn was an excellent swimmer. It was the only thing Cal knew he was good at. The two often head-butted in the class. Always fighting for the top spot. Cal knew Kilorn hated Cal for being good at everything. For being good at the one thing Kilorn excelled at. They often got into small brawls in the locker room. Verbally fighting and snapping back and forth with comebacks. But after the first semester of sophomore year was over, they didn’t speak a singular time during the second semester.
Until junior year, when Maven joined the debate team and Kilorn tried out for football. Cal was on his way to being Captain, and he had to train Kilorn Warren of all people.
He wasn’t a terrible shot. Kilorn was a decent runner. He could throw alright. But he was never truly good like Cal was. Most games, Kilorn was benched. But when he was on the field, Cal did noticeably better. He remembered butting his helmet against Kilorn’s after scoring a final touchdown seconds before the timer ran out. The loud cheers of the people in the crowd. The sight of his brothers soft frown in between the other faces in the bleachers. Kilorn’s loud laugh, pat on the shoulder, and praise ran through Cal’s head the rest of the night. Even as they sat on the bus beside each other, Cal staring out the window and Kilorn cheering with the rest of the team, his skin buzzed.
They were on their way to a place to eat. Ptolemus turned around in his seat to face Cal and Kilorn. “You think the judges noticed you?” He asked, the same shit eating grin he always had on his face. Cal shrugged, “I think so.”
“Of course they did.” Kilorn scoffed from beside him, “Cal’s the best we have. If they didn’t notice him then…” He took a pause, glancing at Cal, and shyly turning his eyes away, “What was the point of them coming to watch?”
Cal’s eyes widened and his heart thumped against his ribs. He hadn’t realized Kilorn’s…admiration? If that’s what you could call it.
Cal knew from that night forward, he would never see the loud, paper ball throwing, not good at football, academic failing fish boy the same again.
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ball-of-butter · 2 years ago
tiberias vii calore is my fav straight ally. you see him just casually being the most supportive as he’s surrounded by the gayest bitchiest annoying ass mfs known to man. nearly married an actual lesbian in solidarity (and then settled for a bi queen)
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i was also gonna leave this in the tags but i thought it too important not to include
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drewtanakagf · 2 months ago
☆ every mlm ship i write has to have their convenience store fic apparently
As usual, he's the only one in the store. Three aisles of snacks and stuff are in front of him, the back wall lined with refrigerators. His counter is grimy no matter how many times he wipes it down. Today, he's got a carved, anchor-shaped paperweight sitting on it; “TRUE MARINER” painted on the grey rock.
Teen & Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, Cal/Kilorn
Words: 2,772
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dzaaaamn · 4 years ago
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Kilorn lmaoooo
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kilornwarren · 4 years ago
Cal: Mare if you're reading this-
Cal: wait, can Mare read?
Cal: Shade if you're reading this to Mare-
Cal: can Shade read?
Cal: Kilorn if you're-
Cal: no Kilorn definitely can't read
Cal: Farley if you're reading this
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rossispastababy · 4 years ago
Cal: Sometimes i drink milk straight out from the container
Kilorn: The cow!?
Cal: what??
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demigodtrash-butmakeitgay · 5 years ago
War Storm: A summary
Kilorn: Hey Calore if you’re “hotter than me”-
Cal *hands ablaze*: I am, and proud.
Kilorn: M’kay but does that make me cooler than you?
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lucy-the-cat · 1 month ago
Valentine's Day Gift - Solar Eclipse (1k word start)
I've accepted this is too complex for me to finish at the moment, but here, excerpt of @planetmaven's gift, @nortaeventcouncil
Prompt: Wants: maven! evangeline! mare! pretty much anyone but those are my top 3 characters. as for ships go...platonic/romantic!mareven (either one), calorn (cal & kilorn) childhood! maven and cal, modern aus are super welcome, aus in general <3 ... ICKS: don't really have any. I'm just excited for someone's creativity to come through for this one :)
Burner King of Ciron!Maven x Shadow!Mare as the Sun's Voice
Meet me at midnight.
Mare shivered in the moonlight, the cursed sister of the sun.  She knew well the tales of their war, the soldiers among stars that died by the minute.  The sun had to win.  Had to fight to rise again come morning.  It was why she’d been chosen, why she’d been blessed, why light bent at her fingertips against all odds.
It caught in her hair, shimmering, a glow all her own.  Mare closed her eyes, smoothing out the imperfections of her face.  It wouldn’t do to meet the king with them intact, even if he’d seen her at her weakest.  The thought made her cheeks burn.
She would never let him see it.
Her holy robes were packed away, the gold silk and red sheen that marked her as the Sun’s Voice.  The king’s equal, the shadow to his flame, a lover forbidden to the bone.  It didn’t stop her from fantasizing.
She swallowed, halting at his door.  The question tingled her lips, scandalous and raw.  She couldn’t deny her feelings anymore.  Couldn’t deny the truth pulling her along.
“Maven.”  Her hand traced the doorframe.  “Are you up?”
The rustle of sheets and footsteps greeted her, then his face.  “Of course.”  He smiled.  “You know I’m never asleep.”
Her lips tugged.  “Except when I’m with you.”
He stepped aside.  “Come in.”
Mare glided across the carpet with a practiced grace.  There were no windweavers to flutter her nightgown, but she made do, accentuating the shimmer of the silk and lace.  If she laid on the bed, would it be too obvious?
“Mare.”  He stared her in the eye.  “What brings you here, at this time of night?”
“I missed you.”  She settled against the sheets.  “The real you.”
His eyes studied her, impossibly blue, so unlike the previous burner kings.  The whisper of his long dead mother, a fearsome woman that never failed to make her shiver.  But Elara couldn’t hurt her.  Not anymore
“I missed me too.”  He ran a hand along her arm.  “It’s exhausting, wearing that smile.”
She leaned closer, reveling in the softness of his fingers.  “You have to.”
“Not for you.”  Maven withdrew, gaze softening.  “But it comes more easily.”
Mare let the room darken, brightening the light grazing off her jeweled pendant.  It was the only gem she’d brought, a burning crimson with a hint of orange.  The color of passion.  The color of sacrifice.  The color of the flames he always bid to burn.
His eyes fixed on it, and she shivered.  Oh, for him to take it off.  For his hands to graze her neck as it lifted from her breast, an unbecoming sigh he could mistake for a moan.  For his fingers to mold themselves to her neck before she lunged, pinning him beneath her as she bit the supple skin of his throat.
Mare toyed with the hem of her nightgown, a gentle smile as his gaze wandered down her leg.  “I can make it easier.”  Her fingers stroked her thigh, and his breath hitched.  “So, so much easier.”
He strode closer.  “What do you want, Mare?” 
Her hand slid up her body, bold and brazen.  She leaned towards him.  “Will you kiss me?”
A beat passed, thick with hesitation, and she was tempted to call him a coward.  To inflame his pride until he bed her anyway.  But his palm inched over hers, trembling.  “You know what this means.”
She gazed into his eyes.  “I do.”
“The sun won’t forgive us.”  He raked a hand through his hair.  “Everyone knows we must stay apart.”
Her eyes burned.  “Maybe the sun is wrong.”
It was heresy.  He could have her disrobed for the insinuation.  But something in her wondered if Maven truly believed.  If he cared more for the earth than the heavens above.
Maven’s fingers trailed up her spine, hesitant.  “We can’t risk it.”
She sighed, drawing back.  “Yeah.”  Her fingers curled in the sheets, their touch thwarted by forces beyond their control.  “I guess we can’t.”
Wordless, he tied up her hair, brushing the nape of her neck.  “Try to sleep.”  His voice trickled against her like water on stone.  “Don’t let the moon possess you.”
“Right.”  Her gaze fell to the window, to the stars winking down at her as if they knew her fate.  Ludicrous.  Only the sun could see the future.
Only the sun could save her now.
Meet me at midnight.
Elane wove starlight between her fingers as she stared at the portrait, at Mare’s holy robes glimmering with strength and power.  At the faint brushstrokes of the stars behind her, at the face obscured by the king’s smoke, at the remote glint of a smile peeking through.  She hadn’t sat down for it.  That was clear enough.  The Mare she knew would never have smiled like that.  Elane squinted at it, trying to see her face in Mare’s.  She had been so close to being chosen.  So close to truly basking in the sun’s light.
She sighed.  It wasn’t that Mare didn’t deserve to be chosen.  She’d trained with her since birth, after all, two shadows chasing each other in the darkness, but there was always that lingering unease.  The knowledge that only one would be chosen no matter their skill, no matter their oaths, no matter how strongly they clutched each other’s hand.  The council had found Mare’s light stronger.
And Eve had never forgiven them for it.
Elane tucked her black robes around herself, her crimson hair fluttering in the breeze.  The windweavers were never around at night, but she still longed for them, for the gold silk and red sheen she’d been so close to grasping.  No matter.  She could live with second.
“Eve?”  She knocked on the door, the polished wood carved with the Samos crest.  “Eve, what’s wron–”
The door creaked open, a shoe inching through the darkness.  Light caught on the silver of her impeccable braid, dusted gold and dotted with stars.  Evangeline looked Elane in the eye.  “Come.”  She took her hand, pulling her into her arms.  “It’s time to put things right.”
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basileafpitch · 4 years ago
its the spending my reread noting every interaction cal and kilorn have for me
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wallyeetwest · 4 years ago
it’s late and i’m shitting myself bc kilorn and kristoff give the same vibe which we already knew but imagining kilorn sing lost in the woods is getting me sjdjchsjxnsmwkskzka
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kilornwarren · 4 years ago
Kilorn: come on, let's all hug it out
Scarlet gaurd: *group hug*
Cal: who stole my wallet
Mare: sorry
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rossispastababy · 4 years ago
[Eating lizard while stuck in the woods]
Cal: *takes a bite* It-
Kilorn: no no no, do not tell me it tastes like chicken
Cal: No, Kilorn. It's lizard. It tastes like lizard
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evangelineartemiasamos · 6 years ago
Cal, Rafe, Mare and Shade.The latter is referring to a Calorn fic I wrote two years ago where Kilorn had a unrequited crush on Shade instead of Mare ;-) Rafe and Kilorn was a thing in my alternate WS fic. Wish that one was true …
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lucy-the-cat · 4 years ago
Lover's Curse Chapter Twenty Seven - Small Worlds
Barrow’s outdone herself. She managed to piss off Maven, the Scarlet Guard, Cal, Montfort, Anabel, Piedmont, Julian, the Rift, and the Lakelands in one fell swoop. It’s a miracle no one’s skewered her.
A year ago, I would’ve included myself on that list.
How times change.
The bracelet lies on the table, dull with misuse. Figures. Barrow wouldn’t know how to treat such finery. Some ugly yellow-white slivers peek between the strands, as if she’d dunked it in a barrel of chicken fat. How did she manage to destroy it so thoroughly?
Unless . . .
The strands unwind with a flick of my wrist, shifting and straightening until paper tumbles from the center, so thin it might crumble to dust if gripped too hard. One. Two. Three. Four.
Dear Cal,
Mare goes on to explain herself, what she’s learned of Maven and his mind, the cracks she’s dug into. I hope you’ll forgive me. I know I’ve been sending mixed signals, but I’ve had to be careful not to cause suspicion. Please move on.
I’m not worth it.
I set it aside, moving on to the next. Dear Farley,
Sketches of palace tunnels tumble from my fingers, lists of inscrutable numbers and copied slips of conversations. Her explanation is brief. The information is all the proof she needs.
Two letters remain. To her family, she cushions her captivity with reassurances and questions, all trivial and meaningless, gentle details to distract from her pain. I’m not in danger. I promise.
I love you.
I unfold the last letter, trembling. There’s only one person it could be addressed to.
I hope this reaches you in a good mood. All the letters are addressed to their recipients, though I’ve no doubt you’ve read them anyway. I’ve hidden some insults within them for you should you snoop, which would serve you right.
I can’t force you to deliver them. No one can force Evangeline Samos, not unless they’re prepared to lose several limbs. I volunteer Maven’s. I’m sure he won’t mind.
But you should know that if you asked me to deliver letters to Elane, Wren, or, perish, Ptolemus, I would. Our positions are not that different, though I would scarce call them the same. Cal is a fraction the monster Maven is, and I am capable of loving Maven, however mangled. If you marry him, let it be your decision. Not your parents’.
We have so few in life.
The letter clatters to the floor, fingers twitching. Barrow. Can’t mind her own business. Has to make everything about her and her boy toys.
My eyes water. What is wrong with me? A Samos does not cry. Especially from the words of a glorified rat.
No matter how true they are.
I tuck the letters into my pocket. I’m not her errand girl. I’m not chasing anyone down. But if any of them happen to cross my path, I won’t withhold them.
“I know you’re there,” I whisper. My beautiful shadow. She wouldn’t disturb me unless I asked her to, and I long for a disturbance more than anything else.
Elane materializes on my bed, skin aglow. Her eyes are trained on the floor, hair tumbling in a ruby waterfall onto her chest. “She returned it.”
I repair the bracelet and hand it to her. “Not much of a gift. It always belonged to you. It’s why I made it.”
“Hmm.” She slips beside me. “So many messages.”
“None of them worthwhile. I ought to throw them out,” I scoff. “She doesn’t know me.”
“I do.” Elane drapes her arms around my neck. “She makes a point.”
No. “It’s treason. We can’t abandon our legacies for small dreams. It’s not possible.”
“Small.” Her voice breaks.
“I didn’t mean it like that.” I grasp her hand, sniffling. “You’re my world. But it would be selfish to claim my world as the only one that matters.”
“It has to matter to someone. We know they’ll squeeze the life out of us until our eyes grow dull, and then squeeze some more. They don’t care about us. They never have.”
I can’t look at her. I’ll break.
A knock at the door, impatient and demanding. I asked no one disturb me. Either they’ve no sense, or someone wishes them an ill fate. “Get lost.”
Another knock.
“Leave, or I’ll skewer you.”
“Go ahead. Good luck explaining to Cal.”
It’s that red boy that insists on tagging along everywhere, spewing his opinion uninvited. What business he has with me, it can’t be worthwhile. “You assume he cares. Don’t waste my time.”
“Do you want the letter or not?”
I lean against the doorway. “Why you?”
“Must have been the only one brave enough.” He rolls his eyes. “Are you just going to stand here? Believe it or not, I’m not dying to wait on an overstuffed pincushion.”
I snatch the envelope from his hands, a familiar crest peaking between my fingers. Montfort. What could they want from me?
“Now if you’ll excuse me--” My hand snags his. “What now?”
“You knew her, right?” I fumble for the letters, shoving them in his arms. “You can send these where she wants?”
It takes a second to click. “Mare?”
“Yes.” I tap my foot. “I’m not her errand girl.”
“Neither am I.” He clutches them as if they might disappear. “How?”
“I’m not giving a play-by-play.”
“Never mind.” He stuffs them in his pocket. “Thanks, I guess.”
I sniff. “You’re doing me a favor.”
“If you say so.” Kilorn steps backwards, hesitating. “Though if you wanna pay it back, you should take Montfort’s offer.”
My nose wrinkles. “What does that mean?”
“None of your business.”
I slam the door in his face.
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basileafpitch · 6 years ago
Cal: I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. A guy asked me what the Spanish word for tortilla was once and now I dream of kissing him under the moonlight.
Kilorn: What kind of animal is the pink panther?
Cal, already taking his clothes off: Kilorn you’re so fucking stupid
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Kilorn: *laying his head on Cal’s lap* Tell me I’m pretty.
Cal: *stroking Kilorn’s head* You’re pretty annoying that’s what you are.
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