#c: Fiametta
bellasdragons · 1 year
I don't know how to ask good questions about lore stuff, but considering the autumn equinox is approaching, can you share some about Equinox?
Also Flametta is pretty so I'd take a snippet about her, too, if you want!
(me either tbh ^^;)
I've had her 5ever and still adore her, though unfortunately I've stalled out on her lore.
Functionally, she's a memory-keeper dragon: there were a number of dragons that I didn't really want to exalt, but didn't really want to keep either, and absolutely didn't have the space for, so... I linked them from Equinox's page. And now that we have the hibden and so many lair slots available, I don't use her very much for that, but there's still an occasional dragon I'll add there that deserves a shout-out. :)
In-lore she's a rather reclusive individual; from a young age she could see... things, in her pearl. It naturally caused contention with her peers, who ostracized her. So she turned to watching the things, and with practice became able to discern individuals. One day she met Eurdolgrol, a Snapper who knew some things about some other things, and took Equinox under her wing, training her to use her power - the power to see into other planes of existence.
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Fiametta is a dream dragon of mine - she's an unbred 6-digit G1, and Fire was one of the flights I very much wanted (still want one of each, but I have my top 3 and then some, so... I'm content unless the prices drop (lol) or I like. win big at Roundsey's). Thankfully I got her before prices skyrocketed, since her colors would probably just add to that @__@
I'm not sure if she'll ever get integrated into my main lore, or just be a standalone character, but she's a performer (on her own? with a troupe? one her own joining up with various performers for a bit before going off again? wejustdon'tknow.gif) She does... I guess it'd be like rhythmic gymnastics, but instead of ribbons and such, it's fire and illusions. She's very talented! :)
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Thank you! <3
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yakourinka · 2 years
(late post-guide ahead musings, kind of a long rambly post, part 1?)
I feel like Laterano being peaceful and its residents' wacky wild wild west uwu antics has caused some people to miss just how fucked up Laterano actually is - it's the most fucked up place on Terra in my opinion.
There are the more obvious reasons: racial supremacy that is implicit in their religion, "lesser" races practically serving as adoring errand people and soldiers for the Sankta:
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What I can only call as racial segregation: Shit Sucks Everywhere At All Times for the Sarkaz but this is (to the best of my knowledge) the first time we've seen a government officer/cop go I SPOTTED A SARKAZ, GIT'ER at a person who, as far as they know, is a street peddler.
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Also they hunt Sarkaz in the wild for sport apparently. (I'm aware that the Sarkaz also fight them, but you'll notice that Sarkaz are in a lot more disadvantageous situation than the Laterans.)
KFC Pope also brushes upon this with the fire analogy in the last chapter (if you give out too much of Laterano's light the place will burn out etc.), but Laterano refuses to share its resources with other nations (despite, hilariously, trying to pull a United Nations shit on their land) because:
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(This is also Andoain's Joker moment.) Now consider that they have the resources to waste to the point that you can blow shit up everywhere provided you fill the paperwork and it will get fixed, and the entire city constantly smells of sugar and vanilla.
Putting all of this against the background of Shit Fucked Everywhere that is Terra and you get what is essentially a resource-hoarding ethnostate full of nice, wacky people.
It's also no coincidence that there's a noticeable emphasis on sweets - you might remember a similar thing from Dossoles (and other real world examples cough South America) with coffee and sugar: 1) it's a luxury 2) it keeps people happy and content and wanting more. Which brings me to the next point: The emotion sharing thing.
Everything about Laterano is socially engineered in a way to keep its people content in this proverbial cage. The people here can't even tell when they're in danger, which is simultaneously funny and fucked up:
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See, you live in the Saved Land. Your feelings are not private because you're all hooked up on the Holy Hivemind. You feel rather encouraged to keep feeling content and happy and not think too much because your distress will be detected and shared by other people. You are now an anomaly. Ezell returning home after letting Cecelia go is some twilight zone shit because he's seen some fucked up stuff, is confused and in distress and everyone he meets on his way home is like hey man why don't you have a little snack and relax? why don't you have some cake and coffee my guy ha ha? And he has no way of processing his own mental state or articulating himself to anyone, despite the hivemind.
(completely my personal opinion here but I ended up liking Fia and Mos substantially less after the event because Laterano and its weird as fuck extreme collectivism are uncomfortably fucked up to me. like I respect a single-minded to the point of idiocy, rage-filled woman usually, like them even, but Laterano's just way too fucking weird and Fiametta being like yeah so what bitch? to everything Patia and Andoain was saying was, while funny, also unlikable. also Mostima is drinking buddies with the Pope! what the fuck)
I've seen some more positive/funny interpretations of It, the god in the Papal Basement, but what with the hivemind thing I can't help but think of the only other case of hivemind+singular god in Arknights, the Seaborn. Why did It let the incident between Mostima, Lemuen and Andoain happen, but swiftly cancelled the "shoot someone else and you're out" rule the moment Andoain and KFC Pope were shooting at each other? Is it because Andoain is/was essentially a cultish missionary spreading Its word, and the Pope is kinda essential to keeping Laterano stable? Assimilation by consumption versus assimilation by faith?
There's probably a lot more shit you can say about Laterano, like Adnachiel being ostracized because his halo is kinda not straight, what about the infected Sankta, etc., but I'll stop. Laterano's fucked up, man.
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chic-a-gigot · 1 year
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 42, vol. 25, 18 octobre 1903, Paris. 3. Vêtements haut nouveauté pour la saison d'hiver. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
No. 1. Paletot Dieterle en drap noir pointillé blanc très chaud. Les devants sont garnis d’un col-étole surmonté d’un col montant rabattu qui préserve bien le cou. Nouvelle manche évasée du bas. Dos de forme sac. Le col-étole est rabattu, les devants et les manches sont garnis d’un galon soie noir et blanc. Prix: 25 fr. 55; longueur: 0 m. 65.
No. 2. Collet Clodion en drap cuir noir non doublé. Très élégant et d’une coupe parfaite, ce collet est fait sur une longueur de 0 m. 50, bonne moyenne exigée. Il est garni d’un grand col arrondi orné de piqûres et d’application de drap. Les devants sont ornés de deux motifs en drap découpé, et chacun d’eux de chenille noire faisant relief disposés en serpentin d’un très joli effet. Prix: 14 fr. 95. Ajouter 4 fr. 50 si on le désire doublé soie noire ou violette.
No. 3. Paletot Nicette en tissu homespun gris, envers carreaux. D’un goùt simple et parisien, ce paletot, de forme sac, est orné de piqûres et de trois rangs de galon noir et blanc sur le devant, au col et aux manches. Les devants se croisent par des agrafes. Le col est en velours rouge pointillé blanc, ainsi que le mi-poignet de la manche. Prix: 22 fr. 75; longueur: 0 m. 65.
No. 4. Paletot Delia en drap noir pointillé envers carreaux. Les devants se boutonnent par une sous-patte et sont garnis de deux appliques drap noir formant bretelles, qui sont retenues par des boutons passementerie: même garniture aux manches. Le col rabattu, genre petite étole, est garni de même. Poches Raglan. Dos de forme sac. Une fantaisie, formée par une cordelière soie noire avec effilé, termine la garniture de cet élégant paletot. Longueur: 0 m. 65. Prix: 30 fr. 45.
No. 5. Jupe Fiametta en neigeuse fond marron avec pointillé couleur, doublée d’alpaga noir, garnie de quatre plis piqués formant éventail dans le bas; plis creux derrière. Prix: 14 fr. 95.
No. 6. Jupe Edmee en drap satin noir, garnie de deux biais de satin simulant l’empiècement. Pli creux derrière ou plat. Cette jupe est doublée en alpaga. Bien spécifier si l’on désire la jupe plate ou avec pli creux. Prix : 12 fr. 95. — 7. Paletot LAIS en drap noir diamanté. Col officier garni de galon noir et blanc, se continuant sur le devant pour simuler l’étole. Grande collerette garnie de même galon. Manche bouffante, serrée dans un poignet, Dos de forme sac. Longueur: 0 m. 65. Prix: 22 fr. 50.
No. 7. Jupe en serge, doublée d’alpaga. Prix: 10 fr. 95.
Pour les paletots, indiquer: 1. l’encolure; 2. tour de poitrine; 3. longueur des manches. — Pour les jupes: tour de taille, tour des hanches; longueur devant, derrière et côté.
No. 1. Dieterle overcoat in very warm white dotted black cloth. The fronts are trimmed with a stole collar topped with a high turn-down collar which protects the neck well. New flared bottom sleeve. Bag-shaped back. The stole collar is turned down, the fronts and sleeves are trimmed with black and white silk braid. Price: 25.55 fr.; length: 0.65 m.
No. 2. Clodion collar in unlined black leather cloth. Very elegant and with a perfect cut, this collar is made to a length of 0 m. 50, good average required. It is trimmed with a large rounded collar decorated with stitching and cloth appliqué. The fronts are decorated with two patterns in cut cloth, each of them in black chenille in relief arranged in a serpentine pattern for a very pretty effect. Price: 14.95 fr. Add 4.50 fr. if desired, lined in black or purple silk.
No. 3. Nicette coat in gray homespun fabric, check reverse. With a simple, Parisian taste, this bag-shaped overcoat is decorated with stitching and three rows of black and white braid on the front, collar and sleeves. The fronts are crossed with staples. The collar is in red velvet with white dots, as is the mid-cuff of the sleeve. Price: 22.75 fr.; length: 0.65 m.
No. 4. Delia overcoat in black dotted cloth with check backing. The fronts are buttoned with an under-placket and are trimmed with two black cloth appliques forming straps, which are held in place by trimmings buttons: same trim on the sleeves. The turn-down collar, like a small stole, is trimmed in the same way. Raglan pockets. Bag-shaped back. A fantasy, formed by a black silk cord with tapering, finishes the trim of this elegant overcoat. Length: 0.65 m. Price: 30.45 fr.
No. 5. Fiametta skirt in snowy brown background with colored dotted lines, lined with black alpaca, trimmed with four stitched pleats forming a fan at the bottom; box pleats behind. Price: 14.95 fr.
No. 6. Edmee skirt in black satin cloth, trimmed with two satin bias strips simulating the yoke. Box pleat behind or flat. This skirt is lined in alpaca. Please specify whether you want a flat skirt or a box pleat. Price: 12 fr. 95. — 7. LAIS overcoat in diamond-cut black cloth. Officer collar trimmed with black and white braid, continuing down the front to simulate a stole. Large collar trimmed with the same braid. Puff sleeve, tightened in one wrist, Bag-shaped back. Length: 0.65 m. Price: 22.50 fr.
No. 7. Twill skirt, lined with alpaca. Price: 10.95 fr.
For overcoats, indicate: 1. the neckline; 2. chest measurement; 3. sleeve length. — For skirts: waist measurement, hip measurement; length front, back and side.
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coldgoldlazarus · 2 years
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Not who I was expecting to get off the Fiametta banner, but I'll take it
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askmitraandco · 6 years
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“ PROMISE you will be careful, dear heart of mine... “ came the soft voice of the Dragonite, nose gently nudging against his daughter’s cheek. “ Keep yourself and your team safe... Be c a u t i o u s of strangers. “ he added as the Flygon gently nuzzled her daughter’s other cheek. “ But do not be unkind. Never be unkind...  Cautious, yes. But not unkind, gentle heart. Keep an open mind, but guard your heart too... “
A smirk appeared upon the Dragonite’s face as he peered at his wife. “ You are one to talk, Amila, you will be accompanying her until Pyralis town. “ he chuckled, their noses bumping for a second. “ Your mother is right, however... Guard that precious heart of yours. And keep your friends as safe as you can.
A small giggle, two hands resting upon the dragons cheeks. “ I PROMISE mama, papa. I’ll be careful. And I’ll collect LOTS of stories and write them all down. And I’ll send cards and letters whenever I can. And I’ll keep an eye out and not be unkind and always open. Pfff... I’ll miss you both, SO much... “
“ And we you, dear heart... “
“ We love you, lil’ dragon bug... “
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“ M o m please, we already had this goodb-- “
“ And promise to always eat enough, and DON’T be rude to your elderly. AND for the love of ARCEUS please be more tolerable and DON’T pick ALL fights. Getting strong at the cost of your life is STUPID. And PLEASE be kinder to your friends too and you listen to whatever Amila has to say and-- “
“ Milo you fuckin’ f u c k, don’t gimme that smug fuckin’ smirk, you put them up to this-- “
“ Yeah, lil bro... No cussing in front of baby siblings and mama dear, jeez... Haven’t you figured that out yet... “
“ Cay-Cayyy... Will you be beatin’ any bad guys? Are you going to EAT them? Will y’be sending stuff back? “  “ Yeah, will you? “  “ An’ are you comin’ back to us? “ “ What if YOU get eaten? [ G A S P P ] “ “ Don’t be silly, Layla... Cayden won’t get EATEN! “
“ M’gonna BITE you even more if you DON’T come back to us, Cayd. “
“ YOU SHOULD SEND TOUGH THINGS TO US. So I can be big and strong like you too, Cay-Cay!! HEY, listeeeen!! “
“ Pfpfft.... “
“ G u y s ... P l e a s e ... “
“ Cayden, I am serious though... You listen to your mother here... And be a good boy... Come back to us in one piece... “
“ I will, mam.... WHY is Milo here anyway...? “
“ Didn’t you hear, baby bro. I’m accompanying you to Pyralis town. “
“ ... Oh fuck me now. “
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“ Still no way I can convince you to stay here in Fiametta? “ grunted the Arcanine, peering at his daughter somewhat worriedly as she gave a snort. “ Nah, not a chance dad... I love Fiametta but it’s TIME... “
“ Will you promise to write us whenever you hit a town? And tell us about all the adventures you had? And ... A-and I’ll miss you, sis..! “ whined the small Mienfoo, staring up at the growlithe.
“ Aww... I’ll miss you too, lil’ fighter... “
“ And don’t you worry about that brother of yours, love... He’ll get around... We’ll keep an eye out on him... “ came the gentle voice of Hazel as she nuzzled her daughter’s cheek . “ Keep yourself safe... DO write us... We will think of you, every day... “
“ And if anything goes wrong and you need to come back home, DON’T think of it as a failure, lil’ chomp. Though knowing you, you won’t fail in what you want to do. “ sighed Falkor, a smile touching at his maw as he nuzzled his nose against his daughter’s cheek. “ Stay together. Look after each other. DON’T forget anything we taught you... “
“ I won’t, I won’t... I love you, dad... I’ll be careful. I promise, I promise. “
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‘ If Zamir would have been here... He would have laughed... Nudged my side.. Told me everyone was being so sappy... Heh... He’d probably be super sappy too... ‘ stepping to her two companions and the Flygon, she finally turned back to look at the group that had gathered, ears flicked down. ‘ ... I’ll miss you, brother... Please be safe... And... Don’t worry... I understand... I’m not mad at you for deciding to stay... I’ll send you letters. And tell you all about the things we saw... I promise.. ‘
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                                   “ We should SING a song! “
                  “ We are NOT singing, Solveig. “
“ Oh no, DO sing, Solveig. Your CHARMING voice will be the spirit of our desert adventure. “
                                                                      “ Pffft, guys. “
                        “ MILO, I S W E A R. “
             “ Come on, children. The first resting point is still a long way from here. “
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yulelog · 7 years
CLOVER AND EPIPHANY FOR THE worldbuilding meme
full name: clover hawke
gender: female
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: she/her
family: leandra amell, malcolm hawke (deceased), bethany hawke, carver hawke (deceased), gamlen amell (unfortunately), i think hawke has some other canon relatives too but literally irrelevant
birthplace: fuck idk...somewhere in ferelden. not lothering
job: champion of kirkwall babyyyyyyyyyy also she’s a chantry sister now just.......a very, very unconventional one
phobias: death, losing her friends and family
guilty pleasures: she likes fine clothing..
morality alignment?: neutral good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: disorganized
close minded/open-minded: can be close-minded, but mostly open
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
otp: clover/sebastian
ot3: n/a
brotp: clover/varric, clover/merrill, clover/isabela
notp: n/a
full name: epiphany leya fiametta trevelyan
gender: female
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: she/her
family: 2 parents, probably some siblings and also like a shit ton of other relatives that dont matter but the important one is MARION
birthplace: ostwick
job: the inquisitor motherfucker
phobias: she’s afraid of becoming like her parents as well as losing control of herself
guilty pleasures: still thinks cullen is hot unfortunately
morality alignment?: lawful good... usually
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: she slowly becomes more open-minded over the course of inquisition
calm/anxious: calm on the outside anxious on the inside
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: cautious
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: traditional
hard-working/lazy: hard working
otp: epiphany/josephine
ot3: epiphany/josephine/cassandra
brotp: epiphany/cassandra, epiphany/varric, epiphany/vivienne, epiphany/dorian
notp: i know they literally date for several months but epiphany/cullen LMAO
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cxntpls · 7 years
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M E E T // S C A R L E T  F I O R E  // T H E  L Y C A N 
Fiametta ‘Scarlet’ Fiore was born in Florence, Italy to exceptionally shitty parents, Wilhem and Piriam Fiore. When it was revealed that Fiametta was in poor health, they wanted nothing to do with their daughter. In a snap decision, they sold her to their neighbors and forgot about the child. Much to the delight of her 'adoptive' partents, the girl thrived, defying odds. Growing up, abandoned sitting heavy in her chest, Fiametta wanted nothing more than to go home. And that was her downfall. Any utterance of the word ‘home’ was met with a harsh beating. Soon, Fiametta was covered in scars, losing all desire for home. All she wanted was to be someone else, to be something else. The violence took a toll on her mind, causing a rift in her psyche, releasing the animal within. Now suffering from a full blown case of clinical lycanthropy, Fiametta abandoned everything about who she had been. On the night of her 17 birthday, she fled her home, never to return. Settling in Rome, she quickly gained a reputation. Known for being violent and doing just about anything for money, she also adopted a new name: Scarlet. Embracing her animalistic tendencies, she even sharpened her canines into fangs. With her new persona before her, a pack soon followed, misfits and castaways, she took them all in. Giving them a home and a family, they followed her blindly. They put their faith in a monster. Unable to curb her penchant for violence, however, Scarlet encouraged her gang to follow in her footsteps, chaos in their wake. It wasn’t until after a string of murders, and the finger pointed directly at her, that Scarlet realized she was a fool to think people wouldn't hunt her. Fleeing from Europe, she became a nomad, eventually landing herself stateside. With the hope of starting a new life, Spectre called to her. Tired of running, tired of the stigma, she attempted to settle down and make a real life for herself in the small town.
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