#calculating all the risks and chances and possible outcomes
keferon · 3 months
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I originally wanted to make both of these pieces in color but I’m gonna be honest I have no fucking idea how to draw Ricochet…he is described as black and red and…mmhhmmm does he have canonical (canonical for this fic I mean) design? Do I need to design him myself? Idk I’ll figure this out later
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hallowxiu · 4 months
Gentle Monster
part 1
i will be posting this as a chaptered series on my a03 linked here.
characters: zombie!Beel, gn!mc
word count: 4.8k
Summary: You're living in a zombie apocalypse where your current struggles have brought you to a small town where you meet a strange zombie.
"The zombie, which hasn’t immediately attacked you, strikes you as odd. It doesn’t seem violent, but you know that can’t be true. If anything, it seems startled by your presence."
Autumn leaves rustle on the ground, the wind blowing them down the streets as you walk hurriedly. You’d left your house, your very own sanctuary that you built with your own hands, to run into town to look for supplies. You were stocked on most things, but you found yourself running low on medical supplies (you had a bit of a nasty run-in with a handful of zombies a few nights ago) and ammunition (for the same reason you ran low on medical supplies). 
For the last year, you were nearly sure you were one of the last remaining humans in your town. You hadn’t seen or as much as heard a peep from people, which was somewhat uncommon. If there were groups of armed people holed up somewhere, you would have eventually run into them when out on supply runs. 
The echo of your steps is the only source of sound in the otherwise quiet town. You can hear the faint grunts and groans of zombies in the distance, but the sounds aren’t close enough to draw any sense of alarm. Still, you had your hammer ready in case you were surprised. 
You weren’t feeling hopeful today with the potential outcome of your supply run. Medical supplies and ammunition generally were rare to find, but in a town where most humans were wiped out? Yeah, fat chance. You felt a growing pit of anxiety forming in your stomach. Never run low: that’s what you drilled into yourself whenever it came to medical supplies and ammunition. How could you let yourself get so careless? You should have never put yourself in this situation to start with.
Your eyes scanned over the abandoned and ruined buildings, moss and vines covering the exteriors and forcing their way inside through broken windows. Damaged bricks lay discarded and forgotten on the ground. Most places had already been ransacked by both you and other survivors. You knew markets had little to provide, and long-forgotten homes had been stripped of anything valuable they once had. There was, however, one place in town that most people avoided. The feeling of anxiety grows larger within you, threatening to break out. You didn’t want to go to that section of town, but you were low on options. You needed medical supplies and ammunition desperately; if you wanted to survive, you’d have to take calculated risks. Running a dirty hand through your hair, a shaky exhale forces itself past your lips as you head toward the town’s police station. 
The police station was a place to avoid for several reasons. However, the most pressing one was that it was located right on the outskirts of town. You tried to avoid the outskirts of town as much as possible. Zombies always seemed to linger in groups that could easily overpower someone traveling alone. The police station also had a small jail toward the back of the building, which became an issue once people started dropping dead and turning. Many of the prisoners were still in their cells, turned years ago. It was just a place you didn’t like to be around, but you also knew many survivors shared that sentiment. If you wanted to get the supplies you were so desperately in need of, you knew the police station would more than likely have it. However, there was a risk that you may end up using all the supplies just trying to get back out of the station. 
You stop short in front of the station. The building looks the same as the rest of the infrastructure in town. Something, likely a herd of zombies, had pushed in the front doors that were now barely attached to the hinges. Bloody handprints had been smeared on the remaining glass, and from what you could tell from where you stood, the inside didn’t look much better. You could see the center of the reception room, papers discarded and dumped on the tiled floor. Inhaling and giving yourself a false sense of confidence, you step inside the station. 
The first thing you noticed was how quiet it was. No grunts, no moans, no shaky breaths. Your dominant hand grips the hammer tighter. It was rare for the police station to be empty; there were almost always zombies roaming around the building. You can hear your heartbeat in your ears, pounding away as you scan the room for any threats. The air held a musty and metallic smell, and you could see thick layers of dust on the plastic chairs that sat haphazardly in the room. Slowly, carefully, you walk behind the receptionist's desk, looking for anything useful. Nothing, but that didn’t shock you. Survivors brave enough to break into the station usually only made it to the receptionist area. Not many were brave, or for lack of a better word, stupid enough to push further. Luckily (or unluckily), you were stupid enough to do such a thing. 
Moving through the reception area and toward the back of the station, you knew the likelihood of finding supplies increased. You swallow nervously, glancing around as you push through the building. Somehow, it became more nerve-wracking the longer you went without running into anything. The lights are out, thanks to the power outage from the outbreak. Still, you weren’t anticipating just how dark the building grew the further you pushed. You knew you had to be getting close to the jail based on the lack of windows. 
You blink several times, trying to get your eyes to adjust to the darkness. You hated being in the dark, something you didn’t initially have a fear of until you found yourself living in a world full of blood-thirsty monsters. Your mind would play tricks on you, conjuring up distorted images of things lurking in the shadows, hiding behind every corner. Whenever you found yourself in the dark, it became incredibly difficult for you to stay focused, to separate reality and hallucinations. You close your eyes, forcing yourself to stay grounded in the moment. Losing yourself to panic would only cause more trouble. Opening your eyes again, you grab a flashlight in your bag. Once on, the flashlight illuminates the room with a narrow tunnel of light, giving you an idea of where you’re at in the building. You had been right; you were in the jail portion of the police station. Lifting your flashlight, you freeze when seeing the outline of something right in front of you. 
Disorientated from the darkness, it takes your brain a moment to process that you are staring directly at someone or something’s chest. Before a scream can erupt from your lungs and you lose yourself completely to panic, you throw yourself back, trying to put as much distance as possible between whatever’s in the room with you. You aim your flashlight, the light revealing a zombie in the corner of the room, visibly startled by your sudden movement. You glance from the zombie to your hammer, noting that it’s of significant size for an ordinary zombie. It didn’t seem like a Griever, the deadliest zombie from the outbreak. That relieved you; you didn’t think you could take on a Griever of that size without a gun. It was the risk you carried when traveling into town; the sound of a gun firing could attract all types of zombies from all over. You were exposed enough as it was in town; you didn’t need to make it worse for yourself. 
You didn’t want to fight the zombie with your hammer. It was large and could easily overpower you. Your pistol is in your bag as a last option, but you couldn’t risk alerting more zombies to your location. The palm of your hand is sweating as your grip around the hammer tightens, your knuckles turning white. Cautiously, you take a slow step back, desiring to add more space between you. The zombie, which hasn’t immediately attacked you, strikes you as odd. It doesn’t seem violent, but you know that can’t be true. 
Without warning, the zombie lunges for you, its hands outstretched as it runs toward you. You force a scream down as you stumble back, unthinkingly swinging the hammer out in front of you, striking at the air. You back into something, feeling cool metal pressing against your back. It’s bars to a jail cell. 
Making a rash and sudden decision, you yank the door to the cell open, darting inside and slamming the door shut behind you. You stumble back against the wall as you watch the large zombie trying to squeeze its arms through the gaps of the cell door. Your chest rises and falls, eyes dilated and wide as you try to make out your dark surroundings. You must’ve dropped your flashlight in the struggle because you were again thrown into darkness. You place a shaky hand on your chest, trying to calm your nerves. You were away from the zombie, but now, admittedly, you were trapped in a pitch-black jail cell. The full gravity of your decision begins to settle over you. You have no medical supplies, you’re low on ammunition, you’re without a light source, and you’re trapped in a jail cell with limited food and water on your person. Feeling panic welling inside you, you struggle to keep it at bay. Throwing yourself into a jail cell has to be the most impulsive decision you’ve made, and it may just cost you your life. You’re only lucky that you managed to pick a cell that wasn’t already holding a zombie.
“Fuck.” You mutter under your breath, watching wearily as the zombie continues its assault on your cell. You had no idea how long it would take before the bars would give out under the zombie. Sure, it was a heavy metal door, but this was also a larger-than-average zombie. You had no idea the strength it held. You watch as the zombie begins to slowly lose interest, another thing that strikes you as odd. Typically, even if a zombie couldn’t reach you, it’d try to get to you as long as it could see you. Hunger was not something that ever went away with zombies. It was what drove them to survive, what drove them to keep going. You were a free ticket to a hot meal as far as this zombie was concerned, and yet… 
You observe how it still lingers by the door, its hands wrapping around the cool metal of the cell bars. It’s watching you closely, its eyes following your every move, no matter how small—the zombie’s groaning, something that sends a shiver up your spine. Regardless of how long you’ve been stuck in this hell, the sounds of zombies never stopped creeping you out. The zombie pulls weakly at the bars; odd. Why would it pull so weakly when you both knew it could easily apply more strength? You were at the mercy of this zombie, and surely you both knew that. Your eyes narrow suspiciously as you feel backed into the wall behind you, your back pressed flat against the cool, bricked surface. 
You needed to plan your escape, but escaping while this monster hovered around your cell wouldn’t do you any good. You lost your flashlight, and while your eyes have been slowly adjusting, you were still at a steep disadvantage. You still have your hammer, but you ultimately knew it wouldn’t do much in a fight against this guy. You could lodge it in its eye and run for it, but then you’re without a weapon. As morbid as it was, your only hope would be if another poor soul wound up here and took its attention off you. You never prayed on the downfall of another human, but if it was the only thing standing between you and getting back home, then you just might. 
You’re pulled from your thoughts when you see movement in front of you, watching in curiosity as the zombie slowly sits down in front of the cell door. It wasn’t like zombies to sit and wait for their prey; they usually just continued to groan and pound away at whatever was blocking them. This zombie was nothing like one you’ve encountered, and its odd behavior was only stacking up in front of you. “What are you?” You find yourself asking, knowing you won’t get anything in response. And true enough, you don’t, except for a grunt. If you weren’t so hung up on how to get out of this situation, you’d probably be taking notes on this zombie, trying to learn about its behavior and unnatural size and classify its type. 
It’s still quiet in the jail, something that hasn’t gone unnoticed by you. You wonder if the zombie in front of you is the reason for the lack of other zombies in the building. That thought sends another shiver up your spine; if this zombie could keep other zombies out of this building, how strong was this beast? Your grip on the hammer tightens as you try to keep as much distance as possible despite the cell door acting as a barricade. You chew on your bottom lip anxiously, your stomach already growling. Pushing the thought of food aside, you look down at your left ankle. It was swollen, ballooning in your shoe. Your ankle was the main reason you were out for medical supplies. During your last run-in with zombies, you sprained it when fleeing. However, with the current state of your ankle, you’re starting to suspect that you might be suffering from a sort of fracture, and you’re even more sure that trying to escape this zombie earlier only made it worse. You should have waited until your ankle healed more; patience in a zombie apocalypse was vital, but it seems it was something you lacked. 
Your ankle was throbbing as you sat, and you started to wonder just how fucked of a situation you landed yourself in. You glance back up to see the zombie still staring at you. It’s strange, but what’s even stranger, you think, is how you aren’t unnerved by its stare. You don’t feel anything. You shake your head, trying to steady yourself. If you get lost in your thoughts now, if you let your panic consume you, you are dead. There was no other way about it. So, instead of letting yourself get wrapped up in your head, you needed to focus on-
Your head snaps up, and your eyes widen as you scan the area as best you can while stuck in the dark cell. Was someone else in here with you? Was someone also stuck in a cell? A prisoner, maybe? Or someone in a very similar situation to yours? “Hello? Who’s there?” You didn’t bother hiding your voice, you were nearly positive that there was only one zombie back here with you, despite you not fully understanding what kind of zombie this was. “Are you injured?”
You were met with silence, and you felt your eyes narrowing in the darkness as you tried to pinpoint the direction the voice was coming from. “Hello?” You try again, waiting on bated breath. After what feels like an eternity, you finally hear a response. 
“Not… injured.” You’re confused by this. They’re not injured, but why are they replying as if they are? “You… injured?” 
“What?” You’re straining to hear the person, and the more you strain, the more you’re uncertain that you might be going insane and hallucinating the entire conversation. You’re so absorbed in this conversation that you inch yourself closer to the cell bars, your fingers wrapping around the rusty metal, the zombie the last thing on your mind. 
Suddenly, the zombie’s face is blocking your view, pressed against the cold metal bars. You let out a surprised yelp, throwing yourself away from the bars and zombie and back against the brick wall. The overly large zombie is pressing itself into the bars with its hands outstretched towards you. You notice it’s not moving aggressively but slowly and curiously. “In…jured.” Okay, now you know you’re going crazy because there’s no way you just saw and heard a zombie attempting to communicate with you. There’s just no way. The zombie points at your swollen ankle with its outstretched hand as if to prove a point. 
“Yeah… injured.” You repeat slowly, not quite believing that this thing is speaking to you. Or that you’re responding to it. There’s a beat of silence as the zombie stares at you, its head tilting. You’re unsure if it's trying to speak or thinking of eating you. 
“Why?” The zombie’s voice is rough and raw. You assume this is because its vocal cords are damaged, and possibly because it hasn’t spoken in who knows how long. You look down at your ankle, bruises blooming across your skin. 
“Because I sprained it. Maybe fractured it. I don’t know.” You offer lamely. Why are you talking with a zombie? Are you really that desperate for some kind of human interaction, even if it comes in the form of a bloodthirsty monster? You look up when hearing the zombie grunt. You’re unsure if that was a response, or just the zombie grunting for the sake of grunting. It’s still pitch black, but your eyes have somewhat adjusted. You can see the outline of muscles and the torn fabric on its dirty and bloodied clothes. It looks like a type of uniform, but you couldn’t figure out what. The zombie has shaggy hair and strands of grown-out bangs covering its eyes. Its hand is still out stretched toward you, the other clutching onto a bar of the cell. There’s dirt packed under its broken and chipped nails. You spot what looks like a nametag on the monster’s chest. “What’s your name?” You don’t know why you’re asking. Maybe to give the zombie some human element, to make it less scary. Or maybe you’re trying to prove to yourself that this whole situation isn’t made up. 
The silence stretches out, lasting so long that you almost forget the zombie is there. You begin to wonder if you did imagine the scenario. “B…Beelze…bub.” Huh. Odd name. You rub your hands against your face, crouching over as you try to comprehend everything. Odd name aside, the zombie answered your question. You asked for a name and it gave you a name. Which meant the zombie understood your question and has been asking you questions and responding in kind. 
“How is this possible?” You ask out loud as you lean your head against the brick wall behind you. You’ve never heard of this happening; you never imagined this happening. A talking zombie that isn’t immediately trying to kill and eat you? It’s as if you fell into a completely different world. Were there others like it? Was it possible for a community of zombies to exist? The zombie, or Beelzebub, only stared in response. Perhaps it was letting you think things over, or maybe its vocal cords were on the verge of giving out. You could also be crazy.
You lean back against the wall again, your swollen and throbbing ankle nearly forgotten. “Will you eat me if I get out of here?” It was a question you did but didn’t want to be answered. You were stuck in this situation because of it, and it did try to attack you earlier. You also figured you’d ask this before asking if it would help free you from your cell. 
Solid. You managed to find the only talking zombie in town, maybe even the world, and it still wants to eat you. You’re not sure how to feel about that. You needed to think of a way out of this. “What if you let me out, you know, find a key or something, and then you don’t eat me?” Beelzebub stares at you with an expressionless face. You’re fairly sure you see it blink one eye at a time. However, a lightbulb goes off in your head; bargaining with it might work. “Uh, if you get me a key and get me out of here, without eating me,” you find yourself emphasizing, “I’ll help you find animals to eat or something.” You haven’t seen humans in town for a long time, so you don’t know the last time Beelzebub ate. Could zombies last for periods without eating? “So? What do you think? Pretty sweet deal, right?” You fully intended on ditching this zombie as soon as it lets you out. Hopefully, it can’t tell. 
Still, you don’t receive anything in response. It’s still staring. “Key? You know, the shiny metal thing that unlocks doors? Cells?” You make a gesture with your hand in the air, mimicking unlocking a door with a key. “You know? Key?” You’re starting to sound desperate; you’re also stuck in a cell with a talking zombie for company. Is desperation really that bad of a look? 
The zombie grunts before pushing itself away from the cell bars and standing up. It turns its back to you, shuffling away quietly. Either it’s looking for a key, or it got bored of you. You’ll gladly take either option at this point. 
You sit for several minutes, trying to brainstorm ways of escape with your near-useless ankle, while also being located in the back of the police station, possibly the most dangerous place to be in town. You were also without a weapon other than your hammer, and missing your flashlight. Maybe you could brute force your way out of here? Bang on the bars enough until they give way? No, that’s ridiculous. You could try lockpicking your way out; you’ve seen it done in movies before. Maybe if you found something like a paperclip or even your fingernail-
Your thoughts are interrupted when you feel something hard and cold bounce off your forehead. You look to the ground to see a shiny metal key by your hand. Looking up, you see Beelzebub staring at you from the other side of the cell bars. “Really? You threw it at my head?” But most importantly, this zombie fetched you a key. You asked for a key and it retrieved a key for you. Whether it’s the proper key or not is yet to be seen, but still, you find this astonishing. 
“Key.” It grunts out and leans against the bars again, its expression unreadable. 
“Key.” You repeat and slowly lean forward to pick up the small object. “And you’ll let me unlock the door? Without trying to eat me?” You cast a suspicious look the zombie’s way. It only grunts in response, and you struggle to decide how to take that as an answer. Regardless, your options are limited, and you don’t have much in the way of supplies when it comes to food and water. Inhaling deep, you push yourself off the ground and force your way to the door. If it tries to attack you, you can always try to outrun it. Doing so might prove slightly challenging with your ankle, but adrenaline can do wonderful things for the human body. “Can you take a step back?” You ask as you approach the cell’s bars. Unlocking the cell with your hand outstretched, a feeling of unease washes over you. The thought of it potentially seizing your hand at any moment kept you on guard, emphasizing the need for caution. It could grab your hand at any moment and bite down, why wouldn’t you be hesitant? 
You watch in slight relief as Beelzebub takes a step back, and you quickly reach your hand between the bars to unlock the door with the key. With a loud click the lock opens. You swiftly slide the door open and run for it. You don’t bother looking for your flashlight or even checking for other zombies. You just run. Your feet feel heavy as they hit the ground and a searing pain swiftly travels up your ankle with each step. How long you could keep going remained unknown as you raced away from Beelzebub. It was a relief to know that Beelzebub wasn't a Griever, but its true nature remained a mystery. Could it match the speed of a Griever? Possess greater strength? These were questions to which you had no desire to find answers.
Running down the hall, you suddenly hear loud footsteps approaching from behind. The light from the reception area is just starting to become visible. You refuse to look back and instead pick up your pace. Your ankle is screaming in agony, but you couldn’t afford to stop now. This entire thing was a bust, and you knew you’d be getting out of this situation more fucked up than you were before. 
The light is an overwhelming assault on your eyes the moment you step foot into the reception. Your vision is white as you stumble blindly, your hands outstretched as you try to grab onto a nearby item for support. You had to get your shit together and fast. The police station was always a hot spot for zombie activity and you were completely exposed. You were blinded, your ankle was an absolute mess, and you only had a hammer to defend yourself with. As your vision slowly returns, a rough hand lands on your shoulder from behind, and you struggle to suppress a blood-curdling scream. You spin around, your ankle nearly going out in the process, only to be met with Beelzebub’s fogged-over eyes. 
“Human… lied.” You swallow the growing lump in your throat as you stare up at the monster before you. Now in the light, you can see just what you’re dealing with. The zombie’s tall, but not taller than a Greiver. It’s muscular too, which oddly enough, brings some comfort. Grievers were not known for being muscular, but that didn’t mean this zombie couldn’t seriously mess you up either. 
You noticed the uniform it had on was that of a police officer, and the nametag did in fact display the name Beelzebub. So, your zombie friend was once a cop and this is likely where it died and became a zombie. Interesting. “Human prom…ised… food.” You can feel a thin layer of sweat forming on your skin as its eyes bore down into you. Hopefully, it doesn’t consider you to be the food. “Human ran. Human left. I let… human out.” It seemed angry, that much was clear. Your throat was running dry, and any and all words in your head died as soon as they reached your tongue. 
“I, uh…” Could you seriously not think up any excuse? “Forgot?” On second thought, maybe it would’ve been better to stay quiet. The look on Beelzebub’s face tells you it doesn’t quite believe your words either. “Alright, look. I was nervous. Can you blame me? You’re a talking zombie and I’m your five-course meal. How am I supposed to believe that you won’t try to eat me the second my guard is down?  What if you call your zombie buddies to tell them you found the hottest meal ticket in town?” 
“Zombie… budd…ies?” There’s a look of confusion on Beelzebub’s face as it stares down at you. 
“You’re missing the point entirely.” 
“B…Beelze…bub hun...gry.” A sigh leaves you as the insistent zombie stands before you. You briefly check your surroundings. It was a risk standing in an area as open as reception. You were no stranger to the types of zombies that lingered by the police station, and you didn’t want to draw a crowd. You needed to hurry this up. 
“Look, if I feed you an animal or something, will you leave me alone?” You don’t know why you’re even trying to bargain with this thing; possibly because you want to get out of here and can’t outrun it. The zombie nods its head, or at least the best it can. “Fine, fine. Follow me and I’ll lead you back to my home. I have food there. Meat.” The word meat seems to do the trick, as the zombie’s eyes widen and it seems overall more aware. “Attack me though and I’ll kill you.” It doesn’t look very intimidated by your hammer or you. 
Once you two agree (if you can call it that), you look around the reception area. You don’t see any zombies lingering outside. It was just as clear as when you first came in. That was weird. Normally there are at least a dozen, and the fact that there were none when you first arrived or even now leaves a sour taste in your mouth. Uneasiness aside, you didn’t want to wait around for more to show up. “Alright, follow me. Stay close behind,” you turn around to narrow your eyes suspiciously at the zombie, “but not too close, and don’t get lost because I won’t come looking for you.” You couldn’t believe you were actually considering bringing a zombie home with you. 
You couldn’t see this ending well. 
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shyminmin · 5 months
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𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄 ᯽𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐗 𝐟. 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 | Urban Fantasy AU | ᯽𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 2.9k + ᯽𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : Minor Angst
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Many say that life is nothing but a cruel game.
That in all her beauty and grace, life is unfair to those who try to live morally within her bounds, only to wind up being the ones to be pushed over the edge in the end. To cop the blow while injustice reigns in the hands of the perpetrator. That once you’ve met your undesirable demise, it’s over.
Second chances are unheard of, don’t get given away freely like menial handouts. The cat never saw past its ninth life to finally pounce on that golden bird it’s been eyeing off for eternity, so why would anyone else be viable? No once you’re gone, you stay gone.
Reality is one big slap in the face in that respect.
Funny then..
Funny then how life, as straightforward as she is questionable, has a way of catching her players off guard..
It’s almost laughable really at how such a cataclysm of events, of petty discrepancies seasoned by a good dose of cowardly violence, could lead to such an ever changing outcome. Never in their small, miserable lives would they have fathomed that such a thing was possible.
That against all odds, they indeed somehow earned that invaluable second breath when they were almost certain that their time on this worldly plane was up…
And little did they know that along with that exemption from death, also came the birth of something more profound in nature within each of them..
Something that – dare I say – went as far as breaching the very confines of mortality as we know it.
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Three figures emerged from a dense sea of bark and foliage, the accumulations of an endless woodland.
Its trees, which mainly consisted of various species of maple and oak, eventually cut away to form the natural circumference of a wide spanning clearing, carpeted by lush green grasses. With the daytime waning on them, the small entourage swiftly ventured towards the very center of it, determined and alert.
The wind, which had been steadily picking up at the time of their arrival, brushed over them, almost like an inaudible welcome as it ruffled bits of their clothing. The seemingly kind gesture though failed to deter the ever present caution that clung to them like an itchy second skin.
Besides the whispers of the breeze and the faint rustling of branches in the far off perimeter, nothing dared to breathe a sound. The only female of the trio surveyed their vacant surroundings as she clutched a thick woolen blanket within her arms, long dark hair tumbling down her back like a midnight stream. Her two brothers loosely flanked her on either side, counting down the steps to their desired destination all while remaining on constant guard.
This would be the fifth and hopefully final time of stepping foot into such a place. As beautiful as this emerald patch in the middle of nowhere was, with nothing but nature greeting its visitors from all sides and isolated from the rest of civilization, it still held a level of eeriness that irked them to their very cores.
For it was the unsettling event that would eventually take place, and that they were in turn forced to witness each time, that never ceased to strike that chord of unease within them.
Regardless, they had little choice in the matter. Failing to turn up here at the calculated timing would mean they'd risk missing out on reaping their rewards; the chance of reuniting with what they had lost.
That of their remaining kin.
A few crunching steps later, their trek finally halted at the terse raise of a hand. It belonged to the eldest, one of the men whose face was fixed into a permanent stony resolve. By default he was elected to be the group’s leader, not just because of his superior years to their own but due to the amount of experience he held regarding the circumstance they found themselves in currently. Unlike the others who had only made the journey here once or twice, he had been present for all of them.
“Are you sure she’ll be here?”
The question came from the other male within their group, the words tumbling out of his mouth anxiously, uncertainty all but plaguing him as he shuffled in his place. Ever the compassionate person, their younger brother often wore his heart on his sleeve. When it came to the wellbeing of his loved ones, he was always the one who dwelled on it the most, broadcasting his emotions and showing those around him just how affected he really was. He gulped, tanned skin gradually heating up as he thought of the worst, clenching his fists tightly as faint sizzling erupted from them.
Slightly alarmed, the woman turned and placed a steady hand on his arm trying to ease some of his tension, sighing when she felt his temperature return to normal after a few moments, the abnormal sounds he was emitting soon subsiding. He looked down to her once he was settled enough, giving her a sheepish look, “Sorry…Thanks Noona.” She only gave him a grim smile in return.
“Give her time,” the oldest responded calmly off to the side. He viewed the dwindling light shining above them where a warm mixture of yellows and oranges were painted seamlessly across the sky. The golden disk of the sun ever so slowly sank below the tree line, bidding them a solemn farewell.
And perhaps relaying an ode of what was to come.
Anytime now, he muttered in his head, refocusing his gaze back down to the ground before them.
Just a little longer..
She’ll come. The rest of us had, so she shall as well. It was the equinox after all, if anything that should mark her arrival.
His mental consolation kept repeating like an unrelenting prayer in time to his wavering heart.
She’ll be with us soon.. She has to..
Nervous anticipation filled the atmosphere at this point as they remained in their place, biding their time.
However, the discomfort only grew when in the next moment everything decided to turn on its head.
The previous gentleness of the wind abruptly sped up, transforming into something that was far more perilous and dangerous; the now influx of raging gusts seeking out nothing short of discord. Their sudden strength unapologetically ripping out blades of grass in their wake and pushing and pulling the siblings from all angles, an almost sick game to get them off balance.
Such a competition proved successful as a yelp sounded out, the woman of the group none too kindly getting knocked off her feet. With both her hands occupied on keeping hold of the blanket, she was in danger of taking flight. Fortunately, before that could happen, she was quickly grabbed and righted by her brothers as they now all huddled together, slightly crouched to gain some sort of traction as they braced against the howling winds.
“Look!” The youngest suddenly yelled over the noise, pointing off to the distance from where they had first arrived. They all gaped in both shock and awe as the once vibrant shades of green that the trees had so proudly adorned faded into various fiery hues. Some of their leaves outright flying off the branches only to get swept up into the ever growing whirlwind, looking practically like shooting flecks of flame.
“It’s begun,” the eldest gritted, grasping the other two tighter. “We just need to wait it out! Keep calm and neither of you let go!”
“No shit!” His sister thundered back, earning a scolding curse from the man. This was hardly the time to argue as voiced by their youngest when their banter didn’t seem to let up. Survival was of their utmost priority and he would be damned if they failed to do that because of some petty arguing.
With the amount of reddened leaves continuing to break away from their origin trees, getting grouped together from the unrelenting winds, one could almost mistake this phenomenon for a growing tornado of fire, the trio unfortunately being at the very center of it, completely at its mercy.
All they could do was hope for the best.
A dozen or so said leaves collided with their skin in the mix, the rate of their speed causing their paper-thin edges to become that much more sharper and in turn drawing lines of blood.
Regardless, the siblings kept up their strong front, brushing off the attacks. The younger two were more emotive, their expressions filled with bewilderment while their oldest brother continued to remain impassive, eyes never losing their sharpness behind his dark locks.
Was this her doing? He resounded once more as he took in the situation. Such power…
Long minutes that seemed more like painstaking hours passed as they braved it through this strange turbulence, determination and longing keeping them rooted to the ground. The sky by now had lost its warmth, washed away by an indigo sea dotted with pearls.
Darkness crept over the clearing.
And as if this natural dissipation of light marked the end of wakefulness that the daytime ensued, so seemed to have in turn caused the winds to lose their erraticness. The harsh streams of air gradually lost their vigor and once more faded into gentle caresses that glided smoothly across their forms. The airborne foliage as a result rained down upon them, now a shower of leafy embers.
The three, seeing this change, gradually loosened their hold on one another but still remained close. They knew better than to let down their guard in a moment of reprieve.
Out of their peripheral, a dash of maroon shot past.
They watched breathlessly as a single maple leaf broke away from the amassment of falling red. It twisted and tumbled downwards in an almost elegant dance, its spiraling descent soon ended though as it softly perched on a pale mound of smooth skin; a shoulder.
Three pairs of eyes widened as recognition set in.
“Y/n!?” Gasping, the younger brother took a hesitant step forward but was almost instantly held back by his hyung, a warning shot his way. Worry had dominated the shout but deep down it served as the epitome of relief.
For there, taking up the once barren land before them, now housed the small form of a woman.
Their little sister.
Curled up on her side in a tight fetal position, her bare back faced them as they took in the faint rise and fall of her torso, goosebumps threatening to peek through as she shivered. Oh how she looked so fragile from where they stood, the world all but seeming to swallow the poor girl up while she was clearly in such a vulnerable state.
Weak, bare and alone.
At this, they were almost afraid to approach her, in fear that she could somehow shrivel away if they got close enough. She had always been sensitive in that respect. Too good, too pure for the world they were born into and the underserved hardship that was instantly thrust upon her amongst her first breath.
Hesitation was soon quelled though as long raven locks surged forward past the two men as their sister who had originally accompanied them crouched down before her curled up dongsaeng. Swiftly unwrapping the blanket she had brought, she draped it over the girl to protect her modesty, unclothed body now hidden from sight.
“Oh Y/n,” she softly spoke, delicately brushing some of the young woman’s hair behind her ear, revealing a face donned with sleep. “Sweetheart, can you hear me?”
That’s when she heard the meek, strained words.
At the sound of her name, the raven haired woman’s eyes lit up, “Yes, that’s right. Your big sister’s here, dearest. We all are.”
“What happened?” Weak sobs made themselves known as Y/n stumbled over her words. “It was so cold… and dark… I-I was all alone..” Trembling, her eyes were yet to open as she remained to shake under the wool of the blanket. Jiwoo as a result looked her newfound sister over in dismay, not quite knowing how to handle the girl’s anguish.
Having been in the exact same position Y/n was in right now, not nearly six months prior, didn’t make dealing with this current predicament any easier. Honestly, how would one go about waking up in the middle of nowhere with no clothes on their back and expect to simply shrug it off like it was nothing?
No, if anything her demeanor was more than justified.
Swift footfalls resounded behind them as their two brothers silently joined them on the ground, their focus trained solely on the clear distress that their youngest displayed.
The eldest, with the same care and gentleness that his sister Jiwoo had taken, cupped the sides of Y/n’s head and softly turned it so that her face was in full view. Her lashes kissed her cheeks as trails of tears streaked down them like branching rivers, her lips wobbling. “Y/n..” his voice deep and calm to their ears. “Can you open your eyes for us?”
“Yes love,” he rasped as his eyes lost some of their edge. “We’re right here, everything is going to be alright.”
Ever so slowly her lids pulled upwards. Glossy orbs appeared behind them, blinking a couple of times before focusing where they then locked onto his own. The otherworldly glow that radiated off her irises made him still for a moment.
The bright russet of her eyes reflected off of their own, like two alluring lanterns guiding one through a darkened landscape; bewitching beauty and warmth while they were the moths being drawn mindlessly to them. However, if one were to look just that little bit closer, just that one measly second longer, then they would notice that the soft radiance that they initially bestowed didn’t completely hide the presence of something else in intensity.
Something slightly foreboding in nature…
But before they could probe deeper on that fact, those lanterns of her’s dimmed, fizzling out to revert back to a more ‘human’ luminosity. Deep brown now stared up at them, unaware of the spell they had just cast.
“How do you feel?” The oldest asked after a few long moments.
Scrunching her eyes pondering, she settled on one word she deemed the most feasible, “Weird..”
All of them smiled down at her at that, liking her curt but somehow thorough explanation. They knew exactly what she meant.
“Weird but…strangely alive..?”
The youngest brother let out a small chuckle as he patted her head comfortingly, tears threatening to break free from his eyes. He silently thanked whatever force was out there that had brought his little sister back to them in one piece.
“Hobi,” Y/n gasped, mistaking her brother’s happiness for the opposite, “Oppa, don’t cry”. That only incited another laugh from him, a droplet finally escaping from his orbs. “I should be saying the same to you,” he wiped the sides of her cheeks where they were still damp from the result of her own crying. “No more tears, you’re back with us now.”
“Oh you two,” Jiwoo cooed, at risk of following in their suit with watery eyes of her own. She was quick to help with wrapping the blanket further around her sister when it started falling off as Y/n, with some effort, managed to push herself up into a seated position. Her body swayed a bit in the process, still in a fairly weakened and sleepy state. Concerned, she was assisted by the quiet older brother, his large hands holding her by her shoulders, coaxing her to lean back against him which she was more than grateful for.
“I…how…? She began again, looking between the three of them in disbelief. “It’s been years. How are you all here?” I… I thought I would never see any of you again…”
“The feeling’s mutual dear.” Her sister crooned while Hobi nodded to the sentiment, patting her cheek. A faint squeeze of her shoulders chimed in from the oldest as he looked her over in a rare display of intrigue. “You’ve grown…” He muttered, taking in the lack of baby fat that had always clung to her face. “I was sure you’d stay little forever; how the time has passed,” he mused.
As a result, Y/n’s cheeks couldn’t help but take on a tinge of pink as she looked down bashfully.
A shout of contradiction rang out.
“What are you talking about? She still is! She’ll always be our baby and nothing will change that!” Jiwoo butted in matter of factly, flicking the older’s forehead much to his annoyance. “Tch really?.. You’re more of a child than she is.” He grumbled at her actions. “Can you at least act your age?”
Ignoring his complaining, she went in to hug Y/n and in turn ended up embracing the exasperated man as well since he was practically stuck to her back as her support. The brother nicknamed Hobi, with shining eyes smiling at the display, soon joined the family group hug as they all basked in each other’s warmth and comfort. More tears were spilled but they were drowned out by joyous laughter and cries.
What once was three now became four; the quartet of siblings was finally reunited and complete. Nothing would tear them away from each other again. They were in this together. This second chance at a new life and beginning which they would live out as one unified front.
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| 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 |
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
YJ, BTAS, Arkham Riddler with S/O who got in pretty serious trouble, asking what she was thinking and she answers "The risk was calculated but boy am I bad at math."
The Math Ain't Mathing
Young Justice Riddler:
To say you two were sitting ducks was an understatement.
You were trapped in an alley, trying your best to hide from The Team. You two took cover behind some dumpsters. Last either of you checked Robin was hot on your tail. 
“We need to keep moving!” You demanded in a whisper. 
“What? No! After your brilliant plan, I’m not taking any more chances!” Ed snapped again, in a harsh whisper. 
“We’re just waiting for Boy Wonder to find us!” 
“If your plan would’ve worked we wouldn’t be in this mess! But nooo the great Y/N just had the best plan! What were you thinking anyway?” 
“Clearly, there were some miscalculations…or I’m just really bad at math…” You muttered the latter part under your breath. 
Unfortunately, Edward still heard it, “yeah I think I’ll go with you’re just terrible at math!” 
“And you both are terrible at hiding~” 
You and Edward groaned as you’re both caught by the Boy Wonder and shipped back to Belle Reve.
BTAS Riddler:
The only sound that could be heard throughout the room was the steady tapping of a foot. 
Edward's foot. He had his arms crossed and looked absolutely beside himself. 
You screwed up. You screwed up big time, and Ed had to come in and save your ass. 
You thought you were ready for the big leagues. You could hack into GCPD's databases and get info on the Rogues and erase your criminal history! At least you thought…you hit a firewall and your presence was immediately alerted. 
Thankfully Edward was able to bypass the firewall and blocked GCPD's tracker from pinpointing your location. 
"Care to tell me, just what on Earth were you thinking?"
You winced at his irritated sharp tone. "It…I…I calculated the possibility of police interference…just..turns out I'm bad at math…and subtracted way more than I should have.." 
Edward sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Next time, dear Y/N..get a calculator."
Arkhamverse Riddler: 
"How could you have been so foolish? So ignorant and careless? Was your brain malfunctioning when this scheme was plotted?"
"N-no..no…Harley and I thought it was a good idea.."
"That explains part of it…anything that..that clown princess partakes in is doomed to fail some way somehow…"
Yeah, in hindsight, it probably wasn't a good idea to try and snatch one of the Penguin's armored trucks full of weapons.
"But you, I expected better from you. Have I taught you nothing? Have you wasted away what intellect I've made you privy to? Vast knowledge that most would kill for?" 
"N-no you have! You absolutely have…I…I gathered all the variables and calculated all possible outcomes. I'm just really terrible at math."
Edward rubbed his face with his hands, before he rubbed his temples. 
"I think you need to spend less time with Quinn and more time in the workshop. So there won't be any more miscalculations."
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The risk he took was calculated, but man is he bad at math
The reason why all 8 Pure Hearts were able to be recharged after they expended their power during the fight with Count Bleck isn’t just because of O’Chunks’, Mimi’s, and Tippi’s love for the Count alone. At first I had a thought that maybe the Pure Hearts’ ability to be recharged is based on the ratio of love to a particular dimension, and since Dimension D is very small and their love so grand, that that’s what recharged all of them.
But then I realized, no, it wasn’t based on love-to-dimension-size ratio; their love for the Count is grand, yes, but such a possible reason had no part in them being recharged.
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It was this innate aspect of Dimension D that amplified the emotions that existed in close proximity to the exhausted Pure Hearts as though through a magnifying glass that recharged all 8 even though there were only four conscious people. So not only did Dimentio completely fuck himself over by not killing Count Bleck on the spot but instead chose to save killing him for later, but he sent all the people who cared for and loved the Count into the very Dimension he created that has this specific property to it where out of all the still existing yet temporarily safe places he could have dumped them, it was the one dimension where they all still had a chance of attaining victory and defeating him.
After the above, I then started doubting this due to what the whole "256" thing was referring to with me going,
"Hm. Considering the “256 times more powerful” thing is a reference to 8-bit computing, and the fact that back in the olden days the cap on numerical values was 255 and even one further would roll the number back over to 0, it’s likely the same could be said for it amplifying their love and thus Dimension D didn’t actually do anything to aid Count Bleck, Tippi, and the other minions in recharging the Pure Hearts. Nevermind then."
but then came the realization of
the reason why in-universe anyone in Dimension D who fights another person is equally matched is because of its properties applying to all people within it. That’s the reason why it “rolls over” to “zero” aka nothing: everyone gets the power boost therefore there isn’t any greater a difference in power than there was prior to entering Dimension D. It’s not “N x “nothing” = N vs N x “nothing” = N therefore N vs N” but “N x 256 vs N x 256 effectively results in the exact same outcome as N vs N even though both are stronger”. But this is really only the case when fighting in it. If one assumes the 256 applies to everything, then it amplifying the love within it is still a valid explanation because it isn’t directly competing against anything else for it to ultimately end up redundant. There’s no pushback, it’s freely allowed to go up.
This has to be the case because if one goes with the “N x “nothing” (which numerically would be 1)” approach, the love wouldn’t be amplified or even changed at all. (and it’s not “N x 0” because if it was, no damage would have been able to be dealt by anyone who fought in Dimension D)
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darkmaga-retard · 9 days
Justin Hart
Sep 10, 2024
The polls are ofiicially open (early voting has started in some states!)
The latest polls have the Harris stuck between 1 and 3 percent. Here’s the latest chart showing her lead SLIPPING nationally.
“Poker is a skill game pretending to be a chance game." — James Altucher
When it comes to elections, much like poker, it may seem like luck plays the biggest role. But seasoned players—and political forecasters—know the truth: it's all about the math.
Nate Silver approaches political forecasting the same way a skilled poker player approaches a hand. His model calculates probabilities, not certainties, assigning a percentage to every possible electoral outcome.
For those troubled by his predictions that show Trump with a higher-than-expected chance in states like Pennsylvania (like the entire media establishment), thinking like a poker player may offer clarity. After all, both poker and elections are games of numbers, strategy, and calculated risks.
Why Election Forecasting is Like Poker
In poker, every hand presents a chance to win, but not every chance is equal. Some hands are stronger, like holding pocket Aces, while others leave you hoping for a lucky draw. Nate Silver's model uses the same probabilistic thinking: it's not about predicting the future with certainty but understanding the odds.
Political campaigns operate like poker players managing risk. They know some states are critical—those “big hands” that could decide the entire election.
Back to Pennsylvania: If Trump wins this state, Silver’s model gives him a 93.8% chance of winning the election. For Trump, winning Pennsylvania is like holding pocket Kings—a powerful hand that significantly boosts his chances. Harris, on the other hand, needs to win other key states, like Michigan or Georgia, to balance out her losses, similar to a poker player playing multiple lower-value hands to win over time.
This approach has ties to game theory, pioneered by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern in Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. They taught us that, in games of strategy like poker—or elections—players must calculate their best possible moves based on incomplete information. Silver’s model follows this principle, assigning win probabilities to each candidate depending on the available polling data, historical trends, and demographic factors. Just as a poker player can’t know what cards their opponent holds, campaigns can’t know exactly how voters will behave. All they can do is calculate the best possible strategy and adjust as the game plays out.
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your-girl-circe · 5 months
I want to say something right now that is not guaranteed as a standard fact , because obviously it depends on each situation, but it is something that I see all the time.
Most famous people, or people that actually succeed economically, the majority of them coming from an environment with chaos, meaning bad parents, or poverty, etc.
The minority are only people that came from actually a good family or with money.
Do you wanna know why this happening?
In the first instance, the successful person didn't have anyone to find support. He never found warmth, so he became the best person he could ever DEPEND on , he realized he got nothing to lose or to risk and that's why he tried.Because he know that he is already in a bad position so there's not a bad outcome, because if he fail he will just return in the same bad position he is at right now.Most of them, sooner or later, no matter the falls, succeed.
People, on the contrary, that's coming from good parents or wealth, it is hard to succeed.Meaning, they remain in the same "caste" (again. most of them not all of them). U wanna know why? because their parents are people that actually CARE about their kid. And in a case scenario, if the kid want to try something out of his comfort zone, the parents probably gonna be the reason to stop him because they don't want their kid to face failure.So because the kid actually received love and love it's parents, gonna be affected by their opinion because the kid know that whatever advice they give, they never meant to took him down or sabotage him. And he may cut his dream out and probably live all his life with a "what if" on his mind. In contrast with the first instance when the parents have HORSESHIT mindset and doesn't give a shit about their kids future.
The kid in the second instance have to really try "against them" which is hard as well, the person of course cant face the difficulties like the first one, but he really have to deal with other hard parameters. He has to put effort and *the most important* to make correct "calculations" by not putting everything he has in the beginning because he is already in a good position (wealth) , and if he is going to risk all his networth probably he might fail.
Well, this post is not only promoting the fact that people with a bad environment will succeed.But, it is a post for you to think.
Most people probably reading this, are not coming from good environments because I see the sabotage quotes yall posting and generally y'all have no money right now.Instead of listening to bullshit or thinking why the motherfucker u texted didn't answer or why the girl u want wants the more successful one, try to take these examples as a mainspring to actually try to change your lifeline you drawed BLACK and will probably put you nowhere good in life .
People in both instances have something common.They listened to themselves no matter the difficulties both examples facing. They made the right calculations and considered every possibility. In your case scenario, what do you have to lose?
People who actually listen and believe to themselves know better than the environment they're dealing with even tho they probably communicate with them EVERY DAY! Of course, you have to try hard. Nothing comes magically, and nothing that's worth.. coming quickly.
Today's task is to sit down and face reality.
If you have the chance to change your faith and fate, why do you decide to waste yourself scrolling, watching bullshit and burning your cells rather than actually doing the work your mind gonna be stressed about?
Educate yourself, study to graduate, take that opportunity you are afraid of.ACT! JUST TAKE THE DECISION AND ACT!You have nothing to lose.And this kind of stress you will feel (which is not stress is a fear) is revitalating.
Have faith.
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xxdungeon-stuckxx · 2 years
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Light, Heart
Presides Over: 
Time travel, alternate timelines, doomed timelines, time loops, the afterlife, ending cycles, instruments
Time players have a close connection to the color red.
Death often is a subject of interest for a time player. This can be in the form of having an interest in bones, ghosts, the afterlife, etc. Death often follows a time player
All time players’ planets are home to the Scratch Construct. Without them, a Scratch is impossible to perform.
Doomed timelines are always a risk for time players, and it’s not uncommon for a time player to doom themselves and/or others (intentionally or not). Time players simply see doomed selves as a fact of life and as nothing to worry about too much though.
Time players often have ties to music in some way, or rather, the instruments themselves.
Time players have a connection to technology in some capacity
Time players are already awoken on their moons before the game session starts.
Time players are inherently prepared for the worst possible outcome. They will spend their whole lives preparing for the worst thing to come, and oftentimes, their preparations were not for nothing. The preparations that time players make are almost always done because of the plausibility of a terrible outcome. They don’t tend to take chances and would rather prepare for the worst than do nothing at all.
They are calculated with all of their actions because they are constantly thinking of the outcome of the situation. Everything they do has a purpose behind it that a time player sees as something important. Sometimes, these actions may seem silly to onlookers, but the time player knows that they have a reason for doing the things that they do.
Time players are not those who simply accept things as they are and they are at constant odds with what fate has in store for them. They seek to change outcomes that they dislike at any cost.
Any player of time is going to be someone who values action over anything else. They are constantly on the move, never sitting still metaphorically. They are players who are always making some sort of progress in order to reach an end goal. They don’t sit back and watch things play out because they would rather be the ones causing influence to get to their goal more efficiently. It comes as no surprise that time players are very goal oriented.
Time players can be defensive of themselves and don’t take criticism lightly. Any critique of them will often lead a time player to take it as a personal attack. Not all-time players will be as aggressive about defending themselves as others, however, don’t expect a time player to take an insult like it’s nothing. Time players always will come back at someone with a snarky response when they take something as an insult. To make things more interesting, they never forget when someone has said something they perceive as a personal attack against themselves. Time players can seem petty for this very reason. A good way of throwing any time player off is to hit them where it hurts most, by attacking their ego.
Time players have a hard time acting in the moment. If something doesn’t go as they planned it to, they often can be left dumbfounded and they have a harder time reacting in the calculated way they usually do. Plans are everything to a time player and time-bound players don’t much appreciate it when they don’t go as they had anticipated. Because of this, time players can make stupid decisions if a situation they haven’t planned for arises.
Time players can be ruthless if given the chance to. This ties into their pettiness and time players can become bloodthirsty at their very worst. They often do so in order to seek revenge of some kind. No matter how dumb the reason for this revenge may seem to those with an outside perspective, it is always justified by the time player. 
It is not uncommon for time players to experience abuse at the hands of others. Their upbringing often leaves them with additional strength to overcome their obstacles and hardships. However, this abuse can also cause a future thirst for blood. They often grow fed up with the abuse that they face and they learn to attack others as a form of defense, in their minds at least. They also use their anger towards their abuse to drive them further toward success. However, not all time players are those who use their abuse to justify abusing others. Many times players will use their experience with abuse as a way to empathize and sympathize with others around them. They often seek to protect others from danger because they didn’t have anyone to protect them. Either way, they hold a series of negative emotions towards their abuse, and time players never forget what was done to them. Time players take a lot of effort and patience in order to learn to forgive others for their crimes, if they even learn to forgive at all. 
Time players have a tendency to repeat things over and over again, both literally and metaphorically. This can leave them feeling as though they are “stuck in a loop”, one may say. Time players will repeat their mistakes countless times, struggling to learn how to overcome their personal endeavors. Their headstrong nature causes them to muscle their way through situations instead of taking a step back and looking at the big picture. They typically force their way through situations rather than take their time to think about doing things differently. 
Time players love to talk. They can be overwhelming to some and annoying to others. However, time players simply have a lot of things to say and so little time to say them. They would rather vomit at the mouth and explain everything to someone rather than keep their thoughts to themselves. 
Time players have an intense personality hidden within them. Some will embrace their intensity while others will hide it away and only show small glimpses into their psyche. The intensity can come in any form, such as intensely angry, intensely happy, intensely bitchy, or intensely cool, but all time players express their intense personalities in some way. 
In Cannon:
Dave Strider (Knight of Time), Aradia Medigo (Maid of Time), Damara Medigo/The Handmaid (Witch of Time), Caliborn (Lord of Time), Mallek Adalov (Player of Time), Skylla Koriga (Player of Time), Marvus Xoloto (Player of Time), Idarat Catlaz (Player of Time)
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magatsunohana · 2 years
₰ A Starter for @ssrdraw ₰
Chance. Luck. Probabilities. These were just some of the things that made Azul’s skin crawl. It wasn’t out of disgust or anything of the sort, however… just the thought of leaving something up to fate was something that he couldn’t completely fathom. As a proprietor, the only risks worth taking were those that ensured a good profit. One had to calculate every possible outcome in order to assure that no losses were incurred; and even if there were, such setbacks had to be kept to a minimum. Anything that could become detrimental to the business had to be eliminated.
For this reason, Octavinelle’s Housewarden had a number of contingency plans readied in case the occasion called for them. Such preparations would range form of the Leech Twin’s invaluable services-- the most effective of all without a doubt-- to hired helpers who are gracious enough to offer him their services for a little something in return.
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“Well well, Yuu-san. Your performance was a hit with tonight’s patrons. Truly, employing you last minute was the right call indeed.” Azul was practically beaming; a most pleasant smile grace his delicate features, no doubt proud of the decision that he had made.
…during instances like today, he couldn’t believe that he allowed something to slip past his control. While Octavinelle’s head was smiling from ear to ear now, the same thing could not be said a couple of minutes prior. Earlier, not even hiding inside an octopus pot could salvage his ears from the very evident noise which filled the entirety of Mostro Lounge.
When Yuuji mentioned that his singing wasn’t too bad, Azul had made the terrible assumption that ‘wasn’t too bad’ was a show of humility. Seeing for himself the caliber of this glass breaker came as a rude awakening to his eardrums, and initially, the reputation of the lounge-- but for some reason, Yuu was a hit. The customers who were once covering their ears had begun to laugh in unison, even so much as whistling and jeering for an encore.
Back in the Coral Seas, there was a legend surrounding a princess whose voice captivated all those who had heard her sing. Even managing to bewitch a prince with her song. So naturally, replicating the experience at the lounge was something he thought desirable, but most of all, profitable. He hired one of the students whose singing prowess easily matched his vision of the princess’ capabilities-- only for them to meet with an untimely illness. A true disaster if there ever was one, so who could he turn to on such dire moments? There was only one. One who he knew was guil-- benevolent and kind enough to help-- Yuu. The ever vigilant, reliable, Yuuji…
So one can only imagine the shock that bombarded Azul when every note that fled those lips fell flat of his expectations. The experience to replicate the charms of the sea’s songstress became a comedy show… which the customers ate up like a bunch of unfed schools of fishes. When he saw just how much the crowd enjoyed this spectacular disaster-- how even Floyd and Jade seemed amused by what was unfolding on the stage, even he had to reevaluate.
True enough, there was more than one form of entertainment, Yuuji just so happened to show him another profit margin which could be further delved into.
“If I had known earlier how good you are with a crowd, I’d have come for you sooner.” Bought some earplugs sooner too. Now, that was one investment that he’ll have to act upon in case Ramshackle’s own princess worked for him again.
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oddsru · 3 days
Best Odds Comparison Service: A Comprehensive Guide
When it comes to sports betting, finding the best odds is crucial. This is where an odds comparison service like Oddsrun comes into play. Best Odds Comparison Service An odds comparison service provides bettors with the tools and information they need to make informed decisions, maximize potential returns, and ensure they are betting with the best possible odds available across various bookmakers.
What is an Odds Comparison Service?
An odds comparison service is a platform that aggregates odds from different bookmakers and presents them in a user-friendly interface. This service allows bettors to quickly compare the odds for a specific event, such as a football match, horse race, or tennis game, across multiple betting sites. By doing so, bettors can identify which bookmaker offers the most favorable odds, thereby maximizing their potential winnings.
Why Use an Odds Comparison Service?
Maximize Potential Returns: Different bookmakers often offer varying odds for the same event. By using an odds comparison service, bettors can ensure they are placing their bets where the returns are highest. Even a slight difference in odds can significantly impact the potential profit, especially for large bets.
Save Time: Manually checking the odds across multiple betting sites can be time-consuming. An odds comparison service provides a one-stop platform where bettors can view and compare odds instantly, saving time and effort.
Informed Betting Decisions: An odds comparison service often provides additional insights, such as historical odds movements and expert analysis. This information can help bettors make more informed decisions about where and when to place their bets.
Access to a Wide Range of Markets: The best odds comparison services cover a wide range of sports and markets, from popular options like football, basketball, and tennis to niche markets like esports and virtual sports.
How Does Oddsrun Work?
Oddsrun is one of the leading odds comparison services in the industry. It operates by gathering odds data from numerous bookmakers and presenting it in an easy-to-navigate format. Here's how Oddsrun helps bettors make the most out of their sports betting experience:
Real-Time Odds Updates: Oddsrun continuously updates odds from a multitude of bookmakers in real time. This ensures that bettors always have access to the most current and accurate odds, allowing them to act quickly when favorable odds appear.
Comprehensive Market Coverage: Oddsrun covers a broad spectrum of sports and betting markets. Whether you're interested in mainstream sports like soccer and basketball or more specialized markets like MMA and esports, Oddsrun has you covered.
User-Friendly Interface: The platform offers a clean and intuitive interface that makes it easy to compare odds across different bookmakers. Bettors can quickly filter and sort odds to find the best options for their chosen events.
Additional Betting Tools: Beyond odds comparison, Oddsrun provides bettors with other valuable tools and resources, such as betting calculators, expert analysis, and tips to enhance their betting strategies.
The Benefits of Using Oddsrun
Enhanced Betting Strategies: By using Oddsrun, bettors can refine their betting strategies by choosing the most profitable odds available. This strategic approach can significantly increase the chances of long-term success in sports betting.
Risk Management: Oddsrun allows bettors to identify arbitrage opportunities—situations where they can bet on all possible outcomes of an event with different bookmakers and guarantee a profit regardless of the result. This is a powerful risk management strategy that can minimize losses and maximize returns.
Access to Exclusive Promotions: Many odds comparison services, including Oddsrun, partner with bookmakers to offer exclusive promotions and bonuses. This can include enhanced odds, free bets, and cashback offers that provide additional value to bettors.
How to Get Started with Oddsrun
Getting started with Oddsrun is straightforward:
Visit the Website: Head over to Oddsrun.com and browse through the various sports and events available.
Compare Odds: Select the event you want to bet on, and Oddsrun will display the odds offered by different bookmakers. You can then compare these odds to find the best option.
Place Your Bet: Once you've identified the bookmaker offering the best odds, you can proceed to place your bet directly through the bookmaker's website.
An odds comparison service like Oddsrun is an indispensable tool for both novice and experienced bettors. By providing real-time odds, comprehensive market coverage, and additional betting tools, Best Odds Comparison Service Oddsrun empowers bettors to make informed decisions and maximize their potential returns. Whether you're looking to enhance your betting strategy, find the best odds, or simply save time, Oddsrun offers a reliable and efficient solution.
For those serious about sports betting, leveraging the power of an odds comparison service is a smart move. Visit Oddsrun today to start making more informed and profitable bets.
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daisywattson · 16 days
Top 9 Strategies to Promote Your Game in Real Money Ludo Competitions
Ludo has evolved from a classic board game into a thrilling real-money competition, where players not only enjoy the game but also aim for substantial monetary rewards. If you want to win consistently, you need more than just luck. Understanding key strategies can give you a winning edge. Below are nine strategies that can help you dominate real money Ludo competitions.
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1. Master the Basics First
Before you dive into real money Ludo competitions, ensure you have a firm grip on the rules and gameplay. Ludo may seem simple, but understanding all the nuances, such as when to open a token or how to safely navigate around the board, will increase your chances of success. Many Ludo game developers build tutorials into their apps — so use them to your advantage.
2. Develop a Balanced Offense and Defense
A key element of Ludo is knowing when to attack and when to play defensively. In Ludo, attacking is when you move your pieces aggressively to capture your opponents’ tokens. On the other hand, defense involves positioning your tokens strategically to avoid being captured. Balancing offense and defense will help you maintain momentum and keep your tokens safe.
3. Prioritize Home Safety
One of the most important strategies in Ludo is securing your tokens in the safety of your home. Instead of just focusing on attacking your opponents, prioritize moving your tokens toward your home space. This limits the risk of your tokens being sent back to the start, saving valuable time and increasing your odds of victory. Many successful players emphasize this strategy in competitive Ludo tournaments.
4. Plan Your Moves with Calculation
Real money Ludo games require quick thinking and planning. Use each turn to calculate the possible outcomes of your move. For example, if you roll a 6, consider whether opening another token is advantageous or whether you should advance your existing token closer to home. Each decision can impact the flow of the game, and mastering this calculation is what separates amateurs from seasoned players.
5. Be Mindful of Your Opponents’ Moves
Staying alert to your opponents’ moves is critical in real money Ludo. Knowing their position helps you anticipate their next move and adjust your strategy accordingly. For instance, if you notice an opponent’s token is close to one of yours, you might choose a defensive move to avoid capture. Awareness of opponents’ tactics allows you to play proactively.
6. Use Your Rolls Wisely
Ludo is not just about rolling the dice — it’s about using your dice rolls to maximize your advantage. If you roll a 6, for example, it may be tempting to open a new token, but sometimes it’s better to move your current token forward instead. Expert Ludo game developers have designed the game in such a way that every roll counts, so be mindful of how you play each turn.
7. Control the Board
In competitive Ludo, controlling the board means maintaining an active presence in all quadrants of the game. Spread your tokens evenly across the board, rather than clustering them in one area. This not only makes it harder for your opponents to capture all of your tokens at once but also increases your chances of success by maximizing your opportunities to reach home.
8. Stay Calm and Patient
Patience is key in Ludo. Real money Ludo competitions can be intense, and it’s easy to make rash decisions when you’re under pressure. However, remaining calm and collected will help you make better choices. Stay patient and don’t rush your moves — sometimes the best strategy is to wait for the right moment to strike.
9. Play Frequently to Sharpen Your Skills
Like any other competitive game, practice makes perfect. The more you play, the better you become. Ludo game development companies have designed platforms that allow you to play with opponents from around the world, giving you the chance to experience different styles of play. Use these opportunities to refine your skills, learn new tactics, and build your confidence for real money competitions.
Also Read: 10 Key Features to Look for in Lottery Management Software
Why Pairbytes is a Trusted Ludo Game Development Company
Pairbytes stands out as a leading Ludo game development company, offering high-quality solutions tailored for real-money gaming. As a trusted name in the gaming industry, Pairbytes specializes in creating online Ludo games that deliver a seamless, enjoyable user experience while maintaining top-tier security for monetary transactions. Our team of expert Ludo game developers ensures that each game we create features intuitive controls, engaging design, and competitive gameplay mechanics to keep players immersed and excited.
Moreover, Pairbytes isn’t just limited to Ludo game development. With expertise as a rummy game development company, we cater to a variety of online gaming solutions, offering diverse gaming options to suit your business needs. From Ludo to rummy, Pairbytes has earned its reputation as a reliable partner in the game development space, providing custom game development solutions that stand out in today’s competitive market.
Success in real money Ludo competitions requires a mix of strategy, patience, and skill. By mastering the basics, balancing offense and defense, planning your moves carefully, and staying alert to your opponents’ strategies, you can elevate your gameplay and increase your chances of winning. Pairbytes, with its extensive experience as a Ludo and rummy game development company, is your go-to partner for creating top-quality, engaging Ludo games. Keep these strategies in mind as you play, and watch your success rate soar.
Also Read: The Importance of RNG (Random Number Generator) in Poker Game Development
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smoakandstar · 3 months
🏹 @legendaryfigure liked for a starter
Mia had sworn off heroes since her father died. He'd kept the truth of his identity from her all her life, and when she finally, truly, got a chance to know him, he'd chosen to sacrifice himself instead of staying with her. She knew she was supposed to be proud of that. Oliver Queen, the infamous Green Arrow, had saved the entire world. The math would never balance, eight billion people against one little girl who just wanted her dad, but deep down in her most selfish of hearts, she didn't care. He'd put the Green Arrow ahead of her for her entire life. Just once, she wished he'd chosen to be a father to her instead of a hero to everyone else.
She'd put down her bow, the suit he'd made for her tucked away in storage, and she made her living with her dad's training and her mom's brain. Blackstar was the undefeated cage fighter for Star City, but what most people didn't know was that she'd also picked up in her grandfather, the Calculator's, footsteps in cyber crime. Though cage fighting paid well, hacking paid far better, and while she took the occasional altruistic job if she believed in the outcome enough, most of that money got stored away in obscure, protected bank accounts or anonymously donated. She didn't care to restore the Queen name to its former glory; she'd continued to use her mother's surname and live in a shitty, run-down apartment building in the Glades.
That was where she was currently located, seated at the kitchen counter with her head in her hands, staring down a recently purchased burner phone like she expected it to blink first. Calling this number was a Hail Mary, she realized. Mia wasn't positive the Nowhere Man even existed, despite extensive research into the legend. Someone existed. Someone with government-level training swooped in to help people in need and vanished just as quickly, but whether or not it was the same person every time, she couldn't say for sure. He was a ghost.
A ghost might be exactly what she needed right now. Mia had thrown all her considerable talents and resources into locating John Constantine, but he seemed to have vanished off the face of the Earth. Given the kinds of occult circles he ran in, that was entirely possible. He'd done her a favor once at not inconsiderable risk to himself, helping her locate her father's soul and bring it back to his body. It hadn't mattered in the end; Oliver had still chosen to die, but Mia couldn't forget what Constantine had done for her. This wasn't even her fight. In theory, she could walk away from it any time, but she couldn't escape the feeling that she owed him this, this last tenuous connection to her dad.
Extensive research--of both the cyber kind and the violent kind--hadn't pulled up a lot of information. One day he was in London as usual, and the next he was gone. Mia didn't even know if the Nowhere Man dabbled in the paranormal, which was probably what this was, but she didn't know who else to ask. She couldn't very well go banging down the doors of Papa Midnight or Lucifer himself with only her fists and her bow to back her up. Much as she hated to admit it, she needed help.
She blew out a breath, snatching up the phone and dialing the number, 1-855-2-NOWHERE, so easy to memorize it could have been a practical joke. There was nothing funny about waiting for the line to connect though, her breathing ragged in her ear. The voice on the other end was calm and unfamiliar. There was no greeting, just a question, simple on the face of it but deeply complicated for someone like Mia, who'd promised herself she would never again lean on someone who could abanon her.
Do you need my help?
She drew a breath, holding it until she knew her voice wouldn't wobble.
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Healthy Heart Handbook: What You Need to Know.
One of the best strategies to attain a healthy life is how one takes care of the heart. Coronary heart disease and stroke are significant causes of mortality but are eliminable. All that one needs to do to keep a healthy heart is to make a few alterations. The following are among the ways through which you can promote good heart health.
1. Consider a diet according to the heart.
Cardio-friendly foods include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean cuts of meat, and proteins.
Fruits and vegetables: Include fruits and vegetables in the daily diet and consume at least five servings per day.
Whole Grains: Use whole grains in the bread, pasta, and cereals.
Healthy Fats: Consume omega-3 foods like fish, olive oil or olive oil, avocado, and nuts.
Lean Proteins: Consider foods like fatty fish and the ones high in protein like beans and poultry.
Avoid foods that contain high levels of processed, sugar, salt, or unhealthy fat. Reducing the consumption of red meat and sugary beverages has positive results too.
2. Exercise regularly.
Aerobic and physical activity is essential in primary prevention of heart disease. The ideal amount of physical activity is 150 minutes of moderate intensity including walking, cycling, swimming, and others every week. Or even you can strive to accumulate 75 minutes as a result of high-intensity exercise including running or aerobics. Regular exercise helps:
Improved blood circulation
Lower blood pressure
Decrease the LDL which is the harmful cholesterol compound.
Increase the concentrations of good cholesterol – HDL.
3. Promoting and living a healthy lifestyle.
Overweight and high BMI are risk factors for heart disease and similarly, abdominal obesity is a risk factor for heart disease. A healthy diet system and physical fitness will also assist in avoiding cardiac conditions. Calculate the BMI for you and try to keep optimally low figures.
4. Quit smoking.
Smoking results in cardiovascular disease as one of the common bad outcomes. Some astounding effects include smoking and heart: how you both feel when you quit. If you need help quitting, consider: When you want to kick the habit and do this consider.
Seeking connections in the group of relatives and friends.
Parents with troubled children are good candidates for support groups or programs.
Using nicotine replacement therapies
5. Limit alcohol consumption.
However, moderate use of alcohol reduces the chances of suffering from heart attacks and strokes; this is as opposed to alcoholism which is related to hypertension or high blood pressure and heart failure as well as stroke. As for the food and alcoholic drinks, these should be consumed just in moderation. This amounts to a half serving of dry whole grains and up to two for men.
6. Manage stress.
A stressful life may also cause heart disease because high blood pressure may result from stress in lifestyle and unhealthy stress-relieving behaviors like eating or smoking. Practice stress management techniques like Practice stress management techniques like Practice stress management techniques like Practice stress management techniques like:
Deep breathing exercises
Meditation or yoga
Regular physical activity
Adequate sleep
7. Control your blood pressure.
Blood pressure refers to the force with which blood pushes against the walls of the blood vessels as it runs inside the body.
High blood pressure has been established as a critical risk factor that can be controlled for CV disease. One of the most useful advice is that you need to measure your blood pressure regularly and try to stop it from becoming too high. For patients with high blood pressure, those work towards a blood pressure of less than 120/80 mmHg. Hypertension which is a long-term condition without an acute illness should be managed by a healthcare provider, there is a possibility that lifestyle modification and drug prescription might be prescribed.
8. Keep the cholesterol levels high or low depending on the current levels.
Elevated LDL cholesterol increases the likelihood of fat plague formation within the arteries and depends on blocking blood vessels towards the heart or brain leading to heart or stroke diseases respectively. Have your cholesterol levels checked regularly and manage them through: It is therefore advised to get them checked regularly and manage them through the following:
foods reduced in saturated and trans oils.
Exercising regularly
Taking or following medicines when Dr advises so.
 9. Get enough sleep.
Sleeping for sufficient amounts of time is also healthy for the heart. This is why it is necessary to keep adults asleep at night for 7-9 hours. Sleep deprivation may be a mechanism through which sleeping abnormalities cause heart diseases due to the effects they have on various processes such as blood pressure, metabolism, and immunity.
Creating a sleep schedule: This can be achieved by choosing a specific time ideal for resting and sticking to it.
The bedtime routine should be made positive.
Bedroom temperature control and noise containment.
10. Stay hydrated.
This is because water should always be taken in large quantities to maintain general health and especially the health of the heart. Dehydration may result in thickening of the blood and slow the flow of the heart. Advise to drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day or more if doing the exercising work or living in a hot country.
These are ten easy practices that you can incorporate in your life to safeguard the goodness of your heart and lower the risk of heart disease. In the time flow section, only slight modifications are needed that provide great results. It is high time you all begin to take care of your hearts so that you can live better lives tomorrow.
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darkmaga-retard · 10 days
Justin Hart
Sep 08, 2024
“Poker is a skill game pretending to be a chance game." — James Altucher
When it comes to elections, much like poker, it may seem like luck plays the biggest role. But seasoned players—and political forecasters—know the truth: it's all about the math.
Nate Silver approaches political forecasting the same way a skilled poker player approaches a hand. His model calculates probabilities, not certainties, assigning a percentage to every possible electoral outcome.
For those troubled by his predictions that show Trump with a higher-than-expected chance in states like Pennsylvania (like the entire media establishment), thinking like a poker player may offer clarity. After all, both poker and elections are games of numbers, strategy, and calculated risks.
"Don’t Bet the Farm": Why Election Forecasting is Like Poker
In poker, every hand presents a chance to win, but not every chance is equal. Some hands are stronger, like holding pocket Aces, while others leave you hoping for a lucky draw. Nate Silver's model uses the same probabilistic thinking: it's not about predicting the future with certainty but understanding the odds.
Political campaigns operate like poker players managing risk. They know some states are critical—those “big hands” that could decide the entire election.
Back to Pennsylvania: If Trump wins this state, Silver’s model gives him a 93.8% chance of winning the election. For Trump, winning Pennsylvania is like holding pocket Kings—a powerful hand that significantly boosts his chances. Harris, on the other hand, needs to win other key states, like Michigan or Georgia, to balance out her losses, similar to a poker player playing multiple lower-value hands to win over time.
This approach has ties to game theory, pioneered by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern in Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. They taught us that, in games of strategy like poker—or elections—players must calculate their best possible moves based on incomplete information. Silver’s model follows this principle, assigning win probabilities to each candidate depending on the available polling data, historical trends, and demographic factors. Just as a poker player can’t know what cards their opponent holds, campaigns can’t know exactly how voters will behave. All they can do is calculate the best possible strategy and adjust as the game plays out.
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support1212 · 5 months
sure odds,
sure odds,
In the realm of sports betting, the quest for sure odds is akin to searching for the Holy Grail. With the right strategy, research, and a sprinkle of luck, bettors hope to uncover those golden opportunities that virtually guarantee a win. But in a landscape fraught with uncertainty, how does one navigate towards sure odds?
Understanding the Concept Sure odds, also known as sure bets or arbitrage bets, refer to opportunities where a bettor can place multiple bets on all possible outcomes of an event and still ensure a profit, regardless of the outcome. This occurs due to discrepancies in odds offered by different bookmakers, creating a window of opportunity for astute bettors.
Identifying Sure Odds Comparing Odds: The key to finding sure odds lies in diligent comparison of odds across various bookmakers. Discrepancies in odds for the same event provide the potential for arbitrage opportunities. Calculating Probabilities: Calculate the implied probabilities of each outcome based on the odds offered by different bookmakers. If the sum of the probabilities is less than 100%, an arbitrage opportunity may exist. Utilizing Arbitrage Calculators: Several online tools and calculators are available to assist in identifying and calculating potential arbitrage opportunities. These tools streamline the process and help bettors seize profitable chances swiftly. Mitigating Risks While sure odds offer the allure of guaranteed profits, they are not entirely risk-free. Here are some strategies to mitigate risks:
Act Swiftly: Arbitrage opportunities are often short-lived, as bookmakers quickly adjust their odds to eliminate discrepancies. Bet promptly to capitalize on favorable odds before they disappear. Manage Bankroll: Allocate a portion of your bankroll specifically for arbitrage betting. Diversify your bets to spread risk and minimize potential losses. Verify Bookmakers: Ensure the reliability and credibility of the bookmakers involved in your arbitrage bets. Stick to reputable platforms with a track record of fair practices and timely payouts. Consider Costs: Factor in transaction fees, exchange rate fluctuations (for international bets), and any other associated costs when calculating potential profits. Legal and Ethical Considerations Before engaging in arbitrage betting, it's essential to be aware of the legal and ethical implications. While arbitrage betting itself is not illegal, some bookmakers may frown upon or restrict arbitrage activity. Additionally, ensure compliance with local gambling laws and regulations to avoid legal repercussions.
Conclusion Sure odds represent an enticing opportunity for savvy bettors to capitalize on discrepancies in bookmakers' odds and secure guaranteed profits. By diligently comparing odds, calculating probabilities, and acting swiftly, bettors can maximize their chances of success in the unpredictable world of sports betting. However, it's crucial to exercise caution, manage risks effectively, and adhere to legal and ethical guidelines. With the right approach, sure odds can be a valuable tool in the arsenal of any discerning bettor.
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ludo99gaming · 5 months
How to win real cash in Ludo99
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In recent years, mobile gaming has evolved from a simple pastime to a lucrative opportunity for those with skill and strategy. Ludo99, the trusted Ludo app, not only offers a platform for nostalgic gameplay but also presents the chance to win real cash. In this post, we'll delve into the strategies and tips to help you maximize your chances of success and win real cash in Ludo99.
Understand the Rules
The first step to winning in Ludo99 is understanding the rules of the game inside and out. While the basic gameplay of Ludo is simple, knowing the nuances of how pieces move, the role of safe zones, and the strategies for blocking opponents is crucial for success.
Practice Regularly
As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Take advantage of Ludo99's practice mode to hone your skills and familiarize yourself with different strategies. The more you play, the better you'll become at anticipating your opponents' moves and making strategic decisions that lead to victory.
Observe Your Opponents
Pay close attention to how your opponents play during matches. Are they aggressive in advancing their pieces, or do they play defensively? By observing their tactics, you can adapt your strategy accordingly and gain an edge over your opponents.
Master the Timing
Timing is everything in Ludo99. Knowing when to move your pieces out of the starting zone, when to use your rolls strategically, and when to wait for the opportune moment to strike can make all the difference between winning and losing. Be patient, but also seize the right opportunities when they arise.
Balance Risk and Reward
In Ludo99, taking calculated risks can lead to big rewards. However, it's essential to weigh the potential outcomes of each move and consider the risks involved. Sometimes playing it safe is the best strategy, while other times, a bold move can pay off handsomely.
Stay Calm and Focused
Ludo can be a game of highs and lows, but it's crucial to stay calm and focused regardless of the situation. Don't let emotions cloud your judgment, and always keep your eyes on the prize – winning real cash in Ludo99.
Participate in Tournaments and Competitions
Ludo99 often hosts tournaments and competitions where players can compete against each other for real cash prizes. Keep an eye out for these events and participate whenever possible. Not only do they offer the chance to win big, but they also provide valuable experience and exposure to different playing styles.
Winning real cash in Ludo99 requires a combination of skill, strategy, and a bit of luck. By understanding the rules, practicing regularly, observing your opponents, mastering the timing, balancing risk and reward, staying calm and focused, and participating in tournaments and competitions, you can increase your chances of success and come out on top in the world of Ludo99. So what are you waiting for? Download Ludo99, hone your skills, and start winning real cash today!
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