#by saying 'well actually you're just a terrible person for not feeling like your maleness is universally privileged'
thlayli-ra · 3 months
while you're headcanoning, what are your codypunk headcanons? love hearing your thoughts!
Ok, so, bear with me here but... Codypunk can be summed up in the following photo:
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So it's objectively canon at this stage that Cody Rhodes is the prettiest person on the entire roster (male and female). He's the WWE equivalent of a Disney princess; beautiful, graceful, well-dressed, often faces up to terrible adversity but defeats his enemies with the power of kindness and friendship. He can also kick ass, has an animal companion and.. can he sing? I feel like he could sing!
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Anyway, Cody is, of course, the white fawn. Pure and sweet.
Punk is the brown fawn with the grumpy face.
He's very protective of his pretty little friend. I absolutely adore this panel from the talented Otanod over on IG (please go check out their stuff, it's awesome!) that shows Dusty entrusting a young Punk to look out for Cody in WWE. Punk is older, more experienced and has come through the business the hard way, from absolutely nothing to the top of the industry. Unlike Cody, who is... dare I say it... a wrestling nepo baby.
However, Cody doesn't really need protecting, he's perfectly capable of looking after himself and has proven it. Punk knows this, acknowledges this... and does it anyway. He can't help it. If the legendary Dusty Rhodes asks you to do something, you damn well do it. Punk is very old-school that way. (Also, he just loves his pretty little friend!)
Going back to the fawn photo, Punk's protectiveness of Cody is actually quite funny. Look at them! They're both so little and cute!!!! ❤️ Size-wise and skill-wise, they're equals but, more importantly, they are both incredibly vulnerable to violent attacks. Eh-hem (can we find some evidence, maybe?)
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(Oh! There we go, thank you!😁)
They're a couple of beautiful deer in a world full of wolves. To survive, they rely on each other, to always have each other's back.
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Things can get competitive, sure - young deer are known to lock horns from time-to-time - but so far, it hasn't turned bitter (time will tell on that one!)
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Most importantly, there is a lot of healthy respect between them. Respect for their journeys, where they've been, what they've done, where they're going and if Punk is going to play second fiddle to anybody as king of the forest, he will do so for Cody.
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astrotoilet · 2 months
|| Anything For You||
|| Firecracker x Male Reader || SMUT
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Summary: When firecracker meets a fan of her, she promises she will do anything for him, anything...
WARNING: This story contains: Swearing, Awkward situations, sexual acts and breastfeeding scene.
Read at your own risk
It was a good day for Y/N L/N, Today was the day where he was going to meet The Seven, America's most powerful supes, he was really excited to meet Homelander, A-Train, The Deep, Black Noir and Firecracker.
She was his personally favorite one, she was also kinda stunning for him, creating a feeling of butterflies in the stomach in him, Misty Tucker Gray was her real name, everytime she was on TV or in other media this butterflies started to fly intensely on him, making his situation even worse, and the fact that he was going to meet her tomorrow made it even worse, he tried to calm down and refresh his mind so the intrusive thoughts didn't win.
He just decided to draw a few things before going to sleep, he draw a lot, a lot of thing, between them was an art of Firecracker, it was in fact the one he put most of the effort on.
Satisfied with it, he ripped it and nailed it on his wall.
After it he did more things before going to sleep.
The next day...
It was finally the day of the event and he was excited and very nervous too, Y/N had breakfast, went to shower, brushed his teeth and got ready for the outing.
His mind was about to explode from all the emotions he was feeling right now but he had to stay calm if he wanted to be fine, he got in his car and drove to the place, after a few minutes he finally got to the pace and it was time for it.
The event was incredibly good, meeting The Seven and the vibe of the event was amazing, he felt very happy on there.
however he noticed something...
Firecracker was giving autographs and he could NOT lose this chance to interact with her, so he walked to where she was and with his notebook filled with The Seven's autographs he asked her for one.
"H-Hello....ummm i am a very big fan so i just... wanted to ask you for an autograph" Y/N said incredibly nervous
Firecracker smiled and nodded
"Sure, give that notebook" she said with her usual charisma
Y/n smiled too and gave her the notebook
She gave him the autograph and he smiled
"Uhh you know something?, i really enjoy hearing and seeing you it is very good" Y/N said
"Oh thanks, you're surely not the only one that tells me that" She answered laughing
"Oh...in that case i have to wach it more frequently to become the number 1" y/n said laghing
She laughed too
"You really do that?, i mean you really spend hours listening to my podcasts?" Firecracker said
"Well not hours but actually a good time" y/n replied
"I like some things you say sometimes" y/n added
"Oh, amazing im glad you like them" she said
"Some of your thoughts are relatable...sometimes...you get it right?"
"Society sometimes treat us like absolute fucking shit, im so done of that"
"This country is corrupt...beyond saving"
"America is lost and we need ti save it, it doesn't matter what we have to do, even if we need to do terrible things, at the end of the day, they are for the greater good" y/n said
"Sadly..it's the truthbomb" she said
"Well i think i have to go back with The Seven so im sorry goodbye" she said leaving
"Oh...uhh okay bye ehh thanks for the autograph" Y/N said a bit sad
Y/N then turned back to leave but she stopped me
"Hey!" Firecracker said
"What?" Y/N replied
"Do you really think i'll let you go that way?, i liked you, you're cool so here's my number" Firecracker said
"Y-your n-number?....." Y/N said almosy fainting
"Yes bug, but don't tell anybody" she said winking and smiling then finally leaving
Y/n's trembling hand was holding a paper with her number written on it
'Is it a joke of her ?'
'How this happened to me?'
A lot of thoughts where on his mind right now
"Thanks!!!" Y/N said
He drove back to his apartment, a lot of thoughts on his mind, whe he got to home hr quickly went to his room and texted her
The name of the contact was "Misty TG" so it was probably actually her.
He waited for her to answer but nothing, it had just one check, she didn't even got it.
The hours passed and he had already lost his hope.
It was really late, near 10 of night when his phone sounded, quickly he went to grab it and he saw it.
"Hey, how are you" it was Firecracker, she answered his text
He quickly replied "Heyyy good good, and you, how was the rest of the event?"
"Pretty boring to be honest, a lot of weird dudes came here asking weird things lol"
"Like what?"
"You don't wanna know"
"Please, i promise i will not laugh"
"Well well one of them asked me to suck his dick, can't you believe it?"
"Damn, and what did you do?, how you got rid off him?"
"I had to call security, if it wasn't a public event with kids and people i would have crushed his head"
"Would have loved to see that"
"You fr get me"
"Haha thanks i guess"
"Tell me more of you, what you work at, where do you live, your favorite things, tell me"
"Uhhh well i work as a cashier on a candy shop, it is sometimes torturing to see all these sweetness and not being able to eat anything"
"And...uhhh i live on an apartment and i can give the direction"
After a long chat Firecracker and Y/N became good friends and she was actually planning to met with him somday.
Their views on politics and the sytem matched perfectly, they grew very close
Y/N and Firecracker continued to talk until a day she told him to met with her at neraby park outside the Vought tower, this excited y/n.
"Sure sure i'll be in there as fast i can" Y/N texted her
In her room Firecracker was planning something a bit.... spicy?, something she had planned to be a surprise
When he arrived to the park he sat on a bench to wait for her and after a long time, she finally arrived.
She had casual clothes and was wearing a pair of sun glasses so people didn't recognized her, she aproached him and greeted him
"Hey how are you?" Firecracker greeted him
"Im good, im glad you finally arrived" y/n answered
"Yup, i had to convince Homelander that i had to do something very important" Firecracker said.
"It was pretty hard to be honest" she added
"Oh, no problem, it's okay" y/n said
"What do you want to do now?" Firecracker asked.
"Well we can hangout a bit" y/n said
"Sounds great, i support the idea" she answered.
"Well let's go then" y/n said
Reader and Firecracker went to a lot on places, spending the time together and having a lot of fun.
They went to eat candy apples and after a long time they where done on their outing.
"I enjoyed this day so much!, i wish i could do this even more" Firecracker said
"Yeah, same i wish i could be with you more time" y/n answered
The the idea shot firecracker in the head, she just remembered it and blushed, looked down with a serious face and thought if she really wanted to do this, the she decided it was a good way to confess.
"Is something wrong?" Y/n asked her
"Hmmm, yes" she answered
"And what is it?"
"Look uhhhh, i don't wanna go now, i want you to take me to your apartment as i want to show you something"
"Uh..well sure you are welcome, it's a surprise for me"
"And what is that thing you wanna show me?"
"It's a surprise"
He already was getting nervous
"Okay let's go then"
During the whole road she stay silent, she didn't talked to him amd that only made the ambiance awkward.
When they already arrived his apartment y/n prepared some coffee for her and they talked about a few things before y/n brought her words from a few moments again.
"What was the surprise you wanted to show me?"
"Oh that?, well i first will ask, you wanna see this?"
"Yes sure, what is it?"
"I hope you like this..."
she stod in front of y/n and removed her clothes revealing that she was wearing her supe costume
Y/n was surprised and he wasn't able to hold his blush, also her suit was a bit more short and he was trying his best to hide his erection.
"W-Wow Firecracker what are you doing?" Y/n asked her
"You told me once that you liked the way i look with my suit, so i am doing it for you" Firecracker said getting closer to him
Y/n felt very nervous
"Yes, uhhh i like it a lot, t-thanks"
Firecracker was now very closed to his face and made him sit on the couch
She then jumped in top of him and now was sitting on his lap, her arms wrapped around his neck.
He couldn't believe all of this
"I'll do anything for you....anything..anything..." Firecracker said
"Oh yes oh shit, do it" y/n said
Her mouth then leaned in on his and she started to kiss him, all he could do was kiss back and wrapp his arms around her waist.
She started to run her hands on his back, then she felt something and she stopped....
"Are you hard?" she asked him
"Oh yes Firie im so hard right now" Y/N said
"Someone should do something about that..., also don't call me firie" she said kissing him again and now grinding on his erection
she moaned as the feeling was driving her insane.
She licked his cheeks, his neck and all of his mouth, y/n at his part was touching her ass and her tighs, and there was a moment where he touched her tits wich made her stop and remember her idea once again.
She stod up and looked at y/n
"Would you like something to drink" Firecracker asked him
"Sure, like what?" He answered
She then unzipped her suit and let her tits out and aproached him..
Lay down on my lap and close your eyes, i will give you milk.
"What?...really!?" Y/n said half disgusted but also excited
"Yes, you want?" She asked innocently
"Sure, oh my god"
Y/n then sat next to her and catched one of her breasts on his mouth and started to suck it
She moaned as the milk started to fill his mouth, she was sweating so hard and wanted to get fucked so hard, it was when y/n started ti press his fingers in her crotch making her moan loudly
"Oh fuck, yes!" She said
He then inserted them in and she moaned even louder, he started to move them.
The firecracker decided to help him a bit, unzipped his pants ans started to jack off his hard-rock cock, y/n also played with her tits, touched them and sucking them.
The whole situation was spicy with them fucking eachother as milk travelled down y/n's throath.
It was when she came that y/n pulled her breast out of his mouth.
"Fucking delicious" he said
"Now it's time for you to get your milk"
Firecracker had no time to realised as y/n grabbed her head and inserted his cock in her mouth, making her suck it all.
He didn't asked her but she could care less
She sucked his cock as the wet sounds sounded in the room, she massaged his balls and licked his tip
"Fuck yes, don't you dare to stop bitch" he said
"Y-yes m-master" she said in a choked voice
she continued to suck him until he came, filling her mouth with his cum
She moaned as she opened her mouth full of cum
Y/n the inserted his hand in
"Look at you fireslut"
"Oh yes daddy treat me like your bitch"
She sat on his lap and inserted his cock in her pussy.
She almost screamer as his big cock entered her.
"Oh my fucking god y/n, don't stop"
"Fuck me harder ah ah, oh im gonna cum, im gonna cum" she said out of breath
His hands where spanking her fine ass as he was once again sucking her milk
She felt she was on fire, she started cry of plesure
"Y/n, oh fuck, i love you"
" i love you too Firie"
"Don't call me like that please"
He continued to fuck her, filling his ears with her moans.
And then y/n came and her screams pleased him
After that they laid on the couch kissing even more.
"It was amazing, i enjoyed it so much" y/n said grabbing her chin
"I love you y/n, im being serious" she told him smiling, happiness in her eyes.
"I love you too Misty" he said smiling too
"Would you like to....be my girlfriend?" He asked her
"Of course i want baby" she replied happily kissing him
"You are the best thing that has happened to me" she said kissing him even more
"I'll make sure to get you a spot in Vought so you leave that shitty job" she added
"Really?" He said surprised
"Yes" she replied smiling
"Gosh i love you so much sweetheart" he said cuddling her
"Let's stay here, i love you so much and want to spend time with you" she said cuddling him and then turning on the TV.
Hope you like it guys :)
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Lol I love your Lackadaisy reader insert 😩
I'm actually glad they animated it ..so can you write a romantic headcanon for Victor I love big beefy men ..👁️👄👁️
I kidda like if the reader is like a famous model and him a over protective male wife
I hope this make sense thou tell me what you think..
I love your works and have a good day/or night (⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)
lol so i really cant see viktor as like, a "malewife" as hes p traditional and rough around the edges but this made me think of some HCs with him and a married reader so here ya go!! It kinda got away from me.
Femme reader ahead!
Regardless of how you met Viktor -- perhaps you were both from the old country and came to America together, or you're a fellow immigrant he found common ground with once he arrived, or an American girl who actually bothered to talk to him -- eventually, you two married. You were a pretty girl and he actually had trouble talking to you the first few times. Viktor was quiet, but sweet, honest and reliable.
You and him only got a few years of married life before the draft came.
He wanted to do it, hoping it would bring some kind of opportunity for you both. At least the pay was better, as most employers felt a Slav was only good for dumb labor and low wages.
When he came back, he was Viktor, but not the one you married. Not quite.
The job at the docks was one he'd been able to stick to for some time, though you know he disliked it. He worked for your sake, so you wouldn't have to pull such long hours yourself. He did many things for your sake, silently and without complaint. He didn't used to be this quiet.
You didn't hear about the terrible riot, or his involvement. You just knew he never came home, and then some neighbor said he was arrested. Then - there was some lawyer? Some man named Atlas May? It happened so quickly. No one at the police station would help, as expected. But then that man, that Atlas May, drove up to your modest little apartment and explained in his polite, calm voice. There was no need to worry. He has a new job, and you'll be much provided for. He wouldn't tell you why Viktor was in jail or what this new job was.
Viktor had to move to a different part of St. Louis for this job. He didn't even tell you in person, he wrote about it, saying he'll send money and you shouldn't worry about him. If anything, you should move somewhere nicer and not think of him.
Obviously you crumpled that letter up and figured out where the hell he's gone off to. Once you find the Little Daisy, you look around and see your big husband in the garage. You immediately rattle off at him. WHAT does he mean by this and what happened to his eye and WHO is this man who paid for the lawyer and if Viktor thinks he can just upend your lives and not TALK to you--
Your language or his, he gets the point. The whole building probably heard you.
So, you find employment in the Little Daisy. The pay is generous; you wonder if Atlas is either placating you or feels bad for the whole mess. Maybe both, but it's much easier than the work you did before. And his wife Mitzi is friendly - you think she likes having female company for once. In spite of her fancy clothes and talk, she's quite down to earth.
Even if you don't mind working the cafe, Viktor feels a great deal of guilt for "involving" you in the business. Well, it is what it is. It's not so bad, on the quiet days. Sometimes he's home in the evening with you, sometimes he's out all night and gets in as you're getting ready for work. You'll share a kiss and give him a long, long hug before sending him to bed with no questions.
If he's wounded, Viktor doesn't like coming home. He'll stay at the speakeasy and get it fixed there, and recover there if need be, until you drag him back home. You are not above cornering Mordecai, dangling a rat by the tail and making him spill what Viktor got into.
"You wouldn't - I just cleaned this room, do you realize how quickly those vermin breed--" "Ohh, I would, and I'll get more until you tell me where he's laid up!"
Actually, you have kind of a weird friendship with Mordecai, like Viktor does. You know the surly cat keeps your husband safe and has saved his life before. When you tuck away some sandwiches and a thermos of coffee for your husband, you start adding some extra food and a thermos of tea for Mordecai, too. He doesn't say anything to you directly, but returns the clean thermoses and cups to Viktor. And comments it's nice to know someone around here can make a proper cup of tea.
If you know Slovak, that tends to be what you and Viktor speak to each other, even in front of others. Otherwise you two have a weird half-English half-Slovak and whatever else that most people only get every other word of. He finds your accent very charming, and kinda prefers that people don't know what you two are saying. It's more private that way.
If he's around, he likes to join you on your lunch break and yall get a nice moment alone. You snuggle up and lean on him and he quietly enjoys the affection. He growls at anyone who comes in and tries to interrupt Wife Time (tm). If he doesn't have something to do immediately, Viktor likes keeping you company while you cook up the food and work the register though he kinda scares the customers.
He REALLY doesn't like the idea of you working down in the Speakeasy, you're a pretty girl, and that's a rowdy crowd. Even with all their money, the men are the same. The few times you've had to go down for something or to help out, it only takes ten minutes before some Mister Whoever stops you and says you ought to be in magazines and the pictures. If Mordecai spots the altercation early, he beelines over to deal with it - because otherwise Viktor will come by, and his way of dealing with it is picking men up by their necks and all but full-body throwing them up the stairs. Atlas doesn't complain - it keeps the other patrons in line. Mordecai just doesn't want to deal with the mess.
(Sometimes it's just some harmless drunk whose clearly confused you for a different girl and you still have to pull Viktor away. "Dear, please, no one should get their teeth knocked out for a misunderstanding ...")
More than once Mitzi has taken you shopping and dressed you up. If it's a special occassion - New Year's is a big one for Lackdaisy - you should go all out! She makes sure your hair is done and lends you some jewelry, and floats the idea of you getting Viktor in a tuxedo. It would never happen, of course, but she'll try.
Yes, it isn't so bad to be here - the violence is frightening, but Viktor always makes it home back to you. Maybe just another year or two of saving and you both can find a nice house in the country.
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Raine Whispers and male/adopted son reader
Summary; You were just a regular bard whose magic came at a young age. Your parents ended up passing away while you were attending Hexside, but since you were on your own you couldn’t keep up your studies at the Bard Cash Course. You’d come late everyday and get terrible grades, constantly fall asleep in classes. So You were forced to drop out as you needed to fund yourself but that was until Raine found you.
Author’s Note ; The pronouns that have been used for Reader is you/your and he/him ! as usual instead of y/n being used it was [Name] :p This is just a little platonic Raine comfort bc I love them, enjoy ! <3
It was so overwhelming for you, having to fend for yourself after your parents unfortunately passed away. You were doing so well at Hexside but couldn’t keep up your studies anymore so you had to tell Principal Bump that you had to drop out, now all you had to do was to do street music so you can keep a roof over your head. It was until you started getting in trouble for playing street music and as you got slightly older, you needed to join a coven. You didn’t feel as if you deserved to join a coven since you weren’t very powerful, but even though you needed to join one, you ended up not joining one since the money to keep your parents home was still needed. So for a long time to get money, you were on the run, doing illegal performances..since you didn’t have a permit.
At least [Name] isn’t as wanted as the so-called ‘Owl Lady!’ yet..All he wanted to do was peacefully play songs. [Name] tried his best not to release the magic of the bard but sometimes he just couldn’t keep it in and stuff and people started to move! It was only a matter of time before you were kicked out of your parent’s home. So here he was, a hungry child with no hope left for the world, he barely knew his family there was barely any time before his parents passed on. [Name] hurried through Bonesborough as he was being chased down by some guards. Currently [Name] isn’t as strong anymore from being scarce on his food supply. However, he'll makedo lost time, trying to pickpocket and steal..! Finally [Name] lost the guards eventually.., before he started to hear a peaceful tune coming from the city and some witches without covens were running free from the guards trying to force the witches into the covens. He got out his violin to help with the distraction but by the time he finally got out of hiding the guards were already gone. The person [Name] stared directly at him, fear overcame him once more so he was prepared to fight before [Name] knew it, he was being dragged away but it wasn’t by a guard it was by the person he was about to fight.
The two finally stopped [Name], scared, started kicking to get away but hear, “Hey Calm down..,you're safe here.” the voice said. The Voice was calming, had its own shade of nervousness, it somehow calmed [Name] nerves down. He stopped kicking and was put down, “Mind telling me your name? And where is your place of residence?” the person said, are they trying to sound professional? Should [Name] say he’s still living with someone or at least somewhere..? no it would be too obvious he isn’t living anywhere, might as well tell the truth.. “It’s..[Name], and,..I don’t live anywhere right now.” You sighed, admitting the truth no all of a sudden, you looked sad. “Hey it’s okay,” they said while looking at you. “The name’s Raine Whispers.” They introduced themselves as their calming-sounding voice was soothing to you, “You can stay with me for awhile, if you would like.” Raine offered before all the emotions just broke free from [Name] as he hugged them. “I’d assume that's a..yes?” They joked but still sounded slightly nervous.
You grew closer to Raine overtime, actually having a home to go and come to. You also had more friends or just friends to hang out with when Raine had to do their coven duties as head witch. BATT was honestly fun to hand around but times could come when the members of it would get on [Name]’s nerves. Raine felt honestly the same around the little bard they took in, “Hey, Little Songbird..” they addressed you with a nickname before handing over adoption papers, “Wanna make it official?” They asked [Name]. He nodded his head with a quick “yes ! :)” a smile launched on his face. “Then I guess I’m your parent now, ‘both king and queen,’ you know..’best of both worlds.’” Raine said, patting [Name]’s head, while he knew full well that Raine was quoting someone.
“C’mon ‘Little Songbird’ what do you want to do?” They teased [Name] with the nickname again.
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chaifootsteps · 30 days
Been playing BG3 again (I stopped at a certain point because I disliked enough of it to shelve it) but I'm back at it to actually form a good opinion on *why* I dislike it, since the refund period was already well out the window by the time I was fed up the first time around.
Why am I coming to you about this? Because I noticed something while playing and doing some digging on the other romance routes that I will not be doing. Astarion and Stolas are incredibly alike. It's fascinating to me, Astarion literally admits to the player that he manipulated you so you wouldn't ever cross him, but only after *he* fell in love does he decide you get agency. Which sounds very similar to how a certain owl treats a certain imp.
Honestly the more I play the game and do some digging on the fandom the more BG3 feels like Helluva Boss. Both stories had initial premise (for BG3 it was the Early Access, for HB it was the pilot/season 1) but fell into just being romance or focusing on the writer's pet (for BG3 this is Astarion). Both stories handle abuse abysmally (Wyll and Gale are both victims and yet their abuse isn't treated as serious? There was even a 'patch' where the PC could pressure Gale into group sex and he still expresses being uncomfortable the entire time, Wyll's abuse is... A fucking lot to get into) and both stories are just. Flat out racist? HB has the whole... Imps and Hellhounds metaphor going on (that gets conveniently forgotten about when we need to focus on how sad Stolas is) and BG3 also has fantasy racism (playing as a Teifling apparently has NPCs call you slurs right out the gate) but also just has normal, everyday racism in the foundations of the game (Wyll is the most lacking companion in content while Astarion gets more and more content, the lack of options for POC to make a character that even looks like them). *This* was 2023's GotY?
I'm so, so tired of mediocre at best pieces of work being propped up as 'the best thing ever and if you disagree you're a bad person' by fandom at large. I wish people were more critical of the things they consumed, I wish stories about male victims of abuse were treated seriously and not just made as wank fodder or without the author constantly implying that the victim 'deserved' it.
Apologies in advance if this is heavy, I generally try to form my thoughts about these things more constructively as I believe it's important to establish *why* something is flawed, but I'm so frustrated. It's hard to be charitable and kind all the time when it feels like doing so is coming up against a dead end. It also goes without saying that if any fans of BG3 see this, I don't hate you, I don't think you're a bad person for liking this game I despise, I'm just... Tired.
(I'd also like to request that this ask, if you decide to answer, is paired with the suggestive tag due to the language I've used. It's a personal preference, thank you in advance.)
Haven't gotten around to playing BG3, but between the resemblance to Stolas and the terrible flashbacks to actual worst character Iron Bull sleeping with your Inquisitor as a means of spying on them and then "catching feelings," I'm thinking I might have to skip romancing Astarion. At least there's plenty of other fish in the Baldur's Gate 3.
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blubushie · 4 months
I’m a trans dude, and while I’m still in the closet for now, I want to go on T, and I don’t want to,look like a twink, I wanna look like a well and truly traditionally masc dude, and I feel like my friends just don’t get that. They don’t understand why someone would want to look like that. I worry so much for the community and friends I’ll lose when I do go on T. People are so terrible to men and other folks not willing to overplay femininity in queer spaces, it just makes me anxious.
My best suggestion is hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Try to keep fostering your connections with your mates but also mentally prepare yourself for them drifting when you transition.
Also recognise that if they don't accept you or your masculinity, then they aren't actually your friends. Friends support each other especially in major milestones like coming out and transitioning to the person you want to be. If your straight friend says they care about you but treat your queer partner like shit, or do that whole "I have nothing against gay people I just wish they'd be quieter about it" thing, then they don't actually care about you. If your friend says they support you in transition, but ask why you "have to do that" in a judging way, or try to convince you not to do something for your transition (like go on T cuz it'll make you "ugly" or something), then they aren't your friend. They care about their biases more than they care about you, and that's not friendship. They should be supporting you, not criticising and hindering you at every turn.
As for queer spaces—yeah, they don't like us. And I'll be honest, you might lose people. Hell, it's even likely you will. I'll say as much that there's a reason I don't call myself queer and it's not just because of how that word's been used against me, but also because of how it's been used to describe me for simply existing as a bisexual/gay intersex man, and despite the queer community so desperately wanting to claim me by words, they never do so by action. They have made it well and clear that they are not my community because of how they ostracise me for being too masculine, or looking too male, or how they either fetishise me for being intersex or blatantly ignore that very prominent aspect of my personhood. Until things change I do not consider myself a queer man or part of the queer community. You cannot lay out a welcome mat and then shun me when I walk in.
I know this is easier for me than it might be for you, especially if you're already present in queer spaces but not out as trans. I'm wishing you strength and luck, anon.
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devilmayfamily · 2 years
You're My Weakness
Vergil x Male!Reader
Vergil never could get over you.
Even when he tried to, he could never let go of you.
Nero brought you home and it was over for the older man since.
You'd "adopted" Nero during the time of Vergil searching for power. The boy has seen you more as a father figure than his actual father and has clung onto you since meeting.
The day he brought you home to DMC was on minor accident. He let it slip that he had to stop by the building for business and you insisted on coming with to meet this family of his.
Originally, Vergil wasn't too fond of there being an outside male in his space. You were competition for Nero's attention, even though the man didn't make himself a worthy option to begin with.
However, after seeing the relationship between you and Nero, he realized instead of being competition, you were an equal. A respected partner. A proper mate. Thus began the mans stupid attempts to become close to you.
Nero was the first of course, to notice this. He became very suspicious of his father, noticing the light (and terrible) flirting going on. He'd never seen his father try to talk to someone so much, it almost disturbed him. He almost lost it on the day he overheard you saying yes to a date with his father.
"You're father is quite a charmer," you say. Nero looks like he might vomit. "Nope. I don't wanna hear about it." You chuckle, ruffling the boys hair. "He's a good man Nero, give him this at least."
Vergil was pacing. He was pacing and sweating up a storm. Dante found it amusing. Vergil found it annoying.
Never in his life had Vergil been this calm and nervous at the same time. He's never had someone make him so weak yet so strong. You'd become his weakness.
Once coming to terms with how he felt for you, he didn't want you to see just how damaged he was. How much bad he'd done before finding himself. He didn't want you to see who he was and walk away.
"I'm not a good person." "I think you are." Vergil chuckles. "Maybe that's were you are blind." You smile. "If so, I don't want to see." Vergil stared into your eyes for a moment, a smile slowly appearing.
Domestic life was not on his mind before. Now, it was all he did. Man's was happy to come home, go straight to the kitchen where he knew you were cooking dinner, and kiss his husband hello. Man's was happy to wake up and get kissed good morning on lazy Sundays.
Nero almost hated it. But he also couldn't help but smile at seeing his father's being happy. He does take every chance he gets to tease and make fun of the two of you though.
"Ew, gross!" Nero yells. Vergil rolls his eyes as you chuckle at your son. "Dante they're doing it again!" he continues. Dante chuckles. He takes a moment to look over at you and Vergil cuddled up on the couch before turning back to his nephew. "You'll live Nero." Nero lets out a dramatic groan. He looks over and smiles at you, his face lit up like a small child. He begins to pester Dante about going out for a training session until the Devil Hunter agrees and the two go out back. "Your son is a handful," Vergil says once they've left. "Well he is your son," you reply. Vergil raises an eyebrow to your comment, moving a little to look at your face. You smile, kissing him to distract him from your teasing.
There were days where Vergil would come home in a panic. Threats from enemies he could easily defeated would send the man into a flurry, racing home to make sure you were still there and unharmed. He will hold onto you a little longer those days.
How the demon world learned of his new relationship (calling him a traitor like his father) he would not know, but it gave him a new reason for wanting to tear the lesser demons apart.
He'll be dammed if one of them got within a centimeter of you. Makes you almost feel bad for the poor demon that decided to test that man. Almost. Because let's be honest, watching Vergil fight is kinda hot.
You are Vergil's weakness.
You would always be his weakness.
But he'd fight for you every day he got to spend with you.
Vergil would never be able to get over you and honestly, he's ok with that.
Because there is nothing better in this world than getting to see you, be with you and love you.
Because what could be better than you? Nothing.
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pulpitude · 6 months
not to be a salty little shit (and therefore revive the calico rants tag) again but
y'all remember my earlier rant? the one where i stated that even mah, one of the books with the most accurate and inclusive queer representation in the app, has its fuck ups (more details in the post itself)
well, i just remembered that perfect match, the one book where you can actually be polyamorous and have a realistic polycule dynamic instead of "oh you still have to pick a main li and they'll be the only person you can make it official with and say i love you to but at least there's still the option of flirting and hooking up with other lis if you want to slut around some more" (cough. bloodbound. why the fuck didn't pb let me say i love you to both jax and adrian and let me live my married poly fantasy w/ the provider the girlboss and the malewife) also has a pretty big fuck up in my opinion.
specifically, regarding the option to pair up sloane and khaan vs. pursuing them as love interests yourself.
i get that obviously not all people who read pm decide to play as a polyamorous character and therefore wouldn't really like their love interest having romantic feelings for someone else, but what about those who don't mind? even worse, what about the players who are polyamorous themselves and were hoping for the love interests to also have a poly route?
you can only get the option to play matchmaker for sloane and khaan if you aren't pursuing either of them. not both of them, not just one of them, only when you're dating neither. and that makes sense... from a monogamous standpoint. hell, not even from all monogamous standpoints, there are plenty of people who wouldn't be poly themselves but would be okay with their partners being poly.
and that's where i start being a salty little shit about this, because why the hell is there not an option to pair them if you're already established as poly and dating both of them? i vividly remember that during one of my pm plays (where i only dated hayden) sloane is confiding to mc about her possibly having feelings for khaan (or something, my memory is terrible) and asking them what to do.
and one of the dialogue options for that scene if you didn't flirt with khaan beforehand is "don't date him, date me instead".
and i don't know about you all, but that reads as incredibly selfish to me if your mc is poly and especially if your mc is male, i don't know why but combined with the poly thing it has more than a bit of a misogynistic undertone. i mean, they're literally telling her to stop pursuing her crush if she wants to date them, but they can pursue as many people as they want.
and for the other scenario (pairing up love interests that you pursue with other characters as a monogamous person) imo there should be a customization option for that. kinda like the sexuality option in the elementalists but it's for poly routes, either the option to allow mc to become official with multiple lis or to allow the lis themselves to have simultaneous romance routes with mc and other characters. preferably both but that'd be asking too much for "the most amount of queer we can handle right now are romances between genderlocked female mcs and goc lis that still read as a straight romance, the only thing that's left is for the f!lis to grow a dick like they did in platinum" pb.
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kalena-henden · 1 year
Destined With You Final Thoughts
Rowoon - Every new role I see him in (Extraordinary You and Tomorrow), I feel like he's grown leaps and bounds as an actor. Here he got to be literally be EVERYTHING. He was an arrogant emotionless jerk, a lovesick puppy who says the cutest most ridiculously things, a serious no-nonsense professional who's great at his job, a man struggling with his feelings and choices, a devoted protective lover, gutted and sobbing over life or death circumstances, respectful patient attentive boyfriend, an impulsive and passionate lover. I know we say ALL THE EMOTIONS sometimes but he literally when through them all.
Jo Bo Ah - Hongjo was a hard character for me because she was so passive and let everyone walk all over her again and again. Her saving grace is she always stood up to Shinyu and eventually learned to stand up to those around her. I could easily be annoyed with this character if it was played by a less competent actress.
Ha Joon - I enjoyed his turn as a suave lawyer who's actually a total dork in his personal life so much so that I started watching his new 50-episode family drama, Live Your Own Life, where he's finally the male lead with his own romance. Jaekyung came as Hongjo's sage guide when she needed him and happily exited when she was settled. Honestly, not a bad arc for a SML.
Shinyu's mom, Shinyu's lawyer friend, Hongjo's Landlady, Uram and his grandfather, and Shinyu's assistant - These characters were alot of fun and added to the depth of the story. I wish we had actually gotten more development from them which would have filled out this story a bit better.
Symbolism & Magic - This show is rife with well thought out symbolism. Love all the flower/plant stuff around Hongjo (Bloom) and Shinyu (Groot) equating to a blossoming and thriving relationship. The magic is actually pretty well explained and is there if you're interested in it.
Dropping the Magic Halfway Through - I am EXTREMELY disappointed in a show billed as a FANTASY ROMANCE that went to painstaking care to introduce the spells and curses to be like oops! don't care if the spells worked or not but we kinda care if the big curse is real cause we want to keep Shinyu in perpetual danger. Like I have ZERO respect that the FANTASTY aspect was dropped (and no the reincarnation plotline doesn't count). I feel hoodwinked and things make even less sense now. It's basically a JJ Abrams Mystery Box level of non-sensical bulls*t which is one of the main reasons I stopped watching most Western shows. It also leaves MASSIVE holes about how and why the Gardener and Nayeon started working together as well how did they learn about and come to believe the curses would even work. It was just she's a backstabbing two-faced bully and he's an insane murderer but zilch on their motivations. I really wanted a mini-montage of the black magic curses that were so well foreshadowed. I'm unsure if this was a writing call or directing call because in Korea the directors have final edit rights, not the writers. What got left on the cutting room floor?
Hongjo's coworkers - Why were they so terrible and unfunny the entire time? They were also irrelevant to the plot. The only good thing was her boss stopping the others from bullying Hongjo. It wasted time that could have been given to the side characters l liked (see above).
Noble Idiocracy & Repetitive Danger - I'm not sure which is worse that they repeatedly put themselves in danger time after time (even when bad things kept happening to them) or they broke up or stayed apart for the other person's 'benefit'. *face palm* If it was a great story, I can forgive some of this but...
The Pacing/Editing - If they had done a big reveal of the magic and other stuff at the end that really brought things to a climax, I would be like yeah it was slow at points but look at the payoff! Instead, I'm looking back at this going, if this is the story you wanted to tell, it could use a serious overhaul in HOW it was told. Even though there was stuff I liked about this drama, I wasn't that emotionally invested.
I would only recommend watching this to see Rowoon act his heart out and be in a ridiculously cute and sexy romance. That's it.
I'm sad because I really loved deep diving into this show. It could have been so much more like Goblin, Doom At Your Service, or Alchemy of Souls.
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nian-7 · 9 months
Hello there! Can I get a matchup for HypMic (platonic & romantic) and Genshin (platonic & romantic)? Any gender for platonic, but only male characters for romantic.
Zodiac: Aries (actually Pisces-Aries cusp if that matters)
Enneagram: 5w6
I like structure, so routines give me comfort. I like to have my day planned out in the morning or the day before. I’m fine with few and slight deviations, but many and larger ones not only give me anxiety but also piss me off. For these kinds, I want at least 1-day notice, so I can rearrange my schedule.
I like order and cleanliness, so messiness is one of my biggest pet peeves.
I’m not an adventurous person, so I like to stick to what I know. If I were to be put into an unfamiliar situation, such as taking a trip to somewhere I have never been, then I would do some research ahead of time. I guess you can say that I don’t like to wing it.
I’m an indoor person rather than an outdoor. When I’m outdoors, my favorite places to go are local and national parks; I like being surrounded by nature with little people around. When I’m indoor, I enjoy binge-watching, drawing, and playing video games (RPG, open word, action, adventure, puzzle, and mystery/horror/romance visual novels).
I struggle with new people, but I feel that I’m quick to warm up to others.
I really hate conflicts, and I’m terrible with confrontations. I worry about upsetting others as well as am scared of being hurt, so I avoid asserting myself even when I feel/think that I’m right. I’m very sensitive, so I tend to take things personally, even when I logically know better. These are some of the reasons why I prefer to be a follower rather than a leader.
I’m not a big talker and like to keep to myself, so I really like being with others who are comfortable with verbal silence and don’t mind that I’m just physically existing in the same space as them. I’m not much of a talker, but I like to listen to others talk when they’re troubled.
I get jealous and envious easily, but it’s never to the point of being possessive and vindictive.
My love languages are acts of service, gifts, and words of affirmation; the one that I use the least is physical touch. The love languages that I like to receive are acts of service and words of affirmation.
I hope that this is enough information for you. Thanks for reading my rambling!
that's more than enough info, don't worry! enjoy your matchup!
I match you with... (platonically)
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-So, you'll notice a trend with these characters in the way that I tried to pick some clean and organized individuals! Jean being the first one.
-She also enjoys having a schedule and doesn't deviate from it much either. It just feels like the two of you have similar personalities which would lead you to both get along well.
-Jean is able to be assertive for you when you're not comfortable with doing so, often being there to defend you if needed when you don't feel like you can.
-She also thinks a lot about things she says so I don't think there'd be a miscommunication problem with her. She'll always make sure her words can't be taken badly but she can't always control that when she's upset.
I match you with... (romantically)
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-Zhongli is a gentle and polite man and respects your need for structure and organization. He's overall respectful of however you are and cares about you no matter what.
-Although he may not be confrontational either, he still will stand up for his lover. It may be a very calm defense but it still has good intentions of defending you.
-His love language is quality time but, he doesn't mind occasionally using words of affirmation. Acts of service are also nice too! He enjoys doing things for you and doesn't mind doing favors when you ask.
-He enjoys verbal silence if neither of you are talking or if he's talking about something he found interesting recently. He likes silence so it's no problem to him since you're still there.
I match you with... (platonically)
Hitoya Amaguni!
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-Again, I picked more organized people/people who'd be able to take confrontation for you and be assertive and so that's how we get Hitoya!
-He's more assertive and confrontational than you and doesn't take lightly to it, especially if it was a reoccurring thing. I likely would have picked Kuko instead but, he was a bit too disorganized even though he would be assertive.
-Honestly, he doesn't try to push you out of your comfort zone and just goes along with whatever you want to do. He will sometimes if you express to him that you want to try it but usually he won't.
-Doesn't mind being a friend you can lean back on when you're not feeling confident with new people or with the environment you're in. He'll be there for you to fall back onto if you need to take a second and he won't ask questions unless you say something about it outright.
I match you with... (romantically)
Rosho Tsutsujimori!
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-Rosho can get very defensive and protective of you seeing as you don't like confrontation. Seeing as he once chased down a guy because he was scamming his student, he'd have no problem getting into an argument for your sake.
-His words are always gentle when they're towards you even when he sometimes can come off harsh when talking to someone like Sasara. He tones it down for you knowing that you're more sensitive to words.
-He enjoys talking about his day since you're willing to listen. He talks about his students fondly and he honestly really appreciates the fact that you're willing to listen so intently.
-He tries his best to give you the love you deserve and shows it through acts of service usually, often finding it a bit difficult to show that love through words but it's the thought that counts!
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honeymouthedtales · 1 year
Not fic related, but what can you say about the issue surrounding hc? Some say its lost in translation but idk what to believe. I'm not fluent in Korean after all. I'm quite on the heavy side, so seeing haechan say such words, as his fan, is uncomfortable...
i tried to find an ask i was sent about a similar issue but it was jeno talking to haechan a few months ago, because my answer will be the same i gave that day. unfortunately it was on cc and cc doesn't allow to look for old tweets, nor is twitter helpful in any way so i'll try to answer again.
under the cut bc very long sry
first of all, it's completely normal to feel uncomfortable. those are your feelings and they're valid. your feelings are separate from the intentions of the person who said those words, so no matter what you're entitled to feeling hurt if you feel like your bias might be fatphobic and no one should be telling you otherwise. in any case, feeling disappointed is not wrong because as many people are saying he is a public figure and his words can reach (and hurt) many people.
this said, as someone who lives in korea, i do understand why some people who are korean are saying his words are being greatly exaggerated by ifans. korean people constantly comment on other people's weight. it's to the point that i think it's a way for them to make small talk. just like they ask people if they have eaten when they want to ask how they're doing, food is often used in connection to health. when people haven't seen you for a long time they usually tell you that you've gained or lost weight as well (happened many times with me) and people do tell others to eat well as a good health wish. that's why i think that telling people to get in shape and take care of your body does not necessarily mean that he thinks they are fat, it's just a way to say take care of your health. imo it would be wrong to read a deeper meaning in it.
back to my previous point. does that make your hurt unnecessary? no, because you can get hurt even he didn't mean to say something hurtful. if you get run over by a car it doesn't matter whether the driver meant to do it or not.
but i don't accept the narrative that hc is a terrible person who judges the members' bodies because he is fatphobic, and anyone believing this has clearly never lived in korea, where the kind of sentences he said are as common between friends (especially male friends) as using the weather to make small talk. if you want a real example, i dare you to look at the other nct dream members. all of them have, in other instances, made comments that according to our standards would be judged "fatphobic" while they were talking among each other. do we stan a group of assholes or are we going to acknowledge that there might be a certain degree of cultural difference at play between the way we consider acceptable to talk about other people's bodies and the way they do it?
i'd like to add something i said when this issue happened with jeno and haechan was called fat instead. i'm not haechan's babysitter. he doesn't need me to defend him when he's talking with his friends. if what is said among them is problematic, i'm sure they are all old enough to talk among themselves and solve the problems. what they don't need is some fans (often solo stans or akgae) inventing a narrative in their head, analyzing reactions to support their theories and then proudly saying "member x is an asshole" and deciding that they, as strangers, know their friendship better than dream, the actual group of friends. and this is just to get rt and likes, for the drama. it's meaningless to always praise dream for having a genuine relationship but then distort every single instance of genuine reaction we get from them just to make a hit tweet. if jn and jm were annoyed by that comment, i trust them to say something among each other without everyone butting in blindly.
finally, i'm sorry that as a haechan fan he disappointed you. i do think what he said is wrong. i think he should've minded his words better. i don't like when he says stuff like that. i don't believe he wants to be hurtful, but at the same time i don't think he saw a problem with what he was saying because most people around him don't. not only the other members, but also the staff, his family, other celebrities. it's alright being disappointed, but i hope we can all be realistic and stop pinning the weight of a behavior that is widely normalized on a single idol every time something like this happens.
I hope I explained myself properly. It's a delicate issue, and as a fan I have to juggle between dealing with my own feelings of disappointment and seeing many comments of people who are inventing things or being hurtful just because they finally have a good pretext to do it.
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🌹🍃Nsfw Tim Drake alphabet 🍃🌹
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Author's Note: Tim Drake is over 18, 20-21, youngest 19; cause his personality is so close to my friend group's, I'm half convinced he was in our 3am Voice calls. (There is no he is not my age) {Edited on 16 April 2024}
Aftercare: (How they are after sex)
If Tim was on top, he'd give you the essential aftercare required unless specific things with your aftercare are needed for when you are bottom. This isn't because he is terrible at aftercare or doesn't believe in it. But I see him as someone who finds those 'Aftercare checklist' things on a website or post and uses that as a base to start from.
Depending on how long you two have been in a relationship, how much he needs during aftercare will depend on that. After he's been dating you for a while, he'd 100% find that bottoming has a basement. He will be going into Subspace very quickly and will need a lot of aftercare when he returns from the clouds.
Body Part: (Their favorite body part of themselves and their partner)
Tim's favorite body part is his arms; he was excited when he realized he was building muscle in his shoulders and forearms. Tim doesn't date someone purely based on looks; he likes how you bond comfortably. But he absolutely adores your hands and back. Loves tracing over every muscle or crease; god help him if you have tattoos.
Cum: (Anything to do with cum)
Tim, I headcanon to have an oral fixation; usually, this is him chewing on a pen. But it would so devil into sexual territory, too. Where he spends close to an hour of sucking and lighting chewing your cock, cause it just feels nice, and he loves the taste of your cum.
There isn't too much preference for him as long as you're comfortable with it being there. But has experimented on places and finds he likes finishing on your thighs and ass more.
Dirty Secret: (A secret fantasy of theirs)
He never wants to say it out loud because he's embarrassed. However, there have been multiple times where Kon's tried calling him while you two are fucking. He's wanted to answer one of Kon's calls so he can hear you both, the urge is more strong when he's bottoming. He's definitely tried to psychoanalysis that in his head before, but that's where it's staying until he's 6 feet under.
Experience: (How experienced are they?)
Tim has some experience here and there, having had a couple of partners, some male, some female, but he's never gotten too crazy in the sexual department of his relationships. you both have plenty to experiment with.
Favorite Position: (Self-exploratory)
Whether you're on top of him, he just needs extreme closeness cause after a while of pleasure, he starts to not be able to feel his body, and that makes him very anxious and feel disassortative. So when he's on top, doggy style, or in other positions where he can wrap his arms around you.
However, when he's bottoming, sitting in your lap where he can face you and have his hips grabbed, or being underneath you where there's a lot of deep compression on his body, he absolutely loves it.
Goofy: (Are they serious or goofy in the mood?)
Definitely more severe, but in a good-humored way. He and you can be in the moment, focusing on each other, but still make a light-humoured joke if the mood calls for it.
Hair: (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes?)
He trims down and keeps it neat; most of his hair is around his crotch and head. However, he has visible hair on his legs and stomach that he keeps since it's not too bad and doesn't affect him in or out of a suit.
He tends to shave his happy trail because he hates the feeling of his suit or tight shirts rubbing angst. It makes him feel like TV static. It's the only thing that he'll shave, even if he just senses a millimeter of growth.
Intimacy: (How are they during the moment?)
Regarding actual sex, Tim only thinks about what's happening between you both. Wanting to leave all the stress of everything in your lives on the other side of the bedroom door. He often makes intense, unbreaking eye contact, like his eyes are trying to spike your body in place on the bed. In a loving way, of course!
Jack-off: (Masturbation Headcanons)
He does masturbate but doesn't do it often, mostly when he has stress he can't get rid of. That or when he needs to clear his head.
Kink: (Anything they are into)
He hasn't been able to try out too much, including biting, Shibari, pinning, and some more minor forms of the Sub/Dom dynamic. However, he wouldn't be able to stay in one role throughout the relationship; he needs turns being both. He wants to try wax play more.
Location: ( Favorite places to do it)
Tim mostly likes to keep your intimacy behind the closed door of one of your rooms—his at the manor, yours, or a shared room between you. However, he is okay with getting a little adventurous with the locations. There must be a lock, and there is no possible way for someone to walk in on you two.
Motivation: (What turns them on, gets them going?)
Like most heroes, adrenaline gets him going. However, he really loves it when he gets teased all day. He's working on blueprints or cold cases or on patrol, and you're just guiding your fingers closer and closer to his waistband, just stopping short of actually touching his crotch. Or pinning him against a wall, kissing and biting his neck roughly, and stopping as soon as he starts to get needy. He loves to see how you both can control yourself until one snaps. Almost like a little game between you both.
No: (Something they won't do, turn offs)
Anything that could hurt one of you, whether from a lack of research or the action itself, is a no-go. A little pain is acceptable, but he can't do anything to you that will cause pain for more than a couple of hours.
Oral: (Preference in giving or receiving, skills, etc.)
Tim has done a lot more oral than sex itself, so he's more skilled with it. He loves receiving a lot more, which makes him feel really important to you and turns him on a lot more when you look up at him with a devilish smile.
Pace: (Do they like it fast and hard or slow and sensual, both?)
Tim loves sensual and slow-paced sex for the most part. He wants you both to be able to kiss and give each other affection. Melts every time you two have lazy morning sex after a night of rougher sex. However, after a whole day of teasing, he'll just want you to bend him over fuck, barely wanting to wait to be appropriately prepared.
Quickies: (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex?)
Tim keeps sex and quickies separate; he doesn't want to accidentally cause one of you pain. You have to prep a bit before getting hot n heavy. That hurts really bad if you don't; it may even cause tearing. Blowjobs and handjobs, however, he's all for.
Risk: (Do they experiment, how much?)
He is okay with experimenting with everything at least once as long as the proper precautions are set to keep both of you safe.
Toy: (Do they have toys, do they use them?)
Tim has a couple of toys, and he is buying one here and there to experiment with himself or past partners. He has a vibrator or two, maybe three dildos. He also bought a blindfold and shibari rope to try. He definitely would have a smaller collection. He would be someone who has twice as many toy cleaners as actual toys.
Unfair: (How much do they tease?)
He would only be a big tease if you did it first. Then it's fair game. He'll play the game of teasing between you two until someone snaps, seeing anything part of teasing as a card to play. He sees how it takes one of you to go feral.
Volume: (How loud are they, sounds they make?)
Tim tends to get louder the more he's teased, but he'll become a whimpering mess when he's overestimated. Sometimes, he goes mute, unable to form words. It starts with soft moans and whines, ending with heavy gasps and loud whimpering.
Wild card: (Random headcanon)
With Tim being autistic, smell and touch are everything. So he really loves deep compressions during sex or being able to only smell you. You must never turn on the big light of suffering; it does not matter if you can not see something you're looking for in the room. That sounds like a skill issue; you just need to improve at seeing with low lighting.
Xray: (What's going on in their pants?)
He's of average size, with a little more girth. He's cut, with some faint veins underneath.
Yearning: (How high is their sex drive?)
Tim doesn't have too high of a sex drive, especially when it's mixed with sleep deprivation. But he'll get more horny the more you tease him. Whether it is with words or actions. But I definitely think that sex isn't really on Tim's mind a lot, being perfectly fine with just having a night of being cuddled up with each other. I headcanon him to be Asexual, Sex-positive.
Zzz: (How quickly do they fall asleep after sex?)
Tim would love to cuddle up with you and sleep—unless you guys can't because you have to get back to work. He falls asleep right after you lay down with him.
I hope you all liked this. Remember, my requests are open. Send one in if you have an idea!
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mikareo · 10 months
dove I am once again terribly sorry for sending the request so late and I wanna thank you for doing one for me☹️☹️
1) ok I pick jujutsu kaisen :)) (diverting from haikyuu and bllk for once)
2) I'll send the pic in the next ask that I send
3) male and uhh teenage or adult both are fine by me :D
4) not very nsfw but suggestive? If that's okay? (If you're uncomfy with that sfw is okay)
5) I think I'd say I'm friendly and get very comfortable with you once we get close like I will start yapping and not stop. I can be a bit annoying at times I feel but not very much. I am willing to listen to my friends and I try my best to give advice wherever possible. I think I'm also very supportive and can be good to hang out with once you know me. Idk my mbti I'm sorry:( I'm a Sagittarius go by she/her and I like listening to people talk about their interests and I send to many reels to my friends (also very chronically online) I am not very athletic but am more into reading and I love watching movies and tv shows.
6) I love reading, listening to music, making hot chocolate or ramen as those are the only things I can make, writing stories and sometimes poetry, talking to my friends about anything and watching reels. I also like hiking with my sister :D and exploring new cafes and restaurants and aesthetic places. I love travelling and I love eyeliner.
7) ok dream date hmmm cliche but like art museum dates!!! I'd love to go to an art museum and just hang around and then get ice cream afterwards. A cafe date sounds good too tbh. Extra points if it's like a pet cafe or a cat cafe.
💌 ✮⋆˙ love letter to...rewh0re!
here it is hana!!! i rlly hope u like this n i'm p sure u alr like the chara that i matched u with so that's a little reassurance on my part lol,, and girl u are so pretty like ur freckles are absolutely gorgeous!!! AND red is so ur color,, i'd send u a virtual bouquet of roses if i could ajskdlf
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[ ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ ᰔ ] your complete matchup results!
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⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ APPEARANCE PAIRING ! congratulations . . .‧₊˚🌑✩KOKICHI MUTA₊˚🎧⊹♡
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with soft features and kind qualities, you and kokichi have the brightest smiles in the room. your energy is practically magnetic, drawing in laughter without even the slightest effort, you're known as a golden couple. everyone admires the way you look at each other, as well as the way he doesn't hesitate to use you as his muse in all of his endeavors; kokichi holds you to the highest value, and loves to see the beautiful smile on your face when you tell him how proud you are.
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⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ PERSONALITY PAIRING ! congratulations . . .‧₊˚🍣✩SUGURU GETO₊˚🌷⊹♡
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ chemistry analysis . . .
initially, when i was reading through your personality traits, my first thought was gojo. you two seem really similar, which is why i redirected myself to geto...i feel like gojo with someone akin to himself would be a disaster (lol). you and geto are extremely compatible, for many reasons other than your similarities to gojo— in fact, you and geto are a no-brainer match.
obviously, with your shared qualities with gojo, you and geto are bound to get along without a doubt. when geto is silent, he enjoys the volume you bring to a room; finding great comfort in hearing your voice above all others as he knows that you're speaking about something you're passionate about. he's not necessarily the most outgoing individual, so having you to get him out of his shell is of utmost importance. he can rely on you for support in social settings, as well as whenever he's in need for a laugh.
with geto's insecurities and avoidance of acknowledging his struggles, it's great that he has you to talk to. since you're willing to lend an ear and sit down with him when he needs to vent, geto feels seen. he feels like there's someone who actually cares about what's going on in his mind. he often asks you for advice on how to handle the difficult situations he has, and you're there to tell him what's right and what's wrong; ultimately leading him away from a fate that could potentially be fatal.
it's doubtful that geto is on his phone often, but when he is he enjoys scrolling through the mass amounts of reels you send him. normally, he'd be annoyed by this— if it were gojo, he'd probably mute his profile for a period of time before his best friend learned his lesson— but you're an exception. his favorite time of night is when he's alone, snuggled in bed, and gets to watch a curated feed of all your interests and the things you find funny. sometimes he can almost image the sound of your laughter beside him, and it makes his heart feel warmer by the minute.
the quiet days in which you're together are the best, though. geto loves to relax with you on the couch while you watch your favorite television show. he especially loves the little comments you make about your favorite characters when he gets confused by the storyline. sometimes, when you get hungry, he makes the kitchen his territory; quickly getting together a home-cooked meal that leaves your mouth watering for more. he's an amazing chef, yet still loves to try the new cafes in town whenever you find yourself excited for a new opening. he loves enjoying the little things with you. every second counts. every moment is cherished.
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ memories on the wall . . .
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ a treasured moment . . .
"baby, c'mon you gotta get up." you can faintly hear your boyfriend's voice though the midst of sleep as he gently nudges you awake. however, geto's efforts are sadly failing, your eyes fluttering open and closed; leaving him to his last resort: peppering your face in kisses.
his lips touch your nose, your cheek, your forehead, and lastly, your lips. what a romantic.
"i'm awake, i swear." lifting one eye open, you softly smile at him. his handsome face is a mere two inches from your own with stars in his gaze. he always looks at you as if you're some sort of astral phenomenon; a once in a lifetime comet that only he has the pleasure of looking at. "did i miss the ending?" you definitely missed the ending of the movie.
geto nods, laughing lightly, before lifting you off of the leather couch. his arms wrap around your body in a protective way, hands on your thighs and chin nestled atop your head.
"i love you so much, suguru." you murmur, slowly waking up from the deep slumber you were consumed by. "i'm sorry i fell asleep, i know how excited you were to watch it with me."
he kisses your forehead as you reach the bedroom, with the billowing curtains and sun showers through the windows, the image is so serene. it's almost as if you could stay in this place and relax forever with geto by your side. slowly, he lowers you onto the bed— his large figure leaning over you— and begins covering you in kisses once more. chin. shoulder. chest. he clearly has plans that are going to keep you up for the next few hours.
"i love you too, baby."
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dervampireprince · 11 months
Have you ever thought about doing Sherlock? A bit taboo i know, old fandom and such, but I feel like you’d be brilliant at it. Just a suggestion from having some nostalgia here, non the less hope your having a wonderful day.
TW: homophobia, racism, albeism (specifically against autistic people), transphobia, mention of jokes about rape
if you don't want to read this entire answer because the TWs are uncomfortable for you, then tldr no because the show contains bigotry and the main cast are gross/have said gross things. i don't want any arguments about the show, i don't think you're a bad person if you like the show, i just personally am very uncomfortable with it and with the lead actors so i will not make any fan content of it and would ask for no one to request this fandom again. i can not like the show and you can like it and we can get along these things can coexist.
all of this post is /nm , i am not angry at you anon, i am just explaining why i have the feelings i have about the show which you do not have to read if you do not want too, no hard feelings.
full answer under the cut, read at your own discretion:
i assume you mean bbc sherlock since you said taboo? and if so, the answer is no. and i don't think it's appropriate to call sexism and homophobic 'taboo' like it's a guilty pleasure. i'm not going to voice for a show that is at worst bigoted and at best a really bad adaption of sherlock holmes as a character.
this isn't meant as a mean attack towards you. when i watched the show when it came out i was a young teen and didn't see the bad in the show. and then when i was older and i got more familiar with the writers and uncomfortable with them i looked back on the show and realised how terrible it was. and look it's fine if you like it as an adaption of sherlock or like certain scenes of the cinematography or acting performances that's all fine. but.
but. hey maybe you're saying 'taboo' because you just think the show is cringe because of how the fandom acted or because of superwholock so sorry to burst anyone's bubble but this show and the people associated makes me so uncomfortable and angry so sorry you opened a can of worms.
irene adler's story is adapted terribly. in the books she's the only person to best sherlock. in the show? she doesn't. she loses. and then is a damsel in distress. oh and also is treat with such lesbophobia as the male writers have her be gay, literally say she's gay, but then falls in love with sherlock cos i guess she just hadn't met the right guy yet. that's such a gross narrative. and the queerbaiting. i know that word gets thrown around a lot. let me remind people of what it actually means. when a work of fiction purposely baits that characters will be queer while knowing they will never make the characters queer. so many people make comments within the show about john and sherlock being boyfriends, john being gay, etc, etc, while the writers knew they were never going to make them gay.
also the actor who plays has said disgusting things about autistic people, the actor who plays john has a consistent history of making racist and sexist jokes as well as joking about rape, and his ex wife who played his wife mary watson on the show is a terf. so. i mean she's claiming she's not a terf but she's following so many terf accounts and you don't do that by accident, said she supports 'legitimate trans people' which is a transphobic phrase as theres no such thing as an unlegitimate trans person, and doesn't think trans women are women. so. and the head writer, also has a history of sexist comments but when i searched to see if i was right they're mostly old so maybe he's grown up since then idk i don't follow him and don't want too.
anyway if someone is interest in a critique of sherlock in terms of how it works as an adaption hbomberguy has a video called 'sherlock is garbage and here's why'. it doesn't talk about the actors and what they've done or said, it's purely pulling the show's writing apart and how it adapts the characters and while the title sounds click baiting it's a really informative and well made video essay.
this is not meant to be me saying if you like sherlock you're a bad person, because i don't believe that. this is me sharing my stance on the show, as someone who as a teen was a big fan but then grew up and reflected and more stuff came out about the people involved. if you can still find things to enjoy about the show despite what i've said, go ahead. doesn't bother me. but don't ask me to make fan content for the show.
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twi-liight · 1 year
Okay, first of all I hope you're having a wonderful day and I wanna apologize for bringing this up again but I just read it and I have a lot to say about it, sorry for my terrible English as well, it's not my first language.
Now... what in the actual fuck?? I am a 19 year old trans man who was fucking harassed and bullied by lots of feminists. I support feminism 100% but, unfortunately, I have only had the misfortune of finding people like this person invalidating and even sexual harassing me.
"Astarion's storyline. Something that is so inherently a female experience in a very patriarchal society twisted around and manipulated in a twink boy's story feels like the men are stealing something from us" Wtf?? Again?? So they're basically saying that sexual abuse is a thing that only woman can experience?? I can't understand how a woman that's studying is so insensitive and disrespectful to people. If you have so little sensitivity to say that this type of shit only happens to women and make the TRAUMA of a PERSON, regardless of their gender, mean so little to you, I'm really glad you don't have the majority of people agreeing with you.
Not to mention that apparently she doesn't know shit about psychology haha. I hope she learns a little and stop being locked in a bubble of stupid ideas🫂🫂
I feel disappointed in this type of attitudes and thoughts, really but well
Again, I'm sorry for this, I just wanted to vent a bit. Hope you have a wonderful day, love your blog and your writing 🫶
No need to apologize; I think it's important to point out misconceptions that people have. Because you're right, it is disappointing. Feminism has isolated a lot of people due to a very loud minority in its population actively trying to leave out male-identifying individuals. Sexual abuse and trauma are complex and painful, and I think writing about a male-identifying character going through that abuse and having to confront it, heal, and live his life is important. I'm sure anon just doesn't like Astarion and didn't know how to admit it without justifying their shit-ass take. I hope you're having a good day, too <3
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nikkiiiscute · 8 months
The Man that started it all. Chpt. I - Pt. I (WH HC writing)
Since it's NaNoWriMo, I ain't participating in the competition but I wanna write something anyways lmao
Hi, My name is Nicole "Nikki" Dorelaine (This is NOT my real name), I visited The Playfellow Exhibition to see how my late Grandpa made it so for but I never knew how much of a Terrible person he was and was never the kind man he was remembered to be.
"Aye Nickel, Ya done drawing Poppy?" said my Priya "Yeah, I feel like she's similar to you Priya, I mean Didn't ur grandaunt puppeteered Poppy?" I replied "Like, My grandaunt did share names, hair / feather color and personality. It's kinda like she IS Poppy" said Priya. For me, Poppy seems like an underrated character alongside that Caterpillar dunno his name guy, The tour guide led us to to "The Cast and Crew of Welcome Home!", Priya raised her hand up while jumping and whispering "Mememememe! Pls me!", So the tour guide asked her "Yes, You with the auburn hair?" She shouted out from the back of the small crowd gathering outside the Exhibit Doors "Yeah! I'm actually the Grandniece of Poppy Perdiz, The namesake and puppeteer of Poppy Partridge!" "Oh how wonderful! We have a person that knows a Cast member oooof The Show!" and there she goes strutting to the Exhibit Doors looking like she regretted her decision to do that. What became an Intro to Looking on who were the cast and crew, Became an Interview with my girlfriend, Wooo. After that outta the way, We got in and There was portraits of literally everybody who worked with Playfellow Workshop with Name, Role and If they're dead or alive after the awful Playfellow M4ss4cr3. I was bored by the time we got there and I just wanna go to The gift Shop already, I know full well that in one of those shelves has a Julie plush. "Hey Priya, I'mma stay here for a while, I wanna know more about these people and ur Grandaunt. I feel like she's the nicest woman in the world" I gave a smile as she got dragged away by the crowd and a sea of questions. I went through all the portraits and saw the VA and puppeteer of my fav rainbow monster, Julie. Apparently Grandpa during the humble beginnings of the show, based the characters off of his original crew which is now the cast members. While I'm looking through these wonderful people, I heard...whispers? It sounds just like the voice lines of the characters and I heard "Ah, this is the scumbag that murdered us for 'rEsEaRcH'" from what I think, Sally replied? A soft spoken male voice replied as I turned around to see the cast gathering around a portrait of my Legendary Grandpa while whispering and murmurs can be heard "Yes, I know him. He is Ronald Dorelaine" Before I even blinked, They swiftly turned around and stared at me, it gave me chills as their black eyes go to me. They're actually the cast but, Something... Feels off. It's like the aspects of the puppets were applied on these people There's 4 people that has colorful horn and tail, Theres one with four arms and legs, One mailman lookin guy hiding behind a person with a line around their neck and the most familiar to me was... Ms. Perdiz? "Wait! Aren't you guys the characters there?" I screamed out "I know you're Dorelaine's grandchild and I'm prayin' that you're not like him" said the mailman "What? Nonononono! I am absolutely NOT like him and why are you saying that he killed you? He would never" I spoke out in defense "That's an overused cliche that you would defend your secretly evil grandpa" replied the sunny girl and she speaks again "Take one look at us and what do you see? You see injuries that DID kill us and who else would do that for so called research? Yes, your obsessive grandfather" I didn't know this side of my grandpa, but this woman said it to my face, Then the woman that represented julie said to me "It's okay, That's how I- No, We felt this way when Dorelaine... You know what happened" as everyone there had disbelief as their reactions. I heard the door opened, It was Priya "Niiiiik! you've been there for so long! Thank me for buying that Julie plu-" It felt like her blood froze her in place as she drops the bags
To be Continued lmao
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