#c: midoriya izuku
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hochiumi · 1 year ago
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made a fake tweet with dekusquad bc i was working on miya's romantic (used loosely) relationships earlier and her and katsuki played (also used loosely...it was war) around at a waterfall.
this is saur ooc considering the time it happens in actual canon, but it was so funny to me in my head lmao
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month ago
There's certain male characters who aren't canonically transmasc but the tboy swag and how fitting it is to his writing makes it weird to not headcanon him as tmasc.There's also certain characters who were intended as men but it turned out to be a bug and not a feature and it's your job to undoom her from the narrative by convincing her to transition.They overlap sometimes but we ain't talking about that rn
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writersmorgue · 2 years ago
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tumblr has fucked my life and the color of my text is black when i type and i can’t see what i’m writing im losing my shit it did not used to be like this
anyway ty anon!!!!
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Just realized, every hero has a right to go villain. Some more than others, of course, but to be a “hero” you have to go through some sort of trauma, those are the rules. And the one thing that defines the difference between a hero and the villain is how they react to that, right? So in essence, every hero has a right to go villain.
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quinntlyyyy · 6 months ago
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some1 plz tell tumblr to stop killing the quality of my drawings—-ANYWHO I WENT TO COMIC CON CON MI AMIGOS AND NOW HAVE BIG DRAWING MOTIVATION :D
@tentativelytesticular & @lovelyrottingcrows mentioned :D
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celestialtitania · 10 months ago
Chapters: 3/15 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Shinsou Hitoshi, Todoroki Shouto, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), Class 1-C (My Hero Academia), Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yoichi | First One For All User (My Hero Academia) Additional Tags: Time Travel, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, still following canon even if things will be, different, Fluff, Humor, Angst, Drama, Family Feels, all the emotions not all the time, they will all need hugs by the end of this, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, ofa is having a time Summary:
"I don't want to know about the future and feel trapped in that possibility," Izuku said.
The woman snapped her fingers, lips twitching into a smirk, an odd glimmer in her eye. "What if…I give you a reading that would tell you how life could have gone?"
Or when a 'what if' scenario is taken too far, the whole world changes and Izuku changes along with it.
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kumeko · 1 year ago
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A/N: For the Gravity Between Us Vol 2! These two are so awkward with each other, I just want to shove them in a closet to sort it all out.
Someone knocked on the door. Ochaco jerked her head up at the sound, tearing her attention away from the book in her hand. It sat heavily on her lap, her finger still marking the paragraph she’d been reading. Around her, her office was as messy as ever. Her notes lay scattered across the floor, magical tools abandoned and forgotten in odd corners, and there were at least three different mugs of coffee perched on various pieces of furniture.
Another knock reminded her of just why she’d looked up. “C-coming!” she yelped as she sprang off her chair, her thick tome falling to her feet with a loud thud. She winced.
Through the wooden door, rand a familiar, muffled voice: “Are you okay?”
Ochaco tried and failed to tamp down her blush. It was just Izuku’s voice. It was an ordinary question. She hadn’t even seen him yet. Yet, for the life of her, she couldn’t help but react to it.
This crush was starting to get out of control.
“Yeah!” she shouted, praying he couldn’t hear the blush in her tone. Stumbling to the door, she pressed her cheek against the cool, firm surface, hoping it’d get rid of the red. Her heart beat like a drum. She breathed in. She breathed out.
And then, as calm as she was going to get, she opened the door with a wide smile. “I’m fine! But if you’re here…did you get injured again?”
A sheepish Izuku filled her sight. As usual, he still had some of his armour on. He must have rushed here straight from practice. It’d actually be stranger if he hadn’t; almost all of his training bouts ended in injuries. He got injured so often that her office was considered the third most likely place to find Izuku, right after the stables and the training grounds.
“Well…” Izuku rubbed his neck, embarrassed. He held up his right arm. His white sleeve was rolled up, revealing a series of cuts and bruises encircling his skin. “Just a little bit.”
Ochaco paled. Izuku always surprised her, in the best and worst of ways, and she didn’t think she’d ever get used to his training injuries. She reached for him, trying to tamp down on that little spike of nerves she got whenever Izuku was injured. How was he always so calm when he was hurt? “Oh my god.”
“It looks worse than it feels,” Izuku added, smiling nervously. Despite his words, she could make out a thin sheen of sweat on his brow, the slight wince as he lowered his arm, the way his jaw tightened as he breathed. The only good thing was that the cuts weren’t bleeding anymore, though red stained his shirt and smeared his skin.
Ochaco gritted her teeth. Pull yourself together! She had been training as an apprentice mage for a year, had been treating Izuku for months. This wasn’t the time to panic. “That’s an understatement!”
She stepped aside, ushering him in. Quickly, she cleared a spot for him to sit. Izuku knew the drill by now and promptly plopped down on the chair. As he unbuttoned his shirt, he apologized. “Sorry about this.”
“It’s not your fault you got hurt…” Ochaco trailed off before eyeing him suspiciously. This wouldn’t be the first time he’d overworked himself. “It’s not, right?”
He didn’t look her in the eye. His voice was guilt-ridden. “I…I’m not sure.”
She covered her face with a hand. There was a reason the head mage had stopped taking care of Izuku’s training injuries. There was a reason it had all been relegated to her. The man always came in once a week looking like he’d lost a fight. And that was a good week. “You’re not sure.”
“I…well…” Izuku scratched his cheek as he struggled to find the words. “I kinda got a new blessing, and I was trying to use it.”
Her head snapped up. “Another new blessing?”
“Yeah…” He averted his gaze as he shrugged. “It just came to me.”
Ochaco doubted that. The god’s blessings were usually limited to one per person. Few people unlocked theirs after childhood, fewer still that had multiple blessings. Yet Izuku had not just one, but three, and all gained after he’d joined the knights just last year. Even the great hero, the Almighty Sir Toshinori, only had one blessing.
He was hiding something. This was more than just being a late bloomer. Even if he hadn’t been a terrible liar, she’d have known that. Something in her ached at the thought—did he not trust her? Did he think she couldn’t handle it? Her lips parted to ask, but she forced the questions back down.
She didn’t want to pry. And there was something more important to deal with right now. Ochaco grabbed a jar of ink and her paintbrush. After dragging a stool closer to his seat, she sat down across from him. “You’re overworking yourself.”
“Not really.” He carefully pulled off his shirt, revealing a toned chest. Scattered across his skin were the remnants of other long-healed injuries. “I’m just starting as a knight and everyone else is miles ahead. I have to catch up.”
Ochaco stared at the murky black ink. The hardest part of taking care of him was sitting across from all of that and trying not to react. Forcing her hand to move, she dipped the brush in the ink and shifted her focus back to him. And his very, very attractive muscles. “You’re…you’re still overworking yourself. You need to rest sometimes.”
Good. Her voice didn’t come out weird. Her hand remained steady as she started to paint runes on his skin. Good. Good.
Izuku breathed in sharply. “I rest,” he replied, sounding oddly squeaky and strangled. His body stiffened.
Ochaco peeked up. Red dusted his cheeks—that was new. He had never reacted like that before. She’d have to ask him later about it. Hopefully, it didn’t have anything to do with her brush; at her skill level, she needed to draw these runes in order to heal. “You don’t,” she replied as she returned to her work.
“I do,” he protested.
“Not enough,” she disagreed firmly. She met his eyes with a hard glare. “Don’t lie.”
“That’s…sorry. I’ll do better.” Izuku coughed, clearing his throat. It still sounded unnaturally high. “Um…how’s your training?”
Ochaco chuckled as she sat back, setting aside the paint. “Well,” she drawled with a teasing smirk. “I’m really good at healing now.”
“Wh—” Izuku froze as he understood the implication of her words. He flushed, the red spreading all the way to his neck. “Sorry.”
She giggled. Part of her wanted to tease him more. Ochaco rested her palms on his chest and closed her eyes. “Maybe I should specialize in it. There’re too many spells to learn otherwise. I can’t memorize all the runes.”
Power welled up within her and flowed out of her fingertips, jumping to each of the runes like lightning rods. It left her with an oddly gentle, bubbly feeling. If only her attack magic worked just as well.
“I know you can do it,” Izuku reassured, and she almost opened her eyes at the sudden praise. “I’ve seen how hard you work.”
I’ve watched you too. The words remained locked in her chest. Part of her was afraid of ruining the careful balance they’d achieved. Another part of her was just afraid of rejection. She’d spent so long looking at him, she didn’t know where else to turn.
But if she stayed like this, nothing would change. Ochaco pulled away and clasped her hands in her lap. Steeling herself, she asked, “This Saturday, you’re off, right?”
“Saturday?” Izuku bit his lip as he pulled on and buttoned his shirt. After mulling it over, he nodded. “Yeah, there’s no training.”
“Do you have any plans?” She swallowed nervously. This was it. This was the question she���d been wanting to ask for months.
“Not exactly…” He crossed his arms, thinking about it. “I mean, I could train—”
“No. Training.” Ochaco ground her teeth, shooting him a glare. Exhaling softly, she fiddled with her fingers. “There was this field I told you about, remember? The one with the herbs? I was…thinking of going there and—and do you want to come with?”
Izuku stared at her blankly. When his silence became almost unbearable and she was just about to poke him, he sat up straighter and nodded. “S-sure. You wanted to collect those herbs for a while, right?”
“Y-yeah.” That wasn’t quite what she meant, and she felt both disappointed and elated. “So you’ll come?”
He gave her a thumbs up. “Definitely!”
It wasn’t what she had intended, but it was still a date of sorts. Ochaco smiled brightly. It was a step forward, and she’d take it.
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imnotsorryforanyofthis · 9 months ago
Quirkless Advantage
Chapter six: Classes and Starting War
Warning: lots and lots of cussing.....
These chapters are going to be stupid and short. Enjoy reading!
"So how was your first day of school?" Aizawa asks while driving home. "It was fine. Present Mic is definitely something," I say whispering the last part. Aizawa quietly snorts and shakes his head, "You're not wrong. He is something." "Yeah, and I'm not sure if it's a good or bad something," I say and he actually laughs out loud.
It was a short laugh but it was a laugh nonetheless. I look over at him and chuckle quietly to myself.
"I met a guy that is in your class," I start and he glances over at me and asks, "How do you know if he's in my class?" "Well, for one he acts like he's the best even though he's a first year. Also he's extremely angry for no reason and calls everyone extra so..." "Yup, he's in my class," Aizawa says right after I finish my sentence.
"I was looking for my class, I wasn't paying attention when he bumped into me. I almost fell over because of the force, but someone caught me. Anyway, he just said, "move it extra", and walked away." I stop myself from telling him about Haru and that he's not that bad looking. Aizawa looks over at me with a look in his eyes.
Shit... He can tell that I'm keeping something from him.
He turns his eyes back on the road and doesn't say a word.
Oh, ok, so he's going to leave it alone.
It's been a couple of days and it's almost the end of the week. Class 1-A had their class with All Might and I believe it's the day when you get to see a glimpse of Shigaraki because I saw the reporters at the entrance of U.A.
"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Haru asks me. I look to the left of me and see him with his elbow propped up on the desk and his chin resting in his hand. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask, looking at him weirdly.
Why does he look at me like I'm fascinating or something? It's quite annoying.
"There you go again," Haru laughs, "You make faces when you think about things." I roll my eyes and notice everyone leaving. "Let's go Gingy," I tease, "I'm starving." "You're always starving," he says and I glare at him, "Well, don't call me Gingy." I shake my head laughing while walking next to him, "I'm still going to call you that."
We take our time walking to the lunchroom. As soon as we walk through the door, people run towards us and through the door. They push past us, knocking us over. Haru catches his balance but I fall backwards.
Why am I always falling over? Oh, I know why. It's because I have shit balance and horrible ankles that try to roll all the time.
Instead of feeling wrapped around my waist, I feel the side of my body and head slamming against the floor. Instead of stopping, they keep going. I hear Haru's voice, "Sasaki! Sasaki! Where are you?! Are you ok?!" I can't respond. I'm getting pushed over again and again. Shit, what do I do?
A hand grabs my arm and pulls me up. I come face to face with the last person that I would've expected to help me.
"You're in my way, extra," Bakugou says, letting go as soon as I'm stable. "Thanks," I say as he walks away. He doesn't look back, not even for a second.
"Sasaki?!" I hear Haru yell again and again. I try to go to where I hear him but can't. Suddenly, everyone stops when they hear a loud voice. Looking up, I see Tenya Iida up in the air getting our attention.
Now's my chance.
I continue to walk through the crowd until I see a tall person with red hair. Eventually I see him and yell, "Haru!" He turns around and pushes people out of the way. "Are you ok? Where were you?" He asks with hands on my shoulders.
I wince at him touching my right shoulder. He doesn't notice because he's too busy looking at the side of my face. He frowns and touches my face, "You're bleeding." "Uh, yeah, and you're also hurting my shoulder that I landed on when I fell." I say and he quickly lets go of my shoulder. I still feel his hand on my face and I giggle, "You can let go of my face, it's not going to fall apart."
"Sorry, I just... um..." Haru starts but I interrupt, "You're just worried. I'm fine, I got helped up actually." He only nods as I look up to see Iida coming down from the ceiling. "Let's get something to eat. I'm absolutely starving," I say, turning around.
I look back when I feel a hand around my wrist. "You again?" Haru says glaring at the person who is keeping me from walking. "Go to the nurse. Your face looks like hell and I can tell your shoulder hurts by the way you are holding it," Bakugou says. "I'm fine," I smile, "It's just a few bruises and scratches. They will go away eventually." Bakugou lets go of my wrist while I continue to smile at him. I walk away before he gets a chance to say anything.
I hear someone walking behind me and stops when I stop at the line to get lunch. "Hey, are you sure you don't want to go to the nurse?" Haru says breathing heavily trying to catch his breath. I grab what I want and walk away, "If my shoulder feels worse then I'll go check it out" Haru quickly grabs his food and walks up to my side, "Ok... Where do you want to sit?" "There's a table by the window there," I say pointing to the left.
Haru and I walk over to the table and the second we set down our trays, I hear a voice call my name.
What the FUCK?! All I want to do is to eat my lunch!
"Get your food, we're going to the nurse," the person said.
I pick up my tray and turn around, "Aizawa, I'm fine." "I don't care. Let's go... NOW," Aizawa says, giving me glare.
Haru looks back and forth between Aizawa and I. He looks incredibly confused and slightly terrified when Aizawa glances at him for a couple of seconds analyzing him. "Will you stop glaring at me and my friend if I go?" I say, sighing. Aizawa sighs and nods.
I think I've been around him too long. I sound just like him.
We walk next to each other to the nurse and I still have the tray. I look over at Aizawa and see that he isn't glaring anymore, "Why were you glaring at us? I only fell down and got a little hurt. That's all."
"Because I had an angry student barge into my classroom while I was trying to eat, complaining about someone he pushed over yesterday getting pushed over again. Also, that said student complained that the person got hurt and refused to go to the nurse," Aizawa says angrily.
I look down when he opens the door to the nurses office. I stayed quiet the whole time Recovery Girl helped me. By the time she got done, my food got cold.
"I have to go," Aizawa says getting up. "I have to do a rescue activity with my class so I'll have to leave the building," he says, digging into his pocket. "Here," he hands me his car keys, "I'll find a way home so take these." Aizawa sighs as I keep on looking down and puts a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry I got angry at you. I was just worried."
I look up at him, "Be careful."
"Whatever happens, be on guard and be careful...please." I say and he looks at me weirdly.
I'm sorry.... I can't say anything else.
Aizawa left and I got up, walking out of the room and dumping my food into the trash can. I go to the rest of my classes and right when the bell rings for dismissal, I go to Aizawa's car. The second I get in the car and shut the door, I start feeling tears going down my face and start hitting the wheel.
Damnit, damnit, damnit! What the fuck do I do?! I can't just go to the USJ and be all like, 'ummm, yeah, can you not villians. I actually care for this hobo and he's my guardian, so I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't smash his pretty face.' Yeeaah, I don't think it would go very well.
After my little temper tantrum, I go to the apartment and crash on my bed.
"Tsuna! Open the door!" Tsukauchi pounds on the door. "Ok, ok, damn! What do you WANT?" I get off my bed and rub the sleep from my eyes. I then open the door to Aizawa's apartment.
"It's Aizawa... come quickly," Tsukauchi says panting from running up the stairs and hitting the door a bunch of times. "I know," I say, putting on my shoes fast and shutting the door behind me. Tsukauchi starts to walk away but stops, "What? How?" "I already told you how," I say walking past him and down the stairs. "Oh, you did."
I can't stop pulling at my shirt throughout the whole car ride to the hospital.
"I tried to warn him," I suddenly say and Tsukauchi turns his head over to me fast. "WHAT?!" He yells and the car swerves almost hitting the car next to us. He turns his attention back to the road and fixes "I only told him to be on guard and be careful! That's it!" I yell back and gripping the side of the door out of fear of almost getting in a car crash. "I didn't tell him anything else because I don't want to mess up anything else," I say letting go of the door, "I already messed up a lot."
Tsukauchi takes a deep breath in and releases it out, "I think it's time." "Time for what?" I ask and he takes a moment to answer. "To tell Aizawa."
Here is the link to all of the chapters
Link to next: Chapter seven: Bandages and Books
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 3 months ago
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bakudekuism · 1 year ago
i remember a bkdk ( i forgot if it ws :'D ) fic of Izuku having a eatimg disorder in middle school - centric ( maybe in UA later on? i forgot!! ) but i dont kno where to find it!!! i think the classmates were making fun of his body in da locker rooms for being chubby nn his cheeks so he started to starve and stuff DD: 💧💧 also he startes changing in the stalls kn the locker rooms because he started to like self harm + his body is getting dangerously thinner ( ?) 🎀🎀 if anyone knows this fic OR is making one inspo 'd by this pls let me know!!!
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obliviannn · 2 years ago
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Forgot to post my bad, but here’s some free draw drawings! Been rewatching/ catching up with some animes since I haven’t watched one in a while. My sisters rotmnt drawing are on the bottom and thanks to the lovely people who asked for my socials :D
I also added more to this but I’ll post it when I’m done adding stuff
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bestoftsars · 3 months ago
Wholesome Couple of the year!
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Izuocha Hurt/Comfort week Day 2: Surrender Of the emotional surrender sort
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florascent · 7 months ago
Small Town AU, part 2 introductions
The Bakugos
They live at the outskirts of town with a big horse ranch right next to their house. Once Katsuki turned 15, he was taught to care for the horses. As he grew older, all responsibilities fell on him. Not that he minded. It kept him fit and strong.
Besides the chores around the ranch, he had the occasional horse competition and the horse riding lessons for the kids to keep him busy. But not busy enough to miss the occasional glimpse of the farm girl across the dirt road. Naomi Auclair.
He had liked her for a short while but quickly found that she was nervous and skittish around him, as if afraid for some reason. The fearful look always left a bad taste in his mouth. Nothing he did seemed to ease her.
Despite having grown up closer to Naomi, Izuku and Rin had always been his closest friends. The three had become rivals as kids, competing over anything they could think of. Even after graduation and getting different jobs, they never stopped one upping each other in some way.
Though Katsuki will never admit it, he's protective over the two others and would be sad if anything happened to them.
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enbyenvy666 · 11 months ago
i just can't
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based on something i discovered about myself recently 🤭
CONTENT WARNINGS - 18+ MDNI, gn!reader x various, vibrator, reader takes medication (brief implication of poor mental health), reader has trouble coming, no beta we die like men w/c - 0.4k
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“I told you, I can’t cum.”
It felt like it was the umpteenth you had to repeat yourself. You loved your partner, you truly did, and you knew he was coming from a good place when he asked you if you finished. He just wanted you to feel as good as you made him, but you couldn’t through no fault of your own. It was a medication you had taken for years, one of the side effects being the inability to orgasm. Sure, it was frustrating at times but it was a necessary evil in exchange for better mental health.
“Are you sure?” He would ask again, already reaching down to touch between your thighs. 
“Yes, I’m sure,” you would always respond, silencing his next argument with a kiss. “You still made me feel amazing baby.”
It was always sweet of him to try, you had rubbed yourself raw many times before, but it was all in vain. That was until he came home and proudly presented a vibrator. It was shaped like a long bullet and hot pink in colour, by twisting the bottom of it the vibrations became stronger, and despite its simplistic design, the way it strongly buzzed in your hand had you impressed. 
Eager to use it, he quickly had you on the bed, naked and moaning. The stretch of his cock had a familiar feeling burning inside you, but you never wanted him to stop. He almost got lost in the moment, fucking into your tight hole and savouring your sweet whimpers made him forget his goal. On the lowest setting, he ran the vibrator over your nipples, giving you a taste of what was to come—down your belly and between your thighs, touching it to every sensitive spot on your sex.
Every jolt of pleasure the toy sent through you had your back arching, tightening around his fat cock still thrusting inside your slick hole. Feeling you squeeze him particularly tight, he held the vibrator on that bundle of nerves that had you breathless, nails clawing down his back. Before you even realised what had happened, you were crying his name as your body tensed and legs shook, feeling as if something in your core snapped and released, your body now sticky with your cum.
His hips stilled, still balls deep inside your guts, and drew the vibrator away, staring down at you with wide eyes. Your eyes were equally as wide, panting to catch your breath. His lips stretched into a smirk, keeping his eyes locked with yours and he turned the vibrator up, bringing it back between your legs. 
It was time to make up for all those years. 
𓍊𓋼𓆏𓋼𓍊 Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Izuku Midoriya, Dabi, Hawks, Shota Aizawa, Shoto Todoroki, Lucifer (OM), Satan (OM), Mammon (OM), Solomon (OM), Diavolo (OM), Lucifer Morningstar (HH), Asmodeus (HB)
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pikahlua · 4 months ago
Oh? Please, Madam
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What Izuku rejects is the opportunity to be Katsuki's SIDEKICK. He doesn't reject being a hero or competing with Katsuki. He rejects working FOR/UNDER Katsuki. Which is hilarious because Katsuki accepts (apparently multiple times) showing up as a guest lecturer to help out Izuku's class. Katsuki tells Izuku that "If everyone is special, no one is special," which has the potential for SO MUCH DOUBLE MEANING. But what there is no ambiguity about to me is he's basically telling Izuku "Hey, notice this. I'm treating you special. You're special to me. NOTICE."
It's also implied that Izuku sees Katsuki more regularly than he sees most others from their class, which is emphasized by the previous chapter when Aizawa complains to him about Katsuki's behavior in public affecting his ranking. Katsuki basically tells Izuku he needs to start thinking about himself more, and he also ends their final interaction with a "See ya [later]." Katsuki is NOT talking about Ochako, but Izuku takes some of his advice as the impetus for going to talk to Ochako (specifically they just wanna talk more after the dinner since the dinner is now over and they didn't get to talk). So what was Katsuki thinking of? I personally read his "See ya later" as "You'll figure it out, just go handle what you gotta right now and you can catch up to me later."
Hilariously, Izuku calls Katsuki out for being the one to say "If you don't start thinking a little more highly of yourself, you won't notice the things you should." Izuku's response is basically, "Look who's talking." Again, the potential for double meaning here is painfully obvious. He could be referring to SO MANY THINGS and we're meant to infer what that is. WE GET TO GUESS. Izuku could be saying "You did stuff just as bad as what you're saying," or "You're STILL not noticing something, Kacchan."
And Izuku taking inspiration from Katsuki's words to go talk to Ochako is meaningful in another way--IT MEANS IZUKU LISTENED TO HIM. Katsuki is having an influence on Izuku in a way to improve who he is just like Izuku did for him in high school. Izuku takes Katsuki's advice seriously. NO ONE HAS EVER GOTTEN HIM TO UNDERSTAND THIS LESSON BEFORE NOW. It ends with Izuku and Ochako deciding to talk more, but what it shows us is the beginning of Izuku considering himself more. If Izuku follows Katsuki's advice long enough, he'll end up back in the competition with Katsuki just like Katsuki expects him to. That is just as easy of a conclusion to make from the theme of "inevitability" that Shouto gives us (and that Izuku also takes to heart).
This ending implies that inevitably Izuku's gonna catch up again, basically. Things will continue to change. So yeah, we get a beginning where he and Ochako meet up to talk, but it's just a beginning. It's one night of chatting. They're seeing if something's there now (which kind of implies that there wasn't much there before), but it's left open-ended. And I think it's left open-ended what happens with Ochako on purpose because anyone can read how that ends up however they like. You just have to decide as a reader what's "inevitable" for Izuku Midoriya from this point on. Me? I've decided Izuku is taking Katsuki's advice to treat people who mean more to him better. Ochako is just the beginning. Izuku has other people in his life he needs to show love to as well (because that's what this is, Izuku is learning to show people that they're important to him, that he loves them, because saving people doesn't do that--he saves EVERYONE). And then maybe he'll start to see how the people who love him treat him special too, like guest SPECIAL (same kanji) LECTURER KATSUKI BAKUGOU.
tl;dr there is a lot left open to interpretation and it's probably on purpose, read the chapter however you like, just like we did with the last chapter.
...and my interpretation which is the correct one is that Katsuki tells Izuku, "Here let me show you how to love people, damnit!" to give him the character development everyone has been begging for him to have for years, to realize that saving people doesn't mean they're special to him if he's known for saving everyone ever, so like, maybe go show them you care in OTHER ways, Izuku, and also I'll be waiting right here for you to come show you love me you jackass (and he does, he does come show him that)
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mystic-wolfs · 4 months ago
Iiiii big reveal what we have been crocheting lately >.<
It's really really big and the green is a much prettier shade in real life, but we are really happy with the result.
However, nonetheless with the hard times, the project was really fun, mostly because it's the only thing we can currently do and because of a slight hyperfixation. And it's cute, which is the most important part ^^
~Blurry {🪽} + C.Z.
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A little big Midoriya and Todoroki piece!
It's by far the biggest one I've ever done, including meltdowns because of running our of the backround colour and having to change that, and gosh it took long, but the motive is just so adorable, I had to do it!
{You can find the pattern here, and honestly consider checking this creator out, there are just soooo many good patterns!}
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