#caffeine got me awake at 4 am
hazystars · 10 months
i knew i shouldn’t have drank green tea before bed but it tastes soooo goooodddd
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birbs-in-space · 5 months
I was going to make a post but I went to my blog and immediately saw an ad for my old community college
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morgana-larkin · 5 months
Alright peeps! So I took a look at the poll and saw that most of you wanted the second part of 'Don't Call Me That' the most so here it is! There's everything in this one, heartbreak, angst, smut and fluff. A bit of a rollercoaster so good luck!
On another note: I'm working on part 4 of 'Mine' as that was the second most voted on. I also realise the poll is still open for another 4 hours but idc, you can still vote though!
Part 1
Don't Call Me That - Part 2
Warnings: Smut, angst, lots of fluff (Not in that specific order lol), happy ending
Words: 4.2k
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Melissa didn’t get any sleep last night. Everytime she closed her eyes, all she imagined was you kissing her, and nothing was on her mind except the thought of you saying you love her. You still love her, even after her breaking up with you.
Melissa walked into Abbott a little earlier, she needed extra caffeine considering she got 0 hours of sleep last night. She barely survived the day, not only from lack of sleep, but seeing you multiple times, and everytime all she thinks about is your lips on hers.
The next day she barely got any sleep, about 2 hours. The next day was the same. She thought that at least it was Friday and she could sleep in on Saturday. On Friday, everyone can clearly see the bags under her eyes as they’ve darkened over the week, and the way she can barely stay awake. Melissa thinks that it’s good her students have a test to do today and a book report coming up, and a couple other things she can get them to do instead of teaching.
At the end of the day, you go to walk to your car and you pass by Melissa’s classroom and you can see her asleep at her desk. You walk in and you see there’s no one else there, so you walk over to her and shake her a bit. “Melissa?” you say and she groans but doesn’t wake. “Melissa!” You just about yell and she opens her eyes but doesn’t move her head. You kneel down to her level and look at her. “Hey, saw you sleeping, you ok?” you ask her and she looks at you with the saddest eyes you’ve ever seen.
“Am I dreaming?” she asks you and you tilt your head.
“What makes you think you’re dreaming?” you ask her.
“Because you’re here, you wouldn’t talk to me otherwise. If I was awake then you would just avoid me because I’m an idiot.” she says and you look down and sigh.
“Ok, come on. I’ll drive you home and then you can continue dreaming ok?” you tell her and help guide her up from her chair. You take her purse with you and help guide her to your car, as well as buckle herself in as she didn’t have the strength to do it herself. “Why have you been so tired this week?” You ask as you get in the driver’s seat and start the car.
“Because I’m being haunted by my stupidity.” She says and you snort, you then back out of the parking spot and pull out of the parking lot.
“What stupidity have you done?” You ask her.
“Breaking up with my girlfriend, Y/n.” She tells you and you then realise she has no idea where she is and might still think she’s dreaming. You know you probably shouldn’t but this might be your chance to figure out what’s really going on with her.
“Why was that a stupid decision?”
“Because I still love her so much. All I think about when I try to sleep is her kissing me or her saying she loves me. I can’t do this anymore, I need her.” She says and a few tears slip. “I’ve barely slept these past 4 days, I probably got no more than 8 hours of sleep combined. I’ve barely eaten as well. I broke up with her 3 months ago and I was still able to sleep and eat, I don’t know what changed.” She says and you think about it, you should probably help her out.
“Do you feel guilty all of a sudden?” And she lets out an airy laugh.
“I’ve felt guilty ever since I thought I should break up with her?”
“Ok, so not that then. What about the fact that she told you she loves you?” You ask her and she doesn’t say anything. “Maybe you thought her feelings for you would disappear when you broke up with her cause you thought that she would just find someone else?” You tell her and she still doesn’t say anything. You thought maybe she fell asleep so you glance over at her and she’s still awake. “Melissa?” You say and she looks up at you. “Did you really break up with me because you thought I should be with someone else?” You ask her and she sighs.
“Ya.” she says and takes a deep breath. “I was holding you back from everything you’ve wanted so I let you go so I wouldn’t be in the way because I love you and I want you to be happy, even if I had to watch someone else make you happy and give you what you want.” she tells you and her eyes slowly close and she falls asleep.
The rest of the car ride, you think about what she said. You’re honestly surprised by what she said. She thought she was doing something selfless for you, but instead just ended up hurting you both, she never meant to hurt you so much. And now you see the toll it’s taken on her to stick to her decision to try and make you happy. She’s willing to sacrifice her happiness for yours, you never thought anyone would do that for you.
As soon as you pull into her driveway, you gently wake her up. “Come on Melissa, you’re home, we should gotta get you to your bed and you can sleep comfortably, ok?” You tell her and she nods. She unbuckles herself but can’t open the door fully so you do that for her. You unlock her door with her key and you help bring her inside. You set her keys and purse at the door and you close and lock her door while she attempts to take her shoes off. You end up helping her with her shoes when she falls down and you help her back up and to her room. She falls on the bed when you get there and then you tuck her in, you go to leave after but she grabs your arm and you turn to face her.
“Will you stay with me?” She asks softly and you sigh.
“Ok, but only until you fall asleep.” You tell her and she nods. You get on the bed but stay on the covers instead of under and she wraps an arm around you. You admit that you do miss this and you miss her and her craziness. You turn around to face her and she’s still awake and looking at you.
“I do want you back, y/n.” She tells you and strokes your hair.
“What’s stopping you?” You ask her and she yawns and is slowly closing her eyes.
“The fact that you won’t be happy with me.” She says and falls asleep. You stay looking at her stunned and go over everything she’s told you, thinking that you weren’t you or she was dreaming. You then slowly crawl out from her hold on you and you replace it with a pillow so she doesn’t wake up.
A few hours later Melissa wakes up. She opens her eyes and realises she’s in her bed and has no idea what happened this week that well as she’s been so tired that the whole week has been a blur. She looks at her phone and sees that it’s 5:43pm and it’s Friday. She gets out of bed and hears some noises downstairs, she then grabs her bat and carefully goes downstairs. She gets to the middle of the stair when she sees you on the couch watching tv and she tilts her head and stares for a few seconds. She then continues down the stairs and you look over at her and chuckle.
“Were you planning on hitting me with a bat? You were friendlier when you were falling in and out of consciousness.” You tease her and she looks confused. “Do you remember anything from the end of the day to how you got home?” You ask her and she stares at you then shakes her head. “I found you asleep at your desk and then I drove you home. If you want I can drive you to the school parking lot to get your car and then go home.” You tell her, you don’t want to scare her if what she said while on the verge of sleep was true.
“You drove me home?” She tells you and you nod. “W-why?”
“Because I want to make sure you didn’t fall asleep at the wheel or stay at school overnight.” You simply say. “I bet you’re hungry since you also haven’t been eating, so I made you some mac n’ cheese.” You tell her and you go and get it.
“How do you know I haven’t been eating?” She asks when you reappear with a bowl.
“Cause you told me.” You tell her when you hand it to her and sit back on the couch. “Come sit.” You say as you pat the couch cushion.
“I wouldn’t tell anyone that.” She tells you as she obeys and goes to sit beside you on the couch.
“Wow you really don’t remember anything you told me.” You say and she freezes as she was about to take a bite.
“What do you mean?” She asks and takes a bite of the food.
“I mean we had a whole conversation while you kept falling asleep. In your classroom, my car and here, at your house.”
“What did I tell you?” She asks and prepares for the worst.
“Now I don’t want you to get freaked out ok? Cause you had no idea where you were or who I really was.” You tell her and that makes her feel worse.
“Y/n. What did I tell you.”
“You told me that you still love and miss me and you want me back.” You say and her eyes go wide. “You also told me the whole reason you let me go.” You add and she drops her fork. “And why you haven’t been sleeping, and you confessed that you’ve also barely ate in the past 4 days.” You finish and she’s just staring at you. After about 10 seconds she gets up and walks to the kitchen with her mac n’ cheese and you follow after her. She puts the bowl on the counter without much thought and she puts her hands in her hair. “Melissa?” You say to get her attention and she turns around looking scared and concerned. “What’s going on with you?”
“With me? It’s the fact that you weren’t supposed to know anything that I told you.” She tells you and she’s breathing hard like she’s on the verge of either a breakdown or lots of tears.
“Why? Because I’m just supposed to be happy with someone else as you suffer?” You tell her.
“YES!” She shouts and then looks surprised when she catches up with what you told her and what she confessed. “Since I already told you then I might as well say it. All those things that you want, you won’t get with me. But you will with someone else, someone else who wants to get married, have a family with you, wants to go out and be young and stupid with you. I don’t want those things anymore, and yes I do love you very much and do want you back. But I’m willing to put aside my happiness, if it means you get everything you want.” She tells you and you burst into tears, she immediately wraps her arms around you and hugs you. Your knees buckle and she guides you both to the floor gently and she keeps her arms around you the whole time. When you get to the floor, you place your head on her chest and she brings a hand to your head and strokes it soothingly.
You slow your crying down and sniffle a few times before you speak. “I don’t deserve you. You’re willing to give me everything at the expense of your own happiness. I really don’t deserve you.” You tell her.
“No, it’s me who doesn’t deserve you. You have been the bestest friend to me for 2 years before we got together, and after we got together you have shown me the best of love and care that I could ever ask for.” She tells you, and you look up at her and immediately kiss her. She automatically kisses you back before she has time to think. Once her brain catches up to what she’s doing, she doesn’t have the willpower to pull away, she used it all trying to stay away from you. Before she can register what she’s doing, she leans forward, bringing you back until you hit the floor of the kitchen. You make out on the kitchen floor for a good minute until you both pull away for air and you look at each other. Melissa suddenly is aware of what she did and she gets up before you could stop her and she scurries to the living room, you run after her.
“Melissa, would you stop running away from me!” You tell her and she’s turned away from you with her head down.
“You should leave y/n.” Is all she says and you walk up to her and spin her around.
“If you want me to leave then tell me while looking at me.” You say and she raises her eyes to your face and she’s crying.
“I can’t.” She says and you put your hands on her cheeks and wipe the tears away.
“Melissa, I want to be with you. If being with you means that I don’t get married, have kids or go to the bar every now and then with you then so be it. Because I’m only wanting to marry the right person, and that person is you. So if I’m with you or not, I’m not getting married. I don’t need kids to feel fulfilled, or to be able to say I have a family. I mean we can always get a pet like a dog, but you’re all the family I need. And I can go to the bars with my friends and be young and stupid with them from time to time if I really want.” You tell her and she starts crying even more.
“You shouldn’t have to sacrifice everything just to be with me.”
“Melissa, it’s not a sacrifice if what I’m getting is a life with you.” You tell her and you kiss her. Melissa immediately pulls back and looks at you, her hands on your head.
“Are you sure? You have to be 100% sure y/n.” She tells you and you think it over for all of 2 seconds and you nod your head.
“I’m 100% sure, I want to be with you Melissa.” You tell her and she smiles.
“I want to be with you too.” She says and this time she goes to kiss you. The kiss deepens and you start putting your hands all over her and you think you want to touch her skin and she’s wearing too much clothes, so you put your hands under her shirt. Melissa immediately pulls her shirt off so you can touch her and you unclip her bra and take it off. She’s always been the dominant one but at this moment, all you want to do is kiss her all over, so you walk forward until her back hits a wall and you go down to her neck and kiss and suck all over and she’s gasping under you. You then travel down to her chest and leave kisses all over until you attach your mouth to her nipples and start to suck and lick them. 
She’s bucking her hips under you and you know she’s not far away from pulling all her clothes off herself and guiding you inside of her. You’re working on her second nipple when she pushes you off and guides you to your knees. You go immediately into submissive like always and you pull her pants and underwear off. Melissa leans back against the wall and spreads her legs a little further so you can put your mouth there.
You attach your mouth to her clit and she starts bucking her hips right away and you pin her to the wall. Her hands go to your hair and she’s gasping and moaning at your touch. “Oh god, Y/n, that feels so good baby.” She says and when you know she’s getting close, you pull away and stand up. You push your body into hers and immediately insert two fingers in her and put your thumb on her clit. “God Y/N, I missed you so much.” She says and kisses you. She’s so close as she starts shaking but she doesn’t pull away from your lips like she usually does, you aren’t complaining though, you missed her as well and you’re enjoying kissing her again.
She comes not long after she starts shaking but you don’t stop, you keep fingering her and circling her clit and she lets out a high pitched gasp. “Oh god baby, yes, omg, don’t stop.” She says as she pulls away from your lips and gives into the over sensitivity.
She comes again not too long after the first and then you withdraw your fingers and put them in your mouth to lick them. She looks at you as you lick your fingers and you moan and that’s when she takes action. She picks you up and brings you to the couch, you’re so glad that she decided to remove the plastic as this wouldn’t be comfortable. She put you so you’re sitting in the middle with your back resting on the back of the couch. She starts kissing and sucking your neck and pulls your shirt off. She unclips your bra and yanks it off  right after then immediately brings her mouth to a nipple. You’re moaning and gasping under her and she smiles as she’s so happy that she’s back with you, she’s fully aware of how lucky she is right now and she won’t take it for granted. She takes more time on your nipples then she usually does and your patience is running thin as you’re dripping wet and you have a strong ache between your legs. 
“Melissa, please, I need you inside of me, please.” You tell her and she pulls back from your chest and smiles at you. She gives a quick kiss on your lips then leaves a trail of kisses from your chest all the way to the top of your pants. She quickly removes your pants and underwear, spreads your legs, leaves a few kisses on each thigh and then attaches her mouth to your entrance. You gasp as soon as her hot wet tongue is where you need her the most and she starts moving her tongue all over your entrance before entering her tongue in you. You moan as she starts sliding her tongue in and out of you and you're holding onto her hair for dear life. You start grinding into her mouth to try and get more friction so you can come and for once she lets you keep doing it, normally she would pin you down when you start grinding. Even in the middle of amazing pleasure, that fact is not lost on you, you notice it immediately then start to think of everything else she’s done differently. 
She kept kissing you when she was about to come and even when she came, when she usually pulls away as you love to hear her when she comes. She let you keep fingering her after she came and it seemed like she needed it as well, she only lets you make her come once as she usually ends up grinding your thigh when fingering you as she loves to watch you and it turns her on. She spent more time on your nipples then she usually does, to the point that you begged her to continue, and now letting you grind against her mouth. You put it all together and came to the conclusion, she’s letting you do whatever you want and making sure you feel good as she feels guilty. You reluctantly pull her mouth away and she looks at you confused,
“What is it baby?” She asks and her lips and chin is covered in your juices.
“Stop doing things differently, you don’t have to feel guilty ok. I feel really special about why you did what you did. No one has ever been willing to sacrifice their own happiness for mine.” You tell her and she smiles shyly.
“Of course, I’d do anything for you.” She tells you and you lean in closer to her.
“Then stop fucking me differently and start being yourself again.” You tell her and something flickers in her eyes before she pushes your head back to lean on the back of the couch then dives down to your clit and starts licking and sucking on it. Your fingers are still in her hair and you start grinding against her again, but this time she does pin your hips down. Then she does something she’s never done before, she snakes her hands around your hips and hooks her hands on your ass then pulls you up a bit and that gives her a perfect angle with your clit and you gasp her name out as you come.
She then immediately comes up and positions herself so her clit is on your thigh and she slides a finger in you and you moan as she starts sliding it in and out of you slowly. She then adds two more fingers and starts going faster while her thumb is on your clit and she brings her mouth near your ear.
“Unfortunately the strap is upstairs and I don’t have the patience to go get it, so we’ll have to make do with my fingers.” she says then adds a fourth and you cry out.
“OH MY GOD!!” You cry out as she fills you up with her fingers then her mouth goes to your neck and so much pleasure is coursing through you right now and you feel like moving but her grinding on your thigh is preventing you from doing that. So you do something else that will help stabilise you, you put your hands on her boobs and squeeze them. You don’t feel like that’s enough so you wrap an arm around her back and pull her into you more.
“Ooo” She says as she’s caught off guard by your actions. You come again about 5 seconds later and she doesn’t stop, she just keeps going until you come again and again and then you pull her away.
“Melissa, I can’t take anymore.” You tell her and she nods and gently pulls each finger out at a time. 
“Sorry I got lost in the moment.” She tells you and you smile but your body is shaking from the amount of times you came. She notices and then goes to your side and brings you both to lay down while she cuddles you to give your body the chance to calm down. You turn around in her arms then nuzzle your head on her neck and chest and she holds you tighter. “It’s ok baby, I got you, and I don’t plan on going anywhere again.” She tells you and you only nod as you’re falling asleep. She notices that you fell asleep and she gently strokes your hair. “I promise I won’t leave you again.” She whispers to you. “I won’t make that mistake again.” She says and presses a kiss to your forehead.
*3 years later*
You and Melissa are both standing in front of the house as you unlock it then Melissa grabs your waist before you walk in and she pushes the door open.
“What are you doing Mel?” You ask her as you’re smiling at her and she smiles at you.
“Well shouldn’t I carry my bride across the threshold?” She asks you and then picks you up bridal style and you let out a small squeal and then she carries you inside then gently puts you down. She wraps her arms around your waist and you lean into her touch and she puts lays her chin on your shoulder. You both then hold out your left hands and smile at the ring on both your third finger.
Melissa kisses your neck and then your puppy comes running in and Kristen Marie running after her. You and Melissa decided to adopt a little puppy a few months ago and you both are really happy with your lives now. Melissa re-thought her decision about getting married and proposed to you a year and a half ago, much to your surprise. Then you both agreed on adopting a dog and Melissa named her Bella. Kristen Marie takes Bella out one more time before leaving her with you guys. 
“Are you still alright with the fact that we got married?” You ask her.
“Oh, it’s more than alright baby. Cause I got to marry you, my happily ever after.” She tells you and you both kiss.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
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makostarz · 11 months
pikmin 4 incorrect quotes ^-^
Dingo: If I say I love you, will you say it back? 
Shepard: Yes. 
Dingo: I love you. 
Shepard: It back. 
Bernard: Why is Dingo crying face-down on the floor?
Pom: What’s it like being tall? 
Pom: Is it nice? 
Pom: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? 
Yonny: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want. 
Bernard: It was one time!
Dingo: Caffeine no longer keeps me awake while I work, so instead I have Yonny periodically send me texts saying ‘we need to talk.’ 
Dingo: It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear I need to keep going.
Shepard: *trying to get five seconds of sleep* 
Bernard, poking Shepard’s arm: Shepard Shepard. Shepard. Shepard. 
Shepard: WHAT? 
Bernard: …We’re out of Capri Suns—
Shepard: Hey, Yonny, where are you going? 
Yonny: Well, it depends. When I die, probably hell. 
Yonny: But right now I’m going to McDonald’s.
Dingo: Let’s write Bernard a friendly note, shall we? Dear... Incompetent... Dumbass…
Shepard: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan. 
Dingo: We could attack them with hummus. 
Shepard: I stand corrected. 
Dingo: Just keeping things in perspective.
Shepard: Alright, listen up you little shits. 
Shepard: Not you Pom. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Yonny: *eating a cinnamon roll* 
Dingo: Cannibalism. 
Yonny: *confused chewing noises*
Collin: A person can really hear themselves think out here. 
Collin’s mind: Did you leave the stove on? The front door unlocked!? WILL YOU DIE ALONE!? 
Collin: Well, that was a mistake.
Bernard: No problemo! 
Bernard, internally: But it was all problemo.
Bernard: Yonny and I were crossing the street, and this man drove by and honked at us. 
Collin: What did you do? 
Bernard: They chased him to the next red light, and reached into his window, and- 
Yonny: *walking in* Who wants a steering wheel?
Dingo: I hate you. 
Yonny: Well, according to this picture I drew of us holding hands, that is untrue.
Yonny, texting: Answer your phone 
Dingo, texting back: Wait a minute, I can’t find my phone 
Yonny: Understood 
Yonny, 5 minutes later: You’re a terrible person. You know you’re killing me. You’re killing me, Dingo.
Dingo: Wait a minute, how did this happen? We're smarter than this! 
Shepard: Apparently, we're not.
Dingo: Why does my arm shake and turn bright red when I’m eating dirt? 
Yonny: Why are you eating dirt? 
Dingo: Did I ask you if I should eat dirt? No, so answer my question.
Yonny: Sometimes I wonder if I’m hearing voices. 
Yonny: Then I remember that’s the last bit of sanity I have trying to get me to fall asleep at a reasonable time.
Collin: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
Yonny: I got us matching friendship bracelets, and you say I don't care about our relationship. 
Dingo: These are handcuffs. 
Yonny: Yeah, 'cause we're partners in crime!
Dingo: I am so cool. I am an absolute Chad. I am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness— 
Yonny: Hi. 
Dingo: *melts down in a flustered heap of softness*
Kidnapper: I have one of your friends. 
Pom: Which one? I have seven. 
Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up. 
Pom: Which one? I have seven. 
Bernard, distantly: HEY!!!
Pom: I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism. 
Dingo: And you came to me?
Dingo: I don't dab. I stab.
Shepard: You really believe in Dingo? 
Bernard: Luckily, they believe in themself enough for the both of us.
Dingo: Sweet dog you got there. 
Police: Yes, this is our new drug sniffing dog. 
Dingo: Still training huh? 
Police: What do you mean? 
Dingo: Never mind.
Shepard: Alright, what pizza toppings should we order? 
Dingo: Anchovies and pineapple. 
Pom: I like beets! 
Yonny: Have you guys ever had a cheese-less pizza? 
Shepard: I’m disowning all of you.
Dingo: You use emojis like a straight person. 
Yonny: That’s literally the worst thing anyone has ever said about me.
Dingo: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.
Bernard, talking to Dingo: Well Dingo, whenever I’m about to do something, I think ‘would Yonny do that?’ and if they would, I do not do that thing. 
Dingo: … 
Yonny, from the distance: They’re not wrong though!
Dingo: Is stabbing someone immoral? 
Yonny: Not if they consent to it. 
Bernard: Depends on who you're stabbing. 
Collin: YES??!!?
Bernard: I’m so happy two of my favorite people are getting along now. 
Shepard: Uh, Dingo and Pom are not getting along. 
Bernard: They’re not trying to kill each other. 
Shepard: You may have a point.
Shepard: Yesterday, I overheard Bernard saying “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and Yonny replying “Trust me,” and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Collin: Which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water?? 
Dingo: Y- you were putting it in cold water?? 
Shepard: Collin. Answer the question, Collin. 
Collin: Yeah??? I thought people just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process. didn't realize there was an actual reason. 
Collin: Plus you think I have the patience to boil water? 
Dingo: You don't have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes?? 
Shepard: Why are you putting it in the microwave to boil it? 
Dingo: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove? 
Shepard: It takes less than a minute. 
Dingo: Is your stovetop powered by the fucking sun??? 
Shepard: How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove? 
Dingo: Like seven minutes?? 
Bernard: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in like 2 minutes... less than that if you use a saucepan! 
Shepard: Why are you putting the whole mug on the stove?? On medium heat?? Bernard? Your stove is enchanted! 
Collin: Every single person here is a fucking lunatic. 
Pom: Do none of you own a fucking kettle?!
Bernard: I'm having problems with a guy... 
Yonny: Like his dead body won't fit into your trunk kind of problems, or you like him kind of problems?
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nicolewoo · 2 months
Super Earth Part 13 Heavy Winds
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Pairing: Reader X Roman Reigns
Synopsis: Reader is a space pilot. Dr. Reigns is a scientist. They fell in love heading to TOI-1452 B
Part 13: Heavy Winds
I woke when the computer chirpped.
“Good morning colonists.” It was Becky. “Sorry to wake you all so early.” I looked to see it was 4 am. “Unfortunately, we have an all hands on deck situation. A category 7 hurricane is due to arrive in 36 hours. We have to move the colony. Please report to your hurricane protocol stations in the next hour.”
Roman groaned at the thought. Moving the entire colony was a huge endeavor, and as Becky had said, everyone was needed. I was secretly excited. Scared and excited. We’d all had to train for our hurricane stations. I was stationed with engineering for the start of the day and at the helm for the move. Roman had to secure his greenhouse then help build the protective walls.
Moving the entire colony was an engineering marvel, and one I didn’t think I’d get to see. Although there was danger, I was excited to see the whole process. We got ready quickly and headed to our stations. Roman was certainly more concerned than me, and he made me stop to kiss me and tell me he loved me before we parted.
As I suspected, all of the Explorers engineers were already in the Engineering/Maintenance building hard at work. Tilly b-lined her way to me. “Captain, Should I get on the com and remind our crew and passengers where they’re supposed to be?”
My brain was still not awake yet. “Um… No… we… uh… we trained plenty of times. Maybe just send out a message that if they need reminding to contact you?”
“Oh, that’s better. You ok?” She examined my face.
“I…. neeeeed… coooffffeeeee.” I teased.
“Aye Cap. Whatcha need?” I turned to see Joe Coffey behind me; which made all three of us laugh.
“I need the caffeinated kind, not the engineer kind.” I laughed. A few seconds later Trick Williams brought me a cup of coffee. “Thank you.”
“Y/N” Seth said as he entered the room. “Glad you’re here.” An alarm sounded on a computer station, drawing Seth’s attention away from me.
Orange ran to the station, reading the display, “Fuck! Grid 10 is down.”
“Ten?” Seth asked. He hit a button on the panel in front of him. “Finn? Add grid 10 to the list.”
“Gotcha!” the Irishman said curtly.
Seth focused on me again. “Are you POSITIVE you want to go out into this weather? It’s nasty out there. Wouldn’t you rather go on a normal run… after the hurricane?”
I was itching to get off the colony and see the ocean closer. It was never 100% safe, even in perfect weather. Now, with a hurricane on the way, the ocean churned violently, massive waves splashing over the 20 foot protective wall around and soaking the colony every few minutes. I knew going out today was dangerous. Probably the most dangerous thing I’d ever done, but it was a once in a lifetime chance to see under the colony. It was also a job that HAD to be done, and I never made my crew do anything I wouldn’t do.  
Under the colony were an array of thousands of propellers. On a normal day, there was no resistance to these propellers, allowing the ocean to turn them all the time. 60% of the colony’s electricity came from them. When a storm like this came through though, they functioned as a ship’s propellers. Ideally, this switch could be done from a control panel, but the process had not been perfected, and inevitably some propellers had to be switched by hand…. Under the colony.
“It needs to be done.” I answered.
Seth looked at me as if trying to find my fear. “Our people can do it You don’t have to. We have enough people.”
Tilly answered before I could. “She’s not going to change her mind. Cap’s a daredevil.”
“She gets off on shit like this.” Cassidy added.
“I do not!” I protested. “But I’m not going to put someone else in danger if I can do the job myself.”
Seth turned on the coms “Dexter, Cap’s coming with you.”
“Understood” came the answer. Dexter Loomis was a very quiet man who never talked unless he had to. “We’re leaving in 15 minutes.”
“Thanks” Seth answered. “She’ll be down soon.” I nodded my thanks to Seth. “WEAR THE TEATHER!” Seth yelled out as I exited.
Once on the ground, I took a deep breath. I had 15 minutes. It would barely be enough time, but I was going. I ran full speed to the greenhouse.
Roman barely had time to turn around and see me before I wrapped him in a hug. “I wish you’d reconsider doing this.” He said as he kissed my forehead.
“I can’t. You know why.” We’d had the conversation shortly after arriving at the colony. Roman had repeatedly asked me to send someone else if the colony needed to be moved. He’d begged me not to go this morning too, but he knew by now he wouldn’t change my mind.
“I know. That’s why I’m going with you.” I opened my mouth to protest, but his face stopped me. Roman didn’t put his foot down often, but when he did, there was no talking him out of it. Just as there was no talking me out of anything I set my mind to. I simply didn’t have time to have this argument again. and It wouldn’t do any good.
I sighed resigned to his decision. I kissed him gently and looked in his eyes before sprinting to the boat dock, Roman at my heels the whole time.
“We don’t need both of you.” Seth’s voice yelled over the sound of the roaring ocean.
I started to answer when Roman interjected. “I’m not leaving her side.” It was a command that Seth accepted immediately. I guess he knew what it was like to want to protect your partner.
“Let’s tether you together then.” Orange walked up to us with two harnesses, and we put them on.
“Boat’s full!” Dexter’s voice called over the storm. “Two people need to go to boat 3.” Two colonists raised their hands and Dexter nodded for them to go.
I barely had time to think as we boarded the boat and Orange tethered Roman and I together then tethered us to the boat, which was also tethered to the colony.
“Boat 2, ready.” Dexter shouted and the call was repeated by the crew still on the colony.
Boat 2 tethered
Boat 2 tether check
Boat 2 prepare for launch
Boat 2 check
Before I could even think we were in the water. Massive waves rocked the boat, and Roman held my hand.
I thought the smell of the ocean was bad in the shower. Now it was overwhelming, and I gagged. A high pitched laugh caught my attention, and I looked up to see Finn Balor laughing. I might have been mad if he hadn’t handed me two oxygen masks that hooked up to our harnesses. I nodded my thanks and handed one to Roman. He attached mine, and I attached his.
“Better?” Finn yelled, and I gave him a grateful thumbs up. I could still smell the ocean, but the oxygen watered down the smell.
Boat 2 ready to approach
Boat 2 hold
We could barely hear the announcement made to the colony. Brace yourselves for the colony to be raised.
Before my very eyes, the entire colony started rising. Normally it sat a few feet off the top of the ocean, but the storm swell had caused the ocean to rise up. We couldn’t see underneath until the colony had been hoisted.
The huge metal columns under the colony creaked as they were forced to work, but slowly the entire colony lifted.
Finally, I got to see the propellers which hung under the colony. They weren’t very large, but there were thousands under the colony. 10,463 to be exact, each divided into grids.
40 foot long metal poles poked out from the underside of the colony; each with a propeller that was normally submerged in the water. They dripped now, the fowl smell of the ocean more prominent as they did. I tapped my mask and gave Finn a thumbs up as a thanks. By now, everyone in the boat had an oxygen mask on.
Finn, Damon, Dominick and McDonagh were rowing frantically trying to maneuver the boat under the colony despite the waves and wind. Roman and I were looking for paddles to help, but before we could find any, we were under the colony. It was a truly impressive feat given the conditions. Now that we were amid the propellers, our crew grabbed the metal columns and began to pull the boat to our destination; which was much faster than trying to row a boat through this weather.
Boat 2 is under the colony
Boat 2 proceed to grid 10
Roman and I grabbed columns and helped heave the boat to our destination.
Boat 2 proceeding to grid 10
Under the colony, so close to the ocean, with water dripping off the undersides of the colony…… the smell was putrid. I caught Roman gagging once. “Let’s just get it done” I said to calm him.
I was hoping under the colony would be calmer, but even surrounded by the tall columns, being under the colony was treacherous. The wind whipped harder down here, creating a giant wind tunnel. The boat was slammed against columns on all sides, making the risk of getting thrown into the ocean even worse.  It seemed like I got pushed into one of the metal columns every few seconds. I was going to be bruised for sure.
Boat 2 approaching grid 10
Great job boat 2. Turning settings to manual now
“Let’s get it done quickly everyone.” Finn yelled out, but I wasn’t sure the people on the other side of our boat could hear him over the sound of the storm and the violent water. It didn’t matter though. Everyone was already starting to work.
Finn removed his oxygen mask long enough to tell Roman his only job was to keep the people around us from falling in the water. His determined look and steady gaze said as much as his nod. I had dreaded bringing him on this trip, but now that we were here, feeling his hand on my harness was reassuring. He would keep me safe.
Grid 10 held 567 turbines. Each had the be manually changed to propel the colony. We stood in a big line, each of us handling a row of propellers before we stopped to pulled the boat to the next turbine.
Despite Roman’s steady hands, I slammed into a column hard, my head bouncing as it hit. Roman panicked and almost let go of the others. Hearing the bang of skull on metal, Finn turned to see what had happened. He reached behind my head, pressing his fingers into my hair. When he removed his hand, I saw red on his fingers. He didn’t panic. Instead, he motioned to the others in the boat who all sat down and tried to hold the boat steady while Finn grabbed a first aid kit. He spread a salve roughly over a large bandage and applied it to my skull, using the gas mask to keep it in place. Finn looked at me now, holding up a tentative thumbs up to ask if I was ok. I nodded yes and reached to move the boat to our next destination. Everyone stood and joined in; Roman’s hand on everyone’s tethers to keep them safe.
I heard the bang of metal on metal and turned to see another boat working on a grid to our stern. I couldn’t recognize everyone, but I did notice Dexter and Trick in the boat. He noticed our boat and pointed to my head with one hand while he helped pull the boat with his second hand. I nodded that I was ok.  
90 minutes later, we were done, cheering at our success even though we still needed to get back to the colony before we could be considered safe. I had been thrown into more columns than I wanted to admit, and now that the work was done, the pain started seeping into my bones. Roman by my side had been a game changer. He never took his hand off me unless someone else needed saving. He’d saved Finn from falling in twice.
“Great job everyone.” Finn called out and motioned toward the other boat. A few minutes and one bruised arm later, we arrived at Boat 3. Loomis pointed to a corner of the grid and we started there. It was just a few minutes later that we were done. We pulled our way out from under the colony, and the colonists tied the boats together for more stability.
Loomis took off his mask and pointed at me. “Sit down. We don’t need you to paddle.” Even if I had been needed, I wasn’t sure I could paddle. My head must be hurt more than I thought, because I was getting dizzy and nauseous. I took his advice and sat. Roman handed me the tethers and took an oar someone offered him.
By the time we were back on the colony, I couldn’t stand. Finn helped Roman carry me off the boat. Dr. Thorpe was waiting for me. “Cap, What am I going to do with you?” He inspected my head. “Yup. Almost the exact same place as your last concussion.” He finished and pointed Roman to the medical building.
Seeing me being carried to the medical building was enough to stop everyone from their hurricane preparations. I saw everyone talking. “Oh shit.” I said under my breath.
“Nothing to worry about! She’s got a concussion. She’ll be fine.” Thorpe yelled out, then looked at me. “That should stop them from gossiping.”
“Captain!” Dr. Keith Lee said as we entered. “What happened?”
Roman laid me down on a table. “She got thrown against a column.”
“Probably another concussion.” Dr. Thorpe said. “It’s not her first. Not even the first on this trip.”
Dr. Lee nodded curtly. “Let’s get you into the scanner and see what we can do.”
@mindofasagitarius @lclb13 @serenityfiretrash @lustyromantic @reigns-5sos @bigpsychicbagelauthor @omg-im-such-a-masochist @marlananicole @wickedsunfire @starwithaheart @spookys-girl @pitlissa22 @snowpanda18 @thesamoanqueen @sassginaswanmills
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raccoonfallsharder · 11 months
string cheese anon here! thanks for answering my ask! <3 but the way u said rocket would eat anything u didn't tell him to for some reason reminded me of that classic dog owning experience (he is not a dog but he is a little gremlin sometimes, as a treat):
"What is that in your mouth?" *dog immediately runs away* "DROP IT!"
idk I just
I think it'd be funny for quill to see rocket running away with string cheese or any other forbidden food in his mouth while you (me? anyone really) are in hot pursuit
string cheese nonnie! (i feel like i have a lot of anons named after foods??) you are precious and i am grateful for this message because:
yes. YES. maybe pete sent you some fancy chocolate-covered espresso beans from terra when mantis had come to visit him, and she'd dropped them off on knowhere for you when she'd passed by. they are very bad for raccoons but rocket likes that they keep him AWAKE so he can BUILD MORE BOMBS. still buzzed on the first handful he'd swiped when you weren't looking, he asks you to try some.
i dunno, you tell hesitate. these aren't really good for you.
but he sweet-talks you (which should've been a red flag if you're being honest) and when you reach in to grab him just one he snatches the whole 4 oz bag from you, hangs onto it with his teeth, and sprints off on all four legs like he does sometimes you're freaking out a bit because that's like the equivalent of 9.5 cups of coffee - will he eat them all at once? probably not??? how sick will all that chocolate and caffeine make him if he does? you almost trip, lurching upright and throwing yourself after him so quick that you're almost moving faster than your feet, carried by momentum
also those thing were expensive and you don't know when pete will be able to get you more
nebula's got a stick of grilled orloni halfway to her mouth and freezes as the two of you shoot down in the streets of knowhere. the orloni vendor also stares. was that the captain? he asks
cosmo is helping drax with the kids but gets distracted when you tear past and wants to play too. once she joins the chase, of course the kids follow her lead, and of course drax follows them, and soon it's basically a fuckin parade, all chasing the captain & his ill-gotten espresso beans
now i'm watching videos of raccoons stealing food and running off
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starshineprincess03 · 5 months
Spotted this in Morrisons yesterday so im trying it out this morning.
Tumblr media
I didn’t sleep last night so I could use the pick me up.
So far it tastes pretty good, the flavour is a little weak but I don’t mind that much. It’s delt with my morning hunger pang.
I’ll update this post with how I’m feeling energy wise throughout the day.
Hoping this is a good alternative to black coffee because while I am a coffee fan I don’t tend to like drinking it first thing in the morning or anything.
10:07am: I am feeling a bit more awake, a little shaky, but I can’t tell if that’s the caffeine or stress. I’m at the pharmacy and I’ve got to pull the money out my ass for plan B which is normally free because their system is down. Thank you bloody nhs.
11:47am: I’m beginning to much more awake now, even after taking the Ella pill which can cause tiredness. And my heart palpitations have been minimal. Energy drinks like monster tend to make them really bad. I am anticipating that I will probably have a fairly quick crash when I get home tho. But mostly because I didn’t sleep at all last night and I’m on morning after.
4:03pm: I crashed hard. But I don’t think it was the drinks fault. There was a lot stacked against it. My crash was extremely sudden, I went from my usual bubbly self to like basically unconscious the moment I touched the couch. But judging off that the drink did do a really good job. If I’m overtired like I was today I’m typically very agitated and snappy the whole day, I didn’t feel like that at all in the time I was awake.
To be fair I’ll give it another go sometime when I’m just plain regular sleepy not absolutely shattered and on some crazy pill.
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bonesaftonistired · 11 months
I'm starting to realize that I'm not the only dysfunctional adult here whose parents didn't teach them enough things before kicking them out of the nest, so here's a few tips I've learned through trial and error over the last three years since I turned 18
1. The cold's gonna start hurting your bones eventually, invest in heated blankets to use during the cold months. This is especially important for people who were accident prone kids and had a lot of broken bones, sprains,and twisted wrists/ankles
2. FOOD IS FUEL. I know when you were a teenager, you could probably survive a whole day on just instant ramen and a couple bags of chips, but that is NOT true anymore. You can still enjoy foods you love though, just don't make it your whole diet. Add some veggies and a little meat to your ramen, spice it up and try new things, but try to have at least two meals a day with a couple snacks. Three meals is better though, trust me
3. I promise you, your bacon doesn't need flipped nearly as much as you think it needs flipped as long as you're cooking it on medium-low heat like you should be. Also, put it in the pan cold and let it heat up gradually, otherwise it might stick before it can let out enough bacon grease to slide
4. You are not a failure just because you can't find it in you to be as productive today as you were yesterday. It's okay to let yourself rest
5. Don't try to get your whole house clean in one go, you'll never do it. Break it up into smaller tasks, and take a 15 minute break in between tasks to get some water and maybe a snack
6. HYDRATE!! I know, I know, tea, coffee, soda, juice, etc all taste good and technically have water in them. They don't hydrate nearly as much as the real thing, though. You can add fruit and ice to make it taste better if you really can't take just plain water though! Nobody's stopping you!
7. For god's sake, go to bed at a reasonable time for when you plan to wake up. At least 8-9 hours a night, which sounds like a lot of planning but it really isn't! If you need to get up at 9 am, go ahead and stay awake til midnight. But if you're getting up at 6 am for work? Try to be in bed by 10 pm
8. Caffeine is not your friend past 7 pm, I know you need to get that paper done but you'll be so much better off if you make time during the day for it than staying up into the wee hours of the night with enough caffeine in your system to kill a horse. It'll throw you off balance and make your brain produce even more melatonin to counteract it and try and force you asleep, which just means you'll be that much more exhausted in the morning
Most importantly, just remember you aren't the only one with your problems. You aren't alone. And you've got this ❤
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chesters-ocs · 15 days
uh. yeah.
wc: 1k
Startling awake, Sylvester reached for his phone to answer the call that came late in the evening, not even fully reading the caller's ID, though, not like he could process it in the first moments of wakefulness.
"Hello?" He speaks, voice thick with sleep, but only hearing nothing but strong winds from the other side, alongside a slight rustling noise. He repeats his question.
"Hello? Anyone there?" The exhausted man asks once more, before finally getting a response from a voice he almost recognizes in his foggy state.
"Sorry, did we wake you? This is Vikram... And Ashok." There it is. that's where he knows them from.
Sitting upright in bed, Sylvester greets them back, voice low and raspy. "Hey... Need summ'n?" He drawls, fighting off the urge to hang up and go back to bed.
"Yeah. Our car broke down..."
"... And?" He grumbles, not quite connecting the dots.
"Could you pick us up? Or not, you should probably go back to bed-" Vikram gets cut off by a stifled yawn from the other end of the line, as Sylvester makes his decision.
"I'll pick y' up... How far?"
A beat passes as he tries to explain without annoying the already disgruntled man further "Other side of town."
It's Sylvester's turn to be silent, as he rubs sleep from his eyes, and moves the blankets, planting his feet on the ground, before remembering he needs to respond, "Uh, yeah. Fine. Send t' address." He mumbles, before hanging up as he stands.
Sylvester is barely bothered enough to wash his face and brush his hair, which just gets tied in a loose ponytail for convenience's sake. Hell, he's barely dressed. still in a tanktop and shorts, just having put on slippers now. He quickly checks up if his daughter is still asleep, he nods to himself, before leaving, locking the door.
'Christ,' he thought to himself, 'he shouldn't have picked up. Who breaks down their car at 4 in the morning?!'
The drive is mostly smooth sailing, with him stopping at a gas station on the way for some shitty coffee so he doesn't fall asleep behind the wheel.
Sipping on his drink, he eventually spots the two men alongside their car in an empty gas station parking lot, with the emergency signal still blinking. Both of them are standing near a street light.
He rolls to a stop, swiftly getting out, approaching the two, and to his surprise, Ashok is the one to greet him first, "Good morning. I am so sorry for this, we are new to the city and you are the only one we knew in a hundred mile radius"
"All good... Call a tow truck already?" He asks, taking another swig of his hot drink.
"Yeah, we did. But it's getting here at seven."
"Gotcha... Why'd y' even call me? I ain't no mechanic."
"Moral support?" Ashok suggests, not entirely sure himself, "I guess we panicked."
"Hm.. Well. We got three hours. You two hungry? Gas station food's decent here."
"I'll pass." Vikram finally speaks up, having been just quietly staring down his soulmate beforehand, which Sylvester doesn't comment on.
"And you? Ashok, was it?"
"That's me. And you're Sylvester." He states confidently.
"That I am. Good to put a face to the name. Did he tell you about us?"
"Lover boy hasn't shut the fuck up about you since day one! Of course he told me!" He snorts, causing the now silent man to look the other way.
"Question still stands. Food, or no food?"
"I guess I could ago for some caffeine." Ashok hums, entering the dingy building, and Sylvester shuts off his car, drinking the rest of his cup, before disposing of it in the bin by the entrance, following after him. Leaving Vikram no choice, but to lumber behind them as well.
While there, Sylvester picks up a few snacks for him and his kid, who's still sound asleep back home.
As he brings them to the register, Vikram scoffs "That does not seem healthy."
"It's for the kid."
"Even less so, then!"
"Wait, kid?" Ashok asks, as he waits for his beverage of choice to be served by the lone employee. "Why didn't I know about that?"
"Why should you?" Vikram asks, sounding almost bored.
"Well, you kept talking my ear off, figured you would've mentioned that your oh-so hot and smart and sexy soulmate has a kid" He mocks lightly, causing a glare to be shot his way by the tall man.
"She's my daughter too now, y'know.." He grunts, causing Sylvester's ears to perk up as he gives him a questioning look.
"Not until you ask me out, she's not." He grins lazily, as he pays, at the same time as Ashok gets his drink.
The three of them leave soon after, and Sylvester opts to sit on the curb, the guys following suit.
"So.. Daughter?"
"... She.. from you both-?" "Heavens, no!" Sylvester scoffs at the mere idea, before explaining himself.
"I've known Mr Grumpy over here for what, a month? I simply had her from a previous relationship. My ex-wife cheated, and that resulted in a kid. Her name's Mārīte," He says, making sure to pronounce the word a little slower than usual so it at least appears to be comprehensible, before adding on "Most call her Mary though."
"I see... So you were married? With someone who wasn't your soulmate?" Ashok pries, much to Vikrams chagrin, even though he himself couldn't help but wonder about the curious circumstances.
"Yeah. We didnt believe in the whole bullshit back then. Wanted to make our own paths, instead of following destiny. But here I am anyways." He muses, popping a piece of gum in his mouth.
A silence falls, and the night wind picks up, causing the shortest of the bunch to shiver, which Vikram takes as his chance to make a move. He drapes his own gigantic army-green jacket over his shoulders, which is gladly accepted and zipped up neatly.
"Thank you... So.. Any other questions?" He asks, now more awake than ever, as he stares at the pair intently. Moments later, his eyes catch the first rays of the sunrise peeking over the buildings, as the clock strikes 6am.
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luckydog251616 · 9 months
Up all Night (Akitoya fanfic in honor of my insomnia haha)
||heyyyy guys! I decided to say screw sleep, and I am now doing a fic instead! Is it going to be me projecting a little? Yeah, definitely. Based of a song? Yep! (Up all night - Straykids) I do hope y’all enjoy and if you’re going through something similar, just know you aren’t alone. Also, this one is a hurt with no comfort for my angst lovers out there ;)||
It was another restless night for Akito. With headphones in, playing the same song on loop, Toya sleeping beside him. The faint glow of the computer lit up the otherwise pitch black room. The faint sound of typing also filled the room with the occasional sound of a car zooming by.
Akito often found it extremely difficult to rest, even though his tired body begged for it. Perhaps it was the caffeine he consumes daily is the issue? Either way, all he thought about was to create. Create something, leave behind something to be remembered by. Something for someone, anyone, to be proud of. Akito continued to type, tired olive-green eyes glued to the computer screen on his lap. Hours passed, before he knew it, he reached 4 am. No sign of sleep. “Akito?” A voice called out, sleepy and concerned nevertheless. Akito, snapping out of his trance, looked at the source of the voice. It was Toya, looking at Akito with concern etched on his face. His face…so beautiful…so hand- “Akito?” He calls out again, causing Akito to snap out of his train of thought, responding gruffly with a “Hm?” “Why are you awake? I’m not mad, I’m just concerned…” The blue haired male asked his partner. “I…got carried away” Akito confesses. “Akito…” “Yeah, I know…I can’t sleep” Akito responds with a sigh. “I’ll go back to sleep” The ginger says, a part of him hating himself for lying to his lover. Toya thought nothing of it, going back to sleep. Akito ended up working the rest of the night.
“I need to sleep…”
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missbabyjay · 2 years
New Beginnings - Bill Hader x f Reader
Part 3
Warnings - Language, alcohol, fluff
Word Count: 2 K
Part 1 | Part 2
. . .
You were awoken by the glistening early morning sunshine as it beat down on you through the unclothed window. "Where the hell am I?" you questioned to yourself, as the pounding headache suddenly washed over you. All at once you clicked in to reality as you felt a heavy weight shift behind you and an elongated arm drape over your waist.
You had completely forgotten about the previous night; memories washed over with drunkeness. You had poured out your heart to Bill and to your amazement he felt the same way.
You turned over so that you were face to face with Bill. Your hurried movements causing Bill to grunt, bringing his hands to rub his groggy morning eyes - not what you had planned. You wanted him to stay in his slumber; leaving you a few moments just to soak in his face... his sharp stubbled chin, the way his mouth stayed slightly open as he breathed deeply. You loved the way he slept so peacefully and beautifully.
"Y/N" he quietly murmured as he slowly opened his eyes; clearly struggling with the same rays of sunshine that awoke you from your comfortable sleep. He placed his hand on your cheek, gently using his thumb to rub your soft skin. You both just looked at each other for a few seconds, basking in the moment, "How are you feeling love?" he asked with a concerned look.
You sighed, filled with relief but also tiredness. You honestly weren't sure what his reaction would be to you, in his bed, face to face with him. But your head was throbbing, and you felt the weight of your hangover weakening your body more and more every continuing minute you were awake, "I could say i've been better, but I'm laying here next to you and I'm not sure if there's anything better than that" you winked at him, followed with a giggle. Bill chuckled and pulled you into his chest, slowly rubbing your shoulder blade, trailing down to your back where he gentle tickled your skin - leaving you with goosebumps. He placed a sweet kiss on top of your head before separating from you, "Give me a few minutes, I'll be back!"
Bill proceeded to roll to the side of the bed, throwing his legs over the edge while scratching at his hair before he got up. You stared at him in amazement, feeling like a kid in a candy store - leaving you to blush like crazy. Before he exited the room he briefly turned around and flashed you a cheeky smile, making you melt into the bed.
You flopped onto your back, taking in a deep breath while reveling in the comfort of his bed. His scent latched onto the comforter and pillows. You were still struggling to wrap your head around the fact that you woke up in Bill's bed. You slowly felt your eyes becoming heavy once again, the intoxication of your hangover washing your body into a tired and frozen state.
. . .
He couldn't believe what occured last night. He had just hoped that she wouldn't regret it in the morning and thanks to his luck she did not. He hated seeing her feeling so unwell, any moment she wasn't smiling was one of his worst nightmares. He always felt the need to make her happy... to make her laugh.
After he got out of bed he turned to smile to Y/N before he left the room, she gave a small smile in return. It gave him butterflies in his stomach.
Bill figured she would fall back asleep, considering it was only 8 a.m and by time they had returned from the bar last night it was nearly 4 am.
He brewed some coffee for himself, knowing he wouldn't be falling back asleep. After he prepared his cup of caffeine he peeked his head in to see Y/N fast asleep - sprawled out across his bad. He giggled to himself, thinking about how cute she looked.
He made his way to his living room where he set up base on his couch and popped on an older episode of Snapped and began to enjoy his morning coffee. He shot John a text,
bill: dude, you wouldn't even guess what happened last night. Y/N texted me asking if i could pick her up from the bar. She ended up staying the night.
Little did Y/N know, Bill had been discussing with John about how much of a crush he had on her.
mulaney: you dog
Bill laughed looking down at his phone.
A few episodes passed and the clock read 10:22 a.m. Bill figured it would be a good time to check on Y/N. He quietly went into the kitchen where he poured her a glass of water and popped some ice cubes in the cup. He always preferred ice cold water when he was dealing with a hangover, so he hoped his own tricks would help soothe her back to a more comfortable state. He reached in the cabinet where he kept his advil container alongside some vitamins.
He slowly made his way to his bedroom making sure to not let the water spill over the brim of the glass. When he walked into the room Y/N was still cozied into his bed, quietly snoring as she was engulfed in a mountain of pillows. He gently sat down the glass and bottle of advil on his nightstand before cautiously laying next to her on the bed. He stroked her hair and began trailing his fingers along her arm in hopes of gently waking her.
. . .
Your eyes slowly opened and you saw Bill's warm face looking back at you. Your headache still resided in your head, but it was more tolerable than earlier in the morning. "Oh shoot, I fell back asleep didn't I?" you said to bill, briefly propping yourself up on your elbow. You rubbed your eyes as they adjusted to the brightness of the room.
"Here," Bill said as he sat up and reached to his night stand, "I got you some water and a few advil. This should help you". You took the advil from his palm and downed them with some water. The ice cold water hydrated your rather dry throat, giving you some relief. You had never been so thankful for a glass of water before.
"So I don't want to jump to the gun, but last night, I'm so sorry for coming on strong. I had way too much to drink clearly and I don't want you to feel like you have to reciprocate the feelings whatsoever. That would be so -" You were cut off by Bill placing a finger on your lips, suggesting you to stop your sentence. "I feel the same way Y/N. Why wouldn't I?" he said as he placed his hand on yours, "You are so beautiful and your personality is everything I would want in a partner" he smiled at you with love. You grasped at his hand, smiling back.
You grew slightly concerned with how the two of you would go about your relationship. You didn't want to make any bad impressions - you are quite fresh to the team and you weren't sure if there were any ethical issues with you and Bill seeing each other.
"I think I want to keep this on the low for now..." you said to bill with a disappointed look. "It's just, I'm new to the writing team and I don't wanna blow anything for you or me."
Bill nodded in agreement. You could tell he was just as disappointed as yourself, but it was better for the both of you - just for now.
"Hey, maybe it'll be fun keeping it on the low" he joked with a suggestive wink.
He extended his arm and took your glass of water, placing it back on his night stand. He quickly followed by throwing his arms around you, burying you in his love ...and the pillows. The two of you spent some time in bed - caressing each other while exchanging tender, loving kisses. It was nearly lunchtime before you knew it, and your stomach was growling - clearly trying to tell your mind that your body needed some nutrition after the loads of alcohol your consumed the night prior.
"You hungry? I can hear your stomach growling at me" bill said, sending both of you into laughter. "Here, let's order some food... chinese sound good?"
Bill went ahead with ordering, while the two of you propped yourself up on his living room couch. You brought out some of his bedroom pillows as well as his comforter and a few extra blankets to create a comfy and intimate area for the two of you to spend the rest of your lazy Sunday afternoon cuddled up; exactly how you wanted to spend your Sunday.
Bill introduced you to Snapped, as well as some of his other favourite true crime shows. Surprisingly you were quite interested in the shows, but you had to admit you felt a bit odd watching it while indulging in your meal, you just laughed to yourself... he brings out the weird in you.
Sooner or later you would have to leave Bill's, as you both had yet another long week ahead of yourselves. You found it so difficult to leave his embrace; you felt safe and calm when his arms were wrapped around you. You felt like the rest of the world was blurred out... you were so focused on the two of you.
You gathered the very few items you had brought with you in your drunken mess. "Keep the clothes!" he said, smiling as he brought you into a warm embrace. "I hate that we have to hide this" you murmed into his chest. You both sighed, holding each other a bit tighter after you said that.
As you pulled away Bill put his hand on your cheek, "As soon as we have some free time this week we will do something... I promise" he said as he pulled you in for a long and passionate kiss.
You said your goodbyes and made your way out of his apartment complex. You got yourself a taxi and made your way back to your own quiet and lonely apartment - wishing you could have just stayed with Bill.
. . .
"Yet another week." you mumbled to yourself while unlocking your apartment door. Your taxi ride took surprisingly longer than expected... Sunday evening traffic? You dropped your keys on your entry table and kicked off your shoes. You didn't want to take off Bill's clothes but you so desperately needed a shower. You put away your items, tossing the clothes you wore out last night into your laundry hamper.
The hot water felt so good on your body. You stood letting the water beat down, taking deep breaths to clear your mind. Your first week had gone pretty good, but you wanted this week to go even better. You were hoping you would be able to get a sketch in the running this week.
When you got out of the shower you saw a notification on your phone, it was a text from Bill,
bill: today was great. you are so rad. i can't wait to see you tomorrow
You felt the same warmth run through your body that he had been making you feel the entire week beforehand.
y/n: you too hader. thanks for taking care of me today. cant promise you'll get your clothes back tho ;)
You made your way to your desk to do some brainstorming for the meeting tomorrow. You spent a few hours working away before making the executive decision to hit the hay. Sunday was really the only night of the week where you got to determine the amount of sleep you'd get.
And with that you got comfortable and curled up into bed, wishing Bill was with you with his arms wrapped around you. You peacefully fell into a slumber thinking about that sweet man.
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The great regular sleep experiment of 2024 day uh... "too much tea"
Well it turns out that while caffeine helps me sleep fine for my morning slot... Drinking a lot of fluids doesn't...
Other than being up to pee a whole lot, I slept well enough, ended up staying in bed till closer to 3 on account of the getting up to pee a bunch. Lesson learned. That could have gone way worse.
I *think* these sleep shifts are as good as it's going to get. One is even right after morning errands where I get in, put stuff away and want nothing more than to shower and fall into bed.
Also Pumpkin will let me sleep for 4 hours at a time, if it's at times he's used to me doing it and if it doesn't go on much longer than that... Because babies [cats] need to be fed every 4 hours :/ [this one does]
Right now I'm still a bit hyper-thyroid though, and it just got warm out, and I think my immune system is 'activating' against something again, so I have been trying to push myself to do chores if I am going to be awake and feel physically horrible anyway.
I did that thing where after scrubbing the floor yesterday and letting it dry, I swept it again today in greater detail and washed it again. Ooooh aaaah clean floors. Cleaned the toilet, washed dishes, did some sink laundry.
AND I FOUND MY 'O' KEY!!! I have a full keyboard again!
The main thing is I am trying to keep all the cleaning and organizing 1. Quiet and 2. done at a pace I could maintain on most days, because if I get a bee in my bonnet about it and wear myself down, i might get a huge chunk done... I might even get the 'rest' as done as it can be, but then I will crash and have to recover, which might mean falling behind on everything again and breaking any fragile habits, and I don't want to do that...
The only issue I see with this sleep schedule is it tends to take me 4 ish hours to wake up after sleeping and a bit to wind down... So the 5 hours between my sleeps works fine on days where I can spend that 5 hours doing nothing much, but on days where I need to do stuff --that isn't groceries before morning bedtime and crashing-- it means 8 hours spent sleeping, plus the five in between that I can't use, plus another 3 minimum to get running, plus whatever hours I sleep past 2pm because i need extra sleep, and then having those remaining hours be in the middle of the night.
The only other way to approach it is by waking up and immediately throwing myself into doing things before I am awake enough to process anything, like how much it hurts... And that can be okay for basic cleaning, but I am so out-of-it when I first wake up that doing anything with anything heavy or sharp or powered becomes actively dangerous. ... Which is why it usually takes me 4 ish hours to get running because otherwise I am not alert... and that leaves... maybe 7 hours. Mostly being at night will add to my ability to being alert, and those hours would be great for working on art or writing and quiet creative projects, but it's not workable for any kind of tool use, or any heavy cleaning or organizing. [If I had my own house it would be fine]
And the problem is that if I am left with no times of day that are convenient to do a thing... I end up unconsciously avoiding it without realizing what's getting in my way. I KNOW I do that, so I am trying to set myself up for success instead of failure.
My remaining hope is that as I get used to this schedule, if I can keep it without the *symptoms*... I'll start to get alert or sleepy faster when it's appropriate and struggle less to do things during the 5 hours between sleeps.
On the bright side at least I am *mostly* only fighting my own body for this, but not having roommates to also have to work around... Just apartment neighbours.
If I can just get really used to a half-awake 5 hours of misery on any morning I have to get shit done, it'll be mostly fine, probably??
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alarawriting · 6 months
Fuuuck... accidentally posted to the wrong account against.
Have a thing I'm working on instead of a rant that belonged on my main blog, instead. ****
You are very confused about how you got here, and moreover, what here even is. The last thing you remember, you were cramming for your Organic Chemistry final, it was like 4 or 5 am – you were scared of looking at the clock too often, so you’d been avoiding it – and it was so hard to stay awake, despite the six espressos, three Jolt colas, five regular Cokes, three energy drinks, and caffeine pill you had taken, but you were trying to force yourself to read over the text and repeat to yourself everything it said. The exam was going to be at 8 am and you needed to do well. Your entire future depended on it. You remember having a massive headache and thinking you should go find some Advil, and then deciding against it because you couldn’t spare the time from studying.
Now you’re in a large… cavern? Throne room? Temple? The room’s enormous, with walls that look like white marble glittering with embedded crystal, and you are standing in front of a winged unicorn, a human-sized bunny rabbit who is standing on its haunches and has six – arms? Forelimbs? It looks kind of like what if Shiva was a fluffy grey bunny rabbit? – and a Chinese dragon. The Chinese dragon is small for a dragon, maybe 10 or 12 feet long but it’s coiled around itself, looped tightly enough that its head is about, maybe 8 feet high. The unicorn is the size of a racehorse. The three entities occupy a dais in the middle of the room, with some sort of flame-like background that is in rainbow colors, and oh shit, obviously you are dreaming. Fuck. You need to wake yourself up now.
“Leo Chen?” the unicorn asks. Her lips move, but not like a human saying the words “Leo Chen” would move. You can’t lip read but you know whatever it was her horse lips are saying, it’s not what you’re hearing. Like a bad dub. Shit. Too many Godzilla movies. Netflix dubs are a lot better than this.
“Look, this is great and all and I’m sure I would normally love this dream, but I’ve got to study for my orgo final that is happening something like three hours from now, so I think I need to wake up.”
You do not wake up. Normally when your dreams go lucid and you realize, oh right, Grandma’s actually dead, or Jesus I am about to get hit by a bus except this isn’t real and I’m dreaming, or whatever, you wake up. This is not always in your favor. The dream where Jeff Whittaker turned out to be gay and have a crush on you and the two of you were going to go on a date and then you remembered, wait, gay or not there is no way he’s gonna want to date me, and then you realized it was a dream, you tried very hard to not wake up, but it didn’t work. Realizing it’s a dream wakes you up. So why aren’t you waking up?
The Chinese dragon is laughing at you. Chortling. You didn’t think anyone ever really chortled, that was a word Lewis Carroll made up, but no, he’s chortling. “Oh, dear. Another one of the ‘it’s a dream’ ones.”
The bunny rabbit says, in a very butch lesbian voice, “Yeah, sorry, dude. It’s not a dream and you don’t have an orgo final anymore.”
“I do have an orgo final! In three hours! Or less, depending on how long I’ve been asleep!”
In a gentle, musical, feminine voice, the winged unicorn says, “I’m so sorry, Leo. You’re not asleep.”
“You’re dead,” the rabbit says.
The unicorn glares at the rabbit. “Petra, do you need to be so blunt about it?”
“Oh, you could have me tell him,” the Chinese dragon says. “You’re pushing up daisies! Not pining for the fjords! Kicked the bucket! You are an ex-human!”
“And you, Hundun, do not need to be cruel about it.” The unicorn looks right at you. For the first time you notice that she has predator eyes, facing you, not the side-eyes typical of a horse. Also, they are purple. This is plainly shit your brain got out of The Last Unicorn or maybe My Little Pony – in fact, with a winged white unicorn and a black and gold Chinese dragon, this is a lot like My Little Pony.
“No, I’m definitely dreaming,” you say confidently. “You look waaaay too much like characters from My Little Pony. Except the bunny, I don’t know where my brain got you.”
The Chinese dragon laughs again. He is not voice-acted by John de Lancie, but the general tone and pitch of his voice aren’t entirely dissimilar. “I knew it was going to bite us in the ass someday that we sent someone back.”
“Hush, Hundun. The young man is dealing with a lot right now.”
The rabbit says, “Look, I’m sorry. You’re dead and we brought you here because we need people like you.”
You roll your eyes. “Oh, Jesus, it’s an isekai. I’m the Chosen One? The Hero who’s destined to fight the Demon Lord or some shit like that? That’s not even vaguely believable. I’m an overweight biochem major shooting for medical school. I’ve never fought anything if you don’t count video games and frankly I don’t even like JRPGs where you swing a sword around and kill things. There is no way I would ever be some kind of special chosen one.”
“You’re right,” the rabbit says. “You’re not actually special.”
“At all,” the Chinese dragon says. “You are, in many ways, miserably average. I mean, I’ll give you this, you’re smart and hardworking. Well, at least the hard working part, given that you just gave yourself an aneurysm studying for an exam. I can’t help but think that if you were smart you could have avoided that.”
You’d had a terrible headache.
No. Bullshit. You’re not dead, this is an anxiety dream because of the headache making you feel like you were going to have a stroke. That’s a figure of speech. Guys your age do not actually have strokes, not even if they’ve been up for 32 hours writing papers and studying for exams and have been mainlining caffeine and energy drinks the entire time. The one dose of Adderall you were able to get from your roommate’s friend would have worn off a long time ago, that was more than 12 hours ago.
“Lemme guess,” you say. “You’re the Power of Kindness” – you point at the unicorn – “you’re the Power of Honesty—” the rabbit—“and you’re the Power of Being An Asshole.”
All three of them start laughing hysterically at this.
“He has you figured, Hundun,” the rabbit says.
“Oh, absolutely! And Eufy, all ‘pwetty pwease people don’t be mean to each over…’”
“It is true you’re fairly blunt, Petra,” the unicorn says, chuckling. “As for Hundun… we need to work together so let’s not go there.”
“It’s more like Order, Chaos and Harmony,” Petra, which is apparently the rabbit’s name, says.
“Called it. This is some kind of weird MLP fanfic my brain is making up,” you say.
“Or Change and Transformation, Stability, and the necessary balance between them that allows life to exist,” the unicorn says. “Or Rebellion, Doing What You’re Told, and Working Things Out. Conflict, Top-Down Unity via Enforcement, and Collaboration. Fire, earth and water.”
“So where’s air?” you ask skeptically.
Hundun the Chinese dragon sighs dramatically. “STEM students. Have you never heard of an analogy?”
“The Trains Run On Time, The Trains May Be Somewhat Delayed Because There Are a Lot of Trains, and When the Fuck Is This Train Showing Up?” Petra says.
“And you’re not making any of this up,” Hundun says, “because, trust me, you’re not that imaginative.”
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adaywithandrew · 8 months
i had this very anxiety ridden day yesterday where I had work and didn’t get a lot done but was super caffeinated then got in a fight with my dad on the phone, was walking home cold and shivery, got home and stayed activated like ate a meal that wasn’t nutritious and also really hurt my stomach like it was going through it for 4 hours and ate dessert on top of that that I enjoyed but it hurt more, watched a tv show with triggering heavy themes and now am awake after 5 1/2 hours and I have meetings all day today until 1 pm. and I woke up post nightmare with this deep anxiety that I’ve “been abandoned”??? hopefully from a dream I can’t remember and not a real life gut feeling. idk I literally hateeee when days like this happen it makes me feel like a mentally ill little mouse who is supposed to hide out and protect myself. (from what 🙈😐🔫??)
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pbandjesse · 8 months
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Oh man it has been a long day! I am sad that our trip is 3/4 done but today was great. We got to do so many things! I am tired but I feel really good at the same time. I feel happy. 
Pi slept okay last night. I really liked Luca. I didn't know it was a fish boy who turns human, I thought it was the other way around. It was great though and I really enjoyed it. 
But right before I went to sleep, right after I turned off the TV I knocked the remote off the table and thankfully did not knock over my cup of water but I scared the hell out of myself and was all awake for a few minutes because I had scared myself so bad. 
But it was a really good sleep. Waking up was tough. But I knew once I had a little caffeine I would be fixed. I felt a little self conscious today. I don't know why. But I tried to put it out of my head and just enjoy the day.
We decided to split one order of eggs and potatoes and that was actually perfect. I got a soda and Jess brought her coffee from last night. And things were good. 
The bus didn't take quite as long today. It was still very weird seeing the different buses come through but not the one we needed. So strange. But once the bus came it was a quick skip to Hollywood studios. 
This was the park I had the least expectations for. And it was not my favorite day but there was a lot to really enjoy! 
For one the weather was very warm but also absolutely beautiful. When we first left the hotel it was very very cold. But by lunch we were so warm that I had to go take my tights off. I was much better after that. 
We got to hit a lot of things today. Our big goal for the morning was to rope drop the run away train. And this was so fun
 Like I didn't expect it to be as amazing as it was. It was like a 20 minute wait from the moment we got in line. And lucky us they had actually let us in the park before 830. So we got in line and got to enjoy all the decorations and people watching and then we were inside!
I liked how they did this one. We are going in a theater. Then we are seeing a little cartoon where Minnie and Micky are going on a picnic. But then Goofy is driving a train and the engine explodes! And the screen exploded! And we had to walk through the screen! It was so fun! Then once we were all the way through we got to sit in a train car and go on a run away train adventure. And while this one was a lot of screens it was very well integrated and it relied more heavily on projections onto animatronic forms. Which was way better and I really liked. 
This was a really fun ride and I really enjoyed that. 
When we got off we were like. Well that was our only planned ride. So we got to just enjoy wandering in the spaces. 
And we started with Star Wars. I am really glad we got to go over there early because it was a lot less busy then later in the day. We started in that area on Star Tours! Which is supposed to be a pleasure tour through space but that was a lie! I did love seeing all the droids and robots but once we were in our space pod, with our 3D glasses,  we were attacked. And the 3D nature of the ride with the movements made me very dizzy and that I did not enjoy at all. That's okay though. It would pass pretty quick. 
We exited through the gift shop and I saw a porg shoulder friend. I have been interested in these magnetic shoulder guys all week but hadn't found one I liked. And I really liked him. 
When I picked him up I was surprised to find that he had one leg! And I was like. Do they all have one leg? I knew that the porgs were invented out of necessity because there were so many puffins where they were filming. And I was thinking maybe because puffins could stand on one leg? But no! I picked up another and it has two legs! I just happened to immediately find the disabled one. And even though I haven't seen Star wars. I decided I had to get him.
The person at the counter tried to get me to replace him with a bipedal one but I said no. And left with my porg. Who I have named Hopscotch. 
We headed deeper into the Star wars land. And while not as shocking as Pandora was I was still very impressed. The droids, the ships, the costumes. I think it felt more real and less alien then Pandora. It's more desert so I wasn't as transformative but it felt more real. 
As we were walking through someone saw our happy birthday pins and asked if we had celebrated today yet. And we said just being here was the celebration. He asked if we wanted to go to the smugglers cantina. And I wanted to say yes. I didn't actually want a snack yet but I didn't think we would get this chance again. So we said yes and went to find the place. 
When we got there we got in right away. I loved everyone's outfits. And the droid dj playing music. We got the blue milk and cookie. Which was actually a coconut rice milk and tastes like pineapples. It was a little to sweet for us but I drank half of it. The bartenders were teasing me about eating my porg!! Everyone kept saying that. Rude! I would cover his ears. 
We would get to see the mandalorian and baby grogu. I loved seeing the build your own droids but I could not justify paying $200 for it even if I really wanted it. 
We would soon leave Star wars and headed to the Indiana Jones show. Which was super fun. Jess got us a pretzel beforehand and we shared that. I liked seeing the explosions and the storyline about how a movie is made was fun. 
This was not my favorite park but there were a lot of fun things. Like we went into a little museum about Walt Disney and we played our own game where we tried to find all the places they photoshopped the cigarette out of his hands. We even found one where they missed it. And it was really fun seeing the dioramas and sketches and things around how Disney world and land came to be. 
Something I have appreciated more and more is how there is a real separation between the IEP of Disney films and the parks. Like there are places where the films don't come into play at all! I was really surprised by that and I don't even really know why. But it's been fun to see. 
We would go to toy story land and decided to order a sandwich to share but it wouldn't be ready for pickup for an hour. So during that time we actually got a walk on to on the toy story shooting gallery game. Which was also 3D but didn't make me dizzy. I really thought that was fun and I absolutely adored all the giant toys. And taking pictures and just really being immersed. It was great. 
We would go and have our little sandwich. While Jess was waiting to pick up the food I had to be very brave and ask two ladies if we could share their table and they were super nice and let us. I had to go and get a chair from someone else but I was just really happy to sit. 
The sun was beating on us really hard core and we were very hot. This sandwich wasn't the best we've had but it was fine. We decided we would do one more thing and get a Micky ice cream bar and then head back to the room. 
We would get Jess an iced latte and that's when I realized how exhausted I was. I was desperate to take my shoes off and lay down.  
We headed to the bus. This was a longer wait then I wanted. My feet were hurting and I was to warm. But soon the bus was there and I was thrilled. 
We got back to the hotel around 2. And got cozy and fell asleep. 
Jess had thought that setting an alarm from 4 would be so much rest but by I think I only actually slept for an hour. And when we woke up we were STRUGGLING to get up. Like I wasn't sure we were going to go through with it. 
But we did. And we actually got redressed and ready pretty quickly and w we are out the door by 430. 
We stopped to get me a little soda and then to the bus stop again. And this time the bus only took a few minutes and we were the only ones to get on! A whole bus to Hollywood studios just for us. The bus driver was very sweet. And we got there in no time. 
We wandered around to see the things we missed. In and out of shops. We decided to get a little gluten free pizza to share since we had an hour before our reservation we decided to treat this as our appetizer. 
And it was pretty good! We would walk around and see the cats movie stuff. And where the rocking roller coaster is. We took pictures of the sun setting on the Hollywood tower of terror. And then as we walked towards where our restaurant reservation was we saw the Muppets 3d experience. And it has a low wait so I asked if we could go. 
Jess didn't have any feelings about the Muppets but I love them so I was really excited. And Bean bunny is a main character! I loved the show though and thought it was very fun. It was a mix of movie and real life animatronics. But the only one I was disappointed in was Bean! He was all wrong! It was crazy like he looked like a real rabbit and not himself?? All the others looked good? It was very strange. But I tried to not let it bug me because the rest of the show was so good. 
And that took us right to our reservation time. We mottered over to the Sci Fi Dine In theater. 
This was so darling. It was not what I had expected. We got to sit in the backseat of a fake car and there was a movie screen and we watched trailers for 1950's sci Fi and it was so silly and I loved it. The food was fine. And our waitress seemed exhausted. But I loved the experience. It was also a wildly quiet restaurant which was actually really nice after how loud the park was. We paid with the end of our dining gift card. 
And then we were off. The sun has gone down. And we were just people watching. During dinner Jess had looked what else there was to see and said that Tower of Terror had a low wait time. And I said I wanted to try to that. Jess said she had never been on it and it's like the one ride I have really really strong memories of. So even though she was scared she said yes. 
When we got over there it had an 75 minute wait but I said I wanted to do it. And it wasn't even a half hour in the end. The line was actually really fun and I even got to give a little Lin to a child who didn't have any at all and that made me feel good. We also saw a lizard. 
I loved that it's twilight zone themed. And  the ride was better then I remembered. It was an absolute blast. It's funny, I was scared but my brain was more able to know I wouldn't actually get hurt. So I was more excited. I was actually writing this post while in line. And paused writing to ride. And it was amazing. 
Like I still think I liked dinosaur better but this was so fucking fun. Jess screamed so loud. I am sure I did too. I planted my feet on the ground and closed my eyes during the drops and was laughing and screaming and it was so good! We got off and I was so happy and my hands were shaking and it was so fun. It has a short 13 minute wait after that but Jess said she couldn't do it. This is fair. 
We took a few minute break. And then we headed to where I am sitting now. To fantasmic the end of the night show. Pausing writing to watch that. Will return. 
We are in the line for the bus back to the hotel now. That show was excellent. Like I'm just so glad we stayed and saw that! Like I felt like the projections of movie clips was still the weakest part, but the actors (both face and fur) and the pyrotechnics were so outrageously good I was just thrilled. It was so fun and even though we had to leave the park with 10,000 other people it wasn't terrible. We made it out and even stopped to use the bathrooms. And once that happened we were just a hop skip and a jump to the bus. Which is letting us on now. 
We will be going to sleep ASAP. Because tomorrow is our last park day. We going going to the OG. We are going to Magic Kingdom. This is going to be our finale and I'm really looking forward to a good day. 
I hope you all get rested and feel good tomorrow too. Sleep well everyone. Wish us luck! 
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hoodiehydra · 2 years
Characters: Rasazy, Selever
Morning shenanigans
Warnings: Swearing (it’s Sel, what else?)
Selever groaned. He stretched out his limbs, but he felt more tired than ever. How long did he spend on Minecraft last night? Well, he did play till 4 am. What time was it now? 10 am. 6 hours of sleep. Reasonable, definitely.
He slumped downstairs to the kitchen, where breakfast was waiting. The smell of toast filled the room as his stomach started to growl, but he didn’t have the energy to even want to chew on the bread. He ignored his stomach’s cries for food and went to the small machine of heavenly goodness, a place of caffeine, the reason he wakes up everyday-- the coffee machine.
Rasazy was sipping her orange juice while reading her book, and ignored the half-demon sluggishly entering the room, letting out a small “Mornin’”.
Yes, they escaped the nothing world, if you’re wondering. Sarvente and Ruv were both at the church by now, so they were alone.
Selever grabbed a clean mug from the cabinet and placed it where the coffee would drip out, antagonizingly slowly.
Today, the coffee machine decided to act up.
The machine sputtered the bitter coffee, missing most of the coffee, so using statistics, he only got 40% of the coffee. He groaned. He wasted a nice capsule of coffee and he wouldn’t be awake then.
So now, he didn’t get coffee, he didn’t wake up, and he had a kitchen counter to clean up.
He started hitting the machine, throwing curses carefreely.
“Work, you damn machine. Your idiot ass can’t even make me a cup of coffee and I need you to live.”
“Brother, I don’t think insulting the machine will fix it,” Rasazy interjected.
“Oh, won’t it?” Sel glared.
Lovely morning.
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