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avonmom · 2 years
See what #Avon products are currently #outofstock & how to be first to know when it's back in stock + recommendations you can use until then! #JenAntunesBeauty #AvonInventoryAlerts #ShopAvonOnline
Avon Inventory Alerts 2022 Like many other businesses right now, Avon is experiencing some short-term inventory issues on some products due to global supply chain issues. With new products continually being launched along with our world class product lineup, you will be able to continue to shop quality formulated recommendations. Wait List One of the many benefits of Avon’s website is the…
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adavis0493 · 18 days
Avon Campaign 12 2024 Brochure Online
Avon Campaign 12 2024 Brochure Shop the Avon Campaign 12 2024 Brochure online from June 5, 2024 through June 18, 2024! Take back your backyard with Avon Skin So Soft BugGuard Plus! Plus, several free gift with purchase offers (see below). Receive free shipping on all orders $60+! Shop Avon Online Shop the Current Avon Brochure View the Campaign 12 2024 Online Brochure Click the brochure…
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speedy2008-blog · 1 year
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onlinebeautybossme · 1 year
Avon Nurtura Replenishing Cream Reviews
Avon Nurtura Replenishing Cream Reviews #backinstock #skincare #beauty
Avon Nurtura Replenishing Cream Reviews – I recently had 2 of my online customers contact me, inquiring if Avon’s Nurtura Cream had been discontinued. I was more than happy to assist! I contacted Avon and was informed the product had not been discontinued, but was temporarily out of stock. Avon Nurtura Replenishing Cream is not discontinued. It’s back in stock! Purchase here. Best Avon Face…
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avoncycles · 2 years
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dduane · 2 years
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From So You Want To Be A Wizard: Perytons.
(And a bit of discussion from an older Tumblr post:)
When I first started reading the Young Wizards series, I read and took on the Perytons introduced in So You Want to Be a Wizard as they were but recently started coming across other mythological Perytons — crosses between stags and birds — and so was thrown off on some of my mythology. Since they share names, I'm curious where you got the idea for the Perytons shown in SYWtBaW.                
I borrowed it from Jorge Luis Borges, as everyone else has (whether they know it or not. Many, if not most, seem not to). ...And then tinkered with the concept to suit myself: just as Borges had.
Some background under the cut...
Borges’ The Book of Imaginary Beings was published in the late 1960s, initially in Spanish in 1967 and then in an English translation in 1969 (my copy is the Discus/Avon paperback published that year). It is a compendium/collection of more than a hundred of Borges’ short fictional works—many written for The New Yorker, and the rest either written specifically for this collection or published elsewhere without those previous publications being cited in the book.
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Now, though a lot of people have taken the title of this book at its face value, assuming that it’s a reference to earlier mythological or fantastic creatures, it’s frequently not. Many of the creatures in it show signs of being Borges’s inventions, despite being attributed to other sources, and to my eye the peryton is the most obvious of these.
It doesn’t hurt to remember that Borges as a writer is (when the mood moves him) not merely playful but often hilariously subversive, if not downright mischievous. In TBIB he’s very careful with his cites when he needs to be—his entries on “An Animal Imagined By Kafka”, “An Animal Imagined by C. S. Lewis”, “A Crossbreed”, and “The Odradek”, all carefully cite their sources and permissions in the front matter. Some other works that were apparently out of copyright he identifies without citation in the front matter (such as the wonderfully titled Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods, With A Few Desert and Mountain Beasts, which is now available online!). And ancient out-of-copyright resources he obviously doesn’t need to cite in too great a detail if he doesn’t want to. Which allows Borges to lull the reader into a false sense of security, and in some other articles, like the one about the peryton, leaves you susceptible to having the wool gently and carefully pulled over your eyes.
An excerpt from the full passage:
The Peryton
The Sibyl of Erythraea, it is said, foretold that the City of Rome would finally be destroyed by the Perytons. In the year A.D. 642 the record of the Sibyl’s prophecies was consumed in the great conflagration of Alexandria: the grammarians who undertook the task of restoring certain charred fragments of the nine volumes apparently never came upon the special prophecy concerning the fate of Rome.
…Now here we’ve already got a problem. Two of them, actually. First of all, Borges has just signaled the incoming wool-pulling by using the inevitably suspicious “It is said…” construction in the very first sentence. And secondly—regardless of whether there were copies of the Sibylline Books in the great Library of Alexandria or not—Borges has here told us twice that he’s pulling our legs, by giving the number of those books as nine.
This is of course pure nonsense. The best-known legend about the Books is quite clear. Six of them were burned by the Sibyl herself before King Tarquin realized he’d better buy however many books remained at whatever price she was asking. And then the remaining three were destroyed by fire in the Temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill in 83 BC. So subtle and careful a scholar as Borges does not make such mistakes by accident
So, having been doubly warned by the writer that we are now in the Classical Fibbing Department, we get the following (attributed to yet another scholar whose provenance is comically obscure):
The Perytons had their original dwelling in Atlantis and are half deer, half bird. They have the deer’s head and legs. As for its body, it is perfectly avian, with corresponding wings and plumage.
Its strangest trait is that, when the sun strikes it, instead of casting a shadow of its own body, it casts the shadow of a man. From this, some conclude that the Perytons are the spirits of wayfarers who have died far from their homes and from the care of their gods…
…they [perytons] are mortal foes of the human race; when they succeed in killing a man, their shadow is that of their own body and they win back the favor of their gods.
While a bit more about them appears in the original passage, what most strongly caught my attention when I read the book in the ‘70s was the twin issue of the creature that does not cast its own shadow (something I’ve since used elsewhere), and the part about the souls of wayfarers who die out of reach of their own gods. In the back of my mind those two concepts started running themselves together into the idea of creatures that had been human once, at least in spirit, but had taken a wrong turn somewhere—into the Lone Power’s service, specifically—and were trapped there, possibly also tormented by the idea that if they killed a human being then that human’s spirit would be forced to take their place in bondage. (Though I don’t believe that particular concept made it through into the final text of SYWTBAW. It was enough that the mere sight or smell of a human [and human spirit] not in bondage would so enrage them that they would try to kill the person on sight.)
I thought about the idea as a whole for a while, and generally it seemed to have merit. But it seemed to me that nobody was going to be particularly scared of some weird unfamiliar cross between a deer and a bird. Quickly enough, though, the answer suggested itself as the sequence started to form up in my head of [REDACTED INTERACTION WITH CHARACTER]-on-nasty-horseback as based on the Grant statue on Central Park South. Almost immediately the Wild Hunt archetype jumped up and started waving its arms shouting “Me, pick me…!” After that it was simple: for a hunt you need hounds. Except not hounds: wolves. Big wolves. With angry hating human spirits inside them.
By way of acknowledging the debt to Borges, I kept the name for the new fusion. (Also because it had the virtue of being unfamiliar to nearly everybody. TBIB had only been out for a decade and change when I was writing this sequence,and was still a bit of a specialist text). And there you have them: perytons, sort of mark II.
...That was 1983. Since then numerous sources, often associated with card- or RPG-gaming, have picked up on perytons in the Borgesian sense. As a result, scattered around the Web are various pictures of stags with wings stuck on them that make it plain almost nobody has read Borges’ full text... though many know about it, more or less, from the Wikipedia page, which does not cite the full, pertinent details. …Meanwhile others have been discussing where Borges got the word peryton (my guess is he coined it) and other issues.
So that’s how it went. Nothing’s ever simple, is it?  :)
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seanseanv · 2 months
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dollsonmain · 11 months
Well that's no good.
I finally had the "That one!!!" moment and it's $30 at least.
It's a $4 house. (So far I haven't had to buy anything for it using only things I already had, though I will probably have to buy some craft foam.)
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tuesday again 9/27/22
pretty bad fatigue week! fewer in depth breakdowns of media, more naps
listening Faster Gun by Little Big Town, found through chase @pasta-pardner 's incredible bounty-hunters-to-lovers playlist. this is. hm. what is this. bluesier than is currently fashionable country? not meant as a dunk on the song, which i have had on loop for days, there's a very early twenty teens quality about the mix. what the fuck do i mean by that? fuck if i know!
honorary shoutout to the line "Put another bullet in the chamber with your smile" bc that's gotta be like twenty fic titles. if not i have a new mission.
reading pinging off a lotta stuff, which is not the fault of any of the works and more that i am unable to settle and concentrate on any one singular thing for longer than about four minutes.
luckily, i have read this article, which details the practice of sending your local boutique owner a bunch of links to the shit you want and then she places the shein order for you and you go pick it up at the store.
this is absolutely fucking fascinating to me. it is not detailed very well how/why/if they handle the infamously gnarly returns process as well? i also wish the article went into more depth about Why this is so successful, other than "uhhhhh online sales in Mexico are low for uhhhhhh...cash? reasons? haveyouthoughtaboutinvestinginalastmiledeliverycompany"
Both Sandon and the Précomas’ boutiques offer the same prices that users might find on the official app. The way they make a profit is by making the most out of the gamified discount system Shein offers its online customers. “The more items you buy on Shein, the better discounts you get and the more points you earn to exchange for other discounts,” Guarneros said.
we do gotta hand it to them and i do fully support these women leveraging their network of friends from previous pyramid schemes like avon and tupperware in order to make bank by gaming the fuck out of predatory gamified discount systems
watching the unbearable weight of massive talent (2022, dir Gormican)
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now, is this movie sucking itself off a lot? yes, almost constantly. however, i had fun watching it. i feel like nick cage The Guy is probably pretty chill and has a good sense of humor in order to agree to do this movie
i like pedro pascal The Guy very much and as an actor (one of the rare actors where i'm like "that's a hot guy! also, i'm extremely horny for him!" as opposed to a lot of actors that i do think are pretty [daniel craig, etc] but don't necessarily want to fuck) anyway it feels like pascal had a ton of fun making this. are we slowly returning to the tight ninety-minute movie???? i would have watched ninety minutes of cage and pascal riffing off each other. the plot in this thing was superfluous tbh
playing fallow week
making stock! i have two batches actually bc i inherited a bunch of stock fixins from the good roommate, who properly roasted the bones and saved the skin and everything so the first batch is really gorgeous and dark and glittering with fat. i skimmed some of the fat off but not all, bc the stuff i make never requires perfect crystal clear broth and i like fat. i did do the cheesecloth straining thing tho.
also feat. a whole bunch of my landlady's herbs (which have not had a very good time this summer) and an entire four-year-old bottle of bay leaves. can't hurt yanno. plus a parmesan rind from the aforementioned roommate. all items pictured here before transformation into stock
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the second batch is still on the stove as i write this, with somewhat fewer herbs and no bay leaf, but smells just as good. tastes slightly less good so i think roasting the cleaned bones or whatever the fuck she did to them really does make a difference, bc i fully just plopped a chicken carcass in the freezer after i finished getting most of the meat off it and gave it no more effort than that. HATE having to do more work to get a better quality final product!!!
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I’m back with a BIG list of mostly barbies- can i ask for: Inuit Legend Barbie (gold label), Bratz Formal Funk (any of em- it IS prom season in the usa!), Spring Tea Party Barbie (1997 Avon exclusive), Fairy of the Garden Barbie, Batik Princess Barbie, 1997 Classique Evening Sophisticate Barbie, Hello Kitty Barbie, whatever Birthstone/Zodiac barbies are appropriate for the season, Bratz Spring Break series, aaaaand maybe some rainbow high pacific coast dolls to top it off? (This ask brought to you by the goodwill online store, i love browsing for things I don’t have room to buy)
these dolls have been queued/posted!
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avonmom · 7 months
Learn all about #Avon Campaign 20 brochure, sales & special offers you can take advantage of until October 10, 2023. #JenAntunesBeauty #Anew #AvonBodyCare
Avon Campaign 20 Online Brochure Enjoy a fun, interactive catalog when you shop Avon’s well known brochures online with Jen Antunes Beauty at youravon.com/jantunes. SHOP AVON CAMPAIGN 20 CATALOG ONLINE You can now shop Avon’s Campaign 20 online catalog, sales flyers & special offers now until Tuesday October 10, 2023 at youravon.com/jantunes. Help boost your skin’s moisture and visibly improve…
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adavis0493 · 3 months
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Avon Campaign 5 2024 Brochure Shop the Avon Campaign 6 2024 Brochure online March 13, 2024 through March 26, 2024! Introducing NEW Skin So Soft Pure Nature Body Care Collection! Plus, several free gift with purchase offers (see below). Receive free shipping on all orders $60+! Shop Avon Online Shop the Current Avon Brochure View the Campaign 6 2024 Online Brochure Click the brochure image…
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speedy2008-blog · 1 year
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onlinebeautybossme · 1 year
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Browse and shop the Avon campaign 5 2023 catalogs online! #skincare #isaknox #beauty
Avon Campaign 5 2023 Brochures Online The Avon Campaign 5 2023 Brochures are available to browse and shop online until Tuesday, March 14, 2023 . For the current Avon campaign catalog, click here. Kick off your skin care routine and see your beauty bloom with Isa Knox premium skin care in Campaign 5 2023! Don’t miss out. For a limited time, get a FREE Isa Knox LXNEW Ultimate Rejuvenating Day…
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avoncycles · 2 years
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Avon Cycles - Electric Bike & Bicycle Manufacturers Companies & Brands in India
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businessauthor123 · 2 years
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The Global Direct Selling Market Growth is anticipated to rise at a considerable rate between 2021 and 2026. In 2021, the market is seeing growth at a steady rate and with the rising adoption of strategies by key players, the market is expected to rise over the projected horizon.
But what is direct selling? It is a business model in which a company utilizes person-to-person interactions to sell products. Typically, the process involves an independent seller buying the goods from the parent company and then selling them to other individuals, sometimes recruiting them to also become independent sellers. Also, direct selling companies specialise in anything from wellness supplements and cosmetics to household items and fitness gear. Since 2015, the global retail sales from direct selling have increased from about 184 billion U.S. dollars to approximately 192 billion dollars in 2018. Direct selling companies specialising in wellness products make up a 33% share of sales in this industry, making it the largest direct selling product category (statistica.com).
Key trends
If we are to look at the leading player, the United States, the top direct selling companies are Amway, Avon, and Herbalife; each reporting revenue of at least four billion dollars in 2018. Of these three companies, Amway is the largest as it offers a broad range of products such as nutritional products, cosmetics and home goods making up the vast majority of the company's sales. The second largest company, Avon, specializes in makeup, fashion, and home goods. Avon has seen a decline in net sales since 2013, decreasing from about eight billion U.S. dollars to about five billion dollars in 2018. Herbalife primarily offers weight management and nutritional products, and reported net sales of approximately 4.8 billion U.S. dollars in 2019.
The recently-released 2020 Growth & Outlook survey by the Direct Selling Association reveals the following: 
Retail Sales Remain Steady: The direct selling channel generated $35.2 billion in retail sales in 2019. 
Consumer growth: Health and wellness products lead the channel in terms of size and growth with person-to-person sales as the most prevalent method of engaging with consumers.
Americans seeking entrepreneurial opportunities: There were 6.8 million direct sellers in 2019, a 9.9% increase from the prior year. 87% of direct sellers (5.9 million) are part-time. 
A survey conducted in April 2020 by Digital Commerce 360 and Bizrate Insights found that 55% of online consumers said they were ordering more online than they were before the virus hit, up from 26 percent in March. And 22% said in April they were ordering a lot more online, as opposed to only 6% in the March survey, states a report on .directsellingnews.com. It goes on add that there’s evidence that much of the increase in online shopping is from those purchasing online for the first time: ClearSale analyzed April 2020 e-commerce customer data from clients in five of its major markets: the U.S., Canada, Australia, Mexico and Argentina —all countries where some form of lockdowns were in effect. The analysis showed that across all five countries, the average number of brand-new online shoppers rose by 12% between March and April.
India’s status
As far as India is concerned, last year, the country recorded the highest year-on-year growth and CAGR over three years, in the top 20 Direct Selling markets around the world. According to a joint report by IDSA and data insight firm Kantar, the Indian direct selling industry has witnessed a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of approximately 16% and grown from Rs 8,308 crore in 2015-16 to Rs Rs 13,080 crore in 2018-19. In this, wellness tops the chart of leading segments in Direct Selling followed by cosmetics and personal care. The Indian Direct Selling Industry’s contribution to the exchequer stood at around Rs 2,500 crore in 2018-19, said the IDSA report (Source: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/services/retail/indian-direct-selling-industry-records-usd-2-47-bn-sales-in-2019-ranks-15th-globally/articleshow/77055159.cms?from=mdr).
To conclude, direct selling is no doubt a thriving industry that continues to empower millions across the world. Given it’s several advantages and a rising interest among the marketing fraternity, the industry is most definitely on a growth curve.
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