Discord pt 22
[Date: 20/02, 06:02 AM - 20/02, 6:33 AM GMT]
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knight: "... ...”
[Everyone expresses concern.]
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knight: "...”
[People panic over the crown, and the name “knight”]
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[emuhlee: “knight, its.. fitting”]
knight: "...”
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[Kate: “I'm sorry. I thought I was helping. I just wanted to help. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't hate me please don't i'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry”]
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[Mothbo: “Fetch? Can you understand us? Do we need to use Enderspeak?”]
knight: "...”
[People try talking to him with Enderspeak]
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kate: “i don't want to be a bug i thought i was helping i thought this was best i thought what i was doing was best i don't want to be a bug i don't i don't i don't i don't”
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knight: "...”
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[Socks: “Fetch, please talk”]
knight: "...”
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kate: “fetch is gone fetch is gone fetch is gone”
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[Little-K1ng: “Fetch? Are you there? Knight?”]
knight: “...”
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knight: “Check the doc”
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knight: “Awaiting command”
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Viscount: “Hello Knight!”
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[knight: “Hello. Viscount, is that right?”]
Viscount: “Yes, that is correct :)”
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[Viscount: “Yes, that is correct :)]
knight: lovely to meet you :)”
[People are telling Viscount something happened.]
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Viscount: “What do you mean something happened?”
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[knight: Lovely to meet you :)”]
Viscount: “It’s nice to meet you as well :)”
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[knight: “I finally put on the crown. I'm very happy now. :)”]
“I’m happy to hear that :)”
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[kate (derogatory): “With all due respect, nothing is worth it anymore. I'm not wanted by you all. I really do doubt that the family wants me. But I want to try and fix it.”]
knight: “Don't worry Kate, there's nothing that needs fixing!”
Viscount: “You can fix this, Kate. I believe in you. You are not exempt from my previous messages of endearment towards the family. :)”
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knight: “I am happy. There is nothing broken about that. :)”
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[Little-K1ng:  “Hey.. uh.. Knight? Do you know all of us as fetch did? If you dont mind me asking”]
knight: “Fetch?”
[People tell Knight that he is Fetch, and that it is his name.]
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knight: “That was me, you say? No, that can't be right. I'm sure I'd remember if that were the case.”
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Little-K1ng: “I was definitely friends with Fetch... but I'm going to be positive and hope he's okay”
knight: “I can’t say I remember any of you people”
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[Viscount: “...”]
knight: “Is everything alright, new friend?”
Viscount: “...Is this what you all were talking about?”
[People say yes.]
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Viscount: “...no”
knight: “I’m confused...”
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knight: “Why does everyone sound.. concerned?”
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[Viscount: “I dont..understand”]
knight: “What isn't there to understand? We're all happy here, aren't we?”
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[Chat: “You're not acting like yourself, Knight. You're not the Fetch we knew before, and it's very worrying.”]
knight: “You knew before? That can't be right :)”
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Chat: “I knew you before...this. Are you with Crown now? You weren't before; your name was Fetch and you were our friend.”
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knight: “Of course I'm with Crown! I always have been :)”
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[Jayinnit:  “Knight, do you remember meeting Crown?”]
knight: “Yeah, I remember meeting Crown! It was just about a week ago :)”
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Discord pt 14
[Date: 19/02, 7.04 PM - 19/02, 07.48 PM GMT]
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[[Redacted]: “Hey Viscount you still there friend?”]
“I'm still here :)“
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“I was admiring the art you all have made :) Such a talented family :)“
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[Redacted]: “Well we've asked you things, how about you ask us things! If you'd like?”
“Questions I have? Hmm”
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“How do you all like Crown? I understand he can be a bit... Much sometimes. He really doesn't mean to be, he just wants everyone to be happy :)“
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Redacted: “He wants whats best for ranboo, just like we all do!”
emuhlee: “ I think Crown is doing what he thinks is best for our family and for Ranboo, and by doing that, I'd say I like him.”
jay: “We enjoy his puzzles and we're excited to see what comes next :)”
fetch: “Honestly? At first, he kind of intimidated me. I did some things that I now realize were wrong. Crown is just looking out for us and he wants us to be happy, and I can't fault him for that :] He's good in my book.”
Bea (she/her): “I haven't spoken to him enough to form an opinon yet, sorry”
Library/Ren: “He's great for the most of it!”
AdanD: “Yes, He wants Ranboo Happy. Like us. Although, I would love to know more about him. Like the type of stuff we learn about you, Prince, Baron, and Countess.”
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“You all seem... Odd whenever i bring up Crown. Did something happen? I assure you, whatever he did you don't have to worry about telling me. I won't judge based on your opinions :)”
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fetch: “We just has a bit of an argument last night. Crown kept messing with my Google doc and trying to delete it. And we all got angry. I forgive him now.”
[Redacted]: "Well we dont know much about him! Is there anything you can tell us about him that might help us?”
Cypress_Z: “I enjoy the puzzles, that's my favorite bit. Honestly, I don't really have much to go off of about my opinion on Crown, but he seems nice enough.”
Kriss_McKinnon: “It’s...been a long day.”
Cypress_Z: “All families have squabbles. But the important part is being able to get past them and recognize that we are all still family.”
Library/Ren: “It's- Nothing big enough to worry about. It's in the past now!”
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“What do you all want to know about crown that you don't already know? I assure you, he does have Ranboo's and the families best interests at heart :)”
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[Ari: "Does he like chicken nuggets? Also, just things in general, like favorite food. Stuff that could help us grow closer”]
“You are all obsessed with chicken nuggets aren't you? Crown does enjoy chicken nuggets, yes“
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[[Reacted]: “Well what about his favorite number? Or how long has he known ranboo?”]
“His favorite number is 4 and seeing as he's a part of Ranboo, he's known him his whole life :)”
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[fetch: “Mainly, why is he being so vague about his plans? We know about smile day, what comes after?”]
“I believe he wants to see how receptive Ranboo is to smile day before he shares the rest of his plans. He wants to gauge the reaction before setting anything in stone :)”
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[Denora: “What's Crown's favorite girl scout cookie?”]
“We have not discussed his favorite girl scout cookie before, I apologize. You could always ask him the next time you are able to! :)“
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[Yazz: “If Crown is a part of Ranboo why does he need to get us to do things? Shouldn't he be able to talk to Ranboo himself?”]
“As Crown has said before, Ranboo doesn't trust him. Crown needs to be able to show Ranboo what a big happy family he has in order for him to trust him. Crown only wants what's best for Ranboo :)”
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[Library/Ren: "I feel like the next time we speak to him directly wouldn't be the right 'atmosphere' to ask that haha..”]
“What do you mean? What atmosphere have you spoken to him before?”
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[Library/Ren: The only times I've seen us talk to him directly it usually more serious, or hes upset.]
“How has he spoken to you if you don't have a way to communicate with him?”
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[[Redacted]: “Oh uh he borrows Prince’s account sometimes but never for long.”]
“Oh I see, well rest assured, Crown has no access to my account :)“
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“Oh how rude of me, you asked why Ranboo doesn't trust Crown. My apologies. Ranboo is under the impression that Crown caused him to help Dream. This isn't the case and Crown is trying to convince him of this. Crown didn't make Ranboo do anything he didn't want to do.”
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[[Redacted]: “So Ranboo wanted to help Dream then?”
“All Ranboo has ever wanted was a big happy family. He said it himself! That's all Crown is trying to get for him :)”
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[Yazz: “No worries! I apoligize for bombarding you with questions. Thank you for your patience and kindness Viscount.”]
“It's no issue at at all, I assure you :) I enjoy speaking to this family :)”
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[AdanD: “How do you feel about Dream?”]
“Dream? I have very few opinions on him. I don't agree with how he tries to control others to achieve his means. I don't believe his idea of a "big happy family" is the same as ours :)”
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[Bea: “It's nice to speak to you, too! I'm sorry if any if our questions are too pushy.]
“Not at all! you all have many questions and i enjoy answering them. I do wish you'd share the ones you're desperately trying to hide :)”
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[fetch: “We don't have to focus on those right now. :]”
“I will say, you all are not very subtle. However I respect that you do not want to tell me whatever it is you're keeping from me, although my respect for you does not limit my curiosity.“
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Discord pt 23
[Date: 20/02, 6:35 AM - 20/02, 07:09 AM GMT]
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knight: “I think you all have it wrong. Just put on a smile. :) Its smile day, for Pete's sake!”
[Everyone puts :) in the chat. Viscount puts a “...”]
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Viscount: “This doesn’t seem like something to smile about...”
knight: “See? such lovely smiles!”
Viscount: “:(”
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[Viscount: “This doesn’t seem like something to smile about...”]
knight: “Well, why not?”
[Everyone puts :( in the chat.]
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knight: “No, don’t frown! Why are you frowning?”
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Viscount: “Wait no please don't frown”
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Viscount: “Please....”
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knight: “I dont know who this Fetch character is you all keep talking about. I'm sorry if it seems like I've taken his place... But... I'm here now! And happy to be here! So why don't we just smile about that? :)?”
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Viscount: “For me.,,.”
[Viscount’s morse code spells ‘H E L P’]
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knight: “:)!”
[Everyone is sending :)]
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knight: “Smile with us friend! :)”
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Viscount: “Please....   Keep.   Smiling.,..   For me.,,.”
[Viscount’s morse code spells ‘H E L P’]
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knight: “[psst! viscount! is this a good smile? :)]”
Viscount: “Please.... Keep. Smiling.,.. For me.,,.”
[Viscount’s morse code spells ‘H E L P’]
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knight: “Lovely lovely smiles! I'm sure Crown will be over the moon!”
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knight: “I dont know what's got your saddle pads wrinkled, but Im sure everything will be better in the morning, when smile day is in full swing! :)”
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knight: “Its probably late for a lot of you, isn't it? You better be turning into your stalls, come in from the pasture! Get some shut eye :)”
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Chat: “Why are you calling us horses? That’s a little odd.“
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knight: “Hm? Oh, I just think its fun to do. Every knight has a horse, you know? I've always loved horses :) Just as I'm sure Ill love all of you!”
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[jayinnit:  “knight.... we'll. we'll.,.. keep smiling.,,. for you.... but only,,, only because you asked.,,”]
Viscount: “Thank you... Keep, Smiling., lovely family,.,, smile day... is very., important..,. to me.”
[jayinnit’s morse code spells ‘H E L P H O W’
Viscount’s morse code spells ‘S T A Y S A F E’]
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knight: “Its important to everyone!”
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[jayyyyyyyy: “viscount? you okay?”]
Viscount: “I dont understand what happened”
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Jay: “Crown happened, Viscount. Cant you do something about this?”
Viscount: “Why did he do this
Why would he do this”
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Viscount: “First Prince, now Fetch?”
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Viscount: “I fear i don't have long before i am... Also effected”
[Viscount sent two messages he later deleted:]
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Viscount: “Please... In the event I don’t remember, remind me. I dont care about the consequences”
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Viscount: “I dont know what I may forget...”
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Discord pt 15
[Date: 19/02, 07.51 PM - 19/02, 08.30 PM GMT]
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[Viviane: “Do you like tea maybe? I love black one or fruit ^^”]
“A weak attempt to change the subject, however I will indulge you. I do not enjoy tea of any kind, however I do enjoy juices and coffee :)”
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[Luke: “How do you make your coffee tho?”]
“Iced coffee, of course! :) Pleanty of cream and sugar”
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[Yazz: “Viscount, forgive us for being vague or indirect. Many of us are simply worried, words do have a lot of power, and the last thing we want to do it hurt anyone in our family :)”]
“I understand that, you don't have to worry with me though :) I understand Prince is a lot more... Susceptible to high stress but I assure you, I tend to be much more steady :)”
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[Vivianne: “My flaw is asking random questions out of nowhere... And I am kinda shy so... You like more cats or dogs? ^^”]
“Cats :)”
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[Clover: “You like the cat disc?”]
“I actually much prefer mellohi and pigstep :)”
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[Yazz: “I was just wondering, what is the way you and all the others deal with disagreements or times when someone has caused hurt? If we are part of the family, it would be good for us to know, especially since we seemed to have made Crown upset”]
“A good question! If someone upsets crown, it's usually best to apologize immediately, own up to what you did and be honest. As for the others, Prince prefers to be given some space, Baron prefers to talk it out, and Countess doesn't usually seem to get upset :)”
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[Fetch: “What about you?”]
“I don't get upset very often. Although an apology never hurts and honesty is the best policy :)”
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[Fairall: “Hey, Viscount. I haven’t talked to you yet, but I would like to. Since we all want to get to know you better, do you have a favourite pastime? Like, a hobby you do? Personally, I’m an artist and draw a lot, I’m sure you do something like that as well?”]
“I enjoy reading and listening to music personally :)”
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[Clover: “What type of music do you like?”]
“All sorts :) There's not many types that I don't listen to”
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[Emuhlee: “What kind of books do you like to read, Vis?”]
“I love books that take the reader on an adventure :) Taking you places you can only dream of going :)”
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[No |Stars: “Do you listen to Lemon Demon?”]
“Of course! My favorite song by them is Eighth Wonder :)”
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[Fairall: (after getting recommend to listen to Cabinet Man) “I’ll check that out then, thanks! Do you have a suggestion, Viscount?”]
“As I said, Eighth Wonder is a great song :)”
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[Cypress: “I'm partial to touch-tone telephone”]
“Also a wonderful song :)”
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[Yazz: “Viscount, you said earlier that Prince gets stressed a bit more than you do. Is there anything you all do to help them? Is there something we can do or things we should avoid?]
“When Prince gets upset, it's best to give them space. We can usually handle it from there :)”
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“You all have such wonderful personalities, even if you need to work on your poker faces. I will have to be going soon, Crown needs me. Are there any final questions you have? :)”
[There are no more questions; everyone says goodbye]
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“I will speak to you all later! Maybe you'll have more answers to satiate my curiosity by then :) Have a wonderful day, our lovely family :)”
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Discord pt 51
[Date: 27/07, 04.00 AM - 04.28 AM GMT]
[CW: Blood, stalking]
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fetch: “uh
I think my nose is bleeding again
the c ountdown
I think it was for m e”
page: “:)”
C R O W N: “:)”
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donti: “fetch! are you ok?”
emuhlee: “what do you mean ‘for you’”
fetch: “my. nose is bleeding again
my head hurts
I. I dont know whats happening”
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fetch: “I think crowns trying to get me again”
donti: “is the music playing?”
fetch: “No I’m not even listening to the song
I’m not doing anything but I know he’s here
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donti: “take a few deep breaths, are you pinching your nose?”
fetch: “I can’t do anyth in g to stop it its blee ding too mu ch” [I can’t do anything to stop it. Its bleeding too much]
C R O W N: “:)”
Viscount: “:)”
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fetch: “you
you all
do you want”
page: “:)”
fetch: “from me
what did I do
guys i
my head hurts”
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fetch: “mona isn’t home
she’s at work for the next hour
f uck [fuck]
im all alone”
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fetch: “is this what he was planning. was he trying to get me alone .”
Grimm (They/Them): “Yeah, talk to us fetch.”
fetch: “I’m tal king” [I’m talking]
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donti: “thats good thats good now what did you have for lunch today”
fetch: “I had. a. bowl of leftovers.
soup i think
god my fucking hea d .” [god my fucking head]
moon: “have you had dinner yet?”
fetch: “no”
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[The song “Puppet” from the Ib Soundtrack play on loop again in the VC; whoever, Fetch does not join the VC.]
C R O W N: “Oh fetch~ Come listen with me :)”
fetch: “the. the song.
fetch: “no no no no NOT AGAIN NOT THIS TIME”
page: “It's a lovely song! :)”
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fetch: “”NOT THIS TIME YOU CANT T AKE M E AG AIN” [Not this time. You can’t take me again]
fetch: “PLEASE I JUS T G OT BA CK” [Please I just got back]
fetch: “.”
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page: “Come on Fetch! You'll love this song!”
fetch: “he’s outside.”
fetch: “i know he’s outside.”
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fetch: “i cant go”
fetch: “i can’t escape him”
fetch: “I cant
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C R O W N: “Fetch~ :)”
fetch: “i”
fetch: “i c a n t” [I can’t]
fetch: “i”
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page: “Oh! Are we playing hide and seek! I love that game! :D”
C R O W N: “I know you love this song, Fetch. It makes you so sleepy :)”
fetch: “hes outside.”
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fetch: “hes staring at me.”
fetch: “i can’t scream”
fetch: “i cant move”
“hes staring at me through the cracks in the blinds”
[Fetch’s profile picture changes to having a crown with one pink gem rather than with three red ones.]
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fetch: “hes”
fetch: “he is
I cant”
fetch: “...”
[Fetch’s username changes to “Knight 👑”.]
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C R O W N: “:)”
Knight: “...”
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page: “Knight you're back! Hi hi hi! You missed quite a bit! :D”
Knight: “Y o u   t h o u g h t   y o u   c o u l d   g e t   r i d   o f   m e   t h a t   e a s i l y ?” [You thought you could get rid of me that easily?]
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C R O W N: “:)”
page: “:)”
C R O W N: “Welcome back, Knight :)”
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Knight: “Y o u  t h i n k  y o u  c o u l d  h a v e  h i m  b a c k ?” [You think you could have him back?]
Knight: “I. A m. S t i l l. H e r e.” [I. Am. Still. Here.]
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C R O W N: “:)”
Knight: “I  k n o w w h a t  g a m e  y o u  p l a y.” [I know what game you play.]
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[NewRa: “Knight what do you remember?”]
Knight: “I  r e m e m b e r  e v e r y t h i n g.” [I remember everything.]
page: “Why do you all seem so upset? Knight’s back you all should be happy”
Knight: “I  r e m e m b e r. . . Y o u  b a r k i n g  d o g s.” [I remember... You barking dogs.]
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[Jack the Observer: “Happy to have you back, Knight :)”]
Knight: “D o n t t r y  t o  f o o l  m e  w i t h  y o u r  f a k e  j o y.” [Don’t try to fool me with your fake joy.]
[katichu (derogatory): “Page, you wouldn’t understand”]
page: “Why wouldn’t I! I was happy when your friend came back but now your not happy when mine is back...Every Court member is like an older sibling”
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C R O W N: “How are you feeling, Knight? :)”
[Renboo: “hello knight how have you been?”]
Knight: “I  h a v e  b e e n. . . D y i n g.” [I have been... Dying.]
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[Knight: “I  h a v e  b e e n. . . D y i n g.”]
page: “Oh no! Are you alright? Can I help?”
[C R O W N: “How are you feeling, Knight? :)”]
Knight: “I  a m  f e e l i n g. . . M u c h. M u c h. B e t t e r. T h a n k  y  o u :)” [I am feeling... Much. Much. Better. Thank you :)]
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[page: “Oh no! Are you alright? Can I help?”]
Knight: “I   j u s t   n e e d. T i m e   t o   a d j u s t. T h a n k  y o u ,  P a g e :)” [I just need. Time to adjust. Thank you, page :)]
[donti: “Its good that Knights alright”]
page: “Yes yes it is! Now we can all be one big happy family!”
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C R O W N: “Can I see your big happy smile? :)”
Knight: “:)”
C R O W N: “:)”
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Knight: “B i g  s m i l e s.” [Big smiles]
[Knight: “I   j u s t   n e e d. T i m e   t o   a d j u s t. T h a n k  y o u ,  P a g e :)” [I just need. Time to adjust. Thank you, page :)]]
page: “Of course! I’m so happy you’re back!”
C R O W N: “:)”
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[donti: “Im really happy for you! But our friend is missing again, so you can see why some of us are upset”]
page: “Missing? But it happened before right? He’ll show back up eventually!”
[Povas: “>:(”]
page: “No no! Don’t be upset!”
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[Povas: “>:(”]
C R O W N: “... :)”
[katichu (derogatory): “:(”]
C R O W N: “:)”
[jayyyyyyyy: “:/”]
C R O W N: “:)”
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[donti: “Youre right! Could you keep a lookout for us? :) ”]
page: “Of course anything for my beloved friends! :)”
[Continued in pt 52.]
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Discord pt 13
[Date: 19/02, 5.59 PM - 19/02, 7.00 PM GMT]
[Viscount joins the server]
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“Hello everyone!”
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[[Redacted]: “Hello Viscount! It is wonderful to meet you. How are you?”]
“I am well, thank you! Are you all excited for smile day? :)”
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[[Redacted]: “Yes very much so! I have my crown on already!”]
“It looks lovely on you :)"
[After many messages of excitement for smile day:]
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“That's great to hear, all of you will look so lovely with smiles for your faces and crowns on your heads :)”
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[arc: “I am! Is there any particular picture you'd like us to use?”]
“The image that Crown has been suggesting is my favorite :)”
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[fetch: “Are you fine with answering a few general questions for us? If you feel too overwhelmed thats fine; we were just hoping to know as much about you as we know of the others”]
“I would be delighted to answer your questions :) Anything for this happy little family :)
Not so little anymore, I suppose :)”
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[jay: “I just want to ask quickly: What's your favorite flower?”]
“My favorite flowers are rhododendrons :) So beautiful”
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[fetch: “I guess we can start with,,, what do you generally look like? Hair, eye color? Fit check for the artists?”]
"My hair is short and brown and i have brown eyes. As for a "fit check"... I wear a circlet that is gold like Baron’s! But mine has red gems in it :) I'm currently wearing a grey dress shirt and black dress pants :)"
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[syl/suri: “Prince, I’ve been meaning to ask: Are you sure you’re feeling alright?”]
“Yep! Everything is fine :)”
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[clover: “Whats your favorite number?”]
“My favorite number is fifteen :)”
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[[Redacted]: “Not really we've grown quite a bit! Even people on Ranboo’s discord have been hearing about us and joining, its exciting!”]
“I'm happy to see our family grow! How have you all been liking it with us? As amazing as you imagined, I presume? :)”
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[Kriss_McKinnon: “Do you speak English?“]
“Yes, but Crown prefers us to speak Enderspeak :)”
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[Corvid: “Do you have a favorite color? :)”]
“My favorite color is scarlet :) Such a vibrant color :)”
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[fetch: “Also opinion on chicken nuggets?”]
“Chicken nuggets? Odd question, but I do enjoy them :)”
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“You're all so kind to Prince, I'm glad our family is getting along :)”
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[fetch: “Oh, yes! We may have our squabbles, but we're still family and we still love each other :]”]
“What squabbles?”
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[Redacted]: “Ah nothing don't worry just over silly things!”
fetch: “Oh, nothing important. Just this-and-thats!”
“If you say so... You are all happy here, right?”
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[Library/Ren: “Viscount, if you dont mind me asking, how did you meet Crown and the others? You dont have to answer if you dont want to.”]
“Mmm good question, I met crown about a month ago. The others had already been with him :)”
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[[Redacted]: “Do you perhaps remember what happened exactly when you met him?”]
“I do! I was very lonely and I wanted a friend. Crown found me and offered me a family! Isn't that wonderful? He introduced me to Prince and Baron first, I've met the Countess once but she and I haven't talked much, that's alright though. I struggle to understand her codes :)”
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[AdanD: “Viscount, why did you choose to join now?”]
"Crown offered me a bigger part in the family, and who was I to say no? :)"
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“Crown really is a wonderful guy, he has so many lovely ideas. He created this family for Ranboo after all and look at how much it's grown! Ranboo will be so happy! :)”
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[[Redacted]: “You seem to have really good memory!”]
“I dont usually forget things, no. Is that odd?”
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[No |Stars: “Does Ranboo not know about the family yet?”]
“I don't believe so, he will find out on smile day of course though! :) It'll be so lovely to see his reaction to the big happy family!”
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[fetch: “What if Ranboo reacts badly to our family... or not at all?”]
“I'm sure it'll be fine, he may notice but not say anything about it because he's just so delighted to have a big happy family there for him :)”
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Discord pt 31
[Date: 20/02, 03:02 AM - 20/02, 03:56 AM GMT]
[(Re-)Introduction to Chat]
[People were jokingly threatening Crown]
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Crown: “Are you all having fun?”
Crown: “I don't much appreciate being insulted. And as you know, I have several people at my mercy.“
Crown: “You wouldn't want them to come to harm... Would you? :)”
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Chat: “Why would you punish them for something they didn't do??”
Crown: “Behave. I can make things so, so much worse for them, and for you as well.
Do you understand?”
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Chat: “More proof that Crown's a coward! He only punishes people he has control over because he doesn't have the guts to actually go after the perpetrators.”
kate (derogatory) [they/them]: “N-no... no, let's behave. We don't want our... our family hurt.”
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Knight: “Please. Be nice. Dont hurt me.”
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Chat: “Crown, don't hurt them.”
kate (derogatory) [they/them]: “Fe- Knight hasn't done anything to warrant being hurt. Please don't.”
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Knight: “Dont hurt Viscount. Please. Dont hurt Page. Stop making him mad.” “Be. Nice.”
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kate (derogatory) [they/them]: “Of course. We will be nice. We will behave.”
Viscount: “Please...”
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Chat: “Crown, please don't hurt them. If anyone's to blame here, it's me. “
Chat: “Guys, I'm sorry! This is all my fault, I instigated this.”
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Crown: “Pay no mind to Knight. Knight, as for you, why don't you go back to your document? You like it there, don't you?”
Knight: You’re right. I love my doc :) It’s very important to me. I’ll be going, then.”
Crown: “If you truly have what's best in mind for Knight and the others, you'll cease your insolence. Are. We. Clear?”
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[Chat’s username and icon now have changed.]
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Chat: “Guys. I’m scared.
I can’t let anyone get hurt. I can’t let Page anyone get hurt.
Haha. I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
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Mothbo: “Chat, tell us your favorite color and ice cream. Hold on to that for now okay? Focus on good memories.”
Chat: “I like green/blue/purple, depending on the day. Chocolate coffee ice cream is my favorite.”
Chat: “My grandpa called me spontaneous and my sister said that meant impulsive. I miss them all so much. I'm a thousand miles away from anyone I can call family, but I'm glad you're here right now.”
Chat: “I'm glad you're with me, everyone. Here, at the end of all things.”
Chat: “You all have been so kind.”
[Everyone says something along the lines of “We are always here for you” and start expressing concern when Chat stops responding.]
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Chat: “don’t worry. i’m still here”
kate (derogatory) [they/them]: “Good, good. Keep talking to us if you can”
Lynn (they/them): “good. please don't stop talking to us if you can manage”
Chat: “yeah, yeah, I will”
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Page: “What’s going on
What happened”
[Everyone says something along the lines of “Max my beloved.”]
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Page: “I was gone for like 2 minutes Is everything okay? What happened?”
[People are trying to explain to Max that he was taken by Crown.]
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Knight, Page, and Viscount: “:)” [Multiple times]
[Everyone says something like “oh no”]
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Knight: “Big smiles, everyone. :)”
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[jayyyyyyyy: “viscount can you remember anything from yesterday?”
Viscount: “I,.,,
dont know.
what you mean...” (Morse: YES)
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Page: “:)”
Chat: “Hello, everyone! It's so nice to finally meet you all here!”
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[kate (derogatory) [they/them]: “chocolate coffee ice cream”]
Chat: “That sounds interesting! What are those, though?”
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[jayyyyyyyy: “Yesterday you told us that if your memory got wiped, you wanted us to remind you. This is me reminding you.”]
Viscount: “I,.,,
dont know.
what you mean...” (Morse: YES)
Chat: “My name is Chat!”
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Chat: “What? Crown's so nice! I asked if I could be here and now I am!”
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Page: “Hello Chat!”
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jayyyyyyyy: “hey, chat, can you show us what crown told you?”
Chat: “"Haha! Someone once told me that friends don't share things without permission, so I won't. You're all being very weird.”
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Page: “Yes Chat that’s! Unless Crown gives permission you can’t tell others!”
Chat: “That's what I thought!!”
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Knight: “A new friend? Hello, Chat!”
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[jayyyyyyyyy: “maybe give them subconscious memory of it”]
Viscount: “Dots and dashes..
look.,. So. Lovely,, don’t. You,, agree,...
.-.” (Morse: I REMEMBER)
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Page: “Crown can help! They’re really fun and kind!”
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Knight: “You all sound very sad. :( I'm sorry if you are.”
[Knight: “They look rather odd, Vis. Why don't you just use one or the other.”]
Viscount: “Ah of course Knight. You’re right. :)”
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Lynn (they/them): “We’re happy! All smiles, see? :)”
Knight: “You always just sound sad?”
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Knight: “You were sad about us earlier. I can promise we are fine! :) don't worry Mona :) Your friends are safe :)”
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Page: “You all seem really sad today? It's smile day you gotta smile :)”
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Discord pt 27
[Date: 20/02, 4.45 PM - 20/02, 08.48 PM GMT]
[Direct continuation of Discord pt 26]
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echoza tumblr: “what do you mean?”
knight: “Well. There has to be a reason you all kept calling me Fetch last night. Even though I'm not Fetch. I don't even know who Fetch is! what... What happened to Fetch to make you all so sad?”
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echoza tumblr: “We haven't seen him in a while, and you reminded us of him... You probably shouldn't worry about it too much”
knight: “How did i remind you of him? Do we look alike? Wait- you didn't know what I looked like...”
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Ethan: “Your discord mannerisms reminded us of him, we thought you were fetch coming back to us”
knight: “Oh. Sorry to disappoint you... :(”
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knight: “Do you think i can help look for him? i can ask crown if he knows where fetch went!”
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echoza tumblr: “It's probably best not to. We... don't want to risk anything.“
knight: “...risk?”
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CypressBoo: “We can trust Fetch to come back to us eventually. Fetch is a person, and everyone needs space from their own family sometimes. There are a lot of us, after all. Being with so many people all the time can tire a person out!”
knight: “Does fetch get tired easily?”
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CypressBoo: “Everyone gets tired. We should let each other recharge our batteries every once in a while.”
knight: “I suppose. well, if you all care about fetch then so do I! I'll keep an eye out for any signs of him ;) For now, just put on your crowns and smiles. Ranboo deserves to feel welcome in our family!”
knight: “👑:)”
[Everyone starts sending 👑:)]
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knight: “Do you have any more questions? I’d love for you all to get to know me better.”
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CypressBoo: “Sure thing! What do you do in your free time? Any hobbies?”
knight: “I like to draw! Maybe I can post some in your art channel. You're all very talented!”
CypressBoo: “That would be wonderful! The artists in this family are very talented indeed.”
knight: “Oh! Terribly sorry, but I have to go! Big smiles everybody! :)”
[Everyone say their goodbyes. Prince enters shortly after]
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Prince: “Just stopping by to wish everyone a happy smile day! :)”
[Prince sends 7, 2 then 6 smiles]
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[Bea: “Happy smile day to you too! How are you feeling today?”]
Prince: “I'm so happy! :)”
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Prince: “I have to go now, but i'll try to come back soon okay? :)”
[At this point, Ranboo is live]
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page: “Hello my friends!”
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page: “Ah very sorry I need a moment to quickly finish doing something my friends!”
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page: “:)”
[Everyone starts sending smiles]
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knight: “:)
I'm not here to talk. Just spreading smiles.
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knight: “Lovely lovely smiles you all have! Crown will be delighted.”
spectral: “Ok! Our message was drowned out tho... (:”
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knight: “Keep it up! He's bound to see at least one of us smile.”
[Viscount joins sometime later]
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Viscount: “Hello! I just wanted to drop in quickly :)”
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Viscount: “How are you all enjoying smile day? :)”
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[No |Stars: “Vis do you remember the conversation last night?”]
Viscount: “Hmm..? I'm not sure,.. What you mean,,,?”
[Viscount’s morse code spells ‘I D O’]
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knight: “Hello! popping in along with viscount for a short moment. I forgot to tell you a little detail about my "fit check", and I know how you artists love to have the details! :)”
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knight: “I may not have a tail like this "fetch" did, but I have floppy blue ears! crown made them blue because i can look like my google doc :)”
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[Little-K1ng: “oh thats so cute.... lil floppy dog ears...”]
knight: “Dogs scare me but my ears are cute :) besides who's ever head of a blue dog?”
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Little-K1ng: “your dog ears are very cute knight :) i hope the dying didnt stain too much around the ears
Little-K1ng: “what a weird coincidence, fetch did really love blues clues (a show about a blue dog!)“
knight: “Just a couple wispy hairs, nothing that can be hidden easily! Crown makes sure I look as prim and proper (snazzy, as you all say) as I can be! Such a kind one that crown guy :)”
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[Jack/Anthony: “How have you been enjoying smile day, vis?”]
Viscount: “It's been wonderful! :) I only wanted to stop by shortly to ensure you all were enjoying today as much as we are! :)”
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knight: “Yes yes!! Smile day is going great! :)”
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Viscount: “:)”
knight: “:)”
[Everyone starts sending “:)”]
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[No |Stars: “,,.thats,,,good,,,I guess,..”]
Viscount: “Alright :)”
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knight: “Anyways, I'll be trotting off! Just wanted to update my "fit check" :)”
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[kate: “Uh... Viscount? Are we cool after yesterday? I'm still sorry for what happened and how I acted.”]
Viscount: “everything is alright, kate. I trust you to make the right decisions :)”
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Viscount: “I will also be heading out, busy busy day today after all :) Have a happy smile day everyone! :)”
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Viscount: “:)”
knight:  “:)”
page: “:)”
[Everyone starts sending smiles]
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Discord pt 20
[Date: 20/02, 05:08 AM - 20/02, 05.55 AM GMT]
[Fetch’s name is knight in these screenshot’s because they were taken too late; the reason for the name will be clear later.]
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“How is everyone? (:”
[everyone says they’re doing good]
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"Wonderful (: i have some questions for you all (:"
[Everyone tells him to go ahead and ask]
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“How’s Prince?”
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[Chat: “He’s very happy!”]
“Happy? You think they left here happy?”
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“We have very different definitions of happy I believe”
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“What happened with prince, family?”
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[Kate: “Prince is fine. Why do none of you believe them when they say they're fine?”]
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[Kate: “What about me?”]
“You believe you know more than you do.”
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[Kate: “I'm not claiming I know everything. I never did. But I know when it's better to step back and let things play out. And not. Ask. Questions.”]
“You meddle with things you do not know of. I am telling you now, if you know what's good for you. You will take your own advice.”
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[Kate:  “Is that a threat?”]
“It is whatever you take it as, infighting is normal within families and i am not upset with the entire family. However I have been watching you, Kate, and you are getting on my last nerve.”
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[Jay: “Viscount, I will tell no lies. What would you like to know”]
“Tell me what happened. Before tonight as well.”
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[*fetch: “This thing with Prince has been going on for a while now. Somehow or another, Prince finds out something they shouldn't, gets panicked, then comes to us afterwards with no memory of what made them panic. I am to believe that this is Crown's way of keeping Prince happy; for that I do not fault him.”]
“This is... Concerning”
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[*fetch: “...concerning how?”]
“I was unaware of this happening. Are you certain in what you say?”
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[Arc:  “I can elaborate more on the specific incident from tonight, if you'd like.”]
“Please do”
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[Fetch:  “Absolutely. I have no reason or motive to lie.”]
“I believe you, fetch. :) Thank you for being honest”
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[Arc: “Prince was set off by an as of yet unknown person messaging them and telling them of previous incidents in which they had become scared and anxious of crown for currently unknown reasons, and Crown wiped their mind of whatever those reasons are. When they came back from messaging said person, they were clearly scared and unsure, and though people tried to do damage control for fear of worsening the situation, Prince was overwhelmed. Crown quickly found out and prince came back, mind probably wiped, acting strange and repeating things like 'I am happy' and 'Everything is fine'”]
“This is concerning behavior from Crown... Prince as well. You say that this has happened before? Crown has "wiped" Princes... Memories?”
[Kate says that Prince is happy because they say they are. Fetch tells them to step down, and they and a few other people talk]
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“Kate. I suggest you step down.”
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“You don’t know what you speak of”
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[Kate: (to fetch) “Not doing it for you.”]
“Be. Nice.”
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[Kate: “I  AM nice. I've been nothing but pleasant. I've been on your side this entire time.”]
“You have not been nice. You've been tolerable at best. Keep yourself in check for the betterment of the family”
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[Arc: “Viscount, I’m worried that Crown may wipe your memories as well. He's clearly done it to prince, and even Baron and Countess have shown signs that their memories have been tampered with, as they can't remember how they met crown or why they joined him.”
“I have never had my memory wiped by Crown. I believe that it will not happen. Crown has no access to my means of communications. I remember meeting Crown and everything that has happened since then. I appreciate your concerns, you are a very caring family :)”
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[Kate: “How have I not been nice? I literally have only wanted the best for Prince. Maybe my methods aren't the best, I'll admit that. But I do care about Prince. I care about this family, even if I'm horrible at showing it.”
“Watch your tone in the future. I am watching you.”
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“I would like to reiterate, I do not believe in group punishment.”
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“I appreciate you all greatly. Some of you are attempting to cause problems on purpose and it is not an environment I would like to encourage”
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Viscount's first blog description:
“Nothing is coincidental"
[His blog is linked here.]
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Discord pt 30
[Date: 20/02, 02:01 AM - 20/02, 02:44 AM GMT]
[Branching off of Discord pt 29 in general]
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Viscount: “We can chat here :)”
Raeva: “I’ve been wondering Vis all the other court members have a role, Prince is a messenger, Baron runs the ask box, Countess manages the TikTok so what is your role in this whole matter?”
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Viscount: “Ah! Well as I am relatively new, Crown has only recently offered me a higher position in the family! :) I am merely..Testing the waters :) Discovering what I enjoy doing :)”
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Viscount: “Is that not the answer you anticipated? i apologize if so. What did you think my role was?”
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[Little-K1ng: “It is, Viscount :)”]
Viscount: “I would appreciate not being lied to, thank you :) However as I said before, I will not pry out of respect for our family :)”
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[Raeva: “Oh It's fine that makes sense! I'm just surprised since you been in the court for roughly a month according to your own words. :3
Oh and the VC wants to know your favorite ice cream“]
Viscount: “My favorite flavor of ice cream is pistachio :)”
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Viscount: “Oddly silent... Did i say something wrong?”
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rain: “No, of course not! I don't think you did, at least”
Viscount: “..I see”
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[Raeva: “Not really since we have been honest with you I'll assume your not lying because we trust that we share some mutual respect :3″]
Viscount: “Of course! I am entirely transparent with all of you :) We are family after all! I trust you all completely!”
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Discord pt 25
[Date: 20/02, 7.06 AM - 9.20 AM GMT]
[Page arrives]
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[kate: “Hello... Page.”]
page: “Hello! It's a pleasure to meet you all!”
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Viscount: “Max too...? I need to take a moment to compose myself”
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[kate: “Please. Please. I need this.”]
Viscount: “Not another. No. You don't deserve this.”
[Context: Kate has repeatedly expressed the wish to join the family/Court]
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page: “Sorry I was gone for so long my friends! I was caught up with something!“
[After this, a conversation mainly in the vc or chat for those muted was held.]
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Discord pt 21
[Date: 20/02, 5:35 AM - 20/02, 06:03 AM GMT]
[Meanwhile in gen2]
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Viscount: “Crown has informed me that if Maxwell continues, there will be consequences. Tread carefully please. I do not wish for harm to come upon you.”
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[SnowCake the angry twig: “Fight us then!!!”
Viscount: “This does not concern you. I was merely passing on a message.”
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[jayinnit: “Viscount we're sorry, the vocal minority does not speak for the majority”]
Viscount: “I understand this, and I appreciate the rest of you. I do not believe in group punishment, it is abhorrent“
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Viscount: “Apologies, I was dealing with a little bug. Prince is recovering, do not worry.”
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[spectral || g3rmpy: “Uh, hey Vis! cant talk for long, but glad to see you here for smile day? :)”]
Viscount: “I am very excited for smile day :)”
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Viscount: “You are a wonderful family and I love you all greatly :)  /p”
[Arc sends a “Viscount my beloved” gif]
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Viscount: “Oh that is a wonderful image! :)“
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Viscount: “You are all my beloveds :)”
[Happy responses]
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Viscount: “You all deserve wonderful things :)“
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Viscount’s Puzzle Hunt
On April 30th, 2021, Viscount answered a series of 65 asks with numbered Morse Code in the tags of each response. The code pieces, when arranged in order, were as follows:
“…. - / - / .--. / … / ---… / -..-. / -..-. / % -…. / ----. / .-.-.- / % -…. / ----. / % -…. / ..--- / % -…. / ..--- / .-.-.- / % -.... / …-- / % -…. / ..-. / -..-. / % …-- / ..... / % --… / ..--- / % …-- / ...-- / % ....- / .- / % -…. / -.. / % …-- / --… / % …-- / ….- / -..-. / % -…. / --... / % -…. / ….. / % --… / ….- / % --… / …-- / % --… / ….- / % -…. / .---- / % --… / ..--- / % --... / ....- / % -.... / ..... / % -.... / ....- / .-.-.- / % --... / ----- / % -.... / . / % -.... / --...”
Based on the final ask, which provided an example of an encoded url with Marcus’s observation of “did you know that there’s no morse code for a percent sign?”, the decoded Morse Code message turned out to be:
This link led to the following png image:
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And the decoded URL was: https://i.ibb.co/5r3Jm74/getstarted.png
When brightened, the following image was obtained:
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When one of these QR codes (all the QR codes in the image were the same, just repeated numerous times) was scanned, it led to the following Pastebin link: https://pastebin.com/%44%48%4c%59%53%46%65%35, which when decoded was simplified to: https://pastebin.com/DHLYSFe5
The Pastebin password was “getstarted”, which was obtained from the URL of the darkened QR code image. When unlocked, the following string of Morse Code was found:
“---.. ----. / .---- ..--- ..--- / .---- ----- -.... / .---- ----- ..... / .---- .---- ...-- / .---- .---- ----- / ----. ---.. / ...-- ..--- / ----. ---.. / .---- .---- -.... / .---- ..--- .---- / .---- ----- ..--- / ----. ----. / .---- .---- ..--- / .---- .---- ....- / ...-- ..--- / .---- ----- ....- / ----. --... / .---- .---- ...-- / ...-- ..--- / .---- .---- ---.. / ----. ---.. / ----. ----. / .---- .---- ..... / .---- ----- ----- / .---- ----- ..--- / .---- ----- / -.... ..... / ...-- ..--- / .---- .---- ...-- / .---- ----- ----. / .---- ----- ..--- / .---- ----- ---.. / ----. ----. / .---- .---- ---.. / .---- .---- ....- / .---- .---- ---.. / ...-- ..--- / .---- ----- .---- / .---- ..--- ..--- / .---- ----- ....- / .---- ..--- ----- / .---- ..--- ----- / ...-- ..--- / .---- .---- -.... / .---- ----- -.... / .---- .---- ..... / ...-- ..--- / .---- .---- ----. / .---- ----- ...-- / .---- .---- ...-- / .---- ..--- ..--- / .---- .---- ----. / .---- ..--- ----- / .---- ----- / --... --... / .---- .---- ----. / .---- ----- ...-- / .---- ----- -.... / .---- .---- ..... / .---- .---- ----. / .---- .---- ----. / ...-- ..--- / .---- ----- ..... / ----. --... / .---- ----- ..... / .---- .---- ----. / .---- ----- ----- / .---- .---- ....- / .---- .---- ..... / .---- .---- --... / .---- .---- .---- / ...-- ..--- / .---- ----- ....- / .---- ----- ..... / .---- .---- ..--- / ...-- ..--- / .---- ----- ..--- / .---- ----- ....- / .---- .---- ----. / .---- .---- ...-- / .---- .---- ..--- / ...-- ..--- / .---- ----- ....- / .---- .---- ----. / .---- .---- ..--- / ----. ----. / .---- .---- ---.. / .---- ..--- ----- / .---- ----- / ---.. ----. / ...-- ..--- / .---- ..--- ----- / .---- ..--- ..--- / ----. ----. / .---- ----- -.... / .---- ----- ---.. / .---- .---- ----- / .---- .---- ----. / .---- ----- .---- / .---- .---- ---.. / ...-- ..--- / .---- .---- ---.. / .---- .---- -.... / .---- ----- ----- / ...-- ..--- / .---- ----- ....- / .---- ----- ..... / .---- .---- ..--- / ...-- ..--- / .---- ----- ...-- / ----. ---.. / .---- .---- ...-- / .---- .---- ----. / .---- .---- .---- / ...-- ..--- / .---- ----- ----. / .---- ----- ....- / ...-- ----. / .---- ..--- ----- / ...-- ..--- / .---- .---- ...-- / .---- .---- .---- / .---- ----- ----- / .---- ----- ..--- / .---- ----- ...-- / .---- .---- ...-- / .---- .---- -.... / .---- .---- ..... / ----. ----. / .---- .---- ----- / .---- ----- / .---- ----- / ---.. --... / ...-- ..--- / .---- ----- .---- / .---- .---- ...-- / .---- ----- ..--- / .---- ----- ----- / .---- ----- ----- / .---- ..--- ..--- / .---- ----- ---.. / .---- .---- ...-- / ...-- ..--- / ----. --... / .---- .---- ----- / .---- ----- ---.. / .---- ..--- ----- / .---- .---- ..--- / ...-- ..--- / .---- .---- --... / .---- .---- ----- / .---- ----- ----. / ...-- ..--- / .---- .---- ....- / ----. ----. / .---- ----- .---- / .---- ----- ----- / .---- .---- ----. / .---- .---- ..--- / .---- ----- / -.... --... / .---- .---- ..--- / ----. ---.. / .---- 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Which when decoded:
“89 122 106 105 113 110 98 32 98 116 121 102 99 112 114 32 104 97 113 32 118 98 99 115 100 102 10 65 32 113 109 102 108 99 118 114 118 32 101 122 104 120 120 32 116 106 115 32 119 103 113 122 119 120 10 77 119 103 106 115 119 119 32 105 97 105 119 100 114 115 117 111 32 104 105 112 32 102 104 119 113 112 32 104 119 112 99 118 120 10 89 32 120 122 99 106 108 110 119 101 118 32 118 116 100 32 104 105 112 32 103 98 113 119 111 32 109 104 39 120 32 113 111 100 102 103 113 116 115 99 110 10 10 87 32 101 113 102 100 100 122 108 113 32 97 110 108 120 112 32 117 110 109 32 114 99 101 100 119 112 10 67 112 98 120 108 120 32 120 119 102 103 111 104 103 113 32 122 113 112 101 113 106 44 32 101 102 99 115 117 106 10 72 32 114 115 120 99 115 112 121 106 101 32 112 109 121 32 97 112 114 32 105 103 122 113 104 32 104 97 39 101 32 115 113 105 111 97 106 111 108 106 112 10 67 116 122 98 119 32 116 116 100 114 104 32 106 104 102 115 109 98 32 102 104 121 106 122 104 117 32 112 98 32 100 111 117 99 32 113 97 110 10 10 88 105 105 122 110 99 32 103 113 121 98 104 111 105 115 32 101 122 106 120 108 99 44 32 108 104 101 120 100 100 10 72 105 112 32 102 110 100 119 113 32 112 97 101 105 101 32 99 114 115 113 98 99 32 107 112 115 99 10 67 116 122 98 119 32 116 116 100 114 104 32 106 104 102 115 109 98 32 102 104 121 106 122 104 117 32 112 98 32 100 111 117 99 32 113 97 110 10 72 103 100 104 32 121 32 108 116 103 112 32 116 109 115 101 117 32 121 104 106 111 32 121 112 100 98 104 110 112 10 10 66 116 108 32 99 111 97 117 106 32 99 117 112 101 98 32 100 111 113 106 111 119 32 118 108 112 100 10 67 114 103 117 114 119 121 108 106 112 32 118 109 108 104 45 32 115 99 97 105 10 86 32 106 109 116 106 32 101 105 112 102 114 32 119 97 119 105 32 106 108 97 99 101 108 105 10 80 106 109 116 105 121 32 112 110 115 101 109 110 106 32 116 97 118 97 32 118 113 103 111 10 10 87 109 99 105 118 119 113 109 110 106 32 113 105 122 108 10 69 97 113 106 108 32 97 112 104 101 117 97 98 105 32 106 102 32 100 104 32 118 106 116 121 110 10 88 105 105 122 110 99 32 98 106 115 109 108 106 112 32 121 101 104 119 32 118 121 102 107 10 84 107 110 112 115 115 98 122 101 105 117 105 112 10 10 89 116 108 99 115 32 99 114 109 110 111 116 119 98 32 113 104 32 102 109 32 101 100 109 116 103 10 87 32 100 109 97 119 106 32 102 98 108 117 114 32 119 109 118 113 105 32 111 116 117 108 32 102 109 10 70 103 110 120 114 111 104 101 105 117 113 105 120 10 88 112 110 103 108 100 100 115 99 110 32 119 103 107 112 116 111 115 108 98 10 10 87 32 100 109 97 119 106 32 102 98 108 117 114 32 119 109 118 113 105 32 111 116 117 108 10 70 109 32 113 97 110 32 104 97 101 32 113 113 110 98 113 106 120 32 97 112 101 107 103 98 110 32 104 105 112 32 97 118 102 119 113 10 89 116 104 98 104 114 104 115 117 111 32 97 97 102 108 104 115 115 100 99 10 72 98 32 97 112 114 32 99 97 111 113 106 32 109 108 101 99 101 106 103 113 120 10 10 89 122 106 105 113 110 98 32 109 104 120 32 111 111 105 115 119 113 99 32 104 105 99 105 98 115 116 32 111 110 119 32 116 116 100 114 104 10 72 97 113 32 105 100 116 108 107 32 100 109 122 115 119 32 105 116 106 112 103 32 115 111 99 32 116 108 116 116 10 67 107 32 104 97 113 32 101 112 97 115 101 32 118 115 112 98 103 121 115 115 115 10 82 109 115 109 110 106 32 115 115 120 107 110 101 32 110 109 97 112 10 10 68 111 113 105 32 122 99 32 97 32 121 108 98 114 104 32 109 99 32 112 109 121 110 111 97 117 110 100 99 105″
Which when parsed through an ASCII Cipher Decoder:
“Yzjiqnb btyfcpr haq vbcsdf A qmflcvrv ezhxx tjs wgqzwx Mwgjsww iaiwdrsuo hip fhwqp hwpcvx Y xzcjlnwev vtd hip gbqwo mh'x qodfgqtscn
W eqfddzlq anlxp unm rcedwp Cpbxlx xwfgohgq zqpeqj, efcsuj H rsxcspyje pmy apr igzqh ha'e sqioajoljp Ctzbw ttdrh jhfsmb fhyjzhu pb douc qan
Xiiznc gqybhois ezjxlc, lhexdd Hip fndwq paeie crsqbc kpsc Ctzbw ttdrh jhfsmb fhyjzhu pb douc qan Hgdh y ltgp tmseu yhjo ypdbhnp
Btl coauj cupeb doqjow vlpd Crgurwyljp vmlh- scai V jmtj eipfr wawi jlaceli Pjmtiy pnsemnj tava vqgo
Wmcivwqmnj qizl Eaqjl apheuabi jf dh vjtyn Xiiznc bjsmljp yehw vyfk Tknpssbzeiuip
Ytlcs crmnotwb qh fm edmtg W dmawj fblur wmvqi otul fm Fgnxroheiuqix Xpnglddscn wgkptoslb
W dmawj fblur wmvqi otul Fm qan hae qqnbqjx apekgbn hip avfwq Ythbhrhsuo aaflhssdc Hb apr caoqj mlecejgqx
Yzjiqnb mhx ooiswqc hicibst onw ttdrh Haq idtlk dmzsw itjpg soc tltt Ck haq epase vspbgysss Rmsmnj ssxkne nmap
Doqi zc a ylbrh mc pmynoaundci”
Which when parsed through an Vigenere Cipher Decoder, with the key, “IMPORTANT” (which was obtained from the final ask):
“Qnuuzub oaqtnba oad ctqdpo H qzmdqgde lzuep hue fnqmdp Ahsszwj pswhpazub oad qtfxp udhqgj H ezpqdbhqe ctq oad rnzdo zo'p ezponqgzub H qzmdqgde lzuep hue fnqmdp Pwtlwj gdftvzub lzwedq, wtnedq H ezpqdbhqe ctq oad rnzdo zo'p ezponqgzub Lazod lhodq qhszep qthqzub hp oadj qnu Pwtlwj gdftvzub lzwedq, wtnedq Oad qzmdq chwwp oazqoj cddo Lazod lhodq qhszep qthqzub hp oadj qnu Zuot h sttw ladqd fhwv qdonqup Oad qzmdq chwwp oazqoj cddo Oanuedqzub etlu- zuot H sttw ladqd fhwv qdonqup Pwtlwj bwzezub hlhj cqtv Oanuedqzub etlu Ladqd oatnbaop bt ot eqtlu Pwtlwj bwzezub hlhj cqtv Ftupfztnpudpp Ladqd oatnbaop bt ot eqtlu H pvhww mtzfd ftvdp ghfx ot Ftupfztnpudpp Lazpsdqzub hstwtbzdp H pvhww mtzfd ftvdp ghfx Ot qnu zop czubdqp oaqtnba oad lhodq Lazpsdqzub hstwtbzdp Ot oad lhodq ezponqgde Qnuuzub zop czubdqp oaqtnba oad lhodq Oad pvhww mtzfd ahubp zop adhe Ot oad lhodq ezponqgde Atszub gdjtue atsd Oazp zp h qzmdq tc ctqbzmdudpp”
Which when parsed through an Caesar Cipher Decoder, with the shift, “8” (which was obtained from this ask):
“Ifmmrmt gsilfts gsv ulivhg Z ireviyvw drmwh zmw xfievh Szkkrob hkozhsrmt gsv ilxph mvziyb Z wrhivtziw uli gsv jfrvg rg'h wrhgfiyrmt Z ireviyvw drmwh zmw xfievh Holdob yvxlnrmt drowvi, olfwvi Z wrhivtziw uli gsv jfrvg rg'h wrhgfiyrmt Dsrgv dzgvi izkrwh ilzirmt zh gsvb ifm Holdob yvxlnrmt drowvi, olfwvi Gsv irevi uzooh gsrigb uvvg Dsrgv dzgvi izkrwh ilzirmt zh gsvb ifm Rmgl z kllo dsviv xzon ivgfimh Gsv irevi uzooh gsrigb uvvg Gsfmwvirmt wldm- rmgl Z kllo dsviv xzon ivgfimh Holdob torwrmt zdzb uiln Gsfmwvirmt wldm Dsviv gslftsgh tl gl wildm Holdob torwrmt zdzb uiln Xlmhxrlfhmvhh Dsviv gslftsgh tl gl wildm Z hnzoo elrxv xlnvh yzxp gl Xlmhxrlfhmvhh Dsrhkvirmt zkloltrvh Z hnzoo elrxv xlnvh yzxp Gl ifm rgh urmtvih gsilfts gsv dzgvi Dsrhkvirmt zkloltrvh Gl gsv dzgvi wrhgfiyvw Ifmmrmt rgh urmtvih gsilfts gsv dzgvi Gsv hnzoo elrxv szmth rgh svzw Gl gsv dzgvi wrhgfiyvw Slkrmt yvblmw slkv Gsrh rh z irevi lu ulitrevmvhh”
Which when parsed through an Atbash Cipher Decoder, was decoded to obtain the following poem:
“Running through the forest A riverbed winds and curves Happily splashing the rocks nearby A disregard for the quiet it's disturbing A riverbed winds and curves Slowly becoming wilder, louder A disregard for the quiet it's disturbing White water rapids roaring as they run Slowly becoming wilder, louder The river falls thirty feet White water rapids roaring as they run Into a pool where calm returns The river falls thirty feet Thundering down- into A pool where calm returns Slowly gliding away from Thundering down Where thoughts go to drown Slowly gliding away from Consciousness Where thoughts go to drown A small voice comes back to Consciousness Whispering apologies A small voice comes back To run its fingers through the water Whispering apologies To the water disturbed Running its fingers through the water The small voice hangs its head To the water disturbed Hoping beyond hope This is a river of forgiveness”
You may be wondering what exactly caused this event to transpire. On April 29th, 2021, Dewey had proceeded to release the following message:
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[TOTAL: 1]
DATE: Monday, April 5, 2021
DESCRIPTION: Viscount and Marcus have a private conversation with Crown
[TRANSCRIPT LOCK LOCATION] https://ghostbin.co/paste/qcfnugfe
[BACKUP LOCATION] https://thelockbox.carrd.co/
The following conversation then ensued between Dewey and the Crown ARG Discord server:
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Moon: “oh! that's good to know, thank you dewey! I've already sent a couple asks trying to figure out the password and hopefully some others will join in and help me!!”
This time limit was what sparked the above puzzle hunt for the transcript’s Ghostbin password, which turned out to be: “forgiveness” 
Thankfully, the transcript was unlocked well before the threatened date, and can be found here. It is no longer in danger of being deleted. This marks the end of Viscount’s puzzle hunt!
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Discord pt 37
[Date: 22/02, 7.49 AM - 8.40 AM GMT]
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page: “Hello my beloved friends! What's happening!”
[Chat has reacted to all these messages with 👑]
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[kate: “Not much! I'm just drawing. How are you?”]
page: “I am well! Last night was a little tiring so I slept in late today, although otherwise it was fine. :)”
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[arc: “Queuing up songs in the vc, added Stacy's Mom and some FOB”]
page: “Oh, I love songs! Especially ones from cartoon shows! I know it may seem a bit childish but I always found those nice, especially ones I used to sing along to :)”]
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page: “Oh! I see you found one of your old friends! I'm so happy that their okay, you all seemed to really care for them...”
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[emuhlee: “Yes, we all missed fetch.”]
page: “Perhaps I can introduce myself to them one day when they're feeling better! They seem to be a bit busy right now and you all deserve time with your own beloved friend!”
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[Library/Ren: “Yeah we really do care for them. I honestly thought we would never seem them again, so im really happy their back!”]
page: “I mean, who would ever do such a horrid thing to someone... especially someone people care so much about...”
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Library/Ren: “Yeah...”
Lynn: “Yeah, who would... I'm just happy they're safe”
Socks: “Yeah, all that matters right now is that their safe”
Chat: “Truly disgusting. That some "person" would do this.”
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page: “You know this 'fetch' person reminds me a lot of my good friend Knight! Although every member of the Court are my good friends and you all are my beloved friends!”
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Chat: “You're right, page! They're both very similar. We were very happy being with Knight, so I'm sure you're very happy with your friend.”
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Lynn: “We are happy with our friend :) We care deeply for them.”
Chat: “That's so nice to hear! I'm glad everyone's happy again.”
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page: “Do you think they may know Knight? I've never heard him mention them but perhaps they do!”
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Chat: “You should ask them, Page!”
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page: “Perhaps I will! I can't wait to meet a new friend, perhaps like this new flower I found, its so pretty.”
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dragon_whisperer: “What kind of flower did you find?”
Lynn: “Ooh, a new flower? What was it like?”
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page: “They're these really pretty flowers called freesia flowers! I love how soft they look. :)”
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page: “Dont they look so nice”
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page: “Oh! What if I made flower crowns for all the Court members of their favorite flowers to wear along with our circlets! I'd like to make one for mine and I have to see if the others want one as well!”
Chat: “I would love a flower crown! :)”
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Chat: “Would all of you like one as well? I could help make them for you.”
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Viscount: “Ah! You would look lovely in a crown :)”
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page: “I'd just have to be careful so it doesn't get stuck in anyones circlet! Their gems might get tangled if I’m not careful... Mine should be fine though! I do believe mine is the simplest actually...”
dragon_whisperer: “Yeah...”
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Viscount: “I would be happy to assist you, Page :) And I'm sure once we... find Knight, they'd be happy to help as well :)”
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page: “Oh yes that would be perfect! I hope the flowers compliment your gems well! I'm happy I don't have any, makes it easier to keep things from getting caught in it :)”
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page: “I think it is time I head to bed! Good night my beloved friends and family! :)”
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Chat: “I agree! I'll be going to bed as well!”
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Viscount: “Yes, it would be best if we head to sleep. Big day tomorrow, after all :)”
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page: “Ah yes! I can hopefully introduce myself to fetch tomorrow!”
[Everyone starts sending :)]
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Discord pt 48
[Date: 24/02, 09.33 PM - 24/02, 10.32 GMT]
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Viscount: “Hello! There was one question one of you asked that I did not want to answer on tumblr. You asked yet again for a "fit check" which is understandable, I am not some cartoon character that only wears one outfit”
[People ask why he didn’t want to share on the blog.]
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Viscount: “I have my circlet of course which is gold, like most everyone's in the court aside from Prince, which has three red gems set into it. I am currently wearing a brown sweater over a white collared shirt with grey dress pants and of course my boots :) Demonia's? I believe you called them?”
[People compliment his style.]
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Viscount: “I did not want to answer on the blog seeing as you all may find it a bit.. Distracting from the other questions you were asking :)”
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[Jack the Observer: “Viscount you are so fucking stylish]
Viscount: “Why thank you :)”
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[donti: “Veyecount is there other things, no way you came here just to talk about fits”]
Viscount: “Were you expecting something more? Why dont you share your thoughts :)”
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[Jack the Observer:  “How did operating the blog go? You said you wanted to try something new.”]
Viscount: “It was very confusing and took much longer than expected... I hope Crown isn't too upset with how long it took..”
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[A random Spark: “We want to hear from you as well”]
Viscount: “You'll have to ask more directly what you expect from me :) I'm afraid I cannot read minds”
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[donti: “You talked about your sister a lot. Maybe tell us more about her?”]
Viscount: “Oh Countess? Yes she's lovely isn't she? I'm so happy to have her back :) It was so lonely without her”
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[donti: “Its sweet that you found her! I have siblings myself and it wold be terrible if we were separated for so long. What did you do while she was gone?”]
Viscount: “I was very sad while she was gone, at the time she was all I had left. Being without her almost destroyed me. But she found me again, so it's okay! :)”
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[Singletsona |Stars: “How long was she in the family before you?”]
Viscount: “Countess? Oh she's only been in the family a month longer than I have :) So she's been here for two months and I’ve been here for one :)”
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[fetch: “So you were without her for a whole month? Why didn't she tell you where she was going?”]
Viscount: “She left a few months before she joined this family... I didn't know where she was for... What felt like a very long time”
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[donti: “And how was she different afterwards?”]
Viscount: “Well, she's Countess now of course! Can you imagine a child being called "Countess"?”
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[fetch: “That sounds horrible :[ She just... up and left?”]
Viscount:  “I don't.....know”
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Viscount: “I don't remember much of when she left”
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Viscount: “She was just... gone”
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[daengelinotfound: “How old were you two when she left?”]
Vicount: “It was only a few months ago... I think”
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[fetch: “I'm so sorry... at least you have her back though! That's gotta be a relief :]?”]
Viscount: “It is! It's such a relief to have her back. I can see her every day if I want to! I didn't leave her side for most of the last month. When Crown asked me to join the server, I had to leave her again but I still get to see her very often :)”
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[A random Spark: “You don't remember?”]
Viscount: “I don't remember what caused her to leave. I don't know if I want to remember. She's back now though and that's what matters :) We're a family again!”
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[A random Spark: “I try and write things down to remember. Some memories are bad”]
Viscount: “Mhm”
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[Singletsona |Stars: “Isn't it weird that you just...don't remember what happened though?”]
Viscount:  “I- yes. It is a bit odd...”
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[fetch: “Sometimes the stuff you don't want to remember is the stuff you really need to.”]
Viscount: “...”
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[A random Spark: “All memories are important”]
Viscount: “I agree...”
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[fetch:  “Just- look. You wanted us to ask questions, right? This is what we're asking. Isn't it strange how you have seemingly the best memory out of the entire Court, but you don't remember what could be the most important time in your life? When your sister left?”]
Viscount: "That wasn't directed towards me you-”
[A this point, Viscount started to send messages that automatically deleted after a short amount of time. We didn’t manage to screenshot the first few; the rest are recognizable by a clock emoji (⏲️) at the end.]
[Deleted messages w/o screenshot:]
Viscount: “I asked you to ask questions to further your knowledge, yes.”
Viscount: “But you have to realize that I intended you to ask the others, not me”
Viscount: “These gaps in my memories are... Concerning yes”
Viscount: “But I honestly dont think they’re of much important in the end. What’s done is done”
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[A random Spark: “You need to write down things then, where he can't see”]
Viscount: “You don't think I have been?” (deleted)
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[fetch: “Why are you deleting your messages?”]
Viscount: “So that he can't read them, Fetch” (deleted)
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[fetch: “Where are you putting your hidden writings? Just tell us so we can tell you when you forget.”]
Viscount: “I.. haven't forgotten. Anything. I remember everything since being reunited with Countess. It's my memories beforehand that get....blurry” (deleted)
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[A random Spark: “One shouldn't fear family”]
Viscount: “I know...” (deleted)
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[fetch: “Just because you remember now doesn't mean you won't forget later.”]
Viscount: “I know.” (deleted)
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[Void: “Vis, Crown once said that Prince will see things on the translation blog. Does Crown also check that blog?”]
Viscount: “I.. I dont know what Crown can and cannot see. I'm sorry, I don't have an answer for you”
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Viscount: “I have to go now... It was nice talking to you all
I will see you tonight :)”
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