#buy super hard on tablets
yourheartonfire · 2 years
"Hello! If you are receiving this, [medic] has missed their daily deadman switch check in. All client information will be released in 12 hours."
For a second villain stared dumbly at the text on her phone. Then she bolted from her desk towards the door. It was 10:17 - a taxi would be faster than the metro at this hour to get to midtown -
"Hey!" their coworker said, pulling out her airpods. "Where are you going?"
"Medical emergency," the villain snapped and slammed out the office door.
A precious 29 minutes later the villain arrived at the medic's apartment to find a motley gathering of capes and masks shuffling and looking suspiciously at each other in the hall. There was an air of a 2am fire drill - few supers operated on daylight hours, especially not the low to mid-powered supers the medic took on as clients, and the whole event had the awkward feel of meeting your neighbors in their pajamas.
The vigilante wore their normal black of course, but in the daylight the denim was faded and the jacket obviously cheap pleather. On the villainous side there was that grimy little clown themed duo in plain white face paint instead of their full make-up. For the heroes there was that kid goody-two-shoes try-hard - of course she'd rolled up in full uniform, minus the normal tracker camera the Hero Agency mounted on all its people now. And hero, the villain's nemesis, was there too, having jammed on the cowl and gloves over his t-shirt and jeans, just like villain had over her business clothes. He was standing in the doorway, and visibly sighed in relief as villain turned the corner.
"Oh thank God you're here," hero said and wasn't that terrifying that he had nothing flirty or snarky to say about villain's suit.
The goody-two-shoes did a double take. "Her?!" she snapped, even as she rocked her weight nervously from leg to leg. "You were waiting on her?"
"We sure weren't waiting on you to do something useful, cupcake," the female gremlin drawled from where she slouched against her partner on the hall floor, flicking her knife through her fingers.
"Yeah, didn't realize medic was a pediatrician too," the male gremlin giggled.
"Knock it off." The hero stepped aside, opened the door. "I kept them out, kept the scene clean for you."
The goody-two shoes groaned, buried her head in her hands. "This can't be happening."
"Quick, did someone bring a pacifier?" one of the gremlins stage whispered.
The vigilante pointedly stepped over the two clowns, forcing them to jerk backwards or take a combat boot to the face. "We're assuming this is about us," they breathed to the hero and villain. "What if they got hit by a bus? Dropped dead of a heart attack?"
"No reports from the hospitals or morgues of unidentified persons matching medic's description," Villain said curtly. "Checked on the way here. No communication to or amongst medic's friends and family about an emergency."
Goody-two-shoes blinked. "You... know [medic]'s real identity?"
"And that is why we were waiting on her," hero said patiently. "Now everyone shut up."
The villain curtly nodded acknowledgement, stepped into medic's apartment though it would not be necessary. The medic had disappeared from the street, at some point after they'd used their debit card to buy their usual black coffee at 7:04am and at some point before they'd failed to badge in at work by 8:15am. Still, the villain did a quick scan. The little homemade exam/treatment area had been freshly cleaned, the trash emptied. The tablet and laptop were missing from their docking station, but the go-bag was still in place under the desk.
"Y'all are gonna give me a minute with [medic] when we find them," the male gremlin drawled. "This 12 hour deadline is bullshit. They said we'd have 24 hours if they missed a check-in."
"You're not getting shit," the vigilante growled around the toothpick they were chomping.
"And they shortened the deadline because I told them to," villain said, breathing in the smell of antiseptic and bleach. She'd also told the medic to set the deadman switch to every 8 hours, not every 24, but the others didn't need to know that.
"You what?!" said the gremlins and the goody-two-shoes in unison. The vigilante choked. Even hero looked startled.
"I advised them to consider how long they could hold out under torture to reveal the abort protocol," said villain, using a tongue depressor to lift a latex glove from the kitchen trash. "I'd say medic was pretty generous. Speaking of generous, I've seen enough." She pointed to hero. "Last person you referred to medic and when?"
Hero tilted his head, realization blooming. "You," he said to villain. "Nine months ago."
One of the gremlins pointed to vigilante. "We did you! We did you last Arbor Day!"
Vigilante sighed and jabbed a thumb at goody-two-shoes. "The kid," they sighed. "I dunno when. Summer?"
The goody-two shoes swallowed. "Um," she said very quietly.
As one, the group turned to the kid. She froze, eyes going wide behind the mask. "It was - I didn't mean to!" she cried, backing up. "Just - he noticed the scar and realized it wasn't sanctioned medical care and I - and I - !"
"Okay, slow down," said hero gently, shooting a warning look to the gremlins who were both holding knives and on their feet now. "Who did you tell?"
The goody-two shoes' shoulders collapsed. She looked miserably at her toes. "Superhero. Yesterday."
Everyone flinched.
"You idiot," the vigilante breathed.
"We're going to kill you," the female gremlin said to the goody-two shoes. The male cracked his knuckles. The hero took a deep breath and pushed the goody-two-shoes behind him -
"Save that for 12 hours from now," villain said briskly and dropped the glove back in the trash. "We've got just under 11 hours to find where Superhero's got medic stashed and mount a rescue before our identities and medical records are splashed all over the internet. And frankly, I think it's going to take every single one of us to meet that deadline."
The six of them looked at each other in the shadows of the hall. The hero mustered a grin. "That's why we're all here, right?" he said. "Instead of hiding or running. Medic's saved all of us- now we save them."
"They didn't save me, I wasn't dying," one of the gremlins muttered. But no one walked away.
"Right," said villain. "Let's do this."
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sweetiewrites · 10 months
𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙤𝙗𝙞𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 !
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𝙎𝙔𝙉𝙊𝙋𝙎𝙄𝙎: just a collection of dating hobie headcanons !!
𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂: mostly just fluff !!! gender neutral reader !!! random headcanons that have no literally no evidence !!! not a very good flow with these headcanons,, just super random .・゚゚・(/ω\)・゚゚・.
𝘼𝙐𝙏𝙃𝙊𝙍𝙎 𝙉𝙊𝙏𝙀: you know what? i accept it. i cultivated an audience of hobie brown simps and i am okay with that. i have so many hobie dating headcanons if y'all want more
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❥ first of all, i reject the idea that hobie hates labels to the point where he wouldn't be exclusive with you. he wouldn't necessarily call you his girl/boyfriend, but partner would be a regular word in his vocabular
❥ hobie wouldn't be thrilled to get married or to have kids, but he's slightly open to the idea of marriage because of all the legal benefits especially because he does not have a legal family
❥ there is concept art of hobie having a houseboat so now i subscribe to hobie with a houseboat theory. this man has a houseboat that he found from a junk yard that he fixed up all on his own. while he would be happy to add onto the houseboat he would be a little sad to move because he spent so much time fixing it up
❥ living with him you'll find out that he is never in silence. he always has music playing or he's always humming, you just have to get used to it. even when he's going to bed he likes to listen to the radio
❥ speaking of listening to the radio, while hobie has the means to make his own phone he just doesn't have one. he would make one if you wanted him to but more than likely he's stealing your phone to watch youtube at night or learning to diy something
❥ all of hobie's gifts are handmade ! he's punk ! he avoids buying things like the plague. everything in his cute little houseboat is handmade, second hand or bought from a super small business', but all of his gifts for you are handmade
❥ listen i say this all the time, but hobie is so handy, like super handy. almost all his appliances are hand made. he goes into every single project with the confidence of a genius (because he is). you want a tablet, he could make you a better tablet than apple could dream of (it's true)
❥ he has a hard time falling asleep though, like a really difficult time sleeping. if it's not for you then he'd be up all night just pacing around the boat or on the deck plucking his guitar
❥ hobie isn't good at opening up emotionally, so often times he does have some pretty bad nightmares and instead of opening up he's going to trail outside and strum on his guitar
❥ hobie is a great significant other as long as you can put up with his quirks, because he's pretty dead set on not changing who he is for anyone no matter how much he loves you
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ggfj84 · 1 year
"You realize we're practically the Gilmore Girls."
"How do you figure?"
Sitting on the edge of a table in Cyborg’s once-pristine lab, Nightwing drew Batman’s cape tighter around his body. "Well, you took me in when I was eight and you were twenty-four. That means I was born when you were sixteen."
"And that makes us the Gilmore Girls?" Bruce asked as his hands ran over the edge of the destroyed concrete and steel.
NIghtwing shrugged or as best he could with his banged-up arm. "It's a TV show about a young mother from a rich family who had a kid at sixteen, runs away, and works her way up from being a maid at an inn.”
“I see the very few similarities. Hard work. Young parent.”
“The biggest difference really is that her front desk personnel is French Canadian, not British, so he doesn't make questionably edible cucumber sandwiches."
Batman let out a noise that could have been misconstrued as a laugh. “Don’t let Alfred hear you.”
“I mean, they’re not terrible, but I wouldn’t call them good.”
The conversation hit a lull then, allowing pain and exhaustion to find Nightwing again. The lab explosion – set off by Lex Luthor or Gorilla Grodd or whoever was now a part of the Secret Society of Super Villains – had trapped them in a collapsed pocket of the Watchtower. Nightwing couldn’t tell how long they’d been holed up, but it had been some time since he regained consciousness.
“Keep talking,” Batman demanded as he picked up his tablet and began to type. 
NIghtwing rolled his eyes. “You know that’ll take up more oxygen, and we don’t know if we’re cut off from the watchtower’s tanks.”  
“We are, but if you lose consciousness again, we’ll be in a worse predicament.”
Which was why Nightwing currently wore Batman’s cape, despite the fact that there could be people who didn’t know Batman’s identity right outside the wall of twisted metal and concrete.
Blood had already caked upon Nightwing’s forehead and cheek from a rogue piece of concrete that hit him. He pointedly ignored the limp arm that lay across his hip as his legs dangled over the edge of the lab table.
“You just had to invite me today, didn’t you?”
“Of course, I did,” Batman said as a matter of fact, not even looking up from his tablet. “Today’s our anniversary.”
“Our what!” NIghtwing let out a high-pitched laugh. “Bruce, last time I checked, you did not put a ring on it.”
“I put one on Selina.” Batman frowned at a particular reading on his tablet and tapped across the screen. “On this day, fifteen years ago, you ran the gauntlet and officially became my partner.”
NIghtwing ducked his head, though he knew it wouldn’t hide the sudden heat that rushed to his cheeks. “You remember that? You have literally forgotten my birthday five times, but you remember Batman and Robin’s anniversary.”
“Twice,” Bruce corrected.
“Twice what?”
“I’ve only forgotten your birthday twice.”
This, Nightwing knew well. “It’s definitely five times.” He lifted a finger for each point. “The latest one, the second one, my eleventh birthday, my fourteenth birthday cuz I wanted a quad and didn’t get it, and my twenty-first.”
Batman sighed, and even though Nightwing could read Batman’s face almost as well as Bruce’s, he found the distressed lines across Bruce’s forehead and the tightening of his jaw unnerving.
“When you were turning fourteen, there was no way I was buying you that death machine, and I didn’t want to see you disappointed. So I left Alfred to give you your consolation present, and Wally was throwing you a birthday party in Central City anyway. You didn’t need me there.
“When you turned twenty-one, you were celebrating most holidays with your friends, and I would have simply been the chaperone you no longer needed. So I gave Wally my credit card number and told him to charge everything to me.”
Why didn’t Wally tell him? “Bruce, I didn’t – ”
“And on your last birthday, I visited you, even brought you drinks at Bea’s. I would have given you a present if I thought you would have taken it.”
Dick thought back to his last birthday. As Ric, he didn’t even remember the day was special. He drove his cab for ten hours and then crashed at Bea’s bar in the evening, where a friendly guy named Matches struck up a conversation and – shit.
“You know what?” Nightwing motioned toward their quasi-cage. “I feel this whole situation is entrapment.”
Batman gave him a flat, exasperated glower. “You just had to say it, didn’t you?”
“I can’t let a good pun go.” Nightwing shrugged. “Any luck finding us a way out?”
“I have a contingency plan.”
“Awesome. Let’s do it.”
Batman looked absolutely pained. “I’d rather wait a few more minutes. Unless you are in need of immediate medical attention, I think I’d like to see if I come up with a different exit strategy.”
“Bruce.” It was not a whine but damn close to one. “We’ve been in here for hours.”
“Twenty-two minutes.”
“My arm is broken, and I probably have a concussion. I just want some painkillers and my bed. Whatever plan you have, do it already.”
“Hm.” Batman grumbled and then said in the lowest, most menacing growl possible, “Superman, help.”
The frustrated and annoyed look on Bruce’s face when Clark arrived was the best present Dick ever received.  
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
I assume that engineers are very busy, and so they don’t necessarily have time to make the things they design serviceable. I get it – you’re not building a masterpiece to survive all of eternity, you’re just doing your job. You’re over here, working on the radiator and cooling program, this other guy is doing the radiator support, and the mid-senior-junior-vice-president electromechanical engineer down the hall is up to her neck in work trying to figure out how to mount the horns in a way that doesn’t anger the crash testers.
The chances that the three of you, collectively, slow your productivity shit way down – or worse, have a meeting – to make it easier to reach the electrical connector for that horn so you can remove it without cutting your hands on the fins of the air-conditioning condenser are about negative one billion percent. That would be preposterous – horns don’t break, right? Tell that to the dumpster-dove Spider-Man bandages that I have applied to my right hand because of your shortsighted design decisions.
And your boss isn’t gonna show up and demand repairability become a priority. No, your boss gets paid because people buy cars, and people will stop buying cars if the car lasts forever. Even if they jam an Android tablet in the dash sideways and start making the wheels bigger. Hell, my neighbour is still booting around in a 1994 Camry XLE, and the minute he expresses even the slightest subconscious desire to be rid of it, he will have a lawn full of folks offering top dollar for such an esteemed chariot. Toyota probably would have gone bankrupt back then making shit like this, if they hadn’t had all those trucks to sell to terrorist organizations in distant foreign wars. Those guys are gonna have to buy a new truck every couple of months when their old one gets shot up, so it’s okay to make those super-durable.
All I’m asking for is that you think once in awhile about making a bolt accessible. It’s not hard, just make sure they drill a hole over top of it, so that I can stick a nice long socket in there when the captive nut on the other end breaks off and just spins forever. Even though you might have a good day at work because of taking a shortcut like that, I guarantee you that the massive amounts of bad karma I am heaping upon your name while intermittently sobbing in my garage are not worth it. You’ll get reincarnated as a lighting engineer.
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morganwrites12672 · 1 year
Kate Bishop x Reader
Summary: You and your girlfriend's cycles sync up one month.
Warnings/Tags: Kate Bishop x Reader (Romantically) Established relationship, Clint Barton x reader (platonic), Clint Barton x Kate Bishop (platonic), Female!Reader, mentions of blood, Menstrual cycles, shit every girl goes through EVERY month, cursing
You realized you were almost out of tampons. You had enough to last a few more hours. You really didn't want to have to go to the store while bleeding. Hell, you didn't want to leave your apartment while bleeding.
You walk into the living room and see Kate. She's laying in an odd position. Very odd.
"Kate, we are about to run out of tampons," You tell her. As the words leave your mouth so does a slight whimper when a cramp hits. Bloody hell. That's exactly what this felt like and looked like.
"So go buy more, the CVS is like two blocks away," Kate says with a groan. It was then that you realized something. You both always started your period within three days of the other. You had started four days ago.
"I'm on my period," you whine. Kate groans.
"You're not the only one,"
"Why did I have to be a lesbian," you groan and sit in the love seat next to your girlfriend.
"Yeah! I mean straight girls just have their boyfriends do it." Kate sits up and grabs a midol tablet.
She frowns and takes one before throwing the now empty bottle at you. This day couldn't get any beter.
"We go together?" Kate asks. Neither one of you wanted to go to the store while bleeding.
"Fuck," you grumble with a nod. Kate gets up and you go to find your purse. At least it wasn't super cold.
You and Kate exit the apartment and walk to the CVS. It was only a few blocks away. It could be worse, having to walk from the old apartment you two shared was almost 12 blocks.
You both finally enter the store and go straight for the feminine hygiene aisle. You have to drop your lovers hand to pick out the right size.
"Fuck, what size do we usually get?" Kate grumbles. She hates having to buy products, it was a total nightmare. It was hard to remember which brand and what size based on what day
"Light, regular, and super," you tell her. Better safe then sorry.
"Ooh," Kate mumbles as she spots the chocolate section. She smiles before grabbing several of each. She ventures off to find midol.
You spot Clint and he waves. You give him a smile before waving back. Kate returns upon seeing her idol
"Hello Clint," she says. He smiles back at her.
"Lovely week I see," he jokes referring to the tampons, chocolate, and midol you both had picked out.
"Not funny," you grunt and Clint smiles, "I think it was hilarious," was his snide reply before going off to find whatever he came for.
"Let's go," Kate said as you both ran off to the register.
Every month might such, like crazy, but at least you had each other
Requests are open! And appreciated! Give me feedback if you could
Reblogs are also very appreciated
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TW: Heavy Vent | Be Mindful!
• I honestly has been watching a lot of original animation meme videos on YouTube and thought it. I do not have enough resources and money to buy a WACOM graphic tablet because they're over of $ 100.000/200.000 ARS and Argentina has a terrible economy crisis. I'm economically unable to buy a graphic tablet to start animation because I do not have a proper job and I do need it because I want to start creating my own original memes and be a trend on social media but...Idk, I'm also afraid of people taking first the idea and that hurts a lot because I know I'm extremely original with coming up with ideas and seeing people having the same shit as mine hits quite hard. It truly hurts. And that's something people must be aware too. Fight for your own copyright shit hits real. And that's why I won't let anyone to steal/copy or take heavy inspiration from my art, ideas, designs and the rest of my copyright boundaries. I'm overly protective with my ideas and my mental animatics. I'm also a competitive person which is never a good idea to activate my competitive side.
So overall, I want to be a original Portal animation meme maker. I do also want to inspire people to create their own memes through mine as the main trend. I love Portal a lot, sincerely a lot. The same happens to the Nimona Fandom. I want to be a future trend in both Fandoms and I would feel super happy and honoured when people gets inspired by my ideas.
- That's all I wanted to vent. I know it may sound obvious but well, that's what I've been hiding. I know it's not good to hide your feelings and thoughts. So here I am, venting publicly.
Just feel free to say something but remain yourself very respectful, nice and mindful please! :')
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Hey y'all, so I've mentioned that I want to get a drawing tablet to get back into that. But I have never gotten into digital art so I am kind of blind here. I know a lot of you are artists so I was wondering if you guys might have some recs on what tablet I should get.
I'm seeing tablets anywhere from $30 to $400, and I have...no idea where to ballpark myself in that. It's just going to be a hobby thing so I absolutely don't need a super expensive one with all the bells and whistles, but I do want something decent. Is around $100-$150 reasonable for a mid-low range tablet? It's not a hard limit, but that's kind of what I was expecting.
Also, do I need to buy a program on top of that, or do they usually come with one? I just need it for scribbles, I won't be doing anything fancy. Love you guys, I'll go back to writing now.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 5 months
The Gym Membership - Part 25 (Crosshair)
Summary: Crosshair reflects.
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
I apologize for the delay, I was super exhausted yesterday and nothing I read made sense. But I do hope I didn't make you wait too long
Love oo
Italics - Flashback
Warnings: Grief, annoyed, frustrated, anxiety, crying, beginnings of a panic attack, grave, mentions of headstones, anger, violation of privacy, feelings of guilt. If I miss any warnings, please let me know.
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One year later …
Today just wasn’t Crosshair’s day. If his eyebrows furrowed any further, there was a very real chance they would end up being stuck in that position, permanently. 
The level on his annoyed metre was reaching dangerously high levels, and he was ready to lose it. 
He wanted …. No. He needed some peace and quiet, to get away from everyone. He took the day off, with that thought in mind, not to mention today marked a year since Avery passed away. 
It was odd, it felt surreal knowing she was gone. More than that, it felt weird knowing his life moved along, even without her. But then, it always did for the living. 
As he drove towards his coffee shop, he could help remember how the reality of her passing hit him hard the week after they buried her. 
It had been a busy Tuesday, his mind was preoccupied with work he didn’t even realize he’d unconsciously driven to his usual flower shop. It didn’t even phase him being there, since it was his regular day to visit Avery. He was distracted walking around the shop picking up her favourite flowers, he made his way to the counter ready to buy the bouquet when it hit him like a ton of bricks. He felt at first he couldn’t breathe, as his eyes focused on the petals and remembered she was no longer at the hospital.
In fact, he had no reason to go back to that hospital ever again. 
Tears welled up, as he realized he’d be taking the bouquet to a different location. He stood at the counter with the flowers for what felt like ages. When he finally walked out of the flower shop, and got in his car, it somehow drove itself towards the cemetery.  
Even his feet moved on their own accord when he reached the cemetery. Everything felt surreal, like it was happening to someone else and not him. He stood at her grave for several minutes, before his strength evaporated, he fell to his knees, as his shaky hand placed the bouquet on her grave. Tears streamed down his cheek, knowing this was the only way he’d be seeing her. Time held no meaning as he stayed there for hours, missing her to an extent he never realized he could. 
An ache settled in his heart, thinking back to that moment. Back to the week he lost Avery and buried her. He had gotten better, there were still moments when everything felt he was about to lose his mind. But those moments were becoming far and few in between. 
The guilt he felt was overwhelming. Guilt for being less than a perfect husband, and guilt for not making an effort with Layla, after the funeral they only spoke to each other if it was necessary. There was also an immense amount of guilt from not telling his family sooner about Avery, the fact they’d never get to know what an amazing woman she was. 
Even the way they found out about her was shameful. He parked his car, as he looked at the coffee shop, across the street. It was busier than usual, he didn’t rush to get out of the car, as his mind drifted back.
Two weeks after the funeral …
Cross sat on the couch, his brows furrowed as he focused on the various headstones that were being offered. 
Layla emailed her preferences, along with the various templates of how the headstone would look, and although some were quite beautiful none of them seemed right to him. They didn’t exactly scream ‘Avery’, nor did they capture who she was; he let out a sigh, leaning against the couch, as he placed the tablet beside him.
Should it be this difficult? It was a headstone, not a sculpture. 
He needed to clear his head, he stood, stretching his limbs. He’d been hunched over looking at the headstones for almost two hours. He left his tablet alone, as he headed towards the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee. 
Despite the argument, Tech had yet to move out of Crosshair’s apartment. He was getting better about not spending all his time there, but it was slow progress. Tech slowly meandered his way from his room over to the couch. Things weren’t exactly the greatest between the two of them, since he blew up at Cross. 
He fully expected Cross to rip into him when he came back to the apartment, but instead the next morning after their argument, Cross just told him to stay as long as he wanted, he told him: he didn’t care when he was ready to move out, as long as when he did, he was sure he was ready. It had been a complete shock to Tech, he wasn’t sure what happened to Cross, but something caused him to change his mind. 
He spent a week trying to determine exactly what happened to Crosshair, but he refused to discuss it. In the end, he let Cross be, knowing eventually he’d tell him when he was ready. 
Tech sat down on the couch, picking up the tablet when it slid closer to him, he was about to place it on the coffee table when his eyes caught sight of the headstones. His eyes focused on each stone and the templated name, Avery Taylor-Fett. His hand gripped the tablet, as one question pounded in his mind, ‘Who the hell was Avery Taylor-Fett?’ 
Crosshair hadn’t heard Tech come out of his room, nor had he heard him walk and take a seat on the couch. His eyes were focused on stirring his coffee as he walked back to the living room, when he froze in his tracks as his eyes locked on to Tech’s hand holding his tablet and his eyes clearly reading what was on the page. 
“What the kriff do you think you’re doing?” His voice was bridled with anger at seeing his brother violate his privacy.
Tech slowly lifted his head, and locked eyes with his brother, “I think the bigger question is who’s Avery Taylor-Fett? And why are you looking at headstones?”
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@justanothersadperson93​ @liadamerondjarin​ @badbatch-simp24​ @spicymcnuggies​ @lady-ren​ @firstofficerwiggles​ @darkangel4121​ @discofern​ @kavecika​ @monako-jinn-stories​ @ladykatakuri​ @avathebestx​ @theroguesully​ @furyhellfire66​ @carodealmeida​ @ciramaris​ @sprout-fics​ @twinkofthedink​ @dindjarin-mandalorian​ @clonethirstingisreal @crosshair-is-the-superior-clone
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fallingforel · 11 months
Spencer reid imagine- broken
i have just watched the episode where maeve just died and watched the next part where reid is on the floor and is not okay. so I had inspiration to write so here it goes. 
summary: Your super close to reid and maeve has just died, you go over to his to give your undeniable support and some words between the two of you are exchanged. Oh and your dereks sister
words: 1,305
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“Come on Y/n, you know maeve has just died. He’s not going to be okay” Derek says through the phone 
“I know, but I feel helpless. Can you just come over, bring ice cream. You know the one mama used to buy us, when we were good and deserved a treat. The one she bought us lots of us when dad passed” 
“yes. yes. I’ll bring it over. But we have a case first, get your ass over to the bullpen now.” 
“pretty boy will be just fine, we’ll go after we’ve finished this case” 
“okay okay. Love you bro.” 
“love you too sis.”
“there’s my favourite morgan sibling” Penelope says as I’m walking into the roundtable and sit down next to Derek. 
“ERR, Hey babygirl. What about me?” 
“yes, yes. well, she’s You know-” Penelope, quickly gets cut off by Hotch walking into the room. 
“Garcia, we’re all here on with the case please” 
“of course sir,  Meet who was formerly Gary Porter. He was found d*ad outside a San Francisco night club last night. And Pamela Hurd-- she was found near a cable car stop in San Francisco's Mission District.” 
“They were both found wrapped in clear plastic.” Jj says looking over the case file on her tablet “It says here they were d*ad only a few hours before they were found.That's not long enough for the elements to have made them that pale” I say from where I’m sitting next to my brother pointing it out. 
“Cause that's where we enter the town of weirdville on the corner of eew and icky-icky, girl morgan. Both victims were almost completely drained of their blood. Less than a pint left.” 
“He's exsanguinating them.” I say with question, trying to get all the details on the unsub we can from the MO 
“While they were still alive.” hotch finishes for me. 
“It might be utilitarian” derek says from besides me. 
“He needs them alive so they can pump out the blood themselves. Draining a body like that is extremely hard to do. Once the heart stops pumping, it's difficult to continue to extract the blood.” 
“So the question is, how is he doing it?” I ask.
 “Oh, I wish you wouldn't have asked that, lovely 'cause now I gotta show this picture.” Garcia says from the right of me. 
“There are large bore holes in the femoral artery of each victim.” Hotch says from the back of the room. 
“Our unsub could have medical knowledge.” JJ says from where she’s sat 
“It's possible. We'll know more when we get there. Wheels up in 30.” Hotch says before leaving the room. 
it didnt take no more than a few days to catch the unsub, it was pretty easy. he was obsessed with painting with blood though, taking the blood out of the victims. but with all of our intelligence as a team we managed to put another unsub away. 
“der, I’m worried about reid. he hasn’t shown up at all I would’ve at least thought he’d have shown and help us catch the victim” 
“Y/n, you can’t blame him. someone he loves, just died. right infront of him, thats unfair of you to say that. We’re all worried about him. Come on, let’s go and get that icecream and bring it to pretty boy” 
“Reid, your favourite morgans are here. We bought Ice cream too. the good kind” I said after knocking on his apartment door. 
“pretty boy, we’re both here for you open up reid. don’t make me kick your door down.” derek talks through the door, after a few minutes of silence. 
that soon makes Reid open the door. 
“I knew that would make you open the door.” 
“hmm, well if you had kicked my door down. You’d be paying for the replacement” 
“Yeah, well. I would’ve done it myself. Now let us in, we’ve come over here to cheer you up” 
“why’d you even come anyway. It’s not like I need any company anyway, can’t be the best person to hang around at the moment.” Reid says to me putting the empty Ice cream tub down along with both our spoons. Derek had soon passed out, he always does within the first 15 minutes of a romantic movie. 
“You’re always the best person to hang out with Spence. You just get me you know. Was weird not having you on this weeks case I won’t lie to you” 
“mmh, yeah well. My girlfriend just died. And infront of me too.” 
“I know I know. Trust me I know more than you think.” 
“I highly doubt that” 
“yeah well, not many people know this. Not even my brother. My boyfriend of 6 years died, right infront of my eyes. shot at and killed by a known serial killer In the area, we we’re trying to catch him for months, then when I got the call. I couldn’t bare to face the town anymore, the very same town that I was chief of police of, the very same town, my fiance was shot and killed in. I Quit my job I wouldn’t go out for weeks. Stuck in my apartment for days on end, wouldn’t talk to anyone, I just sat in silence most days, slept on the sofa. Then Der, he told me he was coming down. I had to pull myself together, If not for my own sake. Then for dereks, cindi had just gone missing I couldn’t let him see me like that because I just knew it would break him. So I pulled myself together, there was an opening at the Bureau and I just had to take it, little did I know it was for the very same department that would help me catch my boyfriends killer my very first case at the bau, give me a chance to get some closure, Garcia asked me if that one of the victims was my boyfriend, I said no that we had broken up before then, that he had moved out. It was a complete lie, but it kept my heart safe.” 
“Y/N I had no idea.” reid says
“Look reid, all I’m trying to say is that take the time you need, but living like this is not going to fix the pain thats going on in here” I say pointing to my heart. 
“but we’ll be here every step of the way with you, whether that be donating our holidays so that we can help you get the closure you need. Because in the end the pain of losing a loved one wont go, but you learn to move on and whether that takes one week, one day, one month, one year. she’ll be with you always.” 
“thank you Y/n, I think I needed that.” 
“Don’t worry about it reid, I love you always pretty boy” and he goes into kiss me but I duck back 
“shit! I’m sorry. I’ve read all this wrong haven’t I.” 
“No, No. You haven’t read it all wrong. I just don’t think it’s the right time reid, your girlfriends just died. I’ll wait though. I can wait. I’ve waited 8 years, I can wait 8 more. I’ll wait for all the time in the world for you” 
“thank you Y/n” 
“No worries. I’m gonna go now, it’s not to do with you. I have to get back to sergio. I promised em, I would take care of him when she left for england. Keep me company. defo should not have told her about what happened with michael.” 
“so who knows then, You, emily and my therapist” 
“nothing, you should take derek with you” 
“yeah, yeah okay. I’ll wake him up” 
“der, der” I say shaking him
“yeah yeah. I’m up, coming, Bye reid.”
the end 
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afoxdoeswrite · 8 months
I just got out of watching the Five Nights at Freddy's movie a couple hours ago. Here's some thoughts.
They're under this cut because obviously, a lot of spoilers.
On the FNaF movie;
It’s sure a movie. It didn’t need to be FNaF.
Let me preface this with some context; I’m fond of FNaF. I wasn’t in much of the big early craze. In fact I don’t think I really got into things until like, 2017, so coming up to the end of the early games. But I’m very fond of it. I love the lore, it’s a tangled disaster and everything about it is a mess. But I like that there’s plot holes everywhere to poke into, and that there’s about six different arguments for so many different things, and generally I like it because it’s a mess.
I’m admittedly not super up to date on the books and their lore, but that’s because I don’t have the free time to buy that many books and also read them. I’ve been working on that, mostly through things like the various wikis. I’d definitely not call myself up to date on the level that the Youtube lore video makers are, but I’m comfortably aware of a decent amount of things.
So with that in mind, the movie.
Now don’t get me wrong, it’s a decent movie. It’s not great.
Which is admittedly a problem when it’s had a development time of like five years or something? But hey.
The problem comes from the fact that it’s not really horror. At least. Not Five Nights at Freddy’s horror. It seems in some ways to bill itself more as a mystery- except, it’s a FNaF movie. If you know anything about FNaF, you can probably guess the ‘plot twist’ within the first few minutes of the mystery coming up. You could honestly remove all the FNaF elements and replace it with a Chuck E. Cheese, or some other Legally Distinct Restaurant With Robots, and get the same sort of energy.
Is it creepy? Sure. They do the atmosphere for the Pizza Place great, honestly. The tension is pretty good. And sure, I’ll let it slide that it is horror in that. The tension is good, there’s a creeping sense of not knowing what’s around the corners, the sense of being hunted. It’s good.
It didn’t need to be FNaF. It really, truly didn’t.
Let me explain.
The core of FNaF, the beating heart of it, is that it’s a survival horror where you’re locked in a room. You can’t see what’s coming for the majority of the game; you click the lights on your doors to see if they’re right outside, but that only works for two of the four. For the other two- Freddy and Foxy- as well as for tracking both Bonnie and Chica around the building, you have the cameras! It’s FNaF’s big mechanic for the first three games, and even the later ones have something similar to that.
The movie doesn’t use that.
(This is admittedly also my problem with Security Breach, but that’s a talk for another time.)
If the movie had given me Mike Schmidt, stuck in his office at the restaurant, being hunted by animatronics and having to defend the room, I’d’ve been happy. Sure, maybe it’s a little hard to make that a full movie. But there’s nothing to say he couldn’t also leave the room. Mix it up, use the cameras to keep track of things, make Mike too afraid to leave that safe place at first, but then make it so it’s either run or die, and then make things more mobile. Keep the cameras somehow; they’re linked to a tablet in the games, maybe use that.
But instead the movie gives us the FNaF office setting as a background to the family drama going on outside. It’s used as a place for Mike to have a job, and a place for him to talk to the ghosts while obsessing over finding out who took his brother.
And there’s another thing. The family drama frontline is also pretty meh. It’s used to push why Mike needs a job so much, why he takes the Freddy’s job even though it’s utter crap. But it’s basically dropped half way through the movie into a sub plot, and then isn’t resolved. The aunt just disappears. It’s sort of implied that she’s killed- which opens up another host of issues but Hey-, the people the aunt was using are all killed half way through and only used for some shock horror in the final climax of the film, and those guys are where a solid amount of the horror even comes from, with their invasion of Freddy’s and the following hunt.
If they’d taken that hunt into the rest of the film, that’d be great.
Continuing back, the plot with Abby is also… a bit flat. She’s got an imaginary friend! Neat! Mike has to take her to Freddy’s for work and she makes friends with the ghosts in the robots! Also neat!
The ending is boring. It’s dramatic, it’s tense. It’s boring. And honestly, my reasons why is entirely tied up with my next point;
William. Freaking. Afton.
This is about to get a bit non-chronological with the movie plot.
Now admittedly, in the setting of the movie, his entire existence isn’t nearly as groan-inducing as it is in the games. Especially the later games.
(My opinions on Security Breach continue to appear.)
But he is criminally misused in this movie. He’s why Mike’s brother disappeared, and so was likely killed. Yeah ok that’s fair. I don’t believe that’s how Afton has ever been presented as working like that in the games, but sure. I’ll take it.
Afton is able to control the animatronics? Sure…? I mean he kinda does that at one point, if you want to take the FNaF 3 post-night games as that. The Shadow Freddy in those minigames isn’t exactly Afton’s style at all, I’ve always assumed it to be some other ghost and I think a lot of people agree with that, but hey. We can work with that.
Afton appears in the last like, ten minutes or so of the movie, he rants for a bit, and is dragged off by the bots. He gets springlocked. He’s shut in one of the back rooms, presumably to meet his FNaF 3 ending cutscene fate of being stuck back there to rot. He’s hinted at before then, but the main villain of literally the entire series isn’t used.
And then there’s the Vanessa stuff.
Ok I would first like to point out; Vanessa introduces herself as Vanessa Shelly. Could this be a fake name? Sure. Or maybe she changed her name. But that would not be necessary at all. Vanessa in the games is Vanessa A., no last name given. The fandom is happily divided on if she’s an Afton or not. It’s right up there with the Vanny/Vanessa arguments. The point stands is that the movie nicely sets up that this isn’t the same Vanessa as Vanessa the Pizzaplex Security Guard.
My friend I tell you, when I say I groaned aloud when the whole ‘he’s my father’ line came up? I groaned. My soul left my body. We had to pause watching because the others in the room were laughing so hard at my reaction that no-one could hear anything.
I am so tired of this, man. I know some of this comes from having dealt with the last decade of franchise and the endless nightmare that is FNaF 6’s nice fairly neat ending followed by Ultimate Custom Night and Help Wanted and Security Breach.
(And Ruin. But Ruin is slightly less awful for this.
Rant for another time.)
But I am so tired of William Afton being connected to everyone. Movie team. We have three canon children for Afton already. I understand if you didn’t want to poke the game lore snake with that stick. But you also didn’t need to do this.
I will admit. Do I know how they would have done the William Afton Info Dump- sorry, Dramatic Reveal- without Vanessa The Convenient Daughter? No. Were there options? Certainly. Hell. You have the ghosts of his victims wandering around. Remove the ‘Afton is controlling them’ bit. Have the kid tell Mike who this guy is.
In the games it’s implied Afton is actually arrested for the murders, but let go due to lack of evidence. You could use that too! Have Mike find out about the murders from Vanessa, like he does, have him go home and do some research, and find out about this William Afton guy who was taken in and let go. If you want to keep your dramatic family should-be-a-B-plot, that can be when Mike starts to think that maybe it was this same guy that took Garrett; link the fact that the ghosts of the Freddy’s kids keep appearing in his dream about his brother, and there you go.
Or tie it to Abby’s drawing thing. He sees the drawing, finds out the kids told her about Garrett, puts it together that maybe this Afton guy who was accused of potentially killing the kids at Freddy’s is also linked to what happened to Garrett, and that’s why they keep showing up in his dream. Ta-da, no need for Vanessa to be Afton’s kid.
Is it a perfect change? God no. But the movie isn’t perfect either by any means, so I don’t see why that should be a complaint.
But going forward.
The ending wasn’t bad, I’ll give the movie that. It’s not. Grand. I will admit that I did not think that we needed that whole Afton Face Reveal moment that we got. It’s kind of pitiful. And the drawings thing being how they break the control is also pretty meh. Nicely foreshadowed, but meh. If you take out the Afton control thing, then you don’t need that. Or alternatively, maybe the bots are listening to Afton-in-the-Springsuit because… it’s a springsuit. It’s canon to FNaF 2 that they can’t tell a bot from a human just using a mask, so why would a suit be different? They just think it’s another bot, so they listen.
Reveal that the Spring Bonnie isn’t just another suit but is a person by just. Damaging it, or something? Vanessa shoots him in the movie, use that fact. Use the taser and have that set the springlocks off. Something that reveals that it’s a person in there.
You can also do the whole ‘remove the mask’ that the movie did. Which by the way; boring! Again! While I was watching it is genuinely took me minutes to register ‘hey. That was the job centre guy, right?’
That’s bad.
That’s also unnecessary.
Afton’s whole thing was that he was a faceless killer. He wore the suit and mask and hid who he was. He didn’t need to be linked into the job centre guy at all. This is honestly similar to my situation with the ‘Vanessa’s his kid’ thing, really. We didn’t need that. It wasn’t necessary. Afton didn’t need to be anyone important in their lives. That’s half the point of Afton. He’s a serial murderer, and most of his on-purpose crimes are people he has no relationship to other than ‘worked in the building’. There wasn’t a need to bring this silly little loop of ‘Afton was the job centre guy and he specifically got Mike hired here so he could kill him!’ into things.
But hey. It’s Five Nights At Freddy’s. It’s not like unnecessary plot loops is a new thing here.
Either way. I don't think the ending was bad. I just think, much like a lot of everything else, it was just sort of boring and a bit full of things that weren't totally necessary.
Is there more I could say? Probably. If I felt like rewatching the movie again and picking it apart minute by minute for all the Bad Things, I could do that. I don’t want to. I’ve watched it, now.
I came out of this movie with the opinion that it wasn’t bad, and I stand by that. As a movie, it was acceptable. If you don’t really care about FNaF and the lore, and just want something to kind of brainlessly watch for a bit of a spook and some gore… yeah, it pulls that off alright.
But it’s a FNaF movie. I came here for FNaF. Maybe it was for the lore, to see how they tied things together. Maybe it was just for some spooky jumpscares. Maybe it was for a tense, survive the night action with a mix of defending the room and running for his life. But I came here for Five Nights at Freddy’s, and what I got was a movie that could be reskinned with any generic animatronic pizza place company and still stand on its own.
That is not a good thing.
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iraprince · 2 years
i've been wanting to get into digital art for a while, and I'm thinking of getting myself a tablet for this christmas. Any product recommendations?
i would say, particularly for a first tablet, i don't recommend a wacom, even though it's what i use currently (and what i'll probably get again if/when i eventually upgrade to a screen tablet). this is because, while the quality is great, they're very pricey in a way that isn't proportionate compared to other brands. it was one thing a decade ago when wacoms were often much better than other options, but now other brands have caught up and there's no reason to shell out that much extra unless there's a reason u need a wacom specifically. (i.e. i got my current wacom tablet as a gift years ago, but i would spring for wacom as a screen tablet bc i've done a lot of research on cintiqs vs other options and i think for my job i do need the extra oomph in terms of stuff like screen resolution/latency/parallax — not because a more expensive tablet/better performance will make me "draw better" but bc i spend so many hours drawing per week that better performance will reduce friction and make my job easier. if you're not concerned about "this device is about to be a massive part of my life so it had BETTER be the best machinery i can afford," i don't think the extra expense is worth it.)
also, specifically, the wacom intuos 4 pro is a piece of steaming fucking garbage from hell and its cord port WILL eventually die for no reason, and wacom support will not help you because how do you prove it died for no reason even though dozens of other ppl online have clearly experienced the exact same hardware failure, and then you will have to buy an external universal camera battery charger and remove the fucking tablet battery and charge it once every other day at an outlet BECAUSE YOU CAN'T CHARGE IT WITH THE CORD ANYMORE and only use the thing wirelessly. not that i know anything about that
so!!! with that said. my very first tablet was a tiny wacom bamboo (idk if they even make those anymore?), and after that when i had to replace it i got a monoprice. that was a long time ago so i can't vouch for current quality — pls look up recent reviews and do research on anything u pick — but my exp w monoprice was that it was crazy cheap and perfectly good quality. setting up the drivers was a complete nightmare, but once it was working it ran like a dream without any problems and i don't remember ever having to fuss repeatedly with driver resets, reinstalling shit, losing pen pressure, etc (all problems i have had with wacoms, and still do occasionally). that thing took me through several years of art school and then several more years after without an issue and only gave out when the actual hardware was starting to go from wear and tear, i.e. wires were getting loose and it had been dropped a few times.
those are the only ones i have personal experience with, but i've heard very good things about huion tablets, and they seem like a good middle ground of higher quality than monoprice vs cheaper than wacom.
general tips: get the biggest one you can afford, you'll be using it for a long time anyway and the very small ones are hell on your wrist. consider getting one with shortcut buttons; if you end up liking them you'll use them all the time, but if you don't (i never personally got into using mine!) they don't get in the way, so it's no harm. and when you get your tablet, find the pressure settings (there will almost definitely be a menu that comes w your tablet software, but also check your drawing program as well) and adjust the pressure sensitivity so you don't have to press down super hard!! this will save ur wrist.
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hinumay · 2 hours
Lil story sruff
Idk for the whole of last year and for almost two years tbh I haven't really bought anything new.. at least for myself.. last year was really terrible because I got into an accident and I had to compensate the guy who got injured.. so almost everything of my earnings since I left my full-time work and decided to go freelancing was given to them. It was super hard everyday there's a mini panic attack every night it was hard to sleep unless I tire myself the shit out but it's so hard to wake up and do work either or just anything in general because the depression was so bad.. the guilt and frustrations as well was eating me up, the masking was too strong, I got into conventions to sell art but tbh I was loosing money because it wasn't profitable,.. like you cant really enjoy conventions that much if youre always worrying about how much youre losing. I was masking so hard. I'd get invited to friends going out but I can't because I just didn't have the funds, every month I'm on edge because I'm not sure if I'd get work or not.. there were times I thought of just ending it?
And to find out that they're not even using the money I'm sending responsibly? That they kept on asking for more after telling me they'd be able to budget it as long as I give them the whole agreed amount every month.. and yeah it became worse, became more frantic, i became more afraid, and hurt of course. Man my back, and neck are hurting all The time I couldn't help with the expenses in the family I haven't even gotten my back checked up yet, a PT told me it might be scolio. And they weren't responsible for using the money I sent. There's so much I wanted to do.. wanted to enjoy, and places to go to, needed help pay with and save.. I haven't saved a single dime.
And I still panic from time to time
But I guess that's enough of that for now..
Last week my 9 year old tablet decided to act strange, and I was forced to consider retiring it and replacing it..
And I bought a new tablet
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I still feel guilty and I still feel bad for buying this because I got lots more to help pay in our house and stuff but this is the first time I'm really proud with anything I bought with the money I worked for.
When I graduated my parents weren't really proud of me I doubt they ever believed in me... Nor did I, I think. But now I think I am .
Advanced happy birthday to me ☺️
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So some of you might remember I had gotten into Zodiac Academy. I was making my way through the series but knew I would need to slow down so I wouldn't get stuck having to wait for Book 9 to come out. Well, I ended up having to stop for a while in book 5 because the dreaded moment finally came where everyone found out about about Orion and Darcy's relationship. This is one of the things I dislike about teacher/student relationships (besides the whole power play and predator aspects that gives me the ick). I decided to check out with the series for the time being as I wasnt super interested in seeing how that plotline went. So a few months went by and I'm back in it.
Spoilers below so dont continue reading if you dont want to be spoiled.
Some thoughts about the Orion and Darcy thing. Overall I find them cute and I do find myself rooting for them even though I dont necessarily like all aspects of their relationship. Again, power dynamics are a huge reason I dont go for these types of relationship tropes. But, I will say they are super cute together and I've caught myself smiling in their interactions. But I was not looking forward to when all of Solaria found out about them. It was rough getting through the first few chapters after the big reveal. And honestly I have very mixed emotions on the whole execution of this. For one thing, I fucking knew they would be found out because Darcy left her damn phone or tablet or whatever the atlas is supposed to resemble around. Everytime she forgot it, I'm just like, "girl, you're having an illicit affair with a teacher and that device has all the proof on it, stop leaving it around!" I generally like Tori and Darcy as characters, but they maybe super powerful, but they dumb af for real. Actually, the heirs are pretty dumb too, Solaria essentially is just fucked all around regardless of who gets the crown, not a single brain cell shared among any of the contenders for the crown really. But back to the whole Darcy thing, I honestly have a hard time believing Kylie was the one who turned Darcy in. I totally buy she would find out about the relationship via Darcy's atlas but using that info to turn Darcy in? Kylie's not smart enough nor brave enough for that, and also just doesnt seem like Kylie, lets be honest, shes a simpering idiot (I fully wouldve expected her to go the Seth route and make Darcy do things for her like Seth did to keep her mouth shut about it). Also, it's like really short sighted of her because now she has no ammunition to use against Darcy to keep Darcy away from her man. And if Darcy was a petty bitch, Kylie should really have been worried about Darcy going to Seth and doing all the things with him shes been afraid of out of pure spite. Kylie essentially gained absolutely nothing from this. Before the Vegas and the Heirs acted, her social status didnt even really change, it didnt help her relationship with Seth. It's like you got 10 minutes of fame and that was it. And how did she think the heirs were going to react about that. The leader of the Heirs is Darius who has a known bonded relationship with Orion. And the love of Kylie's life is Seth who is Darius's best friend and Seth is a wolf so he's a touchy feely guy who gets uber protective with those he loves, Darius is hurting from this, no way Seth would just let that lie. How did she think this was going to go? But anyway, Kylie's an idiot, it makes sense and doesnt make sense at the same time.
I havent finished book 5 but I am back to being invested in it. Despite the audio book being over 20 hours long, way longer than it probably really needs to be, I do enjoy the fact that it does take so long for the plot to go anywhere. Like did we really need to see the heirs have a stint in the mortal world and beat up Tori's boyfriend and see how the twins lived before they found out they were princesses? No, but it was still pretty fun. So I'm back in the Zodiac Academy game and by the time I finally get through Book 8, Book 9 will already be out so yay! No suffering for months from an abrupt cliffhanger for me!
Also, I dont think I've mentioned this in previous posts, but Darcy and Tori's face names are Roxanya and Gwendolyna (its like word vomit but in name form). I really hate these names and I cringe so bad whenever they're used. It's also super weird they have names like these. When everyone else has basic ass names. (Just my opinion, please no one hate me for this).
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asterhaze · 10 months
If you get this, answer w three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! Anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog :)
Thank you for the ask! I have enjoyed talking about myself a little bit lately.
Serious: I also art! Though I haven't posted any of my newer stuff online because my tablet broke and some of my traditional work is stuff I want to eventually draw digitally and hopefully sell. I'm terrified of AI taking away my dream of being a super cool artist writer dream before I even have a chance. So yeah.
Silly Fact: I have a horrible phobia of mascots. It inspired a comic idea that I will probably end up writing about evil mascots that try to take over the world and cause the apocalypse. It's a pretty serious phobia that councilors and therapists have tried to help me with but nothing has worked because I've refused exposure therapy. There are some masks that trigger this phobia, but honestly it's mostly helmets!
Random: I only started writing seriously last October, and the amount of progress I have made this year shocks even myself. This is hard for me, but here is an example of my writing from last October versus something I wrote a few weeks ago.
Glen stood beneath the willow tree in a small graveyard. He stated down at two small graves whose names had been worn away by time. But he knew them well and kept them close to his heart.
"Maria. My love. I miss you dearly, even still to this day." Glen began, going down on one knee to brush his hands across the grass. "I wish I was there with you. Wherever you are and whatever is beyind this life. I wish we could sit beneath our willow tree and I could tell you how much I love you again."
Last week - a longer piece that may or may not make it into a final draft-
“Now your suit really will be ruined. Your socks too.” But I have the money now to buy new clothes. Who cares, Maria, about suits and pants and socks and shoes? Who cares about arranged weddings? Who cares about any of that when you’re dead, dead, dead and I’m here, here, here? I’m still here, here, here… He reached out, brushing his fingertips along the front of the tombstone, weathered smooth by time. Faintly he could see the first letter of her first and last name but the rest was worn away. He traced the letters, very gently, before pulling his hand away and putting it back in his lap. Willow had cried and cried so many times sitting here before Maria’s grave. Mourning her, missing her, wishing desperately that she would come back to him and forgive him for everything and being left with only memories. The tears had dried decades ago, but the longing in his chest and the aching in his soul still remained. Now he just stared, his eyes glossed over, his lips moving without a voice as he spoke in his imaginary world where Maria was fussing at him for this, that, or the other. He knew he was crazy, or ill, or pretending, or at least that whatever he was doing was wrong but it made him feel better. Talking there, remembering things, it made him feel complete despite reminding him otherwise and he wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was that people left him alone at the graveyard, let him spend however long he wanted there, or maybe it was because he was close to her again. Eventually, when a headache was starting to form across his temple, he imagined Maria turning to him and smiling. Still wearing that horrible dress that flattered only her body, sickly yellow. Maria fluffed her skirt, slapping it when she was done, before turning to walk away. Won’t you take me with you this time? Can’t we go together? I’m tired of living without you, Maria. Maria looked over her shoulder, a sad look over her sunshine eyes, as she sighed and turned away. “You’re too good.” And with that, he imagined her walking away and fading from his vision in a great glowing light that blinded him until he closed his eyes so tightly shut he prayed he would never be able to open them again. Anything else he would see would just tarnish it. Tarnish his memory of her, but eventually he did open his eyes, and there was all that was left of her before him. Faded, worn, and nearly falling apart. Here Lies M….M…. Loved Forever.
Tagging: @mthollowell-writes @rainisawriter @doublegoblin @gummybugg @veetvoojagigthemagnificent
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pbandjesse · 1 month
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I felt pretty good today. My allergies continue to plague me but I was in a good mood this morning. I didn't sleep amazing, waking up with a very upset stomach in the middle of the night again. But I was able to sleep after that and felt pretty good when my alarm went off.
I got up and got dressed and felt happy. My eyes were hurting and my sinuses were making my ears very closed up. But I was still very excited for the market.
James made the bed and we left together. We would have to come back pretty quick when I realized I forgot my tablet. But it was not a big deal. We stopped for my tablet. And headed to the museum. A pit stop for McDonald's breakfast. And then we went to set up.
And I had a lot of fun! I got lots of hugs and was really happy to see my market friends. Give them updates like how we bought our house. It was a good day.
I would set up. James would help and than stay outside for a bit to collect some forms for insurance from vendors. And I was having a very nice morning.
I would buy some brownies and a chocolate pop tart and then a whole bunch of strawberries. Which were super dark red and lovely.
I wasn't sure how my day was going to go though. I wasn't sure I would sell anything. So I just focused on the craft I brought with me.
I would spend most of the morning catching up on my knitting and I am totally caught up now. And I would work on sewing down my ends from last months square. That still has work to be done but it was nice to have something to focus on.
But I would make sale! I actually did really good today. I sold 8 stuffies and a bunch of stickers and even some prints. I was having a great time. I made my sales goal for the day by 1030. So the rest of the day felt easy and fun.
I would have some great interactions too. People being super kind about loving my designs. Making a deal with a 4 year old after she asked for a stuffie and I told her she has to ask her parents because they cost money. And so she tells me "my daddy has so much money" which was hilarious. And when she came back with her dad a few minutes later and I said hello again, her dad went "again?" And I explained she had said he has so much money and he laughed and seemed flabbergasted and then gave her $20. So I bargained with her and we shook hands very seriously at the end of the transaction which was just the best.
I would also have some lovely conversations with Anne and Ginny and Stan and also Jordan. We would talk for a long time and while we were talking I noticed a man who sails with the downtown sailing center waiting near the market table. And I knew as soon as Jordan left he would come over. And I was absolutely right.
He wasn't weird or anything but he was hitting on me. Asking if I have a man. And I am like yes I have a whole husband! But we would still chat and exchanged Instagrams because he makes tshirts and I like connecting with other small businesses in the city. I have seen him around the market plenty of times. He's hard to miss. He is a young black man in a wheel chair who is a double amputee. His whole deal on Instagram is about overcoming the hardships so you know there's a story there. Maybe he'll tell me sometime. I told him to come chat with me next Saturday before he goes sailing again.
I think it's hard making friends. Both because I mostly just want to be alone. I am mainly not interesting in hanging out. But also that people think I'm flirting with them. I am not trying to!!! I am just friendly! But I am still trying to make those connections.
And I think I did a good job at that today. Making more market friends. I even met a girl who's job is curate Jellycat collections?? What a neat job! She was so sweet. I joked with her that she was 100% my audience and she was like I get that a lot!
Callie would come to the market today. And it was so nice to sit with her for an hour. I shared my strawberries with her and we talked and caught up and discussed camp. There is apparently a meeting on Tuesday night for senior staff to discuss the schedule. I hope that goes well.
I spent most of the last hour drawing on my tablet. I wanted to design a silly logo for the events team. I was just having fun. And then Jesse came through and I got to show him briefly and was just having a nice time.
At 1 I would pack up. I had made a few trips around the market. To say hi to people. To go say hi to James and enjoy the AC for a bit. But once I was totally packed up and everything was in the car (which was a little bit of a struggle, and I would replace the rope handles on my box because the current ones were to short and hurt my hands) I would go sit at the front desk with James and Jordan. And talked for a bit. James went to get their bike off the car and warmed up their lunch. But once they were back and calling for the last tour of the day, I would head home.
Getting home took almost a half hour though because there was a music festival downtown that made me go home in the most bizarre way. It was not fun for me!! If I had known earlier I would have taken the tunnel. People were driving so stupid and someone tried to go around me and I was so mad about it. Almost caused a multiple car accident!! People need to calm down.
When I got home I brought one of my baskets in. To sort and clean up. When James got home later they brought in the rest for me to sort through. But I was a bit tired. And very hungry.
So I made a little lunch. A small frozen pizza because that's the only thing I want for eat for some reason. And spent time just resting on the couch. Sweetp was outside. I trimmed my nails and watched videos and it was a nice afternoon. I never a really slept like I had originally planned. But it was all okay. Just having a nice time.
James would come home and were very sweaty. They would go clean up and then come to lay with me. And we would spend a lot of the afternoon resting together.
But not all of it. James would run to the hardware store. To inquire about ladder rentals and to get fly tape to capture the annoying flies that have come in the house. And while they were gone I would sort my market boxes and then I would work on sewing panels on the dress I got last week. And it actually fits me now so I am very happy. It needs slightly more fixing but I think it's going to be a really great option for the musuem. I am pretty excited to be able to have a place to wear slightly nicer things.
James would make me vegan fish fillets for dinner. And we watched videos together. James would play a video game. And we just enjoyed being together. Talking and making plans. I was feeling really happy.
My allergies started hurting again. I would take a shower and it helped even if my eyes were burning. I would take more meds and they are finally kicking in so I am slightly less unhappy.
I am going to go brush my teeth and get in bed now though. I am hoping to have lots of energy tomorrow. I want to be productive and have fun. So wish me luck. Sleep well everyone. Wash your hands and take care of eachother!!
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k00295632 · 4 months
Project: Movement.
Week 6, Reading week.
Shooting my Pixelation:
After my intensive storyboarding I decided to get into action, I acquired 2 helpers (my poor friends) and had to organize compensation (buy them pizza), organized a space, lighting and camera. There was a bit of difficulty in getting a camera as the rentable ones downstairs didn't open until 1pm and we had places to be so we settled for using my tablet as the camera. There was a bit of delay in using the photography studio as there was a assessments on but we started working at 10:30.
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We got set up in the studio with some additional help, we set up a black background, a desk, two lights, and duct taped my tablet to the table with some more support. I had my storyboarding on the floor next to me as reference.
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I had one assistant working the camera (Mae) and the other helping with styling my hair
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I changed into a grey shirt, which I had to wear backwards so the print on the front wasn't visible, but it fit a bit weird, it made my chest look massive which wasn't great. I might crop it out. But this is my first image. Anyhow while taking photos I tried making different facial expressions, expressions are hard y'all.
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I started off with using a hair dryer to move my hair around before moving onto hair gel.
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There was a lot of technical difficulties with following the story boarding as the hair gel refused to keep my hair in the positions I wanted. We did our best to mimic the original drawings but it wasn't happening
I ended up holding down my shirt in a lot of scenes cause my chest looked ridiculous. some shirts are not meant to be worn backwards.
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After that we started untangling my hair and brushing it out bit by bit and it was a struggle. It was rock hard from the hair gel.
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I started cutting once it was straight enough, I made my hair look like a helmet and all, recording the process from from long to short.
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We started shaving after a certain. I actually had to go into the print room next door and stick my head under the tap to wash out some of the hair gel and dry with the towel and hair dryer I had.
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I used leftover hair to create a moustache, it was an incredibly dashing moustache at that.
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It took us 5 hours with no breaks and we ended up with 657 frames in total.
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This is everyone afterwards, very tired, broken. But no worries I made sure they were fed with Super Mac's pizza.
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Here's the before and after!!!
Originally while taking these I was going to attempt using different visual techniques but after talking with Paul Tarpy we decided that it would be best to take clean shots and then edit them later.
I plan to put all of these shots onto an animation app and possibly draw on top of them.
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