#c: izan
ofescapisms · 6 months
Peyton was just walking through town to get to work early, her thoughts elsewhere, when she crossed paths with Izan. Immediately she smiled and greeted him. "Hey you, it's been a while. Are you staying out of trouble?" she smirked.
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Whumpril 2024 - Alternate 2 - Brain Fog
Just a little short something!! Just a Mariano POV on the smoothie incident from last whumpril! Also I haven't forgotten about day 25 I PROMISE you just know how it is sometimes
TWs: drugging, poisoning, collapse
The starting gunshot sounded miles away. Sweat was already pouring down Mariano's face, his heart already rabbiting in his chest as he kicked off a second too late. The others were already ahead of him by two paces, and his legs burned as he pushed himself to move faster.
Everything smeared around him, his shots of magic only connecting with the targets because of all the training they did. He didn't know why he felt so awful. He'd had enough sleep, seven and a half hours of solid rest. He'd had breakfast, and then Dimitri even made him a smoothie.
It had been so sweet of him, and now he was going to waste the good-will he'd finally earned by messing up the drill. They'd even gone easy on him. There had been no prank.
The others must've really wanted to impress the people watching.
He didn't remember climbing the wall, only hitting the ground. His wrists smarted as he kicked off again. A harsh, rasping static filled Mariano's ears, filled his mask, snaked in around the metal conductive bit between his teeth and slipped down his throat. He couldn't breathe. His heart skipped every other beat, every three beats. It couldn't make up its mind.
He couldn't breathe.
His chest was tearing itself apart.
They barrelled into the warehouse. They took out the targets. Mariano's knees almost gave out.
He couldn't ruin this.
Down the stairs. The metal pitched under him and it was impossible to keep his footing. He had to keep going. The world kept tilting.
Mariano's eyes rolled back as his legs finally gave out. Chaos roared around him as he finally stopped moving, stopped running, everything drowned out by soothing darkness that rolled over him. Someone touched him. Others were shouting.
Mariano didn't know what was going on. His limbs felt like lead. Someone had their fingers against his wrist. His mask was pulled away from his face. He couldn't get his eyes open. Mariano thought his lungs were going to burst.
He was going to die here.
He hoped the others wouldn't be angry.
He hoped Luis wouldn't be angry.
Everything gently fell away as he was swallowed up by warm silence, like water slipping over his face in a hot bath after a long day.
Mariano couldn't even be afraid.
@whump-captain @whumpr @whumperofworlds @lektricwhump @cyberwhumper
@bxtterflystxtches @inscrutable-shadow @honeybees-125 @i-eat-worlds
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rainycrownsims · 1 year
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even though it wasn`t their plan, izan and inara knew they had to get a c-section because of the complications after their last birth.
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drawingale · 2 years
Aeria Gush Post 4
evUsual warning: This is going to be a long post with some spoilerly content. If y’all just want to read it, here’s the link>>> https://globalcomix.com/c/aeria We’re at Episode 4, “Transparent History”, of my comic Aeria. Welcome to my ted talk where I gush about the inner workings behind my comic and my favorite panels. 💙Episode 4 Part 1 Iris is in the middle of kidnapping Mira. I like when villains slip info to the reader that the main character doesn’t know yet. Iris calls Mira “Sol Maidena Aeria”, a title of some kind that must mean something if Cal’s group and the Aposaarian group think she is of some great importance, but what does that have to do with their plans?
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💙Episode 4 Part 2 While unconscious, Mira has a dream about her past. She recalls a boy with dark blusish-black hair and pointed ears. He reminds her a lot of Cal. Then, there’s this girl with blonde hair covered in markings. Sort of like the younger version of the woman from her first dream. Pretty strange 🤔
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💙Episode 4 Part 2 The scene shifts to the two adults in the dream. On the left is the (retired) Izan (King) of Iyu. Cal’s grandfather. On the right is Izara (Queen) of Ethania, Loirreanna. Mira’s birth-mother. The two have a chat about the future of the two children. An agreement is made between the two adults to continue the play dates. A detail I love about this panel is that Loireanna is wearing Aeria’s necklace, but the gemstone is grey. Some jewelry on Ailithyia serve alternate purposes (some can transform into weapons, armor, ect.), but they are bio-locked to keep everyone from using them. We know that the gemstone glows when Mira is wearing it, but she hasn’t unlocked its full potential. We’ll see more about the necklace in season 2.
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💙Episode 4 Part 3 Mira wakes up in her room. After fighting Iris, Cal used her dorm I.D. to get them inside. Last thing Mira remembers is getting the wind knocked out of her.  
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💙Episode 4 Part 4 Cal begins to question Mira about her past. There has to be something that she can remember about her mother, right? Anything? Mira claims that she doesn’t recall a thing. Cal then tries to tell her about the necklace’s curse; how it turned her human and took away her memories of her past life. Mira thinks his claims are quite the stretch, but when Cal offers to try and undo the curse to prove his point, she agrees if only to get him to leave her alone.
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💙Episode 4 Part 5 Cal uses his magic and does his best to undo the spell. He can’t quite get rid of it, but he does manage to allow Mira to see what she really looks like in the mirror. The blonde-haired woman from her first dream. Turns out, she is Iylven and the necklace is cursed (for now). 
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💙Episode 4 Part 6 During Mira and Cal’s talk, a figure is scene standing outside their door listening in. What’s more, this doesn’t look like Nathan. They’re wearing lipstick, so they must be one of the female students at Sylvia Rose’s. Is the culprit Chrissy? One of Mira’s friends? 
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💙Episode 4 Part 6 Mira begins to question her entire life. Especially the part where her father is a geneticist at a government lab. Was she a science experiment to him all this time? Does he even know? What would he do if he knew? The reader knows something is up- Dr.Harthan was texting Nathan at lunch. They’ve got some kind of plan and it involves watching her.  I also wanted to leak the name of the company in the background; B-Tech. One of Mira’s friends is Nathan Backous; his dad, Tomas Backous, owns and runs the lab.
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  💙Episode 4 Part 7 Cal drops the big news on Mira; She’s a Princess and Iylven of royal blood have powerful magic. From the Aposaarian’s standpoint, holding her hostage or using her in their plans to change the government would give them more political standing on homeworld. From the human’s perspective, they could experiment on Mira to figure out how to recreate magic for their own kind. Or use her as a weapon against other countries. Either way, neither option sounds good, so Mira becomes more interested in what Cal’s group is trying to accomplish. He insists on taking her to New York City to where the starships are docked; there, they can figure out how to get her back to homeworld while protecting Mira from the Aposaarians. Mira agrees to go, although admitting to herself that she isn’t comfortable traveling with people she barely knows.
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💙Episode 4 Part 8 Mira changes out of her school uniform. The clothes are a loan from her friend Erica- Mira realized she still had the outfit after looking through her wardrobe for something else to wear, but all her civilian clothes were at her dad’s house. I liked including this detail to tip people off about who the person outside the door was. Cal decides to have them leave through the window. Mira is against this, but Cal insists that they won’t be climbing down. He offers to carry her. I enjoyed the excuse to draw Cal holding Mira bridal style.
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End of Episode 4. Conflicts are piling up and while we did get some answers, there were a lot more questions left behind. Some questions that will be answered this season, some others that will be answered in later ones. Mira finally knows that she’s not human- although she hasn’t completely accepted it yet. And while she isn’t on great standing with Cal or his friends yet, they’re not her enemies either. There is a potential for the relationship to grow into something more...given time If you want to read ahead, check out my comic: https://globalcomix.com/c/aeria I’ll get around to a part 5 eventually. Thanks for reading and have a lovely day 💙
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juanhuayra · 2 years
Aniversario Trágico del Huayra en el Camuri Grande del 99  
Dirección  Juan M. Hernández C.
Fotografía y cámara  Yanely Egurrola, Juan Martínez, Beatriz Nunes, Miguel Guaita 
Edición y Musicalización   Juan Manuel Hernández Castillo   
Producción Ejecutiva Cine Móvil Huayra 
Producción General Rafael Oropeza y Beatriz Nenes @Venezuela 1999/2014 
 Descripción: Un equipo de excursionistas del Cine Móvil Huayra quedan atrapados por las fuertes precipitaciones en el cerro la Cruz y en la madrugada del día 15  logran filmar la gigantesca ola de agua, lodo, piedras, madera, que barre la USB y Camurí Grande El grupo atrapado registra como se derrumba el camino frente a ellos, una de las cámaras da tumbos, se pierde trípode y morral La filmación registra tanto las impresiones de pánico, desespero, desperfectos en los equipos, El grupo es presa del pánico y tiene que hacer uso de cuerdas, arneses y mosquetones, se imposibilita el uso de los transmisores de radio igual se daña la TV Móvil (antena y transmisor de 50 vatios) Los huayreños cubiertos de barro izan la bandera de Huayra que se la lleva el lodo al derrumbarse la pendiente Este film es un remake del film original, el cual está siendo recuperado por su desastrosa condición física, 15 años después donde aun se puede ve el registro de la cámara dos días antes:  los derrumbes, las crecidas en las cabeceras al igual lo que acontece 7 dias después....
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mutsukiss · 5 years
things that are up w my hysto and no one warned me abt or maybe I just start talking and don't stop bc I need to vent all this shit
my uterus was 3cm in size bc T made it real, real, real small. real small. like real real real real small. what the fuck. a year ago it was normal sized.
this lead me to not being able to have a laparoscopy performed and instead I got operated by c-section. this was the downfall.
you somehow? get gas? air? inside you? and you expulse it either from your ass or from your mouth, but you don't know where it is located because it moves around and hurts like a bitch. it apparently has a tendency to get stuck in the neck and behind your lungs. sometimes it feels like you're having a heart attack but acrualy you just need to fart.
It hurts. you'd expect this from a major surgery but they disguise it as a safe, quick recovering usual surgery. it's true. it still hurts like hell. I saw two (2) funny memes today and I laughed relatively loud, inmediately feeling how my insides were trying to rupture the stitches holding me up. because the meme was funny. this was the meme btw I can't look at it yet bc it's still that funny
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I need help to do everything! dude the fuck! I know I got opened in half centimeters away from my pussy but it's so bothering to not be able to put your pants alone! I walk slower than my grandpa, and he doesn't even walk! oh my God the gas in the shoulder is back. I really don't know how it gets there. God fuck.
I have so much respect for ppl who give birth through c-section, I just expulse a 3cm big bunch of meat and I feel like absolute shit I can't believe how it has to be to give birth through a whole baby and deal with the post operatory while taking care of it.
I can't poop. they told me I might not be able to poop for a few days. because the painkillers stop the bowel movement or whatever. I've read posts online saying how incredibly excruciating is shitting after c-section. I'm so scared you guys. I don't want to do this.
I'm only on the third day post op God help me
I have to walk crouching bc if I stand straight it pulls from the stitches and my back hurts like hell and my mom won't take me seriously and get me a stick cane whatever I forgot how the thing is called but THE THING IS it hurts to stand and it hurts to sit and it hurts to lay down it just hurts
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kindahotxx-blog · 7 years
                          ☆*:.。. Theo * --- @neonbirdx​
---¡Maldito! ¡Odio las ahogadillas!---. Se quejó, pero no pudo evitar reír mientras saltaba sobre Dante e intentaba hundirle a él, sin conseguirlo. Su novio era más grande, más fuerte: no podía hacer nada. ---Que te ahogues, gordo---. Exigió, usando todas sus fuerzas, pero lo único que recibió fue un beso. Un gruñidito escapó de su garganta y se dio por vencido. ---Te dejaré por esto---. Bromeó, sacándole la lengua, iba a huir de su agarre cuando una figura muy conocida y a la que no veía hacía mucho tiempo hizo acto de presencia. Su corazón dio un ligero vuelco. ---¿Qué haces aquí?---. Se le escapó en voz alta. Theo no iba nunca a casa, hacía más de un año que apenas hablaba con él.
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anastpaul · 3 years
Saint of the Day - 30 July - Blessed Manés de Guzmán OP (c 1168-1235)
Saint of the Day – 30 July – Blessed Manés de Guzmán OP (c 1168-1235)
Saint of the Day – 30 July – Blessed Manés de Guzmán OP (c 1168-1235) Dominican Priest and Frair, older Brother of Saint Dominic (1170-1221- born as Manés de Guzmán y Aza in c 1168 at Caleruega, Castile (in modern Burgos, Spain) and died in 1234 in the Monastery of San Pedro de Gumeil, Izan, Castile (in modern Burgos, Spain) of natural causes. Also known as – Mamerto, Mamés, Manez, Mannus.…
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jihanjee · 4 years
Indana Mala Agatha
Surabaya, 11 Mei 2002
semogaa kita bisa berjumpa dan berteman baik pas kuliah offline ya, gasabar ketemu jihann, semoga kuliahnya juga lancar. c u on top jihannn!!!💜
Guruh Aryasatya Mahendra
Mojokerto, 3 Juni 2001
saling membantu ya
mizanul amal
surabaya, 24 Maret 2000
Tetep semangat aja yaa tugas ospek sama kuliah nyaa
Dorothea Anjani Dawolo
bali, 24 september 2001
avatar km gemoy :D emojinya jangan dihapus ya
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clublelarraskito · 5 years
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empezará a las 20:00 etan hasiko da
(electro-acoustic minimalist, alto sax, low-voiced bass clarinet)
(video, intriga abstraktua, ambient-drone, noise electronica)
(Julio C. Palacio, música abstracta, arrítmica, composición micro-tonal, oto-acústica, Barna)
Nos complace presentar el concierto de la Compositora Americana Lea Bertucci. Una de las figuras más importantes del panorama sonoro actual nos visita con su nuevo trabajo RESONANT FIELD publicado en el sello de culto NNA TAPES, el mismo sello en el que publicara su aclamado por la crítica "Metal Aether” de 2018. Lea viene de Gira Europea y pasará por España para algunos conciertos bastante especiales (Madrid, Reina Sofia, Festival Boreal, Barcelona) y estará en Bilbao para un doble cartel con el Compositor y artista sonoro SUN COLOR (Julio Cesar Palacio) … ambos artistas ya compartieron gira hace dos años tocando en lugares de referencia como el Café Oto de Londres o Les Nautes en Paris. Esta será una rara y única ocasión para ver y escuchar en directo a ambos artistas, que además presentan sus nuevos trabajos.
Atsegin handiz aurkezten dugu Lea Bertucci konpositore amerikarraren kontzertua. Egungo soinu panoraman dugun izen handienetako batek bisitatuko gaitu, bere RESONANT FIELD lan berriarekin. NNA TAPES kultuzko zigiluak argitaratu dio lan hori, kritikak laudorioz jositako 2018ko “Metal Aether” hura bezalaxe. Lea europar bira egiten ari da, eta kontzertu berezi samar batzuetarako dator Espainiara (Madril, Reina Sofia, Festival Boreal, Bartzelona). Bilbon SUN COLOR (Julio Cesar Palacio) konpositore eta soinu-artistarekin partekatuko du kartela. Aurretik ere bira bat elkarrekin eginak dira biak, duela bi urte, eta erreferentziazko lekuak diren Londresko Cafe Oto edo Parisko Les Nautes bezalako lekuetan izan ziren. Bi artista hauek zuzenean ikusi eta entzuteko aukera arraro eta bakana izango da, eta gainera lan berriak aurkezten ari dira biak.
Lea continúa su devoción en la exploración de espacios físicos a través del sonido, canalizado a través de su saxofón alto. Si en su trabajo anterior investigó una variedad de ubicaciones en todo el mundo, "Resonant Field" reduce su enfoque a un espacio en particular: el grandioso espacio del Silo City en Buffalo, Nueva York. Usando su instrumento, Lea despierta ciertas resonancias dentro del espacio que han permanecido latentes y olvidadas durante décadas. En este sentido, el "campo resonante" es la documentación de la interacción profundamente personal de un humano con un espacio inanimado a través del sonido.
Soinuaren bidez espazio fisikoak ikertzeko bere debozioari jarraitzen dio Leak, horretarako saxofoi altua erabiliz. Bere aurreko lanean munduan zeharreko hainbat kokaleku ikertu bazituen, “Resonant Field” lan berriak espazio konkretu batera mugatzen du bere begirada: New Yorkeko Buffaloko Silo City espazio izugarria. Bere instrumentua erabiliz, hamarkadatan ezkutatuta eta ahaztuta egon diren erresonantzia zenbait esnarazten ditu espazio horren barruan. Zentzu horretan, gizaki batek espazio bizigabe batekin soinuaren bidez izandako elkarreragin erabat pertsonalaren dokumentazioa da “eremu erresonantea”.
<https://www.thewire.co.uk/audio/tracks/preview-lea-bertucci-s-latest-lp >
<https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/lea-bertucci-metal-aether >
Para SUN COLOR, proyecto del compositor y artista sonoro Julio Cesar Palacio será un concierto especial porque presentará su nuevo trabajo “The Dog´s Fountain” . El nuevo trabajo de Sun Color que publicará gratiutamente y de forma independiente como es usual en este artista, es un estudio de las diversas posibilidades de transformación sonora mediante fenómenos acústicos por lo que sus nuevas piezas generan vibraciones y efectos panorámicos en el espacio, movimientos sonoros, exploraciones de timbres, resonancia y reverberación y una búsqueda minusiosa a través de la escucha de las posibles variaciones tonales de un mismo motivo. Es un trabajo de estudio, en el que se desvincula un poco de la fuente sonora que ha utilizado en los últimos 4 años como lo ha sido el Sintetizador Modular Eurorack para adentrarse en un mundo donde lo importante no es la fuente sonora sino la posibilidad de expansión de las cualidades acústicas y de percepción del sonido.
Este trabajo empezó en Noviembre de 2018 en Manchester (UK) donde fue invitado como Compositor a una Residencia artística en el Centro Islington Mill, en el que grabo una gran cantidad de material nuevo en sus dos semanas de estancia. Ya de vuelta en Barcelona y recluido en la paz de su nuevo estudio en la montaña, Julio ha encontrado la inspiración para terminar el que será su primer disco en casi 5 años desde que publicara su primer trabajo de larga duración “Parallel Tracks”a finales de 2014.
SUN COLOR ezizenaren atzean dagoen Julio Cesar Aparicio konpositore eta soinu-artistarentzat kontzertu berezia izango da honakoa, “The Dog's Fountain” lan berria aurkeztuko duelako. Lan berri hori doan eta modu independentean zabalduko da, artista honek egin ohi duen legez. Fenomeno akustikoen bidezko soinu eraldaketaren aukera ugarien inguruko ikerketa egiten du, eta bibrazioak, soinu mugimenduak, espazioan gertatzen diren efektu panoramikoak, eta tinbreen, erresonantzien eta erreberberazioen inguruko ikerketak dakartza, motibo berberaren tonu bariazioen azterketa xehearen bidez. Estudioko lana da argitaratu duen azken hori, eta azken 4 urteetan erabili duen soinu iturritik aldendu da hein batean, Eurorack sintetizadore modularretik alegia. Orain, garrantzitsuena ez da soinu iturria, ezaugarri akustikoen eta soinuaren pertzepzioaren irekitzea eta zabaltzea baizik.
2018ko azaroan hasi zen lan hori prestatzen, Manchesterren (EB), Islington Mill Zentroko arte erresidentzietara gonbidatua izan baitzen. Material berri asko grabatu zuen bi asteko egonaldian. Bartzelonara bueltan, eta mendiko bere estudioko bakean gordeta, 5 urtean argitaratzen duen lehen diskoa amaitzeko inspirazioa aurkitu zuen Juliok, 2014an bere lehen iraupen luzeko “Parallel Tracks” lana argitaratu zuenetik ez baitzuen besterik eman.
<https://soundcloud.com/sun-color >
L' intruso, Florencia, 2019
Garazi Gorostiaga encuentra en la música electrónica, los ordenadores, sintetizadores e idiomas como el MIDI la capacidad de conocer, expresar y plasmar con libertad sus vivencias, ideas y emociones y experimentar con ellas.  Aunque la creación musical le ha acompañado durante muchos años, no es hasta 2016 cuando propone su trabajo de cara al público y en directo, orientado a sonidos y estilos como el ambient, el drone, el industrial y, ante todo, las texturas extremas. Alquimismo sonoro, aquelarre atronador, paganismo digital y espíritu nigromántico.
Garazi Gorostiagak bere bizipenak, ideiak eta sentipenak ezagutzeko, aske adierazteko eta haiekin esperimentatzeko gaitasuna topatzen du musika elektronikoan, ordenagailuetan, sintetizadoreetan eta MIDIa bezalako hizkuntzetan. Musika sorkuntza beti berekin izan badu ere, ez zen bere lana publikoki eta zuzenean ezagutarazten hasi 2016ra arte. Ambienta, dronea eta industriala bezalako soinu eta estiloetarako joera du, eta batez ere, muturreko ehunduretarakoa. Soinu-alkimia, akelarre burrunbaria, paganismo digitala eta espiritu nekromantea.
www.facebook.com/garazigorostiaga https://garazigorostiaga.wixsite.com/disgrace https://soundcloud.com/garazigf
2019ko Irailaren 26ean / el 26 de Septiembre de 2019
Le Larraskito Kluba (carretera errekalde-larraskitu errepidea 33, 4, bilbo)
A partir de las 20:00 etatik aurrera Entrada por 5€ / 5€-ko sarrera Marion Cruza Le Bihan-en kartela.
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ofescapisms · 1 year
Peyton hadn’t expected this when Izan came over, usually they just hung out, maybe got a little cuddly, but this time was different. She lay in bed and ran a hand through his hair lazily, looking over his face. “So…I have to ask. Usually we stop before we go all the way, I sort of figured that was the extent of your comfort zone. What changed?” Of course at the time she had stopped to check with him that this was what he wanted, but they didn’t talk more than that until now.
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Whumperless Whump Event - Day 7
Have some war mage emotional whump c:
TWs: drowning, CPR, broken bones, hypothermia
Falling through a frozen lake / Hypothermia / “Hey, c'mon, you gotta stay awake.”
"Dimitri--Dimitri, you need to sit down." Laredo hissed, hands wrapped firmly around Dimitri's soaking-wet shoulders. He knew Dimitri couldn't hear him.
He was too busy watching Izan force his overlapping palms down against the center of Mariano's bared chest. Laredo couldn't entirely blame him. It was too quiet, with only Dimitri's harsh, shivering breathing and Manuel's muttering breaking the silence as Mariano lay on the snowy shore, unmoving and pale with his winter clothes heavy with water.
Laredo was only able to tear his eyes away because Dimitri was shivering like he'd just come out of the training room freezer. "Here--Dimitri, babe, look at me." Dimitri didn't see him when Laredo carefully blocked his view of Manuel giving Mariano rescue breaths.
"I need to help you out of those clothes. You can put mine on." Laredo had a good amount of body fat so it didn't feel terribly cold to him, but Dimitri had complained about only being able to put on three layers that morning. Dimitri nodded, though, wordlessly cooperating as Laredo unzipped his winter coat and peeled it away from him.
Neither one acknowledged the pop of one of Mariano's ribs, or the huff each compression forced from him.
"Sweater, Dimitri." That went next, then his undershirt, and then Laredo shed his own thick coat and wrapped Dimitri up in it. His own sweater came off next, and he started using it to squeeze water from Dimitri's hair. "C'mon, jeans next, you know the drill."
Dimitri's shivering hands slowly started to unbutton his pants, fumbling when Mariano started to choke and Manuel let out a sob. Laredo only just caught Dimitri by his arms, keeping him from scrambling over. "Hey, hey, no, pants first, you dove into that water so we need to get you warm. They have him."
Laredo didn't need to look to know that Manuel was helping Mariano onto his side, and that Izan was brushing away the hair plastered to Mariano's face. He slid his hands up to Dimitri's face, hating how ashen his lips were. "They have him. Let me take care of you, now. Sit back."
It was easy to pull the skates from Dimitri's feet and slide his pants and boxers off when he sat back, and even easier to slip Laredo's sweatpants onto him. "There, there, that should be way warmer." Dimitri still shivered and shook, but everything felt less urgent now that he was wrapped in Laredo's warm, dry clothes.
Laredo, in his long-sleeved shirt and athletic winter leggings, pulled Dimitri close and tucked his head under his chin.
"He's breathing, guys! We're getting him stripped and dried off now." Manuel called, voice thick with emotion. "How's Dimitri?"
"Got him changed. We ready to get back to the car?" Laredo asked, letting Dimitri bury his head in his chest and start to shudder and sob through his own emotions.
"Ready in sixty--maybe next time we can just go skating at the ice rink downtown." Izan suggested, and Laredo heard Mariano let out a waterlogged laugh-cry into another coughing fit. "I just think it'll be cheaper overall."
"I think Izan's right." Laredo said, gathering Dimitri up into his arms as Manuel scooped Dimitri's freezing clothes up. "This lake sucks anyway. Plus the skating rink has a hibachi place next door."
"Hib-bach-chi's b-bett-ter 'n this-s-s." Mariano croaked out in agreement, making Dimitri cry even harder.
Those sobs didn't die down until Dimitri was able to get his arms around Mariano in the back of the car, held on each side by Izan and Laredo.
@whump-captain @whumpr @whumperofworlds @lektricwhump @cyberwhumper
@bxtterflystxtches @inscrutable-shadow @honeybees-125
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lacurvadelolvido · 3 years
Venido desde una tripa (incendiada)
Cada tanto vuelvo a este lugar a buscar refugio. Busco refugio para poder escribir las palabras que no pueden ser dichas, las palabras que dan forma al espacio negativo de esta relación; se trata un poco de nombrar aquello que prefiero callar porque de otro modo “la injusta” soy yo.
Mis amistades quedaron vedadas como espacios para nombrar estos tropiezos (o cuotas de realidad) porque no quiero ensuciar tu nombre con esas cosas “que solo están en mi cabeza” (diré cita directa). Cierto, yo no quiero que nadie piense cosas terribles de ti, porque estamos increíble, porque te amo muchísimo y eso solo puede ser un cuento de final feliz todos los días; pero a decir verdad, hoy terminado el día con el estómago revuelto y una acidez terrible. Escuece todo lo que me callo, me arde y quema.
¿Te soy sincere? Últimamente estoy cansada de bancarme los problemas de tu familia, yo no quiero cargar con ello. No quiero que mi lealtad a ti pase por ahí, porque es un precio altísimo que no quiero pagar. Estoy cansada de no poder llorar, de tener que venir a espacio pequeñísimos a hablar de lo que me jode y me duele, como bien dices “no eres perfecta” pero los costos de creer que sí cada tanto vienen a joderme la cabeza. Afortunadamente he aprendido a leerte: no trates de pensar (y mucho menos digas) que me parezco a alguien, si lo haces, prepárate que el tema queda clausurado por al menos un bimestre. Si cometes un error, ni te atrevas a proponer algo en torno al tema, la has cagado duro y carga con ello. [Y con esto último, vale la pena para mí poner por escrito acá, que has dicho “no me gustan las mezclas, que tus amigos se junten con los míos; porque no sé si llevarán bien o qué”. No vaya a ser que mis amigos no le alcancen a los tuyos, ¿verdad? No vaya a ser que no sean tan increíbles como los tuyos…]
Quiero ponerme a llorar, quiero irme a casa…
No llores, porque eso me molesta muchísimo, solo intentas chantajearme. Tus dolores son mínimos, siempre son cosas que “están en tu cabeza”.
Mi estómago ya sabe indicarme cuando el vértigo se presenta en mí: se prenden mis alertas, se izan las banderas (rojas) y por fuera, se me endurece la boca. Respira y calla. No se me olvidan tus desplantes pero por salud, intento todo para que sea así. Siempre que alguien me pregunte por ti, ten por seguro (que no te quite el sueño) que diré “ella es la más increíble, amorosa, generosa, fantástica, ¡qué suerte la mía estar con alguien así!”. Nada de tus desplantes, nada de tus palabras hirientes, nada de tus silencios, nada de aquello por lo que no te disculpas.
Pero ¿dónde está mi asertividad? ¿Qué sería de esto si te dijera “me está doliendo lo que estás haciendo”? Te apuesto lo que quieras que encontrarías la manera de darme la vuelta, porque eres una de las personas más astutas que conozco. No te apures que yo me moveré las veces que sea necesario para tenerte lo mejor posible “mi reina”. … no es broma, ni menor que elija llamarte así.
¿Te pesa? Bueno, a mi me jode.
Espero que algún día esto no reviente, porque se pondrá feo. Espero que no me enferme por todo lo que se me queda dentro cuando a ti te nace ponerte pesada y ponerme en segundo lugar.
¿Te acuerdas que me dijiste que tu no querías ser una segundona? Yo cada vez más me canso de estar en ese lugar, de ser la estúpida que te tiende la cama, te sirve la comida, el té y te prepara el café. Yo también quiero ser alguien, yo también quiero tener un lugar, una voz y que aprendas a escucharla.
[Soundtracks de esta temporada Suenan “Tu me dejaste de querer” y “Veneno” de C Tangana] Sobre decir lo enojade y heride que estoy en este momento.
0 notes
forcefully-employed · 3 years
She turned to him, just as panicked. "He... He hurt Izane." -Rose Anon
His eyes widened and a sense of dread set in. “O-oh. Ohhhh F u c k.” This was bad. This was so fucking bad- Ok, just think Red. Gotta find her first. She can help you calm him down, after you calm her down… He shouldn’t have to do this. His son just fucking died, he shouldn’t be the one who has to fix everyone’s problems. But if he didn’t… so much shit would happen. Hypocrite. “Where- where is she?” Keep it together just a little longer, you can do this.
0 notes
adistysc · 4 years
Short Biodata Another State
Caliel: Syadza Hasna Azzahra (Kak Sasha)
Ttl: Surabaya, 20 Juni 2001
Asal: Surabaya
Pesan: semangat, semoga bisa survive di HI
Caliel: M Ditya Satrio (Kak Tio)
Ttl: Surabaya, 20 Mei 2001
Asal: Surabaya
Pesan: Semangat buat ospek dan irfestnya yaa, sama welcome to HI unair yaa
Nama: Ainiyyah Ramadlaniy (Naya)
Ttl: Malang, 23 Desember 2000
Asal daerah: Malang
Pesan: maju tak gentar untuk beberapa tahun kedepan adistyyy!!!
Nama: Kevin Sihar Maranatha Hutajulu (Kevin/SIhar)
Ttl: Bandar Lampung, 13 April 2002
Asal daerah: Tangerang
Pesan: hai Adisty, salken! Semoga kita bisa saling kenal dan makin kompakk yaa, semangat!!
B. Indonesia
Nama: Reine Syifa Insyirah (Kak Reine)
Ttl: Bogor, 25 Agustus 2001
Asal daerah: Bogor
Pesan: yang aktif ya dikelass, kalo bisa ikut organisasi juga biar banyakin relasi.. Semangat kuliahnya adisty
Nama: Jonathan Imanuel Misman (Kak Jonathan)
Ttl: Manado, 16 Oktober 2000
Asal daerah: Manado
Pesan: update terus sma isu" internasional, rajin baca rm sma ngerjain tugas, dengerin dan pahami baik' klo dosen lagi ngajar dengen begitu kmbisa survive
Nama: Risalatul Muawanah (Risa)
Ttl: Jember, 21 September 2002
Asal daerah: Jember
Pesan: semangat ospek dan irfest :)
Nama: Yukiko Previa Mosseila (Yuki)
Ttl: Jakarta, 22 November 2001
Asal daerah: Jakarta
Pesan: plis ajak aku kalo mau ke New Zealanf beneran :)
C. Maldives
Nama: Dorothea Anjani Dawono (Kak Anjani)
Ttl: Malang, 24 September 2001
Asal daerah: Denpasar
Pesan: semangat buat kuliahnya yaa
Nama: Mizanul Amal (Kak Izan)
Ttl: 6 Juni 2000
Asal daerah: Surabaya
Pesan: Semangat ya jalani prosesnya dengan enjoyyy
Nama: Daffa Dany (Daffa/Dany/Dede/Ultraman)
Ttl: Surabaya, 12 Maret 2002
Asal daerah: Sidoarjo
Pesan: ayo berteman. Semoga kita bisa lebih akrab
Nama:Nabilla Wanda Karunia (abell)
Ttl:Bekasi, 25 November 2002
Asal daerah: Bekasi
Pesan: salam kenal yaaa, semoga kita bisa cepet2 ketemu offline
D. Vanuatu
Nama: Diba Eriestantia (Kak DIba)
Ttl: Dumai, 15 Mei 2001
Asal daerah: Dumai, Riau
Pesan: cintai ususmu, minum yakult tiap hari
Nama: Andi Dwi Prasetyo (Kak Andi)
Ttl: Kediri, 5 Desember 1999
Asal daerah: Kediri
Pesan: terus semangat dan bekerja keras apapun hasil yang kamu dapat. Jangan mudah menyerah dan putus asa
Nama: Putri Audy Fahira (Audy)
Ttl: Sidoarjo, 30 Meri 2002
Asal daerah: Sidoarjo
Pesan: gatau apaam, ganbatte aja yaa!!
Nama: Muhammad Sholeh (alee)
Ttl: Sidoarjo, 8 Juli 2002
Asal daerah: Sidoarjo
Pesan: semangat untuk mengejar mimpi dan selalu percaya akan masa depan
E. Canada
Nama: Samue Elisa (Kak Sam)
Ttl: Jombang, 11 Juni 2000
Asal daerah: Jombang
Pesan: istirahat yang cukup selagi bisa, karena ada saatnya nanti kamu akan bener-bener menginginkan hal itu. Semangat IRFESTnya!!! Yok bisa yok
Nama: Nareswari Wahyu Fianda (Kak Finda)
Ttl: Bontang, 15 Oktober 2001
Asal daerah: Bontang
Pesan: semangat kuliah di hi nya, semoga bisa survive yaa di dunia perkuliahan
Nama: Silva Azzahra (Silva/Cipo)
Ttl: Bandarlampung, 30 Juli 2002
Asal daerah: Lampung
Pesan: semangat mulai kuliahnya, see you next year!
Nama: Najla Ardhia Maharani (Najla)
Ttl: Bandarlampung, 17 September 2002
Asal daerah: Bandarlampung
Pesan: semangat IRFESTnya ya semoga bisa berteman baikk
F. Norway
Nama: Nadiah Robbi Rodliyya (Kak Narob)
Ttl: Trenggalek, 22 Juli 2001
Asal daerah: Malang
Pesan: this too shall pass so keep strong
Nama: Afkar Annibros Muhammad (Kakk Afkar)
Ttl: Semarang, 25 Februari 2001
Asal daerah: Jakarta
Pesan: semangat kuliahnya ya, tapi jangan lupa kebahagiaan diri sendiri
Nama: Amouda Lalula Nafila (Lula)
Ttl: Jombang, 24 Juli 2002
Asal daerah: Jombang
Pesan: semoga bisa akrab!! Semangat kuliahnya!!
Nama: Diva Shitarani (Diva)
Ttl: Jember, 3 November 2001
Asal daerah: Banyuwangi
Pesan: semoga kita bisa saling kenal lebih jauh dan bisa akrab seterusnya. See you soon and goodluck!!
G. Findland
Nama: Madelyn Nora (Kak Madelyn)
Ttl: kediri, 14 Oktober 2000
Asal daerah: Kediri
Pesan: Nikmatin setiap proses IRFEST yaaa, semangatt kuliah di hi nanti jangan nyerah
Nama: Belva Dzaky Aulia (Kak Belva)
Ttl: Wonogiri, 31 Mei 2001
Asal daerah: Wonogiri
Pesan: jangan lupain belva ya, semangat kuliah di HI nya
Nama: Rakhmi Ayu Handayani Rosady (Rara)
Ttl: Bandung, 28 Kuli 2002
Asal daerah: Gresik
Pesan: Halo.. Semoga lancar terus ospek sama kuliahnyaa… semangatttttt!!!
Nama: Nailah Syauqi Awwalun (Nailah)
Ttl: Jakarta, 19 Januari 2002
Asal daerah: Palu, Sulawesi Tengah
Pesan: semangat irfestnya ya!! semoga kita bisa cepet2 ketemu di kampus B!
H. Netherlands
Nama: Savira Nur Aisyah (Kak Savira)
Ttl: Surabaya, 30 Maret 2001
Asal daerah: Surabaya
Pesan: semangattttt yaaaaaa kuliahnyaaaaa, jaga kesehatan teruss, happy selalu
Nama: Ida Bagus Dama Wisnumurti Palguna (Kak Wisnu)
Ttl: Denpasar, 5 April 2001
Asal daerah: Bali
Pesan: welcome adisty!! Keren banget udah masuk HI Unair!! Semoga nantii diniii bisaa semakinn sukses dan berprestasii yaa!! Semoga jugaa nanti kalo udah mulai kuliah offline bisaa seru seruan langsung di kampus yaa, semangat Adisty!!
Nama: Farah Aulia Tamami (Farah/Tam)
Ttl: Surabaya, 30 desember 2002
Asal daerah: Surabaya
Pesan: semangat irfest, semangat kuliah, semangat menjalani hidup, intinya semangat!!
Nama: Michelle Natania Listhy (Chelle)
Ttl: Tangerang, 17 April 2002
Asal daerah: Jakarta
Pesan: semoga kita semakin kenal yaa hehe! Semangat kuliahnya and always stay safe yaa
0 notes
weblacksunflower · 4 years
Short biodata another state
1. Nama: Syadza Hasna Azzahra (Kak Sasha)
Ttl: Surabaya, 20 Juni 2001
Asal: Surabaya
Pesan: Semangat yaa bil, semoga bisa survive di HI🥳
2. Nama: M Ditya Satrianto (Kak Tio)
TTL: Surabaya, 20 mei 2001
Pesan: Semangar buat ospek dan irfestnya yaa, sama welcome to hi unair yaa
1. Nama: Nadhira Sekarputri (Nadhira)
Ttl: Malang 31 Januari 2002
Asal Daerah: Malang
Pesan: semangat kuliah dan irfestnyaa! semoga lancarr you can do ittt🐥
2. Nama : Anindya Hana Nararya (Hana)
TTL : Malang, 12 Januari 2002
Asal : Malang
Pesan : hai, semangatt ospeknya yaa, semogaa bisaa berteman baikk kedepannya!!
1. Nama: reine syifa insyirah (Kak Reine)
TTL: Bogor, 25 Agustus 2001
Asal: Bogor
Pesan: semangatt ya nabil irfest dan kuliahnyaa. semoga nanti betah di hi unair hehe.
2.Nama Caliel: Jonathan Imanuel Misman (Kak Jonathan)
TTL: Manado, 16 Oktober 2000
Asal: Manado
Pesan: semangat untuk kuliahnya
1.Nama: Jihan Amirotul Farikhah (Jihan)
TTL: Pasuruan, 18 September 2002
Asal: Kab. Pasuruan
Pesan: Be shinning with ur own way n keep going on! semoga kita bisa jd temen baik❤️
2.Nama: Risalatul Muawanah (Risa)
Ttl: Jember,21 September 2002
Asal Daerah: Jember
Pesan: Semangat ospek&irfest:)
1. Nama: Dorothea Anjani Dawono (Kak Anjani)
Ttl: Malang, 24 September 2001
Asal: Denpasar
Pesan: iyaa semangat buat kuliah hari pertama nanti yaa
2. Nama Caliel: Mizanul Amal (Kak Izan)
TTL: Surabaya, 24 Maret 2000
Asal: Surabaya
Pesan: Semangat ya jalani prosesnya dengan enjoyyy
1.  Nama: Fitha Dwi Kartika (Kartika)
TTL: 6 Juni 2002
Pesan: yaaa!! semangat juga yaa buat kamuu, mudahan kita bisa makin dekettt 👉👈
2. nama : Dea Viona Ivanka (Dea)
Ttl : Sorowako, 21 Juli 2001
Asal : Malang
Pesan : Semangat Kuliah Online, Jangan Lupa Jaga Kesehatan Juga Yaa
1. Nama: Diba Eriestantia (Kak Diba)
TTL: Dumai, Riau, 15 mei 2001
Asal: Dumai, Riau
Pesan: Cintai ususmu, minum yakult tiap hari.
2. Nama : Andi Dwi Prasetyo (Kak Andi)
TTL : Kediri, 5 Desember 1999
Asal daerah : Kediri
Pesan : Jangan lupa buat terus tertawa yaa, selamat kuliah, selamat menempuh hidup baru, jangan patah arah. Semangaattt
1. Nama : Putri Audy Fahira (Audy)
TTL : Sidoarjo, 30 Mei 2002
Asal daerah : Sidoarjo
Pesan : gatau apaan, ganbatte aja yall🦄🦋🦋
2. Nama : Dihersy Puji Rahayu (Diher)
TTL : Tarakan, 1 november 2001
Asal: Tarakan-Kaltara
Pesan : Salam kenal dan sampai ketemu di Surabaya juga yaa!! soon sama-sama jadi anak rantau hehe
1. Nama : Nareswari Wahyu Fianda ( Kak Finda)
Ttl : Bontang, 15 Oktober 2001
Asal : Bontang
Pesan : Pesannya Semangat Terus Ya Kuliah Di HI
2.Nama : Samuel Elisa (Kak Sam)
TTL : Jombang, 11 Juni 2000
Asal daerah : Jombang
Pesan : pantang mundur sebelum berhasil dan jangan pernah takut salah. Semangat IRFESTnya!!! Yok bisa yok
1.Nama: Audrey Indriani Muchtadin (Audrey)
TTL: Jakarta, 11 September 2003
Asal: Jakarta
Pesan: Semangat yaa, semoga kita bisa lbh kenal lagi nabill
2.Nama: Adinda Salsabila Zahra Riyadi (Dinda)
Ttl: Sidoarjo, 2 Agustus 2002
Asal: Sidoarjo
Pesan: Semangat terus yaa!
1.Nama : Nadiah Robbi Rodliyya (Kak Narob)
Ttl : Trenggalek, 22 Juli 2001
Asal Daerah : Malang
Pesan : This Too Shall Pass So Keep Strong 💪
2. Nama Lengkap : Afkar Annibros Muhammad (Kak Afkar)
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Semarang, 25 Februari 2001
Asal Daerah : Jakarta
Pesan : Semangat kuliahnya!!!! Berjuang smpe akhir, tapi jangan lupa sama diri sendiri
1. Nama : Afifah Zahra (Zahra)
TTL : Malang, 12 April 2002
Asal daerah : Malang
Pesan : May the harsh winter ends and spring comes sooner for you💕 HEY NABILAH!! We haven't talked that much but you're such a sweet soul !! You seem like you like to help everyone and also work hard in everything that you do!! You're so kind and friendly semoga kedepannya kita makin akrab yaa thank you for all your help and i hope that!! You have fun in irfest!! SEMANGAT!!
2.Nama : Kaniraras Nugrahandini (Raras)
Ttl : Trenggalek, 23 April 2002
Asal daerah : Trenggalek
1.Nama Caliel: Madelyn Nora (Kak Madelyn)
TTL: Kediri,14 Oktober 2000
Asal: Kediri
pesan: Nikmatin setiap proses IRFEST yaaa, Semangattttt kuliah di hi nanti jangan nyerah.
2. Nama Caliel: Belva Dzaky Aulia (Kak Belva)
Asal: Wonogiri
TTL: Wonogiri, 31 Mei 2001
Pesan: jangan lupain belva ya, semangat kuliah di Hi Nya
1.Nama: Nailah Syauqi Awwalun (Nailah)
Ttl: Jakarta, 19 Januari 2002
Asal: Palu, Sulawesi tengah
Pesan: Semangat irfest nya yaa! Semoga kita bisa cepet2 ketemu di Kampus B!🥰
2. Nama : Rabiah Labiba Pasaih Putri (Bia)
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir: Jakarta, 17 Februari 2002
Asal: Jakarta Selatan
Kesan Pesan: Semoga Kita Bisa Survive Guys
1.  Nama: Savira Nur Aisyah (Kak Savira)
Ttl: Surabaya, 30 Maret 2001
Asal: Surabaya
Pesan: Semangat ya kuliahnya, jangan terlalu dipikir dan jangan lupa makan biar nambah asupan
2. Nama : Ida Bagus Dama Wisnumurti Palguna (Kak wisnu)
TTL : denpasar, 5 april 2001
Asal daerah: bali
Pesan: Welcome di HI unair, Harus tetep semangatt yaaaa, Perjalanan seru menunggumu, semoga terus seru seuruan di HI unair dan terus berprestasi yaa!!      
1. Nama: Benecdicta E.K.N (Bene)
TTL: Sidoarjo, 3 Mei 2002
Asal: Sidoarjo
Pesan: keep working hard and dream big ya nabil! Semangat kuliah online nya!
2. Nama : Michelle Natania Listhy (chelle)
TTL : Tangerang, 17 April 2002
Asal : Jakarta
Pesan : semogaa kita semakin kenal yaa hehe! Semangat kuliahnya and always stay safe yaa 😉
0 notes