#ca july exam
petermorwood · 6 months
This Reply by @neil-gaiman reminded me of two things:
(1) How much I despised doing, and avoiding, compulsory Games / Sports / Gym / PE / PT / Whatever.
(2) That I never, ever have to do, or avoid, compulsory Whatever again in my life.
I spent my whole school career avoiding them, and forged sick notes which helped that avoidance were the first really successful fiction-writing of my life.
I also learned that when acting the part of someone with a sprained ankle, a tiny stone in the appropriate shoe was a good reminder of which ankle to limp on, while an air of suffering bravely borne was always more convincing if that air was scented with a faint hint of the embrocation rubbed into one sock.
Neil didn't mention the effects of time of year or weather, but both were frequent entries in My List Of Unpleasing Things About Games.
Leaving out PT / Gym / PE or whatever, which was indoors and - thanks to the solidity of the equipment - a weekly source of sprains, strains, bruises, mild concussion and deep loathing, my old school used to observe Ye Olde Academic terms and their associated sporting pleasures.
This says something about which I'm not quite sure, and I see it's replaced them with plain old Autumn-Spring-Summer Term, which says something else about which I'm even less sure.
So there was Michaelmas Term (August to Christmas), and rugby.
A soggy school rugby pitch in Northern Ireland in November, halfway through the game with the pitch well churned up, the daylight fading, the rain turning to sleet and every other member of both teams still (a) Too Large and (b) Too Keen, was a reluctant 12-year-old's equivalent of Flanders Fields on the Western Front ca. 1916.
(No artillery or machine-guns, but (a) and (b) were quite enough.)
I was also a skinny reluctant 12-year-old - those who know me now can believe that or not as you please - and the icy breezes which whistled unimpeded up, across and down the legs of my too-baggy-now-but-he'll-grow-into-them shorts were at least one cause of a lifelong fondness for saunas, hot tubs and steam baths.
Then there was Hilary Term (January to Easter) and field hockey.
That was when the School Armoury issued hockey sticks and sent us forth onto the Artificial Pitch, which wasn't as muddy as the grass-covered rugby one but could produce amazing scabby knees and elbows after a tumble at speed, either after the ball or more often away from the opposition's bloody-minded front row.
Being artificial, rainwater didn't soak in but just sat there in puddles, and sometimes in early term they froze hard enough that field hockey could become ice hockey in the space of a couple of strides, cue another tumble and more scabs. Oh yes, and my shorts were still too baggy, so icy breezes in unwanted places continued to be an ongoing delight.
And then there was Trinity Term (post-Easter to July) and field athletics then cricket, AKA liveliness meets somnolence.
That was when the sky became increasingly blue, the birdies sang tweet-tweet, the sun shone more often, the air became noticeably warmer and anyone with sense enjoyed as much of the soon-to-be-summer days as worries about impending End-Of-Term exams allowed.
It was also a time for field athletics until Half-Term, featuring long-jumps, high-jumps and runs of various speed and duration.
We re-learned every year that it was possible to get a nasty sunburn even in a Northern Ireland May, that unless the groundskeeper raked the sand in the long-jump pit properly there would be at least one souvenir from a local cat, that sweat could break out with the least exertion because sunny and humid were frequently simultaneous, and that horseflies were always ready to sample new blood and the way they got that blood was a painful process.
It still is.
After Half-Term it was cricket, which combined disinterested boredom and pointless intermittent activity at a nearly Zen level with me being very, very bad at it.
I was no good as a bowler, I could throw straight or I could throw hard, but throwing hard and straight at the same time was something I never seemed to master.
Oh dear.
I was no good as a batsman, I tended to step out and slosh so the ball went in all directions, including on a couple of occasions straight up and straight down again, though not high enough or for long enough to get any runs.
What a shame.
I was no good as a wicketkeeper because I was more butterfingered than a clumsy dairymaid, and what I didn't drop I would handle wrongly, like that time I made what would have been a perfect catch except I fumbled it and knocked the stumps down before, not after.
My incompetence at everything up close was Really Quite Remarkable, so I was invariably sent out to one of the deep field positions where, unless something Silly happened, I could be safely ignored and - if the grass was long enough - I would be ignored whatever happened.
I read a lot of good books that way.
Not a single one was about sport.
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11queensupreme11 · 8 months
mcat registration is only open for certain months (4 days out of the months?) so plan the registration times! you can see them on the AAMC website. i’m from CA but i had to travel out of state to take the exam 😭😭
i definitely agree you should take the mcat after you finish your physic/ chem series! there’s also ochem, biochem, bio, psych, and soc in the test
since i’m applying this upcoming cycle, i took it in january. depending on my score, i’ll retake in april/ may. taking it in may will mean i send in my scores blindly.
they open up registration from january - june/ july-september. if you want more chances to take the test, you can definitely start earlier! there’s a 3 limit cap per year, and a 7 limit cap in general
here are the reddit links!
study guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/Mcat/comments/92ndgx/my_review_sheets/
anki deck: https://www.reddit.com/r/Mcat/comments/cckw41/my_anki_deck/
how to use/ study anki if you’ve never used it before: https://www.reddit.com/r/Mcat/comments/q8k7k0/how_to_study_miles_down_anki/
equation sheet: https://www.reddit.com/r/Mcat/comments/7vs9dq/equations_sheet/
anki is good for content review but you have to understand the concepts pretty well before using it. otherwise you’re just guessing and not learning as efficiently (at least for me)
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redleavesinthewind · 2 years
reading version / click here for the writing version
i have read so many fics in 2022 i wanted to make a little (it’s not that little) fic rec list of my favourites of the year because all these deserve so much love!!
to start off, some fun facts (you can just skip these of course, i just think they’re interesting and i like numbers): 
i have a spreadsheet that kind of functions as my fic library (i am totally normal about fics why are you asking), so i know that this year i have read approximately 6,248k words in 425 fics across 16 fandoms
the month i read the most words in is JULY with 1,384k words across 62 fics. i don’t know how i did it. shockingly, it’s followed by DECEMBER with 860k words in 79 fics, which..... that was the most stressful month of my life, HOW did i have the time to read all those fics. it’s some sort of coping mechanism i guess
my top 5 fandoms are very funny to me for various reasons:
at first place, we have STRANGER THINGS with 119 fics. listen. i knew i read a lot of st fics this year... but 119?? making it my top fandom??????? sounds fake
i am delighted to report that i managed to get YOUNG ROYALS to the second spot with 107 fics considering that i only started reading for this fandom in late october. that’s what mixing the release of an excellent new season with a very stressful exam period does to a person
sigh... i was expecting this one to be in first place, but alas, it’s only 103 fics for SUPERNATURAL this year... it’s very much possible that i read more spn fic in terms of words, but calculating that would have taken too much time
then we have BLACK SAILS with 31 fics. not really any surprises here tbh, this is the only one where i was like yeah. this fandom is where it’s supposed to be (it is however very funny how much i jumped in terms of numbers between bs and spn)
and spot number 5 with 17 fics goes to... BRIDGERTON????????? it’s not so much the number that surprises me, it’s more the fact that of the remaining fandoms, it’s bridgerton that’s managed to get into the top 5. like what is up with that. i though either 911 (14 fics) or a:tla (9 fics) would be up here, but bridgerton??? nah
and now without further ado, the actual FIC REC LIST (under the cut cause it’s a lot)
time passes for him by @emeraldcas | spn, deancas | gen | 4k words
this may be one of the most evil fics i’ve ever read but i am obsessed with it. i keep rereading it and thinking about it cause it’s sad yeah, but it’s also written so well. damn
spreadsheet notes: this is evil it made me hurt i loved it
I Follow the Path that You Choose by I_bite_my_thumb_at_thee | the witcher, geraskier | mature | 76k words
it’s a choose your own adventure fic! and it’s so fun! and so well executed on the writer’s part (much respect for that, it seems very complicated). this one is very fluffy and you can only get good endings, but the author has another one that’s a bit more risky (i killed both jaskier and geralt when i read that one for the first time). it’s really cool to run through it again and choose different paths to see what else can happen
spreadsheet notes: choose your own adventure fics might be my new favourite thing this was so fun and i'm definitely gonna reread to see what other ending i can get. i got ending 8 and it was very soft and beautiful
Death of a salesman by @fellshish | spn, deancas | teen&up | 4k words
very unhinged behaviour from cas, i highly approve. this made me laugh so much, i had such a great time reading it
spreadsheet notes: for once it's cas who's insane and not dean
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets | spn, deancas | mature | 57k words
yeah i don’t even know what to say, this fic is just... it has such a beautiful and warm vibe, my mind is blank i can’t even say anything except that i fell in love with everything about this fic, the writing, the conflict, the characterisations... go read it right now
spreadsheet notes: mind blank beautiful
Summer Camp Chitaqua by @urne-buriall | spn, deancas | teen&up | 38k words
a supernatural summer camp fic!!! and it is such a joy to read!!! i love how the plot fits in so well and how dean and cas’ relationship develops and how all the kids play a small role and can shine through. the whole atmosphere made me think of summer and i remember taking breaks from watching lectures to read a chapter and it transported my into a wonderful world for a while
spreadsheet notes: this one is so coooool! summer camp!
in tight places (series) by @pinknatural | spn | teen&up | 45k words
genuinely just such a feel good fic, and i don’t just say that because i love claire so so much. but really, if you wanna read about two badass girls driving around in the impala and finding a family along the way, this is the fic for you. especially the second installment is making me feel so many feelings
spreadsheet notes: LOVE LOVE LOVE THEY STEAL THE IMPALA AND GO ON A ROADTRIP LOOOOOOOVE & 100000% more competent winchesters i love to see it. ALSO HOBBES
My Week by @chapeldean | spn | teen&up | n/a
A BULLET JOURNAL AU. and the individual pages look so damn good and like so much care has gone into the little details, it’s beautiful and i’m still in awe <3 and there’s even a little bit of plot going on!!
spreadsheet notes: this was soooooo cooooool
i might believe a good deal of it too by @dykebonny | black sails, flinthamilton | mature | 9k words
autistic flint!!! or well, james mcgraw rather. this fic is set during the london era and it gives me such a sense of comfort just... the way james and thomas interact, i can’t... too many feelings. also this is the first ever black sails fic i read <3
spreadsheet notes: no but yesss they are soft (and let me ignore the tragedy of their ending)
Oils on Canvas by sospes | bridgerton, benedict/henry | explicit | 56k words (227k words in the series)
just. hmmm you know, what should have happened after those scenes in the art studio in season 1. i’m just saying. but while also trudging through misunderstandings, confusing feelings, and having to navigate annoying siblings (erm anthony) finding out about gay people and overreacting. love everything all around!
spreadsheet notes: THIS IS SOOOOO-- ghaaa queer historical stories really is my niche, omg i love this so muchhhh
operation: barista (series) by @grantairesbottle | bridgerton, various ships | various ratings | 122k words
a modern au that is quite honestly my favourite bridgerton fic ever. the series has 4 installments in total, two of which are massive group chat fics that i am a little in love with. like there is so much happening and it’s all over text and the characters still sound so much like themselves and... and aaaallll the sibling shenanigans <3 like i once said i mainly watch bridgerton because of the sibling dynamics and oh boy there be so many sibling dynamics stuffed into this one. this is also the fic that had me realise that i am in fact invested in kathony which. okay i can accept that. HOWEVER my favourite part of the series is the one centering on benedict and henry (i am nothing if not predictable) because while their relationship is not the endgame of the series it is still handled with so much care and love and i genuinely cannot get enough of them in this verse
spreadsheet notes: A GROUPCHAT FIC and what a delight this was. sooo many good sibling interactions! fran! i love her! and ghaaa eloise and benedict's sad gay gc & whyyy am i so invested in a straight ship it's not healthy for me & this verse is literally everything this fic is written so beautifully i'm obsessed & chatfic of all times. colin is so fucking stupid
the proof is in the pudding by @badjoices | spn, deancas | mature | 50k words
a fic in which sam has the brilliant (stupid! very very stupid!) idea to pretend to be gay and bring a friend to pretend to be his boyfriend home for christmas to piss off john, only to send dean into a million spirals instead. because not only does he now have to mediate between sam and john but also. sam’s pretend boyfriend is cas. who dean has hooked up with before. fun times all around
spreadsheet notes: somehow this was fun while also being super stressful wtf
The ao3 of knowledge by @fellshish | spn, deancas | teen&up | 2k words
i don’t know what more to say than this is brilliant go read it and have a wonderful time
spreadsheet notes: this is the most hilarious shit ever, cas is insane and i love him, cannot believe his plan worked out
The Tale of Derek Hale by @ihni | teen wolf | not rated | 130 words
it’s a poem that i love so much that i reread it every few months even though it makes me so fucking sad
spreadsheet notes: fun little poem (fun..... fun....... okay it's really sad actually)
bad moon rising & rising sun blues by gone_girl | spn | not rated | 168k words
rewrite of spn season 1 and 2 with dean and sam being arab. guys i am not kidding when i say that this fic is the best piece of writing i have laid my eyes on all year. everyone needs to read this
spreadsheet notes: don't think i'll ever be over this one
swords of fate, pride of heart by @zukkababey | a:tla, zukka | teen&up | 14k words
two idiots (affectionate <3) fall in love over zoom. this one’s just a good time
spreadsheet notes: i'm in love with this concept!! they're all so stupid, i love them!!
Good One’s Gonna Be by remmyme | spn, deancas | explicit | 37k words
i lost it a bit about this one ngl. it’s just. alternate season 3. dean texts a wrong number and suddenly he has this endearing professor named after an angel in his life. and he might be catching feelings for him. BUT IT’S SEASON 3
spreadsheet notes: ohhhh alternative s3 alway makes my brain go brrr
peace came upon me (and it leaves me weak) by @outdean | spn, deancas | explicit | 74k words
the way this fic is written gives me so much comfort. it’s beautiful and slow in a way that fits so well. dean actively works on making things better with jack, cas works through his struggles with humanity. a story about recovery and love and forgiveness and family <3
spreadsheet notes: soooo fucking good holy shit
The Road Between Action and Inaction by Donvex | a:tla, zukka | teen&up | 18k words
the story of how two strangers begin a journey and have fallen in love by the end of it. in which zuko is slow to warm but warms nonetheless, and sokka is a ridiculous man with very questionable playlists. i don’t think this story has much of a plot, it is just vibes and feelings of comfort and warmth and the sun on your skin and listening to music on long car rides
spreadsheet notes: basically just 18k of good vibes
Baby Steps by @ihni | stranger things, harringrove | not rated | 71k words
huh. i’m sorry but. give any one of my favourite characters a baby and i will black out i’m not lying. not only does this fic give me so many happy and soft feelings, it’s also about a kid who’s been dealt a shitty hand finding his place and bettering himself and coming to peace with his life. all while there’s a baby. i’m sorry i don’t know what it is with me and babies but there’s a BABY
spreadsheet notes: crying i love this so fucking much. he has a son....
Butterscotch (series) by robotboy | black sails, silverflint, silverflinthamilton | various ratings | 80k words
okay hold my chai latte. GO READ THIS FIC ASAP IT WILL BE ONE OF THE BEST THINGS YOU’VE EVER READ I SWEAR. okay i’m good now. continue
spreadsheet notes (there will be lots for this one, 16 works in this series): in love with this & the halloweekend :)))) & head in my hands the BACKSTORY. also woodes rogers dieeee & soooo sweet & hmmmmm just comfort & ..... billy is such an idiot omg & THERE WERE CATS! INK!!!! & hmmmm i love themmmm & okay okay okay & kind of lost it reading this. kinda insane & flint was just patiently waiting for this to happen & birthday surprise :)))) & hmmm early silverflint in this verse is just sooo gooood & PRIDE & hm yeah & PERFECT LAST INSTALLMENT I LOVE THIS I LOVE THIS WHOLE VERSE
Keep the Car Running by halfempty | stranger things | teen&up | 12k words
you know it’s actually really easy to make me happy with fics. just give me complicated sibling relationships and i’m good. make those siblings max and billy and i’m even better. write it from max’ pov and i’ll marry you. i don’t know why i’m so fascinated with those two but max is my favourite stranger things character and billy is genuinely so interesting so there you have it i guess
spreadsheet notes: i looove the way this is written i looove max so much i looove her interactions with billy, love love looooove
God is (not) at your local Gas N’ Sip by @queerstudiesnatural | spn | not rated | 722 words
a short one, but it’s genuinely so good? also yes cas is god
spreadsheet notes: cas deserves someone thinking he's god
January - Max by @lilies-in-a-vase | stranger things | teen&up | 8k words
what i’ve said about max and billy two fics previously but x10. i cannot begin to explain why this fic is so important to me. it’s just. max coming to certain realisations. and the horror of oh fuck have i just done something bad. and the rationalisations and thought processes to explain away a shitty family. i’m having way too many feelings about this
spreadsheet notes: kinda went insane with this one, ngl
preach electric to a microphone by HearJessRoar | stranger things, eddissy | teen&up | 6k
just an incredible sweet fic for a pairing i did not think i’d get invested in. but hello? watch those scenes between chrissy and eddie and tell me they wouldn’t be completely adorable. also just. bonding over music <33
spreadsheet notes: they are soooo cute, this is sooo sweet, love itttt
blue minutes by @hauntedpearl | spn, deancas | gen | 2k words
i don’t know what to say this fic is beauty and comfort and stardust. written so wonderfully i feel transported into a soft and dim and lovely world
spreadsheet notes: doe writes so beautifully wtf
everything’s coming up milhouse by @henswilsons | 911, buddie | teen&up | 4k words
SOCIAL MEDIA FIC OF ALL TIMES cannot believe that people got obsessed with the guy who runs lafd updates and got front seats to the absolute mess that is eddie and buck
spreadsheet notes: HILARIOUS!!! SO TRUE BESTIE!!!!
Obtain Your Faith, Ye Who Departs From Here by @sobernatural | spn, deancas | gen | 1k words
hello this is beautiful and they really do love each other so much i can’t
spreadsheet notes: SANA WHY
We Left Footprints When We Passed By by This_time_its_just_me | young royals, wilmon | explicit | 132k words
like. i don’t condone cheating but i’m not gonna lie and say i didn’t cheer when it happened. because simon and wille belong together. could they have gone about it better. sure. but i’m not complaining. in fact, the emotional turmoil in this fic is delicious. for me. the characters are suffering, but i am delighted. i am having a great time. also i’ve fallen in love with one of the ocs because she’s epic
call me up late by @royalwilmon | young royals, wilmon | teen&up | 29k words
i think we’ve already established that i love group chat/texting fics but ohhh boy this one. this one is having me feel so many feelings. just imagine, imagine for a second, you think you’re texting your friend but you mess up the number and suddenly you regularly talk to a guy who you fist think is involved with the mafia or something but then turns out to be the prince of the country and you’ve kinda fallen in love with him. oh and also he keeps making horse jokes. it’s brilliant
spreadsheet notes: have never seen so many horse jokes in one place. wille has a problem <3
everybody’s talking about last night by @toffeelemon | young royals, wilmon | gen | 9k words
just some queer solidarity and unfounded jealousy and table shenanigans, it’s hilarious really
spreadsheet notes: SIMON YOU'RE STEALING NILS' MOMENT!!!!
play my song by @ishotforthestars | young royals, wilmon | gen | 55k words
it’s a fic about wille finding comfort in simon’s late night radio show but it is also a fic that brought me comfort during one of the most stressful times of my life so it has such a special space in my heart i love it so much. it also made me realise that i’m kinda weak for fics where simon initially has no idea who wille is, it like. gives them equal footing in a way
spreadsheet notes: this is so sweet!!! oh to be the insomniac crown prince of sweden and fall in love with the anti-monarchist late night radio host
oh christmas tree by @ishotforthestars | young royals, wilmon | not rated | 7k words
heh. best meet cute ever. i guess it’s worth getting a concussion from a christmas tree falling on you when you get a cute boyfriend out of it
spreadsheet notes: this is a work of art i love it so much SIMON IS A MEME. A GIF EVEN
we could follow the sparks, i’ll drive by @markofalover | 911, buddie | gen | 7k words
love it when people make assumptions that are kinda wrong but also true at the same time and the two guys that the assumptions are made about decide to be lying liars who lie. yes eddie and buck are married that is the truth you assumed correctly
spreadsheet notes: mr. diaz hell yeah !!!
histoire à tiroirs by straddling_the_atmosphere | black sails | teen&up | 3k words
just..... max. incredibly well written origin story, and it fill some blanks from the show. a little obsessed
spreadsheet notes: maaaaaax
meet me halfway to your heart by @reluming | black sails, maxanne | mature | 3k words
aaahhh a fun little maxanne fic! so many feelings! so many shenanigans with the hat! and it’s also a little sad. but ugh i love them so much!!!
spreadsheet notes: the loves of my life!!!!!!!!!!
Ex by stretchoutandwait | young royals, wilmon | explicit | 53k words
hhhhhh i have so many things to say about this one. first of all, sweden is a republic!!!! second of all, wille is a very horny dude. have i sold you on this one yet? anyway this fic is a wonderful time and i feel like the smut is written as realistically as you can get in fanfiction which was an interesting change of pace ngl and also. the author is british. yes i can tell. read the fic and you can tell too. it gives the whole thing a sort of familiarity to me and i quite like that. in fact i’m obsessed
spreadsheet notes: wille is sooooo horny. but also SWEDEN IS A REPUBLIC HELL YEAH
(quick note: i’ve tried to find everyone’s tumblr handle, but i’m aware that not all the authors have tumblr/have it on their ao3, however if i somehow missed someone, i can go back and rectify that!)
if you’ve made it all the way down here i am giving you a kiss <3
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shiorimakibawrites · 2 years
Daredevil Timeline Thoughts
Assuming that Matt and Foggy weren't exaggerating all that much when they told Karen they had been lawyers for a couple of hours, I submit the following two timelines for how this might have happened.
Late December 2013 – Early January 2014*: Apply to take Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE).
Late March 2014: Takes the MPRE.
April 1, 2014 – April 30, 2014: Apply to take the New York Bar Exam (NYBE).
Late April 2014 or Early May 2014**: Get results from MPRE.
May 5, 2014 – May 16, 2014: Take end of year exams.
May 22, 2014: Attend graduation ceremony from Columbia Law School.
May 22, 2014 – July 28, 2014: Study for NYBE.
July 29, 2014 – July 30, 2014: Take NYBE***
October 28, 2014: Get results from NYBE.
October 31, 2014: Receive Notice of Certification from the Appellate Division, submits application for admission to New York Bar.
November 2014: Has fitness and character interview, mandatory orientation program, and admission ceremony where the oath of office is administrated in open court.
November 2014 – July 2015: Try to convince a bank to give two baby attorneys with no trial experience a business loan to start their own law firm while doing some kind of work in order to pay for things like rent and food.
July 2015****: Events of Daredevil Season 1 begin.
*I could not find exact dates for MPRE except for this year (2023) so I'm guessing based on those dates.
**MPRE typically gives the results about six weeks after taking the exam.
***Consisting of the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), Multistate Performance Test (MPT), and New York law oriented exam consisting of 5 essays questions and 50 multiple choice questions. New York doesn't start using the Universal Bar Exam (UBE) in combination with the NYLC (New York Law Course) and NYLE (New York Law Exam) until 2016.
****MCU and MCU-related stuff are presumed to take place in the same year they aired unless specifically stated otherwise so Daredevil Season 1 took place sometime during 2015. Judging by the weather we see in the first season, I using the month they began filming in New York City which was July.
April 2014: Apply to participate in the Pro-Bono Scholars Program*
Late July 2014 – Mid-September 2014: Apply to take Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE).
October – November 2014: Accepted into the Program.
November 1, 2014 – November 30, 2014: Applies for New York Bar Exam (NYBE).
Early November 2014: Takes the MPRE.
Mid-December 2014: Gets results from MPRE.
January 2015 – February 23, 2015: Study for bar exam
February 24, 2015 – February 25, 2015: Takes NYBE.
March 1, 2015: Begin Program of combination of pro-bono legal work under supervision of attorney + classwork under supervising Columbia faculty member.
April 27, 2015: Gets results from NYBE.
ca. May 22, 2015**: Complete Program.
June 2015: Receive J.D from Columbia.
June 2015: Receive Notice of Certification from the Appellate Division, submits application for admission to New York Bar.
June 2015: Has fitness and character interview, mandatory orientation program, and admission ceremony where the oath of office is administrated in open court.
July 2015: Get their business loan for Nelson & Murdock.
July 2015: Events of Daredevil Season I begin.
*New program announced in February 2014 by then Chief Justice of New York Jonathan Lippman.
**Program is 12 weeks long, estimate is based on current year estimated dates on Columbia's website.
Matt would be encouraged to apply for his exams as soon as possible since he has to apply for disability accommodations and that requires some additional forms and documentation.
Doing the Pro-Bono Scholar Programs satisfies the requirement for 50 hours of pro-bono work for admission to the New York Bar that came into effect in January 2015.
Columbia Law School (https://www.law.columbia.edu/)
New York State Board of Law Examiners (https://www.nybarexam.org/)
National Conference of Bar Examiners (https://www.ncbex.org/exams/mpre/)
New York Unified Court System (https://www.nycourts.gov/)
Alternately, Matt and Foggy passed the bar a couple years prior to series and worked for a couple of years at a law firm or as a judge's clerk while they built up a fund / prepared a business plan to convince a bank to give them a business loan*. AND actually learn how to be trial attorneys since law school doesn't teach you that.
*Given that they reference being in debt and how expensive Columbia is, any money Jack left Matt was long gone so they would need a loan to cover their start-up costs.
Any thoughts?
Probably to be continued since this isn't the only timeline related thing that snares the part of my brain prone to overthinking.
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ayushisingh123 · 2 months
CA Exam Result May 2024
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has officially declared the results for the CA Intermediate and Final exams held in May 2024. Moreover, the CA Exam Result May 2024 results were announced on July 11, 2024.
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simrasahpl · 3 months
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rudrakshigaur · 3 months
CA Final Result Topper May 2024: Knowledge
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Results of the CA Exam in May 2024. The ICAI offers a rigorous three-level professional certification program called the Chartered Accountants (CA) test. The passing percentage for the top ranking candidates in the ca final result topper may 2024. Its goal is to assess the candidates' understanding of tax, accounting, auditing, law, and other relevant subjects. Completing all three levels prepares students well for careers in finance and accounting.
The Intermediate and Final CA Exams for May 2024 are already over. The exact dates of the exams are as follows:
ICAI held the CA Intermediate exam in two sections between May 3 and 17, 2024. Candidates could take the sections at the same time or separately.
The CA Final exams will be held from May 2 to May 16, 2024.
Since the deadlines have passed, candidates are currently waiting on their results from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). The CA Exam results for May 2024 are anticipated to be released by ICAI in July. Enter your registration and roll number to view your results online. For your convenience, there is a direct link in this blog post to the ICAI Results website.
ICAI will email and text your May 2024 CA Intermediate and Final Exam scorecards to your registered email and phone number. A merit list and passing percentage for the CA final result 2024 pass percentage will also be available.
Visit our blog to get the most latest information on pass percentages and other details on the CA Final & Intermediate Test Result May 2024.
CA Final Results May 2024
ICAI hasn't announced the exact date for the May 2024 ca intermediate may 2024 topper, which typically come out within one to two months of the exams.
ICAI is expected to release the May 2024 CA Final exam results in July 2024. Testing was place from May 2 until May 16. This is only an estimate because formal notification from the ICAI could come at any time.
Significance of CA Intermediate May 2024
ICAI has not yet released the CA Final and Intermediate May 2024 results.But if we use historical trends, we might be able to get a decent estimate.
We currently know the following:
ICAI held the CA Intermediate exams on May 2nd and 10th, 2024, and will announce the passing percentage later.
One month after the top candidates on the CA Result 2024 topper list conclude their exams, the ICAI releases the results.
We predict that the ICAI will provide the list of passing percentages for the ca final result topper may 2024, based on this pattern. Although this is only an estimate, ICAI may release the CA Exam Results earlier in May 2024.
Key Dates for CA Final May 2024 Exam
Prospective chartered accountants, take note! The results of the much awaited CA Final Exam, which was held in May 2024, are almost here. To ensure you are aware, take note of these crucial dates:ParticularDatesCA Final 2024 Exam Date2nd, 4th, 8th, 10th, 14th, and 16th May 2024CA Final Result Date May 2024July 2024 (To be confirmed by ICAI)CA Final Result Topper May 2024July 2024 (To be confirmed by ICAI)
CA Intermediate Exam Dates for May 2024
The focus for those aspiring to become chartered accountants should be on preparing for the CA Intermediate exam in May 2024. Make a note of and mark the May 2024 California intermediate topping in your calendar. The primary dates for the May 2024 CA Intermediate exam are as follows:ParticularDatesCA Intermediate May 2024 Exam DateMay 3rd to May 17th, 2024CA Intermediate May 2024 Result Date11th July 2024CA Intermediate May 2024 Topper List11th July 2024
Solutions from Top Performers
ICAI usually releases the CA Inter 2024 passing percentage, merit list, and top score within a month of the exam. The May 2024 Exam pass percentage winners for the 2024 ca intermediate may 2024 topper are still unclear, nevertheless.
ICAI to announce CA May 2024 results with CA Inter 2024 passing percentage leaders in July.
We'll find you the CA Result 2024 toppers list the moment the official results are released! CA Final Topper May 2024RankNameCityMarksPercentage1stTo be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon2ndTo be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon3rdTo be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon CA Intermediate Topper May 2024 ExamRankNameCityMarksPercentage1stTo be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon2ndTo be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon3rdTo be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon
Results of the CA May 2024 Exam
ICAI to unveil May 2024 CA Final pass rates for public soon.
Applicants can gauge exam difficulty and adjust study plans based on India's CA Exam Result May 2024.. It also aids in forecasting the test's anticipated peak performance in 2024 for the ca final result topper may 2024. California Final Exams: May 2-16, 2024. Intermediate Exams: May 3-17, 2024.
CA Inter '24: 40% each, 50% each group (Nov '23).. However, historical pass rates for the CA Final exams suggest a challenging test. Therefore, if this trend holds for May 2024, we can expect similar results for the CA Inter exams.CA Final Result 2024 Passing Percentage (May 2024 – To be Announced)Particular No. of Candidates Appeared No. of Candidates Passed Pass Percentage Group I To be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon Group II To be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon Both Groups To be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon CA Inter Result 2024 Passing Percentage (May 2024 – To be Announced) Particular No. of Candidates Appeared No. of Candidates Passed Pass Percentage Group I To be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon Group II To be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon Both Groups To be declared soon To be declared soon To be declared soon
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gyancafe · 3 months
Chartered Accountancy Results Likely To Be Out On July 11
The ICAI chairman had previously notified that the results would be declared on July 5, 2024.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has announced revised date for the announcement of CA results. As per the official website of the ICAI, the results for final and intermediate exams are expected to be declared on July 11, 2024. 
The ICAI chairman had previously notified that the results would be declared on July 5, 2024. 
The official notification  on the ICAI website reads, "The results of the Chartered Accountants Final and Intermediate Examinations held in May 2024 are likely to be declared on Thursday, the 11th July 2024 and the same can be accessed by candidates on the website icai.nic.in."
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babatax · 3 months
CA Exam Result : ICAI has given official Release for May 2024 exams
CA Exam Result: The results of the Chartered Accountants Final and Intermediate Examinations held in May 2024 are likely to be declared on Thursday, the 11th July 2024 and the same can be accessed by candidates on the following websites: 1. icaiexam.icai.org 2. caresults.icai.org 3. icai.nic.in It may be noted that for accessing the result at the above mentioned website the candidate shall have…
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sukrishna · 3 months
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ananyasethsah · 4 months
CA Intermediate May 2024 Results: Overview
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The wait for the CA Intermediate May 2024 results can be incredibly stressful for aspiring chartered accountants. The uncertainty about the release date often triggers anxiety, making it hard to focus. However, navigating this waiting period can be made easier by following a few steps:
Firstly, it's essential to stay informed but not obsessed. Regularly check official sources for updates, yet avoid constant monitoring, which can heighten stress. Engage in activities that promote relaxation and take your mind off the results. Exercise, meditation, or even a hobby can be excellent distractions.
Additionally, consider planning for the future regardless of the outcome. Think about the next steps in your career, whether it’s preparing for the next exam attempt or exploring job opportunities. This proactive approach can help reduce anxiety by giving you a sense of direction and control.
Recognizing the CA Intermediate Results Timeline
Although the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has not yet officially announced the result date for the CA Intermediate May 2024 exams, we can make an educated guess based on historical patterns. Typically, ICAI releases results around two months after the exams conclude. Given that the CA Exam Result May 2024 were held from May 2nd to May 16th, it is reasonable to anticipate the results being released in early July 2024. However, it's important to note that this is only an estimate; the official announcement from ICAI could come earlier or later. Therefore, while we can speculate based on previous trends, it's crucial to stay updated with official communications for the most accurate information.
Keeping Up With Results for CA Intermediate May 2024
To stay informed and manage your expectations during the waiting period for the CA Intermediate May 2024 results, consider taking these key actions:
First, make it a habit to frequently visit the ICAI website. Bookmark it and check regularly for any official announcements regarding the result. By staying updated with the primary source, you'll be among the first to know the exact release date, which will help you plan accordingly and reduce unnecessary stress.
Additionally, follow ICAI on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. This strategy broadens your information sources and ensures you receive timely updates and announcements directly on your preferred platforms. Staying connected this way will help you avoid missing any critical information about the CA Exam Result May 2024
Moreover, recognize the tentative nature of the anticipated dates. Although the results are expected in early July 2024 based on historical data, this is not a guaranteed timeline. The actual release date could be earlier or later. By accepting this uncertainty, you can better manage your stress levels and avoid disappointment if the results do not align precisely with the expected timeframe.
By implementing these actions, you can stay well-informed and maintain a balanced perspective during the waiting period.
Getting Ready for Release of the CA Intermediate Results
Once ICAI officially announces the release date, you can ensure a smooth experience by taking the following steps:
First, gather all necessary credentials. Keep your roll number, registration number, and PIN readily available. This preparation eliminates any last-minute scrambling and enables you to log in to the ICAI website quickly to access your CA Intermediate May 2024 result as soon as they are declared.
Additionally, practice patience on the release day. The ICAI website might experience a surge in traffic, potentially causing delays in accessing your results. If this happens, remain calm and try refreshing the page after a few minutes. This approach will help you manage any technical issues without adding unnecessary stress.
By following these steps, you can navigate the result announcement day with ease and efficiency.
Getting to Your May Results
After the results are declared, you can easily access them through the ICAI website using the login credentials you have prepared in advance. The site will offer a comprehensive breakdown of your performance in each subject, allowing for a detailed analysis of your strengths and weaknesses. This invaluable information can then guide your future studies and exam preparation strategies for subsequent CA exams.
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cavirtualhubonline · 4 months
he Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has important updates for students appearing for the CA Foundation and Intermediate examinations in September 2024 and the January 2025 batch. Here's a breakdown of the key points: CA Foundation (13th, 15th, 18th, & 20th) SeP and CA Intermediate Date (Sept 2024): CA Foundation (13th, 15th, 18th, & 20th) CA registration dates: July 28th to August 10th CA Intermediate (12th, 14th, 17th) Sep) Group A || (17th, 21st, 23rd) Sep) Group B CA Registration Date: 7th to 20th Jumpstart Your CA Journey: January 2025 Batch Starts Now! Empower yourself for success with CA Virtual Hub's January 2025 batch! Our online coaching program equips aspiring Chartered Accountants with the knowledge and skills to excel in their exams. Enroll now: Gain a head start: Begin your preparation early for the September 2025 CA exams. Flexible learning: Study at your own pace and convenience with our interactive online platform. Expert guidance: Learn from experienced CAs and develop a strong foundation in accounting principles.
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sldindore · 5 months
CA Foundation June 2024 Exam Dates, Application Process, & Admit Card Details
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In this given blog , you will discover the CA Foundation Exam Dates [expected] and Timings for June 2024, as well as the exam form, admit card, results, and frequently-asked questions.
Are you gearing up for the CA Foundation exams? The journey to becoming a Chartered Accountant starts with mastering the fundamentals. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has unveiled the much-awaited CA Foundation Exam Dates for June 2024. Stay ahead of the curve and ace your exams with precision planning and focused preparation.
CA Foundation Exam 2024
The CA Institute of India (ICAI) is the authority behind the CA Foundation exams, meticulously scheduling them to ensure a seamless examination process. Let's delve into the essential details:
CA Foundation 2024 Application Process
Navigating through the application process seamlessly is essential to ensure your registration for the CA Foundation exams is successful. Here's a breakdown of the application process:
Registration Deadline: While the registration window for the June 2024 session has closed, don't fret! If you missed the deadline, you still have the opportunity to register for the December 2024 session until July 1, 2024. Take advantage of this window and secure your spot for the next exam session.
New Education System: With a fresh education and training system implemented by ICAI from July 1, 2023, it's imperative to grasp the revamped registration dates. Stay informed to align your preparation strategies effectively.
CA Foundation Exam 2024 Overview
Mark your calendars! The CA Foundation exams are conducted biannually, in May/June and November/December. Here's a quick snapshot of the upcoming June 2024 session:
Exam conducting body
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)
Exam Name
CA Foundation Exam
Mode of exam
Pen and Paper-based
Twice a year (June and December)
Level of exam
National level
Medium of Exam
English/ Hindi
Number of Papers
Total marks
CA Foundation Admit Card
Expected by May 1st, 2024
Official Website
CA Foundation 2024 Subject-Wise Exam Dates
Prepare strategically by noting down the subject-wise CA Foundation Exam Dates for June 2024:
CA Foundation Paper
Exam Dates
Exam Timings
Paper 1
June 20, 2024
2 PM to 5 PM
Paper 2
Business Laws
June 22, 2024
2 PM to 5 PM
Paper 3
Quantitative Aptitude
June 24, 2024
2 PM to 4 PM
Paper 4
Business Economics
June 26, 2024
2 PM to 4 PM
Tips for Success
Leverage Official Resources: Utilize ICAI’s CA Foundation study material for comprehensive preparation.
Timely Completion: Ensure timely completion of the curriculum for ample practice with Mock Test Papers (MTPs) and Revision Test Papers (RTPs).
Stay Informed: Rely on official notifications from ICAI for accurate scheduling information.
CA Foundation Exam Dates June 2024: Admit Card Details
Anticipate receiving the CA Foundation Admit Card approximately 14 days before the exams, likely towards the end of April 2024. Here are some key points to note regarding the CA Foundation Admit Card 2024:
ICAI will not issue physical Admit Cards; students are required to download them from the ICAI website.
The Admit Card will contain vital information such as exam dates, center names, timings, roll numbers, and personal details.
It's important to remember that the Admit Card can only be downloaded three times, so it's advisable to keep multiple photocopies for backup.
Ensure thorough preparation and have your Admit Card ready for a seamless experience during the CA Foundation Exam in June 2024.
CA Foundation Result June 2024
The ICAI is gearing up to unveil the CA Foundation Exam Results for June 2024. Here are some key points to keep in mind regarding the CA Foundation Result 2024:
Results can be accessed using either your roll number or registration number.
Verification options are available both online and offline, allowing you to verify your marks through SMS or email.
The results will include important details such as pass percentage, top performers, mark verification procedures, statement of marks, merit list, pass certificate, and more.
Stay tuned for the official announcement and be prepared to check your results for the June 2024 CA Foundation exams.
Additionally, the outlined CA Foundation Exam Dates for June 2024 have provided a comprehensive overview of the crucial schedule set by the ICAI. Prospective candidates must remain informed about official announcements to ensure they complete exam forms on time and prepare effectively for the upcoming exams
Stay Ahead with Smart Learning Destination
As you embark on your CA journey, trust Smart Learning Destination for unparalleled coaching excellence. With a legacy of delivering quality education, Smart Learning Destination is your trusted companion in achieving CA Foundation success and beyond. Join the Smart Learning Destination CA Online Course today and unlock the door to academic excellence.
Related Links
CA Full Form
CA Foundation Result 2023
CA Direct Entry New Scheme 2024
ICAI Exam Pattern 2024
Q: When is the CA Foundation exam in 2024? 
A: The CA Foundation Exams by ICAI will start on June 20, 2024. Refer to the article above for detailed CA Foundation Exam Dates June 2024.
Q: Are CA Foundation exams held twice a year? 
A: Yes, ICAI conducts the CA Foundation exams biannually, in June and December.
Q: What's the passing criteria for CA Foundation June 2024 Exams? 
A: Stay tuned for official announcements from ICAI regarding the passing criteria.
Q: Can I register for CA Foundation 2024 now? 
A: Registration for the December 2024 session is currently open until July 1, 2024.
Q: Is the CA Foundation easy to pass? 
A: Success in the CA Foundation exams requires diligent preparation and a clear understanding of the exam syllabus. With focused effort and proper guidance, achieving success is within reach.
Prepare meticulously, stay focused, and embark on your CA journey with confidence. Success awaits!
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roopb · 5 months
CA Raj K Agarwal: From the Start to Success
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Unleashing Potential: The Educational Journey of CA Raj K Agrawal
After achieving the 27th national rank in the CA Final and the 29th place in the CA Foundation examinations in 2008, CA Raj K Agarwal made a lasting impression on the world of chartered accounting. His relentless quest for excellence has defined his academic career. He started his education at Sunbeam School Bhagwanpur and went on to enhance his education by doing a diploma program at DAV Degree College, BHU Varanasi. He expanded his knowledge in 2018 by finishing the GST Indirect Taxes Committee Certificate Course, which was provided by ICAI.
With an unquenchable hunger for excellence, CA Raj K Agrawal has proven a smooth transition between his love of teaching and business endeavors. Raj K Agarwal video classes long list of accomplishments demonstrates his steadfast dedication to ongoing development and progress. In whatever he does, he embodies an unwavering commitment to excellence and an endless curiosity.
The Educational Odyssey of CA Raj K Agarwal
On October 23, 1991, in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India, Raj Kumar Agrawal, better known as CA Raj K Agrawal, embarked on a journey that would ultimately shape his destiny. Born on July 9, under the sign of Libra, he resides in Varanasi. Raj Kumar, a patriotic Hindu from India, commenced his education at Sunbeam School Bhagwanpur, Varanasi, where he laid the foundation for his future pursuits. He then enrolled at DAV Degree College in Varanasi to pursue a BCom (Hons) degree, driven by his ambition to become a chartered accountant.
CA Raj K Agarwal steadfast dedication to study and development is demonstrated by his unyielding quest for excellence and the strong educational foundation he laid. These attributes bear witness to his unwavering commitment.
Family, Friendship, and Perseverance
Though his family was not wealthy, CA Raj K Agrawal benefited greatly from the education his merchant family provided, which helped him develop a strong value for learning. Their substantial financial sacrifices towards his education demonstrated their steadfast dedication to his future. Raj, in return, showed them the same commitment, strengthening the love and support that constituted the strong familial relationship. His victories in the Mathegenius Competition demonstrated his extraordinary talent and confirmed his unwavering commitment to learning. Raj K Agarwal video classes showed his unwavering commitment to learning by methodically finishing the whole math program, even during breaks from school. Known for dedication, classmates trusted his leadership in discussions. Chief Guest at school events, testament to lasting influence.
Even though CA Raj K Agarwal faced financial difficulties, he started delivering groceries in order to help support his family. Despite the difficulties, his family managed to send him to Delhi to pursue his CA degree, living off of inexpensive breakfast alternatives. His meals with buddy Sagar Wadhwa were consoling, highlighting the importance of friendship amid difficult times. Even in the face of many challenges, Raj never wavered in his resolve to bring democracy to education. His family celebrated his achievement of the prestigious CA title, which stands for optimism for a better future. When Raj got his first job, he paid his bills on time and took care of his family's needs while working hard at his office.
Journey to Online Education: Study At Home Initiative
After passing the CA Final exam, CA Raj K Agarwal swiftly entered the teaching profession. His teaching career gained momentum when he achieved an incredible All-India Rank (AIR) in the CA Final. This achievement, coupled with his unwavering commitment, helped him swiftly build his reputation and attract more students. Starting with just six students in 2008, Raj K Agarwal video classes financial and accounting classes began to have a significant impact on people's lives. When he initially started teaching in person, he traveled across Kerala in search of motivated students.
In 2018, Raj K Agarwal transitioned to digital instruction, introducing Study At Home. With more than fifty academics providing video lectures, this platform offers a wealth of educational materials. Raj K Agarwal's Study At Home program consistently fosters high achievers.
From AIR Rankings to Awards
The honors bestowed upon CA Raj K Agarwal highlight his outstanding accomplishments in the fields of business and academia. Notable: AIR 27 and 29 in CA Final and Foundation exams. Awards: Indian Achievers, National StartUp 2021, attest to leadership excellence. He has also received several noteworthy honors, including the Sourav Ganguly Rising Star Award and the Sonu Sood Fame Award. Additionally, Sourav Ganguly personally presented him with the EdTech Entrepreneur Award and the Best EdTech of the Year Award.
Another indication of Raj K Agarwal video classes efforts is his acceptance of the Global Teaching Excellence and Student Choice Awards. The StartIn UP Innovation for Social Impact via Technology Award is another honor bestowed upon him. Furthermore, he has been awarded the YouTube Silver Button for his YouTube channel, Study At Home. The leadership and inventiveness of CA Raj K Agarwal courses in the field of education have been emphasized by media coverage.
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ayushisingh123 · 3 months
Considering exams were conducted between May 2nd and 10th, the result declaration is expected around July 2024. It's crucial to remember that this is an educated guess, and the official date from ICAI might come sooner or later.
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phoenixx-news · 5 months
No Impact On Exam Eligibility For Voters In Lok Sabha Elections
The National Testing Agency (NTA) issued a clarification on Tuesday regarding messages circulating on social media, which claim that individuals who vote in the Lok Sabha elections 2024 and have their fingers inked will not be allowed to enter examination halls.
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"The above messages are completely baseless, and NTA has not issued any such instruction or guideline. Students are requested not to pay heed to such rumours and to exercise their voting rights. Voting will not affect their eligibility to take examinations," the NTA said in an official release.
The testing agency advised students to focus on their studies and prepare for the forthcoming examinations.
In a major relief to students who missed the opportunity earlier to apply for the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (Undergraduate) (NEET-UG) 2024 due to various reasons, the National Testing Agency (NTA) today reopened the registration window.
The application window opened today and will close on April 10 at 11.50pm. Interested and eligible candidates can apply by visiting the official website.
NEET (UG) 2024 will be held on May 5 from 2pm to 5.20pm nationwide and in 14 cities outside the country in pen and paper (offline) mode.
For further queries regarding the NEET (UG) - 2024 examination, candidates are advised to contact 011-40759000 or email at [email protected].
The Lok Sabha elections, taking place between April 19 and June 1 this year, have resulted in the rescheduling of various exams. Various competitive and entrance exams, including UPSC Civil Service prelims and NEET PG, have been rescheduled due to the elections. Other affected exams include the Maharashtra Health and Technical Common Entrance Test (MHT CET), The Telangana State Engineering, Agriculture & Pharmacy Common Entrance Test (TS EAPCET), The Telangana State Polytechnic Common Entrance Test (TS POLYCET), and Chartered Accountant (CA) exams.
Here are the revised dates for some exams:
MHT CET (PCM and PCB): The exam originally scheduled for April 16-30 will now be held from May 2-17 for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics (PCM) and April 22-30 for Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (PCB). Admit cards will be issued 10 days before the exam.
JEE Main 2024: The entrance test will now take place from April 4-12 instead of the earlier schedule of April 4-15.
TS EAPCET 2024: The Telangana State Engineering, Agriculture & Pharmacy Common Entrance Test-2024 (TS EAPCET-2024) will be held from May 9-12 in two shifts. The exam will take place in two sessions, the first from 9 am to 12 noon, and the second between 3pm and 6pm.
TS POLYCET: The Telangana State Polytechnic Common Entrance Test (TS POLYCET) has been rescheduled from May 17 to May 24. The entrance test will last for two hours and 30 minutes, held from 11 am to 1.30pm.
AP EAPCET 2024: The Andhra Pradesh Engineering, Agriculture, and Pharmacy Common Entrance Test, which was earlier slated for May 13-19, will now take place from May 16-22.
UPSC Civil Services Exam 2024: The UPSC prelims will now be held on June 16 instead of the earlier schedule of May 26.
NEET PG 2024: The NEET PG exam has been rescheduled to June 23. The results will be declared by July 15, and counselling for admissions is scheduled from August 5 to October 15.
ICAI CA May Exams 2024: ICAI CA Intermediate Group 1 will be held on May 3, 5, and 9 instead of May 7 while Group 2 exams will take place on May 11, 15, and 17 instead of the original schedule of May 9, 11, and 13.
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