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dinosaurwithablog · 3 months ago
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Tonight, I made the best pizza that I've ever made!! It's all in the crust, and this one was spectacular!! It was crispy on the outside and light and airy on the inside. I topped it with freshly made marinara sauce and freshly grated caciocavallo, pecorino romano, and parmesan reggiano!! I love those Italian cheeses. I added thinly sliced red onions, diced red bell peppers, and mushrooms. I sprinkled some oregano, basil, garlic powder, and salt and pepper on it, too. This pizza was divine!! I'm glad that I still have some dough left so I can make another one tomorrow. 😁😍😋
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skittledeedoo · 1 year ago
Cheese: Caciocavallo Fresco
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dimensionesogno · 1 year ago
ATTO TERZO “Amore mio, non ti ricordi che nel dirmi addio mi mettesti all’occhiello una pansè, poi mi dicesti con la voce tremula: non ti scordar di me.” Addio, addio, addio. A dio, a dio, a dio. Addio alle armi, addio al mondo crudele, mio dio, devo partire, all’uopo ho pulito il mio viso di pagliaccio e ho reso il mio cuore di ghiaccio per scordarmi di chi mi ha tradito mettendomi in culo la…
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aoife2official · 9 months ago
Beast Ancient AU!
This AU belongs to @cuppajj
Caciocavallo Podolico Cookie and Vanilla Orchid Cookie belongs to @aoife2official
Part 2 with the gentleman this time!
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Caciocavallo Podolico Cookie!
The adopted nephew of the new and improved Celestial Cheese Cookie and one of the living survivors who lives the prosperity of the avaricious Golden Cheese Kingdom.
Now that Caciocavallo Podolico is older, Auntie Celestial Cheese is a prideful and definitely greedy cookie who wants everything valuable that caught her eyes, he mostly fends for himself-having fun in the streets while being able to go home and live in luxury.
He's a little dense but not enough to get his identity known. For his second identity, he's known as Pule Cheese Cookie for strangers.
While Celestial Cheese is the sun that shines the brightest, Caciocavallo Podolico is the star that sparkles. ✨
Perhaps the reason she caught her eyes on her nephew because in reality, he's unaware that he's actually ⅓ dragon in his dough.
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Vanilla Orchid Cookie
The exact opposite of his father, Saint Vanilla Cookie.
A stone cold wall of a cookie with very little empathy for any cookie outside his flower garden of his very existence and a few creatures who Vanilla Orchid became accustomed to. Maybe or maybe not the followers he has to interact..or his other half siblings..rather what he calls them 'half spawns". He couldn't care what happens to them as long as they leave him alone.
He was born between Saint Vanilla Cookie, the Beast of Penance, and a faerie cookie who resides in the Silver Kingdom, Sweet Galium Cookie, out of wedlock, deeming him to be the illegitimate offspring. However, despite being a bastard mixed with the two different cookies, Vanilla Orchid is quite the intellectual with a special interesting in how the world works. He wants to know why the clouds move, why the trees are were they are, how the entire universe was created.
History's walking and talking mistake, doomed to follow a path taken once before.
Because he's a half faerie, he has semi-immortality and the knowledge of magic, he's exceptionally talented with the wand that transform into a sword.
I am aware that there are plenty of Vanilla Orchid Cookie, but please...bear with me.
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vankaar · 7 months ago
As an Italian I must draw a line at AI caciocavallo.
This is unacceptable.
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hopefulwizardcupcake · 2 months ago
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Ora chiudete gli occhi e provate a immaginare se un ministro dei Trasporti così palesemente scarso avesse fatto parte di un governo di centrosinistra o di un governo “tecnico”.
Immaginate le valanghe di video e di card pubblicate in rete dal signor presidente Giorgia e del girasagre per chiedere le dimissioni immediate di quel ministro.
Immaginate le urla sguaiate di qualche loro telegenico servo contro il ministro "radical chic" di sinistra che lascia a piedi il "popolo" mentre vola sul suo aereo di Stato.
Immaginate le puntate speciali di "Porta a porta" con tanto di plastico della stazione Termini.
Immaginate l'odio dei trogloditi e degli analfabeti funzionali, quell'odio fomentato per anni da questa gente contro nemici immaginari.
Il girasagre è la dimostrazione plastica di come la politica non possa essere solo propaganda. È stato il peggior ministro dell'Interno della storia dell'umanità, è il peggior ministro dei Trasporti dall'invenzione della ruota (cit.).
E anche le persone che ha nominato, a tutti livelli, negli enti da lui gestiti, sono a sua immagine e somiglianza.
Di fatto non è un politico ma, appunto, un girasagre.
La speranza è che arrivi presto il giorno in cui lascerà ogni incarico pubblico, magari per dedicarsi ad altre attività per cui è decisamente più portato. Ad esempio potrebbe essere un discreto assaggiatore di caciocavallo silano o di pizzoccheri della Valtellina.
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vecchiorovere · 4 months ago
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L' Antico Copricapo Siciliano chiamato "Mèusa" - Taormina, foto di fine 800'
Mèusa= antico berretto, provvisto di una lunga falda posteriore, portato da pastori e contadini, dalla forma della milza.
Camilleri impiega ‘mèusa’ sia nel significato di ‘milza’ (“interiora di bovino bollite e cosparse di caciocavallo, la cosiddetta mèusa” dal libro Il Cane di Terracotta, 192)
Sia in quello di ‘copricapo’ “Una mèusa (copricapo a forma di milza)”
(dal libro La scomparsa di Pato', 7)
(dal Libro Il cane di Terracotta,192.)
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dandysnob · 9 months ago
What could be prettier than Richards ass? RICHARDS ASS IN FISHNETS
ANON YES ( 。→ˇ艸←)💚
I'm sorry that I always make comparisons with foods but I can't help it! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Just like the beauty of cheeses like Caciocavallo or Scamorzone enclosed in a net, Richard's butt in fishnets would indeed be a wonderful sight. ( ◡‿◡ *)
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dinosaurwithablog · 3 months ago
Years ago, I started making lasagne for Christmas dinner. I just got a very, very deep baking pan for Christmas so I made the largest lasagne that I've ever made. It has so many layers of cheeses and meats and vegetables!! I can't wait to eat it!! 😋 I love to feed everyone, and this pan of lasagne can do just that!!
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As you can see, Petey is looking forward to eating it, too 😄😋😍 It's made with homemade ricotta and freshly grated parmesan reggiano, pecorino romano, and caciocavallo cheeses. I used homemade marinara sauce and seasoned ground beef and Italian sausages. And, of course, many vegetables and spices. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. Is it Christmas yet? 😁😍😋
In the words of Julia Child.... bon appétit!! I'm gonna eat the leftover meat with some of the cheese right now. This has made me very hungry. As you can see, Petey got a biggie, biggie, bone, bone for Christmas. She's very happy 😊
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone 🎅🤶🎄✨️❤️💚
Petey says, "Woof!" That's her way of saying, "Be happy and celebrate love this holiday season." Be kind and take care of the people in your life!!
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journaldecuisine · 3 months ago
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"Timballo di Anelletti con Ragù di Agnello e Astrattu"
di Artemisia
Ragù di agnello
400g di carne di agnello triturata e degli odori tritati minutamente (cipolla, sedano, carota, per l'equivalente di una tazza da tè) sono stati brevemente rosolati, separatamente, in olio d'oliva.
Poi ho riunito odori e carne in una pentola di ghisa e ho aggiunto una sorsata di vino rosso che ho fatto sfumare.
Quindi cannella e chiodi di garofano, un par di nonnulla in polvere. Poi pepe nero appena macinato, più abbondante. Poi una foglia di alloro, delle bacche di ginepro, un pizzico di semi di anice, uno di foglie di menta secche sbriciolate.
Con le ossa - che mi sono state date in accurato pacchetto a parte - e odori e spezie (carota, cipolla, chiodo di garofano, sedano, grani di pepe nero, un po' di buccia di limone) ho fatto 250g di brodo.
Brodo e 250g di passata di pomodoro sono stati aggiunti alla carne. Sale.
Due cucchiai di astrattu.
Cuocere a lungo, tre ore circa, coperto e pippiolando.
Lessare gli anelletti
Lessare molto al dente 500g di anelletti, condirli con metà del ragù.
Montare il timballo
Imburrare e impangrattare uno stampo da timballo da due litri; se si vuole essere sicuri che il timballo esca bene, mettere sul fondo una carta da forno.
Fare uno strato di anelletti. Poi ragù, quindi caciocavallo semistagionato a scaglie e pecorino grattugiato, poi di anelletti, ripetere, finire con gli anelletti cosparsi di pangrattato e fiocchetti di burro.
Cuocere in forno caldo (180°/200°) per 50'.
Aspettare almeno 15' prima di sformare.
Sul timballo, il ragù avanzato e qualche foglia di menta.
Ps: l'astrattu, il concentrato di pomodoro siciliano fatto facendo asciugare grandi vassoi di passata la sole.
by: https://aaaaccademiaaffamatiaffannati.blogspot.com/2016/11/timballo-di-anelletti-con-ragu-di.html
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aoife2official · 9 months ago
Welcome to the Cookie Run Content of my blog!
This will be a blog only for Cookie Run Kingdom/Ovenbreak/Witch's Castle.
I shall introduce you to the Cookie Run ocs that are related to the Ancients respectively and I'll be sure to create along.
If you have any questions about them, they'll answer it gladly.
The backstory was created by my irl friend.
Template used by LoztHusk
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Vanilla Orchid and Milk Choco are the quiet assholes while Inkberry and Caciocavallo Podolico aren't.
Vanilla Orchid is like 2 meters from becoming White Lily, he's a walking second place medal–
Inkberry abdicated from the throne because she's all cunning. Like Affogato, but she's actually better at her job at Hollyberry Kingdom
Milk Choco is always 2000 steps away from helping because she isn't fixing other Cookie's messes.
Caciocavallo Podolico just wants to party and bring good vibes.
Say like a group of asexuals who just woke up with the power of gods and decided they didn't want to do shit with it.
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scloods7 · 2 years ago
I was going somewhere with this but it was taking too long (and I got kinda tired of seeing it in my folder), so here it goes✨
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🧀Some notes~
•The main plot for this is supposed to be: Al and Roma go to a southern italian sagra and eat traditional food
•I had thousands of topics I could make a comic out of and I choose freaking CACIOCAVALLO (if that doesn't say enough about me I don't know what does)
•Also, "caciocavallo impiccato" literally means "hanged caciocavallo cheese" because of the way it's put over the grill, and it's most common during a "sagra" (usually served with beer or wine, I think)
•"Rifatti gli occhi": "Check this out"
Romano: He really compared caciocavallo on homemade bread to sandwich bread and probably processed cheese...
Therapist: Right... And how did that make you feel?
Also, I watched Heidi(2015) on tv some days ago and there's a scene in which grandpa does the exact same thing but with swiss cheese✨
Because of course melted cheese on bread is just that intuitive and common in many cultures (grazie al cazzo, as we'd say in Italy)
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sasdavvero · 1 year ago
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hes got 5.6kg of pasta al forno, 4 bottles of limoncello, 1 entire forma di grana, 12 packs of taralli, 3 torte coi bischeri, 13 scarves and 15 headbands. 12 sealed bottles of The Good Sauce (marcate nonna). 800g of caciocavallo. I have no idea how many bags of pasta but they barely fit. Seven- *gunshot*
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sabinerondissime · 2 years ago
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taste-thewaste · 8 months ago
I feel like, Henry goes grocery shopping for alex and always comes back with the most RANDOM ingredients because he's never seen them before or they sounded insteresting and he knows that Alex likes a challenge and it's a little bit like chopped and sometimes it doesn't turn out but like, they have fun and thats what matters
okay okay wait i'm getting a vision
"You went shopping at the Italian market again, didn't you." "Maybe." "It wasn't a question." Alex pulls out some fresh linguini, Caciocavallo cheese and a blood orange butter extra virgin olive oil. "Am I meant to make this for dinner?" Henry nods eagerly. There's chopping and slicing and steaming sounds and a half hour later, Alex presents plates of pasta at the table for himself and Henry, complete with veggies on top. They each take exactly three bites before looking at each other and bursting into laughter. It tastes terrible, and Henry is pulling up the app for their favorite pizza place before they've both finished laughing.
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t-annhauser · 8 months ago
Dentro il rovo di lauro c'è una complessa metropoli stratificata abitata da lucertole che dai livelli più bassi risalgono sui tetti per riscaldarsi il sangue al sole. I gatti ci si appostano davanti aspettando che escano, le acchiappano e di tanto in tanto le lasciano a terra morenti con le code mozzate, così, per gioco, perché poi preferiscono mangiare gli avanzi di caciocavallo che arrivano regolarmente dopo i due pasti principali. Anche i gatti, appena possono, si imborghesiscono, è un principio universale. L'altra sera, non avendo avanzato niente, ci siamo dimenticati di dargli da mangiare, così il più sfacciato è salito sul davanzale della finestra della cucina, miagolando e guardando dentro contrariato, come a dire: hey, che succede, quando arriva la pappa? Ci ha fatto ridere. Anche il tacchino induttivista si era imborghesito e aveva dedotto che il pasto principale fosse in realtà un principio cosmico certissimo, ma i nostri gatti possono stare tranquilli, nonostante le mie origini venete non abbiamo in previsione di tirargli il collo per farceli arrosto.
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