#c w leadbeater
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fuzzysparrow · 2 years ago
The Pioneer of Abstract Art
Tate Modern is currently exploring the works of two groundbreaking artists, Piet Mondrian (1872-1944) and Hilma af Klint (1862-1944). The exhibition, subtitled Forms of Life, which runs until 3rd September 2023, displays the works of two artists who never met yet inspired each other. Mondrian is the better-known of the two artists. Even those who do not know his name will recognise his iconic…
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local-boob · 1 year ago
my alternative title: Rainbow Castle
source: Project Gutenberg via Wikipedia ("egregore" article)
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Thought-form of the Music of Gounod, according to Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater in Thought Forms (1901).
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talonabraxas · 2 years ago
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The Astral Plane C. W. Leadbeater https://www.gutenberg.org/files/21080/21080-h/21080-h.htm?fbclid=IwAR3foiwnYHn2W2wu1qd0sW5Q5yZ75zVwMjipHptICgXO18OQZNTU0IFzlrw
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mybeingthere · 2 years ago
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Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater, Radiating Affection, from their book Thought-Forms, 1901.
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worldsandemanations · 4 months ago
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Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater, from their book  Thought-Forms, 1901
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frvescent · 2 years ago
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Thoughtform of the Music of Gounod, according to Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater in Thought-Forms (1905)
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roshendalal · 2 years ago
The Soul's Growth
By C W Leadbeater Another book by C W Leadbeater, the Theosophist who discovered J Krishnamurti in 1909 and believed he was the messiah. He wrote The Lives of Alcyone on Krishnamurti’s previous lives. Star names were given to many adepts of the past, and Orion was one such name. This book is the third in the series The Soul’s Growth through Reincarnation. Orion’s lives were investigated in 1907,…
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cleavingtolilac · 3 months ago
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Thoughtform of the Music of Gounod, according to Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater in Thought-Forms (1905)
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toughtzzinmyhed · 1 year ago
"Clairvoyance, like so many other things in nature, is mainly a question of vibrations, and is in fact nothing but an extension of powers which we are all using every day of our lives. We are living all the while surrounded by a vast sea of mingled air and ether, the latter inter-penetrating the former, as it does all physical matter; and it is chiefly by means of vibrations in that vast sea of matter that impressions reach us from the outside. This much we all know, but it may perhaps never have occurred to many of us that the number of these vibrations to which we are capable of responding is in reality quite infinitesimal."
--Clairvoyance by C. W. Leadbeater
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valejaloittelija · 1 year ago
oon lukenu teosofian käsikirjaa vuodelta 1925 koska tykkään lukea kaikkea häröä, ja nyt kiinnostaisi nähdä miltä seuran julkaisut näyttää nykyään (tai lähinnä miten nämä alunperin TODELLA rasistiset ajatukset muotoillaan nykyään lmao) mutta yritä tässä nyt löytää modernia informaatiota
vaihtoehdot on mennä teosofisen seuran omaan kirjastoon:
i) Helsinkiin (hyi)
ii) paikallisloosin pisteeseen josta ei edes saa selkoa että onko niillä omaa kirjastoa. lähinnä ne mainostaa että tule meille yhdessä oppimaan :) mä haluan vain lukea, en puhua kenellekään
mutta epäilyttää että onko edes olemassa modernia teosofian käsikirjaa, koska Turun pääkirjaston kokoelmaa selatessa kokemus on seuraava:
"okei tää olis 2000-luvun puolelt-"
kirj. Ervast, Pekka
"okei no tässä olis ysäriltä, se on jo aika lähel-"
kirj. Blavatsky, Helena
"perse, no mites-"
kirj. Leadbeater, C. W.
"nyt saatana"
vitsi on siinä että Blavatsky kuoli 1891, Ervast ja Leadbeater 1934. satunnaisia muita kirjoittajia löytyy, mutta heidän kirjansa eivät vaikuta olevan perusteoksia vaan erikoistuneita kirjoituksia jotka soveltavat teosofiaa tai kristosofiaa
pitääkö mun lukea englanniksi nyyh
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sociallyanxious-eros · 2 years ago
I bought this book because of a good memory from when I was a teenager that reading this book made me feel so good for 3 days straight, but, reading with today's knowledge, this book is (as we call here in Brazil) a bomb. It's explosively bad, and my dumbass didn't search for the author prior to discover it's a theosophy new age crap, lol
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Translation of the title: The Nature Spirits. It's supposed to be a book about elementals, fair folk. Also, I discovered that this book, technically, doesn't exist, it's chapters from other books by C W Leadbeater and it exists only in portuguese and castellano
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loslibrosdefede · 2 years ago
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C. W. Leadbeater - Un libro de texto de teosofía #leadbeater #cwleadbeater #charleswebsterleadbeater #teosofia #teosofía #sociedadteosofica #sociedadteosofica #esoterismo #librosusados #librosantiguos #loslibrosdefede https://www.instagram.com/p/CpnpT38Ojqu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leapoffaithsocialpage · 6 years ago
The Astral Plane: Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena By: C.W. Leadbe...
Title:  The Astral Plane: Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena
Author:  C. W. LEADBEATER (1854 - 1934)
Genre(s):  Philosophy, Occult science
Language:  English
Read By:  Phil Benson
Librivox Recording
As sceptics dismissed other-worldly phenomena as the stuff of legend, trickery or delusion, nineteenth-century 'occult science' set out to explain them scientifically. Here, C. W. Leadbeater maps out the scenery and inhabitants of the astral plane, accounting along the way for phenomena such as the journey of the soul after death, magic and sorcery, vampires and werewolves, pixies, gnomes and fairies, ghosts and shades, and communication with the departed in the seance room. A leading figure in the Theosophical movement after the death of Madame Blavatsky, Leadbeater was reincarnated in Stockport, Cheshire, (now part of Greater Manchester) after an unusually long spell of 2,300 years in the heaven-world. Ordained as an Anglican clergyman, he became a prolific author on theosophical topics. His theosophical studies took him to Ceylon and Australia, where he was the spiritual leader of the Manor commune in Sydney, which still exists today. - Summary by Phil Benson
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#Philosophy   #occult  #Audiobook  #CWLeadbeater   #TheAstralPlane
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psychedelicoutlaw · 4 years ago
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zurich-snows · 2 years ago
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From “Thought-Forms: A Record of Clairvoyant Investigation” by Annie Besant & C. W. Leadbeater
Thought-Forms: A Record of Clairvoyant Investigation is a theosophical book compiled by the members of the Theosophical Society A. Besant and C. W. Leadbeater. It was originally published in 1901 in London. From the standpoint of Theosophy, it tells regarding visualization of thoughts, experiences, emotions and music. Drawings of the "thought-forms" were performed by painters Varley, Prince, and McFarlane.
This book has become the result of the joint work of the authors, which began in 1895, when they had started an investigation of "the subtle matter of the universe." They were interested the work of the human mind as, according their claim, this work "extrudes into the external world" the thought-forms.
In September 1896, Besant reported in Lucifer that "two clairvoyant Theosophists" (whose personalities were not disclosed in the journal, although some members of the Society knew about them) had started "observing the substance of thought." Her article named Thought-Forms was accompanied by four pages of pictures of diverse thought-forms which the investigators "had observed and described to an artist." The colour sketches of the unknown performance were depicting: on the first plate—thought-forms of "devotion," "sacrifice," and "devotional," on the second one—three types of "anger," on the third one—three types of "love" ("undirected," "directed," and "grasping"), and on the fourth one—thought-forms of "jealousy," "intellect," and "ambition." Besant gave the article scientific coloring, not forgetting to mention Röntgen, Baraduc, Reichenbach, "vibrations and the ether."
This "small but influential book", which contains color pictures of thought-forms that the authors said are created "in subtle spirit-matter," was published in 1901. The book affirms that "the quality" of thoughts influences the life experience of their creator, and that they "can affect" other people.
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thinkingimages · 4 years ago
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Thought Forms: A Record of Clairvoyant Investigation is a seminal occult book compiled by the leaders of the Theosophical Society, Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater. It was originally published in 1905 in London. According to the teachings of Theosophy, thoughts and emotions create distinctive patterns of color and form in the human aura—visible only to those who are gifted with a sufficient degree of clairvoyance and can see beyond our normal perceptions. Besant and Leadbeater dictated their clairvoyant “thought-forms” to a group of friends who then created the 58 magnificent illustrations contained in the book. This book was a major influence on the artists Hilma Af Klint and Wassily Kandinsky among many others but has long been overlooked as a foundational pillar in art history.
Besant was also an early suffragist and political activist and was far ahead of her time as an artist and thinker. Theosophy was the first occult group to open its doors to women and Thought Forms offers a reminder that the history of modernist abstraction and women’s contribution to it is still being written.
Our re-print aims to bring this over looked masterpiece back into circulation in the form of a high quality clothbound and embossed hardcover at an affordable price. We have also worked with the editor of the project Lucy Lord Campana to commission three introductory pieces by contemporary scholars to further contextualize the book.
“This outstanding edition of Besant & Leadbeater’s Thought-Forms is thoughtfully conceived and beautifully presented. Well over a century since it first came out, readers will finally be able to truly appreciate the colours and forms presented in Thought-Forms, as much as the ideas, as they were originally intended.
We can hardly underestimate the role that Thought-Forms played in the development of Modern Western art, especially early abstract art. The illustrations and colour schemes it contains reverberate in the canvasses created by such luminaries as Wassily Kandinsky, Hilma af Klint and many others, and their legacy is still felt in contemporary art today.
More than just a tribute to the original, this superb volume offers sound contextualisation and historical embedding of Thought-Forms. It is the ideal source for students, artists, art lovers and general readers alike.”
Dr. Tessel M. Bauduin Assistant Professor, Art History of the Modern Period Open University, The Netherlands
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