#c: sturgis
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euphememoon · 2 years ago
“Tu cabello se ve muy bien hoy.” ( @podmore-sturgis​ )
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“Oh.” No se había esperado eso. Sonriente, se llevó una mano al reciente motivo de aquella conversación. “Muchas gracias. La verdad es que no me he hecho nada nuevo... ”
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zoe-nettles · 2 years ago
“¿Por qué debería confiar en ti?” ( @podmore-sturgis​ )
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Bueno, si sacrificar toda su vida en ese estúpido campamento y después ser calificada como traidora y ‘desterrada’ por su madre (o así lo llamaba ella) no conseguía hacer que el muchacho pudiera confiar en ella, entonces nada lo haría. Aunque no dijo nada de eso, claro. Era Zoe, al fin y al cabo. “Sólo digo que ya estaba así cuando he llegado.” Aquella masa en el suelo (desde luego creada a partir de alguna poción mágica) cada vez se extendía más rápido y la pelirroja no tenía tiempo para seguir discutiendo, prefería alejarse. “No tienes por qué confiar en mi, si no quieres.”
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insanethrottlebikernews · 2 years ago
#OUTLAWMOTORCYCLECLUBS #MOTORCYCLECLUBS #BIKERSThis is a serious topic that needs to be addressed, especially since we will be diving into this topic more in depth on the second part of the show. Many people often believe there is an organized effort within motorcycle clubs to commit these deplorable crimes. This isn’t the case, individual members might, but not the whole club in general. 00:00…
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sturgispodtudo · 2 years ago
O bruxo engoliu em seco quando Ophelia mencionou em jogar seus pedaços em algum lugar qualquer da Floresta Proibida, independente da sonserina estar falando sério ou não o recado estava dado e Sturgis tinha aprendido a sua lição de não se envolver mais na relação entre os irmãos Diggle. “Já disse que isso não vai se repetir novamente, então que tal a gente deixar de lado esse papo mórbido?”, mesmo conhecendo a bruxa a um certo tempo, havia algo na forma de Ophelia se portar que deixava Sturgis mais nervoso do que o normal. “Desse jeito você me ofende, Lia”, comentou fingindo estar magoado com o comentário da bruxa. “Desde quando uma das minhas ideias te colocaram em alguma enrascada ou deram errado?”, obviamente aquela era uma pergunta retórica, afinal de contar Podmore não era conhecido somente por algumas de suas ideias mirabolantes, e também pelos seus planos que nem sempre davam certo. Pelo menos isso lhe garantia algumas histórias e casos engraçados para contar e entreter as pessoas. “Longe de mim ser fofoqueiro ou dar ouvidos aos boatos que circulam pelos corredores do castelo, mas uma passarinha loira e extremamente enxerida deu a entender que você e um certo aluno de cabelos sedosos formam uma ótima dupla, pelo menos no âmbito musical. Então, estava pensando comigo mesmo, que tal a gente criar uma banda? Você é talentosa pra cacete, eu também sou, então só precisamos encontrar outros alunos que sejam igualmente talentosos”.
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Ophelia estava extremamente feliz durante a aula de música trouxa. Tudo era divertido, os intrumentos, as músicas, o professor, a sala… Menos os olhares de estranheza que dirigiam a ela por estar ali. Já havia aceitado isso, mas em certos momentos, ainda a deixavam levemente desconfortável, principalmente quando a mesma tinha que apresentar uma música que gostava para a classe tocando um instrumento. Havia tentado relevar o nervosismo, e quando viu, a aula já tinha acabado. Começou guardando suas coisas e quando levantou para colocar a guitarra que tocava no lugar, ouviu alguém chamando seu nome completo. Estranhando, virou-se para dar de cada com Podmore, o que fez arquear um cenho e apoiar a guitarra no chão, o encarando. Seus cabelos alternavam entre diferentes tons, parando em um tom mesclado de verde e roxo, entre desconfiança e alegria por vê-lo. “ - Saber que você estava me procurando Podmore, me traz um pouco de dúvida sobre minhas escolhas… - ” mesmo com uma feição séria, um leve sorriso brincalhão surgiu em seus lábios. Conhecia Sturgis por causa de Dedalus, seu irmão mais velho, e mesmo o garoto tendo sua idade, sentia que o mesmo era um primo mais velho distante, o que era engraçado. Soltando uma risada baixa, ela se aproximou dele, dando leves tapinhas no braço do moreno. “ - Ainda bem que você tem uma boa memória, seria horrível jogar pedaços de um amigo próximo pela Floresta Proíbida. E que ideia mirabolante é esta agora? Normalmente eu aceito sem nem pensar, mas seu histórico comigo não dos melhores últimamente…
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 5 months ago
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 1046x1500 -- Spotlight on a woodblock print of the Ro Fire Brigade, Group Nine (Ro gumi, Kyû bangumi), from the series "Flowers of Edo, Fun for Children" (Edo no hana kodomo asobi). Artwork by Utagawa Yoshitora, c. 1859 (Edo Period).
PUBLISHER: Kobayashi Tetsujirô (Maruya Tetsujirô) (Japanese)
BLOCKCUTTER: Tsuge Shôjirô (Hori Shôji) (Japanese)
MEDIUM/TECHNIQUE: Woodblock print; ink and color on paper
DIMENSIONS: 36.7 × 25.3 cm (14 7/16 × 9 15/16 in.)
CREDIT LINE: William Sturgis Bigelow Collection
COLLECTIONS: Asia, Prints and Drawings
Source: https://collections.mfa.org/objects/472296.
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living-history-lesson · 1 year ago
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From left to right: Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze, Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun, Germaine de Staël, Madame Marie-Jeanne 'Manon' Roland de la Platière, Marie-Anne Charlotte de Corday d'Armont, Olympe de Gouges
In 2022 opera on the women of the French revolution premiered! It is called GIRONDINES! It's an English language opera that premiered with Wilmington Concert Opera and will be having its West Coast premier with Mission Opera!
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Album image for the original concert cast album
According to an February 2023 article by Broadway World: "The Original Wilmington Concert Opera Cast Album is now available! It features Kirsten C. Kunkle as Charlotte Corday, Ashley Becker as Olympe de Gouges, Marisa Robinson as Marie Anne Pierrette Paulze Lavoisier, Alyssa Maria Lehman as Manon Roland, Raffaella Lo Castro as Germaine de Staël, Tracy Sturgis as Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun, Thuy Nguyen on Violin, Melissa Brun on Cello, and Sarah Van Sciver on Piano."
I have not yet listened but as someone into frev and opera I am very excited. It also looks like the original concert production may be available to watch on YouTube!
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Promo image for the October production
So far it looks like these have been small scale productions, but everything starts somewhere! I need to listen to the music but I wish good things to come
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newsiesjathrine · 2 years ago
Continued masterlist
Young sheldon
Ys 9-14
Ys 14-18
Ys 9-14
Full name-Lila Kate Cooper
Age-7 at the start season 6-13
Looks- younger missy
Maria(pagies twin)
Heather(ericas twin)
Annabeth(lucy's twin)-
Ys 14-18
Micah(marks twin)
Phoebe(elizabeth's twin)
Wallace Shawn as John Sturgis (season 1–present), a college physics professor whose class Sheldon attends as his first college course. He dates Meemaw with Sheldon's encouragement in seasons 1 through 3. He also works for a grocery store from later season 4 to early season 5 after being fired from working on a hadron super collider, before getting fired again.
Ryan Phuong as Tam Nguyen (seasons 1–4), Sheldon's Vietnamese-American childhood best friend and classmate. Tam is responsible for introducing Sheldon to many of his non-scientific interests, including comic books and role-playing games. Tam is Sheldon's only friend who consistently puts up with him. Robert Wu plays adult Tam on The Big Bang Theory Mckenna Grace as Paige Swanson (season 2–present), a child prodigy whom Sheldon views as his rival.
Andrea Anders as Linda Swanson (seasons 2–4, 6), Paige's mother
Big bang theroy
Criminal minds
Actor Character Seasons
Criminal Minds Evolution
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Mandy Patinkin Jason Gideon Main[a]
Thomas Gibson Aaron Hotchner Main[b]
Lola Glaudini Elle Greenaway Main[c]
Shemar Moore Derek Morgan Main Guest
Matthew Gray Gubler Spencer Reid Main
A. J. Cook Jennifer Jareau Main[d]
Kirsten Vangsness Penelope Garcia Also starring Main
Paget Brewster Emily Prentiss Main Guest Guest Main
Joe Mantegna David Rossi Main[e]
Rachel Nichols Ashley Seaver Main
Jeanne Tripplehorn Alex Blake Main
Jennifer Love Hewitt Kate Callahan Main
Aisha Tyler Tara Lewis Recurring Main
Adam Rodriguez Luke Alvez
Miss peregrine's home for picular children Peculiars[edit]
Peculiar adults[edit]
Eva Green as Miss Alma LeFay Peregrine, the strict but clever and caring Ymbryne headmistress of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children who can transform into a peregrine falcon and manipulate time[6]
Terence Stamp as Abe Portman, Jake's grandfather who can see the invisible Hollows
Callum Wilson as young Abe[7][8]
Judi Dench as Miss Esmeralda Avocet, the Ymbryne headmistress of another shelter for Peculiar Children in Blackpool. Like Miss Peregrine, Miss Avocet can manipulate time; she can transform into an avocet.
Peculiar children[edit]
Asa Butterfield as Jake Portman, a 16-year-old American teenager and Abe's grandson. He visits Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and is given, by Miss Peregrine, the task/promise of protecting the children. Like his grandfather, Jake has the ability to see the invisible Hollows.
Butterfield also portrays Mr. Barron's disguise as Jake[9]
Aiden Flowers as 10-year-old Jake
Nicholas Oteri as 6-year-old Jake
Ella Purnell as Emma Bloom, an aerokinetic teenager who can manipulate air and can breathe under water by creating liquid bubbles of air. She is lighter than air and must always wear lead shoes or a tether to keep from floating away. Emma is also Abe's former love interest in the 1940s and Jake's current love interest.
Finlay MacMillan as Enoch O'Connor, a teenager and Olive's love interest who can reanimate the dead and bring inanimate objects to life as his living puppets for a limited time by placing a heart inside
Lauren McCrostie as Olive Abroholos Elephanta, a pyrokinetic red-haired teenager and Enoch's love interest. She has to wear special black gloves in order to prevent burning everything she touches.
Cameron King as the voice and motion-capture of Millard Nullings, an invisible boy[10]
Pixie Davies as Bronwyn Bruntley, a young girl with superhuman strength, Victor's sister
Georgia Pemberton as Fiona Frauenfeld, a young girl who can control and maintain plants including the vegetables in Miss Peregrine's garden[10]
Milo Parker as Hugh Apiston, a boy with bees living in his stomach[10]
Raffiella Chapman as Claire Densmore, a young girl with an additional mouth hidden in the back of her head[10]
Hayden Keeler-Stone as Horace Somnusson, a boy who can project his dreams (which are sometimes prophetic) through a monocle[10]
Joseph and Thomas Odwell as the Twins, two masked gorgon-like twin boys who turn anyone who sees them into stone. They normally wear hoods to hide their faces.
Louis Davison as Victor Bruntley, Bronwyn's late brother who had the same ability as her. He was killed by a hollow infiltrator prior to the events in the film, and was briefly brought back to life by Enoch.[10]
Chris O'Dowd as Franklin "Frank" Portman, Jake's father and Abe's son
Kim Dickens as Maryann Portman (credited as "Jake's Mom"), Jake's mother[7] and an up-and-coming businesswoman
O-Lan Jones as Shelly, Jake's drugstore supervisor and co-worker
Jennifer Jarackas as Susie Portman, Frank's sister and Jake's aunt. She passes Jake her late father's gift which gives him the way to find Miss Peregrine's time loop.
George Vricos as Bobby, Judy's husband and Jake's uncle
Brooke Jaye Taylor as Judy, Bobby's wife and Jake's other aunt
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thebikerbookforcharity · 2 years ago
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Terrific Tuesday Tale…
Contributing participant billionaire philanthropist John Paul DeJoria (Patron Tequila and Paul Mitchell Haircare and @plhcharity) also authored the Foreword to The Biker Book for Charity.
The Book was born Christmas 2006. In 2007, I attended rallies to interview riders. (Sturgis was first.)
And in 2008, I began to also invite famous riding folks to submit their quote to the Book.
I started the old-fashion way by snail mailing them a packet (cover letter, Quote Form, self-addressed, stamped envelope.)
Mr. DeJoria was in the first batch of invitations that were mailed on a Monday.
A few days later, I checked my mailbox; inside lay a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
I tore open the envelope and there was the handwritten meaning of life quote from Mr. DeJoria.
“WOW, if someone like Mr. DeJoria will give a ‘leg up’ to the book, well then….”
…and while crying in the middle of the street, I “heard” God say:
“You’ve got something here. It’s not about you, so stick with it.”
Some 16 years later, I’m still sticking with it, raising money for children’s hospitals via book sales and monetary donations. (Donated to 13 hospitals so far!)
The Goal:
Donate $1,000 to every qualified children’s hospitals in the US on behalf of the charitable heart of the motorcycle community.
I will “get ‘er done!”
Please help if you can.
501(c)(3) DONATIONS:
Donations to children’s hospitals made via the partnership with MOTOvational Inc./ Why We Ride 501(c)(3).
Donation link:
It’s never been about me. It’s about shining Light on your charitable heart…and about helping the KIDS.😎
Generosity of Spirit at work.❤️
#motorcycle #book #charity #fundraiser #childrenshospitals #sickkids #children
#motorcycles #aprilia #bmwmotorrad #ducati #harleydavidson #hondamotorcycles #indianmotorcycle #kawasaki #suzuki #yamaha
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90s00wcwwwf · 2 years ago
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WCW hits the road and heads to Sturgis, South Dakota for Road Wild! Diamond Dallas Page teams with late night talk show host, Jay Leno, to face Hollywood Hogan and Eric Bischoff. A World Title battle royal features Goldberg, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Sting, and more. Rey Mysterio faces Psychosis. Chris Jericho and more.
Road Wild 1998 took place on August 8, 1998 from the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, South Dakota. Attendance 8,500.
Meng defeated The Barbarian (w/ Jimmy Hart) (4:48)
The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge) defeated The Dancing Fools (Disco Inferno and Alex Wright) (w/ Tokyo Magnum) (15:27)
Saturn defeated Raven (w/ Lodi) and Chris Kanyon in a Triangle Raven's Rules match (12:26)
Rey Misterio, Jr. defeated Psychosis (13:38)
Stevie Ray defeated Chavo Guerrero, Jr. (2:38)
Steve McMichael defeated Brian Adams (w/ Vincent) (6:32)
Juventud Guerrera defeated Chris Jericho (c) (with Dean Malenko as Special Guest Referee) to win the WCW Cruiserweight Championship (16:24)
Goldberg won a Battle royal. Other participants: The Giant, Scott Hall, Curt Hennig, Konnan, Lex Luger, Kevin Nash, Scott Norton, and Sting (7:58)
Diamond Dallas Page and Jay Leno (w/ Kevin Eubanks) defeated Hollywood Hogan and Eric Bischoff (w/ The Disciple and Miss Elizabeth) (14:34)
Full stream,
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middleland · 2 years ago
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The Sturgis House by Joe Schumacher
Via Flickr:
The Sturgis House Bed and Breakfast on West Fifth Street in East Liverpool was a Victorian mansion built by East Liverpool's prominent Erlanger family. By the 1930s the building was being used by a funeral home operated by E. G. Sturgis. On October 22nd, 1934, almost exatly 87 years to the day before this photo was taken, notorious bank robber Pretty Boy Floyd was shot and killed a few miles north of East Liverpool. Floyd's body was taken here where it was embalmed by funeral director Frank A. Dawson and briefly put on display before being taken to Floyd's hometown of Sallisaw, Oklahoma for burial. Mr. Sturgis died in 1939, Dawson acquired the company and eventually moved a couple of blocks down the street (it is the white building in the background of this photo of the George Goodwin house). Mr. Dawson's son, Frank C. Dawson, bought the building back in 1993 and opened up the B&B in 1998. The building looks much as it did when I was there in 2008.
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brookstonalmanac · 23 days ago
Beer Events 2.8
1st Pretzel factory in U.S. founded (Sturgis Pretzels; 1861)
C. Conrad & Co. filed a trademark application for Budweiser (1886)
Cleveland & Sandusky brewing conglomerate incorporated (Ohio; 1898)
Brauerei Feldschlösschen brews its first batch in their new brewhouse, 33 years after their founding (Switzerland; 1909)
Frank Strasburger patented a Filling-Machine (1910)
John Molloy patented a Barley or Rice Huller (1916)
William Becker and Daniel Montgomery patented a Method of Dealcoholizing Beer (1916)
Morton Coutts patented a Process for the Manufacture of Beer, Ale and the Like (1966)
Stroh announced its intention to stop operations (1999)
Michael Pierce patented a Bottle Opener (2000)
Miller-Coors patented a Double Walled Beverage Container (2007)
Breweries Opened
Brauerei Feldschlösschen (Switzerland; 1876)
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maximuscosmo-blog · 4 months ago
+1 248 100 000
-2 000 000 000 000 000
Freestyler rakka mac'a'foon
I'm not a robot
koom loom
kurt cobain
pold sulle mõeldud
chill you
"kule tead !"
love this transformer !
vene krimi-robotid teevad pulli , Millal inimestes lootus kustub
vene bitch'i mõõdetakse perse pealt
US puhliiss polits
agency hack business
info-varas & telefonisõltlane narc kelm skill
infinite hull , eternally
youtube ALL videos
forbidden shit
who are U ? wau
sure bang
miss SAAB , kust saab
tavai nohh
Inventor of neural nets Warren Sturgis McCulloch
inbuilt infinite errors , cumulative fault , compound errors
When I was born, I came out head first , fell on my head and saw stars—one of them got stuck
now I'm dope
unrelevant homo sapiens planet
chimp vs gorilla in real life
superintelligent life ?
more power information
-- money+freedom+intelligence+security+power
income seeker
terrorist extradition
Reddit copied backup
2024 Ultrasonic white mice Repellent
sci-fi tinnitus ( mic feedback , mad ? )
eleveted high-level alert
pohhui killar
Therapy? - "Electricity"
Therapy? - "Breaking The Law"
Metallica - "Kill 'Em All"
Lenna - "Paralleeluniversum"
AC/DC - "Highway To Hell"
The Belka "Kiviaeg" (vikerraadio)
Europe – The Final Countdown Lyrics
"Human Nature" - Michael Jackson
Dana Jean Phoenix
Laula Pausini "Io Canto"
Metsatöll "Must hunt"
follow the Lead (Guitar) - 1-string lu lu munnigi ,, "tegelt se on türa-tsoGut mitte soolo"
Liikenne- ja viestintäministeri Lulu Ranne
ass , saatana vittu
Mull-mull väiksed kalad krediiti , maks , põlema panna , puua
6x moneybag kredit id pass stolen
radiation knocks off a few atoms
exponential zero
"ei , seal tuleb panna ... "
KÕIK muugiks !, metall ja muuusikaaa
" You're out of touch I'm out of time (Time) "
pemmu-ufo fixed
kunni alla tuli
>>> war - вор - vorr <<<
puta путает
reaalselt ebareaalne
Rail Baltic'ule ja nahhui
tavai nohh
Highly Developed
stiil & lie
take lattina
present from the past ( Old Town ) 1350-1950
Chickenfoot "Future-In-The-Past"- usa was going to ... 2012-2025
Postimees.ee Fidži president pani putšijuhi peaministriks tagasi - Maailm
a kust tuli
WOmb-MAN ( ladies )
( fuk dis bitch / idi nahui bitch , violence , I break u , lie .. )
They actually, unknowingly, in ignorance , create Satan ?
Macau SAR as a bridge between China and Lusophony  Lusophone
yks ei mõista sead ust , lahend ust , käi vitust
crazy Albanian speaks English
2001: A Space Odyssey seksi-ahvid
Laurence Kim Peek
ahvaz أحفظ - Save!
bitching !! ( complaining whining griping grumbling lamenting protesting kvetching )
create only everything that's fucked ( putsis )
100% everything is against - time universe humans life …
pea mõistuse consciousness teevad tühjaks need tv saated, asjad, ... ( zombie oled )
disabled (psycho physio )
võib küll tappa
jumala pohhui
"Tulnukas 2 ehk Valdise tagasitulek 17 osas"
"Mr. Bean"
Sõpruse Puiestee laul "Üht poissi pole enam"
New Radicals – "You Get What You Give"
different cultural concepts , human environment
Suur-Ameerika kaudu Kosmosesse - Google maps
I I I ai ai ai Artificial Intellect - Intel CPU "chat" programm
joko se saatana toimii viroks tai ei
ei saatanan perkele , ei jumalauta
jumal karistas, täpselt nii eijumalauta
Science-Fiction films
jumala putsis
c V
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hiddenbysuccubi · 8 months ago
My ex is a v. v. v. Very sad sight to behold. I still feel sorry and sad that I've watched him devolve and become this, despite the abhorrence I feel from the abuse I sustained from him for too long. I am a Very Complicated - and in some ways not - and more Not Full Of Self Preservation individual and so I'm currently in Sturgis, MT in a hotel halfway from Des Moines and en route to West in the process of taking him home. Because I made a promise to a very sweet woman that I would look out for her asshole son. I quit my job on the Cape for many reasons - from benign lack of A/C to "HR can't or won't do anything about my roommate threatening me and then the sous chef screaming in my face and threatening me to the point that another sous and my housemate told him to stop." It just coincided with my ex MIL passing away in Iowa (heart attack) and me heading west anyway. So I'm going to drop him off in West, see my cats, and immediately head up to Glacier for my next job with housing. (I won't have internet or cell there but I have books and the cafe's closed on Saturdays so I'll likely drive to service) It's just so sad to see, though. He went from being bulky muscled, confident, strong, clean, independent, to being so very thin... scared, erratic, disgusting, constantly injured, and unable to take care of himself. I couldn't fix him or take care of him then and I sure as hell am not taking on that burden now. But for subconscious "I'm Stupid" reasons I decided I could take on a hitch-hiker. For the family that looked out for me and welcomed me for four years and now again. For the MIL who I talked to all the time. For the man who may have never existed, but who I believed I briefly met all those years ago.
And that's where I am.
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bakerstreetbabble · 11 years ago
Sherlock Holmes and Science Fiction
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I don't think I ever considered a link between the Sherlock Holmes stories and the world of science fiction, until I stumbled on Dr. Amy Sturgis's article in 
Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine called "Sherlock Holmes and Science Fiction." You can read the article 
here on Google Books. (I took an online course with Dr. Sturgis about dystopian fiction and the 
Hunger Games trilogy through Belmont University and thoroughly enjoyed it.)  Dr. Sturgis makes the excellent point that detective fiction and science fiction have almost identical roots in the industrial revolution and the Enlightenment.  As she points out in the article:
In short, the reader’s introductions to Holmes represent him with the single-minded zeal of a scientist in the familiar setting of a scientist. He is portrayed as a cerebral hero, one whose goal is not to conquer a land, win a girl, or defeat a villain, but rather to know. And, as the reader discovers along with Watson, Holmes employs his own disciplined method with exact precision in order to achieve this goal. His drive to understand, to solve the mysteries of the universe through methodical rationality, reveals Holmes as a distinctly science fictional protagonist.
Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?  And that's the point: one theme that pops up again and again in the Holmes stories is that everything, no matter how senseless it may appear, makes perfect sense, once it's understood.  As any Sherlockian can quote the famous maxim the detective lived by: "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbably, must be the truth."  Rationalism and Holmes walk hand in hand.
Dr. Sturgis points out an influence on Sherlock Holmes that the detective himself would not appreciate: the roots of detective fiction in Edgar Allan Poe's C. Auguste Dupin.  Sherlockians will recall that Holmes found Dupin "a very inferior fellow."  I have no idea if Arthur Conan Doyle shared his creation's disdain for Dupin, but there seems to be no denying that Poe's work paved the way for Conan Doyle's.  Meanwhile, Conan Doyle was no stranger to science fiction.  Sturgis discusses in her article one of ACD's other (slightly less famous) characters, Professor Challenger.  Indeed, reading the Sturgis article made me want to delve into a volume I've had on my shelf for years, but never read: a collection of ACD's non-Sherlock works.  I've heard of The Lost World, of course, but I'm fairly certain I've never read it.  I must remedy that situation.
I strongly recommend Dr. Sturgis's article to all Holmesians, especially those who have an appreciation for science fiction.  It's delicious food for thought.
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itsgonnabeapril · 4 years ago
when: december 23, 1978 where: the oasis bar who: @sturgisinegypt
April was so full of the giddy high of success, she could choke on it. The joy — and, all right, the two shots she’d already done — was so potent that her grin didn’t even waver when her gaze fell upon Sturgis. “Congratulations are in order to you too,” she said, sidling up to him.
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thebikerbookforcharity · 9 months ago
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Contributing Book participant billionaire philanthropist John Paul DeJoria (Patron Tequila and Paul Mitchell Haircare) also authored the Foreword to The Biker Book for Charity.
The Book was born Christmas 2006.
In 2007, I attended rallies to interview riders. (Sturgis was first.)
And in 2008, I began to also invite famous riding folks to submit their meaning of life quote to the Book.
I started the old-fashion way by snail mailing them a packet (cover letter, Quote Form, self-addressed, stamped envelope.)
Mr. DeJoria was in the first batch of invitations that were mailed on a Monday.
A few days later, I checked my mailbox; inside lay a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
I tore open the envelope and there was the handwritten meaning of life quote from Mr. DeJoria.
“WOW, if someone like Mr. DeJoria will give a ‘leg up’ to the book, well then….”
…and while crying in the middle of the street, I “heard” God say:
“You’ve got something here. It’s not about you, so stick with it.”
Some 17 years later, I’m still sticking with it, raising money for children’s hospitals via book sales and monetary donations. (Donated to 14 hospitals so far!)
💯 donated.
The Book’s Goal:
Donate $1,000 to every qualified children’s hospitals in the US on behalf of the charitable heart of the motorcycle community.
I will “get ‘er done!”
Please help if you can.
For book orders and 501(c)(3) donations, visit:
It’s never been about me. It’s about shining Light on the charitable heart of the motorcycle community …and about helping the KIDS.😎
Generosity of Spirit at work.❤️
#johnpauldejoria #generosityofspirit #giveback #motorcycles #motorcyclists #meaningoflife #book
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