#call to war
sjsmith56 · 8 months
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A Call to War - Chapter 35, Lord Buchanan
Summary: Word comes of the beginning of the war and everyone prepares to leave, waiting only for the arrival of Quin from his honeymoon.
Length: 4.4 K
Characters: Lord and Lady Buchanan, Tom, Bren, Rhodes
Warnings: angst, fear of losing a loved one, further proof of Duke John Walker not being honourable.
<<Chapter 34
🦅 🏰
After a wedding breakfast with several close friends Quin and his bride went into seclusion. The location was kept secret but the King admitted to Buchanan that a luxurious tent had been erected beside Angel Falls and guards posted at all the paths leading to the falls to keep the curious out. Meals would be delivered by one trusted servant and left for the couple to eat as they pleased. Buchanan remembered with fondness his and Ileana's brief sojourn there before being accosted by Prince Loke's men.
In Quin's absence the training took on a more serious tone as Buchanan divided the 1500 into almost equal parts and they engaged in mock battles with each other using wooden swords and padded staffs for close quarter fighting. In his talks with Lord Fury, Buchanan had learned much about the Duke's war experiences and the strategies he would likely employ. There was no question he would be a formidable opponent. He was still concerned about the lawless ones and when the coffee pedlar who had warned King Thorn appeared at the palace Buchanan brought him to the planning tent to share his knowledge of them and the other noblemen who had joined the Duke's forces.
At night, though he was tired both physically and mentally from the day's training Buchanan was devoted to Ileana. He always ate his evening meal with her, then sat in close contact talking about their time together. Their lovemaking took on sensuous overtones of lingering kisses and touches, more to satisfy the need of being together in the few days left before the force's departure. On the night before Quin's return to the palace was expected, a bird's piercing cry was heard outside and the King's falconer rushed to the doorway of Buchanan's tent to say a messenger falcon had been spotted nearby. Trained to find their recipient by the smell of the token they carried it was necessary for Lord Buchanan to step outside so his scent would circulate through the air. Quickly he dressed and left Ileana in their bed with a kiss.
He stood in the middle of the congregated tents of the force and gazed up into the night sky. Suddenly the sound of wings alerted him that the bird had found him and he extended his gloved arm and hand from his body. The exhausted creature landed on his hand then carefully walked up his arm placing its head nearer to his. Satisfied that the scent of the man matched the scent of the token it gave a cry and the falconer was able to grasp it and remove the message and the token from its leg. He handed them to Lord Buchanan then retreated with the prized bird to feed it and nurse it back to health for its next long journey. Bren came close with the battery light, watching as Buchanan opened the scroll. He called his three commanders into his tent, looking at all of them with gravitas.
"The war has started," said Buchanan. "Early this morning before the sun even rose, trebuchets began pounding King David's palace. The Duke doesn’t even respect the rules of engagement to wait until sunrise and send an announcement to begin hostilities. The king sent the messenger falcon at that time. Get the men prepared; allow them to go to the chapel or the brothel as I care not how a man prepares for death as long as he is ready for it. Break out the Prince's badges and make sure each of your companies fly his banner. I expect the Prince to have received this message as well. He likely will arrive here within a few hours of sunrise. Prepare to leave by noon."
All three commanders nodded at the receipt of their orders, leaving the tent to share the news with their men. Buchanan looked at the tapestry that marked the entrance to his sleeping quarters, fully aware that Ileana heard it all. With a heavy heart he entered the tented room and found her weeping silently. Sitting on her side of the bed, he gathered her into his arms stroking her hair and back. He never said a word because he knew they wouldn't comfort her. Then quietly he lifted her face to his and kissed her, while gazing into her eyes.
"I must inform Queen Camilla of this development." Ileana turned her face from his as he spoke. "My wife, please, allow me to tell a Queen that her King is engaged in battle. As the general of her son's forces it is part of my duty. As Quin's foster father it is my duty. As an honourable man it is my duty."
"Go then," she replied in barely a whisper. "Then do your duty to me, your wife."
She turned away again, refusing to look at him or speak with him. With a sigh he left her there then strode into the palace and knocked politely at Queen Camilla's suite. A servant answered, assuring him the Queen was awake. She did come out in her night dress and gown, standing regally as he delivered his news.
"I'm sorry to intrude upon your privacy at this hour, your Majesty," said Buchanan. "I have received the messenger falcon that the war has begun with a trebuchet assault against the palace. That was early this morning. The Prince has likely received the same message and I expect his return by mid morning. We plan to leave at noon."
"Thank you, Lord Buchanan," she said calmly. "Now please return to your wife as she likely needs comfort from you this night."
He bowed and left the room then hurried to King Steven's suite. The door was opened before he raised his hand, revealing his foster brother who ushered Buchanan in quickly.
"The falconer told me of the arrival of the messenger falcon," he said. "Has it started?"
"Aye, this morning," replied Buchanan. "A trebuchet attack against his palace before sunrise. I hope to leave by noon tomorrow."
"The Duke talks of traditions being restored, but doesn’t follow the most basic of them in his own dealings," said Steven, scornfully. His tone softened as he regarded his friend. "Go see to your wife. She needs you this night. We will see you off tomorrow, brother."
They clasped arms then Buchanan hurried back to his tent. The lights were out as he undressed in the dark. As he put his sleep shirt on he heard muffled words from Ileana.
"What is it?" he asked, while he got under the covers, reaching for her.
"Forget the sleep shirt," she said, lifting her head from under the covers. "I have."
Reaching his hand further under the covers he felt her warm skin instead of her night chemise. With a smile he removed his sleep shirt and embraced his wife with loving passion, thanking her for marrying him. Though her face was still wet from her tears she sought out his mouth with hers and kissed him with ferocity.
"I couldn't stay upset," she whispered when he pulled away, "not when it could be months before I saw you again. James, I'm sorry."
"Nay, love," he whispered back. "It is a terrible thing I do, to leave you now, and go off to war. I'm sure in your world it has happened as well but it is still a difficult thing for a man to do to the one who is his reason for living."
"Then love me tonight as if you were leaving forever," she whispered into his ear. "For this shall have to carry me through some difficult times."
Reaching for the battery light Buchanan turned it on and looked longingly at his wife in their bed. "Then I would see you as we join," he replied softly, "so your face in the throes of our passion would be imprinted in my thoughts forever."
They knelt before each other then embraced, kissing each other with abandon. Outside their tent the shadow of their lovemaking was visible so the guards stepped further away and requested passers by take a different route to their tent. Although the sounds of their great love were heard it wasn't acceptable for the display to be seen. An hour later when the light was turned off again the guards resumed their original positions keeping watch for their Lord and his Lady. In the morning they reported that all was well to the Watch Commander.
As he awakened in the morning light Buchanan watched his wife as he raised himself onto one elbow. Her chestnut hair was tousled and he gently ran his fingers through the tresses. Her eyes were still closed, displaying her dark eyelashes against the creaminess of her skin. On her ears he saw she was wearing the earrings he had given her during their courtship with the love rune spell on them. She must have awakened during the night to put them on in the dark.
"Remember me, I remember you," he whispered. "Love me, I love you. Always, my Ileana."
Quietly he left the bed and entered his dressing area where Tom was ready with his travel leathers. Silently the young man helped him dress, not speaking until he handed Buchanan his scabbard.
"My Lord, are you certain that you will not need me for this journey?" asked Tom earnestly. "I feel I am shirking my duty staying behind."
"I am certain," said Buchanan firmly. "Your place is at the castle, watching over my wife, as you did during the last asteroid pass. I will manage to change into my battle leathers by myself. In an hour I will return to breakfast with my Lady wife. Until then I will be with my commanders."
He left the tent and Tom looked towards the bedroom area, hearing the sounds of crying coming from it, and feeling sick for the distress Lady Buchanan was feeling at that moment. With a sigh he left the tent to get the water for Lady Buchanan's bath as Beth went to comfort their mistress. Others were at the bathing house, waiting for the hot water for their Lords and Masters as well. Many commented on what a fine morning it was, surely an omen for a good campaign. Tom grew more dissatisfied by the moment and when he had filled the small bath to its proper level, advising Beth it was ready, he sought out Bren, one of Buchanan's commanders. He was in the command tent with Lord Buchanan, his two counterparts and all the sub-commanders in attendance. Tom watched through the open flap of the tent, waiting for the moment when they were dismissed to their breakfast meal before he approached Bren. The older commander noticed the young man and finally turned to him, as it was not the first time the dresser had approached him.
"Young Tom," he stated, looking down at the shorter and slighter man. "He refused you again, did he not?"
"Aye," said Tom, "but I know in my bones that my place is with him. I have done all the training you requested of me and have mastered most of it. I am not afraid and I know that I can contribute. There is something I must do for him and I can't do it if I am back at the castle."
Bren looked at the young dresser sternly. Just days after his arrival at Buchanan's estate the young man had approached him, requesting to be allowed to train in the fighting arts with the other soldiers and recruits. It was unusual but Tom had explained that his appetite for it had been whetted during the defence of the castle from the extremists wishing to destroy the radios within. Since that time Bren had doubted that was the real reason but Tom's determination to be by Buchanan's side had struck a chord with him. It reminded him of his own longstanding devotion to Lady Falcon and her sister, Baroness Romanoff.
"Very well," he said finally. "I will provide you with a horse and battle gear, including the Prince's patch. You will be in my company but you must stay out of Lord Buchanan's way until that time when you are needed. If he catches you, then you are on your own in explaining your presence. Seek me out in the hour before noon."
Tom gave the old soldier a big smile and ran back to Buchanan's tent to prepare and serve the breakfast. Beth had just finished helping Lady Buchanan dress and joined him in the preparation area. She noticed his jubilant face and looked at him with alarm.
"You're going, aren't you?" she said. "You talked Bren into it."
"Aye," replied Tom. "You won't say anything either, will you my love?"
He put his hand on hers, and gently touched her hair. "No, I won't, Tom," she replied, pulling her hand away. "But we shouldn't have joined last night. What if I am with child? Who will marry me then?"
"I will," said Tom, pulling a crucifix from around his neck. "This is my troth to you, Elizabeth Redmond. It was given to me by my mother and is the most precious of my possessions. When I return we will marry and if you are with child I will claim it openly as my own."
He placed the chain around her neck and kissed her tenderly then touched her face gently. She nodded and they both returned to their duties to serve the breakfast. Both Lord and Lady Buchanan were conciliatory with each other, neither wanting this last meal together to be undertaken in sadness or anger. Just as they finished it was announced that the Prince and his bride had returned, making their first stop at Lord Buchanan's tent.
"You received the message, sir?" asked Quin, holding Isabella's hand tightly in his own. "It arrived shortly before we retired last night. I would have come but the guards said it would not be safe to travel through the forest until this morning."
"Aye, I received it," said Buchanan. "I have prepared everyone to leave at noon. If we travel at a good pace we can clear the forest before nightfall and be well set up for the next day's ride. Your mother, the Queen, is aware of the plan."
Quin nodded. "Very well," he said. "I will venture into the castle, say my goodbyes to my family then return to prepare to ride at noon."
Together the young couple made haste towards the castle leaving Buchanan and Ileana alone. Tom brought Buchanan's saddle bags, already packed with his battle leathers, ammunition, nightshirt, and rations. Ileana reached into the pocket of her dress and brought out the jewelled crucifix Buchanan had given her before they married. He took it in his hand and looked at it fondly.
"Take this and wear it or at least keep it on you," she said.
"I already carry a talisman of you," he replied, reaching inside his shirt and pulling out the black lace from the skirt she wore when she woke up in Greenwood Forest. "I have kept it next to my heart always. But I will carry this as well."
He placed it around his neck and kissed her tenderly. Magnus was brought to the tent and although he stood quietly enough as Buchanan loaded the saddlebags, it was evident the great horse knew that a call to action had been made. His whole body seemed poised to charge into a gallop at his master’s command. Ileana ran back inside the tent, coming back with two halves of an apple. She offered the first half to Magnus then leaned her head close to the large head of the horse.
"You promise me you'll keep him safe," she whispered, her mouth close to his ear as he bent his head towards her.
The great horse nickered gently at her and pushed into her shoulder. Giving him the second half of the apple she leaned into Magnus' neck and put her arms around him before stepping back. Buchanan clasped her hand with his and together they led Magnus out to the staging area where others were also gathering. The three commanders and 15 sub commanders were also present as was Sir Archer Barton and his company of archers. Soon Quin Torres appeared in his travel leathers, holding his saddle bags, with Isabella at his side. He loaded his saddle bags then kissed her with great feeling as Buchanan kissed Ileana in a similar fashion. Well back in the group of soldiers in Bren's company Tom looked to see if Beth would come out and when he saw her smiled, knowing in his heart that she was worth returning home to. As the order was given he went over what the Scarlet Sorceress had charged him to do. According to her it would be the only way Lord Buchanan could return home alive. For Tom that was worth the possibility that he might be killed. He looked to the young prince as he mounted his horse then stood on top of the saddle so that all might see him. That horse stood perfectly still as Quin addressed the force. Even with his young age, it was evident that the prince had the blood of a warrior and commander flowing in his veins.
"I look out on an army of 1500 men, and women," he said loudly in a voice that all could hear. "Some may not return but that is the price a soldier is willing to pay. That is the price I am willing to pay that I offer my life to protect my father's kingdom from a man who would be a tyrant endangering everyone. All of you have volunteered and that has humbled me that you would follow an untested boy, for I am but 18, into war. But we do have a general that many of you have served with, and three battle tested commanders that you trust, and 15 sub commanders that you know. If ever you question your commitment to me then think of your commitment to these others who have also agreed to be part of this force. Think of your commitment to the soldier standing next to you for you are all comrades in arms. Without further delay I bid you all to mount up and unfurl the banners of the North Star and Coyote."
He smoothly dropped himself into the saddle to the smiles of Buchanan and the three commanders. There had been no consultation on his speech to the assembled before they left but his words rang true and the soldiers mounted their horses with purpose. As they rode past the palace all of the nobility watched from the parapet, many of them saluting their own soldiers who formed part of the force. It took some time before they all passed but eventually the palace was left behind them and they were truly on their way. Quin looked to Buchanan, at his side.
"Thank you for what you told me about women," he said so only Buchanan could hear him. "We both were nervous but we talked through it. The wedding night and the honeymoon will stay with me forever. Truly, we are well matched and think alike on so many things."
"I am glad to hear it," said Buchanan. "Now that you have spent time at Angel Falls do you prefer it or Bridal Falls?"
"They are both special places to me," replied Quin. "I won't pick one over the other. This country is truly beautiful but now I find myself longing for the plains of the northern part of my father's kingdom, and the desert of the southern part. I just hope there is still something left of it when we get there."
The look on Quin's face was one Buchanan had seen before, years ago when King Steven had finally amassed an army to go up against the Mad Titan. Buchanan had been but a soldier then, now he was a general, helping another young prince to fulfill his destiny. Preferring to think of it as a good omen Buchanan suggested they pick up the pace to get out of the forest before nightfall and Quin agreed, both of them urging their horses faster.
Back at the palace Ileana retreated inside the tent to calm herself. Rhodes requested entry and sat before her as she rested on a chair. Already, he was concerned at how a light seemed to have been extinguished within her with the departure of Lord Buchanan.
"Would you like to leave immediately M’Lady, or on the morrow?" he asked. "The King has offered some soldiers to escort us back. If we break camp now it will be still be dark when we arrive so I would counsel to leave in the morning."
"Morning is fine," she replied, a little distracted. "Rhodes, you've been there for the training. What are their chances?"
"As good as any force," he said. "The recruits were eager and took instruction well from the veterans. It will be a good balance. The addition of Thorn's 250 experienced soldiers will be a great addition overall. M’Lord is a seasoned soldier and well respected by many. He will return. I have faith in that, M’Lady."
Ileana smiled slightly and thanked Rhodes. He left to coordinate the logistics of breaking down their tents in the morning. She sat with her hands clasped over her belly, trying not to let the fear that slunk in the shadows of her mind, sink its claws into her. A servant from the palace appeared with an invitation from the Queen to spend the rest of the afternoon and dinner in her presence. Accepting the invitation she stood and walked outside through the now empty encampment. Without the 1500 soldiers it seemed like a ghost town to her and she found the hairs on the back of her neck raising at the eeriness of it all. Part of her wished she had told Rhodes to leave immediately. When she entered the Queen's private reception room Peg came immediately to her.
"How are you holding up?" she asked, as she put her arm around Ileana's shoulders. "This is different than when he went to battle against Prince Loke. This is much more intense, even for me. I can't imagine what you're feeling right now."
"I'm in limbo," said Ileana. "There's nothing else that describes it. I'm sad, afraid and I just can't seem to be interested in anything."
"Stay here with us," said Peg. "We can send for Livia."
"No, I'm going back tomorrow," said Ileana. "I need to feel at home and I promised James I would manage the estate in his absence. I can't go back on that now. Have you seen the sorceress?"
"No, she hasn't been around much," answered Peg, sounding a little puzzled. "I thought for sure she would be around for the wedding as she does like a party but she seems to have gone into retreat."
"How is Isabella holding up?" asked Ileana. "Three days with Quin isn't enough. I know I only had the wedding night but we were together before that."
"She's brave," said Peg. "They're staying here for a couple of days then will return to her estate with the Queen and the Princesses. My girls adore them and I think the feeling is mutual. Those four girls have never had such freedom as they've had here. We may have let that genie out of the bottle. I have to give Queen Camilla credit. She could have kept them cooped up in her suite but she's been open to them experiencing life as we know it. I think she looks forward to changing things in their kingdom."
Ileana smiled and for the remainder of the afternoon they spoke of many things. Occasionally they were joined by King Steven, and even Queen Camilla herself who felt much the same as Ileana did. When dinner was announced it was a casual affair and the conversation was kept on things other than the war. When it was over Ileana excused herself to return to the tent, wanting some time to herself. Before she reached there Rhodes came to her.
"M’Lady, I have looked everywhere for Tom and he is nowhere to be found," he said. "I have asked your dresser Beth where he is and she won't answer. She just cries and clutches at her crucifix. You must talk to her."
Ileana entered the tent and found Beth seated on one of the chairs in the reception area. She waved Rhodes away although he stayed close by outside the tent.
"Beth, do you know where Tom is?" asked Ileana calmly.
"Yes, M'Lady," replied Beth in a frightened voice. "He made me promise not to tell until it was a certain time."
"He made you promise," restated Ileana. "Where is he?" Beth looked at Ileana again as she clutched at the crucifix that her mistress suddenly realized belonged to Tom. "Beth, tell me the truth, now."
"He has gone with the company," she said. "He kept begging Lord Buchanan to go with him. He's been training as a soldier on his off times without either of you knowing."
"Why would Tom just go and not say anything?" asked Ileana, still trying to remain calm.
"He was shown a vision," stammered Beth. "If he wasn't with Lord Buchanan at a certain time then M'Lord would die. Tom has to help him so he lives and returns to you."
"Why are you wearing Tom's crucifix?" asked Ileana gently. "Is it a token of his love for you?"
Beth nodded her head wordlessly. "We joined last night, in my bed," she said. "He gave me this and pledged to marry me upon his return. If I carry his child he said he would openly claim the child as his. We have resisted feeling this way, M'Lady but with him set on leaving I just ...."
Beth burst into tears again and Ileana held her. She couldn't be angry at Tom if he believed that strongly that he could save James from death then she would take him at his word. But she was concerned that he hadn't married Beth before he left as it wouldn't have taken long with Erasmus still in the castle. She would protect the young woman as best she could if Beth was pregnant. It raised one more question. If the Sorceress shared the vision with Tom why hadn't she told Ileana about it? Where was she?
Chapter 36>>
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aceofstars16 · 6 months
Reblog if you are okay with people giving you lots of boops!
28K notes · View notes
“Could L have stopped Walter White”
“Could Benoit Blanc have stopped Kira”
Blah blah blah ENOUGH. We have to ask the real questions—
Could Saul Goodman get Light off? And barring that how much would Light’s sentence be reduced?
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eefaevie · 8 months
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parce qu'on s'est crié des mots qui ont sali tous nos plus beaux dessins, on a hurlé des chaudières d'encre noire sur le bonheur
j'expose ma tête, mes yeux, mon cœur et mes mains
si tu reviens
something quiet, gentle, and romantic for today. I’ve been assured it’s suggestive enough for @goodomensafterdark ‘s smut war, so enjoy this soft interlude with suggestive tummy ❤️
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archfey-edda · 10 months
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amarkofcain · 6 months
"guys in a spaceship" is really one of the genres of all time. like no way dude i wonder what they're gonna do in the spaceship this week
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asavt · 5 months
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Once upon a time a small rat walked into my web...
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wombywoo · 6 months
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more retirement doodles 💕
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graye · 2 months
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Rumors say this is what tipped Anakin to the Dark side.
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ominouspuff · 7 months
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Fwoom (intimidatingly)
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cloned-eyes · 1 month
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Imperial wrecker anyone.....?
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foxika · 2 months
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he's been trying to switch to space linux since his posting
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dragonpyre · 9 months
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It's canon (to me) that Jason Todd has a baby face
Commission info ko-fi
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padmestrilogy · 3 months
a wookiee just fought two jedi while possessed with lesbian witch magic on my screen and im supposed to think this show can’t cook
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45gayfrogs · 2 months
The fact that both Obi-Wan and Ahsoka think that the other died during order 66 and spend years mourning the other when they both survived is so heartbreaking
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