#calliope talksprite
toxicaltomb · 7 months
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og sprite from fefsprites! edited it to make other expressions.
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blaperile · 1 day
Homestuck: Beyond Canon (reactions page 666 - “Davepeta feather” path)
Ok, finally got around to writing a reaction to this update
I was very surprised to see Vriska was not in this update!
It's funny, because beforehand when looking at all the images for the different chapters, this was the one that seemed the most obvious, showing Davepeta's feather and implying another conversation between Vriska and Davepeta.
After the previous update, I was convinced it would be about Davepeta trying to help Vriska move on from the traumatic Doc Scratch conversation.
Instead, we get a surprise Jasprose appearance!
Again, I'm very happy about all the new talksprites we got in this update :D
And FINALLY we get an update addressing the bonus stories the old creative team made! I'm actually surprised it's in this way though, I thought that perhaps they would first integrate all the old bonus panels into the main comic, but apparently not.
On the other hand, the things Jasprose said here only briefly touched upon the events of the Catnappped bonus story, so perhaps when it properly focuses on them again there will first be the old panels (maybe a URL link, kind of like the old Homestuck days with some panels about the Exiles being on a separate page linked from a normal panel?).
Anyway, only after a while I realized something quite sad: this is only the first time in the entirety of Homestuck^2 that we see (a version of) Dave and Rose interacting. Because with the events of the Epilogues, both the Meat and Candy versions of Dave and Rose got entirely separated from each other.
And even now, Davepeta and Jasprose are in totally separate realities, only managing to talk to each other via sprite magic.
If you start thinking even harder about it, Jasprose is technically from the Meat timeline while Davepeta originates from neither seeing as they weren't on Earth when the timeline split happened.
Though I guess you could wonder, IS there a Candy Jasprose? What if she was also outside of the normal reality when the timeline split and there really is only one version of her as well? Then the same thing could be true about Gcatavrosprite, Erisolsprite (wherever the hell he suddenly came from) and Nannasprite (ok not entirely, there's 2 versions of her but that's already from before the Meat-Candy split, haha).
That's something to think about.
Anyway, let's talk more about the actual content of this update, haha.
I like how the music utilizes the Sunsetter leitmotif, referencing the Davesprite song that was already used for Dave's walkaround music in Openbound.
So, all chapters now retroactively got names, with this one being Chapter X. Makes sense to not be a number, when all the other numbered chapters follow Vriska and seem to indicate in what year they're taking place.
Does it mean the next update, the 8-ball path, will be "Chapter 8" and take place in year 8? It would make sense thematically, as well as be an excellent transition with how this conversation between Davepeta and Jasprose ended.
It's also good to know that in the outside world only an hour or so should have passed. I mean, obviously they wouldn't have let years pass by, but it also means that Vriska isn't INSTANTLY back from the perspective of John, Roxy, Calliope and Sollux. What will have happened there in the meantime? Will Vriska be returning at a very climatic moment?
It's interesting that Jasprose claims she's only been in Midnight City for a night. But on the other hand, it's basically always night there! So she might as well have spent a pretty long time there, who knows!
I like that they addressed this Rose's alcohol problem. Good to hear she's not fallen off the wagon!
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sketchoodles · 5 years
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Pesterquest reminded me of the Cherub Friend/Foesim concept that has been floating around inside my mind ever since last year... and even though I really should be focusing on other art right now I couldn’t stop myself from finishing up these talksprites
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we-are-homestuck · 7 years
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Also, here’s the base talksprite of Calliope that I made.
Feel free to edit it, however please provide credit if you use it anywhere
Mod Crocker
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summoner-of-mist · 6 years
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It’s Her
Free to edit/use and credit is not needed but welcomed
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atosofficial · 4 years
Fellow Homestuck? 👀 Are you a Derse Dreamer as well Type? Also what about class and aspect? (Drese, Sylph of Heart) Do you know yours Lyra? And what about the boys? If they wound up in the game, have you ever thought of maybe the dreamer type and class and aspect for them? (May’ve Night as a Prince and Dream possibly as Sylph. Killer possibly as Mage or Knight, Cross possibly as Knight or Seer?)
Oh god, I think I did one of those Dreamer tests ages ago and I wanted to be a Derse Dreamer cuz purple is my favourite colour??? But my personality is very Prospit Dreamer so I believe that’s what I got LMAO It was literally years ago at this point though so I could def be wrong ahahaha As for classpect, I was Maid of Space! :D I drew myself a talksprite and everything 😌👌 (I keep my sfw account separate from my nsfw/incest-shipping account or otherwise I’d link the art hehehe) I’d be interested to redo a test for it nowadays and see if I’ve changed at all in the last 5+ or whatever years since I would’ve done the test.
I’ve never considered classpects for any of them but now I’m thinking and like 👀 Okay sec while I go brush up on my research fdsjhagkfdsjfd
Dream: Muse of Hope (Prospit)
Nightmare: Lord of Rage (Derse)
Killer: Bard of Heart (Prospit)
Cross: Knight of Blood (Derse)
ALRIGHT SO!! Dream and Nightmare’s were super easy because they had to balance each other out and they had to be the “most powerful” classes. And much like Calliope and Caliborn, they would’ve been in a “two player session” so Muse and Lord work brilliantly for them. Then, of course, Hope is Positive Emotions and Rage is Negative Emotions (among other things) so that works out neatly 😌👏✨
For Killer, I went with Heart because it represents soul and identity and that Killer’s biggest issue that he deals with and then gave him Bard because Killer’s instability and bad sense of self brings about destruction around him, to others and to himself. (And also it’s hilarious to think of Killer dicking around with the outfit’s codpiece and everyone groaning like UGH STOP THAT)
For Cross, Blood worked best because of it representing bonds and stability. And then Knight was… because I just… love the idea of Cross being a Knight fhksjdgkfdsjhfdsg (Even though that basically makes it so that he has Karkat’s same classpect LMAO) But Knight’s use their Aspect as a weapon to fight and protect, so it matches pretty well with what he’s all about I think hehehe
Then the Derse/Prospit again was very very easy for both Dream and Nightmare (since they were basically Derse/Prospit coded from the start LOL) And then I gave Cross Derse because I consider him a much more active participant in his own story than Killer is, who falls prey to the Player’s whims and has that passivity play into Prospit. Plus, it’s super fun to think of Dream falling asleep and waking up to Killer who’s like “SUP LET’S HANG OUT :D” while on Derse Cross pines over Dream and bemoans the fact that he can’t be on Prospit with him and Nightmare throws a book at his head to shut him up. 😂😂👏
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thelifetimechannel · 6 years
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TLC update is here! Walkaround Part 4.
Because of the large number of potential conversations, this walkaround includes a list of available character dialogs accessible by clicking on the help icon in the top right corner. You can also consult the list of possible conversations under the cut. 
Credits also under the cut. 
Coding (including the new and super helpful conversation list) by @ltparsons
John: @blueamethystdraw Davesprite: @onceuponymous Jade: @citrusfrogs Jane: @ecto6iologist​ Roxy: juniperfalcon Jake: florinaelle Nepeta: juniperfalcon Terezi: @w1f1n1ghtm4r3 HIC: juniperfalcon Nannasprite: @onceuponymous Jaspersprite: @onceuponymous Calliope: @misocapnics Caliborn: @onceuponymous
Music is Escape Pod by Michael Guy Bowman. Used with permission. 
Beta Readers
Tavros: @mrbookboy Feferi and Nepeta: origamiphoenix Sollux: @captorations, iceewarm, star.eyes
John & Aradia John & Tavros John & HIC John & Nanna Rose & Aradia Rose & Sollux Rose & Feferi Rose & Jaspers Dave & Aradia Dave & Sollux Davesprite & Aradia Davesprite & Nannasprite Jade & Aradia Jade & Tavros Jade & Feferi Jade & HIC Jade & Nanna Jane & Aradia Jane & Karkat Jane & Kanaya   Jane & Terezi Jane & Feferi Jane & Nanna Jane & HIC Roxy & Aradia Roxy & Sollux Roxy & Karkat Roxy & Kanaya Roxy & Nepeta & Feferi Roxy & Terezi Roxy & Jaspers Dirk & Aradia Dirk & Kanaya Dirk & Terezi Hal & Aradia Hal & Karkat Hal & Kanaya Hal & Terezi Hal & Equius Jake & Aradia Jake & Tavros Jake & Karkat Jake & Kanaya Jake & Terezi Jake & Caliborn Calliope & Aradia Calliope & Karkat Calliope & Terezi Calliope & Kanaya Calliope & Gamzee Calliope & Caliborn Aradia & HIC Aradia & Caliborn Karkat & HIC
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hs-sprites · 7 years
If it isn't too complicated, can you do a Calliope talksprite (perhaps with her wearing a lesbian pride top :0)
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i drew her suit and realised you requested her to be wearing a shirt so i’ll post two variations. the nervous girl who loves girls(( please credit if used ))
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thelifetimechannel · 6 years
And that's walkaround 2! Thanks for being patient. Starting tomorrow or the day after, I'll begin mirroring conversations on tumblr a few at a time until I've worked my way through them all. 
Walkaround 3 will consist of Alphas + Calliope talking to each other and the Betas for a total of roughly 50 conversations. It requires a larger number of new assets, and the next few weeks are mostly going to be devoted to finals, so I'd anticipate a wait. Hopefully Gill will have more time once we're on summer break.
In the meantime, if making talksprites for Jane, Dirk, Jake, or Calliope with a month or so of turnaround sounds like your idea of a good time, we'd love to hear from you.
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thelifetimechannel · 7 years
Call for Artists
This information will also be posted on the Call for Artists page.
If you’re interested in volunteering, send us an ask and we’ll find a way to communicate, preferably through Skype, Discord, and/or gmail. If Gill hasn’t gotten back to you in a while, message the blog and Kat will remind her to check her email. If you have a specific skillset (animation, coding, mspa style, etc.) or a specific character you like to draw, let us know, and we’ll try to find something that fits. If you’re up for anything, that’s also great. If you think you can only draw one or two assets, or you’re willing to do a lot, we’d love to have whatever you can produce. This probably goes without saying, but this isn’t a commission. Contributing artists won’t be paid, so only volunteer if you’re comfortable with that. Style Note If you’re most comfortable drawing in MSPA style, that’s great! However, in many cases if you’d like to use your own style, that’s also great. We’re totally open to any headcanons and ways of drawing the characters. Our only caveat is that we’d like to stick with #FFFFFF skintone for the humans. That will most likely be dropped for the walkaround and final collab flash, but for the time being, that’s the one major guideline. Style specifics may vary from flash to flash. Current Focus: The C2, C3, and A Flash Cluster
If we stick to our weekly schedule, C2 should arrive in the week of November 19, while the C3/A cluster should arrive in the week of January 10. (I know. 2018. I hate it.) Therefore, for deadline purposes, we would prefer materials for each flash and/or flash cluster at least two weeks before that time. If you volunteer, you’ll get more specifics on which flash you’ll probably be working on, based on stated interests. 
POST-SCRATCH TROLL and FELT ENTHUSIASTS:  If you're particularly enthusiastic about our original Zodiac throwing down, we could definitely use your ideas for interesting battle-based content with the post-scratch trolls and the Felt, to avoid several minutes of meaningless jittering around. 
HS-STYLE SPRITE ARTISTS: C3 and A are quite sprite heavy, especially in comparison to Checkmate (where none of the sprite segments made the cut). The plan is for much of the connective tissue of these flashes to be sprite-based Strife segments, so enthusiasts in the style can have a chance to shine here.
WEAPONS: If you enjoy drawing weapons, Gill sure doesn’t.
BACKGROUNDS: C2 and A will occur in a dreambubble setting, which offers all sorts of fun opportunities for creative mishmashed backgrounds. If that sounds like your thing, we’d love to have you. 
If none of this sounds like your thing, we are still looking for talksprite volunteers. The high priority characters who currently have no volunteers include:
Jane Roxy Halsprite Jaspersprite Nannasprite HIC Calliope Caliborn
Whether or not you can help out, thanks for reading! :) 
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thelifetimechannel · 7 years
Now that we’re through Cherubquest it’s time for a very special call for artists.
Our regular call for artists is still up on its own page. Gill’s hard at work on C1 right now, but pretty soon I imagine we’ll post info on future flashes for anyone interested in helping out. This is a bit further into the future, but we figured it might draw more interest than typical flashwork, and we’re getting a headstart because... well, we’ve been working on this bit for ages.
That’s right, it’s time to talk about the dreaded walkaround.
The walkaround, which will probably be split into at least 3 parts for size reasons, will occur in TLC A7 and involve around 26 characters having 150+ conversations. (I say around because whenever I try to do cast counts I end up forgetting someone.) We’ve been drafting logs for over a year now, although I am *not* looking forward to processing them all. We’ll be asking around for betas for some of the characters we don’t write as much in not too long, but for now, we’re looking for people interested in doing talksprites.
Details can be found below. Fair warning - one or two of the characters listed could be considered spoilery.
If you’re interested, send us an ask saying who you’d like to make a talksprite set for. In very rare circumstances (there are maybe three cases) we might send you some spoilery information about their appearance, so be aware of that possibility. We’ll then set up a way to stay in touch and exchange files - gmail, Skype, or discord have worked well in the past. (If you haven’t heard from Gill in a while, give this blog or Kat’s personal a poke and I’ll go remind her to check her email.) 
As I said in the last post, the next subact should last about six months. Since it ends on an [S] page, I doubt we’ll have started much work on the walkaround before that. So take that as a rough deadline, and we’ll send you reminders if we’re getting close and we haven’t heard back. 
Talksprite Sets
The minimum for a full sprite set will be considered one positive, one negative, and one neutral talking expression. Beyond that, go nuts. Smiling, laughing, angry, sad... whatever you want to draw. We’ll try to match your expressions to the conversations as best as we can. So far I haven’t heard anything about specs for the images (size, filetype, etc.), so I’d size them roughly to match the canon ones and we’ll try to keep you posted. 
Anything goes! If you want to mimic the standard Homestuck talksprite style, go for it. If you’d rather use your own style and headcanons, also go for it. This includes skintones - you’re no longer bound by #FFFFFF. All we ask is that you keep the character’s appearance consistent within a set. If you like drawing a character two different ways, either pick one or submit two sets!
Characters are listed in three groups ranked by priority. High priority characters have no existing talksprite. Medium priority characters have a canon talksprite, but we’d prefer a new one. Low priority characters already have canon talksprites we’re content to use, but if you want to make a set, feel free.
All the characters have at least two conversations, so we’re happy to have more than one person submit a set for a character. We might cut characters off if we get an overwhelming number of volunteers for them, but based on our typical volunteer level, I doubt that’ll be an issue. 
Jade Jane Roxy Jake Davesprite Halsprite Jaspersprite Nannasprite HIC Calliope Caliborn
Dirk Sollux Tavros Nepeta Terezi Equius Eridan Feferi
John Rose Dave Karkat Aradia Kanaya Gamzee
Outfit Notes
To make things easier, humans, cherubs, and Aradia should be in their God Tier outfits and all the trolls should be in their standard outfit.
Whether you can help out or not, thanks for reading as always! :) 
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