#Fics I read
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avengerscompound · 15 hours ago
oh my gosh, this was so interesting, and compelling! What an ending!
day 1
Wanda returned the next day. She didn’t expect the government to still stay after her indimadating display of power, especially since she doubted that spineless director would stick around after having twenty guns pointed at him, but she needed to check anyway. No one could hurt her family and if there was a threat, she was going to eliminate it.
Wanda looked out at the view outside of Westview, satisfied to see the tents and equipment were cleaned out. She smirked, happy to see motherhood hasn’t made people any less scared of her (weird how she once didn’t want for people to fear her. It was clearly an advantage to get what she wanted). Wanda scanned the horizon, checking to see if SWORD was simply hiding away.
She paused as she saw a small tent in the far distance.
Keep reading
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just-french-me-up · 24 days ago
'ao3 needs a like and dislike button'
what you need, my algorithm-rotten minded friend, is a grip
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roboticnebula · 5 months ago
Pros of re-reading your own fic
a good time;
Has exactly the tropes you like and the characterization you want to read;
Gratification: yes you did finish a thing and yes you did do good;
just a very fun time all around.
Cons of re-reading your own fic:
Is that another TYpO
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holographings · 3 months ago
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someone on twitter said Imagine what s2 jayce would give to talk to s1 viktor just one more time. and someone had a time travel alternate dimension fic ready to go. and i read it. and now my face is being eaten by 3750 feral dogs i think
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fruityuncleskeletor · 2 months ago
Pssshhhh this was so incredibly hot. Left me wondering how Minho knew about Hyunjin and his magic bag of tricks. Excellent read.
happy ending, new beginning | hhj (m)
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summary: when your friend gifts you an appointment for a massage, he fails to mention one critical detail. luckily, it turns out to be a pleasant surprise with a very happy ending.
pairing: hyunjin x fem reader
genre: smut
word count: 8.3k
rating: mature (18+)
warnings & features: profanity; mentions of the reader having a menstrual cycle; graphic sexual content; the “massage with a happy ending” trope; fingering; risky workplace sex; dirty talk; unprotected sex; pullout method
author’s note: i really cannot believe this is as many words as it is because there is seriously no plot here. i hope you enjoy!
{ click here if you prefer to read on AO3 }
The cozy parlor smells nice, like powder and fresh linens. 
The receptionist at the counter smiles. “Hello, good morning. Checking in?” 
You smile back and approach them. “Hi, yes. I’m supposed to have an appointment at ten o’clock?” 
You give them your name. They tap a few things on their screen and nod. 
“All right, you are all checked in. If you want to have a seat, Hyunjin will be with you shortly.”
No sooner have you taken a seat and crossed your legs than the glass door behind the receptionist’s counter opens. Out steps a tall, thin man dressed head to toe in white. Thin, white short-sleeved shirt, loose-fitting white cotton pants, shiny white designer shoes. His blond hair is buzzed short. His ears are decorated with multiple golden piercings. His eyes are a deep brown, and there is a distinctly feline quality to his gaze. 
He’s beautiful. 
Of course Minho booked you a massage with the most beautiful masseur ever.
The man smiles brightly and says your name as a question. His voice is soft and rather pleasant. A lovely voice to match a handsome face. Of course. 
You stand and manage to smile back. “That’s me. Hi.” 
He extends his hand and you shake it. His skin is warm. Soft, too. 
“Hi, I’m Hyunjin, nice to meet you. Please, come on back.” 
He holds the door open and ushers you ahead of him. His hand grazes the center of your back, and your heart flutters for some reason.
“We’ll be in the last room on the right,” he says. 
You walk down the short hallway and turn through the last door on the right with Hyunjin right behind you. 
In your mind, you pictured a sterile white room. Instead, the walls are painted a beautiful shade of green with paintings of flowers and landscapes displayed upon them. There is a long counter along one wall with a round porcelain sink in the middle. Near the sink are a multitude of candles and small bottles and vials. Rolled towels are stuffed in the shelves beneath the counter. In the center of the room is the massage table, longer than it is wide. A white sheet is fitted on top of it. The smell of powder and fresh linen is stronger back here.
Hyunjin steps around you, and you catch the scent of him when the air moves. He smells of something rich and slightly sweet, like dark chocolate. He pulls a fluffy white towel out from under the counter and sets it on the edge of the massage table. Then he looks to you and smiles again. The groove of a dimple appears in his cheek. 
“I’m going to step out for a few minutes,” he says. “I want you to undress entirely, please. Bra, underwear, everything. We don’t want to stain any of your clothing with the oils. Then I want you to lie face down on the table with the towel over you like it’s a blanket, please.” 
You nod along to his instructions. When he is finished, you say, “Okay. Thank you.” 
“Of course. I’ll be right back.”
He leaves and gently shuts the door behind him. 
You undress and pile your clothing on a nearby chair, sliding your shoes underneath it. Then you pick up the towel and shake it open before climbing onto the padded massage table and lying face down under your makeshift blanket. 
It takes several minutes, but eventually there is a knock on the door. Hyunjin calls your name and asks, “Are you decent?” 
“Yes. Come in,” you say, turning your head to see him enter.
He steps inside and closes the door again. You lock eyes for a second, then he moves to the counter. Music begins playing. A slow, relaxing piano melody. You hadn’t even noticed the speaker there. He also lifts one of the candles, but before he lights it, he turns back to you and asks, “Is it all right if I dim the overhead lights and light a few of the candles? They’re not scented.” 
“Oh,” you say. “Uh, sure.” 
He gives you a crooked grin. He really is incredibly beautiful. “It’s all right to say no,” he says. 
“No, no. That sounds fine. Just seems kind of… I don’t know. Intimate, I guess. I wasn’t expecting that.” 
Hyunjin’s face changes. His grin falls and his eyebrows dip in what appears to be confusion. “Is that not what you requested? When you made the appointment, I mean?” he asks. 
You fidget with the sheet, plucking at an imaginary loose thread. “I didn’t set it up myself, actually,” you explain. “My friend did. As a gift.”
Hyunjin’s shoulders drop. It seems like realization is hitting him.
“Ah,” he says, turning all the way from the counter to face you fully. “I’m sorry, this is my fault. I should have confirmed everything with you before I left the room.”
He steps over to a screen the size of an iPad mounted face-high on the wall by the door. He pulls something up on it and nods to himself. Then he looks back to you and explains, “Your friend booked you with me for the full deluxe package. That’s a two hour session which includes establishing relaxing ambiance—the candles, lighting, music, et cetera—the massage of course, use of any and as many essential oils as you wish, and a… a happy ending, if you’re familiar with the term.”
You nearly choke on the spit in your mouth. “O-Oh! Oh my god,” you stammer. “You mean…?”
“An orgasm, yes,” Hyunjin says. “To be clear. Which I should be and should have been from the start.”
Oh, you are going to fucking kill Minho when you see him. No wonder he had been so excited to give you this gift. He does like giving you things you would never buy for yourself, and this definitely fits into that category. Plus, the main reason he did this for you in the first place is because of the recent breakup you’ve gone through. ‘It’ll take your mind off it for a while.’ ‘You deserve to treat yourself.’
Full deluxe package, huh. That twisted fuck.
“No, you’re fine,” you tell Hyunjin, “it’s my friend who should have been clear from the start. Fucking prick.”
Hyunjin chuckles a little. “If you want to cancel, I totally understand. I’ll refund your friend.”
You chew on your lip in thought for a moment then ask, “You really offer that here?”
You laugh, loudly and genuinely. “No. You know what I mean.” 
Hyunjin laughs too. “Yes, I get paid to massage people then make them come. Though not as many people book for that as you might think. You’d think they’d at least be curious, but I think they assume it’s a terrible joke. Anyway, I know this was a lot to spring on you. It’s all right to change your mind and decline. That goes for anything that happens in here this morning.” 
You think for another moment. Another question comes to mind. “What if I had a partner?” you ask. “You wouldn’t offer this in that case, would you?” 
Hyunjin consults the screen on the wall again, scrolling with the tip of his finger. He points to something and replies, “Your appointment form says you’re single, unless your friend lied about that.”
“No,” you say, shaking your head. “No, that’s correct. I was just curious.” 
“Everything that happens here is private and confidential,” Hyunjin says, sort of dodging your original question at first, but then he adds, “but no. I wouldn’t offer this service to people in relationships. Unless they’ve lied on their appointment form, of course.” 
“Huh. Well I guess that’s on them and not you then.” 
Hyunjin gives a tight smile. “What other questions or concerns do you have?” he asks. He sounds patient and genuinely curious. You get the impression he is good at this. At his job. 
“What if I was on my period?” you ask.
“We have tampons. Or if you wanted to put your underwear back on and wear a pad, we’d have to get you cleaned of all the oil first. I would also lay an extra towel beneath you.” 
“So… you’d still do it?” 
Hyunjin flashes an easier smile. “I would use gloves for sanitary purposes, but yes, I would. Are you on your period? Do I need to step out again or get you anything? Or would you prefer to reschedule?” 
“No, no. I’m not. Just curious again.” 
“These are good questions.” Again, he sounds genuine and kind.
Are you really willing to let this beautiful stranger give you an orgasm though? It wouldn’t be the first time, but this isn’t exactly a dating app hookup or picking someone up at the bar. 
Still, if this is what his job entails and it is a totally normal occurrence for him, why not go along with it? What would it hurt? 
You shake your head again. “I can’t think of anything else,” you say slowly. “And I… I’ll go with everything that was booked.” 
“You sure? No hard feelings if you want to omit some things or reschedule or completely cancel. I promise.” 
You swallow and nod. “I’m sure.”
Hyunjin flashes a brighter smile, bringing back the dimple in his cheek. You entertain the idea that he might actually be relieved by your answer, but surely that is not the case. This is work to him, and this is still a customer service type of job.
“All right. So, would you like me to dim the lights and light some candles?” he asks, easily picking up right where he left off.
“Sure. That would be nice.”
He does so quickly, lighting and placing the candles in various places around the room before dimming the overhead lights. You can still see him well enough to watch him move back to the counter and wash his hands at the sink. The faint light catches on the jewelry in his ears. After he dries his hands, he starts examining the bottles. He does not look at you when he speaks again.
“So, you’re booked for a full body massage. No pun intended,” he says, making you laugh. “But are there any specific areas you want me to focus on? And yes, you’re allowed to say something like your breasts or your glutes or your pelvis.” 
Heat rises in your face. “No. Nowhere in particular,” you answer. 
Hyunjin nods to himself and lifts a couple bottles. “Your form said no known allergies to any oils or lotions or skincare products in general. Is that correct?” 
You sigh. “Yeah, that’s correct. Minho might be a prick but he knows me well.”
Hyunjin laughs again. You like that sound. 
“All right, what about scent preferences? Dislikes?” 
“Uh… what do you recommend? What’s your favorite?” 
He looks at you. “Oh. Well, I like green tea and eucalyptus the most. Lavender is nice too, if you want to relax to the point of falling asleep, which a lot of people do. We also have rose oil, coconut, ginger, frankincense…” 
“The green tea one sounds nice,” you decide. 
“Good choice.”
Hyunjin sets both the bottles in his hands down and lifts another. He opens it and pours a healthy amount into his palm. 
“These are all safe for even the most intimate areas,” he says, rubbing his hands together to warm and spread the oil, “but let me know if you feel any burning or unpleasantness at any time, okay?” 
He touches your arm that is closest to him. You automatically lift it because you think that will make his work easier, but he gently pushes it back down and says, “Just relax, please. No need to lift a finger. I’ll do all the work.”
Something in the way he says that has heat rushing south between your legs. How are you supposed to relax when you know what is waiting for you at the end? Maybe it would help if you didn’t stare at the handsome man touching your body the entire time, so you turn your face to fit it into the cutout in the table and mumble an apology to the floor. 
“Don’t be sorry,” Hyunjin says, gliding a firm hand up your arm, coating it in the fragrant, pleasantly tingly oil. He starts making conversation by asking, “So what made your friend book this appointment for you? Work stress? Just for fun?” 
It would be easy to answer with one of those choices, but he has been so kind, so you feel compelled to tell him the truth. 
“I went through a… sort of a nasty breakup a few months ago. I’m getting over it, but I was pretty down about it for a while.” 
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. And I’m sorry to bring it up.”
Hyunjin kneads downward from your bicep to your wrist, then slots his fingers between yours to hold your hand and roll your wrist in a gentle circle. Somehow, that gesture feels every bit as intimate as if he was already touching between your legs. 
“You’re fine,” you say. 
He lets go of your hand and goes back to your bicep, repeating his earlier motions until he reaches your hand again. He rubs at your fingers, either intentionally or unintentionally popping a few of your knuckles in the process. 
“We don’t have to talk at all, by the way,” Hyunjin says. “You can tell me to be quiet.” 
You smile at the floor. “No, I… I like conversation. Better than sitting here in silence, I think.”
“Well, your emotional and mental comfort are as important to me as your physical comfort,” he says. His hand moves to your upper back between your shoulders, skirting along the edge of the towel. “Is it all right if I pull the towel down a bit? Just to the middle of your back for now.” 
“Yeah, of course. Whatever you need.” 
He folds the towel back just as he said. The air is a little cool on your bare skin, but his warm hands are there to soothe that problem in no time. The oil feels pleasant as he smears it along your skin. The scent of green tea envelopes but does not overwhelm you. The song changes in the background to a different piano melody. 
Hyunjin hums in thought as he prods your shoulders with his fingertips. “You have quite a bit of tension up here,” he says. “Do you sit at a desk all day for work?”
You nod against the table. “Yeah, actually. And I’ve been told my posture isn’t great.”
He chuckles. “I wasn’t going to lecture you or anything, I swear. I was just curious myself.”
A couple quiet minutes go by as he works the knots in your shoulders. You’re the one to speak up and carry on the conversation this time.
“So how did you get into this job?”
“Oh, a friend of a friend thought I’d be good at it. It sounded fun. I thought it would just be a temporary thing but then I was actually going to school for it, and then I was doing hundreds of hours of training and getting my whole license, so I guess this is my career now. I like it though. It’s interesting, you know. Unconventional. Can’t imagine doing something like sitting at a desk all day.”
You both laugh again. You did not realize your legs were tense, but you feel them relax as you sink just a little deeper into the cushioned table. 
“I feel like it could make relationships awkward though,” you say, then immediately wish you hadn’t. That was probably too personal. 
Hyunjin hums but does not pause his work for a second. He pushes his thumbs up and down along the upper part of your spine and says, “I went through a rough breakup a while ago myself because of my career. I told her it was just work and there are other jobs out there that involve touching people’s genitals, but that was a mistake. I mean, I know it’s not the same. There’s definitely a difference between what I do and what a cerologist does. I get that.” 
“A cerologist?” 
“Sorry. A wax specialist.” 
“Ah. Right.”
He sighs heavily. “Anyway, I’ve been hesitant to get seriously involved with anyone since then.”
“Yeah, I can see that,” you say, shifting your weight a little. “It is just a job though.”
“Easy for someone who’s not my girlfriend to say,” Hyunjin jokes. The laughter in the room is more awkward this time. “Sorry,” he says after. “That was weird. I’m sorry.”
It takes more strength than it should, but you turn your face to look at him. He meets your eyes. The candlelight behind him gives his form a glowing outline. Coupled with his white clothing and golden hair, he looks positively radiant.
“It’s all right,” you say. “For whatever it’s worth, I think you’re really good at your job, Hyunjin.”
There are dimples in both his cheeks when he smiles this time. “Thank you. That’s kind of you.”
You shrug. “It’s true.”
He holds eye contact with you for a few seconds longer before looking away. He inhales deeply and clears his throat. “Is it all right if I lower the towel again? Down to your lower back this time?”
“Trying to see my tattoo?” you tease.
He lets out that warm laugh. “If you have a tattoo anywhere on your body, I’ll probably see it, don’t worry. May I, though?”
“Yeah, go ahead.”
He folds the towel further and sees nothing but naked skin. He laughs under his breath and turns back to the counter to pour more oil into his hands. It squelches when he rubs his hands together.
You wonder how much time has gone by already. He still has your lower back, your legs, then your entire front to do, you assume. And that’s before you even get to the grand finale.
When his hands smooth their way across the small of your back, your thoughts dissipate. Your breathing slows after a while, until a particularly good press of his fingers on your lower spine elicits a moan from you.
“Sorry, I—” you start, then promptly shut your mouth. You should not have acknowledged the sound at all. That made it a hundred times weirder.
“No, don’t be sorry,” Hyunjin says again. “That’s a good thing. It lets me know it feels good, which is important, obviously. And the walls are soundproof, so don’t worry about that.”
You let out a tiny breath of laughter. “It feels really good,” you say honestly.
“The pressure is okay then?”
“You could go a little, uh, harder, actually.”
“No problem.”
He starts using the heels of his palms to rub outward from your spine to your sides, all the way from your lower back up to your shoulder blades. The oil is very slick, but his hands never slip or fumble in their movements. He does this over and over, moving up and down from the center outward. Another quiet moan comes straight from your throat.
“That’s it,” Hyunjin whispers. His voice is so soft you’re not even sure if he meant for you to hear that or not. A crazy part of you wonders if he ever gets hard during these sessions, but you’re definitely not saying that out loud.
After a while of Hyunjin maintaining a steady rhythm, you start to feel boneless, especially when he steps around the table to give your other side the same attention. He is probably running on auto-pilot mode by now, but your heart skips a few beats when he does the same hand-holding move on your other hand. If he notices the change in your breathing, he does not comment on it.
Eventually, Hyunjin says, “I’m going to move on to your legs now, if that’s all right.”
You hum in understanding. Your throat feels a little dry. Hyunjin carefully peels the towel off your legs and folds it upward. Only your butt remains covered at this point. 
His touch feels softer when he lays his hands on the back of the thigh closest to him. For a second, it feels like his thumbs swipe back and forth with no real intention behind the movement, but then his hands glide all the way down to your ankles with the same pressure he was using on your back. 
“Is the pressure still okay?” he asks. 
“Y-Yeah.” You swallow through the scratchiness in your throat. “Yeah, it’s good.” 
He squeezes down your leg repeatedly, as if he is trying to push all the tension downward and out through your foot. He keeps you in that boneless state, expertly working your muscles. After a while, you stop feeling embarrassed about your soft moans.
“Are your feet ticklish, or may I move on to those?” he asks. It feels like you have been floating, so it takes you a moment to register his words.
“I mean, they’ve never been especially ticklish?” you say. “Have at it.”
Hyunjin tickles his fingertips against the sole of your foot and laughs with you when you jerk it away. You turn your head to look at him. There is a mischievous glint in his eyes. Or maybe it’s the candlelight.
“Sorry. Couldn’t help myself,” he says. Could he possibly be flirting with you?
You swallow again and say, “You better watch it, mister.”
His eyes glimmer when he nods. “I’ll behave, I promise. Permission to continue the professional way?”
“Granted,” you say, giving him a smile before turning your face back into the cutout.
He takes your foot in a firmer touch so as not to tickle you again, even accidentally. For some reason, this part of the massage feels the best yet. His fingers really know the exact ways to release the tension in your body. You knew he was good at his job.
He steps around the table again and switches to your other leg and foot. It seems like he is focusing longer on your inner thigh this time around. Your toes curl at the thought of his fingers moving just a little higher. Of course he notices. 
“I know,” he says quietly. “Relax.” 
Hyunjin’s touch lingers on your skin after he finishes with your other foot. 
“Would you like me to do your glutes before we move on to your front?” he asks. His voice is not only low but also deeper now. 
“Sure,” you say, your voice hardly more than a breath.
It takes a second before the towel lifts from your butt. Hyunjin sets it down on the back of your calves, out of his way. It takes another second before you feel his touch. He starts with your hips rather than going straight for your butt cheeks. He kneads them gently. It takes all your willpower to stay relaxed.
His thumbs eventually inch their way onto your butt while the rest of his fingers remain splayed over your hips. He presses his thumbs firmly up and outward over your cheeks. Soon he goes from using only his thumbs to using his entire hands. He easily draws more moans from you this way.
What you don’t expect to do is curse under your breath. A tiny but still audible: “Fuck.”
Hyunjin exhales hard. On one upward stroke, you could swear he gropes your flesh more than presses it, and you find you don’t mind that at all. You were wrong — this part feels the best so far.
You would have been more than happy for him to continue this part for hours, but you are reminded of the limited timeframe when he stops his movements.
He lifts the towel off your legs, but one of his hands is still resting on the small of your back when he asks, “Ready to flip over for me?” 
As if you aren’t putty in his hands to mold as he pleases. 
You start to turn over but you are still floating and boneless and your arms give out. Luckily your fall is all of an inch and does not hurt at all, but you are embarrassed by the fumble nonetheless. 
Hyunjin curls an arm behind your back and says, “Here, lean against me. I’ll turn you over.”
“Sorry,” you say as you do as he asks. He is stronger than you expected him to be. He eases your body back into the center of the table like it’s nothing. The towel settles over you again from your collarbone to your toes. You pull your arms out from under it. 
Hyunjin keeps his eyes on yours when you settle on your back. “Don’t be,” he says once again. He smiles that beautiful, dimpled smile. His fingers trail down your arm. “Still feeling good?” he asks. 
You nod silently. 
“Good. May I massage your chest?” 
Only when he asks do you become aware of your hard nipples standing against the soft towel. 
“Yes,” you say.
His eyes drop to your covered breasts. He peels the towel down, folding it down to your belly button. Then he turns to grab the bottle of oil again. He only adds a little more this time. He purses his lips as he reaches for your chest. 
He starts just below your breasts and moves upward, cupping them gently—briefly—before pushing up further. The tips of his thumbs barely graze your nipples, but it’s enough to send a pulse of desire between your legs. 
You hiss and bite your lip. You might have gotten comfortable with your moans, but now he can see your every facial expression, so it feels embarrassing again. 
His hands lift away from your body and his eyes flick to your face in concern. “Did that hurt?” he asks.
“No, uh. The opposite actually.”
“Oh. Phew.” His face relaxes. “Do tell me if it does hurt though. I know this area can be very… tender.”
You nod and take a deep breath, exhaling it slowly.
“That’s it,” Hyunjin says gently. “Breathe. Relax. Enjoy my touch.”
You close your eyes. You don’t think you want to risk eye contact with him while he is doing this.
His hands return to your chest. He gently pushes your breasts up, then smooths over your collarbone, again and again. This part feels the most like fondling so far, but as he said, this can be a tender area, so he can’t exactly be as firm as with your back or your legs.
You sigh when his fingers ghost across your nipples again, lips parting ever so slightly. Hyunjin makes a soft noise as well. You crack an eyelid to look at him. He is focused on your chest with his eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed again in concentration. He looks so handsome you can’t help but blink your eyes open the rest of the way. 
He smooths his face over and smiles when he notices you watching him. 
“How am I doing?” he asks. “Still feeling good?” 
“You’re really good at this,” you say. You sound somewhat breathless, which surprises you because you haven’t even done anything to get that way. 
“Thank you. May I move the towel down a bit?” 
He tugs it down below your belly button, still leaving your legs and crotch covered. 
“Is your stomach ticklish at all?” he asks. 
“No, not really.” 
He does not pull the same flirty stunt with your stomach as he did with your feet. He simply goes straight back to work, running his hands gently down your sides and across your stomach. It feels more like rubbing than pushing or pressing, probably because of all your organs just below. 
His fingers frequently brush the edge of the towel when they move downward. Sometimes they dip right below the towel and skim just above your pelvis, briefly at first, then lingering for longer and longer.
Your heart kicks up when you realize what is next. Is it that time already? 
Hyunjin notices the change in your breathing. You lock eyes with him again. 
“We don’t have to,” he says quietly. His lips hardly move. His eyes are molten chocolate. 
He stops dipping his fingertips beneath the towel. It surprises you how much you wish he would continue. You think you’ll go crazy if he doesn’t continue. You have to be honest with him. 
“I want to,” you say.
You expect him to move the towel away—or ask to move it away, as he’s been doing—but he merely pushes beneath it again, this time with his whole hand. The hand not beneath the towel curls gently around your shoulder at first, then behind your neck, as if he needs to hold you steady.
“Is this all right?” Hyunjin asks. He has not broken eye contact with you.
You are not sure if he is asking about the hand holding your neck or the one teasing along your inner thigh, but you are enjoying both of them, so you nod and say, “Yes.”
“It will never be too late to change your mind and tell me to stop, okay?” he says. His hand rubs against the crease where your crotch meets your leg. He holds you there too.
You nod again, not trusting yourself to speak clearly with words instead of moans.
“Try to relax,” he says. “Don’t undo all my hard work now.” 
You giggle at his joke. He smiles down at you. His eyes still have not left yours. 
“And tell me if the oil irritates you at all,” he reminds you. 
With that, he cups your pussy whole. You both make a noise at the sensation. You can tell you were wet, even before the oil. He must feel it too, along with the heat of you radiating into his palm. You think you hear him swear under his breath, but he clears his throat immediately after and finally looks away from your face. 
Hyunjin separates his fingers and drags them down each side of your slit, avoiding your clit and your hole. Your eyelashes flutter closed. Your legs twitch and one of your hands briefly balls into a fist on the table before you relax it again. You take a deep breath and exhale slowly through your mouth. Hyunjin lightly squeezes your neck.
“Very good,” he murmurs. His fingers slowly drag up the edges of your pussy, back down again. “Breathe. Relax. Let me do all the work.” 
You lick your lips and keep your eyes closed, enjoying the steady rhythm he builds of gently rubbing you up and down, spreading the oil—and surely your own wetness—over your sensitive skin. 
You nearly manage to relax again when the tip of his middle finger brushes the hood of your clit. Electricity forks throughout your entire body. Your eyelids scrunch tighter and your hips twitch against the table. Hyunjin does not say anything; he simply strums that fingertip over your clit every time his hand passes back and forth. His hand continues sweeping up and down a few more times before he rests it in place and uses that wicked fingertip to draw circles into your hardened clit. 
“How’s the pressure?” he asks. His voice is low and deep again.
You let out a whimper before you can speak. “Good. S-So good, ah—” 
“Should I go faster? Slower?” 
“F-Faster, please.” 
He does so immediately. Your hips buck an inch off the table at the rush of pleasure from the change of pace. Hyunjin chuckles under his breath, but again, he does not comment on your obvious lack of relaxation. 
He does say your name, however, in that low, deep voice. “I want to make you feel so good,” he says.
You’re not sure if he says those words in that tone to all his clients, but you can’t follow that train of thought right now. A fresh wave of arousal takes you, shuddering through all the muscles he just massaged. The area beneath your backside feels wetter than before with the combination of oil and arousal beginning to pool there. 
“Hyunjin,” you moan before you can stop yourself. 
His breath catches in his throat. You look at him again and see his eyelids are heavy over his deep brown eyes. That glowing halo of candlelight is surrounding him again.
“Fuck,” he says, not loudly, but clearly this time. He bites his lip and skims his gaze down the length of your body before meeting your eyes again. “I swear I never say this to clients, but you are so fucking beautiful.” 
You whimper again when his fingertip edges beneath the hood of your clit. When he shifts his weight, you notice the considerable tent in the front of his thin pants. You moan just from the sight of it. He notices that you have noticed his problem, but he does not remove either of his hands from your body to deal with it. Again, you wonder if this always happens, even if he does not call every client beautiful. 
“Can I take the towel off you? Please?” he asks in a pleading tone.
You pull it off yourself and let it drop to the floor. Hyunjin immediately looks between your legs at your naked pussy in his hand and lets out a groan from so deep in his throat that you swear you have a tiny orgasm with the next flick of his finger.
He looks back to your face. His sharp cheeks are noticeably flushed. His sharp jawline flexes beneath his flawless skin.
“Tell me if I’m out of line,” he whispers.
You bend your knees and spread them apart, a clear invitation for him to keep going. He gets the message.
“Fuck, I’m going to make you come so hard,” he says. He adds his ring finger to the circles he is drawing on your sticky clit. It feels incredible, but you still feel horribly empty inside.
“Want your fingers in me, please,” you boldly murmur. 
“Yeah? You want them inside you, beautiful?” 
“Well, not just your fingers.” 
You meant to keep that to yourself—you really did—but you must have said it out loud because Hyunjin sucks a breath through his teeth and stops drawing those maddening circles. His cock visibly bounces in his pants. You look up at his face. An almost pained expression crosses his sculpted features. 
“I… can’t, I… I never…” 
“Sorry,” you say, mortified, “forget I said that. I’m so sorry.”
“I want to,” Hyunjin says, quickly and earnestly. “Trust me, I really fucking want to. I just—my license… I can’t…”
You nod over and over. “I totally get it, I’m sorry. Please ignore me.”
The pained expression does not leave Hyunjin’s face. He bites his plump bottom lip again. His eyes drop in a straight line from your eyes to your mouth to your chest to your pussy and back up again. He dips his middle finger into your pussy, only up to his first knuckle. You automatically clench around it, trying to pull it deeper. It works. He slides his finger the rest of the way inside and curls it, drawing another moan from you. He adds his index finger and curls them both, then scissors them like he wants to work you open.
He breathes hard. He gives the back of your neck another tender squeeze then mutters, “Fuck it,” and moves that hand to the strings on the front of his pants to untie them.
Your heart races. You gasp when he pulls his dick out in front of you. The tip is rosy and thick. The wetness gathered at the slit looks delicious; your immediate thought is how badly you want to lick it up.
“This has to stay between us,” Hyunjin whispers, frantically tugging his pants down to his knees with one hand. His erection stands stiff in the open air.
“I know,” you say, propping yourself up on your elbows. “I swear.”
“Come here. Please…”
Hyunjin takes your hands and helps you scoot to the edge of the table in front of him. He stands between your legs and takes the back of your neck again, forehead propped against yours. You breathe hard and stare into his eyes until you notice movement below. You watch him take his cock in hand and guide the head right to your pussy. When he pushes inside, you both gasp over the tight, wet, smooth entry. He shoves his hips forward, easily bottoming out in one stroke. 
You wrap your arms around his shoulders. Hyunjin stares at your face and tries to breathe calmly through his nose, but you are not making it easy for him with the way your warm pussy is repeatedly clenching around his throbbing dick. 
“Tell me when I can—” 
He starts rolling his hips into you. Gently at first, then with more desperation. Your head rocks back and you moan toward the ceiling at the rise of pleasure. He keeps his grip behind your neck, not letting you fall backward. His other hand has a firm hold of your ass cheek, keeping you steady against his frantic thrusts. His dick rubs against almost every sensitive part of you. You shift your hips a little; it’s enough to angle his tip into that perfect spot.
“Oh fuck, right there, right there,” you pant, bringing your head around to press it back to his forehead and look into his eyes again.
Hyunjin moans and holds you tighter, pounding that spot again and again and again.
You notice him staring at your lips, so you tilt your face and lean in. He meets you in a kiss far more gentle than expected for the way the table is creaking beneath you. He ends it too quickly for your liking, studies your face for a second, then he kisses you again, much deeper this time. As soon as you feel his tongue prod against your lips, you part them and let it swarm into your mouth. His tongue tastes of mint and sugar and he moans so prettily into your mouth. He’s perfect.
You voice your pleasure into the tender kisses. “Yes, yes, fuck, Hyunjin, yes—”
Hyunjin pulls away from the kisses with a low groan. He nearly pulls out of your pussy too, to your great dismay. His hips come to a shaky stop with just the tip of his cock left inside you.
“Sorry, I just need a minute,” he says, breathless and smiling sheepishly. “You’re so tight and you sound so hot and it’s… it’s been a while for me.”
“Take your time,” you say. You’re not sure how much time is left in your session, but you won’t complain if he wants to prolong something he shouldn’t be doing in the first place, and you certainly don’t mind being told how tight and hot you are. 
Hyunjin’s fingers massage the back of your neck. He pulls you into another tender kiss. You clutch his shoulders, nails digging into his smooth skin, and feel his cockhead twitch inside you. He begins moving his hips again, but he only fucks you with his fat tip now. You whine and whimper because it isn’t enough. 
“What about my ‘happy ending’?” you tease, pouting against his lips.
Hyunjin laughs and kisses you again, tongue briefly curling against yours, before answering, “I know, don’t worry. I’m still going to make you come so hard, especially now that it’ll be on my dick.” 
He says that but he has the audacity to pull all the way out of you. Before you can protest, he takes your hands again. 
“Here,” he says, tugging your hands. “Let’s turn you around.” 
You slide off the table. He holds your waist in a strong arm to keep your oily feet from slipping on the floor. 
Hyunjin turns you around and bends you over the massage table. He whips off his shirt and follows you, draping his warm body over yours. His wet cock throbs against your ass cheek.
“Is this all right?” 
“It’s good, Hyunjin, please…” 
He takes your hip in one hand and puts himself back inside you with the other. You moan at the stretch, the friction, the raw pleasure. 
“That’s it,” he murmurs. Once he is secure enough inside you, he lets go of himself and runs that hand up the length of your spine. “I want to hear all your moans, pretty girl. Let me know how good it feels.” 
When he bottoms out this time, he does not give you a moment to adjust; he builds up a relentless pace right away. It takes him a second to find the right angle in this position, but he eventually hits that spot inside you again that has you seeing stars. He hits it over and over, keeping you right there on the end of his pounding cock.
“Fuck—yes—Hyunjin, yes!”
“That’s it, baby, fuck, just like that. You’re so fucking hot, oh my god.”
The hand that is not holding you steady at the hip is making its way all over your body, the body he has had his hands on all morning. He holds the back of your neck again for a while, holding you down to take everything he gives you. He wraps it around your front, pawing back and forth between your heaving breasts, giving each of your nipples a few good pinches. He trails it down your stomach to stuff it between your legs where he finds your clit again. He pinches it the way he pinched your nipples, just to hear you squeal. Then he resumes drawing the circles that started this all.
Hyunjin gets you to come in only a few minutes with his talented fingers. He is like a man possessed, a man with something to prove with how quickly he unravels you.
“Hyunjin, fuck, I’m coming, I’m—” you gasp, though he surely feels it for himself.
He groans and folds himself over you, face pressed to your back, writhing and bucking with you through your orgasm. His hips do not stop bouncing against your backside. He keeps grinding his cock deep inside you, slamming his heavy balls against you. His fingers do not stop playing with your sensitive clit.
He eases the pressure of those fingers once the force of your orgasm wanes, but he never stops completely. His cock throbs hard between your silky, sensitive walls, but he manages to withhold his own orgasm.
“There we go—mmm, fuck—yeah, that’s it,” he says, his breath coming out in warm puffs against your slick, sweaty skin. “So fucking good. That’s just the first one, baby.”
You push yourself up onto your palms against the table, elbows wobbling just like your knees in the aftershocks of your intense climax. Hyunjin moves with you, leaning back to stand straight. He moves a hand against your collarbone to pull you into his chest. You turn your head. He is already there, ready to meet you in a kiss that leaves you even dizzier.
He already alluded to more, but now he asks, “Can you do another one for me, or are you satisfied?”
“You didn’t come yet, did you?” you ask in return.
He exhales a breath of laughter. “No. If you come again, I will. I won’t be able to hold out twice. But that’s not what I asked, pretty girl.”
“Then I’m not satisfied yet,” you say, grinning and kissing his smooth, pink cheek. 
Hyunjin chuckles. “All right. Let me turn you back around then. I want to see your face when you come around me this time.” 
He has to pull out again to sit you back on the table, which is tragic, but the sight of his veiny cock glistening in a layer of your juices is worth it. You reach for it, letting the weight of it simply rest in your palm for a second before taking proper hold of it in a loose fist. Hyunjin groans and wraps his hand around yours, guiding it up and down his length. The skin is smooth and velvety soft but stretched tight over his solid length and girth. 
You only give him half a dozen guided strokes before he pries your hand away.
“I bet you’re pretty good with your hands too, huh baby,” he says, caging you in his arms by planting his hands beside you on the table. “I wish we had more time for you to demonstrate.”
You nearly forgot about the time constraint. You nod and spread your legs. Hyunjin grabs you under one of your knees to help hold you open and also tug you closer to him. He takes his cock and smacks the tip against your clit a few times, still taking the time to rile you up just a little more before sinking back inside you.
“God, this pussy,” he grunts. The grip he has under your knee tightens. His other hand returns to your ass, practically yanking you the rest of the way onto his cock. “It wraps around me perfectly.”
He fucks you again, deep and hard. The table starts creaking again. You hold each other close as he works you both to your highs. He has his face in your neck, kissing and licking and nibbling at your skin. You try to do the same, but all his neck receives in return is a babble of breathless nonsense drawn from your lips with every firm thrust.
His fingers slip their way between your legs again, feeling where his cock is moving in and out of your pussy. His thumb presses against your swollen clit and you lose a bit of your mind. He pulls his face out of your neck to look at you again.
“You first, baby, fuck,” Hyunjin pants. His sweet breath tickles your face. “Please come for me again. Let me feel it again. Let me see it this time, hm? Let me hear how good it feels to come all—over—my fucking—dick.”
“Oh fuck, Hyunjin, don’t stop, don’t stop, please,” you say, moaning it over and over again until your orgasm takes you. You go rigid and then boneless in a different way, trembling through the waves of your second climax.
Hyunjin groans triumphantly and watches it all. “That’s it, that’s it. Fuck yes, that’s so good, baby, oh, yes—”
He fucks you through your orgasm as long as he can but his own quickly catches up to him. He pulls out at the last second and frantically jerks his cock. His cum shoots out in long streaks, landing all over the place — your stomach, your thighs, the table, the floor. Part of your lust-addled brain hoped he would lose himself completely and come inside you, but the sensible part of you is relieved he didn’t. 
He squeezes the last few drops out of his tip and lets go of his cock. It hangs heavy between his legs, flushed and spent. Your pussy is in a similar state; aching in the best way, swollen and throbbing after a thorough fucking. You think you can feel your heartbeat in it. 
Hyunjin is as out of breath as you are but he reaches for you and claims your lips in another kiss. When he pulls away, you become aware of just how oily and sticky and sweaty you both are.
“Holy fuck,” you giggle, making him giggle too. 
“Yeah. ‘Holy fuck’ is right.” 
He clears the rasp in his throat but does not say anything else for a little while. He rests his forehead against yours while you both float back down to earth, waiting for your breathing to settle and your heartbeats to calm. One of his thumbs traces mindless circles into your hip. You absently massage the prickly hairs at the nape of his neck.
Finally, Hyunjin takes a deep breath and straightens. He fixes his pants and pulls his shirt back on. You watch him walk to the other side of the table and pick the towel off the floor. He helps get you cleaned up as best he can. You know you will still walk out of here smelling like green tea and sweat and maybe even his cum, which you help wipe off the floor. He tells you not to fuss over the cum stain on the sheet since he will have to strip it and sanitize the table anyway. 
The feeling of his skin on yours lingers even after you have both been wiped and patted and dried off. Hyunjin gently takes your hands and meets your eyes again. 
“I hope I—um—” he starts, then swallows and tries again. “I swear I don’t do that with clients. Ever.” 
“I believe you,” you say. “I won’t say anything. I promise.”
“I hope I didn’t mess anything up,” he goes on, “because it kind of felt like there was something between us, even before the sex. Unless I’m mistaken?” 
Your heart flutters. “No, I… I agree,” you say, the hint of a smile tugging your lips. “Maybe I’ll make an appointment myself next time.” 
Hyunjin laughs. “Well I was hoping I could give you my personal number. Maybe take you out on a date sometime. Then you’d never have to make an appointment again.”
“Oh! Y-Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that.”
“You’ll have to thank your friend for me for booking you this appointment though,” he jokes.
You burst out laughing because you forgot Minho is the reason you are here in the first place.
“I wasn’t sure if I wanted to thank him earlier,” you say, making Hyunjin laugh again, “but yeah, I guess I will now.”
You smile at him. Hyunjin cups your face in his hands for another kiss before he lets you get dressed, puts his number in your phone, then walks you back to the waiting room. He bids you goodbye with a gleam in his eye that makes your heart flutter once again. 
You hope this is the start of something happy and new.
copyright © 2025 by daizymax. all rights reserved. back to masterlist
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yeehawpim · 1 year ago
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a comic about fix-it fanfics
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danidoodels · 2 months ago
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Ace being the family service dog is my roman empire
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itsscaredycat · 3 months ago
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and they lived happily ever after 🥲🙏
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fruityuncleskeletor · 19 days ago
too good not to reblog, saving this to the hall of fame
Hwang Hyunjin x Afab!Reader
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✦ Genre - Smut [MDNI] - Friends to Lovers
✦ Word Count - 3.5k
✦ Summary - What started as a new tattoo and playful teasing unravels into breathless confessions and desperate touches. All because of a haircut. ✦ CW - amateur tattooing (please get inked safely), dry humping ✦A/N - I'm late to the 'blonde buzzcut Hyunjin' fic party ... please accept this as an offering. No but seriously, I meant to post this weeks ago...
✦ Masterlist✦
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 “Are we seriously doing this?” There's a moment of silence and you giggle. “Hyunjin, seriously?”
Your best friend turns to you, his face lit up with a mischievous grin, the newly purchased cheap tattoo gun gleaming in his hand. 
“Yeah, we're doing this. Unless you secretly hate me and don't want a reminder of our friendship etched onto your skin for eternity,” He teases, feigning disappointment with a dramatic sigh as he settles onto the stool behind you
You roll your eyes with playful exasperation, leaning over the small sink of his modest bathroom and catch his eye in the mirror.
“Shut up, don't fuck it up.” You retort, a hint of a smile playing on your lips. He chuckles, gently pushing your shorts up a bit to reveal the bare skin of your thigh to get a better look at the spot you want the ink to go. 
“On your upper thigh, right?” He confirms, his voice steady and focused. You hum in agreement, watching him carefully through the mirror
“Gonna need…” He murmurs, his voice a mix of mischief and focus as he slips two fingers into the diamond of your fishnets, carefully ripping a hole. “More space. That should do it.”
“Hyunjin! What the hell.” You gasp, a mix of annoyance and amusement in your tone as you kick your foot back at him. “I just bought these.”
“They would've gotten ripped in a week anyway, don't cry about it, baby. Bend over,” He coaxes, a playful glint in his eyes. You roll your eyes with a reluctant smile but comply. “Now stay still.”
He slips on some gloves, his fingers brushing against your skin for just a second before he turns on the gun, and dips it into the black ink. Hyunjin has drawn portraits of you, painted your body, and adorned your skin with beautiful temporary prints for months, but this is different. This is forever.
Hyunjin positions himself, his gaze meeting yours through the mirror, a silent exchange of trust before he begins. The pen touches your skin, and you inhale sharply at the sharp sting of the needle, a thrill running down your spine.
“Fuck.” You hiss and Hyunjin chuckles. 
“Feels good doesn't it? Fucking freak.” He taunts in a low concentrated tone as he moves the pen over your skin. 
You bite back a smile, refusing to admit he's right, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you close your eyes, trying to keep as still as possible as the minutes roll by.
“It's almost done,” Hyunjin murmurs, dipping the needle in more ink. “I think this is becoming my favorite pastime.”
“Yeah? Gonna be a tattoo artist now? Quit your day job at Arby's?” You tease and Hyunjin laughs, pulling the pen away before it touches your skin again, his head thrown back in amusement.
“Oh, fuck you.” He chuckles, smiling so wide his eyes turn into glimmering crescents. “I don't want to be a tattoo artist. I just like tattooing you.”
He returns the pen to your skin, and you take a steadying breath. 
“Why me?” You watch him through the mirror.
“I enjoy seeing my art on you. Hearing your breath catch under the needle. You know, typical best friend stuff.”
“Simp.” He lays a playful smack on your ass. “Rude” You scoff. 
“I'm a simp because I call my best friend pretty?” He wipes away the excess ink. “Isn't that something you should like?”
“Nuh uh,” You hum, meeting his gaze in the mirror. “You're a simp because you want me so much it almost hurts, doesn't it?”
Hyunjin chuckles, turning off the tattoo gun. 
“Oh yes, I want my hand down your pants right now.” He mocks, spraying the area with saline and wiping it. “Look at it.”
You chuckle and stand straight. He watches as you turn to the side, rising on your tiptoes to admire the ink.
“Okay, that's beautiful.” You admit, studying the fine line rose tattoo. It's simple, a bit messy, and absolutely perfect. “I want another one.”
“Are you getting off on this?” He raises a playful eyebrow from where he's seated and you push his shoulder. 
“Whatever… Let me give you one now. The same rose.” His eyebrow raise turns from playful to questioning. 
“I'm not so sure about that.” You scoff and step closer to him while he’s distracted with cleaning up all that he used. You run your hand over his fresh blonde cut, aggressively grazing the pads of your fingers along his scalp. 
“Let me, c’mon. It can be the way you pay me back for chopping off all of your hair last night and not calling me.” You obnoxiously run your fingers over his scalp and he groans. 
“It’s called a surprise, if you hate it just tell me.” He sets the tattoo gun aside and turns to look up at you. “Am I ugly or something?” 
“Yup, sure are.” You tease and he feigns offense. “You look like a kiwi. A sour kiwi who doesn’t call their best friend when they make drastic changes.” Hyunjin groans and turns his body to face you. 
“You are more dramatic than me at this point. I’m sorry, okay? Okay?” He pokes your side, grabbing your hip and tickling you. You gasp a laugh and try to escape but his grip is too strong. 
“Nope, nah, can’t run away.” He pulls you closer, wrapping his arm around your waist. “Tell me that you love my haircut.” 
You squeal a laugh, fighting against him but he has the upper hand even as he sits on the stool in front of you. “I hate it, it’s ugly!” He laughs when you do, knowing that your insults are baseless. He continues his assault, arguing with you until you concede.
“Fine! It’s nice, it’s hot. You’re hot!” He stops, laughing a bit as you give in, but something shifts.
“Simp.” He teases, pulling you into his lap to sit down and catch your breath. He wraps his arm around your waist, panting a bit himself. Your words settle in his mind. He replays it a couple times per second, trying to decipher if you said it just to get him to stop or if there’s something more to it. 
He could be reaching too far. He could be looking too deeply, but something is telling him that he’s not. “Do you mean that?”
The now soft tone of his voice catches you more than the question does. “Huh?” Your gazes meet and you blink at him, caught off guard. His tongue darts out to wet his lips before he asks again, slower this time.
“Do you mean that? Do you think I’m hot?” Hyunjin’s curious gaze has you locked, feeling almost pinned or exposed by the question. Your mind kicks into high gear, trying to figure out why that matters to him. 
“Why are you asking me that? I compliment you all the time.”
“You never call me hot. Never.” 
His tone is soft but firm and there’s something about the way he says it, like he’s realizing something in real time. He licks over his lips again as his eyes search yours with that look. You know that look. It’s the same one he gives when he’s figured something out. 
“Is that a big deal?” You feign nonchalance and shrug but Hyunjin can see right through you. He’s known you for too long, studied your every expression and move. He can see through the act. 
“The haircut looks good… that’s all.”
“Don’t play coy.” His voice drops, softer now, and the shift is instant. His gaze is intense, unwavering, so you look away - but he won’t let you. His thumb presses gently against your chin, guiding your gaze back to his.
“You’re delusional.” You joke, forcing out a dry chuckle. But Hyunjin only smiles. “You’re my friend and yeah, you’re hot. You think I’m hot too.”
“I do,” He agrees easily “But that’s hardly friendly. You just haven’t noticed it yet.” There’s a pause, The air shifts into something thick and heavy and for a moment neither of you say a word. You share a gaze, trying to detect any discomfort or dishonesty. Regret or hesitation, anything.
“Fuck you,” Your voice is softer now, uncertain. “Don’t fuck around like that.” 
“I’m not fucking around, baby.” 
That nickname shouldn’t do anything - it never has before - or maybe that’s a lie. Maybe you’ve gotten good at controlling the way it makes you feel when it slips from his lips like he made the word just for you. Like you’re the only person who comes to mind when he puts the letters together in his head. You’re not supposed to feel anything but this time, it sends a shiver down your spine. You can’t stop it. 
His fingers flex slightly on your thigh, the warmth of his touch making your inhale stutter. “How do you mean it?” His voice is impossibly low now, but somehow not a whisper. “Do you mean that I’m hot in a friendly way?”
“I just mean it.” He tsks, tilting his head with a small smile. 
“That is not an answer.” His thumb starts tracing slow, lazy circles into your thigh and it’s almost distracting enough to make you forget to hold your guard. Almost. 
“You can either give me an answer,” He murmurs, “or I can test my theory… you pick.”
You meet his eyes again - really meet them - and for the first time, his gaze isn’t sharp, it isn’t teasing. It’s soft, searching, like he’s waiting for you to show yourself to him. Waiting for you to give him something. Something real.
It’s genuine. It’s Hyunjin.
“What’s your theory?” 
Hyunjin inhales slowly, like he’s choosing his next words carefully. His gaze doesn’t waver. “My theory is that you mean it in more than a friendly way.” His tone is sure, confident. “Cause if you didn’t, you would’ve gotten up and left. You would’ve hit me, you would’ve teased me, you would do something to prove me wrong, but you didn’t.”
His fingers dig into the skin of your thigh just a bit. “You’re still here, sitting on my lap and I think…”
His tongue darts out to wet his lips as his eyes flicker to yours - just for a second, but long enough that you feel the heat of his attention. “I think that if I kissed you right now, you’d let me. I think that you’d want me to… because you do think I’m hot in the same way that I find you hot.”
You don’t move. You don’t speak.
Because he’s right.
Hyunjin takes his time as he reaches for you, fingers catching your chin between his thumb and pointer, keeping you still. His eyes are searching yours, he’s gauging your reaction as he gets closer, reading every tiny shift.
The space between you disappears slowly, intentionally. The only sound in the room is the uneven rhythm of your breaths mixing with his own. 
And for a brief moment, he thinks about how perfect you sound together. You always have.
“So…” He whispers, voice trailing off as his lips hover just inches from yours. You sigh softly, and his eyes flicker down to catch the way your breath fans over his lips. “Can I kiss you?”
It’s still. Silent.
He doesn’t take it back. Doesn’t rush you. He waits - waits for you like this moment is worth everything. And then, finally, he hears it - your breath hitching, your lips parting just slightly before you give him an answer.  
“Please kiss me.” 
Hyunjin exhales sharply, his breath catching in his chest. And then he smiles - just barely, just enough to make you think he’s being smug. But in reality, he’s relieved.
“Thank god.” 
The words barely leave his lips before he closes the gap, pressing into you with a tenderness you didn’t expect. His lips move against yours slowly, deliberately, like he’s been waiting for this - savoring it, memorizing it. 
And the truth is, he has.
Hyunjin hums against your lips, the sound vibrating between you, sending a shiver down your spine. The hand that had been drawing soothing circles on your thigh is no longer gentle - it grips you now, grounding him just as much as it anchors you. But you’re no better. Your fingers clutch at the fabric of his t-shirt like it’s the only thing keeping you upright, while your other hand smoothes over his soft blonde hair. 
His touch shifts, fingertips trailing from your chin to cup your cheek, his thumb brushes over your skin in a way that makes your breath stutter. He tilts his head, deepening the kiss with an ease that makes you wonder how long he’s been thinking about this. Then, his tongue sweeps over your lips - gentle, requesting - and you give in without hesitation, a quiet, dizzy hum escaping you. 
He’s everything you ever imagined him to be and more. There’s a tenderness in the way he kisses you, something unhurried and careful, but beneath it, there's heat. A slow, burning kind of hunger that’s been simmering for longer than either of you are willing to admit. 
And you meant it. He’s hot. He always has been. You’d say it again if he asked. 
His tongue slides against yours with growing urgency, a slow, intoxicating hunger that has been locked away and hidden behind years of calling yourselves best friends. But now, by some miracle, you’re giving in and Hyunjin hums when he realizes he finally has a chance. 
He has a chance to have you.
A chance to be more than just your best friend. Because he doesn’t just want to be close to you - he wants to be your everything. 
Hyunjin hums again, reluctant as he starts to pull away. It’s an attempt at keeping his control, at being a gentleman. But just as he’s about to break the kiss completely, he indulges in one last, slow lick into your mouth.
And you moan. You fucking moan.
A quiet, breathy sound that you barely register making - but he does. 
His eyebrows draw together instantly. His breath hitching, and before he can stop himself, he lets out a sound of his own - a low desperate noise that he didn’t mean to give away.
“Don’t do that.” He murmurs against your lips, voice rough, breathless. “You have no business sounding that pretty. You have no clue… what that just did to me.”
His forehead presses against yours, his chest rising and falling as he struggles to collect himself. But you can feel it, all of it - all of him.
“I can feel exactly what that did to you.” You whisper, shifting just slightly in his lap and his fingers dig into your thigh.
“Baby.” His voice is dangerously low, his half-lidded eyes locking onto yours. “You are asking for more than I planned to give you.” 
That should be your warning. That should be enough to tell you to stop.
But it isn’t.
You’ve never been able to resist teasing him, and you’re not about to start now. So you do it again - just the smallest shift of your hips, the subtlest press against him. 
And that’s all it takes.
Hyunjin’s grip tightens, his lips parting as he sucks in a sharp breath. His bottom lip is caught between his teeth, and you can see it now - the way his restraint is slipping. The way his neck flushes, red and hot, betraying just how quickly he’s unraveling. 
“I asked you not to, didn’t I?” His voice is softer now, but there’s a rawness underneath it. His fingers are firm on your hips, his control hanging by a thread. “Tell me if you want me to stop right now. Tell me.” 
You shake your head before you can even think about it - too fast, too eager - but there’s no room for hesitation anymore. 
“Don’t.” You whisper back and that’s all he needs.
Hyunjin exhales sharply, leaning back against the wall, his hands sliding up your spine as he pulls you so close you can’t tell where he ends and you begin.
“I won’t.” He whispers back a promise, his lips brushing over yours before sealing you into another dizzying kiss.
“I won’t stop,” He breathes, voice warm and sure. “Just ask, and I’ll do anything. Anything at all.”
Hyunjin’s hips jerk up instinctively the moment his lips crash against yours, and you both let out matching, breathless moans. The friction sends a shockwave through you, making your body act on its own accord - your hips chasing his, rolling down to meet every movement with one of equal desperation.
His fingers dig into your thighs and your hands brace against his chest. Before you can blink the two of you are rutting like horny teenagers. You’re moving together in a frantic rhythm - needy, messy, shameless.
The small space is filled with the sound of your moans, gasps, the wet slide of your lips against each other. You kiss him like he’s never just been your friend, licking into his mouth with abandon then pulling back only to pant over him - watching the way he looks up at you, dazed and wrecked. 
Hyunjin stares at you like you’re a work of fucking art, a masterpiece. He admires every dip and curve of you like he’s trying to commit it to memory. His eyes rake over the curve of your neck, the way your hair falls over your shoulder and your hips roll. His tongue peeks out to wet his lips, teeth sinking into the plump flesh in a desperate attempt to keep himself together. But he knows that his attempts are futile. 
“You have no idea how sexy you are.” He groans, voice rough with need. His praise sends a shiver through you, making your cunt clench around nothing. “Beautiful. So pretty, so hot.”
His fingers curl into your fishnets and on the next swirl of your hips he rips them with a simple tug. His fingers pop the diamonds like they were silk spun spider webs and the pop against your skin makes you moan out louder than intended.
“Don’t.” He’s barely holding it together. “Do not moan my name. I will fucking cum.” 
His hands find your hips again and he grinds up against you in hopes that he can guide you towards your high before he falls over the edge first. “Is that what you want? Want me to cum in my pants, baby?” 
Your head falls back, hands pushing under the hem of his shirt, fingers greedily mapping the firm muscles of his abdomen. He moans at the contact, his muscles tense under your touch.
“Yes,” You breathe, voice barely above a whisper. “Yes, I want that. Want it so fucking badly, Hyune…” Your nails sink into his taunt muscle, your hips grind over the head of his cock and Hyunjin tenses beneath you. 
His grip is bruising, his cock twitching against your core before he spills into his sweats with a choked moan. His head falls back, exposing the pretty line of his throat, his jaw slack as you ride him through his orgasm in order to work towards your own.
“Holy shit, oh my god, yeah. Keep going, keep going.” His words tumble out in a desperate string as he keeps one hand on your hip, the other palming your ass while your hips meet his wild bucking. 
“Yes, yes, gonna…” It only took one more roll of your hips. One more needy grind against his leaking cock beneath you and you crash. Your orgasm takes you right then and there. 
It’s blinding. Paralyzing. Intoxicating. 
Hyunjin sits up instantly, wrapping you in his arms, holding you to his chest as he feels your body shudder. His hips are still bucking up subtly, trying to help you ride out your orgasm while he peppers soft kisses over your temple, your cheek, whatever he can reach.
“You’re so pretty when you cum, baby, god.” He whispers, his breath still ragged from his climax as you ride the aftershocks of yours. You hug him, holding onto him like he’s your life line and he holds you right back. 
Hyunjin runs his fingers lazily through your hair while you run your fingers over his. He melts into your touch, resting his chin on your shoulder. Neither of you say anything - not yet. There’s nothing that needs to be said. 
A couple of minutes of your shared settling breaths being the only sound in the room passes before Hyunjin breaks the silence.
“I’m afraid that you were right… I am a simp.” You scoff a laugh, pulling back to meet his playful gaze. “But so are you.”
“I am not,” You protest, feigning offense. Instead of arguing with you he simply leans in, stealing a kiss from your lips. 
“I am still not-” Another kiss. “Hyunjin!”
“Admit it.” He grins, kissing you again. “C’mon.”
“I am not-” He kisses you again, deeper. Longer. He takes his time and savors the way you melt into him all over again.
And then you moan.
Hyunjin pulls back just enough to smile at you. “You fucking moaned.”
You groan, rolling your eyes and accepting defeat. “Fine!” You scoff, feigning annoyance. “I am a simp for you.”
Hyunjin’s smile softens, his hand slips to the back of your head and pulls you into another kiss. It’s slow. Soft and sweet.
“Yeah,” He murmurs against your lips “I know.”
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gongyussy · 2 months ago
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deepthroating a gun without breaking eye contact...... he put his entire gongyussy into that | SQUID GAME 2
+ the video because the sound he makes when he puts the gun in his mouth? [redacted]
update: he improvised that. the man really said i'll go full slut.
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majoringinsarcasm · 1 year ago
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britishmuffin · 1 year ago
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ATLA sketches because I'm deep into it atm 8)
★ patreon || website || twitter ★
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cronchy-baguette · 24 days ago
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thank you for loving me
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ashrayus · 9 months ago
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absolutely lost it over this fic by @neuro-psyche so. have this comic o(- (
go read it rn if u also love some Good identity reveal fic!!!!
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shining-just-4-u · 1 year ago
u ever read a fanfic so good that you want. fanfic of the fanfic
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lokorum · 8 months ago
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jon needs a door and i need a fucking break from this weather uhhh
music from the..floor?? ♪┏(・o・)┛♪
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