Mayfay Analysis
31 posts
Pfp source Azulcrescent || 18+ || any pronouns || just a quirk lovin gal
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mayfay-analysis · 3 days ago
Not gonna go to deeply into my thoughts on the quirk cause I got stuff to do and my blog is a testament to how my ramblings can spiral but here we go!
First off for a quick quirk breakdown it's pretty simple, poison saliva. No big twist or peek into the inner workings of quirks or chance to break the powerscaling of the world. Nice and simple and fun.
From the drawbacks it seems like the main downside is dehydration, which depending on the extent could be pretty serious but by and large just tells us that Lori's quirk uses a lot of water to produce their poison, or they have some major inefficiency's in their body thanks to mutations of some sort (either from their quirk or vestigial stuff inherited from their parents).
The specific poison's a bit trickier as we don't have much info and chemistry has always been my worst subject, but we can potentially narrow it down a bit. Loris poison is specifically referred to as a poison, not a venom. We're also told that just touching it can cause skin irritation, meaning it doesn't even have to be ingested to have an effect. That means that, as the name implies, we're dealing with a poison rather than a venom. That's a minor distinction but an important one since it has implications for the family tree and mutations Lori might have.
Now where exactly this poison descends from is unclear, it could be a first generation mutation exclusive to them (as evidenced by the lack of visible mutations and seemingly low complexity, though those are very very circumstantial as tons of quirks don't have visible mutations or are incredibly complex under the surface), but my bet is actually a distant mutant ancestor. Obviously not a parent as there's no visible mutations (though we don't have a view of Loris feet, torso, arms, hands, or mouth and the variety of cosmetic mutations makes it very easy for there to just be something I missed or is being intentionally covered up through an illusion/body morphing quirk or makeup for cosmetic/safety reasons (especially if they have mutant ancestory considering the discrimination they face)). That being said quirks can easily skip a few generations, only cropping up by chance or when the right array of mutations line up. This ancestor would likely be based on either a reptile prey animal or some sort of poisonous plant (as those two groups make up the vast majority of poisonous organisms, though I'm leaning towards plant thanks to being harmful through skin), which would likely have some influence on Loris mutations. Direct genetic parents would likely have to have some supporting mutations for Lori to have just the right mix for that old poison mutation to come through, but again the lack of obvious mutations makes me lean towards the mutations being largely internal, implying some sort of mental or emitter quirk, which opens up a very interesting possibility.
See, most quirks have a major focus, and then a bunch of mutations supporting said purpose (supporting mutations), and then a couple things that got inherited but don't have an obvious use (vestigial or secondary mutations). In some cases (namely mutants) I've actually hypothesized that people will see obvious mutations that act like quirks, and assume that it's their actual quirk, all while their real quirk is either hidden or thought to be a side effect of their supposed "quirk". We see this most obviously in the case of Tsuyu, who has a frog based mutant quirk and yet has the ability to turn completely invisible. This is set up to be an extension of her frog quirk, but frog can camouflage at best, plus this invisibility is an active change rather than a passive trait, meaning Tsuyu either has a weak invisibility emitter quirk with a frog based major mutation (of which we see other examples of in Jiro and Kouda), or some sort of minor shape shifting quirk that's defaulted to Frog thanks to her ancestory.
That's a lot of rambling but it sets a precedent for hidden quirks behind mutations, and if this poison is tied to said mutations? As seems to be the case from the fact it's all internal? It's entirely possible Lori has "another" quirk. Now what that could be is entirely unknown, this is a hypothetical built off another hypothetical after all, but my bet would be some sort of emitter with a trigger that just hasn't been activated or a weak mental quirk (though weak passive emitters like luck manipulation or something are also possible, but more likely to be spotted since no doubt passive emitters are kept under heavy scrutiny to keep some luck quirk from breaking vegas or unknowingly harming people around them). Of course it's also possible that AFO nabbed this quirk but if that were the case that means it was good enough to grab his attention, in which case people would've noticed it went missing (unless it was sold or done intentionally cause it was actively harmful or discriminated against).
Fun side track but back to the main script! Mutations!
As I keep going back to we don't see any obvious mutations, but a decently large portion of the body is covered or could be hidden by other quirks/supplies (I'm especially eyeing that hair cause everyone and their mom has anime hair in MHA Japan, especially mutants like I'm theorizing Lori is descended from). For the sake of my sanity we're going to ignore that possibility for the time being and get into what we do know.
But not really
You see while it never outright says Lori isn't affected by their own poison we can make an educated guess by the fact it's not mentioned and without at least a resistance they would need to be hospitalized every time they used their quirk thanks to the fact it's saliva based. Now weather that's just basic resistance or full immunity is unclear, and either way it doesn't really matter until they start training their quirk to get more potent stuff, and even not really since most mutations tend to strengthen as the quirk develops (barring awakenings or mini-awakenings where I hypothesize the body pumps up the quirk without giving the mutations time to catch up at the cost of their long term health, such as with Iidas Recipio Burst). We can also be pretty sure there's some process involving the creation of said poison, since most quirks rely on mutations for their effect to some degree and Lori appears to require a decent amount of water to use their quirk, something likely tied to their poison production.
Getting into mutations I'm less sure about we have some basic refinements to the body, such as better water storage. It's pretty standard for quirks to have a mutation limiting their drawback (such as fire users having more fire resistant skin), but how this expresses varys. Lori could have less sweat, which would mean their endurance and temperature regulation takes a hit but would save a lot on water and salts. Or maybe their fat could be more water focused than food, again eating into their endurance and long term energy but letting them store far more water in exchange (though they seem pretty slim so this seems less likely, unless they have different fat distribution from random vestigial cosmetic mutations (far more likely than expected when looking at MHA characters and trying to fit all their organs) or they're in a similar situation to Yaoyorozu where their image seems to take precedent over what's most useful for their quirk). It's also possible that other cells got roped into water storage, making them a bit frailer and softer but opening up a ton of storage without requiring snacks to keep up their energy levels.
Moving on from water we also have some basic fangs, pretty standard for any quirk messing with poison or mutations but in this case I'm actually unsure on it since not only would fangs likely be mentioned in the post, but also if Loris poison comes from an old plant or prey animal mutation they're less likely to have a meat based diet, and the fact they have poison rather than venom means fangs aren't really necessary.
Next up is probably the one I'm least sure about, and that's temperature regulation issues. If Lori is in fact descended from a plant or reptile mutant then they're likely to have some changes to their temperature regulation, which when translated to a human body plan and a couple generations for those mutations to dilute means they're likely less efficient than baseline humans. Of course that makes a lot of assumptions, and in their art we don't see much extra clothing like leg warmers or gloves so either their issues are minor enough they let fashion take precedent, or more likely I'm reading way to far into a design that didn't take my wild speculation into account.
And of course an honorable mention to miscellaneous mental mutations like finding water far more appealing than baseline humans would or vestigial behavioral mutations like grooming in the case of animal mutant ancestors or wanting to be out in the sun more in the case of plant mutant ancestors (though if that were the case their art would likely have rolled up sleeves, which is another vague point towards our mystery ancestor being an animal or this trait just not carrying through the generations).
Now how might this quirk grow? Well like most mutation heavy quirks it's likely to depend on how Lori trains. If they focus on athletics their potential mutant ancestry would let them grow stronger far faster than emitter quirks, and a focus on their poison would naturally lead to more potent solutions. Other potential focuses do exist, such as the hypothetical True Quirk or some other potential vestigial traits such as mutated eyes I don't have enough support to suggest but are possible.
These routes could have their own mishaps of course, training one part of the body can influence others afterall. By doing strength training it's entirely possible secondary mutations they didn't even realize where there could become apparent (such as Tsuyus invisibility) or existing ones could change (such as Koudas vestigial facial mutations). The poison route has similar potential problems, since many poisons as potent as Loris are on the organisms surface or purely internal, rather than in something like saliva. It's possible that as their poison gets trained the body will attempt to compensate, leading to Loris sweat having trace amounts of their poison or their whole body becoming poisonous if consumed.
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Got back into mha after 164.8 billion years and remade my s/i!!!!!
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Relationship chart I made for anyone that cares :3
56 notes · View notes
mayfay-analysis · 7 months ago
Blood Supernova:
Blood Web:
Self Destruct:
Building Blocks/Canon:
Cloud Creation:
Drawing Fabrication:
Earth Beast:
Slime Body:
Flower Power:
Fire Phoenix:
Soft Sting:
Goat Mutation:
Force Absorption:
Hardening (Canon Quirk):
Some Class 1a Yandere Ideas:
Danny's Medical Complications:
The Nature of Reanimated Food:
11 notes · View notes
mayfay-analysis · 7 months ago
Hydrokinesis! It’s finally here! I’ve had this one on the backburner for just over 2 months now so this one may be a bit all over the place, but we push through regardless. 
Now to start with we have the basic overview, with hydrokinesis we’re looking at a seemingly simple telekinesis quirk that’s specialized for water. Its user, Mitzuki, is capable of all manner of things with it, being able to sense, control, and eventually change the phase of nearby water, though it comes at a cost to their energy with fatigue and aches after use. Similar to Hardening or Electrification it’s a simple quirk that can become Very powerful with training and creativity. But that’s not what we’re here for, we’re here to see what makes this quirk tic. I didn’t do a great job on that front but I do have some ideas.
First off we have to figure out how exactly Mitzuki is sensing nearby water. Briefly touching on what we know of this aspect of his quirk we know Mitzuki can roughly tell where water is located, including when it’s hidden or bonded to something like in blood, salt water, or (hypothetically) certain types of rocks, so long as it makes up at least 30% of the object’s volume/mass. The range of this sensing ability is marked at about 45 feet in a radius around Mitzuki, which indicates a spherical range, as is common for telekinetic quirks. As mentioned earlier this ability isn’t impeded by any objects between the user and the targeted water, and stray energy like fire barely affects it. This is VERY interesting as it means that whatever ability is being used here isn’t reliant on quirk magic telekinesis since otherwise the previously mentioned limit of 30% would be much different. It would likely be looking at roughly 50% water required since that’s the line where it becomes less “water with attached material” and more “object with water inside”. Alternatively it could be near impossible to use water with any degree of bonding to other substances like salt as it’s no longer technically “water” anymore, and if it Could and it doesn’t care about the 50% threshold then 30% wouldn’t make much sense either, since the quirk seems to be precise enough to target much smaller concentrations and would be pulling from resources closer to the 90-99% ranges. Of course it could be a matter of telekinesis just not being very precise and operating off of quirk magic so the percentage just happens to land there, but I like to reduce quirk fuckery wherever possible.
So if we’re not going with the obvious telekinesis what Are we going with? Well after a solid month of hypothesizing and researching I’ve landed on two potential ideas, a pulse system or a magnetic field (sorry compound based chemical reaction, you were interesting but fated to be relegated to an honorable mention from your conception in the early drafts).
A pulse system would look very similar to echolocation, having Mitzuki send out pulses of something (likely some kinda electrical, vibration, or telekinetic based pulse) and waiting for it to bounce back. From there any changes in direction, speed, and strength could be used to tell what materials are where, though the exact mechanics would depend on what the pulse is based off of. Unfortunately while better than the vast majority of ideas this still comes with a number of problems. After pouring over ideas the earlier three pulse types have the least issues, and they still have some pretty serious drawbacks. For electrical pulses all manner of insulating or conductive materials would cause massive problems with telling what’s where, and would fall apart when confronted with a secondary shock, all on top of being near useless in the air. Vibration based pulses are better, but still face issues with air based detection, needing hypersensitive detectors or near concussive blasts to get any sort of useful information. Telekinesis has the best chance but many of the previously mentioned issues with telekinesis being over or under specialized crop back up.
The other, much more likely, option is a long standing favorite of mine, magnetic fields. To horrifically oversimplify, magnetic fields are a semi-spherical area between two magnetic poles (usually a magnet or rapidly spinning metal) that are affected by the force of magnetism. They get very complicated very quickly and I go into more detail in Blood Supernova, but for now just know that on top of being magnetic (or maybe because of? I haven’t looked at my old research in over a month and physics is hard) they have a minor effect on all sorts of matter and energy that goes through them. The effect is minor enough that aside for very very dense materials or very very high energy particles pretty much nothing but other magnets does more than slightly react to them, allowing for an undisturbed range. On top of that almost all matter is magnetic to some degree, but water is what’s known as diamagnetic, AKA one of the few materials actually pushed away by magnetism instead of drawn in. This means that by sensing disturbances in the magnetic field Mitzuki’s brain can automatically tell what’s water by how it reacts to the field. Now presumably water stuck in or bonded to other materials would react differently, but by comparing the expected reaction to what actually happens the body can roughly tell “there’s X amount of water here” and log it accordingly. This route would also help explain the loss of control the further away water gets, since magnetic fields get weaker the further out they go from their source, which is directly reflected in Mitsuki’s relative control over water compared to its distance from him. Also as another step up from the pulse system magnetic fields are roughly spherical and unimpacted by air or walls, which are the major hang ups of any decent detection system. Unfortunately they would still be impacted by magnetic or electric quirks, but that can be somewhat circumvented by Mitzuki’s greater control over visible water indicating that once detected, telekinetically held water can still be moved around separate from the magnetic field. Still an issue, but I can only do so much without quirk magic okay. They would also face serious issues getting past certain superconductors as they would block the field past them, though if small enough they’re likely to be pulled in, bypassing the issue (not to mention such materials are rare and expensive, so they’re unlikely to be a common issue).
If we follow the magnetic field idea it’s unclear if the whole thing is constant or a startup thing. If it’s constant then the body has to have some sort of specialized organ that can house a powerful magnet, or utilize a number of smaller magnets across the body. Though that route would have some difficulty as conflicting magnetic fields can cause issues, so overall a single powerful source is more likely. In the case of a startup system the same principle applies, but the organ would need to be altered. Instead of a solid chunk of magnet it would be better to distill metals from mineral rich foods into a magnetic slurry that’s brought together into a single whole during quirk activation, but otherwise kept as separate smaller magnets. Personally I find the constant magnet much more likely, with Mitzuki either just constantly sensing water sources or automatically filtering out the information when not focusing on it, similar to peripheral vision.
As a side note, while certainly powerful, Mitzuki’s magnetic field is still leagues behind the likes of Blood Supernova, so many of the benefits and issues associated with it aren’t as extreme, or even applicable at all in some cases. At worst I see Mitzuki having issues with cheaper electronics that might not have the same standard protections for rogue magnetic and electric quirks, likely in the form of glitches and the occasional bit of data loss. Next up!
So Mitzuki is moving a good amount of water pretty easily and with almost no requirements or added effects besides needing to visualize the movement. Pretty useful but unfortunately it means that despite my greatest protests I’ll have to concede the point to quirk magic. Mitzuki’s hydrokinesis is in fact a purely quirk magic water based telekinesis. Still keeping the water detection system in though, I had good ideas there and I’m not giving them up without a fight.
How does telekinesis work anyways? Well, there’s certainly a few routes to go with, but taking into account the needed visualization my bet is that it’s simple “move a chunk of space in this way, guided by how I see it going”. As things are right now it’s pretty basic, just being sections of water being moved around in unique ways. But with training (or a mini/full awakening) this could be narrowed down for more precise control. 
Aside for the obvious with tiny streams of water, needle-like movements, and being able to coat objects in an imperceptible small layer of water (useful for finding the layout of a building or picking a lock) other options are available as well. The difference between ice, water, and steam is the molecules formation and energy level, both of which can be controlled through telekinesis. By intentionally moving the molecules quickly they’ll become higher energy, forming steam, and on the other end of the spectrum by holding them still in the right shape ice will quickly form. This will require a lot more skill as it’s more of an automatic process rather than the intentional movements currently being done, but it is possible and likely to become easier with practice. 
Interestingly ice and steam are likely to be a bit harder to detect as they’re less dense than liquid water, but it wont be overly noticeable. More importantly will be the difficulty in controlling them, as they both operate at a very different energy level than Mitzuki is used to, and without proper training it’s likely they’ll accidentally be moved around too much or too little and melt/condense. With proper training though being able to utilize all three water phases simultaneously will be a massive boon, using steam to stealthily spread water across the area, moving water around and forming ice at the moment of contact to condense the force of the strike down to a single spot, slipping steam into tiny water-tight holes and quickly forming ice to crack them open. Simple quirks often have quite a lot that can be done with them with some creativity.
As a side note thanks to physically holding the water down to the molecular level it likely has a much higher surface tension than would be expected, making moving through the stuff like crawling through molasses as long as Mitzuki doesn’t accidentally visualize the water moving around the person inside (this would also render ice far harder and steam feel like a thick fog despite being much thinner. Interestingly steam is actually going to look pretty weird since it wont react to all the little air currents and natural movements it usually has). It also means that Mitzuki gets to play a fun game of physics, moving large amounts of mass at high speeds, especially if he focuses down to a single point since having such a high surface tension removes much of the give that makes being hit by water safe. 
Speaking of water physics, a quick rundown has Mitzuki moving approximately 3X his body's mass/volume of water at 2-3 times the speed of his movement. These limits are interesting since they imply an issue with either quirk strength or energy efficiency, both of which could be pushed through during times of stress but don’t have easy ways to train up normally outside of just using the quirk, though weather that increase is shown as a steady gain over the months of school or rapid gains during intense training is completely unpredictable. As a side note by the way I tried running the numbers and either I screwed up the math or humans have like no volume, so it’s probably better to just eyeball amounts and call it a day than continue my quest to physics my way to insane numbers.
While a telekinetic quirk doesn’t at first seem very body focused it gets a bit more interesting when looking into Mitzuki’s quirk drawbacks, namely the fatigue and full body ache that comes with overuse. This would indicate that its drawing from the body somehow, likely some sort of energy source to power the high demands of a telekinesis quirk. This is most likely to either be some sort of new, secondary energy source Mitzuki’s body naturally produces, likely at the cost of regular energy, or it’s using the body's natural energy (ATP) as fuel.
A secondary energy type to draw from would leave the body some slack during overuse, allowing Mitzuki to function even when fully drained quirk wise, though it would be at the cost of having less overall energy for quirk use.
While most energy based quirks use a secondary source I actually believe the natural energy route is more likely, though it would require a massive base energy requirement which I’ll touch on later. For now though, know that Mitzuki would be burning through his body's natural energy every time he tries to move some water around (likely proportional to the amount being moved and how much inertia is being overcome), leaving him far more drained than a standard energy quirk would. Luckily for Mitzuki, ATP is produced in humans in two main ways depending on how much oxygen is being received, aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Aerobic is what we usually use, turning oxygen and glucose (sugar) into about 32 ATP per glucose. Meanwhile anaerobic respiration uses glucose but only makes about 2 ATP per glucose, though in exchange it’s a far faster process that doesn’t need any oxygen to run. As a side effect of anaerobic respiration lactic acid is also produced, which is a major part of why when you exercise too much you might experience pain in your side as it turns out the human body isn’t a fan of having acid near your muscles.
So why go into all of that? Well mainly for later mutations, but also because it means that while the body is using its own energy for quirk use, it’s not necessarily restrained by normal production limits and could either make use of mutations for better oxygen efficiency or a much higher glucose intake/efficiency to have a much higher base energy supply. It could also make use of anaerobic respiration to make quick energy on the fly with just food, bypassing the limits normally imposed by lung capacity, oxygen transport times, and respiration times, especially if it’s combined with the fast digestion we’ll go over later to be able to utilize food that was eaten right before a fight as well as the standard levels. It’s also possible that, just like we have the joy of anaerobic respiration in our sides when running in the form of “stitches”, Mitzuki could have certain areas default to anaerobic respiration to maintain oxygen supplies elsewhere for more efficient ATP production in areas that really need it like the brain, legs, and magnetic organ.
As a side note this would mean that for Mitzuki’s drawback fatigue (low energy) is likely to crop up first, but the aches and pains would show up during faster fights when tons of energy is needed without giving him time to get all the oxygen needed to power such levels.
Now it’s worth noting that all this stuff about magnetic fields and energy requirements are likely going to have a massive impact on Mitzuki’s diet. Metal rich foods are a requirement for forming magnets of course, but for energy carbohydrates are king. Simple carbs like sugars and certain foods like frys give fast energy, especially in the case of a faster metabolism/digestion speed, while complex carbs like fruits and certain breads are great for energy over a longer time frame, especially for slower metabolisms/digestion speeds (by the way you would not believe the amount of diet ads and scare tactics I came across while researching for this little bit. Diet culture is scary man).
Every quirk comes with mutations, usually classified as Supporting (help the quirk), Vestigial (inherited), or Cosmetic (new mutation with no effect on quirk). In Mitzuki’s case he’s likely to have a mental mutation to have better spatial awareness and multitasking capabilities than in baseline humans so he can better visualize his water, as opposed to baseline humans only being able to focus on one thing at a time. How difficult holding and moving a proper image in his mind is is unclear, but similar to quirks, mutations can also grow and adapt so it should become easier with training.
Moving on to the magnetic field idea from earlier, the magnetism needed for such a large field would be intense and likely wreck havoc on a normal human body. Luckily the average person in MHA can easily body hits that shatter concrete and shake off lethal shocks on the daily, so your average person is probably fine. Mitzuki however is still in the center of his magnetic field where the effects are strongest. For the average organ this isn’t a big deal, but the highly magnetic blood moving throughout his body is a different story. Luckily this could be remedied by cheating off of Blood Supernovas solution and pulling from the magnet organ to put tiny magnets in each blood cell (though this would mean Mitzuki needs even more metal in his diet), giving each cell its own mini-magnetic field. These magnetic fields would be small enough to not interfere with the larger field, but still protect the cell inside from getting dragged along, though they would likely have to spin to even out the attraction-repulsion each side would experience. Alternatively the magnetism could be made useful, with arteries giving/taking electric charge from passing blood, drawing and pushing them around the body (this would be particularly useful if the magnetic organ was split to have two major fields on the top and bottom of the body). Now this is very very handwavy, to the point I considered just removing it entirely, but it could be helped along via automatic hydrokinesis pushing blood along, with the magnetic fields just being there to help things along (or more likely being absent entirely).
Now to switch gears we can jump back to energy requirements. These are likely to be handled one of three ways, fast, standard, or slow metabolism. If the body is looking to restore energy quickly it’s going to need much faster digestion than in baseline humans, allowing for quick energy at the cost of being super inefficient. This would leave Mitzuki needing tons of food throughout the day and going hungry very fast, likely leading to snacking throughout the day instead of the standard 3 meals most people have. This route could also potentially lead to mini-energy spikes in the half hour or so after snacking, followed by a short period of low energy as the body runs out of food. Mitzuki is also rather likely to have major fluctuations in his fat concentrations, requiring large amounts of energy during sleep, or having his body shut down non-essential functions during sleep. Almost like hibernation, but only cropping up when the body decides it needs to rest (such as after a major fight or when up for too long) so it can process fat and recover. Going the standard route, energy processing will be very similar to baseline humans, if needing more food than normal. Some basic mutations like a larger stomach and more efficient movement instincts are likely, but overall not too noticeable. Finally if the body decides the best way to meet energy requirements is efficiency it’s likely to go the slow route, utilizing a much slower digestion process. This would allow Mitzuki to truly make the most out of his food, likely only needing a single large meal each day and slowly digesting it throughout the day, proving a constant stream of low energy instead of the normal peaks and valleys (minus a likely dip at night as the body tries to sleep, and doesn’t need so much energy). While a generally low energy route, Mitzuki still needs to be active, so it’s likely the body will up the allotted energy when he’s emotional, moving a lot, or having an adrenaline rush. This extra energy could be made up for through leftover fat, which would likely be easily put on as this body plan is so much more focused on the threat of starvation. Now each of these methods would most likely be incompatible, that kinda switching around in the body plan usually requires a transformation quirk, but some of the listed mutations could easily be carried over to other routes.
To continue on energy efficiency we go back to oxygen. Since the main issue Mitzuki is likely to face when it comes to oxygen is not getting enough of it, most mutations would look to cover that issue. Stuff like larger lungs, a more robust circulatory system, and rerouted veins to bring more oxygen to high-energy areas would all be quite helpful. On the more extreme end (likely requiring a mutation quirk somewhere in the ancestry, or be a multi-generation supporting mutation that's had time to develop) we have stuff like the air pockets some birds use, allowing for the storage of near pure oxygen. These would be a hazard though as pure oxygen is quite corrosive and flammable, not to mention each pocket would either need to siphon into the main lungs or have their own set of independent mini-lungs to pick up slack when the body starts to run low. Either way any of these mutations would have some minor consequences, such as not being able to hold his breath for long on such an oxygen dependent system and being extra buoyant, but the extra energy efficiency they provide more than makes up for those smaller details.
(Mostly) Moving past the energy requirements we have Mitzuki’s sweat, which has canonically been buffed up (wait checked and he has fast metabolism, so that whole section on energy efficiency was kinda pointless. Oh well it gets to stay in cause I like it) to provide more water he can use. This is a pretty standard mutation but it also serves to show his body is pretty well adapted to his specific quirk, likely due to his parentage. Also means he needs a lot more sodium in his diet, which is really just another thing to tack on to the ever growing list of dietary requirements Mitzuki is amassing.
Speaking of parentage we’ve finally reached the vestigial mutations! Thanks to Mitzuki’s father (an elemental quirk covering air, water, earth and fire) there’s a pretty wide array of options open to him (less so on his mothers side due to her quirk status, but any persistent vestigial mutations from her side of the family are likely to stick if they made it onto her). While what specifically transfers over is up for debate, some of the more useful bits and bobs are very likely to get snagged, specifically some of the adaptations for the air and water elements. Air is likely to provide a base for the earlier oxygen efficiency, with Mitzuki having a much more efficient version as the quirk picks out what does and doesn’t work. The air pocket idea in particular would require its start in either Mitzukis father or (more likely) his grandparents, likely as a way to store useful air elements like oxygen, carbon dioxide, and even more dangerous stuff like sulfur and carbon monoxide (which in Mitzuki is likely to either not pass on, naturally leak out with his breath as the body doesn’t have its previous release mechanisms, or be completely transformed into oxygen refinement and storage). Water meanwhile would form the basis of Hydrokinesis with stuff like the increased sweat production, potentially a natural inclination for wet areas or the sound of moving water (white noise my beloved), better visualization, and the early stages of whatever method is used to find and target water specifically (though the addition of other elements makes the magnetic field system more likely as fire and stray molecules in the air are still detected by magnetic fields but would struggle to be detected by a pulse system). Earth could provide useful features like a sensitivity to how different materials react to the sensing method being used, which in earth would be a way to tell different rocks apart, but in Hydrokinesis would be the basis of picking out water within other materials, as well as generally increase Mitzuki’s precision. Lastly fire is technically the least useful of the bunch, but has some pretty unique mutations. Whereas most of the others could pretty feasibly be attributed to any of the other elements, these would include the potential for things like an extra eyelid/membrane (to keep out smoke and prevent dry eye), much thicker cilia/mucus in the throat/lungs to limit smoke damage, thicker skin to prevent dangerous burns (though this would likely come at a cost of being less sensitive to touch), extra thermoregulation within the body (potentially some kinda coolant that can be released when overheating, or a way to transfer heat to the lungs/throat where it can be exhaled, though this would be far less efficient without the pyrokinesis of Mitzuki’s father), which help lay the basis of Mitzuki’s higher sweat production just as much as the water did, and lastly specialized pupils that could expand/retract in response to light levels as fire’s quick flashes of light would otherwise cause some pretty annoying long term damage, on top of temporarily blinding the user if the fire’s sufficiently brighter than the surroundings. These mutations may not be as immediately useful, but their more defensive nature means they might get snagged anyways as purely vestigial mutations.
Now I originally didn’t plan on going past the biological section, but Mitzuki just has so much potential I couldn’t help myself, so congrats on getting some extra here.
So thanks to having a very high base energy level Mitzuki is likely to have a pretty easy time training, not suffering from exhaustion nearly as quickly as his classmates, allowing for more total training (though in return quirk training is likely to feel far harder relative to physical training). On top of that thanks to his main drawback being fatigue and pain Mitzuki is likely to have a much higher natural pain tolerance, either due to a mental mutation or simply training his quirk pre-UA leading to being able to compartmentalize it.
It’s also worth considering the fact that quirks adapt and grow in response to training, and in Mitzuki’s the obvious routes are in his magnetism and telekinesis. In the case of strengthening his magnetic field Mitzuki would need to try practicing his fine control or move lots of water near the edge of his range, indicating to his quirk growth is needed there. The easiest way for the quirk to grow to support these new needs would be to up the strength of the magnetic field, leading to better fine control closer to the center and a wider range at the ends. Unfortunately this is likely to lead to some issues, like making cheaper electronics near unusable and even standard stuff occasionally glitch or lose data (though higher quality stuff is likely to do just fine) or some initial pain as the magnetic organ needs to either become denser or larger and the body needs some time to adjust (this would also lead to higher energy and metal requirements). The telekinesis aspect is a bit more nebulous but would reasonably train in a similar way. I imagine its natural growth would be more towards fine control than weight, eventually leading to some control over the natural movement of water. This could then be manipulated to increase/decrease its movement, and thus its energy. Messing with the energy of the water would allow for the formation of ice/steam, though actual control over this process would require its own set of personalized training so it becomes more automatic. Of course training for both routes would be needed for better control over bonded water, with a stronger magnetic field being needed to sense smaller amounts of water, and a more precise telekinesis to actually pull it out.
Now to dive into the meat of this section, the support gear. Obviously having water on hand is useful, but anything beyond that would really depend on how Mitzuki wants to form his hero persona and specializations. On the offensive side of things he has mid-range combat well covered, but close range combat requires a reaction time his water simply doesn’t seem capable of while relying on visualization without significant reaction time training. Though of course if he does reach that point Mitzuki’s higher control over closer water would make close range combat and defense a null issue. Until then some sort of knuckles or bladed weapon would be a pretty good fit for most costumes, though it could be modified to be hollow so it can be filled with water, allowing for Mitzuki to track and control it when needed as well as add on speed to its movement if he reacts fast enough (though it would require some training to get used to, and having less mass means that if he doesn’t use hydrokinesis it’ll have less force then normal). This would be especially useful if by giving it a container Mitzuki only needs to focus on making the water move, rather than thinking up a specific shape and path, allowing for actual control without wasting time on details. In fact if this works it might be worth going with a sleeker, needle like design, rather than a typical knife or sword (assuming it fits the costume). Knives and swords are great for short range combat, and if they have a hilt they can block incoming slashes (which was the initial main worry), but by making the whole design thinner and sleeker the weapon itself is able to block attacks, and because every part is dangerous Mitzuki just has to worry about moving it rather than making sure he has the right side and angle in the right spot. As an add on steel tipped toes/elbows/knees could be useful, but require yet more training to make use of (but they’re easier to keep hidden and could act as useful gear when up against a wall or needing some surprise). Similar situation for items that can run electricity through them to act like a taser, great in theory but pretty difficult to pull off in practice without proper training (and dangerous besides since one bad placed shock could fry an important organ, especially since you never know if a vestigial mutation ties that sport directly to the heart or amplifies the current or something. Not to mention electricity is pretty variable in effectiveness compared to blunt force due to the number of defensive supporting/vestigial mutations that could interact with it).
On the long range side of things Mitzuki’s rather limited quirk wise, but every hero's combat capabilities could be improved with a gun or tranq (assuming you can fit them into the outfit design). Luckily some customization is available thanks to the support course and the advice of Snipe, who probably utilizes all manner of ammunition types. Also while guns and tranquilizers are king, other options like slings, nets, and bombs are plenty useful and at least help patch up that weakness.
Moving onto movement Mitzuki actually has tons of options if his quirk works like I think it does! Water enclosed shoes and clothing would allow for quick movement based on how fast he’s moving the water (so around 2-3 times faster based on current strength), which is great for speed and sudden dashes of movement in close quarters (especially for getting away from close quarters combat to better utilize his water). More importantly however is the fact that Mitzuki’s water is controlled via telekinesis, and since its range is spherical that includes *upwards*. By moving the water in his outfit up, he could get a very rough version of flight, one that’s probably a bit slower and chunkier than standard water assisted movement since it’s just hauling him around against gravity, but that’s a small price to pay for flight. Unfortunately all of these water based ideas would need to be combat oriented, at least until he gets a much higher base energy pool, since hydrokinesis takes up so much more energy compared to basic movement.
Now in the defense department things are a bit more standard again, looking like padding, some occasional armor, and pressurized water containers. Pressurized water should be standard for any specialization since it not only provides a good amount of on demand water, but if it can be intentionally released it could give a sudden burst of water that would bash back any would-be attackers, giving Mitzuki more room and water to work with. As for defensively, if it's put into tiny canisters spread out across the body (or larger ones covering weak points or common areas of attack) then physical attacks that crack the canisters would release all that water directly at the attacker. These would have to be pretty sparing of course, since even if made as lightweight as possible the canisters still hold water, which by itself adds a fair bit of weight (though the previous mentions of easy training means Mitzuki might be able to haul stuff around pretty easily after a while).
Looking at utility, options are pretty sparse again. Stealth is best handled by water-assisted movement since it’s harder to be quieter than flight, and if that’s unfeasible it’s hard to beat some training and simple padding on the shoes/gloves. And of course the previously mentioned array of bombs are a standard but pretty great way of bringing options to the table. Stuff like electricity (or more specifically net bombs made of conductive material an a decent charge in the center), nets, smoke, basic concussive/force, flash/light, gas, and even water (though in that case better to use a solid ball/needle and use water to throw it around). Lots of options, support department knows best, keep in mind people are surprisingly fragile when not beefed to hell and back like Stain, yada yada yada.
Now it didn’t really fit anywhere above but it’s worth mentioning electricity seems like a really good option at first, but it really depends on how Mitzuki’s quirk works. If it’s pulling just water along then it’s leaving any impurities like salts and metals behind, making it pure water, which is one of the most inductive/insulating materials in the world (also leaving Mitzuki a little salt rock as he pulls the sweat away). If it keeps any impurities then tons of options for using mixed water come up, such as water stuck in rocks or slurries and the like for extra mass, or potentially stuff similar to bloodbending in Avatar (though that would require VERY precise control to avoid giving someone a stroke or heart attack). But more relevantly if Mitzuki makes sure to salt his water before hand (or even during combat if he keeps some seasoning on hand) then it’ll be highly conductive, and would make for a great weapon if charged via an inbuilt taser.
Second little note that didn’t fit easily elsewhere, but since Mitzuki is already sensing stuff with his magnetic field, it’s entirely possible he could train himself to recognize other features as well, such as people sneaking around or as a way to see the insides of things without breaking them open. Since it’s not something his quirk naturally does it might be pretty difficult, and is very unlikely to become automatic without serious training, but if it IS possible it would be incredibly useful.
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(Sorry if the name in japonese is not writen correctly, I used Google Translator bc I'm dumb)
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mayfay-analysis · 8 months ago
As shown above this is a request by the lovely @sectornine for an expansion on @quirkwizard amazing Earth Beast quirk!
Unlike my usual oc based analysis, Earth Beast doesn’t have a detailed user or history, limiting what I can do. Luckily to offset that this is an *expansion* on the original quirk, rather than a traditional analysis, which helps fill it out.
Now for your “regularly” scheduled analysis we have
Earth Beast is a mixture of Orcinus (Gang Orca) and Earth Flow (Pixie-Bob) that uses the surrounding ground to create large golems, similar to Pixie-Bob’s monsters.  As you likely know Gang Orca has a mutant quirk based on orcas, while Pixie-Bob has a ground based telekinesis quirk she uses both for basic telekinesis and for creating large creatures that can be used in rescue and combat. 
Thanks to being a mix between a mutant and non-mutant quirk we have to touch on a bit of a fan theory of mine, mutant line inheritance. It’s a whole subject that will get its own post eventually, but for now just know that Earth Beast’s user will inherit some major mutations from Gang Orca, as well as potentially some cat-like instincts from Pixie-Bob (it’s unclear how much of the cat aesthetic is due to marketing (like with Tiger) or an old cat mutant in the ancestry (as hinted at with Pixie-Bob going into “heat” early in the training camp). More relevant than that however is that the mutant aspect influences the emitter aspect of Earth Beast, likely being the reason why they specifically create golems instead of simple ground based telekinesis like Pixie-Bob. On top of that it’s likely to influence the golems themselves, leaving them favoring aquatic animals (especially orcas) as opposed to the wider range of creatures Pixie-Bob utilizes.
Most telekinesis quirks are limited by range and a weight/mass/volume capacity. The original Earth Flow had a massive range (but little sensing abilities) that very notably wasn’t limited by touching materials. Pixie-Bob does activate her quirk by touching the ground, emitting a light and seemingly “connecting” to the ground around her to control it. But it’s not long before we see her flying creatures, indicating that her control is very likely spherical rather than based on connected ground. Considering Gang Orca's influence is unlikely to change that we can assume Earth Beast has a similar type of range, though much more limited in distance until it gets properly trained considering Pixie-Bob very easily has the largest range of any quirk in the series outside of Maybe Search.
Earth Flow seemed to have some sort of starting point centered around the hands, but considering the fact it’s a telekinetic quirk that doesn’t require constant contact, it’s likely this is just for show rather than a feature that will be passed down.
Unlike many telekinesis quirks, Earth Flow doesn’t come with any sort of extra senses to track what’s being used, instead relying on support gear. It’s unclear if Earth Beast would inherit this weakness, or make up for it by making golem autonomous.
In Earth Flow flying creatures all had wings, but considering they operated off of telekinesis it’s unclear if that was for practical, mental, or show reasons.
Earth Flow creatures are hollow, but it’s unclear if that was to limit their power during training, beef up their size without cutting into Pixie-Bobs mass limit, or for more practical reasons like quirk limitations and avoiding destabilizing the ground. Either way it’s unclear if this limitation would pass on to Earth Beast.
It’s noted in the original post that Golems make use of stone as well as the dirt seen in Earth Flow creations. This would serve to limit the specialization Earth Beast was beginning to suffer from, though likely at the cost of making Golem creation far more complicated with more materials to work with.
Golems are noted to be made of compacted down materials, increasing durability and mass. The extent of this is likely dependent on the strength of the quirk and the local materials available. If done improperly when telekinesis weakens due to range, concentration, or quirk limit issues, the compacted rock may move due to the intense pressure exerted by each other no longer being countered by Earth Beasts quirk. This could result in an explosion, unless there’s some feature/instinct carried out during quirk use to mold rock together to prevent such inefficiency whenever possible (this would limit overall uses but be far safer for the user. Also has a chance to “create” new rock during this process as the quirk molds the chemical structures together)
It’s likely that while each golem is made of local materials, they can distribute that materials across the body for maximum efficiency. No point in having super durable materials on the feet while the vulnerable chest is made lightweight and fragile.
The original Earth Flow emitted a light when activated. Considering how it’s unrelated to the quirk it’s likely vestigial, meaning Earth Beast is likely to have some variation of it when activating their power. Unclear on if it’ll be a one off thing or a constant tell like Aizawa's hair.
As is common for telekinesis quirks it’s likely the user has mutations to the brain for better spatial awareness, multitasking, and potentially some inbuilt instincts for quirk use (such as what materials feel like to the quirk and how they could best be utilized).
As mentioned early on, many vestigial mutations will be passed on from Gang Orca, leaving the user with many of the same mutations seen in him. This would most obviously affect appearance, but also influence stuff like a weakness to dry skin, a larger size, higher base strength, and potentially less endurance if they don’t inherit the ability to sweat like baseline humans do (a very important adaptation in humanity's quest to power walk to success).
There are many routes to focus on with training, such as base physical training to keep in shape, reaction time, multitasking, range and weight limits, creation speed, golem design, and comfort/experience with support items (Golems are great, but support gear saves lives).
Excessive training can help with multitasking, but an awakening would be needed to make telekinesis automatic, making Golems truly autonomous.
An awakening would also likely lead to upping the previous limits of the base quirk, and potentially even lead to changes in appearance and physical strength (though that’s VERY debatably considering we don’t have a good understanding of how awakenings work on a good day, much less in the case of mutants).
Earth Beast is pretty limited by the local area's materials. Concrete is pretty light and fragile in MHA compared to stuff like steel beams, but neither are truly accessible without massive damage to local infrastructure. The quirk is probably better suited for more rural combat, especially if Earth Beasts range is spherical and can pull from the stone underground instead of just stuff on the surface (though they would need to watch out for instability in the ground since removing massive amounts of stone is a great way to cause a sinkhole or mudslide). Honestly though the most efficient use of this quirk would be search and rescue, especially in the wilderness. But just because a quirk is well suited for something doesn’t mean the user wants to work in that niche (just look at Mount Lady and her struggles as a city focused combat hero)
For support gear it’s actually possible to bring along some materials for golems to make use of, considering the likely physical mutations the user will have (namely strength and size). Obviously not enough to create a custom golem out of purely materials on hand (that would be hella expensive and a constant strain to keep up), but stuff like metals coating claws or sand between joins for flexibility is more than possible. On top of that is the potential for using some sort of identifying metal in every golem that can then be tracked with support gear, just like Pixie-Bob does with her creations (though we never get the details on how her support gear tracks her creations, just that it does).
In combat the greatest threat to Earth Golems user would be long range attacks and speed/stealth based quirks. For the former the obvious solution is a gun, but every hero could make use of one of those honestly. More in line would be a type of blow gun designed to accurately shoot small golems long distances (which would pair well with keeping specific materials on hand). And for the latter defensive equipment would be best, especially if it was made out of materials that could be used to form a golem (presumably trapping the user inside, making it more like a mech than a golem) that would allow for extra strength, defense, etc, but would be especially good for retreating. On the detection side of things some sort of heat or motion sensor would do wonders, likely as a part of some goggles. This is of course assuming Earth Beast doesn’t come with an inbuilt sensor for anything in the area like many telekinesis quirks.
Hello! Actually before everything I just want to say thank you for your analysis and I very much enjoy reading ALL of it. So the reason why I came here is to ask if can you do a Quirk Analysis and Expansion (like training, equipment, evolution and super moves) on this Quirk Marriage from Quirk Wizard? The reason for it is because he specified that he doesn’t do expansions on Quirk Marriages so as you’re an expert too I have requested your aid, but then again if its alright…… (The pictures below are what I depict as what the Quirk can do to further help you)
The Quirk Marriage in question:
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Sure thing! I do have to ask if you want me to do an analysis of Quirk Wizards version or what I feel like that mix would end up as, cause I have Opinions on mutant mixes that changes a bunch of stuff
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mayfay-analysis · 9 months ago
MHA Yandere Quirk Ideas
To preface this I'm not really into yandere stuff and such haven't explored it enough to know more than the bare bone basics. That being said I Am into quirks, and after getting inspired by @dystopyx-blog and @evilminji and their stuff decided to throw out ideas. It's not nearly as polished as my traditional quirk analysis but it's Something and I just haven't had the motivation to do something refined. So with that out of the way, Ideas
Aizawa:  (I already did a bit of this guy with Minji and there's more quirk based stuff hidden in another reblog chain)
Midoriya (It’s actually Inko but shush)- Not gonna touch OFA with a 10 foot pole but Midoriya himself is actually pretty interesting. They don’t have a natural quirk of their own, so what Is there acts as very convenient support for many of my theories surrounding vestigial quirks and quirk inheritance patterns (namely the fact they tend to follow the mothers line and quirks are a blend of the biological and magical, rather than being a stark divide). So what does this mean? Any sorta obsessive tendencies would be entirely unexpected in him!
Quirks have a major impact on their hosts biology, ranging from the physical to the mental to the near magical. Add to that their lingering changes passing on from one generation to the next, even when the actual quirk has long changed beyond recognition, and you have an Interesting mix. 
Midoriya (in this case) displays obsessive tendencies and other behaviors that leave him firmly in Yandere territory, but where oh where could he get that from? It honestly could be due to upbringing, he DID spend the vast majority of his developmental period in life heavily bullied and socially isolated which is bound to have Some sort of effect on him, but my bet is Inko. 
See, Inko has a mental quirk, something that is bound to have a major impact on her psychology. And while we never get to see much of her life, what we do know is that she loved Midoriya with all her heart and only really put her foot down for anything when he got seriously injured multiple times with little done to change that. We also see that she’s Very emotional, managing to literally worry herself into passing out during the sports festival MULTIPLE TIMES. That in itself is enough to give her the base to build yandere characteristics off of but on top of that she tries to keep all her known friends together (we only have Mitsuki as an example here, but she stayed close enough for Midoryia and Bakugo to end up with a strong enough foundation of a friendship to have their weird ass dynamic survive all the way to high school) and her husband “went overseas”. Now he very well might have, but we never do figure out MHA’s living wage to average wage ratio or how child support and potential tax exemptions due to children work (damn you Horikoshi) so Inko could very well be supporting Midoriya on just her wage, especially since production costs probably go way down with the introduction of quirks and potential tech advancement (particularly in building costs and how that might transfer over to cheaper rent). And failing that she could very well be utilizing a portion of some sort of life insurance or inheritance. That of course does lead to the question of WHY  Inko might have disposed of her husband, but there’s plenty of possible reasons for that. Top ones I can think of is how quirks tend to relate to personalities in some way (clarification at the end of Midoryias section), and a fire quirk would be particularly dangerous. Fear for Midoriya's safety due to his quirkless status and Hisashi’s theoretical anger issues. Or maybe Midoryia didn’t factor in at all and rather Hisashi’s quirk was a super dangerous mix with Bakugos when his quirk first came in. Hisashi would’ve posed a serious threat to her friends kids safety just by Existing near him (assuming some sort of passive or unintentional activation, like sparks).
So, Inko matches enough boxes to be a yandere! Happy days, but what about Midoriya? Well, I might’ve forgotten about him but pretty much everything we went over with Inko could carry over to Midoryia. Obsessed with friends, inherited mutations to the brain (heavily supported by his seemingly super high intelligence, analysis, and anxiety seeming to mostly match Inko, meaning it could have ties to her quirk and the supporting mutations it came with and passed down), a willingness to endanger lives for the sake of friends (USJ, Kamino, debatably Overhaul and Gentle/La Brava), and overly emotional. Enough on its own, but added to that are the more behavioral things that likely only popped up in him (or simply weren’t shown in Inko’s screen time). Stuff like his analytical abilities (supported by his obsessive behavior), willingness to put up with far too much for the sake of friendship, and attachment issues stemming from the previously mentioned social isolation (interestingly NOT translating over to being touchy feely, as that usually gets initiated by someone else instead and seems to leave him uncomfortable, though that could be due to the instinctual connections to Bakugo’s bullying and turn right around once he’s comfortable enough with someone, something I think is shown with his willingness to hug Inko whenever possible, though my memory is spotty there).
So yeah, I don’t know enough about yandere stuff to know what that all actually builds into, but I leave it to you, like a cat leaving a dead bird at the doorstep.
For clarification on quirks impacting personalities I actually think that, outside of a few exceptions like Bakugo, this has more to do with societal expectations than biology. Now mutations could definitely play a role, such as increasing adrenaline production or heightened senses leading to sensory overload, but growing up being expected and forgiven for being mad all the time because you have a fire quirk, and then being met with confusion and hesitancy when you move out of that stereotype, is a great way to raise a child/young adult to meet every emotion and interaction with anger.
Ashido: The tail end of a mutant line (clarification is worth a whole post, but basically she has an ancestor who was a mutant, which has an influence on her quirk) that I suspect was based on some sort of horned lizard based on the horns, acid secretion, black sclera, and very loosely her hair acting kinda like a crest, making her appear larger in a way very reminiscent of horned lizards spikes around their head (her pink skin actually isn’t a mutation, but instead a sort of stain from a reaction her acid has on her skin, though some horned lizards do have minor control over their coloration that could be tied to that). Many of the base mutations in the original lizard quirk are likely long gone but some relevant ones may remain. Stuff like their burrowing habits (translating over to blanket forts and digging under the covers in Ashido), more meat based diet, ambush hunting strategy, and preference for warm places.
Asui: While not a “pure mutant” Asui still has TONS of frog behaviors and that’s likely to leak through in any sort of yandere situation. Unfortunately I never did manage to narrow down what frog species she’s closest too, but she’s pretty similar to Ashido with some standard stuff like ambush predator instincts, preference for warm environments, meat based diet, and potentially even the burrowing instincts. Less like Ashido would be the strong desire for water/humidity, potential climbing habits, occasional loud vocalizations (though I think that actually was greatly diminished when being passed on, being the source of her “ribbit” at the end of sentences rather than a loud croak), and shy behavior that turns into intense aggression when jealous (though that last one may be applicable to horned lizards, it’s not nearly to the same degree. Frogs are vicious man). Added to all the biology is the more societal impacts on Asui, with many mutants being discriminated against (especially one as noticeable as her), made worse by any lingering prey instincts potentially flaring up around other mutants. Not nearly as intense as Midoryias situation but still very isolating. This is made worse by the lack of accessibility for mutants (they’re very accommodated for in UA, but any scenes outside show a very baseline human centric design, something made note of in the Vigilantes spin off series, though admittedly that was focused on large mutants), so who knows what was expected of her growing up both physically and mentally. Girl is accidental autistic representation with how much masking she likely had to learn, and still comes off as off putting and blunt (it’s entirely possible she IS in fact autistic, but we don’t get enough screen time to make any proper conclusions there)
Iida: Very little to work with quirk wise here outside of some minor mutations to the brain's processing speed during quirk use and maybe some slightly higher spatial awareness, but Iida’s far from a lost cause. He grew up VERY restrained, only ever really showing strong emotions when (failing to) reinforcing rules, panicking, or driven over the edge by Stain. Considering how he never seemed to speak with anyone about his feelings about Stain and the constant comparisons to a robot as a kid (shown in Vigilantes) it’s not a stretch to assume that any intense feelings would be buried and ignored until they built up and he had no choice but to address them. This would be made even worse thanks to the fact he grew up very upper class and has likely made his “role” his whole being. Being forced to confront the fact he’s not a 2 dimensional being who follows every rule perfectly and doesn’t have any unsightly emotions is gonna be *rough*. Especially since the only other time this has happened was with Stain, which is a whole other can of worms.
Uraraka: Million ways to interpret her quirk but there’s a good chance for mental mutations that were originally meant for supporting her higher spatial awareness but led to her wanting her people around her, not to mention any other unintended consequences messing with brain development might have. Also worth pointing out she doesn’t seem to have many friends in canon, only being particularly close to Midoryia, Iida, and debatably Asui and Ashido. No one she knew before coming to UA. Add to that her focus on making money and it’s entirely likely she grew up fairly lonely, spending her free time working or training instead of hanging out with friends (somewhat supported by her rather large quirk limits, even at the entrance exam. Some possibility she has a desire to touch stuff thanks to her quirk, explaining why she’s usually the one to initiate hugs and whatnot. This would potentially be made worse if touch based quirks are discouraged from touching people (very shakily supported at right before the entrance exam when she apologizes for using her quirk on Midoriya, despite just saving him from falling) and her hypothetical lonely lifestyle pre-UA leaving her somewhat touch starved
Other notable students I considered doing but lost the momentum to do were Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, Todoroki, Bakugo, Hagakure, and Shinso (Mineta would've been super easy but no, just no)
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mayfay-analysis · 9 months ago
Hello! Actually before everything I just want to say thank you for your analysis and I very much enjoy reading ALL of it. So the reason why I came here is to ask if can you do a Quirk Analysis and Expansion (like training, equipment, evolution and super moves) on this Quirk Marriage from Quirk Wizard? The reason for it is because he specified that he doesn’t do expansions on Quirk Marriages so as you’re an expert too I have requested your aid, but then again if its alright…… (The pictures below are what I depict as what the Quirk can do to further help you)
The Quirk Marriage in question:
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Sure thing! I do have to ask if you want me to do an analysis of Quirk Wizards version or what I feel like that mix would end up as, cause I have Opinions on mutant mixes that changes a bunch of stuff
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mayfay-analysis · 10 months ago
Blood Supernova:
Blood Web:
Self Destruct:
Building Blocks/Canon:
Cloud Creation:
Drawing Fabrication:
Slime Body:
Flower Power:
Fire Phoenix:
Soft Sting:
Goat Mutation:
Force Absorption:
Hardening (Canon Quirk):
Danny's Medical Complications:
The Nature of Reanimated Food:
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mayfay-analysis · 10 months ago
Love how you designed Homura! She looks so Soft!
Anyways onto the quirk analysis. For a brief overview Homura’s quirk is a mutant-emitter type called Phoenix Flame, which grants her a pair of mid-sized wings and the ability to send out bursts of flame that she controls by moving the winds they travel on. There’s more to it of course but you can find that information in the comments if interested (though I will end up covering it eventually here). Now! Theory Time! While we don’t have much info on Homura’s backstory I’ve based her quirk on my head canon for Fierce Wings (which will eventually get its own post, but canon quirks are a Pain) and it’s ended up with 4 major parts; her wings, air manipulation, fire creation, and extra supporting mutations.
Starting with the base we have Homura’s wings! Considering future information and the Fierce Wings base we can expect these to Not be Homura’s actual quirk, rather being a major mutation. We see this a couple times in MHA with Hawks (main quirk telekinesis), Shoji (shapeshifting), Koda (telepathy/mind control), Tokoyami (Dark Shadow), and debatably Jiro and Mineta so it’s certainly not out of the realm of possibility.
Interestingly enough I can’t find a specific bird for these wings to be based off of, but there are general Types of wings to reference. A quick google search and comparison puts Homura firmly with either Passive Soaring wings (which are good for long flights utilizing wind currents and updrafts. You can see it in bald eagles) or High Speed wings (which are good for keeping up steady high speed movement, like in peregrine falcons). Unfortunately that’s it for the wings for now (until we get to supporting mutations) so next up is
This is Homura’s Actual quirk, being a subset of telekinesis that focuses on manipulating the air around her. Any sort of physical assistance is purely secondary and couldn’t account for the sheer control and compensation for environmental factors that would be required otherwise. That being said, while physical movement and gestures aren’t required they were likely useful early on for visualizing, and might come out when handling large amounts of wind or precise control.
Having this be Homura’s main quirk opens up a number of possibilities, but the most important two are the potential for actual flight and the fine manipulation of embers (which we’ll get to in a moment). The reason I say this is required for flight is because, much like Hawks, many of the physical mutations needed for proper flight just aren’t extreme enough or straight up aren’t present, leaving them to rely on their primary quirk for flight while the wings act as support (as well as bringing along a number of useful secondary mutations). Just to list Some of the needed mutations for flight you would need to have larger wings, a lighter body (which brings its own problems), much much much frailer bones, a smaller body, specialized take off methods in line with wing type, which then influences what kind of environments they can properly patrol in as well as the necessary diet to support such a high energy task, and other less visible mutations I’ll go into near the end. That’s not to say these mutations Aren’t present, in fact some of them are Required even with air manipulation, but unassisted physical flight is likely off the table. Now onto the fire aspect! While not as long as the mutation section it has the most research and impact on her quirk.
So to start with the basics, fire needs three things to survive: fuel, oxygen, and ignition. Focusing on the fuel for now, Homura likely makes use of some sort of vapor or light compound she can spray out. This would likely manifest as a storage and nozzle system in the wings that allows her to spray the flammable compound into the air. From there it’s lit by either some sort of organic spark plug, manually setting it off, or the stuff naturally combusts from friction with the air or exposure to oxygen/room temperature (though those final options makes the wings Very dangerous weak points, potentially going off if broken or pierced if they don’t have some sort of automatic neutralization compound in the blood that prevents any fires before they can go off).
Now it’s likely this compound, which I’ll be referring to as “embers” from now on, is shot out through a nozzle/opening at the end of each feather due to some sort of pump or pressure difference. This lets it gain distance, especially if it’s accompanied by an automatic jerk forward to push it forward and away from the feathers where it may stick.
Some stickage is likely though, giving Homura her red-orange coloration from the burning embers. These have a couple uses but an important aspect to them is the fact they likely don’t burn through as quickly as the launched embers, being kept from the precious oxygen fueling the others growth. They could also be a natural buildup, similar to Bakugos sweat, but stored as a light coating within the feathers. Either way they potentially perform two important roles once ignited, backup embers for combat and an automatic lighting system for launched embers, preventing the need to intentionally set off each ember if it’s not an automatic process, as well as catching any unlit embers that got through.
It’s not only the feathers that produce these embers of course, Homura also has the ability to breathe them out like a sort of dragon's breath. This indicates either a natural sparker or reaction inside the mouth as well. While powerful and likely the strongest attack in Homura’s arsenal, this breath of embers is likely pushing the upper limits of her storage/production capacity, and potentially her own heat resistance. It’s also worth mentioning that rather than being a proper “breath” of fire, embers are likely released in the mouth/throat to minimize inhalation, both for damage control and maximizing ember release.
Once embers are launched into the air and ignited, their flames will grow thanks to the oxygen. This can likely be controlled via air manipulation, allowing for control over flame size and strength, though that comes at a cost of quickly burning through their ember.
While on the subject of heat we can talk about her embers' chemical makeup! The most important part (and the only one I can really look into) is heat, which controls the embers' flame's coloration, damage, and, indirectly, size. Homura displays a red-orange coloration, indicating that her usual temperature is approximately somewhere in the range of 1750F-2050F (950C-1100C). Of course that could also be influenced by extra compounds mixed in to each ember, such as calcium chloride for more orange in weaker fires or strontium chloride for orange in hotter fires.
The best base material I could find to fall in this range with minimal extra compounds was kerosene vapor, with most other potential materials having their information be near impossible to find or based on their solid/liquid form. It burns a bit cooler than preferred, with a maximum temperature of around 1815 (990C) without some special mixing, though that is more than possible (and likely) thanks to quirk fuckery or biological processing. As for how long it would burn, that was Very difficult to figure out due to how dependent it is on environmental conditions, and especially considering the fact it’s likely a cocktail of various chemicals in a vapor or fine particle form instead of pure kerosene vapor. And that leads us to the long awaited secondary mutations section!
So! Starting with some of the more physical changes, we have Homura's red eyes. While rare, these don’t display any connection to her quirk so they’re likely natural or a vestigial mutation (like Midoryias green hair). It is worth mentioning though that the lighter coloration means that she’s likely to have a higher sensitivity to light, which is great for vision in the dark but puts her at risk of a longer adjustment period to bright light. It’s also worth noting that it’s somewhat common in fiction for GMOs to be given red eyes as a secondary way to quickly distinguish them from “natural” versions, which may potentially have ties to Homura’s backstory (though it’s more likely to be the result of a cosmetic alteration quirk than gene alterations in that case).
For more eye stuff we have the bird ties. Cause while Homura lacks any obvious bird-like mutations besides her wings, her ties to flight in both the wings and quirk means that it’s likely any supporting mutations tied to it in her parents were snapped up by her quirk. This would most notably include a range of eye mutations, from minor alterations for better distance and clarity to extreme modifications to take after specific species, gain a second eyelid, have clear vision through water, or even be specialized to pick up movement at specific distances.
Moving on from the eyes we get to Homura’s heat resistance. Incredibly important since it’s what’s keeping her from overheating and burning herself every time her quirk activates. It’s most likely to be centered around the skin, feathers, hair, mouth, and throat but will need to be somewhat present all throughout the body to mitigate damage from overheating. Any support gear will need those protections as well to prevent “complications”, which might up the price for replacing it, explaining Homura’s lack of protection in her outfit as a way to cut costs. Anywho this resistance could be expressed through any number of ways, such as heat redirection to the feathers, where they can naturally dissipate as a heat fan, thicker skin, quirk fuckery, some form of organic coolant in the blood, increased sweat production, some sort of heat vent, and/or cooling via air manipulation (it’s also possible but unlikely that air manipulation could be expanded on for more standard telekinesis, which could automatically move heat around).
Building off of that heat resistance is some extra protections for the mouth, nose, throat, and lungs due to their more sensitive nature, higher embers exposure, and smoke risk. Starting with a higher baseline mucus/saliva concentration will limit exposure, though it may impact oxygen efficiency, requiring larger nostrils, esophagus, and lungs. There’s also potential for a minor regeneration aspect to make up for any smoke inhalation/damage, particularly in the lungs. Alternatively they could have an extra membrane of sorts in the back of the throat for better filtration (though this would risk damage from inhaled foods, so it needs to be easily repaired/regrown. It would also play into the earlier oxygen inefficiencies). Another natural defense that could be buffed is cilia concentration in the throat/lungs(?) to catch smoke particles.
Now for a brief tangent into some miscellaneous mutations we have the basics for physical flight. Now while unassisted physical flight is near impossible, these mutations could be vestigial from an ancestor, supporting to lessen the strain on Homura’s quirk, or purely secondary alongside the wings. Either way while not strictly necessary, these would be incredibly helpful. Starting with the respiratory system the entire thing would need to be updated, with stronger muscles/diaphragm, larger lungs, more alveoli for efficient oxygen transfer, and potentially even some extra air sacks for oxygen storage and better buoyancy alongside a potentially revamped circulatory system for more efficient oxygen transfer in areas that need it more (such as the new wings and more energy costly brain experiencing far more stress than the now less used arms/legs). For the less generally useful but still worth mentioning mutations we have much thinner hollow bones for reducing weight, particularly when tied to general shrinkage of the body for less weight to wingspan problems (square cube law baby, it’ll also help with heat resistance to a degree). Unfortunately, shrinkage, while incredibly useful, would severely impact Homura’s combat efficiency. Fat would need to be shaved down, leading to needing more frequent meals to make up for the lack of storage and muscle density would likely face a major hit due to their relatively high weight, though it’s worth noting this would be reversed around the wings for more power and potentially the legs for landing and the expected talons that weren’t inherited but might still be expected by the quirk. It’s also worth mentioning that while flight is almost certainly assisted by air manipulation, it might be a more dive/glider form than Hawks’s hovering due to relying on air manipulation as opposed to pure telekinesis. 
For these last two sections we can move on to the expected mental mutations that are common for all quirks, but especially ones tied to flight or telekinesis in some way. Starting with the ability to properly multitask, this would have some affect on Homura’s ability to focus but be a great help in keeping track of feathers, wind, targets, side thoughts/plans, and other unexpected factors. On top of that is the high spatial awareness expected of any flight/telekinesis quirk, which requires more minor tweaks.
Next is the more bird-like changes! These certainly aren’t necessary but are likely, both as supporting and vestigial mutations. The first part of this would be a range of minor adjustments based on instinctual quirk/flight knowledge. These would range anywhere between simple instincts for flight to full on bird-like behaviors, though they’re likely to be more on the instinct side as opposed to the bird side due to the lack of physical bird characteristics (minus wing behaviors that would definitely carry over for hygiene if nothing else). This could have the interesting side effect of giving a sort of species dysphoria, missing specific parts needed for the behaviors and expectations Homua’s body expects, such as a beak for preening or the right voice box for calls/screeches. And that’s not even getting into the more social aspects of bird behavior that are either impossible or simply not socially acceptable in the emitter/cosmetic dominated MHA Japan. On the more useful side of that coin are bird-like instincts regarding the all important updrafts, making it much easier to spot their tells (when she’s not making her own via air manipulation), such as clouds, wind movement, dust devils, etc.
Now that was it originally but a bit I forgot to mention during drafting was Homura's hair. See, it has that same red-orange coloration seen in the wings, but it doesn’t make much sense for the head to have ties to ember production. Of course it could just do it anyways since quirks aren’t perfect (and neither are my thoughts and ideas on the subject), or it could be intentional on Homura's part. Both to further separate her civilian and hero outfits in a cosmetic fashion, and for defensive purposes to deter attacks to the head. It could also be that the hair naturally picks up embers along the way and because of it’s higher heat resistance Homura decided to just incorporate it, rather than wipe them off every time like the ones that stick to her skin/outfit.
And that's it for Homura! I'd love to hear your thoughts and if there's any extra info or adjustments you'd like to add! Always fun to see how close I end up with the authors intentions
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Old MHA Oc redesign! Original was from 2020 :)
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mayfay-analysis · 10 months ago
So glad you enjoyed! This was one of my first analyses and the interesting quirk + new information gave me the motivation to do an update! Only doing Makoto's quirk here since now that I have a proper system these things take longer, but hopefully the higher quality makes up for it. Now let's get on with the show!
So! Starting from the top Makoto is a mutant with minor emitter qualities, capable of producing a blueish-green slime from her skin that hardens once separated, based on temperature. On top of that are some minor mutations and the interesting side effect of her body becoming more malleable during quirk use, to the point of appearing melty when overused. All of this can be condensed down into 3 major parts
Slime Production
Slime Characteristics
Secondary Mutations
Starting with production, we have confirmation that Makoto's slime is produced through the exocrine system, likely through traditional gland and pore systems. Unfortunately I don’t have much to add to there since it turns out the exocrine system is either super simple, or incredibly complex, with very little in between that I could find. It doesn’t really matter though, aside for preventing me from jumping into the abyss of research and theorizing about her slime’s makeup (mostly water but not sure what else) so we can move past it. 
Now, unlike standard exocrine substances Makoto's slime is produced in Massive quantities. It’s likely expanding on contact with air and being mostly water makes up for much of the volume, but it still means she has a truly impressive production system going on below the skin, as well as some intense resource requirements (mostly water but also foods high in the basic nutrients or chemicals required for slime production, barring quirk magic).
Next up we have the basic characteristics of Makoto's slime! 
Starting with a key function of her quirk, we have Makoto's ability to cut off slime from her body. This is likely done one of two ways, either with the slime naturally falling off when production ceases (its ability to stick together into a cohesive whole pulling out any leftovers in the skin), indicating her hair slime has ties to either a vestigial or secondary mutation to stay up. Or her slime only comes off when the pores producing slime (acting like an anchor for the connected larger mass) close off, cutting off the slime and allowing it to fall off her body (her hair will still need Some minor mutation or slightly different chemical structure to be more solid or forced to stay standing up, rather than slumping due to gravity) (extra leftover slime in the pores will likely be sweated out or reabsorbed into the body, where it can be reprocessed by the liver into useable materials).
Next up we have the second major aspect to Makoto’s quirk, her slime's ability to crystallize when separated. See, normally her slime will remain at a fairly consistent temperature, but when it’s cut off from her body and its heat it will cool. This cooling will act VERY similarly to igneous rock formation, forming a crystalline structure (necessary for the shard breakage as opposed to simple chunks), air pockets, starting from the cooler outer layer and moving inwards (barring interior circulation that would leave cooler slime lower and warmer slime higher, resulting in a smaller temperature range), and potentially having minute changes based on the amount of oxygen and other trace materials added in (maybe even giving Makoto some minor control over her slimes properties based on her diet and surrounding air during crystallization, which could be modified through only fighting in certain environments or support items). 
Building on to this whole process is Makoto’s slime’s conductivity. See, for her hair slime to stay unreactive despite continued exposure to the elements, it needs to be Very thermally conductive. And due to thermal conductivity being tied to free floating electrons, this also means that thermally conductive material is typically proportionally electrically conductive. Even more so considering the chemical makeup in mostly water, especially if salt is added in as a side effect of sweating while producing slime (a common occurrence considering this would mostly be done during a fight, unless slime production takes the place of heat transfer, rendering sweat redundant and giving more heat to the slime for a longer cooling process). This is of course barring some serious internal circulation, but even then some thermal conductivity would be needed to disperse the heat in the circulating slime.
The third major aspect to Makoto’s slime is its stickiness. Doesn’t seem notable at first but it allows a glimpse into the slime’s properties, as well as being a fun side note. Normally stickiness is usually due to one of two properties, pressure or chemical adhesion. Pressure adhesion (technically pressure-sensitive adhesion) is due to the substance naturally filling minute gaps or pockets in a material, meaning that when pulled they create suction, sticking the substance to the material (this is most notably seen in tape). On the flip side, chemical adhesion is when a substance forms a weak atomic bond (ionic, covalent, or hydrogen) to the surface of another material. This sounds intense at first, but it can also be something simple like honey bonding to the small amounts of water on skin, creating its sticky feeling (also explaining why it comes off when licked). Alternatively it could be due to rarer physical characteristics, like in bugs with tiny hooks, or a clinging effect due to static like in a balloon on hair or certain insect feet.
Finally for this section we move to the blue-green coloration of Makoto's slime. This could theoretically be tied to blue-green algae and provide some extra energy production she desperately needs, but it’s Far more likely to be a natural coloration or basic pigment rather than an exotic material or special trait.
Now we get to the last section, the extra mutations Makoto likely has!
Starting with body heat, Makoto will likely have a much higher base temperature to prevent her slime from crystallizing while connected to her. This could range from a simple extra couple degrees to fire quirk levels requiring some minor heat resistance for the body (where she falls in the range is based primarily on how thermally conductive her slime is, how quickly it cools/solidifies, and what temperature it begins to crystalize at). 
Next up are the modified pores theorized in my initial analysis, allowing for increased slime production (assuming the exocrine system makes use of skin based pores like in sweat as opposed to the ones around hair follicles used for oil). 
Referencing an earlier comment we go back to resource requirements, with the possibility of Makoto’s hair slime acting as secondary storage for water and nutrients (explaining her relatively small fat storage that would usually be utilized for that purpose. Could always be a modified liver as well since that thing can do some heavy lifting in high resource requirement quirks like this one (see Blood Supernova)). 
Added to that resource efficiency Makoto’s slime could be similar to a frog's underbelly, absorbing extra water it touches (though in this case it would be from water vapor as opposed to dew). 
Finally we have the last minor mutation with Makoto's kaleidoscope eyes and their potential mild hypnotic effect. This range of eye color initially seems like it might impact vision (since darker eyes reflect more light, which is why light eyes are more easily blinded by sudden light) but the lack of effect on vision in heterochromia indicates that this is unlikely to be an issue. As for why it’s there and its potential hypnotic aspect, that is all down to the mothers side and is due to vestigial mutations. It’s also possible this mutation has ties to her slime's blue-green coloration, though that doesn’t have much backing.
Now! Onto the big stuff! Starting with Makoto's skin we have its unique ability to resist the stick of her slime. This could be due to an added layer of stick-negating compound in the case of chemical adhesion (like having a layer of sweat blocking off honey). This is pretty unlikely though due to it potentially weakening her slimes ability to stick to stuff and requiring chemical adhesion. Next option is have some sort of Teflon-like material coating her body, turning her skin hydrophobic and incredibly smooth, preventing any openings or adhesion barring hooks (which could be deflected if the material is strong enough), although this would absolutely kill her skins breathability, which is particularly dangerous in the case of having a naturally high body temperature that needs release through her slime. If that Is the case though then this could be mitigated by this second substance only being excreted right before slime production begins (though this would add a minor startup time to her quick activating). From there it would wear off over time, potentially even melting off based on temperature so it can be removed proportionally to how much heat extraction is a priority. This would also serve to limit the added resource drain keeping up such a complex coating would require. Final option would be for Makoto’s slime to be a major mutation, with her actual quirk being a mild transformation quirk that smoothes out her skin, preventing any hooks or pressure adhesion (similar to Hawks’s quirk actually being minor telekinesis while his wings are a major mutation, or Koda’s quirk being his animal telepathy/mind control despite having what at first glance is a mutant quirk due to his major mutation appearance).
And finally for the last of the noticeable physical mutations we move on to Makoto’s quirk drawback (barring the obvious dehydration and skin pain from overuse), her body’s malleability. See, quirk use (and particularly overuse) can result in Makoto’s body becoming very malleable, and potentially even appearing to “melt” in extreme cases. Rather than being an aspect of her quirk, it’s likely this is a vestigial mutation from some sort of elasticity quirk in her ancestry (maybe the moms side due to “bending light” not being too far from “bending matter”?). A minor side effect of this mutation (due to the similarities) could be the production of excess elastin, a protein in the body that gives much of the elasticity needed for bodily function. This would allow for a number of interesting effects, but most notably increased blood pressure, greater lung capacity, and stretchy skin. As for ties to Makoto's quirk use, this could be due to many vestigial mutations (such as Aizawas hair or Ashidos skin) having ties to quirk activation, only becoming apparent when the quirk is in use. It’s possible it’s also tied to elastin production, leaving her much more stretchy until the protein works through her system. Also might need a slightly modified liver to more efficiently handle the extra protein. Definitely gonna rely on that elastic vestigial(?) quirk(?) to keep the squishy insides safe, since most of the stuff in there (especially in the chest region) aren’t built to be pushed on like that. It’s also worth mentioning that in a similar vein to the earlier talk on a possible transformation quirk, this elastic ability could be her true quirk instead (making it incompatible with the transformation idea without a “smoothing” aspect to the quirk). It’s worth bringing up as well that this elasticity could have ties to her slime, explaining why it’s capable of being so malleable despite sticking together And having an easily permeable outer layer. This is pretty unlikely though considering this slime is more likely a compound or excretion, rather than an extra organ that gets randomly expelled (mainly cause we don’t see visible internals but also that’s a Whole nother rabbit hole I can’t dive down for my own sanity) (not to mention all the extra resource drain for extra elastin, which is something that needs mitigated wherever possible). All bets are off for the hair though, that stuff behaves differently from her excreted slime and could 100% be an extra organ (like a stomach for extra storage or something like a mouth for passive resource gathering through water vapor and flying bacteria/insects).
Moving on to theoretical mutations, these are purely secondary and have no direct evidence for their existence. Unfortunately I have other things to do so I’m gonna cut it short to just three.
The first one to cover is that Makoto likely has a lower base energy level compared to her classmates due to the high resource demands of her quirk. This could however be alleviated by having a more efficient digestive system, larger stomach, larger and more frequent meal requirements, a specialized diet, caffeine, or a larger base storage capacity through greater efficiency/capacity, extra organs, repurposed existing organs, or slime hair storage (though the hair would likely only house fine matter since it’s see through in her picture and no food chunks can be seen, as well as the danger of leaving valuable resources free to be cut off during a fight when it’s needed most)
Next up we have Makoto's hair. I keep coming back to it but in this case it’s to cover the likelihood of it being different from her base slime. Something already covered multiple times yes, but in this case it’s to mention the possibility of an additional membrane for her hair. See, unlike the excreted base slime that has to reconnect to each other to form a whole, rather than a bunch of silly strings, her hair likely stays separate. This is unconfirmed of course, but it’s likely since otherwise if any of Makoto’s excreted slime touched her hair it would join in. And since her hair is attached to her head that means the entire mass would end up connected as well, unless her scalp naturally cuts it off when under too much pressure. This would require her to regrow her hair every time, as well as temporarily lose whatever secondary functions her hair slime provided (assuming any).
Onto the final bit we have mental changes. Again, these have no direct evidence but almost every quirk displays some change to their users psyche (usually in the form of mild obsessive behavior in powerful quirks, which has ties to the nature of quirks and is a whole essay in of itself), weather in behavioral ticks like Tsuyu (eating flies and ribbiting) or supporting changes like Yaoyorozu’s high intelligence, creativity, and memorization abilities. While less obvious for Makoto, it’s likely that she has a higher craving for foods that provide the base resources needed for slime production and protective coating, as well as a Much greater enjoyment of water (and potentially a dislike for salt due to its dehydrating effects, barring its use in slime or coating). This could manifest in cravings after quirk use (like how humans crave salt after a workout), or in the same way humans are wired to enjoy sugar (a throwback to apehood and the eternal search for fruit), or more likely a mix of the two. While primarily mental this could also have ties to changes in taste bud placement and concentration as well.
And that’s Makoto! Hope you enjoyed it, let me know if I missed anything or you have more to add on. Thanks for the Quirk!
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I wonder why horikoshis never used them 🤔🤔🤔
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mayfay-analysis · 10 months ago
The Nature of Reanimated Food
So! Jack and Maddie, parents of Danny and Jazz! Obsessed with their work and ever so slightly neglectful with lab safety and their kids. One side effect of this is ectoplasm exposure around their food, and its subsequent reanimation. Pretty neat! Why do we care?
Weeeeelll, Why is it reanimating? Ghosts are supposedly beings of emotions, giving form by ecoplasm produced upon a persons death. And emotions are just the chemical signals and hormones produced by the brain and larger endrocine system. Vegetables are noticably lacking in that compartment (kinda, plants do in fact "scream" when in danger to warn other plants, but actual pain is a bit beyond them). and even if they Did, looking at stuff like hotdogs its been Awhile since they were killed. And even then most food in America is Heavily processed, so any lingering hormones should be long degraded. So How? How are they reanimating?!
Souls, spirits, consciousness, whatever scientific or religious term you wanna use, the point is Something is staying with the corpse and That is the catalyst (we know it's not some sort of physical material because every major element in food can be found elsewhere as well, and those inanimate objects Aren't reanimating).
There are some fun side effects to this, like the fact souls not only exist and can materialize, but can apparently be split up and mixed like in the case of hot dogs, with no unique downsides (that we know of) aside for standard aggression. This also means that this reanimated food is more like a ghost than a food item (making reanimated veggies part of animal cruelty rather than properly non-sentient).
Also means that souls have an expiration date, as evidenced by the various items using limestone not suddenly sprouting ghost mollusks (it's in furniture, toothpaste, and who knows what else. It's got some ectoplasm exposure). That or souls "settle" for lack of a better term and require more ectoplasm to reanimate as opposed to recent dead food. This also means that while ghosts can be split up and mixed, there's a certain level of modification that renders that far more difficult, or even impossible (namely cardboard and paper being made of plant fiber, yet not reanimating. This could also play a role in why limestone doesn't reanimate).
Anyone have any thoughts?
Tagging @evilminji for this cause they're Far more knowledgeable about DP and have amazing ideas. Check them out if you haven't yet
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mayfay-analysis · 10 months ago
Katsuki Quirk Theory
So. I wanted to bring up a quirk theory I heard suggested once, and have THOROUGHLY researched. It comes up in a lot of my fics and I think it’s so important in explaining Katsuki. MENTIONED UA TRAITOR SPOILER DON’T READ IF YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW! 
Nitroglycerin is, in real life, prescribed as a medication. It relaxes blood vessels and can alter heart rate - usually slowing it down. This is a controlled, medicated prescription because in LARGE amounts… well…it’s slowing down the heart - that can be pretty freaking bad. We know that Katsuki - at least in his hands - produces nitroglycerin. He gets this from his parents combined quirks - his father’s acid and his mother’s glycerin. I am not as certain of glycerin/glycerol effects, but one or two articles I sifted through did say that in SOME cases heart rate can be slowed down as well - others sped up.
Where I’m going with this is, typically, people born with quirks have some sort of natural defense against them. It’s why OFA causes such a strain on the user’s body, especially Izuku, and why Aoyama gets sick using his quirk - they weren’t theirs to begin with. Now, I know not EVERY quirk has built up defenses, and every quirk has a drawback (Aizawa’s dry eyes, Uraraka’s puking, Iida’s engine stall - etc etc). But, overall, I think most quirks come with a natural defense. There’s always been debate over whether or not Katsuki will or won’t lose his hearing - maybe already has since he’s so loud. I PERSONALLY think his body probably gave him sturdier ears to prevent that, but that’s just me. And I also think that Katsuki’s body came up with a way to defend against the possibility of Nitroglycerin poisoning - only it might be the biggest drawback of all. 
Anxiety and Anger can MASSIVELY boost heart-rate. 
Who is angry all the time? Katsuki AND Mitsuki. 
Is it possible that Katsuki’s anger/anxiety issues stem from his body trying to keep his heart rate up? Is it possible that the nitroglycerin and glycerin require their bodies to combat slower heart rates? (Maybe for Mitsuki her heart is doing the opposite of slowing and just constantly going fast - keeping her in a mental state that’s higher?) 
We all know that, while, sure, Katsuki was always a bit of a shit - he and Izuku WERE friends before he got his quirk. We put so much of the blame on his personality - on the ego he got from his quirk being epic. And I don’t dispute that as being part of it. But is it possible his quirk genuinely screwed with his brain chemistry? 
Is it possible that his tendency to ‘explode’ partially gets worse when his body is trying to dispel large amounts? That his anger and anxiety decrease after he explodes shit, not just because he let something out emotionally…but physically? Possible that he is calmer after because his heart rate can slow but not dangerously so because he isn’t full of nitroglycerin? 
I doubt that a doctor or anyone would ever look into this as a possibility because there would probably be an assumption that it was all ‘bad attitude’ or ‘personality’ maybe even simple upbringing - what with Mitsuki’s anger issues and all. 
But think about how angry Katsuki gets - some of the pivotal moments in his and Izuku’s lives. If my theory is correct, he already would have a baseline of high anger and I truly think anxiety. Just because his body is trying to keep his heart steady. (the more the nitroglycerin pulls it down, the higher his anger/anxiety would work to pull it up). But add on an external moment of anxiety or anger? It’s going to be for all LITERAL intents and purposes like a ticking time bomb. Katsuki falls in the river? He’s scared? His anxiety is going to be even higher. Someone comes to help him? BOOM. 
He gets extreme anxiety while the sludge villain is suffocating him? Rabid ‘monster’ BOOM. Izuku saves him? He’s vulnerable/anxious and now even more angry? BIGGER BOOM.
He gets muzzled after an anger episode? Triggering his anxiety over suffocation? RABID BEAST ONCE MORE MID PANIC ATTACK. He thinks he’s responsible for the fall of the greatest superhero? That the world is falling apart and it’s his fault? Yeah…that normal anxiety? Now skyrocketing. His heart rate is going crazy, his nitroglycerin builds up - both sides are attacking one another and he needs to boom the hell out of someone he knows can take it - Izuku. Baboom! 
Wakes up in a hospital where he hasn’t been able to dispel any nitroglycerin? Learns Izuku is still unconscious? (the love of his life) BOOM! Katsuki’s body chemistry is literally ALWAYS fighting against itself. So when he starts to realize he’s an ASSHOLE and wants to change…. He is fighting an uphill battle in a nitroglycerin hurricane because his body is pushing him down in this war against its own chemistry. And that, Ladies, Gents and Those of you in between, is why his character progression is that much more meaningful. Because he still begins to overcome himself - even with all of that happening. And THAT is why I love him. 
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mayfay-analysis · 10 months ago
i think a lot of people how is it called are asleep on her quirk? They don't give it the credit that it's due is what I'm trying to say, and when you understand the physics behind it you start to understand why she's just so fucking OP
We know that Force Gravity while on earth is Fg = mg (that's saying that Force Gravity equals the mass of the object times the gravitational constant/ acceleration due to gravity of earth, which we generalize to be about 9.8m/s^2, even though it actually varies quite a bit based on where you are on the planet and the density of the materials below the surface of the planet at different places).
If you write Force Gravity more generically (aka not just for THIS planet, but for ANY planet) Fg = Gm1m2/r^2, where G is the universal gravitational constant, m1 is the mass of the planet, and m2 is the mass of the object being attracted, and then r is the distance from the center of the planet to the center of the object aka the Radius (this is most commonly used for objects in orbit, but it applies anyways)
That being said, I think there are a couple of ways Uraraka's quirk could function:
She's locally affecting the gravitational constant (g) of wherever she is on earth but only by touching something-- or perhaps she exerts her OWN gravitational constant on the object by touching it that then works to cancel out the normal g from the earth? But this is unlikely because of the number of things it means she would need to change or affect... Basically if Fg = Gm1m2/r^2 and G is the universal gravitational constant (extremely small-- it's 6.67 x 10^-11 m^3/kg*s^2), then in order to make this equal to 9.8 she would need to be making either her own mass (m1) or the mass of the object (m2) absolutely MASSIVE, or she'd have to be manipulating the distance between them to be incredibly, dare I say, impossibly, small (since the smaller r is the bigger Fg will be). But none of these options seem very likely given what we know from the manga & anime from when she uses her quirk
She's making it so that the distance between the object she touches and the earth's center is somehow infinite. This is because, if r is infinity, then no matter the number in the numerator, if it's divided by infinity it'll be physically 0 (although technically undefined, if you want to get calculus-y about it). For a more physics explanation of why this works, it's basically because of the direction of integration for the potential energy of an object in orbit due to the gravitational force of another object -> we integrate from infinity to r (r being the distance from the center of the object exerting the gravitational force to the object being attracted to it), and say that Ug (potential energy due to gravity) is 0 at infinity-- another, simpler way to think about this is to just go ahh yes, if the distance between the object and the mass whose gravity is affecting the object approaches infinity, then Fg will go to zero because this is how numbers work. However, this would have to make Uraraka's quirk a sort of 'opening a personal wormhole' type deal, in order for it to make an object be physically infinite distance away while still appearing to be here (wherever 'here' happens to be), which also doesn't really fit how we've heard/ seen her quirk described/ function
She's negating the mass of earth, the object, or both, but-- CRUCIALLY-- only for the object-earth system that she's touching in that moment. This is because if you are dividing 0 by anything, it is almost always zero, so Fg = G *0/ r^2 = 0 and means there's suddenly no gravitational force acting on the object she's touching. I think it makes the most sense that she'd be negating the mass of the object, and not the planet, because it's been said that the bigger the object she uses her quirk on, the more she struggles, indicating a correlation between mass and quirk ability. Basically if she were trying to negate earth's mass she'd just be sick for the rest of her life is what I'm saying, and, since she's not, she's probably negating the object's mass.
Now #3 is the one that I personally think is most likely, but EVEN THEN you have to understand that uraraka is fucking with one of the four fundamental forces of our world (that's gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear).
If she is somehow negating the mass of the object for a specific object-earth system, then this means she is also negating its interactions with all the other masses around it (EVERYTHING with mass-- even teeny tiny little singular particles-- exerts a gravitational force on EVERYTHING with mass around them. It's just that most of these things are smaller than, you know, the whole damn planet, so you never even notice them). If everything with mass exerts a gravitational force, but suddenly Uraraka can make that gravitational force disappear... well frankly I don't know where that leaves us.
She can make mass 'disappear' (at least, in the physical sense) but does that mean she's actually "unexisted" the object, for lack of a better word? What I mean is, if an object has no mass & therefore no interactions with the other objects around it in the world, then does it exist? Certainly not to the other objects around it, it doesn't-- they are no longer being affected by its (relatively small, but still present) gravitational force, and it is also no longer affecting them with its own (relatively small, but still present) gravitational force. Like I mean obviously it's still there visually, but HOW? It's made out of particles, but those particles have no mass anymore, and our basic understanding of these building blocks of the universe, of matter, is literally "that which takes up space and has mass." So is this some sort of 'opposite of matter' now? Would we call it a 'half matter,' since it only fulfills half of matter's definition (still has space, but no longer has mass)?
Since we're getting philosophical, what does it mean that Uraraka can essentially partially "un-exist" matter? Matter itself is supposed to be one of those things that cannot be created or destroyed, only changed in form (conservation of matter). So does this make Uraraka some sort of 'Unmoved Mover' figure for the BNHA universe ????????
Anyways, TLDR:
I think Uraraka is as close to magic (or divinity??!)!? as the MHA universe gets and that scares the shit out of me
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mayfay-analysis · 10 months ago
Okay, so related to that one post abt somebody with plant powers not really being able to control ibara, how DO you think she sees the world?? Like to be honest i live your interpretation of her quirk and could read a whole book on it. You said it was kinda translated right? so how would she expreince her senses then??
Haha, thats a really good question! Ive actually been reading a book on plant perception lately (What A Plant Knows, by Daniel Chamovitz) so while i cant say i definitely know everything, its helped put things into perspective. also for the sake of Not Being Buzzkills obviously horikoshi didnt think abt this its just hc im using canon to supplement and draw conclusions dont be silly
also um. im putting this under a cut because it really is a book's worth of meta. i got really excited.
But i think, from how we see Ibara, a large part of it is going to be filtered through religious experiences+delusions. It already seems like how she talks and understands thing is subconsciously put through this filter (i dont think shes calling shishida "apocalypse beast" out of spite or to be inflammatory-- there is religious theory that the beast of gevaudan may have been god-sent, albeit this theory is rare and far from widely accepted. Ibara doesnt seem to follow any specific doctrine, though, and i really think parts of it are just kinda her brain drawing connections in line with her deeply personal beliefs as opposed to dogma. To her it may just be that she believes theyre saying the same thing in essence, while he does not)
But on the topic of sensory experiences specifically, I would also say that Ibara is experiencing exponentially higher levels of sensory input than most people, so i cant blame her for being a space cadet. And while the fainting is an anime-only gag presumably to show her delicate sensibilities or whatever i personally am choosing to interpret it as an incredibly reasonable consequence of her brain hitting the limit. Like cut the cameras im OUT!!! It's documented frequently in the history of religious ecstasy and other spiritual experiences, so adding an assload of input i can imagine only heightens your chance.
And so onto your question about how that manifests-- its hard to say! But i have a few ideas.
Firstly, i think we should address what the plant is perceiving, and how. In a base function, we can say that they respond to stimuli in certain forms (light, sound, smell, balance, touch, etc) which loosely correlates with our own senses. They differ in the organs used, though, but Ibara having a centralized animal brain both simplifies and complicates it.
Plants don't "see" pictures-- they have sensory cells dedicated to seeing both light and different wavelengths of light (which helps control their circadian cycle and even flowing schedule! Even a small disruption of flashing a certain color light during the night can allow farmers to delay or change when certain plants flower), but these arent rods and cones connected to an optical nerve connected to a brain. But at the same time, they... ARE connected to a brain.
I think for Ibara, plant sight is like a murky, back-of the mind addition to her normal range of vision. It's not a picture the same way her Eyes work, but she knows intuitively theres light, shadow, and colors around her, and can focus in on it a little more if she tries. Details and motion that doesn't block light wouldnt be part of it-- the plant can only see what blocks light covering it or reflects light onto it. Ever-periphery flashes of shadowy shapes and colors. (and conversely: i think the prayer pose, with eyes closed and hands clasped makes it easier to focus on the information filtering through)
sound is also different-- while the studies about plant growth and music are bunk, plants do react to sound. the mechanics of it are still heavily under-explored, but we know they do, just so long as its sound that may be relevant to a plant, like running water or insects chewing. I don't think Ibara could do what Hawks does-- where he can focus in on sounds through his wings and hear conversations. The vines aren't a dedicated sensory organ, they just communicate signals back that are of relevance. She may KNOW there's sound somewhere, but it's background noise until it's something that triggers a response. The question is really what would be deemed important enough to do so.
See, the thing with plants is that they don't have emotions, or even a centralized brain, as we've established. Animals can and do. humans especially. Things deemed important by a person can be important for a variety of reasons, beyond just survival. While Ibara uses the vines as an extension of her limbs, it doesn't change the built in systems of stimuli response the plant has, but the plant isn't a brain in the sense that it will decide anything. So the question of What Ibara Hears from the plant is an interesting one. Personally, I don't think she hears the sounds "as is". Ibara doesn't HEAR insects chewing, because the cells are communicating a stimulus and response, so it would be an interpretation of the response. Sort of a plato's cave issue-- I think ibara may say she "hears omens of danger" or "tidings of great joy", but it's not like she's being told a Coherent Thought By The Vines. it's sound of water = good = we are safe and can find safety + an avidly catholic teenager = the angels bring tidings of joy. it's thing she "hears" but doesnt hear because its never actually touching her own aural organs or nerves. She may not be able to pinpoint what the sound itself is, just what it evokes or what her brain fills the gap in as, like talking.
Taste and smell are both something plants do, but defined slightly differently, as we associate these things with specific nerves in the human body that plants Dont Have. to define it the way my book does, we're going to say "taste is the reception of chemical signals through touch" and "smell is the reception of chemical signals dispersed through the air". and plants do taste, and taste one another-- many parasitic plants show preference for certain species, like the dodder vine. other vines, especially those that climb, will avoid climbing their own species because they know that the support is unstable. this is something they figure out by the chemicals they release onto their surface. This is something that would really be tightened up by ibara having an actual real world plant on her head but trust me trying to find anything that matches is a mess. more on that in a bit. but we know, in theory, she can "taste" other plants, and maybe even other type of similar compounds through these vines, which i think would then also manifest in at least a vague idea of a taste in her mouth-- once again, platos cave of sensation, although honestly its probably a bit more in line with what the actual thing would taste like. (tomatoes, for example). this taste may also correlate with a signal that associates emotionally, but ill touch on that in the pain part of this.
Smell is similar- once again, just detected through the air instead of touch. (The smell of cut grass? An airborne danger signal. Ibara probably can't stand being around freshly-cut lawns, it must feel like a giant panic attack. How this would manifest? Not sure! The smell of blood? As a sound instead? It's hard to say what could compare to the scope of fear that kind of flood would cause). I won't go into depth since it's the same as above, but I would also like to add carbon dioxide as a mention. Plants can detect levels of CO2 (and it can decide how they photosynthesize!) in the air, and I think because for Ibara, photosynthesis has to be accelerated (due to the faster growth and usage of energy being more akin to that of an animal instead of a plant) and she and the plant share an exchange of signals and nutrients.
I'm going to diverge briefly into the realm of digestion and nutrition. Firstly because I love it. Secondly because it will circle back to our carbon dioxide talk.
Ibara's vines are, as we see, leafless. This is quite relevant. Leaves, as most people know, are responsible for the majority of photosynthesis. While chlorophyll in any parts of the plant can photosynthesize, leaves are by far the most effective way thanks to the broad surface area and certain specializations. Leafless plants (especially in the case of vines) tend to be parasitic. Plants that evolve photosynthetically-inefficient leaves tend to be carnivorous, which I would like to explore a little.
A plant is defined as carnivorous if, typically, it shows a form majorly inclined towards having prey-trapping mechanisms, and receives a substantial amount of nutrition from doing so. They tend to grow in areas that have high sunlight and water levels, but with incredibly nutritionally deficient soil. Nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, and proteins, which are found in meat (bugs included)
Now, Ibara's vines don't have visible roots, so I think it's safe to assume the root system is within her body, and goes deep below the surface. Water, nutrients, and neurological signals all need to be shared; and so I think her entire body is connected to this root system. Ergo, all the nutrition the plant gets that isn't photosynthesized comes from what Ibara digests-- which is also why I don't personally subscribe to the vegan or vegetarian Ibara headcanon-- because nitrogen and phosphorous are INTEGRAL to stem growth, and baby, she's all stem. In fact, I think she probably loves meat-- second only to bread, which provides long-term energy in the form of complex sugars. I personally think Ibara would dislike sweets in the traditional sense of candy and desserts outside of winter-induced cravings from a drop in photosynthesis, but that would be because the sugars her vines produce for her already maintain a decent level of homeostasis, so it would cause her blood sugar to spike and make her feel ill. Conversely, bread breaks down and is stored much more long term, so it would both benefit her and the plant, which is inefficient at photosynthesis compared to a plant of the same size with leaves, and would need a boost given how much energy it uses to grow, detach, and move.
I know this girl can put away a MEALLLL after training. Yaomomo style.
I think you could argue Ibara (and her quirk) qualifies as a carnivorous plant. Her vines lack leaves and instead have developed extensive thorns (which can be a type of modified stem-- its complicated and varies plant to plant), and we never see them branch off of each other, so they may not even be capable of developing stems. She also doesn't appear to have any flowering mechanism (nor does she need one!), although I will say I'm a sucker for the idea of Ibara having psuedo-blossoms that aren't functional flowers, but rather an indicator of health. Either way, the heavy focus on the vines for strength, complex movement, and grasping through pointed extrusions makes me think you could convincingly argue that they are the "trapping mechanism", which is a requirement for carnivorous plants.
So, once again, we've established that there's a complex nutrient exchange both from Ibara to the vines, but from the vines to Ibara. And because of this, I think there's an added level of complexity to her digestive system-- specifically regarding the stomach's direct connection to the brain. Just like her own nutritional needs can trigger certain responses like in any person, but the plant probably has the same access to these hormone signals. Things like craving sugar and being irritable in winter because of the inability to produce her own as much, but also conversely, I think the plant can trigger a digestive response to prepare for the influx of sugar being photosynthesized. A "heads up, we're about to start sending this your way" to help maintain proper levels.
So, back to carbon dioxide finally. When plants detect higher carbon dioxide levels in the air, they may photosynthesize more. This may result, in my opinion, to "phantom smells" and a trigger to the digestive system, resembling how our own mouth waters when we smell food. Whether it's just an ambiguous food smell or one specifically (maybe bread?) to Ibara I'm not sure, but what I'm saying is that if Bakugou's explosions over the course of an hour can produce about the same amount of carbon dioxide as an entire person throughout one day, she probably thinks he smells fucking delicious and for no reason why. It's funny to me.
Ok! On to touch. I think it's obvious that Ibara's vines react to touch and that's transmitted to her, given how she knows that she's found someone and is pulling them out in JTA. Plants definitely can feel touch, and respond, but I'd like to note that plants can't feel pain. They don't have the ability to feel pain. They can react to adverse touch, certainly-- for example, grass releasing their smell when cut, but they don't feel pain. It's solely for survival, and feeling pain isn't really important for a relatively stationary being. Nor do they really have the factor of emotional association with pain that typically is bundled together. But in the case of Ibara; who, once again, has the burden of the complex mammalian brain... maybe she does feel pain, even if it's not "real"! It likely has to do with whether she has the expectation of and emotional association of fear/pain/etc, so simply cutting away the vines aren't likely to make her hurt. But I don't think phantom pain is out of the question, especially for someone already as high-strung as Ibara and who has so many wires crossing at so many times because of the nuance of the signals transmitted from cell to cell.
And related to touch... a fascinating and storied study in plants includes gravitropism and proprioception, or-- balance and how they know what's up and what's down! People have incredibly complex proprioception systems (most people know about the inner ear, but it goes far deeper than that!), and plants, too, make use of this ability. In fact, it's integral for plant growth.
Plants have two main mechanisms for gravity sensing. The root caps, and then in the stems, the endodermis (which is also responsible for osmosis in cells, sorta) both have genes that develop statoliths, similar to the otoliths we have in the inner ear. These statoliths tell the plant which way gravity is pulling. The root caps make roots grow down, the endodermis makes the shoots grow up.
I think for Ibara, her vines have become an extension of her own balance and ability to know where she is in space. Losing all of them suddenly would result in something similar to a damaged ACL-- having to readjust and being wobbly for a while. Not only that, but I think quirks that impact someone's sense of balance would seriously waste Ibara. While Ibara does move her vines in more ways than up and down, the ability to tell what's what still relies on the individual cells in the stems and roots. While Ibara would still be able to produce the growth hormone and self-amputating mechanisms that detach her vines (i have to look more into this, honestly-- autotomy has only been recorded in one type of plant, and even with abscission ibara's vines dont follow typical patterns. smh my head.), there would be little if any control over the movement, especially if the balance reduction hits the endodermis in more ways than one, because that would impair the hydrolic movement that causes movement in plants.... Either way, Ibara's quirk would be rendered functionally useless. Deidoro Sakaki has this one. And in my opinion, with Uraraka's quirk, they would grow, but wouldn't show proper gravitropic bending, and so may also be impaired in their ability to perform actions.
And I think a complete removal of Ibara's vines would honestly feel like... overwhelmingly suffocating? Imagine having so much of the senses you're used to having cut off, it's probably incredibly jarring and upsetting. I don't think she would prefer it to the every day life she lives, because it seems like she's generally not that impeded by her own world view and strict standards, even if others oppose it (OCD queen lets go #1). a TLDR; I think Ibara experiences normal human sensory input, she just has another layer that bleeds into it. While I often refer to the plant separately in the above, that's solely for clarity of biological mechanic explanations-- they're one and the same, the same way we started reproducing mitochondria despite their likely beginning as a different organism. She may see things that aren't there (like in the case of warning signals from other plants, or in her mental translation of all sorts of things), "hear" things in her mind, smell or taste or even feel pain... while the mechanics aren't the "real" ones we associate with the senses in question, she's still reacting to stimuli she is receiving, and I think she's learned to adapt to it. It's hard to explain, because it almost has a sort of eldritch feel... but really, Ibara is Ibara, she's a bit stubborn and translates everything into her world view, and so that determinative personality probably helps streamline the constant influx of information. Angels, music, emotions, memories-- those are things she assigns to the experiences, but they are no less validated by the biological machinations behind them. Human survival also relies on our ability to feel and the more complex machinations of the brain, the social advantages of more refined expressions and speech, and Ibara's just as human as her classmates, and her quirk ultimately is another part of that, even if we know the individual cells of the plant are without that same neurological function.
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mayfay-analysis · 10 months ago
Quirk Analysis: Frog (Asui Tsuyu)
The quirks from My Hero Academia have always been my favourite bit, so I'm gonna have some fun doing some Izuku style quirk breakdowns. The science here will be both real and theoretical. Feel free to use any of this in fics. My science background is basically exclusively biology so expect that to be the basis for any of my fake quirk science. Have a quirk you wanna see next? Just tell me!
First things first - her quirk counselor should be dragged out into the street and shot - her quirk isn't frog - it's chameleon.
Now, you may say "but she looks like a frog" and true! She does! But so do her parents - Tokoyami's bird mutations are unrelated to his quirk, as are Spinner's Lizard-like traits, and were inherited from one or both parents. I'm sure Asui's are too, given both her parents have frog/toad like traits (another thing - frogs and toads aren't distinct types of animal, they are the same animal with different names based typically on aesthetics but without any taxonomic background. but. I digress.) Her other frog-like traits (regurgitating her stomach, mild toxins, etc) are likely also inherited mutations.
The tongue of a frog is attached at the front of the mouth, giving in the ability to sort of flap forward and back. It's very soft, sticky and actually rather short, but that forward attachment lets it extend quickly and a decent distance. This is nothing like Asui's long, flexible and muscular tongue. It more closely resembles a chameleon tongue, sans the bony support it has on the end, though she does seem to have a similar tongue pad. I'd actually say its a pretty even mix between the musculature and dexterity of a human tongue.
Her camouflage ability - its true some frogs can change colour, but its typically from one standard colour to another, often during the breeding season. A fine control over colour change is seen in chameleons, though its a communication tool rather than a camouflage. She has the ability to camouflage her uniform too, so we are just going to have to assume that's due to a DNA infused fabric or some sort of inbuilt translucency, otherwise she has a mild light manipulation quirk in addition to everything else and I don't want to think about it.
The colour change mechanism in chameleons is really cool too! They have a few layers of cells in their skin called chromatophores, each layer is either pigmented or reflects a certain colour of light (they have names, but just know the colours are red, yellow, black and blue, like a standard printer (yes i know its cyan and magenta not blue and red but my point still stands). The chromatophores can expand, showing more of their colour, or shrink, showing less giving us a a shade through optical colour mixing!
Blue is the colour that's only reflected light, not a pigment, it's colour is purely structural. This is true in all animals! Any time you see a blue animal (or admittedly a green one) the blue on them is due to a structural quality of their skin/scales/feathers. This is not true for plants (and possibly invertebrates? i don't know much about them).
So, basically, a more accurate description of her quirk is 'chameleon-like traits with frog-like vestigial mutations'.
Some extra questions
can she breathe through her skin? If she can, she'd be able to stay underwater/holding her breath much longer than any standard human, though it wouldn't be sustainable (surface area to volume ratio - she doesn't have enough skin to get enough oxygen to fulfill her needs).
cold triggers an involuntary hibernation - the idea she can hibernate at all is just wild. It requires a lot of very specific adaptions to do so, which we'd have to assume her quirk gave her. This means her heart-rate and metabolic rate can slow dramatically without any ill-effects - chilling her would be an effective way to stop her from bleeding out, or a way to conserve energy during a famine/siege.
some frogs which hibernate in areas that reach below freezing have natural mechanisms which prevent damage to tissues when frozen - a natural antifreeze. she should be highly resistant to frostbite and death by hypothermia. you could also cryogenicly freeze her and then defrost her at a later date.
chameleons can control both eyes individually, giving them a great degree of vision while sacrificing depth perception - could tsuyu? given practise, any human can do it, so it's not impossible, but the increase in visual field would be limited and not particularly practical.
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mayfay-analysis · 10 months ago
Blood Supernova:
Blood Web:
Self Destruct:
Building Blocks/Canon:
Cloud Creation:
Drawing Fabrication:
Earth Beast:
Slime Body:
Flower Power:
Fire Phoenix:
Soft Sting:
Goat Mutation:
Force Absorption:
Poison Mutation:
Hardening (Canon Quirk):
Some Class 1a Yandere Ideas:
Danny's Medical Complications:
The Nature of Reanimated Food:
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mayfay-analysis · 10 months ago
Danny's Medical Complications
Or: I had an idea and it won’t leave (and unfortunately I can’t do dialogue to save my life)
It started simple enough, a quick visit to Frostbite for a general checkup. And then it kept going. New machines, techniques, people, and an increasingly worried yeti was starting to freak Danny out a bit. Eventually it all went away and Frostbite set him down for A Talk.
See, Halfas are hella rare for a reason. The conditions needed to form them are really rare yes, but they aren’t the Main problem. No the main issue is the Disparity. Ghosts are beings of emotions, sufficient stress, emotional/mental harm, lack of ecto, and more can all lead to death. And Halfas crank that up to 11. They have a human side to take care of that’s constantly changing and growing, a higher ecto requirement to fuel their higher base strength, and a myriad of other minor complications that haven’t been properly studied cause Halfas are rarely found and usually don’t form ghosts on death
Say what
What do you mean “don’t form a ghost” they’re already half way there!
And there lies the problem, they’re halfway there. Ghosts are pretty static. they might change yes, but it’s usually due to major events or over the course of eons. And how do they decide on what they’re gonna be? By dying of course! Once the body dies its ghost is formed based on the current life situation and they move on. Simple, quick, easy. No complications here no siree!
Enter Halfas
They already died, and while infant ghosts and experience some major changes as they settle it’s nothing to the degree humans do. And as time passes the static ghost half and changing human half can drift, wobbling on that line between life and death. And once it gets to extreme? They fall. If the ghost half starves or dies the human half experiences Major health complications, leading to death shortly after. If the human side dies they try to form a ghost using all the ambient ecto the ghost side has been feeding on, leading to the ghosts death in most cases but if not they’re practically two different beings and fusing them will kill both anyways.
Good news though! With all the combat and rediculously high ecto levels Danny was exposed to to form his other half, his ghost side has stayed pretty adaptable! The other ghosts didn’t realize they were fighting a literal infant thanks to the high ecto levels he had (and the knowledgeable ones that Did had other reasonings the meant a little smack down they totally wouldn’t lose was an acceptable trade off for them). Horrifying, he will spend the next century finding all sorts of animal pelts, boxes, music tracks, etc landing on him in the middle of the night. But it has a silver lining! Thanks to not being allowed to settle Danny can still shape his ghost form to a degree. And Clockwork, brilliant old man that he is, has an Idea on how to fix this.
Great! Lay it on him Clockwork! What’s he gotta do? Get de-aged and die? Ha Ha! You sure know how to make a good joke old man-child, now what’s the real way?
Oh no
Danny Can form a ghost on death, but it’ll require dying while as mentally and physically similar to how he was when the portal closed. Problem there, he’s changed. He’s changed a Good Bit. Luckily Clockwork can handle the physical aspect but Desiree needs some extra time for her end. See, she Can change brain chemistry and whatnot, but it takes time to become permanent. A quick fix like her usual work is fragile (lies, it’s still stupidly powerful but forming a ghost relies on the persons deepest core, and that takes time to settle in to Desiree’s magic). So they just have to de-age Danny to an appropriate age where once he hits around the age he was when the portal closed Desiree’s magic will have settled, molding his personality/core to as close as they can be.
And then he has to die.
Doesn’t have to be as extreme as the portal incident was (in fact new factors like major doses of ecto would be a Very bad idea, his malleable ghost side is already pushing the limits with the minor variation he’ll already have) but it Does need to be in an area with high levels of ambient ecto, preferably his new hometown to match his current life’s lack of geographic movement.
He’ll also need to have his ghost half locked away to a degree. He’ll still need to be liminal of course, that long term exposure to ecto is needed to fuel a ghosts transformation, but proper ghost powers are getting put away unless Clockwork thinks they’re needed (and if it Does get to that point he’s getting pulled out for a second try anyways).
So where to put him? Well Gotham of course!
Clockwork…. Why are you like this (it’s all for the good of the timeline. And Lady Gotham owes him a favor he prepared just for this)
From there if he ends up in the Bats care (Nasty Burger explosion, Ghost Jazz, or simply not having anyone capable of properly raising him knowing he’ll die at 14) it doesn’t take long for one John Constantine to notice the Heavy Infinite Realms influence on the small child and drag the big bat away for his own Talk (double angst if he’s able to recognize the specific brand of Time Magic indicating a death prophecy). If he ends up under Jazz’s care then it might take a bit longer, but she’ll likely end up tied up in Bat business and from there it wouldn’t take long for a Very stressed Jazz to accidentally reveal something (or a child Danny not realizing “I know when I’m going to Die in excruciating detail!” is Not something you share with strangers, especially not ones as paranoid as the Bats).
Also for loose threads I imagine Ellie is unstable because her ecto is cloned off of Danny, while her human half is its own person. That large disparity usually leads to death (as seen in the other clones) but she’s able to force it off with sheer ecto strength, using the ecto shots as fuel to Force her body to stay together until they reach an inevitable conclusion or potentially meld together like Dan does).
As for Dan he’s not Properly a Halfa. I never watched the show so I don’t have all the details but I understand he’s some kinda mix of future Danny and Vlad gone evil and destroying the world. This mix Might be able to last longer than a regular Halfa would due to the insane amounts of ecto he has in his system. And as time passes the mixed ghost halves Could be unstable enough to sort of meld with his human parts, creating something of a Highly unstable ghost-human hybrid (seperate from Halfas since this is a blending of the two, not a distinct line between two halves).
That wouldn’t work with Danny cause it requires a second ghost mixing with him And the two somehow not destabilizing during the years it takes for the blend to settle. And the Ellie route is out since that requires So Much fine control and vigilance over a Very long period of time to slowly manually shape the ghost half to better fit the human half, rather than the other way around like Danny’s doing.
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mayfay-analysis · 10 months ago
Unfortunately still don’t have internet (using mobile data to post this) so Eizan will have to wait a bit for their analysis. But happy birthday Monoma! And congratulations Jyohan for making such fun characters (and good luck with the hospital stuff, hope that clears up soon)
To start with the standard overview Ayame has the quirk Blood Web, which allows her to shoot out her blood in the form of a restraining web, as well as apparently granting some measure of control over this web. From what I can tell she has likely undergone extensive training so what we see is going to be around her upper limits until the body grows enough to be capable of safely handling more, or she experiences a full/mini awakening (barring some unexpected outside interference of course).
That’s pretty neat, but now we need to figure out the different aspects to her quirk we have to work with. To start with we have the bloods properties, how her blood is actually controlled, and finally the bodies other mutations
Starting with Ayames blood it’s unlikely this is run of the mill human blood, rather it’s somehow capable of wrapping up targets, safely being sent out in large quantities, and it naturally takes on the form of a spider web when released with little to no effort on her part. Now I’m no expert on blood but that sounds modified to me, meaning mutations!
To start with Ayame likely has a much higher base quantity of blood to make up for any loss and inefficiency due to the mutations, meaning she likely has high blood pressure (although with that as her baseline regular blood pressure might act like low pressure would to her). This would in turn require a more robust circulatory system, larger lungs to meet demands, and a high iron diet for the high levels needed in blood production. These changes would result in a much higher metabolism, quick transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide leading to efficient breathing (especially combined with the larger lungs), and easier to hit blood vessels and arteries as the size and number have likely gone up.
Next up is the bloods strength. As seen in the storyboard when thrown Ayames blood takes on the form of a spider web and is capable of easily overpowering even a trained human body (and it was expected to easily take down an apparent strength enhancer at that). Very strong stuff even taking into account the efficient shape. So how does it do it? Well largely quick fuckery but we can assume that somehow blood thats been sent out has changed from the natural liquid state capable of normal functions, to the new solid web. So how? My first thought was some sort of hardening and telekinesis (and I’m not all the way off the mark there) but after some research I actually think this relies heavily on more mutations to the blood and veins. See, Ayame is only shown to use her quirk from her finger tips, using the connected strings to manipulate her web and let out more from the body. On top of implying a much higher concentration of veins (and potentially some secondary arteries for faster flow) in the arms, wrists, and fingers, this also means that rather than having her quirk ready from any point on the body, it can rely on stationary mutations for help.
Lets step back for a moment and review real life blood, more specifically blood clots. Blood clots are clumps of dried blood that stops blood flow to prevent bleeding out in case of an injury. Pretty simple stuff but looking closer we have a couple of steps to go from liquid blood to stopped up bleeding. The first thing to happen in case of a cut/full severing of the veins is that the veins will squeeze down, reducing blood flow. From there the body releases chemicals in the area that activate platelets, sticking to each other and a layer known as collagen. When these platelets are activated they release that same chemical, drawing in, activating, and sticking to new platelets. All of this activity sets off a series of enzymes and reactions that eventually results in a sort of net that traps platelets and blood cells into a mesh that fully stops the bleeding until it’s disturbed or healed over.
Riveting stuff but why do we care? Well, what if this process was messed with? What if instead of allowing the blood to clot we made use of it? Normally this would just be an anti-clotting disorder and generally make life harder (you can’t even take Aspirin for goodness sakes) but in the world of quirks we can take special liberties with some stuff. Like say instead turning that vein contraction into something like a hose, the restriction caused by quirk activation mixing with the suddenly heightened blood circulation (also due to quirk activation, possibly through some sort of pump) to instead add pressure, causing the blood to shoot out rather than dribble. Of course this is still pretty useless if it’s in liquid form, so what if the blood has a special protein or enzyme or whatnot in it that when it comes into contact with a specific enzyme (one held in solution in the “web production” zone of the fingertips that all blood passes through) causing it to use the blood and associated materials to form powerful strings, strings that can then be pushed down through a twisting cylinder reminiscent of a gun barrel that serves to string them together, where they’ll stick and form something of a rope, as well as increasing their accuracy. Took some liberties there but let's go with it for now. With this we have blood string being produced from the end of the fingers with some pretty decent accuracy and speed, but it doesn’t form a web. For that we need either automatic telekinesis/shape shifting to force the strands of blood string to split in specific parts and reconnect with each other, or spit in the face of physics with more fun mutations. So what if instead we added some sort of compound/protein lining the string barrel, one that only attaches after a certain amount of mass had passed by it. These compounds would act like caps on the string as well as splitting it in half (although that could be a more mechanical process done only when the compound is put in place, but I don’t have the words to explain how that would work). When the string caps are exposed to the air they would let out a chemical, drawing in the nearest cap that doesn’t have their fingers exact chemical signature. Once the caps connect they form a powerful chemical bond, sealing the strings together. If done skillfully on a large scale this would eventually form a sort of net (or web if controlled properly). Of course this would require insane amounts of experience to do correctly, so it was likely either achieved through Insane amounts of technical training that would leave Ayame's fine motor skills sky high, or done through inbuilt instinct granted by her quirk/mutations to the brain (or more likely a mix of the two).
Well that took a long while to get through but now we can move onto the next part, how Ayame is able to actually control her webs. My first thought was self telekinesis (for like the third time now) but that could easily be expanded on to allow for flight, something she hasn’t shown any indication of having. So instead it could be a more biological process, such as the blood strings high iron content and an added mutation meaning they dry into strings that would allow for the sending of electrical signals. From there it wouldn’t be insane to assume that these signals could cause certain parts of the blood to “flex” in a way similar to muscles (although this would require yet another new substance in the blood string, one likely added while passing through the web production solution). These “muscles” would be incredibly weak and grow less responsive the further out from the central body they go, but they Would allow for quick movement of the web (as seen when it’s sent out and wraps around Eizan).
Finally we’re done with the blood, so what kind of secondary mutations is Ayame have? Well to preface this section I dive into different parts of her design. It’s purely for ideas and analysis reasons I Swear, but it Really sounds like I’m just ragging on your arty style. Seriously not doing that, but I love secondary/supporting mutations too much to let material go unless it bothers you.
Anywho back on track the most obvious mutations are going to be to the main body, and we don’t have much change there. The only ones to really stick out are her larger feet (similar to Eizan) which could be particularly helpful when it comes to preventing being pulled forward when drawing her web in, but their presence in Eizan as well implies this is either a vestigial quirk or a cosmetic modification made later in life. The skinny body and purple hair are in a similar boat, likely being cosmetic or vestigial mutations/modifications. One I don’t see but like enough to put in anyways is mutations to the fingers. With so much going on in those areas it’s incredibly likely Ayame has supporting mutations in her fingers, namely a longer length and larger size to more easily fit everything in there. On top of that would be a high sweat gland concentration at the ends of the fingers, allowing for sweat to moisturize and non-string blood that comes through so it easily comes off before caking over any exit points and potentially causing problems (it’s also likely the blood string is also somewhat resistant to water to make up for this, allowing it to stay functional if only somewhat wet. However enough water Would likely mess with the chemical signals from the string caps as well as potentially mess with the stability of the web since so many parts to blood are soluble). This would also potentially lead to an instinctual tic to wipe her fingers after using her quirk to wipe off any crusted over blood that could cause blockages if she needs to use her quick again soon. For less obvious mutations Ayame likely has another mutation to the brain, boosting her spatial awareness to better utilize the far ranging attacks her quirk is built for. She also potentially has a minor mutation to encourage the consumption of protein, water, and iron rich foods, either as a craving or in a similar way humans are hardwired to seek out sugar. This would be because her diet would need Loads of these resources for blood replacement, since even outside of combat it’s being replaced constantly by new blood. This would best be remedied by keeping some sort of protein shake on hand, but of course she may have her own workarounds.
MHA OC (1/?)
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Currently writing an MHA OC story basically with this plotline:
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(These photos are supposed to be 3 images but I had to hide the other one because it's a massive spoiler lol)
Yes, Monoma is in the story, he's one of the focus.
I even created a storyboard for it!
(TW: It has bad editing cause idk what video editor to use and Filmora is shit)
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Eizan is basically a punching bag but I like them funny for real (at least its funny for me lol)
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In fact, the story sets in motion because of him lol. (I ship him with my own oc. I'm shameless.)
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This picture is basically a spoiler welp whatever.
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