#c: eden
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emersonxcassidy · 8 months ago
closed - @edenxoconnell
where - black cat cafe
With Emerson’s ex…something back in town and running the coffee shop, she felt too nervous to step foot in there anytime soon- thus, needing to pivot for a coffee spot. Luckily the Black Cat could not only supply her caffeine-fix, but also had cute kittens to look in on as well, so she nabbed a table and waited, relieved that Eden had agreed to a little coffee date.
Em felt like she owed the other girl an apology, given that they'd done the story time at the ren faire together but when Jace came around...Emerson felt off-kilter. She stopped being as animated and into it, instead too in her head and she just really wanted to explain to her friend what'd happened.
Plus, she just really needed someone to talk to that wasn't supposed to be kept in the dark about it all. So when she saw Eden walk in she gave the other girl a wave, a little smile on her lips, "Hey! I..hope you're not allergic to cats...right?"
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ursaxnazyalensky · 2 years ago
for: @edcn location: le bordel
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A client had just left, leaving Ursa with a few hours to kill. Since the sun had set, he decided to step out and get some fresh air before someone else came around. He stood by the entry to Le Bordel, lighting up a cigarette. He knew it was ironic to want fresh air and then fill it with smoke but he found it comforting to have something to do with his hands.
He was half way done when a familiar red haired woman approached the entry. His eyes went wide, surprised that he recognised the woman. "Eden," he greeted, surprised to see the other vampire there. He had known she was in the city but they hadn't crossed paths in many years. In fact, he had been a master at the time and now he was an escort. While he tried not to let it bother him, his fall in society wasn't an easy pill to swallow and those feelings flared up when he saw someone from his old life.
"Long time no see."
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collardqueen · 5 months ago
" I will not give the grave my hands to hold, / My shining hair to light oblivion. "
helen of troy by sara teasdale
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elincra · 7 months ago
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"It's nice to see you when we're not both glued to our phones." Elinor said with a grin. "Granted, if you're like me then your phone is currently in your pocket and it's taking everything in your power not to look through it." @edenwest
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fox--tales · 3 months ago
You good, buddy? Did you fall asleep face first on your keyboard?
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[user's squonk sits on his laptop while he's out of the room]
sdrfjkhhjk ui'o;'ods; 7we4ryhui aehujiklf
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xdaniellexbrisbyx · 1 year ago
Where: Oscar After Party Who: @edcn
Danielle didn't know what to think about Eden's acceptance speech. She was relieved that she finally came out of the closet, but then she wondered where that left her. Over the years she felt like her time was only needed when things were rocky with Leone, and now that the two could come out together, their time would be over. That did mean there would be a long of consumption of alcohol, not that she needed much.
She weaved through the crowd, trying not to bump into her, but fate had something different in store. Dani turned when she was met with a gaze that had her freeze in her spot.
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"Eden." A slight pause, trying to pull herself together. "Congrats on your win."
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gomensframes · 1 month ago
The final #EveryFrameOfEden video is now up!
Thank you to everybody who took part! 💫 The web page with the full list of artist credits can be found here.
Slowed-down version under the cut:
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skullfragments · 9 months ago
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i see your "thousand eyes and wings" biblically accurate aziraphale and raise you "biblically accurate according to weird ass medieval illuminations" aziraphale (& bonus crowley)
inspired by this illuminated manuscript page depicting the story of adam and eve:
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(i'm pretty sure tumblr fucked the quality on these do please click for full size😭)
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vicedmuses · 30 days ago
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"while i can? is there something that you know about my future that you're not telling me?" although he was poking fun at her comment, he knew that eden was right. he needed to learn how to loosen up a little bit. that was why he wasn't fighting the idea too much. even going as far as to entertain it in his mind. "don't know what i'm signing myself up for, but bring it on. i'm sure i can handle whatever you have to throw my way." he was almost too cocky in thinking that he could. dane nodded a bit as he pointed over to her glass. "drink all that you want. as long as you get up in the morning, it's really not my job to police what you do." she needed to have as much of a life as he did.
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"I can understand." She answered. "But you shouldn't be too strict on yourself, though. Live a little while you can." Eden flashed him a small smile, getting up to put his plate in the dishwasher and clean up the kitchen for the night. Chuckling about his 'you're in charge now' comment, the blonde put away a few last things before meeting him at the table again with her bottle of wine. "That's perfect. We're totally teaming up against you from now on, guess we're both captains. You got yourself some competition." She poured him another refill and held up the bottle in front of her empty glass. "So does the boss allow me to have one more or should I head to bed?"
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ad-hawkeye · 6 months ago
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i went to anime nyc as the little painter herself! i got complimented on my cosplay a lot - though it was always followed up with "what show is it from?" :,,) i suppose i'm an honorary member of lbc's global marketing team now...!
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simplepotatofarmer · 4 months ago
Yes. What do the triplets want to be when they grow up? Like their dads?
when they're little, they absolutely want to grow up to be like their parents! their parents are cool! techno is out here with an entire army of dogs and has so many pets and dream is great at weird problem solving and doing cool parkour tricks. plus sometimes people joke about him being able to bring back the dead, so.
poppy ends up wanting to be a horse breeder when she gets older! she's always loved horses and techno has experience there so he guides her a bit. plus everyone knows it's a pain to find a good horse so it's not like there's not a market for it.
bell ends up being a redstone engineer. they love to tinker so that's definitely something that draws them in right away. and she's good with it! always been a very crafty sort of kid, honestly.
oscar leans more towards writing and cooking. he's gonna open a small dinner on the server one day and write a couple books. maybe even write about his parents because someone is going to do it, i guess, it might as well be him.
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momentomori24 · 24 days ago
I really hope people haven't forgotten that Grace is actually pretty smart and helpful during class trials. Like this woman spent half the time brain dead from getting zapped (a third time) and then woke up to drive the trial forward along with Wolfgang and Damon. She was the one who guided us to the answer of how Cara was killed through the bucket mechanism, and was even the reason we realised there was a mechanism used for the murder at all. She's very much capable of coming up with logical deductions on the spot and actually be correct, as well as remain relatively calm and composed while doing so.
When she immediately latches on to the first person with even a crumb of a chance to be the killer, when she disrupts the investigation by unintentionally hiding potential clues, when she immediately resorts to hostility over being suspected herself and allows that grudge to cloud her judgement later-- that's not her at her A-Game, nor is that her just being stupid. That's her reasoning being shaken by grief. Her erratic behaviour during Chapter 1's trial contradicts her behaviour during Chapter 0's trial, and that's because this time the victim isn't a lifeless doll based on a person she's never met and has no connection to; the victim this time is the man she's grown the closest to, the first person in our group she met and someone she allowed herself to be vulnerable with in a way she wouldn't be with anyone else. The one to give her hope in her moment of paralysis induced by her near death experience and the only one to actually reach out to her in a way she'd actually reach back. The person she thought was vulnerable, unable to leave his bed, and who she had to find dead after walking out the door and leaving him behind despite it all. She's not stupid or incapable of making rational deductions, nor is she bad at making sound arguments or reasonable accusations-- she's literally just guilt-ridden and grieving.
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theameliaxevans · 2 months ago
Amelia smiled in reply, nodding all the while because even as a teenager, she was headstrong and not about to let anyone push her around-- not when she had to deal with it at home. She had Wes to protect her then at least, but at school she was a bit more on her own. Oh well.
"Liza Levin? They practically own the town and all. Like, it was fucking wild when I moved here and saw the street Town Hall was on was named after their family, and that my pseudo-aunt was like besties with their dad. He's cool though, always gives me extra coconut shrimp when I stop by for lunch with my aunt even without Wes being on shift. And Liza's like a fucking saint. Almost obnoxious at times really, just how soft and sweet she is. Like a damn cupcake--which tracks I guess, given her job." Amelia shrugged, taking another sip of coffee. "My brother won the goddamned lottery with her, even without her family being loaded."
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"No pressure, right?" Eden laughed, shaking her head. "I could see that, honestly. I respect you for being ready to fight them." She wasn't even joking when she said that, she respected the fact that Amelia would stand up for herself like that.
"Gotta love it." Eden breathed. "Who did your brother marry, again?" She furrowed her brows as she took a sip of her coffee.
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gatutor · 5 months ago
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Barbara Eden "Harper Valley P. T. A." 1978, de Richard C. Bennett, Ralph Senensky.
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closingwaters · 4 months ago
We can stay indoors either, can we? The shit is pretty much everywhere and lightning is so unpredictable. Although people are generally safe in cars when it comes to lightning. So you're probably safe on commutes. Guess you better walk fast once you're out.
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You too? I swear to God some lightning came down near me on my ride home. I would've driven faster but the fog was practically blinding.
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justmenoworries · 1 year ago
"Oooo Adam has a right to hate Lucifer, Lucifer took Lilith and Eve away from him"
Adam was an abusive asshat to Lilith. Lilith chose to be with the one who actually respected her and didn't demand she be solely his submissive hanger-on.
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"From the dust of Earth, [the angels] created Adam and Lilith. Equals as the first of mankind, but despite this, Adam demanded control, and Lilith refused to submit to his will. She fled the Garden."
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"Drawn in by her fierce independence, Lucifer found her and the two rebellious dreamers fell deeply in love."
2. Lucifer didn't "take" Eve. He offered her the forbidden fruit and she accepted.
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"Together, [Lilith and Lucifer] wished to share the magic of free will with humanity, offering the Fruit of Knowledge to Adam's new bride, Eve, who gladly accepted."
We don't know what happened after aside from the fact that apparently because Eve took the fruit "evil" was let in to the world the angels created. Since humanity still, y'know, exists, we can gather that Eve stayed with Adam and they had kids like in the original myth.
3. It really says a lot that this wording denies Eve and Lilith any actual agency in what happened in favor of pushing all the blame and responsibility on Lucifer and making Adam out to be a poor uwu misunderstood baby. The misogyny is strong in this one.
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