little-earthquakes-rp · 2 months
Random HeadCanons Absolutely No One Asked For...
Subject: Unplanned Pregnancy
Boden: He's likely to know before even his partner is aware. Picking up those small cues of being sensitive to taste, warn down, and slightly more irritable. After much debate he'd come out and ask about their last period, and if there was even a question he'd be on his way to the pharmacy to grab the test. Once that positive pops up she's found herself next to the golden retrievers of father's to be. He's running out to get those pregnancy cravings, every ultrasound appointment he'd be there, and reading What to Expect When You're Expecting to you in bed each night. Boden being an orphan always dreamed of having a family of his own and would go into dad mode the moment he found out you were carrying his child. (Bodad)
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Alex: If someone were to find themselves in the situation with Alex things would be tense. He would never pressure his lover either way, but he'd make it crystal clear that he wouldn't be able to be a traditional father. If they wanted to continue the pregnancy he'd provide monthly financial support and set up a trust for their future. He'd also make the child a beneficiary of any insurance policies he carried. He'd watch from afar, but wouldn't want any contact with the child. Alex's father was a monster leaving him with deep-rooted concerns he might become one. Truthfully, he's hoping his bloodline dies with him and his tormented siblings. ***(I've thought what it would be like for a long lost kid to find him...DRAMA).
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Lou: He'd likely know before his partner. He'd pick up a different scent from them, but wouldn't say anything. He'd ask around to the other dads in the pack to verify what he assumed. Suddenly they find him ALWAYS around. He'd act completely surprised when you suggested or announced the pregnancy, and he'd wait until they shared their thoughts about what they wanted. Secretly he'd be hoping to start a family. He'd be all in at 100% to be a dad, and he's going to propose and try to marry them before the baby is born. It would also (verse dependent) encourage him to challenge the current alpha and take back his father's pack.
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Gus: Hey, who's to say this already hasn't happened to him. The news would hit him like a brick and he'd be in complete shock for the first twenty-four hours. He'd try to mask it saying he just needed some time for the news to settle in. Within a few days, he'd come back to let them know he'd support them with whatever choice, and sincerely mean it. Granted, it was never a life ambition to be a father, his life has taken so many twists and turns this would just be another. As the months pass by he'd become anxious about their comfort and safety, and have the nursery set up before the last trimester.
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Cianan: "Come now darling, are you sure I'm the dad? Unlikely." He's lived over a hundred years and never left lives in the chamber. Cianan would be suspicious at first because he's a careful witch, but if it were to come to pass he'd likely try to support the mother financially and emotionally to the best of his ability. I think he'd plan not to be hands-on, but when he holds that little baby for the first time that goes right out the window. Shite. He'd change his mind, and insist on playing the role of a proper father that his child deserves.
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Val: "Not remotely possible." states the wrath demon.
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Skye: The man would immediately empathize and try to figure out exactly what their headspace was on the subject. He'd offer support and assure them no matter what was decided he'd be there every step of the way. He'd also stress he'd be ready to help bring this baby into the world and would love to be a father. The moment they both decide to move forward he'd be out buying a new home to accommodate mommy and baby. The kind of home he used to dream of as a kid.A big yard with plenty of trees so he can get going on building the tree house. He'd be dotting probably to the point of annoyance at times, and the moment his child is born he'd pledge his life to protecting them and being the best dad. He'd also be sure to take care of Mama not wanting her to get overwhelmed. Taking on those night feedings proudly.
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antonellayaxley · 6 years
Hey - gus
1. First impression:  Minha primeira impressão foi a de mais um aluno querendo chamar atenção dos colegas de maneiras ridiculas2. Truth is:  Isso apenas se confirmou cada vez mais com o tempo, apesar que tenho que admitir que ele é sim bastante persistente3. How old do you look: Um adolescente comum 4. Have you ever made me laugh:  Não, como se suas idiotices fossem algo que eu aprovasse5. Have you ever made me mad:  Toda aula, sem exceção6. Best feature:  Persistencia7. Have I ever had a crush on you: Não8. You’re my:  Aluno
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reyshimizu · 6 years
hey - gus
1. First impression: Um garoto bastante divertido, sempre de bem com a vida2. Truth is:  Ele é bem isso mesmo, mas como todo mundo tem seus medos e horas em que fica mais cabisbaixo. Ele é uma pessoa muito mais profunda do que demonstra3. How old do you look: A idade que tem4. Have you ever made me laugh: Com certeza, quem não ri com esse menino ? kkkkk5. Have you ever made me mad: Não consigo me lembrar, então acho que não6. Best feature: Sua presença7. Have I ever had a crush on you: Não8. You’re my: Amigo
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enid-bagnold · 7 years
“Ugh,” Enid groaned, staring down at her DADA textbook. The library was fairly quiet with only an hour or so until lights out and Enid had been there with her head in the books for longer than she cared to admit. “I’m never going to get this. I accept my fate now, I’m going to flunk out of school and spend my life working at a shoe store or something.” 
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alyssagreengras · 7 years
Ok, eu entendo você querer sair de casa e tal. Mas qual é, essa geladeira só tem água. Como você está sobrevivendo?
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calxrigby-blog · 6 years
In truth...Cal was rather moping about after he’d gotten the news from Holly. Honestly, he should have known better than to get his hopes up. So he’d taken to leaning against little corners of the Great Hall, and somewhat lurking in a few of the hallways nearby. In one such hallway was where he ran into a woman quite by accident, too lost in his thoughts. “Pardon me, Miss. I’m terribly sorry.”
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lena-skowronska · 8 years
"Suck my fucking dick" {augustus}
No can do, baby doll... Se abrir essa carteira que eu tô vendo no seu bolso, a gente pode até conversar.
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lunarchld · 6 years
* (Thank you friend! Here is one for you as well!)
I’m going with the most recent added to my spreadsheet and his name is Augustus (using his whole name for more fun)
A: Who are their exes? Do they still keep in touch?: He’s been in 3 real relationships but none of them last more than a year and all of the girls still live in his hometown and he doesn’t talk to them. All of them broke up with him for various reasons but it mostly revolved around them believing he didn’t care about them enough and he probably didn’t... He didn’t love any of them so it’s whatever, he didn’t care. Thank U, Next type of shit U: Would they rather be single or in a relationship?: Prior to meeting Haze he’d rather be single G: What was their first job?: He worked at a car wash during the summer that he was 15U: Would they rather be single or in a relationship? S: How do they tell someone they’re sorry?: It’s either like “shit, sorry...” or “damn, sorry...” or “well fuck, sorry...” his apologies always have a curse word in themT: How quick are they to cry?: Like a 2... he’s not someone who like never cries but it takes something pretty damn heavy to make him cry U: Would they rather be single or in a relationship? S: How do they tell someone they’re sorry? 
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travxslouisenbarn · 6 years
hey - gus
1. First impression:  Alguma coisa no rosto dele ja da um alerta de longe que no fundo é um capetinha 2. Truth is: Por mais que ele brinque bastante e quem nunca, não é mesmo ? Ele tem a cabeça no lugar, sabe o que é certo. E acredito que ele faz o que faz para que as pessoas ao redor dele se sintam melhores 3. How old do you look:  A idade que tem4. Have you ever made me laugh: Sim5. Have you ever made me mad:  Um pouco,bem pouquinho mesmo 6. Best feature: Criatividade7. Have I ever had a crush on you: Não8. You’re my:  Parceiro do crime
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little-earthquakes-rp · 3 months
06. what are some/a kink that your muse wants to explore? (Gus)
Listen Gus' slutty past as a fuck boy has allowed him to work through many kinks he was previously interested in. Some were fantastic (D/S, exhibition/breath play) while others were not so much(humiliation). Above all edging still remains a favorite and something he enjoys and looks forward to every time.
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taiyanghuang · 6 years
hey - gus
1. First impression:  Um garoto bastante descontraído, que fala o que vem a cabeça2. Truth is:  A verdade é bem essa, apesar de ele ser mais engraçado do que realmente irritante, algo que as vezes me surpreende muito ja que ele não parece ter filtros 3. How old do you look:  A idade que tem4. Have you ever made me laugh:  Sim, não tem como não rir com ele5. Have you ever made me mad:  Não que eu me lembre...6. Best feature:  Humor7. Have I ever had a crush on you:  Não8. You’re my:  Hum.... Difícil classificar... Pop star favorito, talvez ?
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parkheishou · 6 years
Hey - gus
1. First impression:  Uma pessoa bastante estranha, e mais abusada ainda2. Truth is:  Depois de conhecer você um pouco melhor tive certeza que você é abusado3. How old do you look:   Diria que la pros seus 18, 19 anos4. Have you ever made me laugh: Claro que faz, Gus. 5. Have you ever made me mad:   Não que eu consiga me lembrar, mas provavelmente fez sim6. Best feature: Seu jeitinho7. Have I ever had a crush on you: Não sou maluco kkkkkk8. You’re my:  Parceiro de aventuras 
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little-earthquakes-rp · 3 months
Gus Open Starter
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"Absolutely fucking not," Gus' gruff voice cut through the air as he made his way towards them with nothing but a series of hand gestures and a seriously stern look on his face.
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juniper-luna-blog · 9 years
just cut the wire / gus + juniper
Juniper absolutely hated this class. Not because she was bad at it - she understood the basics of a bomb as well as the next person - but because it was so early in the morning. It was definitely her earliest class and more often than not she was zooming down the hallways just to make it there on time. She was cutting it down the wire (how fitting) and the professor had just finished explaining the days course work when she slipped into the classroom. She wheeled herself into the first available seat she saw: right next to Gus. The class was normally partner-work, disassembling a bomb, rigging a chain of explosives based on a floorplan, etc, and she internally groaned. It wasn’t that she didn’t like him. It was just that he didn’t seem to like her very much, which made her uncomfortable and quite wary whenever she found herself in his presence. Turning to him with a tentative smile, she asked, “What... what are we working on today?”
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benji-darling-blog · 9 years
Hey cutie.
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