#cal & meg
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moonlit-endor · 1 year ago
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Jedi: Fallen Order/Jedi: Survivor + text posts
Part 1/ ?
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your MBTI your character pt3
Yellow edition
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meggie-moo · 2 years ago
dirk being bro strider if he were ‘normal’ is so funny, because dirk is not normal.
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doffyslittledove · 2 years ago
unhinged bingo; cal kestis
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burstingsunrise · 2 years ago
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cake topics
pairing: cake rating: explicit words: 39,887 cw: explicit sexual content, alcohol/drinking
Every morning that week, Calum goes back to the bakery, collects his lemon bar, and sets up on the terrace with his laptop. And every morning that week, he sees the tall guy with off duty model vibes, right around the same time, always carrying his iced coffee, always wearing a leather jacket. Since he’s all the way across the street, Calum doesn’t really get a good look at him beyond basic shapes, so the off duty model thing is based entirely on his build and the fact that he looks sort of effortlessly put together with his leather jacket and casual sneakers. That’s probably why Calum waves like a maniac and blurts, “Hey buddy!” when he comes face to face with the guy when he’s in line for his lemon bar the following Monday morning.
happy birthday meg @kaleidoscopeminds 💜
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noire610 · 5 months ago
I'm still having Bode thoughts so I asked the Cult of Cal Kestis server for prompts. These are from users Meg and @wrencatte.
His first "supervised visit" with Kata after she started living at Nova Garon/Kata and Bode - Bode coming home from a jedi killing job
His ship landed in the hangar of the icy asteroid, dark gray unlike the rest of the structure. The rusty color of the ship he had commandeered stood out like the blemish it was- wrong, improper, not Imperial. A ship he had taken to get back from his first mission being the Empire’s assassin.
Shiny black boots stepped onto the sleek, shiny metal floor, reflections bouncing between the two surfaces. Bode Akuna tugged at the bottom of the crisp white uniform to straighten it, rolling his head as the high collar made him uncomfortable and collected sweat. The pale green top he had worn on his mission had gotten dirt and blood on it, which would not be acceptable to wear before Lank Denvik, his handler, his master, as would anything less than his uniform. Being innately familiar with deception, he kept his features smooth as he inwardly scowled at the thought of being no more than Denvik’s attack dog. He didn’t want to show emotion to the armed troopers waiting for him to bring him to said man.
“Easy, not going to fight back,” Bode said, raising his gloved hands in that easygoing tone he had taken on when in his role. He was met with a push of a blaster against him. Alright, guess they weren’t going anywhere. It’s not like he had a reason to leave, but every reason to stay. But what did these Imperials know about things like love and family?
He didn’t let the trooper escort make him feel small, or cowed. He held his head high as they led him to Denvik’s office, where they stood outside as he entered, standing before that neat desk with his hands behind his back, gaze fixed on where leather met durasteel, just above the man’s head. He really didn’t want to meet Denvik’s eyes yet, not wanting the ISB officer to see the absolute loathing in his.
Lank Denvik finished typing something on his datapad, letting Bode wait in silence until he was done a couple minutes later. He set the pad aside and those steel gray eyes scanned the former Jedi, flicking up and down and appraising him in his uniform. “Tell me, Akuna, how did it feel?”
Out of all the questions to start with, Bode didn’t expect that. “Excuse me?” He couldn’t help but ask, the shock and surprise genuine, slipping past his usually controlled facade.
A crease to that heavy brow- he was annoyed. “We’ve worked together quite some time now, and you know those reports you give can be so impersonal. I want to hear from you, Bode Akuna, here and now with no deception: How did it feel when you killed that Jedi, when you were once one of them?” He leaned forward in his chair, expectant, fingers steepled together as he waited for an answer.
Bode’s jaw tightened so hard it started to hurt, remembering the last several weeks. The way he had gained the trust of his mark, carefully shielding his Force signature just like he had during the Clone Wars, putting on his friendly persona that lowered guards despite his intimidating size, the way he had befriended his mark before plunging the proverbial knife in their back and a blaster bolt between their eyes. The words fell from his lips before he could stop them, heavy as boulders: “I hated it.”
Not nearly as much as he hated himself for going through with it.
Denvik had a ghost of a smile marked by the slight upturn of his lips. “As to be expected. Well, I won’t keep you here then, I’m sure you’d rather go see your daughter than talk to me.” He waved a hand dismissively.
The squeak of his boot heel on the polished floor marked Bode’s departure, leaving a small scuff as an act of defiance. Bode utterly loathed Denvik, who the man had become since working in Intelligence together, the harsh reminder of why he killed that Jedi rubbed into his face. Why he had leashed himself to the very Empire that had killed Tayala and hunted him down.
He didn’t remember walking through the base, one moment leaving Denvik’s office and the next he was entering his room, hearing the door latch behind him, locking him in. The white walls blinded him, harsh and sterile and unforgiving and uncompromising. Bright white marking the loss of identity within the Imperial machine, and there he stood wearing the bright white uniform of an Imperial officer.
None of that mattered as a door opened and his favorite voice cried out “Papa!”. He scooped up Kata as she ran to him and held her close, spinning as he picked her up. Her laugh was the sweetest sound he had ever heard in his life, and he didn’t want to let her go. A hand went to the back of her head, his face in her shoulder, eyes closed. She was here, in his arms, safe, protected. In that moment, everything he had just done was worth it. He gripped her tighter as she began to squirm, wanting down.
“Papa put me down!” She whined, fighting his tight grip, trying to pull away.
“Just another minute. Papa missed you, little Star,” he mumbled against her shoulder before he finally pulled back, setting her down on the floor. She looked so small compared to him, especially in this unfamiliar place, in this prison cell of a room. He sat on the sofa and patted his knee, hoping she would join him.
She hesitated for a moment, before she did. “I don’t like it here,” she said softly with all the candidness of a child.
Bode sighed and went to touch her, then scowled and tugged his gloves off before running a bare hand through her hair. “Neither do I, Kata. This is a bad place with bad people.”
Kata looked up at him with eyes so like his own, from a face so like her mother’s. “Then why are we here? Are we bad?”
How did he answer that? Because Kata wasn’t, she was the best damn thing in this galaxy. But himself? He was a bad man, he knew that deep down. But he covered that up with an easy excuse, a lie he had told himself since he walked away from that dead Jedi’s pyre. I had to, I’m a father.
He knew he wasn’t getting out of answering when she shook his knee. “Papa?”
“No, no we’re not bad,” he began, trying to think of how to explain why he had sold himself to Denvik and this cold, inhospitable place. “But… there are bad people after us, like the people who took away Mama, and this place can protect us from them.”
She frowned. “So we’re hiding from bad people with bad people? Why?”
Bode huffed a breath at himself, having talked himself into a corner. “Because… It's all we can do, to be safe. I can’t lose you, little Star. Sometimes I’ll have to go away, but I’ll always come back. And you’ll always be safe.” He pulled her into another tight hug, and began to sing to distract her from other questions he could not answer.
“Ghost star, wonder where you are…”
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mmuffncakes · 2 months ago
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
i got tagged by @voidcat-senket which means i must answer more questions. lov u bb <3
3 Ships I Like: Only 3 to choose from? I'll go with 3 that live rent free in my brain. Bode Akuna/Cal Kestis (shocker, I know), Corvo Attano/Outsider, aaaannndddd you know what? I'll actually do one that's been recent in my brain for rent free. Jill Valentine/Sheva Alomar.
First Ship Ever: That would probably be... either Sakura/Itachi (from Naruto) or Kagome/Sesshomaru (from Inu-Yasha). I'm... *nearly* positive either of those were one of my first from the early days? Genuinely cannot remember.
Last Song you Heard: Wild Love (feat. Ollie Wride) by Timecop1983
Favorite Childhood Book: Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. I straight up read that book over and over and over again it is by far the book of my childhood.
Currently Reading: Thrum by Meg Smitherson! I think I mentioned this one in a recent tag meme. I've not gotten the chance to read more, when I know I could be done with it right now.
Currently Watching: A youtube video featuring Dead by Daylight!
Currently Consuming: ...Infinity Nikki. The pretty dresses! The cozy atmosphere! The DRAMA from these cutesy characters. I am new to the Nikki series but I knew some of these plots would go HARD. and by HARD I mean DEPRESSING.
Currently Craving: Some form of stable fucking income. UBI, a job, I don't give a shit I just got declined again and it's starting to affect me real negatively again.
I tag...
@xenalistair (im doing it again you bitch <3), @mystofselune, @azu-mog, @cassiefisherdrake, @blazesurrender, @lunaticmeg (congrats, youre getting tagged megatron), @chinaricat (you too NERD), @queenofalpaca, @corvidscreams
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newlifeprojects · 5 months ago
ket kerdesem lenne a hunblr aktiv es temahoz erto tagjaihoz:
1.: relevans tapasztalatokat szeretnek hallani a peugeot5008-cal kapcsolatban (nem linkeket, meg tc-os ertekeleseket, azokon tul vagyok), illetve javaslatot, hogy melyik legyen annak ismereteben, hogy - ferjen bele ket kutya, ne erdekeljen, hogy szetbassza a koves domboldal az alvazt, mert birja, ja meg anelkul rafordulhassak vele a padkara, hogy felakadna a lokharitonal, es be- es kiszallaskor ne basszam be minden alkalommal a fejem, plusz a ket kutya melle ferjen be a bicajom is a cstartoba anelkul, h azt szet kellene szednem/a hatso uleseket koppanasig lehajtanom:
2.: a masik keres pedig, hogy javasoljatok burgenland/becs/(wn) vonalon es kornyeken olyan helyet, ahol viszonylag realis aron, nagy valasztekban talalhatok es probalhatok fel orszaguti kerekparhoz valo cipoket!
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nyuszimotor · 10 months ago
Ilyenkor amúgy ez a büntetés egy vicc - legalább az autó értékéhez viszonyítva vagy a fizetéséhez mérten büntessék meg, bár a pénzbüntetés nem a legjobb szerintem. Alapból komolyabb retorziók kellenek az ilyen hobbi-pszichopaták ellen.
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incesthemes · 10 months ago
One thing I find interesting is that Sam and Dean who are as we all know very open about their sex lives with each other…with one exception. (I’m only talking kripke era) Ruby. When Sam is telling Dean about him and Ruby getting together it is the only time in five seasons where Dean cuts Sam off not wanting to hear more. Ruby who is the only other character to call Sam “Sammy” and not be told “only he (Dean) can cal me that.”
Ruby is the biggest relationship other than John to impact the boys. She is the wedge, the only person to be jealous of. Sam can hookup with girls on hunts but only the once. This is more. And she knows all about how dangerous their lives are more so then they do at the time. Creating jealousy and suspicion. She takes care of Sam and that’s Deans job. She never hated his freak qualities encouraged them when Dean shamed them (out of fear).
She nurtures Sams most hated aspects of himself. But also when he feels the strongest. When he can use this curse to help people. If he helps enough people will it scrub his blood clean?
so okay i'm working on 7-month old memory with ruby because i'm still only on season 2 in my re-rewatch but let's compare ruby and meg (i feel inadequate because i have such extensive notes about meg now but nothing about ruby lol).
they both occupy the same narrative role: to influence sam down the path of his destiny. they flirt with him, get close to him, say what he wants to hear, all to bring sam closer to his fate. they do this through manipulation so that sam will embrace his path and stop running for it.
dean is the diametric opposition to sam's fate, (narratively) the only person in the world who can stop him. this goes the opposite way as well: their choices in the story are between their fate and their brother, and it's only by choosing their brother that they ever manage to avoid their destinies.
so what both meg and ruby do is pull sam away from dean. this is subtle, and they go about it in different ways. meg is aggressive and encourages sam to hate dean, turn away from him. this is an appropriate tactic given the context in which she meets sam, because he and dean are fighting and separated and she's trying to embolden sam to strike out on his own and leave dean behind.
ruby on the other hand can't use that same strategy. they've already entered into a codependent relationship when she shows up, and if the choice is between literally anything else and his brother, sam is going to choose his brother. so ruby uses that against him and becomes dean: and not just dean, but an idealized version of him. the problem, of course, is that this idealized version of dean is the version of dean which is enabling sam to pursue his fate. sam wants dean to accept him and love him warts and all, so ruby does that in dean's place—and that's the danger of it all. she makes his fate out to be desirable and alluring, using dean's voice all the while to seduce him. ruby is not dean: she's just using his likeness to blind sam and manipulate him into fulfilling his destiny. choosing ruby isn't the same as choosing dean, and therefore in choosing ruby sam is unable to avoid destiny.
by all accounts it makes sense for dean to hate her: he not only has legitimate reasons not to trust her, but she's also manipulating sam by impersonating him. she's trying to take his place, and obviously that is going to make his fear of abandonment flare up.
but on the other hand, dean reacts completely differently with meg, even though she too embodies dean's fear of abandonment and represents sam leaving him. instead of being repulsed by her, dean pressures sam to fuck her and even after they figure out she's bad news, dean continues to tease him about this fabricated love affair they had going on. dean's reaction here is understandable too—he's displacing his fear and sense of inadequacy via sexual commentary because he believes sam is going to leave him for a girl.
both reactions are understandable given dean's psyche, but what makes them different? my current assumption is that dean simply learned from meg's example. she was obviously deeply traumatizing to both sam and dean in different ways, and meg is also the origin of dean's firmly held belief that demons are liars. so he's not quick to trust ruby, and she doesn't give him many reasons to trust her, at least when put against her red flags. monsters (especially demons) are also generally repulsive to dean, exacerbated over the years of battling against their respective fates. dean is disgusted by ruby, so he wouldn't want to know what she and sam are up to in bed.
on the other hand, ruby comes to embody just how thin the tightrope sam's walking actually is. sam shouldn't trust her, and he doesn't at first, but this is his fate we're talking about here. she worms her way under his skin and convinces him it's all okay. dean is probably not so blindsided by her because this isn't his fate—he's not faced with the allure of this path the way sam is. his direction is different, and he's blinded in different ways that sam can see straight through just as well.
it's kind of like how dean is exempted from the revenge arc in season 1: he stands on the outside of the conflict because he is in fact its opposing force. where sam is blinded by his fate, dean can see things for what they are and (try to) guide him back to the family. sam does the same thing for dean too because as i said, choosing the brother over everything else is the only way for them to avoid their destinies.
so way too long story short i think that's probably why ruby disgusts dean so much: she disgusts him, and he can see past her facade because he's not drawn in by fate the way sam is. he has no reason to trust a demon and no extenuating circumstances that would sway him to consider it, either. ironically, this just fuels the conflict and drives the wedge between sam and dean deeper because ruby's manipulation is just so complete and so perfect. there was no correct choice: sam was doomed from the start and there was nothing dean could do to stop it.
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cloudybrews · 14 days ago
updated: 3/04/2025
Rowena Macleod
Sam Winchester
Castiel Ace
Jessica Moore
Jody Mills
Meg Masters
Bobby Singer
Jack Kline
Chuck The Writer
Kevin Tran
Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon ( aroace)
Umbrella Academy
Klaus Hargreeves
Vampire Diaries:
Jeremy Gilbert
Katherine Pierce
Pirates of Carriabean:
Jack Sparrow
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Harry Potter
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Remus Lupin
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
AU Alive James Potter
Star Wars
Poe Dameron
Cal Kestis
Darth Vader
Baby Yoda
Iden Veriso
Obi Wan Kenobi
Han Solo
Doctor Who
River Song
Bad Wolf (Rose Tyler)
Jack Harkness
The Master
12th Doctor
Bill Potts
Timeless Marty OC Time Lord
Teen Wolf
Stiles Stilinski
Fbi Stiles
Jurassic Park / World
Alan Grant Ace
Ian Malcolm
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Spellmen
Midnight Mass
Father Paul
Stranger Things
Jane Hopper
Jim Hopper
Will Byers
Steve H
Greys Anatomy
Amelia Sheppard
Mike Schmidt
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Luke Casetllan
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calkale · 2 years ago
Okay im gonna drink n try n watch both top guns do you guys want a liveblog??
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mtahooligans · 1 year ago
Nem jó, ha már a G7 is fideszes-arabos szemmel nézi a tudományt
Megjelent ma egy cikk a G7-en, amiben arról van szó, hogy downhillen a magyar tudomány teljesítménye. Fogalmam sincs, hogy azon van-e, de hogy nem amiatt, amit a cikk ír, az tuti.
A cikk a SCImago adataira hivatkozik és hát innentől sajnos nem tud a dolog jó lenni. Itt van, hogy milyen módszertannal dolgozik a Scimago, amikor intézményeket hasonlít össze. Research, innovation, societal a három nagy kategória. Vannak tudományok, amelyek némileg hátrányból indulnak: matekos képleteket, algoritmusokat pl nem lehet levédetni az EU-ban, így innovatívnak nehéz lenni, hacsak nem működsz közre más területeken. A research kategória 50%-ot ad bele, de ebből csak 13% olyan, ami size-independent, vagyis a tudományos teljesítmény mérésekor az eredmény 3/4-ét olyan dolgok adják, amik mennyiségiek, azaz, ha többen vagytok, simán veritek a kisebb, de sokkal jobb intézményeket.
Itt a magyar matekos rangsor:
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onnantól, hogy az MTA külön szerepel, az egészen már tényleg csak röhögni lehet. az elnök-fötitkár-fötitkhelyettes hármason kívül senki se MTA (mondjuk 2014 és 2020 között Lovásszal még ez is elég menő volt).
hetediknek sikerült minket rangsorolni. és akkor mutatok egy képet:
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ők a rényis ERC-nyertesek (+Lovász, aki az ELTE-n nyert ERC-t, de már a Rényibe Synergy-t, ami egy ilyen kiemelt ERC, nem olyan régóta van, és valamiért nem minden táblázatban van egyben).
szóval az ERC az olyan, hogy nem életműdíj, hanem hogy eddig nagyon jó voltál, még mindig aktív vagy, jól pályáztál, akkor adunk nagyon sok pénzt (EU-s szemmel is, nemcsak magyarral). ebből matekosat 13-at nyert Magyarország eddig, ebből 10-et a Rényi (+Lovász Synergyje) és egyet Lovász még ELTE-sként. mire jó ez a "kibővített" EU-ban? itt a link az ERC oldalához.
veri a Rényit:
Cambridge, Oxford, Warwick (UK)
ETH (Svájc)
Héber Egyetem, Tel-Aviv, Weizman Intézet (Izrael)
CNRS - ez kicsit csalás, mert a teljes francia kutatóhálózat matekos részlege egyben szerepel, de hát mindegy.
és kész. vannak 8-cal, 9-cel, nem sokkal mögöttünk, de jobb csak ennyi.
Szóval fontos dolog mérni a tudományos teljesítményt, de a tök mindegy hogy mit csinálsz, csak legyen sok, és vonj egybe mindent, vegyél meg neves kutatókat, akik oda se jönnek az országodba, de ráírják az egytemedet a cikkeikre. Amikor a fidesz a Nobel-díj hatására a Krausz intézetét áttette a Semmelweiss-re, hogy az majd hátha benyomja bizonyos listákon az első százba, na az kb ez. ettől biztos nem lesz senkinek jobb, de majd lehet virítani egy semmit nem mondó számot.
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foundfamilyappreciation · 2 years ago
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Hello and welcome to the second Found Family Face-off! This time it's siblings! As mentioned in the intro post, this is for siblings of different genders, as there will future tournaments for brothers and sisters respectively to give as many found siblings as possible to be included! Anyway, please meet your contestants and round 1 match ups below:
*Please don't clown on this post and argue against why certain characters can't be found siblings (aside from if they're in an explicitly canon romantic relationship that I missed while trying to vet them). Please respect that these are people's headcanons and they might not align with yours (heck, some of these even I don't agree with but again, that's just my opinion) and that this is just for fun etc.
Group A
Ahsoka Tano & Rex VS Ahsoka Tano & Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Garrazeb Orrelios, Sabine Wren & Ezra Bridger VS Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso & Bodhi Rook (Star Wars)
Kilindi Matako & Maul VS Cal Kestis & Merrin (Star Wars)
Michael Burnham & Saru (Star Trek: Discovery) VS Mako Mori & Raleigh Beckett (Pacific Rim)
Tegan Jovanka & Vislor Turlough VS 10th Doctor & Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Luke Smith & Sky Smith VS Luke Smith & Maria Jackson (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
Aidan Waite, Josh Levison & Sally Malik (Being Human U.S.) VS Steve Jinks & Claudia Donovan (Warehouse 13)
Amanda Brotzman & Vogel (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) VS Wednesday Addams & Eugene Ottinger (Wednesday)
Group B
Parker & Eliot Spencer (Leverage) VS Inej Ghafa & Jesper Fahey (Six of Crows/Shadow and Bone)
Duke Thomas & Cassandra Cain (DC Comics) VS Will Byers & Jane "El" Hopper (Stranger Things)
Angus MacGyver, Wilt Bozer, Riley Davis & Sam Cage (MacGyver 2016) VS Josh Lyman, Toby Ziegler, CJ Cregg, Sam Seaborn & Charlie Young (The West Wing)
Malcolm Bright, J.T. Tarmell & Dani Powell (Prodigal Son) VS Kate Beckett, Javier Esposito & Kevin Ryan (Castle)
Jake Peralta + Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) VS Meredith Grey + Alex Karev (Grey's Anatomy)
Fig Faeth, Adaine Abernant, Fabian Aramais Seacaster, Gorgug Thistlespring, Riz Gukgak & Kristen Applebees (Dimension 20: Fantasy High) VS Travis Killian & The Doctor (The Game of Rassilon)
Meriadoc Brandybuck & Eowyn (The Lord of the Rings) VS Lester Papadopoulos & Meg McCaffrey (Trials of Apollo)
Alanna of Trebond, Gareth of Naxen & Raoul of Goldenlake (Song of the Lioness) VS Keladry of Mindelan, Neal of Queenscove (Protector of the Small) VS Sandry fa Toren, Tris Chandler, Daja Kisubo & Briar Moss (Circle of Magic)
Group C
Katara & Zuko VS Toph & Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Sokka & Toph VS Aang & Toph (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Korra & the Air kids (The Legend of Korra) VS April O'Neil + the Ninja Turtles (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Sprig Plantar & Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia) VS Hiccup Haddock & Heather (How to Train Your Dragon: Race to the Edge)
Luz Noceda & Hunter VS Luz Noceda & Gus Porter & Willow Park (The Owl House)
Luz Noceda & King Clawthorne (The Owl House) VS Rayla & Ezran (The Dragon Prince)
Lilo Pelekai & Stitch (Lilo and Stitch) VS Luca Paguro, Giulia Marcovaldo & Alberto Scorfano (Luca)
Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan & Claire Nuñez VS Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan & Nari (Tales of Arcadia)
Group D
Roronoa Zoro & Nami VS Roronoa Zoro & Perona (One Piece)
Kyōka Izumi & Atsushi Nakajima (Bungo Stray Dogs) VS Phoenix Wright & Maya Fey (Ace Attorney)
Miles Edgeworth & Franziska Von Karma VS Miles Edgeworth & Kay Faraday (Ace Attorney)
Sento Kiryu & Misora Isurugi (Kamen Rider Build) VS Mikasa Ackermann and Armin Arlett (Attack on Titan)
Shadow the Hedgehog & Maria Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS Lucas, Kumatora & Duster (MOTHER 3)
Junpei Iori & Female protagonist/Kotone Shiomi (Persona 3) VS Ren Amamiya/Akira Kurusu & Futaba Sakura (Persona 5)
Sombra & Cassidy VS Baptist & Sombra (Overwatch)
Beauregard Lionett & Fjord VS Beauregard Lionett & Caleb Widogast (Critical Role)
Also! To help me out and get the brackets done and published sooner, here's a list of contestants that I haven't found picture for and would super appreciate help in tracking them down. Massive shout out to those who sent in pics with their submissions, yall are MVPs.
(Need the ones that aren't highlighted)
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Feel free to submit them via ask, submission or by reblogging and adding them to this post. Thanks in advance!
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j2spntranscripts · 7 months ago
☆ 2008 LAcon Jared Solo
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Official name: Creation Entertainment's SALUTE TO SUPERNATURAL (Jared on stage) Location: Marriott Los Angeles Airport, Los Angeles, Cal Time: Sunday March 30, 2008, 11:30 AM- 12:00 PM (GMT-7) Panelists: Jared Padalecki Last episode: 3x12 "Jus in Bello"- 2/21/2008 Next episode: 3x13 "Ghostfacers"- 4/24/2008
Question Index: 1a- Character Mentoring; 3x08; Colin Ford, Ridge Canipe; Pranks 1b- Jared on Colin Ford and Ridge Canipe; fan congratulations on engagement 2a- 2008 SAG Awards look-a-likes 2b- Meg!Sam’s scream; 2x14; ACT FOUR, EXT. HOUSE – NIGHT; adlib; creative control 3- 3x03; ACT FIVE, INT. BELA'S CAR – NIGHT - EXT. CEMETERY – NIGHT; adlib Questions with an unknown order: FR1- Most challenging episode; 3x11 FR2- Jensen’s best episode; 3x02 FR3- fan request; lost my shoe quote a- Embarrassing Fanboy moments; Tom hanks FR4- University of Texas enrollment; Friday the 13th b- Cinematography; synchronized scene; 3x11; ACT TWO, INT. DINER – DAY; Sam’s bedside ruler FR5- Cinematography; synchronized scene; 3x11; ACT TWO, INT. DINER – DAY; Sam’s bedside ruler c1a- Tattoos; 3x12, 3x11; 2008 Writers' Strike changes c1b- Jared’s tattoos c2- sunglasses and pigtails; 2x05 bts photo c3a- fan appreciation for entertaining show c3b- Future Projects; professional goals; 5-10 years 🔮 d1a- fav word d1b- least fav word d1c- fav curse word FR6- Pranks; 2x21, ACT FIVE, EXT. Ramshackle House; 2x22 , ACT ONE, Int. Abandoned House- Back Bedroom- That Night e- Pranks; 2x21, ACT FIVE, EXT. Ramshackle House; 2x22 , ACT ONE, Int. Abandoned House- Back Bedroom- That Night FR7- 3x11; block shooting f- 3x11; block shooting FR8- Fan Request; body swap portrayal g1- Fan Request; body swap portrayal g2a- Getting into character; Sam g2b- fav part of playing Sam FR9- Sam catchphrase h1a- Horror Roles; Preferred Role; work/family balance h1b- Future Projects; genre of choice FR10- Time between takes FR11- Closing 1+ Closing
(video playlist/links and transcript below the cut)
(*if you notice any mistakes in the video transcripts or found more video coverage of the con please point them out, thank you*👍)
Fan reports: [insomnia_geek] • [bardicvoice] • [sarah_p] • [annkiri] (*warning: Fan reports as a source can't be fully verified unless video or audio of the con can confirm it. Be mindful not to take Fan Reports as the unquestionable and unbiased truth.*)
-missing entrance-
◘Jared in LA: on Lil Sam & Dean by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: (sitting down, center stage) (audience giggles) That was really fun to watch. (audience woo) I’ll watch- I don’t know about y’all guys but I’ll watch that and I’m going, “Man, we have been doing this a long time.” (audience chuckles) Would’ve been two and a half years, but we look like kids back then. (audience laughs and a woo) I’ve grown up. (shakes his head, swipes a hand, and mouths something) (audience laughs and a catcall)
(pats thigh) Thank y’all guys for coming out once again. Um, I hope I can.. answer some questions and be exciting. And I’ll be absolutely boring, idiotic. (smiles) (audience giggles) So, uh.. do we have any questions just to start it out? Anybody curious about anything that they.. didn’t get to ask.. our creator Kripke or, uh, wanted to shoot my way specifically?
Anybody? (looks to his right) I see a few waving hands, but I know it’s not- (laughs) (someone off stages says something) (?Right on?) (to the audience) Are y’all having a good time? (audience cheers) Are y’all here all- (points down and then flings his hand) Are- Who- How many people are (circle gesture) from the area, just drove in? (a portion of the audience raises their hands) That means the rest actually made a trip here, huh? (audience woos) Wow. Thank y’all guys. I mean, honestly thank the people who are.. (?live as here?) as well. But, um, thank y’all for coming out to see.. us guys? We guys? (audience laughs)
My mom’s an English teacher so she may be happy (?right now?). (audience laughs) Don’t tell her.
(looks left and right) Which side? Which side? I’ll start (points to his left) this side.
•(1:09 BBS)- LA08JP;Q1a- Character Mentoring; 3x08; Colin Ford, Ridge Canipe; Pranks
Fan: Hi.
Jared: Hi.
Fan: Um, hi, Jared. I’m Anne.
Jared: Hi there Anne.
Fan: Um, I (?miss?)- Um, I love the “Very Supernatural Christmas” episode? (Jared: I do too.) And, um, the kids were great, but I was wondering if you guys, um.. coached them at all, because they had your mannerisms down really well.
Jared: You know, we did not coach them (hand slice) at all. They just really looked for these kids- I mean, obviously, uh, Dean- Young Dean had been used before. Uh, but they just found these kids that really were fans of the show and knew us- And apparently, uh, on set they had the exact same relationship that Jensen and I do on set. So, it wasn’t (audience awes) just like on camera they were goofing around, but then on- off set, you know, they’d call cut and they’d be kind of playing pranks with the crew guys and (audience laughs) (?something?).
So, it was really cool. And they had some really good ideas, um, about the show. And they were kind of talking about the character. And I was like, “…That’s a good idea. I wish I would have thought of that.” (laughs) (audience laughs) I was like, “I’m gonna claim that as my own whenever I.. say it.” But-
◘Jared on the Weechesters by IY◘
•(2:08 BBS, 0:06 IY)- LA08JP;Q1b-  Jared on Colin Ford and Ridge Canipe; fan congratulations on engagement
Fan: So you were able to meet each other then?
Jared: We did. We did met each other and talk a little bit. But we didn’t- We didn’t really coach ‘em. I mean, I knew, uh- There’s a pretty rigorous casting, uhm, schedule for the Supernatural show especially. I know they look.. in LA. They look in Vancouver. They accept tapes. So, they see a lot of people for the characters. And I knew that it was going to be big to cast young Sam and Dean. So I figured whoever they.. would have cast would have been, you know, home runners. And they were, so. (nods)
Fan: It was an amazing episode. And congratulations on your engagement.  
Jared: (pats thigh and nods) Thank you so much. (audience claps) (claps and turns to his right)
◘Jared in LA: The BDABR Laugh by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:02 BBS)- LA08JP;Q2a-  2008 SAG Awards look-a-likes
Fan: Hi, Jared. Thanks for coming.
Jared: Thank you.
Fan: Two quick little questions. (Jared: Okay.) Number one, were you and Jensen at the SAG Awards back in January?
Jared: (shakes head) No, we were not. I don’t know who the SAG Awards w-
Fan: Well, then we have shapeshifters.
Jared: Do we really? (laughs)
Fan: We do.
Jared: No way. That’s too funny.
Fan: And every time (?I saw you or somebody who looked like you?) ..What is that? But you weren’t there.
Jared: I- I promise I wasn’t there. (audience laughs) When was- When were the SAG Awards? I think-
Fan: In January. 
Jared: I think I was actually.. in Austin with some of you guys. (Audience member: Yeah!) (audience woos) (Fan: Okay.) And then I went there to London to-
Fan: Alright, well that’s freaky. (audience chuckles)
Jared: It is freaky… (to audience) Just goes to show you. (audience giggles)
•(0:38 BBS)- LA08JP;Q2b-  Meg!Sam’s scream; 2x14; ACT FOUR, EXT. HOUSE – NIGHT; adlib; creative control
Fan: Yeah.. The Episode “Born Under a Bad Sign,” (Jared: Yeah.) at the end- (Jared: I just (?lost to management?)) At the end when Sam was being dispossessed or whatever. (audience mumbles) That scream, is that you or is that, like, memorized or something?
Jared: It is- It is me. (Fan: Ouch.) But it’s w- (audience laughs) (nods) Yeah, ouch. It’s me, but it’s- but it’s through some sort of synthesizer or it’s put through some.. vocal changes by our effects guys. (Fan: Okay.)
But, um, here’s a funny- I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this, but, um, the scene originally ends with me getting burnt and kind of coming to and going, you know, “What’s going on?” And Dean looking at me like…(wobbles his head) you know, “Is it you again?” But, he decided to add a punch and (audience laughs) then they (?used it?). (nods) And it turned out pretty funny, so I like it.
He was like, “You know I’d punch you, if you just sat there.” And then so, the reaction of, “Why did you just punch me?” (audience laugh) I mean, kind of like- (laughs)
Um, but that was a lot of fun. They- they allow us to sort of play. And, uh, it was a lot of fun for me to play a demon. I hope I get to do it again. (audience chuckles, cheers, and claps)
(claps thigh then turns left) Hi.
•(1:40 BBS)- LA08JP;Q3-  3x03; ACT FIVE, INT. BELA'S CAR – NIGHT - EXT. CEMETERY – NIGHT; adlib
Fan: I’m (?)
Jared: Hi there.
Fan: Hi. In the “Bad Day at..” (Jared: “Black Rock”?) Yeah. At the very end scene when, uh, Bella’s driving off with your.. tickets, (Jared laughs) Jensen says five things about her- Or, uh, Dean does it and says, uh, “Son of a Bitch” becomes (Jared: Son of a Bitch!) (audience laughs) (?) (?such that, you had?) to turn away from laughing so (?many times?)? I mean-
Jared: That was- That was- That was Jared laughing. (nods) (audience laughs)
It was- We had done it- We- It was- It was a oner. I don’t know if y’all remember the shot, but.. we’re kind of.. kind of worn and trudging the graveway. (tilts head) Graveway? (audience laughs) (?). Um, and- and- our Steadicam operator, who’s fantastic, is doing this long, hard Steadicam shot. (mimics the crew) And we have, you know, people holding boom mics and people holding, uh.. uh, flags to get us lighting. And it’s just this big orchestra of.. 50 people doing things at the same time, (?and it?) to work out (snaps fingers) perfectly.
And, um- And so the very end of the take- It wasn’t scripted. Um, we were supposed to watch her drive by. And then looking at each other and I’m kind of like, (shrugs) “You got what you deserve.” But then he goes, “Son of a Bitch!” (audience laughs) And I was like, (closes his eyes) “If I ruin this, they’re gonna string me up.” (turns his face away) So, I had to turn away, because the last thing I wanna do is to bust out, and then it’s like, “Alright, going back to one.” I think our Steadicam operator crush me (audience chuckles) or something. (nods)
Fan: It was very funny. We-
Jared: (nods) It was funny. It was funny.
Fan: (?Right?). Thank you.
Jared: Thank you.
(missing coverage *the remaining footage may be listed in the incorrect chronological order and the fan reports could be erroneous or incomplete)
•(insomnia_geek •4, bardicvoice para. 9)- LA08JP;FR1-  Most challenging episode; 3x11
 “The most challenging episode for him has been Mystery Spot, because it was such a weird episode for an actor. In order to make it real, it had to be real to Jared. He had to imagine his brother dying in order to get himself emotionally in the right place, which was particularly hard since it was around Christmastime, and he gets so happy around that time that it's hard to get on set and have to be sad.” -IG
“Asked what had been the most challenging thing for him to film this season, he opted instantly for Mystery Spot, saying it was very hard because of the subject matter, and there was a lot to grasp and a lot to play all at once. What made it all the harder was that it was filming close to Christmas, so he himself was feeling very happy – and then went to work and had to put himself in the mindset of his brother dying. It was funny to watch his face as he demonstrated being holiday-happy and then having to flip the switch into emotionally devastated. And in a point that got repeated several times by both boys, he noted that the heavy emotional stuff is always the hardest to do precisely because you as the actor have to put yourself fully into the moment and really feel the emotions your character is supposed to be experiencing, because if they aren’t genuine within you, they won’t be convincing on screen.” - B
•(insomnia_geek •5, bardicvoice para. 14)- LA08JP;FR2-  Jensen’s best episode; 3x02
“He thinks Jensen's best episode this season has been The Kids Are Alright. He could watch it as an audience member since he wasn't in it a lot, and just loved it. It was scary and touching and funny and whatnot.” - IG
“Asked about his favorite performance from Jensen this season, Jared said that he really enjoyed The Kids Are Alright. He said that Jensen is always good, but since the brothers had so many scenes apart in that episode, he really got into it because he could watch it almost like a member of the audience, and he really enjoyed the experience. He said that normally he and Jensen are in scenes together and are always working with and playing off of each other, so it was a different and fun experience to just be able to watch Jensen working without having to react to him as Sam.” - B
•(bardicvoice para. 21, annkiri para. 11)- LA08JP;FR3-  fan request; lost my shoe quote
“One fan asked him to deliver the “I lost my shoe” line from Bad Day At Black Rock and he cheerfully complied – only to laugh himself silly as the girl left the microphone, and promptly lost her shoe! She was a good sport and held the errant pump up in the air as she made her way back to her seat.” - B
“ALSO - funny moment someone asked Jared to say, "I lost my shoe" which he did and then as the was waking away, she actually LOST HER SHOE. Jared cracked up and said, "you can't script that."” - A
◘Jared in LA: Who makes him fangirl? by BabyBlueSteel◘
The audience is laughing.
Jared: You couldn’t have scripted that.
(turns to his left) Hi.
•(0:06 BBS)- LA08JP;Qa- Embarrassing Fanboy moments; Tom hanks
Fan: Hey. Um, I was just wondering when you first started out, getting into this and that, did you, uh, ever- You know, you’re running into, uh, celebrities and that kind of thing, did you ever do anything really embarrassing that you (?can’t carry?) yourself off?
◘Jared Talking About Being Starstruck by clockstopper◘
Jared: Um, like running into celebrities? (fan laughs) Or just in general? (audience laughs) ‘Cause I assure you, I’ve done plenty of embarrassing things in general.
Uuum.. I’m not sure. I-I remember… There are a few times- I’m- I’m more that way with musicians then I am with other actors because I like to consider myself an actor and I’m like, “So, I understand the craft.” But, musicians I’m like, (dead cow stare with open mouth) “Duuuuh” (audience laughs) like.
But, um, I remember at my, uh- I was at a- I was at the.. (shakes head) maybe the Golden Globes or one of the after parties and I saw Tom Hanks. And I was like, (open mouth gasp). (audience giggles) He is my- I’d- I’d love to have a career like that. I love his work. I think he’s fantastic. I think he’s a classy individual. (audience woos and whistles) I like the way he conducts his business.
(to audience member) You okay? (audience chuckles)
Jared grimaces and then nods his head. Then Jared gives a thumbs up and smiles. The audience laughs.
Jared: You scared me. (laughs) Dnuh! (mimics a full body jerk)
Um.. but so, I remember seeing- Luckily, it was a private moment of kind of just sitting there, you know, slacked-jawed. But, um, I remember thinking later, like, if someone was watching they would’ve thought I was an absolute little fangirl. (audience laughs and cheers) Boy. Boy. (?Fangirl?). (smiles)
Thank you. (turns to his right)
•(insomnia_geek •7, sarah_p para. 7)- LA08JP;FR4-  University of Texas enrollment; Friday the 13th
“The girl from Texas A&M asked why he was ever enrolled at UT (was going to major in engineering before getting into acting). He joked with her about the basketball teams, said he loves the Austin area, his sister is about to graduate from there. Apparently, Jared just signed to film the next Friday the 13th movie, so it'll be shooting in that area.” - IG
“ (…) I was glad that I had seen Jamie pre-panel, because she explained to me her question to Jared (about why he'd ever want to go to UT vs. Texas A&M), and since I understood the rivalry she was talking about and everything, it was way funnier. Also notable was when she told Jared that he was dead to her. HEE. :D” - SP
◘Jared in LA: Why DOES Sam keep a ruler by the bed? by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:00 BBS)- LA08JP;Qb-  Cinematography; synchronized scene; 3x11; ACT TWO, INT. DINER – DAY; Sam’s bedside ruler
Fan: Hi, Jared. (Jared: Hi.) Um, I just found out apparently you just answered this in the Breakfast, but I know some of us weren’t there. So, I’m asking anyways. Uh, sorry guys but-
Jared: Well, you breakfesters have-
Fan: Yeah, sorry. You get it twice. Um, in “Mystery Spot” in that amazing scene in the diner, you know, (Jared: [nods] mhmm.) where Sam knows everything that Dean’s gonna say? (Jared: [nods] Yeah.) And it was kind of that synchronized scene, and I wanna know, like.. how you film that and if you overdub.
And of course, the follow up question is, you know, we know Sam Winchester wears make up. (audience laughs) (Jared: What?) And, you know, Sam Winchester cries his way through sex. (Jared: What?!) Why does he (?even keep-?) keep a ruler by his bed? (audience laughs, oo’s, and claps. Jared throws his head back laughing)
Jared: I don’t know. Maybe somebody else can answer me that question. (audience laughs) Um, (laughs) (audience yells out some answers) Uh, there are youths in the audience here, (?right?)?
•(insomnia_geek •8, bardicvoice para. 11, sara_p para. 14)- LA08JP;FR5- Cinematography; synchronized scene; 3x11; ACT TWO, INT. DINER – DAY; Sam’s bedside ruler
“In Mystery Spot, the synchronized talking. He had Jensen say it a bunch of times while in the car on the way to set, then started mimicking him, so when Sam had to imitate him like he's heard it a hundred times before, he could get that reaction. The hardest part was not getting it right, but trying not to laugh or act so surprised when they did get it right. As for why Sam has a ruler by the bed . . . answer that yourselves.” - IG
“Asked about how many takes it had required to nail the scene in the diner in Mystery Spot where Sam and Dean speak the same lines simultaneously, Jared laughed that they actually got it down pretty quickly once the cameras rolled. He explained that he and Jensen get picked up from their homes by the same SUV every day, and that they always use the drive to the set or location to run lines with each other. Since Sam’s ability to perfectly match Dean’s lines was supposed to have been because Sam had heard them delivered as many as a hundred times, he said that he had Jensen simply repeat the lines over and over again while he listened on the drive in that day. He laughed that there was one line that Jensen kept screwing up – he couldn’t remember which one it was, but he said that Jensen sometimes used a contraction and sometimes spoke the full word, changing the rhythm of the line, and that he kept stopping Jensen and laughingly complaining, “You’re killing me, here, man! I can’t get it if you don’t! Which way are you going to say it?” When they actually did it on set, he said that the hardest thing was for them not to break out laughing in self-congratulation somewhere in the middle after they’d successfully nailed part of it.” - B
“Since I did have a REAL question (I mean, I'm not TOTALLY inappropriate ;)), Jared (while making direct eye-contact with me almost the ENTIRE TIME, which was just...unreal) said that on the way to set in the morning, he had Jensen say the line a bunch of times. In his mind, since Sam was saying the lines as if he's heard them time and time again, he needed to know what they would sound like so Sam could imitate Dean exactly. He said the hardest part wasn't he and Jensen getting the lines out together, but trying not to either get really excited or start laughing after a successful line. He also said that there was some line in there that Jensen kept either adding or subtracting a contraction from, which obviously threw off the rhythm, and made them do the take a lot more times. IT WAS AWESOME. :):)” - SP
◘Jared in LA: tattoos and pics by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:00 BBS)- LA08JP;Qc1a-  Tattoos; 3x12, 3x11; 2008 Writers' Strike changes
Fan: Since we’ve seen you guys shirtless (audience laughs) in many different episodes, so (?)-
Jared: Aooo! (audience laughs) (shakes his head and waves his hand)
Fan: (?). Uh, I was wondering is there, like, a significant time when you guys got those? Do you guys have anymore tattoos that we’re going to be seeing? (audience laughs)
Jared: I have one, but- No. Um, that’s- that was, uh.. I- Funny how- I don’t know how some of y’all may find this. Maybe it’s not interesting. But “Jus In Bello” was actually filmed (taps ankle), uh, before “Mystery Spot.” But, because of the strike and because we didn’t know what was gonna happen to the show, the fate of the show, the fate of.. the business in general, it had to air last because it left more of a cliff hanger with the introduction of Lilith than, uhm- Because we didn’t know if we were gonna be able to add more episodes to the season. And so.. there was some.. sort of cliffhanger in “Jus In Bello.”
Anyways, um, that was just something.. added for that show and we- we will have those, I guess, if we have to do some more, um.. (shrugs) shirtless scenes. (audience giggles, cheers, claps) (laughs)
Um, (laughs and then shakes head) I didn’t know what to say.
But, none- none more than I know of yet. No more than I know of yet.
•(1:03 BBS)- LA08JP;Qc1b-  Jared’s tattoos
Fan: Okay, do you have tattoos?
Jared: I do not. I’d like some, but, um, I do not yet. Um.. Do you? (audience laughs) (to audience) I’m not gonna ask where.
(turns to his left)
•(1:17 BBS)- LA08JP;Qc2-  sunglasses and pigtails; 2x05 bts photo
Fan: Hi, Jared. (Jared: Hi.) I’m Michelle. I have a prop actually.
Jared: Uh-oh. (fan laughs) That’s scary. Is it the shapeshifters from the SAG Awards? (audience laughs)
Fan: No. No. It’s you, I think. It might be Jaraldina. (audience and Jared laughs) This is a behind the scene picture that we bid on and I- there has to be an interesting story about it. You-
Jared: Is there? Yeah. Can I? (someone hands Jared the photo) I’ll- I’ll hold it up. Is there a giant me? (turns around to look at the screen behind him) Oh. (audience chuckles)
Fan: There’s the wide one here.
Jared: Yes, there is. (takes the photo and looks at it)
Fan: And a close one.
Jared: (?Look at?) this. (laughs out loud and then turns the close up photo towards Creation’s camera.)
Fan: There’s a.. (?)
The audience laughs and claps. Jared takes another look at the wide shot and laughs again. Then he holds up the wide shot.
Fan: It might not be you. You can say it’s not you.
Jared: Um, I’d like to say it’s not me. But, the (?evidence?) (audience chuckles) is, um, it’s (?anonymous?). (audience laughs)
Yeah, I don’t know exactly what that was. (audience chuckles) I-I wish I had some great explanation for why I’m wearing pink.. (?braids?) (audience yells out something) I’m- I’m just gonna say I lost a dare or something. (audience laughs) Yeah, that’s it. I lost a dare.
Every now and again, we, uh- We kind of get goofy on set. It keeps the- (laughs) It keeps the.. (laughs and nods) spirts high. I need to know where you found these. (?) (audience laughs) You want them back? (stands to hand the pictures back)
Fan: No! You can have them.
Jared: Oh, good I’ll destroy them. (audience laughs) Good. (laughs) That is- That was Jarl- Jarldi- Jaraldiny- Jaredina. (audience chuckles) (nods) Yes. That was funny that you found me. (audience giggles) (?What a nerd? or ?Whatever?). (Fan: Yeah.) (laughs) Thank you.
◘Jared in LA: Where does he see himself in 10 years? by BabyBlueSteel◘
(turns to his right) Hi there.
•(0:03 BBS)- LA08JP;Qc3a-  fan appreciation for entertaining show
Fan: Hi, Jared. I’m Debbie.
Jared: Hi, Debbie.
Fan: Thank you so much for all entertaining you have given us such a great show. You and Jensen.
Jared: Thank you for.. being entertained. (audience laughs)
•(0:11 BBS)- LA08JP;Qc3b- Future Projects; professional goals; 5-10 years 🔮
Fan: Um, I have a question for you. It’s not about the show, even though I know we want it to run for maybe ten years. But, professionally, (Jared: Sure.) where would you see yourself within the next five to ten years?
Jared: Where do I or I’d like to see myself? (audience laughs)
Fan: Where do you want- Where would you like?
Jared: Uum.. I would like to beee… working. (nods) (audience chuckles) (laughs) I mean, it sounds- it sounds like it’s a cliché or something but… the- the trends of the business and the trends of.. you know, um… stuff- When it rains, it pours. (nods) You know the.. saying? Um, I just want to keep busy. I want to keep working.
Um, ideally doing movies where I can kind of (nods) discern my own schedule. Um, you know, obviously, depends on what happens with the show, because (?who knows where the show has gone?). Um, beyond that I’d like to do some movies so I can spend time with.. my fiancé, who will then be my wife. And, (audience cheers) (nods) Yeah. (pats leg) (?)
Y’all better be nice to her (?if y’all are going to be around her soon?). ‘Cause I’ll find you. (smiles) (audience laughs)
Um, so, hopefully- hopefully doing movies and- and doing work that I’m excited about. You know? I mean, someone asked me one time what would I like to play and the answer’s every role. You know, I- There’s nothing specific I want to do. I wanna to just keep on.. (shrugs) telling stories to hopefully entertaining people.
So, this has been a- a real blessing (gestures to the audience) having people that are actually interested in the show. And, um, hopefully.. we keep on doing that. (nods)
Fan: Thank you.
Jared: Thank you. (smiles)
◘Jared in LA: Favorite, least favorite, and curse word by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:00 BBS)- LA08JP;Qd1a- Fav word
Jared: Alright.
Fan: What’s your favorite word?
Jared: E-you. (audience laughs) That’s not it. Um.. cookie. (laughs) (audience laughs) (lays photos down)
◘Supernatural Convention, LA 2008 by JensenLover89◘ (0:20-1:00)
•(0:12 BBS, 0:20 JL)- LA08JP;Qd1b- least fav word
Fan: Okay, and your least favorite word?
Jared: Uhh, no. (audience laugh)
•(0:16 BBS, 0:26 JL)- LA08JP;Qd1c- fav curse word
Fan: And my favorite question is- And Eric answered it, and was cursing like a sailor throughout the rest of the panel. What is your favorite curse word?
Jared: What’s my favorite curse word… (to the audience) If there are minors cover your ears. (audience argues with themselves if there are minors in the audience) I’d have to say… (clears his throat) Nah. (audience laughs) (to fan) Probably the one that starts with “S” and ends with “hit.” (audience laughs) (throws up a hand) Very expressive. (nods) Very expressive. And, um, descriptive. (looks up with a thoughtful expression)
Fan: Thank you.
Jared: Thank you. (turns to his right)
•(insomnia_geek •14, bardicvoice para. 10)- LA08JP;FR6- Pranks; 2x21, ACT FIVE, EXT. Ramshackle House; 2x22 , ACT ONE, Int. Abandoned House- Back Bedroom- That Night
“In AHBL, did he behave himself while playing dead? Yes, he restrained his joker impulses and really did his best to be dead to help Jensen to play the scene. It was hard to lay there and try not to move or breathe or anything, but it paid off. Jensen really went there in that monologue, and Jared could hear it and wanted to cry.” - IG
“A related question concerned whether Jared – well known to be a prankster – had pulled anything or had behaved himself during his death scene in All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1 and while lying dead on the mattress in the beginning of All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2. After garnering laughs by proclaiming that he’d behaved himself in bed, he said in all seriousness that he had behaved himself both times, and just did the best he could to really look dead for Jensen, because he understood how hard doing those scenes would be for him. He said that the hardest thing for him in both of those scenes was not reacting to Jensen, because even though his eyes were closed and he couldn’t see Jensen, he could hear him, and it was clear that he was taking himself into a very dark and painful place. Jared couldn’t help him while the scenes were shooting, and didn’t want to make it any harder on him or make him stay there any longer than he had to, because he could hear how badly Jensen was hurting.” - B
◘Jared in LA: Favorite, least favorite, and curse word by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:00 BBS)- LA08JP;Qe- Pranks; 2x21, ACT FIVE, EXT. Ramshackle House; 2x22 , ACT ONE, Int. Abandoned House- Back Bedroom- That Night
Jared: Yeah.
Fan: And yeah. And Jensen was talking about how hard it was (?with it?). Did you behave yourself? (audience laughs)
Jared: I did. Yeah, that was one of the few times where I begrudgingly decided to behave myself. (audience chuckles) That was such an intense scene and Jensen really went there. And did a great job, this- the finale of last year. (audience cheers and claps)
(shrugs head) I mean.. I didn’t get to see what he was doing, but I did get to hear. And actually.. um, I mean, you’re- you’re really- It’s so hard to just hold your.. breath or trying- ‘Cause I wanted to- (shrug) I was really, like, trying to look dead for him. (audience laughs) I was like, “Look dead so he kind of pretend to himself that you are dead.”
Um, and he (nods) really went there. And he really committed and, um, knocked it out of the park, I think. So, I did behave myself. It was actually harder to not.. kind of tear up about what was going on, ‘cause I could hear him in a lot of pain. (audience aw’s) (nods) So, I did behave myself for him. That was the one time. (audience laughs) (claps) Thank you. (turns to his left)
•(insomnia_geek •15, bardicvoice para. 12-13)- LA08JP;FR7- 3x11; block shooting
“In filming Mystery Spot, their crew is amazingly efficient. They block shot the episode, which is really hard for an actor to do, as different scenes are lumped together. But Kim managed to get them through, and they managed to get in all done on budget and saved themselves a couple hours of extra film time otherwise.” - IG
“Jared added that something else made Mystery Spot particularly hard to shoot, and that was that they block-shot it. No television show or movie is ever shot in chronological scene order, because you always save money and time by grouping together the scenes that take place in a particular location or on a particular set, but you generally do shoot a complete scene at a time. Usually that involves beginning with a master shot, one that covers the whole scene and shows the characters in relation to each other and their surroundings, and then taking a short break while the lighting and camera crews reset in order to get detailed coverage on one of the actors. When the technical details are ready, the actors run the scene again, while the cameras focus on one character. Then it’s time to break again to set the lighting and cameras to cover a different actor in the scene. Depending on where the cameras are facing, that may also require moving the “video village” – the multiple-monitor setup that the director uses to see exactly what each camera is recording – to make certain that it won’t be in the shot. (Mary says, if you want a brilliant example of the “video village” winding up where it shouldn’t, watch the season two gag reel for the scene – I think it came from No Exit – where the boys, walking down a corridor, hear voices approaching and duck sideways into a doorway alcove for cover, only to have Jensen crack up in laughter realizing that the Steadicam tracking him is seeing the “video village” through the doorway beyond him!) After all that arranging, the scene is run again, this time recording the second actor. And so it goes, actor by actor, scene by scene.
Block shooting is different. In block shooting, to save even more time and money, the actors and crew keep the camera and lighting setup in one position and shoot each piece of each scene that requires that specific setup, changing the setup only when it is no longer needed. So for example, in Mystery Spot, there were multiple scenes when Sam woke up and sat up in bed. Instead of shooting each scene as a whole, they shot each of Sam’s wake-up moments one after the other. Then they would have changed the coverage, and shot each of Dean’s rocking-out-to-Asia moments one after the other. Another change, and each of the shared bathroom gargling and toothbrush scenes would run in sequence. Jared said that he was very grateful that director Kim Manners was able to keep track of precisely where in the story they were, and would always start the scene by filling the boys in on exactly where in the timeline they were for this umpteenth repetition of the scene. It didn’t matter that much to Jensen, because his challenge was keeping Dean as much the same from day to day as possible, but it was critical for Jared to be able to figure out where on the continuum of Sam’s growing desperation he was supposed to be, and it was a challenge because he had to ratchet things up appropriately for each repetition constituting a new version of the scene.” - B
◘Jared in LA: block shooting Mystery Spot by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:00 BBS)- LA08JP;Qf- 3x11; block shooting
Fan: -Start again or?
Jared: We, um- We block shot that. Which I don’t know- (to the audience) For those of you who aren’t familiar with block shooting. Usually when you shoot a scene, let’s say I’m talking to Dean, it’ll be, um, you know, a master establisher of some sort and then.. my coverage and closer, and he’s coverage and closer. Um, but since we had so many scenes in similar areas, like, on the bed, in the bathroom, in the dining room, (Fan: Yeah, (?we know that?).) We block shot it for interest of time, because if we would have gone, you know, “Scene 21 on him, scene 21 on me. Scene 23 on him, scene 23 on me. Scene 27 on him, scene 27 on me,” then it would’ve- it takes a long time, (?at like?)-
Our- our crew is.. amazingly efficient. And our cinematographer is fantastic and he’s very quick. That’s the only way we can make this show.. for any budget, because they’re very good at what they do. But just the logistics of having to move a bunch of light this way and move a bunch of light back that way. And, you know, clear out a video village over here, g- it would just have taken, in time alone, you know? (Fan: Right.) No one in the world could have done it faster than addin’ three or four hours to the day.
So, I think at the beginning of the day.. uh, Kim Manners probably came up and he was like, “Hey, you block shoot this, you’re out three hours earlier.” And we’re like (swipes his finger), “We’re block shooting!” (audience laughs)
Um, and it’s hard as an actor, because you have to, you know, you- it- you- you usually try to get into the mind set of the scene. Um, but Kim Manners who directed the episode, who we love obviously, gave us time between each scene and said, “Listen, this is what just happened. This is what you’re thinking. This is what’s about to happen.” And you kind of sit there with it and then you go. (nods) But, it was tough. It- (nods) Block shooting (Fan: (?).) is tough. (nods) I’m glad it turned out-
Fan: Thank you. But, you’re very great.
Jared: Thank you. (turns to his right)
•(insomnia_geek •16, bardicvoice para. 17, sarah_p para. 17, annkiri para. 5)- LA08JP;FR8- Fan Request; body swap portrayal
“f they did a bodyswap episode, how would he play Dean? Jared thought that would be interesting and fun, to play it like Face/Off. He'd make a lot of stupid faces, like Jensen does.” - IG
“Presented with the hypothetical of a body-swap episode in which Sam wound up in Dean and vice versa, and asked how he would play Dean in Sam’s body, Jared laughed, then said earnestly that he would study the more Dean-centric episodes to get Dean’s mannerisms down pat. And then he outright grinned and said, “And then I’d just make all kinds of stupid faces like Jensen does.” He faked a quick look around as if to ensure that Jensen wasn’t hiding out listening, and then nodded his head and said, “Yeah – lots of stupid faces.”” - B
“Someone asked Jared how he'd play Dean in a bodyswap episode, and he said he'd make a lot of stupid faces like Jensen does (and then demonstrated). THEN, he called back "Jensen? Jensen?", and when there was no answer, reaffirmed the making of stupid faces. (…)” - SP
“Someone brought up the bodyswap idea and asked if he thought it would be a cool thing to do and what he would do to prepare for such an episode. Jared said ht thought it would be a lot of fun and a challenge to play Dean and that he would probably re-watch a bunch of the more Dean=centric episodes to study him a bit and then make lots of funny faces like Jensen does. He then demonstrated these with totally goofy noises and faces. Then looked back like he was guilty and didn't want Jensen to have heard. He called out, "Jensen," then again to see if he was back behind the stage, and when Jensen didn't respond Jared turned back to the audience to say, "Yeah, lots of goofy faces." It was cute!” - A
◘Jared in LA: how would play Dean in a body swap episode? by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:00 BBS)- LA08JP;Qg1- Fan Request; body swap portrayal
Fan: How would you play Dean?
Jared looks down. The audience laughs. Jared looks up and smirks at the audience.
Jared: I think it’d be a lot of fun actually. Uh, I think there- I think there.. just might be. I-I- I certainly don’t know any secrets. And I certainly don’t.. uh, presume to say what.. Kripke (waves hand) will do. But, um, I think that would be an interesting thing, um.. to do.
◘Supernatural Convention, LA 2008 by JensenLover89◘ (1:07-1:54)
◘Jared on bodyswap at LA Supernatural Convention by IY◘
I think it’d be, uh, a lot of fun to play Jensen like a face off style episode. (audience chuckles) Um, I mean, I guess the closest we’ve done is him getting possessed, and me getting possessed, and having to play someone who’s not you’re character.
◘Jared Talking About a BodySwap w/Jensen by clockstopper◘
But that’d be a lot of fun. I think I’d go back and.. you know, study some of his scenes and study some of his episodes that were heavier Dean episodes. Like, uh, “Kids Are Alright.” Because we have episodes that are very Sam heavy, episodes that are very Dean heavy, and then kind of mixture episodes.
Um, so I’d probably have to go back and.. study some of his stuff. And then I’d just make a lot of stupid faces like he does, (?you know?). (audience laughs) Stuff like, (open his mouth, curls his tough over his bottom teeth, and then rolls his eye) “Bluh, bluh, bluh.” (audience laughs) That’s kind of like how he plays Dean. So, I was play it- (laughs and then grimaces and looks around behind)
Jensen! (looks back) Jensen! (Jensen doesn’t respond) (turns back to the fan) Yeah, (waves hand) yeah. Stupid faces. (audience laughs) (?Stupid face Dean?). (laughs)
Fan: Thank you.
Jared: Thank you. (turns to his right)
•(0:49 IY)- LA08JP;Qg2a- Getting into character; Sam
Fan: Hi Jared. I’m Emma. (Jared: Hi there.) Hi. Um, I actually have a question about getting into character with Sammy. (Jared: [nods] Okay.) Is there, like, a certain facet of Sammy’s character that.. like, helps you to grow as an actor that’s harder to portray on screen than other parts did or..?
Jared: (exhales) Uhm.. (shrugs) of course. I mean, you know, a- a- a lot of parts of Sammy. (audience giggles) It- It was very tough- It was very weird because I’ve.. done “Gilmore Girls” for five years (Fan: Yeah.) (audience woo) and so you’re really used to- (to audience member) Yeah, great show. (Fan: Yeah.) (audience giggles) (to fan) But, you get really used to playing that character. And so it’s really easy to just go, “Oh, yeah. I’m here.”
But then- then I think that their initial transition was what was most tough. But now that I’m sort of in theee.. (makes a circular gesture) in theeee.. machinery of playing Sam and, you know, doing it day in and day out, it’s pretty- it’s pretty easy to.. pop back into it. (Fan: Yeah.) But I obviously, under certain circumstances that occur in the show Supernatural. It’s really tough, i.e., you know, “Mystery Spot” or (Fan: Yeah.)  you know, struggling about your possible demon heritage is never easy to go (fan laughs), “Oh, I can just (flips hair and looks up) pull from this.” You know? (Fan: Yeah) (audience laughs)
He's been trying to find- I don’t know who said it, but I think (shrugs) in “Inside the Actor Studio,” uh, one of the actors said- I think it was Johnny Depp, said that in order.. for you to want to play anything you have to be able to find the truth. And you have to be able to.. relate to it. Otherwise what you have, you know, you’re just (blows) playing make believe as oppose to making it real.
And so, that’s always tough trying to find the part of Jared’s history that’s.. scared of his anti-demon, um, (audience chuckles) (smiles and waves hand) whatever. Um- But, um, the whole- the whole show (nods) has been a big growing experience.
•(2:20 IY)- LA08JP;Qg2b- fav part of playing Sam
Fan: Yeah, and is there, like, a certain, like, side of Sammy that you like to play more? Like, Evil Sammy or (?Cringey?) Sammy or (?) (laughs)?
Jared: I love to play Sammy’s bad side (pats leg). (audience woos, cheers, and claps) I love- I love Sammy- (nods) Yeah. (smiles) Yeeah. Um, I love it because- because, uuum, it’s against his nature and that’s.. what’s fun to me. That’s what, like, De Niro said that when someone’s about to cry they never go, (gasps and wobbles his lips) “Huhwawa!” Like, they fight it. (audience chuckles) And so, I’m like seeing- I like seeing the.. juxtaposition. (Fan: Yeah.) Or, the you know, fighting against his nature. I love that. Plus, it was a lot of fun. “Born Under a Bad Sign” was a lot of fun to be bad and.. (Fan: It was a good episode. [laughs]) (?demonic?). Thank you. (claps and nods) (audience claps)
Fan: You’re (?welcome?).
•(insomnia_geek •18, bardicvoice para. 20, sarah_p para. 16)- LA08JP;FR9- Sam catchphrase
“There was one guy there who was actually taller than Jared, apparently 6'8". Jared called him "his tall brother." He asked if there was one line for Sam, what would it be? Jared said Sam should steal sonuvabitch and make it his own, "Dean my ass!" Or maybe that should be it -- "Dean my ass!"” - IG
“Asked what line he’d most like to deliver, he used a Dean trademark without hesitation: “Son of a bitch!” He laughed that he’d like to follow that one up with, “Dean, my ass!”” - B
“(…) The REAL question that has all of the fangirls buzzing is probably the one (that one of the lone guys there asked) about what line Jared wants Sam to say. He said "son of a bitch!" at first, so he could make it his own. And then he goes, "Dean, my ass!" afterwards, obviously because Dean is the one who gets to say that all of the time. Then he was like, "maybe that should be more like "Dean! My ass!" (HAHAHAHA), and everyone freaked out, and he shook his head and just KNEW that was the wrong thing to say. HA! :D” - SP
◘Jared in LA: What genre would he like to do? by BabyBlueSteel◘
The audience laughs, cheers, and claps.
Jared: I just got myself turned around. (grimaces) (audience laughs) (?pretty much?) (laughs and turns to his left) (audience laughs)
•(0:08 BBS)- LA08JP;Qh1a- Horror Roles; Preferred Role; work/family balance
Fan: Hi, I’m (Jared: Hi.) Samantha.
Jared: Hi, Smantha. (Fan: Um-) I’m Sam. (audience laughs)
Fan: Um, so you’ve done a lot of- You did, uh, “House of Wax” and I think (Jared: I did.) you just (audience woo) been signed for “Friday the 13th”?
Jared: (pats leg and nods) I have. (audience cheers and claps) (claps)
Fan: (?You’ve been sticking-?) (?) Um, and so you’ve been sticking with the horror genre or that’s was what’s being- was being- what’s offered right now, or? And, if you could do any sort of genre what would you do?
Jared: Both. Um, those are a lot of questions. The first one, (audience laughs) was I think was- What was the first part of th-that question? (audience laughs) The first question, is there a reason, I guess, I’m airing to horror and is it a choice or as a.. sort of that’s what’s.. being.. thrown my way. And it’s a combination of both.
And almost referring to the earlier question of what would you like to be doing. I mean, I could sit up here all day and talk about, “I loved to do- doing some radio. Then I’d love to do- go hunting. Then I’d-” and, you know, talk about.. these.. great movies and classic movies that, “Oh, it’d be so fun to do this. Or a comedy or blah, blah, blah.”
But, um, the industry goes on certain trends and I am a huge fan of the Horror genre. I love scary movies. I love scary TV shows. I lov- I love kind of getting scared. It- (gestures) There’s something about watching a scary movie or a scary show that gets you out of your world.. beyond anything else.
You know, I can sit there and watch.. “Friends” or something and still be there thinking about, “I gotta do laundry.” (audience chuckles) But if I’m sitting there a little scared (shrinks in) if someone is in the house and everything, (gestures to his head) it takes over your brain. And I love being transported to another world.
Um, so I’m fan of the genre. Plus, that happened to work out perfectly. You know, I- I got to- I get to film in Austin where my sister graduates (pats leg) this year, where I’m close to my family in San Antonio. I’m close to my brother in Dallas. He’s having a kid. So, it just- it seemed to work out, uhhh, perfectly.
Um, I think there was another thing?
•(1:46 BBS)- LA08JP;Qh1b- Future Projects; genre of choice
Fan: Um, what genre would you like to do in the future?
Jared: Oh, um… You know what?.. I think I- I’d like to do- I’d like to do a drama (nods) -a drama, drama. Um, maybe a war movie. And obviously a Western. (audience chuckles, cheers, then claps) (?It’s?), like, five genres or something. All genres. I guess, if I could have a choice I’d love to do a Western right now. (nods) Thank you. (claps) (audience claps) Thank you. (audience cheers) (turns to his right)
•(insomnia_geek •20, bardicvoice para. 25, sarah_p para. 18)- LA08JP;FR10- Time between takes
“What does he do in his spare time? Since Harley had knee surgery and is staying with Sandy, Jared has Sadie up on set with him and plays with her to keep her from chewing the place up. He relaxes, calls Sandy, but can't totally break out of the character in between scenes. It's not like he can hold Dean's body, then be like, "Hey, let's go chase butterflies!" The mike was cutting out around here, so he tried yelling briefly before a tech ran out with another mike.” - IG
“Asked about his dogs, Jared said that he has Sadie with him on set, but that Harley is staying with Sandy at the moment, which occasioned yet another “awwww.”” - B
“He also talked about his dogs, which was adorable, and I think that this was the answer where he said it's hard for him to get out of character between scenes, and it wasn't like he could look at Dean's body, and after cut was called, be all "hey, let's go chase butterflies!" Which CRACKED ME UP.” - SP
•(insomnia_geek para. 6, bardicvoice para. 27, sarah_p para. 19-20, annkiri para. 13)- LA08JP;FR11- Closing
“Then Jensen walked out with "What a bunch of crap!" and it was his turn for the panel. Jared left, but as Jensen was settling in Jared made a farting noise offstage into the mike, and Jensen played it. (...)” - IG
“Jensen announced his presence with a “Son of a bitch!” through the mike, and after a little teasing, Jared yielded the stage.” - B
“As in the clips from Chicago, one of the funniest parts was the exchange of panel time between Jared and Jensen. Jared was talking, and Jensen walked about and said "what a bunch of crap!" Then Jared left (…). Oh, and! I almost forgot! Jared GAVE Jensen the pictures that the girl had given him during the Q&A, and Jensen was making comments on them ("I look huge in that!" on the blown up one, and then something like "that's it" on the other one). LMAO!” - SP
“Then Jensen came out at the end of one of Jared's more lofty answers about acting, saying, "That's all a load of bull." And Jared left, promising to be back in a bit (…)” - A
◘Jensen in LA: favorite episode by BabyBlueSteel◘ (0:00-0:33)
◘Jensen's entrance in LA Supernatural Con Q&A by IY◘ (0:00-0:28)
•(0:00 BBS, 0:00 IY)- LA08JP;T1- closing
Jensen walks further on stage towards where Jared is sitting. The audience is screaming. Jared is smiling.
Jared: -(?sounds bullshit?) (?)
Jensen: No won- No wonder why your mic’s going off.
Jared: (picks up the pictures from earlier) I stole it. No wonder my mic’s going out. Here’s, uh- Here’s the pictures for you. (audience screams and woos) (hands over the photos to Jensen)
Jensen: Oh goodie. What do we have here? (Jared: (?na-uh?).) (looks at the photos) Well, I look huge in that one.
Jared: (stands) Yeah, (?yeah, yeah?). (audience laughs) (to the audience) I’m gonna pass the mic over tah.. Dean.
Jensen: I look fantastic in that one.
Jared: (swipes towards Jensen) Dean, my ass! (goes behind and looks over Jensen’s shoulder, says something, then passes) See you (?in thirty?). Thank you, guys. (?I love you?) (waves his water bottle in the air, then walks off stage and behind the back curtains) (audience cheers and claps)
-end of panel-
4 notes · View notes
Neutralised Bios: Bram (1994)
One of Three Grave-Diggers Abraham Machado
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A grave-digger and a musician Abraham Machado.
"Morning, Mona, sorry I'm late, Cal… car troubles"
Full Legal Name: Abraham Salvador Varela Machado
First Name: Abraham
Meaning: This name may be viewed either as meaning 'Father of many' in Hebrew or else as a contraction of 'Abram' meaning 'High father' and 'Hamon' meaning 'Many, Multitude'.
Pronunciation: a-bra-AM / AY-bra-ham
Origin: English, Hebrew, Spanish, French, Swedish, Dutch, German, Norwegian, Danish, Biblical, Biblical Latin
Middle Name: Salvador
Meaning: Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan form of the Late Latin name 'Salvator', which meant 'Saviour', referring to Jesus.
Pronunciation: sal-ba-DOOR
Origin: Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan
Surname(s): Varela, Machado
Meaning(s): Varela: Derived from Spanish 'Vara' 'Stick'. Machado: Derived from Spanish and Portuguese 'Machado' 'Hatchet', both from Latin 'Marculus' 'Little hammer'.
Pronunciation(s): ba-REH-la. ma-CHA-dho
Origin(s): Spanish. Portuguese, Spanish
Titles: Mr, Señor
Goes By: Abe, Bram
Age: 30
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: American Citizen. Born in America
Ethnicity: Hispanic (Sephardic Jewish)
Birth Date: 12th May 1964
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Jewish
Native Language: Spanish
Known Languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, Hebrew, (Some) Latin
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Played By: Alfred Molina
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Height: 6'3 / 190 cm
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: Hairy
Facial Hair: Varies between a Clean Shave and a Full Beard
Tattoos: (As of Jan 1994) 1 (Has 'Vivimos, Amamos, Morimos' [We live, we love, we die] tattooed under his left armpit, next to his heart)
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker, Occasional Smoker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Affiliated Groups: Mortimer & Co. Mortuary Services (Employee)
Friends: Cal, Mona, Meg
Significant Other: None
Parents: Rabbi Abiram Machado (63, Father), Haydée Machado (61, Mother, Née Varela)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Humberto Varela Machado (25, Brother), Aurora Varela Machado (20, Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Children: None
Level of Education: G.E.D
Occupation: Grave-Digger
Employer: Mortimer & Co. Mortuary Services
Biography: Bram learnt from a young age that being a hardworking man would take him far in the world. He met and befriended a young Mona during his time vacationing in Eloia, Illinois for Hanukkah when he was 19. He moved to Chicago at 21 (after getting his G.E.D) and started working at the facility soon after. Assigned by Mr Mortimer to be a gravedigger after failing his physical fitness test to become a security guard. He soon became close with Cal, a fellow grave-digger and introduced him to Mona upon her joining the staff. Bram's harboured a crush on Mona ever since, even though he would never let her know as he's too busy acting tough.
11 notes · View notes