#Clan of the Featherfall Reaches
bellasdragons · 1 month
I finished a bunch of dragons this week! Been saving up (both money and scrolls lol) and super splurged. Most need names/renaming and matching scenes, but otherwise they're done!
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Fathom: Breed Change (from Bogsneak), Savannah, Faded eyes, apparel, scene Obelisk: Scatterscroll, Breed Change (from Guardian), scene, waiting on new modern terts (lol)
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Fathom: Got apparel, scene Auraboa: Tert decided finally Rousse: Flaunt and Smoke
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Fae 1: Paisley (from Ground), Soap, apparel Fae 2: Noxtide, Peacock, Dark eyes (edit: and Fae!) Eclipse: Scatterscroll, fully gened, Pastel eyes, scene
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bellasdragons · 7 months
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(Belated) Snapper Sunday!
Eurdolgrol (shaman), Garth (from my rainbow breeding pair), Aina (ace dragon and just pretty)
Gala, Nephthys
Unnamed, Prisma, Tomo
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bellasdragons · 7 months
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Heeheehee, my Aquascape accent came in! Now my aquarium!noodle is complete, unless they release a(nother) good underwater scene! >:3
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bellasdragons · 1 year
Scattered a dragon I've had for a while, and landed on some REALLY good colors. A breed change and some genes (can't believe I found a use for Fern!) later and she actually has a character now!
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She needs a (new) name and I'm still thinking designs but here's a preliminary sketch!
She is a florist and loves sunhats c:
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bellasdragons · 2 years
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My boyo!
He/they. Not named yet. But very fond of him - he's a bday g1 and I scattered him a couple times (but accidentally deleted the history). He needs a fun accent but the ones that I like all blend in too much. >3>
Definitely not my best work, but I'm trying really hard to have fun with things, so... yeah. It was fun at least! Was supposed to be a headshot but I accidentally drew the front legs and then had to keep going, y'know?
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bellasdragons · 11 months
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Sketch of my progens!
I'm "participating" in NaNoWritMo this year - by writing lore for my clan! I'm not aiming to get 50k words or a coherent original novel, but I really miss writing and my friend was considering doing nano this year, so I said I'LL DO IT TOO, but my goal is to just... write. It's gonna be lore snippets (both for my clan overall and for individual dragons), stuff for my Neopets, maybe some fanfic ideas that have been percolating - whatever comes to mind. Have some fun with it, y'know?
I already got a nice little prologue written about how Magpie (Fae, custom progen) and Veil (Mirror, random progen) meet, and gives a bit of a setting introduction. c:
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bellasdragons · 10 months
Got the final scroll early this morning, so.... NEW PAIR HYPE
Probably will price kiddos around 150k? Depends if they come out as awesome as expected. (side note, fr really needs to add a progeny generator for scries)
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bellasdragons · 7 months
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There was no reply to my trade thread, so I decided to scatter. Sometimes, the first try is good, actually.
Old look (left) >>> New look (right)
He's a G1 and I don't remember what he started as? but I gened and breed-changed him twice. :') Worth it though. He just needs a new name now!
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bellasdragons · 7 months
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Wildclaw Wednesday! Not listing all the names (half need names anyway), but please Perceive Them. <3
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bellasdragons · 7 months
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(Belated) Tundra Tuesday!
I... think this is all of them, with the exception of a few unfinished ones. Some are fancier than others - you can tell who is newer and who is older based on the apparel, haha
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bellasdragons · 4 months
Saw we were sharing progens? Mine are... kinda underwhelming. Magpie was my custom, and I still like his colors, but wish I'd done like. double Spring or something. That would have been fun. Can't bring myself to scatter him though. At least his Stone tert is matchy with Capsule! Veil was my random - Platinum/Sand/Gold is a pretty good roll, but at the time I was disappointed (she also wasn't a Tundra). But I grew to appreciate her. I think I would have changed them more if I hadn't bred them. Since now they won't "match" even though their kids are exalted and it doesn't even matter. I did breed them a second time for my 10th frversary, and lucked out on only one egg - it actually helped me figure out some lore stuff! Maybe I'll post it sometime.
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bellasdragons · 8 months
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lemon tree and cat and starry-spacey sky
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bellasdragons · 7 months
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(Belated) Mirror Monday!
Veil (random progen), Fiachra (adopted offspring), Croix (Soada Springs Clan "progen")
Mara (just very pretty), Joxar (you know him)
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bellasdragons · 8 months
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@christinaplaysflightrising the Very Pink Guy you traded me is finally gened! I've been so indecisive because I liked a lot of combos, but decided to go simple in the end. Now to just get (or make) a suitable accent!
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bellasdragons · 1 year
I don't know how to ask good questions about lore stuff, but considering the autumn equinox is approaching, can you share some about Equinox?
Also Flametta is pretty so I'd take a snippet about her, too, if you want!
(me either tbh ^^;)
I've had her 5ever and still adore her, though unfortunately I've stalled out on her lore.
Functionally, she's a memory-keeper dragon: there were a number of dragons that I didn't really want to exalt, but didn't really want to keep either, and absolutely didn't have the space for, so... I linked them from Equinox's page. And now that we have the hibden and so many lair slots available, I don't use her very much for that, but there's still an occasional dragon I'll add there that deserves a shout-out. :)
In-lore she's a rather reclusive individual; from a young age she could see... things, in her pearl. It naturally caused contention with her peers, who ostracized her. So she turned to watching the things, and with practice became able to discern individuals. One day she met Eurdolgrol, a Snapper who knew some things about some other things, and took Equinox under her wing, training her to use her power - the power to see into other planes of existence.
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Fiametta is a dream dragon of mine - she's an unbred 6-digit G1, and Fire was one of the flights I very much wanted (still want one of each, but I have my top 3 and then some, so... I'm content unless the prices drop (lol) or I like. win big at Roundsey's). Thankfully I got her before prices skyrocketed, since her colors would probably just add to that @__@
I'm not sure if she'll ever get integrated into my main lore, or just be a standalone character, but she's a performer (on her own? with a troupe? one her own joining up with various performers for a bit before going off again? wejustdon'tknow.gif) She does... I guess it'd be like rhythmic gymnastics, but instead of ribbons and such, it's fire and illusions. She's very talented! :)
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Thank you! <3
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bellasdragons · 1 year
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Since it's aromantic awareness day, here's a sketch of Arrow! She's the clan's resident apiarist and is, if it wasn't obvious from the previous sentance, aro! ^^~
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