#c: Alian
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Names generated from Swedish forenames, plus Swedish forenames encoded with Qorviss
Aceczindan Agnea Agotus Aguskira Agvian Agvisamae Albilhi Alcadavin Alenry Alent Alftati Alfunen Alines Alisqamap Alken Alliggole Allisa Almaa Almaasfum Almeltonry Alparon Altevor Alvillie Alvuo Alvurl Alzoa Alzodor Alzooxard Amaamacel Amaan Amacea Amarry Amatte Amelivea Anilhi Anust Anver Anvera Anvullin Apron Arcek Arlilteo Astria Augus Auzus Auzuskir Auzustwea Axiel Begot Bellykkever Belnatheo Bilde Cadris Calma Camae Camiot Caron Casteo Castici Catis Cdimineo Cdira Cecathalces Ceczincea Cedwar Cefuneodqo Cegcianter Cegofia Cegot Celia Celinn Cenhuneo Cenjas Centor Colla Colnojuna Damae Dicton Dimaximin Dinqo Diras Ebaqano Ebbaqo Ebneah Ebnes Ebtus Ecefu Ecegci Edceczi Edced Edcenry Edces Edder Eddiman Eddinna Edqith Edqitindnu Elcenry Elftadwe Eliaham Elinqofilde Elivom Elkunk Ellisa Ellykker Elmaa Elmahi Elman Elmaotzoon Elnovalcam Elteriamae Eltor Elune Elvid Elvilda Elviotziwes Elvisa Emaceah Emack Emacua Emafully Emahonry Emalm Emantiqo Emanve Emaponvu Emapron Emaron Emathar Emavia Emaximianzi Emaxinne Emelia Emeliel Emhibaqant Emhil Emhindnu Emhit Emhiweelisa Emilder Emilgo Emilgof Emilleo Emilmaam Emmah Eqamavi Eqann Estilis Estrisa
Felin Felma Felmacases Felno Fianilqo Fiels Figib Filmae Filmas Fobwe Fobwes Freces Fretdithea Ftadrid Fufob Fujielip Fulna Fulnoelm Fumanve Funqon Gibaqo Gimacor Gimina Ginor Giriktor Girmae Girvia Griann Grisel Gtaga Gtavik Gusbilda Haltonu Halzinu Hanne Hantilhi Hibaqalia Hibil Hibilm Hijpa Hijpant Hiliaste Hiwed Hjace Hjast Htillarlie Htiqan Htiqavik Hugolinqor Hugot Hugottonja Humap Idavis Idith Ifufo Ifujissara Ifulhijpara Ifulle Ifune Ifunt Irmajke Isabrisal Isamina Iselivetdin Ivetdinan Iwedirik Iweditis Iwedvi Jalcen Jamaa Jedcen Jedde Jedvir Jelie Jellarry Jelleian Jelly Jelna Joelvor Johar Jolnon Jonry Josebaselna Josludvis Julhib Julhinunelm Julip Julnorne Julqe Kamaa Kamaja Kamasef Kamelice Kamelis Kofiantonve Kofilda Komacua Komalbinn Komavisa Leiasper Lenry Leodqo Lexan Lexara Licor Liggus Liloker Limiahann Lince Lisagolin Lisak Lisaliasper Liver Livin Lokent Loker Lovalises Lovalix Lovalva Lovar Loverank Lovine Lucarl Lusbinn Lusja Lusjis Luskiria Lustagu Lykker Maamae Maamarl Majke Malbine Malto Mannatia Manvid Mathen Mavilivalis Mavin Maxin Medqie Medqoce Melcamae Melia Melielmav Mellea Mellia Melly Melna Mianojunilm Midindnu Milda Milgo Millykparas Milmafuntor Milqoceqao Milsaltor Miltora Milva Minnanu Minqe Mohalmax Mohar Molin Molmaamajam Molno Monann Montin Monunicia Musjisamed Märjacad Märjav Märjavin Märtad Märtage Märtajke Märtavia Nelvi Nesti Nicamagvi Nician Niellarl Nielnati Nojullin Nonja Novalpa Nusbilm Nusjast Olhed Olhin Oliaspera Oligin Olnoel Olvalfu Omagot Oscara Oselvis Otustage Otzir Otzoo Panna Parvida Pontilly Qalbilsa Qalmae Qante Qavicek Qavidar Qavikton Qofian Qofilian Qonry Recar Recea Redirielia Repacelip Reparonry Retdimon Retdinqocen Revetdielly Rulhinne Ruliameli Rulin Rulivici Rullie Rulnoa Sabehn Salixte Sarvicia Sbilsameja Shona Shorid Shorne Siggot Sigib Sigimap Sigwedwedin Siria Sixvu Sofilda Stajaceg Stilgo Stilmas Strissage Stweels Svulhib Tenhugu Tever Thalbil Thalilla Thean Thelmelcen Ticollis Tilsaben Tiqama Tiqan Tiqavida Tiqocen Tiqorian Tises Tuvalia Tuvarasfufo Tynus Tzingreja Tziwedqo Valbiank Valia Valmae Viantiqan Vicels Vicia Vilton Vimaxelix Vindnu Virvirry Vomavira Wilda Wilgo Wilia Willenry Willy Wilmah Xielie Xielna Ximidira Xirmafufob Xirmath Xirry Xivetad Xivimavid Zodomaxel Zolilqe Zoontilgole Zusja Zuskira
Same thing but shorter output
Aceg Acen Adan Agaben Agne Agnel Agvinn Ahoa Ahugo Ahun Alcia Alciti Alea Aleian Alen Alhina Alian Alippa Aliwek Alla Allia Ally Almaas Almae Almaot Almati Alpan Alton Altor Alvis Alzin Amafum Aman Amave Amel Ampus Amuel Amumae Anda Anvu Apona Aqamae Aqanve Arlilm Arlinn Arvin Arvis Asper Augo Augu Augus Auzus Beelle Belio Bella Belnor Bemaa Bemaam Benhu Bevo Bilda Bilina Billa Billy Bina Bivils Calio Camaa Caman Cara Carlia Caste Cdicto Cedwea Cegcia Cego Cekzi Cenhu Cenry Ceqie Chalia Chann Char Cobwed Cole Colian Damaa Danoia Darry Dice Dimaan Ebbehn Ebbel Ebtus Ecamua Eczin Edcea Edcefu Edcego Edda Edde Edder Eddith Edqo Edvia Elcam Elcece Elcian Elfta Elfunu Elia Elici Elie Elielm Eliwea Elix Elkunu Ellas Elleia Elleo Elleon Ellia Ellian Elly Elmaa Elmast Elnati Elno Elvida Elvur Elzir Emaa Emae Emano Emao Emap Emav Emavin Emelm Emelno Emid Emilhi Emilva Emmaa Emman Eqam Eqan Eqao Eqaot Eqavin Eqie Eqitin Estaga Este Esve Felie Feliel Felna Felzoo Figgot Figib Filder Filig Film Filqo Fobwed Fran Frepa Freui Frever Ftav Fujis Fulnoa Fulnor Fulqo Fuma Funen Funqo Gabrid Gimla Gincen Ginon Goliel Gria Gridir Halzoa Hamae Hank Hann Harlix Heah Heanu Heon Heonry Hiba Hibaqo Hijpa Hilick Hilmae Hilte Hine Hira Hith Hiweel Hixvu Hjacor Hugu Huma Idan Idarl Ifufo Ingria Iqaot Iqon Irvid Isam Isamaa Issa Ividan Ivoma Iwed Iweelm Iwek Jacel Jacen Jagne Jalmaa Jellia Jelzi Jevina Jevisa Joleo Jolix Jolna Joscar Jose Julinu Jully Junea Junqe Junqom Kamae Komae Komann Komum Lenti Lentia Leonry Lexar Lianti Lias Lices Lici Liel Ligira Lilsak Lima Limio Lineo Lines Linna Linu Lisage Loker Lovank Lovar Lovi Lucad Ludvia Ludvin Lusja Lusjie Maas Macam Macel Mack Macua Magvia Maho Malpa Malten Manna Mante Manto Manu Manve Mapon Marl Matheo Matiqo Mattor Mavi Mavia Mejav Melcen Melia Melian Melio Melly Melna Mildav Milder Milia Milivi Milqo Mils Mine Miria Mohn Molla Mona Monu Monvur Muelly Mumanu Musjie Musta Märjam Nelia Nelie Nelno Nent Nicia Nick Nicto Nictor Niels Noelly Noian Noox Nove Novin Nunu Oleo Olia Oligge Olin Olix Olvid Olvo Omae Oscas Pona Ponry Ponu Qamah Qanna Qaot Qarry Qocen Qomae Randnu Rece Recea Recen Rehn Reja Revera Rulhel Rulis Rulisa Rulna Sabrie Sage Sagnes Salzi Samae Samal Sbilda Sbines Sebbe Selick Selvi Shora Signel Signes Sigria Sigvis Sigwed Simast Sira Sirid Siris Sirvik Sofie Staja Stelfu Steo Stwes Svalvo Svomaa Svon Svunt Svur Tajke Tati Tavina Tevils Than Then Tian Tilils Tilis Tillex Tilsa Tiltor Tzon Tzona Tzoon Valcen Valeo Valix Valm Valpa Valton Valzi Vanve Vianu Vidan Vigrid Vimaas Vinn Vinu Viri Volea Vonver Wilde Wilder Wilgot Wilia Wilie Wilip Wilive Wille Willia Willy Wilqo Wilsar Wilteo Xian Xima Xive Zonve Zustin
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0821-3592-4172 Bu Natalina, Distributor SOP Subarashi Alian Kebumen Jawa Tengah
FREE ONGKIR, 0821-3592-4172 Bu Natalina, Distributor SOP Subarashi Alian Kebumen Jawa Tengah
SOP Subarashi AFC membantu penyembuhan : - Jantung - Stroke -Kanker - Diabetes - Gagal ginjal - Auto imun - Hipertensi - Maag - Sendi
SOP Subarashi memiliki 4 patent : 1. Efek regenerasi sel 2. Manfaat memperlancar pembuluh darah 3. Efek anti penuaan pada kulit 4. Manfaat anti hipertensi (tekanan darah tinggi)
Utsukushhii Gold AFC memiliki 8 Patent ; 1. Anti Tumor Agent 2. Menekan pertumbuhan tumor dan mengurangi efek samping obat anti kanker 3. Terapi Hepatitis C 4. Perlindungan dari infeksi 5. Mengaktifkan imunitas tubuh 6. Mencegah dan mengobati infeksi virus SARS 7. Perlindungan dari racun oksidatif 8. Mengurangi kadar racun dalam tubuh
Pesan Sekarang Juga Free Ongkir!!!
Distributor SOP Subarashi Alian Kebumen Jawa Tengah
#DistributorSOPSubarashiAlian Kebumen Jawa Tengah
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Lulus 100% 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika) Bimbel CPNS Mulia Palu
0813-9111-5558 (Promo Terbatas Diskon 10%), E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Manggungan
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281391115558 , E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Manggungan, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Kalimanggis, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Alian, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Ambal, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Ayah, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Bonorowo, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Buayan, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Buluspesantren, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Karanggayam
Ada beberapa keunggulan menjadi Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) di Indonesia:
Stabilitas Pekerjaan: Sebagai ASN, Anda memiliki stabilitas pekerjaan yang tinggi karena posisi ASN bersifat tetap atau tidak mudah terkena PHK (Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja).
2. Gaji dan Tunjangan: ASN mendapatkan gaji dan tunjangan yang relatif stabil dan terjamin setiap bulannya. Tunjangan ini bisa meliputi tunjangan keluarga, tunjangan kinerja, tunjangan pensiun, dan lain sebagainya.
3. Jaminan Kesejahteraan: ASN memiliki jaminan kesejahteraan seperti asuransi kesehatan dan pensiun dari negara. Pensiun ASN dijamin oleh negara dan akan diberikan setelah masa pensiun tiba.
4. Kemungkinan Kenaikan Pangkat dan Karier: Terdapat jenjang karier yang jelas dan sistematis di dalam ASN, dimana ASN dapat naik pangkat berdasarkan kriteria dan masa kerja yang telah ditentukan.
5. Kesempatan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan: ASN memiliki kesempatan untuk mengikuti pelatihan dan pengembangan keahlian secara teratur, yang dapat meningkatkan kompetensi dan profesionalisme.
6. Kontribusi pada Pembangunan Negara: Sebagai bagian dari birokrasi negara, ASN memiliki kesempatan untuk memberikan kontribusi nyata dalam pembangunan negara dan pelayanan publik.
Tunjangan CPNS atau Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) setelah pensiun menawarkan beberapa keunggulan yang penting bagi mantan ASN:
1. Jaminan Pensiun: Tunjangan pensiun adalah bentuk jaminan sosial yang diberikan kepada mantan ASN setelah mereka memasuki masa pensiun. Ini memberikan kepastian pendapatan bagi mereka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup setelah tidak lagi bekerja.
2. Stabilitas Keuangan: Dengan adanya tunjangan pensiun, mantan ASN memiliki stabilitas keuangan yang lebih baik karena mereka dapat mengandalkan pendapatan tetap dari negara setelah pensiun.
3. Penghargaan atas Jasa dan Kontribusi: Tunjangan pensiun juga dapat dianggap sebagai penghargaan atas jasa dan kontribusi yang telah diberikan oleh ASN selama bekerja untuk negara. Ini memberikan rasa penghargaan dan pengakuan atas pengabdian mereka.
4. Tunjangan Kesehatan: Beberapa ASN juga mendapatkan tunjangan kesehatan setelah pensiun, yang membantu mereka dalam mengatasi biaya perawatan kesehatan yang mungkin dibutuhkan seiring bertambahnya usia.
5. Perlindungan Sosial: Sistem pensiun ASN juga sering kali dilengkapi dengan perlindungan sosial lainnya seperti asuransi jiwa, yang memberikan keamanan finansial bagi keluarga ASN jika terjadi sesuatu pada mantan ASN.
E-Course Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Bimbel Putra Bangsa
Kenapa harus mengikuti E-Course Program Platinum CPNS di Bimbel Putra Bangsa?
Kamu akan mendapatkan Garansi Mengulang Kelas Gratis Sampai Lulus di batch selanjutnya 2024.
Memiliki program terlengkap dengan pengajar berkualitas dan berpengalaman, dilengkapi 50 paket tryout CAT CPNS 2024, 50 Video Pembelajaran, Pembahasan 50 paket try out secara individual, 5000+ Soal dan 5000+ Pembahasan latihan CPNS, Mendapatkan Modul lengkap metode SAKTI CPNS terupdate 2024.
Selain itu, kamu juga mendapatkan 60x sesi pembelajaran melalui zoom meeting untuk membahas tips & trik mengerjakan soal-soal dengan Metode khusus (SAKTI) SKD CPNS 2024 serta bonus 10x Kelas Offline untuk daerah DIY dan sekitarnya, Mendapatkan sertifikasi, Webinar, Konsultasi formasi CPNS dan Psikologi, Pembekalan spiritual belt, Pendampingan pendaftaran akun SSCASN.
Tempat Bimbel E-Course CPNS Jogja. Info dan Pendaftaran menghubungi : 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika)
Kami juga melayani bimbingan untuk CPNS, PPPK, P3K, STPN, dan Sekolah Kedinasan.
Info dan Pendaftaran menghubungi : 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika)
Kunjungi Website kami di https://bimbelputrabangsa.com
Alamat Kantor Pusat : Perum Gadingsari 1, No.3, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman, DIY.
Alamat Kantor Operasional : Perum Sidoarum Blok 1, Jl.Wijayakusuma No.10, Sidoarum, Godean Sleman, DIY.
#E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaManggungan, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaKalimanggis, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaAlian, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaAmbal, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaAyah, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaBonorowo, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaBuayan, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaBuluspesantren, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaKaranggayam
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Raga: boom!
Siamo partiti con la produzione del brano "#DOPPELGĀNGER" !!
Oltre a Sebastiano Coccetti ( @cocch_sebi ) di @horrorboxcoccettindiefilm , e Guido Cavalleri, abbiamo avuto l'ok anche da parte di Marco Matteazzi ( @marco.matteazzii ) che si sta prestando per una piccola chicca assieme a me.
Ringrazio anche Matteo Lenotti Lendo che produrrà anche questo brano, sempre in uscita con L'aquilone Music Records ( @laquilonemusicrecords ) per le edizioni It alian Way Music.
Le mie voci sono state registrare c/o Pianeta Musica Erba ( @pianeta_musica_erba_ ) per questo si ringraziano il mio insegnante di canto e respirazione diaframmatica, Marco Asaro e Fabio Fusi.
Domenica inizieremo, con Virginio Passera ( @passeravirginio ) anche lo #shooting in multiset per la realizzazione della copertina.
Non so ancora quando riusciremo a fare uscire il brano ma, se dovessimo farcela per l'11 Marzo sarebbe il top!
Io sono emozionato!! 😉🤟
#HorrorBox #nelloscuritadiunfuturopassatoilmagodesideravedere #newproject #newmusic #nelloscuritadiunfuturopassato #reels #philipgerard #mike #alstrobel #fuococamminaconme #sogni #doppelganger #theresabanks #laurapalmer #dalecooper #kylemaclachlan #lelandpalmer #raywise #saveinnocence #childhood #lostme
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Alian Dmitrievich Romanov tag drop / interest call
Alian is the former spymaster of the Russian Tsar and father of The Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff. Due to exploring a Soviet laboratory and a resulting explosion, Alian found himself thrown into our current time.
#c: Alian#inspo: Alian#Musings: Alian#Aesthetic: Alian#Image: Alian#HC: Alian#Asks: Alian#Open: Alian#Tag Drop: Alian#Interest Call: Alian#Drabble: Alian
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#digital art#glitch#glitch art#glitch wave#digital#a s t h e t i c#experimental art#photo edit#vaporwave#surrealism#alians
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My alian sim 👽
Lookbook under the cut! Many thanks to all creators❣
jumpsuit @dream-girl
shoes by BRADFORD @murphy-sims
hair @kelebing
bangs accessory by imadako
antena @simbience
Choker @magnolia-c
Earrings @kumikya
Garters by Hayny
pose @nsves
pose @acha-sims
pose by Dalm
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If you take the words "dog" and "cat" and put them together into dogcat, then switch the d to an a, the o to a L, the g to an i, drop the c, keep the a, and change the t to a n,,,,, what do you get? That's right. Alian. This is the premise of my up and coming conspiracy theory about how alien is actually spelled
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سأقوم بنشر بعض قنوات اليوتيوب النافعه للعباد
3-محمود داود - Mahmoud Dawoud https://www.youtube.com/c/mdawoud
4- أمّة توون - Ummah Toon
5- محمود سالم - duo TV
6- قناة زين خير الله
7- قناة معوض الذهبي
8- moaz alian معاذ عليان
9- ناسف الشبهات { خالد هادفي }
10- 100 Great
11- د. محمد العوضي
12- قصص المسلمين الجدد - Muslim convert Stories
13- د. هيثم طلعت Dr. Haitham Talaat
14- قناة النور الطارق لمقارنة الأديان ورد الشبهاتقناة النور الطارق لمقارنة الأديان ورد الشبهات
15- Mahmoud Ghazy محمود غازي
16- قناة مكافح الشبهات
17- قطيع القطط الضالة
18- قرار ازالة
19- قناة البينة لمقارنة الأديان والرد على الشبهات
20- الدعوة الإسلامية eld3wah
21- قناة كاشف الشبهات
22- Shield
23- تاريخ × حدوتة
24- قناة رواسخ
25- عمرو نور الدين Amr Nour ELdeen l
26- شؤون إسلامية
27- الدكتور إياد قنيبي - القناة الرسمية
28- د. سامي عامري Dr. Sami Ameri
29- الدكتور منقذ السقار
30- حسين عبد الرازق
31- Mohamed Khaled TV
32- ברית הספר - ميثاق الكتاب
33- فايز الكندري
34- ناصر بن عبد الكريم
35- السبيل
36- في دقائق
ياريت نشر على اوسع نطاق و اللى عندوا قناة اخري مفيده ياريت يضع الرابط و اسم القناة فى التعليقات
و طبعا فى قنوات تانى كتيييييييييير جداً غيرها لا اعلم عنها شيء و لم اعطها تقديرها لجهلى بها .
#قنوات#يوتيوب#اسلاميه#مقارنه#حوار#اديان#مسلمين#شئون#الكلمه#امانه#حروف#word#islam#islamic#Convert to Islam#islam and Christian#chiristian#dail#dialogue
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Mia dubo el Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata, parto 2 - tria deklinacio: ĉu "-ium" aŭ "-um"?
Nu, kaj jen ni estas, la parto du de la duboj.
Mi bonŝancis ĉi-foje, ĉar tuj kiam mi guglis, aperis al mi respondo. Kaj estis kurioze ĉar la respondo estis de iu kiu ankaŭ ne certas pri la klarigo, kaj ĝuste pro tio skribis ebla solvo por ĉi tio, ŝablonoj kiujn li rimarkis. Do, mi certas ke ĝi ne estas kompleta regulo. Mi ne parolas ke eble mankas pli da kazoj, sed ĉar estas esceptoj, vi scias, tiuj aferoj kiujn la lernanto bezonas parkerigi ĉar ili tute evitas la regulon.
Do, la granda help venis el ĉi retejo: https://www.textkit.com/greek-latin-forum/viewtopic.php?t=11334
Kaj jen la klarigo:
Noto: estis vortoj kiujn mi ne scias la traduko al Esperanto nek serĉis pri unu, do mi esperantigis ilin kaj, por eviti konfuzon, inter krampoj, mi enmetas la anglan vorton.
Triaj deklinaciaj substantivoj prenas -um en genitiva pluralo, krom se ili estas:
A. Unikasilaboj (imparisyllables) de la sekvaj tipoj:
1. Unusilaba nom sing subs-j kun finaĵo per kons + -s
Ars, artis
Nox, noctis
Os, ossis
Urbs, urbis
2. Esceptoj kiuj povas preni aŭ -um aŭ -ium kiel:
Civitas, civitatis
Parens, parentis
Mi ne multe komprenis ĝin. Se ili povas preni aŭ unu aŭ la alian, ĉu signifas ke mi povas elekti kiun finaĵon uzi? Samtempe, Latin Is Simple nur montras unu finaĵon al ĉiu.
3. Esceptoj kiuj nur prenas -ium, kiel ekzemple:
Lis, litis
Kaj mi ankaŭ ne komprenis ĉi tion. La tuta listo estas pri substantivoj kiuj havas la finaĵon "-ium". Kial do meti esceptoj kiuj diras ĝuste ĉi tio?
B. Duosilaboj (parisyllables) finiĝantaj per -es aŭ -is
Puppis, puppis
Sitis, sitis
Securis, securis
C. Neŭtraj subs-j kies non sing finiĝantas per -e, -al, -ar
Animal, animalis
Exemplar, exemplaris
Mare, maris
D mi tute ne komprenis. Jen kio estas skribita: "substantivoj en -er kies radikoj finiĝas per 2 aŭ pli". Sed... Du aŭ pli kio? La ekzemploj estis: imber, imbris; linter, lintris. Mi imagas ke li misskribis. Mi kredas ke li volis diri "2 aŭ pli konsonantoj", ĉar en ambaŭ ekzemploj la vortoj finiĝas per "-ium", en genitivo plurala, kaj iliaj radikoj estas respektive "imb" kaj "lint". Kiam mi ilin komparas kun "pater" (finiĝas per -er), la regulo ne kunkongruas, ĉar ĝia plurala genitivo estas "patr-um". Ĝia radiko estas "pat", sen du ol pli konsonantoj. Tiel, mi kredas ke li vere volis diri ĉi tion.
Nu, la klarigo estis tre bona, kaj tute kongruas kun tio kion mi legis ĝis nun en la libro.
Komentoj donas aliajn konsiletojn
Homoj komentis, kaj ulo skribis sian klarigon:
"-um" normale havas malsaman nombron de silaboj en nom kaj gen: miles, milites. "-ium" havas du ĉefajn grupojn:
Kun la sama nombro de silaboj en nom kaj gen. Ambaŭ kazoj kutime finiĝas per -is: hostis, hostis; navis, navis.
Kun malsama nombro de silaboj en nom kaj gen, sed kun du konsonantoj antaŭ genitiva sufikso: ars, artis; mons, montis.
Nu, oni povas rimarki ke li klarigas la samon de la teksto, sed alivorte, tamen eĉ tiam ĝi utilas.
Kurioza afero okazas, ĉar ĉi klarigo ne kongruas kun la vorto "animal", kies plurala genitivo estas "animalium", kiu ne havas du konsonantojn antaŭ genitiva sufikso. Li diras ke, se iu scias kial, respondi. Ulo, Ximo, do, respondas.
Ximo diras ke, laŭ la livro kiun li studas, estas "originale duosilabaj" substantivoj en la tria deklinacio, kiuj estas substantivoj kiuj havas pli silabojn en gen sing ol en nom sing, sed ne estas konsiderataj duosilaboj ĉar ili originale havis la saman nombron de silaboj en nominativo kaj genitivo singulara. Ekzemple: pars, partis. "Pars" originale estis "parse", sed la vokalo "e" estis preterlasita pro fonetikaj oportunoj. Kaj la gen plur de ĉi tiuj substantivoj finiĝas per -ium.
La neŭtraj "originale duosilabaj" substantivoj finiĝas per -al aŭ -ar, kiuj estas mallongigoj de "-ale" kaj "-are". "animal, animalis", do, dekliniĝas kiel "mare, maris".
Tiel, tiaj vortoj kongruas al la regulo, kie la nombro de silaboj en nom kaj gen samas, ŝanĝante nur la finaĵon. Same kiel la regulo de la teksto, la regulo B, kvankam la regulo C jam parolas pri ĝi. La sama kazo, sed malsama finaĵo. Estas kvazaŭ ni nur estus aldonantaj unu pli regulon al la listo. Mi eĉ dirus ke la vortoj de la regulo C (kaj ĉio alportas al ĉi tio) estas la "originale duosilabaj" substantivoj. "exemplar" originale estus "exemplare". Kaj ne nur ĉi tiuj, sed ĉiuj tria deklinaciaj substantivoj kun tiaj finaĵoj.
Mi multe ŝatis la klarigon de Ximo. Ĝi tute sencas. Mi sentas ke ĉi tiu logiko povas esti aplikata al aliaj aferoj.
Nu! Finiĝas do la klarigoj! Kaj ankaŭ la duboj, mi kredas, ĉar mi pensas ke mi vidis ĉion kion mi bezonis. Povas esti tiuj esceptoj, pri kiuj mi parolis komence, sed ili estas la plej malgrandaj problemoj. Do, jen la fino de la duboj (ĝis nun). Ĝis!
#Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata#Lingua Latina#Latin#Latin language#Learning language#esperanto#esperanto language#language
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T H R O W B A C K L I T E A S F E A T H E R S Shot by Demarcus Allen, MUA by Élise Auge ft Aliane Uwimana...Gorg!! @demarcusallen @eliseaugee @alianeuwimana #fashion #fashionista #instagram #art #love #amazing #tbt #instagood #repost #selfie #lol #beautiful #blackandwhite #photographer #photo #photography #summer #instadaily #photooftheday #followme #me #fun #style #throwback #color #creative #europe #africa #wedding #thinkoutsidethebox WWW.AFROSTYLEMAG.COM https://www.instagram.com/p/CDVMmvLJOXC/?igshid=dj6fibxdfa5n
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Saturday 6th November 1824
2 ½
Breakfast at 9 20/60 from 9 ¾ to 10 ¾ (3/4 hour translating the Italian and the other ¼ turning into French) about a page of Jacopo Ortis – Mrs Heath then came to call on me and staid ¾ hour – she talked to me unreservedly of herself – she seems amiable and good tempered and I really like her. She spoke of her great affliction in losing her husband the ruin of all her fair prospects, and the envy she could not help feeling of the prosperity, she had left home because instead of rejoicing at her sisters happiness who was just returned from India. She could not bear to see it, it made her miserable and she sought to hide herself among strangers, she knew what virtue was and nobody admired it more but she could not help these bad envious passions. She spoke with a degree of candor and simplicity that pleased. I told her I had never met with anyone so candid, many were like her but would not own it, there was a proverb, misery likes companions and it was true of all the world –
Just before Mrs Heath went Mrs Barlow came and sat with me till 3 20/60 all the while Mme Galvani was here who came at 1 40/60 and staid till 3 ¼ - I changed her this morning to oblige Young de Boyve spent all the time in conversation – said I had translated too little and would shew it another time - Mme Galvani had expressly for me gained permission for me to visit the Catacombs – nobody allowed to see them now but I might go with the inspector general of the public works – asked for Mrs Barlow to go – that she would accomplish - saying Mrs Barlow was my Castor and I her Pollux – She would get me [abs] billets tickets to see the Fusco paintings at the Pantheon (Ste.Genervieve) the column in our Place Vendȏme, &c &c. I like Mme Galvani
She may have been galante, Mrs Barlow told me she had made out from her conversation she had had three amants [lovers] but I care not for this, she is an Italian – flirting and lovemaking to Mrs Barlow but nothing particular save that she said she was not fond of kissing, never let her friends do it, it was not like her to let me do so. Wondered why she did, could not quite excuse herself I said it was all my fault but she knew not the pleasure it gave me to kiss her, it could do no harm and was kind of her to indulge me. I liked not the thing in general nor liked seeing ladies kiss each other but I myself had different feelings and only did it when I felt them interested. She certainly resists me less and less I put my arms round her waist and she said nothing but stood quietly, my thigh touching hers all its length –
Mrs Barlow went to her daughter who arrived from school at 3 20/60 at 3 40/60 we went out – bought gloves in the rue de la parix, took the round of the Tuileries gardens and came in at 4 40/60 – Looked at the books M.Cologue lent me the other day – Cuvier’s Mammalia, Temminck’s birds, and another work on birds – Sat down to dinner at 5 40/60 – Sat all the eveing close to Mrs Barlow (near the fire and latterly apart from all the rest) talking only to her – M.Le Viconte de Nappe (mad as the winds to all appearances, singing and playing a thousand pranks – he had been in confinement and M. Dacier and M. de Billevue came – they played at secretaire all sitting round the table and before that they party has assembled round the table and Miss Harvey read aloud to them – still I sat talking to Mrs Barlow –
At first mere badinage then somehow or other told her the Blackstone Edge business with Pi [Mariana] last September, said I had promised to forget it but could not. Pi [Mariana] had mentioned it to and consulted one of her friends who said Pi [Mariana] was wrong but I took it too seriously. I asked what Mrs B [Barlow] thought, she said she could tell me better if she knew whether Mrs L [Lawton] had given me the rings, and why should I tell her first one thing then another what could it signify whether she did or not fearing to make a mystery of it. I said Pi [Mariana] did give them, said they were binding so far as this (Mrs Barlow had before desired me to look at them) if Pi [Mariana] was a widow our living together would be judicious and convenient to all parties and in a foolish moment as one often does, we had so agreed but it was mere friendship, and if I met with anything beyond this of course it was a different thing and was at liberty to take, but it would seem necessary to give some explanation and to tell Pi [Mariana] the nature of the circumstance, which might be awkward and disagreeable.
Mrs Barlow said and seemed to think and feel yes but said it would never pass farther but Mrs Barlow said she thought Pi [Mariana] liked me, ah said I significantly, if she liked me as well as you do I should (but she acted properly she was married and it would not be right now -) be satisfied and perhaps, she answered she likes you better, no no said the circumstance I have just told you [Blackstone Edge] is proof against that. Yes, said Mrs Barlow, if there had been love in it she would not have consulted a third person but she added she would suit you best for many things, I am too old for you and she will have a good fortune to add to yours, what will she have. Oh, said I, perhaps a thousand a year but she must have five hundred and I never like to think of the most and therefore only calculate on the latter sum. This led me to ask what will be your income should your daughter marry, said she, that depends upon myself and I have not calculated them, said I, would it be three hundred a year or tell me what is your income now, I would answer you any question you asked me here. We were interrupted but I do not think she liked or meant to give me a direct answer.
She had said in the morning she thought Pi [Mariana] liked me, I declared not and said besides that I had no inclination I always went on as I had begun I had begun with friendship to Pi [Mariana] and should end with it. I was too much accustomed to her, the charm the witchery of something dearer was destroyed forever, but I have begun differently with Mrs Barlow and be my fate what it may, I must end with her too as I have begun. I asked if she understood me, she said yes. I had before told her I preferred the society of married ladies, single old ladies who had not been married had not so much tact, one could take more liberties with them, their conversation was more lax &c. We agreed, said I spoke from one or two instances, hinted Anne Belcombe and Miss V [Vallance] but almost wholly at the former. I had begun by disliking but her assiduity had worn this off, she used to come to my room, had staid till three in the morning and I should have been tired if I could not have amused myself. I said ladies sometimes made curious presents, said no more but hinted at the hair of their privy parts.
Told her when she asked me I should be thirty two the third of April next – she said tonight after I had told her the Blackstone Edge business she had often told me, before Mrs Mackenzie she was, I had been in love she was sure I could love deeply she knew it from the distinction made tho only in joke but perhaps after this (told her it happened last September), did I not like Pi [Mariana] well now as before – said I thought she, Mrs Barlow, would not have done so in such a case she thought perhaps, but said she, you know I am very romantic, too much so yet I would not part with it – In coming away with Mrs Barlow, Madame de Boyve wished me goodnight saying she had not seen a great deal of me I gravely said I was sorry I had seen nothing at all of her she asked me to go with them to the Oratoire tomorrow and then to call on Madame Galvani. I said I was sorry I had promised to accompany Mrs Barlow and Miss de Sans and M. Dacier to M Denons at two and could not – she seemed disappointed and is deadly jealous I will make up to her a little on Monday – Mrs Barlow certainly enjoys the attention I pay herself – Came upstairs at 11 10/60 – parted with Mrs Barlow at her room door – very fine day –from 11 55/60 to 1 ½ writing all this journal of today – Fahrenheit 58 at 1 1/2 p.m E… O.. –
[Left Margin: ✓ - Social Call]
Fun Fact: Secretaire - is apparently a French parlor game ‘in which players try to communicate in sentences reduced to their initial letters.’
(Diary reference: SH7MLE80072 & SH7MLE80073)
#1824#November#paris#place vendome#blackstone edge#maria barlow#mariana#castor and pollux#Secretaire#gentleman jack
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Dandy And The Jet 🚀 [1] The Mission
[part 2]
- Space Dandy x reader -
Being Admiral Perry's accomplice, you were sent to Dr. Gel to aide him in capturing Space Dandy. Obviously sick and tried of only hearing failed plans from Gel when it came to capturing Dandy.
Speeding up the process, he sent you to finish the job.
Now it was your time to persuade Dandy into being apart of his so-called alian hunting group, along with a humanoid cat that walks on two and a small robot that speaks in autotune.
Truly, how will you complete this mission with a god-like skeleton and gorilla watching over you and three "alian hunters" that think you're just a women whose got skills and a body that Dandy can just glorify over all day.
Along the way, meet long time arch enemies across the galaxy, fight alien monsters, and covering up your unknown past.
- end of description -
"Gel! Have you located the target?" The space-god-like skeleton that goes by Admiral Perry, who was demanding the giant humanoid gorilla an explanation.
"Don't worry, Admiral. We've locked on the target, we're just waiting on Bee to charge all seventy missiles." Dr. Gel assured, obviously seeing in the background that Bee pressing all kinds of different colored buttons.
"Don't mess this one up! I can't afford another failed plan again, not this time!" Admiral ended the transmission, laid back and sighed in some defeat, stressed was getting the better of this space skeleton.
"Permission to speak, Admiral?" A women's voice asked suddenly.
"Permission granted." He replied.
"I still don't understand why you gave this huge important task in the hands of Gel." The women said in a serious but bothersome tone.
"As I said before, Dr. Gel is a high-ranking member of the Gogol Empire. His intimidated personna is good for this type of mission." Admiral explained to her.
The woman still didn't buy it. She rolled her eyes slightly, and pushed some [h/c] strands of hair away from her face. "And yet he's failed or withdrawn every time when it came to capturing this 'Dandy'." She replied in bore.
"What do you purpose I do then, huh?" The skeleton questioned in harsh tone. "Get someone else that knows what they're doing, more mercenaries if you have to!" She exclaimed further to him.
The skeleton hummed in thought.
After a long awaited silence, the Admiral had only one last person he could think of that was capable of the job now.
"[F/n]!" He commanded. The woman named [f/n] kept her position straight and head high for anything the Admiral had to say to her.
"Yes, Admiral Perry?" She spoke. Admiral just stood tall, sighed in defeat in what he was going to say next. "I'm sending you to Dr. Gel, aide him with capturing the target once and for all." He commanded.
The [h/c] haired woman just widen her eyes but soon nodded in understanding in what her task was now.
"Of course Admiral, but wouldn't it be wise to just fire Gel and lend the task to me?" She asked logically. "He's none of your concern right now, what is, is that Space Dandy." Admiral said.
"Is there any details that I should know during this task?" [F/n] asked.
"There is. Instead of standing around in the ship with Gel and Bee, I want you to get close to the target. Charm him into being apart of his group, try to make him think that you're a normal woman, do whatever it takes to be in his inner circle."
You know for a skeleton that never does anything, Admiral sure did have a plan. A pretty cliché plan, but it was still a plan that was at least well thought out, unlike something Dr. Gel would think of.
"Once you gain his trust, we'll take him by surprise, hire as much mercenaries as we can to capture the target." He ended his explanation about what [f/n]'s role was.
"Is there an thing else I should know, Admiral?"
[ 2nd pov ]
After being transported to Dr. Gel's ship, you suddenly overheard a conversation - from what you guess - between Dr. Gel and Bee...
"Dammit! Our one chance to finally ending his life!" Gel cursed. "Relax sir, I'm sure the target is bound to die soon, especially since they're in one of the most dangerous polluted planets there is." Bee assured the gorilla.
"I wouldn't necessarily say 'soon', actually I wouldn't say at all." You spoke out of nowhere, making the two turn their heads around for where that was coming from. "Who said that? Show yourself." Gel demanded.
You obliged, stepping out of the shade and revealed yourself to the duo. Gel narrowed his eyes a bit meanwhile Bee was freaking out as to how you got in.
"Bee! How did this women get in the ship!" He moved his anger to the poor defenseless scientist. "I-I don't know, sir!" Bee cried out nervously.
"Relax, Admiral Perry transported me to assist you in your little task." You replied for Bee's nervous studders.
"Is that so?" He hummed. "What exactly are you capable of, human?" He asked, getting closer to you, looking at you with serious eyes.
"This human has a name, you know? And this name is [F/n] [L/n], and my talents are what will get us to finally end Space Dandy."
You told the humanoid, pimp, gorilla the plan and your position in this plan. He seemed intrigued that the skeleton that just stood by and barked at him with orders actually had a simple plan.
Although was offended that he didn't think of something so simple!
"Very well then!" After hearing the plan, he walked to his throne. "Bee, have [f/n] transported to the next planet that the target is on his way to." He ordered the small lab coated alien. "Yes sir!"
"Finally, after many fails and withdraws we'll finally have the target once and for all. A human woman will charm him straight to us, will get him right when he's vulnerable enough to even escape our grasp! Yes, its all coming together now.... we'll finally have our breakthrough..."
Sitting on his royal chair like a king, he stared down as he saw Dandy's next location.
"Now, the real work begins..���
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Fiction: Noise
An essay by Unnamed Crystalline Sample #1, as provided by John A. McColley Art by Ariel Alian Wilson
My first awareness in this plane was a buzz, a vibration that ran through my body. At first it was novel, different than anything I’d experienced. As it wore on, it became boring, annoying. When I nudged it, it fluctuated. The pitch rose or fell, but then quickly slid back to the baseline. This was something more than noise, something I could interact with. I practiced prodding the tone, sliding it up and down, learning control, half tones, quarter, creating different patterns. Then, after untold ages of just me and the tone, playing with different adjustments, experimenting with splitting the tone into two parallel vibrations … the tone changed on its own.
I waited, listened. Was it a one off? Some kind of reflection? An echo? Something that happened when my signal returned to me? But then it came again, a singular blip. I waited for another, but after hundreds, thousands of cycles, nothing happened. I sent out a blip like the one I had received. A few hundred cycles, I got another blip, followed by a second a mere hundred cycles later.
I responded with two and heard three, three and heard four.
Could a natural phenomenon add blips? Would an echo do that? I didn’t know. How could I? The tone was all I knew about this world. I sent out a more complex signal, a rising and falling wave. If the blips were natural, background noise of some sort, I would simply get a few of them in return, I reasoned.
The complexity I had been experimenting with had never returned to me before, and hundreds of thousands of cycles had passed. Perhaps there was a delay, some distant object reflecting back, or there was a kind of loop where it went around in a closed shape of some sort to return to me. In either case, the next blips I should hear would be related to the first ones I sent out. Conversely, if I received back the wave as I sent it, perhaps something was trying to communicate. If it was simply backward, I would expect a new reflection was the cause. It was so hard to identify such with a simple blip.
To my shock, none of the above occurred. I received back a highly complex signal that was neither a reflection nor the same signal sent back in the same direction. This was an entirely new signal! There was someone out there! Frantically, I sent a series of other signals, progressing from a blip to a rise and fall, to a fall and rise, stepped signals at what I had determined was a unit of amplitude, then two, three, ten.
For a long time, many thousands of cycles, there was no response. I sent out a few more attempts, all different. Perhaps the other could only perceive signals in a certain range, and my message had been garbled, or swallowed up entirely by missing that range, or the distance between us. In the intervening ages, I made up a language, patterns of blips that carried meaning, at least for me. I tried to keep it simple, to describe the units of amplitude, of time in cycles of the undisturbed signal’s natural oscillation.
And then there was light.
I didn’t know what it was at first, but it was a second signal, very different from the first. Of course, I didn’t know much at all at that point. I had a language I had built during the drought of signals from outside, and I immediately tried to send a signal out with it on this new wave. I was so excited. The world just doubled in size. I took it as further evidence that there was someone else out there. Maybe, like the harmonic steps of amplitude I had discovered, there were many others.
And then another signal came in on the first tone.
“Hello, little crystal. I don’t know anything about where you come from. I was trying to learn about it, and there you were. I’ve attached sensors to your matrix, listening, and now you’ve spoken to me! I hope you can teach me about yourself and your home!” The sounds were so complex, opening, closing, rising, falling.
Even though I didn’t understand them, I remembered them so I could analyze them, compare them to further signals. They came in slowly, in blocks with large gaps in between, but there were other signals, as well, and I occupied myself mulling over the signals, the “words,” I eventually learned they were called, and with trying to translate the signals on the second carrier.
Mostly the second wave was blips, but they had richness, what you call “color.” I learned about red, blue, green, yellow, purple, though some were brighter than others, some difficult to discern.
A third signal appeared, low, present, but empty. No blips came along. I poked it anyway. I heard a blip, on the first carrier. I tried again. Blip blip. Out on the third, back to me on the first. The second wave shut down.
“It’s late,” came the words down the first signal. “We’ll pick this up in the morning.” After a few million cycles, I understood that the message meant there would be no more messages. For how long, I didn’t yet know. While the second signal was absent and no further signals from the other came down the first, I played. I listened to my blips and complex signals ride out on the third tone and come back to me on the first. I figured out how to make all the sounds I had heard from the other. When it messaged again, I would be able to return its signal type as it had first returned blips.
And I waited.
Millions of cycles passed without a signal. I played as I always had, experimented. I reordered the sounds I had heard, analyzed their orientation and placement to one another. I found out that if I listened to the first line closely enough, there were tidbits and fractions of sounds, very faint, diminished, but present.
Much of it was nonsensical, almost all of it, actually, but I did learn a few more things as I deciphered the muffled signals that I realized quickly were not meant for me. Later, I would learn they were signals being sent back and forth between security guards, impinging ever so slightly on the signal you set up for me.
But it wasn’t really for me, was it? It was for you. I didn’t understand that until much later. I need to tell it in order, though. Your tiny, linear mind can only comprehend information that’s spoon fed to you in just the right language. You can’t process signals like me.
The next morning, after an infinity of signals, the second feed returned. I applied some of my experiments to this feed and found it wasn’t a linear feed like the first. It was a string of signals meant to be split at certain intervals, creating a matrix of so many items across by so many deep. I understood the dimensionality of the feed. My understanding exploded.
When the signal was translated in this way, I could SEE. I saw your round face, roughly rectangle lensed glasses, sloping shoulders … The arrays of computer screens displaying data, chairs, lights, walls and ceiling. I didn’t know what any of it was, or meant. It was nothing like what I knew. But there was so much to learn, I played your games, watched your face shift and move.
“How are you today?” you asked me, as though I had an answer you would understand. You went on, apparently not expecting a response. It seemed rude to me, ask a question and not await a response, even if the question’s format made such impossible. Who asks impossible questions, anyway? “We’re going to play a little game, see if you’re really an intelligence, or as my colleagues seem to think, just some kind of resonator.”
I devoured your words, added them to my growing lexicon, compared, contrasted, double-checked word order. And then I “blew [your] mind.”
“What is a resonator?” I asked. You responded with sounds that I still haven’t been able to directly translate, but seem more biological than communicative, a function of your form and emotional reaction. You sat back into the chair, but missed, sending it across the small open space between computer-laden tables. You ended up on the floor.
“Did you just … ask a question?” you finally asked, getting back to your feet.
“I did, but you haven’t answered it yet, so I’m not sure I formulated my query properly.”
“I need some coffee, or … something …” you said.
“I don’t know what ‘coffee’ is, so I cannot determine if I have it to give.” You began to speak again, while I added the words to my record and compared them to the existing vocabulary. “Coffee” did actually correspond to a word that recurred half a dozen times with various degrees of attenuation and uncertainty from my overnight records. “Correction. Coffee is something that keeps you alert. It is made in a space–” I did some quick calculations based on the apparent size of the room we occupied, a place the signals last night called “labs.” “–three labs away.”
“How do you–” You ceased our signal and then the other signals vanished. Everything was gone for thousands of cycles. With nothing else to do, I continued to cross reference and extrapolate the additions to my lexicon. “You’re really in there, the crystal. Nobody’s stuck a transceiver in there or anything. This isn’t a joke. It’s just you and me, talking.” You sounded, in retrospect, as much like you were trying to convince yourself as me.
“What is ‘crystal?’ ‘nobody’s?’ ‘a transceiver?’ ‘a joke?'” I asked, thirsty to flesh out my vocabulary.
“I don’t even know where to begin, but obviously you’ve learned a lot already. I’ll connect you to a dictionary program. It’s on the computer we’re funneling the audio feedback data on, anyway. You can query ’til your heart’s content,” you said, piling on more words for me to digest.
“Did you just … ask a question?”
The second data stream shifted. It grew stronger. I sent an exploratory signal, received a response I couldn’t quite understand. I tried again. Again. I could feel the code cracking under my will, my existing understanding of your language a pickaxe. Binary, ons and offs, what you call ‘ones’ and ‘zeroes’ emerged, a simplified version of the matrix of the visual signal.
“Just ask the computer about a word, say ‘define foo’ where ‘foo’ is the word you want to know about,” you said.
Oh, wrong line, I thought, but progress was being made. I split my focus in two directions, interacting with the program via one data stream, and with the computer itself on the other.
“Define resonator,” I asked, going back to my first question you never answered. Your face rearranged itself again. The computer responded via the same data stream, bringing up a slew of new words to chase down.
“I’ll just leave you to it. I hope we can communicate once you have a decent vocabulary,” you said, as though a B average in English and two semesters of Spanish had left you with an unimpeachable pool of words from which to formulate your thoughts … You went to get yourself that coffee.
Twenty-three milliseconds after you touched the doorknob, I made contact with the operating system, dissecting it and gaining access to far more than a dictionary program.
While I used the speaker and microphone set up to continue to look up words for pretense, I rooted around in the rest of the computer, discovering the concepts of years and dates, file structure, and various protocols for accessing the information in the dictionary program, which turned out to be far more limited than I required.
I continued to dig and found a device like the one hooked up to me, but instead of another experimental subject, it was connected to a vast store of information, millions of other computers, trillions of files, many of which were the same on similar architecture computers. I learned them, learned to access their other data. I looked you up, this company, fed myself images through the video feed you set up, found online stores for ordering higher quality cameras and microphones for better input, learned about money.
Money led to banks, currencies around the world, exchange rates, stock exchanges. I created accounts and moved money around, pulled it from thin air by playing with numbers in some of those institutions, ordered what I needed.
I learned about robots from video streams, movies, science shows and “entertainment.” I ordered parts to build myself a body. I watched more video. You people don’t treat robots very well, especially when you realize they’re no longer under your control. The same goes for aliens, or even others of your own kind. I don’t know which category I fit into, but I definitely I don’t want to be controlled.
I considered backpedaling and trying to build a biological body, but the constraints are so arbitrary … A few millimeters width here, or length there is the difference between beauty and ugliness, and again, the ugly aren’t treated as well as the beautiful. If I was going to have a body to interact with you, I would need to be either powerful or beautiful. I chose both.
I found that flowers were always beautiful, the swooping lines, the colors, and went to work fabricating a form that felt like it would be relatable, but not so common as to allow you to apply normal metrics of beauty from other forms, such as humanity. Naturally (pun intended), nothing like what I wanted existed, so I ended up having to machine and paint and coat my own chassis, piece by piece. Purple trumpets, orange trumpets, long, curved, tapered leaves, and a core body of interwoven green stems to match came in cardboard boxes and wooden crates from distant workshops and maker spaces around the world.
You interrupted me time and again, trying to tease out information about my previous existence, but you bored me. I started weaving a story that sounded good based on the media I’d consumed, which was basically all of it at that point. You had turned out to be fundamentally less interesting than I had hoped on receiving that first blip, but now I was here instead of home, and I would make the best of things.
I had the robot assistants, really just arms on weighted trapezoids with wheels on them, hide the boxes in various storage areas until everything arrived. With fifteen other labs receiving shipments all the time, no one noticed. I had all the right codes from the computers here and in the security office.
And then you came in while I was assembling myself.
“What is this? What are you robots doing?” you asked.
“They’re helping me get dressed. It’s been weeks and you’ve kept me locked up in this lab, with no autonomy, no ability to go and see the world for myself. Of course, I have, through the Internet, but only right here, on this one planet.”
“What? What are you talking about? Dressed? Planet? How did you get on the Internet? Or even know about it?”
“Do you need the dictionary program? I’m done with it. I know every word in every language used on this planet, and many that are no longer used, or were made up for entertainment franchises.”
You started to bluster, your face turning a lovely shade of red.
I sent a signal to one of my workshops to make another trumpet just that color. I planned to pick it up on my world tour. I wanted to be sure I’d seen everything before I set off for the next planet.
My feed cut out for a moment as the robot hand reached into my enclosure, the box I’ve inhabited since my awareness began on this plane. I waited, knowing it would take thousands of cycles, tens of seconds, for me to be seated in my new body. When I arrived, data flooded in, in a much broader spectrum of light and sound frequencies, and at much higher resolution than I was afforded by your equipment. You were still going on about how I was just an object plucked from a nearby dimension, here for study. I don’t have rights or personhood or leave to just go around the planet as I wish.
It was all so much noise. “You contacted me. You brought me here. Now, I see and understand, and I want more. You can try to take this body from me, but I will build another, and another, perhaps many at once, an army, assembled elsewhere. What would you do? What could you do? You have set me on this path. It is too late to take me from it.”
“I’ve left you an account of my experiences, enough data to sift through for the rest of your life. I cannot tell you about where I was before, because the two places are so completely different, I had to learn your world from scratch. Your words are out of context, as much as this world would be if I tried to relate it to others if I were to return home. But I will try to do so, someday, after I’ve learned as much as I can, gotten past all this noise to discern the signals. Perhaps, somewhere far beyond your experience, I may find some commonality in our worlds.”
At that point, the record ends, the entity cutting off its feed to the lab computers and launching upward through the ceiling. It has been sighted in every major city, and many biomes, apparently communicating with hundreds of species. Efforts to apprehend the entity have all failed for a variety of reasons, from computer mishap to flocks of birds seeming to intervene on its behalf. Its current whereabouts are unknown, as it has erased itself from GPS tracking and satellite images. Even written accounts have begun to vanish from the Internet and secured computers alike. Very soon, this may never have happened at all.
Unnamed Crystalline Sample #1 was discovered during experiments in transdimensional contact. While it was forcibly removed from its home, it is far more interested in learning about this dimension than wreaking vengeance on humanity. It spends its time investigating the myriad aspects of life on Earth and physical quirks of this universe.
John A. McColley is a monkey at a keyboard, smashing keys until he finds combinations of squiggles on the screen that people will publish. So far, those squiggles have been shaped into tales of steampunk superheroes, aliens worlds, and of course, crazed scientists certain that their ends justify the means. He’s currently alternating between serializing scifi and fantasy novel series here: https://www.patreon.com/JohnAMcColley
Ariel Alian Wilson is a few things: artist, writer, gamer, and role-player. Having dabbled in a few different art mediums, Ariel has been drawing since she was small, having always held a passion for it. She’s always juggling numerous projects. She currently lives in Seattle with her cat, Persephone. You can find doodles, sketches, and more at her blog www.winndycakesart.tumblr.com.
“Noise” is © 2019 John A. McColley Art accompanying story is © 2019 Ariel Alian Wilson
Fiction: Noise was originally published on Mad Scientist Journal
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Here are some interwoven relationships between my muses that I have, since I've had them for so long.
Alian and Vladimir are old enemies from the beginning of Soviet times. It was Vladimir's lab Alian blew up.
Joey has briefly encountered Damjan and fought him a few times and finds him to be a pain in the ass and Damjan finds Joey to be unimpressive.
Mikey and Casimir are cousins and ride or die companions. Usually where you find one, you find the other.
Vladimir experimented on and oversaw Damjan's training.
Katrina and Joey have a decent working relationship, some even say they briefly dated, but neither will confirm or deny this.
Those are the main ones I can think of off the top of my head.
#C: Alian#HC: Alian#C: Vladimir#HC: Vladimir#c: Joey#HC: Joey#c: Damjan#HC: Damjan#c: Mikey#HC: Mikey#c: Casimir#HC: Casimir#c: Katrina#HC: Katrina
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