#buuuut people would have taken it the wrong way so
critterofthenight · 5 months
Ethel Cain's songs remind me of Supernatural so much rn
case in point:
"it was a highway to nowhere, and we rode it // cold car with no gas and we chose it"
"our kids will grow up with half as much // trying to build something out of dust // finding out too late what they need"
- God's Country
"Jesus can always reject his father // but he cannot escape his mother's blood // he'll scream and try to wash it off of his fingers // but he'll never escape what he's made up of"
- Family Tree (Intro)
"i'm just a child, but i'm not above violence // my mama raised me better than that"
"and daddy said, shoot first, then run and don't look back"
"and baby, Hell don't scare me, i've been times before"
- Family Tree
and Thoroughfare is totally about two hunters chasing monsters through the country and slowly falling in love <3
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seenoversundown · 10 days
Amongst The Stars: Chapter Eight
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Josh x Quinn (Nonbinary OC)Warnings: Craig, pining, general feelings of self doubt, guilt Word Count: 4.4k Summary: Josh has always loved love,  and he's finally found it. Buuuut, he can't exactly tell anyone. Join him as he navigates the ins and outs of his sweet, secret romance. Author's Note: Sorry this is so late! I had a crazy day at work. But, here we are. I am not gonna lie to you, I don’t love this chapter. Not because of the content, or because I’m unhappy with it. But, I don’t love it because I know what happens next :) Again, forgive any weird formatting. Desktop Tumblr hates Josh, you heard it here first, folks!
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“Hold you in my arms, I just wanted to hold you in my arms” Starlight - Muse
Being this excited about getting my things from Craig’s house feels wrong. I threw a years-long relationship away. I should be at least a little bit upset, but I can’t find it in myself to care. My only regret is that Willa can’t be here with me to help pack. She had some work thing and couldn’t get out of it since everything moved so quickly. I wasn’t anticipating Josh being so willing to help, but I had to jump on the chance when it was offered. It has been an absolute pain in my ass not having access to my clothes or my entire stock of art supplies. I haven’t even had my sketchbook. It was the one thing I meant to grab before heading to Willa’s house, but I managed to forget it. Before I get too into my feelings about it, my phone buzzes, and I know it’s Josh. I grab my canvas bag and head out the door without even pulling it out to check. 
When he notices me hit the bottom step, he scrambles out of the truck and walks around to the passenger’s side. 
“Hello, dear,” he gives me a shy smile as he opens the door. “Do you treat all your guests this way?” I laugh, jumping up and settling into the seat. He leans against the door, watching as I buckle myself in.
“Only the ones I like,” he winks, shutting the door before I can say anything else. 
Why is that attractive? Get it together; he’s just helping you move. 
He walks back around to the driver’s side and hops in. “I really appreciate this, you know.” “It’s nothing. Friends help each other out.” Right, right. Friends. 
“Wanna put the address in?” he asks, handing me his phone. 
I’m slightly taken aback; Craig would have rather died than hand me his phone for anything. I opened Apple Maps and typed in my old address before returning the phone to him. He fiddles around with the music app for a moment before putting the truck in reverse. 
“I hope you’re okay with pop music,” he looks at me from the corner of his eye, “It’s a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine.”
I smile as the opening notes to “Feather” filter through the stereo. 
“Perfectly fine by me. Your song choice is weirdly appropriate,” I laugh. 
“What do you mean?” “This song played in my car as I left Hobby Lobby the first day we met. My ex begged me to turn it off. I should have taken it as an omen.”
He barks out a laugh, and I quirk an eyebrow at him. 
“I’m not laughing at you, I promise. It’s just that’s the first day I ever heard this song. It came on shuffle when I went home, and I immediately fell in love with it. Added it to the playlist at my brother’s bar and everything just to piss people off.” I can’t help the wide smile that makes its way to my face. 
“Hell of a coincidence.”
“Indeed it is.”
We continue our ride in comfortable silence, letting the GPS guide us toward my old life with Craig. The end of my old life with Craig. Joy swells in my chest at the very thought of being completely done. 
Josh enters the apartment complex's parking lot and parks in the first free spot he sees. He shuts his car off, and his eyes soften as he looks at me. “I’m ready whenever you are. We’ve got all day, so if you need a minute to prepare yourself, take it.”
My heart squeezes. 
Josh continually amazes me with the care he shows those around him. 
“I really appreciate that,” I say, patting the hand he placed on the center console between us. “But I’m ready. I want to be done.”
He nods, unbuckles his seatbelt, and practically sprints out of the car to get my door for me. “You are entirely too sweet,” I laugh, unbuckling my seatbelt and taking his hand as he helps me down. “Nah, I just try to be a gentleman when possible.”
Why is that attractive? 
I internally shake myself. I don’t need to have these thoughts about Josh. He’s a friend who is doing me a simple favor. Even if he was into it, I can’t start a new relationship immediately after leaving Craig. How would I know it’s real and not some weird rebound situation? 
I couldn’t do that to Josh or me. 
“Get stuck in your head again?” Josh squeezes my hand to pull me out of my spiral. 
“Mmm, yeah. Thank you.” 
“Well, no time like the present.” Josh moves a hand to my lower back to guide me toward the apartment. 
Just another show of how caring he is. 
“I’ll warn you, Craig can be absolutely terrible. Just ignore whatever he may have to say to you.”
He flashes me an easy smile. “Oh, I’m not worried about him one bit. I’m here to help you, so let him act however he wants.” 
“If you say so,” I suck in a deep breath, then begin the slow ascent to the apartment. 
“I’m sorry that you kind of have to help me pack, too,” I fold my three-hundredth worn-out band tee and place it in the cardboard box in front of me. “The breakup happened so fast that I couldn’t pack anything before leaving.”
“Quinn, how many times do I have to tell you that I’m happy to be here? If I didn’t want to help, I wouldn’t. So, please stop apologizing.” 
I shake my head and roll my bottom lip through my teeth. 
“What's up?” Josh asks. 
“Nothing; you're just so different from what I'm used to.” 
“Well, hopefully, I can continue to surprise you.” 
“Oh,” I giggle, “I am certain you will.” 
Josh grabs the full box from me and tapes it up before scribbling “Shirts” on it and setting it aside. “I’ll take a load of boxes down to the truck in just a minute.”
Our conversation is interrupted by a minor crash outside the bedroom door. I roll my eyes. Of course, he’s throwing stuff again. Why couldn't he just stay out of our way? I immediately turn to apologize to Josh; it's not fair that he’s being subjected to Craig’s moods. But I notice that he’s walking toward the door. 
“Hey, Josh..” 
He ignores my warning and opens the bedroom door. 
“Hey man, can you keep it down? We’re trying to get out of your hair as quickly as possible, but we can’t do that if you're throwing shit around and distracting us.” 
I creep up behind Josh, peering over his shoulders at Craig. I know I shouldn't press this, but I have to see the look on his face when Josh calls him out. I see a faint look of recognition cross Craig’s face. That’s strange.
Craig didn’t initially spot us when we came in. I assume he was in the bathroom, but he definitely doesn’t look happy to see us now. His face contorted in rage, and I grabbed Josh’s arm, preparing for whatever he was going to say. I brace myself, knowing how Craig can be, and I can only hope that Josh is ready to face it as well. 
“This is real fucking nice, Quinn,” Craig bypasses Josh altogether, shifting his head to make eye contact with me. “What?” “It’s real nice that you bring the dude you’ve been cheating on me with over here to help you move out. What’s he gonna do, pack all your shit up into his truck, and y’all are gonna move in together like some kind of–” He cuts himself off. “Some kind of what?” Josh straightens his back and speaks directly to Craig. 
“Some kind of. Some kind of U-HAUL LESBIANS??” I burst out in an ill-timed fit of giggles at the sheer absurdity of it all. My giggles cause Josh to chuckle, and I see Craig’s face go beet red at the perceived slight against him. “You do realize that to be ‘U-haul lesbians,’ both of us would have to be women?” Josh says between bouts of laughter. “And neither of us are.” Recognizing that Craig has limited patience, I decided to try to smooth things over before Craig could try to hit Josh. “Also, not sure if you forgot, I’m moving in with Willa.” Craig opens and closes his mouth a few times. “As friends,” I add in to stop his floundering. I see Josh roll his eyes at my addition, clearly understanding what an absolute moron Craig can be.
Sometimes, I daydream about what my life would be like if I never got involved with Craig. Would I be happy? Would I have met Josh organically?  Would we be together? That’s ridiculous, Quinn. Why would you even be worried about that? He is your friend and nothing more. I scrub one hand down my face, trying to will those thoughts away. It’s too soon; my heart is still, for some reason, vaguely battered by the messy breakup with Craig. Though, at this point, I don’t know if my heart is battered because of Craig or because of the years I wasted with him. 
“It was lovely to see you, Greg. Now, if you’ll excuse us.” Josh punctuates his point by slamming the door in Craig’s face. I let out a relieved breath. “Thank you, Josh. You didn’t have to send him away. I could have done that.” “It’s no trouble, darling,” he says, placing a hand on my back and rubbing soothing circles between my shoulder blades. “I think you’ve dealt with him enough.”
I lean into his touch, accepting his small comfort before quickly remembering myself and pulling back. “Let’s just get this done and get out of here.” “Whatever you need, darling.”
That small sentence, whatever you need, darling, may be the death of me. This behavior comes naturally to Josh; it’s plain to see. He was born to be a light in the world, and he is slowly proving that to me over, and over, and over again. I only wish I could accept his light without feeling some type of misguided guilt. I owe Craig nothing, so why is he still dictating my feelings? Why is he still hindering the way I interact with other people? I pull myself out of my thoughts and begin surveying the room. 
“We really don’t have much left. I’m choosing to be the bigger person and leaving him the furniture because I don’t want him to have anything.” “Mm,” Josh adds a noncommittal noise to let me know he’s still listening. “What?” “You’re just a better person than I am.” I scoff, practically begging him to explain himself. He is sunshine incarnate, there is no way I am a better person than he is. “Well, if I were you, I’d be removing every single thing I paid for from this house. I’d tell him to figure it out.” I let out a small chuckle. “Oh, I could never do that; that’s horrible. He can’t get ahead, should he ever get his shit together, if I start him off on his own with nothing.” “See, you’re a better person than me. In my eyes, he made his bed, and he can lie in it,” he crosses his arms over his chest, “Or.. not. But, you know what I mean.”
His tough facade cracks as he starts laughing, which sends me over the edge. I fall into his side as we dissolve into a fit of giggles, and I feel his arm wrap around my shoulder, pulling me closer. I lean my head against his shoulder, trying to reel in my laughter. I shift my head to look at his face, taking in how his eyes crinkle up and his dimples are on full display. The laughter dies on my lips as I take in his pearly white smile and his plush, pink lips. I pull back from him like I’ve been burned. Too close for comfort, get it together. I watch as the smile drops from his face, and he clears his throat, walking over to the boxes we set in the corner. 
“Well, I’m going to take these down to the truck,” he pats the top box on the stack. “I, uh, I can help with that.” “No, no! Please finish up here, and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Uh, okay..”
I watch as he heaves the first box and opens the bedroom door, revealing Craig eavesdropping. 
“Oh, hey, man.” “I just wanted to talk to Quinn for a minute.” Josh turns to me to gauge my level of comfort. Just another way he’s perfect. Stop that. I meet his eye and slightly nod. He huffs a small breath out of his nose as his face falls, just a hare. 
“Of course,” Josh steps aside and lets Craig enter the room. 
Once Josh exits the room, Craig stands in front of me, picking at his cuticles. “You don’t have to do this, you know,” he refuses to look at me. I give him a sad look, knowing that he is in denial and will not take well to the rest of this conversation. 
“You know that I do, Craig,” I start, gently patting his arm. “No, I really don’t,” He flinches away from me, and my heart cracks a little bit more. “How can you not? We have done nothing but argue for the past few weeks,” I pause, “Actually, it’s been longer than that, and you know it.” He scoffs, refusing to meet my eyes and instead choosing to look around the now sparsely decorated room we once shared. “So, you’re just taking everything?” “I’m leaving the furniture. But, yeah. Pretty much everything else. I either made or bought all the decor. So..” “I’m supposed to just look at white walls?” “Look, Craig. What is this? What are you trying to do?” He kicks his foot against the rug that our - his - bed sits on top of. “I’m trying to stop you from making the worst mistake of your life,” his eyes, filled with determination, whip up to mine. “You’re trying to what?” “You heard me, Quinn. We love each other, and you’re throwing it all away.” I want to roll my eyes all the way back in my head, but instead, I fix Craig with a tight-lipped smile. “I think that you should be quiet now, Craig.” “Why? Are you starting to realize I’m right, and you don’t want to think about it too hard?” “No, Craig. I’m starting to get mad.”
I turn away from him, trying to calm myself down. I look at the bare walls of our bedroom, expecting to feel some form of loss, but instead, I just feel determined. I know in my blood and very bones that I am making the right choice. I let my determined anger lead my actions. 
“You’re getting mad?” “YES, CRAIG,” I shout, “I’m ANGRY. I’m furious that you keep putting me through this shit. I have given you everything, and you still don’t think it’s enough. It’s never been enough for you, and it will never be enough.” “It’s always been enough, Quinn.” “Well, you’ve never shown that, and I cannot keep begging you to,” I hang my head and sigh, “I will not keep begging you. I don’t want to keep begging you to. So, we have nothing left to say to each other. This is done, there’s no salvaging it.” Craig flinches as if I’ve slapped him, and I may as well have. He’s always been less than stellar - understatement of the century - at handling his emotions, so I know that that statement likely felt like a physical blow in his mind. 
“What do you mean there’s no salvaging it?” He says as he takes a step closer to me, clenching his fist. I step back, but the tension in the room deflates as the bedroom door flies open, revealing Josh and his windswept curls. His eyes widen as he takes in the scene before him: Craig, with his fist held tight, creeping toward me. “They said what they said, Craig,” Josh interjects. “Didn’t ask you, Josh.”
Wait a minute, I didn’t introduce them. Craig knows the name Josh, but they’ve never met. The wheels start turning in my head as I look between them. They’re caught in a stalemate, staring each other down. 
“I wasn’t aware you knew each other..” Craig looks at Josh, then me, his face morphing into something cruel. “Oh, you didn’t tell her?” I roll my eyes at Craig’s slip-up, knowing he only does it to hurt me. “No, I didn’t tell them. We don’t exactly talk about you.” “So, you talk often, then?” “I’d say so, but never about you.” A lie.
I quickly turn and head toward the boxes stacked in the corner. As I move to pick one up, Josh rushes to my side. “What are you doing? I can help,” he says, placing his hand on my wrist. “The testosterone is so high in here, I can smell it. I don’t really care to be around it, so I’m taking my stuff to your truck.”
He looks properly chastised, opening and closing his mouth, trying to formulate an apology. I’m not sure if I care to hear an apology right now. From either of them. They’ve been keeping secrets from me and bickering like old maids about it. I couldn’t really care one way or the other for an apology or an explanation. I just want to get my things and go. Josh nods his head and uses his thumb to rub a soothing circle along the inside of my wrist. I struggle to suppress the shiver that runs down my spine. I meet his eyes and let a small smile creep to my face. He pulls his hand back from my wrist and gives me a shy smile in return. 
“Are you kidding?” Craig practically shouts, breaking the peaceful moment between Josh and me. 
I clear my throat, fixing him with a glare. “I don’t think you’re the one who gets to ask questions right now. I actually think you, both of you, owe me an explanation.” My annoyance bubbles to the surface again. I can’t believe Josh kept this from me. Craig, yes. Josh? My stomach feels slimy at the thought. It feels wrong that my new friend would keep secrets from me when I’ve been an open book to him. If I ignore the amount of misplaced pining I've done over him. It’s not pining; it’s normal to think about your friends. “Quinn, believe me,” Josh starts, “I didn’t want to keep this from you. But, I figured it would hurt you more than help you to know that Craig came to see me at Hobby Lobby.” My eyes slide from Josh over to Craig and I cock an eyebrow, asking him to continue. “Uh, yeah. I did.” “And he came into my brother’s bar,” Josh adds, hoping that being honest now will save him from my ire. Craig looks over at him and rolls his eyes. “Telling Quinn all your secrets isn’t going to make her like you.” “I don’t care if they like me, they deserve honesty.” “You didn’t seem to think so when you told me not to mention it.”
Did Josh really decide to keep this secret? I could see Craig, but it just hurts worse knowing that Josh chose this. Would Craig have told me if Josh hadn’t sworn him to secrecy? Thoughts rattle around in my head as I try to keep the hurt from flashing across my face. I slowly blink a few times. Am I taking this too hard? No, Quinn – You are allowed to feel your feelings. Yeah, well why does it feel so annoying then? Pulling myself out of my internal struggle, I lock eyes with Craig. “Elaborate. Right now,” I huff. 
I listen in stunned silence as it tumbles out of Craig’s mouth that he basically stalked Josh and harassed him at work and again -  allegedly by accident, though I’m not sure if I believe that - at the tavern that his brother owns. I can’t help the shock that shows on my face as he elaborates on the fact that he talked down on me and Josh came to my defense. I glance over to Josh, while Craig finishes his story, allowing my eyes to trace over his features. I catalog the slope of his nose, and the spot I know a dimple pops out in when he smiles. I can’t really be mad at him, I think as my eyes get caught on the shape of his top lip, He’s too cute to be mad at. I shake my head, dispelling the thought. I should be angry with Josh. He may not have sought Craig out, but he certainly kept it a secret from me when he had ample time to tell me.
“This is insane, you know that right?” I look between Josh and Craig, ensuring that they realize I am talking to both of them, “In what world would you think that keeping this secret from me was a good idea?” 
I see the regret immediately flash across Josh’s face, Craig following shortly behind. 
“You’re right, Quinn,” Josh Starts, “I should have told you, but I didn’t want to get in the middle of your relationship.” 
“Littlelateforthat,” Craig huffs under his breath, causing me to roll my eyes. 
I turn to Craig, raising an eyebrow, “Well, do you have anything to add.” 
Craig simply shakes his head and leaves the room, putting an end to our conversation. I sigh, turning away from Josh and moving to pick up my final few boxes. 
“Whatever’s left in here is staying,” I say in a clipped tone, hoisting a box into my arms. I’m annoyed with Josh. I’m annoyed at the fact that I’m not more annoyed. It hurts that Josh didn’t tell me, but it hurts more knowing that it doesn’t matter. I was going to break up with Craig regardless. Hell, Portland’s a small town, they likely would have met each other eventually. But that should have been on my terms. And it shouldn’t have been a secret. “That’s fine,” Josh responds and picks up the last two boxes, following me down to his truck. 
The drive back to mine and Willa’s apartment is frosty to say the least. Josh has kept his metaphorical tail between his legs since the confrontation with Craig earlier. The only sounds that pass between us are the sounds of the radio and the occasional GPS direction. 
When we get back to my apartment, he wordlessly puts his truck in park and jumps out to open my door for me. We carry each box up to the apartment and into my (new) bedroom in complete and utter silence. When Josh has dropped the final box on the floor of my room, he finally heaves out a long sigh. 
“I’m sorry, Quinn. I didn’t want to keep it a secret.” He ducks his head, picking at his cuticles. 
“I believe you, it was just a shock.” He looks up at me with the most hopeful look in his eyes and I crack. I can’t stay mad at him. “Do you mean it?”
“Of course, Josh,” I smile, “But, I really should get started on unpacking.”
Josh nods his head, “Need help?”
“Oh, I couldn’t ask that of you, but I’ll walk you out.”
We make small talk all the way to the door, and I open it to usher him outside. 
“I really appreciate your help today. I couldn’t have done it without you, truly.”
He gives me one of his dimple-popping smiles and pulls me in for a hug. 
“Anything for you, dear,” he whispers into my ear, crushing me against him. 
It would be so easy to just… before I can rethink it, I turn my head and capture his lips with mine. It lasts just a second, a ghost of a kiss, before I pull back. What the fuck have I done? I quickly put a little bit of distance between us, taking in Josh’s wide eyes. “I’m so–” before I can finish my apology, Josh closes the distance between us and presses his lips against mine. I let out a small gasp and he takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss, sucking my top lip between his. My hands completely of their own volition wind their way into his unruly curls. He lets out a small Mmph at the feeling. His hands find my hips and pull me closer against him as his tongue traces against my lips, begging for entry. As if he’s searching for any possible way to get closer, closer, closer. 
Who am I to deny him? 
I sigh, giving him what he wants, and our tongues tangle together. 
I lightly tug at his hair and he lets out an almost growl as he lets his hands gently, tentatively, roam my body. 
His right hand trails up my back before coming to rest on the back of my neck, pulling me closer, closer, closer. 
He backs me against the wall next to the door and pulls his lips from mine, before moving to kiss down my neck. 
“Fuck,” I hiss as his teeth graze a particularly sensitive spot. 
No. But actually, FUCK. 
“Josh,” I start. 
“Mm,” He ignores me, continuing to press open-mouthed kisses and nips along my heated flesh. 
What am I doing? 
I shove him away from me. 
“What the fuck is this?” I say more to myself than Josh. 
“You need to go. I need you to leave immediately.” 
“I, uh, I,” He stammers. 
“No! Leave. Now! And please, just… don’t contact me. Clearly we’ve done enough.” 
I watch as he nods his head and leaves. 
Was Craig right? Is Josh the reason our relationship went to shit? Am I the one in the wrong? 
I can’t stop the guilt and thoughts from swirling through my head as I spend the rest of the night settling into my new home. 
I let the guilt eat at me even hours later, as I tuck myself under my comforter and ignore Willa’s frantic knocks on my door. 
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a-gay-little-cat · 8 months
tell us about tiger..... top 10 tiger facts #please
I present to you, him!
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But let's start out with the basics before moving to facts. His name is Tiger, 41 years old, 7ft tall, trans man and currently a mercenary in Night City! This one's getting long so it goes under a read more but here you go!
He is a nomad. Buuuut... he doesn't run with any clan anymore, not by choice though. Roughly 10 years ago he lost his camp in a fire thanks to some corps or god knows who deciding to beef it out right near their camp, not really caring about people getting caught in the crossfire. Many died and those who survived scattered, maybe to join another clan, maybe to a different city, but Tiger doesn't really know. He very much returned repeatedly to see if anyone else would still be there, hoping to find his family which he didn't see with the other bodies. Never found anyone though, not alive at least. Tiger also lost his husband in all of that, taking the ring of his body and still carrying it with him. Being a guy with nothing to his name now, he set out to NC, city closest to where they were camping at the time and just kinda... let himself be taken along, never quite processing any of that, not wanting to face his grief. He did very much consider trying to join in with another group but also it felt.. wrong? He just could never bring himself to. But all of this also very much does lead to him struggling with being a nomad, is he really one still if he isn't moving with a clan? Especially faced with this when he and V encounter the Aldecaldos. Which is a whole other thing I could talk about but damn this first fact is getting long !!!! Also I've never quite settled on which of the Big 7 his group belonged to... At least I think its 7 big names n theres all these little subsections... Gots to sniff my little lore book again some time.
He has a niece! Which he didn't know until recently. A little bit of a happy development after the first fact is that his parents and sister did actually make it out alive, but it wouldn't be until a few years later once Tiger made a name for himself with boxing that they'd find him. In the time they were seperated his sister had a daughter, Ellie. And by god does he love his niece dearly. He spoils her rotten and she loves her uncle so much, thinks he's the coolest.
Tiger is a mechanic/engineer. His interest has always been cars and engines and you've got to keep stuff running around the camp somehow. If your car is making a weird noise, your motorcycle isn't starting or your generators are acting funky, he can fix it. Tiger loves anything mechanical. Anything hardware related he loves messing with. Computers may not be his expertise as much but he loves learning and trying new things.
He is an ex-animals member. Tiger was easily scooped up by the animals, hard to miss a guy like that and he's already got the whole big cat theme going on so he fit right in. Things wouldn't always go smoothly though and eventually he turned into a guinea pig for them to test new and cool concoctions for enhancement which very much very experimental. But he wasn't aware of that, it happened gradually and without him really noticing. His sister very much did pick up on him behaving odd and differently, looking sickly and all that which resulted in her hiring mercenaries to invesitage for her. It wasn't an easy job for them but they did find evidence and it didn't take much to convince Tiger to leave. And leave he did. Safe to say he and the rest of the animals are not on good terms.
He loves cooking!!!! Nothing like a good hearty meal to keep you happy and healthy!
Tiger very much picked his name at a young age. He always loved reading about big cats, fascinated by them. His interest resulted in his parents calling him their little tiger as nickname but it just stuck and he loved it so much. To him its like his parents picking his new name, in a way.
He knows its cheesy, tacky and over the top to have a lot of things on his body be themed after a tiger, leaning into all of that but it makes him happy. The tail, his truck, his clothing, a lot is influenced by that. Though obviously he doesn't only build his identity around that, but its a big part of him that brings him joy.
Because I've seen someone bring it up in the tags on one of my art pieces of him. Tiger can't purr, he considered having something like that done but no, he chuffs, like a tiger does. One could say its a vocal stim. Most of the time he does it in greeting, to agree with something or when he's happy. Little happy noise.
The tail isn't just for looks, a lot of his cyberware very much serves a purpose outside of being just for looks. Tiger works together with his ripper to have the cyberware do exactly what he wants. The tail helps with balance but can also be used to hit someone or grab onto something. He has full control over it but it does also idly move to reflect his emotions or reactions.
His truck is called Leviathan. The truck in question:
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It was lost for a little while because it broke down on the way to NC, he didn't have the needed tools to fix it so he had to abandon it, as much as it hurt. Returning to the spot he left it at it was just gone and he was unable to track it down. Very much took from the nomad specific quest in game here but yea the geolocation pinged again and he was able to find it again.
In summary:
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What get's me about Luz not telling Amity her secret for months is that Amity definitely knew Luz was hiding something for months. Luz has never been able to get away with lying to Amity. She can tell right away when Luz is being cagey about something that's bothering her. Just because Amity won't push Luz into telling her what's wrong doesn't mean that she doesn't know when Luz is keeping something from her:
So, can you imagine being Amity - you know something is bothering your girlfriend but she won't tell you what it is. You've been living with her for months and have been supporting her attempts to bring you and your friends home. Whenever your girlfriend feels frustrated that ANOTHER experimental doorway went up in flames, you comfort her so that she doesn't spiral into negativity. But she STILL won't tell you what's bothering her - and you can see it taking a toll on her mental health.
But despite your girlfriends insistence on keeping quiet about what's eating away at her, you still love her and want to do something nice for her. So, you and your friends spend a day figuring out that the rebus you found leads to Titan blood. You think to yourself, this is great news! I want to surprise my girlfriend with it! It'll lift her spirits and... maybe then she'll tell me what's bothering her.
So you arrive at the faire, you take a ride in a carriage with your girlfriend and hear a bit of backstory about the man who attempted genocide on your race. when the ride is over and you step out of the carriage - you notice immediately that Hunter and Luz are nowhere to be found. Maybe you even take a mental note that they're the first ones to exit the carriage. But where could they have run off to? and why would they run off so suddenly? Despite those thoughts, you and your friends look around the nearby area for them.
Even though you and your freinds have come up empty handed in your search, that still doesn't damper your excitement. You really want to show Luz what you found, to prove once AGAIN that you're an "Awesome Girlfriend" - and then you realize the rebus is missing.
There's no way you could have lost it - all you've done was take a ride on a carriage, which is still parked right behind you - it could not have gone far. It's not like Luz could have taken it because she didn't know you had it - the only people who knew about it were your friends. And if you did drop it, it would have been found when you or one of your friends were looking for Luz and Hunter.
Maybe you can't help but think to yourself: Did Hunter take it? Why would Hunter take it knowing that I wanted to surprise my girlfriend with it? And why would Luz run off with Hunter only? Why didn't she take you and the rest of your friends?
Later, you find them in the graveyard. You have no idea what happened in between Luz and Hunter running off together up until you find them on the island in the graveyard. From your limited perspective, you're going to assume Hunter and Luz came here together without an issue. You have no idea WHEN Hunter became possessed - you have no idea that Hunter actually ran off on her and by the time Luz found him he was already possessed.
And then Amity's going to find out that Hunter knew Luz's secret way before she did. Hunter isn't just going to tell Amity because he's not as close with her as he is with Willow and Gus. But she's going to find out from Willow or Gus during casual conversation. It's most likely Willow because Willow is the person Amity has gone to for advice on how to deal with Luz's cageyness.
Buuuut yeah, how can Amity not get mad at Luz when she finds out Hunter knew before she did? Not only would she be tired of Luz lying and keeping secrets from her at this point - their actions in Thanks to Them are suspicious as fuck.
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
Ever get tired of talking about cans fic? Wanna talk about the absolute missed opportunity that was making sothis a gremlin child and not a milf or even possibly a gilf instead?
Eh, kinda yeah kinda no regarding getting tired of talking about the fic.
Like, the actual act of reading the actual fic? Genuinely ass. Like, I've actually read up to and fully written out the notes for Chapter 62. I tried reading the first sentence of Chapter 63 right afterwards, saw it was a Rhea POV chapter, and went back to reading my otome isekais. That was around late November, and I've still yet to read any more of Chapter 63. The act of reading through something this horrible requires a lot of long breaks in-between sessions of reading.
But! In doing so I also get to talk about aspects of writing, and about 3H in particular, which I love doing. I like geeking out over aspects of writing like characterization, consistency, logical throughlines, character growth, etc. and being able to do so with such a horrible example of pretty much all of that is kinda fun, ngl.
And I also get to see and tackle so, so many of the asinine, horrendous takes that have made this fandom such a volatile space, such as:
Teacher Theory
Edelgard being some poor hapless maiden waiting for her love to save her from her unfair and unjust fate of being "branded" a villain
Dimitri being so toxic and "gone" that he needs to be killed since he just can't "listen to reason" anymore (and that actually him getting killed would make him happier)
the same essentially being said about Rhea
Lonato being a just man during his rebellion, as well as Christophe being just in his attempt to kill Rhea
Nabateans as a race being to blame for all of humanity's problems and so needing to take accountability for all of humanity's wrongs
Claude not actually caring about Fodlan and just wanting to conquer it so he can do better when he goes back to Almyra
Byleth needing to be completely human and needing to reject their Nabatean heritage in order to become happy
Edelgard being the only one among the lords + Rhea to ever care for Byleth
Everyone's best self being found only on CF
the idea that anyone defending themselves against Edelgard's attempt on their life in the Holy Tomb would be the aggressor instigating war against Edelgard
Edelgard caring so much about the people and being the only lord to care about the people
Sothis wanting Byleth to choose Edelgard over everyone else
Everyone making Edelgard kill them
And so on and so forth; this fic has pretty much all of them. In a way, reading this fic and breaking it down lets me have one, concentrated area where I get to dissect exactly how and why all of these takes are either shitty, genuinely disgusting, stupid as hell, or a mix of some/all of those things. And given the fact that Cap'n and multiple people in the fandom want this fic to be taken as meta/required reading, and with this basically being an amalgamation of all of Cap'n's genuine takes on the game (+ those of other Edelstans), going over exactly why such an influential thing is so wrong feels fitting lol. It's a pain to actually have to read through, especially with the pretentious and self-pitying holier-than-thou prose making things hard to actually physically read, but the result of doing so makes it worth it imo.
Buuuut to get off of that: yes, it was an extremely huge missed opportunity that Sothis was a stupid fuckin' loli instead of her actual self. Or, I guess more accurately, that she didn't physically become her actual self after merging with Byleth, or at least become physically closer to it. Full Mommy Sothis is so beautiful from the little we see of her! And the idea of her looking more like how she used to as she gains more of her memories would've been cool to see! And, uh, also, I feel an adult body would make her garb feel less... unfortunate to look at (ngl I get Nowi vibes looking at Sothis and I Do Not Like Nowi's clothing design that much).
I feel there was a lot missed with Sothis tho, and that that's mostly the case because the game more wants the feeling of a mystery to hang around the game more than it does actually writing a mystery with a conclusion. Sothis was seen regaining bits and pieces of her former life as a god, so if she stayed around long enough she could have revealed things to the player that were meant to be hidden. Same with Rhea - she could talk about a lot of the background knowledge of Fodlan's history that could have fleshed out the world so much more. But doing that would "spoil the fun" so to speak; there wouldn't be a mystery anymore, which the writers seemed to prioritize more than actually making the mystery fulfilling to figure out.
So Sothis gets yeeted out of the story halfway through, and Rhea is either an unavailable damsel in distress or a person pushed past their breaking point and thus unable to talk to. That's why Rhea's lore dumps on SS and VW are so rushed and forced - the writers knew they had to eventually get to the end of the mystery, and so held off as long as possible. At least, that interpretation of the writing can exist, given how they've written everything lol
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starsomens · 1 year
hi gonna keep myself anon but I already posted it on my page so if you saw it, no you didn’t, I need this lmao
I had my VIP yesterday and when talking to them, I was trying to go around making eye contact with all of them, and I see Noah like leaning in getting eye level with me narrowing his eyes and just starring at me and before I could get in my last two words, Noah interjected and was like “you look familiar. Did you go to one of the other NYC shows?” (First of all sir, that was last year and yes I did. I did VIP as well) I was so taken back he said that I didn’t hear him at first and I sassed him a bit and put my hands on my hips and like attempted to make a cute face because I thought he said something about “hipster” and was making fun of me lmao he repeated himself and then I was like “OH! *blushes* yes! I went to the Myrtle beach show and said I was from New York!…. Buuuut yes I was at the nyc shows!” And like waved my hand like *pssssshhh* and made this face 😳 (the MB shows were in May) he was like “oh okay, cool!” Then we took our photo and then I was all flustered which I’m sure they saw haha but The way I texted my best friend to fucking flip out….
SOOO many factors here that are FEEDING my delusional ass lmao like, I looked familiar? To someone who sees TONS of people DAILY??? And pinpointed exactly where he thought I was familiar from and was indeed right????? Did he say I was pretty???? (He didn’t but let’s hope that’s why he said I looked familiar lmao)
With that, I’m ready for all the delusional thoughts you’ve got for me on this lmao
GIRL ID SQUEEL LIKE A PIG IF HE SAID THIS TO ME he would think there was something wrong with me
I would have facettimed my friends lie
BITCH GUESS WHAT!!!! Girl that's so luck ommmmggggg AAAAHHH WE LOVE THAT FOFR YOU!
Also side note I think it's actually sweet of him to remember a face he's seen up close in VIP, I feel like that shows he really does care and love his fans ! At least for the ones he has met in VIP and taken some time to talk with them he can recognize faces !
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hi there!! so i LOVE Come Now, Little Prince, they’re all precious and you write soft janus so WELL, im so happy Remus is finally getting the love he deserves too! Buuuut i’m a little confused on a few things, and maybe this has already been clarified in the story and i just missed it, but is remus older than roman? Cause Janus treats roman like a young kid basically, and calls the others all “little heroes”, but treats remus like an adult, what with bringing him whisky and referring to him as a man rather than a boy or kid. Or are they the same age and janus has just never cared for remus because he’s a hardened crime boss, but now that he’s softened up thanks to the heroes, he’ll realize remus is really just as young and traumatized as they are? also, and i’m very sorry to bombard you with questions but this is the last one, what are the age ranges for the heroes/remus/janus? I keep picturing roman and the heroes as 17-18, and janus somewhere in his 40s, but is that wrong?
again, sorry for all the questions, i just really enjoy the story and having the answers to these questions would help me enjoy it better! don’t feel the need to answer any you don’t want to or that might be spoilers tho, ofc 💕💕 ty!!
Remus and Roman are about the same age--I think Remus is a few months older. Roman's definitely the oldest of the heroes--they're all early twenties, Virgil's the youngest at 20 even, Roman and Remus the oldest at 23. Janus is in his 40s, I picture him around 44.
Janus definitely treated Remus as just a henchman for a long time and kind of took him for granted until Roman's whole...ordeal. I think Remus was just grateful to have that clear divide between boss/employee. In a weird way he's glad Janus didn't care that much about him because that meant he didn't have to worry about someone putting effort into keeping him the way he was, there was a freedom in knowing he could die and just be replaced and it wouldn't matter.
But then of course here comes Roman, who's made Janus all soft and tender and all the things Remus still doesn't know because all he ever had was stolen moments between swivels of a security camera and the tenderness of having someone you know patch up the wounds they gave you. And now he's wondering if he missed his chance for that because Janus isn't like that with him. He's not special to Janus and he went out of his way to make sure of that. Janus is his boss, not his protector.
There is a moment for Janus, though, where he's trying so hard to keep Roman and the other heroes separate from his work as the Serpent--he can't have people knowing he's going soft after all--and realizes he's using Remus to do that. And it isn't that Remus is protesting or making a fuss about it, it's that he isn't. He's letting Janus push him around and treat him the way he always does--like he's nothing but a tool and always about two wrong steps from being taken on a very long drive off a very short pier--and vanishing when he isn't called upon.
In my head there's one time where Janus finds Roman and Remus asleep on Roman's bed (that he doesn't use very often because snek gotta cuddle) and is struck by three things.
One: his first instinct is to yell at Remus for falling asleep while watching Roman.
Two: he's horrified that he wants to do that.
Three: Remus, asleep, curled up in Roman's hold, looks so young.
'Cause Janus still needs to be gentle with the heroes, they're so fresh from the trauma and everything that he has to be careful, has to treat them like they're fragile, can't be too possessive just yet.
But with Remus?
Remus is his.
And I think that there's a part of him that sighs in relief when he realizes he can be as feral and possessive and fierce as he wants with Remus because Remus wants him to be. The heroes need time to figure out who they are without the Cyrus Corporation, Remus wants to feel like he belongs somewhere where he's wanted. And so in true Remus fashion he wants it to be messier, less polished, less practiced and safe and calculated.
Janus definitely chases Remus down a little bit once he realizes how fucked up Remus still is from all this shit and is like give me your struggles and your messes and your fury, i will cradle you within it until it forges into armor
100% meltdowns all over Janus and the scared little boy who used to forego sleep until his brother came back finally learns what protection feels like
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crownshattered · 8 months
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|| No banner yet, but I'm bored soooooo here's how Neth feels about each of the companions~ This includes first impressions and later impressions!! Also, I'll mention how likely it is for her to have a platonic or romantic relationship with them. This can be taken as her in the place of 'Tav' as well as her just being another companion~ (also keep in mind that I've only completed the first act so there's still a LOT I don't know...so any of these evaluations could be wrong, and I apologize XDD)
Faenethra didn't like her at the start, and she doesn't like her later on. If Neth's in the place of Tav, she didn't mind her on the Nautiloid. She seemed very straightforward and strong, and she admires that. However... After finding her again (or if Neth's a companion herself) she does not like her.
Lae'zel is worse than Neth in her directness. In Neth's eyes, Lae'zel takes it way too far. There's a difference between being blunt and being insulting, according to Neth. However... Maybe she just struggles with interacting with someone who is even more direct than she is. With people like Neth, opposites don't always attract.
That said, I don't actually know how Lae'zel acts later in the game. I'd say with plotting she and Neth could become trusted allies, possibly even romantic partners. Buuuut....it wouldn't exactly be easy.
A lot of mystery surrounds Shadowheart. Neth doesn't really mind that since she would never ask someone to tell her their whole life story, but it does make it more difficult for her to trust Shadowheart. But on a personal level, Neth likes her. She makes nice company. This doesn't mean she loves her, but if Neth had to choose someone to travel with, it would be Shadowheart.
This carries on from their first meeting to even later in the game. I don't think they get particularly closer (unless something significant happens to bring them together) but they stay on pleasant terms. Neth doesn't care about her religion, given that her own people worship Lolth. They're relatively pleasant to each other, but I don't think the would become best friends or even girlfriends without something nudging them together (but still, it would be MUCH easier than Neth with Lae'zel~)
Yeah no, Neth did not like him at first XDD White hair? Red eyes? Literal bite marks on his neck?? It doesn't take a high-level perception to see that he is clearly a vampire. But she didn't make any final judgements without knowing for sure, and when she did, she wasn't surprised. She trusts him as far as she can throw him (but given that she's a fighter, she CAN throw him...just not very far XDD)
But the further into the game it gets, the more she tolerates him. She still rolls her eyes at his flirtatious flamboyancy, but it's less of an instantly repulsed reaction and more of a "this crazy bitch..." response XDD So expect a lot of banter. Neth is usually very serious and blunt, but around Astarion, she actually jokes around quite a bit in the form of teases. But rarely would she ever say anything that would make him actually offended. Think frienemies. Maybe even closer friends later on.
As for romance... It's a bit more difficult. Neth isn't interested in a purely physical relationship, and Astarion isn't interested in a more emotional relationship. I think they would be really interesting together, but it's more of a matter of would they? Neth wouldn't want to sleep with him immediately, so would he even bother after that? Who knows.
When Neth first met Gale, she was kind of wary of him. He seemed almost too nice... Not in a heroic sort of way like Wyll, but just...kinda charismatic, which usually leads her to believe it's some sort of front. But no, that's pretty much Gale for you. She'd be her usual blunt self around him and he'd brush it off. Soon enough, she'll realize this is his normal, authentic self.
Neth likes talking to Gale (later on, at least). She's a good listener, plus she likes magic, so she'll listen to him go on about the Weave and all that stuff. Especially since she was never really taught this stuff, so it's interesting to know where magic comes from. I think they could become friends with a bit of nudging, and it would be pretty easy for them to be a couple. Neth sees the world as it is. She needs a bit of wonder in her life.
Yeah, Wyll is one of the few people that Neth almost immediately trusts. If I were to pick someone for her to be "canonically" in a relationship with, it would be Wyll. Faenethra wants to do good things, but she doesn't really have the resources to do so--or, at least, she thinks she doesn't. Wyll, regardless of their relationship, makes her think she can be good. He makes her want to be good...even though his extravagant tales of victory cause her to roll her eyes rather often~ But her feelings about him don't really change much later on, so I don't have much to say about it.
Neth was a bit wary of Karlach at first, just as she's wary of most people. However, she comes to trust her relatively fast. Neth is pretty uptight most of the time while Karlach is so chill. Karlach just naturally makes Neth open up more. Neth's the type of introvert who usually needs to be "adopted" by an extrovert as a friend, and Karlach is the perfect extrovert for the job. I can see them being the closest of friends, and even romantic partners. However... By default, they're just friends. (especially if/when i end up adding Karlach, bc then I'll have it in my interpretation that they're friends~)
Neth does not like Minthara. Maybe this could be swayed through plotting, but I can't see Neth ever becoming her friend, and especially not her romantic partner. Lolth-sworn drow make Neth uneasy, and for good reason. Not only is Neth a Seldarine drow, but she is an atheist at that. She doesn't follow any drow god (mostly because she just wasn't exposed to them). She feels like anyone who is sworn to Lolth may even attack her just because she doesn't follow the goddess, so she's always on alert around them.
Faenethra doesn't like how people treat her because she's a drow, but she knows they have a reason to feel that way. She does not like other drow (usually). She wasn't raised with their customs and way of life, so although she and Minthara are similar in appearance, Neth's blood curls around her. In a way... I guess you could say she's afraid of Minthara. (But in my playthrough with Neth being Tav, she did spare Minthara's life when she sided with the grove.)
Yet another character who Neth trusted pretty much immediately. Neth naturally trusts druids (good druids, at least) because they think like her sister. She likes their way of life, following nature and the natural order rather than gods and conquests. And she could pretty much immediately tell that Halsin was that kind of druid.
I don't think I could ever ship her and Halsin just because she sees him more as a father or older brother figure. If she's ever conflicted about something, chances are that she'll go to him. I don't really know why she sees him in a familial light but not anyone else, but maybe it's because this girl REALLY needs a good bear hug XDD
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saintlike78 · 3 years
The only thing we share [R.A.B & S.O.B]
A/N: THIS HAS TAKEN FOREVER! I’m so excited to finally be done with it! I’ve been working on this idea with @arcaneslut, so major thanks to her for supporting me through this. Also a major thanks to @bellatrixscurls for boosting my ego heheh <3 <3
It ends kinda abruptly because I was thinking about a part two if anyone’s interested in that.
Pairings: Regulus Black x Fem! Reader x Sirius Black (NO INCEST!)
Summary: Y/N can’t seem to choose between the two Black brothers, so what happens when Sirius finds her in the arms of his brother?
Words: 4.5k
Warnings: NSFW 16+, threesome (M/F/M), vaginal sex, oral (male and female receiving), fingering, orgasm denial, slight dom/sub-elements (dom! Sirius, soft dom! Reg, sub! Reader), handjob, mention of cum and cum swallowing, praise, degradation (use of slut and whore), one singular spank, crying, an indication of two-timing (but not really). As always lmk if I missed anything.
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“Heeey Reggie,” your voice was happy as you approached the dark-haired Slytherin boy, your arms finding their way around his middle to hug him.
His own arms found their way around you, holding you close to his chest as he chuckled lightly, “Darling, how many times have I told you not to call me that?”
“A lot of times... buuuut it suits you, so I’ll keep calling you Reggie,” you grinned as you looked up at his face.
Regulus shook his head, but his lips were slightly upturned in a smile.
“Do you want to study with me now?” You asked hopefully making it impossible for Regulus to say no to you, but it was exceptionally harder when you were looking at him with huge puppy dog eyes, a pout pulling at your lips if he should say no.
“Of course, darling,” he smiled, not giving it a second thought.
This was what your relationship was, endless flirting and lingering touches. Regulus would do almost anything you told him to, he was completely and utterly enamored by you, he couldn’t get enough. The only reason why you weren’t in a relationship was that he wasn’t the only guy who was head over heels in love with you - the other guy just so happened to be the one person Regulus couldn’t stand - his own brother. Another problem that you had found was that not only were they both in love with you, but you were in love with them both as well, creating a small problem for you.
Normally you wouldn’t be so publicly affectionate towards either of them, afraid that the other would catch on; you weren’t ready to lose either of them, so you kept it in your own secret world.
Of course, you knew how unfair it was to string them both along, not giving them the full truth as to why you didn’t want a relationship because you did want to be with them but having to choose was impossible.
Neither you or Regulus made a move to leave each other’s arms and head towards the library, just looking at each other while talking quietly about your day. You were too caught up with one another to notice the voices that grew louder and the sound of shoes hitting the stone floor. Unfortunately for you, the voices belonged to none other than the four Marauders, one of them, unfortunately, being the one person who was not supposed to witness you in the arms of his brother.
“Uhm y/n, what’r you doing?” the sound of Sirius’ voice caused you to quickly detach yourself from Regulus, creating a distance between the two of you, acting as if Sirius hadn’t caught you red-handed.
“Oh, hi Siri, what’s up?” You tried to act casual, but your tone and body language was anything but casual - fidgeting and bouncing from one foot to the other. Both boys looked at you and then at each other, scowling when they locked eyes.
Remus, James, and Peter looked between the three of you very confused, all three of them silent, thinking of what to say.
“I think we should get going - right James, Peter?” Remus broke the silence, hinting, not subtly that they should make their leave.
“Yes, sure, let’s go,” James stuttered, Peter just nodded, all of them scurrying away quickly, leaving you to deal with your problem.
“Darling, what’s going on,” Regulus placed a hand on your shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze, but you could only look back at him with sad eyes, knowing that now you would lose both of them. Your stomach had dropped to the floor, and it felt like someone was squeezing your heart.
“Darling?... why are you calling her that?” Sirius crossed his arms angrily over his chest, his eyes staring intently at the hand on your shoulder, jealousy filling his chest.
“Please can we go somewhere more private... I promise I’ll explain everything,” you tried, gesturing towards the girl’s lavatory.
Both boys nodded and let you lead them inside, shutting the door behind you gently and leaning your back up against it.
You looked down bashfully, your hands fidgeting anxiously in front of you as your mind raced with ways to explain to them what you’d been doing.
“What’s happening, pup?” Sirius tried a gentler tone, but the anger was still evident in it.
“I’m sorry,” your cheeks grew hot, and you could feel tears slowly gather in your eyes.
“For what, darling?” Regulus was less angry, putting on a calm front for you.
“I’ve had a thing, with... Uhm... both of you...” you were trying your hardest to keep your voice steady, but you couldn’t help the slight shake to your vocal cords.
“... it was not my intent to string you both along... I just like you both so much and I couldn’t choose... I know it was very wrong of me, but I-I can’t stand the thought of... losing you,” your voice cracked, and the first tear rolled down your cheek, but you quickly wiped it away, knowing how stupid you looked - you weren’t the victim in this.
They both stood shocked, not knowing what to say, but both wanting to reach out to comfort you.
The silence was deafening, the anxiety was eating away at you as you waited for one of them to speak and just end it with you then and there.
“I’m sorry... I understand if you don’t have anything to say to me or if you don’t want to see me anymore... I’ll - I’ll just leave,” your voice was quivering as you tried to keep your tears at bay until you had left.
You turned your body, ready to make a run for it, knowing that they probably hated you, but your hand never properly touched the knob before your wrist was grabbed and your body was yanked backward and away from the door. You were spun around to face them both, Regulus holding your wrist tight, not letting you run away.
Regulus let out a sigh before speaking, “I’m not happy about what you did, but I’m not ready to let you go... I can’t.”
Your eyes widened at his words, not expecting him to still want to be with you.
“Well, I’m not ready to let her go either... so now we have a little problem,” Sirius went to stand beside you, putting his arm around your waist and pulling you towards him, surprising you even more.
The tears made your vision blurry as you looked between them, “I’m sorry... I just don’t know what to do,” you whimpered out, causing both of them to quit their scowling contest to look at you, both of their eyes softening.
“Oh puppy, c’mere,” Sirius pulled you into his chest, hugging you as you cried, wetting his white school shirt.
Regulus came closer to soothingly rub up and down your back.
“Listen here, if Sirius and I can agree, I would be willing to... share,” Regulus said begrudgingly, but anything was better than losing you, especially to his brother.
Sirius scoffed, but didn’t argue against his brother, “I guess, if that’s what it takes to keep you, then I’ll be willing to share as well.”
You sniffled and looked up, “are you sure? I don’t want to force you into anything.”
Regulus and Sirius shared a look, and both nodded, “we’re sure,” Regulus answered for the both of them.
You hugged Sirius closer to you, reaching one arm behind you searching for Regulus’s hand, which he didn’t hesitate to give you.
“Thank you,” you whispered, but both boys heard you clearly, Sirius giving your body an extra squeeze.
You removed your face from Sirius’ chest to look up at him, “kiss?” you puckered your lips, while his lips turned up into a mischievous smile, but nonetheless he complied, leaning his head down and connecting your lips.
The kiss was much shorter than you would have liked, your lips following Sirius’ smirking ones when he pulled apart, a whine tearing through your throat.
Sirius only chuckled at your needy reaction, prompting you to find solace in the man behind you; you turned your head only to be met with a smirking Regulus, his hand still in yours as he had moved closer to you.
“What do you want, darling?” Regulus had leaned down to be level with your face, his voice coming out soft, yet you didn’t miss the slight teasing tone he held.
“You… I want both of you.”
“Is that how you ask nicely, pup?” Sirius broke in, forcing your face to look at his by grabbing your jaw and turning your face.
You whimpered, “please, may I have both of you,” your eyes searched Sirius' eyes desperately.
He smirked, looking down at your desperate figure while running his hand up and down your waist, occasionally giving it a squeeze, “that’s better… good girls have manners and you are a good girl, are you not?”
You quickly nodded, “I am, I promise I’ll be good for you.”
Both boys let out a groan at your words, their pants growing tighter by the second.
Regulus pulled out his wand, casting a silencing charm as well as locking the door.
“You really want to do this here?” you asked with a small tilt to your head.
“Do you have a better place we could go? There’ll be people in your dorm and in mine as well and I’m not going down to the darkest place known to man, also known as the Slytherin common room,” Sirius said before he slowly started kissing your neck, sucking lightly when he found the spot that made you gasp out in pleasure.
“Oi! I’ll let you know that it’s very atmospheric to be under the lake,” Regulus said with an angry frown, not letting Sirius step all over his house.
“Whatever you say,” Sirius retorted against your neck, his tone sarcastic.
You could feel a fight starting to ensue, which was the last thing you wanted from them at this moment.
“Please don’t fight… this is good, please,” you whimpered as Sirius sucked a purple mark right below your ear, his teeth sinking lightly into the flesh before his tongue came out to soothe the skin.
“Don’t worry, pretty darling, we’ll take care of you,” Regulus’s soothing voice said before he stepped even closer to you, your body sandwiched between the two brothers.
Regulus’s hands caressed your body, his hands going over your bum before slowly lifting your skirt to caress your bare skin. He bent down on his knees, his hands kneading away on your bum, he came forward to leave small kisses on the cheeks, his hands trailing down your thighs and moving to the inside of your thighs but purposely ignoring the place you needed him most. “Spread those beautiful legs a little more for me, princess,” Regulus tapped the inside of your thigs; you didn’t waste a second, your legs spreading further apart.
Your hands found a home on Sirius’ shoulders as you used him for balance, your fingers digging into the muscles in anticipation. Sirius’ head retreated from your neck to look at your face, the mischievous smirk never leaving his lips.
He was about to lean down to connect your lips, but he was swiftly interrupted by a gasp leaving your lips; Regulus had placed his thumb on your panties, feeling the wet patch that had formed on them. “So wet for us, darling,” he breathed out, his thumb rubbing your core slowly, working his way up to rub your clit through your soaked panties.
You moaned and gasped again as the pleasurable feeling spread through your body.
“Such a little slut, getting wet just from the thought of having not only one, but both of our cocks... such a filthy girl,” Sirius teased, finally leaning down and connecting your lips in a heated kiss.
You parted your lips letting his tongue enter and dance with your own, your breathing growing labored.
As you were preoccupied with Sirius’ mouth on yours, Regulus took the opportunity to slip your panties off and down your legs, tapping each of your feet for you to lift and step out of them.
You could hear the low groan from Regulus when he was faced with your puffy glistening cunt, a sight so pleasing he couldn’t wait any longer before diving right in, licking a strip from your aching clit to your entrance. Your body jolted at the contact, you let out a loud moan into Sirius’ mouth and your fingers tightened their grip on his shoulders, scared you would collapse, even though Sirius was holding your waist making sure you wouldn’t fall.
Sirius pulled apart, desperate to look at your face, but jealous that Regulus had gotten the chance to taste you before he himself had.
“Who would’ve thought that little y/n was such a little whore?” Sirius taunted, pinching your sides. You moaned at his degrading words, the words going straight to your already dripping cunt.
Sirius let out a taunting laugh, “Oh you like that huh? You like it when I call you a whore?”
You nodded and whimpered, “y-yes.”
Sirius’s lips turned up into a satisfied grin, “hmm filthy girl,” he whispered.
Regulus pulled away for a moment, “she tastes absolutely divine.”
At his words Sirius reached a hand down, collecting some of your arousal on his fingers as he ran them through your folds, making you whimper, before bringing his fingers to his lips, licking them clean.
He smacked loudly, “mmhm perfect.”
Your cheeks turned pink, and you leaned forward hiding your face in Sirius’ clavicle, prompting a chuckle from the boy.
“Aww, are we feeling shy? Huh?” He feigned a caring tone as he mocked your shyness.
You whined and shook your head, but your face was quickly pulled from its hiding spot by Sirius.
“No whining,” Sirius scolded, to which you just nodded.
“Sirius, can you grab her leg?” Came Regulus’s voice, instructing his brother.
Sirius rolled his eyes, “don’t give me instructions.”
You reached a hand up to caress Sirius’ cheek, “be nice,” you whispered, trying to keep them civil, instead of Sirius complying you let out a surprised gasp when Sirius’ hand suddenly was around your throat, giving it a small warning squeeze, but not enough to actually hurt you.
“We might not agree about who’s in charge, but it’s certainly not you... got it?”
You gulped, but nodded, “yes, sir.”
Another groan escaped Sirius at the use of the title, “you’re going to kill me.”
Sirius let go of your throat, reaching down to grab your leg like Regulus had asked, hoisting it up.
“There we go,” Regulus breathed out, his middle finger circling your entrance.
You could feel your heart through your chest, the beating growing faster and more rapid as the seconds went on. Your breath had been replaced by moans – filling the quiet room, along with the squelching sounds as Regulus inserted a finger in you, pumping it slowly in and out, feeling your warm walls pulse and contract at the minimal pleasure he was able to give you with just one finger.
Sirius leaned down to suck and bite at your neck; whimpers left your mouth at the pleasurable pain his teeth gave you, your hands moving to hold onto him by the back of his neck, pulling gently at the hairs at the nape.
Regulus added a second finger, pumping them faster while his other hand reached up to rub your clit in fast circles, pressing it occasionally to add pressure.
You could feel the familiar warmth building in the pit of your belly, your orgasm approaching rapidly.
“Please, may I cum?” You begged, gripping Sirius’ hair tighter as you tried to fight off the feeling.
Sirius submerged from your neck, squeezing your waist, “not yet… sluts like you have to wait for it.”
You whimpered at his words, tears gathering in your eyes at the strain of holding it in, “please, sir, I can’t,” you tried begging once more, but to no avail; Sirius shook his head and gestured for Regulus to stop, which he did, but not without a displeased grunt.
Regulus pulled his fingers from you, causing you to whine at the empty feeling and the fleeting orgasm having been stolen from you. You were about to turn your head to give Regulus a displeased look, but your cheeks were promptly grabbed by Sirius, his fingers squeezing a pout from you.
“What did tell you before?” he questioned with a raised brow.
“No whining,” you would’ve dipped your head if it hadn’t been for the hold, you found yourself in.
“Good girl,” Regulus praised as he stood to tower over you once more behind you.
“Good girl,” Sirius mocked, “she can remember simple instruction, but yet she still whines like a desperate little slut.”
“Don’t be so mean,” Regulus scolded, smacking Sirius’ hand that was holding your leg up, causing him to drop it.
Regulus leaned down to your ear before whispering, “don’t listen to him, darling, you’re doing so well, good girl.”
You turned your face, being level with Regulus, you connected your lips, tasting yourself on his lips and the sweet taste of him, breathing out a ‘thank you' before breaking apart.
Regulus just nodded with a smile, glad you understood his comfort, his hand finding home on the side of your waist Sirius wasn’t holding onto.
You felt Sirius’ hand back on your face, turning it to face him once more, “you know you can tell me if it’s too much, right?”
Your heart fluttered at Sirius checking on you, making sure that you were alright and happy with everything that was happening; you nodded in reply, looking into his eyes to show him that you meant it. Sirius smiled and leaned down to also be able to whisper in your ear, “good girl,” he whispered for only you to hear.
“Come, over here,” Sirius started guiding you towards one of the sinks in the lavatory, a large mirror hanging above the basin, your eyes meeting your own as Sirius pulled you further towards the image.
“Now look at that, such a pretty slut, it would be a shame if you don’t get the same view as us,” Sirius’ hand was stroking up and down the expanse of your back when you came to a halt in front of the shining mirror; Regulus followed suit standing on the other side of Sirius behind you. They were tall and intimidating – absolutely stunning, enchanting, causing all thoughts to leave your mind as you stared at them through the tall mirror; your stomach was filled with butterflies, accompanied by an ache created by the denied orgasm, your arousal was slowly dripping down your legs, but yet time stood still as you waited for one of them to do something, anything – you would let them do anything.
“I’m going to fuck you and you’re going to watch yourself get ruined like the filthy girl you are, understand?” Sirius was caressing your sides, but you knew it was as a decoy – his real purpose being freeing your shirt from being tucked into your plaid school skirt.
“Yes, sir, I understand,” you voiced your understanding, but you looked to Regulus, unsure what he thought of this particular arrangement.
Regulus caught your stare, returning it with a soft smile and kiss to your temple, “it’s okay, pretty girl, I’ll wait my turn,” he said with a wink.
Regulus stepped in front of you, temporarily blocking your reflection in the mirror, but his reasoning soon became clear as he started undoing the buttons of your shirt, helping you out of it, exposing your bra-covered breasts to the eager boys.
Sirius’ hands trailed up your back finding the clasp of your bra and undoing it, the bra loosening and helped off by Regulus. Out of instinct, your hands went up to cover your now exposed chest, but Sirius was quicker than you and took a hold of your wrists, his arms on both sides of you. “Don’t turn all shy now - you were so desperate before, be a good slut,” Sirius was taunting you, but his words only made the ache grow even bigger causing a whimper to be ripped from your throat and your head to turn to look at him over your shoulder; you were only met with a mocking tilt of his head, whilst his hands brought your wrists behind your back, switching to hold them both with one hand.
“Move out of the way, will you Reg.”
Regulus rolled his eyes, his face contorting into one of disgust at Sirius using a nickname for him, but nevertheless, he complied, but not before leaning down and giving your lips a quick peck.
With Regulus no longer blocking the mirror in front of you, you could see the situation unfold clearly; Regulus was close but leaning casually against a sink strategically placed so he could look at you without being in the way of the mirror, his hands starting to work on the zipper of his black school trousers.
Your focus was back on Sirius when you heard the same sound of a zipper, but from behind you; Sirius was quick to pull his painfully hard cock from the restraints of his own trousers, the tip of his cock red and dripping with pre-cum. He stroked himself a couple of times, his head thrown back and a groan leaving his lips, his raven-colored hair falling in front of his face when his head fell back into place. You let out a breathy moan at the sight, enamored by his beauty and growing more needy and desperate by the second.
Sirius flipped your skirt up, the clothing piece rather useless as you were bare everywhere else; your focus was momentarily lost on Sirius’ face, therefore, leaving you unprepared for the slap that was landed on your ass, pulling a yelp from you, but leaving you no room to complain as he pushed himself inside you – the complaint dying on your tongue and replaced by a surprised gasp of pleasure. Sirius and Regulus’ eyes were locked on your face, memorizing the look and contortion of satisfaction, the way your mouth was slightly agape, the slight backward roll your eyes made
Sirius set a fast pace, keeping you up by your arms as he held them tightly behind your back, giving both himself and Regulus a perfect view of your breasts as they bounced on every impact.
Your moans and smalls squeals, accompanied by the wet slapping sounds filled the bathroom, the occasional grunt and moan leaving Sirius’ mouth.
A yelp broke through when Regulus used his free hand, the one not currently working himself closer to an orgasm, to reach forward and tug at your sensitive nipples – pulling, twisting and rubbing them, his eyes locked on your reactions; he smiled a pleased smile at the sounds you let out, your eyes finding his, trying your hardest to keep your eyes open and hold his stare.
“You gonna cum, princess?” Regulus asked, giving your left nipple a particularly harsh pinch, your cunt pulsing and tightening around Sirius.
“Please, may I,” you pleaded, your eyes flitting between the two brothers, frustration building as well at the orgasm you were trying to hold off.
“Go on, milk my cock like the whore you are,” Sirius grunted, a low moan escaping as well as your cunt squeezed him once more.
Sirius moved his hips with a few hard thrusts, snaking his free hand to the front of your body to put pressure on your clit. Your breath stuttered, a gasp catching in your throat as a silent scream made its appearance, your orgasm rocking through your body, your cunt throbbing around Sirius. You spasmed as you tried, but failed, to topple forward, Sirius’ hands holding you too tight to let you fall.
Sirius moaned loudly as he reached his end, emptying himself in you, he stilled cock twitching. He rocked a couple of times, working you both through your orgasms before
he slowly pulled out, bending down to look at the way his cum dripped from you, muttering a small ‘gorgeous’ to himself. Rising to his full height, he kissed up your neck and your cheek while holding your body close to his, whispering small praises in your ear.
You were trying to catch your breath, your body twitching slightly at the sensitivity and the aftershock of the built-up release you had been keeping in for so long.
You were thrown out of your own thoughts and tiredness when you heard a moan coming from your side; Regulus’s head was thrown back as he tried desperately to finish himself.
You turned your head to kiss Sirius’ cheek as his head rested on your shoulder, before freeing yourself from his grasp to stand directly in front of Regulus. Grasping his face, you turned it down to look in your eyes as you leaned up to connect your lips with his in a hungry open-mouthed kiss. Your hand reached between your bodies as you took his cock from his hand, working it yourself; you applied pressure as you twisted and stroked with your hand at a fast pace. Regulus pulled away from the kiss to let out a stuttered moan as your thumb brushed over to sensitive slit, his hips working to match the pace of your hand.
“Gonna cum,” he breathed out, “let me cum in that pretty mouth of yours.”
Even though his tone was much softer than Sirius’ had been, it was still a command, to which you complied.
You sank to your knees, keeping your hand in motion, but replacing it with your mouth leading Regulus to his much-needed release.
His hands grasped your hair at the base of your scalp, holding your head still as his hips moved him through his release, his cum seeping into your mouth on your tongue and down your throat.
With the help of Regulus, you stood, met with the soft smile from Regulus and a gentle kiss on your lips from him. Sirius stepped behind you, holding your bra and shirt helping you put them on, turning you around to button the shirt up.
“Thank you,” you said, stroking his hair as Regulus stroked your hips from behind you.
“For what? This or the other thing?” Sirius smirked, your eyes rolling at his insinuation.
“Both, I guess,” you giggled making both boys chuckle, as Sirius finished off the last button on your shirt.
Your eyes scanned the floor, but the short search for your panties was unsuccessful.
“Uhm, where are my panties?”
Sirius smirked once more before holding the piece of clothing up but quickly pocketed it when you tried to reach for them. “Oh, I’m keeping these… as a souvenir.”
You rolled your eyes once more, but the smile was ever-present on your face.
“Again, thank you for this,” you breathed a content breath.
“I can’t say I wasn’t surprised, but if this is the price to be with you, I’m willing to pay it,” Regulus said, gesturing to Sirius as he said ‘this’, earning him a disgruntled ‘hey!’, though Sirius nodded in agreement.
“I’m interested in what’s to come.”
Tags: @dracosafety, @justadreamyhufflepuff, @teenwolfbitches28, @emma67, @trouble-in-space, @kermiemoon, @autumnandwinteraesthetics, @roonilwazlibswhore, @lexi_shoto, @sprucewoodlover, @blackandlupinsslut, @emmaev, @cedricisnotdead, @sirius-sugarmomma, @i-love-scott-mccall, @pretty-pop-princess-hs, @pottahishotasf
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thealtoduck · 3 years
Being from District 1 and being in the 75th Hunger Games with Finnick…
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Finnick Odair x Male reader
Warnings: It’s the goddamn hunger games so people dying and lots of violence, talk about two people hooking up.
(A/N: This is based on the movie because i didn’t feel like re-reading the book before writing this)
Growing up in District 1 had it’s advantages because unlike most districts yours has a good relationship with the capital and you are illegally trained for the hunger games so you get an advantage.
…buuuut there is a disadvantage, you are taught the games are just that GAMES and ignore the parts where you might end up traumatised or worse dead.
And that is how you ended up in the games, you volunteered but mostly because you were taught that the games are a good thing and because your parents pressured you into it.
However you ended up winning but not without some mental scars.
You took your winnings and moved into the victors village but without your parents not ever wanting to speak to them again.
You lived peacefully for a while until you didn’t because the capitol decided that for the third quarter quell the tributes would be reaped from the victors of each district.
When you saw that you may or may not have had a nervous brakedown.
Then came the day of the reaping, you told yourself that you were not likely to be picked since District 1 had several other Male victors.
”As for the male tribute… Y/N L/N”
But then you were picked anyway… *cries*
So alongside Cashmere you headed for the Capitol in one of their fancy trains.
You had been allowed to chose your mentors, Cashmere had chosen her brother Gloss. You had picked Augustus Braun, Panem’s favorite son, (he was a character created for promo photos for the movies, the guy who ”plays” him is really hot). He had been your mentor during the year you won so he knew how to work with you and plus he is nice :).
When you arrived at the trainstation there were a huge crowd waiting for you. Augustus advised you to try to appear sad but still wave to the capitol citizens and treat them kindly so they might sympathize with the fact that your back in the games.
You met up with your prep team and they made you strip naked so that they could look you over and make you look presentable.
After they finished they got you into your outfit for the tribute parade.
(A/N: Your outfit is whatever the male version of this would look like)
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You were walking towards the chariots for the parade when you heard a catcall whistle and you knew immediately who it was.
You turned around and were met with a almost naked Finnick Odair a familiar sight as you had hooked up the year before while being mentors for the tributes.
”Hello Finnick” you said in a voice implying that you were not in the mood for his flirting.
He caught the hint and the two of you had a normal conversation. You asked how Annie and Mags were doing as you were rather fond of both of them.
He said they were doing fine considering the cicumstances. The two of you talked for a while but eventually Finnick went to try to make Katniss Everdeen uncomfortable for fun.
You climbed in to the chariot and helped Cashmere get up as she was wearing 8 inch stilettos.
After the tribute parade you are escorted to the training center with the rest of your group.
The next day training began, you went directly for the throwing knives which was your preferred weapon.
Then you were approached by Peeta Mellark, last years winner, he asked you to show him how to throw knives. You agreed to show him and you gave him some tips and tricks that you used. He then showed you how to do some simple camouflage.
You liked Peeta he was the kind of person that was hard not to like, unlike his district partner.
You and Cashmere invited Katniss to the place where they showed you how to make hammocks and it was noticable that she was a bit suspicious to be talking to career tributes.
The training days passed by and you did well on your private session but now it was time for the interviews.
When you got out on the stage you threw your arms around Caesar Flickerman as if he was your lover, which in turn got you a ”Awww” from the audience.
You turned on the waterworks, you talked about how much you will miss the capitol citizens for treating you like family and that you regret not reconciling with your parents after a fight you had before you left and not getting to say goodbye to them. It was all lies though but it was enough to fool the audience.
The audience gave you a standing ovation while you joined Cashmere standing in a line above the stage.
The rest of the tributes gave their interviews (Johanna’s was your favorite) and then Peeta during his interview told Caesar that Katniss was pregnant and all hell broke lose.
That evening you were visited by Haymitch and he told you that Peeta had wanted you as an ally and about the rebellion and about their plan to get Katniss out of the arena.
You agreed to the plan.
Before you went in to the arena you said goodbye to your escort, prep team, stylist, Gloss and Augustus.
You also said goodbye Cashmere since you knew you were on different sides in the arena and you said a silent prayer that you wouldn’t have to be the one to kill her.
You were then taken aboard the hovercraft and flown to the arena. You were then escorted to the small elevator thing that takes you the podiums in the arena.
You stood in the elevator waiting anxiously for the game to start. You also realised that you didn’t know who your other allies would be other than Katniss and Peeta.
The podium then started rising until you were inside the arena. Your eyes were blinded by the sunlight and you looked around and saw that the podioum was surrounded by water.
You saw that there were rocky spokes connected to the island where the cornucopia was located.
Then you heard a voice saying ”Let the 75th Hunger Games begin, May the odds be ever in your favor” a voice started counting down from 10 and you prepared yourself to dive in.
A canon went of as the starting signal for the games and you dove right in to the water and swam to one of the rocky spokes and climbed up on it.
You saw someone else had climbed up on it behind you but didn’t care to find out who so you tried to run but they had roughly grabbed a hold of your arm and were trying to drag you back.
You turned around and saw the male tribute from district 9. Without thinking further about it you clenched your fist and punched him in the nose. He let go of you and you started running towards the cornucopia.
You looked around and realised that you were now at a disadvantage from only being held back for a few seconds.
You reached the cornucopia and tried to sneak around it to see who was there but Finnick suddenly appeared around the corner and pointed his trident at you for a second but brought it down as soon as you made eye contact.
”Come on” he said and led you to the weapons. You picked up vest with a bunch of throwing knives attached to it and put it on.
You had put it on just in time as the man from 9 had reached the cornucopia as well. His nose was bleeding from your punch. You got a knife from the vest took aim and threw a knife at his throat, you hit just as intended.
You got an extra leg holster with throwing knives and a regular knife incase needed for close combat.
Finnick told you to stay by the supplies to guard them with Katniss while he looks for Peeta. You nodded at him as he ran off.
Katniss and you stood guard for a while until Finnick returned saying Mags had found him. You and Katniss followed him as he led you out on one of the spokes leading out from the cornucopia.
You saw movement in the water as Peeta was wrestling with a tribute trying to drown him. Finnick dived in to help Peeta, you turned to the cornucopia to check so no one would sneak up behind you.
Soon enough Peeta and Finnick were out of the water and the 5 of you made your way in to the jungle.
You all ran through the difficult jungle terrain except Mags who was carried on Finnick’s back.
After getting far enough from the cornucopia you all kneeled down for a quick rest. You heard more canons going off meaning more people had died.
”I guess were not holding hands anymore” Finnick said with a quick laugh. ”You think that’s funny?” Katniss asked with obvious hostility in her voice. You made quick eye contact with Peeta basically saying ”Fuck, they are going to be fighting”.
”Every time that canon goes of it’s music to my ears, i don’t care about any of them” Finnick answered. ”Good to hear” Katniss said pulling out a machete from her quiver. ”Wanna face the career pack alone? What would Haymitch say?” Finnick asked teasingly.
”Haymitch isn’t here” Katniss stated and there was silence for a moment until Peeta said ”Let’s keep moving” and you all got up and continued moving through the jungle.
Peeta walked in front using the machete to cut plants and vines out of the way, Finnick was behind him carrying Mags, you were behind Finnick and Katniss was behind you.
You noticed Katniss stopping behind you as you turned to see if anything was wrong she yelled ”Peeta! NO!” and right behind you there was a bang and you were knocked to the ground by Peeta flying backwards.
You sat up and saw Katniss crawling over to Peeta repeating his name slowly as he lay motionless on the ground. You then heard her say in a panicy voice ”He’s not breathing”, Finnick ran over to him and started doing mouth to mouth resuscitation. You crawled over to see what was happening.
After a while he woke up again and you all started to move slowly but Katniss was now in the lead, she threw small rocks at the barrier so that you could navigate how close you were to it.
Katniss told the 4 of you to wait while she climbed up a tree to see your location and if she could find fresh water. When she got down she told you that you were on the edge of the arena and that she couldn’t find any water.
Finnick suggested that you should set up camp and sleep, he said he could take first watch to guard the others to which Katniss disagreed which in turn made Finnick upset since he literally saved Peeta.
Honestly you were tired of both of them so you rolled your eyes and walked away to find somewhere decent to sleep.
You found a spot close to Mags where you laid down and shut your eyes but that didn’t last long as you heard the anthem playing and you looked up and saw the faces of the fallen tributes.
When you saw the face of the man from district 9 you felt ashamed. You wondered if he had a lover or children at home who had to watch him bleed to death from a knife to the throat.
You turned around so you lay on your other side and your y/c/e met with Mags kind eyes and she gave you a small smile as if she had read you mind which you returned shyly.
(A/N: I had to stop a second just for some Mags appreciation because she’s one of my favorite characters in the hunger games universe.)
You closed your eyes again trying to sleep but you then heard something hit the ground you sat up and looked to Katniss and Finnick who had gone to inspect the noise.
It turned out to be a sponsor gift, you stood up and walked over to them. Katniss held a small silvery thing. ”What is it?” Finnick asked. ”It’s from Haymitch…… I think it’s a spile” Katniss answered.
”A what?” Both you and Finnick asked as Katniss stood up and found a tree and started banging on the spile with a rock hitting it in to the tree.
You all waited for a moment but soon water started trickling down from the spile. Katniss caught some in her mouth and told the others to get some, first Peeta got some, then Finnick and the you.
You were on you knees infront of the spile, you got a mouthful of water. Finnick walked up beside you with a small smile and said ”As much as i like seeing you on your knees, can you move over a little? I need some more water for Mags”. You laughed a little and moved aside.
”Seems like someone has gotten his wittiness back” you said and Finnick gave a small laugh and started filling a leaf he had shaped like a bowl for Mags.
After that you went to your previous resting place and laid down to sleep again. You were woken up at some point by what sounded like a gong and the sound of lightning but you managed to get back to sleep.
You were woken up by the sound of Katniss screaming, you quickly got up and pulled out your close combat knife. You saw no one but Katniss, she was laying on the ground whimpering and there was a closing in behind her.
”Run! Run! The fog is poisonus” she yelled you helped Mags get up as Finnick crouched down to get her up on his back. When she was safely up you started running following Katniss and Peeta.
You passed Katniss and Peeta as being quick was sort of your specialty.
It was hard to know where to go as almost everywhere you turned the fog seemed to be coming closer. You heard falling behind you and saw that Katniss had fallen over but Peeta had helped her up. Then a little bit after that Peeta fell over and Katniss helped him up, you turned around to come to their aid but you heard Finnick screaming and saw him falling over.
You ran to Finnick to help him get up but by the time you got there he was already up and he had gotten Mags back up on his back. You grabbed him by the arm and helped him away from the fog. You and Finnick saw that Peeta had fallen over once again from exposure to the fog.
You and Finnick ran to him and Katniss. ”I can’t carry him, Peeta please” she said with tear stained eyes. You tried to help carry Peeta but it was no use you weren’t strong enough.
Behind you heard Finnick saying ”Mags? Mags?” You turned around and saw Mags walking right into the fog (like the boss she is).
(R.I.P Queen, both the actress and character)
”MAGS!” Finnick screamed and the came the sound of canon. You grabbed Finnick by the arm and Katniss told him that we need to leave.
Finnick helped pick up Peeta as you picked up Peeta’s machete and started cutting away plants that were in the way. The others staggerd away from the fog, you ran to Katniss side to try help her keep up.
You feel the fog touching you back as immense pain shoot through you whole body and then the 4 of you fell… not because the fog though but because there was a huge drop that you hadn’t noticed.
When you land you just lay on the ground twitching and flinching from the pain.
After a while you hear Katniss saying ”The water, the water helps”. You tried to get up but you body was like on lockdown. You hear them helping Finnick into the water, Finnick tries to let out a scream but gets water in his mouth.
Peeta comes to you and drags you up into a sitting positon saying ”Come on” as if he’s talking to a child but it was strangely comforting. He then pulls you into the pond making you let out a scream from a sudden sharp pain but the pain slowly starts to fade away.
The group takes a little brake now to rest and you can’t help but to whisper a little ”thank you” to Mags.
You then hear Katniss saying to Finnick ”I’m sorry about Mags”. Finnick answered by saying ”She was never gonna make it….so”.
Finnick then turned his attention to something behind Katniss, you turned around and saw some sort of monkey like creature staring at you, whatever they were they didn’t look friendly so you pulled out your combat knife in one hand and a throwing one in the other.
All 4 of you stood in the little pond surrounded by the mutts, you were all waiting for one to attack. ”Get to the beach” Katniss said and turned towards a path that lead towards the cornucopia but the mutts started looking more aggressive.
One tried to jump at Katniss but was cut down by Peeta which made more start to attack.
You weren’t really that well equipped to deal with animals but you tried your best. A mutt tried to jump at you but you kicked it in the face and threw a knife at it.
Another one ran towards you so threw a knife at it’s arm making it shriek in pain and you ran over and stabbed it with the combat knife.
”We need to get to the beach” Peeta said as he and Katniss started moving in the beaches directon, you started following him and Katniss and made sure Finnick was keeping up.
You made you way through the difficult terrain while trying to avoid the mutts. You did your best to hit then with your knives but the didn’t pack enough of a punch to kill them unless they were hit in sensitive areas.
You were tackled by a mutt which made you fall to the ground. It crawled onto you about to maul your face off but you stabbed it in the stomach and twisted the knife.
You threw it’s dead body off of you and got up, you saw Katniss and Peeta carrying someones body to the beach, you turned your head back and saw Finnick fending of the mutts. Your mind raced for a second if Finnick is there and Peeta and Katniss are fine the who’s body was that.
You ran over to Finnick who was slowly making his way to the beach backwards with the mutts following him, only held back by his trident. You stood by his side swinging your blade at any mutt that comes to near you two.
Finnick then whispered to you ”At my signal grab my hand”, you nodded.
”Now” he said and you grabbed his hand and the two of you started sprinting towards the beach while the mutts chased yoy, when you got near enough you and Finnick dove on to the beach sand.
You and Finnick quickly got up and pointed your weapons at the mutts that where now on the edge of the jungle where the beach began. You then heard a canon going off and the mutts then started making their way into the jungle once more.
You put you knife in the holster at your leg and then turned to Finnick. You threw your arms around him in a hug, Finnick put his big arms around and you leaned you head against the older males shoulder.
It was hard putting a label on yours and Finnick’s relationship. You had met during part of your victory tour in district 4, you were attending a dinner in your honor.
You had excused yourself to go to the public bathroom during the dinner. You had no need to actually use the bathroom. You just needed to get away from the people who had celebrated the fact that you had killed people.
You started having a bit of a nervous breakdown in the bathroom, you were crying, splashing water in your face trying to calm down but you felt like you needed to scream.
One of the toilet stalls had opened and Finnick steped out. He went to the sink to wash his hands and while doing so he noticed your red eyes and trembling hands and he asked if you were okay.
And you spilled everything to him and told him how you were feeling, he put an arm around you, he told you he somtimes felt like that as well and told you how he usually copes with it.
He had told you that if you didn’t want to finish the dinner he could go out and tell everyone you weren’t feeling well and have you escorted back to the train.
But you said you wanted to try to get through the dinner as long as he was there to help you. He agreed to be there with you and you managed to get through the whole thing.
After that Finnick was basically your bestie and you guys would come to each other for emotional support.
And last year during the 74th hunger games while you both were in the capitol, you had been hanging out at his apartment the capitol give the victors while they visit for the games.
While hanging out things got a bit steamy between the two of you and you ended up hooking up, the day after the two of you kinda acted like it never happened and things got a bit awkward between you and him.
But being back in to the arena had stirred up feelings for him you had buried. While in the arena most people will latch onto whatever makes them feel safe and Finnick made you feel safe.
You finally let go of Finnick and you noticed a hover craft picking up the body Peeta and Katniss had taken in to the water. Finnick told you he was gonna go try to catch some fish food, you nodded at this and walked over to Katniss and Peeta.
”Who body was it they picked up?” you asked. ”The female morphling” Peeta answered in a saddend voice. You sat down in the sand, the 4 of you had almost died 3 times (+ 1 for Peeta) in less than 24 hours and it was exhausting.
Finnick had managed to catch a fish and found some oysters that you were now eating. Peeta found a pearl and gave it to Katniss.
You then heard a scream coming from the jungle, ”That’s new” Peeta said and you heard a thundering noise.
Out of the jungle came a huge wave of water and you heard a canon going off. The wave was so big it washed up on the beach.
You then saw a hover craft lifting away the body.
After it had flown away you heard Katniss say ”Someone is hear”. You immediately looked in the direction Katniss had been looking and saw another tribute on the beach and two other tributes emerging from the jungle, you backed up slowly.
”Johanna?” Finnick whispered and ran out of hiding towards Johanna shouting her name, ”Finnick!” she yelled back and the two embraced each other. You made your way towards them and waved Johanna.
Johanna told the 4 of you how she, Wiress, Beetee and Blight, her district partner, had been wandering the jungle when it had started raining blood on them to the point where they could barely see and were choking on it. Then blight had hit the forcefield and passed away.
Wiress was stumbling around murmering the words ”Tick-tock” to herself, Wiress tried to get Johanna’s attention but she ignored her.
”What’s wrong with her?” Katniss asked referring to Wiress. ”She’s in shock, dehydration isn’t helping” Beetee answered and the asked ”You have fresh water?”
”We can get some” Katniss answered as Johanna had started getting fed up with Wiress saying ”Tick-Tock” to her. ”Listen stop it!” Johanna said loudly while grabbing a hold of Wiress.
”Hey! Get of her” Katniss yelled as Wiress fell to the ground. Katniss stromed passed you and started fighting with Johanna. ”Hey!, what are you doing” Johanna asked as Katniss got up in her face but before things could escalate Peeta and Finnick had pulled them apart.
You got the spile and hit it in to a tree so that the others could get freshwater. You took a big leaf and shaped it like a bowl and got some water for Beetee who was working with some sort of wire. Katniss and Wiress then came excitedly and said that the arena was a clock with different obstacles every hour.
You all decided to go to the cornucopia to stock up on weapons, you had decided to get something more lethal than just knives just in case something comes up.
Katniss was trying to go through what happens during every hour that we know off. When you arrived at the Cornucopia you refilled your knife supply and picked up a nice sword. The others were drawing up a map of the zones and the drew the threats we knew about tsunami, lightning, blood rain, fog and mutts.
Then came a loud gasp from Wiress who was being stabbed in the back by the male tribute from district 10 (you know since your here instaed of Gloss). Katniss was quick to shoot an arrow hitting him right in the chest killing him almost instantly.
Another figure had appeared it was Cashmere she had a knife in her hand. She was on her way to attack Katniss but Johanna pushed her out of the way and plunged her axe right in Cashmere’s chest.
Right as she hit the ground there came clang of metal against metal and you saw Brutus attacking Finnick and Peeta. Enobaria then suddenly appears and throws a knife at Finnick cutting his arm. You quickly draw a knife throwing at Enobaria cutting her shoulder.
Enobaria and Brutus start running away from the cornucopia. You, Katniss and Johanna run to follow them but as you do the island the cornucopia is located on starts spining and you all fall to the ground.
You take out a knife in one hand and stab it in to the ground to try to keep you from sliding of the island, you manage to get a good grip with your hand as well.
You hear struggling behind you and see Johanna struggling to keep a hold of Katniss’ hand, she lost her grip and Katniss fell into the raging water.
The island then stopped spining and Katniss climbed up on one of the spokes and started coughing up water. Johanna and Peeta checked that she was okay.
She was fine and your group left the island and went back to the beach, you all sat down on the beach to stratergize. Other than the group there was 3 people left in the games Chaff, Brutus and Enobaria.
They were all outnumbred so they probably won’t try to attack us. Johanna suggested that we hunt them down but then you heard a scream ”Ahhh!!! Katniss,Help me!!!” which made Katniss scream in return ”Prim!!! Prim!!!” as she ran into the jungle.
You all ran to follow her Finnick was in front you were right behind him but then you hit something almost like when you run in to a glass door, it was an invisible forcefield. ”Y/n!Are you okay?” You heard Peeta saying as you sat up.
”Yeah” you said as he helped you up. You tried to touch the forcefield, it was as solid as a brick wall. Soon Katniss and Finnick came running back with a bunch of birds following them but they couldn’t get through the forcefield and were stuck on the other side.
You had to wait an hour until the birds flow away and the forcefield disappeared. You ran over to Finnick to check on him. ”Are you okay? You asked putting a hand on his shoulder. ”Yeah, i’m fine” he said weakly.
You the heard Johanna say something about ”Riots in the damn capitol” she then yelled ”Hey! How does that sound Snow! What if we.. What if we set your backyard on fire?! You know you can’t put everybody in here!!!”. You were all looking at Johanna speechless at her open disrespect of President Snow.
”What?… they can’t hurt me, there’s no one left that i love” Johanna said and walked away to get Katniss some water. That left you feeling bad for Johanna, sure she may be a bit rude at times but she’s nowhere near as bad as some people make her out to be.
You helped Finnick stand up and your group made their way back to the beach once more. Finnick went and sat down in the shallow part of the water. You were torn whether you should go to him or not, maybe he wanted to be alone.
But then you remembered how he had been there for you during your victory tour, so you went out into the water and sat down beside him. ”Did you hear her?” You asked referring to Annie.
Finnick gave you a small nod. You didn’t know what more to say, but you didn’t need to cause Finnick started speaking ”I also heard you”. You gave him a questioning look ”Really?”
”Yeah, even though in knew you were there right infront of me, it was still torture to have to hear you screaming my name for help, I had to open my eyes just to check that you were okay” Finnick said turning his attention from the water to you. You grabbed his hand gently and said ”I’m okay, thanks to you”. You and Finnick’s heads were leaning close to eachother but then came a shout ”Finnick!” ”Y/n” it was Johanna she waved for you to come over.
You and Finnick got up and walked over to the others and the group made a plan to use the wire Beetee had gotten to hopefully electrecute the careers.
A few hours went by and the sun started to go down. You were sitting in the wet sand watching Finnick swinging around his trident lightly. Then you heard the noise of something hitting the ground near you, you turned around.
A little bit inside the jungle you saw a silver capsule, you went into the junge and got it. You opened it and knew immediately what it was. You turned to the others and yelled at them to come over. You showed them that you had gotten bread from district 1.
You gave everyone their fair share of the bread, ”District 1 is known for using cinnamon and huckleberries in their bread” you informed them though the only one who actually seemed to care what your district used in their bread was Peeta.
Then it was time to leave to go to the lightning tree and once again you were making your way through the thick jungle terrain.
Then you heard the anthem playing and you looked up in the sky to see the pictures of the fallen tributes. You felt a bit sad when you saw Cashmere up there and realised even if you got out of the arena Gloss would kill you.
But it felt worse seeing Wiress and Mags up there. They had both been very kind people and they shouldn’t have been in here in the first place. You felt something inside you almost as if it was catching fire (A/N:😉) a new hatred for the capitol.
You continued moving until you reached the lightning tree and Beetee started doing his thing and wrapping the tree with the bronze colored wire. He then told you, Katniss and Johanna to go with the spool of wire to the beach, throw it into the water and go to the tree in the 2 o’clock sector.
”I’m gonna go with them as a guard” Peeta said probably not wanting to leave Katniss. ”Nonono, your staying here to protect me… and the tree”. Beetee opposed. ”No i need to go with her” Peeta said stubbornly.
”There are two careers out there, i need two guards” Beetee said. ”Finnick can protect just fine on his own” Peeta said and you and Finnick gave eachother a knowing look. Then Katniss butted in saying ”Yeah, why can’t Finnick, Y/n and Johanna stay with you and Peet and I will take the chord”.
”You all agreed to keep me alive till midnight, correct?” Beetee asked in a annoyed tone. ”It’s his plan we all agreed to it” Johanna said clearly starting to get annoyed as well. ”Is there a problem here?” Finnick asked. ”Excellent question” Beetee said as you were all staring down Peeta and Katniss.
”No, there’s no problem” Katniss said in a defeated manner and walked over to Peeta and gave him a kiss. After they finished you said ”Good idea” and walked over to Finnick and kissed him, you could feel him kiss back and put his arms around your waist.
After you pulled away you said with a weak smile ”You know just incase we never see eachother again”. ”Alright, let’s go” Johanna said. You walked over to her and put an arm around her shoulder saying jokingly ”Incase your feeling left out i can give you a quick kiss too”, Johanna only rolled her eyes but let out a small chuckle.
You, Johanna and Katniss made your way to the beach once more the same way you came. After a while of walking Johanna said ”Come on, i wanna put as much distance between me and this beach as possible, frying is not how i wanna go” but then came another sound from the spool it had stopped putting out wire.
”There’s something…” Katniss said and looked in the direction the wire came from but saw nothing then something pulled the wire and cut it off. Katniss immediately threw aside the spool and pulled out an arrow but Johanna grabbed the spool and hit her over the head with it.
You were kinda lost on what to do but Johanna got you to kneel down beside her and took your combat knife and started cutting up Katniss’ arm open, then it dawned on you the arm with the tracker, the plan to get Katniss out was set into motion.
You grabbed Katniss arm so that she wouldn’t try to fight it, Johanna smeared blood on Katniss’ throat to make her look like she was dying. ”Stay down” she whispered to Katniss and sat up and threw her axe against Brutus and Enobaria who were on their way. ”Come on” Johanna said to you and you followed her as you ran with careers chasing you.
It was hard to keep up with Johanna in this terrain. You then felt a sudden sharp pain in your side and saw that you had gotten a cut that was now bleeding, you guessed that Enobaria must have thrown a knife. You looked up to see where Johanna had gone but she must not have noticed you slowing down because you couldn’t see her.
You turned around and saw that only Enobaria was on your trail now. You drew your sword just in time to deflect another knife coming your way, she drew her sword as well.
The sound of clashing swords came as she made a slash at you which you blocked. You went back and forward with her for a while slashing, stabbing, cutting but neither managed to kill the other.
Enobaria then made stab at your hand cutting it open so that blood started spilling out, you tried to fight with one hand but she easily disarmed you. You turned around and started running since there wasn’t much else you could do.
You managed to put some fair distance between you and her, not enough to get rid of her but enough so you could draw a knife and throw it at the hand she kept her sword in which caused her to drop it but that didn’t stop her as she drew a knife from her vest.
You did the same bracing yourself for her. The two of you pounced at eachother like tigers, colliding in the air and laying on the ground wrestling for dominance, she had gotten on top of you and tried to stab you but you grabbed the hand she kept her knife in and used your other hand to grab her hair.
You pulled it with all your strength and managed to roll over so that you were on top of her, you held her down and punched her across the face. She still managed to grab you and roll you over so she was on top of you again and she the showed you her fang like teeth.
She was starting to lean down probably about to rip your throat out with her bare teeth but something had distracted her, you seized your moment and noticed you were right beside a steep slope. So with all the power in your body you grabbed a hold of her and threw her off of you and down the slope.
You got up quickly and looked at what had distracted her and saw that it was a blue glowing wire pointing right up into the sky or what used to be the sky but was now just a gray dome.
Your brain put some kind of scenario together that this was part of the plan so you started making you way towards the source of the glowing wire but it was hard you were still bleeding and you were exhausted from your fight with Enobaria.
You staggerd towards the lightning tree but your body couldn’t take anymore and you collapsed, you looked up at the gray dome and saw that it was starting to fall apart. That made you smile and you thought to yourself ”Thank you, Mockingjay” and then it faded to black.
(A/N: Don’t worry you didn’t die at the end, but please give this a like or reblog it took like a lot of time write and i really tried my best, there might be some grammatical errors in there but deal with it)
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egcdeath · 4 years
birthdays with the boys
in honor of my own birthday, today i’ll be sharing with you what i think your birthday with many cevans characters would be like. enjoy! <3
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steve rogers
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he leaves his mission early and unannounced so when you wake up to the smell of pancakes in your house, and a man with breakfast in bed you almost jump out of your skin buuut you couldn’t be happier to see him
breakfast in bed is just the start of your bday because he goes ALL. OUT. 
as you finish up eating, he grabs a folded piece of paper with a wax seal on it and hands it to you
he tells you to open it once he leaves, gives you a wink, then goes
he planed a birthday scavenger hunt for you!!!
for the rest of the day, you travel around the city to a bunch of important places in your relationship, like your fav dates n stuff
at the midway point of the hunt, he meets you for a coffee and makes sure you’re still enjoying everything before he sends you off with the avenger’s company card and basically tells you to get something nice before finishing the hunt hehe
you do in fact get yourself something nice
at the end of the hunt, you end up at the compound where all of your friends and teammates are and you have a very nice birthday party
by the time that you and steve go home, you’re exhausted but wanna spend a lil more time savoring your birthday so steve suggests that the two of you watch that one cheesy rom com that you love (and he hates)
as you cuddle on the couch, popping the occasionaly popcorn kernel in your mouth, you cant help but to feel grateful that you have such an amazing boyfriend
ransom drysdale
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his birthdays were always disregarded when he grew up, so he has a very extravagant celebration planned for you
we all know that he can make a pretty airtight and elaborate plan so you literally have zero idea of what he’s got up his sleeve
enter: a whole birthday week
(he sweet talked your boss into some time off  so thats one whole thing you don’t have to worry about)
day one is a whole spa and a shopping day
he can’t stand some of your friends but he invites them anyway bc he knows it’ll make you happy
he’s glaring at your friends while they giggle about some new louis vuitton purse and you’re thoroughly amused by it
you give him extra kisses that night as a reward for not instigating any fights that day (awww bf of the year am i right ladies?)
day two you guys do a museum hop and look at lots of art
ransom rolls his eyes at canvases that have a few drops of paint on them and are called modern art, you think this is hilarious
day three you have a picnic together in a park
ransom knows you have an affinity for charcuterie boards and attempts to make you one himself (and it’s not all that bad), along with a bunch of dainty little sandwiches
later that day, you go to a planetarium together
on your drive back home you have an interesting convo on the meaning of life
day 4 you take a pottery class together
ransom makes the most deformed bowl you’ve ever seen in your life
so naturally you put it up for display in your bedroom (so whenever you see it you can think of him)
day five is a first class flight to some luxurious villa in europe. most of day five is taken up on a plane
ransom lets you lay your head on him while you sleep, even though the position you’re in is making it astonishingly uncomfortable for him
day six you guys explore the city all day together
ransom makes sure not to complain about his aching legs (even though yours are getting sore too, and if he said something you would’ve done something about it!)
on your real birthday (day seven), ransom takes you out to a very nice dinner, and gives you a hand written letter detailing how much he loves and cares about you (because sometimes it’s hard for him to say his feelings)
you’re extremely flattered but have no idea how you’ll top this for his own birthday
andy barber
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you and andy aren’t really huge on big gestures, so he does little things throughout the day
while you’re at work, he makes a surprise stop by and brings you your favorite drink & lunch from your favorite food place
he sends a bouquet of flowers to your job as well
after work, he cooks for you then showers you in gifts
your favorite thing that he gets you is a little engraved necklace with yours and his initials on it
at the end of the day, he gives you a nice full body massage and somehow that was exactly what you needed.
maybe not the most extravagant birthday, but a good one nonetheless.
frank adler
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you have a pretty chill birthday with him and mary
he brings you a cake that him and mary made/decorated together
it’s kind of hideous but you love it
you guys let mary skip class for just 1 (one) day but tell her to keep it a secret
you call the school and let her fake being sick in the background. it is a hoot
you all go to the zoo together 
you take tons of pictures
your personal favorite is one where mary and frank are posing with a giraffe
after the zoo, you go bowling
when you win, the sore losers that came with you claim they were letting you win since it was your birthday
you end your day at the beach, watching mary and her cat play in the sand in your peripheral vision while you and frank admire the sunset
ah, sweet, sweet domesticity
ari levinson
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you go to an escape room to celebrate your birthday
it’s just you and ari, but you’re smart so you don’t expect it to be too difficult
you’re both so hard headed and stubborn that doing any of the tasks is like pulling teeth
eventually the building had to close, and you’ve only finished like... a few tasks in the hours you’ve been there
this was certainly not a bad birthday though, arguing with ari is one of your favorite pastimes
and this birthday certainly did not disappoint
jake jensen
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you and the rest of your team decided to go to a little retro arcade for the first half of the night
you spent way more time than necessary watching jake attempt to beat the high score of some random game
after giving up on beating the highest score on a pac-man machine, jake decided to attempt to win you a prize on the claw machine
like, $20 and a few annoyed humans in line behind him later, it was still nothing
when jake finally gave up, the next person in line won the soft and plushy elephant you had your eye on
and while your back was turned, he may or may not have paid off its rightful owner in order to get it with you
it was too sweet of a gesture for you to even try to be annoyed with jake
a bit later, you decided to partake in a game of laser tag which was going on in the same building
this was fine and dandy buuuut
everyone on your team treated every mission (real or fictional) like the end of the world
this made for a few very interesting matches
jake nearly trampled a child more than one time
good thing everyone was required to sign a waiver before playing
a custody battle over which team got to have cougar seemed to be a consistent theme during the night
when you were on different teams, you couldn’t help but notice that jake was getting a little too much pleasure out of shooting you
it was fine because you were equally enthusiastic about shooting him
you were eventually booted from the game when an employee claimed you were all being too rough
at some point you lost the elephant
but luckily for you, you found it before you went home
you were going to keep that elephant forever
johnny storm
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you were genuinely convinced that johnny forgot your birthday
he did not bring it up ONCE the whole day
you’re actually kind of hurt for a while and get all in your head
johnny gets the silent treatment 🙄 (but he deserves it)
you decide to stop moping and go out, since it issss your birthday
you do your makeup and put on a skimpy little dress
as you leave your room and start enter the communal portion of the baxter building, johnny stops you and checks you out
he’s like “where are you going????”
and you’re like “out 😐”
and he’s like “are you sure? 🤨”
and you’re like yes duh
then he gestures to the side really quickly and you’re kinda confused then a whole bunch of people pop out and start cheering for your birthday
you’re kinda embarrassed that you spent so much of the day moping but you quickly get over it because you love a good party
by the time that most of your guests are gone, you force johnny to take you out to the club
and of course you warn him not to ever pull a stunt like that again
lucas lee
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he forgot it was your birthday
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duawheat · 3 years
is it a c!dream apologist song? It sounds more like a song exploring the concept of him reminiscing on where his life went wrong, e.g., "and he is finally not blind enough to see what he had done in the dark past", words taken directly from the summary of the lyrics by the artist. It sounds more like regret? i don't really know whether or not it's aiming to "redeem" him or explore the concept, but the artist has made an exile song, and that one is. Laced with themes of obsession and abuse.
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sorry beaver didn’t see this till now buuuut i agree that it is more of a song about regret and looking back on the past and what you’ve done and not recognizing yourself but i think the problem is that kinda perspective on c!dream would have to mean that there was a time to look back on where he was good and realistically there just wasn’t. and also you’d have to think that dream actually regrets his actions and he clearly doesn’t. also the whole “fall from grace” didn’t happen, he started like way under grace and then looked down and said i should jump and then did some fancy fucking swan dive that ended him like so far from grace that he was in hell
the song is amazing and i don’t know much about the artists or their other works or their actual stances on shit but the song really seems like they’d be the kind of people to be like “yeah he did bad things🥺🥺🥺🥺but he’s sorry and he feels bad about it🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺wilbur pushed him to that point😡😡😡😡he deserves a healing arc in the arctic with techno and the syndicate😩🥺🥺🥺🥺” i doubt they’re actually like that but i hate c!dream with a passion anything that makes him seem redeemable in any way shape or form pisses me off
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bibbykins · 3 years
Hi happy new year to you babe!!! Hope you had a fun time celebrating the new year, cuz I can't lmao. I dunno if someone already asked you this or if this is a spoiler or something (you don't have to answer this btw). But if I may ask, (1) would there be a mafia fic soon? (no pressure tho, just curious). (2) is the obsession of the boys already at its peak or nah? and if nah, would we see how worse they can get? (3) (if this makes you uncomfortable, I am sorry and please ignore this) as someone who is self-aware that I have a very shitty coping mechanism, the household bunny really speak to me and it kinda is my comfort fic, I just wanna know how the boys would react if the mc just shut down? Like for me, it's hard to speak my thoughts out loud because I am self-aware how others might see my thoughts as me trying to gain sympathy or that I'm just making it worse than it actually is or that I might influence their way of thinking and make them think like how I think (which is not good), so yeah I wanna know how the boys deal with it. (4) would Jungyoon, the mc, and the boys be in the same room in some point in time? I really wanna make Jungyoon feel really uncomfortable lmao.
Sorry if I'm just dumping this here. Again, you don't need to answer any of this as this may be triggering, but thank you for writing really. It helps me.
Happy super late new year to you bb!! I will answer the questions as best as I can without spoiling!
1.) Yes... I hope. I have almost 9k of the next mafia one written... and they haven't even kissed yet lmao, so this one will be a doozy but I hope to get it out the moment I finish!
2.) I am assuming this question applies to the household boys (if i'm wrong pls tell me and I'll answer it again!) Buuuut I would say none of em have reached their peak, Jungkook might be the closest to it? But yes we will see how the closer they get to her, the more they realize how precious she is to them, and they're all insane (not as insane as the mafia boys but still) so that will translate into some yandere-ness, nothing too crazy ofc but still crazy lmao
3.) (I'm so glad my fic is a comfort fic, this is a huge compliment don't worry!) Also the coping mechanism I believe you're referring to is the "freeze" response? *pushes up glasses in psych bachelor's degree* i'm jk i know this bc i read a lot and went to therapy lmao But the guys would freak out, not at her or in front of her ofc. THe only ones who would understand what's going on would be Jin, Namjoon, and maaaaybe Hoseok. Jin is a doctor, so he had to have taken some psychology classes in school and Namjoon is an educated fellow who reads a lot. Namjoon would take the more direct approach of sitting next to her, not too close, and talking, asking her questions, but not getting irritated if she didn't respond right away, he gets that she'll respond if she's ready but he would ask questions like "What color do you think that flower is? I say it's more pink than purple, but I don't know?" as a (not-so-sly) means to ground her. Jin would probably ask if he could hold her and if she says yes, he'd hug her, maybe sway a bit, as he reassures her softly.
I could go on for days about the four f's in trauma responses, both as someone with CPTSD and someone who somehow got a degree in psychology, but I'll just let you know that dealing with life is hard, and not everyone is going to understand how you deal with it, but that doesn't make you any less brave for doing so! Whatever people project onto your neutral actions is not your problem, no matter how much they try to make you feel like it is!
4.) ...yes >:) I won't say when, but I greatly look forward to writing it/sharing it with y'all. His discomfort fuels me.
Also don't worry bb! It's lovely to use all my psych knowledge on something, makes the degree and books feel like a worthy investment! I'm no licensed professional by any means but I like helping in whatever quirky way I can! Thank you for being so wonderful and thank you for entrusting me with this ask!
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myketheartista · 4 years
Do you think if a fan reasonably listed their dislikes and concerns with rvb zero, Fiona, Torrian, or literally anyone else would still come back and light a fire under them? (fiona’s comments have made me a bit annoyed but it’s understandable since some of the comments from fans have been stupid)
Because it’s not about “if it’s not your thing, sorry, you don’t have to watch it. It’s for other people!” It’s about the actual issues in the show that I feel like...the writers aren’t recognizing? And this isn’t me hating on the show really, I’m just confused if they notice the flaws?
This is probably turning into a long post so I apologize in advance, and if it does turn into some sort of hate-rant, I apologize for that too, but I’m mostly just letting my thoughts out on things I’ve noticed that aren’t sitting well with me—and SPOILERS for the new episode if you aren’t a first member, but-
———— sorry I’m on mobile idk how to do a read more if it’s possible
I think I’m allowed to get angry that they killed Tucker. Because even if it’s a fake out and they’re pulling another season 12 where we all thought he was gonna die after Felix stabbed him (because the situation was actually taken seriously and the atmosphere is what assisted the blow in comparison to rvb0’s not-so-great pacing skills) EVEN if it’s a fake out, it’s a shitty thing to do. I don’t care if it comes down to “oh, well Jason was the only one of the OG cast available and bringing back Tucker makes sense because of his weapon” you’re going to 1.) bring back a beloved character we’ve had for 17 years. 2.) KILL said character 3.) probably do it for dramatics and he’ll actually be okay because why would you kill off a memorable character 4.) god, not to mention, and this could just be me being extra bitter, but you killed him off in such a boring way? I know the guy is an idiot, a sim trooper thrown into a war he was never apart of with no fighting skills at all, but it’s Tucker. Make the guy go out in style.
I said the same thing about Carolina and how they’re doing her a disservice. Even though she had began to grow annoying to me in previous seasons (shisno paradox to be exact), I was still ecstatic to see her just like anyone else! Her and Wash! And I’m NOT her creator and I’m NOT someone who understands her character to the point where I feel like I have a right to start telling the writers they’re portraying her wrong, but I truly feel like Carolina is not in character at all. I think the constant usage of Wash’s first name is unusual (she even went as far as to CORRECT One??? Wash’s name is a personal thing and throwing it around makes me feel like he isn’t even worthy of respect at this point. I sincerely hope they aren’t using the first name basis thing as an excuse to say oh!! Look at how close her and Wash are!), the completely? normal?? private conversations she’s been having with specifically One (I’m unsure if it’s because Carolina is working with people who aren’t actually idiots this time around so the setting makes her more comfortable, but I don’t see Carolina as an advice-giver or a pep-talker. Maybe I’m so used to hardcore freelancer Lina that I’m brainwashed but these are really throwing me off), and finally— her reaction to Tucker’s death, and excuse me haha, is a fucking joke.
I’m not elaborating on that. I feel like it should be self-explanatory, to be honest. I could even say her reaction sums up MY reaction, but I’m hoping there might be some aftermath stuff, y’know? Then again, I’m praying he’s not dead because, again, what the actual hell?
But aside from me being annoyed by little writing things I’ve noticed, I’m really enjoying the animation and I’m totally into the characters, but who hasn’t said that? That seems to be the only good thing you hear after long posts that speak negatively of the show. I appreciate the enthusiasm and I completely respect others who enjoy it for what it is! I’m also trying to enjoy it from the perspective of a new fan or even someone who just LOVES rvb for what it is (because HEY any rvb satisfies me, I freakin adored the shisno paradox even if it’s hated on for its writing) buuuut the flaws keeps standing out to me whether it’s the unusually fast pacing, the awkward and very over exaggerated movements (because if we’re being honest, what human moves like this? Am I too rude to ask if we can just have someone speaking and bobbing their head but still have them animated like in PFL?), the delivery of lines (meh, sometimes it’s cheesy, sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s just too fast!), and the unbelievable amount of “surprising” info I’m given without a cool plot twist or SOMETHING to make me actually give a crap about the characters lives and backstories.
Yeah, it’s probably turned into a hate-rant, haha. But I’m legit curious if Fiona is defending Torrian and hyping up the show simply bc it’s a first-time thing! Great! She’s happy and excited and so proud of the thing they’ve created, who wouldn’t be, but it’s severely disappointing to see something so awesome have so many problems that are making it an unenjoyable experience for me. And maybe that’s just me being someone who criticizes too much...which is ironic considering I’ll praise every episode of rvb because I’m being fed content, I’ll praise ANYTHING rvb RT gives me bc I’m so desperate, but rvb0 is uhhhh it’s not cutting it for me unfortuantely.
MY PASSION FOR RAYMOND LIVES ON THOUGH! I love burger man and I love his funny lines and his relationship with everyone and I love how he’s a goofball. I love lots of things about the show and I still think the cast thing with Carolina was funny :) so sorry if I come off as mean because I’m really trying to not let my love for old rvb get in the way, but I dunno, maybe I really cant accept something new? Or maybe I’m just sad something with potential isn’t doing so great :(
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Pencil Sketches
Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Reader
Warnings: Ummm none fluffy
Word Count: 2,738
Summary: You start receiving sketches of yourself and find out who the artist is in a very surprising way.
A/n: Hi this is my first Cedric fic. I dont exactly love it buuuut whatever.
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You remember when it all started. It was four months ago. You had just had a particularly hard day, you were late to Charms and got 5 points taken from your house, you spilled ink all over your positions essay, you got pumpkin juice on your blouse and forgot about a very difficult quiz in DADA. You were heading to the back of the library to choose a book when something fell out of the large amounts of papers you were holding. You groaned bending down to pick it up as you did you glance at the contents of the page and your heart stopped.
It took you only a second to figure out what was on the paper. It was you. You were glaring down at a notebook, your eyes appearing to shine as you clutched a quill in your right hand. Your hair hanging in front of your frustrated face, your lips drawn into a thin line. It was the best drawing you had ever seen, for a second you thought it was a photograph. But it was a drawing, a drawing of you, a drawing of you that looked so realistic it almost scared you. The pencil marks were flowing yet sharp, shading was done in just the right places to give your face depth. It was like looking in a black and white mirror.
    You stood in the middle of the hallway for what must have been a good five minutes just staring at the photo in amazement. You then realized what you were doing and continued to the library.
From there the drawings became a normal part of your life. You would usually receive five to six a week in your bag, waiting at your desk or even in your dorm room. You had no idea how they managed to swing that. Each one was more beautiful than the last and you swear that they made you look much prettier in the drawing than you really were. Most were done in pencil a few in quill and one in charcoal. Each one seemed to be a different mood, sometimes you would be scowling, sometimes smirking, sometimes smiling and one was even of you with your head down on a desk your eyes closed and your hair hanging in your face. The ones you received the most were ones of you laughing. Your lips split open in a smile and your eyes crinkled or just shut altogether.
Many times you had tried to find the artist who had drawn you without luck. They never left any notes or indications and it made it extremely difficult to find the culprit. You wished for nothing more than to meet and thank the person who had brought so much happiness into your life with their artwork. But they never revealed themselves even after four months, nothing. You began to worry, what if they never revealed themselves? It was your last year after all, you would be leaving in a few months. Eventually, you stopped looking and simply hoped they would reveal themselves.
“Ms. Y/l/n,” McGonagall called to you.
“Yes, Professor?” You asked your arms full of books as you made your way back to your common room.
“Could you please follow me? I have something we need to discuss.” She clipped, beckoning for you to follow her.
Your eyebrows scrunched together in momentary confusion before following the orders you had been given.
As you followed McGonagall through the castle you wracked your brain for what you could have possibly done wrong. Did they think you cheated on an exam? Did they find your stash of food in your dorm? Surely that wasn't that big of a deal. Then you remembered the bottle of firewhiskey under your bed and fear rose in your throat. What if they expelled you? What would you do? Your heart pounding you were lead into a room expecting all of hell to rain upon you, but when it opened you were greeted by Dumbledore's warm smile.
“Ahh Y/n, looks as if the last of you have arrived.”
You glanced around the room and easily recognized two-thirds of the famous fourth-year trio and a young girl you didn't recognize.
McGonagall went to talk to Dumbledore as you made your way over to Ron and Hermione.
“Umm do you guys know what going on?” You asked as you approached them.
“Not a clue,” Hermione responded with as she glanced around the room as if looking for clues on their current situation.
“Are we in trouble or something?” You inquired.
Ron snorted, “As if Hermione would ever get in trouble.” he jeered earning a glare from the bushy-haired girl.
“I think it has something to do with the next task.” Hermione guessed.
“Then why am I here?” you wondered.
Hermione opened her mouth to answer but she was cut off by Dumbledore.
“I assume all of you are wondering what is happening, well as Mrs. Granger pointed out it does have something to do with the task tomorrow.”
Everyone else seemed very excited you, on the other hand, were very confused, what did the next task have to do with you?
“Tomorrow morning your friends are going to have to rescue something of great importance to them from the bottom of the black lake. You, my friends, are those things.”
Hermione gasped. Ron raised both his eyebrows and the girl seemed a bit frightened.
“You will be put under a spell and not remember a thing until you break the surface again. I promise all of you will be fine. So if you could just take som-”
“Umm excuse me?” You asked cutting off your professor, “Why am I here?” His eyebrows raised in confusion. “I mean I get the whole rescuing someone that is important to them thing, I mean Hermione for Krum.” Hermione flashed red and Ron rolled his eyes. “Ron for Harry and I guessing she's Fleur’s little sister or something?” You said gesturing to the young girl, “I just don't get why I'm here.”
Now Dumbledore's face was filled with amusement, a small smile on his lips. “You don't know?” he asked.
“Know what?”
He started to laugh, “For such a bright girl I expected you had already found out.”
You were beginning to feel stupid, “Found out what?”
“Have you been receiving drawings for the past few months?” He mused glancing at Mcgonagall who also seemed amused.
“Y-yeah, wait how do you know about those?”
“It's impossible to miss,” Mcgonagall said sweetly, “Cedric is constantly pouring over as sketchbook in his classes, particularly the ones you are in, Ms. Y/l/n.”
You heard Hermione let out a giggle as your face flashed a brilliant red. Your head was spinning. Cedric was the one who was giving those to you? The golden boy of Hogwarts was spending his time sketching you?
“Cedric is the one drawing me?” You managed to get from your mouth, the sentence came out squeaker than you would have liked but at least you managed it.
“Yes Y/n, I'm quite surprised you hadn't noticed the boys admiration in you.” Dumbledore smiled as your eyes got impossibly bigger and your stomach began to fill with butterflies. “Now we don't want to waste much more time." He sighed, “Take some of this, it will put you straight to sleep, although I must warn you it tastes terrible.” He passed each of you a bottle full of a deep purple liquid.
You downed it quickly and almost immediately your world grew dark.
Cedric had grown exceedingly nervous as he stood on the docks in the middle of the lake. While the others around him seemed to be scared of what lurked in the dark of the lake he was concerned at where you were. He hadn’t seen you at breakfast, where he was planning to slip his newest drawing into your bag and now he couldn't find you here either. What if you were sick? Where you ok? Had you gotten hurt? He silently shamed himself for caring so much for a person who didn't even know he existed but he couldn't help it. He had tried to stop caring about you, but fate seemed to work against him as all he could do was see you no matter where he looked. It was as if you had been placed behind a glass case in a bakery, with a price tag much too high. So all he could do was look and wonder how your lips would taste against his own.
Finally, he gave up looking for you and looked at the challenge ahead of him. If you weren't here he wanted to make sure you heard from everyone else how he had won. Determination took over his features, he had a plan and he just hoped the others were less prepared than he. Just then the horn was blown and he dove into the water quickly casting a bubble charm around his head and begging to swim into the depths of the lake. He quickly located the singing he remembered form the terrible egg he had gotten and swum toward it. He almost choked when he saw what was waiting for him. You. Your ankles were tied with rope and your beautiful y/e/c eyes resting closed as your y/h/c hair floating in the water. The others tied around you suddenly meant nothing as he stared at you. He thought you resembled an angel floating in the water, all you were missing were wings. He then remembered he was in composition and swam towards you at a quickened rate. He thought for a minute, inspecting the rope holding you before muttering a spell. As the bounds broke he snatched you and began to swim upwards. He then saw Harry come into view, he nodded at him and continued upward.
Your eyes popped open and you found yourself gasping for air as you coughed up water. The first thing you noticed was how cold you were, everything thing was cold except an arm swimming you towards the dock. You looked up to see Cedric dragging you towards the dock his face full of worry. He glanced over at you and smiled and blushed.
“Are you alright?” He asked over the cheering of the crowd. You nodded still coughing.
When you reached the ladder you were helped up and quickly wrapped in a wool blanket as you continued coughing tiring to get the water out of your system, finally you were able to intake air and breathe normally and you saw that you were on a dock in the middle of the lake but you could hardly see anything over the crowd of people swarming you, well more swarming Cedric. You then realized that Cedric had his arm securely wrapped around you as he maneuvered you through the crowds and your face flushed red. Cedric led you to an empty bench overlooking the lake on the platform getting congratulated all the way. When you sat down he pulled you close to him in attempts to warm your shivering your form. You instantly leaned into his warm body, looking up at him to meet his grey eyes. He blushed bright red and looked away from you. Just then the crowd erupted into cheers and you looked up to see Krum emerge, Hermione, gasping for breath as she appeared to shriek a bit at his shark head before he quickly changed back.
    “I hope Harry’s alright.” You murmured as you peered into the water.
    “I'm sure he's fine, I saw him when I was getting you.” Cedric blushed a bit when he mentioned you.
    “Did you see Krum?”
    “Uhh no, I didn't,” Cedric answered.
    “Why is he up here before him?” You questioned worriedly, your eyes scanned for the young boy in the water. You didn't know Harry well but you wished for no harm to come to him.
    “I don't know.” Cedric seemed just as confused as you.
    You both waited for Harry to show up as the minutes ticked down. Then suddenly you gasped. In all the excitement you had completely forgotten that Cedric was revealed as the mysterious artist.
    “What is it?” The grey-eyed boy asked you.
    You turned and looked at him. There was no denying that he was absolutely stunning. He was beyond handsome with his sharp features and kind eyes. You saw him blush a bit as you took in his profile, which only made him more attractive. But not only was he gorgeous he was amazingly kind, talented and smart. You opened your mouth to confess your knowledge on the portraits he had drawn of you. But you were interrupted by shouting and yelling and you both turned away from each other to see Harry emerging from the water, with not only Ron, but the young blonde haired girl as well. You sighed in relief and looked back at Cedric who was already staring at you. He blushed for the 1000th time when you met his grey orbs and looked away again. Then he turned back to look at you with something new in his eyes, determination.
    “Hey Y/n I need to tell you something.” He said his voice a bit louder than it had been before.
    “Sure what's up?” You asked.
    “You probably have already realized this but clearly you mean a lot to me, I mean with the whole rescuing you think that was probably obvious but umm,” He paused then continued, “Imtheonewhosebeengivingyouthedrawings” He said quickly his face burning a deep shade of crimson.
    If you had not already known what he was going to say you would have been thoroughly confused, but because of your recent discoverings, you had managed to gather about what he said.
    “I know.” You answered simply.
    “Oh ok- wait, WHAT?” He said his eyes wide his face getting impossibly redder.
    You giggled rolling your eyes playfully.
“For how long?” he gasped.
“Umm, it's almost noon so about, I'll say 14 hours?” You guessed.
He blinked rapidly then smacked his forehead with his hand. “Of course you know, they probably told you before they put you in the lake.” He said clearly feeling very stupid.
“They're amazing by the way.” You complemented, “Although I'm pretty sure you make me look much better in the drawings than I am in person.” You giggled.
He looked at you and scoffed, “Are you kidding.” He murmured running his thumb along your jawline. “The most talented artist in the world couldn’t do your beauty justice.”
You flashed a deep red as you felt your stomach erupt with butterflies once more. You bit your lip, the exact place his eyes lingered.
He leaned in millimeters from your lips, “May I kiss you?” He asked his lips brushing against yours as he spoke.
You simply closed the space between the two of you in an answer. His lips were warm against your cool ones and your hands found your way to his damp hair. The kiss was sweet and passionate, his lips moved slowly against your own making you swoon. As you pulled away you were for the second time in the past hour gasping for air.
“I have something for you.” He whispered turning to grab a bag next to him. He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to you.
You couldn't help the small smile on your face as he looked at his newest drawing. You had your head thrown back your eyes closed and a smile wide on your face, it was clear you were laughing.
“I always loved drawing you laughing.” He said shyly.
“I still don't understand how you are so good.” You said in amazement.
“Thanks.” He blushed
“No, thank you. Thank you so much for all of these. They made my day so much better.” You said, “Just looking at them made me happy.”
    Now as you looked at them you felt your world fall apart. Sobs wrecked your body as you stared at the drawings you had saved. You couldn't think, your head throbbed and you felt like you were falling into a deep dark pit but you could never hit the bottom. Your tears soaked the picture of you with your head thrown back in laughter and you were sure you would never laugh again.
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saintheartwing · 4 years
The Promised Neverland, S2, Episode 9
So...the episode begins with Emma confronting Norman about how he clearly isn’t actually into his whole extinction plan. And she absolutely refuses to let him play God. Especially when he obviously doesn’t want to. He’s an arrogant coward, and its time for him to share the burden with his friends. 
Ray calls him out too and says that he’s choosing a path where he suffers alone and Norman says its far too late, but Emma holds out a hand and says “Let’s Grow Up Together”. Norman basically breaks down on the spot and drops his weapon and just starts sobbing into Emma’s shoulder, crying how he wants to live together with them. But he doesn’t have long to live...the drugs he took at Lambda hurt him bad. He hasn’t long to live...
Then we get some action...or at least the promise of it, a mutated demon races at them as Sonju shows up to try and save the kids whilst the old man demon’s still bleeding profusely. Sonju, nonchalantly, cuts his arm off. And wa wowwww, the animation for the demon swallowing that tossed arm is bad. Like...it’s clearly a chop job. Mouth open, mouth shut and a CHOMP sound. Nothing in between. Did they blow all the budget on the shitty demons from the forest? 
But anyway, it works. The mutated demon collapses and ta daaaaa. He’s back to normal. Mujika passes around her blood in a cup to a demon woman, explaining things’ll be fine. Just give it to everyone and you  needn’t worry.
The old man speaks up. Oh! You know the Evil-Blooded Girl, huh? She was alive all this time? And then-
They REUSE shots from the LAST EPISODE to show off the crying demon kids and suffering families. Moving on. We cut to Barbara who’s having...issues. Her expression makes it clear she’s not doing so well. But then she sees a demon girl who’s...holding a demon baby. And the demon girl’s beginning to mutate. Barbara, you might remember...likes to kill and eat demons because turnabout is fair play. 
She’s got her big metal spiked baseball bat raised but then the demon girl curled up triggers a flashback to when SHE was in that exact position and saying the same sort of thing. She can’t do it. She can’t bring herself to kill the demon girl. And that’s when she has a breakdown. She’s having a seizure. Zazie looks like HE’S gonna finish the job, he leaps up to kill the girl but then Norman intervenes. 
He NARROWLY misses impaling the poor kid as the three turn to see Norman and Emma. He apologizes to the three and says that he was wrong. He’s suffering just like them. They’re surprised. They thought he was excluded from the testing. But nope. He lied to them to be the boss they needed and tried to stick to the cold path he’d been on before Emma stopped him for that same reason. He also wanted to develop a cure but...well, the people who might have been able to cure them are all dead at that facility so...they’re fucked, looks like.
Vincent is super furious. He yells angrily...while still having his mask on. Why? Why hasn’t he taken it off? Are they just cutting animation corners? Well, the other three just go along with it, they’re fine as long as the boss is okay with all this as Mujika and Sonju come by to explain they’ve put an end to the mutating. They’re gonna explain to the townsfolk how to keep from mutating anymore and how their blood works and it’ll be fine. 
Then as our heroes are returning back to their base, we find out, evidently, that our gang intercepted a transmission. The kids back at Grace Field like Phil are gonna be shipped out! Uh oh!
Buuuut...it’s not really true. See, Peter Ratri has come up with a plan. He explains to a demon in a private meeting with GRANDMA Isabelle that they figured out the radio from the shelter they raided was missing. The kids have been interceping their transmissions so they put out a fake transmission. They’ll have the kids think that all the kids are being shipped out. NATURALLY they’ll all rush back to save their dear friends...
And the Lambda Project? It’s all about boosting children’s brain power with high level drugs. So much so to the point that mass production farms might not even be really needed save for the common folk. 
We cut back to our pals, who are discussing the whole “being shipped out all at once” thing. Norman brings up the Lambda project, reasoning that they’re shipping the Grace Field kids out early to switch to Lambda. He thought destroying the original facility would have stopped it but evidently not. Naturally, our heroes HAVE to try and save them, even if it IS a trap! But the question is...how to get in? 
Well...Mujika and Sonju have shown up. They want to chip in. The Old Man and his granddaughter have come in too. His name is Vylk. He’s somebody who got her blood AAAGES ago and he survived all this time...and he’s got a gift for Emma.
A part of a pen. Yeah, one of THOSE pens, the special pens that will reveal hidden locations and the like that the kids have used before that show coordinates and all kinds of info. Vylk says he got that piece from a human who had collapsed and was dying in the forest. He was severely injured and soon to die, and he gave the pen piece to the old man demon. Who also ate him and shared the meat with his family. Doing this, however, made the old man feel guilty. It was the first time he had EVER seen a human outside of a jar or being dead and on a stick or the like. Realizing they had a will, they had real feelings like him made him disgusted with himself and with the concept of eating human meat. He was ashamed of himself for his inaction too, but was afraid that if he used the blood he had in him to “cure” the demons around of needing to eat meat, his family would be targeted and tracked down and killed the same way Mujika’s family was. 
Emma puts the pen piece in and...guess what? It’s the blueprint of the farm headquarters. It’s EVERYTHING they would conveniently need! Including where the gate to the human world is! AND on top of that...there’s a spot in the blueprints that shows off drugs...and this means maybe...they might be able to live after all. 
Vylk is about to leave but Norman tries to apologize first before he goes. But it’s Demon Emma who speaks up. She says she knows how horribly demons treated humans. She’s very sorry. Seeing this touches Norman and the others, and then grandpa says it’s time Emma and he be on their way.
“Emma?!” Ray and the others are surprised. Oh, wow, she’s got the same name as the demon kid, huh? Well, ain’t that a coinky-dink. UUGGGH. Not subtle at all. But I already brought this point up last time so...moving on. Off to Grace Field House!
Buuuuut...it isn’t that simple. Somebody’s calling up Grace Field to make a deal. SOMEONE IS A TRAITOR!
And it’s Vincent. 
Soooo yeaaah...not...it’s not good. This season’s really not good. Underwhelming to such a ludicrous degree. VERY Disappointing compared to what the manga gave us. I’m only still watching just to see how it could possibly end.
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