#i love fucked up medieval anatomy and poses
skullfragments · 4 months
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i see your "thousand eyes and wings" biblically accurate aziraphale and raise you "biblically accurate according to weird ass medieval illuminations" aziraphale (& bonus crowley)
inspired by this illuminated manuscript page depicting the story of adam and eve:
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(i'm pretty sure tumblr fucked the quality on these do please click for full size😭)
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cucuxumusu · 6 years
Magic Shop AU
The day had woken dark and gray, with great rolling black clouds covering the sky, and making the shadows disappear, the colors turn vivid, and the financial district of London seem even more depressing. Grimmjow hated the rain. He also hated London, too many people, and too much traffic. However, as one of the largest entrepreneurs in the country, having a seat in the city’s economic district was a necessity.
Today, however, everything seemed fucked up. On this magnificent rainy day his driver had called informing him he was sick and couldn’t make it to work, Nelliel, his secretary, had forgotten his coffee again, and the meeting that took weeks preparing had been a total and absolute disaster.
Finally Grimmjow, desperate and about to murder someone, had decided to go home and forget the day. The universe, of course, had had other plans, and like a last kick in the ass, the rain had begun to get even more intense than normal. Grimmjow unable to do more had needed to take refuge in one of the small businesses in the neighborhood.
“Antiques & Rarities” was a store that had always seemed to defy time. Covered in old and dark wood, the shop had a slightly more sophisticated touch inside than it had on the outside, but in general, it looked like the stores Queen Elizabeth was supposed to visit. Ancient and privileged, full or strange items the old nobility would love to own but that were mostly useless.
Grimmjow, now drenched to the bone and leaving a trail of water behind him, observed a grandfather clock with numbers carved in white ivory, a piano with bone keys and black lacquer, and different lamps and chandeliers of colored crystals. There were armchairs of different shapes, materials and sizes, there were books of yellowish pages, porcelain sets for tea, and paintings.
Thousands of paintings covering the walls.
Grimmjow walks past portraits, still lifes, and landscapes, between women and men, until he could not help but stop before the largest of all the paintings in the room.
The scene was simple, a young knight, covered with a medieval black armor from head to toe held an imposing sword in his hand, while his red cape felt from his shoulders, and brown eyes looked defiantly at the spectator. He seemed to be reading for battle, a maid was kneeling by his side and adjusting his knee protector, his helmet was off and in the floor at the other side.
The painting was nothing marbelous in itself. If Grimmjow had to guess, the lighting was poor, and the background none-existent, but the boy in itself was another different matter. The boy looked alive, as if the painter had taken all his effort in depicting him, but had forgotten or not cared about anything else.
His eyes looked at Grimmjow defiant, his brown irises intent, and focused, and gorgeous. His skin was soft looking, tanned and biteable, but it hide the dark promise of muscles and strength and would probably be covered by scars from the battles. His hair on the other hand was an impressive side of orange typical from the Scottish highlands, and it looked way too bright for the dark picture and his black old armour. He looked young, but those eyes also spoke of maturity and a knowledge of the dark side of the world. He was pretty, attractive even, a court boy posing for a picture, but the way he held that sword and that look on his eyes said he had seen fighting and battles before.
The contradictions amazed Grimmjow for a moment. How had the artist captured all that in a single picture?. It was a good picture, Grimmjow concluded at last. A nice one.
“Five hundred pounds, and you can stare at him for the rest of your life” someone said easily behind him.
Grimmjow turned slowly to face a strange blond man, wearing a green pijama like the one nurses used, and fucking sandals despite the cold weather. He was smiling at him from behind a fan, his eyes hidden under an even more stupid hat.
He was the weirdest person he had ever seen, and Grimmjow had traveled all around the world.  
“Excuse me?” he asked the man.
“The painting, young man! This is a shop, you are supposed to buy stuff not stare at it for hours” the man said dramatically, turning away and walking towards the register box. “Five hundred and it’s yours”
Grimmjow frowned. It hadn’t been hours had it? Walking away from the canvas, he slowly glanced at the street where rain was still pouring down with an evil intent. He sighed. “I don’t want it” he explained to the owner.
“Too expensive?”The owner continued clicking on an old looking cash box “I guess I could lower it to four hundred, but that’s all I’m willing to go, a man has to live on something, right?” he continued, smiling sweetly and fakedly at him.
Grimmjow frowned again trying to understand so many words, with his tired and coffee-deprived mind. “The money ‘s not the problem”
The owner rose an eyebrow and looked at his sorry drenched suit form from head to toe. Grimmjow knew how he looked, blue hair, bulging muscles, that tattoo on his face…he probably looked more a thug or a mafia boss, than a businessman. A drenched and sorry thug who couldn’t even get an umbrella.
As if reaching that conclusion too, the strange owner of the shop snickered “You sure about that?”
And just like that, Grimmjow patience snapped, and his temper got fire.
Minutes later, he was walking home with a new huge painting of some medieval knight completely wrapped in waterproof plastic, while he walked in drenched clothes. It had suddenly stopped raining and the sky was clearing. His wallet however felt empty. He had paid two times the quantity the owner was asking for, just to prove a point. The owner had smiled sweetly again.
Grimmjow had realized way to late that he had been tricked.
The next time Grimmjow saw the painting was two weeks later.
The day had also been a shitty day. Rainy too. Ulquiorra had called him, and he had spent half the morning screaming at the other CEO about the fusion plan. Nnoitra had ignored a direct order from him, and he had fired the asshole at last. So finally, late at night, when he had arrived home, he had proceeded to get wasted.
Scottish whiskey, that Irish cream, and good old rum had been the beginning. When his suit had turned too uncomfortable he had ditched it on the floor of his huge apartment living room, and had wandered around the halls completely naked, and singing one of those songs from the radio before collapsing on the entrance’s floor.
It had been then where he had noticed the painting still wrapped in plastic next to the entrance of his home, and the bright idea of hanging it had appeared in his head. He had paid a thousand fucking pounds for the shit, at least he should enjoy it.
Finding a wall free enough so the huge painting could be hanged had been annoying, but he had decided finally for his minimalist and half empty bedroom. Trying to drive a nail into the wall while drunk however hadn’t been easy, but after some screams, curses and a long night alone at home, Grimmjow had managed to do it and had sat on the bed of his room to contemplate the strange knight again.
Angered eyes, serious lips, and black hard armour. He was indeed gorgeous, powerful and magnificent despite his age. He looked so authentic, that for a moment Grimmjow’s drunk mind had wondered who he could be? A warrior? A hero? He wondered for exactly five seconds, because, just as he was memorizing the perfect curve of a golden cheek, the knight had moved, and then proceded to shout at him.
“What the bloody hell took you so fucking long? I have been there for two weeks! Two fucking weeks staring at bubble plastic!” The knight on the painting, the painted knight, complained, his lips almost pouting cutely, but his eyes looking homicidal.
Grimmjow blinked slowly.
He then looked down at the can of beer by his feet. This was what? his six- seventh beer? He probably should stop with the alcohol.
“Oh gosh! And you are drunk and naked. Nice. Is this what had come out of society? Can’t you put on some garments at least, man? I don’t need to see all of you” the boy continued gesturing to Grimmjow’s whole being with a completely done face.
He was the only thing moving in the painting, his armor, his cape, his hair, it all flowed around him making him look even more regal, powerful and attractive. Grimmjow could get a hard on just by observing him move. However, the kneeling woman on the floor next to him was still kneeling, unmoving. The dark undefined background was still dark, as a frame stop in time.
It didn’t make sense.
“I’m…home alone” Grimmjow commented trying to defend himself from the knights whining “The suit was uncomfortable so I…took it off?”
The man on the painting looked at him as if he was the most disgusting thing on earth. Grimmjow said nothing. He was too drunk for this shit, so instead he leaned down, took the empty can of beer, and threw it at the annunciation.
The knight didn’t even flinch as the can bounced on the canvas where his head was, and flew back towards Grimmjow’s feet. They both stared at it. Then the knight signed as if Grimmjow was the stupidest man on earth.
Grimmjow frowned. Then he stood up.
“If you are done with this, I need you to help me” the knight continued as Grimmjow approached, dick out and drunk and all that “See, I was cursed, and I have bee trapped in this painting for several centuries, but if you help me I’m sure we…wait, what are you doing?”
Grimmjow took the canvas from the wall and lowered it to the floor. The boy was now blushing centimetres away from his face, their proximity borderline intimate, and the boy’s gorgeous eyes fixed on a certain part of his anatomy that was more awake than he wanted it to be.
However Grimmjow smirked, ignoring him, as his suspicious were finally confirmed.
The knight couldn’t move out of the painting.
Slowly, he turned the canvas so the knight was facing the wall, and stepped back. He could hear the knight complaining, shouts of rage, curses, even a few insults about his anatomy, but they were muffled by the wall and could be ignored.
So Grimmjow turned to the bed, climbed into it, and finally, collapsed.
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empanadadooblez · 7 years
hey do you have any tips on drawing bodies in general? Your art is incredible and I like the way you draw muscles on girls to show off their badassery. I'm having a hard time figuring out anatomy and poses. You gave off a really good long explanation on how to draw certain characters. So if you could, would you be able to show a process on how you draw bodies.
awww, hello sweet anon, I can give you a general list, but if you’re looking for something with pictures and examples, you are welcome to shoot me another ask and I can most definitely do that for you. 
Also p.s, if you’re guys ever want to ask a question, it’s a little easier for me to answer when you phrase it to something specific, it lets me focus on the details cause I can’t name everything all at once sometimes. 
please tell me to elaborate on these certain subjects if you want, I’d really like to help you guys and give you tips, these are some that I’ve picked up on along the way anatomically, but remember that you can take realistic anatomy and stylize it however you choose, it all depends on your style!
but here we go:
ears start at the top of your eyes and end at the bottom of your nose
wrists end at the crotch
space between the eyes is approximately one eye
pectorals connect up to the deltoids
the nape of your neck arcs slightly, it’s not flat!
sternocleidomastoids connect to the centers of your clavicles
neck is about the same width as the head
arm is composed in a chain link pattern 
try using a tilted diamond/square shape as a base for hands
So these are good places to start experimenting, once I realized a lot of these, my art improved so much more. There’s a LOT more that I’m sure I’m missing, but again if you’d like me to elaborate on any of those little bullet points, just let me know.
What I can tell you is that you shouldn’t be afraid to just DO YOU.
Some artists can draw super realistically, but chose to go with a stylized version that they like better. Again, it’s all about what you want.
While maybe it’s possible, it’s not every day you see the height and size differences I show between the characters that I draw in real life. I looooove body and facial differences between characters and it frustrates me when I watch shows where everyone seems to have the same body size/type ugh 
For example, working with Aged Up BNHA, I base their bodies off their quirks, enough said.
Kirishima is a shield, his quirk is one that can be used for offence AND defense, it revolves around BRUTE STRENGTH so of course I’m going to make him big and beefy.
Bakugou’s explosions provide him with the brute strength, he doesn’t need to have bulging muscles because his explosions are what give him force, he propels himself with them. Bakugou needs to be compact with firm joints, strong legs that help him land and broad shoulders to take his blasts. And self indulgence talking here, but I’m not gonna ignore his canonically tiny waist omg
Sero’s quirk doesn’t give him the luxury of physical enhancement, he built his body up himself. Like Bakugou he needs those strong, thick ass legs to land AND jump when he uses his tape like spiderman omg. Sero’s definitely got a runner’s body, he’s trim and tall, but not lanky in the least, he’s all lean muscle as opposed to Kiri’s weighty build.
Mina is a dancer, just recently did we witness that, bless her soul I love her. But given that, LEGS and hips. Mina’s quirk, like Sero’s, doesn’t give her physical enhancements. Her acid might be able to be shot out of her hand, but I think she needs to be able to pitch very well too, so that girl’s got some fucking arms on her. 
Kaminari is about the same as Bakugou. He can still do damage at a distance so he doesn’t need the brute strength the way Kirishima does. He’s one of the smaller of the boys, slim but not scrawny. He definitely needs to be fit (as do all heroes) and I think he’d be FAST and once he’s able to get a better handle on his quirk, be able to use that to his advantage the way Bakugou does.
Outside the Bakusquad, I’d like to mention my Momo! Some one wrote an entire thing about this that inspired me, but long story short. Momo is a girl with a quirk that requires BODY MASS in order to function. Her fat cells are what are manipulated into the matter she uses to create objects. She NEEDS body mass, she needs meat on her bones that aren’t just her boobs for fan service. She creates WEAPONS and my girl can and will be strong enough to wield a medieval saber if she wanted to. Along with fat, she’d have muscle, strong enough to benchpress a fully grown man
And finally Izuku! Like Kirishima, Izuku’s quirk is one that needs brute strength as well, his body needs to be able to hold up to the strength of his own quirk, this is All Might’s quirk we’re talking about here people omg. Baby needs to be broad and well compacted, maybe not to the extent of All Might’s body, but again, he still needs his mass to throw his quirk around and be able to take 
I’m sorry!!!! I don’t think you were expecting me to talk about this, but this literally is my PROCESS. The body type you choose for your own character and others that you are working with tell a story in their own right. Anatomy can give you clues on personality, the way you depict and present a character as well.
At the end of the day I’m working with Heroes, they need to be strong and their quirks are able to find home in their bodies. I’m not afraid to put muscle of these beautiful girls or throw some curves on the boys. It’s okay to completely go off course from the canon standard
And sweet anon, I thank you so much for the compliment, but I’m still learning myself. I can try and help you, so please just let me know anytime and I’ll try and work up a tutorial of sorts for you guys
Learn from the artists around you as well, study their work and try and put two and two together, because oh my god I had the discovery of a lifetime when I started piecing together some of my own favorite artist’s anatomy just this year!
Also, just a suggestion, but I wouldn’t mind recording myself draw certain body types for y’all if you want!
Thank you to those who read the whole way through, I hope this answers some of your question omg I went off on a tangent there 💦
- Panda ❤
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