#c: renato
deercliff · 2 months
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Two Consumptionverse sketches. First time I drew Clement after revamping hir character, and also its quite anachronistic because I don't think the word "polycule" was a thing in 2000. And me fighting a war with myself about giving Renato a big stupid sword.
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exmortiis · 1 month
renato lyra 〃 @deadlykitefight
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David wasn't a team player by any means, most of the times the man would rather take the killer head on and take them for a spin, even if at times the results weren't the one expected and by the time the trial was over he was either a bloody and bruised mess or. . . dead. Except he didn't care, that part of him, the one ever so constantly chasing the familiar adrenaline high, satisfied, and what more he could ask for when stuck in such death ridden place.
However it wasn't always like that, exceptions existed even for a man like him, as rare as they may come by. And luckily or perhaps sadly, depending on the point of view, Renato fell into such category, he was one of the few people he came to care about and what was David good for if he couldn't protect them ?
He watched the other struggling to repair the gen he was on, his actions and words doing nothing but having a familiar sense of dread pooling deep in his core. " That's fuckin' bollocks. " Frustration laced in the worry of his tone. That was something he knew first hand, more than once he found himself with his head locked in that very same trap, and thank to his stubborn nature to keep going, he knew very well the feeling of skin and muscles being ripped away from his face before his consciousness would give in to the not quite enteral sleep.
" They are close to escaping, 'cause if ya don't get that thing off, ya ain't getting out. " A bloody hand taking a hold of the younger man's arm, pulling him away from the generator. He could deal with Renato being mad at him but not with him being dead because of how selfless he was but most of all because David failed to protect him. " Ya either go find the damn thing to get that off, of I'm carryin' you to each one of 'em. " Dark hues never wavering, ever so focused on the other, despite everything going around them. A deep breath exhaled from his nose. " I'll finish working on this and ya get that thing sorted out, deal ? " A kick to the half repaired generator. Fingers still wrapped around the other's arm, the grip firm and yet, far from painful. " I ain't leaving without your ass. " And that was a promise.
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bingbxng · 1 month
Renato moves to sit beside him carefully. A little closer than someone else might deem comfortable. "Your bell gives me nightmares." He admitted, shrugging as if The Wraith asked. Fingers picking at the imaginary lint on his pants, before tapping nervously. He decided to strike up a conversation, something he wasn't exactly the best at -- now he was beginning to get in his own head. Anxious, not out of fear, death wasn't looming, not yet. Fear of the unknown, of messing up something as simple as talking.
Generators were not an issue, he could concentrate, knowing exactly what has to be done. This -- This freaked him out more than he'd admit.
"You look like you have nightmares. You watch us often, but you keep quiet, to yourself." He wasn't aware he was overstepping. Just pointing out his observations. "Maybe not in the normal sense of the word. I don't take you as the type to scream, jolting from a night terror.. but you are living one, aren't you? Just like most of us? -- I didn't ask to be here. I was living the dream, well -- my dream . My shop was finally blooming. Phones, that ringing also kept me up at night. Anyways, phones were ringing off the hook. Sadly it's probably been sold now. -- The kites brought to a junk yard, auctioned. Either way, the love they were supposed to get, they're not going to get anymore." The words just kept falling from his lips. He didn't intend to ramble. He had a plan. Come sit with The Wraith, and not say a word.. Just sit. -- He couldn't even last three seconds.
"I know you're a killer, and i'm supposed to be a survivor, but no one likes to be alone." His words came out more somber than usual. The gleam in his eyes darkening. He felt alone at times. Even around others, he was drowning in despair. No one understood. He looked happy, he was happy for the most part. Trying to find the beauty in everything, even the fog. Even death -- but he had his moments, and when they came, they took over. Consumed him completely.
"You enjoy it? Killing? Ever get satisfaction giving the last survivor a hatch? Some sense of joy?" Renato barely gave him time to process the rest of his words, before he moved onto the next subject.
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@deadlykitefight | PRISONER OF THE FOG: MAIN
Curious. Exceptionally curious. The last thing Philip anticipated, finding a log to himself deep in the woods between respective campfires, was a chatterbox finding him and not running away in fear. The Wraith's idle chitters vibrated in his throat as the boy approached (and in his head, that was exactly what Renato was: a boy -- though perhaps the Fog would shift him into a man before long) and his spindly fingers clenched around Azarov's spinal column. Had such a cruel instrument become something of a safety blanket to the killer? Sometimes he considered parting ways with it. Discarding such a foul memory from his psyche in favor of his own personal growth. But The Fog had transformed Philip into a ghastly caricature of who he once was; condemned him to the suffering of loneliness between acts of slaughter. And how could he blame the very same he was tasked with hunting for keeping their distance?
Impatience lingered in the wake of the survivor's rambling, though there was no ignoring the effect such a bold, seemingly fearless approach had on him. Admittedly, no one had ever willingly placed themselves so close to his vicinity before. Another curiosity. One that admittedly made him the slightest bit uncomfortable.
"You speak as if you may not have time to finish a thought before death finds you," the Wraith uttered with a flat yet animalistic tone. Was he living as the Lyra brother implied? The name bestowed upon him by the Entity would suggest otherwise, yet a beating beneath his slender chest would remind him of what traces of Philip Ojomo's humanity remained.
"But I take no enjoyment in bloodshed beyond what I am bound to. Joy has never been a guiding factor in any of my decisions. Just as your own seem to be lacking in . . . self-preservation." A beat passed in which a beady stare hesitated beneath the silver facade he had yet to remove for some time. He struggled to recall when the last time his muddied features had a chance to breathe from outside of its confines. Yet another security blanket gifted to him by the Entity, perhaps. "Why have you come here?"
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fogsnatched · 1 month
When Renato and Thalita came into the fog for the first time, they immediately stood out from the rest - at least, they did to Yoichi. So many of the new arrivals before them had been touched in some way by the supernatural; by strange forces out of their control... whether they'd understood them or feared them and fell victim depended on the person, but the Lyra siblings seemed - at least at first glance - so ordinary in comparison.
A pair of total strangers to the occult, dragged here into hell by pure chance and a cruel twist of fate. They were the first pair of siblings here, too, at least as far as Yoichi is aware. Elodie and Felix may have been acquainted with each other in the past, but for two to come together who's lives were so clearly intertwined... it struck him as unusual, but not in a way that he could easily hope to understand. The motivations of the Entity have always been far beyond his reach.
But he is curious. And while he hopes that their experience might bring him another clue to understanding it all - the Entity, the trials, and the curse that ruined his life... he knows it's unfair to demand answers they likely don't have, and frankly, nor does he want to. Still... when faced with Renato now, Yoichi can't let but feel that familiar curiosity stirring at the back of his mind.
"If there's anything I can do... let me know." As Yoichi finishes speaking, he hopes the depths of his gratitude are clear. After all, Renato saved his life in the last trial, and not without significant cost to himself. Keeping track of debts and who owes who is meaningless in a place like this, and one day the "thank you's" may end up feeling empty, too, but Yoichi thinks it's important that he doesn't stop, nonetheless.
"And I hope I'm not overstepping... but it seemed like there was something you wanted to say to me, too." Back then, during the trial. Was it just Yoichi's imagination? "I'm happy to hear you out, if you'd like."
@deadlykitefight ( starter! )
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donbuendon · 3 months
Renato Leduc C. G. Del Partido al oftalmólogo Amanece con el rostro enemigo dentro del párpado con el índice ligero por presurosos veredictos y nos adaptamos al mundo como el polvo a las cosas para aceptar –ya con el café tibio– que los precipicios también provocan cataratas. Cartografías de la guerra Impunes, en la bolsa de un despiadado, los dobleces del papel deciden las fronteras entre…
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blueiscoool · 7 months
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A Statue of Atlas Emerges From the Ruins of Sicily’s Ancient Temple of Zeus
In the fifth century B.C.E., 38 looming sculptures of the Titan stood guard at the structure.
After 20 years of restorations, a 26-foot-tall statue of Atlas is once again standing guard at the ancient Temple of Zeus in the city of Agrigento (once called Akragas) in Sicily.
The statue, created in the fifth century B.C.E., was one of roughly 38 similar Atlas monuments built into the temple. They stood in a line between columns with their arms raised, appearing to hold the holy structure upright.
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In Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan who rebelled in a war against Zeus. As punishment, he was forced to hold up the sky on his shoulders. Unlike the mythological Atlas, however, the stone likenesses were unable to hold up Zeus’ temple forever. Ultimately, earthquakes and other events caused the structure to crumble.
For many years, pieces of the statues were scattered around the site amongst other ancient ruins. In 1812, Charles Robert Cockerell, a prominent British architect, first identified one of the Titan’s giant sandstone heads during a visit to Agrigento. A century later, in 1920, archaeologist Pirro Marconi became the first person to attempt to reconstruct one of the Atlases, which is now housed in the Archaeological Museum of Agrigento.
The seeds of the current project began in 2004, when the Valley of the Temples park conducted a sweeping research campaign at the site. Experts cataloged 90 fragments from at least eight Atlas statues.
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“The idea was to reposition one of these Atlases in front of the temple so that it may serve as a guardian of the structure dedicated to the father of the gods,” Roberto Sciarratta, the director of the Valley of the Temples park, tells the Guardian’s Lorenzo Tondo.
But rebuilding Atlas in a standing position was particularly challenging, as researchers couldn’t simply stack the pieces of the statue on top of one another. Instead, they attached the fragments to metal shelves, which are supported by a larger metal structure.
The restoration has faced scrutiny ever since officials first announced it several years ago.
“No archaeologist would endorse the use of ancient sculpture, no matter how fragmentary, to create a modern sculpture, even if the purpose is to highlight the site’s antiquity,” C. Brian Rose, an archaeologist at the University of Pennsylvania, told the New York Times’ Franz Lidz in 2020.
But officials like Renato Schifani, the Sicilian governor, think that the statue’s resurrection is a commendable feat.
“Today is an important day for Agrigento and for all of Sicily,” says Schifani in a statement, per Google Translate. “This stone giant of ancient Akragas, which after many years of studies and research we can observe in its natural position, is the heart of an important museum project of the entire area of ​​the Temple of Zeus."
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By Julia Binswanger.
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https-cyber-slxt · 2 years
Listen, ik I said I was taking a break but I was playing dbd just now, and this thought would not leave me alone- PLEASE
(NSFW ♡)
Renato whines as he strains against the ropes tied to the bedframe, you giggle as you lick up the chocolate off his tits.
He watches you intently, the way you grip his waist as you clean up the cream from his stomach. He bites his lips down to prevent any noises from coming out. "Keep it down Renato, Thalita is right next door, remember?" you giggle before biting down on his neck.
Renato throws his head back and wraps his legs around your hips. You free him from his restraints and his hands instantly insert themselves into your hair.
You grab the bottle of chocolate next to you and drizzle some onto your fingers, without delay you push your fingers into his mouth. Renato sighs while moving his right hand to hold your wrist while the other holds the back of your thigh. He sucks your fingers softly, cleaning them up with his tongue.
His eyes roll back as you pull his hair with your free hand.
You pull your fingers out and lean down, your hair covering his and your face, you smile and grab his chin to make him look up at you.
Without warning you assert your lips on his, his hands run up from your waist to your shoulders, gripping on for support.
He opens his mouth to allow your tongue in, only to be met with a sweet taste, chocolate, wait how did you-? "Mmf!" His thoughts were cut off by your hand grabbing his leaking cock. He moans into your mouth as you pump up and down around his length.
You let go of the kiss, chocolate covering each others lips, you lick them clean as does Renato, he grabs your waist and lifts himself up to hug you.
He watches intensely over your shoulder at the way you pump him up and down, the sight alone is enough to nearly throw him off the edge. "Ngh, hah! G-gonna cum, please let me? Let me cum please~?"
He begs softly and faces you completely, his glossy eyes stare at you in desperation, I mean, who could say no to such an adorable face? You nod your head and thank yous start flowing out of mouth. "You've been such a good boy, cum for me"
Those words were enough to throw him off the edge, he falls back on the bed and arches his back, "yes! c-cumming!! AH!" That last part was unfortunately a little loud, he tries to calm himself down, a knock was heard at the door.
"Bro? You okay in there?" Thalita asks with a bit of worry in her voice. "Y-yeah, just s-stubbed my toe, that's all" you swallow your laughter and get off him, you walk to his bathroom and grab a damp cloth, you clean off the dried and sticky chocolate off him along with his slick.
You walk back and clean off the cloth and put a blanket over Renato, you walk out of his room to be met with a suspicious Thalita, she looks at your shirt and snarls. "There's chocolate on your chest" you look down at her smaller form. "Yeah, thanks for the heads up"
A/N: I'm so desperate for Renato, hes so yum 😋 also I've never written for anything with food, so uh, sorry if it's bad 😔🙏
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Shirt Stealing Thief
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Renato Lyra x Reader
Synopsis: Heading to the Iron Maiden tour (based on the shirt DBD just released)
⚠️ There is some Portuguese in here, it is not my first language, nor do I speak it! I used the translation app that comes with the iPhone, and if anything is wrong please lmk! ⚠️
The words in another language are in bold and italicized! And most of the them have the translation next to it in brackets. The only one that doesn’t is beneath this one!
‘Sério? Esta porta tem uma fechadura por um maldito motivo! Renato, eu vou te machucar, eu juro!’ -> ‘Really? This door has a lock for a damn reason! Renato, I'm going to hurt you, I swear!’
“Hey, (Y/N)? Renato called from in the living room.
“Yeah?” I exclaim, as I turned off my phone and set it down next to me on his bed.
“Have you seen my shirt?”
“I haven’t seen it!” I exclaimed from inside Renato’s room as he searched the entire house, top to bottom, left and right, in and out to find a shirt. “Where’d you last have it?”
“I put it down on the counter in the bathroom,” He started to explain and my eyes went wide knowing good and well, I was wearing it. I left it there, so I can change into it, once I was done with my shower.”
“No, that’s like so weird. Which shirt was it?” I asked him.
“My Iron Maiden shirt. Y’know the one with the locations on the back, and weird looking creature on it. Can’t miss it.”
“I know what you’re talking about, but I haven’t seen it today, did it fall on the floor?”
“No, meu amor, it didn’t. I checked the entire bathroom and practically my whole house.”
“Why not just wear one from the year prior or a different shirt?” I suggested, really wanting to wear his shirt.
“I could, but I really wanted to wear that one. It’s fine, I’m sure it’ll turn up soon-” He said as he walked into his room to find, me— the culprit of shirt theft, laying on his bed wearing the shirt he had been looking everyone for.
“And look at that, it did turn up. Bom deus [Good God], did you take this out of the bathroom while I was showering?”
“And if I did, what’re you going to do about it?” I flash him a smug grin and folded my arms, showing him up.
“Maybe this?” He says, wrapping and arm around my waist, pulling me in so I was flush against his chest.
I rest my hands on each of his shoulders, as he leans down to place his lips atop of my own.
I smile against his lips as he dipped me, like in a movie, with the guy dipping the girl as they danced and swayed across the entire floor of the ballroom.
He dipped me low enough, that we felt onto his bed, causing a laugh to come out and he felt it against his mouth. “What are you laughing at, meu amor?” He had asked after backing up from the kiss briefly.
“Você [You].” I said, in-between laughs. Renato’s eyes went wide, in surprise.
“Have you been learning Portuguese?” He asked, completely and utterly awestricken.
“Eu tenho [I have].” I smiled smugly up at him, as he was hovering over me, with his hands plastered on each side of my head. “What do you think?”
“I think you just got 10x more amazing.” He said, resuming what we had been doing before and put his hand back on my cheek and kissed me with more passion this time.
“Hey, Renato. You done?” Thalita asked, knocking on his bedroom door. “Hurry up in there, other-whys we’ll be late!” Thalita said, knocking once more, but rolled her eyes when he didn’t say anything back to her. She walked in and saw Renato laying on top of me with just his bottom half wearing clothes.
She shook her head, covering her eyes, shouting at us in Portuguese. “Sério? Esta porta tem uma fechadura por um maldito motivo! Renato, eu vou te machucar, eu juro!”
“What’d she say?” I asked, only knowing bits of Portuguese, thanks to Renato being my very own translator.
“Nothing to concern yourself with, .” He kissed my forehead, and stood up, helping me to my feet. “Now, are you going to give me my shirt back, meu amor?”
“…Eventually…” I replied as he playfully rolled his eyes, searching his closest for another shirt to wear.
“Today is just not that day, meu amor.”
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princefluph · 7 months
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a friend of mine ran a monster of the week a while and we were in a high school in the 90's. My character was Landon who was the monstrous class (They're like an oni/kitsune mix) and have the orange hair that covers their face. Three other friends involved were @supersapphireaether whos character is on the very left named Renato, @itisriv whos character is in the middle and named Sloane, and @yukkikatsuki whos character is on the middle right named Kayla. other characters (I don't know if they have tumblr accounts) are Robbie who is to the right of Kayla and Dallas whos on the very right. It's a really fun cast of characters c:
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eyesoforpheus · 1 year
omg bee if its not too much of a hassle how do i get into los campesinos! ? ive heard a couple songs and i do like the style but idk how to actually get into the band yk -matt
hi!!! okay so honestly my way of getting into bands is just. putting them on shuffle and doing something else and when i hear a song i like i save it but that's not really lc! specific. i don't know if this is helpful, but here are some of their most popular songs with songs of theirs that have similar vibes
you! me! dancing! - there are listed buildings, we throw parties you throw knives, c is the heavenly option
knee deep at atp - my year in lists, it's never that easy though is it?, tiptoe through the true bits
the sea is a good place to think about the future - she crows (documented minor emotional breakdown #4), four seasons, the fall of home
romance is boring - renato dall'ara (2008), here's to the fourth time!, we are beautiful we are doomed
by your hand - cemetary gaits, for flotsam, songs about your girlfriend
allez les blues - death to los campesinos!, ways to make it through the wall, miserabilia
misc recommendations that dont fit these categories but are just really good: ...and we exhale and roll our eyes in unison, 5 flucloxacillin, what death leaves behind, a heat rash in the shape of the show me state, drop it doe eyes, and this is a flag. there is no wind
i know this was long but i hope it helps!!
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deercliff · 8 months
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OC Kiss Week Day 3: Sunrise
Rosarian has a big sun motif both in-universe and out of universe, so I just wanted to draw some rosren kissing. Nothing more nothing less.
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exmortiis · 1 month
renato lyra 〃 @deadlykitefight
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It was easy to notice things about the younger man when he wasn't as subtle as one might think, but then again David came to realize that Renato wasn't quite like the rest of them, there was still light filling him, spilling from his very persona with every smile gracing sun kissed skin, something that David didn't truly have to being with. A shake of his head, chasing away his own unwanted thoughts.
A chuckle slipped past his mouth, the hint of amusement and something else, something warm, gleaming behind dark hues when his gaze met the other's. " I don't know, I was thinkin' about taking a walk or something. " The raise of a brow, he was teasing. " It's such beautiful night. . . or day, y'know ? " The sarcasm heavily intertwined with his words, after all he long forgot any resemble of passing of time, the Fog making it hard to keep count when everything looked the same day after day.
" But you make such compelling argument about staying. " The corner of his mouth curving into a smirk when he settled beside Renato, as if he would have done anything else. Rough fingers coming to ever so gently ruffle the back of the other's hair before his hand settled against the back of his neck, warm and steady. Almost apologetic even. " Didn't mean to spook ya, mhm. "
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docescene · 2 months
Portuguese male names — part i
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List of names to inspire your characters. These are names with different origins, but these are their Portuguese spellings, and they may have other variations that are not listed here (source)!
More names!
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Letter A
Abraão | Abrahan
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Letter B
Brais | Bras
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Letter C
Casimiro | Casemiro
Christiano | Cristiano
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Letter D
Davi | David
Dinis | Denis
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Letter E
Eloi | Eloy
Érico | Ériko
Eusébio | Euzébio
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Letter F
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Letter G
Graciano | Graciliano
Gualter | Gualber
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Letter H to I
Herberto | Hebert
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Letter J to L
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Letter M to N
Natanael | Nathanael / Nataniel / Nathaniel
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Lettter O
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Letter R
Rui | Ruy
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Letter S to T
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Letter U to Z
Ulisses | Ulysses
Valentim | Valentino
Victorino | Vitorino
Vinícius | Vinicius
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saax2 · 5 months
1 maggio (on May 1st)
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Il Quarto Stato, 1898-1901 (Galleria di Arte Moderna, Milano) | Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo (1868-1907, Italia)
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‘La Carmagnole’, patriotic song of the French Revolution, from 'Le Chambard Socialiste’, 1894 | Théophile Alexandre Steinlen (1859-1923, Switzerland)
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Lunch atop a skyscraper, New York City, 1932 | ph., Charles C. Ebbets, Thomas Kelley or William Leftwich 
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Le spigolatrici, 1857 (Musée d'Orsay, Paris) | Jean-François Millet (1814-1875, France)
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Raboteurs de parquet (The floor scrapers), 1875 (Musée d'Orsay, Paris) | Gustave Caillebotte (1848-1894, France)
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Le Donne dei zolfatari (The miners' women in the sulfur mines), 1953 | Renato Guttuso (1911-1987, Italia)
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ceph-the-ghost-writer · 8 months
Thanks for the asks, Ren! (Also, very aesthetically pleasing that you chose all the punctuation ones.)
From the Behind the Scenes Asks
❗"how many WIPs do you have?"
*counts on fingers* Let's see...I have three fanfic projects. The Apophenia/Phagophobia rewrite. The Primrose Path. Then like three fragments of Beyond & Between stories. And I'm not even counting all the rough draft stories I haven't cracked open in years, like XIII, or Eye of the Maelstrom, or Sunsworn.
Let's say eight. Eight is enough, right?
‼️"what has stayed consistent across all drafts?"
For Apophenia, tormenting Isaac at every opportunity, and making sure he has plenty of emotional baggage to lug around. Likewise, Renato being sexy a total bastard to him on top of everything else.
The necromantic goo monsters made the cut, as did the post-climate-apocalypse Earth setting. World building on the fly (though not as much). I guess there's also a typical urban fantasy rhythm to the way the story progresses, where you get introduced to quirky/dangerous characters, and you alternate between action and calmer world building/character development scenes.
I don't have too much trouble cutting or changing huge sections of the story around. Not because I learned to "kill my darlings" or anything. More just because I enjoy banging the characters together like I'm playing dolls, regardless of what plot or setting I come up with for them.
⁉️"what do you do when stuck on a scene?"
Procrastinate until I figure it out, mostly.
I mean, I know it's one of three things holding me up. A) I just don't know where a scene is headed, B) I do know how the scene ends but haven't figured out how to get there, or C) a character's making a choice that affects the rest of the story and I have to run all the possibilities through my head before I settle on one. I will, occasionally, talk it out with someone or scribble scenario ideas on paper, which usually helps get things moving again.
This is why I'm trying to outline before seriously attempting the Apophenia rewrite again. In the hopes that I'll answer these questions before investing energy in writing the prose. It's entirely possible that a new idea may hit me even after doing a complete outline...but I'll deal with that problem when it pops up.
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corrierino · 5 months
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Bristol Blenheim - Focke-Wulf Fw 200 C Condor Tratto dal Corriere dei Piccoli nº 37 del 12 settembre 1971. Franco Goy e Renato Frascoli
Oggi sul blog.
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