#by pagedancer87
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In Panem AU Fic Masterlist (3)
Part 1 / Part 2 /
Created: June 6th, 2024
Last Checked:---
Phoenix Rising-burkygirl (ao3) Summary: Katniss and Peeta are growing back together in District 12 when they realize that even though the Hunger Games and the war are over, Panem's fragile peace still requires their protection. Regrets Only-c_r_roberts (ao3) Summary: I’m not sure how long we lay there like that, naked and entangled together. I think I even drift in and out of a light sleep, because the next thing I know, it’s the middle of the night and Peeta’s stirring beside me. When I open my eyes to him, it doesn’t look like he’s slept at all. The fire crackles in the old stone hearth, and the scent of smoke and pine and cold musty air fills the room. “Don’t get married,” Peeta suddenly tells me, his voice soft, but urgent. My heart breaks at the earnestness in his eyes. “At least not to Gale.” In Panem AU. Selfish-Pagedancer87 (ao3) Summary: “It’s really okay for there to be times when you stop putting everyone else first, and just do what’s best for you.” shoot straight-oakfarmer (ao3) Summary: 1. can't catch a break... or a pie *In Panem AU 2. frozen leap *Post Mockingjay 3. fleeing flowers *Post Mockingjay 4. crazy cat *Post Mockingjay Crack 5. peeta davidson *In Panem AU Crack 6. connecting with nature *Post Mockingjay 7. a thousand +101 word slow burn *In Panem AU 8. a picture’s worth a thousand +101 words *Fic Art 9. anything but goodbye *Canon Compliant 10. the pardon *Post Mockingjay Sister Wife-Alliswell (ao3) Summary: In a post war Panem, the male denizens of the districts sacrificed their life to free their people from the corruption of the Capitol, endangering the population of the country. The Sister Wife Initiative was put in place to encourage the procreation of a new generation. But no system is without flaw. Small Changes-endlessnightlock (ao3) Summary: Peeta and Katniss through the years as friends on the verge of something more. Soulmates-endlessnightlock (ao3) Summary: In The New Republic of Panem, your soul mark will pair you with your mate. What happens when the person you want has a mark that doesn't match? Swan Song-flythroughflames (ff) Summary: In-Panem AU. Capitol escort Katniss Everdeen and tribute stylist Peeta Mellark share a moment before their first Hunger Games. Taking in Water-flythroughflames (ff) Summary: In-Panem AU. "His work is back-breaking, his circumstances hellish at times, but he's lucky. He's alive and he has Katniss with him. He knows it could be so much worse." The Dark Cloud-LastLeaf (ao3) Summary: In an alternate timeline in which Katniss and Peeta are never in the Games, a misunderstanding throws them together one evening. But Katniss has a secret - one that threatens her way of life and any blossoming relationship with the boy with the bread.
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to anyone who wanted an update. i went through all of ao3 but i found it!! it’s by @pagedancer87 called office affairs
i’m looking for a fic. i read it not too long ago if anyone can help me find it i’ll love you forever. it’s about katniss and peeta working at an office and everyone thinks they’re having an affair because peeta is married but no one know (besides cinna) that they’re actually married
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Happy Birthday infinitegraces!
We apologise @infinitegraces for the delay with your gift! We hope you had a wonderful birthday on the 9th of August. To help celebrate your birthday the lovely @pagedancer87 has written you an Everlark story just for you! We hope you like it :)
Title: Selfish
For user: infinitegraces
Prompt: Everlark without the Games AU—Games can never have existed or still exist, I’m just a sucker for “It would have happened anyway” fics
Summary: “It’s really okay for there to be times when you stop putting everyone else first, and just do what’s best for you.”
Rating: K+
A/N: All errors are belonging to me. Happy Birthday!
As a rule, Katniss Everdeen didn’t allow herself many things.
The first and last time she had asked for something, was the one thing she had ever regretted: to selfishly have her father with her on her birthday. It was a request shyly made, and gently denied, but he had wanted to surprise her. It had him going to work on a day he normally had off, which ended up being the day that he died. At eleven, watching her mother spiral into grief driven madness and her younger sister nearly starve to death, she blamed herself. From then on she vowed to put her family first.
It became the way she lived. Everything she did and every choice she made was for the benefit of her younger sister. Not only did it make her happy, it was also very easy.
Once in awhile, something came up that made her choices not so black and white.
The Careers Exchange Program, for example.
Their assigned counselors, Haymitch Abernathy and Effie Trinket were to go through the entire district and pick two people (a boy and a girl) between the ages of 12-18 to travel to a different district and learn a trade. They came every year, and every Tribute that went inevitably found their way to prosperity and only returned to District 12 to collect their family. No Tribute had ever chosen to come to 12. To her surprise, this year they chose her.
Her initial response was to refuse, which she did as firmly and rudely as she could.
“But…don’t you want a better life for yourself, dear?” Effie asked, understandably shocked as no one had refused before. “Every district has something wonderful to offer. Why, the Capitol will have opportunities you’d never —“
“Thanks, but no thanks,” she interrupted standing up, “I’ll just head back to class now.”
“Sit down.” Haymitch said, speaking for the first time since she arrived.
She immediately stiffened at the command she heard. “You can go f—”
“Language!” Effie chided. “Perhaps we were mistaken in our assessment.”
“Aw hell, Effie. We both heard about that attitude.”
“Be that as it may, if she hasn’t the sense to even see what a dream come true this is—”
“Look, why don’t you go find yourself an overly complicated caffeinated beverage, leave sweetheart over there to me.”
With one last glance at her and a baffled shake of her head, she left them.
“You’ll have to excuse her. She’s Capitol stock, born and bred. To someone like her, staying in a place like 12 when you have a chance to leave is something she’ll never really understand. She still doesn’t get why I keep coming back.”
She studied him for a moment, “Just because you lived here once, doesn’t mean you know anything about me or my life, Mr. Abernathy.”
“Maybe, but I did my homework before we approached you. Whenever anyone comes to you, begs you for food, you give it to them. When you can’t have much to begin with. Why?”
She shrugged, “Because I know what it’s like to be starving to death and have someone do something about it at the cost of a beating.”
“So, you’re not refusing our offer because of pride. Why then? Surely you know that the skills you’d learn and the trade you’d pick up would mean at least financial stability for you and your family. So why?”
She thought about her reasons for staying. Her sister needed her. Without her many people at the Seam would go hungry. Then there was him. But really, none of those were why she didn’t want to go.
“I already have skills and a trade. We are far from being financially stable, but we get by.”
For awhile, though things weren’t exactly alright (she doubted they’d ever be alright again) they were stable. District 12 provided the coal that not only powered the trains that brought trade between the districts but also heated the homes and businesses all over Panem, as such the government provided a monthly stipend to the families of the miners who died in the same accident that took her father. Every month their stipend was just barely enough to get by (even before they added mother’s medicine and the shots for Prim’s damn cat). So, she began hunting again. With her father’s bow, she ventured into the forest to hunt, often skipping school to do so. When Gale Hawthorne joined her, trading tips and skills, together they made sure that their families never went hungry.
In addition to game she also began to scavenge for roots, berries and herbs. Her mother used the plants and herbs in her apothecary, her sister made jam from the berries as well as selling milk from her goat, while she sold the meats, furs and such to either traveling tradesmen or to merchants. It was a bartering system that had served her well.
Haymitch sat back in his chair. “Boy, you really aren’t what I expected. Well, someone’s got to go, sweetheart and Effie’s liable to pick some girl off the slag heap.”
So, she did one of the hardest things she’d ever done.
“Me?” Prim was shocked. At just 12, she had little hope of being chosen for the Careers Program.
“Katniss tells us you have a gift for healing, dear.” Effie spoke to her kindly. “I know just the school for you. You’ll be a doctor before long, I’m sure.”
So, they packed her up and sent her off with promises to write and to visit. As part of the program, not only were her expenses taken care of, but she’d begin working while she studied. Though it hurt her heart to send her off, she knew that this would be giving Prim her best chance.
Not long after, she found herself staring down the barrel and another life-changing moment.
Gale Hawthorne. Her hunting partner, and her dearest friend. He was chosen for the Careers Program, and was moving to District 5.
“Come with me, Catnip.”
She rolled her eyes at the nickname. “They already picked Madge Undersee, Gale.”
“Family can go, too.”
She looked him, confused. “But we’re not related.”
He hesitated, before taking both her hands in his. “We would be if we got married. Marry me, Katniss.”
She’d heard the gossip. People had paired them together since they were kids. With all that they had in common and with how much time they spent together, everyone assumed it was just a matter of time. If she still had Prim, she might’ve considered it. Marrying Gale and moving to District 5, would’ve meant that neither of them would need to worry about not having enough for the mouths they had to feed.
And she loved him. Of course, she loved him. But not that way. He was her brother. She just couldn’t. Even if it meant she lost him. Even if it meant she lived the rest of her life alone. She couldn’t marry him.
He mistook her silence for shyness, and was bending his head to kiss her. Her first kiss. No. Not you. A panicked voice in her head whispered. Unthinking, she raised her arms and pushed him back. Losing his balance, he fell into the fence behind him, which broke under his weight.
“Gale! Oh, I’m so sorry!”
When he sat up, instead of being angry as she expected, he just looked at her and smiled sadly. “No, don’t be sorry, Katniss. I know how you feel. I’ve always known. But I had to try.”
Her eyes began to sting with tears. “I don’t want to lose you, Gale.”
He laughed softly. “Oh, Catnip. You’ll never lose me.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. When he bent his head again, it was to whisper in her ear. “You know, it’s really okay for there to be times when you stop putting everyone else first, and just do what’s best for you. Tell him how you feel, I promise you won’t regret it.”
She blinked when he stepped away. How did he know?
He just smiled. “I’ve seen the way you look at him, when you think no one’s looking.”
Life slowly went on, and slowly got better. She saved enough to open a shop in the merchant side of town, coincidentally right across from a certain bakery.
This time I’ll talk to her. Today for sure. Peeta looked out the window to the shop across the street. The Hob. Katniss had set up shop the month before, and still made the walk between town and her house at the Seam. They either sold goods or traded. He watched her come in every morning, as she often opened up her shop as he was getting the bread made, and as she left for home at night.
Every day was an opportunity. Every day he tried to build up the courage. At the end of the day he promised himself that the next day would be when he finally did it.
Peeta, by nature, was a giver. It may have begun in part to avoid the attention of a cruel mother, but even when she passed, he still didn’t ask for anything. Instead, he tried to go above and beyond for both his customers and his family.
There was only ever one thing he truly wanted. One quiet wish he clutched tightly to his heart.
Katniss Everdeen.
All his life he was drawn to her. He held his breath when he heard she was picked for the Careers Program, and again when he heard Gale Hawthorne intended to marry her. Was ashamed at the relief he felt when she stayed and turned him down. He felt he was slowly running out of chances, and if he didn’t act soon someone else would.
“Oh, look. The mooney-eyed prince returns.”
He was pulled out of his thought by the teasing comment. “You’re in early today, Delly.”
Delly, had been his dearest friend since before either of them could walk. She was also his sister since she married his older brother. The former gave her a front seat at his infatuation with Katniss, and the latter gave her the influence to push him. Which she tried to do regularly.
“But of course. I couldn’t miss today’s Everlark episode.”
He raised a brow. “Everlark?”
Her blonde hair bounced as she nodded. “That what we call you two. Rye and I have a bet going on how long before you two get together. My money’s on sometime before Christmas.”
He shook his head. “Pretty sure she doesn’t even know I exist. Why would she?” Though, sometimes he thought he felt her eyes on him, she was never looking his way when he glanced up.
“Of all the places she could have set up shop, she chose the on across the street. Don’t you think that means something?”
He tried not to get his hopes up like that. He shrugged. “It’s a good location, that’s all.”
“So you’re saying if Hawthorne came back and made another pitch, you’ll just let it happen?”
He winced, still remembering the scene he had haplessly witnessed, of the two of them about to kiss. He’d turned away rather than have that in his memory banks. “I have way too much to do. Between keeping up with the bakery, and making sure Dad’s being taken care of—”
He started at the hand on his shoulder. “You know, it’s really okay for there to be times when you stop putting everyone else first, and just do what’s best for you.”
He smiled at her. It wasn’t the first time she’s said that to him, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
He spent the rest of the day going back and forth between the kitchen and helping Delly at the front counter. During the busier seasons, he usually had a few more hands, but most days they got by with just the two of them.
Inevitably, he’d catch himself looking across the street, hoping to catch a glimpse of Katniss. Between the myriad of expressions he’d seen play across her face and the rich tones of her skin, she was a feast for his artistic eye. He hoped to paint her one day, but all the colors in the world would hardly do her beauty justice. Besides, if he couldn’t even drum up the nerve to talk to her…
It was near closing when he noticed her on a ladder grappling with large wooden sign. Every store on the street had a place above their door for a sign to hang to be easily seen from afar, and it looked like she had finally gotten one made.
He could tell right away, however, that the sign was probably much heavier than she anticipated and the chain for the sign much higher. She was on the top rung when he saw the ladder start to lean backwards. She was going to fall!
He was out the door faster than he could blink, miraculously catching her just as she slipped off the ladder.
He found he breath knocked from his chest, both from her slight weight and fright of what might’ve happened.
“A-Are you alright, Katniss?” He asked over the thundering of his heart.
“I-I think so.” Shocked grey eyes met his, and for a moment they just stood like that. She was just as warm and soft as he thought. His felt his face heat at the direction his thoughts went.
Clearing his throat, he set her down. “I have a sturdier ladder in the back you can use.”
He brought it out to her, and held it steady as she climbed it.
“Looks good.” He commented, as they both stood back surveyed the newly hung sign
She nodded, standing closely next to him. “Thank you, Peeta…and thank you for saving me.”
He smiled, “You’re welcome.”
It was the beginning of what would be the most selfish thing either of them had ever done: falling in love.
#everlark#everlark fanfiction#everlarkbirthdaydrabbles#everlarkbirthdaygifts#fan fic#by pagedancer87
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What can you suggest for the best humorous fic (pref fake relationship) that is complete (could be multi or one shot) post season 4? Thanks!
LOL is this a test? *Rubs hands together* OK, let’s DO this!
*Opens Sherlollbrary by Category*
*Clicks on “Fake Relationship” link*
*Searches for key word “PTFP”*
*Finds 12 possible fics*
*IMMEDIATELY chooses A Very Molly Christmas by @mrsmcrieff and Rufus Knows Rated K by @writingwife-83
*Generously decides to list all 12 fics just because*
a perfect storm Rated M by mariott A Very Molly Christmas Rated T by @mrsmcrieff Boyfriend Material Rated T by @darnedchild Feels Like the First Rated T by reddie_or_not From Fake Marriage to Real Engagement Rated T by Dreamin (aka @strangelock221b) Red Threads Rated K+ by Pagedancer87 Rufus Knows Rated K by @writingwife-83 Sherlolly Folly Rated M by @mrsmcrieff The Ball At Mycroft's Rated T by PurplePixieStixz The Time 'We'll End You' Started Things Rated K+ by Yours Truly (aka Me lol) The Yuletide Treaty Rated T by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Weekend With The Holmes's Rated M by @mrsmcrieff
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by Pagedancer87
Haven, noun: 1) A place of protection. 2) A sanctuary. 3) A place where you feel safest, most at peace.
Words: 966, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins, Hunger Games Series - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark
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I freaking found it after millions of years mfs
hi I'm looking for an everlark!coworker trope where they are secretly married where katniss doesnt wear her ring and peeta does and peeta is the new hire and when others see him and katniss interact they think something is going on between them but when asked about what peetas wife thinks about their friendship I think he replies why would she mind
I know I’ve read this one, and it’s bugging me that I can’t find it. I was convinced that it was one of @muttpeeta ‘s drabbles, but I haven’t been able to find it on her tumblr, so I may be way off.
If anyone can identify this story, please let us know!
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Your drabble for pagedancer87 was gooood. Keep rocking!
Thanks so much! It was so fun to write!
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JTG’s Fic Library. Fics in March.

Spring, creativity and inspiration were definitely in the air this month! The awesome @katnissdoesnotfollowback kept us at the edge of our seats with her daily instalments of Leading Suspects. And @mtk4fun finished Everything but Money, her last multi-chapter historical Everlark fic.
The @everlarkficexchange is back! I haven't finished reading all of the submissions yet, (we’re still receiving new fics every day) but we got some awesome prompts, so I suggest you head out over there to see what our lovely authors have been working on.
Happy reading!
Multi-Chapters / WIPs
Come on Baby, Light my Fire by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Elaborate Lives by @booksrockmyface
Katniss had a normal life, two kids, a husband, and a great job. But it all turned upside down when she shook hands with Peeta and got the literal shock of her life. So how can they handle this delicate situation without destroying their lives in the process?
Everything but Money by @mtk4fun
Katniss Everdeen learns how the other half lives, and finds love in this Everlark historical set in 1936 during The Great Depression.
Leading Suspects by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
When an old friend in need reaches out to Katniss, she returns to the small town she swore she’d never set foot in again. Help Madge and then leave, she decides. But a murder investigation and one sheriff with stupid blue eyes and dimples all conspire to keep her where she thought she’d never want to be.
A light from another room by @jennajuicebox
“He tells me he loves me, and it makes me sick.” I say, my voice not sounding like my own. The memory of Cray whispering to me in the dark makes my already rocky stomach roll. I swallow a gag.
“He doesn't know love.” Peeta says and I think its suppose to sound hard, but his voice sounds sad, like he might cry.
“He wants your love, but will settle for your fear.” He adds in a pathetic whisper, his hand running through my hair, and I find myself leaning into his hand.
“He's trying to take what I love most about you.” His eyes are so blue against the hazy light of morning. I find that my head winds its way into his lap, he makes a soft noise from the back of his throat as his fingers thread through my tangled braid, brushing my scalp. I am humming with a weird, wiry energy. Peeta has a way of doing this to me
A Painter, a Baker, and a Boy who Never Took Sugar in his Tea by katiac
Peeta’s months in the Capitol under Dr. Aurelius’ care as he struggles to sort real memories from false, come to terms with the horrors inflicted on him and those he loved during the war, and understand the true nature of his connection with Katniss Everdeen.
Pure by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
I’m a survivor. At least that’s what someone once told me. He was probably right, which explains a lot about me. Survivors are selfish and despicable, although I think he meant it as a compliment. Problem is, what I’m surviving for is sometimes hard to tell anymore.
A Synonym of Acquiesce by @abagail_snow
Katniss thinks of Peeta. He still has his mother, and he has two brothers, who are young, but old enough to keep the bakery running. He'll be okay, she tells herself. But when she closes her eyes and imagines her daddy going into the ground, she knows he never will be. (Canon divergence, Katniss's father lives, while Peeta's father dies, long before the 74th Hunger Games.)
The Surrogate by @drivebyanon
In the Capitol it’s all the rage, your own personal sex surrogate. When you’re rich, why not get one or two to fit all your marriage needs. Sometimes having sex with your spouse can be just so boring, but you can bring the spice back into your lives with someone who will do whatever you please. And with a surrogates from every district to choose from, you can have whomever you choose.
Drabbles and One-Shots
Dead Sober by @mtk4fun
Die Bäckerei by @booksrockmyface
Flood by @alexabeesucks
Inevitability by @xerxia31
Into the Woods by @thestuckinbed
Little Blue Pill by @muttpeeta
May I? by @the-peeta-pocket
New Additions by @the-peeta-pocket
Not a Matter of Should and Shouldn't by @fempeeta
The Percentage of Us by @badnovels
Peeta Hits the Jackpot by @norbertsmom
Sanctuary by @appleblossomgirl0305
Strange Compliments by @baronesskika
That’s my Girl by @thegreatorangedragon
Valentine’s Surprise by @burkygirl
The Victor’s Wife by @fempeeta
Everlark Birthday Drabbles
All’s Fair by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Dream Come True by @booksrockmyface
Everlark friends-to-lovers by @shesasurvivor
Geometry by @dandeliononfire
The Jabberjay and the Mockingbird by @norbertsmom
Selfish by @pagedancer87
Everkark Fic Exchange
4 Dinners and A Funeral by @historywriter2007
Clash by @peetazeus
LBJ by @peetabreadgirl
The Misunderstanding by @mega-aulover
The Naked Truth by @peetaspikelets
Never Been Kissed by @thegirlfromoverthepond
Not a Walk in the Park by @booksrockmyface
Perspective by @roseymama
P.R.I.M: Pranks Resulting in Matrimony by @ghtlovesthg
Spin it Around Again by @moviefangal
Tripple Dog Date Him! by @alliswell21
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General Rated Fics Masterlist (29)
Parts 1-19 / Part 20 / Part 21 / Part 22 / Part 23 / Part 24 / Part 25 / Part 26 / Part 27 / Part 28 /
Created: May 12th, 2024
Last Checked: —-
Apple Drabble-Pagedancer87 (ao3) Summary: Prompt Request: Peeta is on a lunch break in the park. He is captivated when he sees Katniss peeling an apple. Haunted-passionkills (ff) Song-fic with Taylor Swifts song Haunted. Set during Mockingjay. Katniss and her group sit around the campfire one night and Katniss lets her mind wander away from her, to Peeta. Hiking-Pagedancer87 (ao3) Summary: Haven, noun: 1) A place of protection. 2) A sanctuary. 3) A place where you feel safest, most at peace. I, and Love, and You-oh_so_loverly (ao3) Summary: Four snippets following Katniss and Peeta both having been rescued from the Arena and brought to District Thirteen. On the First Day and So On-hutchabelle (ao3) Summary: Katniss gifts Peeta with a song on the second day of Christmas. Sleeping In-Pagedancer87 (ao3) Summary: Story done for birthday prompt for @everlarkbirthdaydrabbles on Tumblr Prompt: Domestic!Everlark Parent!Everlark Toastbaby Boy Toastbaby Girl. so after-papofglencoe (ao3) Summary: A 100-word drabble written for International Fanworks Day 2017. Inspired by the doorway scene at the end of MJ2. Stranger Things Have Happened-Peetabreadgirl (ao3) Summary: Katniss & Peeta unknowingly share a textbook, growing closer together throughout their senior year. Will they eventually meet? Tumblr prompt, AU, Everlark What's Mine Is Yours-JHsgf82 (ao3) Summary: Peeta's POV. Post-Mockingjay/ Pre-Epilogue. A pregnant Katniss is feeling sick and scared. Peeta does his best to care for her while dealing with his own fears. Response to the Fluff Drabble Prompt: “This was my lap. Now apparently this is your lap.” Where He Waits for Me-icbiwf (ao3) Summary: "Fantasy: An illusion, hallucination, fable, or daydream. Fantasies are mental images about events that have not happened but often fulfill a psychological need or wish." After Peeta is rescued from the Capitol, there's only one place Katniss wants to be.
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Teen and Up Rated Fics Masterlist (68)
Part 1- Part 59 / Part 60 / Part 61 / Part 62 / Part 63 / Part 64 / Part 65 / Part 66 / Part 67 /
Created: May 28th, 2024
Last Checked:—-
A Hot Mess-Peetabreadgirl (ao3) Summary: Katniss finds herself in a hot mess when Gale comes looking for a second chance. A Thousand Lifetimes-PoppedTheP (ff) Summary: A collection of Katniss/Peeta AU short stories. Both Modern AUs & Panem AUs. First up: Modern AU, as eleven year olds in a group home. Back to the Start-OfPearlsAndShoelaces (ao3) Summary: When a hijacked Peeta returns from the Capitol, Katniss is whisked backwards in time. Given a second chance to change the course of events, will she be able to swallow her pride and seize the opportunity? Friends in Strange Places-oh_so_loverly (ao3) Summary: In which, Katniss and Peeta make new friends (sort of?) in the lobby of Peeta's apartment building. Galefriend-Peetabreadgirl (ao3) Summary: Katniss and Peeta are miserable without each other. What brings them back together is life changing. Honey Trap-Pagedancer87 (ao3) Summary: Honey Trap n. a stratagem in which irresistible bait is used to lure a victim. i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)-oh_so_loverly (ao3) Summary: A pre-canon one-shot of Finnick and Annie's anniversary, known in the Capitol as Valentine's Day. Just in Case-OfPearlsAndShoelaces (ao3) Summary: It's the sex talk we never got to see! Peeta has been sleeping in Katniss's bed during the Victory Tour, so Effie and Haymitch have some select words for our star- crossed lovers. One-shot. Fits in canon. Resolutions-JLaLa (ao3) Summary: In which an important question needs to be asked—but not before Mellark Family approval. Takes place roughly four years after the epilogue of “Two Wrongs” and “Daughters” Ribbon-JLaLa (ao3) Summary: Sometimes, the simplest things hold the biggest memories. Post-Mockingjay. From Katniss’ and Buttercup’s POV.
#t#teen and up masterlist#masterlist#everlark#everlark fanfiction#thg#thg fanfiction#thglibrary masterlist
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CoWorker!Everlark Fic Masterlist (2)
Part 1 /
Created: Sept 12th, 2024
Last Checked:---
Match Play-Diana_Flynn (ao3) Summary: There is nothing like a disastrous double date to make you realize what you don’t want and who you really want. For Katniss Everdeen that was realizing that all she ever wanted was right in front of her all along - her co-worker Peeta Mellark. She’s just afraid she may be too late. Office Affairs-Pagedancer87 (ao3) Summary: AU-Modern Everlark Story done for birthday prompt for @everlarkbirthdaydrabbles on Tumblr for the prompt: fluffy coworker everlark Office with a View-Buttercupbadass (ao3) Summary: When your office faces the windows of a Hotel. You see the darnedest things. One Date Can’t Hurt-hutchabelle (ao3) Summary: Katniss doesn’t do first dates with anybody, but Peeta’s just a little too persistent for her to resist. Party To A Kiss-hutchabelle (ao3) Summary: Written for the prompt: Katniss and Peeta are both in denial about their feelings. At a Christmas party, they're trying to avoid mistletoe at all costs. However, all their friends or co-workers are trying their best to get the two of them to just kiss already. Policies & Procedures-Peetabreadgirl (ao3) Summary: Katniss and Peeta have a hard time maintaining a professional relationship at work. Spiked-JHsgf82 (ao3) Summary: Modern AU. Coworkers/roommates/best friends-to-lovers. Haymitch catches sight of Peeta bringing Katniss home drunk from a holiday party. Spotted. Everlark Falling in Love-JavisTG (ao3) Summary: Katniss and Peeta are teachers. Their classrooms are across from each other, so they eat lunch together every day --which leads to some of their students shipping them. Stupid Cupid-slagheapwhore (ao3) Summary: Working at Everdeen's Grocery Store can get really interesting when a few workers want to play cupid. Everlark. Modern AU. Sweetest Dreams-Cutelily05 (ao3) Summary: Katniss, a budding photographer gets a chance to work at the wildlife channel alongside wildlife channel presenter, Peeta Mellark . Does she have a choice of getting a shot of his heart too?
#coworker masterlist#coworker au#coworkers#everlark#thg fanfiction#everlark fanfiction#thg#masterlist
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General Rated Fics Masterlist (31)
Parts 1-25 / Part 26 / Part 27 / Part 28 / Part 29 / Part 30 /
Created: July 12th, 2024
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Dance with Me?-populardarling (ao3) Summary: Bribed by her sister to take her to their neighborhood dance, Katniss has zero expectations of having fun. That is until a stranger asks for a dance. Happy Birthday, Peeta-populardarling (ao3) Summary: Katniss wants to make Peeta's birthday a special one. I'm With the Mockingjay-rarepairheathen (ao3) Summary: The day of the Third Quarter Quell has arrived and Katniss has resigned her fate, that she and her former mentor will die. Little does she know she’s about to embark on an entirely new adventure. Interview-Ronja (ao3) Summary: Five years after the end of the war Katniss and Peeta travel to the Capitol to give an interview. Misheard Wishes-Pagedancer87 (ao3) Summary: Peeta was determined to give her the best birthday present ever, he just needed to find the right style and color. Moving On-Ronja (ao3) Summary: Katniss finds out that her mother is getting re-married and she does not take it well. Drabble-of-sorts where Katniss and Peeta discuss the nature of love, and loving more than once in life. Neighbors-aspiringpandabear (ao3) Summary: On a visit to the lakeshore where the Everdeen family used to visit, Katniss and Prim enter the competition which sparked their parents' love story. As it is wont to do, history repeats itself. Second chances-purple_cube (ao3) Summary: Dr. Aurelius suggests that Katniss could recreate moments from her childhood. We're a thousand miles from comfort-purple_cube (ao3) Summary: Peeta looks at Effie, then Katniss, and then back again. “They didn’t manage to break any of us.” We Grow Back Together-papofglencoe (ao3) Summary: An exploration of a pivotal moment in Katniss and Peeta’s burgeoning relationship at the end of Mockingjay. Canon-compliant, pre-epilogue
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General Rated Fics Masterlist (30)
Parts 1-25 / Part 26 / Part 27 / Part 28 / Part 29 /
Created: July 12th, 2024
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An Arrangement-populardarling (ao3) Summary: She never wanted to marry, but for political reasons, she must. Katniss and Peeta meet after it has been decided they will marry. A Simple Act of Kindness-rarepairheathen (ao3) Summary: Katniss never thought when she volunteered for The Hunger Games that she would return District 12’s third Victor in history. Before she left for the Capitol a simple gift was bestowed upon her a paper bag of sugar cookies and after returning home, she wishes to show her gratitude for a simple act of kindness that gave her hope. She doesn’t expect that the same person who once gave her the will to survive was the same person who yet again reminded her of hope. Bed, Bath and Beyond-Ronja (ao3) Summary: After tucking their children in at night Katniss muses about the relationship she had with her father as a child, and hers and Peeta's relationships with their own kids. Hopefully not as dull as it may sound =) Broken Minds-populardarling (ao3) Summary: They refused to separate in the arena. Both captured. One rescued. One tortured. Post-war Everlark dandelions-adsofraser (ao3) Summary: "What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses." what started off as a one time one-shot and is now my everlark drabble and one-shot sanctuary Don't take it personally-nightleyss (ao3) Summary: Modern Day AU retelling of the Fairy Tale "The Princess and the Frog" Louise-radioactivesunrise (ao3) Summary: “There’s nothing wrong with being different,” she says softly, but so earnestly that I have to swallow all the reasons I could give her that she’s dead wrong. Love in a Cup-Pagedancer87 (ao3) Summary: Barista!Peeta because everlark+espresso=gold. Perfect Imperfection-RoseFyre (ao3) Summary: “People call those imperfections, but no, that’s the good stuff.” — Sean Maguire, Good Will Hunting Written as part of the everlarkedalways Always Real Countdown to Mockingjay on tumblr. Saving a Life-RoseFyre (ao3) Summary: For Effie Trinket, sometimes it helps to be able to keep something alive. Even if it's just a plant.
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General Rated Fics Masterlist (4)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 /
Created: December 12th, 2023
Last Checked: —-
A Taste of Love-mrspeetamellark (ao3) Summary: An Everlark secret admirer fic. Written from the following prompt on tumblr from lemonluvgirl87: How about a prompt based on the idea of Peeta secretly courting Katniss through food dishes he prepares and leaves outside her door, on her desk, etc? And she falls in love with the food (it's tailored to her tastes and interests) and eventually really wants to find out who is cooking for her and knows her so well. Then she finds out it's Peeta somehow and BAM! They fall in love.
always and together-asmileyoucouldbottle (ao3) Summary: One night, Katniss hears Peeta upset from night terrors, and goes to him. There, she makes a vow to herself and him to stop pushing him away and stand by him. Takes place month after Peeta and Katniss move back to District 12.
Assignment: Kitchen Duty.-albinokittens300 (ao3) Summary: As a refugee of the rebellion, Katniss is assigned to work in the kitchen in the underground District of 13, which apparently still exists. There she sees the familiar yet unfamiliar face of Peeta Mellark, and enacts a plan to repay a debt. It doesn't go exactly how she expects.
Forts-Mollywog (ao3) Summary: Snippets of Everlark reclaiming their childhood post war
i saved you a piece-Word_Addict (ao3) Summary: Post Mockingjay, Peeta bakes bread and reflects on life.
Not Going Anywhere-sweetlovegone (ao3) Summary: "Before I can really register the events of the past minute, I feel those strong steady arms that guarded me from the nightmares wrap around me and hold me as tight as possible." Oneshot. Mockingjay Reunion if Peeta hadn't been hijacked.
Office Affairs-Pagedancer87 (ao3) Summary: AU-Modern Everlark Story done for birthday prompt for @everlarkbirthdaydrabbles on Tumblr for the prompt: fluffy coworker everlark
Turkey Shoot-alliswell21 (tumblr) Summary: Peeta has secretly been getting hunting lessons from Gale, so he can surprise Katniss with a non-store-bought turkey for Thanksgiving.
Under My Skin-VanillaCottonCandy (ao3) Summary: “I always, always loved you. So much.” He says it, not as a compliment or endearment, but as a dark fact, as a burden to bear. As if it were a heavy load he was forced to carry. “Did that mean anything you? Did I mean anything to you? Or was I just second best to him?” / Day at the lake goes incredibly wrong when tracker jackers come into the mix.
Wild Onion Flowers-Mollywog (ao3) Summary: “I gave you flowers once? Real or not real?”
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Do you know of any fics which have Katniss and Jo as best friends, this will more than likely be a modern au but there could be canon ones aswell, I just want to see their chaotic friendship where they "hate" each other but are also really defensive with the other. Pls and thankyou
Hello @gingerbread-is-good!
Sorry this took me a while to get to but I've complied a list here and will be adding this to future masterlists topics as I too love this dynamic! Hope these are new to you and happy reading!
A Change of Heart-WinterWednesday (ao3) Summary: Post-Mockingjay One-Shot. "Now, here I am, watching my beautiful husband with Johanna's precious son, and all I can think of is that it should be our child. Peeta should get to experience this joy every single day. And I should be selfless enough to give it to him…"
Acceptable Payment: A Date With Katniss Everdeen-rEckLeSsLy.cOnFIneD (ff) Summary: "That Katniss was currently aware of, she needed to do two things: First, she needed to inform Johanna about everything that was Peeta Mellark. Second, she needed her help to make sure that she was most beautiful version of herself she had ever been for this New Year's Party." [Modern AU. Everlark.]
At the Peak-maddmaddworld (ao3) Summary: Katniss Everdeen moved to Summit County to work with her mentor and study the geology of the Rocky Mountains. She never expected to meet a sweet, shy snowboard instructor who would turn her first winter in Colorado upside down.
Mellark Orchards-mrspeetamellark (ao3) Summary: After breaking up with her long-time fiancé, veterinarian Katniss Everdeen decides to move to a small town in Pennsylvania and start over again. She meets a sexy, blonde farmer at a local orchard and feels instantly drawn to him. She knows, however, that she needs time to heal from her failed engagement before she starts dating again. Will Farmer Peeta help Katniss mend her broken heart? Will the two become romantically involved?
Office Affairs-Pagedancer87 (ao3) Summary: AU-Modern Everlark. Story done for birthday prompt for @everlarkbirthdaydrabbles on Tumblr for the prompt: fluffy coworker everlark
Pure As A Little Lamb-LemonLuvGirl (ao3) Summary: In response to an anonymous tumblr ask for a drabble with a promt for: “Katniss rooms with Johanna and while Johanna is looking for something in Katniss' room, she sees the used condom in the trash and calls up the gang (Finnick, Annie, Gale, and Peeta (even though unbeknownst to the rest of them it was Peeta she has been sleeping with) to figure out who Katniss had over the prior night.”
Rebound Girl-Diana_Flynn (ao3) Summary: Katniss Everdeen only goes for only one type of man. It doesn’t matter how tall he is, the color of his hair, or even his personality. What she wants is the man fresh out of a relationship. She likes being that temporary girl the guy uses to lick the wounds of his bruised heart. Too bad Peeta Mellark changes everything for her.
Secret More-than-Friends-JHsgf82 (ao3) Summary: Katniss and Peeta are the "single friends" of their friend group. Everyone keeps trying to fix them up with someone else-what they don't know is that Katniss and Peeta are secretly dating.
The One-burkygirl (ao3) Summary: Peeta is Katniss’s best friend and almost everything in her life revolves around him. When thoughts of Peeta start invading her dreams, Katniss must decide whether just being friends is enough.
Unpleasant Surprises-msdisdain (ao3) Summary: Johanna Mason and Finnick O'Dair (Irish for purposes of this modern AU) conspire to get their best friends, Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen, to admit they have feelings for one another. Jo and Finn, however, may not be working with the most current information.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions feel free to send me an ask!
#johanna+katniss friends#friendsjo&kat#thg fanfiction#everlark fanfiction#thg#masterlist#thgfanfictionlibrary#gingerbread is good ask#ask
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