#c!michael mcchill
mya-stimz · 1 month
I request! C!Michael McChill! With guitars and radios!
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¤☆ requested by anon ¤☆
☆¤ themes of guitars and radios ¤☆
¤☆ here ya go ^__^ I struggled to find art of him :( ☆¤
🌹 • 🎸 • 🤍 | 📻 • ☆ • 🖤 | 🎙 • 💜 • 📡
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scheepstep · 4 months
I just think that 2B!Fit and C!Michael would make a horrifying (/pos) radio duo
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Serenity, Stories, and Canine Tracks
For a @pinchhitsfromthevoid challenge!  thx for the prompt!
Also counts for @flashfictionfridayofficial​
Fandoms: Dream SMP, 3rd Life/Last Life/Double Life
Characters MichaelMcchill, Dream
Michael Mcchill limped wearily past the cottage....
MichaelMcChill limped brokenly by the cottage where smoke rose from the chimney and red mushrooms clustered by the door.  It was the cottage where George and the young Sapnap lived, or rather vacationed win kingship burdened, them and That shy little dryad, Karl.  George and Sappy knew they were soulmates now, and warm candlelight spilled from that cottage at all hours and their laughter echoed sweetly.  On the left was Tubbo and Tommy’s little honeymoon, more of just a garden really, and a s- ton of sewers full of treasure and well-counted weapons lockers most likely.  -  Michael didn't know who his soumate was yet, but he had priorities, and loyalty, so though who those enemies were may shift, he sure as bloody hell knew who his enemies were.
Whether those enemies be the unbreaking obsidian of a wall, or more breakable men.
Michael wiped the blood and hair out of his eyes. "fucking Sam" he whispered, though only the needles and leaves on the trees might hear.  "Fucking Sam." him and his fucking traps.  He hadn't even seen the fucking dripstone.
A thousand blocks and then a little more, yes, here was the little meadow, the long high hill, the gleaming lightning rod that marked Serenity.  He wandered through the path and stepped on a pressure plate and then entered the hill.  
The welcoming walls of his base wrapped around him, te walls of kelp and aquarium.  No one might notice but he did, no matter what the interior looked like or what chests it held, the outline matched, with a poignant throb, the outline of the prison.
He looked up at the wall besides him, covered in giving tree bark, pins pushed in and pictures hung from it's surface, long red dyed strands of spidersilk connecting point a to point b, question to conclusion.  clue to clue.
Of course some people had heard the story of the "cycle of universes" and "the universes before this one".  That things used to be different, the immutable rules of soulbond and violently caused death.
"Universes before this one? such an odd idea, kinda bullshit." Michael mumbled quietly.
And yet, and yet that is where his hopes rested now.
He stared up at his corkboard.
He had also heard about.... books.  Snippets of ritual that could bring back those older times, one that could give a life, or could temporarily call down the strengthening blood haze of the red state for one hour or one day, though that hour was rumored to be a painful agony.  Unlikely to be real, but one to switch soulmates, rumors of that also whispered of requiring a treasure trove of amethysts and horns, as did all such rituals in lesser quantities.
And of course, the book, the ancient ritual, that would allow one to descend and enter the red state, to hold away the bonds of soulmates for a time, and to call down that state of war willingly.  To make that sacrifice.
He wended his way down into the basement. Here is where he had found the artifact, the one thing that got this whole place going.
The buried stained glass window gleamed a full span higher than him, lit from behind by an all too convenient bit of sun down a shaft, and carefully brushed free of dirt by him.
He went and kneeled before it.  The picture showed all his hopes, his one true hope.  In stained glass form before him - two figures of old. The lupine ears,  saplings and vines reaching upward, a headband - black.  A glint of canine teeth.
Two figures embraced.
He looked down at his axe, marked in galaxian, just as his sword was, just as his bow was.  But this marked by the words he had pieced together from the ancient texts.
He hardly needed to run his hands over the handle anymore to know what they said.
∷ᒷ↸ ∴╎リℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ ╎ᓭ ᓵ𝙹ᒲ╎リ⊣
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sherpaherp · 2 years
Was looking for 'draw the squad' memes when suddenly something hit me
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apollos-boyfriend · 3 months
c!michael mcchill/jonathan sims. is this anything
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lookinghalfacorpse · 2 years
If butterflies are c!Dream's chat, then are they actively hunted/distrusted on the server? Like someone sees a butterfly, and their immediate first reaction is to try to smash it or chase it away? Also, consider: you can, if you look closely, see who is sympathetic to or allied with c!Dream because of how they react to the butterflies and how the butterflies react to them. You already mentioned c!Techno, but what about:
-Butterflies flock to the areas around c!Punz's tower, and there's usually one or two riding on his shoulder or hair, hiding in his clothing, flitting behind him as he goes places. They're of course considerate enough to not mob him all the time, so as not to give him away to the rest of the server.
-After c!Bad starts letting them hitch a ride with him on his guard shifts and sandwich runs, butterflies begin following him around, too. He leaves out saucers of sugar water and plants more flowers in his garden for them. He can't do much besides the sandwiches for Dream, but at least he can ensure that his chat doesn't go hungry.
-A butterfly or two can almost always be found fluttering around in c!Ranboo's immediate vicinity. They try to stay out of sight when c!Tubbo is around, though, they make him very nervous, and he will sometimes sic his bees on them if he sees one.
-During his first week on the server, c!Michael McChill saw c!Sapnap trying to charbroil a large, pretty green butterfly and saved its life. Butterflies don't go out of their way to find him, but they pointedly don't avoid him the way they avoid most of the other server members.
-There's always at least one butterfly keeping watch over c!George's house. Always.
if the butterflies want to live (and also want their owner to live), they'd definitely be smart to stay hidden. surely every butterfly on the server, even if they WEREN'T a part of dream's chat, would be killed quickly for fear that it was spying on dream's behalf. and since dream's allies are typically very secretive about their relation to him, they'd also have to kill every butterfly they see in public or risk looking suspicious. punz has already crushed a few under his heel while he was walking around, knowing that if he didn't, he might give away their alliance. and god forbid anyone sees the one that's folded itself into the crevices of his breastplate.
post-prisonbreak, sapnap could've easily used the butterflies as a way of tracking dream they don't gather on the outside of the walls like they used to while he was still imprisoned. they broke bad's heart when they did that. they were desperate to reach him. (when george broke a block of the obsidian on the wall, they were right there with him, ready to swarm into the hole he made. it was useless, of course.) but now they don't, so any onlooker assumes dream has left.
butterflies are usually considered the least frightening insect, but they'd get quite the reputation on the server.
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a1sart · 2 months
assigning dsmp characters magnus archives entities <3 are these the entities they're avatars of or the entities they would get killed by? you decide <3 (def not all the characters just whichever pop into my head it's almost midnight gimme a break)
Tommy- Lonely or Vast whichever is more heartwrenchingly terrible in the moment. Lonely bc exile and Vast bc of the tower
Ranboo- Eye!!!!! silly haha reason: eyes of ender and heterochromia, ACTUAL reason: he just wants to know what's going on with the enderwalk man he wants to know and they've got the experiments they're gaining knowledge but at the cost of themself he's so Eye coded ouadfgiahgf (could also be Stranger bc he is a mystery even to himself and also they are half mystery creature)
Tubbo- Desolation. Nukes. making sure he and his loved ones stay safe by destroying literally anything that comes near them <3 also like the cold war vibes of snowchester and the constant overhanging threat of annihilation <3
Technoblade- Slaughter, i kinda feel like this needs no explanation
Phil- End, again no explanation needed that's literally his wife
Wilbur- End, Desolation, Slaughter, Spiral? idk take ur pick I think Spiral is especially fun but not exactly in character. End and Desolation are probably the most in character. Slaughter bc music symbolism
Dream- Web, this one also feels obvious. Could also be Stranger but that's just cuz that iconic smiley face feels kinda Stranger-y
Badboyhalo- CORRUPTION!!!!! ouughghg eggpire arc my beloved <3
Fundy- Spiral? mayhaps? anyone else remember his nightmares those were sick as fuck and like he could tell the future or something and that was passed down to him from Sally anyone remember that?
Sapnap- Desolation. He's a fire dude
George- Corruption. cuz of the mushrooms I think. Maybe Spiral cuz he couldn't tell if he was asleep or awake during that whole XD thing
Quackity- Flesh, he ate that heart that one time that was freaky also I'm still thinkin about the butcher arc sorry las nevadas fans. But also dude was so scared of being prey to someone else's whims and plans that he became the hunter so maybe he's the Hunt or the Web
Karl- Spiral bc of the forgetting <3 maybe there's another one that fits better but the aesthetic of Spiral fits him so well
Literally everyone in the Eggpire- Corruption!!! i can't remember all of em but Hannah and Antfrost were definitely there
Foolish- End. cuz he's a totem of undying and also he was like super afraid of dying
Sam- Buried. Put his ass in the prison lmao
Schlatt- Corruption. There's probably one that fits better but when you think about his declining health and also that it's a joke about him being a corrupt politician I think it works
Niki and Jack- Hunt because they were trying to kill Tommy lol there are probably better ones for both of them. Niki could be Lonely or Desolation and Jack could also be Desolation
Michael McChill- Eye. I didn't pay that close attention to his lore but. Didn't he try to make a record of the entire dmsp lore or try to understand it or something. C!McChill fans what was he doing
Eret- Hunt or Slaughter for the final control room but then she gets kinda Eye coded when she makes the museum. End would be sick as hell but I cannot think of a single basis in the story for this. Maybe Buried for the final control room thing too bc it was a small space but that feels like a stretch
i definitely missed a few characters in there so if anyone has ideas for them feel free to voice them. What did I learn from this? No one on the dsmp was afraid of the dark that's what I fucking learned not a single Dark avatar on there.
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dmwrites · 4 months
I randomly found this edited and ready to go in a folder from January or something- whoops. That doesn't detract from the fact that I always loved this ficlet, loved c!Michael McChill, and Serenity radio. The late dsmp, before the end, always facinated me in a sad kind of way. This hopefully emulates that feeling.
Want to read the first draft? Find it here.
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cdroloisms · 9 months
dsmp hot take: MICHAEL MCCHILL LORE COULDVE BEEN THE BEST THING WE EVER HAD IF PEOPLE ACTUALLY CARED ABT THE SMALLER STREAMERS ON THE SERVER. every day i mourn what we couldve had. possible c!dream dynamics. syndicate michael maybe? his radio shit was COOL and i miss it sm
strongly agree / agree / ambivalent / disagree / strongly disagree / don’t care whatsoever
id say that michael lore was p cool for sure but i don't remember it really going in any significant directions unfortunately 😞 then again i could literally never catch one of his streams bc he exclusively streamed when it was like 4 am for me
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I think c!Dream should've been forced to be out and about more after the prison break. Watching him try to have any non maniacal interaction with someone would be so funny. Make him try to have a normal conversation with Michael Mcchill. Throw him at Foolish and Boomer and everyone else who has no idea what his deal is. Have him come back to George who just genuinely doesn't care about anything that happened to him or anything that he did. I think if people just treated him like a normal guy he'd hate it so much
god the c!dream prison break was so disappointing my blorbo just disappeared. idk maybe he was working on his magnum opus (c!prime fics on ao3)
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justcallme-ange · 1 year
Top 5 DSMP characters that really do not get enough genuine love or attention or content in general from the fandom, go. (My answer would probably be: c!Purpled, c!Jack, c!Niki, c!Michael McChill, and c!BBH)
Oooh this is a good question, to be honest since I came in so late, I don’t know many characters, but I would love to see more stuff of c!Niki, c!BBH, c!Ponk, c!Antfrost, and c!Hannah.
(Me not seeing a lot of art of them might be in part because the wider DSMP fandom kind of scares me so I tend to hide in the corner XD)
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piningpebbles · 2 years
between micheal (the piglin) michael (mcchill) and michael (clifford) i am only going to refer to the latter as c!clifford because there are entirely too many michaels on this server
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its kind of beautiful how dream team mains and c!inniters can find common ground over disliking michael mcchill.... awh
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hopalongfairywren · 1 year
12 for the ask thing
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them Okay so for DSMP I guess it would be c!Michael Mcchill? The radio lore was cool.
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
♫+mister c!michael mcchill
city of tears from hollow knight!! i heavily associate the hollow knight soundtrack w him in general. which i think makes no sense to anyone other than me and the literal pages of serenity lore and backstory i've made up in my head
[send me a ♫+character/ship and i'll respond with a song that reminds me of them!]
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rutadales · 2 years
I found your blog because you were posting c!Dream positive stuff, but I think it was your c!Michael McChill posts that really did it. Followed because you have good DSMP character takes and good art. :D
ah the c!Michael mcchill posting, the good old days. but ty !!! u always leave the nicest tags 🥺
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