#c tos liveblog
One thing I'm truly enjoying about watching TOS is that no one has the perfect, airbrushed features we see on TV actors nowadays. Takei and Nimoy both have prominent acne scars, Kelley and Nimoy have crooked teeth. Everyone has crowsfeet and other wrinkles. I know the show was never meant to be displayed in such high definition, we aren't meant to see those features, just like we aren't meant to see the make-up or the uniform zippers. Nonetheless, it's a beautiful little time capsule of human imperfection and I smile every time I notice a new one.
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bearsinpotatosacks · 8 months
Rewatching star trek beyond so liveblogging it
God this film feels like coming home. Let me be a pharmacy assistant on the Enterprise please my life would be fixed
So does Bones just steal from people's lockers? Also they have lockers?
Oh LoRDy
I wish I could’ve been into star trek when this came out
Someone medicate Bones, man's so stressed out honestly
This film really makes me want star trek 4, make it a motion picture, getting the band back together thing
Love the way we see yorktown as massive and impressive then zoom in on the spaceport to make it seem lived in
Sulu's daughter has a toy enterprise
Fuck, prime Spock’s dead
The parts where they show prime spock really make me want a crossover between tos and aos, and it hurts that I'll never see it, guess i'll have to live in fanfic
Love the practical effects of this film
Also is Jim’s outfit in this scene, grey with yellow shoulders, the formalwear? If so I like it
Lovr Uhura's communications panel
Chris Pine's reactions, the cinematography, the set design, the sounds, fuck I love this film
Gonna start saying "i can't engage the warp drive" when i stall a car
Would love to see the borg in aos
Love the character consistency of Bones not carrying a phaser but spock is
Love Bones' portable scanner, i would watch a fake documentary about star trek tech
Does anyone wonder what happened to all the personal belongings that were destroyed on the Enterprise?
Jaylah’s coming soon 😆
There she is!
How many languages does she speak? English, her own and whatever those people she beat up were speaking?
Notice how Bones is still cut on the forehead while he's helping out Spock
Also why does Jaylah know about Krall’s plan? Is that why he shoots people down, try to find the Abornath then kill them to be immortal?
Just realised that Jaylah’s tech was probably from her ship before she got to Altamid, that's why she knows how to use it, her stick, her traps, the parts she got for the franklin (as well as other ships), makes me want to know what her people were like
How long has Jaylah been there?
Love how Bones is ready to throw hands
Bones dancing to achy breaky heart when?
Also Jaylah isn't introduced to Spock and bones, they just get beamed aboard and then spock collapses
Oo Krall’s looking more human
"You gave your girlfriend a tracking device?" Spock’s face 🤣
I really want to know about Jaylah’s family
This film literally proves that my "Jaylah is actually really fucking traumatised and definitely has (c) ptsd" agenda is canon
Also Scotty has his grandma's china hc
Love how Jim respects his crew
Also jim kirk is so Maverick/tom cruise coded it's insane. Bikes, dead dad, cocky attitude, shipped with someone who’s "ice cold"
Uhura has got to be traumatised after seeing a crewmate literally eaten in front of her
Jim Cruise is here! Tom Kirk!
After getting into top gun, the star trek navy inspired titles are funny to me, at least in aos by how quick they get them and how young they all are
Not sure why Jaylah’s fighting gives me kill bill vibes
Also jaylah has blue blood!
Love how sulu gets the dramatic line "they're going to destroy yorktown"
How long did it take to get the ship ready to fly? I mean, it's been at least a day and a night, the day they arrived, nighttime then they all got rescued and brought back together the next day just wondered how long it all took to happen
Also seatbelts!
Sulu would’ve won top gun
"I acknowledge and respect your concerns" Someone's been to therapy
"How do we get them to stop talking" is spoken so shatner
Just realised why certain jobs are the colours, yellow: anything running the ship (captain, pilot etc), red: anything about how the ship runs (engineering, communications, security), blue: science and medical
I love how the end of this film is similar to battleships where they use an old ship to defeat an alien ship
The picture of the original crew! He took it with him! I need a crossover now! I love how they used a more brassy theme there, makes it sound more original, more nostalgic
They had the chance to do futuristic dress but they just look like dudes from 2016
If they could just do an animated series for the aos crew...
Also the og theme at the end 🥲
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thegeminisage · 11 months
WRATH OF KHAN breakdown
i watched this movie with catherine maulthots six days ago and liveblogged it incoherently on a notepad file on my phone because No Way was i opening this devils website when spock could die any moment. i am recording my experiences here for posterity
firstly i did know going in that he was going to die. this made me wracked with anxiety. more on that later. actually when kirk walked up and was like ha ha arent you supposed to be dead i almost lost it .5 seconds into the movie
absolute first thing was that we werent sure whether or not the thing in the beginning was a test. absolutely LOST MY MIND when i realized it was the kobayashi maru. every ten seconds during this movie i went "omg an aos reference" even though i knew it was really the other way around. somehow i thought mister perfect tos jim wouldn't cheat on the test so when they sort of hinted at what he did but didn't say it i was FROTHING to know more
bones's gay little posture. that's it that's the whole bullet
bones coming to jim's place at night was like the opening of some retro gay porno. DELIGHTED to find out that jim's allergies were not in fact an aos fanon but based in both aos and tos canon (re his little old man glasses)
mad that all of the movies seem to flirt with whether or not james t kirk should retire or captain a starship and then never resolve that question ever. it's like will shatner's insecurity about aging was leeching into the very script. girl we ALL KNOW what he should be doing so either shit or get off the pot
birthday gifts cute though. oh my fucking god. a book and glasses and he shows up with both repeatedly throughout the film
khan's tits were amazing. even as an asexual, even queer as a two dollar bill, i am full of admiration for what he had going on. he was rockin it
when they put the little worms into chekov and terrel cathy was like "omg THATS why they called them khan worms" and then i got to say "omg spn reference" instead of "omg aos reference" and we were so excited she wasn't even mad about it. also, they were so gross, oh my god, i couldn't look, she had to tell me when it was safe to unhide my eyes
meanwhile we're also mercilessly mocking the oversight that allowed khan and chekov to know one another. how did that plothole make it into production
EYE personally was very shocked at the amount of non-annoying women in the movie (two??). i liked both saavik and carol though i had to google to see if saavik was a human or vulcan. VERY cute that spock gave her the wheel to fuck with kirk specifically even though anyone but kirk being captain is so WEIRD. spock can be acting captain but not actual captain!!!
i ALSO knew from spoilers that carol had had kirk's fucking child which i may have accidentally also ruined for catherine so when a woman with an adult son mentioned james kirk onscreen we both became a little. unwell.
khan's "i shall have him" this sort of sexual tension is one of many things missing from into darkness. NOT that i want to see b*nedict c*mberbatch have that with anyone bc he is quite literally so ugly i have to cover his face with my hand when i watch into darkness but they should have cast a better person as khan and then made him have sexual tension with kirk.
cathy on the khan worms coming out of chekov's ears: wow, i love that! me on the same thing: i hate it
khan's "i wish to go on hurting you" no comment
khan yell REALLY GOOD. glad to see some things never change. william shatner was like i have been and will ever be a huge fucking ham
when carol marcus went "can i cook or can't i" i decided to go ahead and start liking women again. nature is healing, etc
if i had seen kirk pop that apple in his mouth while talking about how he didn't like to lose before i wrote gambler's knife. well. the fic probably wouldn't have changed much but my brain chemistry has certainly changed now. i can't explain w human words. AAAAAAUGH
spock's line about "sauce for the goose" was so out of character we had to check the transcript and make sure that was him speaking and not kirk. "sauce for the goose"??? sir, you're a vegetarian
the cgi was surprisingly good in whatever version we watched. it really holds up, which is ironic considering we had 20-minute vistas of it in the previous movie, where it was just okay
spock's death. i cried all the way through. don't text.
i did have a vague idea of what was going on when he melded with bones bc you literally cant avoid spoilers but i didn't have Details so i was very shocked for a second until i remembered
SPOCK'S FUNERAL. oh he would have been insulted to hear jim call him human!!!!! but he WAS
kirk trying to run away from his kid was really good. if i hadn't been blinded with tears i would have really enjoyed it. didn't like the "you've never faced death" bit though bc OBVIOUSLYYY he was on tarsus iv.
anyway then they panned to the coffin and i was like SURELY HES GONNA POP OUT AND SAY SIKE but he didn't. he didn't and i just had to live with that. and we had planned to watch search for spock immediately the next day but fate intervened and i had to skip it TWO DAYS in a row and nearly died. the end.
also, i didn't realize the book spock had given kirk was the one he quoted at the end!!!!!!! really horrible.
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unforth · 3 years
So, English-Speaking Danmei Fandom... (Part 2!)
...you saw my post yesterday and you’re like, “okay, I made a JJWXC account and now I know how much the thing I want to support costs, how do I do the actual money thing?”
Here, I’m figuring it out right now, let’s do it together. I AM STILL RELYING ON THE GUIDE BY SHOKO TRANSLATES. YOU SHOULD USE IT TOO. I have only the most basic idea wtf I’m talking about, and I only have that much because of this guide. That said, it seems to focus more on mobile, and I’m using desktop, so if you’re also on desktop my thing here might help you?
One, go to the payments page. Fortunately, they’ve made it pretty easy to find...
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...by making it the one on that list that’s in RED. Handy, right? No, I don’t know what it actually says. Again, I don’t speak a lick of Chinese. I have some Japanese so sometimes I recognize characters but that doesn’t get me far, ha.
Once you click that (you have to be logged in, of course!) it’ll open up a new screen, with a list of payment options on the right. As far as I can tell, this is what the choices are:
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I’m gonna take a stab at international credit card, since that’s...the only one of these I have??? I tried to figure out what the “shenzhouxing” prepaid card is but basically got no where.The Shoko Translates guide does NOT have instructions on this part, at least not for desktop? And the pages look pretty differently on desktop. Anyway. Here goes nothing...I’m mostly relying on C&P and Google translate. *sweatdrop*
So, there are two tabs, but I can’t C&P them and I have no idea what they say. However, the one on the right doesn’t have any boxes for entering stuff?? So I’m gonna stick with the left...OH. It’s a page for doing security questions. Oh god, um.
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Alright. So. Put your password in the top box. For the security questions, what they say is basically irrelevant, except it’s worth noting that the default option is apparently not a question - it’s just “select one.” If, like me, you don’t know Chinese...just pick whichever questions, and put in answers you’ll remember. It doesn’t give a damn if your answers are correlated (though, the first one on the list has something to do with dad, and the second on the list has something to do with mom, I recognize those characters, ha. It doesn’t let you pick the same questions twice...and there are two near the bottom that I THINK might be “father’s birthday” and “mother’s birthday.” And one about elementary school. Sorry, I’m distractable. The point is, the questions don’t matter as long as they accept your answers! Yes, it accepts English ones, and no it doesn’t have anyway of knowing if your answers correlate to the questions at all. TAKE A SCREENCAP OF YOUR CHOSEN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS AND SAVE IT BECAUSE YOU’LL NEED THEM AGAIN!!! Do your pattern match thingy, then click the green button, and there’s another page which looks like it’s asking me to re-enter the same answers.
Click the green button on that second page, and there’s a new page with a single line of Chinese text:
which, according to google translate, is
“Congratulations, the secret security setting is successful, click here to jump to the user basic information page.”
Guess I’ll click the thing.
ALRIGHT. So, after doing all that, it takes me back to a home page? Awesome. Whatever. As long as it worked. Click on that red one in the navigation bar again, and NOW when you go to the “international credit card payment” one...
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AHA THIS IS VERY PROMISING, lol. So, based on Shoko Translate’s guide, that place drop down menu with “17″ written says “USD” after it, and that it’ll get me 10,000 points. It looks like it processes payments through Paypal; based on my experience with Paypal, that means you may not need an actual Paypal account? But I’m honestly not sure, and I’ve had a Paypal account for 20 years, so I’m just gonna, ya know, use that.
A little window pops up that I’m assuming (blind guessing) is a “this will take you to another page/open a new window, is that a thing you want?” and I clicked the option on the right, and yep, it opened my Paypal. I’ve got a card on file, so...I’m just doing that. (I’d...better make sure I actually have $17 in my account... *another sweat drop*...okay yes I have like $80, wooo...oh, crap, I accidentally paid from my business account, sigh...well, there was def money in there but I’d better pay myself back...ANYWAY.)
Do the payment thing!
It redirects back to JJWXC!
It says something in big bold letters and I have absolutely no idea what! But then it loads, and it’s all the Chinese that I now recognize as my personal account page, and when I scroll to the bottom and...
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...well I have no idea what any of that says but it sure as hell LOOKS like victory. Now to see if I can actually, ya know, buy a thing! I can’t afford to get everything I’d like to at once - I’m pretty broke - so I’m going to start with Tian Guan Ci Fu. It’s my favorite danmei novel, and one of my favorite books of all time, AND it’s by MXTX so even though I can’t buy MDZS on here, I can still support her. I linked to it yesterday in my previous post (which, again, is here).
Author: 墨香铜臭 
Title: 天官赐福
Direct Link:
1. scroll down to the chapter list and click on the first one that says [VIP] next to it. Click the chapter title.
2. the circled button is “select all”
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3. a pop up checks if you actually meant to do that. click the one on the left to confirm.
4. scroll to the bottom, and...
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5. ignore those two check boxes, you might think they’re a ToS confirmation or a “are you sure” but they’re actually about subscribing to the book (which is pointless, since it’s finished) at least according to google.
6. ...uh...shit...now I have to figure out which of these buttons actually does the thing...um...oh thank God, it’s in the Shoko Translates Guide. So, there are five buttons right below the line saying how many points I have. The first is “confirm purchase” so, ya know, just ignore the other ones and click it.
7. A dialog box popped up! It says how many I spent and how many I have left and a bunch of Chinese and two mystery buttons...thank God, again, for Shoko translates, apparently they’re “read now” on the left and “read later” on the right. I’m gonna “read now” just to see if it worked...
8. Well...it sure looks like a book??? I have the PDF translations (a copy from before it was removed, and no, I won’t share it), and, um...okay, so the first unlocked chapter is 21...oh hey, I see San Lang (三郎)! That’s, like, the only thing on this whole page I can read! lmao. Anyway, comparing, like, pagination, and the placement of the exactly one thing I can read, YES, this definitely worked!
This has been your second installment of “disaster dumb white person who speaks no Chinese liveblogs their way through figuring out how the HELL to buy danmei on JJWXC.” If this has been helpful to you, please REBLOG, SIGNAL BOOST, and more importantly, SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE DANMEI AUTHORS!!!!!!
(I own TGCF. I’m so happy omfg. 😭 😭 😭 😭 )
(and as a reminder: I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing. If you have a question that requires that someone know what they’re doing, DON’T ASK ME. Instead, try the Shoko Translates guide I linked at the beginning!!! Here, I’ll even link it again. USE IT. DO THE THING.)
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mouseratz · 3 years
excluding current mutuals, minors/under 18 please do not follow. it is ok to interact with sfw posts of mine, I just post enough lightly nsfw stuff I am no longer comfortable with more younger followers.
Inbox is open for questions, thoughts, concerns......I'll delete it if you're an ass about it though.
#mice art › MY ART!! best tag to check out ever
#qu › I used the queue to post this
#new asks tag › tag where I answer asks. I kept forgetting what the other ones were so this one seems easier to remember so I'm using it
#ref tag › reference of some kind, be it art or links or resources.
#save tag › for posts I know I want to see later but don't fit under ref tag; more sentimental
#style › aesthetic/I Think It Looks Cool
content warnings
#sui mention › mention of suicide, including jokes.
#flashing › includes flashing which may be unsafe for those with epilepsy (I tag many things with this, so sometimes the post isn't horribly unsafe, I'd just rather overtag than undertag when it comes to possibly triggering seizures)
#eyestrain › very bright colors which may cause eyestrain. different from flashing and usually in still images.
generally, most content warnings will follow the format of cw topic
feel free to send an anon to tag something else/that you didn't see tagged.
sometimes things are not tagged perfectly because I simply forget, rarely out of ill intent, but I try to follow a pattern.
(some of them, anyway. there's a lot)
#mst3k › mystery science theater 3000
#fe › fire emblem
#mlp › my little pony
#iasip › it's always sunny in philadelphia
#cec › chuck e cheese
#rae › the rockafire explosion
#gf › gravity falls
#sm › sailor moon
#tos › star trek the original series
#tng › star trek the next generation
#voy › star trek voyager
#ds9 › star trek deep space nine
#ent › star trek enterprise
#btvs › buffy the vampire slayer
batman/dc tags
(yeah, it's an entirely separate category)
#b22 › The Batman (2022) movie
#btas › batman: the animated series
#tlh › The Long Halloween. generally used for it and Dark Victory as well
#nygmobble › nygmobblepot, or the Edward/Oswald ship for Gotham specifically
#tsale › used for artwork by Tim Sale. I don't tag many artists but he's my favorite for comics
#super tag › panels and discussion posts for superman and related stories
#wf tag › panels and discussion posts for world's finest or superman/batman stories
most individual characters are tagged by hero/villain name (ie, Riddler or Catwoman, NOT Edward Nygma or Selina Kyle). I do not have individual tags for different Robins.
#jl tag › panels and discussion posts for justice league stories
#l&c liveblog › commentary as I watch Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
ships are usually combined titles (ie, batcat instead of Batman/Catwoman)
most series/movies follow the format of simply title or title last two digits of release year (ie, Superman 78 instead of just Superman), most exceptions I try to list here
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scoutpologist · 3 years
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I posted 3,143 times in 2021
1296 posts created (41%)
1847 posts reblogged (59%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.4 posts.
I added 3,635 tags in 2021
#rb - 1757 posts
#me post - 1035 posts
#ask - 168 posts
#wilbur soot - 165 posts
#dream smp - 138 posts
#technoblade - 131 posts
#anon - 77 posts
#liveblog - 63 posts
#tommyinnit - 55 posts
#philza - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i honest to god would not be able to lift something that’s 20 pounds for more than a couple seconds that shit is a fourth of my body weight
My Top Posts in 2021
modern au where c!wilbur is the adult brother of c!tommy (who’s like 15) and has custody over him bc of shitty parent reasons and drops out of university to take care of him and gets a job at the nearest convenience store on some corner alongside taking odd jobs, and techno is some guy who constantly comes in during the graveyard shift looking like he just got run over by a train to get a pack of orange tic tacs
1213 notes • Posted 2021-11-30 16:41:36 GMT
can’t stop thinking about sbi but they’re scattered across time. phil was some weird artist guy from the 20s who had a suspicious amount of money, wilbur was a victorian era poet who was known for his energetic readings, tommy was just a kid from the 90s who went missing. techno is a researcher in the modern day who’s trying to explain why he thinks they’re all connected.
1634 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 04:59:28 GMT
WAIT WAIT IMPORTANT before we start settling into bunnyblade designs -
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bunnies don’t have the beans!!!!! they just have fluff!!!!!!!
2262 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 02:50:39 GMT
anyone younger than 16 on the internet i know i can’t convince you to like. leave social media, but genuinely. protect yourself and don’t give any of your private info out and don’t trust adults online and be aware that anyone can lie about anything, please
2528 notes • Posted 2021-10-24 05:44:55 GMT
what is the point of putting kristin in ur sbi fics if u don’t give her personality. let her be funny as well as sweet!! she’s fucking hysterical!!! she once spun scissors and turned on a lighter while on phil’s stream to make him scared of a TOS strike. she shoots him with nerf guns at random intervals throughout the day. she made him drink alcohol (90% sure it was vodka) out of a freshly gutted pumpkin. she has PERSONALITY and anyone who writes her into the smp as a basic mother goddess figure is a coward and i stand by that, her character would be so much more than that and she would by far be worse than c!phil in terms of chaos. by far.
4180 notes • Posted 2021-09-04 05:25:22 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Liveblog — St. Paul, Roy Wilkins Auditorium, 1999
Thank you to @theelliottsmiths for the recommendation!
Ah, is this the infamous drunk show? I suppose we’ll find out
WARNING: It’s a lot of me thirsting after Till. But I gotta be me, right?
Spiel mit mir
God, I love “Spiel mit mir” a little more every time I hear it.
The burning drum opening is the level of extra I have come to expect in my relatively short relationship with Rammstein.
Why do I love pigeon-toed Till so much? Such a masculine man, such child-like behavior—oh, there he is sucking his thumb again.
Watching Schneider drum is a sight to behold. That is all.
Aww, I always feel so proud of Till when he interacts with the audience. As someone who got a C in her public speaking class in college, I empathize with the stage fright.
I see you bobbing your head there, Oli.
Is Reesh wearing that coat or is the coat wearing him? Hard to tell.
Oh, Flake, when you dance, you remind me of one of those toy birds whose only function is to dip their heads in the water.
Intermission as I watch the Bachelor. Trust me, I’d rather be liveblogging this concert, but I’m in a group chat with my friends and it’s a complicated situation lol
Bestrafe mich
Okay, but that “OHHH” at the beginning did something to me.
I’m fairly vanilla, but there’s something about Till whipping himself?? I felt it for the first time when I watched the Rosenrot video and making of??
Fuck, his body. So nice. So foine. I love Chumby Till, but Ripped Till is gorgeous as well.
Sorry to be so thirsty...
Weisses Fleisch
The sparkler shoes. I would cause mass destruction if I ever dared wear those.
Honestly, being at a Rammstein concert would be a hell of a way to find out you have epilepsy.
Schneider’s hips and Flake’s legs. That is all.
Yet another song that I enjoy the more I hear it.
Till standing still onstage always makes me feel like he’s mid-panic attack and I just
Is it the lighting/quality of the video or is Oli (supposed to look like he’s) covered in blood?
Not complaining, but why do Paul and Oli swap places onstage? Is this song more bass-heavy than I’ve ever noticed?
I love this bridge with the clapping; it makes me happy for reasons I cannot articulate.
Fuck, he just wrecked that microphone.
Asche zu Asche
It makes me happy when Richard and Paul stand in the middle of the stage and riff :’)
I can’t say this is one of my favorite songs, but I appreciate its energy.
Yeeees, spotlight on Oli. So underrated. I see you, Lars.
Why was I surprised to see the mic-stands on fire??? There has never been anything to lead me to believe that something like that wouldn’t happen?
Ooh, the slow-down of the drums. I am a fan.
Okay, this is one of my favorites. I absolutely love the softer side of Rammstein. Also, way before I even knew what the lyrics meant, this song made me want to cry. And I rarely cry over music. I did two years of German in high school and I vaguely knew what the line “mit Tränen im Gesicht” and it just
It me
It me mit Tränen im Gesicht
Okay, I feel like some people are not fans of the Slow Hammer, but I am a fan of Till’s back, and it highlights it, so I’ll take all the Slow Hammer I can get.
God, this song is fucking beautiful.
Was not expecting the🎵La-la-lalaaa🎵 but I am here for it.
Stripped (intro)
Let me see Till stripped
So sad this was cut short, it’s one of my favorites.
Someone’s string broke, correct? A shame.
Du riechst so gut
Another one of my controversial “not favorites” I’M SORRY
I keep thinking Flake and Schneider have 16-pack abs, but it’s just their outfits.
Why does this sound so off to me? Is it because they’re shit-faced or am I just tired after watching the Bachelor? There is no reason that show needs to be TWO HOURS LONG, but I digress.
Flake’s doing his toy-bird dance again lol how does one have so little rhythm, yet is such a compelling dancer?
Oh no, fucked-up guitar. Can’t blame the Bachelor on that one.
And the spotlight shines on Richard’s torso. As it should. Fuck, he has a lovely chest.
Du hast
Okay. I know. “It’S oVeRrAtEd AnD oVeRpLaYeD.” But I could not give less of a fuck???
It’s overplayed because it’s fucking catchy? And it’s a lot of people’s gateway into Rammstein, and I think people should let people enjoy it.
I love when Till laughs :’)
The reverberating phone cracks me up and I’m not sure why?
Till spitting up that water like a fucking whale and its blowhole.
Lol what is Oli doing? Whatever he wants? I love it. And I love him.
Bück dich
Don’t be mad at me, but I like the Woo-Machine part better than the actual song
Woo-w-woo, indeed
Oh, there’s Flake on the leash.
Are Flake’s legs even real?
Oli’s over there looking like he just climbed out of some radioactive waste and is going to be a comic book villain.
Okay, yes, simulated anal sex, but Till’s little wiggle to distribute the “semen” was adorable.
Aaaand Oli’s getting a drink. Gotta stay hydrated??
Engel (cut)
I absolutely love Engel. It’s one of my “let me listen to this on-repeat for ????” songs
Sad that it’s a bit chopped up :’(
Till directing the fire always entertains me.
I fucking LOVE how extra these boys are. Like, I know it’s because they know a lot of their fanbase doesn’t speak German and it’s for entertainment purposes. Honestly, I feel, as an American who only speaks English, the music can stand on its own. But the spectacle is still MUCH appreciated.
I’m not sure if that last bit made any sense, but we’re running with it.
I love Flake’s extended outtro. (Is that a word? And is it the right one? I’m running on fumes at this point.)
This song gives me so much nostalgia, but I honestly don’t remember the first time I heard it?? I just remember knowing it.
Watching Till stand there in that coat with his arms out makes mine HURT.
The way the coat lit up made me happy in a way I cannot explain.
Yes bb show it OFF
Those drums. Simple, but effective.
In my limited experience, I feel like this a song that Till is pretty hit-or-miss on live. I think this is a hit. But what do I know?
This is the first time I’ve ever noticed/paid attention to the harmonies on this song.
Aww, Paul and Richard are doing the riff thing again, I just love it.
OLI and the giant stomps. God, I love him. And I just realized he’s wearing short-shorts???
Also, not hating Paul’s hair?
Loving Paul and Schneider’s head-banging.
Also, Till looks zoned out? Drunk?? Panicked???
This is usually one I skip over when I’m listening on my phone, but I’m super digging Flake’s contribution tonight.
Till ululating was not something I thought I would ever hear??
Yes, Flake, earning that spotlight.
This auditorium must reek of sweat and fuel at this point.
But mostly sweat.
Ssssssllllloooowwwww eeeeeennnnddd
Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen?
Ah, one of many songs where they chant their own name.
I’m trying REAL HARD not to say that Till can set my bed on fire whenever he wants.
I love this song, but the Doom noises just
Richard, I adore you, but I am not a fan of the bell-bottoms. I know it was a different time. But please.
Till’s ruffled hair is...lovely.
Is this the show they played before that elevator clip?
Aww, the sparklers. I don’t think it’s supposed to be as cute as I find it??
Paul is adorable.
Fuck yeeees, I love when the flamethrowers get brought out.
Especially when used so phallically. I see you, Till.
“We love you. Thank you.” I LOVE YOU TOO AND YOU’RE WELCOME.
Well, it happened. I have no regrets and if you made it this far, then I hope you have none either.
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spacejew · 7 years
Disco Ep 8 - Liveblog?
Gonna keep a lil list of things I noted/loved as I watch, ‘cause...
* The episode just started and I’m already excited ‘cause this captain just identified his ship as the Gagarin, and as an immigrant of an ex-soviet family and space enthusiast that just makes me really happy that Yuri Gagarin has a whole ship named after him c: 
*  Love that we have an Asian on the bridge in the form of Mr. Reese at tactical
* This whole bridge crew is love, they’re doing their best and they’re so great 
*Airium takes the con? I’m just loving how much attention and props the bridge crew is getting, GOD we need more of them 
* Stamets called Tilly “Captain”??? Is this evidence of his time-displacement, maybe? Like he thought that Lorca was there, or that Tilly is a captain in the future? Or maybe this is a Mirror Stamets clue! In which case Tilly is already captain in the Terran Empire in which case, LIT
* AWAY MISSION!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! LET’S GOOO!!!!!!!!
* I love this transmitter planet that’s so cool (but I feel bad for all the VFX interns who probably had to make all the plants blue in post-production lmaooo)
* Saru communicating with the aliens is so cuuuute
* Ah yes, finally, we’re back to the Klingons! Alright, time to see if Voq shows up... sounds like Kat is definitely still alive so I’m glad about that
* If these alien wisps harm Saru I will be SO pissed, they’re too pretty to be bad :( But I watch Star Trek and I know better lol
* YEAAAAA “GENERAL ORDER ONE” FOLKSSS we got some early Prime Directive goodness. This is the good shitttt
* KAT SCREAMING BACK AT L’RELL oh my god.. oh shit? Is L’rell gonna help her? Is she like, doing the “enemy of my enemy” thing with her against Kor?? PLEASE?? 
* “the needs of the many..” “are worth dying for.. but so are the needs of the few” “or the one?” *smooch* DAMN THAT’S FUCKING CUTE UGH STOP IT I DON’T WANNA LIKE THIS Ash you smooth motherfucker 
* Paul you cutieee ugh and Tilly is so sweet she’s tryinggg
* “I wish to defect” YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tbh I believe her. At the very least she is gonna use it to help Voq probably and I love that!!! KAT HELP HER DEFECT PLEASSSEE sdgcdggdtr 
* “what other option do you have?” SHE’S GOT YOU THERE, KAT lmao
* “they desperately want to meet others and be known” oohh... it sounds like these aliens are gonna like, try to achieve that at any cost.. like there’s NO WAY this goes as well as it seems so far lmao but I’m hopeful
* OH MAN THEY’RE ENTERING HIS MIND I HOPE WHAT THEY SEE DOESN’T CAUSE ANY PROBLEMMMSSS like I hope their peaceful existence isn’t contaminated by these visions of war
* Ooooohh FUCK here we GO, STRANDED ON THE DAMN PLANET this is literally fucking TOS lmao I’m loving this
* Saru has gone full brainwash oh dear
* Oh shit Tyler is taking commandddd yikes can you say relationship tension?? I bet Michael doesn’t 100% appreciate this also uh this is WILD already (also Im confused on why this transmitter is so important I think I missed something whoops) 
* YO if L’Rell succeeds in blowing up this ship and escaping with Kat... yes that would be amazing
* “you were not what I was expecting” “neither are you” um is it bad to ship L’Rell and Kat just based on this exchange lmao (im joke) GOD what a beautiful moment I hope they BOTH MAKE IT OUT ALIVE FUCK 
* Ok pleaaase fucking tell me Kat isn’t dead, just electrocuted into shock. Okay thank god she’s breathing
* Y’all this escape is way more tense to me than the away mission oh god
* Did Michael really storm away cause she was mad at Tyler or is it part of their plan to trick Saru 
* “everyone wants to defeat the Klingons.. I want to hurt them”. DAMN Tyler.. this guy’s been through some shit. I hate that this conflict is really tearing him up inside. Some good advice from ALL KNOWING SARU 
* Woah Saru is stronk as FUCK god 
* YEEEEEEEAAAA BOI he DISTRACTED you now Michael is gonna do her THING
* I love all these cute little beep boops the technology makes
* Saru and his HOOVES lmao damn there he fucking goes. he looks CGI as FUCK lmao I love it honestly they were like, we gotta make him go FAST. FASTER than any actor or stuntman can achieve. He must.. go WOOSH. 
* Oh shit? Dead Klingons? Oh wow have I been saying “Kor” this whople time when I meant “Kol”? whoops 
* y’all this episode is good as fuck
* “You won’t stop taking!” damn that’s the real Saru coming through that’s so sad
* DID TYLER JUST TELEPORT THROUGH THE.. alien.. spores... god dammit this really is a running theme here huh lmao
* seriously though how did they teleport him that’s crazy
* I wonder if the aliens are helping Michael/Tyler because they’re like acting out of a need to proactively end the threat VS Saru’s cowardly protective stance
* damn, poor Saru..
* Ah yes, The Medbay of Emotional Breakthroughs
* Oh worm? What’s goin on here with L’Rell and Kol. WHOSE SIDE IS SHE ON WHAT IS HER PLANNNN is she just like constantly trying to help anyone who will advance her in some way? 
* OH SHE GOT CAUGHT LMAO he really let her think she was good lmao
* OH NO THEY’RE GONNA INTERCEPT THE DISCOVERY SON, SHIT I hope the planet doesn’t get hurt?? that would be SO unfair 
* Is the PLANET fighting back??? Oh.. is the planet trying to get them to settle this once and for all???? dang that’s .. nice? but uh VERY MISGUIDED LMAO
* SHIT HERE THEY COMEEE this is all so fucked. Kat better get rescued when that ship arrives... NOBODY BETTER FUCKING DIE sjdkgnjdsklgh god 
* This preview... is CRAZY
so that was a good ass episode.... dangg a nice setup for this midseason finale.. lotsa nice little bits in this one. Good shittt ugh I can’t believe we’re gonna hit the break so soon already this is so STRESSFUL
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Love it when we get to watch Star Trek on Star Trek
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I love the lighting in this series. All workplaces should come with a Half-Lit Dramatic Spotlight setting that you can pull out for monologue emergencies
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dlskfjdflkgjdfj?????? this wig?
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The Doomsday Machine: where the FUCK is Uhura. Who is this blonde
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Regrettable sometimes that Star Trek was created when it was. I know in my heart that Fleet Engineering is full of beautiful butch women
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Starting 2.03, Friday's Child. Already some of the stupidest costumes so far (affectionate)
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making the sylvia costume gifs i ended up watching kirk's seduction right before several times and so much of it is just him rubbing his mouth all over her face?
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girl? good thing this is an alien who's so close to losing it about all physical sensations??
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