#c!ranboo negative
cwilb · 2 months
i want to microwave cranboo
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 1 year
I love the scene in the middle Doomsday where c!Techno returns Do Not Read to c!Ranboo, because it so clearly demonstrate that c!Techno already likes c!Ranboo, and is just generally a great example of how c!Techno in general tends towards helping others so long as they haven't done anything to hurt him (and like. Sometimes even when they have. bc like. c!Ranboo was kinda involved in the Butcher Army)
It's the middle of an active battle field, like twenty people all trying to kill c!Techno, and yet the moment he sees c!Ranboo he stops and says "Ranboo! Ranboo! You're alright!" And immediately returns the book c!Ranboo is asking for, before following up with "get out of here, I don't have anything against you. Just flee in the battle, no one will no." And c!Philza also chimes in to assure c!Ranboo that no one will see them and that they'll be alright, and it's just so— adskdhafjstjsj
And- and also- and also, a few minutes later, you can hear c!Quackity in the background and he asks someone if they've seen his book, "Do Not Read" because he still has a grudge on c!Ranboo and he still wants to take them down, so he's trying to get the book back. (Because the whole reason c!Techno even has it was because he happened to pick it up when c!Quackity dropped it)
Also. When c!Techno sees c!Ranboo again later in the fight, he's kinda exasperated that they're still there but stops to ask them if they're alright again. (He also completely misses how utterly miserable c!Ranboo is when they say "same as yesterday", which I think is hilarious.)
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transbeeduo · 10 months
What would cranboo being a time traveler have even meant for the character? I’m still pretty confused about what people found appealing about the idea
i think it was like a thing of like, people wanting their favorite character to be part of every plot point honestly? And also probably Ranboo’s really weird way of making lore for their character where it’s just like. Ok man was this like. Always what was intended or are you just coming up with this on the spot? It kinda feels like he’d just come up with whatever would hype people up the most or like, “be cool” or whatever, but it’d just lead to C!Ranboo’s story having so many different plotpoints and plotholes and just kinda made the whole thing a tangled mess by the end.
I think the reason people grew so attached to the idea of Ranboo being a time traveler was partly due to it being cool, and probably mostly due to the fact that it kinda (?) somewhat solve some of the main C!Ranboo lore (Like the idea of the memory loss being like what was happening with C!Karl, and the idea that there was like the black and white places in the Inbetween made people harken it back to Ranboo. I think Ran from The Pit episode also was part of why ppl were thinking about C!Ranboo? That’s what I assume at least) but like I really don’t think it does anything for his character honestly, especially considering it’d be such an out of nowhere choice for where to take their character. (Like how the hell would Enderwalk tie into this?)
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cellberry · 2 years
Did you guys hear that c!Mumza canonically managed to save the souls of the Triple Ts when the nuke went off? She brought c!Tommy and c!Tubbo to meet c!Ranboo and Michael B in the nether-looking area and c!Jack to the End to meet the remaining Syndicate members. They can travel between the realms at any time ofc.
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afmis · 7 months
I was just reminded of how c!Ranboo was murdered and left alone on a single block for like a billion years after probably giving up hope after the first like 5 and was never revived. I was so close to wiping it from my brain but naw 😭
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clingyduoapologist · 1 year
c!ranboo 🤝 school: making me a worse person
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You’re indifferent towards Ranboo? 🥺
Nonny I'm going to be real with you I find c!Ranboo boring as fuck
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mushr0oms-and-m0ss · 1 year
Throwing my pencil at the wall
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zenoisnotkarma · 2 years
These are old but god it would be so cool to see c!Ranboo on c!Dream's side.
Also a great way to bring Ranboo back since Tommy and Tubbo want to destroy the revive book.
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genderqueeradrien · 2 years
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iignore the "self insert" LMFAO but. what happened this day that made me add all these terms at once. also THE LAST ONE? take her name out of ur mouth DIDYOU GET WHAT U FUCKING WANTED!!! >:(
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sunlitmcgee · 9 months
Hey does techno still go to jail in the Twain au? Cause idk maybe if he and dream had extra bonding in there or dream did him a favor in there then that would be the extra motivation required to kick him into once “well my buddy Ranboo’s imprisoned might as well clear my imaginary ledger while I’m at it” doesn’t exist anymore. Cause techno doesn’t really gaf about the prison to the point of committing action until it affects him or ranboo
oh yeah hthat works. i know i have a lot of cTechno enjoyers here who like him as an anti-villain "good at heart deep down" softie type but ehhhh, me? me i like when it's a "birds of a feather flock together" deal w crivelsduo. they're two vile cruel peas in a very rotten pod...evil men...their mistreatment of those around them manifests in different forms (active abuse and manipulation, verse opportunistic exercises of power and victim complex lording) but them being Slight More Friendly Pals in this fic would work well
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firesnap · 8 months
Rambling about bad c!Crime takes in 2024.
I think the struggle with being a c!Crime fan during peak DSMP was having to deal with the people who would unironically use "vilbur" like it was a badge of honor and the ones who legitimately thought c!Tommy was 8-years-old at the beginning of L'Manberg.
Like, I don't need to rehash a lot of this. A hundred meta essays were about how Tommy was not responsible for Wilbur's mental health, that he was a front row audience member watching Wilbur's decline and begging people to intercede because he was a damn teenager with zero tools in his kit for "help my brother is frightening me and he's ten feet from me but I think I've lost him in this cave."
But you can still see people go "Ok Tommy helped make Wilbur worse."
No. Just no Tommy's worst behaviors didn't impact Wilbur because Wilbur was so far into his own spiral at that point that it just didn't even phase him if Tommy called him insane. You can't put that on Tommy. When Wilbur came back he even said he could recognize the man he was back then was frightening and beyond what Tommy should have had to see.
But, saying Wilbur acted on violent delusions on Tommy or emotionally abused him or isolated Tommy on purpose... Girl this isn't exile arc and you're not getting c!Crime.
Wilbur and Tommy at their best were moments were like... Tommy with a shield in front of Wilbur, Wilbur with a hand on Tommy's shoulder saying to be better than Wilbur ever was, Tommy and Wilbur running through a small nation and dancing on beaches and laughing at how fucking much the other one sucked with every bit of affection in the world tied behind those words. It was a loop of I'd die for you, I'd die for anything but especially you and Who the fuck ever asked you to die??
At their worst they were a negative feedback loop that fed each other. Tommy was possessive of Wilbur, from even the early L'Manberg days, to the point where Wilbur often neglected other relationships to give Tommy attention. He was angry at Wilbur for falling off the pedestal that Tommy put him on. Wilbur was just as dependent on Tommy being always behind him and took advantage of the fact that Tommy wouldn't leave. He dumped his own fears and paranoia and self-hatred at Tommy's feet and then assumed that this person younger than him could sort through it.
And if you can't handle hearing how they fed the worst parts of each other, then maybe you aren't really here for that dynamic. Maybe you've made something else up in your head that you like more. And that's fine, man. Do whatever the server is gone. Just don't act like your personal version is what canon gave us.
Also, something something it's totally fine to dislike Wilbur's finale btw, but as imperfect as the execution was, it was right on board with what they were telling us about c!Crime from right when Wilbur was revived to Wilbur telling Ranboo that, essentially, Tommy would never leave him and Wilbur knew that wasn't healthy. They needed to break the cycle to save themselves and whatever brotherhood was between them.
They were about acknowledging they were tied to each other in fucked up and unhealthy ways, but needing that sense of brother so much that they were both afraid to do anything about it.
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transbeeduo · 10 months
ok kinda starting to get annoyed at this guy now can someone shut them the hell up
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l'manburg language headcanons
okay so i havent sat down and actually created a language for lmanburg but I hc that they have their own language & here are hcs for that language. its a mashup of all the languages that the members speak. i know that a language couldn't really develop in the timeframe so I'm speeding up the development because i want to.
Slang / Phrases
first, it exists withing minecraft, so internet/minecraft lingo and phrases are commonplace (ie: pots, spawn, etc)
l'manburg was born out of conflict, so many phrases and slang are often violent.
because many prolific figures (c!tommy with prime, c!wilbur with being phil's son, c!eret with the herobrine stuff, c!dream with the XD stuff) are heavily religous / associated with religion, religious phrases are also very common.
there are different words for non-canon death, a canon death, and the last canonical death (the one that kills kills you)
Actual Language
l'manburg's language is a mix of british english, french, dutch, spanish, german, latin, and ancient greek. because it is such a new language, some words are the exact same as the English (given that english is the common language) words.
all military/war words have absolutely no english ties (as to provide secrecy). most are a mix of french, latin, and ancient greek (latin and ancient greek comes from c!tommy & c!wilbur, because they were taught by c!techno)
words pertaining nationality, home, or base are a mix of french (l'-), german (-manburg), and dutch (man). Most are french.
words pertaining to money or commerce are dutch & english inspired.
words pertaining to farming are inspired by ancient greek (c!techno again)
words pertaining to government/high authority are often a mix of latin, french, and english (c!wilbur is fucking obsessed with french & latin)
anything related to food is inspired by german and ancient greek.
Context / Timeline
quackity's arrival made spanish inspired words/phrases more abundant.
schlatt made american phrases and spellings very common.
the manburg administration attempted to phase out the language, but was unsuccessful.
new lmanburg caused many more phrases based on death, nature, rot, and renewal.
new lmanburg put a lot of emphasis on philosophical, poetic, descriptive, and physiological words.
words regarding cops, police, and laws are closely tied with negative words such as evil, thief, and traitor.
manburg replaced many religious words and phrases with more neutral alternatives.
the first words created in the new language were military moves and tools.
new lmanburg's descriptive words were often enderian words translated into the latin alphabet (as c!ranboo, the minute man, was the one who used and created them)
lmanburg was often underdeveloped in governmental words pertaining to the running of a country.
okay thats all i have for rn but i might add on to this when i think of it. also if u have any questions/requests please ask i love answering questions /gen
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ladyddanger · 2 years
Dsmp live action but even worse
Adding some hate and negativity to your dash. No need to thank me.
[these are not my real thoughts and feelings rather a parody]
Wilbur blows up La’Manberg to Look what you made me do by Taylor Swift. (They had a brand deal with her.)
Dream’s face reveal is hyped up for two seasons and it’s baited that he’s Tommy’s father.
Sam is green horse. Not a creeper hybrid just a green horse with spots that randomly turns into a shirtless human man for reasons.
Quackity sleeps with Ponk, he and Sam fight about it and it’s never brought up after that episode.
Karlnapity also magically heals Quackity’s trauma and they are the perfect couple until they suddenly ignore him for reasons.
Sam makes a tik tok in prison.
Tommy wears Nike in an obvious product placement.
Wilbur has PTSD from the Independence war for one episode and then it’s magically healed by Niki telling him it’s not his fault people died. (This is her entire character arc for season 1)
C!Foolish is a hahaha silly himbo.
Quackity wears a dump him shirt into prison.
Tommy is so jealous of Ranboo and Tubbo he tries to fight Ranboo
Techno is a literal pig. He turns into a man sometimes tho.
The writers want Sam to only have one life left after Dream kills him so Sam gets hit by a truck while he’s yelling at Quackity for sleeping with Ponk. Chasing cars plays while Quackity and Ponk sob in each others arms by his hospital bed.
Reivebur randomly grabs Quackity, throws him over his shoulder and runs away with him into the sunset in the mid season finale. The next episode Q is back and this is never explained.
Eret and Reivebur look at each other and it becomes a huge ship on on tik tok. The writers hate this so much they give Wilbur a girlfriend in Utah named Callie.
Straight phobia is real. Wilbur calls Phil a “hetro” and Niki beats him up for it.
Dream and dreamXD kiss. The writers get canceled for writing incest on twitter so they make it Gnf having a weird Dream and that’s worse.
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nekole-doodles · 5 months
Here are some of my SBI hybrid(?) headcanons since I have a special love for these kinds of headcanons:
C! Technoblade: A Piglin hybrid with absolute control of his hybrid traits. Basically, he can control his human traits to piglin traits ratio. His original form basically looks like a full Piglin but his preferred form when he was young was a mostly human form with subtle piglin traits. This was because he grew up with Phil and Wilbur(then eventually Tommy) who looked mostly human besides a few hybrid traits. His preferred form when fighting as he earned the title The Blood God was either his full piglin form/his original form or mostly human with very prominent piglin features(like full tusks, piglin ears, bright red eyes, and pink-tinted skin). This is because he's stronger in this form, he has better senses, and his skin is tougher. His casual form is usually most human with pointed ears, tanned skin, smaller tusks than his fighting form, and red or very warm brown eyes.
C! Philza: He mostly just has wings and feathers behind his ears and scattered around his face(especially his cheeks) and body(mostly his hands). However, whenever he's angry or fighting, his hands turn black(with more feathers) and he has sharper nails/claws and his eyes glow gold with black scleras. It makes him look more intimidating and he can use his claws to tear through skin in fights. Also, his vision is naturally very sharp :]
C! Wilbur: I was kinda stuck between making him human, a sea hybrid of some kind, or an avian like Phil, but I decided that an avian would make the most sense since he's biologically Phil's son in canon. Also, just as a side note, only the hybrid type typically gets passed down to the children, meaning that although Phil(and also Kristin) have black/crow wings, Wilbur could have wings from a different species of bird. That being said, I feel like owl wings would fit Wilbur pretty well. I'm still figuring out exactly what species, but his wings are different shades of brown with dark speckles. He has feathers in similar places as Phil but they aren't as visible and he doesn't have claws/can't shift to have claws like Phil can. However, his eyes can change to glow gold with black scleras. It's whenever he's experiencing strong emotions in general like excitement or anger, not just strong negative emotions. I also kinda want to include the detail that little tufts of feathers grow in his hair :>
C! Tommy: For Tommy, I seriously debated with myself if he should be human, an avian, or a demon post-revival. However, after reading The Dreamwalker by Hydre, I have fell in love with the headcanon that Tommy is a shapeshifter :D That way, there's a little bit of all the headcanons I was trying to decide between. So Tommy was born a shapeshifter but his default form is an avian. His wings are red with white tips and speckles of gold throughout them. He has feathers behind his ears but nowhere else unlike Phil and Wilbur. The other forms he really likes are a full blond raccoon form, a raccoon hybrid form, a full bird form(probably a red cardinal or smth) and forms that take the hybrid traits of his friends(like Ranboo's tail, horns, and white/black freckles or Tubbo's goat ears and horns). He subconsciously adds the traits of people he loves to his form and it's his way of showing someone he trusts and cares about them. Although he's a shapeshifter, if he loses or injures a body part, he can not shapeshift to fix it. For example, Dream seriously injured his wings during exile but he can't shift them to fix them. Everytime he shifts away wings, they will come back in the state they were last in and injuries can only heal if they are physically out. He can't shift away scars in his human or avian forms because he got the scars in his human or avian forms and his base/original form is his avian one so scars stay in that form. Also, his other body parts get converted to fit the anatomy of other animals, meaning that his arms shift into wings when he turns into a bird since his arms align with the placement of bird wings better than the wings on his back. Injuries also shift between forms unless the body part is just shifted away(like his avian wings or a tail) instead of converted so if Tommy gets a wound on his arm, it will stay on the corresponding wing when he turns into a bird. He can add or remove clothes to his form but he can only take off clothes that are separate from his actual body and wasn't shifted on just so he can't make an infinite amount of clothes. If he shifts out of clothes from his human form when he turns into an animal, he'll automatically have those clothes back on no matter what and he won't be able to add clothes that he shifted on himself until he takes those off(and technically, clothes he shifts on are stuck on his body since they are an extension/a part of his body, don't think about it too much though). I'm still figuring out more of the logistics of shapeshifting but that's what I have so far and hopefully it makes sense. Also, again, credits to The Dreamwalker by Hydre for the idea and a good amount of the shapeshifter logic :)
Those are my headcanons for SBI's forms! That took longer than expected but it was fun :D
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