#by necessity seperated by time </3
hiddenintheveil · 10 days
nominal vs. titular-nominal self-labels
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shinjisdone · 1 year
To Soften a Warrior’s Heart (Vinland Saga; Thorfinn; Part 6)
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In which you have joined Askeladd’s band…and grow closer to the Son of Thors. Though it is more difficult than anyone can could ever imagine…
[Headcanons of how it would be like to meet and crawl your way into Thorfinn’s heart (based on season 1; both platonic and romantic)]
Part 1 is here - meeting Thorfinn at the age of 14 and how he is at that age
Part 2 is here - meeting Thorfinn at the age of 16/17 + headcanons of growing closer (slightly following s1 story)
Part 3 is here - blooming friendship with Thorfinn (slightly following s1 story)
Part 4 is here - Thorfinn unwittingly opening his heart as he realizes he does not want you to die
Part 5.1 is here - sweet things Thorfinn would do for you (headcanons)
Part 5.2 is here - other seet things Thorfinn would do for you (headcanons)
Part 7 is here - Canute grieving over Ragnar and Thorkell catching up; Thorfinn leaves you alone for revenge
Part 8 is here - Thorfinn wins against Thorkell; Questioning your bond with Thorfinn
Part 9 is here - Meeting Leif and Thorfinn dueling Askeladd; Losing while Askeladd told him the truth of his constant losses
Part 10 is here - Thorfinn and you bound by heart; Promises of Vinland broken and abandoned
[Mentions of murder, death, war, slave trade, harrasment against women and whatever awful things happened in the viking era. Only mentioned and used as examples. Mostly gender-neutral examples but female-leaning ones are there, too.]
[This part will specifically mention: Overprotective Thorfinn, shy Canute, you saving Canute and him getting a crush uwu, weirded out Thorfinn, jealousy, Thorfinn threatening Canute, Thorfinn wanting to SPIT IN HIS FACE, harmless shenanigans, not exactly 100% following chronoligal order of story because wholesome things first...soul-crushing second]
Carry on the oath until my last scene...
The band waddled out of the water and now continues on land...
Neither are a bother to Thorfinn. Yet it's clear that he isn't very pleased. He hasn't been for the past few days.
Well, he is not pleased when he is not right by your side. Which, now having to march on, is seldom as the viking is close to you whenever possible.
He side-eyes you often, gaze falling down to the injury you had to bear. It's unknown if the wound was caused by accident or not, though that does not matter to Thorfinn. He is absolutely convinced that Askeladd is the perpatrator and cause of your wound - which is a scar by now.
It angers him though he tries to hold it down. Whenever he thinks back to it however, he looks like a closed but whistling kettle.
In fact, Thorfinn will make sure you two are NOT seperated at all. No matter what circumstance you are thrown into...
Staying close is a necessity and nothing will get in the way of it. So far so that the crew itself started mumbling about it during the march...
Well, it makes sense. Out of everyone you prefered each other from the very beginning, holding a bond that may started off as rather businesswise but both of you held values that made it slowly form into something genuine. Certainly even the tardiest fool got it how genuine your connection is by Thorfinn's outburst a week ago - yet if that was not obvious enough, the way Thorfinn insisted to stay by your side surely made it now.
You both check on each other multiple times throughout the day even as you do nothing but march. Winter is as good as here, so the constant concern and questions are not out of the ordinary but there is a certain...stoic warmth to it?
Thorfinn does not show an ounce of emotion when talking to you, checking on you, sharing food, offering help or even handling you. He treats you gently, like glass even when it comes to your fresh scar as if he was your mother or guardian - while doing all of this with the biggest scowl on his face.
His lack of facial expressions may fool the men but not his actions. Actions speak louder than words, after all!
Out of everyone, Askeladd is the most aware...
So one can imagine their gossip and talks. Well, they are just marching, protecting a prince. What better way to kill the time than this?
About Thorfinn having gone mad or being an overly sensitive lad who gets emotional over anything and everything that Askeladd does...or, how maybe you have bewitched him, how you two so suddenly became much closer or at least, had the courage to openly show it now.
Some may laugh and call you two peas in a pod, twins seperated from birth who found each other in a viking band again. Fools seldom differ, and all.
Others are convinced there has to be more. Infatuation and little sweet nothings exchanged? Is that why you two keep close to only each other and keep a distance to anything and anyone else, huh? Was Thorfinn's lovebird a bit hurt? Oh, woe is you!
The blonde is understandably pissed off but surprisingly does not reply in any way, shape or form to the mockery and gossip. Even though your wound healed, Thorfinn is more focused on staying by your side. He is too tired to give them the time of the day anyway...seems like they forgot he was the one who rescued the oh so important hostage prince in the first place.
So everything goes on with Thorfinn just being closer than ever. It seems like after that ordeal, he has let go of the many questions surrounding you and how he feels about you, too tired to ponder about them anymore.
He decided to follow his gut.
Besides, it's not like caring for you is a nuisance...not at all as it turns out. The young man finds it even...pleasant. It's...nice.
After all, he doesn't want you to die. And as you admitted to him with that smile on your face, you apparently want him to live, too.
Well, not apparently. You said so. And it was nice that you did say that.
Even now you were being pleasant. Showing your unadultered concern, gratitude, help and smile. It made this entire march, the boiling anger at Askeladd bearable. In fact, those are the only times where he gives small, faint smiles as responses to yours. Only when you can see them.
Yet speak of the devil. The 'leader' wants to speak to you.
The older man calls you two - and even if he didn't, neither of you would leave the other alone - and soon you see him talking to the retainer of the prince and his highness himself.
The latter hid behind the man, however.
The retainer was a rather short, round man with a pointy, bald front head with his brown side hair reaching his beard. The prince just reached his shoulders with blue eyes, blonde lashes as light and blonde as his silky, neatly cut and long hair.
No wonder everyone calls him 'Princess'.
And if lady luck would have it, the both of you are assigned to be the guards of the prince with the retainer Ragnar being rather unsure about the decision. Askeladd, acting as if nothing happened the week before, simply asks him for his trust.
Again, Thorfinn is not pleased.
Now he has to spent his time looking out for this scaredy cat? He'd rather march on and on with you by his side.
You can't form an opinion of it just yet. Obviously everyone is going to look out for the prince, the hostage, the entire reason the band fought Thorkell and the reason why you got hurt. Since he is the prince of King Sven, a lot of people would like to kidnap him. The high demand for this royal coward is annoying to an degree, you cannot deny that.
Well, at least you and Thorfinn can sit on a wagon instead of having to walk all the time.
Ragnar is like a mother hen.
Canute is a yellow-belly, silent as a mouse.
And you and Thorfinn are stuck with them.
The blonde barely greeted the royal and instead glared at him with his usual pout. You could tell he wasn't happy and this introduction intimidated Canute, making him hide behind Ragnar. Askeladd is quick to criticize him for the behaviour.
"Thorfinn," You say with a crooked smile. While you don't particularly care about their opinions, there is no need to have the potential crown prince of Denmark (and perhaps England lets see where this war goes) dislike you. Taking Thorfinn by the hand, you pull him away and try to give the prince and retainer your most reassuring smile. "No need to worry, Prince. Thorfinn and I will be sure to keep you safe until we reach the king. Thorfinn is a grumbler, don't mind him. You are in safe hands."
At least your attempt at being nice made the prince peek from his hiding spot.
He couldn't help but gaze down at your two hands - and how the meany, grumpy blonde reciprocated your gesture by holding it back.
The wagon is comfortable, you sitting next to Thorfinn who still hand't spoken a word - only exchanging necessities with you.
Ragnar was not convinced of your capabilites, 'such young chicks', he said which only made Askeladd laugh. "They're the same age as his highness, I am sure they'll get along!"
Well, Canute is sitting in a ball further away.
With his stature and garments it was only a matter of time before others realize how important he is. Days pass and a group of overconfident bandits barge from each side, kicking over the wagon until it was heavily damaged with you, Thorfinn and Canute astray somewhere in a dense forest below your orignal path.
Cowering in place the prince snapped up his gaze with a yelp as he saw you towering above him. Blood was dripping from you and your weapon, quickly shushing him for his idiotic behaviour.
It unfortunately only made him hide himself from you more.
You sigh and kneel down. Eyeing the shaking form...it's odd to think that he is supposed to be at your age yet he is nothing like you or Thorfinn.
He is quiet, deadly silent even. He refuses to speak a single vowel and hides behind Ragnar as if he was his rock and he the worm.
Well, as your bond with the young viking proved, you were still able to show a bit of kindness.
Perhaps you used to be like that form your past, try to maintain a quality a loved one begged you to keep, or maybe you have always been that way...
Either way, the prince is scared. Terrified. You have known feelings like this, maybe still feel this occasionally to this day. The brutality and lack of love of a viking is not what the prince needed right now.
You don't believe anyone needs nor wants that. Not even vikings themselves...
You wipe the blood off your hands. Seathing your weapon you carefully and gently lay your hand on his trembling shoulder. He does not react, so you attempt to soothe him to look at you by rubbing his shoulder with your thumb.
The sensation is familiar, as Ragnar often does it, and Canute looks up at you with teary, widened eyes. "Prince," You try your utmost to sound like a soft mother, "We'd best leave. You're the safest with us, even if it doesn't seem like it. If anything, I'll keep you safe, alright?"
It felt odd to talk to royalty as if he were a child but it seemed to work as the confusion on his face slowly softened. There was reluctance so your hand traveled down from his shoulder to his own, holding both of them as if you'd propose to him. "We have to get up and go. I know you can do that." Gingerly you encouraged him to get up with you, your hold on his hands steady but gentle. You were so focused on making him feel better that everything else seemed to cease to matter.
At last you were standing. Canute gasped as you swiftly turned around with your weapon in one hand and your other still holding his, your assuring smile exchanged for a scowl.
You lead the way but he is still hesitant. Your stomps seem like that of an fearless elephant while he is tapping after you like a mouse.
Displeased at the pace, you turned back to him with a smile and Canute felt a strange mixture of awe and confusion. You...are a viking. Going hand-in-hand with that scary, moody, omg pls keep him away from me Thorfinn guy while glaring daggers to your actual leader. There's blood on you, you killed just recently to get here and yet you are smiling at him as if he were an old loved one. How?
"Prince, I know it's frightening", Canute does not like to admit it but you are right. Still, he does not speak. "But I will lead you out of this forest and back to the wagon and Ragnar." The mention of his father-like figure eases him, "All you have to do is hold onto my hand and not let go, alright? I'll take care of the rest. I know you can follow me easily." Giving his hand a squeeze, your smile widened before you turned away and began rushing out of the woods. Canute tried his bet to keep up with the smallest of yelps.
And how fast you ran. You were like the wind, not easily conquered or intimidated by the dense trees, stopping often to check on him - it stunned as he almost collided into you each time.
There was your smile again even as you spoke sternly: "Prince, I need you to tell me when there is something wrong. Whatever reason you have for not talking is, I can't read your mind. You have to speak to me."
Oh how easy that sounds. But how gently you are handling him, how awe-struck and daring your entire escapade was, how you were oh so soft compared to anyone else he has met the past few days (even weeks, he has been on a journey for a long time!) it makes it more difficult to even let out a whimper. You are making it difficult to speak. Canute is downright speechless.
Your hold on his hand did not falter, nor did your kindness and bravery. He feels like such a little bunny compared to you.
Soon, light shone through and you were able to find back to your original path. The bandits were defeated, the wagon brought back on its wheels, the horses caught back. You casually passed by the corpses as Canute tried to avoid stepping on them and their pools of blood. The sight of the battlefield was gruesome but he was nevertheless glad to be back to 'safety'.
Ragnar was quick to run over to the prince and you let go of him, with Canute feeling visibly disappointed. Still, he sighed in relieve as the older man took him into his arms.
It was over so quick. The little moment you had there with Canute seemed like a dream as you parted from his side and looked everywhere for Thorfinn, refusing to move on without him. Quickly you found each other, gladly so and the sight is odd to Canute. One one hand, as a general rule both guards of his should be looking after him first and not each other. Neither of you spared him a glance (Thorfinn did quickly but paid his attention back to you) and on the other hand, after you made his heart beat so fast it was dejecting to see you act so familiar with a brute such as him.
Well, the journey continued on with a bit of a different atmosphere now.
You still sat next to Thorfinn who watched the prince with raised brows and so did Ragnar. His highness was still hunched by the older man's side but kept on glancing to you, trying to peek to the person behind Thorfinn with a flushed face. He looked like a shy little girl.
This of course perplexed Thorfinn. And pissed him off.
Anything and everything seems to piss him off.
The blonde leaned further into you, making his body broad with his arms as to shield you from Canute's vision with a glare. You stare at him confused and the prince quickly understood the vikings intentions and snapped his gaze away, embarrassed. Thorfinn only scoffed.
When the prince needed a break, he'd glimpse at you as you got off the wagon. Thorfinn would step in front of you and cross his arms.
When food was offered and you'd hand it to the prince, there was the urge to have your hand touch his again. He'd bent his to at least graze your finger, only to have Thorfinn shove the food into his hand and tell him to eat already (Ragnar is shocked at the rudeness).
And everytime Thorfinn made sure to sit right next to you as he almost squeezed you to the corner of the wagon, your side pressed against the wooden edge. You'd tell him off that he is suffocating you but the young man does not listen and instead watches Canute's reaction.
This guy is so weird.
What's with him? Why is his little highness suddenly acting so off? And out of all people why does it have to be around you, the one and only person Thorfinn cares about? Can't he be odd around someone else that doesn't matter?
"Watch out that you won't get any pop eyes, princess." Thorfinn lets out as he leans on his hand while resting his other elbow close to you on the edge of the wagon. He'd often nudge you to get your attention (and in turn you might push him away, saying he broadens himself like he is king (to which he chuckles) and he better makes some space. You shove him and he laughs and does as you asks) - but this time, he doesn't want you to pay any attention to him. The prince.
In turn the latter jumped and looked at him questionably but fearfully. As if reading his thoughts, Thorfinn continues, "You might get blind." As he utters these words his brown eyes narrow and Canute whimpers. You peek at the two apprehensively with Canute catching your gaze and immediately flushing as red as a cherry. He wants to keep looking at you...but he can't as he turns his face away.
"If you've got anything to say," Thorfinn continues with his threatening undertone, "Then say it, princess. I'm all ears."
The tips of his ears tinged even redder, the prince finally jumps up and points at the blonde. His eyes are glaring but his face is sweaty and flushed. "H-How dare you...!" He blurts out, "I...I cannot simply just...state how I feel...!"
Both Ragnar and you watch with widened eyes. Did he just speak?
The old man watched with his mouth agape and you with the corner of your lips twitching up. The exchange between the two was almost comical despite Thorfinn's nonchalance (and threatful undertone) and Canute's plea to be taken seriously. You snort and as all eyes went to you, tried to hold your laughter with your hand clasped to your mouth.
The royal went still and stumped at your muffled laughter, hunched down and your shoulders bopping up and down. No! He...he doesn't want you to laugh at him!
He doesn't want anyone to laugh at him but not especially you!
Not after...you acted like such a knight for him...
It doesn't help that he sees Thorfinn smile at your attempt. In fact, he only sees him smile at you, around you, with you. Everyone else only deserves a scowl.
Kings and Gods, change the odds...
The days turn into weeks.
Canute spies as Thorfinn and you seem so comfortable in the others' presence, like you were made for each other. It's bizarre how you seemed like the complete oppsite to him when you two were alone in the forest. In general you were less moody than Thorfinn.
Even as time goes by, the schtick is the same.
Canute doesn't have the courage to speak to you even after he stood his ground against Thorfinn. The latter doesn't seem to mind that you are not talking, in fact, rather prefers it.
Canute can be the personification of benelovence and he still wouldn't trust him anywhere near you.
The prince notices that which deflates him even more...Ragnar is worried over the sudden shift of behaviour and interest of his prince.
He can barely get the chance to even...do anything. He has to play the part of the well-behaved prince and not go out of his way to win your favor. With what anyway? A few flowers, thanks or promises? He couldn't do that in front of the band anyway...let alone under the piercing gaze of Thorfinn.
The latter doesn't even...notice what exactly the prince is feeling for you. He just thinks he is an oddball. Are all royals like that?
Ragnar quietly observes. He'd find a quiet place to talk to him about it later.
However, if you are female both men would get the idea a bit, just a tad biiit quicker.
Ragnar is indignant, very much so, too! His highness can't go and catch feelings for some viking! You certainly must have seduced him, you minx! No, no, no! This won't do. He'd find some time to talk Canute out of this little fantasy of his. As exciting as it must seem to fall in love, he is sure Canute is aware and will understand that a royal cannot be with, let alone fall in love, with a raiding, pillaging killer!
Thorfinn on the other hand would take muuuuch longer to catch on, even if you're female. But once he does, he scoffs and glares. Bro, seriously? Is the little princess going to fall and make eyes for the only woman in this band? Pathetic. His highness probably has never seen or interacted with a woman before and the moment he sees one he thinks he can act all enamoured with her? Bleh. Ugh. Dude, gross, pathetic behaviour, smh for real.
The moment Thorfinn realizes that what Canute is feeling for you is love, then he'd turn from his guard to yours. Call it betrayal, he was never his servant in the first place and the only one he would ever consider being faithful to is you, if anything.
He'd be overprotective in general but especially, aggressively so if you are a woman. Through the years he has always tried to protect you from all kinds of men and he is not going to make any exceptions for a prince.
Oh, he probably thinks he has a chance because he is a prince, eh? Silly goose. Idiot. Actual fool. Thorfinn can hardly contain his laughter.
No, bro. Just no. Don't even think about it.
The young man hardly has an opinion of Canute, mostly because he clams up out of fear and when he does say something, it doesn't hold any meaning to him.
Aside from these two things, Canute just glances at you. Sometimes even watches you without knowing it. Judging from these three things that he does Thorfinn sees him as an hopeless coward. Too soft-hearted to have any kind of presence and to immediately fancy you (and if you are a woman, Thorfinn believes the only reason for him to fall in love is because you are a woman. Just love at first sight because the prince is just a easily-swayed boy).
In fact...it just makes him demean him.
First he has to protect some guy and now that very same guy has eyes for you? A prince with no guts?
It pisses him off, not as much as other things usually, however. Canute could have your best interests in mind and at heart but...Thorfinn just doesn't want him anywhere near you - hell, he doesn't even want him to have these kinds of feelings for you!
It can be either jealousy or worry, that's for you to decide. Thorfinn sure as hell won't tell you.
It's just an eyesore, a waste of time for him. The blonde is so, so convinced and just knows that the royal has no chance whatsoever with you. You and Canute...that just wouldn't work. At all.
The thought of royalty not being able to marry a commoner, let alone a viking doesn't come to his mind. It's not about Canute being a prince and you being a mercenary...it's about a coward thinking he can win the heart of someone like you.
You...who has always been by Thorfinn's side. Nothing and no one seemed to interest you in any way the past years, things have always been like this.
You and Thorfinn. Even as the beginnings were rough, the fact that it was always you two still stands. It couldn't be any other way.
Besides, you deserve better than a scaredy cat, no matter if prince or not.
No matter if he could offer you a better and safer life. You deserve better.
Well, Thorfinn believes that wholeheartedly but would, of course, never admit it.
It doesn't help that when encountered by the people of Wales, the prince cannot even say who he is. He cannot state his status and what he wants. Instead he cowers behind Ragnar for the hundreth time.
"How embarrassing. And you are supposed to be as old as me?"
Thorfinn is as calm as a river as he glares down at the latter.
What a 'prince'. Cannot even speak and still demands on stealing glances at you. Coward.
It is only after Askeladd saved everyone's skin is where Canute is more aware of his lack of...anything. He cannot speak, he cannot fight...it is embarrassing, just as Thorfinn said.
He can't do anything.
While he does not care for the thoughts and opinions of the band it still hurt to have them demean him so much. And even worse, you were right there, too. You are his guard as well, after all and just witnessed right then and there how the guy that fancies you is an complete failure.
As humiliating as it was...you somehow did not despise him.
Yes, he is a coward and yes, he is fragile and fear-laden and flimsy but you weren't outwardly showing any dislike to him as you and Thorfinn were invited into the hut by Ragnar.
Neither of you stuck by Canute and Ragnar unless it was necessary...so seeing you walk in with two hares was quite the surprise...and so was it to see the prince in casual clothing, an apron and bound hair.
"Oh...hello." He felt a bit nervous around your presence but also felt so much in his element that he ended up cooking all four of you a meal that stuck to your rips - much better than grilled hare alone.
You couldn't help but compliment the chef, which only made him blush.
It seemed you did not hate him after all...perhaps you were just a kind, empathetic person or rather saw the prince as a meek child than a successor to the throne or simply understood that what is a normalcy to you is not for him. Someone who was not born into wars and fights.
You eat and talk...
And both Ragnar and Thorfinn finally realize why Canute feels for you the way he does.
Soft-hearted fool.
Ragnar would definitely pull him aside tell him that...this cannot go. It's best if he were to let go in the first place since nothing can grow from this anway. He is the prince and you a mercenary, temporarily his guard.
It hurts him to see the young man he sees as his son drop his shoulders like that, nodding in understanding. "But Ragnar..." he quietly begins before becoming louder and clearer. Certain. "The way they saved me...like the wind. They aren't a savage viking, they were like a true knight! And, and, their eyes and smile, you saw the way they looked at me, it's..."
Canute avoids his gaze with a flushed and shy gaze, gushing about the encounter and this meal you had as if it were a dream. Ragnar only shakes his head. Oh, even he is still a lad. A foolish lad.
Thorfinn is less understanding.
There is this urge to straight up approach Canute and tell him to stay the hell away, just as he does to other people who bother you or he finds troublesome (not like Canute can actively stay away - you both are his guards). Obviously the guy cannot take the hints Thorfinn has been throwing his way with his glares as dark as thunder, keeping you by his side and straight up telling him to stop gawking at you or else he might go blind.
That'd be a shame, princess.
For real, he doesn't understand, does he? Does he have to spell it out? Thorfinn does n o t c a r e about him nor who he is. He does
n o t c a r e that he was assigned guard by Askeladd, he does not care about him nor about Canute's well-being. Nothing would be lost if he were to die.
All he cares about is you (though he won't admit it but Ragnar and Canute could tell from day 1).
So Thorfinn has no qualms to threaten a prince to have stop having mushy feelings for you.
Also, its real embarrassing bro smh.
However, even Thorfinn knows that isn't the smartest action so he keeps on throwing his silent, threatening messages.
Yet, there is also a chance of him telling you what is obviously going on (chance of telling you: 35%). After all, you must have noticed it as well, haven't you? The way he looks at you, blushes like a maiden and keeps on trying to (meekly) approach you in any way? Like. c'mon.
If he does tell you, you ask him what you should do about it. It's not your intention to woo a prince and it isn't your fault either the both of you got paired up to protect him. Better than have a potential succesor to the throne hate you.
If you are not aware (how stupid are you) and ask him what he means, Thorfinn is genuinely...baffled? Are you kidding him you cannot be that naive.
You are a killing, battling viking for who-knows-how-long, hardened by wars and you cannot tell this little gosling is hopelessly enarmored with you???? Huh????
You brush him off and tell him that's ridiiiiiculous. There's no way.
Bro what do you mean there is no way? You blind?
The blonde may not know how it happened but he knows it's love, or at least infatuation. Why should he not fall in love with you? You...are you.
Out of everyone he knows, it makes the most sense for someone to fall for you.
He might even tell you so if he is frustrated enough. You are...tolerable and probaby did something nice for him. And as easily swayed as he seems, there is a high chance Canute just fell for you right then and there.
Thorfinn has a really hard time directly and verbally telling you the potential reasons why someone might like you. He is not lying in the slightest but...he just can't say it outright.
And if you are female then, uh, yeah, Thorfinn is very much baffled by your lack of conviction. This sounds very mean but Thorfinn believes the fact that you are female is the reason Canute fancies you in the first place. He probably never interacted with one before, let alone one as nice as you. He sees it more as a flaw and quip at Canute than you.
Well, you are...a woman. So of course the prince found something alluring about you.
"Don't be so stupid. You are...hm, nice." He looks away with his pout and struggles to really explain himself. "Watch out or the princess will fall head over heels for you entirely."
If he does not tell you (chance 65%) then...well, he is still moody and grumpy though you cannot comprehend why this time. He just wordlessly drags you anywhere he wants to.
Maybe he'd tell you to stop being so unnecessarily nice to a prince but does not elobrate.
He keeps his hand on your wrist most of the time, sometimes your own hand. Keeps you close as he glares at Canute, has you sit next to him, side by side, cloak pressed against cloak as it seems like he is protecting you rather than protecting the prince.
When accomodating food, he shares it with you. When nighttime falls (good thing you both are on a wagon) he lets you sleep on his shoulder, on the other side where Canute is sitting so he can't see your slumbering self.
Whatever may come even though you two are Canute's guards, Thorfinn is doing his best to keep you away from him. Even as the prince would not be able to let out a single whimper around you or to you, the mere fact tha Canute has feelings for you is bothering enough for him. He better stop.
It's even worse for him when Thorfinn ends up showing affection to you from time to time. From jokingly shoving you away to gentle touches and you doing the same for him. You two smile at each other like only you two exist...Thorfinn is not doing any of this out of spite or to make Canute jealous - it just happens. The blonde is tired of having to pay attention on how he will be perceived in the open and just follows his gut. Canute just ends up feeling a bit...envious of it all.
You brush each other's hair, tend to the other's wound, share your blankets and cloaks in the cold winter while sitting so close to each other...while Canute is right there. When you aren't needed you two act like the entire band does not exist.
Well, you are still being nice to him...when you pay attention to the shy prince.
But other than that...it honestly feels like Thorfinn's only intention was to protect you and only you. No matter what would have been decided, the young viking would have always chosen you.
It's strange to see him like this. How he let himself fall into your arms.
[This became much shorter and much more harmless than I thought...? Well, nothing much happens and we gotta get used to princess canute over here so...¯_(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
Thorfinn tired of having to think all the time...its not his forte if u get what i mean
after all that happened...it just feels right to stick with you. it feels better than going back and feeling alone.]
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trekkele · 6 months
How would you have liked Dick to go from Robin to Nightwing? Being fired, intentionally driven away (to become his own man but Bruce didn't comunicate that) or a peaceful seperation and Dick leaves for college? Maybe I missed some but you get what I mean.
I personally love the pre-crisis storyline where Dick goes to college and graduates from Robin on his own terms - and then passes it on as a legacy to Jason as a gift.
I think it creates this nice parallel between Batman (never meant to be a legacy, created so no one has to suffer the way Bruce did, end goal is to not be necessary) and Robin (Dick deciding that what helped him could help others, created specifically to help one person grow and move on, end goal is spread hope) where Bruce hope Batman dies with him while Dick realizes his family legacy doesn't have to die with him.
I think there should be some conflict between Dick and Bruce about his future, because they're in that transition phase from siblings-mentors-nephews to a more parental relationship, and kids going off to college or to choose a career is a very complicated part of life on both sides. I just think a team like Batman and Robin would have, by necessity, figured out communication by the time Dick is 17-18. It doesn't have to be good or even effective communication, but I do think Bruce is capable of it - and here's the important part to me
Bruce also left home to figure himself out at 18-20. He knows exactly what Dick could be getting into, and exactly what he wanted to hear at that age. He has a precedent Alfred did not, and while I don't think he would successfully talk Dick out of setting out on his own (and he might not even try! We forget the Wayne Legacy (tm) is as heavy as it is, so he definitely Gets It) I do think he would understand what Dick needs to hear and why.
So I guess my answer is a little bit of 2 mostly 3, where Bruce wants Dick to be his own man but very intentionally doesn't drive him away to do it,
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lemedstudent2021 · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 💜💜
was not expecting this sweet of a surprise in my inbox lol
*conveniently forgets everything that gives me serotonin* ;-;
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I. my identity. unusual choice i know, but the building blocks that make me me give me peace, warmth and joy. they provide comfort, promise me betterment, prove to me time and time again that there is so much beauty to life, if only we have the eyes to see it and the heart to embrace it. they also occasionally give me grief but such is life XD
things like being a muslim alhamdulillah first and foremost, a hijabi, proud jordanian, quasi-polymath, socially anxious (coffee) bean...
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II. knowledge and its pursuit. for as far as i can remember ive always been drawn to the known and unknown of anything and everything. libraries are my safe spaces, books are my friends, and scholarliness is my goal. truly the fastest way to my heart is by infodumping while i sip my tea and watch your face light up with every word <3
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III. the basic necessities of life like food, sleep, and existing. doing literally nothing (and occasionally dissociating in the process lol) is one of the best things one can do. simply be. that and eating my feelings and sleeping to unholy hours. #medstudent #godimsotired
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IV. as much as people terrify me sometimes, there is something unmistakable about the innate desire and longing for human connection. meaningful and deep relationships with friends and family mean the world to me, and their happiness is equally, if not more so, mine :') (yall keep me sane thank you for your service xxx)
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V. im leaving the last one slightly ambiguous ish, becasue i can never tell when and where my (temporary) new found infatuations with quite literally anything take me. as of this week, im sliding back to my hades & persephone rabbit hole of the beauty of life and death as seperate entities, and then intertwined as one. *sob*
a while back i was absolutely enamoured with botany and traditional chinese medicine (i blame maomao) and before that embroidery, psycholinguistics, medieval torture devices and execution methods and japanese mythology. fun times :)
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dearmahiru-archive · 1 year
even without textual evidence id love to hear your thoughts on kotoko not killing anyone directly!! i never hear 10 theories, & especially not ones that dont revolve around her beating up the prisoners. if youre comfortable, i would love to hear your thoughts on my wife ~with love
Ahh so sorry for how long it took to me to answer this ask my brain has been gone for the past few days. But you're right!  How could I pass up an opportunity to talk about Kotoko? She deserves so much more love than what she's given. Kotoko appreciators please interact I'd love to hear your thoughts.
So we already know I subscribe to this particular theory:
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Since it serves as a extension of the parallels found in the prisoners. It also fits with Kotoko since she states she'd be an innocent person outside of Milgram:
Kotoko: [...]To defend and protect the weak, there’s always situations when you can't do anything else. I say again, what I did is, “facing an urgent and illegal infringement, an action taken out of necessity to protect the rights of myself and others”. You do understand what that means, right? Es: "Criminal law, the 36th paragraph, article 1. Justifiable self-defense." Kotoko: "Looks like someone has studied. So in reality, my case, if taken to the judiciary, will also be judged as justifiable defense.
(Kotoko you did nothing wrong so true so true!)
Though, I'll admit this doesn't outright confirm she didn't kill directly anyone. However, if we work back from the idea Kotoko commited an indirect murder then you start noticing a lot of weird details in her case.
— The Warehouse
First off, Kotoko didn't directly killed the warehouse guy. We know this because her actual victim died in a nearby street in Sendocho, Kyoto.
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There is the possibility there's multiple murders underneath her belt but she hasn't mentioned it hereself:
Kotoko: I did kill someone. This is why I believe in the power of Milgram.
And, unlike other prisoners, Kotoko has no reason to lie about herself. She admires the prison and believe she's done nothing wrong. If she wants to become our fang then certainly she'd jump at the chance to mention all the villains she's defeated.
Which is amazing and everything but. . . if Kotoko's victim didn't die in the warehouse then why is it the climax of Harrow? It's obviously meant to be presented as her murder. Why are there so many strange details included in the warehouse scene too?
I pointed this out in a seperate post but there's three major strange details in the warehouse scene:
1). A car suddenly appears the second time Kotoko enters the warehouse.
2). Kotoko's outfit shifts midway through entering.
3.) Despite that, her cap still appears on the ground.
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(I don't even think Takao, the warehouse guy, is even bleeding...! I've been told otherwise but I turned up the saturation and stared at the image like twelve different times but I think its shadow. Why is it obscure anyway??? Just make it outright!! Some of us have vision problems y'know!!)
I don't have any answers for why these details are here but it's weird. This is only time I can think of in S1 where the "real world" has muddled up details like this. (Apart from maybe Rei's change of eye colour which is more subtle than this).
Which isn't to say her victim isn't Takao. Again, it's the literal climax of the song and her wolf imagery comes out full stop while dealing with him. She's been hunting this guy down for possibly two years and he's done inexcusable harm to children.
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Several news article through Harrow Flash news: A girl's dead body was found near her home, presumed to be another victim of a killing spree targeting little girls
New evidence: tire marks, same as the marks found near where the girl's corpse was abandoned. The culprit seems to have kidnapped her by car, murdered her, and dumped her body near her home
 The person who killed 10 people in two years was the spoiled son of an upper-class citizen. He ran over an elementary-school girl and she died, which may have been concealed due to his father's power
It also fits with her theme of protecting others as opposed to Mikoto's theme of protecting himself. Murdering a serial killer who's done inexcusable harm on this level can make it harder to punish her in the future. She did a very, very good thing by taking this guy down.
Her smile also matches up with the shot in Undercover where she's presumedly beating someone to death.
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— The Alley way
If we're discussing a potential victim here then it's more likely to be Mikio Oshii, the man she beats up in the alley way. However, I'm not convinced of this either because it's never given full confirmation.
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An article from Harrow: "Mikio Oshii, a man wanted for theft was found unconscious yesterday night and taken to the hospital, his face and stomach beaten up. Footprints of a man's sneakers were found at the site, and the police are searching for a male culprit."
(transmasc kotoko so true!! handsome boy!!)
It's possible he could've died later in the hospital—like, genuinely I believe it, there's plenty of evidence, and I don't have a direct argument against it—but for the sake of this theory I don't think this is the case.
Unless Mikio laid a hand on her prior, tracking down to corner a thief and beating him until he's unconscious wouldn't constitute as self defense. If this was the case then why not show the audience?
As for the indirect murder part, there could be a debate over whether a death caused later constitutes as murder but I don't think it'd be an interesting debate.
It's also a pretty tame murder in the context of Milgram. Kotoko "I defeat evil doers" Yuzuriha beat up an old guy, didn't even finish the job, and he died by blood loss. Not only is this the legal definition of murder (Kotoko had the intent to harm + the victim died as a result of her wounds), the literal children of Milgram have done worse. When Amane wanted to kill someone she atleast brought a steel pipe and aimed for the head!
However, this isn't to say her victim isn't Mikio. Atleast, not entirely. The alley way matches closest with the Sendoku street and beating up someone is presented as her murder. This scene is definitely important to understanding case.
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—So Like, What Is Her Murder Then?
Haha... remember in my original post when I this theory was half-baked and had little evidence? I can croon all I want about how it's not Takao or Mikio but she had to killed someone, y'know? There's no other character in Milgram where you couldn't reasonably guess the victim based off of the first trial alone. I've also noted why it still could've been either of them too. This also isn't conclusive evidence she didn't directly or indirectly murder them either.
Personally, I think Kotoko's crime should be an extension of Milgram prison, similarly to Fuuta. Her judge/jury/executioner vigilante traits fts this already but I think it could go even further. I'm thinking she might've turned to a higher authority and they recieved a lethal punishment of some kind? That's kind-of just my shot in the dark through.
Kotoko's case interests me the most because of how simple is appears to be while having so many elusive elements. For instance, who're the two girls and the man with the hammer? One of the girl's could've been Kotoko herself too which makes for an incredibly interesting backstory. There's also this line in her voice trailer:
Kotoko: "From the begin I've never asked for your understanding! My actions, one by one, are bringing earth closer to peace. Useless Weaklings should just shut up and let me protect them!"
Which is strange because every voiceline happens before their time in Milgram. Who is she talking to and why does she need to defend herself while talking to them?
This conclusion is a bit of a mess but wow I'm really excited for Deep Cover. Recieving confirmation on anything is going to make me ecstatic. Inno Kotoko truther through and through I adore her.
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dark-falz · 1 year
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So instead of looking into the Falz seal I whipped up this Algolian seal but took an alchemic approach to it. Almost looks like an upside down Philosopher’s Stone. This was mostly free-handed in Photoshop if you can tell by the line width inconsistency, but it was much easier than on paper. The Marquee and I aren’t BFF’s as you can see my text is even a lil wonky, so I just draw a big dot then erase the middle with a slightly smaller dot!
I also stuck with the PSO font because I already write my magic in it so its fitting in all ways. Here’s a breakdown of it if you’re curious but I mostly just wanted to share the design cause it was fun to come up with :3 
This is a prosperity spell based on the middlemost circle of text. The outside circle reads “And why may you multiply this medicine”, the inner circle reads “So you have more than you need to spend”. These quotes are from George Ripley’s “The Twelve Gates” or “The compound of Alchemy” regarding the multiplication process in alchemy. Changing the outer circle of text would change the process, and changing the middle text would change its intent.
The planets chosen; Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury were picked in my best attempt to follow the “Body, Mind, Spirit” / “Salt, Mercury, Sulfur” concept in Alchemy, as well as best representing prosperity. The names of the Zodiac they rule over are across from them, where the photon blasts would go, followed by their symbols in the space below. I’m fortunate the planets I picked all ruled over 2 Zodiacs otherwise I’d have much more trouble writing this lol. In attempt to keep the rule of 3′s, I added the symbols for the metals/minerals in correlation with the Zodiacs and the planets that rule them. I did have to cheat a bit though. Non metals are present such as Salt and “Crystal”. I’ll get into the messy bit in a sec. Here’s the breakdown;
♃ Jupiter: Metal- Tin ♃ | Zodiacs- Sagittarius ♐︎, Pisces ♓︎ | Zodiac “Metals”- ♐︎ Salt 🜔 & Tin ♃ , ♓︎ Neptunium ♆ & Silca (used symbol for crystal which is n/a)
☿ Mercury: Metal- Mercury ☿  | Zodiacs- Gemini ♊︎, Virgo ♍︎ | Zodiac “Metals”- ♊︎ Brass(n/a) & Mercury ☿, ♍︎ Copper ♀ & Phosphorus (n/a)
♄ Saturn: Metals- Lead ♄, Iron ♂, Steel (n/a) | Mineral- Sulfur 🜍 | Zodiacs- Capricorn ♑︎, Aquarius ♒︎ | Zodiac Metal:- ♑︎ Platinum(n/a)
So with everything laid out, we can see Saturn has a few metals in association whereas Mercury and Jupiter only have 1 main one. So some things had to be filled in, where Saturn I had to pick and choose from.
With Jupiter’s lacking of fitting metals and minerals, since salt is a direct association with prosperity as is Jupiter, and a necessity in the formula, it got placed here. We also have Neptunium which I know completely different planet but is all Pisces had for me to work with. Silca is a mineral in association with Jupiter but there isn’t a symbol for that to my knowledge so I used “crystal” instead.
Mercury is as close to normal as it can get but prolly don’t fuck with actual phosphorus less you’re doing actual alchemy/chemistry, its there cause its a mineral directly linked with the planet Mercury and Mercury only has one obvious metal to it. (incorporate phosphate minerals, such as turquoise)
Saturn is a fucking mess and can be chaotic to work with. Fortunately it has a bunch of metals its associated with as do both Aquarius and Capricorn. So I picked and chose from what is most stable. Sulfur is thrown in to follow the formula and a mineral associated with Saturn.
The energies work as Jupiter generates, Mercury directs or “communicates”, Saturn contains, stabilizes and prolongs.
I’d also like to mention the alchemy processes the Zodiac signs represent;
♊︎  Fixation, ♍︎ Distillation, ♐︎ Ceration, ♑︎ Fermentation, ♒︎ Multiplication, ♓︎ Projection.
Briefing this from a non spiritual standpoint; Fixation: A liquid or gas to a solid. Distillation: To seperate & purify. Creation: Addition of water through absorption. Fermentation: To cook over time. Multiplication: To increase potency Projection: Transmute / Change anything into anything (ultimate goal) However we know alchemy is chemistry now, so most people of this era when talking about alchemy are talking about spiritual alchemy.
The symbols inside the 3 circles pointing at the planet symbols are the alchemy symbol for “essense”, the tridents coming off of the circles toward the text use the planets to create the alchemy symbol for “compose”. Here is my reference sheet of Alchemy symbols in PSO lettering, I circled the symbols used. (There are a variety of symbols for some of the same thing out there, this is what I’ve compiled so far with keeping the symbols simple)
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innsjovide · 2 years
3, 4, 13, 14, and 18 for jymaiyri?
oc ask game
ofc! my girl lives forever in my brain so i am happy to answer questions about her :]
3. weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
jymaiyri is among the minority of the savant in that she does regularly engage in combat, and when she does engage in combat she most often does so using her magic. one of my earliest concepts for the young gods magic system was change mages (the type of magic jyr has) using their magic to change what weapon they're using mid-fight. so, tldr- all of them. i feel like jymaiyri often defaults to certain weapons more than others- those certain weapons being paired shortswords, spears, and throwing knives. she's very light on her feet in combat, and will adapt quickly to whatever scenario she's in.
4. how crafty/resourceful are they?
jymaiyri is very resourceful. as explained above, her fighting style consists mostly of adapting to her situation on the spot, and this mirrors her approach to everyday, noncombatitive problems. jymaiyri's change magic lends itself to resourcefulness- rather than the spontaneous creation war mages can accomplish, change mages must work with what they're given. jymaiyri also has a very strong 'i'm going to crawl from the mud i was born in into the light of day' mindset, where she truly believes she's gained everything she has through her resourcefulness and wit. girlboss
13. what languages do they speak? how fluently?
languages are weird in young gods because i not only have to contend with different regional languages, but languages from different time periods. tho, roughly, i can say that jymaiyri is fluent in a handful of languages. her native tongue is an extinct dialect of old north lunarian, and she speaks middle lunarian and modern lunarian fluently, in both northern and southern dialects. the spoken language used throughout most of young gods is modern trade jalagone (an international lingua franca of sorts) so, for the purposes of plot, she's fluent in that too. she's mildly well versed (haha) in older dialects of regional jalagone, sky plains, loucari, and solarian languages, though she probably couldn't hold a conversation in the modern variations of those languages. i also like to think she knows a bit of old west loucari (the language juno speaks, which coincidentally makes him sound like a cowboy) as he would've taught her. linguistics is fun
14. are they any good with numbers?
of all the savant, jymaiyri is 4th best at math (she only beats sadihak). it's not that she's bad at math, she's just the type of person who can't keep numbers straight in her head or do mental math. and unfortunately the three other non-sadihak savant have their own reasons to be very good at math. petrai's entire passion is collecting dates and numbers and statistics, so she's very good at quick mental math. han's an architect, so he just knows how to do math well, and juno is so good at memorizationand just simply counting, he beats jymaiyri. for someone so dedicated to science, she is kinda bad at math. but she's not terrible. (sadihak is tho)
18. their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
these are three seperate answers
lying: jymaiyri has never and will never lie about anything. she values the truth and she holds it in high regard. she makes everything about herself very clear- if she has an opinion about you, you'll know. if she finds out that you've been lying to her, you're in a lot of trouble. jymaiyri does not take betrayal lightly, and thus would never betray or backstab anyone (unless she's already made it clear she hates them). when it comes to the truth, jymaiyri is a very open textbook. she knows what she wants, and she'll make sure you know.
stealimg: tbh i do not think jymaiyri would give two fucks about theft. she's against the theft of research and is for the theft of necessities but other than that i honestly dont think she'd care too much. living for thousands of years distorts one's perceptions of physical, personal property, i think.
killing: jymaiyri is pro murder as long as she can justify it. the most common justifications for her murders are 'for science' and revenge, with the occasional tree cannibalism thrown in. if she can't justify killing someone, she's against it, but those cases tend to be rare. jymaiyri believes that the ends justify the means, and accomplishing her goals is always a worthy ends.
feel free to send me more oc asks! this was a ton of fun :]
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jaiafilyani · 2 years
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I posted 155 times in 2022
20 posts created (13%)
135 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 23 of my posts in 2022
#filianism - 22 posts
#deanism - 21 posts
#dea - 18 posts
#spirituality - 17 posts
#goddess - 16 posts
#god - 15 posts
#filianic - 12 posts
#religion - 11 posts
#deanic - 11 posts
#god the mother - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 47 characters
#the divine feminine is real and it's everything
My Top Posts in 2022:
I don’t say things like this often, but this is a book I think everyone should read!
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It has inspired me to make my first (authentic to me) altar. Women have created our own seperate space vía home altars for millennia…In pre-historical times we see evidence of this, we see it all over the world stretching back into the inky depths of time…Whether in highly patriarchal Ancient Greece making their hestia the center of their home, Mexican mothers passing their devotion to Mother Mary / Mary of Guadalupe via home altars, Hindu women creating gorgeous home altars for Durga or Kali or any of the numerous Hindu deities, whether she be a devotee of Guan Yin, or of Yoruba…Women create true religious life by blending the religious with the mundane, by creating sacred womens cultures formed around home altars, by creating power denied via patriarchal religion through home altars…It’s divine.
“I ventured to ask Virginia why she kept an altar at home, she simply replied that it was a “beautiful necessity.”
“…historically it has always been women who are more likely to keep or reinvigorate old practices alongside the new, which are usually a result of male-determined war, conquest, or ideological transformations.”
“the altar is…The meeting place of the sacred and the mundane, the parenthesis between the two worlds…where communication with the ineffable is possible…altars are very important tools used for facilitating the interweaving of the two worlds.”
“For a woman, keeping an altar is a distinctly personal assumption of relationship with divine ally’s in whatever form they take for her.”
“For Wiccans, the altar is foremost a setting for the tools that are ritually used to invoke blessing and change…For many, the women’s altar is itself a sign of religious immanence by virtue of its ancient emergence from the natural world [explanation of first altars being piles of stones, etc]…Other women adopt the altar as a source of their own self-nurturance…As a mirror of self-reflection, growth, and change, the altar becomes a site where women claim and exercise an unencumbered sense of their own spiritual effectiveness.”
25 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
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❤️🌸More memes…Amadea! 🌸❤️
See the full post
25 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
In light of the filianicstudies website going down, I’m posting download links Dea called me to put on zLibrary awhile ago…I didn’t get why it mattered because the site was up then but now I’m so thankful. Praise Dea. Here are the PDFs to the Clear Recital and the Madrian Orders 1 + 2
And here’s a pdf to the critical apparatus provided a lovely friend of mine.
29 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
New daily ritual dropped! 🌹 If you connect strongly to Green Tara like me, this is a great practice. If you don’t it can pretty easily be adapted.
💗 I associate Her with the quote ‘She will save every being, down to the last blade of grass’.
💗 I pick up a piece of grass early in the day (if I have to pluck it I say thank you to Sister Earth)
💗 When I see the blade of grass I carry around, I say her mantra of Om Ture Tutarre Ture Soha in my head or aloud if I can. Im reminded of how she is so caring and will save every living creature and gain comfort from it. I also try to embody that attitude as I can (usually just basic kindness to others, you don’t gotta save the world here)
💗 I do this throughout the day. I find that it puts me in a meditative mood and has made me spontaneously sit down outside to say Her mantra
💗keep doing it. I’m thinking of getting a glass jar and every day putting my piece of grass in, perhaps as I pray then reflect on the day. Might add journaling.
My counselor helped me come up with this but it makes for great devotional practice (that’s what I use it for, as well as to keep myself calm). Enjoy 😌 If you adapt it for a Janya, Dea, or goddess then please reblog with your addition! 👀
43 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I’m a bit obsessed with this goddess I just discovered! She covers the domain of sewers, drains, and purification - a goddess explicitly connected to feces and everything nasty & helping society thrive by diverting it. She was later assimilated into VENUS! It feels very raw. We can sometimes make goddesses so pure, I feel like the symbolism in such a down to earth goddess is so incredible! In an odd way, she reminds me of a nastier version of Mary, Untier of Knots!
I also feel She’s an excellent representation of the Daughter, helping us all in her role as savioress. As well as Her role as Priestess, in transmuting energy and changing situations.
47 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thebrownsinasia · 4 months
Kuala Lumpur
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Forest Eco park in middle of the city.
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We arrived to Kuala Lumper ( K L) after a short 1 hour 30 min flight from Krabi landing on the 6th April. Our pre booked AirBnB apartment was everything we could of hoped for, swimming pool, gym, games room and surrounded by hundreds of restaurants and necessities. We chose to stay out of the main tourist area and be close to a Jiu jitsu gym for the boys so Desa Park City fitted our needs. To our surprise Desa Park is also known for Hot Pots, parks, dogs and mermaids ( a new sensation where people dress up as mermaids and swim around in pools). Now these aren't your typical big dogs playing catch at your local park oh no these are little fluffy dogs often found wearing a nappy being pushed around in a pram and sometimes wearing full dress attire.
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Lake Symphony water show KL central park
During our 2 month stay here we have enjoyed our favourite eatery hot spots like PV Manja, our local cafe where we enjoy our brunch most days. Brian and Jonny know our order and they make the best coffee / full english breakfast in town. Sushi Hero our local Japanese restaurant, high class food for great value less than $40nz for us all to feast like kings. Leo has loved our dinner's out at a local hot pot, although he does like to boss Rupert around telling him what to add to the cooking pot!
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Finn celebrated his 10th birthday at Malaysia's largest water park Splash Mania, with over 40 slides this place was truly insane. We went on a weekday and didn't have to queue once, slides for all the daredevils out there including a 2 storey high vertical drop one where the floor beneath gives out and you drop into a loop, Leo went on this twice!
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Black forest cake
During our stay the boys trained at Blueprint Martial arts under head coach Silvio Braga ( 5th degree blackbelt). They trained 3 days and week and enjoyed learning new techniques. Coach Silvio was used to training top athletes and was left to fill in for the kids coach who had left short notice. It was very interesting watching this dynamic and seeing his knowledge of over 35 years of BJJ was really special.
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Blueprint Desa Park City
We had left home with a full wooden chess and backgammon set but found this was too heavy and had to leave back at Bottle beach, so we decided to look for some new travel games. We discovered Board games cafe a family run business that not only has the biggest selection of board games to buy that i've ever seen but a seperate place where you can play. The owner helps set up and explains the rules and his 9 year old daughter Rachel sometimes joins in, Rachel is one to watch out for she definitely out smarted us on more than one occasion. We brought some cool new games to play on the road like Bandito, Deep sea adventure, Dobble and Rat a tat tat.
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Board Games cafe
KL had a lot of things to see and do. The Butterfly Park was a great day out surrounded by thousands of different butterflies flying close by and even landing on you. Leo had found a new Butterfly friend he named Nacho which stayed on his hand for the whole time we were there.
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KL skyline luge( same company as the ones in NZ) special birthday treat from Nanny.
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Superpark was an epic indoor playground with rock climbing, trampolines, pedal carts and lots more games. One of the rides im not sure qualified as overly safe where Finn had encountered his knee to his nose. Apart from that minor hiccup we had a fun day out to celebrate Finn's birthday, thanks Granny.
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Batu Caves
Guarded by a monumental statue of Hindu deity Lord Murugan, the Batu Caves are a Malaysian national treasure. These limestone caves formed more than 400 million years ago harbour Hindu temples where dioramas of mythic scenes glow beneath stalactites. The 272 brightly coloured stairs draw you up towards the entrance of the temple as you pass dozens of monkeys perched on pillars and scurrying about, you catch your breath and take in the beauty. There are 3 main caves as you walk through and you experience the beautiful art work, sculptures and people offering up food/incense and flowers to their god.
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Our 2 months spent in KL was just what we needed, a chance to slow down, stay put and just take it easy. We definitely want to explore more of Malaysia in the future but there's plenty of time for that. KL had so much to offer families with there endless activities which we definitely made the most of. The cost of living here is low which makes eating out for all meals a breeze and getting around with Grab ( uber) is so cheap. We have had so many fun times here as a family whether is was teaching the boys how to play a game of pool, water parks, ice skating or our daily swims in our pool.
Next stop..... Da Nang Vietnam
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jonnyardor · 9 months
Check out Chance the Rapper, Russ, and Larussell to name a few artists that make a living with a sizable income, cultural impact and artistically high-quality hip hop.
Your favorable assessment of the record label is not just outdated but distorted since even Nina Simone had to get her money from the label at gunpoint at one point. It doenst factor in the systemic exploitation of artists(check TLC as awarded artists that were broke at the same time), the horrible business practices (legal or not: e.g. Suge Knight, Puff Daddy, J Lo/Tommy Motolla, Scooter Braun, Lyor Cohen defending the promotion of damaging rap over conscious uplifting hip hop music ) and the toll that the artist pays for entertaining these spirits for the sake of “entertainment”.
It is possible to be an artist that has enough and even abundance. It is plausible to pick a business path that entails calculated risk but far greater rewards for the diligent and passionate workers. It is feasible to sell digital and physical products, perform live, license the rights and promote oneself through social networks, social gatherings and social movements of Liberation. It is commendable to let your ethical values and faith direct your business and not just your greed and insecurities.
Marie Forleo says: Everything is figureoutable.
Don't interrupt the ones doing what you say cant be done. Dont dissuade the new creatives to learn the rules of business in order to win at their own game. Because we dont compete for market share or attention in arts and culture. Everyone has their own gifts, their own journey, their own stories to tell and their own game to play.
I would wven say that an own record label is not even a necessity. It depends on what types of royalties you focus on, if you want a roster of artists that you manage and if you want to handle administrative procedures with a seperate entity other than yourself. And even these examples dont always apply because for example: You can make the same type of royalty music as an independent artist (freelancer) with or without being a label owner (not label employee because they sign their rights away thus arent rightsholder). You can help your fellow artists by collaborating with them, taking them under your wing professionally as artists and business people, sharing your platforms and stages with them and helping them understand how to make good decisions that fit their ideals andntrajectory. No need to control them in contracts or be legally responsible for being their guidance, friend or mentor.
And thirdly, corporarions are expensive to start as business. Many people start sole proprietorships as first business. While you get a quick start, there are no legal seperation between the business and you as owner, therefore you are liable for legal ramifications as if you did them yourself without a label. Also the federal taxes work differently for a company than for an individual that works freelance (self employed with own schedule and clientele, but without company or only a “vanity company name” for distributors such as Distrokid when they ask for a publisher).
So I can do all the thing as a label without actually being a label (Chance The Rapper)agent, publicist and manager (sometimes also an accountant as seperate entity )
I can go indie and start my own label later (Russ Vitale with Diemon Records)
Or I could build a non profit to further my social cause and handle promotion/marketing while making freelance music money (Larussell from Vallejo)
There are even more options to choose from but I focus on these 3 routes as indiebartists for myself.
No matter which way you go as artist, you are a creative businessperson. And your money in music comes from the royalty types and sales of your music. Thats why you need to know the types of royalty and how they are collected to set up a comprehensive strategy of diversified royalty income. In short: sell your misuc, perform, license it, do it all and make sure to sign with the right PRO for your country, with Soundexchange and Songtrust to collect the different types of royalties. Even as a writer of literature in Grmany you can sign up as artist or publishing house atvthe VG WORT/VG Bild and they collect literatuee royalties on your behalf. So royalties are essential but not the only pillar of your monetary influx.
Your name can generate more revenue streams such as merch and tickets (Tickets are secondary income in addition to performance royalties) and even opportunities to make money outside of music (brand deals, sponsorships, grants, employment, real estate, stock market, buying a business and selling it or owning it and letting somebody else run the daily operations etc.)
So it all starts with what you want to achieve. Then you look at how other people succeed or fail. But you have to study the stories behind the data and dissect the truth from the fabricated lies of PR and tabloids. Because we prop up economic failures as winners while they are owned by money sharks and essentially indetured servants to a ruthless loan industry (college graduates or music artists or authors or mortgage paying working class and middle class people)Now after processing thebinformation, consider the pitfalls and opportunities presented by the circumstances. Keep that in mind when you craft a business plan and articulate your videion verbally in written to yourself first and then (streamlined so that it doesnt read as strem of consciousness or journal entry)to your team and lastly, abridged and precise to your real audience.You plan to avoid failure that is foresseable. You also plan to maximise the succes that is palpable. If you can conceive it CLEARLY and believe in it DEEPLY, you can achieve it SURELY. Humans are demi gods or lesserGods on Earth(being made in God’s image in a finite vessel of dust: a fleshy nature that causes lifelong internal conflicts with their spiritual nture) and Children of God dont fear anything or anyone but God himself.
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gertlushgaming · 1 year
My Little Universe Review (Nintendo Switch OLED)
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 For this My Little Universe Review, where we are stranded on a barren moon with nothing but your tools, fuelless ship, and celestial powers of creation, you are destined to recreate what was once lost and be the hero of your own Little Universe! Don't forget to call in up to three of your friends to join your journey in the Splitscreen Co-op Mode!
My Little Universe Review Pros:
- Nice graphics. - 851MB download size. - You can set actions such as attacking and mining to manual or automatic. - Horizontal splits screen option. - Controller settings - Invert axis and sensitivity sliders, manual switch tool, and manual actions. - Supports all types of controllers. - 3 save slots. - Unlock new characters to play as. - Local multiplayer support. - Opening tutorial section to introduce the basics. - A full 3D world with full 360 camera control. - Trees and other minable resources regrow over time. - To move around er the hexagonal world use resources to make new tiles and connect the already created tiles. - As you create new tiles, a random item or piece of equipment can spawn and be used. - Different tools make farming/mining easier or harder. - With auto actions on you can stand in a group of trees and just keep farming. - You can manually hold down a button to charge up your whack or attack doing a wider area of damage. - The Hud is very clear and easy to read. - Radical menu for quick access to things like inventory or the map. - The map fills in as you create the world. - Different resources are needed to build different tiles. - Earn EXP as you play, level up, and pick one of three upgrades. - A real-time sink of a game. - You can swim in the water. - Find random rewards around not only tiles but in the world already on both land and sea. - Machines will show a progress bar for every action. - Your health bar shows when you are fighting. - Simple hack-and-slash combat. - There is always a choice as to where you travel. - Find upgrade stations for improving your gear. - Overall game completion shows on your save file. - I like how I can almost play it like an idler and have my guy next to a resource and he will just go and go. - Nine planets to unlock. - Create a portal (stargate-looking ring) and fast-travel between planets. - Each planet has at least one hidden challenge room. - Boss and mini-boss encounters. - Collect ALL Gaia orbs on a planet to unlock a new character/suit. - Craft/buy new parts of your armor to increase your stats. - Planets may have you rescuing people to unlock new workstations. - You can farm/mine/attack with any weapon you like as sometimes a more powerful sword is better than a low level axe. - Dungeons start being more a thing, seperate from the world and usually housing a boss. - Plays like an interactive clicker. - The more upgraded a tool/weapon is, the more resources you get. - Full freedom to play how you want. My Little Universe Review Cons: - Cannot rebind controls. - No touchscreen support. - You can only create tiles in certain places, it's not a case of creating one anywhere. - The game teaches the very basics then it's all up to you to figure out. - Takes ages to get going. - The initial impression is it takes a long time for the game to express and tell you what it's about. - Playing with manual switching of tools and weapons is not that great especially when ambushed or you have a lot going on. - Never sure when it was saved. - Makes grinding a necessity. - Registering an enemy or resource seems to have an exact point otherwise nothing happens. - The Hud only shows three resources at one time. - Switching of weapons is so slow. - Every planet is just the same loop over and over. - Seeing a massive resource requirement fill in just one tile and the next four are the same, it's not fun. - Level up rewards start to repeat. Related Post: Islands of Insight Trailer Released My Little Universe: Official website. Developer: Estoty Publisher: SayGames Store Links - Nintendo Read the full article
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kaziaxd · 2 years
i'm late but for the character ask game, gex, 5, 9, 34
thank you for the ask <3
5. how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
I think after living in the sewers with a deranged kobold tribe for like 8 years Gex has lost all his fashion sense because it just Would Not Matter. He also has far too many other things to care about that he just does not care at all about how he dresses as long as it keeps him warm (he is - well, was cold blooded. now he's kinda magic blooded I guess?). I think when he was a kobold the only clothes that would really fit him would be like. child halfling/gnome clothes, so that's what he wore. Scavenged from op shops most likely.
9. Favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions?
thinking about this I'm going to seperate this by stages of his life because they all have slightly different answers.
0-38 = gnome pre-apprenticeship. This is when he was living with his parents who were very wealthy and could afford to have expensive taste. I think here he was quite a picky and particular eater. I think his favourite food at this point would be some kind of deep fried street food, because the few times that he would be allowed out on an expedition and be able to have the street food would mean that that taste would forever taste of freedom to him.
38-55 = gnome apprenticeship. Living with his mentor who had very little/no time for him meant that he had to either rely on the leftovers of the magically conjured concoctions that Matilda made (which he Did Not Like the taste of) or try and make his own food. This was his toast and noodle phase.
55-58ish = kobold pre sewers phase. I would imagine that having your race changed would uh change your perception of food and how it tastes to you? a lot of previous safe foods would now taste so Wrong that they would become spoiled. but also, a lot of previously bad food would now taste fine! probably eating a lot of meat in this phase.
58ish-70 = kobold during and post sewers/most of campaign. um when you live in magically irradiated sewers there is not a lot of food that one would consider normal. Gex had to learn to just eat whatever was there. During this phase he just lost all his fussiness out of necessity. there was also definitely cannibalism at this phase of life. Look living in sewers just does that to you ok?
the now = previous few sessions of campaign post ritual dragony form. um he can't eat food anymore. he has component bag tea and that's basically it? now he can smell magic though so that's nice.
34. how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
hmmm. So recently Gex has had some. big changes. I think if asked; "small and quick. not very noticeable - well, a bit more now, I guess. I'm smart enough to be Balthazar's apprentice (still don't know how I managed that). I'm not very good at. talking? with people." and if pressed, would admit "I'm a coward. I'm so afraid all the time. and I, uh, don't deal well with temptation."
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pyrrhiccomedy · 3 years
i have a question and you seem to know a lot of things and are good at explaining things. ive been seeing people talk about "war crimes" re: russia attacking ukraine, and i realized that while I know in general, that war crimes are Very Harmful Things... war in general is also very harmful? i actually have no idea what seperates "act of war" and "war crime". can you help me
War crime, like any other crime, is whatever we as a society have agreed to call a crime. Why (in America) is cigarette smoking legal, but cocaine is illegal? Because the people who make laws sat down and put it on paper that this was how the law worked.
"The people who make laws" on an international level like this are the United Nations. The "paper" where it's put down is specifically: the Geneva Conventions, the precedents of the Nuremberg Tribunals, an older area of law called 'the Laws and Customs of War,' and the statues of the International Criminal Tribunal in the Hague (although those are I think specifically for former-Yugoslavia). There's no, like, "constitution of war" - like legal customs in most countries, there are foundational documents, but also trial precedents and grandfathered-in traditions which over time have become codified into law.
Btw, the concept of 'war crimes' is a modern one. Before World War II, it was generally accepted that the horrors of war were just a part of war.
As for what, specifically, constitutes a war crime - they fall into a few categories, & typically genocide is dealt with as a separate column (as genocide can also happen in times of peace). A very detailed list of crimes against humanity & war crimes is laid out in articles 7 & 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which is on the United Nations website, if you want to really get into it. Briefly, war crimes are:
Atrocities or offenses against persons or property, constituting violations of the laws or customs of war (this one is vague and kind of works as a catch-all)
murder, ill treatment or deportation to slave labour or for any other purpose of the civilian population in occupied territory
murder or ill treatment of prisoners of war
killing of hostages
torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments
plunder of public or private property
wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages
devastation not justified by military necessity
With the war in Ukraine, those last two - "wanton destruction of civilian targets" and "devastation not justified by military necessity" - are currently at the heart of the calls to condemn Russia for being guilty of war crimes.
Overlapping with "war crimes" are "crimes against humanity," which deal specifically with the treatment of civilians leading up to or during a war. The list of crimes against humanity goes:
mass systematic rape and sexual enslavement in a time of war
other inhumane acts
persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetrated
So. Yeah.
An "act of war" can also be a war crime: specifically, "planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances" is categorized as a 'crime against peace.' As I've said in a previous post, the United Nations recognizes only 3 legal casus bellis (self-defense, defense of an ally as dictated by the terms of a treaty, or if granted permission to prosecute a war by the United Nations itself). Going to war for any other reason is against the law. Obviously, Russia has done this as well.
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tavvattales · 3 years
helloooo can i request a fluff lof y/n taking care of their injuries after some long fight? with childe, xiao and diluc 😊 thank youuu
Oh my goodness, yes of course! <3
And if I may be bold to say, you're my first ever ask! Thank you so much for enjoying my work. I hope you enjoy these stories I wrote especially for you! 😊😊
GENSHIN IMPACT Character x gn reader fluff stories~♡♡
Scenario: Cleaning up their wounds
Characters: Childe/Tartaglia, Xiao, Diluc(seperate)
Pairings: Childe/Tartaglia x gn reader, Xiao x gn reader, Diluc x gn reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood and injuries, minor swearing
SFW----> Lots of fluff down below. Click at your own risk. ;)
● He's a skilled fighter, he wouldn't be a Harbinger if he wasn't, so very rarely would he come to you with a wound. When he does he's always embarrassed, but he'll come to you because you never pass judgment, instead your eyes are filled with worry and love.
● He loves how gentle you are when you tend to him. The way he looks at you when you clean him up and the way you smile at him, telling him how glad you are it wasn't anything serious. He knows how much you love him and it makes him fall even harder for you. Every. Single. Time.
A loud, rapid knock to your door startled you awake. Groggily you stumbled out of bed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes wondering who it could be at this time of night. As you reach the door, you peer through the peep hole. Surprised, you open the door.
A Fatui agent stood there, bowing to you. Immediately you knew what was wrong before the man could have a chance to speak, "Where is he? How bad is it?" You asked, rushed, already putting your coat on over your sleeping garments.
"He's at the Northlander Bank. He would have come here himself, but this time it's. . .bad. He's lost a bit of blood," The agent spoke grimly. You felt the lump in your throat rise and you tried to swallow.
"Thank you. ." You manage to say to the man before rushing past him, grabbing the medical supplies in the process. You didn't stop running through the brightly lit streets of Liyue until you arrived at the bank.
Panting and gasping for air you pushed past the two Fatui agents who were guarding the doors. They already knew who you were so they didn't even try to stop you, otherwise you would have had their tounge.
You quickly made your way to his room where a few more agents were attending to him as he lay on his bed, clutching his side with blood soaked rags. Your nose was immediately met with the smell of iron, "Childe! Oh my Archons, what the hell happened?!" You rush to his side, pulling out your medical supplies.
You shooed the remaining agents out of the room so you could focus. "I had a run in with a peculiar traveler named Aether. He put up quite a fight. ." His breathing was heavy and staggered, fading in and out of consciousness.
"I need you to keep talking to me, my love," you say to him gently, trying to stay calm, "I'm going to cut off your shirt so I can better assess your wound, okay?" You swiftly take out your surgical scissors and cut away the crimson soaked fabric clinging to his upper torso.
You gasp, the wound was a large slash across the side of his abdomen. You stifle back tears before meekly saying, "You're going to be okay. I promise. You'll need several stitches, but I'm determined to keep you alive."
He lets out a small laugh before wincing in pain, "I'm lucky to have someone as kind and caring as you, Y/N" Childe weakly reaches over to push a strand of hair behind your ear.
You lean into his hand for a brief moment before replying, "Take this for the pain, and this to help stop the bleeding. Afterwards I'm going to need to disinfect the wound," You hand him two pills and he swallows them quickly, "It's going to hurt, love, so bare with me. ."
You open up a bottle of alcohol and offer your hand to him, "Squeeze my hand," You say to him as you start pouring the alcohol over his wound. He grits his teeth and lets out a pained groan as he squeezes your hand tightly. You work quickly from there, stitching his wound perfectly.
Once you're finished you clean up all the rags and place a clean damp one over his forehead. He's now asleep, getting the much deserved rest he needed. You place a gentle kiss upon his cheek, not leaving his side.
He'll live to see another day, thank the Archons.
Childe/Tartaglia x gn reader END
● He also isn't one to get injured so quickly, though when he does you're always quickly by his side no matter how big or small. Even though he's not much for human interaction, he quite enjoys the attention he gets from you.
● He'll always thank you in his own way with odd gifts he made himself. You find it charming. By now you have quite the collection and they're all your most prized possessions.
Today you wanted to travel to Mondstat as you heard there was a festival going on and Xiao offered to accompany you, but only for protection he insisted. He thought human customs were a waste and didn't want to be bothered with them.
The journey to Mondstat would take half a day, and sometimes the roads could be treacherous, so you made sure to pack all of the necessities.
Snacks for the road? Check. Extra water? Check. A med kit? Of course. You triple checked everything and you were about to check it a fourth time when Xiao stopped you and said, "Y/N, you have everything we need. Trust me," He placed a firm, but gentle hand on your shoulder, "Now let's get going before it gets too late. The roads will get dangerous is we wait any longer."
You let out a small sigh and nod, "You're right. Sorry, you know I always gotta make sure everything's in order." You could have sworn you heard him huff and that made you smile. Xiao always had a cold exterior, but you knew a different side to him. He was gentle, kind, always looking out for you. You loved him so much for that. He'd never let anyone but you see this side of him.
Grabbing your sack you sling it over your shoulder and secure it as you both prepare to head out. Xiao was never one for small talk, but you still engaged him in conversation while you two walked. He secretly loved the sound of your voice so he kept you entertained just so he could keep hearing it.
After a few hours of walking both of you had arrived to Stone Gate, you decide it was time for a break. You stretch your arms upwards and arch your back before plopping down on top of a log you had found, patting the spot next to you for Xiao to sit next to you, but he shook his head and continued to stand on guard, "Oh come on, Xiao. We've been walking for hours. It's okay to rest for a bi-"
He quickly raised his hand to stop you from talking and put a finger to his lips before quietly saying, "I sense something evil coming our way," He readied his jade spear before continuing, "I need you to hide someplace safe."
"No way am I going to let you fight on your own!" You retort, getting your sword ready. Determination burned in your eyes as you glanced over to him.
He met your gaze and let out a small sigh, his golden eyes glimmering before giving you a nod, "Fine."
You started hearing rustling from all around you both when it finally clicked that it was an ambush. A charge of at least twenty Hilichurls and three large ones came at the both of you from all sides, "Tck. . Damn. There are more than I expected, " Xiao muttered angrily, knocking back three with his spear in one swift movement, killing them instantly.
You swiftly take out two more, rushing at a third one. You two made a hell of a team. You didn't have a vision, but you were very skilled with the sword and whatever you didn't have, Xiao made up for it creating the perfect synergy between the both of you.
"So much for a peaceful break!" You call out to him as you hacked away a few more, so far you've managed not to get hit. Xiao managed to take out the rest rather quickly.
You rush to his side, noticing a rather long cut across his right cheek, "Xiao, you've been hurt," you said, a frown forming on your lips. He reached up to touch it and he winced slightly.
"I must have been nicked by an arrow, " He muttered, "I'm just glad you're not hurt," He softly took your chin in his hand as he tilted your head gently, side to side.
You blush furiously, avoiding his beautiful gaze, "Let me at least tend to your cut. It's the least I can do" you say, rummaging through your sack taking out the med kit.
Xiao took a seat on the log you were previously sitting on as you kneel in front of him, gently tending his wound. He winces each time you dab it with the disinfectant, but he's grateful to you.
After placing the bandage on his cut, he gingerly takes your hand and places it back on his cheek, nuzzling into it, "Thank you, " He said in a hushed whisper before kissing your hand.
You smile at him and leaned upwards, giving a quick kiss to his bandaged cut, leaving him stunned. "That's to make it heal faster" you say giggling softly at his expression.
He still wasn't used to human customs, but this he could get used to.
Xiao x gn reader END
● His work as the Dark Knight hero brings him home with several injuries a week, but you're quick to assist him and most of the time he's careful not to sustain anything too horrible. Though you never fail to scold him for being reckless and to take it easy once in a while.
● He always studies your features as you tend to him, falling in love with you all over again. You're so tender with your touch, careful not to cause him any further harm. He always pulls you into a tight embrace afterwards, grateful to be back in your arms after a long night.
You let out an exasperated sigh as you study the mildly battered Diluc. His bright fiery colored hair, falling in locks in front of his face as he plops down in a chair, leaning his head back. He had several small cuts from what you could tell with the amount of tears on his clothing, "You over did it again, didn't you?" You asked, hands on your hips.
"Mm, perhaps I may have, " Diluc replies back, slowly taking off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt, preparing for you to clean out his cuts and scrapes.
You click your tongue in response to his answer, "You worry me so much, you know that, right?" But you're quick to blush as he slides off his shirt, his perfectly sculpted abs catching the dim light of the room, creating perfect shadows across his skin.
He smirks at you, "I'm aware, but I also love seeing how you care for me after a long night, Y/N," Diluc takes your hand in his, bringing it up to his lips as he gingerly kisses it, glancing up at you with his gentle crimson eyes.
You fidget shyly, meeting his gaze, "O-of course. I'll always support you, but it's okay to give your body a break once in a while too. ." You say, smiling softly wondering what you were gonna do with him.
Diluc lets go of your hand, letting you get to work on cleaning his several small cuts. You're careful not to further hurt him as you dab them clean, applying a bandage to each one, "All finished." You say, proud of your handiwork.
"Thank you, my dear," He says as he gets up, pulling you into a warm embrace. Your heart pounding in your chest. You lift your face up to meet his loving crimson gaze as he leans down to give you a soft, warm kiss upon your lips.
You may not like to see him hurt, but you live for these gentle moments.
Diluc x gn reader END
I hope you enjoy <3
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rotshop · 2 years
*hops into ur ask box* HELLO WHATS UP HOWS IT GOIN <<<<3333
okayokayokay so this is gonna sound maybe kinda odd but. reader who was a former experiment, escaped, and is now living with the trio. theyve got a bunch of scars on their back from it that they’re super insecure about.
flash forward to a quiet moment of intimacy with their now s/o, Sanford, reader shows them to him and lets him as questions and shit ifsitditf idfk kind of just something bouncing in my head
does 5 cartwheels . anon u have my brand of shit EXACTLY ,, SORRY the 2nd part isn't a super big portion of this i got distracted </3 also if the formatting is Fucked ummm . no it isn't. hope this helps !
[ tw for past abuse / violence towards listener ]
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-You'd been a more experimental project by the nexus core. They weren't entirely sure of a set goal for you, more-so that you were a stepping stone to other projects that would inevitably be created and have their own, more set in stone plans. By all means, you were little more than a test run to the scientists around you.
-As such, that allowed for a little more 'leniance' when it came to interacting with you. With MAGs, it would be a pain to re-make and re-train them if they pushed them too hard, they were made with set roles and expectations. Engineers were required to have knowledge on, well, engineering, meaning they had to live to hold onto that knowledge. You were just a means to an end- learning how different techniques and methods of experimentation and changes could affect the average grunt and be further implemented. They could always swap you out with a different grunt at any given point if they needed to. Safe to say, it lead to less than hospitable treatment.
-You were more than happy to be free from the facilities- whether they decided to let you run free (for reasons you aren't quite sure) or they simply failed at properly securing the place didn't matter. What did matter, however, was that you were out of there. You were out of there and needed to find somewhere else to hunker down, even if just for a time. Sure, abandoned buildings provided coverage, but it would be difficult to survive entirely seperated from everyone else (as tempting as it sounded). You couldn't just hope and pray on stumbling across everything you'd need to live on short, anxious journeys through empty streets and old offices.
-It didn't take long for you to catch people's eyes: at first, soley because of your more monstrous features. The teeth, the claws, the agility- they all seemed to be the markings of something exceedingly talented at killing. Luckily for you, there was still a good market for killing. Quickly, you'd find yourself living off earnings from different odd-jobs, all calling for your skills in the field of wrecking house. It was pleasant enough, gore and mess aside, people didn't bother asking too many questions about you and you could earn from something relatively effortless. (Hell you went through aside, you were at least glad you'd been gifted the ability to tear most to shreds, even if it was a logistically grim point.)
-Over time, you'd picked up bigger jobs as you caught the eyes of people higher up in the metaphorical food chain. Eventually, you'd landed a few contracts with one 2bdamned. A few turned into a handful, a handful into plenty, and at a certain point you'd just become a part of the S.Q. (Granted, you'd been considered one honorarily long before that point.)
-It'd been an odd adjustment. Sure, you'd long since realized the necessity of socializing with others if only to survive, but interactions for jobs and people getting curious about you were far different. It was very quickly noticed by many just how skittish and antisocial you could be- small-talk was stilted and pressured, you'd lean and step away from people who got close, and you'd make quick to leave a room once anyone else was present. It was an oddity to many, seeing as how you'd been appointed by the head of the organization themself, it was strange to see the killing-machine they'd come to expect was so anxiously reclusive. It didn't take long for it to become a known fact among the majority of people that you weren't exactly sociable.
-Of course, though, this didn't stop everyone from interacting with you.
You'd just been trying to clean one of your weapons off after a mission when it'd happened. It wasn't anything intense really, you just didn't like when blood dried and crusted against the guard and your claws weren't exactly ideal for scraping it off. You hadn't heard either of them coming, jolting harder than you really should've (or expected was possible) when someone had unexpectedly put a hand on your shoulder to lean over you.
"Man, you really did some damage out there huh? I'd heard you were good, but I wasn't expecting that!" Despite the praise, you couldn't help instinctively pulling away, turning to face your new company. You could see the bit of confusion from your actions in the furrowed brows of one of the figures, the one you assumed had just been talking to you.
"Oh, thanks," you'd quickly replied, hoping your tone had been able to come across as appreciative enough.
You could tell it wasn't exactly the response they'd been expecting, but seemed to recover quickly enough with a little grin. "Ah, it's nothin'. I don't think we've ever talked before, name's Deimos," he'd jabbed a thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the other figure, "That's Sanford." After making clear what you could've guessed yourself, he'd stuck his hand out to you, "And yours?"
You'd paused for a moment or two, staring at his hand for longer than what was probably deemed casual and smooth. You'd debated with yourself internally. Did you really wanna try and get to know this guy? Nothing against him, of course, but was it really worth the possible trouble? Being around people and talking with them wasn't exactly your strong suit, nor was it exactly comforting given you'd rarely done it in the past .. what? couple of years? Sure, you talked to others, but it was purely business. You couldn't ever remember a time you'd talked without it being needed of you in the experiments- it wouldn't have done anything anyways. It'd been a long time since you'd really just talked with anyone without any real purpose, hadn't it?
You could tell he was about to pull away if the awkward look was anything to go by, you really didn't have any longer to think about this. Throwing caution to the wind you'd grabbed his hand (a little harsher than you'd meant to, if the little stumble he'd done before regaining balance was any indication), shaking it in what you hoped was a professional way before you'd spoken again, introducing yourself properly.
-It was definitely less than suave, and perhaps the sheer fact of how off it had been was the thing to catch Sanford's eye. All he really knows is the whole ordeal (and yourself) had been on his mind long after Deimos had made some offhanded comment about it (one he was only able to give an absent minded hum in response to).
-Whether by luck or some subconscious decision, he'd found himself showing up around you far more often. It was simple at first, he'd just quickly check on you, maybe ask one or two questions before leaving you alone. It was obvious from the first few reactions he'd gotten you weren't exactly accustomed to company, something that'd only furthered his curiousity about you. Slowly, he'd started hanging around a tad longer, sitting down close by either in (what he hoped was) a comfortable silence or with some small talk (usually it was him telling you about himself, in hopes it'd make you warm up to returning the favor a little more).
-Eventually, you'd talk a little more often yourself. You wouldn't go too into depth about where you'd come from or your past, trailing off awkwardly and making vague statements about it all before sweeping it away. He didn't mind it, making it clear he wasn't trying to push.
You'd been talking with him once, a topic reminding you of something that someone had said to you in the past that reminded you of something that happened during a test. You'd gotten noticeably fidgety, shifting and stuttering as you'd continued. The descriptions got more vague, interspersed with odd glances in his direction looking for some sign that he understood what you were staying. It was obvious you were uncomfortable.
Before you could keep going, he'd cut you off. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I don't mind one bit, alright? It's your business, it doesn't have to be mine to know unless you want it to be." You'd paused, taking his words in for a moment. While he could appreciate that you were taking them to heart, he couldn't help the bit of sadness that tugged at his heart at the thought you were only doing that because you hadn't heard that in some time. You'd eventually spoken up again, seemingly content with the conclusion you'd come to, "Didn't you mention something about your family earlier?"
-It'd become more and more common to see him hanging around you- if he wasn't with Deimos, he was with you. Even then, he'd made attempts to have the two of you interact a little bit more comfortably than your first. It was slow, but with some open-mindedness on your part and Deimos' more relaxed demanor you'd become more comfortable around him as well.
-Well, Deimos' demeanor and the fact that he'd heard plenty about yoy from his friend already to have a good understanding of your deal. It was hard to not be at least a little lax with someone who your closest friend seems to talk about a whole awful lot. At first, he'd went along with it, just nodding and listening him go on about you. Then he'd start giving little suspicious glances his way whenever he'd bring up something specific to you- like the way you'd laughed at some story he told you or something you'd offhandedly mentioned once. Then it turned into a knowing grin whenever he'd trail off and go into his own thoughts, staring into space with a little smile on his lips. (Do expect him to annoy you more because of this, it's just his own way of friendship.)
-Eventually at one point or another it hits him over the head that 'oh yeah this definitely isn't strictly platonic is it.' Romantic relationships are obviously something he takes pretty seriously, so do expect him to be a little lost in thought throughout a few of your guys' interactions. It's nothing bad, of course. He's just trying to think about how to tell you or if he even really should in the first place. You're sweet and he's just glad you have at least one person to talk to comfortably, the last thing he wants to do is to complicate things or take that comfort away from you.
-At some point, he just kind of. not blurts it out but. its definitely not what you were expecting. It's during one of your guys' little hang outs where you're laughing at something he said and he's just . gotta say something or he'll explode . It's a little rambly and he repeats himself a few times but all in all it's a good confession . Even if a little bit unexpected on both your parts. He's only able to take a proper breath when you smile a little and say you feel the same.
-anyway. he definitely isn't expecting you to tell him much more about your background. Sure, he'll definitely listen if you want to tell him, but he won't exactly bring it up with the intent of trying to get you to. Needless to say, he's not very happy if you do. Not of your doing, of course, moreso directed towards the situation you were in and the people who put you there. He's not the greatest in the world at offering words of support, but he hopes that he's able to make it even a little easier by listening to you talk about it.
-if you ever mention anything about not liking your back being touched because of it all, he's making sure to ask before he does anything even close to that. He's careful of where he puts his hands on you and he prides himself on being able to read you well enough to know if you're alright with it or not (though, do expect him to still ask aplenty, he likes being 100% sure).
-If its less of a 'bad reminder' deal and more just insecurity, he acts a little differently about it. He'll still ask of course but do expect the occasonal kiss on the shoulder blade or a hand tracing lines and circles over your spine. Also expect him to point out some of his own to tell you about them. He won't push you beyond your comfort and/or well-being of course, but it's important to him that you don't feel scared or self-conscious when you're with him. It's part of the reason why he's careful with his words and actions whenever you do decide to show your scars to him.
-He's careful with the ones that he'll near, pointedly avoiding any scars that look especially gruesome or deep just in case they're an especially sensitive point. He'll ask you about some of the ones that look more inconspicuous and unrelated, hoping that they're at least somewhat more of a good memory of yours (ex. some scar from some random little accident when you were a kid that isn't really hard to look back on and is more silly and dumb than anything else). He much prefers the way you're able to laugh and ease up a bit whenever you recall the tales behind those ones to the anxiety revolving around the others.
-In all honesty, he really won't ask too many questions. He'd much rather avoid you having to relive any of your memories of a worse time in any way. He knows he doesn't really like recalling a good lot of his time in the agency, he can't imagine how he'd respond to any questions revolving around daily torment like yours. Even if you reassure him you don't mind he's still incredibly hesitant and doesn't pry much more than he normally would. He puts a little more effort into making sure you're all good than digging much.
-Speaking of which, if you get shy or anxious at all while he's looking them over, he's gonna do something about it. Uncomfortable because you're thinking about some of what happened a little too much? He'll offer to distract you, listen to you talk about it, or whatever else would help you out the most. Getting antsy over your scars?? Again, he's going to try and help curb that bit of insecurity. While obviously it isn't an easy process, he's definitely going to put the effort in either which way- it's important that you feel content with yourself with him.
-All in all ; do expect a lot of reassurance from him. he cares a whole hell of a lot that you feel comfortable and safe and he hopes that he's able to provide that in whatever way that he can. epitome of 'thats my partner' when it comes to you .
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violetnotez · 4 years
HC: Y/N Wears a Revealing Version of their S/O’s hero suit
God it’s been so long since I’ve done headcannons, I miss them so much! These I’m going to keep tame, cause I don’t want them to be toooo spicy!
Also, I didnt iclude Shindo and Shinso, sorry! I realized rather quickly how long these got and didnt want to bog down this post, hope thats okay!
Pairings: Mirio x reader, Tamaki x reader, Bakugo x reader, Kaminari x reader (all characters aged to 18+)
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
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It would be a disgrace if I didn’t use this pic
So you had been invited to a photo shoot for a pretty high end boutique to be one of the models
Were you stoked that this extremely prestigious brand wanted you on their front cover? Yes. Were you terrified as hell? Also a fat yes.
Mirio, being the adorable boyfriend he is, was hyping you up for it
“Your going to be amazing sunshine! Ya never know until you try, ya know?”
Even with him being your support, you still felt extremely self conscious
“I don’t know...I’m not a model, I don’t think I can do it-“
“Don’t talk so negatively like that babe! What if I came with you, would that calm your nerves some?”
Your practically melted into him, giving him the biggest hug everrrr
“Oh my god would you? That would make me feel so much better-“
“Of course babe! Wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it!”
So the day of, you came into the photo shoot fresh faced and pale as hell from nerves
They seperated you from Mirio, taking you to the makeup area and clothing area
You entered a room lined with extremely bright makeup stands and racks of clothing, your area in a small corner to the right with a mannequin wearing a certain set of clothes
You finally realized what you were actually modeling-and your mouth dropped
No wonder the asked you to model, being Mirio’s girlfriend-it was a sexy version of his hero suit
It was a skin tight leotard, the number “1000000” scrawled against your chest, a thick red cape draping against the back
Lemon colored glasses and thigh high blue boots completed the look, a huge gulp reverberating from your throat-
How the hell were you going to pull this off? In front of your boyfriend no less-
You pain stakingly got your makeup done and your hair, your strands pooled up like Mirio’s hair in the front and the rest cascading in bed head curls
You finally got the skin tight costume on, looking at yourself in the mirror-you felt nervous but-strangely calm-you didn’t look half bad, actually
A small smile graced your face as you walked out, your heels clicking against the floors as you walked into the photo shoot room
Now the question was where was your-
“Hey sunshine! Whoa, that get up looks great, looks pretty similar to something I wear dontcha think?” He was totally teasing you, his tone playful as he leaned into your blushing face
Suddenly your bravery was gone and you were a nervous wreck-your boyfriend was looking at you with hungry eyes, his orbs gazing over every exposed curve
“Mirio, you don’t have to look at me like that-“ you whined, feeling your cheeks burn bright red
“But I want to look at you like this babe,” he smiled, his voice dropping as he licked his lips- “you look absolutely delicious dressed up like that.”
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“Oh cmon Tamaki, please come with us!” You pleaded with your nervous boyfriend, his brows furrowed in fear
It was the middle of October, and you and Neijire were planning to go to an early Halloween party in the middle of town
“I-I wish I could go bunny, I really do, it’s just-“
Tamaki was fiddling with is hands, his inky black hair cascading over his distraught face
He would love to go with you, but the thought of people, and dancing, and dressing up, and oh god what if they made fun of his costume-
You placed a kiss on your boyfriend’s cheek, sending him a reassuring smile
“No worries, Tama, I get it-just stay home and chill, I’ll make sure to come home a little early,”
“Oh-okay,” he obliged, watching you go into the bathroom to get ready
Tanaka decided to do exactly what you asked him to do-he watched some TV, ate some food, anything to calm his nerves as you got ready
After an hour or so, you emerged from the bathroom, walking into the kitchen in your full get up
Your hair was straight, see through yellow glasses covering your eyes. You wore a black leotard, the fabric hugging your curves as a beige cape draped around your thighs. Two purple belt laid against your hips, drawing attention to your plush thighs as your boots clicked around the apartment
Poor Tamaki practically choked on his cereal when you walked in-when you said you were wearing a costume, you didn’t tell him it was his hero suit!
Tamaki walked over a blush erupting over his face, “Y-y/n? W-what are you-wearing?”
You spin around, guilt pooling in your stomach as your eyes met your boyfriends flustered gaze
“I’m sorry Tamaki I should have told you! The party is “hero” themed, so I thought the best suit to wear was yours-do you...want me to take it off?”
Tamaki vigorously shook his head, his cheeks a fiery red
“N-no! Please don’t! Honestly, that’s the last thing I want...” he stuttered his shaking hands resting on your hips and pulling you gently to his chest
You had never seen Tamaki so bold-your eyes widened, your hands placed against his chest
“-but I don’t think you should go to that party tonight”
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You ran over to Bakugo, your phone screen containing a pic of a cosplayer dressed up in full Bakugo hero suit, gauntlets and all
You legit shoved it into your boyfriends face, your face beaming- “look how cool this costume is!”
“Tch-Only I can wear my hero suit as well as me,” Bakugo scoffed, going back to eating his ramen
You looked at him distraught and disbelief- “Cmon, Bakugo, you had to admit it’s pretty cool-“
“Cool? He’s a fucking wierd ass nerd, making my hero suit...” Bakugo said under his breath, his eyes now glaring at his phone screen
You placed your hands on your hips- “So if I wore your hero suit, I would be ‘wierd ass nerd’?”
Bakugo chuckled harshly- “Yeah-but you couldn’t wear it, like I said, I’m the only one who can pull it off-“
Ha-if that fucker wanted to play, then you were here to win
You slammed your hands down on the table, your arms encasing a surprised Bakugo in between your arms
You gave him a wicked grin, making Bakugo’s crimson eyes wide with surprise-“Bet bitch.”
Y’all are so mean to each other 😳
You stomped out of the room, your mind now reeling-you had ZERO idea how to make his costume...
You quickly made a call to Mina and Momo, telling them about your predicament-Mina would help you design, and Momo would help make the materials
Both were extremely open to helping you, especially Mina-any attempt to destroy Bakugo’s overly high ego, she was down to do!
But she had a twist to your intial plan- “what if you did a sexy version of him! That’d show him!”
You weren’t exactly sure how that would do anything, but eh why not-if you could make him even more mad, this was the way to do it
Momo was hesitant to make such a lewd outfit, but you quickly reminded her of her revealing hero outfit
-she quickly agreed after that
Mina designed the “suit”-honestly it was just a bra with two orange X’s, bootie shorts with a grenade belt, and green ribbon connecting to the black thigh high boots
You complained to Mina about how uncomfortable the high heel was, which she responded with “Beauty is pain!”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes
How would Bakugo’s suit be complete without the gauntlets! You three had the hardest time with that-deifnitely spent a whole day watching 3 hours worth of cosplay tutorials to make those damn things
But after many hours of snacking, hot glue guns, and screams of annoyance, you three FINALLY had the costume finished-and you couldn’t be happier! It honestly made you feel so cool and powerful...especially those gauntlets-
no wonder why he wore the clunky things, they honestly were fun to wear
You decided to wear the outfit before Bakugo came home one day, your face smug as you waited for him to enter your shared apartment
You finally heard the click of the door, Bakugo wearing his usual baggy pants and shirt he wore when he came home, his shoulder holding his duffel bag full of things
“-Hey”, he welcomed you gruffily, not even noticing your attire
“Hey yourself-“ you replied, a shit eating grin on your face as you walked over to him.
He still wasn’t looking, too busy rummaging through his bag- “Am I still a wierd ass nerd?”
Bakugo looked up, and holy shit was he in for a sight
When you said you would make his hero suit, he didn’t take it that seriosuly- you? Make his suit? Psh like that’d happen
You looked-really good in it too-he deifnitely was appreciating the extra skin that was involved 😳
You smirked at his obvious surprise, his cheeks a fiery red as you did a small spin in the suit- “How does it look?”
Suddenly you felt pressure against your wrists from Bakugo’s hands, your back now against the wall as Bakugo drank you in with his piercing red eyes
Now it was your turn to be surprised-cause crap you didn’t expect that to happen
He was now in control of the situation and he knew it-he gave you a shit eating grin, making your blood feel incredibly warm
“-it looks decent...but I think it would be better on the floor”
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“Mina no, I’m not-“
You were in shock, flabbergasted, confused-when did they have a intimates based off of hero suits?
“MINA YES!” she squealed, giggling as she pulled your size out of the rack
The little outfit was pretty revealing- all it was was a white lacy bralette, with a short black jacket with white lighnting bolt decal and a short black leather skirt to match
It was honestly not your thing-it also just felt wierd to wear something like this-
“Your buying it and that’s that-you needed neccesities and this-“ she shook the outfit in your face, “is a necessity!”
The girl seriosuly shouldn’t be allowed to spend money-she stuffed the outfit in her full bag of clothes, bouncing over to the register as you followed her from behind
“I needed bras Mina, not lingerie!”
Yeah she didn’t listen
You finally got home, trying on your new outfits from your shopping spree when you fell upon the set shoved in your shopping bag
The little pink sneak
You pulled it out-it wouldn’t hurt to try it on, she did buy it for you...
You quickly got into it, admiring your body in the mirror-it was tight alright, but kinda cute in ...the skirt accentuated your legs, the bra was decently comfy, and the jacket pulled the whole thing together and made it a pretty cool yet revealing outfit
Just as you were testing out how much movement you had in the leather jacket,you heard the door open to the bedroom you and your boyfriend shared
“Hey babe, do we have any more toilet-“ Kamianri waltzed in, unknowingly oblivious to the scene before him, until he laid eyes on you
You never thought you saw the man blush harder-his eyes were wide with shock, his cheeks a hot shade of red as sparks of electricity flashed around his body
He obviously didn’t know how to react, and in his flusteredness, he somehow slipped on the floor, landing with a hard thud
“Denki!” You yelled out, scrambling to your ditzy boyfriend, “you okay?”
Kaminari gazed up at you, and holy crap he felt blessed- he had a full view of your exposed cleavage, a grin growing on his face as blood tricked down from his nose
“Oh no, Kami, you got a bloody nose-“ you scrambled to get him a towel, kneeling down to place it against his nose
He quickly swiped the blood away, his hands instead pinning yours against your back
“-Dont worry about that,” he grinned, his eyes a dangerous shade of yellow, “let’s worry about you babygirl...and where you got that little get up,”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
@weebartistinc​ @orokayagi​ @leeeah-loooser​ @bakarinnie​ @johnnysactualgf​
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