#by do a little trolling i mean Miles doesn’t want to tell just anybody what happened to his parents bc he doesn’t trsut easily
milimeters-morales · 7 months
do acau aaron and matt have any kind of relationship? are they glad miles has another (relatively) positive role model, or do they disagree too much abt whats best for him?
Matt and Aaron don’t like each other for a long time once they find out about each other; Matt thinks Aaron is a reckless father and puts his job before his son, & Aaron thinks Matt is a useless hypocrite who’s not trying hard enough, but they have very similar ideas and methods, and begrudgingly respect that in the end they are only doing what the can to protect and/or provide, so they have to work together to keep Miles alive (and sane basically). Once Miles finally confesses why he’s dropping the Spider-Man mantle for a bit (so about two years into the story), the two do begin a very shaky friendship in their normal civilian lives in order to better help Miles with both his powers and living a normal life again, making friends, trusting himself and others, stuff like that. But Matt still doesn’t like that Aaron’s risking Miles’s life by simply being the Prowler, and Aaron doesn’t like that Matt still tries to help Peter become a better person.
(Matt doesn’t find out that Aaron isn’t actually the father until nearly a year after meeting each other bc Miles and Aaron do a little trolling.)
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lanaisnotwool · 4 years
417 Creating Karmic Debt
What is the number one thing that pulled Chris Miles through his hard times in the last recession?
How can you get karma working FOR you?
Is Karma instant?
Trolls beware! This episode will be hard on you. Learn and understand the concept of Karmic debt by watching this 22-minute video.
Listen to our Podcast here:
Hello, my fellow Ripplers! This is Chris Miles. Your Cash Flow Expert and Anti-Financial Advisor. Welcome you out for a wonderful show. A show that is for you and it’s about you. Those of you that work so hard for your money and you’re ready for your money to start working harder for you. Now! So you work because you want to, not because you have to. You want to be able to have that freedom. That cash flow. That prosperity. Today! Not 30 or 40 gazillion years from now, but right now! So you have that life of comfort and ease and freedom. So you can be with those that you love. Doing what you love. Whenever you want. But guys, it’s so much more than just being able to have a lot of money, right? This is about how you can go about blessing lives because that’s a rippler, you can create a ripple effect through the lives of others, through your own prosperity. Through your abundance. Through your good example. Through your talents and gifts and everything you can bring the world and money is just a magnifier of your soul.
And that is exactly why I’m so proud to be one of those Ripplers with you guys today. Thank you for allowing me to teach through you, to be able to share the knowledge and the things that I’ve gained experiences from just a few things. I haven’t learned everything in the world, but I appreciate you guys allowing me to do that. You’re sharing it with other people and allowing this message to grow and expand and bless more lives. And that’s because of you guys. So thank you so much for doing that.
Here’s a reminder. Check out our website, MoneyRipples.com. There’s great blogs on there, including videos of these very podcast you’re listening to right now. So definitely go and check those out.
And so today I’ve had a topic that I’ve kind of reserved for when it felt to be the right time. And I feel like now that time, because I feel now is the time to prepare, to gear up to really truly understand those real eternal, really those laws and principles of prosperity, right? Those laws of abundance. And this is a big one. In fact, this was one that I relied on so much during the last recession. When I was broke. When I was over a million dollars in debt. That this was one of the main things that I felt pulled me through. This is the one thing that kept encouraging me. It’s one of the main things that actually I believe truly was able for me to make a lot more money because I understood this concept, right? And there’s lots of different ways that people would call this. I’m going to refer to this as Karmic Debt.
You know, when people talk about karma, you know, like what you put out comes back to you, right? This is about creating debt, like creating good karma to come back to you. By creating good karma, good karma comes back. So creating this karmic debt, because there is a lag effect between the good things that you do that you put out in the world and the results and the rewards you get back. This is why people say, why bad things happen to good people? Wait. The story ain’t over yet. You know, if you keep waiting, it happens. Some people might talk about this as the law of the harvest, right? You don’t talk about like things in the Bible. They talk about when you sow it. And when you sow seeds and you plant, do you have to nurture it and water it and let it grow. Right? Same kind of concept, right? If you want to give or if you want to receive, you’ve got to give. See I came to get it right. I have to keep giving first. Cause that is the first thing. But if you want to receive something, you’ve got to give first.
And so I really want to go into this because I truly believe, especially when people struggle, this is when the impurities, so to speak, bubble out of you, right? It’s like, as if things are forced out of you. Then even the worst parts of you, I mean, have you noticed, especially lately where you’re under stress, some of the less attractive parts of you come out, right? You know, for me, I mean, it was a hot day and they’re telling you to wear masks and I’m going to a grocery store. I’m a grump! You do not want to say hi to me. I mean, maybe it would help. But no, it’s like, I get really grumpy and angry and I have to work on that, you know, and that kind of stuff. And we all have those little trigger moments and those things that we have, right?
By the way, if you want to have good things come to you, you got to put out good things. I hope that none of you, if you call yourself a Rippler, one thing for sure is you cannot be the type of person that I hear about trolling online. If you’re one of those people that troll people may say, Oh, I’m not a troll. I’m just trying to bring up truth. But if you’re out there criticizing, blaming, you’re ripping apart people. Try to find every little fault and every little exception to somebody’s little statement that they make, because someone doesn’t want to write a 5 million paragraph page, you know, on their social media. And you’re the one that’s to nitpick it and pull it out. Shame on you! Shame on you! For being that kind of person. If that’s what this kind of world has turned you into, I don’t even want to see you once you become later on with the world. It can get worse, right?
That’s a thing like guys, if this is you, I ask you right now. I beg you to cut it out, to actually start to be real abundant, prosperous people. Good people. Naturals. And I know it’s a minority, but those are the people that scream the loudest. Aren’t they? And I’m not saying any particular experience. I’m not pointing anybody out. So if you think it’s you, because I’m saying, Oh, Chris knows me. He’s pointing me out. I’m not thinking of you, but I have seen a lot more. And I’m sure you have too. A lot more negativity out there now. If you want something truly abundant and positive in your life, stop throwing out negative crap. Okay? Like that cannot exist. And there’s people that I swear. I don’t know how they get so much time. And maybe it’s because they’ve been laid off or furloughed or whatever, or they just don’t have business going on. But I’m telling you, there’s way more productive things you could be doing through time than going and criticizing people online. You know, just because you can hide behind your little computer and be a little coward. That is not the case.
So if you want this karmic debt to work for you, that is not what you do. Okay. That was my little soap box on that part. But again, guys, if you say I’m trying to correct people and create effect. No one cares about your corrections! Let’s be honest. Now you might opt to give people some options, right? But nobody cares about your freaking opinion that much. You know, nobody does except for you. You know? And so, I deal with it all the time. Don’t you think me, who’s the guy that’s trying to get financial advice. There’s plenty of bad advice out there. Heck, you’ve heard me talk about Dave Ramsey, but you’ve also heard me compliment Dave Ramsey too. I could go off. If I were like the people today online or to be that kind of person. I would be the person that say like, Oh, Dave’s a fricking moron! He’s an idiot! He’s totally out of touch with reality! Yeah. He’s all about paying off debt, but nobody gets rich off that!
I could totally make statements like that. Right? And especially they’re blanket statements. It’s funny how people will make blanket statements, but then they’ll criticize people for making blanket statements. The hypocrisy in the world is crazy. Guys. You don’t see me doing that, right? Now, there’s been times I have in my life. And especially when I was younger, that was dumb. Okay. I like to think that I learned some lessons along the way. Guys. He’s awesome. He’s a great guy. He does some great, good in the world. Now. It’s not the advice I would give. It’s not the advice I think is good for most people, especially those of you that are listening. If you’re looking for a much, the next step, if you’re going beyond remedial finances, right?
He’s great for remedial finances. Many of you though that are listening to his show, are beyond that. You’re already looking for answers that are outside the box. Cool. He’s got his purpose. I’ve got mine, right? So anyways, there’s a plenty of room in this world for us to be good to each other. And I highly recommend that if anything, you want to see more money coming in your life and less scarcity, be an abundant person. Act as an abundant person. Do things that create more abundance that foster it.
So let me give you an example. So when I was going through those rough times back in the last recession, right. You know, I knew that principals would govern, like I was losing faith a little bit, right. Because I was struggling. I was like, man, it seems like at first it seemed like everything I touched turned to gold and now nothing’s working. It seemed like everything was going wrong. Right? And I started to put a lot of focus on that. I started getting very bitter myself. You know, I remember I was complaining. I was fault-finding. Blaming. You just, you know, backbiting. You know, whatever you want to call it. Gossiping. You know, I had plenty of time on my hands and I was one of the blame and whine about it. And just try to talk it all out and just vent. Here’s the thing. It’s one thing to vent, you know, and just let it out and then go out and be productive. It’s another thing to just whine and complain and do nothing. And except for whine and complain the next day and the next day.
And I remember this was in 2009. So remember 2007 towards the latter half of that year, I still have writing on the walls getting desperate. You know, my finances start to fall apart. 2008 I was basically making no payments or a lot of late payments, right? Or, you know, going late on a lot of things. I was in the foreclosure process. And I remember by April, 2009, this was right before my fourth child was born my third son. And that’s when the knock came on the door and the person said, Hey, I just bought your house at the courthouse a half hour ago. When can you get out? I want to move. I bought this house for my sister. I want to move her in. And of course I was like, Oh my goodness, we’re about to have a baby in the next week or so. So can we pay rent, stay in here for a little bit. And he agreed and we paid about $2,000 to stay in the house for two more weeks.
You know. Anything to try to keep them off our back. So anyways, we did that. Had the baby. And of course we’re able to move out, find a place. All well. You know, my wife has, at the time, it was barely healing from having our child. And it was a hard, hard time. And I’m telling you, I was pretty embittered. I mean, it’s part of me was at least relieved that at least I knew what was happening because every month there was that threat of foreclosure. But because we’re trying to short sell the house, they would delay it. Right? And we, and by the way, we had short sale offers and the bank wouldn’t take it. They foreclosed on our house. $170,000 less than the offers we had for the short sale. I mean, talk about how wrong that is. I mean, that doesn’t definitely help my credit, you know, at that time now it’s gone in the past, but that time that was not a good thing for me.
You know, I was like, okay, now my credit is shot. I just lost my home and everything, you know, everything, a part of it, we just downsized into a house that was about, you know, 35% 40% of the space we were used to, you know, and it was a tough time. And I wanted to moan and complain and blame and everything else. In fact, my wife at that time did the same thing. She was trying to blame other people. It got to the point where I realized I’m the only one to blame here. Right? And of course we were losing patience. Cause we had now been going through this for nearly two years, you know, from the time that we started realize things are getting tight.
So after two years of struggle, and I know some of you guys can relate to this. Two years of struggle, it could definitely wear on you, right? Especially when you had all this faith and this hope, and then it seemed like it was just dashed to pieces. But you know, the great thing is that it got me to the right place.
One, it got me to reducing my expenses drastically over that period of time. Let me to learn to be a better steward of my money and tracking it and watching it and being careful with it. And looking for ways to create value for people. And that’s what I mean about karmic debt, right? Is that, I knew that if I want big results to come, that I got to give big. And so when I was looking at all this, I was thinking, okay, well I know these principles work. I know the principles by, so you’ve gotta be in an abundant mindset, right? When you’re in scarcity, this thing doesn’t work.
You gotta be a place of abundance. What does that mean? That means having faith, that when you apply principles, they work. You know, just like dollars full of value when you create value for people, even if you don’t see the money right away, there’s something that happens. You know, I’ve had people before telling me, even during the last recession that say, Chris, I’m creating lots of value for my employer and they’re not recognizing it. I said, fine, great. Now, granted, you still have to ask for things that you want, right? And you can do that with confidence, knowing that you went the extra mile. I had a client that same time that did the same thing. He kept getting raises because he kept creating huge value. That was his whole focus. Even after you get the next raise, he kept doing it again. And they couldn’t deny it because they knew if they didn’t hold on to someone like he was actually a creator, not a consumer.
You understand that most people, when they go to work, they are just there to consume. They create as little as possible to just get paid. So really most people will just create as little as possible in their job. So they don’t get fired. Isn’t that the truth they just try to do. What’s minimally required of them. It’s like, what’s the minimum requirement I have to do just get an A in my class just to get an A- even, right? That’s kinda what people treat life like. But when you go the extra mile, when you turn into something greater, when you go and apply weight in a way that it shows good true character. Especially when it’s tough times. That’s when the real blessings, the real results are to happen.
And I remember, for me, like I switched something like it was about June or July of 2009. I remember seeing a guy in my office. Guy that we were working with, you know, the main partner. And I could tell, even though it wasn’t really on his face, I could just sense that he was desperate. He was a little bit discouraged. And I realized I was part of the problem. I was bringing negative energy into his space. And I’m like, well, how can he produce more if I’m bringing negative energy into his space? So I made a decision that moment. I said, I’m going to switch it. I’m actually going to have, I’m going to focus on the positive. And I remember reading the book, Never Give Up, by Donald Trump. One of his more humble books, right. That says a lot. So anyways, in that book, he talked about how you’d focus on the one positive thing. Even if there was 20 negative things, you focus on the one positive. So I said, I’m going to do that.
Now it’s more than just being optimistic or being false. Right. I wouldn’t be disingenuous with my optimism. I would find something that was true. That was really true. You know, even meant I’m breathing today. Right. I would find something that was true. I would make up crap. Like, I’m so grateful for this when there’s no reality that. Now there’s something to be said about declaring something that’s not there. That doesn’t seem to be real yet. It might just be in her mind and that’s fine. But you can be, you can find ways to make an honest statement about it, right? I mean, say for example that, someone says like, Hey, like I’m not financially free yet. I don’t have all the passive income I need. You can just say, Hey, I’m on my way. Like I’m progressing towards that goal.
That’s awesome. And focusing on the progression versus where you’re not is huge. It’s huge. And where do you put that focus? And so, you know, they gotta have that level of abundance mentality that’s going with this. For this karmic debt to work. Now, as you’re doing that, it actually makes it easier. And it’s easier to keep stay motivated to keep creating value. And when I’ve had people that said, well, I’m creating value for this employer, it’s not working. Well. Okay. Well guess what, inevitably, the universe has to work in your favor, even if it means that someone else recognizes your hard work and offers you more money. And by the way, that’s happened so many stinking times to clients of mine and friends and people like that when they actually do this consistently and persistently over time. And so that’s what happens is you start to see this really work. And remember this for me was the key.
So that summer of 2009, I’m trying to have a more optimistic attitude. I’m just going, creating value. Sometimes I’m not getting paid for that value, but I said, it doesn’t matter, I’d keep creating it. I’m going to keep being in the right place, doing the right things the right time. And here’s, it’s kind of like, you know, my church, there’s a slogan that says, do what is right and let the consequence follow, right? It’s basically like, Hey, choose the right, do the right things. And then let the cards fall where they may. And usually those cards fall in your favor. That’s the thing.
And I remember it got to August, right? August, 2009. This is just before things turned around for me. And I remember thinking, you know what? I remember, I was praying to God. I said, you know, I know this works. I know these are true principles. I haven’t seen the fruit of it yet, but I know that I’ve been watering this tree. I’ve been planting it. I’ve been nurturing it and doing everything that’s needed for, to bear fruit. I just know that the fruit isn’t here yet. And here’s the thing I said, I got to this place of surrender. And I said, you know what? Even if it, whether it happens next week or this takes 20 years, regardless, I will keep creating value. I will keep building this karmic debt in my favor because I know inevitably the dam has to burst.
And I actually got encouraged by that. I was like, man, the more I create here, the more there’s going to be a blessing on the other side. The harder the pain, the more that there has to be, that polarity, right. There has to be something reverse of that. You know, Napoleon Hill in the book, Think and Grow Rich. Talks about with the seed of every adverse, with every adversity is the seed of an equal or greater opportunity. So think about that. With every adversity, with every negative thing you might have, there’s a seed of an equal or greater opportunity. I’ve also seen this be true. When you go the extra mile, you go the extra mile, there’s an amplification aspect that happens. It’s something that amplifies your results. You know, not just two fold, sometimes be ten fold of actual effort you put in, but many people don’t go quite that far.
They just get stuck. They just do the bare minimum because that’s all they feel they can handle. Guys when you go the extra mile and you start to find ways to serve people and do more, it comes back. And I can attest to that. That was August. I relent. I kind of got that place of surrender. I remember I had a huge fight with my ex my wife at that time, right? My ex wife now, had a huge fight with her. And she’s like, well, when’s this going to end? Like, I’m tired of this. And I’m like, Hey, there’s gonna be a day. I said, I told you so. That this is working. I know it. I feel it deep down. I feel it true. And I’m wondering if you guys had that feeling too, where you just know something’s going to work out. You just haven’t seen the results yet.
Well, that’s what I did, man. September, the dam started to burst just the next month. By October, I realized we’re good. We’re in a good place. Now things are really happening. By the way that happened because one, the person that was projecting negativity on. When I stopped that, allowing him to be abundant and do his thing, he had key connections. So he brought in these key people, especially in the chiropractic and dental communities, he brought them in. And the cool thing is over that period of time, I started honing my craft and getting better and better and more resourceful about finding cash, finding money. And boom! I helped them find cash and they’re raving fans and they’re centers of influence. And they start telling everybody else. And then the whole damn burst open so that by October I’m like, okay, money is flooding in.
I’ve been waiting for this for two years. And here it is. And then by just a few months later, by December and into January, I’m like, I gotta hire more coaches. I can’t handle it all. Like even by one or two, I couldn’t. It was just too much. And so I started going to train more coaches, you know. Same kind of thing that I felt lately. Although I don’t feel like it’s like this two month dam burst or anything like that. I felt that pole. That’s why last year I started late, late last year, I started like training other advisors and other people to back me up because I know that I can’t do it all. And for this ripple effect to become bigger and it impact your lives better. It’s gotta be that way. And so again, it’s about creating that upfront work. You know, that time and energy, so many people will stop it.
They won’t consistently and persistently do it because they think, Oh, it’s not working. And they stop. Trust me. If you trust in this one principle of karmic debt saying, I’m going to build up that debt so much that whether you believe in God or the universe or whatever it has to pay you back. And it has to pay you back with interest. That guys, that is the cool thing about this. So I challenge you. First be in an abundant state of mind, you know, don’t be the troll online. Don’t be the person that’s thrown out negativity, do something different. Don’t, turn off the fricking news. You know, turn off the world. The voice of the world even means you have to disconnect a little bit, do it. Get into a peaceful place. I think right now the trends should be heading more towards spirituality and focusing on your mind and quieting instilling the mind.
Because right now there’s chaos in the world. You have to have peace and abundance in a chaotic world right now. Focus on that. Start creating massive value in the world in whatever way you want to. And by the way, do it even in places that don’t pay you money. The best way to build a karmic debt is find ways to serve people that doesn’t necessarily pay. You just do the right thing and watch what will happen. It’s incredible. Not only will you feel better, but you will attract more. You will attract opportunities. People say, how are you doing this? You must be lucky. You must have some sort of magic or know something or know somebody that I don’t. The truth is guys. It’s not magic. It’s been around since the beginning of time.
People have talked about it, but right now there’s so much noise in the world. They’re forgetting real core, true principles that create massive prosperity. And if you want to even create passive income from the strategic side, you create massive prosperity. You start creating massive income now. Don’t you think you’ll hit passive income faster? I can assure you that is definitely 100% of the case. I am living proof of that guys.
So anyways, that is my advice for you guys. Create that karmic debt. Create massive amounts of debt. This is the debt that you would love and want to eat every day. So create that massive debt in your life. Make karma, work in your favor. Make it a wonderful and prosperous week and a very highly karmic debt week. And we’ll see you later.
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cloudbattrolls · 5 years
Etuuya Vannyn | Present Night | Tulais Leisure Ship
The light from the transportalizer fades, and you stand in Tulais’s ship. A water ship, not the aircraft you’ve heard she has.
Distant shouts and laughter drift to your ears, and you grimace, turning to see multicolored flashing lights through the window in the strangely empty room you’re standing in. Is she planning to show you off like some sort of grotesque trophy? Surely not.
You open the window and lean out, only now realizing how big this vessel is, seeing the lights are at least a hundred feet away, as are the noises. It’s almost like a cruise ship in size, but built in a far more old-fashioned style. A sea breeze blows through your wavy hair as you gaze up at the stars, wondering why you’ve been left unattended.
No Rivali. No suspicious, fearful company trolls. No one you have to pretend for.
You whistle softly, hands in the pockets of your shabby jeans. It’s an old tune about a warrior forever searching for adventure on the sea. It makes you think of summersong.
Now there’s some peak foolishness, you note with amusement at yourself. But you can’t help it. Far better to enjoy the company of someone even worse than yourself than a decent troll. You can’t ever hurt Jeluno and you mean nothing to her except as a source of amusement, so what’s the harm? 
Well. Plenty, if she really does find a way to make her own drinkers. You wonder why she’s so fixated on it anyway; you didn’t for a moment believe she was incapable of fighting them off herself with the use of her crew and weapons. She’s bragged too many times about the technology she’s stolen.
So there must be some other reason, and it’s unlikely to be good news for anybody.
What’s she going to do, go hunt the caverns for it? You think dismissively. She doesn’t have that much patience, a young thing like her. 
Or she could rip one out of some other drinker she found. 
Would that really be a loss? Your kind has no value. 
“Is it true drinkers will seduce people to feed on them?”
Your quietude is over, apparently, since you turn and see Tulais in the doorway, wearing a skimpy outfit that makes you avert your eyes. She may not be a child, but she’s still young. Younger than summersong, certainly, and therefore too young to be looking at when dressed that way. 
“I’m sorry, are you expecting me to answer that? I’ve never seduced anyone in my life, thank you very much. Even monsters have standards, you know. Maybe normal drinkers do it, I don’t exactly hold interviews.”
Normal drinkers aren’t you, but it’s still sickening to want to pail one’s food sources. The fact that there’s a not inconsiderable portion of trolls into that is one of the great mysteries of Alternia. 
She laughs, and you definitely smell alcohol on her. This is going to be terrible, isn’t it. 
“Normal drinkers.” she says, scoffing. “Do you even know what that means, Vannyn?”
“Is there a reason I’m here, miss Tulais? Can I know it now, please? I’m sure you’d love to get back to your little get-together. Also, and not to sound like your lusus, please put something else on.”
She sniffs in a mildly offended way. “You really are old, huh?”
“I rent myself out to museums. It’s a great earner.”
She laughs again. You wouldn’t mind the inebriated levity if this weren’t also your boss. As it is, you’d rather be anywhere but here.
There’s a shuffle of clothing and when you dare to turn around again she’s wearing a jacket, at least, even if her skirt is still rather short. Small mercies, you suppose.
“Much appreciated. So. Why am I here?”
She takes a small vial out of the jacket pocket and drinks it, then looks at you with what you can tell, even from their silly surgically altered dark color, are clearer, more sober eyes.
The teal sits down at the room’s desk and turns on a softly glowing lamp shaped like a lantern. 
You let your own glow show for a moment, out of pure absurd pique. I can do that too. 
She doesn’t smile. Yes, this is the woman you know; staring you down, deciding your fate.
“To tell you something important. I assume as a rainbowdrinker, you already know more of your kind than I ever will, but I doubt you or any others know what I’ve discovered. It took a sweep of searching for me to find it, and I have accesses many trolls can only dream of.”
You don’t even bother to hide your severe lack of investment in what she’s saying, emphasizing it by picking dirt from under your claws. It’s rude, yes, but so is her assuming you care. Would she be interested in any random fact about trollkind?
“Tell me, Vannyn; what do you know of the angel worshipping sects?”
“They’re out to lunch, the empire doesn’t like them, and they think a bunch of winged snakes will come destroy the world and then make it new again.”
Now she laughs, a much more subdued and annoyingly knowing one than when she was tipsy. 
“Most trolls only see that surface. But you know how deceiving surfaces are.”
“Oh, no, miss, this is my first night out of caverns and papà forbade mirrors lest I fall victim to vanity.” You retort dryly. 
You’re probably digging yourself a mile-deep grave, but honestly. What other kind of response does that deserve?
Fortunately, she merely snorts.
“Modern angel worshipping cults are full of nothing but the delusional and desperate, yes. The old ones, sects that can be traced almost all the way back to the dawn of the Empire itself, contain grains of truth in their texts. Things trollkind has otherwise forgotten.”
You’re silent, waiting for her to get to the point already. 
“When I first met you, I thought you must be an anomaly. A fluke of nature. As I thought about it more, I realized no fluke could survive so long, flourish even. Why weren’t there more of you?”
Your fists clench. Tulais knows you were imperial property, but you and Rivali never told her the details. Even jadepup recognized how unwise it was to hand that knowledge over, and you trust their hatred of your nature to keep them quiet. 
“I found Lifeweaver’s research and thought that explained it, but when reading his notes I found something strange. Much of the data was gone, but he’d written an explanation of where he’d first gotten the idea: an angel sect’s record of all the creatures that once roamed Alternia but had long ago gone extinct.”
You want her to stop talking. You want the boat to sink, you want the room to catch on fire and take you with it. Anything.
“This sect spoke of how one of the creatures it worshipped had fallen, lost its wings due to disgrace, and assumed the shape of a troll. Yet this was merely a shell, for inside it was a conglomeration of worms - tiny snakes, in the original text - ever seeking troll blood to replace the divine feeling it had lost. Weaker than a seadweller, but faster than any troll, it could infect other creatures around it and control them, as well as turn them into lesser copies of itself.”
No no no no no no no no no -
Your elbows are digging into the floor before you realize you’ve fallen to your knees, clutching your head in your hands, not caring that the sharp tines of your horns rip your skin. 
It’s not like you can bleed.
“This is a story!” You say, with a very forced lighthearted tone. “A monster tale for wrigglers. Perhaps my wretched ancestor was inspired by it, but that doesn’t mean it's true. Why do you believe anything these fools wrote?”
She nods in an infuriatingly calm way, her faintly luminescent flower tattoos gleaming as she moves.
“I wouldn’t accept it as fact from the word of only one source. So I found others. Texts in languages long since dead, that I had painstakingly translated for me.”
“What did they say?” You ask, looking up at her from between the spaces of your fingers, voice hoarse and barely a whisper. “What else was there about my supposed fellows?”
The young, whole, living troll gives you a look of calculating curiosity and also, sickeningly, a hint of platonic pity. As if she has any right.
“Multiple records referred to the creature in different ways, some attributing abilities that couldn’t possibly be real, but there were enough consistencies in unrelated accounts that confirmed it: several drinkers like you existed once, whatever their true origin was. Perhaps they were even the progenitors of the more common kind that exist tonight.”
You want to bite her. You want to bite yourself. You want to bite everyone on this empress-damned ship, then sink it, so that all of this can end here and never be repeated.
“They died off for a reason.” You snarl, your face twisting with hate. “They should’ve stayed dead and gone, and Rhomox should’ve left well enough alone! But he never could, could he? Do you know how many Vannyns he killed?”
You spring to your feet and slam your hands on her desk, and her ears pin. Her teal pupils go slit in fear. One hand goes with a flash to what must be her sylladex, pulling at something.
“Dozens. Dozens at least. He paid caverns to produce more, and more, until finally he got me, his perfect little test subject. Someone who actually wanted to be a monster. Oh, I wanted it so badly, miss Tulais. I loved the idea of a cavern in my grip, terrified I could see into their very minds. Knowing if they spared a mutant, if they broke any law, I would eat them alive.”
You smile, twisted, bitter from memories.
“Rhomox didn’t need worms to make me an abomination, but he ensured I would remain one forever because of his designs.”
You back off from the desk, rage cooling to dull apathy. Natural, unnatural. Does it matter which you are? Does it matter if, once upon a time, other creatures like you walked the planet?
It can’t matter. 
You exist thanks to the suffering of others, and by rights you should be dead.
“I thought you’d be more interested.” She says, after a pause. “I guess I was wrong.”
She shrugs, stretches her arms, then looks at you again.
“Tescin is so afraid of you, but mostly you hate yourself. You don’t resent trollkind at all, do you?”
You snort. “I think lots of trolls are just as bad as me, worse sometimes, with less right. The species has plenty of room for improvement. They have that power, and I don’t. That’s what really separates us.”
She gives you a strange look, the wind ruffling her long hair. 
“In the stories, the first drinker Ozryel was originally a guardian of trollkind, until they fell due to their desire to understand us on a physical level, and drank blood. For that they were cast down, and became worms. But they began as a savior.”
You remember Tierel’s face, the features of a troll with nothing left to lose. Who would turn even to you for hope in a world drained of it by the Empire.
How delusional. So you’ve saved some people. What of it? You killed scores if not hundreds of fleet on the same night and enjoyed it. Not because they were a danger to the townsfolk, not because fleet is corrupt - no, you know very well you loved killing them because you could. Because their blood gave you the power you’ve always craved.
No matter how you play at decency, at being a person, you’re only a weapon that’s just as dangerous to the people it protects. 
“They never rose again, did they?” You retort. “They stayed a monster, and spawned other beasts to feed on trollkind thanks to their selfishness.”
You hadn’t thought Tulais was so foolish and sentimental. At least jadepup understands what drinkers really are.
Inexplicably, the teal smiles.
“Who’s to say Ozryel doesn’t stand in front of me in a way, trying for another chance at redemption? For all your talk, you still go on rescue missions. You’ve done well obeying me since Darkfall; you even helped those Imperial aides.”
You roll your bright jade eyes.
“Those aides weren’t a danger to anyone. It was only a few hours of trouble to get them hive, and what would’ve been the point of letting them drown?”
Your crew had acted like you were insane, but you’d insisted. It wasn’t like they’d been soldiers. Just a bunch of silly political trolls stranded on an island in a flood.
“Anyway, little acts of charity don’t change what I am. Ask the quadrants of all those fleet I killed; they’re surely still grieving. Ask the recruits I’m sure were put in their places, maybe not even ready for the battlefield, possibly dead by now too. I’m here for you to use me as best you can. I wasn’t made for idealistic nonsense.”
“What about your charge?”
Of course she’d drag Uunive in. You should’ve seen it coming.
“A mistake.” You say sharply. “I hurt her badly with my lies. She deserves far better.”
There’s that obnoxious look of platonic pity again. Doesn’t Tulais get that feeling remorse about something doesn’t make it right? 
“You really are determined to not see any good in yourself.”
“There's none to see.” You growl. “Having standards isn’t redeeming, it’s basic and fixes nothing. Ask jadepup sometime; they’ll blather a lot, but they’re hardly wrong about me.”
“What if you got your own rooms? It’s about time, isn’t it. No doubt Tescin would appreciate it too. I can include a spare recuperacoon for your charge’s visits.”
You blink, then squint at her.
“What’s the catch?”
“I’d like you to assemble your own force from our allies in space for a new set of missions. You would answer to myself and my executive assistants, but would otherwise have free reign for field command during enemy engagement.”
Confusion simmers in your mind until you get it, except you don’t. Suspicious, your lips pull back, fingers clasped as you try to figure out her game.
“You want me back in combat?”
Her eyebrows raise as her painted teal claws tap the desk.
“If we’re to get off this planet in ten sweeps or less and begin our journey in time for the Empire to not catch up, the path needs to be clear. Your goal will be to destroy communications and sabotage mapping, but collateral is unavoidable.”
It’s her dismissive tone that makes you hate her. One of you is a monster, but the other is uncaring. It’s not that being invested makes you more moral; if anything, it only adds to your perversity. But Tulais should at least have that bare minimum. 
“You sound just like Fleet.”
Funnily enough, you’ve stopped caring about being disrespectful.
Her lips pull back in real offense, not the drunken huffiness of earlier.
“Dismissed, Vannyn.”
You turn and walk to the transportalizer with a pointed spring in your step, but right when you’re about to step on it she speaks again.
“Do you understand what you could do? You don’t have to believe the story; believe in the morale boost it would give. People would treat you differently.”
You turn and look at her, from her black eyes to her tattooed skin, her jacket and her bare legs.
“Even you thought I’d bite you tonight, didn’t you? At a second’s notice, you were ready to shoot me with some clever heat laser no doubt kept on you at all times.”
The look of guilt mixed with resentment and offense is enough of an answer.
You laugh softly.
“Be honest with yourself, miss Tulais. It’s so much less trouble.”
With a rush of light, you’re transported back hive. Rivali’s not here, but there’s a gently steaming cup of tea on the table; they’ll be back soon. You wonder if your boss really means to give you separate quarters.
She’s a new kind of nonsense, urging you to be positive but fearing, just like everyone would, that you’d still turn on her and tear out her throat. The teal has no need to play games, so why does she bother?
As if helping people would ever change how they saw you. As if you deserved that to begin with. 
Still, you’d like to know more about the story.
Your body goes still as stone. That’s not your thought.
“So! Having a rare opinion, are you?”
There’s no response. There never has been; you’d go mad if there was. Worms don’t think in words, in sentences. They hardly think at all.
But just as they inhabit you, you inhabit them. At least, so you believe; perhaps you’ve been hallucinating all these long sweeps. Rhomox certainly thought you were.
Rhomox, dead because his worms lashed out without your command.
Every so often, you’ll get an emotion, a prickling on the neck, a feeling that doesn’t match whatever’s on your mind. Reminding you why you’re still here, despite your best attempts.
“You're all curious, hm? Well, shove it. Your husk is entirely disinterested, and I make most of the decisions in this hive. None of you get a vote due to past crimes.”
If you were in the mood, you’d rip several out and crush them as a lesson. A completely ineffective one, but the dying bodies always make you feel a vindictive sort of satisfaction. 
Karina is right not to trust you, for who knows what else the worms have slid into your thinkpan, subtle things you may never detect? 
Ozryel. Could the tale exist - could it even refer to true events - or is it just another fabrication? An invention of Karina’s to suit her purposes?
All that you are is a lie, but even you don’t know exactly how deep that lie goes.
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getfuckedstayfucked · 3 years
callout post for aineedhelp dumbposting majimaguro
@dumbposting @majimaguro since you've been harassing my friends I figured I'd lay this out for you in no uncertain terms. Kyle, if you read this, scroll down to the bottom where there's a screenshot of Charlie literally telling you to die.
Hi Charlie. I deadass had to make a tumblr for this bullshit because your lying has really gotten excessive. I mean really? Telling people you’re 23? Telling people that you were groomed by us? Telling people we forced you to ditch your friends when all you’d do is complain to us about how uncomfortable x person would make you with their requests for sexual roleplay, or their aggressive demeanor, or their shipping wants? Telling people you were abused by us when you clearly have done this more than twice to different friend groups and when one group falls apart you move on to the next and start your predatory cycle all over again???
I can see you do this for every friend group you make, no matter who it is, where they are. You know how I see this? Because you are saying that we did what you told us your old friends were doing - Jasper, Robin, and Merc. You’ve moved the narrative that THEY were sexually abusive groomers/manipulators over to us since your new group of friends doesn’t know about them outside of the parts those new friends (your dear friends who never hurt you ever even though you consistently complain about said new friends behind their backs!) play and now, suddenly, WE were sexually abusive groomers/manipulators because you milked the attention and pity you could get out of us over the awful things you said about Jasper, Robin, and Merc, and in the process you eventually abused the two people who had the patience to stick out that behaviour SO MUCH and for SO LONG that you alienated them. Once they were over how you treated them, then suddenly, they were the bad guys. And you wouldn’t stop rocking the boat because you needed to have your endless little baby tantrum. Now that you’ve pulled the trigger, you can’t unshoot that bullet.
Newsflash? When these people told you THEIR BOUNDARIES - something that amazingly seems to only be valid when you do it - you got pissed at them. When people told you THEY COULDN’T HANDLE SOMETHING - like, oh, you know, detailed descriptions of severe animal trauma/death, or being told repetitively and graphically that you were going to kill yourself/how you were going to do it, they were suddenly awful. Well, you know what? That is textbook manipulation, to use a phrase you seem so fond of. Guilting people for having boundaries and making them feel bad for drawing lines because they want to have a healthy relationship with their friends isn’t bad, you just don’t like it because it means you can no longer do what you want or treat people like crap without repercussions. 
You are a cruel person. You don’t care about anybody but yourself. You are a self-serving, self-driven, emotionless asshole that knows how to twist situations to be in your favor because your favorite tactic is to divide people up from one another so they have less and less outside views of what your treatment is actually like. It takes a lot of practice to be able to do something like you do for so long and so aggressively so I imagine you’ve been doing this for years. You hook someone - or multiple someones - in by being nice and personable and funny and relatable, then you destroy your friend groups by pitting people against one another and when you’ve isolated the people you’re obsessing over, you flip the switch and start to abuse them in private.
And you know what? You are not the victim in this narrative. You are just another abusive jerk who knows you can get that attention from someone somewhere as long as you twist the narrative to fit your ‘I’ve been abused my friends all treat me horribly’ angle. And you know what? I’m sick of you. I’m sick of how you treat my friends, I’m sick of how you treat people in general. You make me sick and if you’re proud of that, that’s not a badge of honor or pride. That means that you are exactly like your father. 
You don’t get to be out here and be like ‘oh no! it was me who was hurt by these people!’ when you're the one harassing them with your nasty, miserable anon hate even though they’ve blocked you time and time again. 
Steven showed me the conversation where you exploded at him for saying he needed a moment, because apparently it’s fucked up to not be able to handle graphic depictions of an animal’s death, and somehow saying that he couldn’t handle that in that moment was a personal attack and he was betraying you by being an unsupportive friend? People have triggers, hunty, you aren’t god’s gift to this earth and you aren’t the only person to have those! HE tried to set his boundaries and what did you do? You shit all over them. You only care about boundaries if they’re your own and if anybody else has one they try to set with you they’re suddenly awful and someone to be tossed aside. 
And you know what else? You forcing Sam to deal with your maladjusted stalking all the time because you’re out here harassing him via tumblr dot com isn't cute. You’re entirely, creepily obsessed with him and irrationally upset that he stood up for himself and got tired of you treating him like your own personal emotional punching-bag. You are a pathetic, vengeful little person who has no life and nothing to do but troll the internet for victims and people you can trick into giving you sympathy until you inevitably wring them dry too and then you abandon them because they won’t give you what you want anymore.
Go fuck yourself. Get fucked, stay fucked. You complained to us and cried to us about Merc and Jasper and Robin and how they either wouldn’t stop bothering you for sexual RP or wouldn’t stop guilting you or pushing you in that direction, or how Robin wouldn’t stop trying to force you to say what she wanted you to say, and now you’re LITERALLY saying that about Steve and Sam? You are not. The fucking. Victim. Here. You are the orchestrator to an amazingly convoluted drama that rotates around you and you alone and I’m sick of this and I’m sick of you and I’m sick of having to hear about the lies you’re posting about my friends.
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By the way? You aren’t 23. You are 27 by now! De-aging yourself to seem younger and more vulnerable only works when people don’t know you’re actually older - which, by the way, is SUPER creepy of you to do because it gets you closer to a younger demographic and endears you to them because oh! wow! You’re young and abused just like them! Do you know how fucked up it is to position yourself closer to younger, less experienced, vulnerable people like that? Do you know how fucked up it is to try and net those poor kids with your sob stories and how these ‘bad oldew peopow abewsed yew uwu’ even though that wasn’t the case? It puts you in a position of power and it gives you the reigns in any interactions you have with anybody younger than you and that is creepy and disgusting and you are creepy and disgusting for doing it, especially since your tumblr is filled with a mixture of sfw and 18+ content with zero 18+ follower requirement.
And you know what-- in the same vein, you use your being autistic as a sob story point to make it sound like one more way that you’ve been taken advantage of, but in reality you’re actually the one out here taking advantage of those around you and you’re being ableist while you do it? Wow. Wowiee wow wow.
You infantilize autistic people and say in the process that, in a blanket statement, ALL autistic people can’t fend for themselves or see anything coming at them from a mile away. On top of that, you shit on other autistic people’s special interests? Do you have any idea how many autistic people are out there with special interests focused around kid’s shows, or cartoons in general, or anime, or fandoms? No? Well, here’s a clue: there’s a lot of us (and yes, I am autistic, and yes, I do have special interests involving anime and fandoms, and no, I’m not a predator and I am DEFINITELY not the one out here creepily de-aging themselves to endear themselves to younger people like you are) with special interests ranging from anything from MLP to mushrooms to My Hero Academia (which is, for the record, one of Steve’s special interests, which you shit on him for, you ableist fuck) to Stephen King’s IT and you don’t get to say it’s predatory to have special interests in these areas!!!!!
You are not only perpetuating stereotypes about autistic people but you’re encouraging them because these stereotypes suit you and your current narrative! You’re using the same exact arguments that neurotypicals use! And you know what ELSE? Way to suggest that autistic people who have special interests that aren’t ‘adult’ are predators, too, you nasty little weasel. That’s the kind of narrative that gets autistic people killed!!! How selfish ARE you?
But wait, we really, really aren’t done here. I would really like to address your obsession with accusing people of being groomers and/or predators. 
Saying stuff like ‘reblogging anime posts or gifs or art is child porn’ also belittles and undermines actual CSA/pedophilia victims which is one more tally on the list of fucked up shit you’ve done. Way to be one of those people out there who do their best to divert valuable time and resources that could be spent on actual CSA victims instead of fictional fucking people.
This is a two-way street. You rant about how this is a 13+ site and how adults are responsible for kids in their spaces WHEN THEY HAVE ALREADY GONE TO REASONABLE LENGTHS TO PREVENT MINORS FROM GETTING AT THEIR CONTENT, but you’re always going on about getting high and doing drugs and talking about onlyfans which is AN ADULT SUBSCRIPTION WEBSITE GEARED TOWARDS PEOPLE WHO MAKE PORN OR FETISH CONTENT. You have absolutely ZERO 18+ content warning or follower requirement on your blog! Which is made creepier by the fact that you’ve de-aged yourself by a whole four years, you’re making yourself out to be some kind of abused child who was manipulated by older people, and you’re trying to speak for children. It’s wack. 
For the record, being mentally ill is not an excuse for any of this at all whatsoever. If you hurt someone and you are mentally ill that is still on you. It is on you to learn to live with mental illness and not hurt those around you. When your shitty actions give someone else trauma, that is your fault, and it does have an effect on them, and it does hurt them. Fuck off with that 'no accountability' bullshit you're peddling. That's not how life works. Your actions have affected those around you and it takes a massive amount of willful ignorance to go around acting like you don't fucking know that already, especially considering that other people’s mental illnesses hurt you-- unless you were lying to us about that, too. 
Get some fucking help and get out of our collective DMs........ Or don’t and get high like you always do instead of accepting responsibility for your actions, Mr. 'I'm lucid enough to be able to blame my mental illness for my own behaviour when that bs wouldn't even hold up in court'. Whatever.
I’m done with your shit.
Here's some receipts. Kyle, whoever you are, I suggest you run the fuck away before they start doing to you what they've done to Steve and Sam. Good luck having a friend who non-jokingly says they wish you would die because that is extraordinarily fucked up. 
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Some tea about how you were fed up with the people treating you like shit instead of you being forced to ditch these people 
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0 notes
carasueachterberg · 5 years
This is a long-overdue post to catch you up on Daisy’s Diary of a Rescue.
Truly, I did not imagine I would still be writing this Diary almost six months later. But maybe that’s the piece of rescue that is hardest – they are all good dogs, but some require a little more of us than others.
Sometimes you rescue a dog from a shelter, imagining it’s shiny new future now that it is ‘out’, but then that future is nothing like you imagined. For whatever reason, some dogs struggle to find a forever family.
In our rescue we call them long-term dogs. I’ve also heard them called hard-to-adopt dogs.
When they first arrive, we are excited and motivated, but when the foster situation drags on (and on), you begin to wonder….will she ever be adopted?
I don’t know.
But I do know she deserves to be.
Daisy B is a sweetheart. She has a huge heart swollen with unused love ready to pour it out on her future ‘mommy’. That much I’m certain of—when the right person comes along and takes a chance on this precious pup, that person will be overwhelmed by the loyalty and love that Daisy will offer.
Yes, Daisy is still paralyzingly afraid of men. But she doesn’t bite or snarl at them like many dogs who are afraid of men will do. She simply runs away from them and if there is no avoiding them, she freezes in terror.
And the amazing thing is that over time, she comes to like men who do not threaten her, men who let her come to them on her terms.
Yes, she is still learning that the insides of buildings are safe, but that fear is waning as she has gotten very comfy inside our house and she has begun visiting others.
And yes, she needs to be the only dog in her home…for now. She is still defensive towards other dogs, obviously having had some not so great experiences. But when she sees another dog, she does not bark or growl, she wags her tail and gets excited, so I know that she wants to have doggie friends, but for now she will require her adoptive family to be focused on her alone.
She’ll need someone patient and someone willing to listen to her. But the rewards, oh the rewards, they will be great.
Because this is a great dog.
It’s killing me that she will be spending so much time in boarding over the next few months as I will be away working on our new house in Virginia and also traveling to shelters in the south again.
If you have been watching Daisy and feeling a pull to adopt or foster her, now is the time to step up. She can be adopted with a lengthy trial adoption period, or even a foster-to-adopt situation. She has had a portion of her adoption fee sponsored, and another generous person has donated funds to pay for initial training with her new adopter.
So, I know you feel it’s a risk, everything in life is, but I’m here to tell you that Daisy is not a risk, she is a sure thing. All she needs is a chance.
What follows are the entries for her diary for the last two months in their entirety as they have been posted on Facebook:
Diary of a Rescue Day 84:
Daisy is a different dog outside- here she is meeting my friend Allison. She met my friend Pam this morning and was just as happy to meet her. I’ve never seen such a drastic difference in a dog’s behavior outside versus inside. Who wants to adopt this silly love bug? #adoptabledog Daisy B #yournextbestfriend
Diary of a Rescue Day 87 :
We’ve discovered that Daisy loves children! These two kiddos stopped by (with almost all of the Rescue Road Trip Team!) on Sunday and Daisy was beside herself with joy. She sniffed and licked them endlessly like they were puppies!
#areyoumymother? #adoptabledog Daisy B available thru ophrescue.org 
Diary of a Rescue Day 88:
Daisy had a fun day today. She, Flannery, and I drove to my friend Gina’s house and went for a walk in her busy neighborhood.
With Flannery in the lead, Daisy was a different dog than the last time we walked with Gina. She trotted along, more interested in all the good smells than worrying about the people we passed- she hardly even noticed a man with a leaf blower!
When we came home, her favorite friend Tanis stopped by and that just made her day!
#opttoadopt Daisy B from ophrescue.org #heartdog
Diary of a Rescue Day 92:
This is a long overdue update but our world is busier than usual. Daisy’s days are much the same, divided between time in the kitchen and long stretches outside in the playyard.
She is always overjoyed to see me- leaping and twirling and I have to wait for her to settle and sit to put on the leash. She acts more like a ‘regular’ dog every day and I’m working on her leash manners.
She’s had quite a few visitors and usually greets them happily but hesitantly at first before devolving into the zoomies and tearing around the yard to show off.
I took her to the vet on Friday because the nails on her dew claws confounded me and I couldn’t figure out where the quick was, plus they were too thick for my clippers and were beginning to curl back on themselves. (Full confession- clipping nails scares me so I’m generally much too conservative and rely on long walks on the roads to keep nails under control).
It turned out that she actually had two nails (intertwined) on one foot and three on the other! The vet got them trimmed but said Daisy really should have those hind dewclaws removed at some point. When dewclaws are as floppy and barely connected as hers are, they are normally removed as a puppy when the dog is spayed, but we all know that Daisy did not have a pampered puppyhood.
I worried how she would be at the vet, but she did great and the staff loved her and thought she was beautiful (she is).
I’ve started Daisy on a homeopathic tincture for anxiety and I’m hopeful it will help, but really she isn’t anxious when it’s just the two of us and I think when she gets a real family, she’ll be fine too. She just won’t be a dog that loves to go to the pet store or playground with you (although we’re going to try those places in the next few weeks).
I’ll try to do better with updates this week but it is a busy time in our house full of dogs (10!).
#areyoumymother? #opttoadopt Daisy B
Diary of a Rescue Day 94:
Pictures of Daisy
#ready #areyoumymother? #adoptthisdog
Diary of a Rescue Day 97:
Daisy is very happy spending her days in the yard, but now that company is leaving and Nick is headed out of the country again, I’m hoping to get her back to a regular schedule (time inside, crate time, walks) and also take her on some outings to see how she is in public places. Her confidence has grown so much that I think she might be fine if she has Flannery along.
Can’t say whether the homeopathic drops are helping but they sure aren’t hurting.
Daisy loves her toys and kind of plays fetch (though she is easily distracted). Mostly she loves attention- butt scratches and snuggles. She is so ready for her forever home, but we will keep trying to expand her world.
#readywhenyouare #opttoadopt Operation Paws For Homes
Diary of a Rescue Day 98:
Just had to post this picture I got of Daisy tonight. She is such a pretty dog.
I took her for a walk yesterday in a busy neighborhood without Flannery chaperoning and she was amazing. We passed a man with his dog and she didn’t even miss a beat, even when he talked to us (told me I had a ‘gorgeous dog’). We ran into another guy that Gina knows well and we stopped while she gave him a hug and I shook his hand and Daisy did not panic, just waited quietly. I really feel like we’ve turned some kind of corner in terms of her confidence.
I walked her this morning and pretty much forget to worry about her, like she was a ‘regular dog’. We went about three miles with no panic attacks, no issues.
I’m seriously considering introducing her to our dogs once Nick is back from his work trip in a week. At the very least, we are going to go check out the dog park, since she now loves to go for rides in the car and jumps right in. I need a house to visit. I think her biggest hurdle will be going indoors. We may try the pet store or home depot, and take Flannery along for that. Anybody local who would like a Daisy visit, let me know!
#thisgirlisonherway #progress
Diary of a Rescue: Day one hundred and something:
We’re in our fifth month with Daisy and this finally happened.
Diary of a Rescue Day 124:
I’m sorry it has been so long since I’ve given you an update. It has been a really hard couple of weeks here.
Daisy has been unfazed by the emotional turmoil, as far as I can tell. She’s had long days alone in the side yard but is happy outside. She pulled some of the lattice off the side of the small porch out there to create her own little shelter (rejecting the puppy house that Nick removed the side from to allow her access). Now she reminds me of the troll under the bridge (the nice one). Sometimes when I go outside I have to stand and call to her and wait for her to crawl out. At which point, she inevitably gets the zoomies, thrilled beyond reason by my visit and oblivious to my sadness.
A few early evenings Nick and I have sat outside with her, quietly watching the bluebirds who have moved into the birdhouse on the fence (for the first time since we put it up). Daisy is always happy for our company and has grown to be very affectionate with Nick. As long as he is seated in the Adirondack chair or on the steps, she covers him with kisses and insists on pets. If he gets up, she follows him, sometimes showing off with her zoomies but shying from his touch. It’s progress and makes me believe that she will be able to be adopted into a home with a man in it, as long as he is patient and waits for her to accept him.
I am praying hard for her to find an adopter. We will be away a lot this summer and this will mean that Daisy spends a lot of time in a boarding facility. She is ready to find her home and has an enormous heart that has years worth of love stockpiled inside waiting to unleash it on her person.
If you know someone looking for their next best friend, please suggest Daisy. She loves children and women but would do best as a solo dog. She seems pretty oblivious to cats, walks great on a leash/harness in all kinds of environments, and is crate-trained and working on basic commands (she’s an ace at ‘sit’).
#adoptabledog #opttoadopt #yournextbestfriend.
Diary of a Rescue Day 135:
Daisy has come so far and now we just have to wait for the right person to come along and choose her. I never know what makes a person choose a dog- I guess it’s a bit like falling in love- totally unpredictable.
Daisy is more than ready and as you can see in this video has tons of love to give. She deserves a happy life.
Today I will drop her at a boarding facility for the week while I am gone in Tennessee visiting the shelters. She did fine last time but it was a different facility. I’m supposed to take her bed but her bed is actually a ‘nest’ of bits of blankets she shredded a few months ago. Not sure what they’ll make of that so I’m going to take the blanket I use to cover her crate when the kids are up late with the lights on and one of my t-shirts for comfort. I’m guessing she’ll shred both.
I know she’ll be safe and it sounds like a really nice kennel (indoor/outdoor), but I’ll worry nonetheless. It will be a long week for her and I just hope we get our same happy Daisy back at the end of it.
#opttoadopt Daisy B Operation Paws For Homes
Diary of a Rescue Day 143:
Daisy is sooooooooo happy to be ‘home’ after a week in boarding. The facility was spotless and the staff very attentive but it still feels like (and smells like) a shelter.
Daisy had an indoor/outdoor run in one of the quiet buildings. Those are the ones where the kennels don’t face each other so the dogs know other dogs are there but can’t see them. This immaculate facility had 200 kennels. I requested that Daisy not be handled by men and was told there are no men on staff.
She doesn’t seem any worse for wear. Gosh this pretty girl is ready to be adopted. I just wish it would happen.
#pickme #DaisyB Operation Paws For Homes
Thanks for reading!
If you’d like to know more about my blogs and books, visit CaraWrites.com or subscribe to my occasional e-newsletter.
If you’d like to know more about the book, Another Good Dog: One Family and Fifty Foster Dogs, visit AnotherGoodDog.org, where you can find more pictures of the dogs from the book (and some of their happily-ever-after stories), information on fostering, and what you can do right now to help shelter animals! You can also purchase a signed copy or several other items whose profits benefit shelter dogs!
If you’d like to know how you can volunteer, foster, adopt or donate with OPH, click here. And if you’d like more pictures and videos of my foster dogs past and present, be sure to join the Another Good Dog Facebook group.
I love hearing from readers, so please feel free to comment here on the blog, email [email protected] or connect with me on Facebook, twitter, or Instagram.
Released August 2018 from Pegasus Books and available now
Diary of a Rescue: Month Six Sometimes foster dogs don't leave #opttoadopt #dogrescue #fostertoadopt This is a long-overdue post to catch you up on Daisy’s Diary of a Rescue. Truly, I did not imagine I would still be writing this Diary almost six months later.
0 notes
foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
Car insurance?? please help. I am 17 and have been told that I cannot pay car insurance monthly!! ??
"Car insurance?? please help. I am 17 and have been told that I cannot pay car insurance monthly!! ??
I am really worried now as I simply cannot afford the lowest quote of 1600 all in one go. My car is a citroen ax 1.0 if that helps?  Are there any other 17 year olds out there who do pay car insurance monthly if so how??
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Where can I find cheap auto insurance?
I have a spotless driving record and pay my premiums on time every month. I signed up for AMICA insurance a few years ago because they only cared about your driving record so my premiums were low. Two years later they decide to do a credit check on all of their customers and they saw I have a wage earner. Regardless of my spotless driving record and my dependability on making all of my premiums on time they upped my premiums substantially because of bad credit. Its not fair. When I signed up they did not do credit checks and went solely on your record. Where can I find an insurance that charges you fair premiums based on safe driving record?
How much is SR22 insurance?
i have 18 pts within 18 months and i have to take an ADI course and get SR22 insurance, how much will it run on average each month?""
Periodontal Insurance in Iowa?
I have major gum resession and I need a transplant, which means I need to visit a peridontist. Problem is, I can't find one in Iowa that takes my insurance. (Hawk-i) I really need the surgery and I've been searching for months and haven't had any luck. Please, someone help me out, please.""
Where Could I find affordable dental and vision insurance for individuals?
in wisconsin western area
Can an insurance company make money on the Ryan plan?
and how? Ryan's plan says that insurance companies have to charge all old people of the same age, the same rate, sick or not... and they can't drop anyone... who would line up to provide this service that would seem to have a neagive profit margin from the get-go? unless they charged everyone 100k a year? I mean this has to cover all the ederly with cancer and all their treatments? right?""
Teens do any of you have any insurance?
Car insurance cell phone insurance life insurance health insurance renters insurance homeowners insurance Title insurance Troll insurance No matter what the product its good to have insurance AM I RIGHT?
Insurance on a streetbike?
so i live in southern california 19 years old 3 years car driving experience 0 licensed with a motorcycle valid motorcycle permit 3 accidents on my record 2 including totaling cars... i was wondering if any1 happens ot have close oto the same things and know what i should expect iwth MINIMUM insurance no comp or collision or anything just basic liability.. but i do want max medical payments
Can i change my car insurance over to a new car after 2months ?
Is this possible and how does it work ? Can i change it over , let me know please , Thanks I have car that i only plan on having for 2months and then getting new car , is it easy to change it over to new car and what does it cost ?""
How long can you go without health insurance before things become preexisting ?
I currently have health insurance through my father's company plan, but after my 19th birthday my insurance drops because I won't be a full time student until spring this year. Meanwhile I need coverage through some plan so nothing will be preexisting. However I can't apply for the cheap insurance that I was hoping for until my old coverage ends, and I'm worried about the bureaucratic time lapse between coverage policies. Are there any problems I'm going to run into with this?""
I was driving without proof of insurance.?
The cop pulled me over for speeding but did not cite me on that charge. He just cited me a fix it ticket for not having proof of insurance in my car. I am insured and have a card to prove it. I am a minor in California. Will I have to go to court on my date or can I do it earlier? What will happen to my record? What will I have to go through? thanks
2000-2001 Mitsubishi eclipse insurance?
I am 15 and will be getting a car soon and i was really liking the eclipse, but i have heard that the insurance for it is a lot. Could anyone tell me what a normal car insuance rate would be (say a sedan), compared to the eclipse??""
Can someone please explain health insurance to me?
I'm looking for individual health insurance and it is very confusing. Can someone explain what things like deductible, copay, and coinsurance mean? Also, what's the difference between a PPO, Network, Indemnity, and a HSA-qualified plan? Lastly, how do I know exactly what is covered before I apply? People have sent me things in the mail and I'm looking online and I was given a list of things covered, but then it says that this isn't everything and once I sent in my payment I will get a full list of my policy and coverages. That seems shady, and these are top companies like Aetna and Health America, so I don't think they would rip me off. Plus, how come these companies aren't offering a bundle plan, where I can get health insurance, vision, and dental all in one plan with one monthly payment?""
Auto Insurance: Name Insured and Operator...?
We have two cars and they both titled/registered under my mom's name. I take one of hers to college about 50 miles away and use it daily. Today, we switched to another insurance because of lower premium. This new company issued us a set of new insurance ID card. On the card, there is only my mom's name on the name insurance (it has both of our name on the old insurance company). My name is only listed in the coverage page on the premium as an operator. Now, my questions: 1. Should it has her name only or both of our names? 2. If there is only her name, am I insured when I get into an accident (knock on wood)? 3. If I let my friend drive my car in a special occasion, and he got into an accident. Which company should I claim, his or mine? What if he doesn't have any insurance? Would my insurance rate go up after on? 4. If I drive my friend's car and I get into an accident (both of us have insurance). Again, Which company should be claimed, his or mine? Would my insurance go up? Thanks.""
Does anyone know where to get affordable auto (liability) insurance for teenagers?
I am 19, & I live in Charlotte, NC & I have not been able to find car insurance for less than $800 for 6 months. I can afford to pay $600 (100 a month) but I have not been able to find an insurance company to give me such a quote. Do you know any? P.S. I drive a 2002 kia optima & I've only had my licence for a year""
Where can I get auto insurance at an affordable rate?
I sold my car and did not need auto insurance for more than a year. Now, I've purchased another car & the insurance co. won't insure me because I had a lapse in coverage even though I did not have a car to cover?? I have a clean driving record & a valid license. What am I supposed to do? The car is paid for, but I want collision insurance. One co. offered me liability at the rate for collision!! Ridiculous!""
What is the average insurance cost for a 2012 Chevy Cruze?
I will be turning 21 in June. No tickets or accidents on my record. What would the average monthly payment be for insurance?
Is there one day motorcycle insurance?
I'm planning on buying a motorcycle in Philadelphia tomorrow or this weekend, but I still haven't seen it yet. If I test ride it, like it, and decide to buy it, I'm gonna have to ride it home. I figured out the registration part of it, where I can acquire temporary tags for the ride home, but for insurance, I don't want to insure something I haven't seen yet. Is there any way or company that does like one day insurance just for the ride home, then I can and will officially register and insure it. Thank you""
How much does insurance cost on a 1988 mustang gt?
I'm 20 and was wondering how much it would cost. I have a clean driving record, and I live in California. I already own a 2000 mustang v6 and it's a little expensive on liability only. Will the 88 gt be more expensive than the 2000 v6?""
Does anybody have Affordable Health Care benefits for individuals and the entire family?
Are you or your family looking for affordable Premier Health Care Savings Plan with up to $2,000 Accident Coverage with only $100 Deductible(on or off the job at school or at play)You ...show more""
What does a good student car discount mean?
like, what grades qualifies for a good student. I've looked on a lot of insurance pages and it doesn't say what grades means your a good student please help!""
What do I need to add to my auto insurance policy to be considered full coverage.?
I have a car with Calif min. pl and pd. If I were to add a new car what additional coverage and how much would be considered full coverage and satisfy the finance company?
Car Insurance questions?
ok i was recently in a car accident , jus a rear end nothing to serious. but the rear of my car is pretty bad. bumper is in bad shape , trunk doesnt open , lights are a bit broken but still work. a guy from the other person's insurance company came to take a look at my car and inspect it and estimate damages. he told me that the car will probably be a total loss. he said someone would call me in 2-3 business days to discuss my options. now i guess i will be paid for what my car is worth , which isnt much prolly no more then a $1000. my question is tho , the guy who came told me that one of my options would be if i wanted to keep the car or not. i want to keep the car , it still runs , it still drives. if i still want to keep my car do i still get paid for the damages?""
How is charging insurance based on age and gender NOT discrimination?
Car insurance and health insurance always use your age and gender for a basis on how much your charged along with other factors. How is this not discrimination?
Can someone obtain car insurance in CA with no drivers license?
I have a friend who will be a first time driver at age 30 (she had no need for driving where she previously lived). She has the opportunity to buy a car, but cannot register it until she has car insurance. Now, normally, she could just wait to buy the car when she finally gets licensed, but she's been offered an amazing deal and would have to buy now. Is there any insurance company that will cover an unlicensed driver or even someone with a permit? Thanks!""
How much would teen car insurance be monthly?
I just got a job and I'm looking to buy a car around December... The car will be worth 1200-1500... I'm 16 years old and haven't had any accidents. Around how much would my car insurance be a month?:) thank you!
Car insurance?? please help. I am 17 and have been told that I cannot pay car insurance monthly!! ??
I am really worried now as I simply cannot afford the lowest quote of 1600 all in one go. My car is a citroen ax 1.0 if that helps?  Are there any other 17 year olds out there who do pay car insurance monthly if so how??
How does car insurance work for teenagers?
Im 18 and I took Driver`s Ed last summer, so I know that was supposed to save some cash when it came to the insurance. I also heard that depending on the engine of the car, the insurance changes. How do you determine the insurance on a 6-cylinder and an 8-cylinder car? Thanks""
New driver- car insurance?
i just got anew car, hydauni elantra 06, and i need insurance, wats the cheapest insurance for a 19 yr old girl,no driving record, tickets etc in the rome/utica area? thanksssss""
Buying a car and insurance?
The bank has pre-approved me for 11k. I have talked the dealer down to $8,500 for the truck i want. My insurance is going to be around $1,200 for 6 months. If i get the auto loan for 10k, will i be able to use the excess money to pay my insurance. I believe i read that the check from the bank will be written out to the dealer, but what will happen with the excess money?""
How much does it cost to insure a 17 yr old on an audi a3?
on a used 1.6 audi a3, how much does it cost (in the region of) to insure a 17 yr old if you don t have them as the named owner but a user?""
Car insurance question?
I'm 17 and still living with my parents. I just got a car and now I need to find insurance. My dad doesn't want me on his because then, if I got in an accident, his rates would go up. My question is, if I were to cause his rates to go up and then got kicked off his plan, would his rates go back down? I'm curious because I really would rather not get my own insurance, being on my dad's would be much much much more affordable.""
Which is the best CAR INSURANCE....UK?
I'm 19 and was wondering which is the best company to get car insurance from and the best way of getting it the cheapest.? Me and my dad are not quite sure of the tricks used to get the best deal, so i would appreciate it if you could help.? A few of my friends get their insurance dirt cheap because they are named drivers on their parent's car - but when i try to get a quote online it still charges me over 1500. Thanks. (In the UK btw)""
Do i need insurance to learn a driver to drive?
My friend has got insurance on his car on his provisional do I need insurance to teach him drive it I'm a full licence holder for 4 yaer
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
I am turning 16 next month. I'm getting my liscense then too. I'm a girl... Ahah. I've heard insurance is cheaper for females. I live in henderson, nevada (pretty much las vegas). And my first car is going to be a 1999 porsche 911 carrera. It's in mint condition also. My dad barely used it. I know it will be high-ish since it's a sports car :/ About how much would my insurance be on it a month? THAN YOU! <3""
Landslide in San Diego.....are the homes covered by homeowners insurance?
Are there any insurance that would have covered for their losses?
How do I save on auto insurance?
I want to save on auto insurance.....what factors can lower your rate? I need to know things such as an alarm, and kept in the garage, but what other factors can help me getting a low rate? Thanks everyone""
Who is responsible for insurance on car.... the owner or driver?
I'm going thru a divorce and my husband has been paying the insurance on our 3 vehicles. However, I believe the policy has not been paid and due to lapse the first of July. I'm getting insurance on the car I'm driving, but my husband alternates driving between the other car and truck. The truck is titled in his name, but the other car is in mine. I can't afford insurance on two cars. If he drives it, and he's stopped, who is responsible for the insurance?""
""In the state of New Jersey,how long does it take to get caught driving with no car insurance?""
My insurance lapse a month ago today.I am waiting on my workers comp settlement from a job related injury.Is there a way that cops can detect that my insurance has lapsed other than an accident?I have and legit insurance card till June,and registration.Can they suspend my registration?if so is there a warning?I will try to stay off the road till next month but i need to make my Dr.appointments etc.""
Do I need to have insurance to drive a car across country?
The car is registered in California under a family member's name. I'm 18 living in Pennsylvania. I want to be able to drive this car from California to Pennsylvania. So do I need to register for insurance before i start driving the vehicle across country?
In regards to life insurance policies?
When a person is the primary beneficiary & the deceased left debt, does the money for the unpaid debt come out first or is the beneficiary responsible for paying the debt?""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a young and new driver?
So I 'm 18 years old and thinking about getting a sports bike. I have a drives license and haven't gotten any tickets yet. I just want an estimate on how much i'd be paying in insurance every year..and which insurance company provides the best price? I'am thinking of buying a used sports bike but am not sure on which one yet. Thank you in advance and If you don't have anything nice to say please just move along lol:))
If requiring people to have car insurance is the same as requiring them to have health insurance then why?
Wont the US government help you pay your car insurance if you cant afford it? Isn't car insurance a basic human right?
Involved in a car accident with 4 other cars. My car was the last to get hit. Insurance of car that hit me?
does not want to pay and my car is totaled. The first car that provoked the accident ran away. Now the insurance company of the car that hit me does not want to pay for the damages, they claim that their dirver did not cause the accident, even tho he was the one who hit me. I had liability car insurande so my insurance it's not responsible for my damages. I consulted a lawyer and he said nothing can be done in a situation like this. Who should be held responsible in this case? Is there anything I can do legally to get my car fixed or get some sort of settlement to I can buy another car?""
Insurance company policy?
I was hit in a wreck. They're insurance company quoted me $400 and wrote me a check for it which I did not accept. All they did was look at the external damages. Then I took it to a dealer collision center and they quoted me $1100 and they guessed more damage was done but couldn't say unless they took apart my bumper. I'm not wanting to get it fixed in a shop since my father can fix it for me, but $400 is not going to cover the cost of fixing it. so my question is... Does their insurance company have to give me the money quoted by other body shops or is my only option having it fixed in a shop?""
Best individual health insurance plan?
My husband and I just found out that his company is raising our medical insurance rates from $212 a month to $400 a month, so we are trying to shop around for the best rates. We have found some, but hardly any include maternity benefits, and we want that parachute just in case any accidents happen. Is there any plans out there cheaper than $400 with maternity, or should we just hope we don't get pregnant for a couple of years? (We plan to switch insurance in 2 years when I get a teaching job)""
Can i sue auto insurance company without using a lawyer?
i was rear end by another car and his insurance total my car and paid me the book value of the car. i went to physical therapy for about four months. i took x-rays and mri. the mri shows that i have a dislocation in my lower back. but the insurance company has refused to settle me for my injury. my lawyer told me that i should consult another lawyer to sue the insurance company. some lawyers i met are not interested in the case. can i sue the insurance company myself? if so, how do i begin?""
How would i go about getting a hypothetical insurance quote?
I haven't even started to learn to drive yet, but just out of curiosity i want to get a rough estimate for insurance for a car that i found, are there any website where i can do this anonymously?""
Ohio moped insurance?
im 14 i have a 1980 puch moped i wanna now the cost per year
Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance for the state Arkansas?
Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance for the state Arkansas?
Dental insurance and plans?
i live near houghton lake michigan, and i need to see a dentist badly!! i lost my dental coverage when i turned 21, and because of my age change, i am no longer able to get free dental coverage through my state. i have 3 children all under the age of 4 that need me, and because of the pain im experiencing it is extremely difficult for me to take care of them!!! i have 5 cavities, and 2 impacted wisdom teeth. i brush every day, but i keep getting problems with my teeth. i am on a very tight budget, and cannot afford to pay out of pocket fees to go to a dentist. does anybody know of affordable plans or insurance? or if anyone is familier with the area that knows of a dentist that accepts sliding fees? any help would be awesome! thanks in advance.""
How do I get Certificate of Insurance for photographers?
Which insurance company should I go to for a policy for photographer. A million dollar coverage in NYC. How much does something like this cost for a year coverage.
Car insurance?? please help. I am 17 and have been told that I cannot pay car insurance monthly!! ??
I am really worried now as I simply cannot afford the lowest quote of 1600 all in one go. My car is a citroen ax 1.0 if that helps?  Are there any other 17 year olds out there who do pay car insurance monthly if so how??
How much does it cost do get a lawyer to file for Bankruptcy (Chapter 7)?
I am a single person, low income (waitress), just suffered a major medical expense and no insurance. I have lots of credit card debt, no car, house or student loan debt. How much would it cost a lawyer to file my case with bankruptcy court? Thanks!""
Car insurance INCREASE every 6 months with no accidents/tickets? wtf!?
Last year I had Unitrin Direct....they were charging me $85 a month...this is with NO tickets or accidents for the last 5 years of my driving record....this is also with the BASIC insurance that you need in Florida...10/10/20...NO collision...and a $1000 deductible..... So at the end of my 6 months...it was time for a renewal...they tried to bump me up to $140 a month for no reason...still no accidents/tickets...nothing had changed...i had expected my rate to DECREASE....they tell me it's a STATEWIDE INCREASE ......so i called around... Ended up switching to Allstate who has been charging me $90 a month (better than $140 right?).....6 months go by, everything's cool.....now my policy renewal is coming up and they're trying to tell me i need to pay $160 a month for their basic insurance. Are you kidding me? And according to them it's another STATEWIDE INSURANCE INCREASE ...... They also told me that it could be due to not having CONSECUTIVE insurance for the last few years, as in...I switched from State Farm to Unitrin to Allstate......they told me call the state insurance commissioner...which I did.... Got connected to some guy in Gainesville who tells me that the INSURANCE companies are the ones who decide the rates and increases...not them. Pretty much BS....Allstate's blaming the state, state's blaming them...feels like a huge runaround to me. Guess my questions are.... Should I stick with Allstate and pay $160 a month for this absolute BASIC insurance (keep in mind..no collision, $1000 deductible)...my car's not even worth a YEAR of their insurance. .... Or shop around? But if I switch back to Unitrin or get Geico or whatever....will I risk having ANOTHER increase after 6 months? And is it true that one of the reasons for these statewide increases is not having consecutive insurance with the same company for so many years? Thanks all.""
Why are insurance companies obsessed with ripping off young drivers in the UK?
I have four years no claim, the insurance people still want to rip me off at 1000-3000 pound for car insurance. It's actually cheaper to buy a second hand car and have it crushed for having no insurance. Then the road tax costs 250 on a car i barely drive. Is it any wonder that young people drive uninsured?""
Is there anyway to avoid paying my 1000 dollar deductible on my Car Insurance?
I recently changed my deductible to 1000 dollars on my car insurance, and sure enough, got some dents on the front of my car sliding into a tree during bad road conditions. Is there ...show more""
How much does insurance cost for a chimney sweep business?
I am starting a chimney sweep company and I was wondering what is an average cost to have insurance for the business (bonus points if you can say all of the types of insurance I might need) I know the standard answer is to say there is no way of knowing since this all depends on a number of factors but I literally have no clue what it would cost so ANY estimate or guess is appreciated. The business will be in Maryland and have just 1 employee with revenue I am guessing would be about 60,000 a year if that helps.""
Why is the Infiniti G37S Coupe insurance premium costs so high?
I looked up average insurance premium costs for the G37S coupe, and the cost was over $2600. I then looked up the Infiniti's competitors, the BMW 335i coupe and the Audi S5 4.2 which costs $1900+ and $1800+ respectively. Why is the insurance premium of the G37S so much higher? Thanks in advance.""
How much would it cost to rebuild my townhome ? an Insurance quote question.?
I am buying a townhome for 215K and it has a association which has insurance to covers outer part. As home owner I need H06 policy to take of interior and my personal property. I am closing next week and need to buy a home insurance and whenever I am getting quotes everyone is asking me what value you want for home replacing coverage to be. They are asking home much would it cost to rebuild my townhome, how would I know this. Here is the scenario: Its a PULTE built 2004 construction and was sold around 300K in 2004 for first owner, now since prices have come down I am getting the townhome for 215K.(3 bed, 2.5 bath,2 car garage,basement, 2 story,2000 Sft.), its in Chicago suburbs (Schaumburg IL). So how would I know how much would it cost me to rebuilt incase of a full fire damage to the home, since I own the land I can reconstruct I guess. Any approximate dollar amount as how much would it cost to rebuilt ?""
Help!! price of insurance?
i would like to know how certain factors determine the price of insurance. 1) how does costs affect the price of insurance 2) how does amount of claims affect the price of insurance 3) how does risk levels affect the price of insurance 4) how does predictability of risk affect the price of insurance 5) how does return from investments affect the price of insurance 6) how does level of interest rates affect the price of insurance 7) how does profit margin affect the price of insurance 8) how does competition affect the price of insurance 9) how does goverment regulation affect the price of insurance
Why do some insurance agencies consider the subaru impreza wrx sti a 4 door family car and others a sports car?
ive seen multiple people saying in reviews on the 2004 subaru impreza wrx sti that there insurance company considers it a 4 door family car so there insurance is alot cheaper and others whos insurance company considers it a sports car and they pay more.
Cheap motorcycle insurance for 18 year old?
Im 18 an looking to get a street bike this year but the insurance company my parents have(some local small insurance company) saids they cant even give insurance until ive had lisense for 5 years which is bullshit. Even after 5 years they said it would most likely be around 4 thousand a year which is rediculous! All i want to do is own a motorcycle an ride but damn insurance is too high! Any cheap insurance that gives full coverage to 18 year olds. Btw my driving record is clean with no accidents or tickets
""When getting a quote from a car insurance place, do they automatically add you to there car insurance?""
I did an online quote for a car insurance place, and they asked for my name, number, e-mail, address, if I am currently insured, etc. they gave me a total of how much I would have to pay, does that mean I am added to there car insurance? or not?""
Who has the cheapest FR44 insurance in Florida? Help!?
I have Geico now and they are really giving me a hard time about keeping the insurance because of a DUI. I've had them for 6 months. They insist that I pay in full for my 6 month policy and last time I could barely afford it, but this time I definitely cannot afford it. I had my DUI in 2009. Anybody know of lower-cost FR44 insurance that you can make in payments monthly?! P.S. DO NOT drink and drive...even if you had less than three drinks. If you didn't hurt/kill anyone else, it will definitely ruin your life financially for a LONG time!""
Who offer the cheapest car insurance? liabiliy or collision only?
Liability or collision
What insurance is best for me?
I am currently 17 years old. I will be turning 18 in early November and my family does not have health insurance. I was wondering if I qualify for anything that will be able to get me low-cost braces or anything orthopedic. My family makes not that much money and I am currently going to be a full-time college student. What insurance or health care would I qualify for? I have been needing braces for a while now and I am really self conscious about my teeth.Im also a legal california resident. I have been thinking about midi cal is that the right choice? Thank you on your help.
How much will Insurance Be ????;?
Ok I'm 22 and I'm looking for a car, It's between a: 2009 BMW X5 2009 BMW 328i 2009 Mercedes C250 2009 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 2008 Audi A4 2008 Toyota Tundra 2007 ...show more""
Whats the best way to get the best insurance rates for car and home?
Whats the best way to get the best insurance rates for car and home? I have a 25,000 truck from 2010 that I'm paying 1500 a year for and a house which I'm paying 1400 a year for. I live in Colorado. I bought my first house this year and I'm thinking that I'm paying way to much for my house and truck? I'm thinking of going to an insurance agent although i'm not sure how to source a good one. Another big problem is I never have access to my service so I have a really hard time comparing policies. Anyone have any insight as to how I can get better control of this situation?""
Does any insurance co. in the state of Georgia suppose to give you car insurance if the title isn't in yo name?
Does any insurance co. in the state of Georgia suppose to give you car insurance if the title isn't in yo name?
How much will my insurance go up with getting 4 points on my license?
I live in Pennsylvania. I got a speeding ticket today going 17 miles over the speed limit. I looked it up online, and I think this will put 4 points on my license. I have Nationwide insurance, and I'm 24 years old. How much will this most likely raise my insurance and for how long? This is my first time getting any points on my license. I have gotten 2 previous speeding tickets without acquiring points. One was 5 years ago and the other was 2 years ago out of state (in New Jersey). I don't remember how much over the speed limit I went on those occasions. Thanks for any help!""
""Rover car 1996 and 1989ford transit van, one insurance?""
how much for comprehensive 1years Insurance for 40year's no claims, now aged 66years old.""
Why would identical auto insurance policies vary in price?
I currently have my auto insurance through Progressive and have been a customer of theirs for almost 10 years. I have a flawless driving record with no violations or tickets and no claims filed. My policy is up for renewal in December and is due for a sharp increase despite maintaining a spotless record and after years of steady decline. I was told that the rate is going up due to the cost of doing business . I decided to shop around and get quotes from competing companies and was absolutely floored by the discrepancy in prices; it almost seems like I am getting ripped off by my current carrier. Auto insurance might as well be greek to me, can anyone explain why one company would be charging $100 less than the competition?""
""1994 Mazda MX-3, How much would insurance cost for it!?""
So I got a 94 Mazda mx-3 car, and I live in Calgary AB. And i'm 16, could anybody give me a estimate on how much registration, insurance, ect, would cost?""
""In college, moving out, do i have to change my car insurance?""
ok, i am 19 i go to a college in my hometown and currently live with my parents. i am planning on getting an apartment 2nd semester and found one for 550 per month with utilities which will be divided among 3 guys. my dad says that as long as the car insurance on my car is under his name it cannot move to a different address without being under my name which jacks the price up some $1800 a year. that ends up being almost triple my rent and there is no way i will be able to afford it. apparently saying it still resides at their house is not an option although i do not see why, its less than 3 miles away. facts, suggestions, loopholes anyone??""
What is a reliable car with a low insurance group?
I've done a little research and noticed they put cars together in insurance groups - like 2e for example. Is the letter for the level of security - so is 'e' bad, for example and 'a' good? Could someone please explain the process, and as I've just passed (I'm 18) - could you name a suitable car for me - lower insurance bracket if possible?""
What are the insurance rates on a chevy S10?
it is a 2-door, v6, 2WD, extended cab truck, no mods, just stock""
UK car insurance groups?
Is there a website or some kind of directory that will tell me the costs of different insurance groups? I'm shopping around for a second-hand car and a lot of cars are listed as insurance group 7 or insurance group 14 etc etc, but I don't know what that means, I've been entering the details individually of cars that I'm interested in, but that quite laborious.""
Car insurance?? please help. I am 17 and have been told that I cannot pay car insurance monthly!! ??
I am really worried now as I simply cannot afford the lowest quote of 1600 all in one go. My car is a citroen ax 1.0 if that helps?  Are there any other 17 year olds out there who do pay car insurance monthly if so how??
Do i need an auto insurance to drive a motorcycle? how much that would be if it is yes? higher than auto insu?
I think i need to know before i buy a bike that whether i would pay more $ on my insurance if there is 1 or would it be cheaper than an auto insurance, like car insurances?Ooh, i am an new driver so how much would it be?""
Im looking for a car thats as fast as any normal 1.6 but is cheap on insurance?
Im 20 years old and i am looking for a car with the same acceleration or bhp as a normal 1.6 normal but i would like one that's cheaper on insurance
Whats the cheapest car insurance?
im 18 and a new driver
CA Senior Supplement Insurance?
I've reached the age now lucky I guess, Seniors from California which supplement insurance is best in cost/ benefits PLEASE Help. :)""
Can i get motorcycle insurance without a license?
i live in massachusetts and was wondering if i could get insurance without having a motorcycle or car license all i have is a permit but i do not know if i can get insurance thanks
Is there a way I can lower my car insurance rate with Progressive?
I'm 21 years old, and have been driving for about 3 years now, and I am wondering if there's a way for Progressive to lower my insurance rate. How do I about doing this with them? What do I say? Thank you!""
Health Insurance Not Taken Out from Check?
I got an extra 84 bucks in my check bc they didn't take out for health insurance? Was this just a mistake?
Ways to lower my insurance rate?
Hey, Im in highschool at the moment and im not reaching my car dilemma Im a male at the age of 16 (not looked well upon by insurance companies I hear) and I am insured by Statefarm. I was wondering if someone could help me out by telling me how i could lower my monthly insurance rate. The car im getting has side airbags and good crash test ratings, and im going to be adding mods to it (either rsx type-s or volkswagon golf gti) and i would most likely be installing rollover bars. Would this help my insurance rate go down? What other steps could I take? Thank you!""
What is cheap full coverage car insurance?
What is cheap full coverage car insurance?
Health insurance plans that cover maternity?
I live in Texas, and am looking for a health insurance plan that will cover maternity that is reasonably priced.""
Cost of insurance for a 16 year old?
I am turning 16 in may and i can't wait to get my license but i am also starting to think about insurance. It is going to be sooooo much. I have a '85 corvette but my dad told me they have to insure me with the most expensive car they own. This would be a 2002 F250. I was wondering which one would be cheaper and about how much? I was thinking around 200-300$ a month but i have no idea? and how much difference would it be between the car and the truck? please help?
Does Amica raise your insurance rates after first speeding ticket?
I live and am licensed in MA but got a speeding ticket in NH. I believe NH and MA share information so it will be treated as if it happened in Massachusetts. I am on a family plan with Amica car insurance, does anyone know if they will raise my rates? It is my first traffic violation of any kind. Will I lose any discounts like safe driving discount? I heard Massachusetts has a law where the first speeding ticket does not add insurance points? Is this true? If it is true, can Amica still raise your rates if they want to? Thanks""
How does insurance in general work?
and what are some of the rules of finanace for insurance??
How to get a hold of the drunk drivers insurance?
my car and 2 other cars were damaged by a drunk driver. his car flipped and crashed on the ground. they ran away as soon as they got helped out. the police came and all we got was a police report number. my question is my car is scratched and has broken windows/mirror. i am not going to pay for it to get it fix , why should i it wasn't my fault. how can i get a hold off the drunk drivers insurance and policy information. will the police contact me after they get all the information or do i have to contact them? sorry i have never had to deal with the insurance company or the police for any of this so i have no idea. if this matter i live in san diego california""
How can I put my girlfriend (8 1/2 years and still going strong) on my health/dental insurance?
Hi guys, so I have asked my job and it seems the only way I can add her to my health/dental insurance is if 1) we are married or 2) if i provide proof of living with her for a certain amount of years. There has to be some loophole because I really think it is ridiculous that we have been to together since we were 16 and I cant add her or help her in such a way. There is no possible way, in timeline, for us to qualify for such rules. 16-18 years old (in high school and lived with parents), 18-23 years old (Attended separate universities and lived in different cities), 23- 24 1/2 years old, (both living with parents back home, we alternate and stay at each others place, so have no set home or bills in our name, such as direct tv, electricity, internet, you name it. we are blessed with awesome parents) and yes we have though about just getting married, but no way... we are waiting until we are established and can fend for ourselves to make a decision like that, but yes we do want to get married some day, but not over screwing the government or other reasons. Also we live in california if that helps, since i know every state varies, thank s guys!! ^_^""
How is Term Insurance different from Life Insurance?
I am planning to buy an life insurance policy of around 25-30 lakhs. I have heard about this new insurance product- term insurance. I wanted to know its benefits and how is it different from life insurance. thank you for your help. I would really appreciate your efforts if you can help me out with this as soon as possible. thanks!
How much was your high risk car insurance?
i was charged with a DUI about a month ago... my first one. I was parked at a gas station. I'm a 20 year old male.. how much do you think my car insurance will be? I've also got about 5 speeding tickets in the past if that goes against me.
Is full comp' car insurance worth having ?
Apart from paying lower premiums and having to pay for repairs to ones own vehicle are there any disadvantages to just having third party fire and theft insurance ? I've had full comp for years, my car (10 years old ) was walloped by an unknown driver reversing in my driveway which caused broken lights and superficial bodywork damage, I've since been told by my insurance company that it's not economically viable to repair it - they would write it off less a 150 excess fee. Apparently, according to my garage this is common practise on any car over five years old. Yet at no time did the insurance company advise me of this so essentially I was paying extra for nothing. So, do you know of any other reason why I should keep the full comp' or just change to third party ?""
Whats the cheapest car to insure when your 17?
im 17 years old and learning to drive a manual. im looking round to see what car is the cheapest to insure. i don't mind the make and model of the car. i was wondering if you could give me ideas on the cheapest car to insure, for both manual and automatic. thankyou.""
Which insurance company is best?
ok so im 19 and just got my drivers license a few months ago (i never really needed it before now). its tax time and im buying a van to fit all the kids i lug around. well since i've never had to get auto insurance im not sure on what place would be best to go to. i know my age and how long i havent had my DL will effect how much i pay, but im trying to go the cheapest route possible. does anyone have advice on where to go? also what is a 'premium'? i did a free quote online and it told me what my downpayment would be, my monthly payment. and my premium? plz help""
Car insurance rates for honda civic lx?
hello, trying to get my own car, and i found a 2002 honda civic down the street from me for 4,000, im 17 (male) in CA and have been driving for over a year now, i have one speeding ticket and was unable to go to traffic school to erase my point(s) unfortunately can anybody tell me an estimate on insurance rates for this car? or the cheapest way to insure this car for me any help would be great!""
Free Insurance for my newborn?
Im eighteen and im pregnant with my first child. Shes due next month. A few people have told me that i can get free insurance for her? Does anyone know how i can do that? I dont have an income and im on my moms insurance plan and it wont cover the baby.
Would a pontiac grand prix have high insurance?
the car is a 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix SE 4 Door Sedan. I am 24. Would a car like this generally have higher insurance rates than average?
Insurance resposibility?
I am a policyholder of a vehicle, and if someone borrow my vehicle and cause a accident, who will be responsible for paying the damage, his ins or mine. and what happend if he does not have insurance coverage""
How much is it to get your insurance license?
How much is it for the classes/exams/etc in california? I just got hired for state farm, and i need an insurance license but how much is it exactly?""
Car insurance?? please help. I am 17 and have been told that I cannot pay car insurance monthly!! ??
I am really worried now as I simply cannot afford the lowest quote of 1600 all in one go. My car is a citroen ax 1.0 if that helps?  Are there any other 17 year olds out there who do pay car insurance monthly if so how??
0 notes
real insurance house insurance quote
"real insurance house insurance quote
real insurance house insurance quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Why do wives have to be on husbands car insurance?
I have been under my parents car insurance for my whole driving life and now I am married. My husband is a new driver in the USA, and because we just bought a new car, we have to be ...show more""
What is the cheapest Insurance for a first time driver?
What is the cheapest Insurance for a first time driver?
Divorced and my minors car insurance?
So my husband has 2 kids from 1st wife, daughter is 16 and just got license, ex states he is REQUIRED to pay the difference in her car insurance to add the minor, just curious if anyone knows if this is true. Her policy for 6 months went up $350 to add the minor and I don't think that is our responsibility she doesn't drive our cars ever. She is asking for 1/2 of this $350, the girl has a job shouldn't we be teaching her the responsibility of paying her 1/2 of the car insurance?""
How cheap can you get car insurance for if you teach drivers ed?
I'm going to school for Health and Physical Education, definitely thinking about minoring in Drivers Ed. to add a little something extra to my resume. The course seems easy enough and I'll be able to make money during the summer while my other teacher friends are painting houses. I'm curious how much of a deduction on car insurance these guys get. Anyone know?""
How cheap could i get insurance?
im 17, gonna be 18, no parking violations tickets or accidents whatsoever. the reason i ask is because the state i live in requires insurance.""
Car insurance/traffic ticket question?
I got a ticket for speeding (67 in a 50) a little over 8 months ago. I took it to court because it was a first offense and got the points down from 2 to 1. I never got anything from my insurance company, so I thought I got lucky and my rates would stay the same. About three weeks ago, we had a bad wind storm in Maryland and a tree limb fell on my jeep. I reported it the same day and the insurance is fixing. Yesterday I got a letter in the mail from my insurance saying my rates were going up from the ticket in March. Do you think that my report of the tree limb triggered them to look at my driving record and raise the rate or is it just a coincidence that this happened at the same time?""
What are typically the cheapest auto insurance company in Massachusetts?
I currently am with MetLife but they increased charges this year, so I'm looking to change the company. Any suggestions to cheaper auto insurance? Thanks!""
How to get health insurance?
I was laid off from work a little over two months ago. Unemployment pays me 405 a week. After taxes I bring home about $1400 for the month. I nearly get by now paying my rent and my car. How can I get health insurance at lo cost or no cost?
Cheap car insurance provider?
Im 21 years old and looking for cheap car insurance, i have been on all the price comparison website but they are still to pricey for me.""
Will my insurance go up if my vehicle would be out of town?
Ok so i'm 18 and will be going to college 186 miles from my home in pittsburgh. I'm currently listed as a primary driver on my parents insurance. Will my insurance rates go up just because the vehicle would no longer be located at home? I don't believe it should because if i'm listed as a primary driver what difference does it make where the vehicle is located? Does anybody know if it would go up?
Is it illegal for insurance companies to not insurance a Electric Car?
I was gonna Reserve a Nissan Leaf but wanted to know the insurance cost before. I called my insurance agent who's i'm good friends with and asked How much would insurance be on a Nissan Leaf cost? he said We nor any other insurance will insure it. i asked why and he said Oil Companies are paying them because if you cant get insurance on it, you'll have to go back to gas. Is it illegal for them to do this? I really want a green car.""
LEGAL!? Can I be added into my friend's car insurance?
Hi, gentlemen. I got my driver license(in CA) and a used car the other day, and I have to get my car insurance. Here is the question. Is it legal for me to be added into my friend's insurance(AAA)? He told me that I would save money if did so. Is it legal to do so even though I'm not his siblings or relatives? I'm an international student, so I wanna save money as much as possible. Thanks for reading. Every answer helps!!!""
Insurance 2 be a cheer leader???????
do you have to have health insurance to be on a high school cheer team? and if you dont then do they not let you on the team?
""Planning on buying a newer car, wondering how much my insurance will go up or if it will at all?""
Right now I have a Ford mustang, and i'm paying about $800 every 6 months, i'm planning on getting a 1006 Grand Prix so since it's not a sports cr but it's newer will my insurance rate stay the same? Will it go up? Or am I lucky and will it go down?""
Car accident - insurance policy?
3 days after renewing car insurance in April this year, a total baboon slammed into my car whilst I was driving home, writing my car off. 3rd parry has admitted liability, and all costs for car replacement, car hire, paid for by them. since cancelling my old insurer , and going with someone new to save 200 bucks a year, they ( my old insurer ) are saying I will be charged for the time you have received insurance cover as well as cancellation fee . Now , I can possibly swallow the cancellation fee crap, but, I have already paid them the premium over the period concerned ( insurance renewed on 20th April, accident on 23rd April). so what do they mean by their statement ? NOTE : all trolls, dumb *** replies will be reported
Which car would insurance be higher on?
Hi, I'm 16 and I'm getting my first car. I've saved up a chunk of money to make the down payment and 2 or 3 of the monthly payments (my parents are paying for the rest). I've narrowed it down to 2 cars of about the same price. A 2004 MiniCooper and a 2005 mustang (v6). My parents will be paying for my insurance so I was hoping you could tell me which one would have a lower rate so I could make it easier on them? I already know it's going to be high because I'm a teenage driver so whatever helps really. A mustang is kind of, sort of, sports car-ish (I'm not big into cars people, ignore my ignorant terminology) so I figured that would have an effect on the insurance. On the other hand, a minicoop is very small and I don't believe they're made in the U.S like a mustang is so parts and stuff would be higher if I'm correct? Thank you very much for any help!""
Cheap insurance?
cheap insurance
Best insurance company for full coverage?
What's the best insurance company that's pretty affordable?? I am financing a Toyota Camry (new) and need full coverage. I have a DUI on my record but have my license. I'm 21. =\
Who is responsible for homeowners insurance?
In a rent to own lease agreement for the one-two year lease period who will have the homeowners insurance?the renter or seller?
Is it possible to get temporary car insurance?
I don't have insurance now but I am looking to visit somebody (in Los Angeles) who has a spare car and I want to be able to drive it insured. I'm visiting for less than two weeks.
Car Insurance Settlement?
Ok about 3 weeks ago I was rear ended while my car was stopped on the freeway. The guy hit me doing about 30mph. I have had back and neck problems ever since. I have been seeing a chiroprator on a weekly basis. Also it was a hit and run but I was able to get his license plate number. I live in California. Ok so his insurance company called me trying to settle for 1000 plus my medical expenses. The problem is I don't now what my conditions will be like in the future. Also how many times will his insurance call me and change the offer?
Car Insurance?
So I got my license the other day I'm 16 turning 17. I don't have a car yet, but I want to drive alone. My mom has a car but my name isin't included in the policy. I heard somewhere that I could still drive the car. Is that true? How much would it cost if my name is added to the car? the car is on AAA Insurance.? . Another question. Im going to be working soon, how much would it cost for a 17 year old to drive his own car with his own insurance, BUT if im added to my DAD's policy.?""
What are some affordable cars for an 18 year old to own that is 5 years old or newer?
When I say own, I mean that the individual is paying for gas, maintenance, and insurance.""
Is car insurance a waste of money?
I need to get car insurance but I feel like its a waste of money. I am going to pay them monthly and if I happen to get into an accident I will still have to pay them something. I figure that if I can take the money I am going to pay them and put it aside for an emergency it would be a better use of money. Can anyone give me any advice on what I can do? Any liability insurance that really cheap, speaking around 100 a month maybe? lol""
6 week car insurance for 18 year old?
I share a car with my twin brother, which means i get the car every other day. My older brother is having a hip replacement so won't be able to drive for 6 weeks. He said i could ...show more""
real insurance house insurance quote
real insurance house insurance quote
Cheapest Insurance for a Yamaha R6 in the U.K?
hello, im thinking about getting my CBT and 125cc licence, because i dont want to get a 125cc bike, i want to get a 600cc yamaha r6 and restrict it to 33bhp, so that it runs like a 125, but the thing is that i dont know how much the insurance on it is going to be, as im gonna be a new biker i guess, so its scaring me, buying an r6 (second hand) alone is expensive enough. im a male, 19 turning 20 next month, i have no car or bike licence, if i buy the bike it would have done around 10000 miles and be around a 2000 model, i think r6's have a standard security system on them or something, if i had it i would put it in my room, or outside infront of my room, in the driveway, im a student studying in university and i dont have a job so moneys tight. thanks for your help!!""
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?!?
I'm looking at car insurance and the cheapest i can find is around 2000, that's 166 a month and i can't afford that :/ I'm looking to get a renault clio, corsa or a ford KA, anyone know any really cheap car insurance places i can look at?! X""
Hi how much does it cost for a moped licence in spain and how much is insurance?
im 15 and i know you can get a licence at 14. do you have to take a test?
Auto insurance is through the roof?
i have a 1991 jeep wrangler sahara and i pay 230 buck a month on parents insurance what is the cheapest company to go with and y is my bill so high
Premium tax rate on car insurance cancellation?
I want to cancel my insurance policy. I am currently paying monthly with insure to drive. I have had the policy for 3 months and reading the cancellation points it says a 35 cancel fee and premium tax rate. I currently pay 133 pounds a month for insurance if that means anything (totalling 1600 a year)
Whats the best auto insurance for new drivers?
Newly 20 year old and trying to be on her own and independent. Im currently under my grandparents insurance(GEICO). I believe i got a good deal with Nationwide which would be 274.00 a month with full coverage and rental... Im looking to buy a 2008 infinti G37 sports coupe for $26,000< so excited about it hopefully i get it. I just wanted to know what should i be looking for in auto insurance... i def. need full coverage because im going to be financing the car..Correct? but yeah what are some things should i look for. i would ask my family members but they are stubborn, when it comes to things like this... but thanks!!! :)""
Car inspection for insurance?
So I hit my friends car and he told me to tell the insurance company someone hit me in a parking lot. If I do that and the insurance company inspects it, will they be able to tell that I hit someone instead of someone hitting me?""
How much would it cost for a 2.5 nissan skyline to run? (Like insurance wise for a 17 year old?
How much would it cost for a 2.5 nissan skyline to run? (Like insurance wise for a 17 year old?
""I hit someon because of rain related skid, no one got ticket. Can I claim from their insurance my car damage?""
We pay insurance to cover us in accidents and my friends are telling me that it is my fault because I hit from behind. I say that it was out of my control and the skid just happenned becaus eof the weather. Can I be able to claim from other person Insurance company. I only had liability and it wasn't my insurance as I was driving someone else's car. Cn someone with their experience guide me, what will be the best way to take car eof it. the other car did not have any damage but my car has about $900 damage. If I take it to a reputable car place it might go upto $1500. Thanks in advance""
I trying to find a cheap car insurance for teenagers?
she already have tickets in her name . i trying to find someone who can make a deal with us.
Question about auto insurance?
I've never had a car before so this is new for me. I don't have auto insurance yet and I'm going to check out a car today. In order to drive it home I will need auto insurance but I'm not sure if I'm getting the car yet. I already have my quotes set up and if I decide to get the car I can call and set it up right there but the policy doesn't go into effect until tomorrow. Can I still drive the car home?
How much would my auto insurance be? read details?
I'm a 16 year old male. i live in a small town (25000). I would use the car to drive to school and sports activities. It would be a red 1994 pontiac firebird. 350 5.7L LT1. Its a coupe and a v8. i would be on my family's auto plan with my mom, dad, and brother. so how much do you think it would cost to add me to it?""
Auto cheap insurance required! I am seriously looking for cheap auto insurance for my car and my realtives too?
I am seriously looking for cheap auto insurance for my car and my realtives too. Can you suggest me some auto cheap insurance ?
Average moped cost for 21yo student?
Im thinking of getting a moped to run around on as its so much cheaper than a car and was wondering how much this would cost. I can find the moped but how much would the tax, insurance etc be? Im a female 21 year old student, from england if that helps at all for working out the insurance.""
How much does it cost for insurance?
Im turning 15 and im getting a ninja 250 but what company and how much? no negative awnsers plz
Can I be insured on my dads auto insurance policy if we live at different locations?
My dad and I live at different houses, will an auto insurance conpany allow me to be on his plan even tho I live in the neighboring town, this is progressive auto insurance.""
Average motorcycle insurance?
I'm 22 and I pay right at 100 a month for insurance. How much does a regular sports bike cost to add insurance on? I know it depends on the bike but for like a GSXR 600.
Selling my car an confused about insurance?
I have a car from a dealership. It has to have full coverage etc. If I sell this car I got from the dealership & I don't pay off the loan an buy a car off craigslist. What will happen insurance wise when I take the car from the dealership of my insurance? Will there be a hassle? Should I call my dealership? Please help me
Who has the cheapest motorcycle insurance for young people?
im looking for the who has the cheapest motorcycle insurance for young people
Car insurance renewal ques?
i have car insurance with admiral and its going to be automatically renewed tomorow at 17:30 so can i cancel before that, am i within rights or will they charge before that? the reason being i have found a much cheaper quote else where, i paid admiral for the car insurance using debit card so will payment be taken same day tomorow on renewal date?""
Is $3000.00 for Car Insurance?
my 18 yr old son just bought a 2007 Chevolet Cobalt. .$3000.00 for insurance. that just make the whole family sick. we have the house and two other Vehicles with same insurance company. i don't even think we got a discount. $3000. 00 for the Cobalt plus the two trucks. that about $5500.00 for car insurance we all have clean driving records. 18- 24 yrs old male! How much do you paid for car insurance?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Do farmers get cheaper car insurance through (NFU?) Farmers union? (uk and NI)?
Just seen an NFU and was wondering...
""Does anyone know the best car insurance companies for young people, in the UK?""
When I state best I mean cheapest for a young person. I'm twenty-one in a few months and looking to drive soon but insurance is steep, I found some good companies but just curious to know if there's a specific good one. Any suggestions?""
""Can someone suggest a good fertiltiy clinic in the Bay Area, California? What Insurance is good?
Has anyone researched on success rate of fertility clinic in Bay Area? Which are the top / best ones? Also what type of insurance should I take up to ensure everything is paid for? Did anyone use Kaiser Vs Aetna?
real insurance house insurance quote
real insurance house insurance quote
Why is my car insurance ridiculously expensive?
I've been using go compare for a Peugeot 206 1.1 litre petrol, and have been given quotes of about 6-8 thousand pound! I know for young drivers (im seventeen) car insurance is expensive but I was expecting 2-3 grand, am I maybe using a bad site?""
Would a Jaguar be a first car?
I want to know for my cousin who is 12. He really like the XJR from 1997-2003 .What does the insurance cost?
What questions should i ask before getting LIFE Insurance?
Im about to get life insurance, but i dont know how it works. What are some questions i should ask the insurance agent before signing any papers? Please help!""
Free car insurance??
My partner just called up his car insurance company to have me down as a named driver on his car. all the asked for is my name, DOB and my occupation. and they said there is no charge its free. Is this for real?? why is it free?? nothings free these days lol i also only have a provisonal""
What is a good cheap auto insurance?
i have progressive right now and its almost 300 cause i have a new car..are there ne others that are cheaper but have a good policy??? i live in kentucky
Health and travel insurance for the US?
Hi, I am a British student undertaking an internship in the U.S for 6 weeks this summer. I need Health insurance that complies with the requirements for the J-1 Visa, and though I have found a company that can help me (http://www.isoa.org/compare_plans.aspx) with Health insurance, they don't offer any travel insurance. The companies that I have found for travel insurance don't tend to provide the level of Health insurance that I require. Do people normally take out 2 seperate policies when travelling to the U.S? (e.g. one health, one travel?) If so, can anyone find me somewhere that provides travel insurance to the U.S without health insurance included? Thanks!""
I got a ticket for no insurance..?
but i actually did have insurance i just happen to show the officer the wrong one is there anything i can dot to avoid this 3 yr surcharge.
what is the full coverage insurance for motorcycle include? ?
for California and for finance company requirement
Reason for sudden increase in price on car insurance?
When I bought my car I started paying 1,400 a year on insurance, and the other day I got a letter through the post from my insurance company saying that I need to renew my car insurance since it was close expiring. They said that if I want to continue with the same company I need to now pay 2,000 a year for the same car. I can't seem to understand why there's such a vast increase from my last quote. I haven't had to make a claim and I can't think of anything that may have happened that could result in the price increase. Do insurance companies do this or could there have been something I may have done which has put the price up? Thanks in advance.""
SVT Cobra 03 Insurance?
My father has a Mustang Cobra 03. Since I have a permit now, the cobra is all mine. I am wondering how much will I have to pay for insurance? I am sixteen years old (sirousely) .Male. No Violations. A student. No modifications to the car. Only driving it to school and work. I tried getting qoutes online but they are not availeble for my age. Please give me an Estimate. Help. Plz.""
What cars are cheap to insure? UK ?
i know it depends on individual person but, in general, which cars have the lowest insurance? thanks""
Car Insurance Help..?
I just turned 16 and got my license about 2 months ago. My dad and I are now car shopping for me and I found a car that I really liked, but don't know if it would be expensive insurance or not. If you could help and give me an idea of about how much it will be a month? 2001 Acura TL $5200 (Private Owner) 6 cylinder 3.2 liter vetec 4 door sedan automatic has a salvaged title passed state inspection 77,000 miles I also live in Ohio and my dad has state farm.""
Diminished Value - Dealing with Car Insurance?
I was in an accident where someone side swiped me ($5.5k worth of damage). Their insurance company paid and I just got my car back (2007 Lexus IS 250 - 29k miles). I had just purchased the car 4 weeks prior to the accident from CarMax for $27k. Out of curiosity I went back to see what CarMax would give me and they offered $18k. The car is now only 7 weeks old in my name and 3 weeks of it was in the repair shop! Does anyone have experience with dealing with car insurance companies and diminished value? I live in NC and know that it is one of the states that has diminished value. I want to recoup as much of the difference as possible and since the car is so new (to me), I am willing to get rid of it to show the loss so I don't deal with this years from now. Any advice is appreciated.""
Car Insurance Groups?
What Insurance Group would a Ford KA (02 Reg) Collection be? And also what Group would a Ford StreetKA be?
Individual Dental Insurance for NJ?
I've been staring at dental insurance plans all day and finally it makes no sense anymore. I've enrolled in a discount plan but my dentist says I should get insurance for the procedures I'll be needing. I've only found one plan that seems to cover my area. Cost is not that big of an issue as more WHERE TO FIND IT. My job doesn't offer it. I'm an unmarried adult and I just need to purchase insurance (pref PPO) that will be effective as soon as possible.
Approximately how much is my insurance going to rise?
I am an 18 year old male. I got a ticket for going 10 over about a month ago and got it deferred a week ago. I am on my parents insurance and I pay about $100 a month for insurance. Tonight, I got a ticket for going 17 over on the highway. The first ticket was $124 and the most recent ticket was $174. Help me out here haha, how ****** am I? Also, is there any way for my parents to not find out?""
I'm 18 and i'm looking for my first car i want a land rover 110 station wagon what is the cheapest deal?
i want to buy a new one with the cheapest insurance and tax how much would it be
How much is a g35 coupe insurance?
I am a 17 male and am about to buy a 2004 g35 and was wondering how much insurance was. I have a clean slate, no accidents or tickets. I have farmers insurance and was wondering how much my monthly insurance would be roughly? I have a good gpa of above 3.0 so doesn't that give me a discount?""
I'm 17 and have car insurance that i have to pay 240 every month. I live in philadelphia is there cheaper ones?
i got a 2000 ford taurus and my mom bought insurance since she doesn't have a car herself we had to get my own insurance plan and now we have to pay 240 every month because of my age..i need to know of any cheaper insurance for myself. plz and thank you.
Is it compulsory to have comprehensive insurance for car or 3rd party ins is sufficient?
any diff for having insurance for new/old/second hand car?
How is my insurance so high for my 125cc motorcycle?
Well i passed my cbt on the 13th this month, turned 17 on the 10th this month, ive had my dt125 re / x 04 model for about 2 months riding on private land etc, anywhoo, i decided to look into insurances, well first i went to carol nash and got a quote for 4000??? then i tryed comparethemarket, got a insurance quote of 3600? what the ****? seriously, theres not a chance im going to be paying that **** and the insurance place is ringing up saying do you want to buy the 4000 insurance? **** no, any idea's for cheaper insurance places or idea's to get it down?""
How much would my insurance be?
I am a 17 year old male and I'm looking a getting a ford mustang. I am trying to get a 2008 v6 4.0 L convertible is my car insurance going to be rediculously high?
Online auto insurance?
Other than the general, Is there any good online auto insurance providers??""
How much would insurance be?
my step dad is putting me on his insurance, he has a 2006 dodge caravan.. how much would it be for me ( a 17yr old girl) to get put on as an occasional driver?""
How to get Get Affordable Car Insurance in Detroit Michigan.?
Is there any information i read about this?
real insurance house insurance quote
real insurance house insurance quote
Auto insurance for Toyota celica gts 2000?
I am getting my license on my 18th birthday and I am planning on getting a celica. The car will be on my dad name, and he's over 25yrs old. I want to know the rates of auto insurance for a sport car vs me getting a regular 4 doors. I just got a quote today and the guy told me that my insurance could be $116 a month for the celica with progressive please help me make my decision ty""
Will his insurance go up Texas?
Ok so my friend just got a ticket. It was his fault he took a free right and a cop was taking his green left and my friend cut him off nasty. The cop ended up giving him a ticket. It said failure to stop at a red light but our question is...will his insurance go up, because he is worried...thanks!""
Car insurance question.?
Can I have a car loan under my name and have the title under mine and my parents name as a main cosigner? Then have insurance under my parents name? Is it possible to have the title under my name with no cosigner and insurance under parents? I just want cheaper insurance that's all.
Is there any insurance company that accepts sr22 insurance required cdl driver who need just bobtail insurance?
I have sr22 restriction on my cdl. And just bought my truck. Its really hard to find Bobtail insurance some ppl call it non trucking liability insurance because of my driving record or sr22 (I guess its samething). Is there any insurance company or agency out there who might accept?
Can I insure a Car under My Insurance if I am not on the title?
I just bought a used car and had my fiance's mother finance it under her name because she got me a 7% APR which is really good compared to what I would have gotten. The finance guy at the dealership said to just have the car under her name to get that great rate and leave me off the loan completely. I will be making the payments, driving it, & insuring it. She is just the person who's name is on the title (so I could get that great APR rate) Now, I was just wondering, can I insure the vehicle under my policy even though my name is not on the title? I am kind of worried that my insurance company will not let me insure the car because my name is not on the title. Does anyone have any experiences or knowledge about this sort of thing? Thank you for your help""
Ok i 21 and need car insurance?
so whats the cheapest place to get insurance i no cheap isn't always better but i need to have insurance info 21 male never had a ticket r accident please help
Insurance prices?
Why is insurance so high on a 08 suzuki 1300. I am 42 and was quoted 900 a year. Is that bout right
Does Bupa insurance cover child birth in USA?
Does Bupa insurance cover child birth in USA? and what is the steps for that?
I'm moving out of state - do I have to change auto insurance companies?
Explanation - I went through a local auto insurance company called ABC Insurance (not the real name, btw). They got me the lowest rate through XYZ Insurance, out of a different state. I'm moving out of state in a few weeks. Do I have to worry about finding a new insurance company if the one I pay my bill to is out of state anyway? After the move, I will actually be physically closer to that company... but still out of state. I never deal with ABC anyway. It's like they are just the go-between that found me that company.""
No insurance for high school sport?
My school ask if you have insurance but doesn't clarify if you need it. So I wanna try out for men's volleyball... Which is next season. They ask for you to have a physical exam, and if you are covers or not by insurance. Say if you don't have insurance... Do they take that upon you and fail you in the tryouts? I'm good at the sport, so what if I don't have health insurance?""
Car insurance?
Car insurance? Question. My boyfriend was driving my car... and my insurance is just liability insurance...My boyfriend does not have insurance. He was pulled over and given a speeding ticket. It says on the paper attached that if he did not show proof of insurance he would need to send that in with the ticket.. the cop did not ask for proof of insurance.. and also on the ticket... it says financial responsibility shown? and the office marked YES..... does that mean he lucked out this time
How do i get my car on the road and for how much?
i just bought my 1993 honda civic lx, and i live in ontario. the sale was a private sale..what do i have to do now? ive only paid for the car...do i have to get insurance before i register it? and what about taxes? and safety and etest? and plates? how do i do it?""
What's the cheapest Insurance company?
I'm sixteen, will be seventeen in June. I just got a job and I need to get insurance so I can get a car. My parent's insurance will be really expensive plus to put the car on there it will be even extra. Can anyone tell me what the cheapest car insurance place would be for me with full coverage? Thank you (: oh and my car will be a 2000 saturn.""
Where can I find affordable life insurance for sr citizen in-laws?
I read a previous thread suggesting MediCare, but I am not talking about HEALTH insurance. They only have term life insurance tied to current job, and they need to retire. They have ...show more""
Why do you have to get insurance to get your drivers liciense? ?
I don't have a car. My parents hv a van but I don't drive it all the time. Mainly I drive it when I'm on the highway. I live in Baltimore Maryland. Just why smh.
Is it legal for an auto insurer to raise your rate without notification and debit that out of your account?
I reside in Texas and have auto debits monthly for my auto insurance. I just checked and they raised my rate this month without telling me and debited the new rate out of my account, but i agreed to debit monthly my rate but was on a lower rate for over 2 years and up until last month. I never got notice, is this legal? Do i have any rights to recover that extra $ they took for a new rate that i was not notified of?""
""Under Obamacare, can I switch insurance companies anytime I want?""
I live in California and started new health insurance with Blue Shield on January 1, 2014. But they are awful. Even though I not only applied with them, I was accepted by them, I paid the January premium back in December, and they have already covered two of my prescriptions. But Blue Shield keeps mailing me letters saying I never paid them anything and that they are cancelling my application. My application? I made it past that stage. I am their client, not just an applicant. I can't get an answer from them and I'm worried that as of 1/28/14 I will no longer have health insurance (since that is the date they informed my on 1/24 that they are cancelling my application). So since Blue Shield thinks that I'm not even their client, that they think I never paid them the very first premium which I did and have proof of, can I ditch them and choose a new insurance company or do I have to wait for the next open enrollment? (And when would that be?) (FYI - Blue Shield has never mailed me a bill for February. They just keep mailing me the same bill that was due - and that I paid!!! - back in December that covered me for January.)""
My AAA card says it's expired but my parents are still paying monthly for my car insurance?
My AAA card says: Valid through September 23, 2010. They bought me a new car in July and we are still paying the monthly insurance so why is my card expired? Shouldn't they have sent me a new one?""
How much will 1 point affect my car insurance???!?
I got a right turn violation about 8 months ago and i took traffic school so im assuming that my insurance won't penalize me. Now i got another ticket(stop sign violation), how much would you estimate the percentage of my insurance? I live in California btw and im 20 years old.""
Can anyone recommend affordable homeowners insurance?
I live in Muscatine, IA. I am interested in either national or local companies. Anyone have a company or policy they think is a good deal? Who has the friendliest agents? Thanks!""
How much does a 09' Honda Civic Coupe run on insurance?
I'm looking to buy A new car, & just curious about the insurance costs.""
How much would car insurance cost on a 2011 Eclipse GS Coupe if im 18 with better than a 3.0GPA in college?
I want to know how much would it cost me for car insurance on a 2011 Eclipse GS Coupe if i'm 18 with better than a 3.0 GPA in college and if it would cost me more just because its a Coupe?
From Whom can I purchase health ins over 65 years & not eligible for Medicare?
My spouse is over 65 and will be getting residency USA and is not eligible for Medicare nor am I. From whom can we purchase health insurance?
""I'm moving to another state. How long do i have to get proof of insurance, new drivers license, etc?""
How long do i have to complete the entire process of getting new proof of car insurance, attaining a new drivers license, registering my vehicle, and getting new license plates? I have looked on the dmv website and i am more confused now then before checking the website. The website claims you have 60 days to get your new drivers license but, you have 30 days to have your vehicle registered. This cannot make any sense because in order to have your vehicle registered you must have a valid drivers license in that state (at least for the state i'm moving to). Can someone shed some light on this topic and how long on average an individual has to complete this entire process? thanks!""
What is the best and cheap health insurance?
I came form a different country so i dont have any insurance when i came to california. What is the best that i dont have to pay anything when emergency and cheap like $30 per month.
real insurance house insurance quote
real insurance house insurance quote
0 notes
feathery-dreamer · 6 years
Digger quotes
This took me way too long (two hours) solely due to tumblr lagging so much, but I feel it’s largely worth the trouble.
Digger-of-Unnecessarily-Convoluted-Tunnels (including offscreen narration)
(to the shadow child asking about what evil is) "Okay, morality in a nutshell. Don’t hurt people if you can avoid it. Don’t steal stuff unless you’re starving or it’s really, really important. Work hard. Pay your bills. Try to help others. Always double-check your math if there are explosives involved. If you screwed it up, you need to see it gets fixed. And don’t eat anything that talks. If it doesn’t fall under one of those categories, just do the best you can.”
“Listen, Grim Eyes, it’s real nice of you to come warn me about those things, but you will keep a civil tongue in your head when you talk to my friend, or so help me, I’ll march you back to that bridge and kick you off myself!”
I admit, I felt a little guilty about the squash. I mean, sure, they were just vegetables, but they moved and growled and they’d saved out lives. On the other hand, judging by the smell, most of them had started to rot anyway. Maybe if you’re an evil vampire vegetable, you’re happy to go out in the act of bludgeoning someone to death.
“Grim Eyes, this is Murai. Be nice to her. The ladder goes all the way to the bottom of the mine shaft, but there are no landings, if you get what I mean.”
I could have wished for a lot of things, not having fallen into the crevasse among them, but if wishes were ingots, beggars would smelt, as great-aunt Ironbit used to say.
(about ghosts) “They say the chief designer of the Great Warren comes by occasionally to check how the trusses are holding up. Mind you, there’s a family legend that if you leave dishes in the sink for more than a week, the spirit of great-great-grandmother Rakefast manifests to yell at you.”
I hoped she [Murai] wasn’t too upset that we’d upstaged her glorious destiny speech. I mean, glorious destinies don’t do anybody any good. But if you’re expecting one... well...
“There really aren’t that many evil men out there. It’s mostly just good men working at cross-purposes.”
Ganesh statue
“Without the mad, we would be deprived of many fine saints and holy men.”
“The Earth is so old, and home to so many strange things, that there is hardly an inch of ground that was never home to a shrine, or a god, or a battle, or some magical oddity. Even under the ground, you yourself have said, there are old gods, old prophecies, old lost things. It is not odd that this bound god should be here, in this place. If anything, it is odd that we are not constantly hip-deep in such magical echoes of the past.”
“Good morning, burrower. I am both impressed and alarmed by your ability to circumvent the Veiled guards.”
“I do not think that the burrower would thank us for the prayer, my child, nor would it help. We have been given a task to which gods are unequal, and so it is left for mortals to see to the end.”
“Hold for as long as you can, but the gods do not doubt your courage and they do not require your death.”
“You are angry, burrower, that the gods would so disrupt a life for so little? Well, perhaps you are right to be. But consider... Murai is young. She has all her life ahead of her, and she is still a hero. The hour may come when she stands astride the fulcrum of the world, and it will be the courage learned in that doorway - or the good sense learned traveling with a wombat! - that tells her where to push.”
The village hag
“Listen, you pea-brained idiot, I don’t care if Jhalm’s tapdancing naked on a griddle, you are not waking my patient up!”
“Ha! I’m a hag. I’m the next best thing to untouchable. They may not like it, but no god in a hundred miles looks kindly on hassling healers.”
“Reattach parts? Sure. Although one in ten go mad and try to kill their owners. It’s not a big deal if it’s just an ear, mind you - best they can do is homicidal wiggling - but a rogue arm can do a lot of damage. And there was a suicidal big toe two villages over, always stubbing itself-”
Surka the bridge ‘troll’
"I’m not [leprous]. They wanted a captain who wouldn’t fall apart under pressure!”
“Oh, aye, y’got t’defend your lads! Anybody spoke ill ‘o the Rotting Dogs, I’d ave their lungs for a ‘ammock!”
“Fine lads, trolls. ‘Earts ‘o gold and brains ‘o granite. Practically pirates.”
Boneclaw Mother
“Now, I do not quite believe that you have nothing to hide. I smell secrets on you, Little Mother, and some of them are familiar. There are people you are protecting. Even so, I smell no malice in you. A shame, really. Malice might help to cushion you from things to come.”
“When you’re blind, daylight’s only good for sunburns. Besides, we’re both too old to waste what’s left of our lives on sleep.”
“Look, I could give you some claptrap about gods and ancestors and righting ancient wrongs and doing one’s part as a good citizen of the mythological cosmos, but it all boils down to ‘because I said so.’ So get tracking.”
“Grim Eyes, I do love you, but you don’t have the brains the gods gave an eggplant. The thing only works on people you’ve lived with for years who think their motivations are a lot better hidden than they really are.”
“Let’s not waste both our time, son. You’re going to keep saying ‘I’m busy, come back later’ in as many ways as you can, in hopes of finally making the senile old savage understand what you’re saying. Eventually you’ll figure out that I understand perfectly well what you’re saying - savage I am, but senile I’m not - and then you’ll move on to diplomatically phrased threats, in hopes that we’ll go away.”
“I see a warrior with an army at his back preparing to kill one brave, half-mad girl with a broken arm. I would think that would be the concern of any decent creature.”
“I know exactly what is at stake, captain. You are trying to convince yourself that whatever cause you follow is worth that girl’s death. (..) I know all about gods, captain. I know that a god that demands a child’s life is not a god worth saving.”
“Daughter, given what you had to work with, I think you probably did the best that could be done. There was a great deal of fate involved here, and you cannot defeat fate with scaffolding. And I never let anybody use fate as an excuse for incompetence, so take what comfort you can.”
(about convincing Jhalm to leave) “Nine times out of ten, you just have to rub their nose in what they’re actually doing. People get carried away with their own righteousness and tend to gloss over the consequences. show them they’re about to run off a cliff and... well... And just in case, I had Owl Caller mix up a couple of his best poisons and paint them on the claws of my left hand. (...) Well, if he’d been one of the real crazies, I figured I could get one good swipe in, and that would’ve ended the matter. Might’ve taken a couple of hours to kill him and probably we would have all died, but you take out people like that as soon as you can, before they start raising armies and sacking continents and so forth.”
Grim Eyes
“There is no dishonor in an honorable madness.”
(about wombat mating rituals, with Digger’s corrections) “...Okay, let me get this straight. You go to the camp of your beloved- (Burrow.) -and you take your blushing lover in your arms- (Well not in public.) -and you whisper in his ear, ‘my darling, my carrion-scented flower, you gnaw my liver- (Definitely not.) -let us enter into a binding legal contract together until the stars fall from the sky, as determined by subparagraph F, section 12- (Blood and shale, no.)”
“I am amazed that a species with so little romance in its soul manages to reproduce at all.”
“I’m a hunt leader. It’s not all sticking animals with sharp objects, you know. I realize you have this strange notion that you are the only competent individual in the world, earth rat-”
“It is nothing, honored Digger. After the first moment, the pain is merely excruciating.”
“Perhaps there are many destinies, honored Digger, waiting for whoever stumbles into them. I do not know. But this needs doing now, and that, I think, you understand.”
Ed: “Evil is having reason. Always, many and many. If hunter beats mate, has reason, always. Mate is lazy, burning food, is stupid, is speaking on and on. [...] Is punishing world for not being... like in head. Is always reason. World should be different, is reason. Is only good is not having reason. Little one hugs, no reason. Digger-mousie giving name to nameless, say ‘Ed’, no reason. Skin-painter paints skin on child, no reason. Just is.”
Shadebones: “Forgive our manners, little creature - that we may well kill and eat you is no excuse for rudeness.”
Shadow child: “Anyway, the slug said that you had to take me with you, and if you didn’t, there’d be a terrible catastrophe and we’d all be salted and dipped in beer. (...) He also said that you were a pig-headed vertebrate and you probably deserved whatever happened to you, but he wouldn’t send an earwig to a fate like that, and anyway, if you all got salted then everybody’d get salted eventually. What’s salted mean, anyway?”
Hegi: “Sulk? Sulk?! A thousand years I’ve been working on that glorious destiny speech, and no, it has to be wombats. No dignity, no glory, just - wombats!”
Descending-Helix: “By tradition, Quartzclaw, I should probably have some wise old elder words for a youngster off on their mission to save the world, but I don’t think the world’s in any real danger, and you seem to have been doing just fine on your own. So I’ll just tell you what I told my own boys when I sent them off - Do your best, try not to screw it up, and remember that your mother worries if you don’t write.”
Herne: “That priest girl’s nice enough, and nobody can accuse her of being a whiner, but she’s dragging destiny around behind her like a screaming toddler. That sort of thing is dangerous. Destiny’s rough on innocent bystanders. Sure, I’m a little curious about how it all works out... but I’m a lot more curious about what living to a ripe old age will feel like. If you and the hyena had a bit of sense, you’d shove her through the door of her temple and then get as far away as possible before things start to explode.”
Veiled patrols: “I had a slug cuss at me the other day. Said I stepped on a leaf he was reading. - What did you do? - What could I do? I apologized and got him another leaf!”
0 notes
rpjohnston · 7 years
Ughhhhhh my mind’s been a complete mess recently. Like. Normally I can reel it back, yknow? dissociate my rational thoughts from my emotions. Think strategically. Plan. Not ever follow through on plans, you know, but just...be in control like that. But now it’s just...restlessness. Racing. Infinite energy to just keep bouncing around, without the physical energy to actually get up and do anything, as if just thinking about a million things uses up all the spoon s that could be used for doing even one thing, but I. just. Can’t. Stop. I’m going off after every squirrel I see on Twitter or Facebook. Kinda fun and I’ve still got my wit...well it’s never been a great wit but it’s not been any worse. I dunno. Just...something. I don’t know. Frustration. Irritation. I’m not a teenager anymore. Don’t have all my hair anymore. Not as...curvy as I used to be. Blobby now. The gross...guy, blobby. I’m not exactly decrepit. Stronger than I was then, that’s nice, pretty sure I can do anything physical still, if not as gracefully as before. Can still jump a fence, just with more grunting. Annoying. Feeling that I wasted all my good years, now it’s too late for shenanigans and now I don’t have the experience necessary to actually make something of myself. Like, always playing catchup. Always being the retard that has to try twice as hard to be half as good as anyone else. When I was little, yeah, I always got told how smart I was. Pfffft. Everybody says that about their kids, though being the intellectually-inclined aspie I suppose I did know more trivia and was prouder about it. Hah, I used to be so proud that I knew Earth was 93 million miles from the Sun, and I’d brag about knowing that in class. And then this little dipshit Carl would troll me going “no it isn’t” every time he saw me, and I’d try everything from showing my books to appeal to authority to trying to argue, but he’d just stick to smug denial, and unable to understand why I couldn’t convince him I’d fly into a rage and beat the shit out of him. Such as a 7 year old could anyway. Course then it gets to middle school and beyond and the one thing I’m good at, knowing stupid shit, don’t mean shit. Hell not even grades meant anything - not that it ever stopped my dad was acting like I was a lazy failure for not putting in an extra 15 hours of effort into assignments to go from “100″ to “100 and also the teacher thinks it’s extra special”. Nah, when it comes to anything that matter more than stupid fucking worthless trivia I’m always behind everybody else. Always seeing everybody else Do A Thing, and then I try to Do The Thing to prove I’m just as good as everybody else, then failing, and failing, and failing, and failing and then succeeding, but now it fucking means nothing because everybody else has now moved onto more advanced Things and The Thing that I finally accomplished is what everybody else who wasn’t a pathetic, useless fuckup eats for breakfast. And. I dunno. I’m tired of it. Well, been tired of it for a long time. I gave up trying to prove myself years ago. Gave up trying to measure up to anybody else’s standards. Just did good enough to get by by myself. Not like that’s hard. My standards are pretty low. But still. Still. I can’t just, like, live in my friend’s parents’ basement forever. But what can I do? Target and the like don’t pay enough to live on. I can’t do 2, 3 jobs and 80 hour workweeks. Go ahead, tell me I’m a lazy, entitled, obnoxious parasite, not like I don’t know. But I just don’t have the energy for that. If I tried I would literally go play in traffic after a month or two. Spit on me all you want, but even for me there’s a limit to how far I can push onward on willpower alone. So get a job that ain’t shitty? Like what? Virtually everything requires experience. Or at least some proof of competence, but I have literally no competence except, you guessed it, useless stupid fucking trivia. Where can I get hired that will pay me 40k+/yr to know how far it is to the Sun? So do uni, then? Sighhhhh. I have the mutual funds for it. I’ve been, what, 3 times now. Even finished the worthless associate’s degree on the second. But...argh, it ain’t that simple! Everybody else who wasn’t this bad a fuckup got their degrees years ago. I’m not 18, I don’t have grace years to just set aside to be a student, I need  the wins NOW! I just...my fucking psyche can’t handle it. Last time I dropped out was because...because it isn’t just about FACTS! It’s a whole thing, a whole PROCESS, with rules, and regulations, and methods, from the women’s studies course to the programming course, and everything is expected to be done THEIR WAY and I’m sure it works for most people but I can’t understand it, or it takes me all my energy to figure out HOW to follow along, and I have no energy left to actually DO it, and then I feel like MORE SHIT because I’m having to try so hard to do what everybody else does so much more easily, and and and What’s even the POINT, then? Even if I do rake myself over the coals and finally get to the finish, even if I do get the assignment done, even if I do understand the class process, even if I do get the grade, I STILL had to put way more effort into it so I’m STILL A FAILURE!!!!!!!!! Even if I finally get to the same place, I’m still the fucking worthless retard that isn’t as good as everybody else because they had to put more effort into achieving what’s normal for everybody else!!!!! I don’t...I don’t have the...I don’t have the mind I need. I keep dropping things because I work, and I work, and I try, and there’s no affirmation that any of it’s worth anything, and why keep trying on and on and on because in a few years someone MIGHT have an appreciation for it, or maybe not - because maybe everything I’m doing is complete worthless garbage, but I can’t tell, and maybe I’m just wasting my energy doing worthless things. Not just college. It’s been 10 years since I got flash and started working on that game, and in that time I’ve had how many projects? That I just drop once I sort of get something resembling what could potentially be a product? Because I get to the point where I’m not just messing around, but where I need actually be serious about QUALITY, but since when am I ever good enough at anything to make it QUALITY? There are better artists. There are better programmers. Nothing I do will ever stack up no matter how hard I try because that’s who I am, I’m have a shallow, trivial understanding of things but nothing deep enough to actually be worthless. I can’t be an astronomer by knowing space trivia. I can’t be an artist by shoving a stylus around. I can’t be a competent codemonkey by finishing university sample exercises. These are all things that people with actual SKILLS do, not just a fucking half-assed dabbler. a dabbler is fucking useless. I’m not good at anything except knowing shallow trivia and doing whatever unskilled shit people instruct me to do, and any time I try to invest the time in something than do more than dabble I get reminded that other people can do it better for far less effort and even if I DOOOOOO somehow get to their level it still won’t be good enough because of how much harder I had to try to be as good. Other people had lives and adventures and shenanigans and personalities and...identities, identities in general and that they figured out early enough. And what do I have, sitting around, wasting away, being a worthless, useless blob, no idea how to even find out what’s out there, let alone do any of it, because I’m damn scared to put any CARE into anything and prove that as always I’m a failure even when I try real hard, and not giving a fuck is really the only thing keeping me around. Failure doesn’t matter if you don’t care. If you’re going to fail anyway might as well not bother caring. And I’ve wasted my time for shenanigans, wasted my time for identity, failed at the stuff that everybody else succeeded at long ago, there’s no fucking point in yet again catching up to everybody else long after I could plausibly claim to be as good, and...there’s nothing in the future that doesn’t depend on having value that I just. don’t have. and. can’t. have. because. i’m. a. worthless. useless. fuckup. parasite. And all that I’ve got is yelling at people self-righteously about politics. As if actually matters. As if I influence anything. As if I’ll win something. As if I actually stand a shot at doing anything politically, professionally. As if they’d ever have my useless ass doing anything other than phonebanking. As if I could even do anything else - as if I could figure out how to do things for people other than what they order me to do. fuckin. Other people figured out how to be people. I just figured out how to be a stupid, shallow, retarded blank slate, just letting people write whatever they want on me. I wonder, really, what it’s like, to have a self to be. To actually have something that’s “you”. To be an active participant in things rather than a tool that something falls off a shelf and makes noise to remind people it’s there. But look at me, spend a few days unable to control my mind enough to PLAN my thoughts, to angle for what’s socially best, and all that I am is an obnoxious twit yelling at people on facebook and posting fucking angst on tumblr. I guess that’s the shreds of a personality that come to surface when I can’t maintain the blank slate, a whiny, obnoxious piece of shit. yay, me. I’m an asshole. finally found something. Not just a failure by lack of, but a failure by active participation. god i’m not even drunk. usually i at least get drunk before whining about shit on tumblr. now i want a drink, damnit. but i also want to try to sleep. not that i probably can. got that feeling going on of dry, squinty eyes, but a mind that won’t shut off. usually takes me like 5 hours to get to sleep like that.
whatever. gonna try to sleep. if it doesn’t work i’ll choke down some swill and try again. good whine tumblr. been months since the last time i came on here to be a little bitch. maybe i can get back to my normal, complacent, giving no fucks self. ciao.
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readbookywooks · 8 years
'That'sh the shtuff!' said Cohen. 'You're a marvel.' He ooked sideways at Twoflower. 'I would have beaten it,' he said quietly, 'even if you hadn't called it off, I would have beaten it in the end.' 'That's right,' said Bethan. 'You two can make yourshelf usheful,' he added. That Luggage broke through a troll tooth to get ush out. That wash diamond. Shee if you can find the bitsh. I've had an idea about them.' As Bethan rolled up her sleeves and uncorked the bottle Rincewind took Twoflower to one side. When they were safely hidden behind a shrub he said, 'He's gone barmy.' 'That's Cohen the Barbarian you're talking about!' said Twoflower, genuinely shocked. 'He is the greatest warrior that —' 'Was,' said Rincewind urgently. 'All that stuff with the warrior priests and man-eating zombies was years ago. All he's got now is memories and so many scars you could play noughts-and-crosses on him.' 'He is rather more elderly than I imagined, yes,' said Twoflower. He picked up a fragment of diamond. 'So we ought to leave them and find our horses and move on,' said Rincewind. 'That's a bit of a mean trick, isn't it?' 'They'll be all right,' said Rincewind heartily. 'The point is, would you feel happy in the company of someone who would attack the Luggage with his bare hands?' 'That is a point,' said Twoflower. 'They'll probably be better off without us anyway.' 'Are you sure?' 'Positive,' said Rincewind. They found the horses wandering aimlessly in the scrub, breakfasted on badly-dried horse jerky, and set off in what Rincewind believed was the right direction. A few minutes later the Luggage emerged from the bushes and followed them. The sun rose higher in the sky, but still failed to blot out the light of the star. 'It's got bigger overnight,' said Twoflower. 'Why isn't anybody doing something?' 'Such as what?' Twoflower thought. 'Couldn't somebody tell Great A'Tuin to avoid it?' he said. 'Sort of go around it?' 'That sort of thing has been tried before,' said Rincewind. Wizards tried to tune in to Great A'Tuin's mind.' 'It didn't work?' 'Oh, it worked all right,' said Rincewind. 'Only . . .' Only there had been certain unforeseen risks in reading a mind as great as the World Turtle's, he explained. The wizards had trained up on tortoises and giant sea turtles first, to get the hang of the chelonian frame of mind, but although they knew that Great A'Tuin's mind would be big they hadn't realised that it would be slow. 'There's a bunch of wizards that have been reading it in shifts for thirty years,' said Rincewind. 'All they've found out is that Great A'Tuin is looking forward to something.' 'What?' 'Who knows?' They rode in silence for a while through a rough country where huge limestone blocks lined the track. Eventually Twoflower said, 'We ought to go back, you know.' 'Look, we'll reach the Smarl tomorrow,' said Rincewind. 'Nothing will happen to them out here, I don't see why —' He was talking to himself. Twoflower had wheeled his horse and was trotting back, demonstrating all the horsemanship of a sack of potatoes. Rincewind looked down. The Luggage regarded him owlishly. 'What are you looking at?' said the wizard. 'He can go back if he wants, why should I bother?' The Luggage said nothing. 'Look, he's not my responsibility,' said Rincewind. let's be absolutely clear about that.' The Luggage said nothing, but louder this time. 'Go on – follow him. You're nothing to do with me.' The Luggage retracted its little legs and settled down on the track. 'Well, I'm going,' said Rincewind. 'I mean it,' he added. He turned the horse's head back towards the new horizon, and glanced down. The Luggage sat there. 'It's no good trying to appeal to my better nature. You can stay there all day for all I care. I'm just going to ride off, okay?' He glared at the Luggage. The Luggage looked back. 'I thought you'd come back,' said Twoflower. 'I don't want to talk about it,' said Rincewind. 'Shall we talk about something else?' 'Yeah, well, discussing how to get these ropes off would be favourite,' said Rincewind. He wrenched at the bonds around his wrists. 'I can't imagine why you're so important,' said Herrena. She sat on a rock opposite them, sword across her knees. Most of the gang laying among the rocks high above, watching the road. Rincewind and Twoflower had been a pathetically easy ambush. 'Weems told me what your box did to Gancia,' she added. 'I can't say that's a great loss, but I hope it understands that if it comes within a mile of us I will personally cut both your throats, yes?' Rincewind nodded violently. 'Good,' said Herrena. 'You're wanted dead or alive, I'm not really bothered which, but some of the lads might want to have a little discussion with you about those trolls. If the sun hadn't come up when it did—' She left the words hanging, and walked away. 'Well, here's another fine mess,' said Rincewind. He had another pull at the ropes that bound him. There was a rock behind him, and if he could bring his wrists up – yes, as he thought, it lacerated him while at the same time eing too blunt to have any effect on the rope. 'But why us?' said Twoflower. 'It's to do with that star, isn't it?' 'I don't know anything about the star,' said Rincewind. 'I never even attended astrology lessons at the University!' 'I expect everything will turn out all right in the end,' said Twoflower. Rincewind looked at him. Remarks like that always threw him. 'Do you really believe that?' he said. 'I mean, really?' 'Well, things generally do work out satisfactorily, when you come to think about it.' 'If you think the total disruption of my life for the last year is satisfactory then you might be right. I've lost count of the times I've nearly been killed —' 'Twenty-seven,' said Twoflower. 'What?' 'Twenty-seven times,' said Twoflower helpfully. 'I worked it out. But you never actually have.' 'What? Worked it out?' said Rincewind, who was beginning to have the familiar feeling that the conversation had been mugged. 'No. Been killed. Doesn't that seem a bit suspicious?' 'I've never objected to it, if that's what you mean,' said Rincewind. He glared at his feet. Twoflower was right, of course. The Spell was keeping him alive, it was obvious. No doubt if he jumped over a cliff a passing cloud would cushion his fall. The trouble with that theory, he decided, was that it only worked if he didn't believe it was true. The moment he thought he was invulnerable he'd be dead. So, on the whole it was wisest not to think about it at all. Anyway, he might be wrong. The only thing he could be certain of was that he was getting a headache. He hoped that the Spell was somewhere in the area of the headache and really suffering. When they rode out of the hollow both Rincewind and Twoflower were sharing a horse with one of their captors. Rincewind perched uncomfortably in front of Weems. who had sprained an ankle and was not in a good mood. Twoflower sat in front of Herrena which, since he was fairly short, meant that at least he kept his ears warm. She rode with a drawn knife and a sharp eye out for any-walking boxes; Herrena hadn't quite worked out what the Luggage was, but she was bright enough to know that it wouldn't let Twoflower be killed. After about ten minutes they saw it in the middle of the road. It's lid lay open invitingly. It was full of gold. 'Go round it,' said Herrena. 'But —' 'It's a trap.' 'That's right,' said Weems, white-faced. 'You take it from me.' Reluctantly they reined their horses around the glittering temptation and trotted on along the track. Weems glanced back fearfully, dreading to see the chest coming after him. What he saw was almost worse. It had gone. Far off to one side of the path the long grass moved mysteriously and was still. Rincewind wasn't much of a wizard and even less of a fighter, but he was an expert at cowardice and he knew fear when he smelt it. He said, quietly, 'It'll follow you, you know.' 'What?' said Weems, distractedly. He was still peering at the grass. 'It's very patient and it never gives up. That's sapient pearwood you're dealing with. It'll let you think it's forgotten you, then one day you'll be walking along a dark street and you'll hear these little footsteps behind you – shlup, shlup, they'll go, then you'll start running and they'll speed up, shlupshlupSHLUP—' 'Shut up!' shouted Weems. 'It's probably already recognised you, so —' 'I said shut up!' Herrena turned around in her saddle and glared at them. Weems scowled and pulled Rincewind's ear until it was ight in front his mouth, and said hoarsely, I'm afraid of nothing, understand? This wizard stuff, I spit on it.' 'They all say that until they hear the footsteps,' said Rincewind. He stopped. A knifepoint was pricking his ribs. Nothing happened for the rest of the day but, to Rincewind's satisfaction and Weems' mounting paranoia, the Luggage showed itself several times. Here it would be perched incongruously on a crag, there it would be half-hidden in a ditch with moss growing over it. By late afternoon they came to the crest of a hill and looked down on the broad valley of the upper Smarl, the longest river on the Disc. It was already half a mile across, and heavy with the silt that made the lower valley the most fertile area on the continent. A few wisps of early mist wreathed its banks. 'Shlup,' said Rincewind. He felt Weems jerk upright in the saddle. 'Eh?' 'Just clearing my throat,' said Rincewind, and grinned. He had put a lot of thought into that grin. It was the sort of grin people use when they stare at your left ear and tell you in an urgent tone of voice that they are being spied on by secret agents from the next galaxy. It was not a grin to inspire confidence. More horrible grins had probably been seen, but only on the sort of grinner that is orange with black stripes, has a long tail and hangs around in jungles looking for victims to grin at. 'Wipe that off,' said Herrena, trotting up. Where the track led down to the river bank there was a crude jetty and a big bronze gong. 'It'll summon the ferryman,' said Herrena. 'If we cross here we can cut off a big bend in the river. Might even make it to a town tonight.' Weems looked doubtful. The sun was getting fat and red, and the mists were beginning to thicken. 'Or maybe you want to spend the night this side of the water?' Weems picked up the hammer and hit the gong so hard that it spun right around on its hanger and fell off. They waited in silence. Then with a wet clinking sound a chain sprang out of the water and pulled taut against an iron peg set into the bank. Eventually the slow flat shape of the ferry emerged from the mist, its hooded ferryman heaving on a big wheel set in its centre as he winched his way towards the shore. The ferry's flat bottom grated on the gravel, and the hooded figure leaned against the wheel panting. 'Two at a time,' it muttered.' That'sh all. Jusht two, with horshesh.' Rincewind swallowed, and tried not to look at Twoflower. The man would probably be grinning and mugging like an idiot. He risked a sideways glance. Twoflower was sitting with his mouth open. 'You're not the usual ferryman,' said Herrena. 'I've been here before, the usual man is a big fellow, sort of —' 'It'sh hish day off.' 'Well, okay,' she said doubtfully. 'In that case – what's he laughing at?' Twoflower's shoulders were shaking, his face had gone red, and he was emitting muffled snorts. Herrena glared at him, then looked hard at the ferryman.
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