#cadet is like the only one in mind most of the time lol
kagebros · 2 years
Did you guys know I have an OC seeker trine I just never fucking designed them LOL.
Anyway Slipknot, Crossflare n Retrograde I haven’t forgotten about youuuuu.
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
No One Left Behind
Xaden Riorson x f!Reader
A/n: I know the book has only been out for a few months but I was hoping there would be more FW fics. Xaden is my new favorite book bf so there might be more of these fics coming in the future. My requests are open so feel free to request any SJM or Fourth Wing character
Warnings: a few swear words lol
As the squad landed back in the flight field Xaden searched for your dragon, Cadmus, who was seemingly missing from the group. His brow furrows and heart rate starts to pick up. You just had to be a little behind, right? No that wasn’t like you, your speed was building and you were a faster flier than most in the squad.
Lately, Xaden had been taking the time to fly with each individual squad in Fourth Wing to make sure everyone was prepared for War Games. He didn’t want to leave anything to chance.
He dismounts Sgaeyl as Liam dismounts Deigh. Xaden shoots Liam a confused, angry look as to say ‘where is she?’ Liam shrugs looking around as if he could see you when Xaden couldn’t. His attention is ripped from his search for you when he hears laughter from the back of the group. Amon. And his stupid lackeys.
As soon as Xaden heard that little shits laugh he knew Amon had something to do with you not making it back to the flight field with the rest of the squad. Fury took over his entire body as he started stalking over to the boys. It took all of his restraint to keep his shadows reined in, so they wouldn’t strangle Amon. One of them had the sense to look uneasy about the whole situation as Xaden got closer.
Once Amon was within arms reach Xaden grabbed the fucker by the front of his flight jacket. Fuming, Xaden growled out, “You have one chance, just the one, to tell me where she is.” “I’m not sure-“ He raised his voice so the squad could hear, “As wingleader I’m giving you one shot! Cadet!” He spits out the last part emphasizing how below him Amon is.
“Y/n isn’t very good at evasive maneuvers,” the little shit had the audacity to smirk, “so I thought I’d help her practice. Gotta work on those rolls.” Xaden was fuming as he pushed Amon backwards into the two boys behind him. He pivoted on his heel, walking quickly back to Sgaeyl so he could fly back out to find you.
As he mounted Sgaeyl his mind was racing with all the horrible what ifs. What if you had fallen off Cadmus? What if Cadmus lost control and crashed, killing you both? No, he couldn’t think like that. It helps nothing if he thinks of the negative.
Flying fast and low over the vast mountains and forest of Basgiath, both Xaden and Sgaeyl were on the hunt for you.
After 20 minutes Xaden spotted Cadmus running through a break in a canopy of trees. “Down there!” He shouted to Sgaeyl. She swooped down into a clearing as Cadmus turned around. Xaden noticed you weren’t in the saddle. But, it seemed as though Cadmus was smiling and wagging his tail back and forth like a dog. It was then that Xaden saw the medium sized tree branch between his jaws.
“He says she’s a few feet behind us sitting under a tree. She is unharmed. Stupid dog.” Sgaeyl says only for Xaden to hear. He jumped from her scaly blue back clumsily, like he was dismounting for the first time.
“Y/N!” He yelled, voice echoing across the forest. He broke into a jog, finally seeing you exactly where Sgaeyl said you were. You were about to rise up from your shady spot when you saw Xaden come into view. He tilts his head back and lets out an exasperated sigh, with his hands on his hips.
He strides over to you. You look up at him, feigning innocence as he looks down at you. Annoyance contorting his perfect face, making the scar that cuts through his eyebrow crinkle in that cute way when he’s mad. “Are you serious? You had me scared shitless! I thought Amon killed you for gods sake!”
Guilt immediately rushed over your body. You didn’t mean to scare him like that. You just wanted to teach Amon a lesson to not fuck with you. “I didn’t mean to stay here this long, I’m sorry.” You stand taking his large hands off his hips and holding them in your tiny ones. “I was going to come back just a few minutes after the squad landed. Hopefully to you, Liam, Rhi, and Garrick scaring the shit out of him.”
Xaden leaned his forehead down to meet yours. “As funny as that would’ve been sweetheart, I’m going to ask you to never ever do something like this again.” You giggle, “I promise, baby. I’ll just have to think of something else.”
“You are going to be the death of me sweetheart.” He cups your face in both hands and leans in to kiss you. It was soft and sweet. You deepen the kiss and wrap your arms around his broad shoulders. Before the kiss, and Xaden’s wandering hands, could go any farther you hear Cadmus huff and drop his tree branch.
Breaking apart Xaden shoots the red Daggertail, a look that would scare anyone. Lucky for you both Cadmus was unusually friendly for a dragon. He turns back to you, “So what’s the deal with him and the stick.” You purse your lips and look down sheepishly. “Fetch is his favorite game! Don’t judge.” You push his chest lightly. He grabs your wrist pulling you in for one more kiss before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
“HEY!” You jokingly struggle against him. “Alright sweetheart, back on your dragon. We’ve been gone long enough and if Liam got to kill Amon before I could I’m gonna be pissed.” He puts you down next to Cadmus’ forelegs ruffling your hair.
You turn to give Cadmus an accusing look. “You were supposed to ask Deigh when they were almost back. What happened?” Cadmus huffs, “I forgot. In my defense, you were making fetch very fun this round.” He says in your head. You roll your eyes, “Yeah, yeah. Let’s get going, you overgrown dog.”
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daenysthedreamer101 · 6 months
Daughter of Steel and Bronze ~ HOTD
Ch 1 - To King's Landing
Targaryen!OC x Harwin Strong (eventually lol)
Warnings: none
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"In 107 AC, the King held a seven-day celebration in honor of Princess Rhaenyra's tenth name day. The young Princess was named 'the Realm's Delight' by the minstrels at court. Rhaenyra was a precocious child, bright, bold and beautiful. She became a dragon rider at only seven years old, riding her yellow she-dragon, Syrax. The tourney would also mark the return of Prince Daemon to King's Landing. He spent most of his time away in the Vale, with his lady wife, Rhea Royce, and their young daughter, Princess Daena.
Princess Daena was a lively, cheerful girl only a year younger than her cousin, Rhaenyra. She became a proficient huntress in thanks to her lady mother. Some at court frowned, saying it was inappropriate for a lady to hunt down animals and cover herself in dirt and blood, but Rhea and Daemon paid them no mind, letting their daughter do what she liked. 'She's not just a lady...she's a Princess of House Targaryen. Dragons don't fear blood' Prince Daemon was heard saying in defense of his daughter."
(Fire & Blood, Being a History of the Targaryen Kings of Westeros, by Archmaester Gyldayn)
107 AC, King's Landing
This was Daena's second time visiting King's Landing. Well third, if you count the time her parents brought her when she was a baby so that her great-grandparents, King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne could meet their newest great-granddaughter. It was said the Good Queen wept tears of joy when she held Daena in her hands for the first time. The Queen was old and frail, having to walk with a cane. Nonetheless, the Queen gave her blessing and proclaimed that Daena would be a great beauty one day.
Now, Daena and her father, Prince Daemon, were visiting King's Landing once again. This time because of her cousin Rhaenyra. Her uncle, King Viserys I, was holding a great tourney in honor of Rhaenyra's 10th name day. Even after 14 years of marriage, Viserys and his wife, Queen Aemma Arryn, only had one living child - Rhaenyra. The King was known for spoiling his only child with many things, and "seven days of celebration for her name day seemed only appropriate", according to His Grace.
Daena spent much of her childhood at Runestone. She was taught how to ride a horse and hunt with a bow and arrow by her lady mother, Rhea Royce. Her mother was a strong, intelligent woman and was the ruling Lady of Runestone. Daena was very proud to be her daughter and always strived to make her mother proud. Daena didn't look much like her mother. She looked more like her father's side of the family. With fair skin, long silver hair, and lilac eyes, she looked nothing short of a true Targaryen Princess. Nonetheless, she knew she had many other things in common with her dear mother. 
Her mother didn't join them. She said she needed to look after Runestone, that it was her duty. But even as a child, Daena knew it was because her mother never liked her father and she simply didn't want to spend time with him. It made Daena sad, that her parents disliked each other, but they tried to be cordial with one another for her sake. She once asked her parents if she would ever get a sibling. Her mother choked on her wine while her father frowned and told her not to be silly and ask stupid questions. She never asked again.
"Are we there yet?" Daena asked Amanda, one of her mother's nieces who went South with them. Lady Amanda was from the cadet branch of House Royce - House Royce of the Gates of the Moon. Amanda was a pretty maid of 16 summers. Nearly a woman grown, Lady Rhea sent her young niece to King's Landing to look after her daughter and also for a potential marriage.
 Amanda had long dark brown hair and round brown eyes. Daena liked her very much. She was fun and kind and taught Daena how to sew. "We'll be there in a short while, Princess," Amanda answered while looking out from the small carriage window. 
Daena didn't like that she was in a carriage. She wanted to fly with her father on Caraxes but he refused her, saying she was too young. So, she would travel by carriage. She looked out the window and saw a giant castle made of red stone. 
"The Red Keep..." Daena whispered under her breath. She has never seen King's Landing. She did visit in 101 AC, when her great-grandfather, Jaehaerys passed away. But she didn't remember much from that whole ordeal. She only remembered that everyone was sad and quiet. 
Daena was 9 years old and slightly taller than most girls her age. She was thin and slender and had long silver hair she liked to keep in a single long braid. Father said it made her look like Queen Visenya. Daena would love nothing more than to be like the legendary Visenya. 
"Do you think Rhaenyra will let me see Syrax?" Daena quietly asked Amanda. She would never admit it, but she was a bit jealous that Rhaenyra had a dragon. Daena's dark purple egg never hatched. She still had it, it was held back at Runestone, but she didn't like looking at it.
It made her sad and angry. Some kids back at Runestone would mock her and call her Daena the Dragonless. The words of her mother's House were 'We remember' and in keeping with that, she never forgot or forgave the people who mocked her. She hoped that since she was in King's Landing, she could claim an already hatched dragon. 
"I'm not sure...Perhaps a bit later." Amanda said cautiously. She knew how important dragons were to the Targaryens and it hurt her to see Daena so sad. 
"Open the gates!" A guard shouted. They were already there. They were about to enter the Red Keep! Daena sat up straight and smoothed her red and black silk dress. Her silver hair was braided at the top to look like a crown. Small ruby earrings dangled like blood droplets from her ears. The gates were opened and the carriage entered the courtyard. 
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The doors of the carriage opened and Daena could see her father dismounting his horse. A page boy helped her get out. Once her feet hit the ground, a guard announced them. 
"Prince Daemon Targaryen and his daughter, Princess Daena!" Her father beckoned her over and so she quickly walked over to him. He put his arm around her little shoulders.
"Prince Daemon...Welcome..."A voice said. She finally focused on the person standing in front of the castle doors. It was Ser Otto Hightower - the Hand of the King. 
"Princess..." He greeted her as well, though he sounded and looked like he didn't want to be there. She didn't curtsy to the lord, she didn't have to as a Princess. She felt her father protectively pulling her closer to him. 
"Ser Otto...", her father managed to say through gritted teeth. Even as a child, she could tell the two men heavily disliked each other. 
"Amanda, take Daena inside. Visit the Queen if you can. I'm sure Her Grace would like that" Daemon told Amanda. The young Royce girl nodded and took Daena's hand and they walked inside. Once they reached the Queen's chambers, they entered the spacious room. 
"Princess Daena, Your Grace", a maid announced Daena. The Queen was heavily pregnant and was sitting on a chaise lounge in front of a big window and was propped up by lots of pillows. Her silver hair was down and fell freely. She wore only a nightdress and a pretty, pink, embroidered silk robe. The Queen turned her head and smiled lightly at her young niece. 
"Daena, my dear...How you've grown. I haven't seen you in ages." Aemma said softly as she looked over Daena. The young princess curtsied to Aemma. The Queen beckoned her and gave her a warm hug. 
"Your Grace," Daena said politely. 
"Come, sit here." Aemma gestured to a nearby chair. Daena sat. Aemma looked over Daena's shoulder and saw a pretty brunette in the corner. Daena noticed. 
"Your Grace, this is Lady Amanda Royce of the Gates of the Moon. She's my cousin. She came here with me, I hope you don't mind." Daena introduces Amanda to the Queen. 
"No, not at all. It's a pleasure to meet you, my lady" Aemma greets the Royce girl. 
"The pleasure is mine, Your Grace. Thank you for having me" Amanda says and bows to Aemma. The Queen and Daena talk for a while, about the Vale, about Runestone, and how much Daena has grown.
"If I may ask...where is my dear cousin Rhaenyra? I haven't seen her yet." Daena asks after a while. Aemma sighs and fans herself with a fan.
"I believe she's having her lesson with Septa Marlow" Aemma explained. Daena hums in acknowledgment. 
"Princess Rhaenyra", a maid announces after a while. In came Daena's older cousin. She was fair-skinned with pretty purple eyes. She was a bit shorter than Daena, but they both had long silver hair.
"Cousin! It's been so long!" Rhaenyra greeted Daena with a warm smile and a tight hug. 
"Nyra!" Daena exclaimed in joy. Rhaenyra greeted her mother and they talked for a few minutes.
 "Come, dear cousin. Let's go for a walk." Rhaenyra suggests and takes Daena by the hand. 
"Your Grace, I hope you have a nice day." Daena bid the Queen politely. Aemma smiled sadly at the two girls.
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Daena and Rhaenyra were walking in the Royal Gardens in the afternoon sun. They sat under the weirwood and talked for hours. In the distance Ser Harrold Westerling, Rhaenyra's sworn shield, was keeping guard. At sundown, Amanda came around and told them they were summoned for supper with the King.
"Will you show me Syrax one day?" Daena asks. 
"Of course, I would love to, " Rhaenyra answers. 
"We can even fly together once she gets big enough" Nyra adds. 
Once they were ready, Ser Harrold escorted them to the dining chamber where they were to have supper. As they entered, Daena could see her uncle, the King, sitting at the head of the table. To his right was his wife, Queen Aemma, who looked tired. To his left was her father, Prince Daemon. To Aemma's right was Princess Rhaenys and her husband, Lord Corlys Velaryon - the Sea Snake. Daena was surprised to see them there. Shaking her head, she sat next to her father. Nyra sat next to her. 
"Girls, we've been waiting for you for some time," King Viserys says lightly scolding the girls.
 "Forgive us, father. We were talking and we got distracted." Nyra says sheepishly. Viserys smiles and looks over to his niece.
 "Ah, Daena...I haven't seen you since you were a toddler. How you've grown..." Viserys says to Daena. She smiled awkwardly and the food was served. The adults talked amongst themselves. Daena and Rhaenyra quietly traded gossip with one other. Daena tried her best not to look at the Sea Snake and his wife. Rhaenys was her aunt, but she always found the woman kind of scary, though she would never admit it. 
After supper, Daena bid her cousin goodbye and left with her father to their chambers. 
"I'll see you in the morning Nyra" Daena says and hugs Nyra. She and her father enter her chambers. 
"Wow..." Daena gasps as she sees her room. Her chambers back at Runestone weren't nearly as big. 
"I already told the maids to fix you up a bath," Daemon says to her. He walks over to her and pets her head, caressing her silver hair. She hugs his waist and looks up at him with tired eyes. He smiles at her. 
"Issi ao ēdrugī, riñītsos?" (Are you tired, little girl?) He asks her. She nods her head. 
"Come here..." He says and picks her up easily and puts her down on the bed. He starts unbraiding her hair. He knew most men wouldn't even consider doing something like this. He didn't think he had it in him to be like this. So soft, and gentle...and caring. But the second he held her when she was born...he knew he would do anything for her. He would burn the entire world if it meant she was safe and sound. 
Once he was done unbraiding her hair, he turned her head toward him. He studied her face. She looked just like him. Silver hair, lilac eyes, it was all him. But she had her mother's oval face. He didn't like his wife, whatsoever. But she helped him create Daena. His precious Princess. His little girl. His little dragon. 
"I'll call Amanda. She'll help you bathe." He told her and got up to leave. Before he was able to leave, she caught him and pulled him by the sleeve of his shirt. He bent down to her level. 
"What is it, sweet girl?" He asked her. 
"Sȳz bantis kepa. Avy jorrāelan" (Good night Father. I love you) she told him sleepily and planted a kiss on his cheek. He smiled once again and kissed her silver hair.
"Avy jorrāelan tolī, dōna riña" (I love you too, sweet girl). He told her and left her chamber.
High Valyrian:
Issi ao ēdrugī, riñītsos? - Are you tired, little girl?
Sȳz bantis Kepa. Avy jorrāelan - Good night Father. I love you.
Avy jorrāelan tolī, dōna riña - I love you too, sweet girl.
Omg, the first chapter is finally here! It's mostly an introduction to Daena and it establishes many relationships that will develop/deteriorate over time.
Hope you liked it, and thanks for reading! ❤❤❤
If you have any opinions feel free to comment!
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prismaticpichu · 11 days
While I have been trying to make Zack a little more mature in my fics lately, some things never change LOL! xD Say hello again to a little fella named Muffin!~
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Muffin (full name Muffin Topaz Fair) is Zack’s childhood plushie <33 He is a fire-orange dragon with velvet wings and foamy gold horns, the likes of which have all gradually faded due to use, tear, and unconditional love. Purchasing him with his own allowance at the tender age of seven, Muffin is one of the only shards of his childhood that Zack packed upon leaving in a haste one night to run away to ShinRa at age thirteen, serving to always remind Zack that his inner spirit never has to die <3 Yet it’s also Muffin who, most unintentionally, causes Zack to be quite self-conscious as a cadet, and it’s for this reason that the stuffie remained strictly hidden under Zack’s bed during his time in the ShinRa barracks. Not even Angeal knew of his existence, and he never did. It’s only after Modeoheim when, recently granted his own apartment as a First, Zack’s visited by someone who will go on to become the only person to know of Muffin—Sephiroth. Wanting to check-in on the young SOLDIER after a long stretch of silence between them, Sephiroth enters Zack’s apartment to find him on the couch, grieving, cradling the cherished plushie in his arms, too distraught to even think of tucking it away. It’s only after a long, cathartic cry in Sephiroth’s arms that Zack’s mind clear s enough to realize that Muffin is exposed. Looking down, he finds him on the floor, embarrassment flooding onto his cheeks, reaching down to retrieve him… But, to his surprise, Sephiroth reaches down first, picking up the treasured toy, tucking it back between Zack’s arms. And that’s the first time Zack smiles the entire night <33 Weeks and months later, as the two bond, Sephiroth becomes very familiar with seeing Muffin, often seeing him tucked between Zack’s arms during movie nights and sleepovers <3 There’s even one mission, in fact, wherein Sephiroth brought Muffin along with him when Zack forgets <33 A few months later, following the events of an altered Nibelheim, with Sephiroth severed from Jenova’s control thanks to Zack’s unwavering love and determination, the two of them having found solace in Gongaga, living safe and sound and away from ShinRa’s thumb <3 And it’s there, after Zack finishes decorating Seph’s new room, that he gives Sephiroth Muffin to look after and protect <3 He has passed down his own fluffier, softer, worn and torn and honored Buster Sword~
(Don’t ask what possessed me to make this post LOL, I don’t have an answer for you xDDD Have a lovely day/night, folks!!)
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callie-the-creator · 1 year
the 104th cadet corps boys and their kinks…
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eren yeager - he’s a sucker for humiliation & bondage… no, i will not elaborate further (i’m going to do it anyway lol). but what he likes the most is coming home to see you writhing in your own heat, begging him to help you out, only to have him reject you. eren loves seeing you squirm. he’d have you either grind on his palm, boot, pillow, or thigh and try to pay you no mind. you have absolutely no idea how badly he wants to fuck you, but when i say ‘bondage,’ i don’t mean ropes or anything like that. if he ever thinks you’re misbehaving, eren will grab one hand to grasp both of your wrists and place them above your head.
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armin arlert - i am a firm believer that armin is one of the most vanilla characters in all of aot, but he’s open minded to whatever you want to try! an example of this is when you mentioned the use of pegging—poor sweet boy didn’t know what on earth that was until you finally explained what it was (he turned as red as a tomato after that conversation. bless his heart). it’s ironically become one of his favorite things to do, he enjoys being claimed by you and seeing how excited you get whenever he says that he wants you to use the strap-on.
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jean kirstein - the back door better not be closed because jean is addicted to giving you anal because of how primal it is. and no matter what position you’re in—whether that be missionary, doggy or having you sit on his lap, he’ll definitely grip the headboard each time. jean is above degrading though, especially since he was picked on as a kid, so i think he would much prefer to praise you.
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connie springer - yeah…connie has a breeding kink. since he has no family of his one, he’d like to have one with you. preferably a big one. he’d love nothing more than to either pull your hair or choke you when he breaks you in. if you’re on top and your rhythm starts to get sloppy, connie would rest his hands on your hips to support you and whisper words of encouragement to keep going.
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floch forster - you cannot look at me and tell me that he isn’t a masochist. the deeper the pain, the more exciting it feels, you feel me? he just wants someone who won’t hesitate to put him in his place. i also feel like floch is into cosplay/roleplaying, like, can you imagine teasing him when he’s either in his scout or black uniform? 🤭
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reiner braun - yeahhh, reiner is an absolute manwhore 😭 (but only for you). this man eats pussy like a mf. bros downbad. however, i think he loves to record either you sucking him off or him preforming cunnilingus on you. SOMEBODY HAD TO SAY IT and anytime you bring up watching the recordings he has saved, his pants simply: ⛺️
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bertholdt hoover - surprisingly the most kinky out of the list, he just doesn’t like to portray it and instead keeps it wrapped up under his calm bravado. he’s a smart boy! as for what bertholdt here likes, i would have to say…shower sex, showering together (just in general but this could easily turn into you two making love), fingering you until you’re a mess for him, and bondage play.
that’s all i got!
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tender-hearteddd · 1 year
i can’t take any interpretation of bertholdt’s ability of being the perfect doormat being a good thing seriously lol i just hate it and it feels disrespectful to his character and the very mini character growth he did have. idk i also hate this interpretation of him being a dumb dumb shit for brains baby who can’t do anything for himself?? i just hate it. pple act as if he was constantly crying to reiner every time he ran into the slightest inconvenience like he wasn’t the piece of thread that was still connecting reiner to his true reality, so it was more like reiner needed him more than bertholdt needed reiner and if bertholdt were to live, i hope he realized this and had a more concrete character development where he grew out of being a doormat.
reiner had this obsession with being the perfect soldier/warrior to the point where he lost who he was, people would argue annie was the true epitome of what reiner was trying to be but she still couldn’t help but demonstrate her true feelings so in turn, i would argue that bertholdt was really the true epitome of a soldier.
and i don’t mean that in a good way.
bertholdt always kept what they are and what their mission was in mind even if he did enjoy his time in the cadet corps. and i don’t even think most of the cadets truly seen him as a friend, only an extended part of reiner which just makes his character even more sad 👎🏾 he believed that retrieving the coordinate would truly save the world from the genocide eren ended up committing (and it would’ve lol), he kept watch on reiner’s mental illness so he wouldn’t lose his best friend, and during the RtS battle, he carried out his duty as a warrior as he understood war after living through it all his life, both as a victim and a perpetrator that no one was truly in the wrong - so he did what he was supposed to do.
bertholdt wanted to do what was asked of him to put an end to all the pain and suffering of the future generations who now have to rebuild the world due to a global genocide. if the warriors have succeeded, the rumbling would’ve never happened however, marley would’ve used the FT power to further its global domination all over the world. they definitely would’ve used it to eradicate paradis. there were no winners in this at all. the colonized people in the aot world (like ramzi) still would suffer from the colonial empires of marley and eldia. eldians would still be exploited to continue marley’s wrath. but there still would’ve been a world to save instead of one to eradicate.
he understood first hand the failed complexities of aot as a story, being that war only has countless victims, bertholdt being one of them.
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samspenandsword · 2 years
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Kinktober 2022/23 Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Summary: Kinktober Day 11 — Erotic Photos with Tup Pairing: Tup/Reader; fem!reader with no specifics to her appearance other than a clothing mention. Rating: Explicit, 18+ (Younglings, foundlings, and cadets BEGONE!) Warnings: Explicit sexual content, smut; masturbation, mentions of sex, mentions of oral sex, dirty talk, sexting, erotic photos, dom/sub undertones if you squint, implied loss of virginity, language. Word Count: 4.4k (don’t look at me)
Sam's Pen and Sword Kinktober 2023 Taglist Form
So I’m not normally a Tup girl but @theroguesully​ sent in this request and it fucking grabbed me by the throat lol I hope you enjoy!
The beating of the bass and the fluctuating colors of the club lights made you feel alive. Like the bass was thrumming in your veins, rather than through the speakers. Like the colors were emanating from you rather than from the club lights. Paired with the alcohol pleasantly buzzing through your system, you felt positively spectacular.
But it was the fact that you were out with friends that really brought the night together. You could go to any old club any time you wanted. But the giddiness in you was multiplied by the fact that you were surrounded by your best friends.
And a whole club of attractive people.
The club 79's on Coruscant hadn't exactly been open long. In fact, it had first opened and established itself as a clone bar, but word had quickly spread that the club had everything from live music and dancing to sports and every drink from pissy ale to fruity cocktails to top-shelf Corellian whiskey.
You loved 79's, it having quickly become a favorite of yours. The atmosphere of the place was so unlike any other you'd been to. It wasn't a place to come if you were exclusively looking to hook up, though that certainly happened. It wasn't a place where you went to get shit-faced and forget your sorrows, though that happened too. And nor was it a place you went to throw money at dancers or gambling tables. This place had it all, though what most people were looking for when they came to 79's was fun. Everyone from the clones fresh off deployment to the clones about to go back out, to the civilians who mingled in between them all, everyone was having fun. And it was the atmosphere of genuine smiles, laughter, alcohol, and music that made this place like no other.
Currently, you were weaving your way through the throngs of dancing people, it being your turn to go buy a round. Your friends shouted their orders at you, as if you didn't already know them by heart, and one whistled at your ass as you sashayed towards the bar. You tossed a wink and a rude finger his way, making him toss his head back with laughter.
You grinned and shook your head. You loved your friends.
You waited your turn as the two bartenders scuttled back and forth, obviously harried and busy as people swarmed up to them to order. The bar was practically standing-room-only tonight, but you didn't mind. When one of the bartenders, a pretty Twi'lek with lilac skin, finally turned to you, you recited the order — an Alderaanian red, two meiloorun punches, a Tatooine sunrise, a spotchka on the rocks, and a simple rum and cola for yourself — telling them to take their time. No rush. You knew all too well the stress of a service industry job.
You lightly bopped your head along with the music, the song vaguely familiar and pleasant in the way all pop songs were. Unknowingly, you'd begun to smile, simply vibing and enjoying the atmosphere of the night.
But a clone caught your eye. Well, more like you realized he'd been staring at you.
He was attractive in the way all clones were, but something about him was inherently cute. He had long hair, something you'd not really seen on a clone before. It was swept back into a bun, a few errant curls escaping and framing his face in a way that looked so good in the club lights. He had a small tattoo of a teardrop under his right eye.
He blushed when he realized he'd been caught staring.
You smiled. How cute!
"Take a picture, sweetie," you said, right as the bartender sat a tray down in front of you, bearing your drinks. You passed them a handful of credits and a hefty tip. "It'll last longer."
With a wink, and a widening smile at the way the clone blushed even harder, you slipped back into the dancing masses, swinging your hips to the beat of the music.
"Took you long enough!"
"Eat bantha fodder," you said, no real heat in your words. The tray was quickly passed to a serving droid as everyone took their drinks. You all raised them in the air, toasting to your night out and continuing to dance and drink the night away.
About an hour later, you still felt quite comfortably buzzed, the crowd having only gotten thicker as the night stretched on. Your group had split off for a bit, Takai somewhere off to the side with a trio of men dancing around them, Jane and Bera off to the fresher, Victor over by the sports screens, cheering along with a small crowd watching pod racing, and Matt likely at the bar. Deciding to find Matt, and that you needed another drink, you weaved your way towards the bar again.
Finding Matt wasn't exactly hard. A handsome and magnetic personality, he was currently standing at the bar, right beside a kitted clone with a small tattoo of the number 5 on his temple. And the near-matching, flirty grins on their faces made you smile to yourself, deciding instead to leave Matt be.
But Matt spotted you, waving you over with a bright grin.
"Fives, meet the ultimate pain in my ass."
"He's just mad his ass will never be as gorgeous as mine," you said, laughing.
Fives, the clone, and obviously an ARC trooper judging by the amount of armor he was wearing, chuckled, sending you a charming smile.
"Nive to meet you —" You gave him your name. "You're one of Matt's friends, right?"
"Where are the others?" Matt wondered.
"Take a guess where Takai is."
"And Victor."
"Pod racing."
"Bang on. Jane and Bera went to the fresher."
Matt sighed and shook his head, adopting the visage of a wizened sage disappointed with his pupils, of whom he expected better. "They broke the seal."
You laughed. "Had to happen at some point."
"But so soon?"
You laughed again. "Not everyone has a bladder the size of Coruscant, Matt."
If Fives was freaked out by the casual way you and Matt spoke about such a strange topic with each other, he made no indication of it. In fact, he laughed along with the both of you.
"Breaking the seal," Fives said. "Never heard that before, I like it."
"We've been calling it that since school," you said, grinning. "Maker, there'd be nights we drank so much that after we broke the seal, we'd have to get up four or five times in the night just to go to the fresher."
"Remember the night Victor thought he could hold it?" Matt said, with a big crocodile grin.
You laughed loud enough to draw eyes. Fives, observing your mirth, said, "I take it that didn't end well?"
"Nope," you and Matt said together.
"I remember one time when — oh, Tup! Hey, Tup!" Fives suddenly caught sight of one of his brothers, waving him over enthusiastically.
Fives introduced you both to Tup, and you smirked at the way Fives nearly purred Matt's name. "And this is Tup, my brother and best friend."
You looked at the clone. Well, whaddya know...
"Hi, sweetie," you said, "fancy meeting you here."
He blushed, but flashed a smile.
"You two know each other?" Fives asked, still smiling, but looking a little confused behind it.
"Nah," you said. "Not officially. I just have way too much fun teasing people."
"Oh, Maker," Matt moaned. "Tup, whatever she said, don't take it seriously."
"And why not? I was, in fact, 100% serious." You leaned back against the bar, tossing a coy look towards the younger clone. You hadn't been serious at the time of course, but there was something about this cute trooper.
You wouldn't say no if he seriously wanted to take a picture.
"Tup, seriously, man, ignore her."
You pouted over at Matt, and he stuck his tongue out at you.
"It's okay," Tup said, speaking for the first time. "I liked it."
You'd heard that same voice many times, but there was a unique inflection to each clone's tone, or timbre. There was a breathiness, almost, to Tup's voice, not quite the gravelly, booming tones of some of his brothers.
It was certainly very different from Fives' voice, which Matt would say dripped with sex appeal, but you would say flashed with trouble.
Matt would say that it's the same thing, of course.
"Can I buy you a drink?" Tup asked, eyes fixed on you.
You were pleasantly surprised, but smiled instantly. "Of course, Tup. Thank you."
Matt's jaw had dropped beside you. "Did I go for the wrong brother?"
Fives smirked. "If you wanted a drink, all you had to do was ask."
"I shouldn't have had to," Matt sniffed, though his lip twitched into a smirk of his own.
"Well then, how can I make it up to you?"
Matt's fingers lightly trailed along Fives' wrist. "I have a few ideas."
You turned to Tup and mimed gagging. He snorted.
Only a couple seconds later, the bartender dropped your drinks off, and you were further surprised that Tup had ordered another rum and cola for you — how he had guessed that was your drink in the mix of drinks he'd seen you with earlier, you couldn't fathom, but Tup saw the surprise in your expression and smirked just the tiniest bit, raising his beer to his lips.
You took a sip of your drink, good mood raising even more. There was more to this cute clone than you'd thought.
"So what brings you and your friends here tonight?" Fives asked you and Matt.
"What else?" Matt grinned.
"A good time," you finished.
Fives flashed a salacious grin. "What kind of good time?"
You both laughed. "The kind with good friends, good music, and booze."
"That's not just a good time," Fives said, smiling more warmly now. "That's the best time."
You smiled too. "True that."
"And are you having a good time?" Tup asked. You looked over, thankful that the music was loud enough to where he likely couldn't hear the way your breath hitched at the way his eyes were locked on you.
"The best time," you said. And you dared to touch his hand, just barely skimming your fingers over the fabric of his glove.
The apples of his cheeks grew rosy.
The night drew on, the four of you laughing and chatting at the bar. Victor barged over at one point, just long enough to grab a round of beers and spotchka before heading back to the sports screens. Takai swept over for another drink as well, a trio of men flitting around them. They winked at you and muttered not to wait up for them. You winked in return. Jane and Bera emerged from the dance floor at one point, introducing themselves to Fives and Tup. But as soon as Jane's new drink was set down on the bar, her face fell.
"I have to hit the fresher again."
"You broke the seal," Matt trilled, haughtily.
"Fuck you and your enormous bladder."
"How have either of you not caved yet?" Bera said, eyeing both you and Matt like you were gross but mildly fascinating lab organisms.
You hated to admit it but, "I'm actually reaching my limit."
Matt glared at you, offended and disappointed. "You dumb bitch, you're dead to me."
"Love you too." You blew him a kiss.
"I'll come with you," Fives said. "I know my limits, too."
Matt adopted the most pathetic, dejected look you'd ever seen. "I definitely went for the wrong brother."
Fives smirked. "We'll see."
You snorted before smiling over at Tup. "Watch my drink, sweetie?"
On the way to the freshers, you leaned over to Fives, muttering low, "Matt enjoys a good manhandling, by the way."
Fives quirked a brow, lips turning up into a panty-dropping, boner-inducing smirk. "Good to know." His smirk shifted into something more of a smile. "Tup likes when people mess with his hair, but beyond that I'm not sure what he likes. Not sure he does either."
You smiled. "Guess it's up to me to help him find out."
"Go easy on him now," Fives laughed. "When he came back to the table earlier his face was nearly purple. What did you say to him?"
You laughed, simply winking in response.
As the night stretched into the early hours of the morning, you found yourself back on the dance floor, the feel of the bass in your chest not nearly as intoxicating as the feel of Tup, dancing just in front of you.
You had come back from the fresher with Jane, Bera, and Gives, finding Tup still at the bar chatting with Matt and another clone, this one bearing a Republic cog tattoo around his head. Tup's hand was curled protectively around your drink. Your heart warmed.
"We're back," you announced. Matt sniffed, but Tup smiled over at you, cheeks looking rosy again. Whether from the empty glass in front of him or the sight of you, you weren't sure though.
You liked to think it was you.
The clone with the Republic cog tattoo turned. He smirked. "Hey, I'm Jesse. And you are?"
You smirked back. "About to go dancing." You tossed back what was left of your drink and looked at Tup. "Care to join?"
Tup shot the tiniest, sly smile his brother's way before looking back at you. "Absolutely."
You held out your hand, and he took it. Your heart skipped. When had he taken off his gloves?
Didn't matter. You loved it.
As the two of you disappeared onto the floor, you could swear you heard a "Go, Tup," from behind you.
The both of you danced, you without reservation, and Tup more shyly. Awkwardly. He looked like he wasn't quite sure what to do at first, but the more you encouraged him, the more he got into it. He still moved a little awkwardly, but it was endearing.
The two of you slowly merged, coming closer and closer, until you realized suddenly that your chest was pressed against his, hands splayed over his shoulders and neck. Tup's eyes were wide, his hands hovering above your waist, unsure if he should touch you or not.
You smiled. He was just so cute.
"Is this okay, Tup?" you asked, sliding your hands back, ready to pull away if he said so. The last thing you wanted was to make this sweet clone uncomfortable.
But Tup's hands went to your hips, touching lightly, just enough to stop your retreat, then gripping more firmly, reeling you back in. "Yes."
You smiled, settling yourself back against his chest, but still wanted to reassure him. "It's okay if you're not comfortable with this, Tup."
"I'm not," he said quickly. "I mean, I am comfortable. It's just..." You couldn't tell if he blushed or not in the dim dance floor lighting, but the way his eyes softened and shoulders hunched a little told you he had. "I'm new at this. Sorry."
Don't apologize," you said instantly. Your hand slid up his neck slightly, just enough for your fingertips to brush into his hair. He shivered lightly. "Everyone's new at this at some point. There's nothing wrong with that. But I think you're cute, Tup, and I would like to have fun with you. Whatever you want that to mean."
Tup continued to look at you, expression a little unsure, but not uncomfortable. "And if that means I want to take a picture?"
Your eyes widened, a little surprised by the bold statement. But pleasantly so. Tup read your expression wrong, nearly backpedaling, but you fully slid your fingers into his hair, drawing your other hand down his chest in a caress. He shivered and leaned into the touch.
"If that's what you want, sweetie. All you have to do is ask."
And you kissed him.
* * *
Tup removed his bucket with a sigh. His entire kit needed a good scrubbing after that grueling campaign. He and the 501st had been back out for two months now, most of that having been spent on this latest campaign. But the battle was now won, and General Kenobi's 212th had swooped in to help the 501st fully secure the area. And now, with the victory won, the 501st found themselves able to relax. Sit back, get their minor wounds checked. Clean their armor. Touch up their hairstyles. And when General Skywalker announced that they were being given another liberty due to the hard work they'd put in on this last campaign, the entire legion burst into excited activity.
The journey back to Coruscant wasn't what Tup would call short, but he was excited to get back nonetheless. Back to you.
He'd have never predicted that you'd come into his life. Not in a thousand years. But eight months ago, when you'd winked and flirted with him at 79's, he found he could no longer picture his life without you. The two of you weren't what he'd call "official," not in a traditional capacity at least, but you were exclusive. You'd been so patient with him that first night, helping him learn what he liked and didn't like, his preferences and desires. He'd been fumbling, awkward, unsure, but you hadn't made him feel insecure in the slightest, instead smiling endearingly at him and encouraging him to voice his wants, no judgment, and always assuring him that if it was too much and he wanted to stop, that all he had to do was say so.
He never did. He never wanted to stop.
He hadn't actually taken a photo of you that night, though. Instead, he'd simply basked in the feeling of his cock surrounded by your fluttering, silken heat, and the feel of your hips against his, and your hands in his loose, errant curls.
Over time, Tup had grown into the dynamics and relationship. Grown into his wants and desires. Become more confident. More sure. More demanding in some aspects. He knew you loved it, especially when he leaned you back on your couch without ceremony or announcement, dragged whatever panties you were wearing down your legs, and feasted, guiding your hands into his hair.
He loved when you tugged on his hair.
Tup absently ran a hand over it. He didn't keep it in a knot anymore, instead having learned to braid it back in the way you'd taught him.
"I can't imagine that bun is terrible comfortable under your bucket," you'd said, running a comb through the curls after a steamy shower that had had you on your knees and his thighs shaking. "Why don't you braid it?"
You'd been right, of course, it was more comfortable under his bucket. But it was also a gentle reminder of you, each time he weaved the strands back. And he loved being reminded of you.
"Hey, Tup!"
It was Fives. The ARC came jogging down the hall towards the barracks, catching up with him. "Ready for liberty?"
"Ready to get out of this suit first," Tup said. His undersuit was disgusting and he was ready for a shower.
"Oh, yeah, same. But you know what I mean." Fives waggled his brows in the way only he could. "Ready to go see your lady friend?"
Tup laughed, but didn't answer beyond that. Fives watched the smile on his brother's face.
"You're happy, aren't you?"
Tup smiled. "Yes."
Fives smiled too. "Good."
"Don't act like you're not the same," Tup said, smirking suddenly. "I've seen the messages you send Matt, they make my eyeballs bleed."
Fives shrugged, entirely unapologetic. "Teach you to mind your own business."
"As if you've ever minded yours a day in your life."
Fives grinned.
The two split off, Fives heading for the bridge to hand in his report, and Tup went off towards the barracks and sonics. They were empty save for him, most everyone at the mess or medbay or the bridge handing in reports. Shucking his armor and piling it neatly at the foot of his bunk to scrub later, Tup tore off the top of his undersuit, leaving him in just his leggings. Tup gently unwove his hair, sighing as it came undone from the braid it'd been stuck in for three days. He definitely needed to use the sonic.
His pad pinged.
Tup glanced at it, wondering if it was a reminder from Appo or Rex of the due dates for reports (so like his homework back on Kamino), or Fives sending some meme from the holonet to the group chat, but Tup lit up when he saw your icon.
Picking up the pad, Tup clicked on the message, smiling. And promptly froze.
Missing you x
That was the message, a message that Tup barely read in favor of staring at the accompanying photo.
He wished he could say he looked at your face first, but instead his gaze was captivated by the expanse of your thigh, cushioned by the familiar sheets and blankets on your bed, leading straight up to the tantalizing curve of your ass and dip of your core, both just barely covered by a silken, slink of a shirt in a perfect 501st blue.
The buttons of the shirt were undone, revealing a trail of skin along your stomach, up past your navel, to the valley of your breasts, the barest hint of cleavage peeking past the hem. One collar was held in your hand, those hands of yours that drove him wild, and the other collar dipped off your shoulder, baring it in a stupidly seductive way. The length of your neck drew up, bare and devoid of the little dark marks Tup discovered he loved seeing on your skin, and only then did his gaze fall on your face.
He groaned softly, seeing the lusty gleam in your hooded gaze, the barest upturn of your lips in a tempting little smirk that begged to be kissed, the ever-so-slight tilt of your head, as if you could see him through the photo, and were inviting him to bed.
Tup's cock was already half hard, the things you did to him.
Another message pinged.
Hope you're safe x
For all the innocence of the message, there was nothing innocent about the photo. This time, you faced the camera more fully, allowing the slip of a shirt to fall more open, baring more of your breasts to him, but still not fully. Your hand had fallen from the collar to rest on your thigh, and Tup could practically feel its softness under his own fingers. And just at the apex of your thighs, Tup saw your other hand disappear past the folds of blue fabric.
He groaned again, his own hand flying to palm his hardening cock.
Maybe I'll cook up your favorite when you get back? x
A third picture followed. You had allowed the shirt to fall fully off your shoulders, its length resting down your arms, and fully baring your chest to him in a way that made Tup groan again and press harder down on his cock. You reclined yourself back against the plushness of your pillows, hand spreading your glistening pussy lips wide open for the camera.
Tup couldn't take his eyes off the way you bit your lip and the way your eyes gleamed with arousal. Clutching the pad hard, Tup used his free hand to shove his leggings down just far enough to release himself, and took his throbbing cock in hand just in time for the next message.
Or maybe we could go to 79's? Get all our friends together for a night out? Maybe get Jesse and Takai to stop dancing around each other? x
Your eyes were closed in pleasure, mouth open just the slightest bit as your talented fingers dipped into your pussy. Tup could see the way your walls stretched around them, and could practically feel the warmth and wetness of you around his own fingers, which worked steadily up and down his cock. Pausing to spit in his hand, then resuming, Tup found himself wishing it was his hand cupping your breast and in your pussy, and your hand on his length.
And don't worry, I'll do your laundry x
Your hand pinched at your pert, swollen little nipple as the other worked inside you. Your legs were now splayed open, giving Tup a perfect view of everything you had, and the way your arousal was clearly dripping onto the sheets beneath you. Tup began to pump faster.
The photos kept coming — you, massaging your tits and pinching your nipples with shining fingers. You, three fingers working deep inside your pussy and massaging in a way that made it clear how much you were enjoying yourself. You, your fingers in your mouth, tasting your own sweet, heady nectar. Tup brought his thumb up to his tip, catching the beading precum to smear it along his literally throbbing cock, imagining the taste of you on his tongue.
More photos came in, each of them accompanied by some innocent, innocuous, casual message. All the way until you had your head thrown back in ecstasy, your thighs clenching in a way Tup recognized, and he knew you were cumming.
The sight of it made him burst, his hand pumping furiously until he exploded all over his fingers and stomach and thighs.
It took several minutes for Tup to come down and catch his breath. Good thing these leggings already needed to be washed. Because they were now thoroughly soiled.
And he was still rock hard. He always was when he thought of you, minx.
One last message pinged.
Hurry home, sweetie x
You smiled at him through fluttering lashes, sated and entirely too proud of yourself.
Tup was so going to get you back repay you for this. And he'd love every second of it.
* * *
You found yourself refolding the blanket on your couch from where you'd been tucked beneath it earlier, reading, when your pad dinged. Your smile was a little mischievous as you opened the message.
Miss you too x
The photo of Tup's hard, thick length in his hand was glorious, made only better by the sight of his seed smeared on his fingers, stomach, and legging-covered thighs. You grinned, bright and happy. You couldn't wait for Tup to get home.
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Sam's Pen and Sword Kinktober 2022 Taglist Form
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carrion-carry-on · 2 years
Whumptober No.7
The way you shake and shiver - Silent panic attack
Another continuation!! I’m almost done, though. I swear these fics keep getting longer and longer lol.
AO3 Link
“What do you want with those?” Hunter asked, looking uncertain.
“Blood only. Each are clones, yes? But differ with ways I have not seen. Known I wanted pieces after meeting you... It’s simple, not hard on your bodies. Don’t want fixing for another patient.”
“Do you take credits?”
“No. Not today.”
Hunter sighed heavily. He could already tell that Rexyl wasn’t going to give up. He just had one more question. “What do you want with the samples?”
Rexyl’s excited smile quieted somewhat, becoming a more serious, sincere expression. “To learn.”
After waiting for elaboration, and seeing none forthcoming, Hunter turned to his squad. Wrecker nodded, and Echo followed the gesture after some hesitance.
“Alright. You can have your samples,” said Hunter, looking back to where Rexyl had been standing, only to find him absent.
It seemed that he had been anticipating an affirmation, as he was already standing at a row of cupboards. The man looked more like a child, yellow, pupil-less eyes wide with glee and predatory teeth bared in a wide grin. He made up his mind easily enough and reached for one at the end of the row. From it came equipment all too familiar to Hunter and his group. They were tools for a blood draw.
“Which will be first?” Rexyl asked as he whirled back to face them all.
Hunter stepped forward easily. Wrecker tried to say something, but as their leader, Hunter knew he wanted - needed to be first. He can do this, he just needs to remember his breathing.
It wouldn’t have been good for a clone, especially an experimental, defective clone, to be afraid of such a common medical test as a blood draw. That did not mean Hunter found these tests any easier. He wasn’t afraid, just... hesitant. And he’d be damned if he would allow any of it to show. So he sat in an indicated chair, stretched out his left arm, and waited.
Nothing happens, nothing is happening, as Hunter steadies his breath and focuses on his brothers. Wrecker’s heartbeat is strong and slightly slower than those of his smaller brethren. Echo’s cybernetics let off familiar electric surges every time he moves. Tech, though recovering, still retains his simple motor tics. Omega was new, but still held comfort; Hunter has taken to focusing on her breathing. He matches his rate to her own.
Something cold and damp swipes across exposed flesh, a beast’s tongue tasting him, prepared for blood to follow. Hunter ignores the feeling of cold sweat breaking on his back.
Something blade-like, tooth-like, presses lightly on his arm, beastly fangs marking their path. Hunter finds his breathing falling out of step with his sister’s/
Something sharp and long presses into, under his skin, the beast biting down and making a meal of his fear. Hunter has his eyes screwed shut.
He tries to remember what Tech had once told him, back when they were still cadets, to try and alleviate his hesitancy. Nothing but a trick of the mind. He is stronger than just his mind. His will controls his mind.
Slight pressure, a capped vacuum unsealed, blood bursting forth into a waiting vial. The beast is being fed at last.
Hunter knows this will all be over in a few minutes, if that. He knows, rationally, what is happening, as Tech had explained it to him several times. But Tech wasn’t here now. Something must have been happening, as his heart rate rose and Wrecker’s did too/ Pain, new pain, blossomed with a jerking movement, and Echo’s electricity surged to speak of hurried movement. Omega’s breath quickened as Hunter’s did too.
He was losing control of everything. It was wrong, because his brothers and sister, his vod, knew something was wrong.
The pain disappeared, the needle withdrew, and a bandage was pressed to his arm. Hunter heard voices, most familiar, one not. They weren’t shouting now, thank the Force, he didn’t know if he could handle shouting.
Hunter dared to peek open one eye, and observed several faces looking at him with concern. None of the words were making sense, but that was alright with him. He didn’t need words to know that that was over and done with.
Echo had his scomp arm resting on his shoulder, and Wrecker made exaggerated breaths, to get him to follow. Omega watched him with no small amount of concern with her mouth tugged down into a small frown. Rexyl was there, too, brow ridges creased together and head tilted low to one side.
Hunter began to breathe, and slowly, sound started to make sense again. One was asking what had happened (probably Rexyl), and why hadn’t anyone warned them... Wrecker was still telling Hunter to breathe, counting loudly as he did so. Echo murmured small comforts (”you’re okay, we’ve got you”) and kept his arm steadily on Hunter’s giving him sensation to focus on. Omega whispered that it was alright, everything was alright now, and it was over. Hunter relaxed in the presence and comfort offered to him.
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mehnls · 3 years
Cruel Affections - Levi Ackerman x Reader
Summary: Throughout your time in the Survey Corps, You and Captain Levi have never been too keen on one another. Despite loathing each other's very existence, there are moments where the violent yet sexual tension between you two becomes increasingly difficult to ignore.
Warnings: smut, corruption, abuse of power, degradation, angst, hurt, domsub, comfort, major dubious consent
Notes: Hello! I’m honestly new to posting on tumblr so bare w me pls lol. This is a fic I started and have also cross posted to ao3 & wattpad. Here are chapters 1 & 2.
Chapter 1. 
Standing around the table in the meeting room, you listened intently to Commander Erwin's words. There was barely any time to get your bearings when he called the Levi squad in to discuss the operation's final details to reclaim Wall Rose in the Trost district tomorrow.
Honestly, you felt like an outsider at this moment. Attending this meeting as a fellow member of the Levi squad felt strange because of your recent misdemeanors.
You were currently on probation due to a couple of stupid mistakes; drinking on the job, talking back to Captain Levi, and your most recent: venturing outside the walls alone. All unfortunately done in the past month, except for talking back to Captain Levi; you did that every day.
Thinking back to the events leading to why you were now under 'close supervision', you bit back a laugh.
Like the time you drank on the job:
 You snuck in some wine from the dining hall at the start of your shift; night watch again. Despite being a night owl, you couldn't stay awake during this job; more like a chore. It was punishment for defying your superior, yet again. You were bored out of your mind, tasked to look out into the surrounding area from the tower to watch for titans. There weren't any; of course, the base was a safe zone away from those beasts, hence an unnecessary task. You took a swig out of the bottle; at least the alcohol would keep you company. What you didn't notice was Captain Levi coming in to check that you weren't doing anything stupid; unfortunately, you were, now caught red-handed.
"What the fuck- Are you drinking?" He seethed, narrowing his eyes at you.
"No..?" you replied, the bottle still in hand.
Or your favorite pastime: talking back to Captain Levi:
It was one of the training days all scouts and leaders participated in. Under the blistering heat from the sun, you grew tired and annoyed; Levi's slick mouth got on your nerves with every word he said. He was sparring with you to give you and the others a lesson on the importance of agility, stamina, and strength when it came to fighting. You'll admit, he had you at your limits even though he was barely trying. After knocking your ass on the ground for the fifth time in a row, he smirked, proud of himself.
"Looks like you're all talk and no bite, cadet. Your shoddy skills need much more improvement." He squatted, looking down at your sprawled-out body with a grin.
"Oh, was that all you had? Makes sense; You are an old man, after all. I hope your back didn't get too worn out, though.." You smiled up at him with fake concern, chest heaving.
His eye twitched in annoyance.
Or when you ventured outside the walls alone:
It was one of those nights again; you were feeling lonelier than usual, or maybe it was that you didn't feel at all. You wanted to do something to distract this numbness, emotional and mental exhaustion that never let up. So you grabbed a cape, hopped on a horse, and explored beyond the base. The cold breeze hit your face, and you sighed, appreciating how it soothed you. Continuing past the forest, a dim light approaching you focused in your vision. Someone was holding a lantern, walking next to their horse as they pulled it along. Your stomach dropped upon realizing who it was; Captain Levi. He was most likely patrolling the grounds.
"C-Captain Levi! I apologize; I was only trying to get some air." You stammered out, hoping that the excuse would appeal to him.This time you actually felt bad. You weren't even trying to break any rules; no one ever told you going outside of the walls was a problem.
"Is that right? Coming all the way out here for some air sure is a shitty excuse (Y/N). Why is it always you?" He sighed, looking up at the sky.
"Now, let's get your sorry ass back to your room. I don't have time to babysit." He tsked before you could reply, jumping on his horse.
The rest of the ride back was quiet; His disappointment was loud enough as you followed him back to headquarters.
There were so many moments like these over the years, and you could barely keep track of them. Captain Levi was always around for some reason.
There was nothing you could ever do or say without him knowing. The way he always caught you doing something stupid was embarrassing enough, but when he chastised you like a child, that's what really irritated you.
He surely wasn't perfect, so why did you have to be? The other members in the squad have gotten in trouble as much as you have, if not more.
The smug look on his face when he reprimanded you made you want to slap him. He was always right, and you wished he didn't have the satisfaction to be every. Single. Time.
He despised you, and the feeling was mutual, whichever came first. Ever since you joined the Survey Corps, he gave you hell, and you've wracked your brain plenty of times trying to understand 'why' to no avail.
You settled on the fact that Levi Ackerman was just a sad, pathetic man who loved to torment his cadets to make himself feel better.
"Is there something you would like to share with the rest of us, cadet?" The sound of Levi's husky voice interrupted your thoughts, and the sudden way he was addressing you made your heart skip a beat.
Your eyes reluctantly turned up to meet his stern gaze. "S-sorry, what was that...?" You stammered out and your heart fluttered again.
Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Hange, and Commander Erwin all turned their attention on you. The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. God, this was embarrassing.
"Well, with that dumb look on your face, I figured you were in deep thought about the mission tomorrow. Is there anything you would like to add to the discussion or need cleared up about your role?" Levi crossed his arms as he looked at you, his face stoic as always.
Shit. You were too busy spacing out and didn't hear a word he said. Man, you really could be so stupid sometimes.
"Oh- yes, actually. I am a bit confused. Do you mind repeating what you said, sir?" You mumbled, wanting a hole to appear in the ground and swallow you up. Levi exhaled, rolling his eyes before he spoke again.
"I said, you are to stay on the ground and protect the citizens as Eren plugs the wall while the rest of us focus on killing any titans that might be in the way." He reiterated with a frown.
Everyone nodded, understanding the plan—everyone except for you. "Stay on the ground and protect citizens? I don't understand Captain Levi. You and I both know that I am perfectly capable of fighting alongside the rest of you." You retorted, not understanding why you were given the responsibilities of a new scout this time around.
Levi raised an eyebrow, dumbfounded at your ignorance. He couldn't tell if you were joking or not, but your questioning was a waste of time; the decision to have you play offense on the sidelines instead of defense on the frontlines was already made, end of discussion.
"Oh, that's right. I almost forgot you only understand orders if I speak to you like the child you ar-" He snapped; Commander Erwin cut him off before he could finish though, trying to defuse the tension between you two.
"What Captain Levi means, (Y/N), is that you are still on probation and therefore will not be able to participate in the battle as you normally would. Until you can prove that you can hold these responsibilities again, he will change your tasks as he sees fit. Is that clear?" Erwin calmly advised.
"Yes, Commander Erwin. Thank you." You nodded, bowing a bit to pay your respects. You always made sure to do so, even more, when Levi was around, hoping the difference in how you regarded Commander Erwin pissed him off.
"Good." Commander Erwin smiled, continuing where he left off as all of you now fully understood tomorrow's plans. After the meeting ended, you felt like you could breathe easier.
You purposefully avoided Levi after that moment, refusing to even look his way at the feeling of his glare on you until the very end of the meeting. If looks could kill, you'd have died over a million times already.
Your friends saw how disheartened you looked and wanted to distract you with a trip to the dining hall. Luckily for them, you never passed up a good time, especially if it included a meal.
"How are you feeling about tomorrow Eren?" Mikasa asked softly, concerned. She was so sweet, and the way she was protective over him was adorable. Eren must've been blind; everyone knew Mikasa loved him.
All of you agreed that they would be a great match, everyone besides Jean at least. You wished someone looked out for you like that.
"Of course I am. I won't fail; I'll do anything it takes to eradicate the titans!" Eren announced, tightening the grip on his spoon as he began shoveling even more soup into his mouth.
If it was one thing Eren was good at, it was that his determination never faltered, even if it was pretty cringe-worthy at times. Jean immediately burst into laughter at the look on his face, followed by Connie, then Sasha; now everyone was laughing.
"Shut up, horse face! What would you know about fighting titans? Mikasa has more kills than you." Eren teased, a huge smirk on his face.
"Duh, Mikasa has the most kills out of everyone here, you idiot." Jean snickered, shaking his head. Eren just ignored him, shrugging his shoulders as he continued chowing down.
You, Armin, and Mikasa smiled awkwardly, seemingly getting some second-hand embarrassment. These two fighting like brothers was always so entertaining. You took a bite of your bread dipped in the potato soup, amused.
Connie was still cackling like a hyena even when everyone quieted down, turning back to their meals. He suddenly stopped when he realized his bowl was no longer in front of him.
"Hey! What the- Sasha, you pig!" He shouted, pointing at Sasha. You all turned your heads in her direction. There she was, gobbling down Connie's soup and bread so fast it was leaking down her mouth at the sides.
You were the one who burst into laughter now, tears formed in your eyes at how chaotic they all were. At that, everyone laughed, even Connie, as he snatched his half-eaten soup and bread back.
"You're all so funny; I love you guys." You sighed, smiling as you caught your breath. Your stomach hurt now, but it was worth it.
"Ah, it's nice to see you in a good mood again (Y/N)." Armin beamed, his soft blue eyes shining. He was always so sweet, and you knew he liked you. You wanted to think you'd give him a chance in another life where you didn't have to be afraid to lose anyone you loved.
This world was too hellish for romance though, the fear of losing any more of those you held close to your heart kept you single.
You gave him a big smile, softly nodding your head. "Yeah (Y/N), Don't worry about Captain Levi or your probation. You'll do great tomorrow, and he’ll have no choice but to see your worth on the team." Eren chimed in, eyes wide with joy. He was great at giving pep talks, giving a helping hand or shoulder to cry on to anyone who needed it. You admired that.
Soon, they all started complimenting you, wanting to make you feel better about yourself. At this point, they all noticed how often Levi would chastise you, whether it was with his harsh words, giving you more chores than the others, or making you train to the brink of passing out.
No one knew why of course; hell, you didn't even understand it. However, their kind words would always inspire you and back you up, making you want to stand up to Levi, uncaring if he had a problem with it.
"Thank you all; You have no idea how much it means to me." You gleamed, fully feeling motivated for tomorrow's expedition. You were going to prove yourself to Levi; no matter what it was going to take, you would show him you were worthy of being a soldier in his squad, and he would have no choice but to end your probation.
After dinner, you walked back to your room, satisfied and ready for bed. Although your body was tired, your mind had different plans. Your brain was overwhelmed with tomorrow's agenda.
You were always nervous the night before an expedition, and it couldn't be helped no matter how many pep talks or words of encouragement you were given. You were sure the others could relate as well; it was highly unpredictable; what would happen? Were there enough resources? How many casualties would there be?
Some time had passed, and your eyes were still glued to the ceiling, unable to sleep. You sighed in frustration, pulling off your covers to do something you knew would put you to sleep. Your hands slid under your nightdress and settled in between your legs.
You were sexually frustrated, touch-starved even. Despite your resolve to steer clear of romantic pursuits, you craved intimacy. You weren't a virgin, but you haven't been with anyone since you joined the Survey Corps.
There just wasn't enough time or energy for personal matters like that here. Being in a relationship would only make you weak.
There were too many sacrifices to be made, too much death in this line of work; caring for someone romantically would scare you, having platonic relationships worried you enough.
You thought back to Armin earlier; he was such a sweetheart. He was handsome, kind, and intelligent; All great qualities, but you couldn't help but see him only as a friend at the mere thought of him dying.
As your fingers ghosted over your clothed clit, Levi's face came to mind. You hated that you were attracted to him, despite how cruel he was to you. His dominant nature made you wet, if only it weren't so extreme towards you.
With him being your captain, along with the fact that you despised him, it was easy to fantasize about him. Having sex with him would never happen, so what was the harm in indulging in the idea a little?
You moved faster, dripping at the mere thought of him. Imagining what he looked like shirtless, the things he would say to you with that nasty mouth of his.
The thought of his usual degrading words while inside of you had your back arching against the bed. He had to be a good fuck. With how angry he was all the time, you could only hope sex with him would be as intense; you couldn't imagine it would disappoint.
Your orgasm came suddenly, mind blanking as you gasped, pussy throbbing at the immense pleasure. Catching your breath, your body still twitched at the remnants of bliss, and you slumped against the bed. With an exhale, you laid on your side and closed your eyes; sleep finally washing over you.
"If you don't want to die, think!" Captain Levi shouted over his shoulder at everyone before launching himself into the air, immediately identifying some titans along the wall and slicing their napes effortlessly. Tons of titans were already flooding into the city, even more so at the sight of Eren's titan.
Your heart pounded at the exploding sound and yellow thunder crackling in the sky, signs that Eren transformed again. So far, so good, if you could even say that much.
As soon as you had the thought, Eren raised his fist at Mikasa, punching the roof of a house, attempting to attack her. Luckily, she jumped away and rolled over, dodging in the nick of time.
Rico raised a flare gun into the air, ready to notify everyone that the mission to retake the wall was a failure due to Eren's erratic behavior. Your heart almost stopped at the loss; however, Mikasa and Armin were able to get through to Eren before she could pull the trigger.
There was only time to move forward, and the plan would have to proceed no matter what. Eren seemed to be back in control of his titan form, now picking up the huge boulder and carrying it to the hole in Wall Rose, thankfully back on track.
Citizens clamored around, watching in shock as Eren's large feet made the ground vibrate with each step he took towards the wall. "What is that monstrous thing!" One woman screamed, shielding her child's eyes from the terrible sight. "We have to get out of here; we're all going to die!" Another man shrieked, frozen in fear.
"Everyone, please try to remain calm! We are handling this to the best of our abilities. I will ensure your safety as long as you stay in this area, shielded by these houses, understood?" You announced. You were also nervous, but you had to hide it from them.
They all nodded slowly, although still scared to death. It was all going to be okay, though. There was no other option. You would put your life on the line for all of them if need be; you weren't going to let anyone die.
You looked back to the scene, tensing up at how many titans were now tracking behind Eren, wanting to attack him. You watched as everyone fought.
Oh, how badly you wished to assist them. They were doing their best, cutting down titans, efforts being for naught as they kept tumbling in.
At the front of the wall, Ian and Mitabi abruptly screeched. Both were in a titan's grasp, slowly being bought up to their foul mouths. Your eyes widened, scanning the area.
There was no one close enough to assist them; everyone else already held up where they were, killing the last of the beasts. Eren was almost there. He was so close; the only titans near him were the ones Ian and Mitabi were fighting off.
You had to get in there.
No! - you were under strict orders to protect the citizens instead of getting on the field. Someone else would help them; they had to. Right...right!?
What? Who gives a fuck! You'll be damned if you were going to sit around and just let them die. You couldn't tell if anyone else would get to them in time.
So, you moved, running with a speed you never knew you possessed and maneuvering into the air before you could think any longer.
Sprinting and jumping off of one last roof in a blind rage, you pulled your blades out, screaming as you dug them into both of the titans' napes simultaneously.
There was no chance to process what happened as you heard a boom ringing in your ears, followed by the sound of a flare gun and cheering.
It was Eren; he plugged the hole in the wall!
Wall Rose was sealed, a weight was lifted off your shoulders as you looked up at the sky, seeing green powder sprayed across it. Mission successful.
You exhaled, adrenaline beginning to wear off, and you looked over your shoulder to see that Ian and Mitabi braced their falls. They were safe, equally shaken up, yet ecstatic that Trost district was saved.
You ran over to them. Their arms reached out, pulling you into a tight hug. Cheering and crying tears of relief, as did you, relishing in the fact that there were no casualties and it was a great success, there hasn't been one like this in so long.
A pause. You felt like someone was staring at you. Through teary eyes, you blinked up to see Captain Levi watching you, his expression unreadable.
Chapter 2.
Everyone chatted amongst themselves at the base, still raving about the victory, of course. You were happy to be a part of it all, creating history.
It was such a nice change of pace compared to the usual depressive mood. The day had been long, and now you were ready to relax and settle in for the night finally.
However, someone had other plans. Captain Levi found you, saying that you two needed to talk about your case before you headed off to bed. You sighed, following him reluctantly.
Turning down a hall and going down some stairs, you realized this wasn't the way to his office, and he was taking you down to the basement, where the cells were.
You only ever saw criminals or people who made grave mistakes brought down here. Yes, you were under strict orders that you ignored, but for a good reason. This was overkill.
"Captain, what is going on? Why are you bringing me here?" You demanded an answer, getting nervous when he didn't respond. He waved his hand, signaling for you to keep going ahead of him.
You huffed as you descended the stairs, and a chill rushed down your spine at the sound of him closing the large door behind him and locking it.
The room was cold and dark. Only the dim light from a couple of overhead lanterns illuminated it. The cells were empty, beds were neat, and the sheets looked clean; it seemed the room had not been in use for some time.
"C-Captain? I don't understand the reason for this." You tried to reason as you heard him descend the last steps, standing behind you now.
At the lack of response, you turned around to face him, the hairs on the back of your neck rose up as you did. He didn't look angry. If anything, he looked calm, too calm; it was strange.
"You know…I figured it was time to stop beating around the bush." He finally spoke in a resigned voice as if he had thought about what to say for a while. You looked him in his eyes, searching for answers.
"…I'm not sure what you mean by that, Sir." You stammered out, trying not to sound as nervous as you felt. There was something off about this. Any other time when he was upset with you, he let it be known immediately and while around others.
Hell, he barely called you into his office; he seemingly liked to humiliate you in public more. But now he was reserved, talking to you in private, somewhere that the others didn't come by too often.
"That's Captain Levi to you, cadet." He spat, taking a step closer to you. "I'm starting to think you really are brainless, if not utterly helpless. Always getting into unnecessary trouble, pissing me off with that smart mouth of yours, and acting as a victim in every situation. You can never own up to your shit, and it's about time I stop excusing such childish behavior." He chastised, looking at you up and down as if you were nothing but scum on the bottom of his shoe.
You were completely surprised by his sudden anger. It threw you off guard and immediately had you itching to call him out on his bullshit.
"Excuse me? You're the one who has treated me like shit from the very beginning! You're delusional if you think there isn't a reason I act the way I do. Maybe if you weren't harassing me all the time, I wouldn't have to be the victim, or talk back, or disobey. Have you ever thought of that, you fucking prick!?" You shouted, your temper lashing out at him. All the things you've ever wanted to say to his face were flowing out of your mouth before you could stop it.
In an instant, he was on you, grabbing your shirt and pushing you up against the steel bars of the cells. You winced as they dug into your back, rough metal scratching you through the thin layers of your blouse.
"Is that so? Is that why you can't follow simple fucking orders? Like earlier, Commander Erwin and I specifically told you to keep your sorry ass on the offense, and what do you do? you come diving in like some fucking idiot." He retorted, anger flashing in his eyes.
"What? What did you want me to do? Did you want me to stand around and let them get eaten? None of you were even around to go for the save. Do you even hear how goddamn stupid you sound, you heartless motherfucker!?" You raved, furious at how he was basically admitting he didn't give a shit about Ian and Mitabi’s lives.
You did the right thing. Why was he reprimanding you for it? For what? An order that no longer held weight at the risk of your comrades dying.
That seemed to piss him off even more. Levi roughly grabbed your face, his pointer finger and thumb dug into the sides of your cheeks.
"Listen to me, you useless brat. I was making my way over there; they would've been just fine. You just can't get it through your thick skull that you aren't capable of doing anything. You can barely even act like an adult and stand your ground, yet you want to be some little hero. I'll admit, you got lucky, but you could've died. Hell, maybe you should've, someone like you should've never joined the Survey Corps," He ranted, purposefully squeezing your face between his hand harder at every sentence.
Your heart sank, processing his brutal words.
Levi Ackerman was inhuman. Only a heartless monster would ever dare to say the things he had no problem unleashing onto you. You didn't deserve this, you knew he was wrong, but god, did it hurt your feelings.
All of your self-esteem, already hanging on by a thread because of this man, dwindled right there. You were furious, yet sad tears began forming in your eyes.
You didn't want him to have the satisfaction of seeing you cry; you didn't want him to see that his words cut through you like a knife, depriving you of your life's essence. So, before they could fall, you saw red.
"Get the hell off of me, you deranged fuck!" You yelled, your body immediately going into a fight or flight response. You pried his hands off of you, pushing, clawing at his chest as you raised your leg to kick him in the abdomen.
He caught it as you did though, throwing you off your balance and bringing you down to the ground with him as you both fell. With quick reflexes, he maneuvered himself above you, pinning you under him with his body. He was heavy, and his weight was practically crushing you.
"Let me go!" You screamed, reeling your hand back and slapping him hard across the face. You grinned at the sound of it reverberating through the room; his head pushed to the side.
His hand shot out towards you and roughly grabbed your throat, holding you down and making you hit your head on the floor. As his grip tightened, your brain became fuzzy, your thrashing slowly became weaker.
You looked up at him dumbfounded, then down at your body. He was situated between your legs, looming over you as he held you down. Your face heated up at the sight; and you were flustered to see he had you in such a compromising position.
Levi was breathing heavier, his hair all out of place. He looked at you like a piece of meat, like he was going to devour you, ruin you. You ignored the sudden ache between your legs as you kept kicking him. You weren't going down without a fight, he went too far, and you were going to give him hell for it.
He wasn't budging though; you might as well have been trying to kick a wall with how muscular his torso was. You were panting, chest heaving and all. The energy you had was soon running out, and there was no use; he was much stronger than you.
Gritting your teeth in defeat, you spit on his face, the last resort to defy him. It landed on his cheek with a 'splat' noise.
There was a pause as Levi eyes widened a bit, as if he was questioning if what you just did actually happened. And as he realized that yes, you had spit on him, his tongue rolled in his cheek in frustration as he looked over your body.
"You're going to regret doing that." Levi said, peering down at you in disgust, eyes glazing over with rage, but there was something else too, lust. He wiped it off with the back of his free hand before wrenching your head up by your hair and pulling you into a fervent kiss.
Everything was moving so fast, and you couldn't catch up. You were immediately blanking at the feeling of his soft lips on yours.
Your breath hitched in your throat, feeling lightheaded as your lips slowly started moving against his. The hand in your hair was pulling you hard, craning your neck to deepen the kiss as if he was afraid to let you go.
It was sloppy, wet, and open-mouthed, his tongue slid against yours so needily. You moaned into his mouth, unable to control the pleasure you were now feeling as his other hand slid over your chest, squeezing your breasts harshly, digging his fingers into the soft flesh until it was sore.
This wasn't good. It's been a while since anyone has touched you like this, and you were extremely sensitive.
Your body twitched under his hold, responding so easily, although you tried to resist. "Agh! C-Captain Levi, you're hurting me!" You yelped, hands pushing at his chest again, trying to gain some distance.
God, It felt good, but it wasn't right. He was your superior; relations with him would be extremely unethical. Not only that, you barely respected him as your captain, now much less as a human being.
He was selfish and so cruel. But the way he was grinding into you, kissing you so passionately, although rough, made your heart jump. What was happening? How did you get here?
"Shut the fuck up. I know you like it." He mumbled between kisses, biting your lip hard at the last statement. You instantly pulled away from him, tasting iron on your tongue.
The pain in your lip snapped you back to reality. "You know what? You really are a sick bastard. Get the hell off of me." You cursed, about to hit him again. Ignoring your demands, he hoisted you up like you weighed nothing and threw you over his shoulder before you could do any real damage.
He slapped your ass with his heavy hand before carrying you into one of the cells. You gasped as he threw you onto the bed, and he immediately climbed over you again before you could move.
"I am so sick and tired of your filthy little mouth (Y/N). Now I'm going to fuck you like the needy bitch you are, and when I'm finished with you, you'll think twice about being such an annoying brat." He clasped a hand around your throat, squeezing firmly.
Your eyes widened at the threat and your pussy throbbed at the same time. Shit. What the hell was happening?
"Look at you, so helpless." He cooed, causing you to whimper and arch into his touch subconsciously.
This man was a selfish bastard who was pleased to see you at your worst. So why were your legs slowly spreading, making more room for him to slip in between?
You were completely sober yet felt drunk, under the influence of his warm mouth, dirty words, and now hardening length grinding into you from behind his pants.
Your vision was getting foggy at the lack of air. As your hand came up to wrap around his wrist, his mouth found yours again; stealing even more air from your lungs.
"Look at the way your hips are bucking into mine; you've always wanted this, haven't you?" He said in between kisses, voice slick with pride at the sight of you.
In defiance, you bit his lip hard enough to draw blood. He lurched away from you but was trapped due to the sudden death grip on his hair. “You goddamn pervert.” You said, as your nails clawed into his scalp, even tearing some strands out. A wide grin spread on your face, heart pounding with joy at being able to hurt him too.
Your tiny victory was short-lived, though, as his hand immediately struck your cheek in retaliation. It barely registered that he slapped you, not until there was a searing pain in your face, when you realized what happened you were in a fury; trying to hit him again, this time wanting to punch him square in the mouth.
Predicting your next move, he wrapped his hand around your throat again, squeezing with more force until you began choking.
"Fucking bitch." He seethed, wiping the dripping blood off of his lip. You reached up, trying your best to loosen his hold, but it was no use, he wasn't letting up, and you were on the verge of unconsciousness.
He released you when your eyes started to roll into the back of your head, quickly gathering your wrists in one hand. You went right into a coughing fit, lungs struggling to pull in air.
"You're weak. Get that through your damn head." Levi taunted, dragging his other hand down the length of your body, sliding into your pants.
"Y-You fucking asshole…." You murmured, still trying to catch your breath. He flashed a wicked grin, scoffing at the feeling of your soaked panties.
You turned your face away from his sight, embarrassed. Your cunt was practically begging him for his touch before you could. "Filthy little thing, aren't you?" He teased, pulling them off to touch your bare pussy.
"Oh- fuck!" You moaned at the sudden intrusion of his fingers curling into you. You were so wet that he was met with little resistance; your sopping hole pulled him in every time he drew them away.
You yelped when his thumb found your clit, drawing quick circles on it. "Tell me, tell me how good this feels. I want to hear you say it." He watched how your legs began to shake at the slightest touch.
"N-no, agh!" You shook your head, moans spilling out as he continued wrenching his fingers in and out of you. Fuck, you needed this. You were spasming around his fingers, already so close.
Levi huffed, annoyed at your attempts to lie to his face despite your wanton moans and dripping cunt.
It was too bad that your body was more honest than you. He released your wrists, quickly pulling out of you to open your shirt, practically forcing it apart, causing the buttons to pop off.
Once your shirt was open to his liking, he started unbuttoning his. Quickly yanking it off and throwing it onto the floor.
"Don't stop, don't you dare fucking stop…" You mumbled, bringing your hands over your mouth to muffle the words. You jerked away at the feeling of Levi's warm mouth engulfing your cold, bare nipples.
He slapped your pulsing clit when you tried to be quiet. "That's right, don't get all shy on me now; let me hear you." He hummed, his deep voice vibrating around your perky nipples.
"Ah- fuck! Captain, please!" You whined, back arching when he wedged his fingers back into you. He leaned down, mouth on yours again.
In the open-mouth kiss, your lips and tongue moved against his sloppily. He soon pulled away, placing wet kisses and bites down your neck.
"That's a good girl." He whispered in your ear before licking it, then bit down hard. You winced at the pain and the pleasure he was punishing you with.
Sitting back up to look at your fucked-out face, he smirked, cupping your tit as he continued fucking you with his fingers. Your eyes were rolling into the back of your head, mind going numb at the sensation.
It was more than what you ever could’ve imagined him doing so would feel like. His fingers were so skilled somehow, never missing a single beat, knowing just how to please you as if he’s done it before.
You've never felt so fucking good. Levi's fingers dove into your heat repeatedly, curling against the textured spot at the top of your walls. Oh, you were going to come.
This evil bastard was going to make you come all over his fingers. The squelching sounds of your pussy clenching around his fingers egged you both on.
"Fuck! C-Captain Levi, I'm gonna cum!" You moaned, mouth agape, drooling. It was all too much. The burning sensation at your core was so hot; you were teetering on edge.
"Already? is that all you've got? Pathetic slut." He chuckled. Then, he stopped, snatching his fingers away from your throbbing hole.
You gasped, chest heaving and tight at the sudden orgasm denial. Before you could fix your lips to yell at him, he shoved his fingers into your mouth, making you taste yourself.
You were pissed off that he was teasing you but happy to oblige. "Clean them." He said, groaning at the feeling of your wet tongue around his fingers. You lapped at them, making sure to show him how badly you needed this; needed him.
He wondered how good it would feel if your mouth was wrapped around his cock. "There you go; you look so pretty like this." He praised you, removing his fingers from your mouth, and stood up from off the bed. He dragged your body down, your ass now dangling off the edge; you looked up at him, biting your lip.
"God," you said, more to yourself, in awe of how hot he was. The thought of seeing him like this was only a dream before, now a sudden reality.
Despite his small, slender build, he was absolutely shredded. Your eyes were glued to his chiseled pecs and slim waist. The scars scattered on his torso had you exhaling in awe; you didn't even realize you were holding your breath.
The sound of him unbuckling his pants had your mouth watering in anticipation. This felt like a fever dream. You were about to fuck your captain, and you couldn't figure out if you'd regret it later or not, but right now, you only wanted to relish at this moment.
Your heart jumped out of your chest when you felt something hard and long push up against your clit.
"This is what you wanted, yeah?" Levi hummed, coating himself in your wetness. Leaning over your body, he once again caged you with his arms on both sides of your head.
You nodded your head in a daze, breath hitching as he slowly dragged himself up and down your slit, teasing you." Y-yes - fuck me, Captain Lev- ah!" You barely got to finish your sentence before he pushed your thighs back, folding you in half and thrust into your soaking pussy to the hilt in one motion. The sudden stretch had you bucking your hips away from him, walls contracting around his thick cock.
"Oh my- yes!" You whimpered in his ear. Seeing white, you were getting delirious as he completely pulled out, only to plunge back into you. He groaned at the way you clamped down on him.
"I know, you're doing so good- taking me so well." He mused, rolling his hips against you as he kissed your forehead. Your heart lurched at his newfound affections, your walls fluttering around his cock at his tender words.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you as he picked up the pace. "Agh! S-Slow down, you fucking asshole." You gasped.
"What was that? I couldn't hear you." Levi's hips began snapping against you harshly, ignoring you as he pounded into your aching body.
You winced at the pain and moaned at the pleasure in the same breath. "Oh, you motherfu-- yes, yes, yes!" You chanted, in a trance-like state, when he bought his leg up on the mattress, angling himself deeper.
Levi grabbed your hair again, pulling you up from the bed so that you could both watch the way he pumped inside you.
"Yeah, you like that? You like the way I fuck your tight pussy?" He uttered, eyes focused on how he plowed your gaping hole. You nodded, whimpering. He was so deep inside you it hurt.
His free hand came down onto your stomach, pressing on the bulge that would appear every time he thrust into your body. Your eyes started to water at the sensation; he was bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
The wet sounds of his skin slapping against yours had you drooling. "Shit, feels so good. So fucking wet for me." He mumbled as your dripping walls clenched around him; it was so easy to slide in, you were gushing. Levi watched you intently, pleased at the way your mouth hung open, pretty little moans reaching his ears.
The bed creaked now, rocking back and forth at the sheer force of his thrusts. He let go of your hair, anchoring himself as he pulled your hips against his, making you meet him as he slammed into you again and again. "Ah- fuck, Please!" You wailed a bit too loudly. Back arching off the bed, your legs were shaking around his waist.
Levi slapped his hand over your mouth, seemingly driving into you faster and harder on purpose. "You want us to get caught? Shut your mouth." He whispered, grabbing your legs and spreading them further apart, throwing one over his shoulder.
He loved how helpless you looked; your now muffled whimpers and begging eyes made him want to cum all over you. No, inside you.
The tears in your eyes began to fall at the harsh rhythm; he was merciless, smirking at the way you quivered around him.
"Touch yourself and cum on my cock, you dirty fucking slut." He demanded, voice trembling and breathless. You opened your eyes, vision blurring due to the tears. Your shaky fingers dipped between your legs, hastily circling your clit in sync with Levi's thrusts.
Blinking away the tears, you watched him. Sweat gathered on his furrowed brow, he gritted his teeth, so focused. Levi looked so sexy like this, eyes glazed over with lust, in a daze at how good you felt. He hit that spot, again and again, slapping your face, tits, and thighs, coaxing you closer with each strike.
"Le-Levi, I'm gonna- fuck I'm cumming!" You sobbed, legs trembling and body writhing as you came hard, gushing all over his cock. "Fuck!" Levi groaned at how your walls clenched down, milking him as he fucked you through your orgasm.
"Gonna fill you up, gonna cum so deep inside your needy cunt." He grunted, removing his hand from over your mouth to hold your trembling body in his arms. He leaned into the crook of your neck, panting and scattering kisses along it.
You used the little strength you had to wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him flush against you. He was thrusting so hard and fast now; your delicate walls were burning with every push inside you.
You winced at the overstimulation. "Please hurry and cum for me…cum inside me." You slurred softly, now begging him to finish as your vagina started to ache, the roughness of the sex was settling in; your poor walls were being rubbed raw.
As if on command, Levi finally buried himself inside you with a loud groan. You winced at the feeling of him pressing against your cervix, nails digging into his back. His body stilled, cock throbbing inside you, followed by hot spurts of his cum filling your womb. He then collapsed on top of you, breathing deeply in your ear.
You stayed in that position for a while, neither of you in a rush to move, focusing on catching your breaths. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and under your back, almost holding you like a lover.
You smiled softly to yourself, hand slowly rubbing alongside his back. You could fall asleep right here. After your heartbeats began to slow down, Levi sat up reluctantly. He pulled out of you with a 'pop,' smirking at the lewd noise.
Running a hand through his now messy hair, he stood up and quietly tucked himself back into his pants. You were both spent, even more so for you. Fatigue started to kick in, and your body ached as you sat up to began redressing.
On shaky legs, you pulled up your pants and shirt, fixing it. He turned away from you, almost to give you some privacy despite the acts you just participated in.
The silence was incredibly awkward as neither of you spoke. What was there to say? Really, this shouldn't have even happened. After you were done, he silently led you out of the basement, walking ahead of you until you neared your room.
You followed behind, wobbling a bit as you processed what just happened. He was going to continue ahead but paused at the sound of you turning the doorknob.
"Not a word about this to anyone cadet, understood?" He shot you a glance, interrupting your thoughts. He was already turning back before you could give a proper response.
At that you sighed, rushing into your bedroom and practically slammed the door behind you.
You felt…guilty.
The events leading up to the steamy encounter replayed in your mind, immediately regretting everything as Levi's warm cum leaked out of you, running down your thighs. You sat on the edge of your bed, holding your head in embarrassment and shock.
The consequences of your actions were settling in before they even began.
What did you just do? No, what did we just do..?
Edit: Here are the links to the story in ao3 and wattpad below!
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jillianallen14 · 3 years
Spirk fanfic rec
Some amazing Spirk fanfic to bless your dash because I’m falling in love with this shit all over again (this is like the 10th time this has happened lol):
Entering Orbit:  Jim escapes to Iowa to avoid the media frenzy following the Narada incident, but a late-night miscommunication results in Spock turning up on his front porch; rated m; 30,957 words
Papers in the Roadside:  Non-Starfleet AU. Jim owns a small bar in Chicago, keeps on picking up strays and taking care of everyone no matter how hard it makes his own life. Spock is a journalist writing feature articles for the Chicago Tribune; he depicts the world with uncanny skill, but hides more than one personal drama and is possibly under surveillance from the Vulcan royal family. They meet by accident just before their lives start to spin out of control; rated e; 49,637 words
Take Refuge in What You Know:  AU - Kirk has moved into a apartment/house and wants to get to know his neighbors. He meets his neighbor Spock, a loner who suffers from extreme agoraphobia. Kirk thinks he's beautiful enigma; rated e; 120,334 words
Listen, this is not only my favorite Star Trek fic of all time, it’s also one of my favorite fanfics in general. It’s right up there with Text Talk and The Shoebox Project from the HP fandom, which if you’ve read, you know are incredible and frankly life-changing. And this fanfic changed my life. The description the author gives doesn’t do the beauty of this fic justice. I suffer from agoraphobia and Spock’s depiction as an agoraphobic man was probably the most well-researched, sympathetic, empathetic, caring, realistic portrayal of what it’s like to be agoraphobic that I’ve ever witnessed in fiction. It made me cry like a child because I had never felt so seen and understood. This writer is incredible, and this fic is incredible. I can’t recommend it enough. It’s an AU, which I’m usually pretty wary about, but it barely even feels like an AU. It just feels like Jim and Spock. The author’s understanding of both of their characters’ is perfect, like just a spot-on portrayal of who they are. This fic genuinely helped me accept who I am and helped me understand that I am capable of & deserving of love. If you don’t read any other Star Trek fics (and you def should read more Star Trek fics because they’re amazing), then let this one be the one you read. I dare you not to read it three times in a row like I did.
Observations:  First Officer Spock comments on life aboard the Enterprise and his service under Captain James T. Kirk; rated m; 500,000+ words.
So the author of this fic actually did a thing where they made this fic into two books (similar to what The Shoebox Project authors did many years ago in the HP fandom). They don’t get any money from people buying the books; the cost is just to go towards producing the books. This fic is the equivalent of two LARGE novels. We’re talking 600 pages & up. It’s a huge fic. Now, that being said, I read it in one day. ONE DAY. It’s that good. This is another one of my all-time favorite fics, though not quite as dear to my heart as the one I listed above. It’s focused on AOS, and tbh, I forget that what happens in this book isn’t actually canon. Like it’s so well-told, it just feels like it’s now part of the timeless story of Kirk & Spock. The “professional” Star Trek writers would never be brave enough to do what this author does with Kirk and Spock, though. This fic will make you angry, will make you laugh, will make you cry. It has such a good grasp on every single character. It also shows the love between the crew of the Enterprise, which is always a treat, and it’s beautifully done in this fic. It has a sorta-enemies-to-lovers arc between Spirk and an enemies-to-close-friends arc between Spock and McCoy that is beautifully done and fleshed out. This fic is definitely a journey to go through, and I can’t recommend it enough. It’s extremely slow burn, and you will want to slap both Kirk and Spock (and McCoy) upside the head at certain points lol. 
Of Coffee Beans and Green Tea Leaves:  The progression of a relationship, through Coffee Beans and Green Tea Leaves. Basically, it’s an AU where Kirk works at a coffee shop to pay his way through school, and Spock visits often. rated t; 16,429 words
Love, love, love, this fic. It’s cute, it’s in character. They have kind of a rocky start together, so it’s got a little bit of that Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy i-hated-you-but-now-i-love-you-marry-me vibes to it. I’m a sucker for that, if you haven’t figured that out by now lol. It’s really good, and a really enjoyable read. And it’s not too long, if you’re in the mood for something on the shorter end of things.
 Please Don’t Touch the Vulcans:  The "yes" is out of Jim's mouth before he can think about it. Jim is chipper about having time off for the holidays. He asks everyone if they want to spend time together but sadly, everyone ditches Jim over the holidays because they have plans. McCoy visits his daughter, Nyota visits her family, and everyone splits. Not knowing Spock has feelings for him, Jim doesn't even bother asking if he wants to spend time together figuring he has something to do. Something cute, romantic with the boys spending time with one another and confessions; rated m; 17,690 words
Super cute and has lots of Sarek, which idk about y’all, but I’m always a fan of. Sarek and Jim kind of get to know each other a bit, and it’s cute. Sarek knows about they’re in love before Spock & Kirk know lol. If I remember correctly, there’s also some appearances from everyone’s favorite: Old!Spock! You also get a little bit of jealous and protective Young!Spock. So you’re in for a real treat with this one. 
The Ren shat’var Trilogy:  A split-second decision changes Jim's life forever, as he enters into a bond with Spock in the face of certain torture. Enemies to the Federation emerge from unlikely places, and the command team must contend with unexpected threats, as well as challenges within their own intense relationship. In this three-part series, the Enterprise races across the galaxy to confront the unknown, and Jim and Spock discover the true significance of their unprecedented connection; rated e; 184,411 words
Textual Attraction:  Valentine’s Day does not bring up pleasant memories for Cadet Kirk. But the serendipitous switch-up of his cell phone with a particular Vulcan professor’s will make his day far more interesting –and romantic. Perhaps some new memories can be made! 15,900 words
SO GOOD. Just SO good
Spaceman:  Academy AU. Five times Spock realizes he's attracted to a barista at the academy spaceport, and one time he decides to do something about it. rated t; 3728 words
Short, sweet, funny. You’ll love it.
Subtext: Texting your Vulcan first officer in the middle of the night is never a good idea. Especially when you have an obsessive crush on said Vulcan.The holidays are approaching and Jim is left entirely Spockless aboard the Enterprise when his First takes shore leave on New Vulcan. After some midnight pining, Jim sends a text he instantly regrets. That is, until Spock responds and willingly continues their textual communications to an inevitable conclusion; rated t; 13,032 words
Cute, sweet, funny. It’s a texting fic. I think you’ve probably figured out I love those. This one makes me laugh so fucking hard. Like actually laugh-out-loud-omg-did-i-just-snort kind of funny. Spock is great in this one
All Spock Wants For Christmas:  While Jim is away on a delegation mission, he panics about what to give Spock for Christmas. With help from Bones and Uhura, and in between some spam texting with Spock, Jim realizes he already has the perfect gift. And all it needs is wrapping paper and a bow; rated t; 11,966 words
And here we have another cute, sweet, funny texting fic. Sue me lol
The Morning After:  Jim convinces Spock to take shore leave with him on Risa, hoping the time together will help re-solidify their bond of friendship after some recent tension. Meanwhile, Spock convinces himself he's on Risa for one reason and one reason only, to prevent his wayward captain from getting into trouble. After a passionately illogical night of Romulan Ale and chocolate infused liquor, everything changes when Jim wakes with something other than a hangover filling his head. Something he's sure neither he nor Spock can handle. Because if Jim knows anything for sure, it's that his messed up thoughts belong nowhere near Spock's clean, ordered mind; rated m; 50,381 words
HAHA. This fic fucking cracks me up. You’ve got drunk boys pining over each other & not realizing it. You’ve got accidental marriage. You’ve got bed sharing. It’s great, it’s cute, it’s funny. 
Take This Sinking Boat (And Point It Home):  In which Spock pines, Jim isn’t stupid (except he kind of is), and Christopher Pike has had enough of this bullshit; 6698 words
Pike is great in this one, and it’s super, super funny.
Extracurricular Activities:   Spock returns to the Academy from a tour of duty to find an intriguing cadet captures his attention; rated e; 15,433 words
Veritas: Basically, Kirk and Spock are on trial because the Federation thinks they are emotionally compromised by each other, which is putting the lives of their crew in danger. They have to convince a court they’re not actually in love with each other. They think the claims are bullshit. They think it will be easy to prove that they aren’t in love or emotionally compromised, damn it. It isn’t; rated m; 186,80 words
This one is so, so good. A real gem off of Fanfic.net. I remember it was actually one of the first Spirk fanfics I ever read, and it blew me away. The progression of their relationship is really well-done and interesting. It has star-crossed lovers vibes and has some really emotionally intense moments in it, especially for Spock. 
A Habitual Affection:  Living in 1930s New York with the Vulcan you're secretly in love with is no simple thing. But Jim never liked anything simple. And then, the big snowstorm hit...; rated t; 7998 words
A beautiful TOS fic about one of the gayest episodes of Star Trek. Love this one. 
Atlas:  Between what was and what will be stands James Tiberius Kirk, in all his fractured patchwork glory. Because saving the Federation was only the beginning; rated t; 135,529 words
A beaut. Really great characterization, and the progression of Jim and Spock’s relationship is really well-done.
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thewritingginger · 3 years
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That’s a wrap on Week 2 of Kinktober 🎉 Wow it’s really just flying by 
Today is, if you don’t know, our brave Commander Erwin Smith’s Birthday. Hence the placement of him on this day  (I have to say this was not planned when my list was made and it just felt like a perfect fit for a birthday lol)
Also I only re-read and edited this once over so excuse any mistakes :)
Fandom: Attack on Titan Pairing: Erwin Smith x Fem! Cadet Reader Word count: 3k+ words Warnings: 18+, Age gap, Secret relationship, Unequal power dynamic, Commander/Cadet relationship, Mentions of (Female Recieving) Oral Sex, Oral sex (Male Receaving), Praise, Dirty talk, Pet names (Baby girl, good girl, Sweetheart), Slight degrading/name calling, Deep throating, Spit, Light hair pulling, Cum shot
Enjoy ~
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You are relatively new to the scouts, fresh in your 20s and just so happen to be Erwin Smith’s secret lover. It started out unexpectedly to be honest but definitely not undesired.
You were a new recruit and he is Erwin Smith; the courageous commanding officer that is all brains as much as he is brawn. His smooth voice would melt over you each time he spoke and the way his muscles flexed under the uniform that fit him so well, like it was a part of his skin, made you weak in the knees.
Who wouldn’t want him?  
Though you didn’t put much serious thought into it, for the older officer seemed far too professional to get into an affair with a new recruit but that didn’t mean you couldn’t still have a bit of fun.
Any chance you could get you would offer to assist the commander with anything he needed - filing papers, relaying messages, anything that would get you in his sight. Somehow anytime you were around him your uniform shirt may have had a button or two undone or you always ended up dropping things in front of him and bumping into his firm chest - you really could be a clutz at times.  
The game you were playing lasted about two months into your new scout position till one night after helping Erwin he requested that you join him and Levi for tea that evening since you’ve been such a great help. Of course you agreed.
The night went quite smoothly, you and Erwin did most of the talking while the short Captain mostly sat quietly sipping his tea. That went on for about an hour till Levi made his leave for the night. You and Erwin spent more time in chatter, you were telling him a story of your home town. Your tea cups are left aside to be forgotten as you are casually leaning over resting your head in your palm. Whilst talking you’ve caught the crystal blue eyes of the Commander glance down at your partially open shirt a few times - but that was probably just your imagination, right?
During your conversation you noticed that he was rolling and rubbing his neck periodically.
“Here, let me help you. I mean if you don’t mind.” You offered, getting up to massage his shoulders.
“Oh you don’t have to.”
“I insist, you are our commander, you gotta be in top shape. Besides, I've been told I have magical hands.” You say with a bit of a playful lilt. He clears his throat that makes you smile but he relaxes to your touch. The room is quiet only the sounds of crickets and your breath fills the air around you. Your skilled fingers dig into the hard muscle of his neck and shoulders, earning a small groan when you hit a knot.
“I’m not hurting you, am I Commander?”
“No, you’re fine.”
As you massage his shoulders you allow your hands to trail over them and slowly inch their way down his chest, digging the hilt of your palms against his pectorals. Though you may have traveled a bit far because two strong hands caught your wrists.
“Is something wrong, Commander?” His grip tights by a fraction and you know that he had most likely caught on to you.
Instead of responding he released your hands and stood up. Turning towards you, his large body dwarfing you. For each step he took forward you took one back, it didn’t take many paces till your back was against the wall. Caging you in with a hand pressed against the wall he looked down at you with a stirn glare.
“Do you take me for a fool, Cadet? I hope you don’t think I haven’t noticed all the games you’ve been pulling up until now. The way you shamelessly flaunt your body and make reasons to be in my presence. Do you think it’s funny to act in such a way in front of your Commanding Officer?” Your mouth feels dry but you couldn’t help the flutter in your belly. You know you should’ve been cowering but you couldn’t help but feel excited.
“No, Sir! I just want to be of service to you.”
“Is that so? And in what way are you seeking to ‘service’ me, Cadet?” He asked, his voice low and rich, raising a brow.
“In any way you desire, Commander.” Looking up through your lashes you can tell the insinuating words that left your lips had an effect on him. It’s as if you can see the momentary thought of weighing the pros and cons of the choice in front of him.  
Pro; he gets to release stress and tension that would be more enjoyable than simple training exercises.
Con; he risks complicating things. Would this be an abuse of power if he responds the way you want him to? Would this cause trouble for him in the future?
But these rational thoughts were getting skewed in his brain the more he looked down into your doe-eyes. His breath hitched when you daringly gilded your hand down his chest to rest on his thigh. Pushing off the wall, taking a half step forward till your bodies are almost touching. Leaning up towards his ear, your hot breath igniting the desire in his belly.
“Are you aware of what you are saying?” His words warn, giving you an opportunity to back out but this is exactly what you’ve wanted.
“Perfectly.” You purr into his ear, giving his lobe a little lick - snapping the last bit of restraint in him.
So from that night on most nights out of the week you found yourself in his office bent over his desk or in his bed chambers getting ravished till you’re dizzy.
Commander Erwin is a very giving lover. You imagined that you’d be used for his own needs but he has made it abundantly clear on many occasions that he wants you to be just as satisfied as him and that you were.
There had been countless evenings of him between your legs, calloused hands holding your thighs apart as you shake through another orgasm on his mouth. You’ve become so familiar with his name on your tongue and your fingers in his hair.
That way his powerful body moves against and inside you is so addicting you get excited just at the thought of your next visit.
Unfortunately though work had been quite time consuming for both of you. His countless meetings and your regerious training days. It has been a couple weeks since either of you have been able to find much release in each other's touch. Nothing more than a few chased kisses and caresses between passing.
You hit a breaking point and you know he surely must feel the same. To top it off you have a great reason, besides your growing need for him. It just so happens that today is Erwin’s birthday and how could you not get him something - he is your lover after all, secret or not.
After doing your cleaning duties after supper you made your way to his office once you picked up some papers from Hange’s office.
Knocking on his door waiting for his reply you’ve been thinking of what you’d do tonight, the warmth between your thighs only grows hotter with each passing though.
“The door is open.” His voice breaks through your thoughts.
“Good Evening, Commander.” You formally say as you enter his room - an act you always play in case anyone is in earshot- making sure to lock the door behind you.
“Here are the papers you requested.” You place the small stack on the corner of his desk as you take a seat across from him.
“Thank you, I’ve been absolutely swamped with work today.”
“Wasn’t it your birthday today?”
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean work stops happening unfortunately.” He sighs.
“Oh well perhaps a break would be in order.” Walking around to him you rest on the corner of the desk. “I mean, I know you don’t really care for celebrating it but I was hoping you’d allow me to at least give you a little gift.”
It wasn’t until Erwin looked up to retort back that he noticed that the top of your uniform shirt was nearly half unbuttoned allowing a perfect view of your bra and perfect breasts. His interest in your potential gift has suddenly peaked.
“Well what might that be?” He asks with that charming smile that always makes your heart flutter.
“You’ll only know if you were to take a break but since you seem too busy I could always come back some other time.” Getting up with a shrug you don’t get but one step away before he grabs your wrist softly.
“I’m sure I could take a little break for you.”
“Oh really? I wouldn’t want to intrude on your work, Commander.” You bat your eyes while his title rolls off your lips. He had always liked how you said it and you’d be lying if you said you never used that to your advantage. Looking down at him he pulls you in by your wait, large hands resting on the back of your thighs.
“Not at all, what is it you wanted to give me?” His hands mindlessly move up and down your legs. Retracting his hands from your person you begin to undo the rest of the buttons on your shirt. Loving the way his carnivorous eyes cut into you, drinking in every newly exposed piece of flesh. Letting the sleeves fall off your arms to the floor you stand there for a moment to allow him a full view of you then sinking to your knees. Before your knees even hit the floor Erwin has already spread his legs, sinking further into his plush chair. You smile up at him in sweet approval.
“Since you work so hard for everyone I wanted to offer you some relief from all that stress.” You feel his muscular thighs flex and contract under your wandering hands, slowly stroking your hands up and down his clothed legs.
“And to thank you for your dedication as our Commanding Officer.” He sucks in through his teeth slightly when you palm his growing bulge, clearly being suffocated by his uniform pants.
“That is very kind of you, Cadet Y/L/n.” He sighs as your hands squeeze him a bit tighter.
“Not at all, Sir. I’m just doing my duty to serve you to the best of my abilities.” Your nimble fingers make work of his belt and pants button, there is visible relief on the blonde man's face when you completely undo them.
Growing impatient yourself, you reach under the waistband of his underwear to release his impressive length. It's thick and long in your hand, the veins running up his shaft lead right to his throbbing red tip with a delicious white pearl coming out already just asking to be licked up.
“You’re so hard already, Commander. Do I make you that excited?” You ask, biting your lip.
“Oh, yes you do. Keep going.”
“Of course, Sir. What is it you want from me, I’m under your command after all. Anything you need from me it is my duty to fulfill.” Giving his cock a small stroke you lean forward to catch the bead of precum leaking down his shaft with our tongue causing him to buck slightly.
“Fuck-” He hisses. “I want to see that pretty little mouth wrapped around my cock.” The tone that teeters towards desperation makes you giggle.
The only response you give to him is a long hot lick up the underside of his shaft, circling his tip before taking it in your mouth. A low breathy moan is let out from the man above you as his needy tip is fully in your mouth getting a hard suck. Pulling him out of your mouth, running your lips along the side of his length, your free hand that was massaging his thigh goes to fondle his sack. The contact earns you another beautiful moan that shoots straight to your core. His large hands rack through your locks, holding you as if you might break. He was always so appreciative of your mouth and the way you used your tongue against him. He never left a session without giving you a few words of praise.
“Ah, just like that. Lick my balls like a good girl.” He coos. “You’re always so good to me.”
Replacing your hand with your mouth sucking on one of his balls as your hand continues to stroke him. “So good, babygirl.” His digits tighten in your hair, you hum against him. You retract your mouth with a pop, your lips glistening with spit.
Wrapping both your hands around his cock, stroking it as you look up at him through your lashes.
“Does that feel good, Commander?”
“Yes, don’t stop.” His hand caresses your cheek, his eyes are lidded and filled with lust. His voice hits you in the bottom of your stomach, twisting the coil within you. Encouraged by his words you continue, because who are you to deny him.
You spit a wet glob onto the head of his cock, rubbing it around with your hand, making sure to coat every inch of his aching member. His hand guides you back down, opening your mouth and invites him into your warm mouth once again, giving his tip a generous suck. Your tongue dances around the underside of it earning you a low growl.
You begin to take more and more of him into your mouth, his cock is so thick and veiny you struggle to get it in your jaw - the pain only edges you on further. You know he is loving the way your fingers are playing with his testicles by the drawn out sighs he’s letting play out in the quiet office.  
“Good girl, that’s it. Swallow your Commander's cock.” His large palms gently push you further down his shaft, you feel his tip grazing the back of your throat letting out a small gag. The way your mouth and throat vibrates around his throbbing cock just makes it all that more inviting to fuck your throat. The way it contracts around his impressive length has him lulling his head back, eyes squeezed shut.
The room is filled with the erotic sounds of gagging and moans. Surely if anyone were to pass by they’d hear you but that doesn’t matter. Your head is spinning from the way Erwin is sheathing his manhood into your throat like a toy and the lack of oxygen you’re getting.
“Ahh yes. fuck.” He moans, holding your head down to where  your nose is pressed to his pubic bone for a moment before releasing you. Springing up, gasping for air. Your face is flushed, tears are beginning to fall down your cheeks but you are just getting started. The adrenaline rushing through you from all this excitement makes you feel giddy. Erwin strokes your hair back with a smile in response to your little giggle.
“Aw, you like that, huh. You like having my cock down your throat like a little slut?”
“Yes, Commander.” You say, still gasping.
“Good, cause you aren’t finished yet, Cadet.”
Pulling a fist full of your hair towards him, you grab him in one hand. Stroking it, you spit on him more. Soaking his sack and length with your saliva to make it easier to play with. Sucking up and down the sides on his shaft, looking up to him with glossy eyes, he chuckles.
“Such a filthy cadet slobbering all over my cock. Be good for your Commander and put it back in that pretty mouth of yours.”  
His dirty words make an uncontrollable moan bubble up from your throat, but you’re too far gone to care. All you can think about is his heated member in your hand and his climax. The desire to be a good little scout, making their Commanding officer get off. You want to taste his cum. Take his hot load in your mouth, feel it leak out the corners of your mouth, drip down your chin and onto your chest. You would take his salty milk over and over till he was bored with your mouth. Being the Commander’s personal fleshlight, a toy for him to use, was all you could ask for. You craved his praising words. Needed his touch. His taste, Everything.
Your knees bruising on the hardwood floor, gagging on his cock, chin and cheeks drenched in your own spit - it’s all you ever want to do.
“Ugh- I’m gonna cum. Just like that, Sweetheart. Fuck!” You barely hear him through the sound of your gags and moans. His impending end only makes you work harder for it. You plan to milk him of every drop of semen in his tightening sack. His cock twitches in your mouth, he sucks in through his teeth before pulling you off by your hair.
“Ah fuck! Keep that little mouth open.” He commands, hand own hand quickly fisting himself, grasping for his own end.
Opening your mouth, tongue sticking out, you rest your hands on his thighs waiting for him to give you his load. Give you a taste of his essence that you’ve been waiting for.
It only took a few more strokes till hot white ropes spurt from his tip, his mouth ajar allowing gruff moans and sighs to come out. He covers you in his cum. White streaks coat your tongue, chin, and cheeks. His movement slows as his cock is exhausted of his salty goodness. He slumps back in his chair, fatigue taking over his expression. And you, face fucked out and glistening with cum and drool.
Wiping a drop of cum, that was dripping down your breasts, from your chin with your fingers you look him in the eyes as you suck your fingers clean. He hums in approval of your pornagraphic show, you flash him an innocent smile.
“Happy Birthday, Commander.”
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If you liked this let me know, feedback is always appreciated!
Like I've said in a post before, going forward I don’t have any prompts finished before hand so posts may become pretty sparse due to school having my ass in a chokehold. 🥴
💛 ~
Kinktober Masterlist
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velvett-tearss · 3 years
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Black Tea & Blushes — L. Ackerman
summary: The two of you never got along, but there were times that even fire and ice made a perfect pair.
warnings: cursing, no spoilers for anything past early s1, Levi’s a little shit at first (surprise, surprise), mentions of blood (they’re fighting titans :-) lol) gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
genre: semi-canonverse, fluff, enemies to lovers (?)
word count: 3.3k
a/n: this was very self-indulgent lmao, sorry if it’s a bit messy 😭, <Hange, Connie & Sasha3 make an appearance bc I love them and you should too, hope you enjoy it <3
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"Couldn't you have gotten a cadet to do this?"
You raised a sharp brow at the man, trying to keep yourself from flipping his desk over. "Would you have yelled at them like you just yelled at me?"
The man's grey eyes didn’t meet yours, but there was a scowl on his face. Despite his steely eyes, he didn't say anything back. Instead, he pursed his lips and turned back to continue his paperwork.
You huffed in an attempt to ground yourself after being yelled at for the past two minutes. You took a sip from your own cup of the tea you had prepared for him, letting yourself savor the taste.
     "I don't understand." you said, tasting the earthy, black tea. "You said it was too cold last time, so I made sure it was extra warm. What's wrong with it? Is it too sour for you? I only added a few drops of lemon this time."
Levi remained silent, but you stood your ground, tapping your boot against the pavemented floor as you waited at his desk for an answer. You wouldn't let him win, not this time. Day after day, it seemed like he only grew ruder and ruder.
Your dislike for Levi Ackerman started the day you met him. He was still just a soldier when you joined the Survey Corp, and it wasn't long after that he become Captain.
He was mean, and he never seemed to care about anything, but God forbid you make a reckless move out in the field. It was as if all hell broke loose if you used a bit too much gas when slicing the nape of a Titan's neck.
     "Not everyone is Humanity's Strongest." you had spat at him when he scolded you on the way back to the walls. That only earned you a glare, seeing as Hange managed to secure your safety. If it weren't for them, you were certain you would've gotten stuck with stable duty for a month's end.
     You were glad he was nice to them, at least.
     At some point, you got promoted to Captain as well. One would think that since you shared the same rank, he would grow warmer to you, but that was another one of your mistakes.
     Everything about him rubbed you the wrong way, from his disagreeable manners to his awful way of speaking to soldiers. And, it was your disdain for him that got you stuck in this mess.
"A cadet could've done this." Levi stated again; you felt like you were being patronized. He raised a brow at you, holding the teacup in his hand. "A cadet could’ve made better tea than you.”
"Obviously not, Captain." you threw back sourly, snatching the cup from his hand. "A cadet could not have done this because if I hadn't interfered two weeks ago, who knows what you would've done to the poor man. And, all he did was make your tea wrong!”
Levi blinked at you, appearing bored with your conversation. "If you hadn't interfered, that soldier would be back with those good for nothing Military Police Officers doing what they're best at."
     You gritted your teeth. "And, what are they good for, Captain Ackerman?”
     His brow twitched slightly. “Absolutely nothing."
You let out a bitter laugh, placing the white ceramic teacups back on the tray you had brought in. "Now that you say it out loud, that reminds me a lot of someone I know."
     "What an awful way to talk about yourself.” Levi threw back with ease.
     The urge to roll your eyes at him was weighing on you, but you were stronger than the immaturity he seemed to bring out in you. "Captain, you must be growing old if you've already forgotten we're the same rank."
     Your decision of keeping yourself calm in his presence payed to be of use when you noticed the slight pause in his pen strokes at your words.
     But, you were well aware of how trustworthy Levi was in the sense that you knew he could always come back with something even worse than what he's told you before.
      "If you were of any use, you would know what's wrong with your tea. I'm sure even King Fritz could tell good tea from awful tea, and he's the most useless of them all." Levi told you, pen moving over the papers in front of him swiftly.
     "He could probably also tell a grown man from a spoiled brat," you told him, taking the tray with you as you left his office. "But, you make even that task seem impossible."
     You had to stop the triumphant grin from growing on your face when you heard his faint scoff from the other side of the wooden door.
Even if you managed to snag the last word of that argument, it didn’t feel as good as it usually did. The only reason you involved yourself in Levi Ackerman’s nightly tea was because 1) you didn’t like the way he spoke to the poor soldier who got stuck with job of handling it, and 2) Erwin asked that you try and be a bit nicer to your fellow captain.
You only did it to keep your job, really, and you would never let your Commander think less of you, even if he did favor Levi. Even Hange had tried to coax you into not letting The Ackerman’s sharp tongue get to you, but that didn’t seem to work.
Levi and you would never be friends, if that’s what Erwin meant when he pulled you aside at supper a few nights before. It was a lie to say you didn’t admire the man’s impressive skills, because you did.
But, admiration and respect were two separate things.
The two of you were jagged edges of broken glass that didn’t fit together, and that was perfectly fine. You didn’t mind being Levi being a sharp piece of glass, just as long as he kept his corners to himself and far from you.
Erwin, as observant as usual, caught on to the solution to your problem, and he even made sure you and Levi would rarely ever cross paths when the Scouts were out on an expedition. The two of you worked on opposite sides of the formation.
The only time you would ever work together would be if there were no other options, but both of you were reliable in your own senses: him with his... whatever he called it, and you with your wits.
You didn't mind being farthest from him, and if it were up to you, you'd go even farther.
     “Hey, you got new glasses.” you stated, noticing the new pair of brown frames that Hange wore the morning as the Scouts waited for the signal to begin the expedition.
“Oh, don’t remind me.” they said with a frown, holding the glasses in their hands. “Last night, Moblit and I were doing some research, and someone must’ve stolen my glasses because I couldn’t find them this morning.”
“Stole? Isn’t that a big accusation?”
They let out a hearty laugh. “It is! That’s why I’m saying it!” Hange replied, golden eyes widened at you in exasperation. “I’ve been stuck with these, and they’re too big for my face. All they do is fall off.”
“So maybe don’t wear them?” you wondered as you caught a glimpse of the dark head of hair you knew too well. “What’ll you do if you lose them out in the field? Better safe than sorry.”
“I wish, but I’m as blind as a bat without them.” Hange reasoned with a sigh before quickly composing themselves. “But, now that you mention it, I never did mind a challenge.”
The smirk growing on their face was one you didn’t quite like. Before you could talk some sense into them (if that were even possible) the signal went off to begin the mission.
They gave a wide smile and a thumbs up as a good luck token. "Don’t do anything crazy!” you called out when the two of you parted ways, taking your squad with you. “I mean it, Hange!”
Hange waved you off, charging in faster in their horse. It was up to poor Moblit to chase right after them.
Your squad remained close together for the majority of the mission. There wasn't much to do on your end of things, which was a relief. At some point, you decided to stop for a quick break before pushing forward.
If you were able to see five mintues into the future, you would never have let your squad talk you into taking a lunch break. Just as you were relaxing a bit, there was an Abnormal coming from the thick trees.
Your sense of smell wasn't as skilled as Miche, and if it weren't for one of the younger cadets on your squad who had a keen sense of hearing, you all would've been Titan food.
It didn't take long for you to spring into action, your squad following suit. You made sure to use the plans Erwin had issued out on previous Scout meetings.
When the Abnormal finally made it to where you and your squad stopped, the beastly creature managed to catch one of your soldiers in midair. As the young boy was raised in the air, his stomach couldn't contain his recent lunch.
Gravity works in wonders, you thought when his earlier lunch fell onto you with a splat! You couldn't blame the poor boy; it was better upstairs than downstairs. As terrible a feeling it was to have chunky vomit all over you, you knew it would be as even worse feeling if the boy died under your care.
Your squad got to him before any damage was permanent, at least physically. When the killing blow was done, you tended to your soldier. He muttered out apologies for having thrown up on you, but you were merely in the line of fire.
"It's okay, Connie." you reassured him after pulling off your green cape that had been soiled in aid to shield you. “I’d rather it be your lunch on me than your organs.”
You ordered that he ride with your other cadet, Sasha. He let out a pained laugh at your words, leaning against her on her horse. She scolded him for “wasting so much food,” to which lead to their silly banter, which you didn’t mind as long as they were safe.
     As unfortunate as it was, that incident wasn't the last of it. There wasn't much time between Connie getting his ribs crushed by a Titan and the numerous amount of red flares that were being shot into the air.  The amount of red powder in the sky was enough to cast a shadow of worry over you.
     By the time your squad made it to where the red flares had been signaled, it was a mess. Abnormal and Pure Titans were ambushing the rest of whatever was left of the Survey Corp. Your squad wasted no time in following your orders as you made a beeline for the trees where a group of Abnormals were huddled together.
     When you finally got a good look at the scene in the forest, your sight was met with Titan smoke and blood of fallen comrades. It was a disaster, as it always was. But you knew, where there was smoke, there was definitely fire.
And, that fire was Humanity’s Strongest Soldier.
He looked ablaze, nothing but a flash in the distance. Slicing Titan limbs as if they were merely flowers in his way, Levi Ackerman was kicking ass. It was in moments like this — where he looked like the answer to all the prayers of the people inside the walls — that you wondered if you truly hated him all along.
“Section Commander!” Moblit cried, chasing after Hange as they swung on the highest tree of the forest. It seemed as though they forgot all about how loose their glasses were as they did a number of twirls in the air. His voice was enough to snap you out of your trance and assist your fellow comrades.
You managed to fight off three Pure Titans and two Abnormals for what seemed like forever. It might’ve been even worse if not for Connie Springer’s lunch all over you that acted as Titan Repellant.
Perhaps you would tell Hange of your new discovery, but every time you managed to get close to them while fighting off the Titans, all they did was badger you with questions upon questions.
“Are you sure you haven’t you seen them?!” Hange cried for the fifth time, eyes squinted at you from their branch opposite you. Moblit was fighting off a creepy Abnormal with ugly teeth a few feet from you.
“No, I haven’t! And, didn’t I tell you your glasses would fall if you took them with you?!” you shouted back from your place on the tree before taking a breath to try to slice the neck of your second Pure Titan. “Go back to the wagon, Hange, before you get yourself killed!”
They huffed and puffed, but they let Moblit guide them to the wagon to wait until the rest of the Scouts could find a moment to retreat back to the walls.
After finally slicing the nape of your final Titan, you looked over to where you had last seen Levi. Only, he was nowhere to be found. A panic set in when you couldn’t find any sight of him.
“Captain?” you called out from your place on a tree branch where you were catching your breath. You squinted your eyes to get a farther look, but it didn’t help that much. “Captain Ackerman, are you there? Do you—”
But, that’s when you felt a jostle of wind hit your back. You turned quickly to see the dark-haired man swinging through the trees, holding an unconscious Oluo.
You followed him, figuring if you took his squad member off his hands that Levi would have a better chance of taking down more Titans. Maybe even with a man who weighed far more than himself in his hands, Levi could still have a better chance than you.
“Captain, I’ve got him. I’ll take—”
But, Levi wouldn’t budge. It was like he wasn’t listening to you, and you didn’t know if it was by choice or coincidence. You huffed and rushed quicker to help him in carrying Oluo.
Maybe it was just your luck, or maybe it was just his, but right before you managed to reach him, a Titan’s jaw came from below him, wide and ready for lunchtime.
There was nothing for him to do, not with his hands full. Surely he knew that from the way his grey eyes finally broke through from that awful void he’d placed you in, the one where all you ever got from him was scoldings and insults and cold stares that often made you wonder if he actually did hate you.
And, for the first time, you saw panic flash through his grey eyes, his life flash before his eyes.
“Levi!” you cried, using the rest of your ODM gear’s gas to catch up to him. You knew if he were to survive such an event, he would scold you for wasting your gas on an old lump like him.
But, for once, Levi had something to say about you that didn’t regard your incompetence to make decent tea or your recklessness that spurred you to use all your gas just to save him and the bullheaded, baboon by the name of Oluo.
It was your astonishing speed.
You got to the two men right before the great wide jaws of the Titan could snap closed and swallow the three of you for its meal, which Levi had to admit (but probably never would) was quite impressive.
“Shit!” you hissed out when the three of you landed on another tree branch. As quick as you got to the branch was as quick as Miche was to come and ensure your safety, slicing the Titan’s nape with ease.
Oluo was still unconscious and a little bloodied up and battered, but he was safe.
“What the hell were you thinking?!” Levi yelled, voice slightly hoarse from everything that had just happened. His hair was a mess, and you held back a laugh at the sight of him. “Why— why would you? I mean, what— and, why do you smell like—”
“A thank you is perfectly fine, Ackerman.” you coughed out, catching your breath from the overexertion you just forced yourself through. Carrying two grown men was tough, especially when it was between life or death. “As for the smell, one of my soldiers threw up on me.”
Levi blinked at you, his expression consisting of disgust and confusion. “What?”
“My soldier. He threw up on me earlier.”
“I heard you the first time.” he told you, blinking quickly as if it were going to grant him some clarity. You didn’t know if his confusion was from your act of saving him and his squad member or from not knowing what to say to you after.
He looked funny, with his hair that of a bird’s nest and his cheeks flushed pink.
“Did you hit your head on the way down?”
“Your head? Did you hit it?”
“No, I-I’m fine.” he scrambled upright, finding purchase on the unconscious Oluo’s shin. Your eyes flickered to where his hand was placed, and he snatched it right off immediately, burning a deeper shade of pink.
“Oh.” you muttered, holding back a chuckle. There was no way Levi was without a concussion, not with the way he was acting all of a sudden: stuttering and turning pink on you. It was a wonder you caught up to him before he collapsed.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Captain?” you asked again, fixing your uniform before getting to your feet. You wobbled a bit; Levi raised a brow at you. “You look sick. Why don’t you sit in the injury wagon for a bit on the way back? Just in case.”
He waved you off, standing on his two feet as well. You didn’t want to cause a fight, not right after what had just happened and not outside the walls, so you decided to say nothing about his seeming concussion.
The two of you lifted Oluo off the ground, blood seeping from the side of the man’s mouth. “Is it his ribs? Was it an Abnormal? They were awful today.” you questioned, looking to Levi for answers.
“He bit his tongue, again, before ramming into a tree.” Levi told you, averting his gaze from you as he shifted the man against his shoulder for a better grip. “He said something f-fell from the sky.”
You nodded, letting yourself chuckle. “What could it’ve been? Bird shit?”
Levi shrugged at your words.
He was far too quiet for your liking. Maybe he did have a concussion. It wouldn’t be good if he rode back like that. Perhaps if you spoke to Erwin or Hange about it, one of them could convince Levi to get checked out once you got back to the walls.
The two of you managed to get back to the rest of the Scouts safely. You helped Levi placing Oluo in the wagon with the wounded and the fallen while everyone else was getting accounted for.
All the while, Hange was trying to persuade Erwin into letting them form a search party for their glasses that had fallen while they were swinging on the trees.
Though you were straining to listen to their conversation, you were more than certain that Erwin would never allow such a thing, but you had to admire Hange’s efforts, as fruitless as they were.
“Thank you.”
You snapped your head to Levi.
He refused to meet your gaze again, busying himself with readjusting his soldier’s cape. If not for the obvious step into uncharted territory between the two of you, you would’ve commented on the rosy blush he adorned.
Suddenly, you were overcome with a laughter, waving him off with your hand quickly. “I was just joking about that, Captain. Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh, but I’m just surprised you actually—”
He scoffed, the expression on his face shifting to one of impatience. “Don’t be a brat. Just take the compliment.” Levi huffed out, visibly annoyed with your chatter.
A look of shock overtook your face. “Oh, so you’re complimenting me? Why didn’t you just say so, then?”
“Oi, that’s not what I meant—”
“No, it’s fine. I heard you, loud and clear.” you interrupted, smiling widely at him. “You’re oh-so very welcome, Captain Ackerman, and if you ever need me to save your ass again, you know where to find me.”
Levi opted to say nothing back, merely shaking his head at you when you gave a lazy salute and started back to the other side of the formation where your horse and squad awaited you.
“Besides,” you shrugged, turning back for a moment to catch him looking at you. “Who else would teach me how to make tea?”
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note: I don’t think I specified it, but Oluo was knocked unconscious bc some object (Hange’s glasses) fell from the sky lmao 🐸
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YOUR ANNIE FIC “tragedies of war” MADE ME CRY SM :( gosh your writing is beautiful!! can i request smth similar? maybe after annie meets the scouts she reunites with reader and it’s just fluff and stuff 🥺🥺 no rush ofc <33
Honestly, after that one, we all wanted a happy ending version (even me lol)
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(Annie Leonhart x Reader)
AU: Canon
Warnings: None
Category: Fluff
Summary: As a sort of divergence from this fic, Annie breaks out of the crystal and immediately goes looking for her S/O.
Words: 1.8K
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It was the first thing on her mind when she was suddenly freed from the crystal.
Where is she?
She could feel the effects of time on her muscles - they were stiff and tense, reluctant to move at all.
Just how long have I been in that thing? She wondered. How much time has passed?
After four years, you’d imagine she’d have a wide array of things on her mind. But, in reality, there was only one.
Her girlfriend.
She leaned against the way tiredly before slinking down to sit, folding her knees into her chest and burying her head. She could tell, by some sense unknown to even her, that a lot of time had passed.
She thought of what you’d look like now. Were you happy? Were you getting along with everyone? Had you found out the secret of the walls? Did you find out her secret?
Thoughts raced through her head like a crashing river, never stopping for any order, but still flowing in the same direction. Suddenly, a thought creeped its way up her neck, instilling a seed of worry deep in the pit of her stomach.
Were you even okay? Were you hurt? Did something happen? Did you... did you...
No, she thought, determination struggling to reach past the worry that laced her mind and expression, she’s fine. She’s strong, nothing would’ve happened to her. No titan would ever kill her, she’s stronger than that.
She finally made her way up on unsteady feet, staring around the room absentmindedly.
She’s... she’s okay... The blonde stumbled forward, her legs voicing their complaints painfully, but she didn’t care. She has to be...
I have to find her.
So, here she was now. The front door of the Scout building, two MPs standing wearily to either side of her. She wasn’t surprised by that, though. It made an amount of sense - she was a titan shifter from Marley, who was the number one enemy of Paradis at the moment. Still, she made it clear her only intention was to visit her girlfriend, and, with much persistence, they allowed her.
That didn’t stop the two MPs from boastfully carrying rifles and folding Annie’s arm behind her back painfully. They needed to make sure there was zero chance of transforming, especially now that she was so close to many important military figures.
An MP stepped forward, pounding their fist on the door begrudgingly. An even more begruntled Levi answered.
“Military Police?” He questioned, cocking an eyebrow at their unannounced presence. He sighed, before speaking again, the tiredness evident in his voice. “What are we being arrested for now?”
“Nothing,” the female MP to her right spoke quickly. “Just a visitor.” She spoke flatly, gesturing to the blonde still restrained in the soldiers’ grasps.
Levi eyes slowly tracked their way from the MP down to face Annie.
“Her?” He raised an eyebrow, almost looking at her with condescension. She wasn’t surprised. She looked tired - after all, those four years in the crystal weren’t exactly a holiday. Not to mention, her face, normally neutral and stoic, was plastered with worry. Eyes wide and mouth slightly agape, as if she was waiting impatiently for some horrid news.
He continued to stare, but Annie didn’t crumple under his concrete gaze. Her eyes were fixed over his shoulder, searching the room behind him for any sign of her lover.
She saw no trace of you amongst the soldiers, and worry began to grow once again, and her heart slowly dropped more and more.
Despite her limited success in finding you, she locked eyes with a familiar face - Armin. He seemed quite surprised to see her, a curious expression painted his face as he marched over.
“Annie?” He said her name, speaking it almost like he wasn’t even sure she was real. “What are you...” He trailed off, confusion evident in his tone.
Quickly though, he regained his train of thought, “Come inside.” He gestured gently, and she stepped inside eagerly.
She scanned the room once again, and there was no sign of you. The seed of worry grew.
“Things have changed a lot, y’know.” Armin started, leaning against the wall. “We made it outside the walls. We know about you and the warrior program. It feels like it would take years for you to catch up on everything that’s happened but-”
“Where’s Y/n?”
She didn’t bother for small talk, or hell, even meaningful conversation for that matter. That didn’t matter right now. She had one thing on her mind.
“Y/n?” He echoed, registering the question for a moment. “Y/n is...”
What’s all the chattering about? You wondered, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you woke from your nap. You laid in your dorm room bed, which unfortunately shared a wall with the common area. Given all the noise, you figured there was some type of guest.
You pulled the covers off of your body, and sleepily got up and went towards the door, yawning loudly. You stepped out of the door and into the hallway, and headed towards the commons.
“Y/n is...” The blonde man spoke unconfidently, almost as if he was trying to remember your whereabouts.
She paid no attention to what he was saying, though, as movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention.
A slow shadow slunk against the wall, placing it’s hand on the wall for balance. And it rounded the corner.
She made eye contact. And there it was.
Her world.
You stood right in front of her for the first time in four years. Tiredness and fatigue were evident in your eyes, but you were certainly there. Alive and well. And that’s all that mattered.
“Y/N!!” She shouted, and the light seemed to return to her face. The thousand pound weight on her shoulders had just been lifted, and finally, she could move again. And, although her shocked and worried expression stayed present, you could see the quick buildup of tears in her eyes.
She broke free of the grasp the MPs had on her, adrenaline assisting her in breaking through their hold easily, and pushed her way past Armin, sprinting towards you as fast as she possibly could.
Your hazy mind took a moment to process the blonde mass running towards you, but your eyes lit up in excitement as you finally processed that beautiful face and identify it as your girlfriend, somehow awake from her slumber.
“Annie!” You beamed, opening your arms to allow her in just in time for her body to collide with yours, easily knocking over your unprepared body.
You landed against the wall of the hallway roughly, and you slid down the wall carelessly. Your girlfriend was clinging to you almost desperately, gripping the front of your shirt and burying her face in it, your leg to either side of her body. 
You grabbed the back of her head, pulling her closer into you. You could feel the wetness of tears on the front of your shirt as she sniffled and sobbed into your chest. Normally, she would never let herself get so emotional in front of everyone, but the overwhelming relief she felt just to know you were safe was too much for her to be able to control.
It was all too much for her. The sight of your adorable face, the warmth your body gave off, the scent the was so originally yours engrained into the clothes you wore. It hadn’t hit her until just now how much she missed you, even if she was hardly conscious in the crystal.
She sobbed helplessly into your shirt, finding herself unable to do anything else at the moment. You were relieved too, of course, but you never had to worry about Annie’s safety, which couldn’t be said vice versa. Still, happy tears filled your eyes as you continued to embrace your girlfriend.
You stayed like that for a little while longer, until a loud *ahem* caught your attention. You moved your head up to look (though Annie decided to keep hers right where it was), and were greeted with Caption Levi staring down at you.
“I get you’re happy, Y/n,” He stated bluntly, trying not to make things super awkward. “But this is the kind of affection that can be saved for your dorm room.”
A pink tint flared up on your cheeks, suddenly reminded by the fact that everyone in the commons could see you two.
“A-Ah,” you chuckled. “Of course Captain Levi.”
You placed your hands on the underside of Annie’s thighs, allowing you to hold her as you stood up and walked to your dorm.
You shut the door quickly, locking it for good measure, and laid down on the bed, setting your lover down gently beside you.
It seemed her crying had died down for the most part, thankfully. Even though they were happy tears, something about seeing your lover cry made you so unhappy.
“Annie,” you smiled at her, causing her to move her head up to stare at you. You brushed the hair out of her face affectionately, smiling with happy tears in your eyes. “I’ve missed you.”
The statement only seemed to bring out more emotion in her, as her lip trembled in an attempt to not let any tears fall. “Y/n... I was so worried about you... I thought... maybe... something had happened.”
You laughed warmly at that. Not necessarily making fun of her, but instead creating a warm and enveloping environment around you two with it.
“I would never leave you like that, Annie. I’m strong, you remember?” You grinned, and rolled up your sleeve to flex your bicep, a funny habit of yours that she had taken note of during your cadet days together.
She laughed at your silliness, her face seeming genuinely happy for the first time in years.
She was at home.
“I know...” She sniffled, reassuring herself even more, despite the fact you were already right in front of her. “I just... I was just worried for you...”
She muttered, pressing her cheek to your chest, listening to the steady rhythm of your heartbeat. You wrapped an arm around her gently, using the other arm to pull a blanket over the two of you, before grabbing her hand in your own.
“You need some rest, I’m sure, sweetie.” Your words were smooth and even, lighting a fire under Annie’s heart with every syllable.
“Yeah...” She smiled into the embrace, feeling truly at peace for the first time in what felt like forever. “I guess so...”
She buried her head in your chest once again, the soft sound of your heartbeat lulling her gently as the wave of sleep finally overtook her body.
She hadn’t slept like this in ages. No, this was different.
She was home.
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This isn’t proofread hahaaaaaaa :)
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lovingjeankirstein · 3 years
best friend to crush with jean kirstein scenario/headcanons
i literally didn’t know what to title this LMAO PLS HELP IF IT MAKES NO SENSE 🙏🏼
this one is for my one beloved jean <3
(sorry for saying this aGaiN but might be inaccurate at parts sorry 😣😣)
gn! reader as always. enjoy!
warning: language and mention of death
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you guys were both in the 104th cadet corps, but he only started talking/interacting with you after marco died.
he wouldn’t show his emotions about marco’s death around the others, but you just found him breaking down in his room, away from the others while going back for something you forgot.
you recognize him as the guy that fought eren every night someone from the 104 cadets, crouch down, and ask him if he’s okay.
he wouldn’t say anything, but he just keeps letting the tears fall while you’re comforting him by rubbing his back and doing the arm around shoulder hug.
he’d look up at you after he’s calmed down and be like
who is this person comforting me rn
he wouldn’t open up right away bc you guys literally interacted for the first time and he doesn’t wanna share personal shit so soon
he’d clear his throat, thank you with a light blush, and offer you help off the ground.
afterwards, you’d follow him and eat dinner together. he’s lowk confused but he doesn’t shove you away.
you make light conversation with him to try and cheer him up even if he responds in short sentences or not at all bc he’s still upset.
before he goes to his room, you tell him you’ll be there if he ever needs someone and if he wants a friend.
ever since that day, you guys have been hanging out and becoming friends. he really appreciated what you did for him despite lowk being known as an ass and barely knowing him.
he’d tell you about why he was crying about 5-7 months into your friendship, but you didn’t mind how long it’d take or if he mentioned it at all. it was personal and you didn’t want him to feel forced to tell you.
he’d train with you, beat his ass sometimes, and he’d say you cheated.
playful banter and teasing between you two is a regular thing.
you’d be his closest friend after marco and basically spend every day together.
you’d always be the one pulling him away to stop picking fights with eren. even hitting him sometimes so he wouldn’t fight him further.
telling each other everything and anything about your days or whats pissing you off. kind of like your shit talking buddy but not towards people. only eren for him.
him telling you jokes he thinks are funny when he comes up/hears a new one even tho they’re so corny.
he’d have competitions with you when you have cleaning duties on who can clean better.
he never wins and levi just looks at him like “you really don’t know atp?” so you help jean clean his part.
waking each other up bc you both tend to sleep in sometimes.
when he beats you at something he defs brags to you how awesome he is and better he is at said topic the rest of the day.
if you’re both really busy on some days, he’d always look forward to seeing you during your everyday dinners.
and then one night
you were eating dinner together like you always did chatting about the same old things like how your days went, how much a certain training exercise is a pain in the ass, ya ya ya.
when jean rants about eren and how much he gets on his nerves, he makes expressive faces, and excessive hand gestures that make you laugh so hard.
and then he realized
how much he loved your laughter
how you always made sure to intently listen to what he wanted to talk about
how bright your smile was compared to the dimly lit room.
how god damn attractive you were with the ceiling lights beaming your face.
and most importantly, how he’s slowly falling for you.
i’ll make a pt. 2 with general crushing hcs so look out for that!
update: it’s out now if you click here.
aot masterlist
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mooniefics · 4 years
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— a life in your shape
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pairing : jean kirschtein / reader
word count : 2.5k
tags : unrequited love, pining, near death experience, confession of love, hurt no comfort lol
warnings : canon-typical violence, descriptions of injury to the reader
summary : you've always wanted it, always pictured it, always ached for it. you loved when jean looked you way. all you'd ever wanted was a life with him, not just a life in his shape.
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— originally posted 1 / 22 / 21 on ao3 —
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the mess hall was buzzing with life, rowdy with the chatter of dozens of cadets seated at long tables and speaking through swallows of their food. glasses were lifted and set down, bowls and plates clinking, utensils scraping sharply over various surfaces, nearly so loud that you could barely hear yourself think. but it all seemed to come to an abrupt silence when you settled your eyes back on him, taking in his formerly pale complexion now bronzy and sun-kissed from your hours of training, the annoyed yet playful glances he shot to connie and sasha as he worked through his soup and bread, full lips forming words that you couldn’t quite focus.
you were almost embarrassed of how smitten you were with jean, but in your mind, you couldn't understand how anyone wouldn't be taken with him. his thin frame had filled out with lean muscle in the year and a half that you'd been training together in the 104th corp, somehow managing to grow even taller than he already was on that first day, still so spirited with his persistence to be among the best of this class, a lively spark that never seemed to dampen gleaming behind his eyes.
"oh god, this again, jean?" you heard connie bemoan exaggeratedly, pulling you from the trance that you were surprised the other three at the table hadn't taken notice of.
jean was almost pouting now, and you would've found it so endearing had it not been the next words to spill from his mouth, indignant and full of tenacity. "don't be an ass, i've been trying to figure out a good excuse to sit with her for days now."
you followed his gaze despite knowing exactly who you'd find his eyes locked on, and forced yourself not to frown when you were met with the sight of mikasa just a few tables away.
"she's out of your league, man. not to mention having a thing for jaeger already, and not to mention that jaeger wouldn't hesitate to hand your ass to you again if you pissed him off like you always do. cut it out."
"connie, that's mean!" sasha feigned offense on jean's behalf, most likely for the sake of goading the reply that came as a distraction to snatch the remainder of bread from his plate.
"i'm just being honest with him here. he's asking for advice, so i gave him some. jean always talks about being realist and yet he— hey is that my food?!"
you turned away just as connie was lunging himself across the table, hearing the sounds of his fruitless efforts to tear the loaf from the girl's mouth, propping yourself up on your elbows and allowing your head to fall into your hands with a heavy sigh.
"what do you think?" in an instant, jean's eyes were on you, amber irises looking so intently at you that you could already feel a bothersome heat flushing your face. but registering his question sobered you, and stealing a glance at the beautiful dark-haired girl seated somewhere to your left was all in took to snuff out the light flutter in your chest.
"i don't know, jean. i think connie's kind of right about the whole eren thing." you were honest with him on a surface level, but it still didn't feel good to see him frown when you told him something he obviously didn't want to hear. you tried to remedy it by offering something more introspective—something a bit more true to your heart. "what i mean is that.. i think you're selling yourself short. mikasa obviously has her sights set elsewhere at the moment, and i just think you deserve someone who can bring the same sort of.." you struggled with your words for a moment, how could you not when he was leaning forward like that, listening so intently to you and you alone. "the same sort of passion. someone who can reciprocate." someone like me. but you bit those foolish words back.
"you understand, don't you?" he implored, looking past the bickering mess that sasha and connie had devolved to and gazing with such longing in the other girl's direction, "i mean.. i've never seen anyone like her, no one as beautiful.." each word gouged at your heart, a cold, empty sensation that left your chest feeling painfully hollow. "i know you're a girl, but you can see it too, right?"
you could see it, you were painfully aware of how you could never match up to her unfamiliar yet alluring features, that graceful, slender frame that could somehow soar through the air with ease and still thrown you down onto your back so hard it would knock the wind out of you, introversion that gave off such a charming air of mystery to her admirers.
"yeah," you mumbled back, ignoring how a huffing connie fell heavily back into his seat beside jean, defeated, sasha happily gulping down her unfairly earned chunk of bread, only taking notice of how jean was too fixated on mikasa to pay your dismay any mind, "i see it alright."
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the air was thick with an unrelenting heat, stinking of steam and coppery with fresh blood, your vision fading in and out. your head was ringing with a deafening, high pitched peal and such an unbearable, crippling pain. you could feel your boots dragging across the hot dry dirt as something tugged you back by the collar of your shirt, and the terror of a titan with its misshaped limbs and mouth hauling you to your demise made you thrash aimlessly, screams for help spilling out as a disjointed groan of pain. and though it almost sounded as if you were underwater, sinking further and further beneath the lapping waves of your impending unconscious, you heard it, muffled, desperate, thick with tears, your name spilling from his lips.
and suddenly you remembered, you remembered the kidnapping and the unfaithful comrades and the mission to save humanity's last hope, your former friend now an almost unrecognizable abomination with ymir, bertholdt, and eren sitting atop his shoulders, clasped in his monstrous hands, that had now resorted to flinging titans in his primal desperation for escape. and as you blinked away the spots blacking out your vision, head lolling uselessly to the side, you could see your horse, half crushed in a puddle of red on the yellow grass, and realized that the warmth streaming down the side of your face is your own blood.
"jean..?" you mumbled, uselessly, barely coherent, but the near sob of relief from behind you is like an anchor back to reality.
you could see his calves on either side of you, feet kicking up clouds of dust as he pushed you both back, further from the fray and carnage, as far as he could muster. one of your blade scabbards was missing, you could feel that the clip on your gas tank had snapped off in your spectacular fall caused by the titan that was flung down in your path, irreparable damage most likely made to the fine mechanisms within the housing of your gear. you felt utterly hopeless, watching as the shade of a tree just barely shielded you from the blazing light of the sinking sun, hearing jean's gasping pants from behind you, feeling how rapidly his chest was rising and falling against the back of your head as you slumped into his body, leaden limbs weighing you down uselessly.
"jean." you wheezed, trying desperately to crane your heavy head back to meet his eyes one last time, eyes that no longer harbored the naive passion of youth but still gleamed so radiantly, "leave me.. here. you're g'nna— gonna die.. if you stay..."
you could feel his violent trembles now, feel him rip his green cloak from his shoulder to press against the throbbing wound on your head. "no. i-i'm staying. i n-n-need," he was scared, you knew he was terrified of allowing what happened to marco to happen to you, or sasha, or connie, or anybody, even if the boy's death was nowhere near his fault, "i need to s-save you."
but you could also feel something else—feel it coming—the terrible, earth trembling footfalls of a titan making a shambling, uncoordinated advance to you and the scent of your blood. and suddenly jean was screaming, a sound so raw and petrified that you couldn't help but cry yourself at the sound of it. he laid you down on the ground, bunched cloak pillowing your bleeding skull, unable to push himself to his feet but still drawing his last blade to swing at the thing coming to kill you both, covering your battered body with his own.
and in that moment, you hated yourself. though your head was swimming and your lucidity was waning, you knew that you would both die there, under the baking sun and in the jaws of a titan, and it would be your fault. every regret that you'd ever harbored flooded your mind: not hugging your mother long enough when you still had the chance, not drinking that liquor when squad leader hange had offered it to you, and, most of all, never having the bravery to be honest with jean.
and you mourned all that lost time in those final moments, every late night you'd spent as trainees under the stars when you and your friends would sneak out of the dormitories to talk at some ungodly hour, every shared meal where you didn't speak nearly enough to him, every second of the crushing embraces you'd offered each other when the thought of your fallen friends caught up to you and proved to be far too much to handle on your own. how could you have done so much yet so little with your life?
and just as the titan was stumbling upon you, jean's scream of terror dampening out into a faithless cry, the thing was gone, galloping away to join a newly assembled horde descending upon one single point on the plain. but somehow, you felt no relief, not as you reached out a weak, trembled hand to grasp the blood and dirt streaked fabric of his shirt.
and as he turned to you, eyes still wide and body shaking with horror, thrumming with the adrenaline of near-death, you whispered, hoarse and tired as your grasp on the world slipped away. "i love you, jean. i love you."
your eyes fell shut, the involuntary spiral down further and further into the deep waters of unconsciousness pulling you in deeper and deeper by the second. you were grateful that you at least got to say something meaningful as your last words.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
there was a bright light, delicate, billowing fabric flouncing about in your bleary gaze as your eyes barely opened, something wrapped tight around your head, not making the pressure of the pounding headache any better. you couldn't fight the groan that even the small movement of turning onto your back caused, but you tried to force your lids open just an inch more at the sound of a gasp coming from somewhere in the room.
there were fast footsteps, a few shouts of "sasha, no!" and then a crushing weight on your chest, squeezing around you, pulling you up in bed as a tearful sob of your name came from a comfortingly familiar voice.
"sasha. please. h-hurts." you barely managed to croak out, feeling yourself been torn free—or rather, her  torn away—as connie yelled.
"get off them, you moron, they're fucking injured!!"
"i'm s-s-sorry!" she wailed, allowing herself to be dragged to the door by the disgruntled boy, "i'm j-just so happy you're s-s-still alive!!!"
"and i am too, but that doesn't mean i'm gonna go throw myself on top of them while they're in the hospital!"
their bickering was almost comforting in a way, allowing the strain in your chest from sasha's hug to ease as you watched them elbow each other in the sides on their way out of the room to take their loudness out into the hall, blowing raspberries and struggling to not laugh through their feigned anger. and finally your gaze was allowed to wander over to the furthest wall from your bed, and you saw jean, staring down at his shoes, brow furrowed and lip bitten. and he seemed almost startled to find yourself in his gaze, feet slowly taking him to your side.
"i owe you my life, you know?" you said as he settled himself on the edge of the mattress, still not meeting your gaze.
"you don't owe me anything. you shouldn't feel in debt to me."
"but i do," you risked to settle your hand over his, finally drawing his worried, amber eyes onto yours, and you could feel your heart beginning to pick up, the butterflies that you had always forced to settle with a pessimistic thought to squash your optimism light in your chest, "i meant what i said before i passed out in the field. i always have."
and for just a moment, you thought that this was finally it, that you would no longer have to languish over wasted time and wasted words, fingers just barely curling around his warm palm. then, a knock at the door, light and delicate before the handle turned, pushing open to reveal mikasa.
and you caught every small movement of jean's features, the way his eyes sparked with a familiar light, the sudden, faint flush of color across his slender face, lips parting and just barely perking up at the ends. an endless, unwavering adoration.
"eren is awake, if you'd like to talk to him." that was all she had peeked in to say, but jean was still gazing at the door for a moment too long after she'd left.
"u-um.. if you don't mind—"
"go ahead." you told him, gently, pulling your hand away, retreating as far as your body could into the mattress, under the covers, turning your gaze away.
and though he'd slowly, almost nervously exited your room, you could hear the clear pick-up in his pace as soon as he'd shut the door behind him and exited into the hall, probably rushing to try and catch mikasa for a moment alone in the hallway before he had to share her attention with everyone else.
and it hurt, like a blade buried between your ribs, being jerked and twisted with every memory of his affinity, the one that was never directed at you despite how you craved it. and you'd realized that you had melded a life in his shape, a life where you were always just a few steps too far behind, hand outstretched, reaching for him as you hurried to grasp at any minuscule opportunity to be with him, speak to him, hear his laugh and see his near blinding smiles that never seemed to last long enough to you.
but, perhaps one day, someday farther into the future. and if not then, maybe in another life.
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mendespideys · 4 years
in need of saving | e.y.
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pairing: eren yeager x reader 
warnings: mentions of fighting, swearing, blood, etc. it’s angsty
summary: eren’s emotions get the best of him and you’re his last hope. based on the line “you’ve been talking with your fists” from when you love someone by james tw.
a/n: this is my first ever drabble/fic/one-shot (whatever you wanna call it) of aot. my husband made me watch it, i became obsessed and now i am here putting my obsession into my writing lol. hope you guys like it. enjoy! 
also, to the people following me for marvel/sm content - i’m sorry lol
gif credit 
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it was no secret that eren jaeger was slowly but surely losing it. maybe not losing it, but definitely losing his cool. and a lot more frequently than what everyone had deemed normal for him.
because it was also no secret that eren was known for losing it time and time again. everyone in the 104th cadet corps had seen the green-eyed boy pick a fight more than once - especially with jean. the two of them seemed to bubble with anger just at the sight of one another and no one really knew the real reason why. 
whether it was jean using what was definitely eren’s least favorite nickname he had ever gotten (suicidal maniac) or eren making a comment about the redhead being a coward - the two of them could barely get along on a good day. 
but, lately, everyone seemed to be getting on eren’s bad side. horse-face was no longer the only insult coming from him and it certainly was not the most cruel one that had slipped past his lips either. eren’s anger - or whatever it was - was no longer only focused jean. he seemed to be taking his feelings out on everyone. everyone except you. 
even the captain and the commander had been getting their fair share of snarky comments and attitudes from the titan shifter. while they were undoubtedly unable to hold their ground, eren was definitely crossing lines he shouldn’t have. 
and, so, you were forced into your current situation. 
“tch,” captain levi pushed himself off the table he had been leaning on. “the brat is out of control. while i have no problem beating the living shit out of him, i doubt more fighting is what he needs.”
hange nodded. “it seems he’s either too tired to heal himself or he chooses not to. his injuries are taking longer and longer to disappear. we have to do something before it’s too late.” 
before it’s too late. 
you shuddered. the thought of something happening to eren sent a shiver down your spine. worrying about him was like second nature to you and the only one who appeared to understand you was mikasa. 
“with all due respect, commander,” armin spoke up, his bright blue eyes studying the room before continuing. “we have all tried. he doesn’t want to listen to any of us. it’s pointless.”
a sigh fell from his lips, as a subconscious hand rubbed his bandaged shoulder. poor armin. even the innocent, genius best friend had been unlucky enough to experience eren’s wrath. 
“everyone but y/n.”
your eyes darted toward the mention of your name and you met captain levi’s steady gaze. you cowered under his intense stare, feeling other eyes on you as well. you cleared your throat, feeling a weird sense of pressure in the pit of your stomach. 
“i’ve tried, too,” you swallowed thickly, refusing to remember all the times you had tried to talk him. “i- he doesn’t want to listen.” 
“you haven’t really tried,” levi remarked. “the brat’s picking fights left and right. every little thing seems to set him off and you are the only one who can get him to stop. y/n, we all see the way he looks at you. eren might be humanity’s last hope, but right now, you’re his.” 
your heart was thumping in your chest. you had noticed the difference in eren’s actions toward you as well. the touches that lingered a little bit longer than normal, the longing stares he thought you never noticed, the way his anger practically melted away when his name left your lips... 
but to hear someone else confirm it aloud felt weird. foreign. because you had pushed those observations to the back of your mind, desperate not to over-analyze any of them. the two of you were just friends. 
a knock on the door startled you out of your messy web of thoughts. the door opened before either one of the superiors could give permission to do so, revealing a timid yet determined sasha. she addressed the whole room, but her brown eyes were on you. 
“um, sir, sorry to interrupt, but eren and jean are back at it again and i’m afraid neither one of them is stopping, sir.” 
no one seemed to notice the half-eaten potato clutched in her hand - or if they did, they chose not to mention it - as she saluted the captain and commander. you were already practically out of your seat before she could finish and the look from sasha that went unnoticed by everyone else certainly did not go unnoticed by you. 
you followed hot on her heels, your gaze fixated on her bobbing ponytail as she scurried through the hallways but your mind totally elsewhere. there was an uneasy feeling bubbling deep inside you and no matter what you told yourself, you couldn’t shake it. 
while eren did lack the ability to take control of his emotions and strategically plan out his next moves, his brute strength and impeccable hand-to-hand combat techniques made up for it. therefore, you were more worried about jean than eren, to say the least. 
so, to say you were surprised when you entered the field and laid eyes on the two was an understatement. the sight you had imagined and prepared yourself for was nowhere to be seen. instead, the one eren was injuring was himself. by the look of it, there definitely had been a fight between him and jean, but the latter was merely watching connie’s attempts at stopping the brunette. 
you came to a halt immediately, unsure of how to process the scene playing out in front of you. a trembling hand mutes a sob, which is now nothing more than a pained whimper as your eyes traveled up and down eren’s body, mentally assessing his injuries. 
his nose was definitely bleeding. this wasn’t an unusual sight as it tended to happened a lot during his early experiment stages with hange. but you weren’t prepared for the bruising that was already forming and there was no doubt in your mind that his nose was broken. 
his forehead was stained red as well, strands of his growing hair sticking to the sides of his face. it was impossible for you to appraise the extent of the damage as you were unable to determine the origin of the crimson liquid. 
everything seemed to happen in slow motion and too fast all at once. at the sight of the your group, connie’s attempts were replaced by captain levi’s with mikasa not far behind. hange made a beeline for jean, who was muttering frustrated nothings while rubbing his jaw. 
so eren had gotten a few hits in. 
a gentle nudge brought you back, once again, from the dark chaos within your mind. you met armin’s blue orbs, attempting to ignore the pure worry swimming within them. his eyebrows arched as a silent plea and you followed his gaze to where eren was wildly trashing against the captain. 
in any other situation, you would have laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. the captain’s height was a frequent talking point among your group and there was no denying how small he looked compared to eren’s towering frame. in any other situation, you also would not have bothered hiding how impressed you were with the captain’s ability to overpower the younger boy. 
“y/n-” levi warned, voice strained, as the bloodied boy continued to attempt resisting him. 
with a nod (to convince yourself or as a response to levi, you were unsure), your unsteady legs carried you toward the two of them. eren’s eyes were wild with determination, his nostrils flaring with anger. but you quickly realized when walking closer that there were a dozen other emotions pooling within his emerald orbs. 
“eren,” his name fell from your mouth with ease. skillfully, you maneuvered your hand around his flailing limbs, placing your palm on his swollen cheek. “eren, it’s okay. hey - stop, it’s okay, i’m here.” 
it was as if a boulder had fallen off his shoulders. his actions halted immediately and his entire body relaxed at the sound of your voice. you wouldn’t have believed the effect you had on him if you hadn’t just witnessed it. levi reluctantly let go of eren, still on stand-by in case the boy would try anything.
“y/n,” your name fell from his lips just as easily, his voice nothing more than a whisper. 
and just like that, he crumbled underneath your touch. you fell to the ground with him, ignoring the pain as your knees came in contact with the hardened dirt beneath you. bringing your other hand up as well, you trapped his face, forcing him to meet your gaze. 
he didn’t try to look anywhere else. he couldn’t. the pained look he was giving you was almost too much and you resisted the urge to look away. his bottom lip was trembling, the slit in it leaking blood with every movement. you found yourself having to withstand the yearning to kiss the pain away. 
“eren, what’s going on with you?” you tried to maintain a steady voice but there was no doubt that everybody could pick up on the worry behind every word. “this is- you can’t keep doing this. you have done nothing but talk with your fists and you need to stop. you can’t go picking fights with everybody over the smallest things.”
eren didn’t respond. the mixture of dirt and blood - both dried and fresh - and the threat of nightfall made it hard to see, but the violent jerks of his body made it obvious: he was crying. your own tears fell as well as sob after sob raked through his body. 
“i can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong,” you swallowed down your own cries, your mind focused on nothing but helping the heartbroken boy in your arms. “eren, i need you to talk to me. please?”
“w-why? you shouldn’t- i’m a monster. a stupid good-for-nothing bastard. you- why do you want to help me?”
anger coursed through your veins. you wanted to beat the living shit out of whoever had made him feel this way about himself. they had absolutely no right. eren’s cries echoed in the twilight. you didn’t check if your comrades were still an audience. frankly, you didn’t care. 
“you want to know why? because you’re human. because you have the abilities you have. because i truly believe you’re one of humanity’s last hopes. because you deserve to have someone believe in you the way you believe in saving all of us,” you inhaled deeply, overcome with emotion. “because i love you.” 
eren’s sobs stopped just like that; as if they had an off button that you just pushed. the momentary silence - which felt way longer than you would ever admit - was broken by a sound somewhere between a shaky sigh and a surprised gasp coming from eren. 
you couldn’t bring yourself to regret your confession. you didn’t feel an ounce of remorse and definitely not any embarrassment. maybe it was due to eren also showing vulnerability or maybe it was because you had practiced said confession more than once. 
you didn’t care. he knew. he knew now and that was all that mattered. 
his eyes searched your face. you weren’t sure for what, but you assumed for a sign of wether or not you were speaking the truth. your features held nothing but earnest as you returned his analyzing stare and it seemed to satisfy his silent investigation. 
“i feel- it’s too much. too much pressure. i don’t know what i’m doing anymore. i’m not- there has to be someone else. i-i can’t do it... so many people. they’re all dead because of me. i’m not strong enough to-” 
the last drops of self-control you had were eliminated by his proclamation. while it might have been difficult to comprehend for some, you had understood every word and with each broken sentence, your heart ached more and more. 
eren’s disjointed admissions were halted by your lips on his. you didn’t know where your newfound confidence had come from but you were grateful for its presence. his lips molded against yours almost instantly - so effortlessly. 
you ignored the taste of iron just as eren ignored the stinging from the cut on his lip. while the kiss was nowhere near being sexual, it was definitely more than just a peck. your lips moved together in pain and understand and love and relief. 
unwillingly, you pulled away. suddenly aware that you more than likely still had an audience, the fresh evening air felt good against your flushed cheeks. the two of you remained silent, attempting to revert your breathing patterns back to normal. 
eren rested his forehead against yours. you were sure sasha could practically hear the way your heart was stammering in your chest. and if not, eren definitely could. with each thump, your chest tightened and you were sure that if human bodies had not been designed with rib cages, your heart would have been long gone. 
your thumb caressed his cheek, his fresh tears smearing with the dried crimson in the process. a gust of wind took ahold of the few pieces of hair framing your face. eren gingerly grabbed the loose strands, tucking them behind your ear. he had done so countless times before, but something just felt different this time around. 
“i love you, too,” he whispered, the previous insecurities long gone from his voice. he had never spoken truer words. 
you smiled. “let’s get you cleaned up, yeah? and i think you might owe someone an apology.” 
eren’s limbs ached and although he didn’t want to admit to that, his body betrayed him. he had just barely stood back up when his trembling legs buckled. he prepared to meet the cold ground and the pain that would ensue, but a pair of hands caught him before it happened. 
you were just as surprised as eren appeared to be as levi attempted to steady him. it seemed the captain hadn’t ventured far. hyper aware that he probably had heard every word shared between you and eren, you didn’t dare meet his eyes. 
you sprung into action immediately, moving to eren’s other side. he winced as you navigated his arm around your shoulders, causing you to sputter out apologies while doing so. captain levi’s amusement didn’t go unnoticed by you or eren, but neither of you decided to comment on it. 
with you and captain levi both being significantly shorter than eren, supporting his weight was easier said than done. after some trial and error, though, the three of you were able to move almost seamlessly. 
eren’s strength was wavering by the second, you could tell, but he had enough left to come to a halt when you neared his most recent victim. you met jean’s eyes, hoping he could sense how apologetic you were. he confirmed with a nod then turned his attention to the boy who seemed to be getting heavier and heavier in your arms. 
“i’m sorry, jean, i-i honestly don’t even know... i’m sorry.”
“what? no ‘horse-face’?” the redhead chuckled, almost sadly. you realized that they had already cleaned him up. “don’t worry about it, eren. you did more damage to yourself than me anyway.” 
jean placed a hand on eren’s arm that was thrown over your shoulder. the interaction was brief but seemed to mean a lot to the both of them. then, they nodded and jean walked back toward the remainder of the group. sasha and connie were both saying words to him that you couldn't hear. 
you could feel the distressed stares that armin and mikasa were both sending in your direction. you gave them a nod, promising that their childhood friend was okay. he would be, at least. you had already made it your mission to ensure it. 
as you and captain levi hauled eren toward his dorm, the severity of the situation began feeling heavy on your shoulders. eren had definitely broken more than a few rules and you were sure captain levi would make sure he was punished for his insubordination. 
you weren’t entirely sure you would be off the hook either. sure, you hadn’t broken rules or gone against direct orders, but you hadn’t exactly abided either. captain levi could easily find a reason for why you should receive punishment as well and no one would even question it. 
captain levi’s steel eyes followed your every move as you opened the door to eren’s room, you could feel it. it didn’t feel like his typical burning glare but you couldn’t quite place your finger on the emotion behind the action either. 
as if sensing your thoughts that were now moving a hundred miles a minute, a groan came from eren. you watched them both quietly as captain levi managed to plop eren down on the chair you had placed next to the bath. another groan escaped the green-eyed boy and you could tell he was exhausted and in pain.
“captain, i’m-”
“tch. save it, brat. we have all been there and if they haven’t, they will. i’m surprised it took you this long. you’re a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for, kid,” levi interrupted, turning his attention toward you. “y/n, i trust you’ll take good care of humanity’s last hope. i’ll see the both of you at breakfast tomorrow morning.”
“i- yes, sir.” 
captain levi left without another word, leaving you and eren alone for the first time all day. you suddenly felt hesitant, unsure of what to do next. eren’s grunts of frustration filled the silent room as he began - well, tried to anyway - removing his tunic. 
you swatted his hands away gently, removing the article of clothing with ease. you had seen eren’s bare body before but you were still just as awestruck. this time, though, his skin was littered with scrapes, cuts and bruises of almost every color imaginable. you swallowed the urge to yell at him. 
the silence continued as you washed his body ever-so-gently. once you had been able to get him into the tub, that is. more than once, you had to momentarily stop your actions to check if eren had either fallen asleep or passed out. 
every time, his eyelids would flutter open instinctively, as if missing the warmth of your touch the second it disappeared. his green eyes would widen until they landed on you and he would relax, his lids falling shut once again. 
the silence wasn’t uncomfortable; it was filled with unspoken words of gratitude and affection. the two of you enjoyed it to the fullest - maybe even a little too much. reluctantly, you stopped running your fingers through his brown locks that never seemed to stop growing. 
eren didn’t protest when you told him it was time to get out despite how much he wanted to. he also didn’t protest and tried his best to help when you began putting a change of clothes on him. he didn’t protest when you whispered it was time for bed, either. 
he did protest when you attempted to take your leave, however. 
“stay,” it was a soft plea that pulled on your heartstrings. “please?”
and, so, you climbed into bed with him without hesitation. he nuzzled into the crook of your neck so quickly that it seemed like second-nature to him and was asleep within minutes, his soft snores the only sound within range. 
well, you had definitely broken rules now. but you decided that eren sleeping next to you was more than worth whatever form of discipline captain levi could ever devise. you would handle whatever it was with pride if it meant you could stay like this forever. 
/ / / / / 
ok, um, this didn’t exactly go where i had envisioned it to but i’m not really mad? idk. i had to put some levi x eren in there bc i live for their mentor/mentee relationship. if you made it this far, please send me some asks and let me know what you thought 🥺
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