#called @ghostgods
Slightly different quest than normal - is there any archive or way to find artwork done by the tumblr artist Ghostgods? They deleted their blog and as far as I can tell, wiped their artwork on every account.
Here are two examples I have on hand. (From a set called The Art Studio).
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I can think of two different ways—neither easy or reliable. The first is, however, quite straightforward: just scour the Wayback Machine for whatever you can get.
There are the archives of the front page—several snapshots taken over time, including their parting message, that may contain some works preserved within. The machine might have also archived individual posts and tag listing, all of which you can find in this tab.
Now, the other way I can think of happens due to a quirk of Tumblr's inner workings: reblogs are not pointers to existing posts, they are new posts entirely. That's how the voices of the dead keep echoing in this unhallowed place.
If you can find any user who has shared this art in the past—maybe someone with an impeccable tagging conduct—they could be your guide through this underworld of memory.
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punskiii · 6 years
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My drawing hand is better now and I’m warming up with some various spoopy stuff! :D
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silverfishcrackr · 2 years
Man there was a really cool horror artist in here a while back called ghostgods that just kinda vanished off the face of the internet. Hope they’re doin ok
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ko2vo · 5 years
Are there any artists that you are inspired by or really like? They don't have to be guro artists, but i assume there are a lot of guro artists you like =)
Oooo thank you for being curious and asking !!
I definitely have a bunch of artists that I’m inspired by ;w; Jhonen Vasquez has been a major inspiration since I was kid and I got to meet him earlier this year which was wild! Junji Ito is also an artist I love aaaaaa
Might be surprising but I don’t follow a lot of artists for guro specifically, most of my interests are in horror and then a lot of that crosses into guro/gore territory pffff 
Some tumblr blogs of artists I love are:-etherane (creator of the RPG series Hello Charlotte)-zer0-ner0 (one of my fav artist for a long time! He has a webcomic called Executioner’s Academy which is so so gorgeous!)-kosmicdream (creator of two amazing, inspiring, terrifying webcomics called Feast for a King and Nasty Red Dogs! i have fallen so far behind on both of them no spoilers plz haaah)-ciervobizzaro (so many wonderful OCs!! such amazing gory artwork!!)-excaive (ALSO WONDERFUL OCS WITH DELIGHTFUL INTERACTIONS also Mark is super validating, i cry every time he is drawn)-ghostgods (their drawing skills give me carpal tunnel and their horror is so unique and fascinating, also introduced me to ARGs which have been a growing influence!)-gatobob (huge fan of the routes they made in the BTD series! And im so excited for their new Survival Horror VN, The Hunt!)
There is definitely a lot more but those are mostly the ones that I thought of while thinking about specific ones! I’ve got an inspiration blog over at @lintprince that is all reblogs of art/artists I love uvu
I also have the unbelievable luck to be friends/mutuals with some amazing artists too and they’re a huge inspiration and make me wanna draw more aaaaaa -muertiel was a big gore inspiration even before we were friends and they have really amazing OCs weeeps-spectreteeth is a gamedev pal that has a great horror rpg with a demo you can play -aveynn is also a gamedev pal that has released two (technically three) chapters of their horror RPG !!!! AND A THIRD IS COMING SOON AAAAA -dei-os is a mutual that’s making a super cool guro VN and every single development i see I get so hyped, he’s got such cool characters and i cant wait to get killed by them weeeeps-xxhukixx is a mutual and huge art inspiration, they’ve got a super soft style and draw a lot of gore and amputation -jabbloo has wonderful art and ocs and helped me a lot with developing my own ocs-svetlacreates ALSO WONDERFUL ART AND OCS AND I STILL  THINK ABOUT THE OLD RP OUR KIDS WERE IN, THEYRE STILL STUCK IN THAT CAVE THEYVE BEEN TRAPPED FOR LIKE 4 YEARS, OLD FRIEND dkdflkhdfhlkmg-ridgedev is also a gamedev pal who recently started posting again and I am super excited to see them active again, I love their concept and their game looks so good !!!
Sorry if I forgot to mention anyone !!! I really love interacting with peeps and making pals, getting to know other artists and their art process and learning about their ocs is a huge motivator for my own drawing so they’re super important, even if we don’t talk as much anymore ;w;
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ghostfruits · 6 years
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hey so we typically like to blindside u w stuff, like w th adventure zone thing, but we thought prolly we should call these shots first.
ruined futures 2 is gonna be coming out on may 1st. as its name implies its ruined futures but a second one. it is the first time we have ever sequelized anything before and its rly the only one i think we need to
then, on june 6th, we’re gonna put out phntm*ylw, which is another sorta big airdrop of fully original things, like red and blu and stuff was. first things first w like rf2 and shit but this has been like forever in the making & i want you to see it dumb bad and im probably gonna end up getting a bunch of the ylw shit tattooed on me
after this is where it gets a little hazier but basically ima get back from london & we’re just gonna cook all summer. these 2 is gonna be the last full coherent projects in 2018 and from there we all just gonna try and drop misc new shit every other week thru to fuckin january. somewhere inside that process 2 split projects w @ghostgods and @garbotrash are gonna get finished and come out
this is sort of our run. if all this drops and u hate it and we fall off then we’ll just stay off. ill break my phone and just live in a cabin forever. if 2019 hits and we aint shit no more then u can catch any of us in public and knock us out for lying
[thsz is all the stuff we put out so far if u missed any idk]
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alunclewe · 6 years
Inktober 2018, Day 8
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From the official list: “Star”
From @ghostgods’s Monsters & Mythology List: “Brownie”
Yeah, I ended up not having a day off today after all (got a last-minute call for a job early this morning), and I did not end up getting caught up on my one-day-behind Inktober drawings... but on the plus side, I didn’t have to rush this drawing as much as the last few, and I didn’t get it done just before midnight.  (Still not as long before midnight as I’d have liked, but, eh, it’s an improvement.)
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Got tagged
Ayye thank ya @shortprocasinationdemonking for tagging me Rules answer questions, & tag 20/30 people I’m not too social so rip Nicknames: Dale, Doom Gender: Girl but idc what pronouns you call me, I’m pretty neutral  Star Sign: Cancer MBTI: Dunno what this is tbh Height: 5′4-ish Time: Almost 1pm B-day: June 30 Fav bands: Little Big, Hollywood Undead, caravan palace and so much more Fav solo artists: Lady Gaga, Marlyn Manson, etc Song stuck in my head: Circus theme Last Movie I watched: Friday the 13th part 2 Last show I watched: The Simpsons When did I make my blog: Dunno, but my main is like 4 years old, more or less What do I post: Clowns, my own art, & more of a talking blog Last thing I googled: Clowns, I’m making ocs okay Do I have other blogs: Yea, @doom-the-nerd What did I choose my url: I like clowns & puns but also wanted to add doom because my main account Following: 335, Main 5000 Followers: 35, Main 508 Fav color: Reds Average hours of sleep: 2-5, insomnia sucks yo Lucky number: 3, 7, 9 Instruments: None How many blankets do I sleep with: 2 but with a nest of pillows Dream job: A librarian or cognitive psychologist Dream trip: Tbh I would like to see Romania because it seems like a chill country. Fav Food: Cotton candy nationality: USA I’ll tag @the-ghost-kitty , @son-of-a-ghost, @0firebrand0 , @statecfdreaming , @teensiest , @milich96 , andd @ghostgods Plus whoever wants to do this :o) Y'all seem rad as heck!
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sanaseva-archive · 7 years
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs.
tagged by @griffindors​, thank u, ily <3
a - age: 21 (turning 22) b - birthplace: cebu, the philippines c - current time: 17:46 (5.46 pm) d - drink you had last: cola zero e - easiest person to talk to: um. one of my irl friends, nathalie, probably. f - favorite song: holy shit this one is hard. probably any song by angel haze and maxida märak rn? g - grossest memory: definitely not something im gonna talk about here lmao h - horror yes or no: lowkey no??? i - in love: no j - jealous of people: not really k - killed someone: *squints eyes* no, why u askin’?  l - love at first sight or should i walk past again: walk past however many times u wanna try idgaf m - middle name: i have two :p n - number of siblings: 1 o - one wish: emotional stability p - person i called last: my mum q - question you’re always asked: “how’d you get your hair so long?” r - reason to smile: cats   s - song you last sang: hahaha... mange schmidt - glassigt hahahahaha... t - time you woke up: i woke up at ten-ish and been on and off sleeping ‘til like two.  u - underwear color: black v - vacation: last: rhodos (besides stockholm to see beyoncé), wanna go’s: iceland, the philippines w - worst habit: procrastinating, smoking, idk x - xrays: i’ve been x-rayed at the dentist’s office and also when my knee got fucked up (maybe also even when i fucked up my feet two different times?) y - your favorite food: s u s h i z - zodiac sign: cancer
I tag: @evenbnaesheim @linneaxskam @softestisak @evenandsana @sanadear @josteninski @denimdisaster @spacepiratepines @birdflyinghigh @secondhand-sunlight @gilmoregirlsau @ghostgod @howllor @wolfinghard -- anyone who wanna do this tbh. feel free to skip it if u don’t wanna :’)
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haileypurged · 7 years
@ghostgod is a furry but is too scared to admit it.
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scared-flying-oreo · 8 years
Tagged by: @minutanfor​ (These are really fun, thanks!!)
Rules: Tag 10 of your followers you wanna know better. Nicknames:  -Well my mom and I have the same name so the nickname I always go by is Becky. Some friends call me Beck for short. Height: - 4′11 (149.86cm) Time right now:  -5:23Pm Last thing I googled: -4′11 in cm Fave music artist: -Oooohh now this tough. I go for more alternative according to my iTunes library so my favorite artist right now is Miike Snow. I also really love musicals so I am currently obsessed with “Heathers” and “Hamilton” Song stuck in my head:   -Burial by Miike Snow Last movie I watched:  -I don’t remember the name, it was some Brazilian movie. The movie I do remember is “Heathers” Last TV show I watched:  -I think it was “Steven Universe” but I am not completely sure. What I’m wearing now:  -White T-Shirt and my Gym pants. When I created this blog:  -Okay I found it, it was April of 2013! The kind of stuff I post:  -On this blog I mostly reblog memes, funny videos, positive posts, and those “I love my friends” stuff. Oh my other blogs I post art. I don’t really like getting into discourse here, there may be a few political posts scrambled over 10-20 pages but its mostly goofs and gafs on this blog!. Do I have other blogs: -Yeah, I have my art blog Doodle-Tootles , my other blog where I draw snippets of my squads funny moments in TF2, and a collaboration page between Kitty11364 and I. Its a lot and there isn’t much on them right now so please be patient! Do I get asks regularly:  -Nope, but I am always open to them and appreciate them, even message me! Why did I choose my URL:  -I am always scared, I wish I could fly, and I really like Oreos. Hogwarts House: -Hufflepuff me boi! Pokemon team: -Instinct Fave colors:  -Orange and Red are my favorites! Average hours of sleep:  -Oh boy it can range anywhere from 4-12. Before I graduated High School early though it was an average of 3-4. Lucky number: -4 Favorite characters:  -From TF2 my top 3 are Heavy, Medic, and Scout!  Number of blankets I sleep with:  -1 quilt, my room is like a furnace.  Following:   -119 but most of them haven’t been active for years. Who I tag:  -hmm well I am always afraid of @ people so im just gonna tag a few friends if thats alright! @stuffadorklikes​ @stalker-for-you​ @kitty11364​ @ghostgod​ anyone else is welcome to do this as well!
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