alluringsinger · 9 days
First house Saturn in Aries
10th house ruler in the houses
Ideal career <3
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I have made a post about the 10th house if you wish to know more about it.
1st house: modeling, content creation (focused on YOU, your opinions, your reviews, your personality), leadership/innovative jobs, anything that makes you shine
2nd house: becoming a chef, taking on lucrative projects, huge focus on accumulating material wealth, staying authentic and true to your values and making sure it doesn't fuck w ur emotional stability and stuff- no sacrifices
3rd house: consider working in a family-run business, utilizing writing talent, maybe something debate related, teaching elementary school/little kids, something mind stimulating
4th house: stay at home mom/dad or working from home, babysitting, having a more obscure job and being private about job matters, having a job that allows you to be family oriented as well, providing for your fam being a motivation of urs
5th house: art, creativity, modeling/makeup artist, hair stylist, social media manager, going with the flow, innovation, laid back/light hearted when it comes to duty, being quite lucky in the career side of things
6th house: administrative work, athletic field, diet expert or nutritionist, doctor, being quite involved in your work matters on the daily and taking it seriously, work relationships (coworkers, subordinates, superiors) being relevant for better or for worse
7th house: tbh I'm drawing a blank on this one 😭 I'd look at the sign of the 10th house buuuuttttt anything/anywhere that you feel comfortable as/in for a while should be good. This also indicates maybe meeting someone special at work? 👀 or working together with/creating a business with your long term partner. Also be aware of how ur relationship with ur business partners goes cuz it's important especially deals involving contracts
8th house: accounting, investment, stocks, real estate, finance jobs basically anything that involves other people's money and also maybe inspector jobs, detective work esp homicide involved (ace attorney vibes lol), performing autopsies etc u get the idea and we could also add occult related jobs as well
9th house: spiritual work, teaching individuals esoteric matters, astrologer, tarot, palmistry readings, jobs that allow you or even encourage you to be like a forever student and stuff
10th house: traditional jobs, CEO, career success is important to you and you tend to prioritize it regardless of whatever else is going on in ur life, any jobs that requires a high level of achievement and handling pressure with grace
11th house: social media related, working within a group, collaborative effort, compromise, maybe prioritizing other endeavors centered around making an impact such as activism, vouching for the oppressed and volunteering
12th house: therapist, readings, helping people work through their issues and do shadow work, alchemy work aka turning pain into power, also helping individuals achieve balance in the mental as well as spiritual plane (feminine and masculine energy for example) etc
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Of course this is very general!! You need to look at loaaaads of other stuff but yeah comment down below your 10th house placements
Thank you for reading <3
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alluringsinger · 14 days
Neptune and Pluto
How to work with your RETROGRADE planets!
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Mercury Retrograde:/Rx Execute how you communicate, remain calm in difficult situations, and learn how to express yourself with the help of your creativity and mind
Venus Retrograde:/Rx Fix issues that once were broken, give up on old love issues, and love yourself first matters the most. Give your love only to ones who matter
Mars Retrograde:/Rx Manage fear, frustration, and anger, be more productive, practice clarity and calmness into your life, don't waste your energy on things that don't make you excited
Jupiter Retrograde:/Rx A reminder that dreams do take some hard work, re-align with your spirit, do some yoga, and learn from others so you can teach them as well at your own time
Saturn Retrograde:/Rx Clear your mind, focus on the objectives, revisit karmic things that impacted you, don't blame yourself, don't judge yourself, but instead be more gentle with it
Uranus Retrograde:/Rx Always look on different life paths because life does not resolve only around one. Be open to opportunities. Everything has a reward
Neptune Retrograde:/Rx Forces yourself out of your comfort zone, appreciates yourself and those around you, always looking for an answer from the universe, be kind
Pluto Retrogade:/Rx Evaluate your power and thoughts, think about what you have learned from every challenge in your life, be more proud of who you have become.
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alluringsinger · 14 days
Libra seventh house Venus rules over Libra in my first house Aries!
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7TH HOUSE RULER IN 1ST HOUSE can meet their marriage/romantic partner/s when they go their own way in life💅🏽 - when they stand in their own truth/stand out/when they're alone - they're usually being reached out2 in some way. They want a partner who's ready 2 make it all about them/or make them feel like they're the only one in the world💋. Their partner/s in life can affect/change how they see themselves/how they move in the world/their reactions, etc<33. These people can be BIG on relationships throughout their life<33 - they can feel like they truly come 2 life when they're in love<33 - also that they truly find themselves through their relationships/like they truly establish themselves through them💞<33. They can be attracted2 people/get partners who are passionate, bold/courageous, competitive, confident, direct, impulsive, independent, leader types<33. 7TH HOUSE RULER IN 2ND HOUSE can meet their romantic/marriage partners when they're handling their finances/making money/doing business/at restaurants/at places where people eat/drink🍜🍱/comfort places. They want a partner who's ready 2 make bank, who's ready 2 make security for/with them🔒. They want a partner with the same values/or some of the same spending habits. They want a partner who values relationships just as much as they do❤️. Having a partner can add2 their sense of security/stability in life/make them feel secure & set. They can see their partner as a possession/an investment or just like 2 make it very clear 2 others that their partner is theirs<33. They can also LOVE 2 eat/make food🍜🥗/sweets🍬/drinks🥃 with their significant other, or like 2 do many comfort things together💘<33. They can be attracted2 people/get partners who are sensual, loyal/reliable, security seeking, protective, dedicated, generous, patient<33. 7TH HOUSE RULER IN 3RD HOUSE can 1st of all date/marry younger people - they can meet their romantic/marriage partner/s through social media/through a phone/through friends/through their siblings/cousins/through school/even through neighbours/through people in their neighbourhood/or they can meet em around their neighbourhood<33. They want 2 connect with their partner intellectually/they want a deep mental connection with their significant other🧡. They can be attracted2 people/get partners who are booksmart/streetsmart, outgoing/social, talkative, humorous, good at speaking for themselves/good at debating - intellectuals🗣️<33. If they got any siblings/cousins = can want2 spend a lot of time with them with their partner/or their siblings/cousins can be important here when it comes 2 their relationships. They wanna be able to always chat 2 their partner about anything, at anytime - they want that unspoken mental link<33. 7TH HOUSE RULER IN 4TH HOUSE can meet their romantic/marriage partner/s in their birth country/city/through, or bc of family members/through a family celebration/past settings. They want 2 connect with their partner's core/know their partners 100%💙. They could prefer/or just uniententionally get partners from the same country as them/or want them 2 live in the same country/want them 2 speak the same language. These people can also feel very safe, & truly comfortable in life when they're in a relationship - it's like they've finally found their own little piece of peace in this world<33. They want their partner 2 merge with them/their family<33. Their family could also be important here, when it comes 2 their relationships - wanting a partner who fits into the family/wanting, or needing parents approval can be a thing here✔️<33. They can be attracted 2 people/get partners who are sensitive, emotional/nurturing/compassionate, protective, family oriented/focused on creating a base/home/family with them<33.
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7TH HOUSE RULER IN 5TH HOUSE can meet their romantic/marriage partners when they're out having fun/when they're out doing something creative/artistic/or even when they're out dating💋/or celebrating<33. They can be very attracted2 people who are not afraid of being in the spotlight<33. They can also be attracted 2 people/get partners who are very charismatic, confident, passionate, fun, dramatic, creative, ambitious, artistic🎨🖌️ - & knows how to really have fun/let loose<33. They don't ever want 2 get bored in a relationship - they really only want 2 have the most absolute fun with their partner! Kids could also be a big thing here - wanting/raising kids here<33 - wanting a partner who wants kids. Wanting a partner who won't let the fun die out/won't let date nights/“the honeymoon phase die out<33”. They want someone who can keep up with them/keep surprising them😻<33.
💞 7TH HOUSE RULER IN 6TH HOUSE can literally meet their marriage/romantic partner/s/by just going about their day - "everyday activities" - by doing what they always do<3. Like they could meet em at their usual go2 grocery store, down at the vet, where they work/or workout, etc. They can want/get partners who are all about being together everyday🫶🏼 - creating that stabile everyday life together💚. They want a partner who matches/fits their everyday routine/life. They can also be attracted 2 people/get partners who are analytical, detail oriented, hardworking, helpful - into acts of service, perceptive🔬 - they really like people who notice the smallest things<33. They want their partner 2 be their biggest cheerleader, & vice versa📣 - they want 2 be a team with their partner. They could also work with their partner/or be very into the idea<33. 7TH HOUSE RULER IN 7TH HOUSE can meet their romantic/marriage partner/s through people they know/through other people/through a business/business things/through law related things<33. These people can go into/make a business with their partner/s. They can be very attracted2 people/get partners who are intellectuals, artistic, idealistic, social, charming, romantic, balanced💞. They're also into people who are confident in themselves, & fair in general, when it comes 2 dealing with others. They want a partner who's ready 2 get married/or be serious - they want that partnership locked in. They can also want/get a partner who's good at handling their business/good at doing/creating a business💅🏽<33. A locked in partnership/marriage can make these people feel more safe/secure in life.
7TH HOUSE RULER IN 8TH HOUSE can meet their romantic/marriage partners when they're going through transformations/rebirths/they can meet them through taboo/mysterious/traumatic situations/through someones death. They can be attracted2 people/get partners who are very intimacy seeking, kinda "dark", mysterious, strategist, intense, secretive, soul seeking, powerful, shadow seeking<33. They can be very possessive over their partners/or their partners can be possessive over them💋<33. People here could also want 2 share their finances with their partners typically. They want 2 create an unforgettable legacy with their other half<33. They want 2 know all their partners secrets/what transformations/tough, or traumatic shit they've been through/they want their partner 2 be their ride, or die💜. Their relationships can transform them a lot in this life/they can go through many rebirths bc of who they date/marry<33.
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7TH HOUSE RULER IN 9TH HOUSE can meet their romantic/marriage partner/s in foreign countries🌍✈️/through people from other countries/through a higher education/through in laws, lol what can I say/when they're discovering/exploring their own beliefs/personal philosophy/when they're out searching 4 something "bigger" than themselves🫶🏼 - their romantic/marriage partner/s can even end up being their "mentor" of some kind<33. They can be very attracted2 people/get partners who are free spirited/foreign/cultured/thirsty for knowledge/religious/or have a strong belief system. They want 2 learn from their partner/expand with them<33. They can get partners who "guides" people along their journey/path in life. They wanna explore the world🌍/seek the meaning with life with their partner✨. They wanna talk/connect about all the "big things - what ifs" with their partner<33. They want a relationship 2/with their in laws/they want 2 feel connected 2 them❤️. 7TH HOUSE RULER IN 10TH HOUSE can meet their romantic/marriage partners in public/through their career/connections. They typically get partners who are big on their career/image/social status/reputation, or big on fame. These peoples relationships can also be very publicised/or people follow/watches their relationships📸 - They can be attracted2/get partners who are known/or famous - Their relationships can also move them upwards in the world/their relationships can give them opportunities in life<33. Their partnerships can also affect their reputation/how people see them<33. They can be very attracted2 people/get partners who are very mature, professional, ambitious, boss minded, powerful, hardworking, determined!💅🏽💚 Their partner/s can also be older than them/they can be attracted 2 older people<33. 💞 7TH HOUSE RULER IN 11TH HOUSE can meet their marriage/romantic partner/s through their step siblings/when they're with friends/through their friends/circle/or it can end up being one of their friends/through social media/at community activities/at events where it's 2 help others/fight for something🔥<33. They want a partner who's their best friend, & their lover all in one<33. They can be attracted2 people/get partners who are unconventional/eccentric, freedom seeking, innovative, rebellious, "free", "not usually seen around". They want2 change their community/or communities all around the world with their partner/they want2 be seen on social media with their significant other🤳/they want their partner 2 be apart of their circle, or/& vice versa/they want their partner 2 have a network, or they want 2 create a network with them. They wanna help people/fight for people/make a change with their with partner💪🏽 - they want 2 make a difference in the world with their significant other<33.
💞 7TH HOUSE RULER IN 12TH HOUSE can meet their marriage/romantic partner/s when they're in foreign/far away lands/when they're isolated/or when they're healing/recovering/or trying 2 escape from something/in a retreat, even a spiritual one/or when they're in a hospital, rehab center, prison, or in a psych ward❤️<33. Karmic/soulmate/twin partnerships = a big thing for these individuals in this life. Secret relationships also shows up a lot here<33. These people can also have dream connections with their partners🩵 - romantic partners can show up a lot in dreams here<33. They want a partner who understands their untold struggles/fears/understands their need 2 escape from the real world sometimes🖤. They can be attracted2 people/get partners who are foreign, creative, artistic, spiritual, mysterious, secretive, elusive, intuitive<33. These people can also be very private/secretive when it comes 2 their love life<33. They want a connection most only can hope 2dream about<33.
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alluringsinger · 14 days
My soul purpose is to work hard for my achievements
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alluringsinger · 14 days
Saturn is 26 degrees my highest planet my soul purpose is to work hard for any achievement I want in my life
Saturn is my soul planet
· in astrology your highest degree planet indicates what your soul purpose is. this is called your “soul planet”
· this is more commonly used in vedic astrology, but some western astrologers use this technique as well
· this includes only your sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, and saturn since the other outer planets degrees change less often
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⏆ sun: if the sun is your soul planet (technically luminary) it indicates that your purpose is to make others happy, be confident in your true self, express yourself creatively, to experience a big ego death/journey, and possibly to become famous
⏆ moon: if the moon is your soul planet (luminary) it indicates that you’re meant to learn how to balance your emotions, find stability, become closer to your family or loved ones, and possibly become famous
⏆ mercury: if mercury is your soul planet it indicates that you’re meant to learn how to communicate your thoughts better, show your ideas to the world, be curious/open to learning, and possibly influence others on social media
⏆ venus: if venus is your soul planet it indicates that you’re meant to experience deeply romantic connections, become wealthy, learn to love yourself, learn to love others as much as you can, and create art
⏆ mars: if mars is your soul planet it indicates that you’re meant to learn how to resolve conflict maturely, be ambitious, be bold, be a leader, and find what your true passions are in life
⏆ jupiter: if jupiter is your soul planet it indicates that you’re meant to become successful, gain knowledge, share your wisdoms with the world, be open minded to others perspectives, and to discover what your true beliefs are or share your beliefs with others
⏆ saturn: if saturn is your soul planet it indicates that you’re meant to work hard for anything you want in life, experience hard karmic lessons, create structure in your life (especially if you grew up with a lack of it), and becoming more disciplined/responsible
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alluringsinger · 14 days
what city you should live in based on your moon sign ⏾
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astrology can help you make an informed decision for something as significant as where one will live. and especially if you are a more hedonistic person like myself, choosing a place to live with a focus on personal satisfaction is a guaranteed upgrade in quality of life. it also helps you narrow down what your true emotional needs are and live a life more in alignment with your truest self.
choosing what city to live in based on your moon sign helps an individual with emotional fulfillment, being able to create a sense of belonging, stress reduction, enhanced creativity and productivity, better romantic and platonic relationships, and so much more.
here are my thoughts on your ideal city based on your moon sign:
⏾ virgo moon 一
kobe, japan + washington, D.C. (USA) + zurich, switzerland
you likely prefer a clean, walkable city that is health-conscious. ideal cities have paved roads, a lack of industrial machines or well-regulated factories, and a structured, straightforward urban planning model. a city safe enough to raise babies and young children is your benchmark. you value a city that emphasizes logical aspects of life. air pollution and trash management are crucial, so you'd thrive in cities with high air quality indexes, like those mentioned above.
⏾ libra moon 一
florence, italy + brooklyn, new york + capetown, south africa + amsterdam, netherlands + paris, france
as one of my favorite moon signs, you truly appreciate beauty, harmony, and aesthetics in where and how you live. you love cultured cities with plenty of artistic experiences. perhaps you're an artist yourself, seeking communities where you can express that creativity. a city that offers a balance of cityscape, mountainscape, and access to bodies of water appeals to your sense of harmony. you’re drawn to colorful, multicultural environments where you can accumulate luxury goods.
⏾ scorpio moon 一
new orleans, louisiana + mumbai, india + providence, rhode island
this one is tricky because scorpio Moons are known for being extremely intense and private, which doesn't always translate to a livable city (think Bermuda Triangle). however, you likely value transformative experiences and a form of social power. you want to be in a city that matches your intensity—a place that might be politically involved, spiritually inclined, or even part of some controversy. communities where you can explore taboo subjects or rise within social hierarchies are ideal for you.
⏾ sagittarius moon 一
toronto, canada + prage, czech republic + krabi, thailand + dubai, UAE
as one of the more hedonistic moon signs, you crave freedom—to be, to do, to have, etc. you prefer cities with a lot of versatility for living, offering options like big homes, sprawling lofts, small cozy one-bedrooms, and everything in between. cultured and religious cities appeal to your belief system, which is crucial to you. You need a place where you can live your philosophies freely and have fun. a city with many opportunities for adventure and easy access to other exciting places is essential. think road trips, bungee jumping, scuba diving.
⏾ capricorn moon 一
london, england + manhattan, new york + melbourne, australia
one word: old-fashioned. capricorns are often seen as traditional, and there's a reason for that. as a capricorn moon, you value cities that operate like institutions—places that have stood the test of time without much change to their foundation. ambition and hard work are of utmost importance, so cities with a professional or hustle culture appeal to you. you are drawn to cities in countries with a strong identity or culture that gratify your sense of tradition. cities where you can network, accumulate wealth, and indulge in luxuries are your ideal.
⏾ aquarius moon 一
san francisco, california + rome, italy + new orleans, louisiana + portland, oregon
with pluto in aquarius, I anticipate more moves for aquarius moons, which is great because this is the most community-centered sign in my opinion. aquarius moons value living in cities where they can positively contribute, socialize, and build relationships based on shared interests. you are drawn to innovative, creative cities that are always ahead of trends. you also appreciate cities that are civically mindful and contribute to humanitarian efforts on both local and grand scales.
⏾ pisces moon 一
bali, indonesia + bora bora, french polynesia + rome, italy + paris, france
pisces moons are one of the moon signs that truly need to feel "drawn" to a place before visiting or residing there. emotional fulfillment, romance, and creativity are non-negotiable for pisces moons. because of this, beautiful, artistic cities with many opportunities to be near bodies of water are ideal. beach cities and honeymoon destinations are perfect for pisces Moons' empathic and sensitive nature. A city with a calm undercurrent is essential to satisfy your need for rest and peace.
⏾ aries moon 一
rome, italy + los angeles, california + tokyo, japan + cairo, egypt + mumbai, india
similar to capricorn moon, its cardinal sibling, aries moons need the opportunity to keep on the go wherever they live. For this reason, you're best suited to "cities that never sleep"—places where you can stay active, compete in major global industries, and reach newer heights. you're drawn to cities with fiery traditions and those that excel in national rankings. you also appreciate cities that are vocal about their value systems and embrace trends.
⏾ taurus moon 一
honolulu, hawaii + havana, cuba + las vegas, nevada + ibiza, spain + tokyo, japan
much like libra moons, venus-ruled moons love venus-ruled cities. taurus moons enjoy cities that are comfortable in every sense—materially, socially, politically, and aesthetically. you appreciate cities that are openly hedonistic—notorious vacation spots are actually great places for you to establish yourself. cities with strong tourism markets are good for your desire for material success as they are epicenters of culture and attract people from all walks of life.
⏾ gemini moon 一
chicago, illinois + boston, massachusetts + cairo, egypt + lisbon, portugal
as a gemini moon, cities that are versatile, education-centered, and logical are appealing to you. you thrive in places where "everyone knows everyone" and socializing is a priority. cities known for their educational institutions and vibrant social life satisfy your need for variety and communication. cities with a strong tourist presence are also appealing, as you enjoy the ability to feel like a tourist in your own city at any time.
⏾ cancer moon 一
sydney, australia + niagara falls , new york + constantinople, turkey + berne, switzerland + mogadishu, somalia
cancer moons love domestic cities that are more feminine in nature. Like their sister sign capricorn, they strongly value traditions, both cultural and social, but in a softer manner. they prefer cities with a strong influence by women and things traditionally associated with women, like fashion, beauty, and the arts. cities with beaches and a strong luminary presence are essential, as they are the water-bearers of the zodiac. cities with a balance between domesticity and capitalism appeal to their need for material security and a good home. a city with a strong real estate market and that is ideal for newlyweds and families is also preferred.
⏾ leo moon 一
los angeles, california + miami, florida + mexico city, mexico + marrakesh, morocco + ibiza, spain
much like aquarius moons, the need to be around people is prominent with leo moons. leo moons value being in cities that honor appearance and aesthetics. being seen, being talked about, romance, and play are priority for a leo moon when moving. a city where they can explore artistic pursuits and new cultures. cities that promote health and wellness and image. cities with social hierarchies and strong social networks. cities that are "popular" with the whole world. also cities that are known for night-life and social life. cities where you can regularly rub elbows with important people and indulge in the grandiosities of life.
the moon in astrology is a gateway to a deeper understanding of one's desires, needs, and motivations which can help in making better-informed decisions on where to move or establish a life. I highly suggest you take this into consideration on your next trip or relocation.
thank you for reading 💋
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alluringsinger · 2 months
You gotta understand that some people never really grow. They never learn their lesson. They never recognise their mistakes, they never acknowledge their faults, they never admit they were in the wrong. You will never receive an apology from them, and you will never see their behaviour change.
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alluringsinger · 2 months
Oh my heavens what will come this time around?
interesting ..This maybe explains why we have so much tension going on especially geopolitically
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alluringsinger · 2 months
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7K notes · View notes
alluringsinger · 3 months
Invest in your:
Appearance, education, energy, health, goals (yourself)
& watch how you flourish. ✨
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alluringsinger · 3 months
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Little Miss still learning the language
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alluringsinger · 3 months
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On This Day in 1875, Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, champion of racial and gender equality, was born.
Throughout her life, she founded many organizations for the advancement of Black girls and women, including the National Council of Negro Women and what is now Bethune-Cookman University — and led voter registration efforts after women gained the vote in 1920.
In 1936, she also became the highest-ranking Black woman in the U.S. government when President Franklin Roosevelt named her director of Negro Affairs for the National Youth Administration.
We thank Dr. Bethune for dedicating her life to fighting for our rights, and we celebrate her long-lasting legacy. 🙌🏾
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alluringsinger · 3 months
Different things you can do if you want to change your energy to get different results:
Practice meditation.
Engage in regular physical exercise.
Maintain a balanced and healthy diet.
Surround yourself with positive influences.
Set clear and achievable goals.
Gratitude and positive affirmations.
Get enough rest and sleep.
Manage stress.
Creative activities.
Connect with nature.
Breathing exercises.
Create and follow a daily routine.
Drink lots of water.
Limit exposure to negative media.
Create meaningful relationships.
Self care.
Acts of kindness.
Declutter and organize your space.
Learn new skills or hobbies.
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alluringsinger · 3 months
Don’t let their energy change yours.
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alluringsinger · 3 months
Trine vs Sextile
The difference between a trine and sextile:
Easy flow without the need for conscious hard work.
Think of it as a talent.
It is the nature of Jupiter. 
Trines are when the signs are in the same element.
Fire and fire leads to too much action and tension.
Air and air leads to too much thinking and needless curiosity.
Water and water leads to too much passivity and emotions.
Earth and earth leads to too much internalization and groundedness.
Harmonious flow that is best reap with a little hard work.
Think of it as a skill.
It is the nature of Venus.
Sextiles are when the signs are in the same duality.
Fire adds energy to air, and air supports fire.
Earth roots water, and water nourishes earth.
© miawwrr all rights reserved
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alluringsinger · 3 months
I found out this month
Maturity is when you realize people can't give you what they can't give themselves, so you stop expecting loyalty from people who betray themselves, stop expecting honesty from people who lie to themselves, and stop expecting peace from people who are at war with themselves.
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alluringsinger · 3 months
The stand up guy!
What a healthy, secure relationship looks like
He communicates consistently and clearly. Replies promptly, doesn't leave you on seen, checks up on you throughout the day/week according to his schedule and in agreement with your needs as well.
He pays attention to your needs and desires and quirks, and makes your life better using said details. Ie. buys your favorite kind of flowers, makes your favorite tea in the morning, remembers your food allergies when having dinner dates, etc.
Disagreements may still appear even in health relationships, and it's ok, as communication is essentual for a healthy dynamic. However, his approach to disagreements is a secure one: each will share their perspective, and if feelings were hurt or mistakes were made, he takes accountability for his side, and makes genuine apologies followed by reparations and direct actions (ie. "I'm sorry I did x, I didn't mean to hurt you. I will be/do y in the future", and then does as he promised).
Promises are kept. His actions are in alignment with his words, and he keeps his words. If he says he'll call you after work, he does. If he says he needs to cool off during an argument and will reopen the conversation in 1h, he does indeed return in 1h to continue the topic.
If you're anxious, he will reassure you and work through it. He doesn't run away or avoid the topic (as an avoidantly attached person would).
If you come forward communicating your needs, or sharing complaints or grievances, he will hear you out and actively seek a way to improve things. He won't freak out, or get angry or run away in response to you having needs or communicating your thoughts; these are normal relationship things you're entitled to, and a securely attached man knows this.
A man that is well-rounded, with a secure attachment style, will have a rich life of his own: hobbies, interests, circles of friends, activities, etc. He will enjoy having his independence and space, and will respect your need for your own. He is not co-dependent, nor gets in the way of you having your own life outside of him. He knows having individually rich lives is important for a healthy relationship. To expand on this, he encourages you to enjoy your selfcare time, your girl's night out, or whatever other activities nourish you.
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