#call yippee today
yippeeometer · 4 months
holding my pretty angel's handses tightly when i say this PA is the most deadbeat dad to ever dad and i do think he deserves an award for this. i may not be able to reveal opinions on the govfamily headcanons just yet but in the context of the northeast. that guy is a loser.
does he know anyones birthday? no. is he drunk on thanksgiving by 10AM? yes. did he leave to go fishing one day and just never return? also yes.
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yi3248 · 5 months
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dog soap n ghost from a while back!! laying their weight on each other
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nil-elk · 8 months
I don't think people are honestly taking into consideration the fact that shitty/overwhelming work conditions DO impact relationships outside of the work environment. I haven't, until more recently, especially pertaining to my own work conditions.
Imagine working and socializing with customers and co-workers for 8+ hours a day, and all the good and shitty things that come with it...to then come home and do more work, and trying to socialize with friends/partners after all that.
Yeah, be for real. Cut yourself some slack. If you're friends with people with this sort of work-life? Cut them some slack (that isn't to excuse poor treatment of others, mind you)
We're just on the fritz as it is. Frazzled, even.
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messyvanity92 · 7 months
Law x Reader with Migraines
I imagine your shared room to be dark, quiet, and cool.  nice bed, sheets and blankets
Over the time he starts to notice changes before a migraines and learns your triggers
Goes to a different part of the ship to study while you lay down to rest when you need to
Peeks time to time to see if you need something
Gives you water and some snack if you been resting for a while
If it helps, he gives you a head massage 
As I said before i don’t think he uses things with strong scents, so you don’t have to worry about a headache when he goes to bed
comforts you if you’re disappointed that you two had plans together but canceled
Kisses your temple when he passed by and you’re asleep
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oh, to be consumed by the rain
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campbyler · 1 year
acswy ch04 update
hi! you might have seen this coming, but chapter 4 is getting pushed back to being posted tomorrow, august 5th, due to Life Life-ing and wanting to make sure that this update lives up to the same quality we've been bringing you for the past 3 chapters! we apologize for the inconvenience and any disappointment this may bring, but we promise, it will be worth the wait <3
to tide you over, please enjoy the following extended snippet from chapter 4, beneath the cut:
As the name implies, the Isolation Cabin sits, isolated, at the very top of the trail all of the other cabins are grouped off of, right at the edge of Camp Whiteman property. Most of this area is taken up by woods, towering pines of various shapes and sizes keeping a watchful eye over all of them – save for the small ropes course tucked in behind the girls’ cabins, the rest of the area remains untouched. Even the trail itself practically stops, spreading out into a clearing that they sometimes use for recreational activities, when pressed for space.
If you know where to look, though – and Mike has made knowing where to look his business – there’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it sign indicating the start the small path leading to the Isolation Cabin, identical to all of the other informational markers throughout the campground. A chain connects the two trees bracketing the entrance to the walkway, a small wooden notice hanging from the center that reads, in ominous, capital letters: DO NOT ENTER.
Mike has never particularly cared about it before now, only ever acknowledging that the area existed when one of his campers inevitably let curiosity get the best of them and started wandering places they shouldn’t be. He’s tapped a finger against that sign more times than he can count, watched the chain shake with the movement and the sign swing back and forth and his campers’ eyes go big as he wiggled his fingers at them and made spooky noises to get them to scurry away and steer clear. 
Now, he has to stop himself from rolling his eyes as Hopper pushes past where Will has paused, pouting, and moves to unclip the chain blocking the way. The links jingle together as he smiles at them, all too cheerily, and says, “Lead the way, boys.” 
Mike tries to catch Will’s eye, because if there’s one thing they can always agree on, it’s a shared, unspoken, is this guy serious? – but Will still won’t look at him, breezing past Hopper, once again, before he has a chance to even finish his sentence. Mike sends his is this guy serious? look to Hopper instead, who smiles brightly at him and shakes the chain pointedly, all clinks of metal and clattering of wood and an unspoken response of get going, Wheeler. 
Things are truly bleak, Mike thinks, if he’s getting along with Will’s dad better than he’s getting along with Will himself. Still, neither of them indulged his is this guy serious? look, so he does roll his eyes, thank you very much, and starts up the trail after Will, more acquainted than ever with the back of his stupid, dumb head. The sound of the chain clicking back into place follows soon after, but Mike doesn’t look back, feeling petulant and slighted. 
It’s really not a long walk to get to the cabin – two, maybe three minutes at most – but it feels like it is, by virtue of the path narrowing out, of woodchips giving way to earthy, forest floor. The foliage has started to thicken, shrouding them from the setting sun, and the silence feels like a fourth member of their party, awkward and palpable as they make their way up the trail. It’s not long before the trees start to part enough to offer a glimpse of their destination: the Isolation Cabin, in all of its isolated, lonely glory.
Mike hasn’t ever actually been up here, since he never had any reason to before now, and he’s almost disappointed, as they come up on the clearing in front of the cabin’s steps. Part of him expected something straight out of a horror movie – all dilapidated, breaking shingles, broken windows, a wrought iron fence, maybe a bat or two – and is disappointed to find it’s – a cabin, just like every other cabin they left behind on their way up here. It is a little worse for wear – the tone of the wood a little more desaturated, the bushes lining the porch overgrown, the dust clouding the windows visible, even from here – but it’s just a cabin, at the end of the day. A manifestation of punishment, where happy children and their dreams of a perfect summer go to die, but no more menacing than the Blue Cabin is right now, with how pissed Mitchell is at him. 
He’s always taken those overactive imagination comments on his grade school report cards as a compliment, but now it’s left him feeling a little disappointed. 
“Alright,” Hopper says from behind them, and both Mike and Will whip around to face him, duffels flying with the momentum and knocking into each other. This earns him a certified Will Byers Glare, which warrants a certified Mike Wheeler Dramatic, Theatrical Eye Roll, which causes an Act Now! Once In A Lifetime Opportunity! bucket drop from Hopper, and the sound of it hitting the forest floor and its contents clanging inside cause them both to snap their heads back to where Hopper is looking at them, somehow both amused and completely and utterly done with their shit at the same time. “Welcome to the Isolation Cabin.”
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provictoria · 11 months
Happy Halloween!!! I've been working on this Call Girl cosplay for the past few months, thought I'd share.
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Prop Close-ups (it was after I went outside and took photos they're a bit scuffed 😭)
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Half the outfit is DIY and the other half isn't
How does Wendy even carry around all these things and fight at the same time⁉️⁉️ I live in fear that my props will fall off 🫡🫡
I realized that I took photos mostly facing right and barely that was the front and left.. and back.. oops
'even the woke sleep' - graffiti on that bridge
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lonesomecowboy · 2 months
weedwhacking guy just launched a rock through our window..........
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okay hear me out. i want to talk about playing soto from the perspective of a sylvari player. spoilers of course under the cut
it makes me so sad to listen to other sylvari npcs talk about mordremoth and what happened during and after the call. like... this is the first time i feel like we're actually hearing a lot of perspectives on what happened and how it affected the individual people. im here with my merry little salad man going around and hearing these sylvari talk about how they were found screaming or had no sense of self until after they joined the astral ward and im like... that's actually heartbreaking. that would definitely make my commander stop and think about that for a long while. these people felt they were so beyond repair that leaving their birthworld felt like the only option for comfort again. and only after are they done healing (which i firmly believe is a sort of like... deep soul healing in this context. you know. like an inner emotional catharsis. surely it must mean that) do they actually talk about it.
like... have we ever talked about it? (perhaps barely, in few places ive missed or in dialogues ive skimmed over, but especially in ithil's account, it really hit me for some reason) do any of the other sylvari talk about it? the trauma of an entire people that lingered on even after the main threat was gone... do they even know how to talk about it?
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starshadyy · 11 months
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` ` i’m jesse and we’re the order of the stone! BOOM! ` ` 💥
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solpng · 4 months
good evening beautiful phone app ppl i am back
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corcnaiism · 4 months
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;-- give this post a ♥ if you'd like a starter from prompto !!
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urlocaldisaster · 9 days
feeling super dysphoric today.... yay....
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everyone’s asleep and nobody can even hear me rn but i keep apologizing out loud for smiling over gay fanart. what the fuck?? huh???
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acaesic · 3 months
made friendship bracelets with friend. depression cured forever
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ereborne · 3 months
Song of the Day: June 9
"What's Wrong" by half-alive
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