#cabinet duo mention
that isn't very often, considering your standards. Thank you, for giving Quackity a week to rest though. I appreciate it.
the public eye needs to mind their own business, and the press needs to leave us the fuck alone. I appreciate you letting me go for a walk, father!!
I love you :].
– Tubbo.
at least someone is appreciative around here.
uh huh. good job, bub.
cool. me too ig.
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rebelliousstories · 4 months
Safe and Sound
Relationship: Cooper “The Ghoul” Howard x Child!Reader
Fandom: Fallout
Request: Yes by Anon
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Mentions of Cannibalism, Violence
Word Count: 1,803
Main Masterlist: Here
Fallout Masterlist: Here
Part Two of: Out and About // Part Three: Over and Under
Summary: This child was still so small, defenseless, and vulnerable. Although Cooper keeps trying to help her out on basic skills to survive the Wastelands.
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Traveling with a small child was certainly interesting. Cooper was constantly reminded that he was now responsible for a defenseless human being, but he couldn’t not bring himself to be mad. She just reminded him so much of his Janey that he was trying to find. And she was too cute to be mad at.
He kept an eye on her as she was walking towards an abandoned house to explore. Already, The Ghoul had to place some hard and fast rules in so as to keep her chances of dying suddenly down. She was a little spitfire, that was for sure. And her head was on her shoulders good and well, which meant that she was more aware of the world than other kids her age. But she loved to explore different places, and loved to tuck herself away in little corners so she could pop out and scare Cooper. Still, he cared for this little girl so much; more than he ever thought he would be able to after the bombs dropped and he was separated from Janey.
“Whoa there baby. Where you goin’?” Howard asked, catching the little girl as she tried to climb inside the window.
“I just wanted to go look inside.” She pouted, sagging down in his arms. He chuckled and tipped the front of her cowboy hat with his gloved hand.
“Why don’t we try usin’ the front door then?” Leading her by the hand, the duo made their way inside of the abandoned abode. Sand was everywhere, but there seemed to be plenty of stuff to poke around in.
Immediately, she took off for the kitchen leaving Cooper to trail behind her at a much more leisured pace. His spurs clinked against the ground as he stopped to look in the cooking space. She was no where to be fond, which just meant that she was hiding somewhere. Smirking to himself, Howard dropped his hat off of his head and began to stalk the kitchen.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are.” His voice sing-songed through the house. Muffled snickering came to his ears and his eyes tried to find the source of the sound. A cabinet on the counter that was probably used for bread back in the day was slightly opened, and the closer he got, the louder the snickers.
He set his hat on the counter and placed his hands on either side of the countertop, dead staring the cabinet down. Reaching for the door, Cooper heard the chuckle die out. Yanking open the door, a squeal emerged as he reached inside to pull the girl out. She laughed loudly as Howard held her close and tickled her belly. Laughter began to pull itself out of the man as well, which felt foreign after all these years; but not unwelcome. As they calmed out, Cooper faintly heard a door hinge squeak open and he placed a hand over her mouth. In an instant, she was deadly silent as he began to push her body back to the cabinet.
“Stay there.” Howard whispered, shutting the door behind her. She was left in the darkness and could only hear the muffled footsteps from the outside.
Cooper moved through the house, and was met with a small group of raiders. His first thought, was that he hoped they would not be able to find the cupboard. Realizing that he would not be able to leave without drawing attention, he decided to fight them on his own terms. So, The Ghoul made himself comfy in a chair and waited. It did not take long for them to come over and find the mutant n his spot.
“Oi, look. We’ve got us a ghoul. Let’s hope he ain’t feral.” One of the men stated. He pointed his gun to the man in the chair, who did not so much as bat an eyelash at that.
“Whatcha doing here, ghoul? This is our territory. Get lost.” Another one came up behind the first who was pointing a gun at him.
“Well, maybe my eye sight is goin’, but I didn’t no sign that said this belonged to you. Maybe you oughta fix that now.” Cooper drawled, raising his eyes to meet their gaze. It was a challenge that he was posing.
“We don’t need a sign. This is ours, so get lost before we put a bullet through you.” A third one came up to him now, and it caused The Ghoul to smirk.
“Ain’t y’all some cute little three musketeers. I’ve decided that I’m gonna stay in this little place just a bit longer, if you don’t mind.” Watching the three men closely, he never gave a second thought to anyone else being in the house. That was, of course, until he heard a familiar squeal. But the was not a squeal of playful fright; this was a ‘scared out of your wits’ kind of squeal.
Raider number four and five brought his little girl from her hiding spot, kicking and screaming. She was trying to beat off the hand that was holding her shirt, but was unsuccessful. Cooper looked towards her immediately, and she was staring right back at him.
“Thanks for the meal, ghoul. Sorry to kick you out of yours though.” One of them sneered. Taking a moment to assess his situation, he was thinking about his plan that would result in them letting her go, while getting them both out to safety.
In a flash, he had fired off a first shot which hit the man that was holding her right in the eye. He fell and then all hell broke loose. Two of them tried to come after him which were just met with more bullets in their chests that stopped them dead in their tracks. One of the two that were still alive came at him from the front, and knocked his gun away. He landed a punch in Cooper’s gut which cause him to double over, only resulting in a knee to the face. Number two snuck up behind him and held his arms while number one continued to beat on him. All the while, Howard could hear her screaming out for him.
“Stop it! Let him go! Stop hurting him!” She screamed and yelled, but they refused to listen. Cooper tried to pull his arms away. But it did not work. Running up, she hit the man in the back of the leg with something that caused his to yell out in anguish and stop beating Howard up for a moment. With a moment’s reprieve, he was able to see that she had stabbed his leg with the knife that he had given her for instances just like these. The raider tried to take the knife out, but she was quicker and took it herself.
“You don’t hurt my daddy!” Each word was accentuated with a stab to the man anywhere she could. Cooper and the raider the was holding him stopped and watched in wonder at the little girl. Recovering from his shock, Howard sent an elbow back to the man, and twisted his neck around to break it. Panting, he rested his hands on his knees as he was hunched over.
“You okay?” She asked, coming up to Cooper with bloodied hands. He nodded and scooped her up in his arms to hold her close.
“You saved me, baby. You did good with that knife I gave you.” He breathed in relief setting her back on the ground. Holding her face in his hands, Howard patted her on the cheek before moving to grab his gun. She followed after him, but let out a cry part way through.
“What’s wrong honey?” Immediately, The Ghoul turned to the child.
“My back hurts.” She whimpered, falling down. The raider that she had stabbed was starting to crawl over the body with the knife in his hand. Cooper stomped down on the man’s hand, and took the knife back as he cried out in pain. He made quick work of slitting the man’s throat and let him bleed out in the sand.
He wiped off the knife, and pocketed it as he grabbed his little girl as carefully as he could. She cried a little as she was jostled around, but ultimately settle into his arms while they moved. Cooper grabbed his hat from the counter and left the house in the dust as he made his way into the town that they had just left that morning.
Racing through town, Howard kept making sure that she was still breathing as he made his way into the medical shop. He had just gotten some new chems, but did not get a new stim pack. Bursting through the shop, he startled the doctor that was working there.
“What do you need?” She asked, confused as to why this ghoul was back.
“Stim pack her, now. She got stabbed in her shoulder.” Setting down the child, she had passed out from the pain. It almost made Cooper feel better that she was not awake to experience the pain anymore. The doctor made her way back and grabbed the pack, but held out her hand instead of helping the child.
“Twenty caps.” The woman demanded. Cooper growled as he shoved the caps into her hand and stepped to the side so she could administer the healing medicine. He heard the medicine deposit itself and waited. Waited for her to open her little eyes and smile up at him again.
He waited for what felt like days, but in reality, it was only about thirty minutes. She began to stir and tried to push herself up but fell back down in defeat. Cooper went to go help her up, and was rewarded with her throwing her arms around his neck.
“You saved me.” She cried gleefully. Pulling away, Cooper kept his tears at bay, no matter how much they wanted to fall.
“Of course. You saved me. C’mon darlin’. Let’s get goin’. Feelin’ alright?” He asked, holding her hand as they walked out of the shop, and into town.
“My back feels bad but not as much as it did before.” She replied, looking up at him with innocent eyes.
“That’s gonna be a little sore as you continue to heal. Just take it easy for a couple days, alright baby?” At his request, she nodded and brought him over to a food stall so that she could get something to eat. As they walked out of town, happily munching on their food, she turned to him again.
“Thank you, daddy.” She continued to walk on forward, whereas Cooper was stunned. It had been so long since someone had called him that. But it felt right. Especially now that she was safe and sound.
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wonderlandsakura · 8 months
I have a Zosan fic inspired by a post I think I saw on Tumblr, but it being Tumblr, I can't find it to reblog it, but I'm gonna post it anyway (just a heads up, it's kinda long)
Sanji Accidentally Reveals Who His Partner Is During A Livestream! (NOT CLICKBAIT)
“Welcome back to Cooking with Sanji, this time we’re Live! Thank you my mellorines for being such sweet, loyal and gorgeous fans and taking time out of your busy schedules to attend my livestream today!” Sanji crowed, making finger hearts at the camera.
He was in the location of all his videos and livestreams, his kitchen, which straddled the line between cluttered and cosy and straight out of a magazine, with its industrial grade appliances and overfull cabinets and refrigerator covered in random memorabilia, such as postcards, polaroids and for some reason, an absurd amount of fish related pictures, magnets and posters.
“Today we’ll be cooking my partner’s favorite, Onigiri!” Sanji continued, going on to list the ingredients while chatting with the stream and answering any questions that pop up and highlighted by his mods.
Sanji’s partner was an elusive mystery his fanbase (and that of the Straw Hat Pirates, the group of content creators he was part of) had long wondered about.
It was no secret the man was married, the man in question having made comments mentioning his partner more than once and flaunted his wedding ring on occasion when it was brought up, though he didn’t often wear it on his hand when he was cooking, choosing to wear it on a chain around his neck.
They knew the man lived with his partner, as he often made mention of them while filming and streaming through snarky comments that would nevertheless dissolve into lovestruck looks and loud confirmations of his love whenever one of the audience (usually a newer fan) wondered why Sanji stayed despite his complaints.
Many of his fan base assumed that the person in question was female, what with Sanji’s womanizing tendencies, believing it to be one of the female straw hats or their associates, though this was quickly disproven as they came out or started dating other people.
However, some fans still held onto this conviction, many of them shipping Sanji with his female friends, or with Pudding, a baker that Sanji had collabed with before, who had then insisted she was Sanji’s partner, despite not having a ring or being mentioned by the Straw Hats, who had confirmed they had long met Sanji's partner, before that moment.
Sanji had long since spoken out to disprove these rumors about their relationship, but still, some of his crazier fans insisted on shipping the two, along with many of Pudding's hardcore fans.
Most of Sanji's fan base however, couldn't care less about when or if he would ever reveal who the person was, or even their gender, respecting his right to his privacy.
They were more than fed on the scraps they were given, after all, as the look Sanji would have on his face and the way he gushed over his partner spoke volumes about his love for them.
At some point, Sanji’s dad, Red_Leg_Zeff, pops up on the stream’s chat and starts scolding Sanji through his comments, urged on and enabled by his mods and audience, who cheer him on and highlight his comments for Sanji to read, much to his chagrin. He complains loudly about how his old man needs to stop worrying and get off his stream and isn’t he supposed to be getting ready to open up his restaurant, the Baratie?
The stream adores the interaction, though some of the newer viewers need to be reassured that this is just the way the father-son cooking duo interact, and that they truly adore each other.
It was just the way Sanji showed love, whether to his adoptive father, his friends, or when he spoke about his partner.
Eventually the stream settles down and Zeff leaves to work, as Sanji continues to deftly shape onigiri balls as he chats with his audience.
The stream runs longer than usual, thanks to Zeff’s appearance, but it is just about to end when they hear a door opening off screen.
Sanji however doesn’t seem to notice, wrapped up in excitedly explaining what the All Blue he mentions in his bio on all his social media is to a new fan. This distraction would be his undoing.
From out of frame, a very familiar man to those who were fans of the Straw Hat Pirates as a whole appeared, sending those that noticed him into a tizzy.
It was the half naked, sweaty form of one Roronoa Zoro, the group’s resident sports addict, or as he was better known in the words of Sanji himself, ‘Directionally Challenged Mossbrain’, who often got lost and ended up being dragged back to the group by Sanji. He was also known to most as Sanji's rival.
The two were known for their spats, spitting insults and jabs at each other at the slightest slight or provocation, the arguments often devolving into brawls with kicks and hits thrown by Sanji and Zoro respectively. So it was a surprise to see the man so casually ambling about the house that was known to be shared by Sanji and his partner.
This surprise and interest continued as the man, who seemed to have just finished one of his morning workouts, walked up to Sanji as he used the towel around his neck to wipe away the sweat on his forehead.
The chat waited with bated breath for something to happen, for Sanji to snap and shout at him or something to break the tension created by the man's appearance.
And break it did, as the man bent his head down towards Sanji and tilted his face towards him, kissing him right on the lips, cutting off the man's words with the action.
The chat started screaming, filling with comments that rushed by quicker than the eye could catch. More viewers started appearing as people called their fellow fans in to see the shocking moment, the mods struggling to tame the hoards.
All this went unnoticed by the two lovers as Sanji melted into the kiss, seeming to forget where he was for a moment.
Finally they broke apart, a look of lovestruck bliss on Sanji's flushed face as he stared into his lover's eyes.
Only for him to redden furiously and start to bluster, flustered as he realized what just happened.
He started screaming, as a fans had foreseen, hitting Zoro as he shooed him away, the man calmly avoiding the hits as he scooped up an onigiri and moved away. Only to double back, calling Sanji's name, making him shout.
“What do you want, Marimo!”
At which his head was cradled and another kiss was bestowed on to his forehead, causing his squawking to redouble in its intensity and resulting in Zoro leaving his haloed kitchen chased by whatever objects were in reach that Sanji could throw.
Sanji finally calmed down at his disappearance, breathing heavily as he stared after the other man.
Finally he turned back to the screen.
A bright, furious blush creeped slowly across his face as he realized who exactly, had just seen the chaotic interaction.
He lunged forward, over the countertop and the stream ended abruptly, sending the viewers back into the waiting room, where they tittered to each other about what they had seen.
It was a moment that would not soon be forgotten, against Sanji's best wishes, and it was the most talked about, dramatic and chaotic coming out of any content creator.
Though despite its suddenness, all Zoro and Sanji's fans would agree that it was utterly, irrevocably, them.
We've come to the end, thank you for reading :) you might want to take a moment to rest your eyes before moving on
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icarusbetide · 5 months
the hamburr moment in nonstop and why it's the turning point for their relationship
i read a great post about musical hamburr by @just-mebs and how burr's actions after the war can be interpreted as a desperate longing to regain hamilton's respect, attention, admiration after hamilton has already moved on. i wanted to point out that musical burr did get a second chance to regain that affection, and he didn't take it.
during non-stop, hamilton knocks on burr's door in the middle of the night -a private, vulnerable setting- and tells him, straight-up, that he's the better lawyer; that he wants burr on his side, writing the federalist papers with him. when burr rejects it, hamilton tries to persuade him one more time: "do you support this constitution? then defend it". but burr? he says he's going to wait to see which way the wind will blow, and that's that. hamilton moves on from burr and this moment is the final blow that did it.
it's so ironic that in the middle of the song where musical burr is literally narrating all the times that hamilton is beginning to surpass him, there's an interlude where hamilton offers a hand for burr to join him (as true partners who complement each other if we put our hamburr goggles on), and he doesn't get it.
also, the laurens interlude comes on right before non-stop. once again putting our hamburr glasses on: john laurens is the passionate, go-getter that hamilton ditched burr for during my shot - we can assume that if laurens had lived, hamilton would've just written the federalist papers with him. but no. laurens dies, so hamilton turns to his old friend/crush/mentor/rival for help and partnership, who doesn't see the opportunity for what it is.
aaron burr's biggest obstacle, john laurens, drops dead, and he still fumbles the ball.
this moment in non-stop is a crucial one that's often overlooked, probably because it's quick, and burr never mentions it again because it's insignificant: to him, it's just another time when he was being cautious. but for hamilton, it's the moment when he decided that this guy isn't going to change. the war is over, their physical lives aren't at risk, but burr is still incapable of taking a stand when it matters. it adds more context as to why hamilton's angry and uncooperative when burr runs against his father in law and later runs for president. he's convinced that burr doesn't stand for anything except himself. (and in the musical, honestly for good reason. his big i want song is about being "in the room where it happens". he never says for what. he never explains what he wants to do in the room, not like jefferson or madison who want to "stand up for the south".)
so by the time act 2 rolls around, hamilton has already dismissed burr. he pushes him aside saying "decisions are happening over dinner." burr is resentful? jealous? missing hamilton's admiration and respect? and he thinks that he can regain it by simply being open and forceful - going "i learned that from you" while campaigning for president. he's still missing the bigger picture. it's not about being aggressive and forceful. it's about having a conviction to be forceful about.
this blindness on musical burr's part also impacts how audiences relate to him because i hear so many times that "omg burr just wanted to be in the room where it happens, and hamilton kept it from him :(". burr's the one who rejected that shot - and he didn't need it, because he does technically end up where he wanted! he's there during the cabinet battles, he's dancing and prancing with the jefferson-madison duo, but they aren't a true trio. he's not in the room because he doesn't add anything to it. that inability has nothing to do with hamilton's sabotage, and everything to do with why he's not admired or seen as a true confidant like in the old days.
mandatory disclaimer: this is fully about musical hamilton, a lot of this is entirely fiction and separate from the historical figures!
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hcsarchive · 9 months
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* part one *
nct dream (hint of the boyz)
details « fem!reader x boxer!jaemin (ft. boss!haechan)
genre « smut with a plot, fluff?, lil angst +
- after getting cheated on, you get invited to an underground boxing match but you stumble into some dangerous territory and that's where things take a turn.
warnings: explicit language, flirty banter, praise kink, corruption kink, knives, rope bunny, cheating, violence, depression and of mentions food.
"I am still so confused about this. If he wanted to kill her he would've done it already and if he wanted to fuck he would've kicked her out by now. What is his deal? other people have trespassed before”
“Who knows let's get going. I have never seen him like this" Renjun loads his gun on the way out and 8 other men circle around the three of you. You’re now fully clothed and after being tied up. After the fight ended he started to untie everything and told Renjun to bring in extra clothes from the showgirls’ closet for you to wear.
"Start heading home, make sure she remains asleep the whole ride" Jisung picks you up and Renjun lifts up your arm. "You left her all bruised and red. Haechan come on dude" Haechan rolls his eyes.
"She needed to learn her lesson" Haechan smirks and pours a glass of scotch. The duo leave to the car.
"She is very pretty compared to all the other girls who work for us, so maybe he is using this as an excuse and keeping her with us" Jisung says and brushes back a strand of your hair.
"You are getting on my nerves" Renjun parks the car and opens the back door.
The guards drive away and Jisung carries your still sleeping body in.
*One hour later*
"One of you has to investigate and interview her” haechan says.
"I'll interview her," Jaemin says, he only cared about training and winning the championship so everyone looked around at each other then at him.
"Jaemin I don't think you are the right fit for this or even trained enough," Renjun says. They start to argue.
Haechan shushes everyone "Just let her sleep, we'll do it in the morning. Take her to the spare room which has no windows or anything and take turns watching her" Haechan walks away into his room.
"What is his deal," Mark says walking in from the kitchen.
"That's what I've been saying," Jisung says.
"I'll watch her I was sleeping until you guys got here" Mark said and took you to the room. He tucked you in and you were sound asleep. Normally you’re a light sleeper but today drained you.
It was around 4am and Jaemin was about to head back into his room since his sleep schedule is bad. He found mark sleeping on the chair outside, Jaemin shook him but he was still snoring.
“Fucking prick can sleep all day” he opens the door and finds you rolled up in a corner sobbing.
He was about to leave so Mark can deal with this but you turn around before he even reacted. “Can I please get some water, I tried telling the dude in the chair but-“
“I’ll get you some, lay back down” Jaemin goes to the kitchen and gets two water bottles from the fridge. He also grabbed a tissue box from the cabinet.
“Thanks” you say while taking them for him.
“Yup” he leaves before you say anything. Normally you will be freaking out about walking in into a kidnap. Also having no idea why they took you all the way to their personal home but you had no choice and nothing to lose.
You are working horrendous hours and studying really hard but felt like it’ll lead you to nowhere to where you want to be. This on the other hand is confusing, do not know if you’re being killed or sold off. After being cheated on you just want to a break from your life but you miss your friends.
“Jacob” you gasped and someone bursted into the room.
It was mark, he turned the lights on. “Can i have my phone please. my friends are probably looking for me” you say.
“Unfortunately you can’t. You’ll have to be monitored and be held without any contact for at least 48hours” Mark said.
“They would be suspicious though they know my schedule and routine. I disappeared after telling them i went to the bathroom during the fight”
“It is just what we do here I’m sorry” mark scarthes the back of his head.
“Who’s we? I haven’t even gotten told why I am here. This whole situation is stupid. Your boss is-“ you stop what you were about to say because Haechan shows up in the door way.
“What about me?” he gets closer to the bed.
“Haechan don’t start give her some space” Mark grabs his wrist.
“Why? she’s not talking to you with respect and that little mouth of her’s is always whining” Haechan gets as close as Mark let’s him.
“I want to know why I am here. I have work in like 4 hours then class at night. I don’t have time to be involved in your mafia rules and regulations I do not care what you guys even do” you take off the covers and storm off the room but got stopped by Jaemin.
“I’m sorry sweetheart you’re going to be here for a while-“ you hiss in pain after his arms touch your arms to turn you around and let’s go right away.
“Haechan just explain everything to her now” Jaemin says. Haechan already changed his gaze to you and to Jaemin.
“I didn’t train you guys for years for you to be all soft and warm” Haechan goes past the three of you. “Go to the living room and you two get the others” he starts to get mad.
Mark and Jaemin go to wake everyone up and you stare up at haechan once you sit down. He looks back at you “stop the act” you knit your eyebrows together.
“I can always start screaming out the window” you say.
“They all have a security codes to open them. Especially the door so nice try” He sits directly in front of you.
Jeno, Chenle, Renjun, and Jisung all come half asleep. “It’s literally our day off why are we up so early” Chenle complains.
Renjun is slowly walking with his file with his eyes adjusting to the light. “Alright now that everyone is here. Before anything, sign this contract and read everything throughly. You will have to be monitored, watched, and live under our bases for 2 months or until we think it is appropriate to release you. After that you will have to sign an NDA and also be monitored. The reason for all of this is because you trespassed, harassed my crew, and other rules were all stated on your ticket. We also need you to call your university, work, and friends to let them know you’re taking a short break. I also did a even more thorough background check and boy was I amazed” He switches his professionalism off after the last sentence.
“I won’t be killed or sold?” you look at all of them. “Oh no you’re all mine” Haechan smirks.
“Keep it professional Haechan we are still in the process of her signing the contract. This isn’t funny” Renjun says handing you a pen. You sign it because it’s not like you have choice.
“I wasn’t joking” Haechan takes the contract from you and gives you another one. It has your name and your information. “Fill out who you were last with and you’ll be able to call them after you explain everything to us”
You sign the contract and hand it to him. “Do I have to say it in front of everyone” you look around to everyone and everyone looks so intimidating. They’re all with messy hair and deep voices. “Unfortunately you have to. It is just like a board meeting which was originally going to be in our headquarters but Haechan decided to do things differently” your whole body starts to heat up and have flashbacks to what happened. You can’t believe that happened, sunwoo never did that either.
“I-“ haechan was cut off “Y/N hasn’t answered and we do not need your comments” Renjun cut him off.
“So I was with my boyfriend but he suddenly left…again. Then his friends decided to take me to the boxing match since I was upset he left and they had his extra ticket. I wasn’t aware where we were even going. Once we got to our seats and watched more of the match I needed to go to the bathroom. I saw lots of doors from my seat so I figured one of them had to be the restroom. I go through the isles of seats and the random crowd which I believe that is the VIP area now. When I was in that area I was being pushed around alot and I got pushed so hard by this drunk man into this couple making out. And the lovely couple was your show girl and my boyfriend…ex boyfriend but whatever. So I was trying to escape the situation as much as possible and find a peaceful place to cry in but I stumbled into god knows what you guys are and I never got cry” you want to cry but you hold it in.
You look down to your hands and wait for Renjun to finish writing. “The interview is over, you are welcome to call one person since it is technically morning but you’re not allowed to tell them where you went or why. Make up a reasonable lie. To make you more comfortable you can go into the room and call but one of us has to be in the room with you” Renjun hands the phone to you.
“Can you come with” You look at Jisung and he nods yes.
“We’ll be right back” Jisung leads you to the room.
You decided to call Chanhee, “put it on speaker phone and mute yourself when I tap you” Jisung says and you nod.
“Y/N why didnt you come home tonight? are you ok?” the phone doesn’t even ring two times and chanhee picks up right away.
“I’m ok and I won’t be home for a little while. I just need a small break from everything” you respond to him.
“Sunwoo came home angry were you with him after hanging out with the guys?” he asks concerned and his name makes the tears fall down.
“No but I need a break from him, school, and everything else. I wish I can take you with but that’ll be selfish.” you wipe your tears and start sobbing.
“If anything happens or you need someone to talk to, you know the drill. take care my love and don’t forget about me” Chanhee says all sad.
“I will never forget you. You’re literally my favorite person. I’ll keep in touch every chance I get.” Your tears start pouring down even more.
“Bye y/n” chanhee sighs.
“byeee love you” you hang up and start sobbing uncontrollably. Jisung hands you tissues. “I’m sorry to put you through this” he says.
“You’re just doing your job, I don’t blame you” you wipe the last of your tears.
You hear a knock on the door “Jisung I need you start getting ready and go to headquarters in half an hour. I need you, Renjun, and Mark to wrap up this case. Chenle will drop you guys off. Jeno and Jaemin will stay with me.” Haechan says coming into the room.
Jisung whispers bye and steps out of the room. Haechan comes in and you stay silent, you feel embarrassed that he found out everything now. “Jaemin must’ve knocked him too much in the head and turn him dumb for him to cheat on you” you look at him confused.
“He has fought in the rink before?”
“No but our trainers use Jaemin to train them well but he got knocked up real bad last time since he stopped showing up to practice and hanging out with Jia. The guys are taking care of him” you now get worried. “They’re just going through a similar process as how we did with you earlier since he was the actual last person that is connected to you and to us. He doesn’t know what we really are” Haechan sits at the desk chair.
“What are you guys I am still very confused” you scan his face and he turns nervous.
“I swear I am not working with anyone I just want to know who i’ll be living with” his facial expression changes.
“I basically control and own all the illegal boxing rinks, casinos, cartels, and trading events in Korea, Europe, and The United States. We have millions of people working for us and we simply make the decision and sometimes get our hands dirty.” Haechan says.
“Wow and at your age you accomplished all that?” you gasp.
“I won’t take all the credit since my ancestors have been doing this since 1700s but I have broken many records and branched out internationally faster than anyone” he stands up and walks to you slowly. “I would also would like to know more about you. I know I didn’t give you chance earlier” he tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear and wipe the remaining tears left in your cheeks.
You and Haechan were in complete silence, looking into eachother’s eyes. His expression is more soft and observant than how he was last night. He is even more beautiful with his bareface and unstyled hair.
A dry throat wakes the both of you up, it’s Jaemin in a apron. “I made breakfast for y/n” he comes in with a board.
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“Quit it” Haechan mutters to Jaemin under his breath and leaves.
“He’s always like this” he rolls his eyes. “Anyways fyi I kind of looked through your coffee coffin app to see how you like your coffee so sorry in advance”
You smile widely “That’s so sweet thank you” you taste it “ wow it’s way better than the one at coffin’s” you set the cup down.
“If you want to bring your food to the living room and watch tv you could” he says.
“Am I allowed?” you stare out the door.
“I’ll allow it. If Haechan says anything, blame it on me” you follow Jaemin with your food. You set your food down on the coffee table and sit on the floor.
He goes to kitchen to help Jeno finish up. Once they’re all done Jaemin joins you on watching some random episode of the Simpsons silently.
“What is she doing out here” Haechan comes out of his room all dressed up in a suit and gun to his hip. “She’s harmless plus you can’t keep her in there forever” Jaemin says.
“I own her until she is released so you do not get to make those decisions” Haechan grabs Jaemin by his shirt.
“Fine alright. Chill out, I didn’t expect you to react this way” Jaemin gets your food and signals you to go to the room.
You stand up and go up Haechan “If you own me atleast do something. I’m not a throw pillow in the guest bedroom” you walk away and follow Jaemin back into your now new room.
“Thank you for atleast trying” you sit on the bed and take the plate from him.
“I’ll bring in my laptop and we can watch something after he leaves. I would’ve defended you but he was strapped so I didn’t want to deal with that” he smiles and leaves your doorway.
You silently finish your food and stare at the wall. It is now hitting you that you will not be graduating on time, behind on bills, and not see your friends due to all this. Tears start to roll down again. You also no longer have a boyfriend which you loved to death.
He was your everything and one day he just flipped the switch. Sunwoo started calling you crazy and manipulative. He was just pushing you to break things off but you loved him too much to notice what was happening, he clearly didn’t love you enough to be honest and leave you.
You go to close the door but Haechan is standing there. “What did I do wrong this time” you start to sob more. “You look so pretty when you cry” he grabs your face and stares into your eyes. He inches closer to your face, his lips are a breath away from yours. “Tell me why you’re crying” he looks down at your lips and up to your eyes. You are trying to find words but his gaze just has you shock.
“It’s personal” you blink out the rest of your tears to see him more clearly.
“Tell me baby, I can fix anything for you” he stand up straight still holding your face.
“My ex boyfriend and school. But please don’t hurt him, he really wants to become a boxer”
“I won’t hurt him but Jaemin will. He’s a great money maker but it won’t stop me from giving him hell” he lets go of you and you’re left standing there looking stupid.
“Jaemin and Jeno will be here training all day. Do not leave your room, Jeno is in charge since Jaemin decided not to listen” he leaves.
He keeps switching to being an asshole to being warm. Then professional to whatever that was a couple seconds ago. The front door opens and closes and the multiple locks are heard clicking.
A knock at the doorframe was heard and Jaemin comes in as promised “I am not training today” he chuckles and sits on the bed next to you.
“Also is your body ok from yesterday?” he asks holding up your arm.
“I bruise easily so it isn’t too bad but I am a little sore” you look at all the rope marks on your legs and arms “this is so embarrassing” you pull your arm away gently.
“It’s impressive actually. Haechan is very picky from everyone else so it’s hard for someone or something to catch his attention…I can run you a salt bath after a movie, your bathroom has one” Jaemin has a big smile on his face. The most intimidating one turned out to be the sweetest.
“That’ll be lovely. You’re the best” you smile back at him.
After the movie, he opens the bathroom door and shows you how to work the shower and where everything is. “I’ll bring you some of my sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I’ll ask haechan if he can order hair and skin care specifically for you since this is just generic” he says.
“I don’t have money til next week so I’ll work with this” you say looking at the shampoo bottle. “That won’t be a problem sweetheart” Jaemin pour the salt and fills the tub.
“I will pay you guys back” you look down at the water.
“Oh you will” he smirks and you know exactly what he meant. “Check the water” he runs his hands through it and you do as well.
“Ooo it already feels nice. Thank you Jaemin” you side hug him.
“No problem. I’ll leave your clothes by the door. Lock it after I leave” you send a thumbs up.
You lock the door, get undressed and turn the bath lights on and lay on the circular bathtub. The bathroom is probably the same size as the room which shocked you because the one in your house and uni complex is the size of the tub itself.
You are floating in the tub and letting your body relax. After 20 minutes you step out of the tub and drain it. Then run to the shower to actually clean yourself. You grab the huge towel that was in the closet, and grab the clothes that Jaemin left you on the door step.
Jaemin’s sweatpants were comfy and his sweatshirt smelt good. You stepped out of the bathroom brushing your hair with a comb you found in the drawers.
Someone knocks at your door “come in” it’s Jaemin again and you smile at him. “I brought you socks from the convenient store and some fancy lotion that relaxes you” anyone can fall in love with him in seconds. He doesn’t even know you and he is doing all this.
“I cant thank you enough. You really didn’t have to do all this. You’re doing something I would beg my boyfriend to do and didn’t” you start to cry.
“Oh y/n don’t cry over someone who doesn’t deserve you” he opens the socks and lifts up the cover to reveal your feet. He puts them on and pats the cover over you.
“I’m sorry it’s just hitting me right now” you wipe off your tears.
“Let it all out” Jaemin hugs you and picks your body up to lay on him. You cry on his chest and you calm down after a while. The both of you are silent. His heart beat is in your ear and your eyes are slowly falling asleep.
Jaemin pets your head as you’re sleeping on his chest. He starts humming to a song he wrote not too long ago “like we just met”. Jaemin not only boxes but he loves to sing, write, and cook. Obviously this personality isn’t allowed to be seen by the outside world but he wishes to one day he could.
Haechan came home with 20 bags filled with clothes for you but found you and Jaemin sleeping tightly together. “Of course he wins again” the guys look at eachother confused and in shock…
This is more of a filler, so stay tuned for part three because things are going to escalate. Also! tysm for 200+ likes!! it is way more than i expected. take care everyone :)
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obxsummer · 2 years
Home Sweet Home // Ghost of You
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summary below the cut to avoid spoilers for s3 ep3-4
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summary: y/n's quick to remember why she didn't miss her dad, john b can't shoot whiskey, jj has a small family reunion, and the twinkie's back baby.
warnings: mentions of depression, shitty parenting (aka big john), the usual angst
It didn’t take long for Singh’s men to catch onto your location. Your dad was quick to direct you and John B out of the church, the three of you heading towards the marina in hopes that the Pogues would still be there with the boat. 
Once your initial run calmed down, John B wanted answers. “Okay, Dad. Start talking. So you’ve been alive this whole time and didn’t think to call?”
“What you think I didn’t want to? It killed me. It would’ve put you two in danger.”
You scoffed, arms crossed over your chest as you followed behind the duo. “Yeah, well, we were in danger the entire time you were gone.”
Your dad stopped walking and turned to you and your brother. “Alright, look. We’re here now, okay? And I’m not going anywhere. I just had to vanish for my safety. And for yours. It wasn’t my first choice. You gotta know that. Now, let’s go find your friends.”
The way your dad aimed his concern more towards John B pulled at your heart. Your whole life, all you wanted was for your dad to pay attention to you, to love you the way he loved your brother. You were stupid to think that would’ve changed during his disappearance. 
John B glanced at you and instantly noticed the expression on your face. You shook your head at him, refusing to get into an argument about this kind of thing right now. Shoes stomping in the grass, you followed silently behind them. Part of you was glad you knew he was alive, but now, you wished you would’ve stayed with JJ to spare yourself of this feeling.
Eventually, the three of you made it to the marina only to see the Pogues had been chased off by Singh.
“Okay, plan b. We take my boat. It’s back at the place. We gotta pick something up there anyway,” Your dad said. 
“Hang on, I gotta call them,” John B clicked around on the phone before putting it to his ear. You took a seat on the ground and placed your head in your hands while your brother told the Pogues to meet him back in Kildare. You wished more than anything that they could’ve stayed, but you didn’t blame them for looking out for their own safety.
“We gotta go.” 
The walk wasn’t horrible for  the three of you to locate where your father had been staying, instantly crowding into the small, run-down house.
“Here it is. The Spider Hole. It ain’t much, but it ain’t a bad place to lay low.”
You watched him run around rapidly, refusing to move in any further. “Spider hole. Good name.”
John B busied himself with investigating the kitchen table and the papers spread across it. “Still hunting, huh, Pop?”
“I’m breathing, I’m hunting, man. What can I say?” Your dad said as he stumbled back into the kitchen area. “This time I’m putting it all together, kids. Getting close, I can feel it. Onto something big.”
John B looked over at you for a moment before continuing, “I uh… I heard you died at the Shoals, Dad?”
“Yeah, well. Somebody died out there. It wasn’t me.” You watched as your father dug through a cabinet before grabbing a loaded gun off the kitchen shelf. “Look, just gotta go on a little retrieval mission, then we can split.”
“Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa. Dad, wait.” The sight of a loaded weapon was enough to freak you out. “Retrieval mission? A gun? What- No! What are we doing? I didn’t sign up for this.”
Your dad spun around and placed his hands on your shoulders a little too harshly for your comfort. “The game is afoot. Okay, kid? We gotta go. Right now. And this time it’s for the mother lode, the big kahuna, all the marbles. Alright?”
You looked up at the ceiling as your dad wrapped you into an unpleasant hug as if it would change your mind.
“Come here. It’s good to see you. It is. But if we don’t move out, like, now, the game is gonna end early. It ain’t just Singh that’s after us.” He eventually let you go to finish collecting various items from around the rotting house. “I got mixed up with Limbrey and a whole lot of things.”
“Limbrey?” Your brother caught the name as you did, both of you hating the idea of owing that woman jack-shit. “Like Carla Limbrey?”
“Yeah, how do you think we got a boat?” Your dad snapped back as he walked towards the door as your brother complained. “She helped me out a bit. It’s logistics, etc., but now that I found you, I’m gonna owe her something. Better to pay later than now.”
He walked out, yelling for the two of you to follow over his shoulder. You shared a look with John B, both of you clearly unpleased at how this was going before you gave up and followed regardless. A small lifeboat rested by the shore that would take you over to the larger boat. You were quick to climb out, tying the lifeboat to the larger vessel before ducking inside to get some space.
You could vaguely hear the excited chatter from your brother and father, opting to ignore it instead of looking. You refused to cry about this, not right here where they could see. It felt silly to be so hurt over the past few hours, but it was like this for years before. How could it happen all over again?
“You wanna tell me what’s going on with your sister?” Your dad’s voice was muffled by the glass and structures separating you but it felt like you could hear him loud and clear. 
You could practically feel John B’s eyes on you as you sat quietly. “She’s… she’s been through hell, Dad. Like through shit and back, you wouldn’t believe. It’s been really hard, but um…”
“Well, from what I’ve heard, you haven’t gone through anything short, even goin’ in the ringer for it. That ain’t exactly a walk in the park, boy.”
The first tear was warm on your cheek as the band holding everything together finally snapped. You refused to put up with this belittlement, a competition between you and your own damn brother, over who had more trauma.
John B watched your facade crumble, his heart clenching at the sight. He was already angry with the way you were being treated by your father of all people, but this was getting out of hand. “God, Dad. Can you maybe not be an asshole to her for an hour?”
Without waiting for a response, John B opened the door to the cabin area you were sitting in. You tried not to completely lose it when he embraced you, letting out a shaky breath as tears fell. This felt so pathetic.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry,” He whispered, feeling you shake with sobs when you couldn’t hold it anymore. “I’m sure he doesn’t mean it like that.”
Your fingers held John B’s arms that were wrapped around your shoulders, tucking your cheek into his elbow. Grateful didn’t describe how much you appreciated John B, for standing up to the person who meant so much to him. You took a deep breath and hoped the tears would slowly come to a stop eventually. “You know he means every word, JB. Always has.” 
John B stayed with you the rest of the relatively short boat ride, leaving your dad to entertain himself as a light form of punishment, not that he would notice. It was getting easier for John B to read you again, the way he used to as kids. He hoped that was a good sign, that maybe you were both healing together. He knew JJ was the only person on your mind right now, that you wanted his best friend more than anything. Shit, John B would love to be with Sarah right now, and he kept reminding himself that you would all be back together here soon regardless.
“What’s the plan, Pops?” John B guided you out of the cabin where your dad was tying the boat to the dock.
“Told you, Bird. Just a little pit stop to get that thing I was telling you about. Then goodbye, Bridgetown. Come on. Back me up.” 
“Alright, let’s make this quick.” John B let you go first, this time opting to stay with you while your dad pulled ahead. The three of you made your way into an old antique shop. The walls were covered in various frames, pedestals decorated with figurines and statues. 
Another voice echoed throughout the house as you barely turned the corner so your dad could give the man in the other room a slight nod. You took the time to observe your surroundings. The building was gorgeous and gave the best old-time feel. You could tell this collection had taken a while to get this large, so clearly the individual had a good eye somewhere. 
“Dad, what are we doing here?” John B asked after the man in the other room said he had an appointment with your father.
“Just got to pick something up. Only take a minute,” Your dad dismissed your brother and instead turned his attention to the man entering the room. “RJ.”
“John.” RJ returned the small nod and beckoned your group into the small office. “Please come.”
RJ stood by the large desk in the room, his face unreadable as he acknowledged your dad. “So, what are you doing here, John? What do you want?”
The sound of the gun cocking elicted a noise of protest lost in your throat. Why was everyone so quick to pull guns around here? John B grabbed the strap of the silk tank top you were still wearing and tugged you back away from the two men. 
“Sorry for the strong arm, RJ, but we’re pressed for time. I can’t get bogged down in a protracted negotiation.”
RJ didn’t seem phased by your dad’s actions and turned to the safe behind him to start drilling a code in. “Really? You pull a gun on me? Your partner who saved your life?”
“If you knew what happened with my last partner, you wouldn’t hold it against me,” Your dad replied. He was practically foaming at the mouth to get whatever RJ had in that safe. 
“Armed robbery?” John B whispered from next to you, surprised that your father would take it to these lengths. You, however, knew this was right up his alley. 
Big John scoffed. “It’s not robbery. The piece is mine, ain’t that right, RJ?”
The safe clicked unlocked and RJ swung the door open to retrieve whatever it is that you came for. “I think an impartial judge would say the ownership is debatable.” He set a large stone wrapped in a towel down on the table.
“Oh, great.” John B’s sarcasm wasn’t missed by you. 
“As you can see, I kept my part of the bargain, partner. Here it is safe and sound. Just like I promised.”
Your dad was quick to unravel the item wrapped in the towel before holding it out towards you and John B. “Here, kids. Take a look at this. The Signpost of Orinoco. Next stop, El Dorado.”
The stone had patterns carved into it, the top looking like the head of some sort. You weren’t really sure what you were looking at, but it seemed it was only half of the true object. 
“Yeah, if you can find the other half and if you can decipher it, maybe.” RJ confirmed your suspicion. “And I’m going to want my cut. Don’t think I won’t come after you if I don’t get it.”
“If this thing works out, you’ll never have to sell a knockoff God of Fire and War again.”
“Arjun! Are you here?”
The new voice to the conversation was a little too familiar for you liking. You turned to John B with wide eyes as RJ excused himself from the room and told you not to move. 
“John B, we need to go,” You kept your voice low as you grabbed onto your brother’s shirt sleeve. “That’s Singh, and I don’t know about you, but I am not going with-”
“Shh.” John B placed his hands on your shoulders as RJ called Singh’s name in the other room, confirming your thoughts. “Okay, we need to go. Right now.”
Your dad shoved the stone piece into your brother’s hands, directing the two of you towards the window in the room. John B placed the piece down on a wooden pedestal before boosting you up to unlatch the window. You grabbed the wiring off, your dad cursing at you for the noise, before you were pushed up and crawled out as quietly as possible. 
“Shit!” You slipped into the wooden boxes and bags of garbage below the window ungracefully, managing to move just seconds before your brother came tumbling out behind you. Stumbling to your feet, you brushed imaginary dirt from your clothing and watched as your dad climbed out the window. 
“Where’s the piece?” Your dad was practically glaring at you as if you were the one at fault.
You moved your hand toward the window. “John B set it down so we could get the window open! We thought you had it.”
“No, no, no, no,” John B cursed as your dad threw himself back into the window to retrieve the stone piece. It took a shaky minute before he leaned back out with the towel barely in grasp. “Come on, we gotta go.”
You ducked as a gun fired nearby, the three of you breaking into a sprint to get as far away as you could. The marina was thankfully close so you didn’t have to go very far. John B was quick to untie everything while you jumped on, taking the piece from your dad so he could start the boat. 
You looked back to see ATVs rush up to the dockside just after you had pushed off, Singh’s men no doubt watching your every move. You let out a deep sigh once they were out of view, your racing heart finally getting the chance to calm down. This nonstop treasure hunting was getting the best out of you and for once, you just wished you could sit at home and do nothing for weeks on end. 
After getting settled on a course hopefully back to OBX, your dad was rushing to take the piece from your possession and hide it somewhere on the boat. You couldn’t care less at that point and settled down at the small table in hopes to keep the calm until you got back to the Chateau. 
Soon enough, John B joined you and your dad took the seat across from him, slamming a bottle of whiskey down on the table. You let out a breath, definitely not in the mood for their antics but not having the energy to tell them no. 
Your dad surprisingly grabbed three shot glasses and filled them before sliding one to you and John B each. “To life, living, and the pursuit of treasure.”
You were quick to throw your drink back, enjoying the burn it left in your throat but remaining stoic as you did. Your dad laughed as John B winced. “Never thought I’d see the day where my daughter could take a drink better than her brother. How times have changed.”
You rolled your eyes and pulled your feet up to rest on the chair with you. If only that stupid ass phone had service and you could call JJ, you would feel a lot better. 
“So, what’s the deal with this whole big kahuna thing?” John B asked as he slid his glass back to the middle of the table. “I mean, how’d you ended up on Barbados?”
“Well, same way you did and for the same reason too. The treasure. And Carlos Singh. I was marooned out on the Shoals for what felt like months, living on seaweed and sweat and rainwater, and fixed myself up to be crab food. Thought I was a goner. Singh must’ve tracked my boat, then his men showed up. He must’ve known I was onto something because they found me. At first, I thought I was being rescued, turns out it was less of a rescue mission, more of a captivity-type deal. I didn’t go without a fight. We left one of his men behind, as I’m sure you’ve heard. Next thing I know, I’m being shipped off to Barbados.
“Singh’s place. They locked me up in some audacious estate surrounded by cane fields and armed guards. I meet this particular little man, Singh. He wants to cuta  deal with me, he wants me to tell him everything I know in exchange for him keeping me alive. It didn’t take long before I caught on to the game. So as soon as I had the chance I took it. Got a little roughed up along the way, but I made it out. And not empty handed. And here I am, back with my kids.”
You knew all too well your dad’s experience with Singh, ironic that both of yours were so similar. A small envelope of silence took over before you tapped John B’s shoulder. “Can I have the phone?”
Your brother didn’t hesitate to dig it out of his pocket and hand it over. He knew that you were smart enough to guess it wouldn’t work, but he didn’t blame you for wanting to try. You were quick to unlock the device and go to messages, the most recent one the conversation with the phone the other Pogues had.
J? You there?
You held your breath, hoping that it would go through even if you were stuck this far out in the ocean. A sigh left you when the Message Not Delivered popped up with a red exclamation point. Well, at least you tried.
“Enough about me. I want to hear about you two,” Your dad spoke up again as he poured more liquor into the glasses in front of you. “Who you sweet on these days, huh?”
You snorted at the way he phrased his sentence, pulling the attention on you. “Sorry, sorry. Just didn’t expect that to be your first question, that’s all.”
Your dad sat back in his chair and looked at you. “I know there must be someone, especially if you’re that desperate to message them from a stolen phone.”
You tucked the phone into your lap and let your arms rest on your knees. “I mean, yeah. There’s been a lot that happened, obviously. For both of us.”
“I’m married, Dad.”
It took everything in you not to laugh at the way John B just blurted the news. As much as you loved Sarah’s relationship with your brother, it felt weird to hear them talk about it in that way, no matter how much you heard it. 
“You’re joking, right?” Your dad chuckled, his expression dropping when John B disagreed. “What is she pregnant?”
“No, no. God, no. No,” John B was quick to deny that suspicion. “I haven’t really had time for the extracurricular activities.”
“Oh, my God!” You groaned. “Can we maybe not discuss that part of it?” John B hid a smile, his hand smacking your leg as he joked with you. If someone would’ve told you a week ago that you’d be listening to your brother deny his sex life to your dad, you would’ve laughed in their face.
“You’re a little young, aren’t you?”
Your brother shrugged. “I mean, you said it best. If it’s right, it’s right.”
“Do I know her? Uh, who is she?” Big John asked. 
You glanced at John B, wondering how he was going to talk his way out of this one. He cleared his throat awkwardly, “Uh, yeah. Yeah, you know her. Um…” He took a moment to take the shot in front of him, obviously needing it for the conversation ahead. “It’s Sarah. Cameron.”
A tense silence followed his revelation, your dad taking off his glasses to look at your brother. “Ward’s daughter? The queen of Kildare.”
“You just can’t do things the easy way, can you?” Your dad shot back. You glanced between him and John B, hating the fact that your father thought he had an opinion on what the two of you did and who you did it with, after everything he’d put you through.
“Are you mad?” John B sounded scared to hear the answer.
Your dad crossed his arms and leaned against the table. “That you went for the big prize? Nah. How could I be mad at that?” He poured your brother another shot before raising their glasses together and drinking the contents. “And what about you, Baby Bird? I got another Kook with you, too?”
You shook your head and tucked your arms in around yourself. “No, Dad. No Kooks for me. Promise.” You felt the phone suddenly vibrate in your lap, all of your attention directly going to it. A new message notification flashed back at you. “It’s JJ.”
You ignored your dad’s shocked tone and opened the phone to see the message that had come through. Right here babe. You okay? A sigh of relief expelled the tension from your body knowing that he was still there, however far away.
“Hey, talk to me.”
You looked back up at your father to see his puzzled expression directed at you. “Yes, Maybank.”
He chuckled, that you saw coming. “Well, boy was always looking out for you as kids. Can’t say I’m surprised about that one.”
The conversation about your love lives died there, John B taking the time to fill in the odds and ends. He left out the parts of the story that were yours to tell, not that you thought you’d ever share them with your dad, but you appreciated that he gave you that option. 
The rest of your boat ride passed uneventfully with you sending scattered texts to JJ while your dad and John B conversed with the whiskey bottle. Before you knew it, the sun was coming up and the familiar OBX breeze was blowing across your skin. You were so excited to get the hell out of here and back into your bed.
“I gotta admit, it’s good to be back.”
For once, you agreed with your dad’s words as you finished helping John B tie the boat down. The two of you stood under the covered dock, watching as your dad cheered and ran towards the house. 
You caught your brother looking out over the horizon. “You okay?”
He nodded, redirecting his attention to you. “Just didn’t think this would happen again, you know? That we’d all be together.”
You didn’t know what to say in return, just opting to nod back to him before starting up the path to the Chateau. There was nothing more on your mind than to find JJ and your friends. You hoped they were back, safe and sound.
While your brother and dad shared a moment by John B’s homemade headstone, you walked back into your home for the first time in God knows how long. Flicking the lightswitch, you sighed when nothing happened, figuring the power shut off after the bills lingering for weeks to months. Using the flashlight on the phone, you tried to navigate as best as possible into your room.
As comfy as the silk pajamas were that you’d been wearing, one of JJ’s oversized t-shirts was much more your style as you grabbed it from your drawer. The amount of your friends’ clothing that was scattered around your house was comedic at this point. You managed to find a pair of shorts to slide on before making your way back to the porch where your dad and brother were entering. 
You occupied yourself reorganizing the bits of the Chateau that had gotten mixed up in the chaos before you guys all left. John B helped a bit where he could while your dad busied himself in his destroyed office after bitching about that too. 
The house began to cool off as the sun went in, you and John B settling on opposite ends of the porch couch while your dad crashed on the inside pullout. Your rooms were way too hot to do anything else since there wasn’t any air circulation. 
“I don’t know why in the hell you would wanna sleep on the porch couch when it’s so much cooler in here,” Your dad groaned as he settled into the worn cushions.
You didn’t have the energy to answer him, John B replying back, “Yeah, it’s hot tonight.”
“Especially with no electricity,” Your dad continued to complain, “You didn’t think to pay the bill?”
“It’s not like we were stranded on a deserted island for a month or anything,” You mumbled back, eyes closing as you curled into the pillow you were holding. 
“Yeah, I guess that’s an excuse.”
A moment of silence followed, the background being filled by the nearby insects that were slowly but surely soothing you to sleep. These were your favorite kinds of nights, especially when you were a kid. You, John B, and JJ would sit in the hammock for hours to see who could catch the most lightning bugs until you eventually ended up in a sleeping cuddle puddle. 
“Hey, you… you kids know where that diary is, right?”
The thought of Singh following you here in search of the diary sent a chill down your spine. You and Rafe skimmed out under his nose. No doubt he’d be pissed that he didn’t get what he wanted. 
“Well, we have a copy. And it’s in the Twinkie, which is probably in the impound lot with the police. Gotta figure that one out,” Your brother explained, shifting where his feet dug into your back. 
You fell asleep shortly later, the warm air and the sounds of home comforting enough to lull you. There was no way to tell how much time had passed when you woke up again, this time with the sun creeping up and your brother absolutely nailing you in the side with his knee. 
“Ow, fuck, John B,” You groaned as you tried to shift out of his way before getting kicked again. You sat up to shove him only to watch as he flinched again, completely sound asleep. “John B, wake up.”
You sat up, sparing a quick glance to see your dad missing form the inside couch, to no surprise. Attention shifting to your brother, you shook his arm slightly. “Wake up.”
Your efforts were to no avail. Suddenly, the screen door creaked open making you jump. To your surprise, an exhausted Sarah Cameron stepped in, her eyes lighting up when she saw you. You hopped off the couch in a second, bringing her into a tight hug. “Oh, God. Hi.”
“Hi,” She squeezed you tightly before her gaze moved to where your brother was still shifting on the couch. “Everything okay?”
You nodded and let go of her to take a step back. “I think he’s having a nightmare.”
She put a reassuring hand on your shoulder, “I got him. Go clean up.”
You took one last glance at your brother before doing what she said. Making a beeline for the bathroom, you thanked your previous self for paying the water bill ahead so you at least had a way to shower and brush your teeth. Granted, it was freezing, but it was better than nothing. 
Clean clothes felt so much better than you expected. Your stomach grumbled, begging for some kind of meal, to which you wished you had an answer.
You stepped back into the kitchen the moment John B started yelling out for your dad. You glanced over at the window to see them looking at the empty pull out and then over to you. Your brother got to his feet a moment later, walking outside to look for your father. 
You rejoined Sarah on the couch. “How was your trip back?”
She shrugged, leaning her elbow against the back of the couch to support herself. “Uneventful. Kiara and I talked most of the time, JJ drove, and Pope and Cleo took turns with him. Stole some food, and that was about it.” Sarah looked over at you, seemingly reading your thoughts. “JJ’s coming back. Said he would drop them off and be here.”
You gave her a grateful smile as John B stomped back inside. “I swear he was just here.”
You shook your head at his worried nature. “It’s Dad, John B. I don’t know why you’re surprised he’s not here.”
Sarah glanced between the two of you, hoping that you were actually right about your father returning. Based on your brother’s chaotic nature, she was almost worried he had truly lost it, but your calm response told her all she needed to know. 
“Hell, I wouldn’t blame you for that either.” Your dad’s voiced echoed around the house at the perfect time. He climbed the stairs a moment later with his backpack slung over his shoulder. “Hello, Sarah.”
Sarah’s jaw practically dropped at the sight before her as she walked forward to give your dad a hug as he beckoned her in. “Come on Sarah. Or should I say Mrs. Routledge.”
Your rolled your eyes at his attempt at a joke as he welcomed her to the family. John B, on the other hand, was very unpleased. “Where the hell did you go?”
His question was left unanswered as Big John brought both of them in for a hug. You glanced away, eyes following the path of the dock. It felt like one of those cheesy scenes in every movie: your favorite person walking towards you with this glow behind them. You took off before anyone had a chance to ask what you were doing. 
JJ’s smile was warm the second he caught sight of you. He paused in his approach, arms opening wide for you to leap into so he could catch you the way he always did. When it came to knowing you, loving you, JJ was the only one who did the best. “There she is, I gotcha.”
You pulled back, kissing his nose lightly as you took him in. “Hi.”
“Hi, pretty girl.” He returned your gesture, kissing your forehead before pulling you close to his chest again. “You okay?”
You nodded against him, fingers moving to the bottom of his shirt to sneak beneath, needing to feel his skin against yours. He was warm to the touch, your chilly fingers sending goosebumps across his body, but he stayed silent know that you both needed it. 
“Well, I’ll be damned. Is that who I think it is?”
JJ visibly reacted to your dad’s voice calling out for him. He looked down at you in shock to see your knowing smile before you released him. He took off down the dock, colliding with your dad at full speed as they laughed. The sight brought a smile to your face, glad that your little Pogue family may actually have a chance at changing this path you’d been on. 
Your boyfriend stepped back after a moment to tackle your brother next. The two playfully shoved each other, roughousing as you stepped off the wooden platform back into the grass. JJ didn’t hesitate to join you, arms pulling you back against his chest so he could keep you close.
“Oh shit, this is the best day ever.”
“Where’d Sarah go?” You accidentally spoke over JJ’s excitement, noticing the lack of your friend. 
“Went back to Tannyhill to steal some clothes and maybe find a phone,” John B explained with a shrug. “Told her to be back around 6.”
Your dad suddenly dipped off without a word, leaving the three of you to look at him in confusion. You shook your head, dismissing his odd behavior as you turned to the boy behind you. “Did you go home?”
He winced at the question, his teeth biting at his lip for a moment before he stopped. “Yeah, big ole eviction notice on the door. Snuck in through the window but no electric or water so, you know how that goes.”
“Shit,” You sighed and tucked yourself against his chest again. “Sorry, Jayj.”
The sound of a car engine distracted your conversation as the three of you looked to see the Twinkie being pulled out of the forest line. John B moved first, shocked that this is actually where your dad had gone earlier without saying. 
“Brought an old friend to see you,” Big John said as he hopped out of the van. 
“Where’d you get this?” You asked as you and JJ came to a stop a few feet away from the vehicle. 
“The impound lot, where do you think?”
John B moved closer to rest his hand on the front end. “Where do I think? Um, I don’t know. I’m trying to figure out why you didn’t say when Sarah was here.”
Your dad’s lack of response said everything. He didn’t trust Sarah the way you all had grown to. He didn’t know what she had been put through, all her family had done to her.
“Dad, seriously?” You chastised him as he gave you guys a knowing look. “She’s not her father.”
“Hey, this is supposed to be just the three of us,” He defended as he tossed his hands in the air like he didn’t just completely ignore JJ’s presence next to you. 
John B groaned and rubbed his hands over his face. “Okay, well. Did you at least find the diary?”
“Yeah, I found the diary all right. It was a big pile of mush. The window was left down, it got rained on. You could’ve shut the window.”
JJ raised his hand next to you. “Yeah that was probably my bad. Sorry, Big John.”
John B looked away from your dad. “Okay, well, there were some complications. I wasn’t planning on being gone that long.”
Your dad was unamused by the so-called excuses and called for you and John B to get in the car. “We’ll be back later, JJ. Group catch-up, all of us.”
You hesitated for a moment, watching as John B grabbed a sticky pad and a pen out of the Twinkie glove box, prepared to go with your dad after. You, however, weren’t so sure. You glanced at JJ to see him looking right back at you, waiting for your decision.
“Um, Dad,” You spoke up as John B pressed the note against the side door. “I think I’m gonna sit this one out.”
It shouldn’t have been a surprise that your father didn’t blink an eye at your choice. “Fine by me, Y/N. We’ll do this ourselves and get you later.”
JJ’s hand grabbed your shoulder but you shrugged him off to catch up with John B before he climbed back in. “Whatever he does, whatever he makes you do, you better come back, you hear me?” You poked his chest sternly. “I’m serious, John B. I think he’s in a little too far to see clearly.”
Your brother nodded in agreement, sparing a quick glance over to the person in question. “I know, I will. Be careful, okay?”
You two shared a quick hug, JJ coming over to run through a handshake with your brother before you watched as the Twinkie pulled away. You let out a deep sigh once it disappeared from view. JJ was in front of you a moment later, his calloused hands on your cheeks. “You wanna tell me what the hell happened?”
You chuckled and grabbed his hand off your cheek to pull him towards the house. “Babe, do I have a story for you.”
tags: @strawberryfolks @jinxfirebolt18902 @lnnlove@itsmytimetoodream @dazzlingnights @ifilwtmfc @itsmytimetoodream @multiifandomhoe
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stationintern · 10 months
party 4 u
this is my favorite charli xcx song, and Harry has always played the leading role in my fantasies while listening to it. pls enjoy this fic. i've included multiple mentions of the duo frou frou as a treat for the girlies (anyone who loves frou frou as much as i do).
“Why is it called a pineapple?” Harry asks, leaning against a kitchen cabinet. The knob is digging into his spine, but he’s too loaded to move, let alone notice. He’s shed his pirate costume on various surfaces over the course of the night, his ruffled shirt the only sign left that he was anything at all in the first place.
Nobody replies, because Hermione– dressed as a fairy– is passed out at the kitchen island, hunched over on one of the barstools with her head cradled in her arms. She has a tendency to overestimate her ability to tell when enough is enough, but always ends up having more fun than any of them.
He never should have had this party, is still not sure what he was expecting to get from all this. Most of the people he invited came in their half-arsed costumes, ate ludicrous amounts of sweets, and got drunker than they’d planned to. Surely, his Halloween party should have been a success, right?
Yet, that was never the goal at all. There was one objective for the night, and it’s nearing three in the morning, still uncompleted. 
Yes, Harry Gatsby’d it. 
Eventually, Hermione is carried out over Ron’s shoulder amid hoarse goodbyes and ‘have a good night’s. Harry and Luna collect the cups, and the sink smells of pineapple and rum, of Draco’s breath after every pub night. They take down the streamers while Imogen Heap sings ‘I have to be somewhere/now where did I put it,” and Harry is reminded of the infinite times he was held sonically hostage to Draco’s Details CD on long drives. 
He feels nauseous, and can’t decide if it’s because of the lack of Draco’s presence, or the way he’d overindulged with every passing hour. He decides it’s because of Draco, because everything is. Draco is the reason he painted his bedroom walls blue, and threw this party in the first place.
Their little friends with benefits situation ended three years ago, and Draco’s moved on. Multiple times. But none of them stick, and with every breakup that spark of hope grows in Harry’s chest. That Draco will come back and finish what they started.
Eventually, Luna leaves too, and Harry’s left with a house devoid of all the things he’d placed in it to lure Draco in like a blonde fish to a Frou Frou CD on a hook. Nearing four, Harry leaves it on, lets the music remind him of better times when he wasn’t drunk, when he wasn’t slowly becoming one with the sofa, when Draco being in his house wasn’t something he had to carefully orchestrate.
It’s begun to rain outside, and he’s drifting off to the pitter-patter when the doorbell rings. The sound is like someone dumping a bucket of ice water on his head, and once again the hope that maybe it could be him overcomes the alcohol, just as it did every time a new guest arrived to the party.
It’s funny, how you can have hope for something and fully believe it to be impossible at the same time. The feeling sits in Harry’s mind after being drilled into him all night. Is it him? No. Is it him? No. Is it–
“You have to stop inviting me to things.”
Draco is wet, soaked– which is ridiculous, since he was always so silly about keeping out of the rain, the precise temperature of his warming charms. He’s in his robe, the same grey one with hairspray crust on the shoulders that Harry liked to scratch at. Underneath the fabric there are freckles from Draco’s bad experience with a tanning booth that he hasn’t bothered to magic away. Harry likes to think it’s because he knew how fond he was of them. He knows that body and the stories behind it. He knows Draco so well it’s sickening.
“Just– stop, alright? I can’t keep coming up with excuses the next day.”
He looks like a petulant child– fists at his sides, the crease in his brow, the sheer stubbornness that coats every word.
“I’m sorry?” Harry doesn’t mean for it to come out as a question, but he’s not sure what he’s supposed to be sorry for, and is still reeling from his learned experience being proven wrong so abruptly. 
“I don’t understand why you feel the need to remind me. You- you invite me to your house. You give me… I get a taste of what it’s like to be around you again and then I leave, and I just can’t any more! I can’t come to your parties, your pub nights, your fucking luncheons. You’re cruel, Harry. This is all so…”
Harry reaches out a hand, rests it on Draco’s shoulder, “I’m so confused right now.”
“You’re swaying,” Draco notices.
“I am very drunk.”
“Harry, you don’t have to keep trying to include me in things. I know… I can’t be your friend.”
“I can’t believe you’re asking me that.”
Draco averts his eyes, and seems to realize he’s wet, before pushing his way into Harry’s foyer and drying himself off with his wand. Harry wishes he wouldn’t, because the sight of him truly affected by the rain is something to behold, something he now realizes he’s been deprived of for so long.
“You know why,” he continues, “You know why, and yet you keep inviting me to things because my friends are your friends and vice versa, but I don’t need to be included in everything, not when you know how much it hurts me.”
“Draco, what the fuck are you on about?”
“What am I supposed to do? Just act normal? I’ve been in love with you for three fucking years, and everybody knows it, and I know you know it, and I’m sick of being embarrassed–”
“Draco,” Harry stops him, a hand pressed to his firm chest. The gesture isn’t needed, but Harry wants to touch him so bad, feel the linen of Draco’s shirt under his fingertips now that he knows that Draco wants it, “You’re stupid.”
If he wasn’t drunk, he would have been much more eloquent, but this is the best he’s got, and as long as Draco stops talking long enough to listen, maybe he can make it through this conversation.
“I only threw this party for you.”
Draco takes two steps back, knocks his hip against a fern, then takes a step forward.
“You threw…” Draco looks around the room, now devoid of all its decorations, and Harry hopes he can imagine them in his mind. Imagine a room full of people they love, drinking something he likes, eating his favourite candy, listening to his favourite music, and understand that Harry has always been trying to show, unsure if he was allowed to tell, “What are you saying?”
“I Gatsby’d it,” Harry replies, because Luna said that’s what he was doing, and the phrase has been stuck in his head all night.
“You Gatsby’d it,” Draco deadpans.
“I threw an entire party and filled it with things I know you like, just because I wanted you to show up,” Harry admits, “I had rum rollovers and Frou Frou and I dressed up as a pirate because I know you love men in frilly shirts, because I wanted you to walk in and notice.”
It’s definitely odd saying it out loud, but Draco just showed up at his doorstep and professed his love for him, so Harry feels free to say his truth.
“And I didn’t.”
“Yes, you did.”
“I’m seven hours late.”
“Very fashionable.”
“Sorry about that,” Draco scratches that spot behind his ear, where he’s always thought about getting a tattoo. Harry remembers how it tastes, “So…”
“I love you too, by the way,” Harry blurts, “You said you were in love with me and I called you stupid and–”
Draco reaches for him, and Harry is both expecting it and caught off guard when they kiss– quick and painless and just as sweet as he remembers.
“You threw a party for me,” Draco murmurs.
“Everything I do is for you,” Harry replies, and Draco kisses him again, and again, until he finally manages to pull away from his lips, “I mean, not brushing my teeth or whatever. Like, the pub nights and the dinner parties. Those were all for you.”
“For me.”
“For you.”
“Why didn’t you just–” Draco starts, and Harry knows why he didn’t just, but he’s still too muddled to explain all that.
“I have a lot of problems,” he says instead.
Draco laughs, and Harry’s so glad that it’s finally because of him again, and not some brunette at the pub, “Yes, you do.”
They move on to the sofa, trading explanations through the night as Harry’s buzz finally wears off, and Draco admits that he got pretty smashed in his kitchen, unable to bear the idea of refusing the invite. The sun peaks through the curtains in the early hours of the morning, and they begin to doze, twisted around one another. They haven’t spoken for a while, simply rested in the warmth of long-awaited understanding.
But, as Harry finally lets sleep overcome him, he hears a snort and one final whisper.
“You Gatsby’d it…”
if you liked this, feel free to give it some love over on ao3!
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fine, I'm short ☹️☹️..
erm. dad, in the nicest way possible, you were absolutely head over heels for Wilbur.
– Tubbo.
loser. 👎 you're like your other dad idk. 🙄
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chou-de-chambers · 2 years
Change of Heart
Content rating: Explicit (NSFW) Tags: Yoru x Reader, Yoru x You, fem!reader, reader is a Valorant agent, ex-lovers, slight angst, alcohol consumption, mention of smoking, smut with feelings, unprotected sex (consensual), happy ending, no beta we die like cinematic Cypher Next entry for Kinktober 2022! This one is a gift for my friend slash Valorant duo (best duelist in APAC for me btw) who simps for hair-down Yoru ♡ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
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Colorful lights seeped through the thin gaps of the cabinet's door, painting beams on both you and Yoru's tense bodies. It was already late at night; everyone in the party was tipsy from drinking beer (outside of Brimstone's knowledge) and celebrating Phoenix's birthday. Lofi beats hummed through the speakers of the basement garage, enough to set the ambience without bothering the older agents upstairs from their slumber or whatever work they were still busy with. Everyone felt brave enough to dare each other to a game of Seven Minutes in Heaven, its players decided through a round of Spin the Bottle. However, you knew yours was rigged, judging from the subtle puff of air you had observed from Jett's fingers as the bottle pointed over Yoru then you.
As much as you loved your best friend, you couldn't help but feel betrayed by how she intentionally partnered you with your ex out of all the people in the room. Jett knew you were trying your best to move on from your recent breakup, your constant worrying and Yoru's stubborn behavior not blending well, yet she still challenged your will by subjecting your bodies this close to each other. You sighed out of nervousness as you and Yoru waited for any signs of life outside, like they're intentionally giving you more than seven minutes of torture inside the dingy garage cabinet. Not like any of them knew history between the two of you- only Neon and Jett had knowledge about your secret of having dated the riftwalker.
There wasn't enough room for personal space. Your hands were pressed onto Yoru's chest, clad in a black leather jacket, its decorative spikes digging into your palms. His hands were pinned on your sides, enclosing you in him. You could feel the heat from both your breaths gathering, causing both of you to sweat profusely. Yoru gulped as your hands slightly moved, him getting threatened by the idea of you noticing his heartbeat pacing.
"Sorry," you whispered, "I just wish we had more room."
"Yeah," Yoru mumbled back, wanting to scratch the back of his neck.
"What's taking them so long, though?"
He shrugged his shoulders, "No idea."
Then silence. Your head remained shifted away as you tried to pick up any activity outside. But in truth, you're just trying to avoid meeting Yoru's gaze. You could feel how his eyes were glued onto you ever since you entered the room. In Yoru's defense, he was longing to take another chance on you. Longing for you. He knew it was his fault your relationship ended, what with him constantly putting you on the edge for every dumb thing he did and refusing to introduce you to his vulnerability. He didn't even want to come to this party until Phoenix begged, just to avoid bumping into you. To avoid the guilt from hurting you. To avoid the pitting hole from not having you.
His efforts to catch your attention though were easy to tell, starting from the way he dressed tonight. Yoru donned your favorite apparel for him, the leather jacket he used to wrap around you during evening bike rides. His hair was even fluffed down, knowing full well that you preferred him that way compared to his usual spiky hairdo. He even wore the necklace with the little hamster pendant you crafted in clay for him. Everything about the way he presented himself tonight screamed for you.
"Uh," Yoru cleared his throat in an attempt to fill the void, "You look cute."
Well that's awkward. "Um. Thanks," you muttered as you eyed the graphic crop top and dark denim shorts you're wearing. You changed the topic though, "I swear they're just messing with us at this point. I'm coming out-"
"Don't," Yoru huffed as he pushed his body even closer to you, "Stay here. With me."
You gulped as his face inched closer until your foreheads were touching. Your fists balled in an attempt to force him away, but he remained as sturdy as a tree. The only thing you managed to do was turn your head to the side, avoiding the possibility of your lips meeting each other. You knew it was bound to happen, Yoru appearing to be more confident given the compromised situation. You didn't sign up for this shit, regret flooding your thoughts from attending this stupid party. How is this gonna help you in any way? You swore Jett was out of her mind. And you made sure she'll pay for this.
You toughened up, your face still away from his, "I don't see the point in staying here with you any longer."
"You hate me that much?" he snickered, playing the role of a tough guy.
"I guess you could say that."
"Give me another chance."
Your eyes narrowed, now crossing with his, "What are you talking about?"
"You know damn well what I mean."
"Ugh," you groaned in spite, "Your audacity, I swear. You haven't even apologized yet."
Your tone and volume amped higher, high enough for anyone outside to hear. Yoru didn't mean to start a fight from how he had trouble expressing himself. So he followed your advice, "I'm sorry, then."
"See?" you rolled your eyes in disbelief, completely dodging his attempt, "Like always. You had to wait for me to say it before you mean it."
"I'm shitty with social cues," he muttered with a crack in his voice, "You knew I had always been by myself until you came. You were my first."
"Doesn't excuse you from not listening."
"Please just-"
"Enough, Ryo," you answered firmly, the mention of his actual name hinting you're upset, "You're not helping me."
"Sorry." Yoru's sight fled down in shame. He took a few seconds to arrange his thoughts, giving you a moment for yourself, before pouring his feelings out, "But I'm serious: I really want to try again." His right hand fled to hold yours, squeezing it to where the beating of his heart was. Your ears perked from the emphasis in his tone. The riftwalker's voice was soft and enticing, "Just tell me what to do. I'll make it up to you."
Another cricket of silence. This time though, both of you were staring at each other, Yoru taking in this precious moment of being alone with you while you weighed how sincere he sounded. Before you had the chance to respond, the cabinet door swung open, putting you into flight mode and abruptly taking your hands off of him. Yoru did the same. Everyone cheered and teased from how both your faces were as red as a tomato, most of the girls giggling, including Jett who plastered a smirk while eyeing you. Engulfed by embarassment, you shot your best friend an irritated look and walked away.
"Ooh," everyone reacted, pressuring the left alone Yoru as he stepped out of the cabinet. Phoenix nudged him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, the smell of liquor radiating from his slurry speech, "So how'd it go, fam?"
"Screw you to shards, idiot," Yoru spat back, sinking on the couch as he reached for his bottle and swiftly downed what's left of his beer.
Yoru's heel dug onto the spent cigarette butt, distinguishing its flame. He took a few seconds to stare into the starry night sky before coming back inside, hands inside the pockets of his jacket. He knew how much you liked the stars, so he often snuck you out of HQ to a special spot beyond the city with his motorcycle. The way your eyes glimmered were brighter than the twinkling of the stars. He couldn't get the grin out of his face from how your fingers pointed to the sky, pretending to touch each speck. And most of all, your wholehearted laughter that echoed throughout the woods. He tried. Maybe he's just not cut out for you. Maybe he's that unbearable to handle. Like a teenage son, he remembered you call him before you told him it's over. A disappointed sigh escaped his lips as he reminisced the little time he spent with you earlier. Defeated, his foot kicked the dust off the concrete floor.
To his surprise though, he found you outside his apartment door, wearing nothing but his oversized shirt you forgot to return. Your arms were hugging yourself, face flushed as you averted your gaze away from him. For a moment, he froze, itching to rub his eyes just to check if he was already wasted somewhere in HQ and dreaming, but the rapid beating of his heart confirmed that this right here is reality. Without warning, you were dragged inside his room as his lips crashed yours, your body pinned onto the other side of his locked door. His hands were quick to grab onto your ass, sliding down to your thighs, lifting you up so he could walk both of you to his dim bedroom. Yoru didn't stop wallowing in the passion of your kissing as he tossed both of you on the matress, sheets rustling from your hands hungrily exploring each other. Your tongues danced, tasting the same beer both of you had from earlier's party. Yoru was the first to pull away, peering over the silhouette the moonlight could draw from your pretty face.
"Are you drunk?"
You shook your head to deny it, your hands pulling his face onto yours. He gently brushed them off, "I still need an answer, you know."
You were too shy to admit it- even to yourself- that you still like him. That you still looked out for him despite promising yourself not to. You weren't drunk, but the beer somehow helped you become more honest with yourself. All you did was stare at his lips with your lidded eyes. He noticed, giving you a soft peck to satisfy your need, asking again, "Is this you giving me a second chance?"
You nodded. He gently smiled, something he rarely did, "Kawaii sugiru," and kissed you fiercely this time. This turn of events made it seem like a miracle. Yoru thought about finally thanking the gods for this. No questions asked; he'd grab this opportunity freely handed to him.
His lips remained on yours as he shook his jacket off of him, throwing it on the edge of his bed. You could feel his rough hands sliding up your body, his wrists lifting up your shirt to your chest, revealing your waist down. You bit your lip from how he grinded his bulge onto you, the friction from his denim pants rubbing between your legs. He whispered onto your ear, "Stop pretending like it's our first time doing this. You know you can let it out. Our rooms are soundproof, baka, " then his lips traced down the area underneath your jaw, one of your most sensitive spots, rewarding him with moans from you. His grinding onto your core sharpened, driving you crazier than you already are.
"Oh, Ryo-" you breathed out, gripping onto the back of his shirt.
"Fuck," he groaned through the curve of your neck before kneeling up. His beady eyes admired the tangled mess you became, his hands doing quick work on taking off his clothes. Yoru let out an exhale from the way your hands traced each one of his scars that adorned his torso- scars he earned from Shibuya gang fights in the past and some that developed from his riftwalking. He noticed the worry on your face once again, an expression he wouldn't want to gain at this kind of occasion, and attempted to distract you by pulling down your panties. He cursed in Japanese, thrilled from the sight of your wet sex and the image of his hard cock diving into it.
"And here I thought you weren't happy to see me," he smugly commented as the tips of his fingers grazed onto your wet folds.
You covered your face in embarassment with his pillow as you whined, "Ryo, stop..."
He chuckled, obviously winning from how you fed his ego with your reaction. The pillow on your face got quickly discarded and thrown on the floor. His other hand grasped your chin, averting your face towards his conquering figure and gifting you with a passionate kiss again. He loves the feeling of your soft lips on his. It's one thing he missed the most from you. You felt a calloused finger enter your craving hole, making you beg for a pause to moan. Yoru denied your plea by shoving his tongue into your open mouth and adding another finger pumping inside you. You whimpered from each thrust he did, your walls getting more slippery. Release felt so close. "Ryo, I'm close-"
Then Yoru pulled out, momentarily licking the sweetness of your juices on his fingers, then lifted you onto his lap. He smirked from seeing your brows knit together.
"You're cruel," you pouted as you squeezed on his bare shoulders. His hand held onto yours, guiding it towards his erection. Your fingertip caressed its head, feeling the warmth of his precum, drawing out a lustful gasp from him. Yoru's wish was clear and you complied by wrapping your hand around his thick shaft, stroking it up and down. He pulled you in for a hot kiss as you gradually paced your hand's movement. The low groans that vibrated from his throat were satisfying for you to hear, like he's under your mercy. This was enough to make it even.
When his lips parted from yours, his hands held your cheeks, and the tender look from his eyes relayed a familiar message: Yoru was begging you to go down on him. You kissed the corner of his mouth before descending onto his twitching cock, peppering it with kisses before flicking your tongue over the wetness of its head like a treat. He hissed at the pleasure, his hand gripping onto your loose locks. Slowly, you took his entirety in your mouth until its tip reached the back of your throat. You felt his hold on your hair tighten, urging you to move. You did so by bobbing your head up and down until it was Yoru controlling you. Your tongue ran underneath his shaft with every movement of your head, leaving him euphoric to the point that his hips began rocking. Yoru's head snapped back from the overwhelming bliss as he cried curses in his native language, and the sight of him all sweaty and lewd like this motivated you to pleasure him even more. He'd often act tough outside, but you've always wished that he'd share his weaknesseses to you.
You felt your hair being pulled. You willingly obliged, releasing his cock from your mouth then gently pushing him to lay down on the bed. You knew Yoru loves it when you're on top, so you straddled his hips and slowly sank onto his girth, eyes focused on his. Both of you missed this feeling of being connected to each other as you moaned in unison. His hands met yours, fingers intertwined before pulling you closer to him. While you were still relishing on the feeling of him inside you, he whispered in a husky voice, "Go on, move. Show me you deserve to feel good."
His sudden retrieval of power from you turned you on, coaxing you to rock your hips, eliciting deep grunts from him. Yoru's hands fled to your hips, sliding down to your ass, squeezing it as you lowered yourself again on him. His eyes lingered on yours, his senses swallowing every bit of you- from your beautiful body to your melodious moans and fragrant scent of sex that blessed his territory with your presence once again. Everything was at its place. You were with him, and he's glad that he was right where he belonged: by your side. Yoru did his best to intensify your pleasure by fondling your breast with one hand and thumbing your clit with his other hand. You swore your mind was going blank from the way his hands occupied you, especially with him rubbing your core. It kind of made your movement sloppy. A deep chuckle escaped Yoru's lips as he adored your heated expression devoid of any thoughts except for your lovemaking. This urged him to seize your hips and move his instead. The yelp you let out was sultry, and it further motivated him to thrust harder.
Your back arched and your fingers clawed onto the bed sheet, "Ryo, please harder, I'm almost there."
"Me too," he mouthed breathlessly, his thrusts going faster and harder. His release was triggered by the way your walls clenched onto his dick, his warm cum pouring into you as you climaxed along with him. Yoru's hips continued thrusting onto yours, ensuring that every bit of his semen was inside you as a way of marking you as his. He sighed in relief as you pulled yourself away of him, a sight of his seed dripping from your swollen hole. You smiled at him before laying on his chest, his arms enclosing you into a loving embrace.
"So we're back together, yeah?"
You huffed in playful annoyance, "Of course, dummy."
"Just making sure," he said, brushing your hair then planting a kiss on your temples, " Suki desu."
"Love you too, Ryo."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─ ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─ ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
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wonijinjin · 9 months
dust: a christmas special (ot7)
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author’s note: to end the holiday season here is a little special with your favourite boys! have a peaceful day, take care.
synopsis: the christmas chaos vanished, time to clean up your mess, but it is not easy with those seven.
word count: 1.0k | genre: fluff, humour/crack | pairings: enhypen x gn! reader (platonic!) | warnings: mentions of being deaf, yelling, playfighting
“i think we should start cleaning up guys, the situation is not sustainable anymore.” it was the last day of christmas, the holy spirit and the holiday atmosphere slowly fading as time went on, you and the boys getting full and sick of stuffing yourselves with delicious special meals which you partly helped cook as well as got delivered to make sure you had enough of everything. wrappers of chocolate and presents were all over the kitchen counter, not leaving any space for you to make your morning drink; moreover the house looked like a mess, the two floors were terribly packed with all sorts of stuff you had to get in order to complete the decoration or to ensure that everyone was having the time of their lives (which included a karaoke machine, darts, and a table tennis court just to mention some activities you did), them being a bit damaged due to the excitement of the day before, the boys handling them roughly. “what did you say? sorry i’m literally deaf, yesterday’s karaoke destroyed my eardrums…even though i wanted to just sleep peacefully…” jake complained while moving into the kitchen, eyes barely open since he didn’t get enough sleep. “oh shit-“ “WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT OH MY GOD!”jake whined when you accidentally knocked the pot next to you over, its fall chattering on the marble floor, making your friend jump in surprise. “whoops, sorry. can you get the others? we need to clean this mess up.” you said gently, trying not to startle the poor boy even more.
ten minutes later all of the seven men were on their feet, sleepy gazes pinned upon your figure while waiting for an answer as of why you needed them so badly since jakey had no energy to even finish his sentence. “this is disgusting guys. i don’t even know where this suspicious substance came from, but i think it is better for all of us if we try to get rid of it.” you said with a face of shock, holding a roll of wipes and pointing at the countertop which had what you suspected was some kind of juice, sticking to everything of course. “hee please take the ornaments down from the rooms with riki, they are like broken in half or ripped into pieces anyways, so you can just throw them in the trash can.” you ordered, ushering the oldest and youngest boys of the group out of the mentioned room, and grabbing jay by his hand. “you are gonna help me clean the kitchen since we are probably the only ones who actually know how to do it.” he smiled at your words; you often came around to their dorm to spend time with them, meanwhile getting into a habit of cooking with jay, and this holiday was no exception; you had a blast with these silly boys whom you loved dearly, but the fun was over and everyone had to get back into their normal lives soon, not to mention new year’s eve rolling around soon enough. “sunoo, sunghoon please collect the wrappers.” you pleaded, the duo already hurrying to get the bags. “and lastly jakey and wonnie, can you go out to buy some new garbage bags and cleaning stuff? we are gonna run out i think.” you wondered, looking around the cabinets to find out what was necessary.
after hours of mopping and like ten bags of trash later you finally managed to get the building squeaky clean. “good job guys! i miss the christmas spirit, but i think this little session did wonders to the house! isn’t it nice to have a clean surface to sit down on?” you grinned at them, however they weren’t that happy. “yeah yeah great…” jay said while scratching the back of his head. “i wasted half a day for this…when i could’ve went out to get that ichiran ramen i got from heeseung!” riki added right after, surely not being satisfied with how his holiday came to an end. “i will treat you to a big meal on new year’s eve okay? yall are so dramatic!” you said with a blank expression. “you guys did nothing but eat and play for DAYS…a bit of hygiene doesn’t hurt you know.” sunoo sided with you, happily skipping around the house in the sunshine that was coming in through the big windows. “hah! that’s it for you all, sunny is on my side! i knew you would never let me down!” you ran to him, hugging him tightly to which he responded with a bubbly laugh. “are we gonna argue about this any further or are we gonna finally try to solve that 20000 piece lego set you bought for us?” jungwon asked with a cocked brow, you not even having time to process what happened when sunghoon started screaming. “YEAH FINALLY, THE LEGO!” he quickly grabbed it and poured it out onto the ground, sitting down next to the pieces. “now that i think of it it was a good decision to put away the stuff which has been laying here. now we have all the space for the fun!” heeseung commented, already lowering himself next to hoon. you watched the seven idiots fondly, looking at how their eyes sparkled. “okay big boys, let’s start then!”
“YAHHH RIKI DID YOU LOSE THE LAST PIECE?” “I TOLD YOU I HAVEN’T SEEN IT, ARE YOU STUPID?” “HEY! that is not how you talk to the older members!” “it was sunoo’s fault anyways, he was dancing around i bet he kicked it off somewhere…” “I WILL MAKE SURE YOU WILL BE THE ONE KICKED OFF YOU LIAR!” “here we go again…”
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love--t · 2 years
Mister Ghostface
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Pairing: Wooyoung x Fem!reader
Warnings: knife play?, mentions of a party and alcohol, refrences from the movie scream, a few swear words, short.
Genre: Fluff? a little bit sexual? Halloween, Secret admirer wooyoung.
a/n: Happy Halloween kiddos! i hope you all have a great day. I intended this to be a Halloween special for my story The lonely hearts club but it can also be read on its own.
I hope you like it, feed back is highly appreciated, please like and reblog, thank you for reading.
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The cold evening wind blew hazardly outside your home, the leafless tree branches tapping against the big living room window, making your two best friends jump up from their seat on the couch, scared expressions on their faces as they looked around trying to find the source of the tapping.
"guys, calm down" you chuckled. "it's just the wind, no need to be scaredy cats"
It was your annual Halloween sleepover. Every year you guys did the same thing. Order pizza, open a few cans of beer and watch the same horror movies in the same order.
"Turn on the patio lights" came a raspy voice from the movie playing on the tv.
"Nah girl don't do it" San begged, as he curled up closer to Sana with a bowl full of popcorn.
This tradition started all because they had crashed your one man horror movie marathon. San and Sana had gone to a Halloween party, you also being invited, weren't interested in watching badly dressed drunk teenagers, grind against each other and drink cheap alcohol. 
You didn't know if you were more scared of the horror films you had picked out or having to watch a drunk San stumble into your living room, carrying an even drunker Sana on his back, the former mumbling that they had left the party because it sucked without you.
"Sincerely San, I don't understand how you can be so scared of these films!" Sana whined "we've watched them a million times!"
She slapped the boy on the back of his head, making a high pitched ouch leave his mouth, watching him as he nursed his head.
"It's not my fault I get scared easily!" he bickerd back, pulling a strand of her pink hair.
She gasped "you did not just pull my hair," the boy mimicked the words back to her in an overly high pitched voice.
You never really understood why they kept watching these movies with you, they were easily scared.
"Can you two shut up already?" you questioned the duo, freezing comically in mid air.  You let them settle back into their seats, getting a bit closer every time a scream would ring out from the speakers of the tv, the volume a little bit too loud.
The sound of your home phone ringing made you all jump, popcorn going everywhere. Then suddenly the warm glow of the living room lights shut off. The only thing you could hear was the howling of the wind and the scared screams coming from your friends.
"Every horror movie starts like this!" Sana screeched, diving in for a hug from the equally scared San .
Shaking your head at their antics, you made your way to the kitchen cabinet, taking out a torch.
"It's the fuse box," you replied, handing the item to San, his shaky hands receiving it. "both of you go check it out".
Smiling, You watched the pair link arms and make their way to the sliding doors of the back yard, fighting about who would walk out first into the night.
The sound of the phone ringing again made your heart stop, not from frightness, but... Excitement.
 With giddy steps, you answered the phone, knowing exactly who it would be on the other side.
"Well, well , well" you said, playing with your hair, a big smile gracing your lips.  I didn't think you'd call me this year, you're late."
The only thing that came from the other side was a deep chuckle and the same question you were asked every year.
"Do you like scary movies?" The enhanced voice rasped, making you bite your lip.
"Meet you up stairs".
And with that you hung the phone and made your way up the staircase to your room. 
You walked in slowly on your toes, searching around your room for your Secret admirer but without warning a white masked intruder, dressed in all black pounced on you.
A small shriek left your body as the figure pinned you against the door, one hand holding your wrists above your head ,while the other held a knife to your throat.
"You scared me!" you laughed out.
The individual stared down at you, as their chest rose up and down, breath coming out in hurried pants, body buzzing from the adrenaline rush.
You tried to push him away but a growl left the male, as he pushed your small figure further into the door, enforcing his strength on you
 The unknown male had been sneaking into your room through the window since you were a kid, sporting a different costume every Halloween with a mask on, not once showing you his face or talking, not willing to give away his identity.
"what?" you questioned, eyes twinkling from the situation, "Do you want me to say the line?"
Everyone who knew you, knows that you have an unhealthy obsession with horror movie characters, especially ghostface from scream, even going as far to tell the male your fantasies with said character.
At your words he titled his head to the left, confused, not one sound coming from him. You just rolled your eyes and scoffed out "okay, fine" as you cleared your voice, preparing yourself for the oscar winning performance you were about to give.
"oh you wanna play psycho killer?" you taunted bringing your face closer to the masked man who nodded at your words.
Bringing up the acting by ten folds, you sported an innocent look, making bambi eyes at him.
"Can I be the helpless victim?" He nodded back once again, making you bite your lip.
"No, please don't kill me mister ghostface i want to be in the sequel" you finished, laughter messing up the last few words.
Out of no where the male dropped the fake knife, now pinning you against the door by your neck, giving it a little squeez, making a pornographic moan leave your lips, a bratty smile gracing your face at his actions.
"you're into some weird shit mister ghostface"
If only San and Sana knew what was going on here, they would have probably put you in a mental hospital.
You heard a tsk leave the figure, as he took his hands off of you, taking a few steps back, he reached into his back pocket,  presenting you with a red rose and a small bag of your favorite candy.
You pushed yourself off the door, happiness washing over you as you accepted the goodies.
"oh how will i ever repay you mister ghostface?" you gushed using the same voice as before.
"you know exactly what to do" he whispered, not loud enough to make out who the voice belonged to.
You made your way to the edge of your bed, sitting down with your legs wide open, enough space for him to sit on his knees between them.
You sighed, lifting your hand slowly to the mask making him flinch away.
"I promise i'll close my eyes," you whispered staring into his eyes, peeking through the small holes of the mask.
without another word he got closer to you, letting you slide his mask up just enough for his lips to peak out.
"Happy Halloween Mister Ghostface"
You closed your eyes and kissed his soft lips, smiling into it when you felt his leather gloved hands hold your cheeks lovingly, caressing your face with his thumb, the action creating exploding fireworks in your stomach.
The kiss was slow, gentle and passionate, a big contrast from your earlier actions.
you wanted to keep kissing him, wanted to see where the night would lead you but you were running out of time, there was only so much San and Sana could do when they found the fuse box.
Once his mask had been placed back to its rightful position, the lights turned back on, making the figure jump to his feet ready to leave out the window.
"Wait," you grabbed his hand.
"Do I know you?"
He sighs and nods.
"y/n?" You heard Sana call from down the stairs.
"Go, go, go," you whispered, pushing the male out the window.
Gasping you peaked your head out the opening, looking down at the male making sure that he was alright.
You smiled as he walked away from your house, twinkling his fingers in a goodbye. Deciding to be bold, you sent him a flying kiss, which he responded, by catching it and putting it in his pocket.
"Are you alright?" you heard come from behind you.
Turning to see sana standing in your doorway, staring at you with a judging look.
"y-y-yeah i was just checking if the other neighbors lights also went out."  a small blush rising to your cheeks at the thought of getting caught.
San makes his way up the stairs, jumping on the last step.
"what's going o- oh candy!" He threw himself at the goodie bag, taking out a red twizzler, gnawing at it cutely making you chuckle.
"y/n?" sana called to you, staring at something on the bedroom floor, you followed her gaze and what you saw made your eyes widen.
"Why is there a fake knife on your floor?
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Wooyoung watched you from the street in front of your house, a love sick smile on his face as he watched you scrunch your nose up in laughter.
His heart was beating so fast at the thought of the kiss you both shared, his lips tingling as he brushed his index and middle finger against them.
Lost in the feeling, he was brought out of his thoughts by the buzzing sound of his phone, he groaned as he stared at the caller ID, knowing he was about to get an earful.
He turned and started the trail back to his house, answering the phone call and bringing it to his ear.
"Wooyoung!" screamed Yeosang from the other line. "Where the hell are you? You literally left your own party and me alone,again!"
He chuckled at his friend's words, not caring a single bit at what he had done, the boy was too happy.
"i'll be there in 5 minutes" he replied, listening to the autmn leaves crunch under his heavy combat boots.
"Did you take my ghostface costume?"
He stopped in his track at his friends words, being caught.
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triplesilverstar · 10 months
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Rating: G
Pairing: Vash X F!Reader
CW: Mentions of pregnancy
Word count: Roughly 1K
A/N: Well, have the first of my Dad!Vash blurbs/Drabbles for the holidays with his cute little boy Rei making some cookies. Just some nice fluff to start off the holidays right.
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The sound of cheerfulness could be heard around the small kitchen as the pair laughed, Vash with his chuckles bouncing around the space, and the high-pitched squeals of Rei as he stood on his stool to be level with the counter. His smaller hands wrapped around the rolling pin handles, which were, in turn, engulfed in his father's grip as the duo worked on rolling out the dough in front of them. “Just a bit more pressure Rei, you don’t want your cookies to burn do you?”
“Burnt cookies are gross Papa. You can eat them.” The toddler retorted at him and Vash tried to keep the dough level. Well, more Vash trying to keep the dough from being too thin or thick, chuckling again at the matter-of-fact tone of his son.
“What if I don’t like burnt cookies either? Are you going to feed them to Mama?” Teasing as the pin made a few clicking noises as it spun across the sugary mass.
“No! To you Papa!” Another squeal from Rei and Vash just chuckled more, enjoying the feel of the smaller hands under his.
“Well, I guess we just can’t make them too thin to burn right?”
“Right.” It warmed his heart to hear his son speaking, just a few months ago his little sprout had still been making noises and gurgles. He’d come a long way in such a short time and Vash felt his heart swell whenever Rei spoke. A constant reminder of his new life, a life he never thought he’d have but you had changed all that. With the addition of Rei, Vash felt like every day was a new adventure even with the learning curve that came with being a new parent.
Stopping the motion of the pin and pulling his and Rei’s hand away Vash hummed as he looked at the pale confection spread before the two. “I think that’s as good as it’s gonna get without burnt cookies.” An eww following his words as Rei made a face of clear unhappiness at the thought of such a tragedy. “Wanna pick out the shapes we're gonna use?” He asked reaching up into the high spaces of the cabinet and pulling the little box that held the cookie cutters you had acquired that Vash simply no longer questioned. Sure it wasn’t a huge selection with just seven pieces but for the weekly cookies you baked for the three of you as treats, it more than served the intended purpose.
“All of them Papa” Rei declared as Vash jingled the box in front of the small blond.
Letting out a hum as if in thought. “If we use them all, we need to wash all of them Rei.” An attempt to get his little boy to change his mind since Vash knew there was enough dough for maybe a dozen cookies and Rei already showed disdain for dishes. Looking down as Rei’s little nose twitched on his face and his cheeks puffed up in a frown before he pointed out two of them.
“The star and moon Papa.” A wistful smile grew on Vash’s face at the selection, the memory of when you had come home and first made cookies while trying to find things to keep you occupied that weren’t intensive while pregnant with Rei. Something he found exhausting with how active you were around your little household and trying to keep you off your feet as he’d been ordered by the doctors on the ship. 
“Because you light up my night just as much as my day Sunshine.” A tooth-filled grin on your face as you sat at the kitchen table covered in flour making your hair white, one of his favorite memories of you. It tickled something inside of him that Rei tended to pick those two cutters wondering if maybe his little sprout was aware of the sentiment his parent placed on them.
“A great pick.” Plucking the two from the container before sliding it back into its place higher in the cabinet before letting Rei start to push them into the dough and make the outline of his cookies. 
Working together it doesn’t take long for Vash and Rei and get the raw cookies placed on the cookie sheet and roll the dough out a second time with a firm. “Not too thin Papa!” Rei chided his father until a little lump that didn’t fit any of the molds was left.
“That’s for Pookie Papa.” An authoritative statement from Rei with his hands on his hips and Vash had no intentions of arguing with the boy, if he wanted to give Vash’s Tomas a cookie so be it.
“Ok Rei, I bet she’ll be extra happy when you give it to her.” Tossing the cutters into the sink with the rest of their used tools that they would wash while the cookies baked. “Now back up buddy so I can get these in the oven.”
“Can I do it, Papa?” His blue eyes twinkled as he sent his father his best puppy dog look, one Vash often caved to. Yet as the tray tilted in his hands Vash sighed, watching those big eyes grow glassy trying to win him over. 
“Not this time. Once you get bigger.” Sending him a wink as both you and Vash had learned to not say when you’re older to Rei, since he responded the first time five minutes later with how he was older. The idea of the boy trying to load the cookie sheet in the hot oven was just too much of a risk for him at this point but with the way he was growing Vash wouldn’t be surprised if in another three or four months he’d be big enough to do so.
Hours later, with a little plate of cookies, Vash was sitting on the couch with a tuckered-out Rei curled into his side having a nap. One arm wrapped around the boy's shoulders as he snuggled up against Vash, a soft smile on his face as he watched the boy sleep. A feeling of contentment settled over him as he heard the front door open. 
 Stepping in from the outside and pausing to slip your boots off you could smell something sweet, your nose in the air sniffing as you made your way down the hallway and caught sight of the pair on the couch. “I see my boys managed to stay out of trouble today.”
“Barely” Vash laughed before holding up the plate with an eyebrow raised. “Want a sweet treat Mayfly?” Shaking your head at his playful tone well aware he didn’t actually mean one of the cookies as you swept closer to the pair with a growing grin making your cheeks hurt. 
“Always my love.” 
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ricky-tiki-tah · 3 months
If you're still looking for Ego prompts, maybe Wilford? 👀
Yes! I’ve had an idea for him banging around for a little bit.
—Story Time—
Mornings were always a quiet affair. Most of the other egos figured that Wilford needed his coffee to wake up in the morning, as any attempt to interact with him before then was largely unsuccessful. Only a few of the older egos knew the truth.
“Good morning, Wil.”
William hummed a quiet greeting to Dark, nodding towards the Jims at the kitchen table as he grabbed his mug, once again thankful that Dark gets up early enough to make coffee before everyone else is awake.
“Morning Not-so-Pink Jim!” One of the two Jim’s currently at the table spoke up.
“Mornin’ CJ.” William responded, turning around to lean against the counter and sipping his coffee.
Dark turned to grab the sugar and whipped cream, in preparation for Wilford’s memories to slot into place. “Any plans today, love?”
William shrugged, closing his eyes to just enjoy the quiet. “Got a meeting with Kathryn later. Think I’ll work on new interview questions til then.”
At this point the pink was returning to his hair and mustache, so Dark passed him the sugar. “Tell Kathryn I said hello, would you?”
Wilford nodded, reaching for the whipped cream and digging through a cabinet for the rainbow sprinkles. “Oh sure! Here’s to hoping she doesn’t mention the mess that happened yesterday!”
Wilford clinked his overly sugary mug with Dark’s, pressing a kiss to the other’s cheek before turning to head towards his studio. “Later Jims! I’ll look over your footage after my meeting.”
“Later Pink Jim!” The duo chorused.
AJ turned to look at Dark, who raised an eyebrow at him. “What?”
“Reporter Jim wants to interview William.” CJ spoke up.
Dark shook his head, finishing off his own coffee. “That’s not advisable, Jim. Wilford doesn’t know about his lapsing into William, and I would rather not find out what would happen if he were to find out.”
“Permission to interview Wilford, Demon Jim?” AJ asked.
“If you don’t ask about William, I don’t care AJ. Goodness knows what you four will do otherwise.” Dark replied. They had long since given up arguing with the Jims that they weren’t a demon.
“Wil, I can’t find Roosevelt!” Artie ran up to the pink journalist.
“Well then I’ll help you look! She’s bound to be around here somewhere.” Wilford pat the boys head reassuringly before turning towards his manager. “Excuse me Kathryn, this is of upmost importance. Roosevelt is expecting and Artie here has been busy making her a comfy little nest.”
Kathryn sighed but nodded. “Well we were nearly done already. I’ll leave the notes on your desk. Nice to see you Artie.”
“Nice to see you Kathryn!” Artie waved, tugging on Wilford’s hand. “Let’s go Wil!”
“Later!” Wilford waved. “Oh, Bim was wanting to talk to you too.”
“Alright. Good luck Artie.”
“Thanks!” Artie was finally able to pull Wilford away and towards his room.
“Have you looked in your treehouse yet, King?” Wilford asked, watching Artie tug him along with amusement.
“Yeah, she’s not actually missing though. I just had to think of something to get you out of the meeting.” Artie admitted, opening his door and making a beeline to his window.
“Oh really, whatever for?”
“Roosevelt had her babies!!” Artie explained, leading the way across the rope bridge to his treehouse.
“Oh did she now! That’s wonderful!” Wilford laughed, following the boy’s lead in staying quiet and moving slowly.
“Look!” Artie pointed towards one of the nest holes. “They’re so tiny!”
“Indeed! What do you plan to name them?”
Artie hummed deep in thought, milling it over as he studied the squirrel kits. Wilford smiled fondly, petting another squirrel while he waited.
“I think I’ll call that one Sherbet, that one Rocky, that little one Obi-Wan, and that one Moose.” Artie finally decided, pointing to each kit as he named them.
Wilford laughed. “Lovely names, I’m sure they’ll grow right into them!”
Artie beamed. “Oh they will! I’m the best King of the Squirrels ever and I’ll make sure they grow up to be big and strong little squirrels! Oh, the Jims want to interview you again, by the way.”
“Of course, they’ve only done so twice this week, I was waiting for them to come looking for me again.”
“There you are, Darkling!” Dark looked up as the pink ego appeared in their room.
“Hello Wilford, how was your day?”
“Oh it was great!” Wilford started, sprawling across Dark’s lap. “I scheduled another interview, and that meeting with Kathryn went splendidly! Oh say, did King tell you about his baby squirrels? They’re so adorable and tiny! And of course the Jims interviewed me again. This time they wanted to know how some of my hair is pink and I told them ‘well how should I know? It just is!’”
Dark smiled, setting his book aside and carding softly through said pink hair while he listened to Wilford ramble on about his day.
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millepara · 6 months
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bye for now...
I DIDN'T cry in the arcade, I swear I didn't, depending on what your definition of crying is. lmao. I knew my eyes were less dry than usual but no one else would have.
I'm surprised, shocked even, that all three cabinets were still working. as mentioned here and there, I haven't been able to play for various reasons for a long time, so I have no idea how many people are still playing here. all I knew is from Luna posting about her trip where she encountered various defunct cabinets. I assumed that the ones at my home arcade would be the same. I guess that's the difference between tokyo and osaka at work... admittedly my arcade is hardly the top pretty series arcade in osaka, though. it's closest to the station so it's frequented by a lot of tourists etc passing through to spectate, which means it gets loud/a little unpleasant sometimes, which probably drives away most of the serious (?) primagi players (and those of other games too). but I can handle that if it means I'm not having to pack up all my cards and eject my usb and move after every single game.
anyway, none of that matters because I'm moving out of osaka and primagi is moving out of existence. the whole 3ish? hours I played today not a single other person came to play primagi until I was packing up to go. I was able to play and record everything I wanted to without being rushed or distracted or whatever. I almost didn't go at all because I'm moving next tuesday and it feels really irresponsible to go to the city and play at the arcade for hours this close, but... while packing I found a lithium ion battery that had swelled up into a mouse-sized pillow and the only place in the goddamn prefecture that will dispose of sick batteries happens to be a 20-minute walk away from my arcade. so I had no choice but to go!
luckily I set aside some coords & MAGIC☆VITAMIN's ids just in case back when I packed my pretty series box, so I already had that ready in my bag! kind of wish I'd gone over all of my coords a little better or picked coords that matched each other better, but I was focused on packing quickly at the time, and I didn't even use one of the coords I brought, so that doesn't even qualify as a regret. a little closer to a regret is how my larger usb did that thing where it gets too excited and stops recording in the middle of my game, so I spent the the last half of my arcade time muttering please please please PLEASE keep recording dont freak out you can do it come on come on--but it always does this so in a way, it was just like old times. back in the arcade with my wretched usb at my side. I got everything I wanted to record in one piece, at least, though it took a couple tries sometimes.
I was planning on only getting friend cards because I love looking at them and I don't need to start collecting coords on my final day of playing the game lmao, but!! I forgot or didn't know there are pretty rhythm coords in primagi!! I knew about the pripara and prichan ones, but other than Mirai's they were mostly stuff I don't care abt seeing on my idols... but the pretty rhythm ones!! they added so many details and definition to update the coords for primagi, and I love looking at that sort of thing!! I only did extra shopping one time when pure premium wedding and rainbow 7th coord showed up in the same game, and then with the random cards you get at the end of the game I managed to finish both, as you can see at the beginning of this post :)
I ended up playing an extra game with Milk because I wanted to see her in the wedding dress, and I was planning on playing one final game with Biscuit, but then... well, I'm totally unaware of the new songs aside from Miruki's Puzzle Buzz one, so I just chose the Himeme/Mychara Girls duet because I wanted to see a Milk/Biscuit pretty rhythm duo, and.... oh my god. it was the cutest song in the world, even (impossibly!) cuter than Buzzle. my idols got engaged......... in pretty rhythm wedding dresses..... . it seemed like too perfect a place to finish my primagi career (and I had to record it twice bc of my usb) (and I didn't particularly have any coord/song in mind to use for Biscuit after that) (and right after hearing morning and gift in the arcade after so long it was a direct hit to my idol emotions) so I finished up and went home.
I'm really glad I got to play one last time. I had already resigned myself to the fact that I just wouldn't get to, that's how it had to be and it sucks that I'm moving at the same time, and I figured it would be fine because I haven't been able to play regularly. but I feel so relieved since I went! I'm going to the middle of nowhere so I won't be able to play aipri verse regularly even if I want to (tbd), so I think this nice long farewell concert helped me feel ok about primagi ending and moving away and whatever aipri is going to be instead of just like... it's inevitable, so oh well.
I haven't had time to check the vids yet. fingers crossed that they turned out fine...
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rebelpeas · 1 year
I’m thinking forever about Tubbo yelling at Quackity about wanting to execute Ranboo… I’m thinking about every time Quackity backs away, Tubbo takes a step closer. I think that was the first time Quackity had seen Tubbo that expressive with his anger, let alone it being directed at him.
And I certainly don’t think the two of them ever really talked about the red festival other than the implications Tubbo made as he yelled at him. God. I can’t even fathom how that conversation might have gone, the two of them talking about the red festival. Like. Thinking about later during the cookie outpost arc, Tubbo telling Ranboo and mentioning Quackity’s involvement… we got so little insight into Tubbo’s thoughts. But that confirmation that Tubbo considered Quackity a participant in the execution. Changed me forever.
-Peninkwrites (u know, the guy obsessed with cabinet duo as foxhole buddies lmao)
IIIIIIIIIIIM FUCKING INSAANEEEE the . the fufkcijg. i think there’s something to be said about tubbo defending ranboo from quackity wanting to execute him. and tubbo believing quackity supported his own execution. and the way tubbo will forgive just about anyone until they’ve hurt his loved ones instead of him. quackity seeing tubbo’s anger fully and truly for the first time and the anger can’t even for tubbo himself. aaaughhhh. i’m out of words to connect dots because i just used them up on the last analysis post but AUAUAUGGHHHH.,.,
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... why did you even have me if you weren't gonna actually act like my parent?
okay :]!!! uhm. Am I allowed to go for a walk? or do I have to stay inside? I know the press has been,, Inquisitive,,, Lately.
– Tubbo.
... Just... Keep talking like that and I'll give you work to do.
You're probably fine. They're just anxious about Alex for some reason. :/ If they ask you questions about anything I tell Q not to answer then don't answer either.
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