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izahelle · 4 months ago
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So many deaths
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beneathcandycoatedclouds · 7 months ago
you know what? credit where credit is due. Loghain is a little fuck but at LEAST that man didn't get a weird obsession with Cailan in like. weird harry potter/snape fashion. he said "this kid ain't shit. not my girl's son" and murdered him as was his right
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dragonageshitposting · 7 months ago
*Adds "Non-Stop" from Hamilton to our Loghain playlist*
Wrath/Desmond: "That's Loghain to Wren ..and Alexander too not gonna lie"
Ctrl: "AND Cailan. Man Loghain is just a hater-"
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meaningofgray · 9 months ago
Character Information:
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CHARACTER NAME: Cailan Harrison NICKNAME: Cal AGE: 32 SPECIES: Witch OCCUPATION: Hotel Manager and lifelong member of his coven GENDER: cis man PRONOUNS: he/him POWERS: Strong affinity for the elements PACK/COVEN: Crestle Coven (since birth) his strong powers could make him a Guardian FACE CLAIM: Sean Teale @crestlecovehq
Born into a family of witches in Crestle Cove, Cailan has always been aware of the supernatural world. As a child, he found it difficult to keep secrets and often told his friends about his magical abilities, trying to show off with playground "magic tricks." This behaviour led his mother into pulling him out of school until he was old enough to understand the importance of secrecy. By the age of fifteen, he was well-established in the coven and understood the consequences of revealing his true nature to humans.
However, Cailan easily fell into the wrong crowd. Although he knew better than to experiment with illegal substances, he found it lucrative to sell them. For a long time, he became the go-to person for acquiring both legal and illegal items. His reputation grew, but his life took a significant turn when he met Sage, an older witch from his coven. Sage was powerful and smart, and recognised the potential profit in selling vampire blood. She enlisted Cailan, swearing him to secrecy and offering him a cut of the earnings. Though Cailan lacked the strength to take down a vampire on his own, he partnered with a werewolf he had known from high school. Together, they sold vampire blood, making a substantial profit.
As Cailan matured, he began to question his choices. Despite his growing unease, his working relationship with Sage flourished, and she entrusted him with managing a vampire bar she was opening. Her condition was that he keep his blood dealings separate from his work at the bar. Cailan left most of the dealings to his partner, trying to distance himself from the darker side of his activities. Though dealing in vampire blood wasn’t strictly illegal, since the law didn’t recognise vampire but Cailan felt a growing discomfort, especially knowing vampires who didn’t deserve such exploitation.
Cailan thrived in the bar, making supernatural contacts and enjoying the work. Friendly and confident, he quickly became a popular figure. Despite his charm and outward confidence, he grappled with doubts about his choices. However, his loyalty to his family and coven in Crestle Cove remained strong, and he would never abandon them.
Known for his charm, Cailan was outgoing, kind, and always eager to help others. Despite his flaws, he tried to do the right thing. For much of his life, he was considered a womaniser, enjoying flirting and casual relationships. However, as he aged, he began to yearn for genuine love and connection. He had always harboured feelings for Penny Walker, an older witch from his coven and one of his closest friends. These feelings began to grow stronger, shifting from platonic to romantic but the older witch fell in love with a werewolf, and Cailan knew he had to let her go. Distracting himself with other women.
Five years ago, Cailan's life took another dramatic turn when he met Aria Perduta, a human who had lost her memories due to a magical spell. Determined to help her, Cailan created an amulet to counteract the spell. Despite his modesty, the spell was complex, and he accomplished it with ease. Over time, he grew closer to Aria, and they had a fling. However, a broken spell forced him to erase her memories, a decision that left him deeply troubled.
Now 32, Cailan is doing well in his professional life. He manages Penny’s hotel and keeps a low profile, staying in a small cabin when not at work to avoid the chaos of his past. Though he remains loyal to the coven, he prefers to keep to himself, aware of his formidable powers but still wanting to remain modest. He knows people recognise his strength, but he just wants to be Cailan, living a quiet life away from the complications. Despite his best efforts, he fears that his past may still catch up with him.
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dragonageheritageposts · 9 months ago
Nov 12, 2013.
Plain/simplified text under the cut:
Duncan, Alistair, and Surana are all marked with the group "Grey Wardens". Loghain and Cailan are "Doges of Fereldan." Wynne is "Circle of Magi."
[Duncan has joined the raid group]
[Alistair has joined the raid group]
[Surana has joined the raid group]
Cailan (in caps): Wardens in da hizzle dudes sup omg I cant believe Im raiding with you dudes epic!
Duncan: …you’re the raid leader?
Cailan (in caps): Ya bro I heard u got the world first archdemon kill omfg dude!
Duncan: yeah, I wasn’t guild leader at the time
Loghain: they can’t even field a 10 man now
Duncan: hard to recruit when you’re banned from the server. so what’s the strat?
Cailan: um lol idk heals in the back I’ll main tank you OT
Duncan: shouldn’t you let Loghain MT? I mean he’s got way more achievements. didn’t he get Hero of River Dane title?
Loghain: on hard mode.
Cailan: yeah but i’m guild leader ok i know what i’m doing. press 1 for heals
Wynne: *1* We are so screwed.
Loghain: so what about these nubcake scrubs you brought, Duncan?
Alistair (in caps): I heard that!
Duncan: well like I said, we’re rebuilding the guild. are you sure we don’t want to wait cause we’ve got some guys from Orlais-US that can log in. Riordan just got stuck at work
Loghain (in caps): for the last time I am not pugging Orlesians jfc the're a bunch of loot ninjas
Cailan: any1 have recount
Alistair : dude we didn’t even start the raid yet why are you worrying about DPS meters
Wynne: Totally screwed.
Loghain: why isn’t Surana saying anything on vent?
Surana: sorry I don’t have a mic
if Ostagar was an MMORPG raid
[Duncan has joined the raid group]
[Alistair has joined the raid group]
[Surana has joined the raid group]
Duncan <Grey Wardens>: …you’re the raid leader?
Duncan <Grey Wardens>: yeah, I wasn’t guild leader at the time
Loghain <Doges of Ferelden>: they can’t even field a 10 man now
Duncan <Grey Wardens>: hard to recruit when you’re banned from the server. so what’s the strat?
Cailan <Doges of Ferelden>: um lol idk heals in the back I’ll main tank you OT
Duncan <Grey Wardens>: shouldn’t you let Loghain MT? I mean he’s got way more achievements. didn’t he get Hero of River Dane title?
Loghain <Doges of Ferelden>: on hard mode.
Cailan <Doges of Ferelden>: yeah but i’m guild leader ok i know what i’m doing. press 1 for heals
Wynne <Circle of Magi>: *1* We are so screwed.
Loghain <Doges of Ferelden>: so what about these nubcake scrubs you brought, Duncan?
Alistair <Grey Wardens>: I HEARD THAT
Duncan <Grey Wardens>: well like I said, we’re rebuilding the guild. are you sure we don’t want to wait cause we’ve got some guys from Orlais-US that can log in. Riordan just got stuck at work
Cailan <Doges of Ferelden>: any1 have recount
Alistair <Grey Wardens>: dude we didn’t even start the raid yet why are you worrying about DPS meters
Wynne <Circle of Magi>: Totally screwed.
Loghain <Doges of Ferelden>: why isn’t Surana saying anything on vent?
Surana <Grey Wardens>: sorry I don’t have a mic
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lavenderstobins · 2 months ago
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dragon age: origins (2009)
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chialattea · 6 months ago
King Cailan when the beacon lights up at Ostagar:
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melancholichalfelf · 1 year ago
I'm currently staying at home with a flu so I might as well use the time to create memes.
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rrredgi · 5 months ago
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Just another page of Ferelden's history
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treatsformeeko · 1 month ago
This dialogue has always baffled me. It is locked behind a 30 cunning check, which I think may be impossible to reach without cheats at this early stage in the game (?) but its implications are INSANE. Entirely too long tirade below the cut:
How could the darkspawn possibly know the plan? Does it have anything to do with darkspawn showing greater signs of intelligence (re: the Architect, the Messenger)? Awakening was being written before DAO came out — was this meant to tie into that?
Many people online have discussed that it may be a remnant of abandoned plot threads that paint loghain as more of a mustache-twirling villain, working with the darkspawn (either willingly or perhaps under their influence?) to make sure the signal fire doesn’t get lit. David Gaider explained at length that the Ostagar plotline and the Cailan/Loghain conflict were subject to numerous rewrites. And while it is true that there is no further dialogue to suggest that Loghain was working with the darkspawn as this dialogue implies, my next question is what were his men doing in the tunnels underneath the Tower of Ishal?
Even before I had seen this exact line, in my first playthrough I operated under the assumption that Loghain had purposefully sabotaged the Tower in order to place blame on the Grey Wardens (an already easy scapegoat given their very recent return from exile) once he inevitably quit the field. I never once thought that his decision to retreat from Ostagar was made in the heat of the moment — after all, why would Howe already be making moves on Highever if he thought that Cailan would be alive after the battle to punish him for it? And if it were the case that Loghain planned for Cailan to die at Ostagar, why would he allow the signal fire to be lit on time and still quit the field knowing that some of his men would see this as betraying the King, regardless of how good he was at being a leader? Was it just a very happy accident that the darkspawn overwhelming the Tower and delaying made him look less villainous to his own army? Why would he leave this up to chance when so much of his plan before this seems to be so carefully crafted?
Frankly speaking, much of the deeper DAO lore seems to be happy accidents — constant rewrites and abandoned plot threads coming together to create a genuinely interesting story where the truth is not easily identified. And honestly, I think it benefited greatly from this! The truth is messy, especially when there are this many players vying for power in some way or another.
Personally, I’m of the mind that dev-lore comes secondary to what actually makes it into the game, even when the devs had better ideas than what we got. Which is why it is so fascinating that this line still exists in game and yet is nearly impossible to obtain! Why does it still exist? Why is it so hard to obtain? What implications does it have on the greater plot?
I don’t necessarily have an interesting conclusion beyond the fact that I am still in awe at the reactivity of this game that is objectively pretty clunky and ugly by today’s standards. I love Loghain as a villain in part because he is so human, and as much as I enjoy the sequels I really think that he is one of the best antagonists of the entire series. I find it really interesting that his reputation is not entirely shredded to pieces by Inquisition, as some Ostagar vets still sing his praises, which just further drives home the point that he has the capacity for good AND evil! I mean hell, the whole game is about making sacrifices for the greater good. Couldn’t you still argue that that was what Loghain was doing (or at least thought he was doing)?
All of this being an entirely too-long wind up to say: fuck you Quartermaster Threnn. I know what I saw.
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deimcs · 9 months ago
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CAILAN THEIRIN'S FUNERAL / dragon age: origins, return to ostagar
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wheretheresawyll · 1 year ago
still boggles my mind that in the year 2024 most players still ignore anora's character just to reduce her to a lying backstabber, when she only goes against you if:
you reveal her identity to ser cautherine and howe's soldiers, defeating the entire purpose of her disguise and also ignoring what she told you literally one minute before about how they can't know she's escaping with you - thereby betraying her first
you ignore her completely in denerim after she asks you to come talk to her, and only show up to the landsmeet
you bring up loghain's fate, and when she tells you that she would rather him be spared if possible, you tell her to her face that her father has to die
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greenbellehaven · 3 months ago
it’s interesting to see people talk about how fun it is play a chaotic Hawke or inquisitor but rarely do i see anybody appreciate the joys of playing a Bitchy Warden. like yea i didnt ask to become a warden and i certainly never told Cailan or Duncan to go and get themselves killed after leaving me vague ass instructions but y’know what?? i’m here and doing my best (sometimes) so shut the fuck up and help me or get the hell out of my way.
Oh you crossed me and now want to recruit me to a team of assassins? Fuck your side quests you bald headed demon
You tried to ambush me after i so kindly spared your life and allowed you to join my party? burn in hell you womanizing orphan
you’re mad cause i killed the Arl’s wife while trying to save their ONLY child??? oh fuck off cowards
& Alistair get your head out of your ass we all have to step up to a responsibility we never asked for!!!
being an absolute douche in a game where everyone expects you to be a self-sacrificing hero is so rewarding and I wish more people acknowledged that
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0alix0 · 1 year ago
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1) Aeducan deserves much more love & attention 2) Oghren is a buddy fu 3) LET ANORA KISS A LADY DWARF GODDAMNIT!!
⁽ᵒʳᶦᵍᶦⁿᵃˡ ᵘⁿᵈᵉʳ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜᵘᵗ⁾
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vigilskeep · 8 months ago
the cousland origin makes me feel insane when i play it and then i look back and remember thinking things like “ha that’s such a classic failure of kingship for arl howe to mention” and remember my particular interests here are because there’s something wrong with me
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amanda-plays · 5 months ago
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Clem spent the day with her friends and her boyfriend❤. I've been putting the rest of my rotational save file back together, but there was no way in hell I was going to rebuild all the homes I lost in the old save, at least not right now. So I've been using the gallery a lot lately.
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