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cabin9sblog · 1 year ago
Barista: What can I get you?
Percy, at 4 am after fighting a ton of monsters: Take a big cup, put six shots of espresso into it, nothing else.
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orangepawn39 · 8 months ago
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Tmnt fandom family reunion Craft event
MM leo (cabin13) Link
Mikey and donnie (cabin7) Link
Mikey (cabin9) Link
Casey (cabin3) Link
Donnie (cabin2) Link
Bendy, funtime foxy, Venus and mikey (cabin4) Link
Mikey, Raph and Don (cabin11) Link
Misa (cabin2) Link
@djcarnationsblog @to-be-a-hiccup @rainyraisin @eyesoftheholder @theawesomeninja-xd @trixanimations @ghosty-0w0 @littlemissartemisia
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pjo-tvs-version · 6 months ago
I have written yet another fanfic! This one is from @helpallthenamesaretakensblog's prompt which I absolutely loved. Sorry though I am late in writing this but I hope you enjoy. It is about Sally's reaction to Percy and Annabeth dating so I hope I did Sally justice. Set after The Last Olympian. Song title from Lover by Taylor Swift
I've loved you three summers now, honey
“How are you planning to tell your mom that we are you know…” Annabeth asked. It was the last day of camp and Percy was thrilled to be returning home alive after surviving his sixteenth birthday. He would be seeing his mom and Paul. Percy and Annabeth were busy packing. Actually Annabeth was busy helping Percy pack his stuff as she had already done her’s last night. At her question, Percy blushed. He himself couldn’t fully comprehend the fact that they were together,dating. “We’ll figure it out somehow.” Percy replied. “Alright then I’m going off to say goodbye to Malcolm. Chiron said that the taxi will be here at 11:30. Meet you on Half Blood hill in 15 minutes.” Annabeth said. Percy gave her a thumbs up as she left Cabin3.
They reached Half Blood hill and watched the buses and vans pull away, taking most of the campers back to the real world. “Race you to the road” Percy said. "You are so going to lose." She took off down Half-Blood Hill and he sprinted after her. Once in the taxi, Percy said “What do you think Mom would say about us?” “I’m sure she’ll just be glad to see you alive after your sixteenth birthday.” Annabeth replied.
The rest of the ride was silent as Annabeth was engrossed in reading “A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder'' while Percy snored away. He was always sleepy ever since he got the Achilles Curse. Neverthless as Annabeth finished the book, she spent the remaining portion of the journey, studying Percy’s peaceful expression. He really did look angelic as he slept even as the drool started to drip.
“Hey! Wake Up! We’re almost there” Annabeth said as she shook Percy awake. “Wha-What-” he asked, dazed from his nap. “I said that we’ve almost reached” Annabeth answered excitedly. As the car swevered up to the Jackson apartment, there was a grin on Percy’s face. They could see Sally standing outside, a smile adorning her face. As soon as they paid the driver they rushed towards her.
“Hey Mom! It’s so great to see you and be back home for a while. Wait a second, is that the smell of blue cookies?” Percy asked as he pulled away from Sally’s embrace. The upturn of her lips answered his question because he was already zooming through the door to the kitchen. “It’s nice to meet you Mrs. Jackson” Annabeth said before she too was engulfed by Sally. Her maternal gesture made Annabeth feel warm and cozy, like a wooly cardigan on a winter morning. “Just call me Sally” she said and added “It’s nice to have you here dear. Come in.”
There was a look on Sally’s face which Annabeth noticed. She was studying Annabeth and at that time it felt like she could literally see through her. There was a different kind of sparkle in her eyes. Maybe because Percy survived? Annabeth didn’t really know so she stepped into the kitchen to join Percy who was busy analysing the blue treasure in the oven. 
“So how was the past few days for the two of you?” Sally asked as Percy and Annabeth sat on the table, stuffing Sally’s delicious seven layer dip and blue cookies. “Annabeth is the official architect of Olympus!” Percy remarked with enthusiasm. “Says the saviour of Olympus” Annabeth retorted. “Hey I specifically requested to not be addressed by that title.” Percy whined.
That gave way to a few laughs followed by silence. There was something in the air. Like questions whose answers werent told yet. Sally had an amused expression on her face. Percy’s hand was around Annabeth’s waist and there was some sort of closeness between them which contradicted their attitude towards each other last summer.
Sally seemed to have noticed this because there was something between a question and an understanding in her eyes. She looked like she was waiting for something. Annabeth nudged Percy’s toe underneath the table.
“Um mom yeah so um….” he stuttered and broke off. There was a hint of a smile adorning Sally’s face. Annabeth could feel her cheeks turning red as Percy spoke. She gave him a reassuring nod and squeezed his hands which were getting sweaty. “So mom I-I had to to t-t-tell you about um us” he said glancing at Annabeth who was getting more nervous by each word.
Then he took a deep breath. Why was it so difficult to say it out loud to his mother? “MomAnnabethandIaredating” he said in one breath. Sally smiled as though she had foreseen this happening a long time ago. “That’s amazing sweetie.” Sally said and laughed looking at both of them. Annabeth let out a long breath she didn’t know she was holding and Percy’s facial features relaxed. 
“So you are okay Mrs. Jack- Sally with us being together?” Annabeth asked because she needed that confirmation. “Ofcourse dear and you know somewhere sometime I knew that this dense boy would realise that he really did like you in a more than friends way. Gods I knew it from the way he talked about you day in and night…” “MOM why? You don’t need to tell her that” Percy interrupted and he blushed more if that was even possible. 
Annabeth giggled at that. “Hey you didn’t tell me you liked me since then” she managed to say between laughing. “Oh honey you have no idea! And even meticulously planned your date to the movies.”Sally added, chuckling. “Mom it was NOT a date I swear and please I thought you were on my side.” Percy looked like he had given up any hopes of escaping the situation he was in right now.
“No but seriously. I am really happy for both and you both deserve a little break from the Greek apocalypse thing so do you both have any plans about how you both plan to spend the summer?” Annabeth’s eyes lit up at that remark.”I got permission to stay in New York from my parents to look over the building efforts up on Olympus so…” she grinned. “Yeah I plan to show her around New York” Percy added sheepishly. “I am so glad that you both are happy now. Also Annabeth honey feel free to drop in here anytime you like.”
“Thank you so much Sally!” Annabeth replied excitedly. The rest of the day was spent together, binge watching Finding Nemo and of plans they had for this summer. 
Hoped you liked reading this one shot! Sorry for any grammatical errors or if anyone seems out of character. Positive criticism is always appreciated.
You can read it one AO3 here.
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campweehawken · 9 months ago
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blogname: fullofsunnyd
(if theres no counseler(s) for cabin2 ill take cabin3)
Awesome! I'm posting this straight onto our tumblr if that's all right, since it has this fantastic image with all your info!
And you are officially the counselor for Cabin 2!
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didayschoice · 10 months ago
My Club Penguin Igloo Collection
by Luna 544 (@didayschoice)
Mi primer iglú como un pingüino adulto independiente en Club Penguin.
Inspired of: #infonavit #housecapsule #tinyhouse
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Igloo 2: Rose Gold
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Igloo 3: The Cabin
#PJO #Percyjackson #camphalfblood #poseidoncabin #daughterofposeidon #cabin3 Inspiration
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Igloo 4: Golden Puffle´s Tree House
Inspired on: Ace, Sabo and Luffy Tree House #childhood of #onepiece #ASL #piratedecor #treehouse #goldenpuflee #pufflejollyroger #starwarsdecor #luna544
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Igloo 5 : Beach no House
Office/house 2 in 1 #penguincomunity #igloodesign
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Igloo 6: At the jungle
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Iglooffice: Galaxtic Office
Inspired of #spyxfamily #starwars #plants
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THERES NO STONE IN HELL, JUST MONSTERS and us and lukes converse, which i found, their under my bed in cabin3
annabeth wants kissiessss stop giving ur attention to jason and luke!
who did you pay to send this
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bookperusing · 2 years ago
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✨ Rep Post for @enchantedextras ✨ Use my code BOOKS15 to save 15% on everything in the shop! This Percabeth print, art by @jemlin_c, is one of my favourite prints along with this beautiful Camp Half-Blood postcard, art by @judenightfell 😍 You can get these prints from @enchantedextras on Shopify [US customers] and on Etsy [INTL customers] Links are in the bio! ✨ Q: Have you read PJO? Which Camp Half-blood cabin do you think you would be in? A: As much as I hate it, after multiple quizzes, I always end up in cabin 3😭😂 ✨ [Tags: #percyjacksonandtheolympians #percyjacksonandtheheroesofolympus #percabeth #percyjackson #annabethchase #otp #couple #favoritecharacters #favoritecouples #camphalfblood #postcard #cabin #cabin3 #poseidon #bookishmerch #artprint #percabethart #enchantedextras #paperbacks #series ] https://www.instagram.com/p/CpTTFBXrPAt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theghostofxmasisavirgin · 4 years ago
If I see another Person saying Percy doesn’t think before going into battle or he is dumb, I will fucking throw you into Tartarus then fucking kill myself.
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samantha18 · 4 years ago
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Daughter of Poseidon check🐬💧
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murderedintheforest · 6 years ago
Some Spotify Playlists That I Made Based On CHB, Part 1:
Cabin 1:
Cabin 2:
Cabin 3:
Cabin 3: Poseidon, a playlist by pinkie6000 on Spotify
Cabin 4:
Cabin 4: Demeter, a playlist by pinkie6000 on Spotify
Cabin 5:
Cabin 5: Ares, a playlist by pinkie6000 on Spotify
Cabin 6:
Cabin 6: Athena, a playlist by pinkie6000 on Spotify
Cabin 7:
Cabin 7: Apollo, a playlist by pinkie6000 on Spotify
Cabin 8:
Cabin 8: Artemis, a playlist by pinkie6000 on Spotify
Cabin 9:
Cabin 10:
Cabin 10: Aphrodite, a playlist by pinkie6000 on Spotify
Cabin 11:
Cabin 12:
Cabin 12: Dionysus, a playlist by pinkie6000 on Spotify
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apollopoco · 7 years ago
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I did Percy Jackson! Finally a vector art of him
This one is from Cabin 3 :)
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"PERCY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - wise girl
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ao3feed-tododeku · 5 years ago
Storytime Children!!!
Storytime Children!!! by Bad Wolf cabin3
If you couldn't tell, Mei Hatsume was kind of a mess. Like the lab. Her babies sometimes exploded but iT WASN'T HER FAULT POWER LOADER. IT WAS JUST SOMETIMES SHE DIDN'T GET ANY COFFEE. OR RED BULL. MIXED WITH COFFEE. Another thing Mei lacked was any sense of self-preservation. That was an oof on her part.
Hitoshi Shinsou would be the first to agree. With the “oof” and “lacking self-preservation” comments. And even though his insomnia and anxiety kept him up all night, Mei needs sOME GODDANG SLEEP ONCE AND AWHILE.
Denki Kaminari wanted memes, his light-up bisexual pride flag to come from Etsy alreadyyyyyy, and like, 100% of his friends to stop making him charge their stuffffff. Also no more angst! He was starting to be like an anime protagonist or something.
Himiko Toga just wanted pasta, cuddles, and manga. But she was a “villain” and a “psychopath” and apparently was “creepy” or some shit. But whatever. Ooooooh she also wanted a sparkly knife in the pansexual pride colors!!! That would be prettyyyyyyyyy. I know, I should be writing my other fic. I'm sorry.
Words: 594, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Ashido Mina/Toga Himiko, Hatsume Mei/Melissa Shield, Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Aoyama Yuuga/Tokoyami Fumikage, Iida Tenya/Sero Hanta, Hatsume Mei & Kaminari Denki & Shinsou Hitoshi, Toga Himiko & Everyone, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King & Toga Himiko, Toga Himiko & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Hatsume Mei & Toga Himiko, Hatsume Mei & Everyone, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: Angst, Chatting & Messaging, Toga Himiko is Kaminari Denki's Sister, Dabi is Todoroki Touya, Hatsume Mei is a Good Friend, Bisexual Disaster Kaminari Denki, Pansexual disaster Toga Himiko, Demisexual Hatsume Mei, Everyone Is Gay, Insomniac Shinsou Hitoshi, Get some sleep children please, Traitor Kaminari Denki, Kaminari Denki Angst, Hatsume Mei Angst, Toga Himiko Angst, Shinsou Hitoshi Angst, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Shinsou Hitoshi, Memes, Kaminari Denki Needs a Hug, Jirou Kyouka is in the Bakusquad, Bisexual Uraraka Ochako, Pansexual Midoriya Izuku, trigger warning: suicide, Trigger Warning: depression, Insomniac club, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Deaf Bakugou Katsuki, Shinsou Hitoshi is the only sane one, Shinsou Hitoshi is in the Bakusquad, Kaminari Denki is a Dork
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23773276
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ladysunamireads · 5 years ago
Storytime Children!!!
Storytime Children!!! by Bad Wolf cabin3
If you couldn't tell, Mei Hatsume was kind of a mess. Like the lab. Her babies sometimes exploded but iT WASN'T HER FAULT POWER LOADER. IT WAS JUST SOMETIMES SHE DIDN'T GET ANY COFFEE. OR RED BULL. MIXED WITH COFFEE. Another thing Mei lacked was any sense of self-preservation. That was an oof on her part.
Hitoshi Shinsou would be the first to agree. With the “oof” and “lacking self-preservation” comments. And even though his insomnia and anxiety kept him up all night, Mei needs sOME GODDANG SLEEP ONCE AND AWHILE.
Denki Kaminari wanted memes, his light-up bisexual pride flag to come from Etsy alreadyyyyyy, and like, 100% of his friends to stop making him charge their stuffffff. Also no more angst! He was starting to be like an anime protagonist or something.
Himiko Toga just wanted pasta, cuddles, and manga. But she was a “villain” and a “psychopath” and apparently was “creepy” or some shit. But whatever. Ooooooh she also wanted a sparkly knife in the pansexual pride colors!!! That would be prettyyyyyyyyy. I know, I should be writing my other fic. I'm sorry.
Words: 594, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Ashido Mina/Toga Himiko, Hatsume Mei/Melissa Shield, Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Aoyama Yuuga/Tokoyami Fumikage, Iida Tenya/Sero Hanta, Hatsume Mei & Kaminari Denki & Shinsou Hitoshi, Toga Himiko & Everyone, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King & Toga Himiko, Toga Himiko & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Hatsume Mei & Toga Himiko, Hatsume Mei & Everyone, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: Angst, Chatting & Messaging, Toga Himiko is Kaminari Denki's Sister, Dabi is Todoroki Touya, Hatsume Mei is a Good Friend, Bisexual Disaster Kaminari Denki, Pansexual disaster Toga Himiko, Demisexual Hatsume Mei, Everyone Is Gay, Insomniac Shinsou Hitoshi, Get some sleep children please, Traitor Kaminari Denki, Kaminari Denki Angst, Hatsume Mei Angst, Toga Himiko Angst, Shinsou Hitoshi Angst, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Shinsou Hitoshi, Memes, Kaminari Denki Needs a Hug, Jirou Kyouka is in the Bakusquad, Bisexual Uraraka Ochako, Pansexual Midoriya Izuku, trigger warning: suicide, Trigger Warning: depression, Insomniac club, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Deaf Bakugou Katsuki, Shinsou Hitoshi is the only sane one, Shinsou Hitoshi is in the Bakusquad, Kaminari Denki is a Dork
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23773276
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ikeasharksss · 4 years ago
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ao3feed-hitoshi-shinsou · 5 years ago
Storytime Children!!!
Storytime Children!!! by Bad Wolf cabin3
If you couldn't tell, Mei Hatsume was kind of a mess. Like the lab. Her babies sometimes exploded but iT WASN'T HER FAULT POWER LOADER. IT WAS JUST SOMETIMES SHE DIDN'T GET ANY COFFEE. OR RED BULL. MIXED WITH COFFEE. Another thing Mei lacked was any sense of self-preservation. That was an oof on her part.
Hitoshi Shinsou would be the first to agree. With the “oof” and “lacking self-preservation” comments. And even though his insomnia and anxiety kept him up all night, Mei needs sOME GODDANG SLEEP ONCE AND AWHILE.
Denki Kaminari wanted memes, his light-up bisexual pride flag to come from Etsy alreadyyyyyy, and like, 100% of his friends to stop making him charge their stuffffff. Also no more angst! He was starting to be like an anime protagonist or something.
Himiko Toga just wanted pasta, cuddles, and manga. But she was a “villain” and a “psychopath” and apparently was “creepy” or some shit. But whatever. Ooooooh she also wanted a sparkly knife in the pansexual pride colors!!! That would be prettyyyyyyyyy. I know, I should be writing my other fic. I'm sorry.
Words: 594, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Ashido Mina/Toga Himiko, Hatsume Mei/Melissa Shield, Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Aoyama Yuuga/Tokoyami Fumikage, Iida Tenya/Sero Hanta, Hatsume Mei & Kaminari Denki & Shinsou Hitoshi, Toga Himiko & Everyone, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King & Toga Himiko, Toga Himiko & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Hatsume Mei & Toga Himiko, Hatsume Mei & Everyone, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: Angst, Chatting & Messaging, Toga Himiko is Kaminari Denki's Sister, Dabi is Todoroki Touya, Hatsume Mei is a Good Friend, Bisexual Disaster Kaminari Denki, Pansexual disaster Toga Himiko, Demisexual Hatsume Mei, Everyone Is Gay, Insomniac Shinsou Hitoshi, Get some sleep children please, Traitor Kaminari Denki, Kaminari Denki Angst, Hatsume Mei Angst, Toga Himiko Angst, Shinsou Hitoshi Angst, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Shinsou Hitoshi, Memes, Kaminari Denki Needs a Hug, Jirou Kyouka is in the Bakusquad, Bisexual Uraraka Ochako, Pansexual Midoriya Izuku, trigger warning: suicide, Trigger Warning: depression, Insomniac club, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Deaf Bakugou Katsuki, Shinsou Hitoshi is the only sane one, Shinsou Hitoshi is in the Bakusquad, Kaminari Denki is a Dork
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23773276
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