#c: babygriz
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junkyard-gifs · 1 year ago
POV: you are the Man Over There and you're bootlegging the show.
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you have now been adopted by a curious kitten, congratulations!
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um? excuse him? don't turn that camera away, he's adopted you, stay with him!
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Cory Betts as Pouncival with Ellie Monkley as baby Grizabella; Oasis cast 13, May 2023 (X).
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I have definitely seen the hc floating around that Grizabella is related to Demeter and Jemima. As a sister, mother, grandmother, or possibly even some other way! Consider the possibilities, then, with Babygriz!
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junkyard-gifs · 2 years ago
Oasis cast 13! Jarrad Green as Tugger.
First good look at the new boatyard Tugger
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with wives real (Ellie Monkley, Grizabella) and stage (Emily Ormiston, Bombalurina)
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junkyard-gifs · 2 years ago
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Ana Milva Gomes as Babygriz in 'the Naming of Cats'; with Rory Six as Deuteronomy and Florian Fetterle as Munkustrap.
Vienna revival, 21/6/22. Filmed by @cryptidvoidwritings and @falasta.
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years ago
Yeeees! Jo Lucy Bucketybella!
Thank you for the track notes - always love those details. And aww, Misto getting to be first pollicle! 😄 I assume that means Misto was covered by Johnny (or someone else who also covers Carbuckety), rather than being Stephen?
For the first time in ever I made an bowing video cause of Fem Carbucketty (second one). Also have a Bomba and Demeter <3
Keep reading
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junkyard-gifs · 2 years ago
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Carrie Willis as her 'Babygriz' swing and Sebastian Goffin as Alonzo, on the closing night of the 2022 International tour (26 February 2023).
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years ago
4 June 2022 on the US tour...
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Grizabella debut for Lauren Louis! The first we heard of it was, in fact, Kieran Macdonald mentioning it in his insta live while he was doing his (Misto) makeup.
This is the evening show: in the matinee he'd been on for Tumblebrutus (as he has been by default since Sean McManus left—note there's no 'out' listed for Tumblebrutus, just Connor's 'in'), and Lauren had presumably been Demeter. But a curious combination of swing-offs—or perhaps Tayler Harris' deliberate design—led to Lauren Louis having her Griz debut!
Megan had her Jelly debut just a couple of days ago, so logically she could have kept playing Jelly while Carolyn went on for Griz, since she's higher up the 'Griz covers' list than Lauren is. But Lauren implied that, with so few weeks to go, Tayler deliberately swung off to give her a chance to be the first Asian-American Broadway Grizabella...!
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also, my goodness, these exchanges with Hyla and Brianna—the other two Asian-American girls in the cast, who were fortunately both on tonight for their roles of Victoria and Sillabub...! NGL I teared up. (In both cases, the larger text at the bottom is Lauren responding to them. Also, 'boop' is how Hyla refers to the moment of Victoria touching Grizabella's hand.)
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And meanwhile, since I haven't hit the post image limit, have some more cuteness! With Aiden Pressel as Plato, Lexy Bittner as Cassandra, Max Craven as Mungojerrie, and Vinny Andaloro as Alonzo.
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years ago
And good news everyone: the international tour swing characters are back!! And they've also had redesigns!
The UK/International tour, like the London productions, typically have a swing costume unique to each booth swing, which they can use to swing on but also use for photo days, curtain call on closing night, or for special events when they want the whole company onstage without doubling characters. The chorus versions of Deuteronomy, Grizabella, and Tugger are used for this, as well as some other named or unnamed swings.
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Here we have, left to right in the back row: Connor McAllister (young Deut), Carrie Willis (baby Griz), Roan Pronk (Victor! my beloved Victor!), Daniel Timoney (chorus Tugger), and Anna Campkin (character name unknown, but she has turned up in this tour before - I've seen photos of the same character from 2017 and 2018).
Front row: Freddie Clements (George), and Kayleigh Thadani (Electra).
And here's a closer look at Victor, because I'm excited to have him back and it's a design that goes right back to Napier's originals, including a triangle patch under one eye!
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George, by comparison, has very little in the way of facial markings, except for some hatching above one eyebrow and on his cheekbones. So he's lost the dark patches on both eyes and muzzle, but he's kept the greys and browns in his unitard . Here he is with Carbuckety (Joel Cooper), whose eye patch has lost the stripe pulling across the nose...
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also hey look, some cute Georgibuckety:
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years ago
I love them! 🥺 And ooo, first look at Misto's full Quaxo unitard (though I note they're still calling him Misto, so the cast at least doesn't think he's two different cats). Instead of the white tuxedo chest and belly, the white has migrated to his sides, which makes him pretty much the only cat to have paler sides than belly/chest. I like it: voidcat is deceiving the eye and evading the light. 👀
International tour, 17/5/22: press/photo day, hence the rare presence of all the swing characters!
Top to bottom:
Philip Bertioli as Skimbleshanks and Harry Robinson as Mungojerrie
Liam Mower as Mistoffelees and Freddie Clements as George.
Shakeel Kimotho as Coricopat, Milan Cacacie as Tantomile, and Joel Cooper as Carbuckety.
Russell Dickson as Munkustrap and Aaron Hunt as Bill Bailey.
Harry as Mungojerrie again, Anna Campkin as 'baby Jen' swing, Daniel Timoney as chorus Tugger, Erin Gisele Chapman as Cassandra, Maiya Hikasa as Victoria.
Kayleigh Thadani as Electra, Carrie Willis as baby Griz, and Frances Dee as Demeter.
Erin's Cass and Milan's Tanto again, now with added Lizzie Nance (Bombalurina) and Aimee Hodnett (Jellylorum).
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International Tour cast breaking it down!
It’s also something of a contest 👀
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and the winner goes to the heavyside layer…a microcosm of the show, perhaps?
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years ago
An unexpected debut today in the Vienna production: Carbuckety was played by... Jo Lucy Rackham! (1 February 2022)
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And she wore the Babygriz outfit to do it (though with Electra's double-dot freckles). Top photo is her with Carin Filipčić as actually!Babygriz (Jo's on the right), and the bottom includes Aaron Hunt as Bill Bailey, Anneke Brunekreeft as Tantomile, and Jan-Eike Majert as Coricopat (X).
I'm going to need everyone's 'Grizabella and Carbuckety are siblings / Carbuckety is Grizabella reborn' headcanons stat.
Which is a bit of a throwback, in some ways, to the German Tent Tour in 2011, when JLR played Electra. Although she wore the classic costume herself, all the Electra covers in the first year of the production wore the Babygriz costume for the role:
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(Dane Quixall and Emma Hunter.)
Matthew Levick also had a debut today—as Alonzo!
Stephen Martin Allan (Mistoffelees) was off with an injury, Johnny Randall (Carbuckety) was covering Misto, George Maniadis (Alonzo) was off, I’m not sure who was covering Bill Bailey (Tommie Luyben?), and Riccardo Sinisi (swing who can cover all of the above) has finally been caught by COVID. So Matt got Alonzo, and Jo covered the last 'male' track!
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years ago
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Barbara Obermeier as Babygriz; Vienna revival, 18 Feb 2022.
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years ago
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Cover run for the international tour (16 June 2022). Left to right: Daniel Timoney (swing) as Tugger, Sarah-Marie Maxwell (usually Jenny) covering Grizabella, Milan Cacacie (Tantomile) as Rumpelteazer, Lottie Clements (Jemima) as Victoria, Freddie Clements (swing) as Skimbleshanks, Joel Cooper (Carbuckety) as Mistoffelees, and Roan Pronk (swing) as Mungojerrie.
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years ago
Kieran's doing an insta live right now - he's on for Misto, Connor for Tumble, Gracie for Demeter, and Lauren Louis is having her Griz debut!
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years ago
This is a helpful informative video, to clear up any confusion from casual fans about the 'different' roles played by Griz, Tugger, and Deut during the - Tugger. Tugger, no. Tugger, stop that.
Robyn Tempest, Nick Woodford, and Doug Eskew (in that order); Oasis cast 11, c. 2 November 2021 (X).
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years ago
Sorry Babygriz, the glamour cat is not feeling maternal today.
Ana Milva Gomes as Grizabella and Denise Jastraunig as Babygriz, Vienna revival. Apparently this video is a throwback - they've been playing together for two years now! Denise added the 'LOL'.
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Favourite platonic headcanons: Babygriz as the sister of George and Pouncival/Carbuckety.
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This is Thalia Burt's female George cover, whom she named Cheryl and identified as the sibling of Jo Ampil's Babygriz...
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... and Li-Tong Hsu, on the International tour (2019, Chinese leg) called her Babygriz the sister of Cian Hughes' Carbucketty!
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