#buy cosmetic bag online
glamplandivas · 1 year
How to Buy Cosmetic Bags Online For Your Needs?
Buying cosmetic bags online doesn't have to be difficult with Glam Plan Divas. So, go ahead and buy cosmetic bags online from us, and enjoy a clutter-free and organized beauty experience!
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thelocalbanyan · 6 months
Discover Tropical Charm with The Local Banyan's Bags and Accessories!
Welcome to The Local Banyan, where island charm meets everyday elegance. We've got a great selection of bags and accessories that are inspired by the tropics and will bring a touch of paradise to your style. So come on in, browse around, and let us help you embrace those laid-back vibes and tropical allure with each piece from The Local Banyan. Shop now.
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interpol-by-design · 3 days
Fuck it, I'm bored waiting for a delivery and my boss is getting on my case. Let's learn about eyeshadow!
The first thing you need to learn is that designer eyeshadow palletes? They're not a scam, but they're not exactly recommended, either. They're largely made for people with disposable income who want to be trendy, which isn't everyone. It's just a single demographic. Designer palletes are specially selected by people who are on top of the trends, who are on top of the latest colors, who are going to specifically pick precise shades that look good on a broad range of people, wearing a broad range of clothes.
Let me be blunt. I'm Kalosian, and while I love my home? We do have a classism issue. And I think part of addressing that is saying, in a neutral way, that not everyone has the same budget or the same options when it comes to cosmetics. Hell, my girlfriend grew up in a small town, so her foundation choices were pretty limited because they straight up weren't able to stock enough variety to suit her. She was between shades, and had to get creative with mixing foundation up to match her skin tone every time.
Anyways. If you want to start experimenting with eyeshadow, start with a drugstore pallete, something with a large selection! You can get two dozen or so colors to play around with, and while you may not have a lot of each one, that's okay. You're still learning. And it's okay if you run out quicker, because you're still figuring out what you like and what looks good on you.
Oh! And get good quality brushes. Start out with maybe one good brush that you like and take care of, and then, as you learn more techniques, you can continue investing in more. I get mine online from Lumiose Moon, which has actually started branching out into making paintbrushes now! Check out their beginner friendly section, that's the code for working on a budget, and make sure you use the half off shipping coupon. You can get the shipping a lot cheaper if you're willing to wait, too. They're super good about coupons, trust me. I'm a bit of a brand whore for them, to be honest, but frankly? Their budget options are nice and they let you scale up.
Why do you need good brushes? Because a good brush will pick up more pigment, frankly. You'll get better, more visible results, and more even blending if you're working with high quality equipment.
Anyways, the delivery I'm waiting for right now? See, I don't get individual palletes anymore. I just, once a year, buy myself refills for the Book of Eyeshadow, which is a full spectrum pallete with hundreds of colors. The casing folds up super nicely to fit in my bag, and all my colors are accessible in one place. I would absolutely, if you've gotten past the first step and want to get serious about makeup art, advise you to check online for a large pallete. You'll want to look for something that has both rainbow and nude shades, I keep mine separate but I know my girlfriend likes to mix them.
Oh shit, I think that's it now. Happy makeup times or something, remember that you're doing this as an art form and if you feel ugly without makeup, look into body dysmorphia! Bye for now!
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lonicera-edulis · 7 months
do u have any advice for someone downloading lotro for the first time??? u make it look so cool!!! 🌸
Well, I am not very sure I am playing right. I can't speak to people nor offline nor online somehow, so I am missing a lot.
• First, you will have to type password everytime you go to play.
• Then, choosing a server to play on. Each one has their own purpose, there are American and European, some are RP oriented, some are for raids, etc. Although I've heard people there are insufferable with particular rules. (I play on Landroval and I like it so far).
• There are lots of setup to prepare. For graphic options there are videos and articles.
In Options you will find UI settings, where you will be able to change size of various elements (map radar, quest tracker, etc.)
• For a good time I didn't know how to change size of a text in quest dialogue.
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• You can look up how to set up chat as well, and text there can be colored for you to notice stuff easier.
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• And once you set everything for your use, you can save it by typing /ui layout save [name] in chat. If you change something accidentely, you can make it look like before with /ui layout load [name] command.
• Then there are useful plugins to help with better game experience:
I have Deed Tracker, Emotes Helper (to have all emotes automatically in a separate window) and Lotropad (very useful for saving commands so you can just copy/paste them, other game details; and you can upload images (maps with specific locations for example, but I put funny backgrounds for my text xD)
I also have Opaque Quest Tracker and MoorMap.
And SongBook for those who want to be musicians. But I only play My Little Pony and TF2 Soldier Theme xD
• Another things I was unaware for a good time are cosmetic outfits (I don't remember why but I couldn't slot anything there so I assumed it's a pay-for-thing, there happened this funny screenshot though) and one bag instead of 3 separate ones (opening one bag is more comfortable for me, and to make one you just need to drag slots from other bags to the first one while in edit mode).
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• There is also a Filter Panel, to filter out some loot, quests and sounds. For items you need to drag it into a panel (I put lootboxes there).
• There are things like LOTRO points you can get through doing deeds in game rather than transfering your money (I spent my first good bunch on making steeds faster for the whole account, but you can also save some for buying a game content expansion).
• Folks in chat also remind of codes sometimes that give you useful stuff (to redeem a code you will need to go to the LOTRO store).
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• Yeah, since I am a f2p player, I have to write down destinations to navigate easier in Middle Earth. I am writting them down to not forget:
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• Finally, there is also https://lotro-wiki.com/, quite useful. And if something is unclear for me, I go to search for answers in websearch or on YouTube.
• And, I see people do play the game differently, you can skip quests and do whatever, but I am personally here for going through LOTR story and watching the stories of LOTRO characters too (even if I am mostly interested in dwarves and hobbits, but oh well). There are also seasonal Festivals in game, they are fun! You will be able to get a good looking outfit and a beautiful steed.
I think I wrote down most of what brought confusion to me first time. For sure I forgot something important, but I hope you will be able to find answers. Good luck.
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obsessedtomone · 9 months
Unravel Yourself Before Me ⛓️ Chapter 3 - Avoidance▸Shigaraki x femReader
◤You roll your eyes. Why the fuck do you feel like you’ve done something wrong—like it’s your fault? Didn’t you bury all those useless feelings all the way down? Clearly not. 
Maybe it’s the guilt streak that you’ve been on since your class together on Monday, combined with ghosting that guy at the arcade, that prompts you to go ahead and do something really, really stupid.
“Hey,” you whisper, tapping your fingers against the surface of the neighboring desk to get his attention. Why are you doing this again? 
“Hey, dude.” You test his patience a little louder this time and he turns his head, glaring daggers at you.◢ Setting: University AU - No quirks (unless degenerate personalities count) Tags: Slow burn, Eventual Smut, Unhealthy/Toxic Relationships, Humiliation, Mentally Ill Reader, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to ??? Warning: Dead Dove – Do Not Eat | Mind the tags TW: Implied Su/Self H, Dubcon, Reader has a super shitty past like actually, Shigaraki Tomura is his own warning.
AO3 Crosspost | Chain Divider by firefly-graphics
Chapters: One • Two • Three • Four
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Chapter 3 - Avoidance
The front door to the store opens and another customer strolls in, politely getting in line behind the one you’re about to serve.
“Hi, how may I help you today?” you ask, giving them your fakest smile and using the most saccharine high-pitched voice that would put discord kittens to shame.
It’s Wednesday today and this marks your third shift at Cinnabon. You had to look for a job after buying one too many League skins, your scholarship not being enough to cover all of your bills in the past few months. You’re still refusing to come to terms with how financially wasteful you generally are, especially when it comes to detrimental impulse-purchases for in-game cosmetics.
It’s gonna be fiiiine, you tell yourself, there’s no way this will bite you in the ass!
Except it has and you’ve already had to borrow money from Taylor before, otherwise you would’ve been evicted. 
That in and of itself was a huge wake-up call to you, since it’s a) absolutely shameful to owe your friend rent money, because you couldn’t help yourself pimping out your online-pixels (you do look bitchin’, though) and b) ridiculously terrifying, because what if your friend didn’t exist to pick you up? What then? 
You don’t want to get your ass kicked out on the streets mid-semester in autumn and end up making buddies with the bridge hobos. You really can’t afford that, and unlike most people, you lack the safety net to fall back on. There’s no family on standby for you, ready to jump whenever you sink. So let this be the last fucking time you’ll ever need anyone’s help getting by.
You don’t need anyone to fucking save you. 
Not anymore.
Which brings you to the current part-time, where you work from 5 PM to 11 PM.
“Anything else, sir?” Gene assists you while bagging the delicious cinnamon buns for the customer to take home. You ended up getting sick of the cinnamon smell pretty much by the end of your first shift on the job.
Secretly rolling your eyes at the way the customer throws you his change, you briefly glance at the clock. 
It’s currently 10:45 PM and the mall is about to close down for the day. Most of the footsteps are thankfully dwindling down and setting pace towards the exit, while the stores around Cinnabon already let their front shutters down.
Gene shoots you and Mary, your teenage(?) coworker, a pointed look.
“You kids can start cleaning up, I’ll do inventory.”
He’s in his late 50s, wearing a pair of yellow-tinted glasses (ones that you’re pretty sure went out of style around ‘09) and hiding his receding hairline under the Cinnabon cap that’s part of your uniform get-up. This is Gene, the legend who hired an ambitionless brat like you on spot.
He’d said he “Saw potential in you, kid,” whatever the fuck that meant. 
You didn’t argue, though, not when you can use the slightly-above-minimum-wage job. So here you fucking are, trying your damnedest not to beat the living shit out of every second asshole who walks in here and acts like they fucking own you.
“You girls can leave after you’re done, I’ll close up. Good work today,” he says as he does every time, and without fail, you also routinely respond with an:
“I’ll stay and help.”
Mary had already bounced by now, saying she had to catch a movie with a friend or something. You didn’t really listen to her rambling because you really didn’t care.
“Nah, this is part of my routine. Go home and catch some Z’s, kiddo. You look like you need it,” he dismisses you with a smug smile. 
You almost want to tell them that you’ll probably use that time to sink more countless hours in some videogame instead, but you hold back.
So instead of replying, you just nod, grab your things and leave dressed in your work uniform. You’re too tired to change your clothes and decide you’ll catch the bus like this, even though you probably smell like a whole ass cinnamon factory. 
God, you can’t wait to get home and wash this shit off.
The cool air of humid rainy weather hits your warm oven-baked cheeks first, as you step outside of the mall. 
It’s already so dark, but since this is the posh part of the city you live in, you’re quite unlikely to run into as many weirdos as you would in your own neighborhood alleyway.
On your way to the bus station, you notice a small arcade and wonder if you should go in for a round. It’s probably a bad idea, considering you’re tight on savings… but it’s not like your trigger-spending habits will disappear overnight, so—
Fuck it.
Unable to resist temptation, you reach into your pockets to feel for any coins, and when you finally find a (very) small fortune of today’s tips, you step inside.
You’re greeted by a flurry of different sensations as you step into the colorful wonderland of electronic games. The first thing that your awareness picks up being the cacophony of familiar sounds, such as the clinking of coins, or many different old games screaming for you to play them. 
The second thing you notice is the variety of screens and their rainbow of glowing colors, casting light on a floor that hasn’t been cleaned in god knows how long.
Then there’s the smell. A tinge of candy-like sweetness in the otherwise stuffy room, seeing as the only real ventilation the place gets, is when people pass through the automatic sliding doors.
It’s a pleasant chaos that throws you right to the past. You don’t usually find yourself in arcades, for the simple fact that you have a pretty good gaming rig at home—and because you are a social recluse.
You make your way through the maze of games, claw machines, gambling stations and the like, feeling your heartbeat pick up in excitement for the first time in a while, and keeping an eye out for your favorite arcade game:
Sunset Riders.
That game was like your bread and butter when you were a kid. 
Whenever your shitty foster parents were too busy knocking each other’s teeth out, you’d snatch some of their hidden savings and slip outside of the house to run to the local arcade—nevermind that the reason they were fighting was because they blamed each other for the disappearing funds, thinking booze and gambling. 
You walk around the few rows of machines without any luck and almost give up when you reach the back of the venue—until you finally see it, shining in all its glory.
But much to your disappointment, some fucking guy is already occupying the machine.
The establishment is almost empty this late in the day, save for a group of drunk students you saw on the way here and maybe the bozo trying to win his girlfriend an overpriced stuffed animal at one of the rigged claw machines.
So what’s the fucking chance some guy hogs a game that came out decades ago, the one night you decide to walk into this arcade?
Astronomical, you decide.
He side-eyes you for a second when he notices you standing there with a look of thought on your face, and when you turn on your heel to leave, he speaks up: 
“Oh, u-umm—you—you don’t have to leave!” He scratches the back of his head and mumbles in a boyish voice. 
The guy looks like he’s in his twenties, but you can’t be sure under the flickering dimmed screens and the overall dark ambient. He has long hair that seems either red or purple and wears a black jacket on top of a (possibly) white hoodie.
“I was just about to quit anyway. You can have it.” He exits his round and turns to you, mouth opening and closing before he continues speaking, “Have you, uh—have you played this one before?” he asks, fidgeting. “Ah, shit. That was a stupid question, wasn’t it? Ha ha… sorry.”
There’s no way you’d walk all the way to the back of an arcade for a game if you didn’t know about it beforehand, he quickly realizes. And for some reason that was his tipping point, the one that pushes him to abruptly take his leave, walking past you. 
But before he’s out of hearing range, your mouth opens to answer.
“I used to play this a lot as a kid,” you say, throwing a thumb back, towards the machine, wondering why exactly you’re revealing this piece of information to a complete fucking stranger. It’s so extremely unlike you.
He turns around, eyes wide and he rewards you with a nervous smile. “Y-Yeah? Same here! I used to play this shit all the time, actually. It’s my favorite a-arcade g-game.”
You briefly wonder if he’s stuttering because of his nature or if you came across as unapproachable, as your insecurity goblins were tap-dancing on top of your brain, recalling various people telling you they avoided you because they thought you were a bitch.
Most of the time, it served you well. You don’t talk to people, you don’t engage in banter or meaningless small-talk with them. You’ve made one friend in god knows how many years, for fuck’s sake.
So why are you doing something so unlike you today?
“Yeah,” you reply with a smile of your own. “It’s my favorite too. Honestly, I didn’t expect this tiny ass arcade to even have a copy.”
He frowns at you as though you’d insulted his ancestors. 
“Huh?! It’s not that small, man! T-They have plenty of games, I could show you!” he speaks up, if a little too loudly, then proceeds to stumble on his words, and get red in the face. Or purple. You couldn’t be sure. “A-Ah! Shit—I mean, if—if you’d like to. M-My name’s Shuichi!” 
“Alright, Shuichi,” you say, letting out a rare giggle and cocking your brow. “Lead the fucking way.”
His eyes go wide in presumably shock. You actually said yes to that word vomit and didn’t up and leave. It was something that took you by surprise too, if you were honest.
But you never are. Time passes by and you guys proceed to spend the next few hours showing each other ‘epic’ strategies and tricks for different machines, as well as taking mental notes of the games that looked interesting to you, thinking about trying them again some other time.
You’re genuinely having fun. Like, tons.
However, the clock is already hitting two in the dead of the fucking night and you do actually have classes in the morning.
“Hey, dude?” you ask, slightly distracted by the co-op game you were playing for the past half hour.
“Yeah?” Shuichi replies, half-listening and struggling to keep up with you, not expecting to be bested at yet another one of his favorite games—or close to all of the games you guys have tried for that matter. You kinda remind him of—
“Sorry, but I gotta bounce after this round. Got class in the morning.” You squint, trying to catch the last few aliens that were escaping your aim.
“O-Oh.” His fingers freeze on the joystick and his character idly walks into a wall, getting swarmed before it dies. “C-Can I…”
“Hm?” you ask with an encouraging nod in his direction, clearing the round on your own and exiting the game.
“Can I—uh—can I have your number? O-Or discord tag? Or e-mail or… or anything?” The purple haired boy asks with way too many words, but that didn’t bother you.
“Sorry, I only use the telegraph,” you tease.
“Err, nothing… I was joking. Here.” You throw him your ancient phone. “I’ll, uh, text you when I’m home.”
It seems to take him a second to process it, glancing at your device after which he bursts out laughing, if a little too loudly. One of your eyebrows raises in response.
“D-Do they—hahaha—do they even manufacture these anymore?” he asks between his fits of breathy laughter, making you pinch your brows together.
“Hey! It can call, text and it plays music,” you say, knowing Spotify does freeze like half the fucking time. You roll your eyes, though, his contagious nerdy laughter infecting you and making you giggle as well. “It’s really not that bad, okay?”
“Sure, sure. Here, take it back before it falls apart in my hands and you ask me to buy you a new one. Pretty sure it’d cost me a fortune, since you probably own the last of its kind,” he says, his remark making you snort and you snatch your artifact from him, putting it back in your pocket.
“Whatever you say, dude. Catch you later.” You smile fondly before turning to leave.
“W-Will you, uh… really text me back? I… It’s gonna sound super lame, I know, but I don’t make friends often and, uh… it was really fun to play with you.”
“Sure,” you lie, “I had hella fun too. See you around?” 
“For sure!”
You wave at him, finally going on your way home.
You feel gross, not only because you’re still dressed in your uniform, but also because of the tinge of sadness that’s now lingering in your heart for a second time this week.
Class is almost full as it usually is, and you take the seat in the back as you usually do.
It’s comp-sci again and you half-wonder if that weird guy’s gonna show up today or if he’s going to skip. The two of you share CS classes about twice a week, with you last seeing him on Monday. 
Monday where you blatantly ignored him and left him hanging like an asshole.
In your (totally unbiased) opinion, the jerk fucking deserved it, but if you thought about it really hard—if you properly squinted—you’d admit that your antagonistic nature did not help the few encounters you two had.
Too bad you generally don’t like to think too hard.
The bell rings, the professor enters the classroom and you realize you might not be seeing your creepy acquaintance today. A relief, honestly. You didn’t know how to deal with his weird mood-swings last time and you don’t know if you want to deal with them this time either.
But you’re never lucky, because you see a pale, slouched, lanky figure trudging amongst other students. You observe carefully and fortunately for you, he seems to aim for an open front row seat—the one that’s as far from you as possible. Your best guess right now is that he can’t stand sitting next to you again after the last interaction.
Good riddance, you think.
But you don’t fucking mean it for some reason.
And yet again, you could never be that fucking lucky, because one of the students he was going to sit next to gets startled by his mere presence, and then anxiously denies him the seat (possibly in favor of their own friend coming in late). He must’ve said something in return, because you see the student flinching and then he resigns to moving towards the back row, a deep scowl forming on his face before you look away from him.
The asshole wouldn’t sit anywhere next to you this time around, leaving a considerable gap of three whole open seats between the two of you—god forbid you infect him with something. 
Common sense, maybe. Not that you have any, but… it’s probably more than he does, right?
Him treating you like decomposing garbage and putting space in between, leaves you feeling something indescribable twist inside your gut. 
You roll your eyes. Why the fuck do you feel like you’ve done something wrong—like it’s your fault? Didn’t you bury all those useless feelings all the way down? Clearly not. 
Maybe it’s the guilt streak that you’ve been on since your class together on Monday, combined with ghosting that guy at the arcade, that prompts you to go ahead and do something really, really stupid.
“Hey,” you whisper, tapping your fingers against the surface of the neighboring desk to get his attention. Why are you doing this again? 
“Hey, dude.” You test his patience a little louder this time and he turns his head, glaring daggers at you.
“What the fuck do you want, tramp?” he spits at you in a low and cold grating voice while tapping away at his phone. “Buzz off, before I break that stupid little face of yours.”
Alright, he definitely closed himself off after last time, lock and fucking key.
Scoffing, you reply with a “Whatever” and turn back to your seat with a scowl.
You don’t notice him raising an angry brow when you start typing at your assignments.
Nor do you see the questions arising in his mind.
His carmine eyes observe you carefully for just a second longer, looking at you like you were some kind of anomaly—a glitch in the game, after which he ignores you completely for the rest of the class, the blatant attitude aggravating your already bad mood.
“For the next project, you’ll work in groups of four. I’ve uploaded the list of themes and added the corresponding names. My only request is for everyone to reach out and cooperate with each other, meaning team effort will be the key here,” Mr Reynolds speaks, gesturing to the entirety of the room. “Deadline is in two weeks from now and tardiness will not be tolerated. All groups will get enough time to present in front of the class.”
The teacher goes on to talk about some more details that will likely be in the briefing of your class, but you don’t bother to check any of it, packing your stuff into your bag and making a beeline for the exit as soon as the bell rings.
For some reason, you feel kind of upset—no, really fucking upset at the earlier interaction, and you don’t really understand why.
The universe, however, wouldn’t allow you to dwell on this feeling much longer.
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numinati · 5 months
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Hey y'all!!
Thank you guys so much for 20 members!! I know that might not sound like a lot, but I seriously never thought I'd get this far. Especially with the wigga. 😅
Seriously though, thank y'all so, so much for all the support you've given me. Here's to better things all 2024 and beyond!
To celebrate getting 20 members, here's a simple, miscellaneous dump. You get three cosmetics, a string mod, a career, a sim, and a build buy item. Enjoy!!
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- Hand traced from the OG pics
- Three swatches for each design
- 79 swatches, 6 dividers
- EA Mesh
Small string mod to replace the "fairly tasty dish" text in the moodlet.
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Were you the child who gave their parents makeovers they didn't have the heart to tell you were bad? Do you want to feel as important as a doctor but don't want to waste your time on boring topics like gum disease? Are you a sadist?
If you fall into any - or all - of these categories, you'll love being a veneer tech.
Just because you ain't on some board doesn't mean you can't make board money! All you really need is some glue, gloves, and Invisalign, anyway!
Hell, if people cared about taking advantage of people, half the businesses out now would be closed. Shops shut all the way up. You deserve to get your bag too, right?
...maybe your first investment should be a lawyer.
This is a base game-esque career with four levels and two branches. Y'all know I am very new, and I couldn't find a tutorial on how to make active careers, so I apologize in advance for it being so bare. :(
I do hope y'all enjoy though!
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You just got your online certificate from the 6 hour seminar your favorite TikToker hosted and are now ready to service the streets with your dental expertise. The only problem is you don't have no expertise and are not a dentist.
But if that didn't stop your "mentor", why should it stop you? Try and make something shake for a little while. Worst comes to worst, you gotta flee the state... or the country...
...you really should look into that lawyer, friend.
Shade Room Famous
Due to the rampant amount of horror stories you have, your face is now plastered all over The Shade Room, the largest urban gossip blog in all of the US.
But to your surprise and mine tool - it seems like the saying about all attention is true, because people are now lined up your block waiting for the Smilez special.
Guess all you can do now is make sure your career lasts longer than your teeth.
Viral on TikTok
Fame looka nice on you, doesn't it? At least online fame does. After getting some shine on Shade Room, Hollywood Unlocked, The Neighborhood Talk, and even more, you've managed to rack up one million followers on TikTok. You're almost ready to release your own seminar!
Be careful, though, newfound fame brings newfound opposition. And with your multiple medical and ethical violations it won't take much to get unplugged.
The Plug
After all of the hours of hard scamming you put in, you've done it. You've got the fame, the fortune, the mid-tier rapper/influencer connections, and about 21 different YouTube videos about your crimes.
The only thing to do now is sit back, count up, and not get indicted.
And hey, if that doesn't work? At least you're making enough for a one way to Jamaica.
Celebrity Scammer
Now, about that mid-tier clientele you had...
They are all big time now. And so are you! You've 'hustled' and 'grinded' your way to the big leagues.
No more barbershops. You're doing Future's teeth in the back of your mansion. Their teeth may decay, but your star certainly isn't!
It doesn't even matter how many people say you scamming. Or how many horror stories have turned into full on nightmares.
You're the Dr. Miami of teeth now. Can't nobody say anything about that!
Seminar Leader
Now, about that seminar you said you were gon start...
You did. In fact, the only two options on your website are to book and to, well, book.
In doing so, not only have you managed to stack up even more, but now you look wise and charitible to 5% of Instagram users. Win win!
It doesn't matter if most people think you still scamming. Or the fact you don't send out all the invites to people who signed up.
You're a business person now. Can't nobody say nothing about that!
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(romantic- self assured - hot headed)
Only one outfit is done, the rest are an underwear set!
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you can download all of this on my Patreon:
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dubaivisasolutions · 10 months
Know about Dubai International Airport Duty-Free Shopping
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The colossal Dubai International Airport (DXB) has truly earned the moniker of one of the largest and busiest airports in the world. Spanning over 7,200 acres, this sprawling airport is also an integral transit hub for numerous international flights and you can only imagine the number of footfalls each day. With millions of people passing by every day in DXB, it is only fair that it offers an equally phenomenal shopping experience to everyone. While shopping in the city of gold is one of the most exciting experiences, shopping in the Dubai Duty Free is truly an incredible experience. Come, let’s check out what all you can buy at the Dubai Duty Free.
There are two major Dubai international airports – DXB and Al Maktoum and both of them have a plethora of shopping outlets for you to peruse both at the arrival and departure. However, the Terminal 3 of DXB is where all the action is. It has the maximum number of outlets and sells everything from jewellery, cosmetics, bags, electronics, perfumes, chocolates, shoes, souvenirs, alcohol, fashion accessories, clothing, and more.
About Dubai Duty Free
Dubai Duty Free is the largest retail airport retailer globally having won this title more than 10 times until now. Spread over a staggering area of 40,000 sqm combined, the DDF is open 365 days of the year 24/7 and offers one of the most extraordinary Dubai shopping experience. The cherry on the cake is you don’t even have to pay import duties or service taxes on the goods purchased so you can splurge as much as you want. Another advantage is that there is an online site for people who are short of time and can shop and get the products delivered directly at home. Isn’t that fantastic?
Here is a break-down of the various categories and outlets that are available.
Lifestyle, beauty, and fashion
No surprises that some of the top notch luxurious global brands in fashion, makeup, skincare, and lifestyle have their outlets at the DDF. Gucci, Armani, YSL, Burberry, Lacoste, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Prada, Dolce and Gabbana, Estée Lauder, Coach, NARS, Lancôme, Givenchy are just a few to make to the list. Gift yourself a gorgeous Gucci handbag, a stunning pair of Dior sunglasses, or a YSL perfume, as you are indeed spoilt for choice here.
DDF is a haven for tech gadgets and you can find an assortment of electronics under one roof including laptops, mobile phones, cameras,tablets, drones, and everything that your heart fancies. From Apple, Samsung, and Sony, to GoPro, Bose, JBL, and Dyson, you can find many stores here. 
Dubai is famous for its gold souk and people generally love to buy at least some gold jewellery during their trip. You can even buy gold bars ranging from 18 carats to 24 carats at the DDF. Some of the well-known stores here are Bvlgari, Cartier, Tiffany & Co, Rolex, Swarovski, Pandora, Frey Wille, Damiani, and Liali.
You are dragging a heavy suitcase and the wheel comes off, or the zip of the bag breaks. Well, worry not as DDF comes to your rescue. Get them fixed from Samsonite, Go Travel or Tumi, or better yet just buy a new piece of luggage. Also check out the travel pillows, luggage tags, sleeping masks, backpacks, and earplugs here.
Alcohol and Tobacco
Alcohol and tobacco products like cigarettes, cigars, vapes, and electronic cigarettes are much in demand among shoppers. Fun fact is that alcohol is the bestselling product in the DDF. Marlboro, Heets, Jack Daniels, Glenfiddich, Johnny Walkers, Benson & Hedges, Davidoff, Dunhill, and Iqos are the popular brand available here.
Chocolates and Confectionary
Food is an important part of shopping and also make for great souvenirs to carry for your loved ones. Cookies, candies, dry fruits, and chocolates from brands like Godiva, Toblerone, Hershey’s, Reese’s, Lindt, M&Ms, Butlers are just perfect to indulge in.
With so many exceptional shopping options for the adults, how can the little ones be left behind? Whether it is action figurines, cars, soft toys, or dolls, shops like LEGO, Disney, Marvel, Hasbro, and Crayola are there to fulfil your needs.
Collecting souvenirs from any new place to remember the vacation fondly is one of the best things to do. From fridge magnets, stuffed camels, key chains, to themed chocolates, Bateel dates, and miniature models of iconic monuments like Burj Khalifa, Burj Al Arab, etc. are some of the impressive ones that you find here. There is also an exclusive Emirates store where you can buy merchandise such as caps, t shirts, luggage scale, and also the Boeing 777 model aircraft.
Watches from world-class brands like Rolex, Casio, Omega, Tag Heuer, Tissot, Rado, Fossil, Skagen, and Michael Kors, are available in the DDF.
Apart from these myriad products, DDF also has many raffles, car draws, bike draws, and other programs where travellers get a chance to win money, vehicles, and many other goodies. Do try and participate as you may be the next lucky winner of a Mercedes Benz or a BMW.
You can visit their official website to find out more about these programs or the various stores and how to navigate them.
The Dubai Duty Free promises a wholesome shopping experience to all its customers with freebies, loyalty points, and other unique promotions to sweeten the deal a little more. We suggest you go through their official website before hand and make a list of the things that you want to make this process more memorable.
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tayyemon · 2 years
Gamer Gifts to buy this Holiday Season
The holidays are around the corner, so if you have a friend or someone special you need to buy a present for and/or are just looking for something to treat yourself to this gifting season, then look no further than here. Also, a disclaimer that no part of this post is sponsored.
Geekshare for Console Accessories
Geekshare is a company that specializes in gaming accessories, they have products for the Nintendo Consoles, PlayStation 4/5, and XBOX. With a cute aesthetic for the most part when it comes to their selections, the main offerings are the following: Thumb grip covers, protective shell cases, controller covers, carrying cases for traveling. Geekshare has also broadened their store to include other options for tablets as well as desk accessories such as mousepads and charger adapters and even crossbody bags. (There is this cute plush cat one I saw that I want to buy myself now lol). There is both a personal website as well as an Amazon storefront linked below.
BenQ Screen Bar for Late Nights
Yes, this product is on the more expensive side ($109 USD), but the ways you could use this screen bar are quite versatile. It hooks up onto your monitor or laptop (via USB), but you can use this to be a regular desk light as well as this product has quite the range as well to help with those light nights of working or reading books; for aspiring streamers, it could also be their ring light as well! BenQ products are also certified as Eco-Friendly as well so if you want to shop with environmental consciousness in mind BenQ is a good place to start for tech related goods.
Hagibis Cleaning Kit for Tidiness
If you have some dusty and dirty electronics? Look no further than this 5-in-1 cleaning kit that does not only help with you keyboard and mouse but also other electronics such as ear buds and even for your scale figures. This product is revered by many and especially so on Tik Tok subgenre Tech Tok for its affordability as well as its versatility beyond tech goods. Currently this product is only available on Amazon, which is also linked below.
Cooluli Mini-Fridge for Snacktime
Something I have seen for a while across all my social platforms as of late is the trend of personal minifridges, whether it be for storing skin care, drinks, snacks, subscriptions, etc. While I personally do not understand the phenomenon of them it is something I can get down with, I mean who wouldn't want one to have their favorite snacks and drinks ready. I myself would personally use one for skincare though, what about you?
Yes, there is way more ideas out there (You should tell me all about them lol), such as the Wishlist buy as most games and websites let you buy for others such as Steam Wishlist’s and even in-game cosmetics such as League of Legends and Wildrift to name an example, but if this helps anyone, it is a solid win for me. As always, thank you for reading!
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glamplandivas · 1 year
How to Choose the Perfect Cosmetic Bag for Online Your Needs?
When it comes to organizing your beauty essentials, a reliable cosmetic bag is a must-have. With the convenience of online shopping, finding the perfect cosmetic bag has never been easier. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to make the right choice. Let’s learn some valuable tips to select the ideal cosmetic bag to suit your needs.
Consider Your Storage Requirements
Before you buy cosmetic bag online, assess your storage needs. Think about the types and quantities of products you plan to carry. If you have a larger collection, a spacious bag with multiple compartments might be suitable. For a minimalist routine, a compact bag might be more suitable.
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Assess the Bag's Design and Durability
When browsing online, pay attention to the design and durability of the cosmetic bag. Look for sturdy materials such as nylon or polyester that can withstand daily use. Consider features like waterproof or easy-to-clean exteriors for added convenience. Additionally, check if the bag has a secure closure mechanism to prevent any spills or leaks.
Evaluate the Bag's Organizational Features
The efficient organization is the key to a functional cosmetic bag. Look for bags with interior pockets, dividers, or elastic straps that can hold brushes or other small items securely. This will help keep your products organized and easily accessible, even on the go.
Consider Your Travel Needs
If you frequently travel, consider a cosmetic bag that is travel-friendly. Look for bags with TSA-compliant sizes or ones that can fit into your items conveniently.
Buying a cosmetic bag online doesn't have to be daunting with these tips. So, go ahead and buy a cosmetic bag online from www.glamplandivas.com, and enjoy a clutter-free and organized beauty experience!
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thelocalbanyan · 7 months
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Black Fern Square Duffel Bag
Dive into the lush depths of tropical beauty with our stunning bag featuring a mesmerizing Black Fern design against a backdrop of deep tropical green. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail Shop now! https://www.thelocalbanyan.com/products/dark-fern-duffel-bag
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Flexible Plastic Packaging: Market Trends for 2024-2032
According to Triton Market Research, the global flexible plastic packaging market report is sectioned by Application (Pharmaceutical, Food & Beverage, Cosmetics & Toiletries, Other Applications), Product (Bags, Films & Wraps, Rollstock, Pouches, Other Products), Printing Technology (Digital Printing, Rotogravure, Flexography, Other Printing Technologies), Material Type (Aluminum Foils, Plastics, Other Material Types), and Regional Outlook (Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, North America, Latin America).
The report highlights the Market Summary, Industry Outlook, Impact Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Market Attractiveness Index, Regulatory Framework, Key Buying Impact Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis, Key Market Strategies, Market Drivers, Challenges, Opportunities, Analyst Perspective, Competitive Landscape, Research Methodology and scope, Global Market Size, Forecasts & Analysis (2024-2032).
Triton’s research analysis suggests that the global flexible plastic packaging market is expected to advance at a CAGR of 3.80% during the forecast period 2024-2032.
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Flexible plastic packaging consists of materials that conform to the shape of their contents, such as bags, pouches, and wraps. These items are designed to be adaptable and versatile. They are cost-effective, lightweight, and help extend shelf life by shielding products from pollutants, moisture, and air.
Factors such as technological advancements and increased demand from the e-commerce industry are expected to create lucrative opportunities for the flexible plastic packaging market. As e-commerce continues to expand globally, driven by increasing consumer reliance on online shopping, the need for durable, lightweight, and customizable packaging solutions is rising. Flexible plastic packaging, known for its versatility and ability to protect products during transit, is well-suited to meet these demands. Additionally, advancements in manufacturing technologies are enabling the production of flexible packaging with enhanced barrier properties, sustainability features, and innovative designs.
However, issues arising in recycling plastic packaging products and high operational costs limit the expansion of the studied market.
Globally, the Asia-Pacific is anticipated to become the fastest-growing region over the forecast period. Countries such as China, India, and Southeast Asian nations are experiencing significant industrialization and expansion of the retail sector, fueling the need for efficient and sustainable packaging solutions. The region’s growing middle class and changing consumer preferences toward convenient and lightweight packaging are further accelerating this trend.
The major companies in the flexible plastic packaging market are CCL Industries Inc, Sealed Air Corporation, DS Smith, Amcor Plc, Berry Global Group Inc, Constantia Flexibles, Sonoco Products Company, Coveris, Mondi Group, Glenroy Inc, Huhtamaki OYJ, Proampac, Graphic Packaging International LLC, Printpack, and Sigma Plastics Group.
The threat of new entrants in the flexible plastic packaging market is moderate due to several factors. On one hand, the industry is characterized by relatively low capital requirements and the increasing demand for sustainable packaging solutions, which can attract new players. However, established competitors possess significant advantages, including economies of scale, well-established distribution networks, and long-standing customer relationships.
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colorbar1 · 2 months
Makeup Must-Haves: The Essential Cosmetic Items for Every Beginner
Hey there, beautiful! Ready to dive into the dazzling world of makeup? Whether you're just starting out or looking to up your beauty game, we've got the lowdown on all the must-have cosmetic items you'll need to create stunning looks.
From essential cosmetic items to the best cosmetics makeup kit, this guide will have you feeling confident and fabulous in no time. Plus, we'll introduce you to some fabulous makeup kits that will make your makeup journey even more exciting. So, grab your brushes, and let's get glam!
The Basics: Your Essential Makeup Must-Haves
Foundation: The base of every great makeup look. Find a foundation that matches your skin tone perfectly for that flawless finish.
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Concealer: Say goodbye to dark circles and blemishes! A good concealer is your best friend for achieving a smooth, even complexion.
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Blush: Add a pop of this color cosmetic to your cheeks for a fresh, youthful glow. Cream or powder, the choice is yours!
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Eyeshadow Palette: Experiment with different shades to create endless eye-catching looks. Start with a neutral palette if you're a beginner.
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Mascara: Enhance those lashes! Mascara opens up your eyes and adds a touch of drama.
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Eyeliner: From subtle lines to bold wings, eyeliner is essential for defining your eyes.
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Lipstick: Whether you love bold reds or soft nudes, a good lipstick can transform your look in an instant.
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Setting Spray: Keep your makeup in place all day long with a setting spray. No more midday touch-ups needed!
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The Ultimate Makeup Kits
Now that you know the basics, it's time to introduce you to some fabulous cosmetics makeup kits that make getting started a breeze. Colorbar offers a range of makeup combo sets that are perfect for beginners and pros alike.
BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE - Makeup Kit by Colorbar
This all-in-one “Be Who You Want To Be- Makeup Kit’ is perfect for those who want to experiment with different looks. It includes a range of color cosmetics, from a universally-flattering highlighter, vibrant yet natural-looking blush, iconic 10-in-1 color correcting powder and three high-pigmented, opulent shades of eyeshadow. With this kit, you can truly "be who you want to be" and express your unique style.
Glitz Box by Colorbar
Ready to add some sparkle to your life? This spellbinding Glitz Box unwraps seven heavenly products Take Me As I Am Vegan Matte Lipstick, Cosmic Pouch, Intensely Rich Kajal, On the Go Mini Makeup Remover Wipes, 2 Vegan Nail Lacquers. This kit’s makeup combo set is perfect for those special occasions when you want to stand out.
Dazzle Box by Colorbar
The Dazzle Box is your go-to for creating show-stopping looks. This shimmering Dazzle Box unwraps ten mesmerizing products:
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Take Me As I Am Vegan Matte Lipstick
Colorbar Powerkiss Vegan Matte Lipcolor
Sexy Twosome Blusher
Cosmic Soft Vanity Bag
Intensely Rich Kajal
On the Go Mini Makeup Remover Wipes
2 Vegan Nail Lacquers
White Deo For Women
This kit is perfect for makeup lovers who aren't afraid to make a statement.
Shopping for Cosmetics Products Online
Shopping for makeup has never been easier! With a plethora of cosmetics products online, you can find everything you need from the comfort of your home. When buying cosmetics online, one should keep certain things in mind such as checking reviews, verifying ingredients, ensuring the seller's authenticity, and comparing prices.
Many online stores offer detailed product descriptions, reviews, and even virtual try-on features to help you choose the perfect products. Plus, you can often find great deals and makeup combo sets that save you money while stocking up on all your beauty essentials.
Final Tips for Makeup Beginners
Practice makes perfect: Don't be afraid to experiment and make mistakes. The more you practice, the better you'll get.
Invest in good brushes: Quality brushes make a huge difference in the application and finish of your makeup.
Skincare first: Always start with a clean, moisturized face. Good skincare is the foundation of great makeup.
So there you have it, gorgeous! With these essential cosmetic items and the fabulous makeup kits, you're all set to embark on your makeup journey. Remember, makeup is all about having fun and expressing yourself. So go ahead, play with those colors, and create the looks that make you feel amazing. Happy glamming!
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martinsmith01 · 4 months
Easy Cricut Projects to Sell for Beginner Crafters
Want easy Cricut projects to sell? I’ve got your back! In this blog, you will find a list of project ideas that are a cakewalk. So, you only need to explore the projects you want to create.
I made these 7 crafts in February 2024 when I was up to nothing and had enough time to create DIY projects so that I could sell them online. So, I started crafting using my Cricut machine. But this time, I also called one of my best friends, John, who used to study together at school. We always worked on a project together. He also enthusiastically supported me, and the results of working with our friend are commendable.
Want to see what sorts of projects we have created so far? Check out this blog and find unique Cricut projects to sell.
1. Acrylic Keychains
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It is one of the best easy Cricut projects to sell and one that you will want to create with ease. In these beautiful keychains, you can add various types of embellishment. Keychains should look good as they are the most widely used daily. Try these easier crafts projects and use your Cricut cutting machine to create them in no time. Besides, leather or wooden material was used to create these keychains. However, I have used an acrylic material that you can also use if you want.
2. Water Bottles
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Who won’t love a personalized bottle like this? John is adept at digital marketing, so he knows our target audience. He figured out that custom bottles would be one of the easy Cricut projects to sell. He also discovered that more than 50% of customers buy custom bottles. So, we planned to create these projects in huge numbers so that we could sell them and make money hassle-free
3. Cosmetic Bags
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Keeping cosmetics items can be daunting, especially when traveling frequently. I created this for my mom, who travels a lot on her business trip. She said — this is one of the most wonderful gifts I could ever receive.
Whatever, I can create a lot of gifts like this. Thus, if you want to gift something to someone, you must try these cosmetic bags. You can also add a receiver’s name to make it personalized.
4. Welcome Signs
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If you want something like easy Cricut projects to sell, you must consider these welcome signs. People love to add decorations to their homes, so they often look for projects like this. You can easily help them elevate their home with these beautiful yet simple welcome signs. Believe it or not, it can be one of the best-selling items in your digital shop.
5. Home Decor
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Here’s another home decor item. A wall decal is one of the easiest things that I have made for decorating my home. I have added many such designs to my Amazon shop. Yes, people want premium-looking home wall decals that elevate their room and every corner of their house. So what are you waiting for? Create this item with unique designs and list them on your online shopping platform.
6. Apparel
I made this T-shirt while learning to transfer the design to fabrics. I mainly ordered a blank T-shirt from Etsy and counted this vinyl design. For this T-shirt, I used Iron-On in three different colors and had to cut them separately by changing the material. To make it easier, you can use the exact vinyl color. I recommend using white-colored vinyl, as it looks great on darker clothes.
7. Stickers
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Do you wonder about creating stickers on Cricut? This is one of my easy Cricut projects to sell. You might need the printer to print and cut the design, then cut it further on your Cricut. Using Cricut machines like Cricut Joy or another cutting machine, you can get customized stickers. Since there are various stickers to make and sell, you can try this simple one. The material I needed for this sticker is Iron-On, which you can easily get from Cricut’s official site.
Question 1: What are unique Cricut projects to sell?
Answer: Number of ideas you can try to make on your Cricut. They are easier and require less effort in making these projects. So, if you are looking for some crafts that are unique and for the deal, then you will need to see the following list of projects:
Leather earrings
Animal shirts
Cake toppers
Question 2: Which Cricut do I need to create all types of projects?
Answer: The Cricut Maker 3 is the most robust and versatile machine in Cricut’s lineup. This machine can cut over 300 materials, including Smart Materials that don’t need a cutting mat. Although you can use a cutting mat for most projects, it supports Smart Materials so that you won’t need it. However, you may need to buy accessories, such as a cutting mat and roll holder.
Question 3: How to make Cricut coasters with Cricut?
Answer: In order to make Cricut coasters, you will need to use adhesive vinyl, transfer tape, and wooden coasters. You can also find a pre-made design from Cricut Design Space. Lastly, you must have a compatible device with the Cricut app installed. Once you have ensured these, follow the steps below:
Create or choose a Design on Cricut Design Space.
Send the design to your Cricut and cut it on adhesive vinyl.
Then, apply the vinyl design to your coasters using transfer tape.
Now, smooth out any bubbles present in the project.
Visit here Fir More Information: Easy Cricut Projects to Sell
Cricut Venture
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scentedchildnacho · 5 months
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I did make it out of the crisis house but the staff was a gender too cosmetic for me to tolerate in response to crisis fight or flight responses...because it's one of the most annoying things for me to have doll house etiquette when a huge fat man tried to bump into me kind of running and push me down ...
They wouldn't try to hide me or make a game of it or anything it's annoying because it's not gay
So it took a very long time for the favoring of sexually active black chicks to stop being popped and fashioned before I could finally run away from a huge fat man that tried to push me down and priorly made sexual propositions I had to remind him was propositioning a mental....people so cocaine they don't control themselves anymore....like that huge fat man has to be reminded propesitioning disenfranchised people....is a felonny its not a joke and party mistake people use beauracracys to trap me here and state troopers dont find it funny to spread disease
You use 🆔 to trap me here without basic financialism then tried to push me down and rape me so if you aren't jailed you will be held incompetent and people who don't fear that don't respect their elders enough to hear their story
Fat....fat...maybe you will get to be called fat maybe you will have to be a prisoner of some sort for life
Anyway I admitted to staff I only think about them that mental staff is over bearing and stifling and it's rigid rules are partly why our lives and pointed at bags is so awfully done.....
You wouldn't give us a pass to do something personal and alone and to ourselves the whole time we are around and now those little black chicks room shares of mine look like a popped junky
How is she suppose to know current valuability
I was subtly called Jasmine Alexandra's guardian subtly because they kept knocking her out on a med and young guys kept wanting to touch her and kiss her this she said no to a lot and acted very perturbed and angry and she wouldn't leave till I did....
Fortunately Jasmine Alexandra went to a different program then my intent as I'm not a sympathetic audience to apologize to
I mostly found her hitting herself and manically buying online promotionals a mean girl stunt meant to try to kick my ass if the girl alleges theft
I mostly found her a mean heather valley girl jail bait that meant to cause me emotional manipulation.....and try to kick my ass
I didn't get upset because she did it to every woman or femme who came into the crisis center and they all had to just leave or have to be told your life is over the criminals are having a party
Jasmine went at all the guys also so I suspect it's to act like she is some girl and threaten them also....they wanted to spread disease jasmine couldn't pass her tb test....
Anyway I had to be really persistent that the problem is all genders for me and I have to go voluntarily to women only get a job just to donate my life to science or it's just destructive and sex harassive
There wasn't a woman's history month of importance here or lesbian philosophy of now you know those genders cannot be around one another
So I did persist and found a woman only shelter.......explaining there are a lot of jobs for the poor but studies of stalking with who can want to be a cook never leave poor women alone if it's poor women food never stops stalking my job profile
The world could be a much better place.....
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colorbar1 · 2 months
5 Online Makeup Store Features Customers Must Check Before Shopping
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There are an enormous number of cosmetic brands worldwide with an online store. As a customer, it's important to choose stores that are both safe and convenient. However, with an ocean of stores online, how can customers find their perfect shopping heaven? In this blog, we will talk about 5 features that you MUST check in a makeup store online before buying from them. By the end of this blog, we will also talk about one makeup store that ticks all the 5 boxes from convenience to security. Let’s get started.
1. Wide Range of Products
Look for a brand or makeup store that offers both makeup and skincare products. Even in the makeup section, look for stores that cover face, nails, eyes, lips, makeup bags, tools, and accessories. Also, having a wide range of products ensures that stores have products for all skin tones, skin types, and undertones.
2. Detailed Product Information
Unlike electronics or decor items, makeup and skincare products can actually affect your overall health; therefore, it is necessary to buy products with detailed information about ingredients, which skin type it suits, and how to use instructions. This is extremely helpful for people who have allergies or sensitive skin. A before-and-after image can help customers visualize their appearance after using the product.
3. Customer Review and Ratings
Check customer reviews and ratings for the product. This not only shows how good or awful the product is but also indicates that the store has nothing to hide. A mix of reviews, including some negative ones, can make positive reviews seem more credible and authentic. Additionally, reviews often provide specific details, such as whether the product is suitable for certain skin types or tones. For example, a makeup stick might not suit people with oily skin but will be perfect for people with dry skin. Reading reviews helps you make a more informed decision tailored to your needs.
4. Secure and Convenient Payment Options
Only shop at makeup stores that have reliable payment options. These are some of the reliable and convenient payment options available:
Credit and Debit cards
PayPal and Payoneer (for international transactions)
Apple Pay or Google Pay
Bank Transaction
Stay away from sites that use unknown payment options.
5. Flexible Return and Exchange Policies
Before making an online purchase, customers should review the return and exchange procedures to minimize any potential problems and guarantee a positive shopping experience. Customers can avoid unpleasant surprises about return requirements or costs by being aware of these policies and their rights regarding refunds, exchanges, and returns.
Colorbar Cosmetics: One of the Best Makeup Stores Online
Colorbar Cosmetics has one of the best makeup stores in India. First and foremost, their online store is beautiful, which makes customers enjoy browsing and shopping for their favorite products. Let’s look at the various features that make Colorbar’s makeup store online standout among other Indian brands.
Amazing range of skincare and makeup products. They have makeup products online for face, eyes, lips, makeup kit bags, and nails.
Detailed product description, which includes ingredients, application instructions, and standout product features.
All the reviews so that customers have a complete overview of the product.
Safe payment options like credit cards, debit cards, and UPI options.
Their return and exchange policy is expertly crafted. Here’s how it looks:
Refund based on the total amount originally paid for the product, including any reductions in price due to the use of discounts or credits.
Before 15 Days
Eligible for an equal-value product credit, same-value exchange, or full refund of the purchase price (less shipping and handling).
Within 15–30 Days
You are eligible for an equal-value product credit, product exchange, or 80% of the purchase price (less shipping and handling).
Within 31–50 Days
Eligible for an equal-value product credit or product exchange (less shipping and handling).
With hundreds of e-commerce websites selling makeup products, customers need to find one that is both convenient and safe. Colorbar Cosmetics ticks all the right boxes when it comes to makeup stores online. Their user-friendly interface and creative designs, paired with their high-quality, cruelty-free products, make them an ideal makeup store. Shop Now.
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