#c | gabriel vargas.
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noaandreas · 4 months ago
character — @gabevargas location — everything goes
For a couple of months now Noa had mostly holed herself up and kept to herself while she grieved and took on the big changes her life was facing. In that time she'd devoured everything on her to be read pile and even reread a few of her favorite books from the recent years. So, with a coffee in hand, she browsed the fiction sections and nearly ran into someone as she rounded a corner. "Whoops, sorry..." Noa made sure her coffee wasn't about to splatter either of them. "I suppose I should look away from the titles occasionally, huh?" The smile on her lips didn't quite reach her eyes but she was trying.
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enemies-to-lovers-bracket · 2 years ago
What are the new current submissions?
Right now this is the list. But i might have to remove some IF we end up going over 64 (unless we get so much we can make the bracket even bigger)
Akko and Diana (Little Witch Academia)
C!Wilbur and c!Quackity (Dsmp)
Alex Claremon and Prince Henry (Red, White and Royal Blue)
Keefe Sencen, Tam Song, and fitz vacker (Keepers of the Lost City)
Catra and Adora (She-ra and the Princesses of Power)
Sun Wukong and Macaque (Lego Monkey Kid)
The Oncler x The Lorax (the Lorax)
Gilgamesh and Enkidu (Sumerian mythology)
Jude Duarte and Cardan Greenbriar (The Folk of the Air trilogy)
Shadow and Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
DJ Octavio and Cap'n Cuttlefish (Splatoon)
Lace and Hornet (Hollowknight: Silksong)
Rey and Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Sam Winchester and Gabriel (Supernatural)
Han Solo and Leia Organa (Star Wars)
Dazai Osamu and Chuuya Nakahara (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Luz and Amity (the Owl House)
Zuko and Sokka (Avatar the Legend of Aang)
L x Light (Death Note)
Janai and Amaya (the Dragon Prince)
Ballister Boldheart and Ambrosius Goldenloin (Nimona)
Daniela Vargas and Carmen Santos (We Set the Dark on Fire)
Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi (Persona 5)
Tim Te Maro and Elliott Parker (Tim Te Maro and the Subterranean Heartsick Blues)
Red and Blue (This Is How You Lose the Time War)
Kyoko Sakura and Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica)
Victoria and Camille (Reinaeiry)
Andrew Minyard and Neil Josten (All for the game)
Sniper and Spy (Team Fortress 2)
BLUE Soldier and RED Demoman (Team Fortress 2)
Lightning McQueen and Jackson Storm (Cars)
Arthur Kirkland and Alfred F jones (Hetalia)
Fluttershy and Discord (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Red and Green (Pokemon)
Kaito and Stacy (Zenkaiger)
Spike and Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Pat and Pran (Bad Buddy)
Ankh and Eiji (Kamen Reider 000)
Ren and Shinji (Kamen Reider Ryuki)
Kairi and Keiichiro (Lupinranger VS Patranger)
Sound and Win (My School President)
Tarou and Sonoi (Avataro Sentai Donbrothers)
Xiao Xingchen and Xue Yang (the Untamed)
The Conductor and DJ Grooves (a Hat in Time)
Vegas and Pete (Kinnporche: the Series)
Keith and Lance (Voltron)
Sean and White (Not Me: the Series)
Ringo and Easy (Unter Uns)
Porsche Kittisawat and Kinn Theerapanyakul (Kinnporche) Jae Young and Sang Woo (Semantic Error) Akk and Aye (the Eclipse) I don't know a lot of these ships, so if someone would let me know if there aren't any weird incest or paedophilia ships or smth, it would be appreciated lol!
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betofontes-blog · 1 year ago
Que fique registrado...
Segue a lista dos que vivem no 'Pais das Maravilhas' !!!!
01) Anderson Torres - ex-ministro da justiça
02) Daniel Silveira - ex-deputado federal
03) Bismark - humorista, canal Hipócritas
04) Ivan Papo Reto - influencer
05) Serere - cacique
06) Gabriel Mont. - ex-vereador há + 5 meses
07) Mauro Cid - auxiliar de Bolsonaro
08) Max Guilherme - auxiliar de Bolsonaro
09) Sérgio Cordeiro - aux. de Bolsonaro
10) João Carlos - aux. de Bolsonaro
11) Ailton Gonçalves - aux. de Bolsonaro
12) Luís Marcos - aux. de Bolsonaro
13) Allan Frutuozo - jornalista
14) Divesos patriotas - 08/01/23
15) Wellington Macedo - jornalista
16) Allan dos Santos - jornalista, site 3° Livre
17) Adriano Castro - Ex-BBB
18) Pablo Marçal
19) Deltan Dallagnol
20) Jair Bolsonaro
21) Monark
DESMONETIZADO no Instagram e Facebook:
70) @Doprimido2
71) @MonicaMachado38
72) @PadraoAlexandre
73) @Damadeferroofic
74) @TexugoWick
76) @viniciuscfp
77) @viniciuscfpires
79) @eumesmavivi_
80) @ruirapina3
81) @rafaelbboa
82) @apropria_bia
83) @oiiuiz
84) @emb_resistencia
85) @thaispsic
86) @clauwild1
87) @dimacgarcia
88) @Fa1ryNight,
89) @Conservadora191
90) @FlviaLeo16
91) @mendesluizpaulo
92) @freu_rodrigues
93) @ViLiMiGu_Tex
94) @iaragb
95) @glovesnews
96) @alepavanellim
97) @BrazilFight
01) André do Rap
02) José Dirceu
03) Sergio Cabral
04) Lula
05) Flordelis
06) Chico Rodrigues
07) Renato Duque
08) Delúbio Soares
09) João Santana
10) Paulo Roberto Costa
11) André Vargas
12) Léo Pinheiro
13) Pedro Corrêa
14) Geddel
15) Jacob Barata Filho
16) Chaaya Moghrabi
17) Anthony Garotinho
18) Daurio Speranzini JR
19) Flávio Godinho
20) Eike Batista
21) Lélis Teixeira
22) Octacilio de Monteiro
23) Claudio de Freitas
24) Marcelo Traça
25) Eneas Bueno
26) Dayse Neves
27) Rogério Onofre
28) David Augusto
29) Miguel Iskin
30) Gustavo Estellita
31) Marco Antônio de Luca
32) Sérgio Côrtes
33) Orlando Diniz
34) Milton Lyra
35) Ricardo Rodrigues
36) Marcelo Sereno
37) Carlos Pereira
38) Adeilson Telles
39) Marcelo Martins
40) Arthur Pinheiro Machado
41) Marcos Lips
42) Carlos Martins
43) Sandro Lahmann
44) Cesar Monteiro
45) Sergio da Silva
46) Hudson Braga
47) Paulo Sergio Vaz
48) Athos Albernaz
49) Rony Hamoui
50) Oswaldo Prado Sanches
51) Antonio Albernaz
52) Roberta Prata
53) Marcelo Rzezinski
54) Daurio Júnior
55) Renan Calheiros
56) Aécio Neves
57) José Serra
58) Michel Temer
59) Alckmin
60) Guido Mantega
61) Rodrigo Maia
62) Gleisi Hoffmann
63) Eunício
64) Padilha
64) Moreira Franco
65) Jaques Wagner
O clamor popular vai obrigar a se escolher magistrados de carreira e verdadeiros juízes imparciais. Vamos divulgar. Se cada um enviar para as pessoas, só assim tomarão conhecimento dessa vergonha!
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findroleplay · 2 years ago
hello! I’m looking for some fandom roleplays. Currently I am looking to do OCxCC for these fandoms! I am more than open to doing double ups, I prefer doing them anyways since it keeps both sides fair. (I just ask that we both write an equal amount for both sides, not one more than the other.)
Here's some more details:
Literacy: Literate-Advanced Literate (I LOVE details 🫶)
Rules: I have my rules pinned on my profile, please read it all before interacting with this!
Fandom(s): Criminal Minds (it's been a while since I've seen the whole show so rn I'm rewatching it and on season 4), DCEU, The Boys (on season 3), The Walking Dead (on season 9)
Character(s): I can play any characters for you and your side! I'm also apart of other fandoms that I don't have listed above. If you'd prefer another fandom for your side just ask and maybe I know it well enough to rp! And here are characters I'm looking for my oc from the fandoms listed above:
Criminal Minds- Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, Aaron Hotchner
DCEU- Bale!Batman/Bruce Wayne, Pattison!Batman/Bruce Wayne, John Constantine, Morpheus (The Sandman, mainly the show), The Corinthian (same as Morpheus)
The Boys- Billy Butcher, Queen Maeve, MM, Black Noir, Homelander, Soldier Boy
The Walking Dead- Daryl Dixon🫶, Abraham Ford, Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes, Ezekiel Sutton, Gabriel Stokes
COD: Modern Warfare II- Alejandro Vargas, Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, John Price, Johnny ‘Soap’ Mactavish
Triggers: I personally have no triggers
Plot ideas: Depending on which fandom I will most likely follow the canon storyline for each one BUT there could be exceptions. I'm also open to doing AUs alongside the storylines/adding our own changes and touches throughout ofc <3! I'm open to any plots you may have for your side. Ofc Omegaverse will be alongside the plot(s). I will likely play my ocs as an omega and whichever fandom with whoever you’re comfortable playing as an Alpha. I’m more than happy to do the same for your side or any other Secondary Gender pairing is cool with me too!
Where: I'm cool with staying on Tumblr but I wouldn’t mind moving over to Discord
If you're interested then feel free to message me or comment!
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cregan-starks · 2 years ago
tagged by: @mulderfcx tysm, darling! 💛
What's your name? Victoria
Your sun sign? Sagittarius
The last song you listened to? Through Me (The Flood) by Hozier
What are you wearing right now? pyjamas 
How tall are you? 5′2
Piercings? just my ears
Tattoos? 8 (so far)
Glasses? Contacts? I mostly wear glasses, but I prefer contacts
Last drink? hot chocolate
Last thing you ate? eggs
Any pets? 3 chinchillas and a hamster
Do you have a crush on anyone? nope
Favorite fictional characters? let’s not. this post’s gonna go on forever lmao
A movie you think everyone should watch? Spirit: The Stallion of the Cimarron
A book you think everyone should read? my mind went completely blank, so I’m gonna recommend some writers that I enjoy and/or intend to read - Franz Kafka, Ursula K. Le Guin, Edgar Allan Poe, Maya Angelou, JRR Tolkien, George RR Martin, Toni Morrison, James Baldwin, Gillian Flynn, Haruki Murakami, Che Guevara, Martin Luther King Jr., Pablo Neruda, Sappho, Octavio Paz, Isabel Allende, Mario Vargas Llosa, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Arthur Rimbaud, Marin Sorescu, George Bacovia, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Arthur Conan Doyle, Noam Chomsky.
The last place you travelled? the pet shop
Something you looking forward to? House of the Dragon season 2, finishing the one-shot that I’m working on, getting more tattoos, reading more books, watching more movies and shows, listening to more music
no pressure tags: @lavendertales @poppyreader @mitchi-c @agirllovespancakes @qoedameron @prettyboyeddiemunson @maevemills @revolution-starter @buttercup--bee @joel-millerr @rixroad @maharani-radha @moonlight-prose @mandaloresson @themangolorian @frodo-sam @frodo-baggins @josephquinncurl @queenbbarnes @pedropcl @dameronology @mayahawkse @aemondtargaryen @aemonds-targaryen 
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ame-patos · 1 year ago
El Boom Latinoamericano
Por: Amelia Vásquez PAI 5 "C"
El boom latinoamericano es un fenómeno literario que surgió entre la década de los 60s hasta los 70s en donde las obras literarias de Latinoamérica comenzaron a difundirse por todo el mundo y obtuvieron un gran aprecio, acogida y admiración en Europa, principalmente en el país de España. Adicionalmente, los autores que formaron parte del boom latinoamericano junto con sus obras ahora son considerados como clásicos de la literatura.
Estos escritores tuvieron influencias especialmente del surrealismo europeo, el dadaísmo, el expresionismo además de varios movimientos modernistas y de vanguardia del siglo XX. En sus obras se puede evidenciar el realismo mágico que intentaba mostrar lo extraño como algo cotidiano. El boom latinoamericano fue liderado por destacados autores tales como Julio Cortázar, Mario Vargas Llosa, Gabriel García Márquez y Carlos Fuentes los cuales escribieron principalmente novelas y cuentos
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Algunas obras destacables del Boom Latinoamericano son:
1.   "Rayuela" de Julio Cortázar, autor argentino
2.   "La muerte de Artemio Cruz" de Carlos Fuentes, autor mexicano
3.   "Cien años de soledad" de Gabriel García Márquez, autor colombiano
4.   "Pedro Páramo" de Juan Rulfo, autor mexicano
5.   "Pantaleón y las visitadoras" de Mario Vargas Llosa, autor peruano
Los escritores y poetas de este fenómeno tenían una tendencia a utilizar escenarios autóctonos en escenarios propios de sus países, incluyendo paisajes, mitos y tradiciones locales. Además, experimentaban con la narrativa de sus textos de distintas formas, por ejemplo, empleando varios tipos de narradores, a veces no siguen una línea temporal lineal y las obras pueden presentar saltos temporales, incluso comenzando por el final de la historia. Incluyen figuras retóricas como metáforas, epítetos, monólogos internos, neologismos y juegos de palabras.
Este movimiento coincidió con el surgimiento de gobiernos dictatoriales, por lo que la literatura incluyó y se basó mucho en este hecho, encontrando en ellos motivos para abordar las realidades políticas, económicas y sociales desde una perspectiva narrativa única, mezclando lo fantástico con lo histórico.
Los autores contemporáneos todavía reconocen el boom como un fenómeno que cambió el rumbo de la literatura. Las obras de este movimiento siguen siendo relevantes y atractivas para los lectores actuales, capturando la magia y la complejidad de la región.
Unir, V. (2023, 20 abril). El boom latinoamericano: características y autores más representativos. UNIR. https://www.unir.net/humanidades/revista/boom-latinoamericano/
El boom que transformó la literatura latinoamericana :: MrBooks Noticias. (s. f.). https://www.librimundi.com/noticia/2021/02/el-boom-que-transformo-la-literatura-latinoamericana.html
Equipo editorial, Etecé. (2022, 14 julio). Boom latinoamericano - concepto, características, autores y obras. Concepto. https://concepto.de/boom-latinoamericano/
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scientific-tricorder · 2 years ago
List of Latino actors in Star Trek
I'm assuming that this is asking for a list of Latino actors in Star Trek, and since we're nearing the end of Hispanic Heritage Month, I compiled an incomplete list of Hispanic and Latine Actors in Star Trek.
Firstly, there are various main cast members:
Robert Beltran: Plays Chakotay in Voyager and Prodigy, Mexican-American
Roxann Dawson: Played B'Elanna Torres in Voyager, Puerto Rican
Zoe Saldaña: Played Nyota Uhura in the AOS films, Dominican/Puerto Rican
Wilson Cruz: Plays Hugh Culber in Discovery, Puerto Rican
Blu del Barrio: Plays Adira Tal in Discovery, Argentinian-American
Santiago Cabrera: Plays Cristóbal Ríos in Picard, Chilean
Noël Wells: Plays D'Vana Tendi in Lower Decks, part Mexican
Rylee Alazraqui: Plays Rok-Tahk in Prodigy, Argentinian-American
Melissa Navia: Plays Erica Ortegas in SNW, Columbian-American
And then there's those playing more minor roles. I mostly kept to those that played named characters.
Perry Lopez: Played Esteban Rodríguez in TOS, Puerto Rican
Ricardo Montalbán: Played Khan Noonien Singh in TOS and films, Mexican
Percy Rodríguez: Played (Commodore) Stone in TOS, Afro-Portuguese
Ned Romero: Played Krell, Anthwara, and Chakotay's grandfather in TOS, TNG, and Voyager
George de la Peña: Played Solis in TNG, Argentinian-American
Carlos Ferro: Played Dern in TNG
Cástulo Guerra: Played Mendoza in TNG, Argentinian
Frank Luz: Played Odan in TNG
Benito Martínez: Played Salazar in TNG, Guatemalan-American
Gina Ravera: Played Tyler in TNG, Puerto Rican
Marco Rodríguez: Played Paul Rice and Telle in TNG
Benita Andre: Played Anara in DS9, Guatemalan-American
Carlos Carrasco: Played D'Ghor, Bahrat, and Krole in DS9 and Voyager, Panamanian-American
Raymond Cruz: Played Vargas in DS9, Mexican-American
Bertila Damas: Played Sakonna, Three of Nine, and Marika Wilkarah in DS9 and Voyager, Cuban-American
Carlos LaCamara: Played Retaya in DS9, Cuban
F.J. Rio: Played Enrique Muñiz in DS9
Gregory Sierra: Played Entek in DS9
Daniel Zacapa: Played Henry Garcia in DS9, Honduran
Kamala Lopez: Played Tincoo in Voyager
Douglas Spain: Played young Chakotay in Voyager
Philip Anthony-Rodríguez: Played Juan in Enterprise
Michelle C. Bonilla: Played Bu'kaH in Enterprise, Chicana
Josh Cruze: Played Ramírez in Enterprise
Efrain Figueroa: Voiced universal translator in Enterprise
Hilde Garcia: Played Rossi and various background characters in Enterprise and Voyager, Cuban-American
Ricky Luna: Played Carlos in Enterprise
Ada Maris: Played Erika Hernández in Enterprise, Mexican-American
Enrique Murciano: Played Tolaris in Enterprise, Cuban-American
Marco Sanchez: Played M. Romero in Enterprise
Geno Silva: Played Vrax in Enterprise, Mexican-American
Clifton Collins Jr.: Played Ayel in the AOS films, Mexican-American
Amanda Arcuri: Played Val Sasha in Discovery, Argentinian/Italian
Ache Hernández: Played Kyheem in Discovery, Cuban
Xavier Sotelo: Played Diego Vera in Discovery
Sol Rodríguez: Played Teresa Ramírez in Picard, Argentinian
Carlos Alazraqui: Plays Les Buenamigo in Lower Decks, Argentinian-American
Gabrielle Ruiz: Plays Lemonts, Castro, and T'Lyn in Lower Decks, Mexican-American
Melissa Villaseñor: Plays Nandi in Prodigy
Carlos Albornoz: Played Buckley in SNW, Latino-Canadian
Oscar Moreno: Plays Zuniga in SNW, Columbian
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 4 years ago
Bello... And welcome to this hell hole of aus for my Fandoms!
Fandoms that I write/draw for:
Twisted wonderland
Boku no hero academia
Persona 5/4/3
What I do:
Ship fics
Designs ideas(applied on all above)
Ships I do:
Saiouma (Shuichi x Kokichi)
Rantaro x Korekyo
Kaede x Miu/Maki
Keebo x Miu/Rantaro
Tsumugi x Rantaro
Hoshi x Kirumi
Kirumi x Maki
Kaimaki (Kaito x Maki)
Tenko x any of the girls
Komahina (Ngito x Hajime)
Soudam (Gundam x Souda)
Chiaki x Sonia/Peko
Band aid (Ibuki x Mikan)
Fuyuhiko x Peko/Souda
Akane x Nekomaru
Naegiri (Makoto x Kirigiri)
Naegami (Byakuia x Makoto)
Aoi x Sakura
Ishimondo (Ishimaru x Mondo)
Sayaka x Leon
Yasuhiro x Leon
Junko x Sayaka
Mukuro x Naegi
Toko(genocide jack/jill) x Komaru
Twisted Wonderland
Adeuce (Ace x Deuce)
Trey x Jade
Riddle x Floyd
Carter x Trey/Vil
Azul x Idia x Mallerius
Sebek x Silver
Jamil x Kalim
Scarabia student C x Octavinelle student A
Jack x Epel
Ruggie x Epel
Rook x Vil
Crewel x Crowley
Sam x Vargas
Neige x Rook
Boku no hero academia
Tododeku (Tdoroki x Deku)
Uraraka x Tsu/Toga
Kiribaku (Kirishima x Bakugo)
Shinso x Denki
Jiro x Momo
Idia x Mei
Monoma x Trash
Inko x AFO /All might
Aizawa x Present Mic
Dabi x Shigaraki/Overhaul
Marinette x Adrien
Marinette x Kagami
Luka x Kagami
Luka x Adrien
Nino x Alya
Nathalie x someone better than Gabriel
Gabriel x dumpster
Plag x Tikki
Rose x Juleka
Mylene x Ivan
Marc x Nathaniel
Kim x Ondine
Chloé x Luca
Persona 5/4/3
Ryji x Akiren
Ann x Shiho
Akechi x Akiren
Yuske x Akiren
Makoto x Ryuji/Haru
Yuu x Yosuke
Kanji x Naoto
Chie x Yukiko
Aigis x Makoto
Junpei x Chidori
If any of this ships trigger you, be free to avoid posts about them or voice your concern regarding them... I'll gladly answer any questions about them and also I'll respect your own ships
Note: you can find me on Wattpad too at @LowkeyClueless. In there I post saiouma oneshots and twisted wonderland things.
Bye for now!
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wandercrs · 4 years ago
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| lindsey morgan. cis-woman. she/her. | welcome to winston! have you met katherine ‘kat’ vargas yet? it’s says here that this twenty eight year old has been living in winston complex for two years. she makes a living as a bartender. watch out because they are charming and rebellious. it says here they live in winston towers in a-103. they are written by jess, 24, est, she/her, n/a. 
trigger warnings: death, abandonment, cheating
full character page here
FULL NAME: katherine luciana vargas
NICKNAME(S): kat, kit kat
TROPE: hidden depths
AGE: twenty-eight (28)
BIRTHDAY: november 1, 1993
ETHNICITY: mexican
GENDER: cis-woman
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
RELIGION: atheist
OCCUPATION: bartender at winston commons
LANGUAGES: english, spanish
PARENTS: lucia vargas (mother), gabriel walker (father)
SIBLINGS: jace walker (older, half-brother)
RIVALS: tbd.
P H Y S I C A L   T R A I T S
FACECLAIM: lindsey morgan
EYE COLOR: brown
HAIR COLOR: dark brown
AESTHETIC/STYLE: cute & casual, likes to wear stuff that makes her feel good
POSITIVE TRAITS: brave, determined, adventurous, loyal
NEGATIVE TRAITS: untrusting, secretive, stubborn, resentful
ZODIAC SIGN: scorpio
MORAL ALIGNMENT: lawful evil
ENNEAGRAM: type eight - the challenger
MBTI: entj
SKILLS: turning an average day into an adventure, listening
HOBBIES: sings in the shower, guitar, yoga, used to ice skate
FEARS/PHOBIAS: love, inadequacy, snakes
FAVORITES: iced coffee, burritos, thunderstorms, sunrises over sunsets
katherine irene vargas was born in san bernadino, california on november 1, 1993 to a young woman named lucia vargas. lucia was very young at the time, just on the bring of her 19th birthday. lucia had never planned on having children, so the discovery that she was pregnant with kat was a shock. the man she had been with, only ever known to kat as her ‘sperm donor gabriel’, was a couple of years older than her at the time. they had met at the local community college and began engaging in a fling. unbeknownst to lucia, gabriel already had another child with another woman. upon finding out lucia was pregnant, he took off, breaking all contact with the pregnant mother-to-be.
lucia was in way over her head from the start. she could barely take care of herself, let alone raise a child. lucky enough for the both of them, kat’s maternal aunt (lucia’s sister) stepped in and allowed lucia and kat to move in with her. kat’s aunt, helena, was a godsend when it came to helping raise kat. the woman quickly fell in love with kat, and the two formed a bond from early on.
the bond between kat and helena only grew as kat got older. the two did almost everything together, but when it came to lucia, kat was always hesitant to get close to her. lucia was always out. she would say she was looking for work, but really, she had fallen in with a bad crowd. lucia became resentful of helena, and the further she fell, the angrier she was with her life. things came to a head when lucia and helena broke out into a fight one morning. lucia left with her keys in hand, and they never saw her again. kat was only five at the time.
from then on, helena raised kat as her own. they didn’t have much, but they really cared for each other. that didn’t mean kat was an easy child. she was more than helena had bargained for. kat was the type of kid at the playground who would jump off the top of the slide instead of going down it. she would reach out to touch the flame on a candle just to see what it felt like. and that was the kind of spirit that drove her life. It drove helena insane, and she constantly joked about wrapping kat up in bubble wrap and a helmet for the rest of her life. that probably would have done her some good.
as kat grew up, she began to come into her own. she was full of life and energy. she made good friends at school and was an average student. but she didn’t care too much about her grades. sitting in a classroom for eight hours a day never really appealed to her. she had a tendency to be late or to cut a class here and there. who could blame her, really? kat yearned to live life every second of every day. more than anything, kat loved falling in love. she did it with practically everyone she met. there were a lot of relationships that came and went throughout her teens, but she never learned. kat gave her heart to practically every one of them. she couldn’t help it...it was just who she was.
when kat was sixteen, a boy a few years older than her showed up on her doorstep. he claimed to be her brother, the other child born to their father gabriel -- jace walker. jace was a bit of a lost soul himself. his life was not going according to plan, and when he was just about tired of screwing things up for himself, he felt like he could use a little familial support. kat was sceptical of him at first, but in time, the two bonded. it was as if they had grown up together all along. they fought, bickered, laughed, cried. jace became fiercely protective of kat, and kat always wanted to help jace. but jace was a bit of a train wreck most of the time. that made her job much harder.
kat eventually graduated high school and made her way on to college. she stayed close to home, opting to go to california state in san bernadino so she could still see helena and jace. college turned kat into a bit of a partier. she had so much energy, and for the first time, she had all the freedom she had dreamed of. eventually, kat was going out almost every night. she had hooked up with a group of girls that lived on her floor, and they began to travel everywhere together. bars, clubs, frat parties. it was practically impossible to balance it all with her school work. so, her school work began to fall. kat was on academic probation by the end of her first semester. even with that, she wasn’t too concerned. she was busy having fun with her friends. that was, until one night. the girls were at a party that her friend vanessa’s boyfriend had invited them to. the night was proceeding like any other night until vanessa’s boyfriend made a move on kat. kat tried to stop it, not wanting to do anything that would hurt her friend. but that wasn’t before vanessa saw. vanessa was pissed at kat and absolutely had a meltdown.
by the next day, vanessa was already at work, bashing kat to pretty much anyone who would listen. vanessa and her friends teamed up against kat. a week later, practically every ‘friend’ kat thought she had made had been turned against her. she felt like she was back at square one. confused and lonely, kat did the only thing she could think of. she threw herself back into her school work. there was a lot of ground for her to make up at this point, but she knew she needed to get serious. fooling around had only left her sad and friend-less. kat began working harder in her classes in hopes of eventually getting her business degree. it had always been helena’s dream to buy a restaurant and run it. kat wanted to be a part of some day making that happen for her aunt.
kat eventually made her way through college, and she found a few close friends that remained true through it all. kat was 23 when she graduated, now having to face real life for the first time. kat began working for a small investment group. it was there she met victor. victor had started working there just after kat, and the two hit it off almost immediately. victor was charming, handsome, and seemingly perfect. he had just moved to town, and kat enjoyed showing him around and being his guide. kat and victor quickly began dating, and she was mesmerized by him. victor was always showing off with his knowledge about finance or the world. kat was falling in love with him. eventually, kat asked for victor’s help in growing some of the money her and helena had saved up for their restaurant. they wanted to take it and invest, and since victor seemed to have a lot of experience, kat trusted him to help. her trust in him turned out to be misplaced. the day after kat had turned over all their funds to him to invest, she found his apartment empty, desk cleared. no note, no call. his phone number was no longer in service. she had been swindled, and kat never even saw it coming.
kat felt immense guilt for what she had done to her and helena’s savings. she blamed herself. although helena had forgiven her, kat could tell she still harbored a little resentment about the whole thing. kat decided to keep her head down and focus on working for a little bit. she was determined to try and pay back every cent.
after a couple years, kat met logan at a party thrown by a mutual friend. she hadn’t really dated much since the whole victor situation, so she was extremely guarded. but, logan was cute. he had his own kind of unique charm, and he intrigued her. kat wanted to know more. and so, they started dating. kat quickly learned that logan wasn’t always as charming as he presented. he could be a bit of an asshole, and it didn’t take her long to notice. but for some reason, kat stayed with him. she wanted to make the relationship work. some might have said she was using him for his money or influence, but that wasn’t her intention when things started out. kat really tried to convince herself that she loved him. she worked hard at it. when the time came, logan proposed to kat. on paper, he was perfect. so, what could she do but say yes?
kat and logan spent months planning their picture perfect wedding. helena wasn’t crazy about logan, but kat seemed so happy, so she tried to give him a fair shot. logan’s parents did not approve of kat, but they knew better than to battle their son. so the wedding moved forward.
on her wedding day, kat found herself standing in a big church, in an uncomfortable wedding gown that she hadn’t even picked. she looked around and realized this wasn’t her wedding. it was another wedding that someone else had planned. it was a wedding for a different bride. she couldn’t marry logan. she didn’t love him. if only she had realized that before she got to the alter. kat told logan she couldn’t marry him and ran back down the aisle. kat jumped in her car and drove off, leaving behind her fiancé and a church full of confused guests. it was the worst thing she had ever done...at least, she thought it was at the time.
little did kat know, helena had gone after kat. she drove around for hours trying to find her niece. she just wanted to be there for her. to support her. but kat was hiding out far away from where she thought anyone would find her. it was getting late and helena was tiring. she decided to head back home to see if kat had circled back. helena didn’t even realize she had run the stop sign. she looked to the side and saw lights barreling toward her. and then there was a crash.
kat got the call from the hospital on her cell phone, and she hopped in the car immediately. tears were streaming down her face, her hands gripped the steering wheel so hard her knuckles were white. she rushed into the hospital, desperate to find her aunt. she had, unfortunately, been moments too late. the doctors had just announced helena dead from injuries sustained during the crash.
kat was in shambles. she didn’t know what to do or how to live with herself. she blamed herself for the crash. if she hadn’t run out on her wedding...if she had just gone home...the day after helena’s funeral, kat said goodbye to jace and jumped in her car. she started driving. she drove forever. she slept overnight in her car or at cheap motels. she had no destination. kat just needed to get away. somehow, after a long time of traveling, kat found herself just outside of massachusetts. she didn’t know why, but something drew her there. the northeast seemed like the farthest she could get from california. so, kat drove around until she eventually settled on moving to boston.
tl;dr: kat was born to a young, single mother but raised by her aunt. the two were very close. she has a half-brother named jace. she’s adventurous and spirited. she’s had some messy romantic relationships in the past which contributes to her lack of trust. right before she came to boston, she left her fiancé at the alter and her aunt died in a car accident, for which, kat blames herself.
kat’s been in boston for two years now. she has left everything from her past life behind, although she hasn’t really come to terms with it. kat’s learned to push through (and bury the rest)!! kat presents as upbeat, friendly, and witty. one thing she truly enjoys is her job as a bartender at winston commons. she loves chatting with people and learning about their lives, providing counsel, or even just serving as a listening ear. kat especially loves any opportunity to cheer someone up on their bad days. 
still, the life kat left behind still haunts her sometimes. in the dead of night, it hits her out of nowhere. the guilt. the hurt. but she doesn’t talk about it--not with anyone. most people around the city and winston don’t know where she came from, just that she’s here now. and she plans to keep that information guarded and locked deep inside. she’s just trying to be happy. to believe once again that life can be good.
C O N N E C T I O N S / P L O T S
ride or die: i would love for there to be someone who has become kat’s closest friend and confidant. someone to hang out with, laugh with, be protective over, etc.
will they, won’t they/flirtation: someone kat might flirt with or even has become close to. maybe it’s a regular at the bar? they have the will they, won’t they energy, but they haven’t really crossed that line...yet.
unrequited love: i have a feeling she would be the type to have someone that was in love with her or something, but she never knew or never wanted to admit that she knew. she sees herself as having given up on love.
frenemies: someone she bumped heads with a lot. maybe they got in each other’s way or just couldn’t stand each other.
flings, hook-ups, exes: anything like this i’m totally game for.
hateship: am i a sucker for a hateship/enemies-to-lovers trope? perHAPS
anything at all: i am truly open for anything. please don’t be afraid to ask if you think she fits something you want for your character too. plotting is not a strength so don’t be shy :) 
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manuelcesii · 5 years ago
2 BAC. Tema 18. Literatura hispanoamericana contemporánea
Resumir toda la literatura producida en 19 países, con 400 millones de hablantes, a lo largo de todo un siglo y en los tres géneros principales, resulta una tarea complicada. Por ellos, nos centraremos en dos géneros, los de mayor producción (poesía y narrativa) y expondremos las etapas o movimientos principales de cada uno, aludiendo también a los autores y obras imprescindibles.
En el paso del siglo XIX al XX el Modernismo, de origen hispanoamericano, de va agotando al tiempo que aparecen nuevas formas poéticas.
A) Las autoras postmodernistas. En la línea del modernismo tardío hay cuatro mujeres poetas (Delmira Agustini, Juana de Ibarbourou, Gabriela Mistral y Alfonsina Storni) que continúan en la línea de una poesía que persigue la belleza formal pero sin olvidar el contenido (en la línea del modernismo intimista). Nos centramos en:
Delmira Agustini: poesía formalmente modernista simbolista y en cuanto a los temas se caracteriza por una visión femenina del amor, la sensualidad y el erotismo.
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Juana de Ibarbourou: uruguaya de raíces gallegas. La suya es una poesía vitalista, colorista y optimista. Canta el amor, la naturaleza, la vida.
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Gabriela Mistral: chilena. Premio Nobel y maestra en la infancia de Pablo Neruda. Autora de corte clásico y pensamiento conservador. Sus temas son la familia, la maternidad, Dios.
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Alfonsina Storni: Autora argentina con una visión oscura, pesimista y trágica de la vida, con una actitud cínica y desengañada sobre todo hacia el amor y los hombres.
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B) Poesía vanguardista: en la línea de las vanguardias occidentales (surrealismo, futurismo...) se desarrolló en Hispanoamérica una poesía nueva, experimental, inconformista, en busca d eun lenguaje diferente. Dos de los poetas más importantes del continente, César Vallejo y Pablo Neruda, practicaron la poesía vangaurdista en sus inicio. Además
Vicente Huidobro. Poeta chileno, padre del Creacionismo, basado en la metáfora, la experimentación  y en la no imitación de la realidad. El siguiente poema, por ejemplo, debe mucho al futurismo y al creacionismo (caligrama)
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Jorge Luis Borges. Argentino, narrador, poeta y ensayista. En su juventud practicó el Ultraísmo.
C) Poesía pura: en la línea iniciada por Juan Ramón Jiménez, Salinas... y con la influencia de la poesía clásica española. Poesía depurada, intelectual, abstracta. Representativa del mexicano Xavier Villaurrutia.
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D) Poesía afronegrista. En países con una fuerte presencia de población descendiente de esclavos africanos (Cuba, Venezuela...) se desarrolla esta poesía enteramente original de Hispanoamérica. Por un lado, reivindica el papel de los negros, tradicionalmente marginados; por el otro, formalmente es poesía rítmica, sonora, basada en los fondos musicales y rítmicos africanos o afroamericanos (música del son, guaracha...). El principal representante es el cubano Nicolás Guillén.
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E) Poesía trascendentalista: poesía barroca, con un lenguaje oscuro y simbólico, lleno de adornos, imágenes, metáforas, palabras complejas y con un sentido escondido, no fácil de comprender. Persigue lo misterioso y lo escondido de la realidad y del propio ser humano. Está representada por el cubano José Lezama Lima
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F) Poesía comprometida: de denuncia social, no evasiva, dedicada a la crítica de las injusticias y desigualdades, con un lenguaje claro y directo. Está presente en la obra de Pablo Neruda, César Vallejo y Octavio Paz, que veremos por separado. Característica del nicaragüense Ernesto Cardenal, recién fallecido, que mezcla lo social y lo sentimental.
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G) Los grandes poetas. Algunos de estos autores alcanzaron fama y reconocimiento mundial. Participaron, a lo largo de su vida, en varias de las tendencias ya señaladas.
César Vallejo. Poeta peruano exiliado en Francia. Lo caracterizan su compromiso no solo con los problemas sociales, sino sobre todo con el dolor humano existencial, con el dolor de vivir, la angustia y el sentimiento trágico de la vida. Empieza como poeta modernista (Los heraldos negros), para pasar luego a la vanguardia (Trilce), la poesía social en relación con la Guerra Civil española (España, aparta de mí este cáliz) y la mejor poesía de Vallejo, la más personal, de tono existencial y pesimista, resumida en Poemas humanos y escrita en el exilio parisino.
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Nicolás Guillén. Principal representante de la poesía negrista. En su obra se suman dos rasgos esenciales: los elementos rítmicos/musicales y temáticos de la negritud por un lado, y el compromiso social (sobre todo a raíz del triunfo de la revolución cubana): fraternidad, antiimperialismo... Característico del negrismo cultural es Sóngoro Cosongo; típico de la poesía social es West Indies Limited.
Pablo Neruda (Neftalí RIcardo Reyes), poeta chileno, uno de los más relevantes de todo el siglo XX, Premio Nobel y Premio Lenin (el equivalente en la era soviética, puesto que militaba en el Partido Comunista), gustó tanto en el mundo capitalista como en el comunista. Lo que más caracteriza a Neruda es su carácter excesivo: escribió mucho, libros muy largos, es muy dado a la “palabrería”, a crear grandes imágenes y metáforas, a extremar también el sentimiento y las ideas: todo lo contrario de la poesía pura. En su obra pasó por la poesía neorromántica en su juventud (Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada), por la vanguardia surrealista durante su época europea como diplomático (Residencia en la tierra) y también desde este momento, en relación con la Guerra Civil española, por la poesía social (Canto general) y, finalmente, por una especie de comunismo elemental, una forma de sentirse unido y solidario ya no con los hombres sino con las cosas, con lo más básico y primitivo, que también es lo más importante (Odas elementales). Seguramente su obras más populares son Veinte poemas..., poemario amoroso con un úñltimo poema de desamor, de inspiración autobiográfica, en el que el poeta se dirige a dos figuras femeninas, Marisol y Marisombra. Y el Canto general, que fue algo así como una reivindicación de la identidad americana, un intento de realizar una enciclopedia poética del continente americano, libro muy extenso en el que Neruda canta todos los aspectos: el pasado y el presente, los indios y los europeos, la naturaleza y el hombre, la cultura... El siguiente poema es un homenaje solidario a Cuba.
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Octavio Paz. Gran poeta y ensayista mexicano. Aunque en sus inicios escribió poemas sociales y comprometidos, más tarde se acercó a la vanguardia surrealista; no obstante, el Octavio Paz más definitivo y personal es el posterior, que hace una poesía que bien podríamos definir como “mística”, lo cual no significa que sea religiosa (persigue el misterio, la verdad más allá de las verdades); muy influido por las filosofías orientales (sobre todo el budismo zen y el hinduismo), la suya es una poesía pura, filosófica y metafísica, una poesía del conocimiento que intenta encontrar un sentido al misterio de la vida y del ser humano: temas típicos son el tiempo, la memoria, la palabra y el lenguaje, la soledad o el amor. En definitiva, es un poeta bastante conceptual y complejo. Es importante recordar el libro recopilatorio Libertad bajo palabra, así como, de la etapa más orientalista, Ladera este. También hizo poesía experimental, como los Topoemas, conjunto de poemas visuales:
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Como ocurre con la poesía, en la novela y el cuento hispanoamericano del siglo XX han existido muchas tendencias y luego algunos grandes autores. Si lo dividimos en tres partes, tenemos:
En el primer tercio del siglo, novela de la tierra: es una novela americana y realista. Realista porque pretende reflejar de modo objetivo la realidad circundante y americana porque se escapa de los tópicos del realismo europeo para reivindicar la identidad cultural, natural e histórica de América. Así, podemos hablar de:
Novela de la pampa: lógicamente refleja el modo de vida y la idiosincrasia de los habitantes ee la pampa. Destaca la historia de la vida de un gaucho de Ricardo Güiraldes, Don Segundo Sombra.
Novela de la Revolución mexicana. El siglo XX es un siglo de revoluciones. Una de las primeras y más conocidas fue la de los campesinos mexicanos contra los grandes terratenientes. La revolución mexicana es para los mexicanos algo así como la Guerra Civil para los españoles, de modo que continuamente intentan explicarla y entenderla a través de la literatura, el cine, la pintura, la música, etc, hasta el día de hoy. Una de las primeras es Los de abajo, de Mariano Azuela.
Novela de la selva. Se refiere, como es obvio, al mundo de la selva, no solo en un sentido natural (grandes selvas amazónicas) sino también en lo que a la relación del ser humano con ella se refiere (algo así como la lucha entre la naturaleza y la civilización). Destaca el venezolano Rómulo Gallegos con Doña Bárbara.
Segundo tercio: alejamiento del realismo y del tipismo. La novela se vuelve más elaborada, más experimental y se buscan nuevos temas (menos locales, menos americanos, y más universales): más interés por lo existencial, más ambientación urbana... Es el caso de Borges (lo veremos luego  con más detalle), o del mexicano Juan Rulfo, autor de la novela Pedro Páramo y del libro de cuentos El llano en llamas.
Desde los años 60. Nacimiento del “Boom” de la narrativa. Como ya vimos respecto de la novela española de los años 60, en esta década los jóvenes escritores americanos inician una renovación técnica (en la forma de contar la historia) siguiendo el modelo que a principios del siglo XX habían definido escritores europeos y norteamericanos como John dos Passos, Hemingway, Faulkner, Joyce Proust, etc. Usan nuevas técnicas (perspectivismo, ruptura del relato lineal, pérdida de importancia del argumento, monólogo interior...). Son muchos los autores que se podrían destacar. Por ejemplo, Julio Cortázar (desarrollado luego), Gabriel García Márquez (lo mismo), Mario Vargas Llosa o Carlos Fuentes.
Entre los últimos autores, los más jóvenes, epígonos del boom, destacaríamos a Isabel Allende, Laura Esquivel, Fernando del Paso o Roberto Bolaño.
Grandes narradores
Jorge Luis Borges. Poeta, ensayista y narrador argentino. Uno de los más grandes cuentistas de la historia de la literatura. Sus relatos suelen pertenecer a géneros tradicionales (de aventuras, de misterio, de ciencia ficción, policíacos) pero siempre supera la anécdota con una reflexión filosófica. Están llenos de imaginación, de ironía y de referencias culturales (en muchas ocasiones falsas), simbólicas y míticas con las que Borges consigue el “vértigo intelectual” del lector: ir llevándolo hasta una situación que lo obligue a replantearse la seguridad de las cosas en las que creía y confiaba. Sus temas son, pues, filosóficos (el tiempo, el infinito, los laberintos, los libros, el perdón, la culpabilidad...) pero presentados siempre desde una perspectiva escéptica; Borges era un escéptico: no creía firmemente en nada, ni siquiera en sí mismo. Como escéptico negaba la realidad (nada es), negaba el conocimiento (si algo fuera no podría conocerse) y negaba el lenguaje (si algo pudiera conocerse no podría decirse). La realidad, el conocimiento y el lenguaje son insuficientes, se quedan cortos, por eso todo resulta siempre relativo y en sus cuentos casi nunca nada es lo que parece. Su estilo puede resumirse en una falsa sencillez o en una sencillez aparente (Borges siempre está poniendo trampas intelectuales para que caigamos en ellas). Destacaremos las colecciones de cuentos Ficciones y El Aleph.
Julio Cortázar. Escritor argentino (luego exiliado, como el mismo Borges) de cuentos y novelas. Aunque empieza con un estilo realista, su obra más importante es experimental. Es un maestro de lo insólito: hace que lo real y lo fantástico convivan o presenta el lado insólito de la realidad. Lo combina también con el compromiso y es un maestro en el relato de horror. Rayuela es su novela más conocida, en la que usa las técnicas experimentales ya explicadas. Entre sus cuentos destacan Historias de cronopios y de famas, ingeniosa y divertida al tiempo que irónica, o Bestiario (una colección al estilo medieval de animales imposibles).
Gabriel García Márquez, autor colombiano premio Nobel, es el padre oficial del “realismo mágico” (aunque él reconoce debérselo al gallego Álvaro Cunqueiro).El realismo mágico consiste en hacer que lo mágico y lo real convivan en el mismo orden, es decir, presentar lo mágico o fantástico como una parte más de lo “real” o material. Su estilo destaca por la imaginación y la riqueza expresiva. Es autor de colecciones de cuentos pero, sobre todo, es conocido por sus novelas. Algunas, muy famosas, como Cien años de soledad o Crónica de una muerte anunciada.
Mario Vargas Llosa. Peruano. Premio Nobel. Su estilo es realista pero pasa por diversas etapas, desde el realismo más crudo de su primera novela, La ciudad y los perros, pasando por la experimentación, por ejemplo en Conversación en la catedral, hasta la novelas de corte histórico o político, como La fiesta del Chivo.
1. Lee un poco sobre la vida de Alfonsina Storni y ponla en relación con la conocida canción que verás más abajo.
2. Escucha la versión musical de “Sóngoro Cosongo” de Nicolás Guillén. ¿Qué elementos negristas encuentras en él? Tienes un enlace más abajo
3. Escucha la lectura de uno de los poemas más conocidos de César Vallejo, realizada por otro personaje también muy relevante de la Hispanoamérica del siglo XX, Ernesto “Che” Guevara. La hizo como despedida de su madre, después de triunfar en la revolución cubana y antes de marcharse al Congo. ¿Cuál es el tema? ¿Y el tono?
4. Lee este minirrelato de Borges, incluido en El hacedor, y responde:
A- Distraídos en razonar la inmortalidad, habíamos dejado que anocheciera sin encender la lámpara. No nos veíamos las caras. Con una indiferencia y una dulzura más convincentes que el fervor, la voz de Macedonio Fernández repetía que el alma es inmortal. Me aseguraba que la muerte del cuerpo es del todo insignificante y que morirse tiene que ser el hecho más nulo que puede sucederle a un hombre. Yo jugaba con la navaja de Macedonio; la abría y la cerraba. Un acordeón vecino despachaba infinitamente la Cumparsita, esa pamplina consternada que les gusta a muchas personas, porque les mintieron que es vieja… Yo le propuse a Macedonio que nos suicidáramos, para discutir sin estorbo.
Z (burlón)- Pero sospecho que al final no se resolvieron
A (ya en plena mística)- Francamente no recuerdo si esa noche nos suicidamos.
¿Cuál es el argumento?
¿Cuál es el tema o los temas?
En el texto hay muchas expresiones con gran valor literario. Distingue el significado de estas que te proponemos:
"despachaba infinitamente".
"pamplina consternada".
¿Qué rasgos propios de Borges presenta?
5. Lee el cuento “Continuidad de los parques” de Cortázar y responde:
Había empezado a leer la novela unos días antes. La abandonó por negocios urgentes, volvió a abrirla cuando regresaba en tren a la finca; se dejaba interesar lentamente por la trama, por el dibujo de los personajes. Esa tarde, después de escribir una carta a su apoderado y discutir con el mayordomo una cuestion de aparcerías volvió al libro en la tranquilidad del estudio que miraba hacia el parque de los robles. Arrellanado en su sillón favorito de espaldas a la puerta que lo hubiera molestado como una irritante posibilidad de intrusiones, dejó que su mano izquierda acariciara una y otra vez el terciopelo verde y se puso a leer los últimos capítulos. Su memoria retenía sin esfuerzo los nombres y las imágenes de los protagonistas; la ilusión novelesca lo ganó casi en seguida. Gozaba del placer casi perverso de irse desgajando línea a línea de lo que lo rodeaba, y sentir a la vez que su cabeza descansaba cómodamente en el terciopelo del alto respaldo, que los cigarrillos seguían al alcance de la mano, que más allá de los ventanales danzaba el aire del atardecer bajo los robles. Palabra a palabra, absorbido por la sórdida disyuntiva de los héroes, dejándose ir hacia las imágenes que se concertaban y adquirian color y movimiento, fue testigo del último encuentro en la cabaña del monte. Primero entraba la mujer, recelosa; ahora llegaba el amante, lastimada la cara por el chicotazo de una rama. Admirablemente restallaba ella la sangre con sus besos, pero él rechazaba las caricias, no había venido para repetir las ceremonias de una pasión secreta, protegida por un mundo de hojas secas y senderos furtivos. El puñal se entibiaba contra su pecho, y debajo latía la libertad agazapada. Un diálogo anhelante corría por las páginas como un arroyo de serpientes, y se sentía que todo estaba decidido desde siempre. Hasta esas caricias que enredaban el cuerpo del amante como queriendo retenerlo y disuadirlo, dibujaban abominablemente la figura de otro cuerpo que era necesario destruir. Nada había sido olvidado: coartadas, azares, posibles errores. A partir de esa hora cada instante tenía su empleo minuciosamente atribuido. El doble repaso despiadado se interrumpía apenas para que una mano acariciara una mejilla. Empezaba a anochecer. Sin mirarse ya, atados rígidamente a la tarea que los esperaba, se separaron en la puerta de la cabaña. Ella debía seguir por la senda que iba al norte. Desde la senda opuesta él se volvió un instante para verla correr con el pelo suelto. Corrió a su vez, parapetándose en los árboles y los setos, hasta distinguir en la bruma malva del crepúsculo la alameda que llevaba a la casa. Los perros no debían ladrar, y no ladraron. El mayordomo no estaría a esa hora, y no estaba. Subió los tres peldaños del porche y entró. Desde la sangre galopando en sus oídos le llegaban las palabras de la mujer: primero una sala azul, después una galería, una escalera alfombrada. En lo alto, dos puertas. Nadie en la primera habitación, nadie en la segunda. La puerta del salón, y entonces el puñal en la mano. la luz de los ventanales, el alto respaldo de un sillón de terciopelo verde, la cabeza del hombre en el sillón leyendo una novela.
Resume el argumento
¿Qué tema se plantea?
El relato tiene una estructura circular o un “efecto de cajas chinas” ¿En qué consiste
¿Cómo se relacionan la ficción y la realidad?
¿A qué subgénero dirías que pertenece?
6. Cortázar es el creador de un idioma literario, el “glíglico”, basado en palabras inventadas pero que mantienen una relación morfológica y sintáctica con la norma castellana; de manera que no se entiende pero se entiende. Comprueba esta paradoja en uno de los capítulos de Rayuela leídos por el propio Cortázar. Lo tienes en un enlace más abajo. ¿De qué habla? ¿Qué describe?
7. Juan Rulfo es uno de los mayores estilistas de la narrativa hispanoamericana. Capaz de unir la sorpresa o la imaginación y lo terrible del destino de las gentes, es uno de los mejores retratistas del ser profundo mexicano. Compruébalo en el texto “Diles que no me maten”, de El llano en llamas, que encontrarás más abajo leído por el propio Rulfo. ¿Cuál es su argumento? ¿Qué forma narrativa tiene?
8. Borges es un autor que ha interesado mucho a los directores de cine. Algunos, como Chris Nolan, se han basado claramente en textos de Borges para sus guiones (Memento, sobre "Funes el memorioso"; Inception), al igual que Carlos Saura o incluso Bernardo Bertolucci. Este último dirigió Strategia del ragno (La estrategia de la araña), apoyándose en "Tema del traidor y del héroe". Las cosas no suelen ser como parecen, las primeras impresiones engañan. Puedes visionar la película completa (en italiano) en el enlace. Es hora y media. No es obligatorio. Para cinéfilos.
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beastingtm · 5 years ago
This is a list of canon characters I’m dying to write with at some point. If you’re interested in any of the people on the list, you can always come poke me about it and I’ll gladly indulge you in my emotional support TV show ! Also, obviously, warning for (small) spoilers every here and there. I tried my best to keep out the really big ones !
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           J.T. FORBES -- Vincent’s best friend since childhood. They were roommates while Vincent studied to become a doctor. He became a medical researcher and college professor. J.T. was the first and only person Vincent reconnected with after surviving being experimented on by Muirfield in Afghanistan. J.T. helped keep Vincent hidden from Muirfield and the public for nearly ten years, and researches Vincent’s DNA in an attempt to help his friend find a cure or an antidote to revert the changes made to his DNA by the Muirfield Experiment. J.T. is known for his sarcasm and witty remarks, as much as he enjoys running jokes. 
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          TESS VARGAS -- The best friend and detective partner to Catherine Chandler. Being Cat’s best friend, Tess was one of the first to suspect she’s keeping secrets from the rest of the world ever since Vincent came back into her life by luck. Tess is forgiving, and easygoing as a friend. On the job, she is strict and outspoken, sometimes a little sarcastic. Just like Catherine, she is a strong woman, who knows how to stand her ground and make a stand for her professional career.
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          HEATHER CHANDLER -- The younger sister to Catherine Chandler. She stays on and off with her sister, trying to find a job and a lover. She is a bubbly, carefree and fun-loving girl, who often looks to brighten up situations and show the bright side to something sad. She is a ray of sunshine in everyone’s life (even Vincent’s), though sometimes she’s not always aware of the seriousness of a situation. In such occasions, she appears the most emotionally fragile out of all her friends. She cares deeply about her friends and family, but mostly about her only remaining close family in the likes of Catherine Chandler.
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          GABRIEL LOWAN -- Colleague to Tess Vargas and Catherine Chandler. Gabe works as an Assistant District Attorney, which brings him in contact with a running police case against a vigilante who turns out to be Vincent. Gabe’s life knowns plenty of loneliness due to a troubled childhood which indirectly connects him with Vincent. Their similar fates offer an opportunity for both of them to connect with each other. Gabe has two sides to himself -- one which is caring and compassionate and which makes him a competitor to Vincent in relation to Catherine. Gabe’s other side is of a much darker nature, marking him an important antagonist in the series.
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          ALEX SALTER -- Vincent’s childhood friend and ex-fiancée. Alex grew up together with J.T. Forbes and Vincent Keller. She grew closer with the latter, and eventually became romantically involved. By the time Vincent resigned from the hospital to enlist with the army, they were engaged to get married. Vincent aborted these plans, and left Alex and J.T. behind. She believed him to have died in Afghanistan when Vincent returned back to New York but never contacted her again out of fear of hurting her. Alex is very sweet and caring, and very forgiving, and works as a nurse.
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         TORI WINDSOR -- Romantic interest to Vincent. Tori is the daughter of a wealthy businessman who invested in Muirfield when the project was being started up. Her path crosses with Vincent when his crosses with her father who, as a Muirfield-associate is on the list of names to be cleared up in order to terminate the organisation for good. Tori lives a secluded and isolated life because of her father, and is initially introduced as a “poor little rich girl”, surrounded by luxury, but always alone. She has little contact with the outside world because of her father’s overprotective nature, which causes her to be withdrawn and insecure. When she meets Vincent, she discovers that they have far more in common than either of them dared to think. Together with Vincent, Tori is able to embrace her freedom, and define herself.
( * CATHERINE CHANDLER is not on this list because I’m currently not searching for someone to write her, as I already have an amazing writing partner for her. )
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eycaarose-silentdreamerr · 5 years ago
Lyka E. Manalo
Amidst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Philippine TV Network ABS CBN was being shut down by the Government and other organizations related. In this kind of situation, Filipino people needs more information about the update and status of the unseen foe, covid-19. Does, the Government needs to focus more on important matters related to current pandemic than tackling in the shutdown of the TV network.
This year 2020, this is the second time that ABS-CBN has been ordered to shutdown again, May 05, 2020 it went off-air and also the DZMM and MOR. It’s quite dismayed some people, because now that we have been battling with the unseen enemy, Mass media really plays an important role. And considering the fact that ABS-CBN network is one of the most in demand TV network.
The decisions of the House committee handed their decisions lon July 10, 2020 on the fate of ABS-CBN whether their franchise will be approved or denied. And the decision was denied and not able to grant their franchise.
The following are the several issues or concerns that leads to the denial of the franchise of the ABS-CBN network.
📌Lopez’s dual citizenship
Lopez is a dual citizenship, both a natural-born Filipino and an American citizen. Philippines have constitutional provision stating that “dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the national and shall be dealt with by law”. Mass media also must be 100% owned and managed by Filipinos.
📌Issuance of PDRs
-Philippine depositary receipts to foreigners allowed foreign ownership in ABS-CBN, which could have violated the 1987 Constitution.
📌ABS-CBN TV Plus Box, KBO pay-per-view
-According to NTC, there is no authorization from them on record allowing ABS-CBN to produce the TV Plus Box containing multiple channels, much less to sell it for profit.
📌Failure to regulize Employees
-The TWG report cited the Department of labor and Employment’s official statement on July 1 declaring that it’s labor standards by ABS-CBN and there are 67 pending cases against the company in the national Labor Relations Commissions (NLCR) and various courts.
📌Tax Issues
-ABS-CBN claimed it’s paying proper taxes, which is allegedly provem by the Tax Clearance is issued by the Bureau of International Revenue. They also maintained that it did not violate the terms and conditions of it’s legislative franchise by availing of tax incentives offered by the government. However, the panel said a tax clearance does not absolve a taxpayer of tax liabilities and delinquencies, nor from acts of fraud or tax evasion.
📌Biased Reporting and Meddling in Politics
-The committee has refrained from giving a finding on the alleged biased reporting of the network, alleged meddling in politics, as well as the content of it’s programs. Where does the Principle of press freedom, fair comment, and self regulation of media militate against any attempt at such ruling.
After the long fight of the ABS-CBN for their franchise, It was ended with 70 votes denying and refusing for their renewal of franchise. 11 are in favor, two are inhibited and one is abstained.
The following are the list who denied the franchise:
1. Raneo Abuse
2. Cyrille Abueg-Zaldivar
3. Gil Acosta
4. Antonio Albano
5. Samanta Louise Alfonso
6. Juan Miguel Macapagal Arroyo
7. Cristal Bagating
8. Julienne Baronda
9. Elpidio Barzaga Jr.
10. Claudine Baustista
11. Juan Pablo Bondoc
12. Antonio Calixtro
13. Precious Castelo
14. Joaquin Chipeco Jr.
15. Ma. Theresa Collantes
16. Anthony Peter Crisologo
17. Francisco Datol
18. Mike Defensor
19. Paulo Duterte
20. Faustin Michael Dy
21. Faustino V. Dy
22. Ian Paul Dy
23. Conrado Estrella III
24. Ria Christina Farinas
25. Dan Fernandez
26. Bayani Fernando
27. Luis Ferrer IV
28. Pablo John Garcia
29. Janette Garin
30. Sharon Garin
31. Weslie Gatchlian
32. Sandro Gonzales
33. Eduardo Gullas
34. Bernadette Herrera-Dy
35. Dulce Ann Hofer
36. Eleandro Jesus madrona
37. Dale Malapitan
38. Esmael Mangudadatu
39. Rodante macoleta
40. Eric Martinez
41. Franciso Matugas
42. Eric Martinez
43. Roger Mercado
44. John Marvin Nieto
45. Jose Fidel Nograles
46. Jericho Nograles
47. Henry Oaminal
48. Joseph Stephen Paduano
49. Writer Palma II
50. Enrico Pineda
51. Jesus Crispin Remulla
52. Strike Revilla
53. Yeda Romualdez
54. Ferdinand Martin Romualdez
55. Xavier Jesus Romualdo
56. Deogracias Savellano
57. Frederick Siao
58. Jose Singon Jr.
59. Jose Antonio Sy-Alvarado
60. Alyssa Sheena Tan
61. Sharee Ann Tan
62. Arnolfo Teves Jr.
63. Abraham Tolentino
64. Allan aty
65. Christian unabia
66. Rolando Valeriano
67. Luis Villafuerte Jr.
68. Camille Villar
69. Eric Yap
70. Divina Grace Yu
The following are in favor with the franchise renewal:
1. Sol Aragones
2. Cristopher De Venecia
3. Carlos Zarate
4. Gabriel Bordado
5. Vilma Santos
6. Lianda Bolilia
7. Jose Tejada
8. Bienvenido Abante
9. Stella Quimbo
10. Mujiv Hataman
11. Edward Maceda
1. Rep. Alfred Vargas
2. Micaela Viologo
1. Rep. Alfredo Garbin Jr.
As for now, ABS-CBN is indeed in sorrow and disappointment. After a long years airing and giving news and entertainment to people, this year ended their service.
“We remain comitted to public service, and we hope to find other ways to achieve our mission,” ABS-CBN president and CEO Carlo Katigbak said in a statement following the panel’s vote.
“Together with our employees and our audiences all over the world, we share in your sadness over this setback,” he said. “We look forward to the day when we can again reunite under our broadcast,” he added.
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enemies-to-lovers-bracket · 2 years ago
Submissions so far!
Akko and Diana (little witch academia)
C!Wilbur and c!Quackity (dsmp)
Alex Claremon and Prince Henry (red white and royal blue)
keefe sencen, tam song, and fitz vacker (keepers of the lost city)
Catra and Adora (she-ra and the princesses of power)
Sun Wukong and Macaque (lego monkey kid)
The Oncler x The Lorax (the lorax)
gilgamesh and enkidu (sumerian mythology)
Jude Duarte and Cardan Greenbriar (The Folk of the Air trilogy)
Shadow and Sonic (sonic the hedgehog)
DJ Octavio and Cap'n Cuttlefish (splatoon)
Lace and Hornet (hollowknight: silksong)
Rey and Kylo Ren (star wars)
Sam Winchester and Gabriel (supernatural)
Han Solo and Leia Organa (star wars)
Dazai and Chuuya (bungou stray dogs)
Luz and Amity (the owl house)
Zuko and Sokka (avatar the legend of aang)
L x Light (death note)
Janai and Amaya (the dragon prince)
Ballister and Ambrosius (nimona)
Daniela Vargas and Carmen Santos (We Set the Dark on Fire)
Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi (persona 5)
Tim Te Maro and Elliott Parker (Tim Te Maro and the Subterranean Heartsick Blues)
Red and Blue (This Is How You Lose the Time War)
Kyoko Sakura and Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica)
Our total now stands at a strong 23! Let's turn that number around!
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las-microfisuras · 6 years ago
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• Revista de Poesía Cuaderno Ático con poemas y textos inéditos de Lorenzo Oliván, Álvaro Valverde, Sara Caviedes, Juan Andrés García Román, Ben Clark, Martín López-Vega, Esther Muntañola, Ballerina Vargas Tinajero - María Hidalgo, Lawrence Schimel, Efi Cubero, Agustín María García López, Rosario Bolaño Charo Bolaño Wilson y Yoandy Cabrera.
Traducciones de ocho poemas de Thodorís Saringuiolis, a cargo de Manuel González Manuel Gonzalez Rincon y dos poemas de Gabriele D’Annunzio, cuya versión firma Ángel Sobreviela.
En la parte gráfica, ilustraciones interiores de Esther Muntañola y de Katherine C. Shaw.
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field-projects-gallery · 7 years ago
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ONLINE EXHIBITION SHOW #51: OUR SOULS TO KEEP⠀ Selected by curators Lissa River, Jacob Rhodes, Rachel Frank, Alissa Polan, Kristen Racaniello and Mikela Wesson.⠀ http://www.fieldprojectsgallery.com/our-souls-to-keep-online⠀ Featuring: Hannah Altman @hannah.altman Hannah Boone @b00nedaddy Vincent Chen @vincent_cy_chen CUNTEMPORARY ARTISTS PRESENTS (Joanne Leah and Marne Lucas) @marnelucas & @twofacedkitten Jen Davis @jenedavisphoto Gabrielle Donofrio @gabrielledonofrio Florencia Escudero @floescu Pola Esther @faloblu Becky Flanders @beckyflanders Katya Grokhovsky @katyagrokhovsky Zachary Handler @zzhandler Jaz Harold @jazharold Angela Hoener @Bossmarie03 Anna Ilsley @annailsley Nefertiti Jenkins @petulantconjuration Amanda Konishi @aaakonishi Owen Lee @thatsnotveryfestive Joseph Liatela @joseph_liatela Nico Mazza @nico_mazza Shona McAndrew @shona_mcandrew Emily Miller, @femilykiller Naomi Nakazato @naominakazato Alyssa Piro @dog_pasta Marc Prats @marcpratsfineart Colin Radcliffe @colinmemaybe Selina Roman @selinaroman Maja Ruznic @majaruz Kristen Sanders @krystal_sands Aparna Sarkar @@parpo10 Erin Schwinn @e_schwinn Chad States @chadstates Marie Tomanova @marietomanova Marit van Heumen @maritvanheumen Christian Vargas @cvtienda Gabrielle Vitollo @glamgothgabo Eva Weiss @evajohnh Marcus Zilliox@marcuszillioxide Mark Zubrovich @mzubrovich⠀
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walroca · 4 years ago
GOLEADORES TODOS LOS GOLEADORES JUGADOR EQUIPO GOLES Johan Venegas 4 Ariel Rodríguez 4 José Gabriel Vargas 4 Javon East 4 Álvaro Saborío 3 Roger Rojas 3 Kennedy…
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